#filthy scottish pirate
ingravinoveritas · 3 years
I don’t know if anyone has seen the pilot of Heart To Heart--a web series in which David Tennant plays the heart of a dying 21-year-old lesbian (a.k.a, Lump)--but it is actually hilarious and also quite touching. The first two episodes are now available to view, along with a Q+A with the creators.
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As mentioned, David voices the titular organ and utters a number of deeply filthy/memorable lines (including but not limited to “ya funky little lesbian,” “ice vole and ermine,” at least three instances of the word “pussy,” and making actual high-pitched breathy sex noises), while sounding like a drunk, lecherous Scottish pirate the entire time.
What was interesting to me, however, was that in the Q+A panel, one of the creators said that David mentioned during recording that he almost never uses that particular voice--a heavy, camp Glaswegian accent--for roles. And as I thought about it, it occurred to me that the one other role of note where he used that accent was the Ghost of Christmas Present in Nan’s Christmas Carol with Catherine Tate.
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(Screencap chosen because he just looks so goddamn cute here.)
In many of the roles David’s played, he’s had to do accents other than his own. An RP accent for Doctor Who and Shakespeare, an English accent for Crowley, an American accent on a few occasions (god help us, please never again). Even when he’s gotten to have a Scottish accent--such as in Secret Smile--it’s more often than not toned down for the audience. (The one exception, of course, is Broadchurch, where Alec Hardy’s accent is aggressively Scottish and seemingly much closer to David’s own.) The thing about Lump the Heart and the Ghost of Christmas Present, though, is that they are decidedly non-straight roles, and in both cases, David’s accent takes on a different quality. It almost feels like the roles and the accent represent a part of him...a part that maybe David has had to keep hidden a lot of the time. The camp and the flamboyance of these roles seem as equally connected to a possible part of David’s sexuality as to who he is overall--a Scotsman living in London who knows that people who sound like him are perceived a certain way (and most especially so if they’re not 100% straight). But Scotland--especially the area of Glasgow--is where David’s heart lives. It’s his home. So maybe these particular roles are where and how David can “go home” again, and feel the most safe to express that part of who he is.
I also keep thinking about Good Omens 2 filming in Scotland, and how significant that is to David, and that hopefully it will mean he can see his family while he’s there. Maybe he would want to be Michael’s personal tour guide, too...showing him where he grew up in Paisley and chattering excitedly about the landscape and the people and all sorts of little things. (And of course Michael  would be completely enchanted by David’s adorable enthusiasm.) And maybe there--in Scotland, with Michael--is another place he’d feel safe to be himself. l hope so, anyway.
So, yes. Those are just some observations I had about some of the delightful new David content we’ve been treated to recently. Always wonderful to see (or in this case, hear) him lighting up the screen...
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
Oh could you please recommend some Kerrigan Byrne and Lorraine Heath books as well? I'm done with Kleypas' and Tessa dares entire catalogue and now I'm confused as to where to turn 😛
I'm so sorry for the delay, I thought I answered this! I must have written something out and then closed the window. :/
Kerrigan Byrne (I've read more of hers, as I decided to go slow with Heath after burning through way too many of Byrne's books at once and having nothing left lol):
The Highwayman--My favorite romance novel with my favorite hero (and a great heroine). He's got a scarred eye, a criminal empire, and he doesn't wanna touch her with his FILTHY DISGUSTING HANDS THAT HAVE DONE HORRID THINGS so he wears leather gloves when they're fucking. And ties her up so she can't touch him. It's glorious.
The Scot Takes A Wife--Scottish lord/laird whatever gets into an enemies to lovers land dispute with the heiress to the land he wants (she's actually an American widow who kills her husband within the first few pages). Marriage of convenience issues ensue.
The Duke with The Dragon Tattoo--Girl meets boy, girl nurses boy back to health, boy has to leave but promises he'll come back for her, boy comes back for her on her wedding day and murders her evil brother and fiance before taking her to his PIRATE SHIP. "We're married" "No we're not" "By maritime law".
Seducing A Stranger (also published as A Dark and Stormy Knight)--I recommend reading after the other books, or at least after The Highwayman, because the hero of this one is the straitlaced chief of police dude who is always getting on the other heroes about their wild ways. Turns out he's got a fun side. He fucks the heroine in a pleasure garden (she thinks he's a gigolo, it's complicated) and then they don't see each other until her wedding day, where she's found next to her dead fiance holding a knife. But don't worry, they won't execute her, because that night in the pleasure garden got her pregnant!!!
How To Love A Duke in Ten Days--The heroine is being blackmailed and must enter into a marriage of convenience in order to pay off her blackmailer. The hero has a dark past. TW: this one begins with the heroine being raped, and deals very strongly with her trauma surrounding men and sex throughout.
All Scot and Bothered--The heroine inherits a brothel which is actually not a brothel, whereas the hero is a lawman who believes it's not only a brothel but trafficking children. By day, he's falling in love with the heroine, and by night he's pursuing her alter ego, but in a legal way not a sexy way.
Lorraine Heath:
Waking Up With The Duke--The hero is (sorta) responsible for his best friend being in an accident that rendered him impotent years earlier. Best friend asks hero to impregnate his wife. Hero (reluctantly) agrees because he's always had a thing for her and is crushed by guilt. SUCH A GOOD. SO MUCH ANGST.
The Earl Takes All--Hero's twin brother dies when they're on a safari together. On the request of his twin, he pretends to be him when he gets back to England because the heroine is pregnant and has had issues with carrying pregnancies to term in the past. Heroine has no fucking idea that she's with her husband's twin, which is QUITE bonkers and great.
The Viscount and The Vixen--Old lord puts out an ad promising a woman tens of thousands of pounds if she marries him. Woman answers ad and in the process signs a legally binding contract promising her a husband or a payout. The lord's son insists that he's being taken advantage of, but the only way to get his father out of the contract is by marrying her himself, oops!
The Duchess Hunt--Duke with ridiculously high standards sets out to find a duchess. The heroine is his assistant, who sets out to help him find said duchess while secretly longing for him. It gives BIG Tony Stark/Pepper Potts vibes if you're into that.
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my-watch-begins · 4 years
Peeping Sam.
Rafe Adler x Reader.
Words: 3435
Warnings: cursing, smut, (voyeurism maybe? IDK)
The heavy wind ruffled your hair as you stepped out of the car, the air filling with the heavy hums of the engines of the jet. Your free hand shots your hair backwards as your other one clasps onto your purse and phone.
