fiddlepickdouglas · 9 months
This is the first time I'm hearing anything about Percy Jackson and Palestinians asking us to boycott it. Do you know anything more about that?
It's my understanding that the official boycott is about Rick Riordan, who has expressed Zionist views and also treated the events like "why can't we just get along?" by simply mourning all the deaths in both countries. Instead of, idk, either shutting up or doing something more helpful.
There's also an unofficial boycott toward Disney as a whole for the company supporting humanitarian relief in Israel. Percy Jackson airing on Disney+ is just a double whammy.
I would say it's easy because I'm not emotionally attached to either thing, but I would encourage anyone who does find boycotting anything that's been officially listed difficult to examine what makes it difficult. Typically that feeling comes from a place of privilege, because being so far removed as many of us are, what else can you do? The whole intent of Israel's propaganda is first to make you believe things are hopeless for Gaza, and then let you stop caring and move on while the genocide continues.
We cannot stop caring.
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diamondcitydarlin · 1 month
(You can publish this if you want to) Not at all the same thing (because in this situation it's the fans that were out of line), but as far as social media making fan-celeb relationships worse (not all writers are "celebs" but I think we can count Neil Gaiman as one)… One Direction were the first boyband to Experience Social Media and all that comes with it (which included getting naked art of themselves sent to themselves, worded sexual harassment, etc.). And slowly but surely they stopped using social media as often except when to talk about professional things. I remember fans would get FURIOUS when one member didn't wish the other member happy birthday on social media (which... they knew each other in person soooo they could've... wished each other happy birthday in person...). Not only that but they thought since one member didn't post anything about his son ever that meant the son wasn't real (I am NOT joking, they full on believed this hook line and sinker). I guess what I'm saying is that yes, I agree that after a certain level of fame you need to just cut yourself off from social media and have an agent or something run it. Both for your fans' well-being but also for your own because the opposite is also true: sometimes *fans* don't see where the lines are.
Hey fifthnormani!! I need to follow you back actually, your url is so familiar to me now I assumed I was this whole time lol (EDIT- followed you since I wrote that lmao)
I remember a lot of the ND drama from back in the day, though I wasn't in fandom it was difficult to avoid mention of it between, what, 2011-2014 ish? I didn't know they had been personally active on socmed for awhile though, that's new info for me, but it's a perfect example of what I was talking about for sure. The ND guys and their people can be forgiven for thinking that was a good idea for awhile in circa 2010-2012, we were (understandably) all very naive about this new social media thing and what could happen with it. The fact that they quickly gathered it wasn't a good idea and pivoted to having PR people handle it is exactly what should have happened.
There's definitely a two-way street concern of safety when it comes to these kinds of situations; that of the creators/celebrities and that of their fans (though obviously in the case of Neil Gaiman and others like him the primary concern is for the safety of the fans atp, but in a general sense). And there are plenty of creators/celebrities/famous people as it is that manage to acknowledge and appreciate their fans while still keeping those boundaries of safety in place.
I think that sometimes those boundaries can seem like a famous person thinking themselves above the 'riff-raff', like kind of a snobby, holier-than-thou thing, and I'm sure for some of them that's definitely part of it, which I also think is part of the magic spell that gets cast when a famous person/celebrity/creator etc deigns to interact with their adoring public in a way that's more down-to-earth, approachable, etc. And again, while I'm sure there are those who manage to do this in a way that keeps everyone safe and have no ulterior motives to doing so other than just wanting to connect with their supporters, it is not without risk for everyone involved. I think, at the very least, we need to be talking more about what that means, should mean going forward.
For one, as I've said, I think it should mean some amount of healthy suspicion towards people of that level of wealth/fame chumming around in more intimate spaces on a regular basis, be it socmed or something in-person, whatever. The bullying-John-Green-off-tumblr thing aside, tumblr has always been pretty welcoming to celebrities associated with our fandom properties making public blogs on here. There hasn't been a huge amount, but there are some. I think it might be time to reevaluate this open-arms approach that we've had and for the famous people who are here I think it might be time to reevaluate together the boundaries and whether or not a presence here is 100% safe for themselves and their fans (and maybe it is, everyone is different and there are some fairly 'famous' people here who just log in every 6 wks to reblog a bunch of stuff and then fuck off, but still). The famous people especially have a higher burden of responsibility in the power imbalance parasocial relationship they have with their fans, so I think it's worth contemplating and discussing further. (That's not to say we should harass famous people off of tumblr in light of this, I'm not advocating for that at all, just that we take a more nuanced look at the parasocial dynamics unique to tumblr -the fandoms and the famous people both- and decide with that knowledge how best to proceed forward for everyone's safety, part of the restorative justice process imo)
This is definitely still a brave new world of fandom we're living in, for sure. I was in fandoms back in the early days of the internet when it was generally considered verboten to involve the creators/actors/famous people with the fandom stuff at all, and a lot of that had to do with the various legal attacks that took place in fandom spaces (Anne Rice, JK Rowling's people/WB went after HP fan sites a lot in the early 00's), some of which resulted in the complete wiping of fanfics, fandom spaces/sites, people were separated bc they didn't know each other's screennames outside of the fandom that was wiped, etc. While that isn't as likely to happen today, it's still part of what we're talking about with safety and boundaries. There's a lot to be considered here.
