#filled with lots of righteous indignation on behalf of these fictional children
goldenbutterf-lyta · 7 months
Y’all ever think about how none of this would have happened if anyone in the Ushiromiya family took the feelings of children seriously?
Sayo was failed by everyone around her in every respect, but let’s talk specifically about how Genji and Kumasawa effectively aided in the destruction of her life by putting Kinzo’s feelings above the very notion that she may have her own.
Everyone talks about Battler’s leaving the family as his “fight with Rudolf”. What about the part where a preteen boy lost his mother and the person who should have been grieving right alongside him went and got remarried right away to his mistress? Why is Natsuhi the only person who ever considers what Battler must be feeling?
And don’t even get me started on how everyone treats Maria. If anyone ever paid attention to Maria do you think she’d be an accomplice to mass murder-suicide? No, but she’s just ~weird~ and we should all let Rosa slap some sense into her, right?
Like. Fuck. Kids have feelings too. Sorry they’re not pieces on a game board
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