Your eyes run around the tarmac until you find who you're looking for. Standing a few feet away, he taps his foot on the floor as he waits for you to reach him. You smile, hoping that would lessen the thin line that his mouth has formed, along with his clenched jaw and hard stare.
"You're late" he says loud enough to make himself heard over the engines.
Your hand grabs the rim of your sunglasses and pulled them up over your head, making your hair stop swinging in weird directions. You lean over a little and tilt your had upwards, a smile still on your lips.
"Just fashionably" you humour, hoping he would lean in to your lips for a quick kiss. You look away into the distance as he pulls back and heads for the open door of the jet.
Oh, you hated when he did that, just leave your hanging for a kiss.
Your jaw clenches in anger as you will your sunglasses back down and walk behind him following him to the jet, your heels click over the stairs and once you're up, you hear him command take off as he sits down on the big leather seat next to the window.
The door is sealed shut, you sit in one of the seats next to his but separated with the hallway and look to the side, fitting your purse and phone in a compartment that opens next to you. Once the plane is up in the air you take your seatbelt off and stand up. One short step later you turn around and lean back to sit on his lap, he gives you a sigh of annoyance and looked up at you.
"I told you I needed to leave right away, that was two hours ago"
"There was a traffic jam, that was not my fault" you excuse quietly, rounding his shoulder with one of your arms your other hand comes up to his neck, pulling his face up to meet yours "where are we going?"
"To Scotland"
"Oh" you gasp quietly in disappointment.
"And I don't want to hear it"
"You don't want to hear what? Me complaining an old decrepit church gets more attention from my fiance than me?" You stress, leaning back to look at his brown eyes. His stare softens and he places one of his hands on your lower back, another one creeps from your thigh upwards, just barely teasing on the rim of your tight dress. "You said-"
"I know what I said" he interrupts, his hand crawling from your lower back to the middle, pulling you in and having your face hover up above his "I've got someone who's been working on it, I'm just going to apply a little pressure because it's been more than a year without nothing, and I'm about to move to another strategies"
"Good" you whisper, your hand hooks behind his neck and pulls him for a kiss, his hand now fully sneaking under your skirt and teasing between your legs. "Rafe-" you gasp, stopping his hand halfway "not on the flight"
"They get paid to not watch" he smiled over your lips, hooking your hand on the back on your knee to pull it and make you straddle him, his lips not leaving the ferocious attack on yours.
Rafe Adler and you had meet when his parents' company had absorbed your parent's just before it succumbed to bankruptcy, an event that would've most likely have left you to find a new lifestyle. Luckily between mingling dinner parties even if that had happened you'd already found yourself hooked to Rafe's arm and tangled in his Egyptian cotton sheets. That had been years ago, he'd since then brought you along on business trips, paraded you around with investment firms and put a nice ring on your finger.
You knew about the pirate treasure, it had been the subject of pillow talks enough times for you to know everything, and his travels to the Scottish church was one he did at least once a month until you'd made the mistake to tell him to forget about it.
There was no other reason for him to want the treasure if not for the reputation, the fame, fortune? No, he had enough of that already, a few more million dollars wouldn't really make his balance a big difference, but being the man who found Henry Avery's pirate treasure, oh that had a nice ring to it.
You thought it only had been a few months ever since he mentioned that he had a new expert to help him with the search, but now it came to your attention it had been in fact more than a year, and Rafe had been told by this expert that with the technology of today, they could open a lot of dead ends.
You arrived at Rafe's state in Scotland, an army of people coming out of the mansion. One of them opened the door of the car to help you exit, another one of them opened the door of the state and Rafe took a step to the side to let you in first. Since you had not had time to get a bag ready, there was not much unpacking to do, luckily the state had become a second home to you and you had enough spare clothing in there. You'd moved to the bedroom to change into warmer clothes leaving behind the dress that was perfect for the New York heat, and moved to a pair of pants and a wool sweater.
You found yourself in a few business calls after Rafe had texted you to take care of them while he talked with the expert, who was also staying in the state. Dinner time came, and not wanting to have it alone you instead headed out to the garden and the pool. A slow steam oozed out of the surface of the pool, making you know that the water was hot. You smiled and proceeded to undress completely, the night air hitting your skin and making it perk up in goosebumps that quickly subsidised as you climbed down the side ladder and downed your body in the lukewarm water.
You leaned over the edge of the pool to rummage around your clothes to find your phone, you snapped a photo of yourself tentatively over your shoulder, making your backside stand out it's curves under the water and sent it to Rafe.
Your left to phone on the side of the pool and swam around, hoping he would see the photo and come to your encounter outside. That didn't happen.
Rafe was in one of the rooms, looking down at blueprints and old books.
"So, that's why it's taking a while" Sam quickly excused "I've been trying to make my way around these books to find any mention of Avery and his passing relating to the Scottish monastery, so far it's nothing"
"Samuel" he began, lifting his eyes to Sam's, his gaze slowly hardening "it's been past a year, and I've already scouted the shit out that fucking building in the time you've been in lockup" he quickly pulled up his eyebrows and gave him a smug smile "so, it's time we move out of the monastery, I've got a contact who can-"
"Wait wait wait" Sam hurried as he placed his hands up "I can still go to the site, maybe there's something I'm missing"
Rafe loved moments like these, moments were people suddenly succumbed to try and change his mind about thing, he didn't take joy just on Sam's pleas, but also with assistants, chefs, help, even his own investors, businessman, he loved the power.
He placed his hand on Sam's shoulder and gave him a curve of his mouth, looking at him through squinted eyes.
"I'm staying here to help with the research for up to a month, I have other matters to attend... But maybe if we throw both our brains at this, we can work it out" he assured, then just as Sam was about to relax at his words, he tightened he grip just a little on his shoulder "but just one month, I've already wasted more money and time in this adventure than the one I'll be able to get out of one filthy pirate"
Sam nodded, making Rafe smile and pat his shoulder, leaving the study Sam had made his own and walking to the bedroom.
Sam sighed out of his nostrils and shook his head, looking into his pockets for a lighter and his cigarettes.
He'd been buying time, now noticing that it might've been too much already and Rafe was he restless. He'd found what he thought to be a good lead to follow, but he wasn't going to present it as an option until he got a last good look at the church in those following days, he was sure there was a clue there and he couldn't believe he was missing it, his stubbornness not letting him look to another solution to the puzzle.