I almost wish there was some kind of forum, streamlined, public internet place people could gather who are interested in talking more about fandom/creator safety in light of this, what can be done better in future, what this should mean for fans/fandoms that want to keep their spaces safe, etc. Maybe a reddit or something, or maybe we can start a tag for discussion here. I'm gonna mull that over some more.
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gayspiderman · 2 years
I know we hate to think about it, but... What do you think you're gonna do when Owl House ends fandom-wise? Any ideas what fandoms might take over your blog next? (you can publish if you want to.)
this is a really good question. at the very least i’ll keep writing with toh for a while after it ends, as well as editing with it on my youtube – but i know a lot of people follow me for my gifs. if i have the time and people want me to, i’m willing to keep making gifs! even with no new episodes, it’s fun to go back and gif all the old moments we love. i might also do stuff for the disney shows that’ll be continuing/premiering, like molly mcgee and moon girl.
if you’re just curious about what other fandoms i’ll spend my time in, well, probably the ones i already blog about: cookie run, star wars, sonic, stuff like that! cookie run is probably my biggest interest, and it updates the most often anyway.
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alexenglish · 1 year
Alright don't hate me for going back in time on some of these hahaha... / 1, 27 for Let It Be Lightning, 37 (don't change your answer just bc I might not know the fandom), 43, 47 for Love Muffins.
ah that's NEVER a problem
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
this is not my absolute favorite fic, but it really encompasses What I Do very well -- trans, 'canon' fic with lots of feelings: a boy for you
27. How long did it take to write Let It Be Lightning? Describe the process.
honestly NO idea. i do remember having a much longer outline and then having to shorten it because i wasn't going to make the big bang deadline. so it definitely took longer than i thought it would to write, but i also know i procrastinate everything so that was probably just bad planning on my part. looking at the activity on the docs and guessing... it probably took me like 4 months to actually write.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
listen i wrote a ZAYN and DEADPOOL fic and i think EVERYONE should read it no matter what year it is: Wear It Like A Bruise
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
oh this is a good one! it's probably (My heart is layers of scar.) -- love triangles... delicious.
47. If Love Muffins was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
this is ADORABLE. honestly just a pair of knock-off doc martens with sharpie scribbles and acrylic paint all over them. and mismatched laces <3
fic questions
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korraisnottan · 2 years
I don't know, I recently re-watched LoK and it doesn't seem like Katara was a bad mom, just that Aang was a bad dad. And that still doesn't make any sense, of course, I absolutely agree, but I don't see any evidence that Katara was a bad mom?
Mary: Well, she didn't stop Aang from playing favorites with his kids so...¯_(ツ)_/¯
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zouisfics · 1 month
Unfortunately unable to participate this time around b/c I'm already committed to a different big project, but I am very excited to read all the posted works!
Thank you!! And good luck with your project 🤗
I guess this is a good occasion to say that we haven't had a lot of sign-ups so far... So I strongly encourage anyone who might be interested to consider participating! There's no minimum word count and you're welcome to use your own prompt 😊
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flannelgirlfriend · 1 year
Me when I'm Ian's weed man and I'm about to take serious advantage of an unsuspecting rich butthole
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Ian’s out here spending $50 a day on weed to smoke it all and keep it off the streets 🫡
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1dpridefest · 1 year
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We want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who participated in the first ever edition of the 1D Pride Fest! Whether you submitted a prompt, wrote a fic, created some art, or reblogged everyone’s works, this fest would not have been the same without you, and we thank you all for helping us celebrate Pride Month together!
Links to all of the fics and artworks that were submitted as part of the fest can be found below. Don’t forget to show our authors and artists some love by leaving kudos, commenting, and reblogging their lovely contributions!