He felt sick doing this by himself, and he'd already thought of what was he going to say to his brother when I went out to find him and told him that he'd been, firstly; alive, secondly; looking for Avery's treasure with Rafe.
He walked out of the study and into the outside balcony, his lighter clicked and sparked up a flame. He lit up his cigarrete and leaned his forearms on the stoned fence that rounded the balcony, looking outside and taking one deep calming breath.
"Hello?" He suddenly perked up at the female voice, he looked behind him with a frown, what a thing of nightmares to hear a voice out of nowhere in a creepy castle "down here" the female beckoned with a chuckle. He leaned over the edge and looked down at the garden, a figure presenting in front of him on the pool "hi" she saluted, looking up and moving to the edge of the pool. From his view he could see the outlines of your body, noticing the even color that gave away that you were naked.
"Hi" he answered, his voice coming up to a high pitch of confusion.
"I don't have a towel, mind throwing one?" You ask, looking up and leaning over the edge, you finger holding your face up.
Sam bolts out of the room and heads over to the bathroom, in a few seconds he's opening the door to the garden and walks to the ladder, as soon as he sees your hands grab the handles and pull yourself up, he catches a glance of your naked breasts and the water that cascades down your chest, he looks up and a smile peaks on his lips. He's holding the towel open and he heard the water splashing, along with wet steps walking to where he's at, his eyes do not leave the spot he's picked on the sky. He feels the towel being gripped and taken out of his hands, the rustling of the fabric makes him know that the piece is now safely draped around your body.
"Good job on not looking tiger" you whisper with a smile then start walking to the door. Sam finally looks at your figure, his smile disappearing from his face as he sees Rafe holding the door open, him too clasping a towel on his hand. His audition picks up a conversation as his gaze looks down, dodging Rafe's.
"I just saw your text" Rafe excuses, dropping the towel in a nearby patio chair.
"It's okay" you dismiss. Sam picks up from the corner of his eyes how Rafe's arm rounds your waist as you walk through the door, both of you disappearing into the state and leaving him outside.
He hadn't felt the whirl of emotions in a long time, going from surprise to excitement to arousal to dread in just a few minutes. Sam walks inside, relaxing in seeing no sign of Rafe or his girl.
It amazes him how little time has passed between you two walking in and the muffled moans that come from the master bedroom. He walks past it to head to his own room, but stops dead in his tracks as a high moan reverberates out of the room, followed by deep grunts.
He stands at the door, wondering if he's really thinking about what's he's going to do next, his eyes darting to his hands holding a few tools to pick the lock. He's done that a few times with about just every locked room in the state, finding a vast amount of spare bedrooms and office spaces, nothing too fancy. He knows the layout of the master bedroom quite well, so when he picks the lock and it clicks open, he just has to push it ajar barely an inch to get an almost full view of the king size bed, his eyes dilated when he spotted the two figures on the bed.
Rafe's hand snakes up your throat and pulls you on your knees, your back flushing against his hard chest as he pounds you from behind, his other hand holds your waist still in a hard grip, leaving you immobile and he pulls back completely and rams into you with hard and decided thrust. As he keeps pounding at a steady pace your moans picking up in volume and in tone. His mouth comes to your ear, his grip tightening on your neck as his hips keep buckling back and forth, driving his hard cock into you.
"Are you liking that?" He breathes out, you eyebrows knit at this middle as your moans become more high pitched at the speed.
"Faster" you demand, Rafe let's out a breathless chuckle on your ear.
"Faster you say?" His hand leaves your neck and pulls your chest down on the bed, your backside sticking up and opening itself more to allow Rafe's thrusts, he picks up the pace, favoring speed over depth and in a few seconds your hips and buckling and your toes curling as you scream, fisting the bedsheets, you scream a moan and then complain when he pulls out, pushed you a little to the side as he moves to lay on the bed. "Come here" it's his turn to command, you comply quickly crawling on top of him, his cock finding it's was back into your pussy as you sit.
He grunts when he feels your walls are still clenching past the orgasm, and he doesn't wait for you to finish. His hands come to your waist as yours come to his chest, your hips lifting all the way up on his length, then dropping in one quick move. He allows your pace, his hands crawling from your waist to your breasts, cupping them and filling his palms with them as you continue moving your hips up and down.
His hands come to your elbows and grips them, holding them at either side of your body as he pulls you to lay your chest on top of his, he plants his feet on the matress and gets more leverage, your face comes to his and he plants a hungry kiss on your lips as he began to quicken the pace, thrusting upwards, the sound of skin on skin filling the room as much as your muffled moans.
His lips leave yours with a grunt, seeing your half pained, half pleasure ridden face.
"Too much for you to handle love?" He asks, you bite your lip and shake your head in denial.
"I love your cock pounding me just like that baby" you breath out.
His hands, still gripping your arms by the elbow, tug back making you straighten up a bit.
"Open yourself up for me" he demands, your hands come to the height of your ass, so you grip it and open yourself up, that move somehow turns on your sensitivity to a thousand. Rafe's thrusts don't falter one bit as he picks up speed, eliciting longer and louder moans from you along with a string of 'yes' that doesn't stop until your legs involuntarily close at his waist, you yell out and buckle your hips out of control as you cum. Rafe leaves your arms and places his hands on your ass, crunching his torso upwards as he makes your hips come up and down on his length in three quick successions until he bursts inside of you with a heavy grunt ripping out of his chest.
Your hands had grabbed onto his biceps and squeezed your fingers into his skin as you rode our your orgasm and braced yourself for his last thrusts, the ones that always left your legs tingling and threatening to lose sensitivity.
Rafe plops down on the matress with a long sigh, your breath is trying to go back to normal as you look down at him, your face still at the same height as his.
He chuckles when he sees your hair messing out of the best ponytail that is now down to your shoulders and just a fucking mess. His hands trail from your waist, going up and down the curves of your body as he pulls you down, your lips come to his in a drunken and half conscious kiss.
He cups your neck and pulls you back just a bit.
"Shower now or tomorrow?" He asks, you quickly descend fully onto his chest and hide your face in the crook of his neck.
"Tomorrow, I can't barely move" you said quietly. Rafe takes it upon himself to move out of you and clean the mess between your legs, then lays you properly on the bed and slips in with you. Your arm lays on his chest and your face comes to the crook of his neck again. After a few minutes of laying quietly, you lift up your head and look at him. He notices you're not sleeping and looks down at you. "What was that?" You ask, tinting your head to the side.
You've done that move a thousand times, and Rafe fell on it a thousand more.