We hope you all had a happy Pride Month!
🏳️‍🌈 Collaboration between @wendersfive & @broken-beak-flower-feast
🏳️‍⚧️ just get there your own way by @nouisforlife
🏳️‍🌈 Drawing by @harryshandbag
🏳️‍⚧️ Hold Me Tight (Or Don’t) by @hellolovers13
Falling in love with Louis is easy enough.
Separating Louis from the singer persona Harry has been a fan of for years, however, is not.
But she's not the only one making assumptions.
🏳️‍🌈 The Magnificent Ms. Malik: A Brand New Era Starts Here by @fifthnormani
In 2013, 1D records the Best Song Ever music video and Zayn feels different after he puts on his Veronica outfit. He doesn't know what to do with these feelings or what they mean; luckily Niall is there to help and gives Zayn a new word that opens up a world of previously unimagined possibilities.
Ten years later, in 2023, she calls Niall up again to tell him her new name.
🏳️‍⚧️ Ask Him by @fxckingprincesspark
When Lewis Capaldi gets pressed for information on who he's dating, he admits it... he's been seeing Niall Horan. The only problem? He jokes so much that no one believes him.
🏳️‍🌈 Inner Crisis by @neondiamond
Louis calls an LGBTQ+ crisis hotline after coming out as asexual to his friends and family doesn’t quite go as well as he’d hoped. Harry answers his call.
🏳️‍⚧️ you made my heart stop by @itsnothesameasitwas
Don’t you ever feel like your life has been perfectly composed until one day it wasn’t, that everything seemed more than fine but it was not, because sometimes as simple as it might sound or look, it could change your life?
OR a Heartstopper AU, but in HarryandLouis Universe.
🏳️‍🌈 somewhere in between and not at all by @greeneyesfriedrice with art by @alphalouis
He’s always known that he’s some sort of queer. There’s no doubt about it. When he was younger, he loved the feeling of his sister’s pantyhose on his legs, and loved to play dress up whenever he could. But it never went any further than that, and as he got older, he hid that part from himself. There were more homophobes than not in his school, and he couldn’t risk anything getting out.
While he was hoping that he would become more involved in the gay scene, he wasn’t expecting it to happen so immediately. He’s barely been in NYC for two days, and he’s now surrounded by all different types of men and…others? God, he isn’t even sure what to call them. He really doesn’t know much.
(or, Harry is new to NYC and discovers something about himself, and Louis is there for him. Always.)
🏳️‍⚧️ Paint A Rainbow Inside My Heart by @cyantific
A story about hiding in plain sight and the journey to revealing your truth, told in six acts.
Or, the five times Harry queer coded with actions, behaviors or clothing and the one time he was too proud to hide anymore.
A 5+1 fic.
1D Pride Fest Collection on AO3
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benjaycaptain · 9 months
Wonders all around you
written for @descendantsgiftexchange for @fifthnormani . hope you had a lovely holiday, and sorry for the wait!
Jay stared at his rucksack, going over his mental checklist to see what he had missed.
He hadn't expected Gil to actually agree to a trip, but now that it was happening, Jay figured why not. Gil definitely wanted to experience the wonders of Auradon, and Jay could use a breather after a busy year.
"So," Mal drawled as she came up beside him, "all set for the honeymoon?"
Rolling his eyes, Jay said, "For the last time, it isn't a honeymoon."
"It's totally a honeymoon," she practically sing-songed, "you're doing exactly what Ben and me are doing. In fact, you're doing it for longer."
Because a king can't exactly be away for longer, Jay thought, knowing that they both knew that. "Except the whole marriage thing," he said instead, questioning why he was even entertaining the conversation yet again.
"Don't sweat the small stuff."
"Oh, so now marriage is small stuff?"
"You decided to take a gap year to travel the world with Gil, how is that not like a whirlwind marriage?"
Jay sighed. "Do I need to throw you out?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I distracting you from something important?"
"Nah, you're just being annoying, as usual."
She swatted his shoulder. "Rude, I am a delight."
Raising an eyebrow to hide his amusement, he said, "That's not the word I'd use."
Mal gasped, moving her hand to her chest in mock-shock. "How dare you, sir! Just for that I'm leaving." She made a show of huffing as she stomped toward the door.
"Oh no, what will I do now," Jay said, deadpan, focused once more on his rucksack.
"Just for that, I won't give you any romantic advice," she warned as she crossed the doorway, her hand on the doorknob, as if she was waiting for the perfect time to slam it shut.