"You're welcome for the best fuck of your life"
"And?" You tease with a chuckle, he chuckles at his own response, then lifts his hand and rubs his fingers down you jaw, going up lightly on your cheek.
"And I love you" his finger traces up your temple, finally his hand cups your face and his thumb lays over the apple of your cheek. "You're the best thing in my life, you know this"
"I do know, I just like to hear it from time to time" your fingers come up to his hand, tracing down lightly on his palm and down on his wrist, a gentle touch that sent shivers down Rafe's arm. He pulls you in as he crunched his head up, his lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.
The next morning, you're up before he is and you're almost ready to head out for breakfast, he waits for you in the bedroom, giving his watch a glance before he stands up.
"Wanna have breakfast on the dinning room-" he asks, walking to the door, he stops on his tracks and inspects it.
His finger comes up to the handle and he pulls back, the door opening with ease. He looks down the hall through the crack of it and pulls a little frown.
"Rafe" you call, standing next to him as you fix your earings, he looks to the side at you questioningly "what's the other option?" You pick up the previous conversation.
"The living room, I can have the fire set up for us" he pulls the door open.
"That sounds lovely" you mutter with a smile, finishing with your earing.
He walks a step out the door and pulls it, leaving it ajar and looking through the crack, his head tilts upward as his tongue pushes up on his palate.
You take the door and open it, finding him with a expression on his face you couldn't pinpoint.
"What was that?" You ask, confused as to why he's doing all of those weird moves with the door.
"Nothing" he dismissed, extending his hand to you "let's grab breakfast".
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Something Precious Act I Ch.2-The Seer
ACT I, CHAPTER 2 THE SEER "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering."-Yoda, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace It was autumn in the enchanted forest and near the province of Dunbroch. Of all the lands in Vanaheim, the Enchanted Forest(or Misthaven depending on which class of person you came across) tended to have the most beautiful and cold fall weather. In this land, the very air itself was filled with magic. It existed within proximity of every being in this land, whether or not magic was within them or whether it surrounded them. Like a spirit, it lived within every plant and animal, for it permeated all things. This constant flow of magical energy created the beauty of the forest. It gave the falling leaves on the trees their beautiful hues, bright and neon shades of red, yellow and orange, glowing within the wintering trees like fire. There were certain plants that were magical within themselves whose leaves gave a faint glow like the morning sun as they became ready to fall upon the ground. The birds became ready to migrate to warmer parts of the land, warmer kingdoms. The sound of wildlife verberated through the forest just like the magic within it. The usual quarry, the deer, rabbits, wolves and all the small creatures who lived within the forest were looking for places to hibernate or moving towards more bountiful hunting grounds. The magical creatures were no different. Dragons had already found the caverns where they would bed down for the winter. Herds of unicorns followed their migration paths in order to avoid their wild equine cousins in the cinmarron. Winter was coming. As a hush flowed over the forest and mist began to cover the trees, a quiet padding of high heeled boots fell upon the forest floor. Out into the woods, a figure stepped. Of all of the strange creatures roaming these wilds, he was perhaps the strangest of all. He took the shape of a man, but his appearance was not of a normal man. His most outstanding feature was his skin. Where the pale skin of the Scotsman should have been, there was instead glittering golden scales that sparkled in the light. The small glittering scales covered his body just as they covered the body of a reptile. He had unusual amber eyes that glowed within his eyes like smoking embers, grey and yellow all at once. In the place of fingernails, this man had claws. The talons extended half an inch above his fingertip and were a sort of greenish brown, like the woods that surrounded him. Whenever he would come across an obstacle, he would sneer, showing that his canines were just a hint sharper than the average human being. He kept his red cloak wrapped tightly around him as if to ward off the imaginary cold that had not yet settled in. A mop of brown hair existed upon his head that extended nearly to his shoulder. For all of this inhuman appearance, there was some humanity within him, for it could be seen in the raw rubbing underneath his eyes and the few despairing sighs that he let loose now and then. This so called beast, so feared by all of the land, was grieving. He moved out into a clearing. It had been a campsite. He walked over to the fire that had once been set up. Moving closer to inspect it, he had found that it was still smoldering. A litter of dirty blankets and pillows had been stacked near a pathetic looking patchwork tent. He smirked to himself. She was around here somewhere. “Show yourself, dearie.” He spoke in a high pitch voice laced with a Scottish accent. Out of the woods came another figure, another strange creature. This one looked to be a human young woman, with shocking red hair. Yet when one searched out her eyes, only stitches remained. They were stitched closed, almost as if her eyes had been taken out. Instead, she held up her hands and out from each of them a glowing blue eye looked out. This strange creature was cloaked in peasant clothing. She spoke in an almost echoing voice, her voice reverberating through the air like waves through the mist. “Rumplestiltskin. I’ve been expecting you. As you see all that I have told you has come to pass.” The imp smirked as he circled around the seer like a lion stalking around his prey. “Ah...yes...it all came to pass��” His voice grew with intensity as he circled her, his amber eyes settled upon her. Whenever he spoke, he used his hands in animated gestures. The madness within his grieving and jumbled mind had led to certain unstable behavior, or was it just that he no longer cared about his appearance? “You spoke that my actions on the battlefield would leave my son fatherless. And like an imbecile I chose to follow you. So...in fear that I might die, I hobbled myself…” he gestured to the leg on which he used to limp before his powers had come to him. “I returned home to a wife who couldn’t stand the sight of me because of cowardice. She ran off with the damn pirate. Oh...and then to save my son from the wars I became the dark one. Because of them I let my son go to the land without magic and being the coward I am...I didn’t follow. So yes...because of my actions on the battlefield my child did become fatherless. But….” he came closer to her and snarled, his voice holding the edge of sarcasm. “It would have been nice to know all the pesky details!” He tried to tell himself not to be harsh with the woman, for if Baelfire was here with him that wouldn’t be what he wanted. After he swallowed his anger deep down, producing an unpleasant taste akin to bile in his throat, he gave her an intense stare. “I want you to tell me one last thing. I have one last question for you. And seeing as you ruined my life I should think you owe me at least this one.” He stood there, his small figure compared to ordinary men still carrying the power of the darkness coursing through his veins. “Will I find my son?” and for a moment, there was the desperation of a father in his voice, for it shook and trembled as the true grief and devastation threatened to show. The seer held up her hands, not to see into the future but to stop his speech. “Wait. There is one price you must pay.” She held out her hands. “Take this burden from me.” He stood there, comprehending it for a moment. After all, if she wanted this gift taken from her, surely it must have been painful. Yet he knew he had no choice. To get his son back he would do whatever it took. Seeing into the future just might point him to where he needed to be to find him. He could finally see what fate awaited him. Future was the specter that all men feared, and he would be able to tear off his black robe and look into the phantom’s eyes. “Erm...alright.” he said in his high pitched, almost playful voice as he grabbed her hands. Out of the fog and the mist, a bright light burst forth from the two figures, as power flowed from one to the other. The female screamed in pain as the magical energy flowed from her to the imp who had taken a hold of her hands. The surrounding animals ran away in fright, both the predatory creatures and their prey. Rumplestiltskin stared into the air in front of him, his eyes giving him the appearance of being in a trance. He looked around frantically as if he was trying to find a figure in front of him, as if he had suddenly become blind. “It’s all a jumble!” he said in alarm. “I can’t make it out!” “Focus…” the seer hissed, her voice becoming weaker and weaker as the imp in front of her began to rapidly breathe, the panic ensuing within him. “Over time, and practice, the pieces will fall into place.” all the sudden the all powerful dark one felt weak...vulnerable...like a beginner just learning how to work his magic. That was not desirable for him. For even though he still had much to learn about the dark arts he would never admit it. Yet he listened...in desperation to find his son, he swallowed his pride and accepted the seer’s teachings. He focused himself like one would focus their vision. There was only one vague vision that presented itself. He was in the same wood that he was now, but it was eerie and dark. He could smell blood. A paddock remained nearby as well as a series of shacks. In the middle of the clearing, a work horse was tied up, latched to a post. The creature was mangy, the equine covered in old wounds that had tattered it’s fur. The poor horse’s eyes were wide in panic, and he could see tears within them. There was a bloody bandage around it’s right hind leg, extending down to the fetlock from the cannon bone. The pack animal shook from fear and crossed it’s legs now and then as it struggled to gain it’s footing, having little to no coordination. Rumplestiltskin, having always had a sympathy towards animals(far more than he did for people), felt his heart breaking towards the creature. He knew what it was like to be lame, to be friendless. Out of the smokehouse came the drunk owner, filthy, dressed in peasant clothes and obese, he came staggering out towards the mare that was tied up. There was a whip in his hand, and the mare was trying to release herself from the post. The equine neighed in fear and tried to strike out with her hooves, but she could not rear up on her hind legs. She backed away, limping harshly as she did so. As the brute came closer and closer with the whip, Rumplestiltskin held out his hands to try to choke him with his dark magic, but it wasn’t working. As the abuser approached, the horse looked right at the imp, her eyes wide in panic. And then...she spoke within his mind. “FATHER! HELP ME!!” As he woke up from the vision in a sheer panic, he quickly let go of the seer’s hands, staggering backwards. “A dirty trick!!” he snarled. “You only wanted to release yourself from this torment! And that vision! It is wrong! First of all, how the hell would I give birth to a horse! Second of all, I only have one child and he is a male! Do you actually think that any woman would lay with me long enough to produce another?! Me?! The monster?!” Well! Explain yourself!” he tried to look to the seer’s stitched face, but instead she now lay as a lump on the ground. The transfer had taken too much out of her. Her breathing was shallow and harsh. The young woman was dying. He had to get his bargain before she passed away. He leaned over her. “Now I have taken this burden from you. If you cannot explain what I saw...fine. I will find out for myself. But I wish to know one thing, and I pray you do not make me wait. I cannot spend years trying to focus my vision when there could be a way to find him once more. Now tell me…” his voice was dangerously low, a hint of an animalistic growl within it. “Do I find my son..” The seer, speaking in a weak and gasping voice answered him. “Yes…” At that simple answer, a wave of relief broke over him as well as excitement. His boy...he knew that he was somewhere out there. His features for once grew soft, as he thought of the day that he was born..and that he would once more hold his darling son within his arms. “How.” he stated with some impatience...and excitement..as he looked to her. “You will form a curse that will lead you to him...but you will not cast the curse…” a ragged breath came from her as her hands shook. “Someone else will. And you will not break the curse...someone else will…” at this point, she struggled to breathe. “Yes, yes!” his voice grew impatient. “Go on!” “A young boy will lead you to him. But be warned...the boy will be your undoing. And yet there will be another who can save you from this fate. There will be the young boy, but there will also be a young girl. The girl will be your salvation…” She could not hold her breath anymore. She gave a sharp exhale and then fell back upon the ground, her body growing limp. As she passed away, the dark one leaned in to inspect her. He placed his finger to her throat. No pulse. He sighed to himself, running his clawed fingers through his brunette hair. “Rubbish..” the imp growled under his throat. “Absolute rubbish.” But there was a part of him that knew she was right deep down. But about that child...now that had to be ridiculous. No one could ever love him. Or could they?
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ajoraverse · 5 years
I mostly just wrote this on a whim. Trotting out a couple of OCs from the 20-year-old FFV fic. Ben and Ridha versions 2.0, on the outside looking in and being concerned about Faris and Lenna’s relationship. 
Also, it should be noted that Ridha was always meant to be intersex and had no real attachment to any gender. He just presents himself as male most of the time, but has no qualms with presenting herself as female either. Or androgynous. Really, they find this whole gender thing tired and unnecessary. 
Ben’s accent is West Country/Cornish Tulish as a nod to Cornish being frequently pillaged for the infamous mass media “pirate accent”. I tend to use Scottish dialects for Carwen; in my ficverse the Highwinds migrated from North Mountain (north of Carwen) to the west (what would become Tycoon territory after Grandpa Tycoon annexed Tule and the surrounding areas to acquire the Wind Shrine) after the world split in two. The Highwinds still retain a bit of that north Carwen accent. 
There are three things Ben does well: numbers, haggling, and keeping his best mate's secrets. It's the last what keeps him on his toes. Seems there's always some new secret he's finding out.
The bit about this lad he grew up with being a lass? Well, that checks out, he supposes. Faris was always a bit teazy about personal space and hiding to keep from being seen in the altogether, 'specially starting from puberty on. Certainly explains Faris' monthly absences as a deck hand and minching to the cabin more frequently as captain.
The long-lost princess bit? 'Twere proper comical. But Ben reckons it explains the way Faris gets all facety when she's right tired and slips into that snooty Tycoon accent of hers that he was never able to pin down as a child.