Her threat pulled a laugh out from him, despite himself. "As if I'd ever ask you for that."
Mal opened her mouth but paused. She blinked. "You know what, that's fair," she said, but a grin formed as she began to close the door. "But I'll take that as admission that you need some. Bye, Jay, have fun!" The rush of her words were punctuated by the door clicking closed.
Jay stared at the door.
He then sighed.
Mal's really harping on this, he thought, wondering why she was so fixated on the idea. Though, in the grand scheme of things, he supposed it wouldn't hurt anything if he just let her continue thinking the trip had a deeper meaning than just an excuse to go exploring.
After all, he'd been in Auradon for some time now, but he hadn't actually seen anything. Why shouldn't he take the opportunity that Gil had presented?
Never mind that it had been his own idea.
Sighing again, Jay continued packing, trying not to let Mal's words get under his skin.
They hadn't been on their hike long, their pace leisurely if excited, when Gil stopped short, a gasp leaving him.
"The leaves are different colors!" Gil said, practically bouncing on the heels of his feet.
Jay blinked, and he looked around. "Yeah, the colors change with the season. We're in Fall now."
"Amazing," Gil said, voice soft as he stared out at the different trees. "Do they become, like, every color?"
Jay opened his mouth, but he paused, glancing from the different types of trees to the awe on Gil's face. "You know what, I don't know," he said, truthful and unashamed. He hadn't been outside in forests all that often, and he certainly hadn't been everywhere.
Maybe trees could be every color.
"I wanna see every color possible," Gil said, eyes gleaming as he continued staring, determination now dancing across his features, mixing with his excitement so much that he almost glowed.
"We'll keep our eyes open," Jay said even as his gaze stayed on Gil.
Even when he first arrived in Auradon, he hadn't been half as excited as Gil currently was.
When Gil turned to smile at him, Jay found himself smiling back.
They had decided to each keep a journal of their findings — the different colored leaves, types of animals, flowers, plants, rocks, anything and everything new and interesting — so Jay was writing about a funky type of mushroom when Gil grabbed his wrist.
Alarmed, Jay looked up, and his nerves braced for a threat until he took in the astonishment on Gil's face. Blinking, he followed Gil's gaze until he landed on a blue-gray and white bird perched on a tree's upper branch.
Brow creasing, Jay asked, "Gil?"
"Shh!" Gil squeezed Jay's wrist briefly. "I think—" He gasped as the bird spread its wings and took to the sky.
The both of them watched the bird fly for as long as they could before it disappeared completely in the foliage.
"That was an actual bird," Gil said at length, tone soft even as he squeezed Jay's wrist again, "and it was actually flying!"
A small laugh left Jay, unbidden. "Yeah, man. I think it was a hawk," he said, but the longer he watched Gil stare after the bird, the more he realized that the island had very little birds, let alone ones healthy enough to actually fly. "Maybe we'll see more. Like an owl or something."
"An owl?" Gil asked as he finally tore his eyes away from the canopy.
"Yeah, but they probably come out after dark."
"Dude, why are we sleeping after dark instead of exploring more!"
"Because we want to stay alive, dude," Jay reminded him.
Gil pouted. "Fine."
Amused, Jay said, "Maybe one night we can just chill outside our tents by the fire. See if we can see anything."
Instantly, Gil brightened. He pulled Jay close — and it was then that Jay realized that Gil had never released his wrist — and said, "Deal!"
Jay collided with Gil with a small grunt, the one arm hug a little awkward because Gil still held his wrist, but Jay simply let Gil manhandle him as he said, "Deal."
Gil hadn't released him right away, but when he did, he was smiling wide.
Despite the chill in the air, Jay felt warm.
"It's getting colder," Gil said one day after he had climbed up and down yet another tree.
"Yeah," Jay agreed absently, focusing on building a fire; the sun would be setting soon, and they hadn't properly set up camp yet.
"And it's usually even colder at night," Gil continued, playing with the bit of bark in his hands.
"Yup," Jay agreed again as he got up, satisfied with the fire enough that he decided to start on pitching up their tents.
"So why don't we just sleep together?"
Jay nearly tripped over his own two feet as he spread one of the footprints down on the ground. He stood straight, staring at Gil. "What?"
"I mean," Gil began, tilting his head to the side, "why use two tents when one is big enough for both of us?"
"Ah," Jay said lamely, and he glanced down at the tent he was currently setting up and then glanced at the other still packed away. They weren't huge tents, but one could definitely fit the both of them; though, it wouldn't be roomy. "I guess that's fine," he said when he realized Gil was still waiting on his answer.