It's the bit about the sister that hauls his legs out from under him every time. He recalls the jokes made over royal families and their tendency for inbreeding. He recalls that more than a few of the eight-pagers from back in the day included right filthy cartoons about Faris and King Tycoon, shortly after the bold attack by ten united pirate captains against the Tycoon Navy. Faris had a good laugh about them back then.
Ben suspects she's not as likely to laugh about those types of cartoons now.
The subjects change a bit after Faris' identity as the long-lost Princess Sarisa came out, mind. Queen Tycoon being a sweet young lass, it's expected that the artists tend to be kinder to her than they were to Queen Karnak. Thing is, folks love a proper scandal, and Faris' history sets the imagination ablaze. More and more, Ben finds himself arguing that Faris would never touch the pretty bird like that. She's had choice aplenty, and for years she'd been a known womanizer. What'd she get from her own sister but her ruin?
'Twould bleddy 'elp if the cap'n weren't makin' a right cauch of it. Proper answer would be to just up and haul out. Disappear or something. Do what most sailors do and drown her feelings in spirits and opium. Faris opts to stay by the pretty bird's side, instead. Oh, she'll sneak out every now and then, but she always goes back. And she's good at hiding their relationship, but Ben knows Faris probably better than any man alive and can tell. Cap'n doesn't look at anyone else like that.
So Ben runs up the numbers in his head. Credit: the two met in adulthood, before they knew about their blood relations. Debit: incest. Credit: at least they can't have children. Debit: still incest. Credit: they didn't grow up together. Debit: royal incest, at that. He can count his justifications like beads on an abacus, but they're still all zeroed out by incest. What keeps the account in the black is that Faris is still a friend, and one who saved him and had his back often enough that he'll still defend her to the lathered carousers wagging their tongues.
It's that loyalty that brings him to Tycoon. He's a sound hand with numbers and Faris suspects some embezzling, so he'll just take a gander at the books and see what all he can find.
Ben turns up at the castle in the morning of the queen's dragon's first mating flight's underway. Now, he remembers something of Syldra's...whatever it's called when sea dragons go acourting...and it concerns him because Faris had always been extra teazy when that happened. Would lock herself in the cabin if it happened too far from shore, and in a room at the nearest inn elsewise.
While the guards knew him from his last outing here, they still watch his every step. Ben hardly cares--he'll not rob from his own best mate or her family, no matter his profession. Doesn't need to. In the interest of divorcing herself from her past and keeping her pretty bird safe, Faris passed her enterprises to him.
Once he makes it to the well-guarded room which splits to two doors, he finds that sallow-faced, red-headed cousin of the Queen standing watch at her door. The light from sconces does him no favors. Ben isn't quite sure whether more sun would do the boy any good, or just make him look jaundiced.
"The Queen will not be available today," the cousin says, hand tightening on his spear's shaft. There's a right peculiar trace of something else to his voice. Almost northern Carwenish under that Gentry Tycoonian accent everyone in the castle seems to speak.  
"'Ere for the princess, lad. Faris anywhere abouts?"
The hand tightens at the shaft until the lad's knuckles show yellow in the light. "And you are...?"
"Ben Inomoto." Though he'd refrained from spitting in his palm before stretching out his hand, the cousin still eyes it dubiously. "Served as Faris' quartermaster for 'bout five years. Wasson?"
"You don't sound Istorian," the boy says. But he shakes his hand anyway, 'least before he pulls it away quickly.
"Pressganged into playin' Faris' minder when I was but a tacker meself." Ben has no regrets, not regarding that. Istory had never been a place that welcomed boys like him.
The boy nods, still looking a bit wisht. "I'm Ridha Highwind. Queen Lenna's third cousin on the father's side. The, ah, princess' dragon caught the queen's during her first mating flight. She will, um, likely be as indisposed as the queen for the day."
Now Ben isn't the brightest among the brethren of the Great Tycoon Sea, being as he'd grown up with Faris and never once noticed that she was a woman all along, but he can add up the numbers when enough of the variables are available. His voice drops low, quiet enough that he's sure no one else can hear him. "They're in there together, aye?"
The boy tries not to flinch at his candor, but he can't seem to stop himself. "I haven't seen the princess all day, even before the flight. It's not, er, advisable that the mating dragons' riders be, um, in the same space if they're not, ah, already romantically involved. Or so inclined."
Ben reckons one might hear a pin drop in the silence afterwards. Part of him wants to cuss up a storm, because this isn't helping. Part of him resorts to taking action to minimize backlash, instead. "Yer lookin' wisht, lad. Go rest. I'll keep watch."
"Thanks." The boy manages a faint smile and shoulders his spear.
The boy almost passes him on the way out, but Ben grabs his elbow to impart some words. "Unless someone gets hurt, whatever the queen and the princess do with each other is none of our business. Like your cousins? Don't say a thing against them. It'll be hard enough as it is."
"But, it's--"
"None of our bleddy business." Ben sighs and looks over the boy. Can't be more than a teenager. "Take 'e from an old queer, lad. The heart wants what 'e wants, and 'e'll listen to no talking-to."
Despite the nerves on full display, the boy snorts. "You don't look that old."
Ben smirks and waves him off. Almost lets the boy go completely before he minds why he's here. "Oh, send up the ledgers, would ye? Won't let the Cap'n find me takin' caulk when she shows 'erself."
Ridha waves in acknowledgment, leaving Ben alone to consider how to deal with this mess.
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Mod Manic’s Album Reviews
As I’ve explored my musical tastes and broadened my horizons, I’ve tried to put my thoughts into words. So in chronological order, here’s all the album reviews I’ve done. Hope to make these more of a common thing. 
THRICE - The Alchemy Index (Fire, Water)   Modern punk
MUSHROOMHEAD - The Righteous And The Butterfly    Experimental numetal
MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE - How I Learned to Stop Giving A Shit and Love MSI   Electropunk
POP FOOD - Jack Stauber   Dadrock 
PSYCLON NINE - Icon Of The Adversary   Gothic industrial 
RUTH B - Safe Haven   Piano-heavy pop
CULTURE KILLER - Throes Of Mankind    Heavy metal
BLACK MOTH - The Killing Jar   Stoner metal
THE PROCLAIMERS - Sunshine On Leith   Scottish folk
DEEE-LITE - World Clique   70s-influenced house
MUSHROOMHEAD - XX   Experimental numetal
HAYLEY WESTENRA - Odyssey (US version)   Orchestral classical
VELVET ACID CHRIST - Dire Lands   Electronic club remixes
CARLY RAE JEPSON - E•mo•tion   Dancepop
UNIT 731 - Res Ipsa Loquitur    Heavy metal
GOBLIN COCK - Come With Me If You Want To Live!   Heavy-ish metal
SABATON - Carolus Rex   Folk metal
BLUE STAHLI - Antisleep Vol. 3   Electronic rock
QUICK FIX - 6 Song 7″ EP   80s influenced hardcore punk
THRICE - The Alchemy Index (Air, Earth)   Modern punk
RITUAL AESTHETIC - Wound Garden   Dark electronica
DIN FIV - Escape To Reality   Electronica gumbo
ACID WITCH - Evil Sound Screamers   Halloween metal
DEATHBELL - With The Beyond   Witchy stoner metal
AGENT ORANGE - Living In Darkness   Classic hardcore punk
PSYCLON NINE - Order Of The Shadows: Act I   Hardcore industrial metal
HEATHER DALE - The Road To Santiago   Celtic folk
ZERO BOYS - Vicious Circle   80s hardcore punk
SPINESHANK - Self-Destructive Pattern   2000s heavy metal
CHARLIE PUTH - Voice Notes  Funk-influenced pop
SPINESHANK - The Height Of Callousness  2000s heavy metal
JANELLE MONÁE - Dirty Computer  R&B Pop
ASTRONOID - Astronoid  Progressive Postmetal
ERRA - Neon  Metalcore
AUÐN - Farvegir Fyrndar  Icelandic atmospheric black metal
WHITECHAPEL - The Valley  Heavy metal
BELZEBUBS - Pantheon of the Nightside Gods  Folk-tinted black metal
INSOMNIUM - Winter’s Gate  Melodic “black” metal
ALESTORM - No Grave But The Sea  Pirate metal 
KYLIE MINOGUE - Fever  2000s dancepop
LUDOVICO TECHNIQUE - Some Things Are Beyond Therapy  Dark electronica
SYLVAN ESSO - What Now  Indie electropop
DENI HINES - Imagination  R&B-influenced 90s pop 
FLOOR - Oblation  Sludgy stoner metal
MONOTHEIST - Scourge  Extreme progressive metal
DANCE WITH THE DEAD - B Sides Vol. I  Instrumental dark electro
ESTELLE - Shine  R&B pop
AFI - The Blood Album  Modern punk
TINASHE - Aquarius  Calm R&B
SUM 41 - 13 Voices  2000s-tinted modern punk
VERA BLUE - Perennial   Calm electro-indie
DØDHEIMSGARD - A Umbra Omega  Extreme metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Thieving from the House of God  Hard groove blues rock
IDIOT STARE - The Hate Cage   Industrial techno
SUM 41 - Order In Decline   Punk metal
SLIPKNOT - We Are Not Your Kind  Extreme experimental metal
STONE SOUR - Come What(ever) May  Grunge hard rock
KNEE-JERK - Lay Down And Die  80s-styled hardcore punk
THY ART IS MURDER - Human Target  Extreme metal
WORMED - Metaportal  Sci-fi themed death metal
CHILDREN OF BODOM - Are You Dead Yet?  Melodic heavy metal
THE AGONIST - Orphans  Melodic death metal
ARIANA GRANDE - Sweetener  Pop
CRADLE OF FILTH - Cruelty And The Beast  Filthy extreme metal
ASHLEY MCBRIDE - Girl Going Nowhere  Modern country
LEFTOVER CRACK - Mediocre Generica  Hardcore crust punk
KERO KERO BONITO - Bonito Generation  Pop
GALLOWS - Orchestra of Wolves  Hardcore punk
SCISSOR SISTERS - Scissor Sisters  Glam alt-pop-rock
DEAD KENNEDYS - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables  Classic punk
STRAY FROM THE PATH - Anonymous  Punk nu-metal 
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Part Two
This post contains works from sbb2017 that are alternate universe rather than canon compliant. It has the following categories:
Historical AU
Kid Fic
Magical Realism
Misc. No Powers AU
Modern Veteran AU
Neighbours AU
Take a look at the amazing works contributors have made!
Also check out Canon ‘Verse | AU Part One | AU Part Three | Masterpost
Historical AU
A Kiss Through A Veil by princeofprinces (tumblr)
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Words: 27K
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Alternate Universe - Renaissance, Alternate Universe - Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Romani Bucky, Trans Male Character, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Torture, Abusive Parents, Racism
Summary: “Don’t be afraid.” The performer knelt next to the pillory and removed his red shawl from his shoulders, using it to wipe away the tomato and egg mixture that had dried on Estienne’s cheek. “I’m sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Art by rancorousrocker
Art by juliabizarre
Anatomy of a Scandal by Rena (AO3 | Tumblr)
Artists: @theprinceofprinces    Art Post
          @king-of-moose​            Art Post
Rating: E
No Archive Warnings Apply  
Pairings: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Characters: Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Peggy Carter, Angie Martinelli, Arnim Zola
Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - Regency, Mutual Pining, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers
Summary: When Steve Rogers returns to Brooklyn, the marriage arranged for him having proven to be a sham, he is desperate; desperate to regain his footing in Society, desperate to secure a wealthy spouse capable of paying the costly treatments that keep his mother alive and settling his family’s debts. But how is he to do that when people view him as nothing more than damaged goods, someone to be sneered at, ridiculed, looked down upon, or pitied at best?
An opportunity presents itself when Lord Barnes, the renowned carefree Casanova of Brooklyn, forgets himself during one night of drunken stupor, sending Steve a letter that flouts all laws of common decency. An agreement is soon made: in return for Steve’s discretion, Lord Barnes will pretend to court him, taking him to the most fancy events of the season where Steve can be introduced to potential suitors. It all works out perfectly, until Steve comes to understand that Lord Barnes is not as pompous and self-absorbed as he believed….
“I won’t let go (at any price)” by @fuckyfarnes​
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: None Apply
Tags:Alternate Universe - 1980s, Drag Queens ball culture HIV/AIDS, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Non-Graphic Violence, Gay Bashing, Gay Rights, Original Character Death(s, )Major Original Character(s), Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Self-Acceptance, Implied Sexual Content, Self-Discovery, references to the get down
It's the summer of 1981 in New York and Bucky is trying, really trying. He's working hard as a line cook to support himself and struggling to stay in contact with his sister in L.A., all while fighting to suppress his sexuality. He meets Stevie that summer and falls into the world he's been hiding from his entire life; enter ball culture, new wave music, and Aqua Net. Through music, self expression, and Stevie, Bucky finds the freedom that comes with self acceptance. In the midst of it all, the AIDS epidemic breaks out and with it comes a surge in the persecution of the LGBT community. Nothing is easy, and the cost of being yourself is high.