"And we'll be warmer!" Gil said triumphantly.
"Seeing as we'll nearly be on top of each other, definitely," Jay said, amused, as he continued setting up.
"That's fine," Gil said pleasantly, sitting by the fire and watching Jay work. "I like to cuddle anyway."
Feeling himself grow warm, Jay did his best to focus on the task at hand. "Lucky me…" His cheeks grew warmer as Gil laughed.
Luckily for him, Gil busied himself with his journal, so Jay was able to pitch up the tent and ready the inside without any more distractions. Even dinner came and went without anything remarkable happening.
It was only as they cleaned up to get ready for bed that Jay began to grow nervous. Which was silly. What did he have to be nervous about?
He stretched lightly, trying to calm himself, and as he did, he found himself looking up at the night sky. For a moment, he forgot himself, taken by the vastness above and the multitude of stars. He remembered the first time he saw stars in Auradon; they had taken his breath away then as they did now.
Had they taken Gil's breath away yet?
"Jay, what're you— whoa!"
Jay blinked.
Gil had knocked into him, and they had both tumbled to the ground, Gil on his back and Jay on top of him, with Gil's hands on Jay's hips to steady him as Jay braced his hands on either side of Gil's head. They stared at each other.
Before Jay could say anything, Gil's breath hitched, a glint to his eyes. "Beautiful…"
Jay blinked again, his stomach fluttering before he remembered the stars above him. He tried to will away the warmth he had felt. "The stars?" he guessed lamely.
Gil blinked, his gaze flickering past Jay for a few seconds before settling back on him. "Yeah, they're pretty, but I meant you."
Jay stared, heart skipping a beat. "Me?"
With a soft smile settling on his lips, Gil nodded. "Yeah, you." And with that, he leaned up and placed a chaste kiss to Jay's lips.
And though it was chaste, it sent a spark through Jay, and he found himself leaning into the kiss.
Well, crap. Mal had been right.
He was so not looking forward to her gloating.
Still, as Gil pulled back, looking up at him with that soft smile, Jay figured he could endure Mal's smugness.
Gil was worth it.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 11 months
You have previously mentioned, several times, holidays you created for yourself that you celebrate now instead of the holidays you were brought up celebrating. I respect it, I respect it. But as a person whose love language is giving gifts to the people I love based on their interests, I have to know... do any of these holidays you've created involve gift giving?
It's a work in progress, so traditions are not set, but because it's actually celebrating both him and Frodo at the same time, and the hobbits are great party people, I figured it was a lovely way to add a celebration that includes the usual call for big festivities. So yes, big yummy meals, large gatherings, and exchanging gifts are all in order, possible dressing up and maybe a DND one shot are some things I've considered too, but of course any LOTR fan is welcome to create their own traditions around it in the spirit of all things Tolkien.
Current holidays so far:
March 15 - The Ides of March. Traditions include getting a tattoo and/or piercing in the event of "getting stabbed", buying Little Caesars pizza
June - Pride Month. Self explanatory.
June 19 - Juneteenth. I'm white and currently don't have any black friends to celebrate with; hopefully that changes. I either donate or support black owned businesses or charity foundations.
August 23 - Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing Day. Yay space! But specifically landing on the dark side of the moon. Space themed activities encouraged. This is, of course, very new.
September 22 - Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. Food, friends, gifts, general geeky shit of the Jirt nature.
October 9 - Indigenous Peoples Day. Once again, I'm white, so there's not exactly any cultural traditions I've felt appropriate to take part in. I try either donating or supporting indigenous owned businesses or charity foundations. I typically will get something from Ioway Bee Farm.
October 31 - Halloween/Samhain. I mean, that's the accepted time of year. I personally just enjoy Halloween spirited things year round, but October especially is when I can get other people in on the bit. It's Espooky Gay Pride!
November 24 - Native American Heritage Day. Same as October 9th.
New Years Eve - Self explanatory.
This list will certainly be added to and edited in the future. The attitude behind creating these new traditions is to decolonize and de-Christianize the nature of my celebrations. I'm happy to share these with other people and encourage everyone to find a way to celebrate and commemorate life and their beliefs in a way that truly harmonizes with their ideals and their loved ones. If anything here doesn't jive with you, no worries! There's plenty of existing holidays, both religious and secular, to take part in, so long as they're done respectfully. Creating your own is one of the best things about life, IMO. No one can take that away from you.
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lesbiandeancas · 1 year
Url Song Game
tagged by @fifthnormani ! thank u 💕 !
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Everytime by Britney Spears
Souvenir by boygenius
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel
April Come She Will by Simon and Garfunkel
Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O'Connor (RIP)
Dear Friend by Wings
Emmylou by First Aid Kit
Androgynous by the Replacements
Nothing At All by Perfume Genius
Cowboy Take Me Away by the Chicks
As I Lay Me Down by Sophie B. Hawkins
Surrender My Heart by Carly Rae Jepsen
tagged: @ihavealittlefeminism @heyfagbutt @amaralesbian @hyumjim @bodypositivityandglitter @callousandstrange @gondwana @girlalcoholic @glow-melt-flow @nyebevans @freakoutgirl @moriarteaparty anyone else who wants to and no pressure obvs
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gayspiderman · 2 years
Since people rarely ask for the lower numbers: 90 - 100
yes i'm late to answering this, i've been busy, but let's go
90. espresso, TWICE 91. i knew you were trouble, taylor swift 92. dolphin, oh my girl 93. girls, aespa 94. brutal, olivia rodrigo 95. i did something bad, taylor swift 96. washing machine heart, mitski 97. love foolish, TWICE 98. been like this, doja cat 99. love story, taylor swift 100. good 4 u, olivia rodrigo
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alexenglish · 2 years
Long live Nessie! *cheers*
my beloved boys!
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angelicgarnet · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you for tagging me @louwhose !!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
237,923.... I thought it'd be more
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now i'm mostly writing for the legend of zelda tbh.... i plan to write more wwdits someday though
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bared Fangs (wwdits)
Getting It Right (wwdits)
an anonymous fic that i'd rather not associate with this blog
Love Spell (ofmd)
another anonymous fic that I don't want to associate with this blog lmao
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!!! I try to respond more often than not, comments make me so happy and I want people to know i'm grateful for them!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm... tbh I don't write a whole lot of angst? the closest I got is bittersweet, and I think the ending of lost in the woods (legend of zelda) is somewhat bittersweet
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Getting It Right has such an adorably fluffy ending ngl
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! i've gotten a slightly rude comment here and there but nothing intentionally hateful
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and I always post it anonymously because I am ashamed lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but i'd love if someone did!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i've attempted it a few times but none of them have gotten finished unfortunately
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
that's always changing tbh. right now it's zelink but I would have said the same thing about nandermo a few months ago
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
there was a tuck everlasting hannibal au I started a few years ago but I never finished it and probably never will because I don't have much motivation to write for that fandom anymore
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm good at writing funny dialogue I think!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
using the same phrases too often. sometimes I add a bunch of unnecessary details when describing things too which makes it kinda cluttered
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think it can work as long as you're not relying too much on Google translate
19. First fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats LMAO I used to write dumb warriors crack fanfiction when I was like 12 and it was entirely "rawr XD" humor
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
it changes a lot honestly hmm.... i'm really fond of this autistic nandor fic I wrote (Heavy Quilt), it was very cathartic to write and I sometimes find myself re-reading it when i'm having a rough time
i'm also really fond of 08/01/13, which I wrote for a hannibal flashfic a while back. my writing has improved a LOT since then so it's not the best fic i've written, but I am still proud of the story itself :3
i'll tag @faelapis @bjdeogame @farore-or-less and @fifthnormani and anyone else who wants to do this!
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zouisfics · 2 years
Hey! Just out of curiousity... do you know if there are any other 1D fic fests happening this year or next year? :3 Doesn't have to be Zouis.
Yes, there's quite a few! You can check out @1dficfests, they have a comprehensive list of all the fests and their schedules.
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jollysunflora · 2 years
song tag uwu
I was tagged by @ley-med and I love listening to music so here y'all go!
Rules: list 10 songs you can’t stop listening to and then tag 10 people
The Hymn by FLOYA
My Heart's on Fire by Vicetone feat. Qvckslvr
You Ever Wonder? by Notaker
Earth Magic by INZO feat Elohim
The Universe Sings To Me in Northern Lights by Krisu
FAITHFUL by Macklemore feat. NLE Choppa
New Horizons by Jacoo
Scandalous by Gryffin feat Tinashe
Fluorescent by Byegone
Losing My Mind by Lhasa Petik
I tag @magnetic-terp-input @hiyakuhoodlum @cheloneuniverse @conceptualarchitect @inquietstrength @cielrouge @fifthnormani @nethilia @avatar-style and @freeray please tell me if you don't want to be tagged further in these and I won't tag you in the future!
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