Art by @stuckypocketguide​
swallows still sing by icoulddothisallday
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence  
Words: 54k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Holocaust, Period Typical Attitudes, Religious Themes, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Medical Experimentation, Loss of Limb, Family Separation, Death of a Family Member, PTSD
They move through the doorway and the sun hits Bucky’s face. His eyes flinch closed involuntarily, but the warmth on his face is more than enough. There’s a breeze too, the freshest air Bucky has breathed in months. It’s chaos outside, a clamor of voices in languages both familiar and foreign. Bucky is glad to ignore it, glad to trust that the Captain will take him to safety. He dares to open his eyes. Everything is fuzzy around the edges, like a waking dream.
On April 29th, 1945, US forces liberate the concentration camp Dachau. But Captain Steve Rogers and his Howling Commandos have a more specific mission - the rescue and rehabilitation of prisoners experimented on by Arnim Zola, among them, a man named Bucky.
In light of recent events in Charlottesville and the political climate of the US right now, I want to quote Elie Weisel, a Holocaust survivor who told us, “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
Art abd banner by @stuckypocketguide  and  Art by ewburnthatshit
The North Star  by littleblackfox  @thelittleblackfox
Rating: E Warning: Graphic Depiction of Violence Words: 60k Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov & Clint Barton Tags:  Alternate Universe - Pirate, Romani Bucky, Swashbuckling, Historical AU, Because I didn’t suffer enough last time, Adventure on the High Seas, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Angst, Slow Burn, I will quite literally go down with this ship, Brief mentions of torture, Swordfighting, Brock Rumlow gets stabbed, It’s Pirates okay there’s going to be blood and guts, But also whales and manta rays, and beach sex
“I heard rumour that William Fly is swinging from a gibbet in Boston harbour. They say the age of piracy is ending,” Steve utters softly, rubbing the tip of his thumb across his lower lip. Sam glances at him. “You got plans to retire, Cap? Find a nice little beach in the Indies and a good supply of rum? Couple of pretty girls in grass skirts to dance for you.” “Sam,” Steve mumbles, covering his face with his hand. “I’m sorry, a couple of pretty boys?” Sam grins wickedly. “Sam!” Steve looks scandalised, which gets him nothing but laughter from his Quartermaster. “You’re fired. Go throw yourself overboard this instant.”
Art by @brooklyn-bisexual
Art by @rohkeutta
Art by @frau-argh
Art by @frau-argh
The Scottish Boy by Bette Noire
Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Words: 120K
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Medieval AU, Alternate Universe – No Powers, knights, angst, enemies to lovers, slow build, Hundred Years War, thriller, bamf!steve, bamf!bucky
Summary: The year is 1333. The English are at war with Scotland. 19-year-old West Country knight Sir Steven excels at jousting, but yearns to prove himself in real action. So he jumps when his sponsor, Baron Alexander Pierce, invites him on a secret mission with a dozen elite knights. They ride north to a crumbling Scottish keep, capturing the feral, half-starved boy within and putting the other inhabitants to the sword. And nobody knows, or nobody is saying, why the flower of English knighthood snuck over the border to capture a savage, dirty teenage boy. Pierce gives the boy to Steve as his squire, with only two rules: don’t let the boy escape, and convert him to the English cause.
At first, it’s hopeless. The Scottish boy is surly, violent, hoards sharp objects, and eats anything that isn’t nailed down. Then Steve begins to notice things: that, as well as Gaelic, the boy speaks flawless French, far better than Steve’s own. That he can read it – Latin, too. That he isn’t small so much as desperately under-fed. That when Steve finally convinces the boy – James Buchanan, Bucky – to cut his filthy, matted curtain of hair, the face revealed is the most beautiful thing Steve has ever seen.
Art by maichan | Art by tsumi | Playlist by Penny
Kid Fic
Blurry by MonalisaMontauk Tumblr
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 27k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Implied reference Child abuse, Implied reference Domestic Violence, Alternate Universe-Modern Setting, Use of Homophobic slur, Police Officer Steve, Minor Angst, Fluff, Minor Smut, Domestic Fluff, first dates
Summary: Bucky, a single father who only gets to see his son on weekends, finds out his ex’s new boyfriend is abusing him. Fueled with rage Bucky sets out on a mission to track him down. Finding him at a sleazy bar leads to a showdown with terrible consequences for Bucky. The police are called and it just so happens that the cop arresting him is a former one night stand. Awkward doesn’t even begin to describe the situation.
Art by Kay Maeryn @kaym-art
Pas de Deux by rhysiana
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 20,767
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, (past Steve/Peggy, background Clint/Natasha)
Tags: single dad!Steve, artist!Steve, ballet!Bucky, ballet!Natasha, Badly Healed Shoulder Injury, The Realization That Life in One’s 30s Doesn’t Always Look Like One Expected in One’s 20s
Summary: Steve was pretty sure he fell in love with Peggy Carter the first time she called him a “jumped-up colonial” after a surprisingly heated debate on the first day of their shared history seminar during his semester abroad. He never really stopped. Which was really kind of the main problem he was having now, as he stood there next to her grave under gray skies full of ominous clouds that nonetheless refused to actually rain, as if they, too, knew this was fake. *** In which Steve is a newly single father indulging his daughter’s new obsession with ballet, Bucky and Nat are former stars of the Bolshoi now teaching at a DC ballet school, and no one is really quite as normal as they appear.
Art by @barnessergeant (Please go admire her cute art for this story!)
Banner by @dizzy-redhead, who volunteered to make it out of sheer awesomeness!
Seahorses by Tinzelda (AO3) and Poppyfields13fic (AO3)
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 31k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post-Captain America Civil War - Freeform, BuckyCap - Freeform, Kidfic, Dad Steve, Fluff, Domestic
Summary: Now that Bucky’s taken over the role of Captain America, Steve feels like it’s finally the time to start a family. Bucky doesn’t know what to feel when Steve breaks the news he’s going to adopt a baby. He wants Steve to be happy, but he’s worried it will affect their friendship. Once Steve becomes a dad though, Bucky can’t help falling in love with the baby. And maybe Steve will finally see Bucky in a different light.
Art by CapCarterandSarge (AO3)
Magical Realism
Deep as the Ocean by themirrordarkly (starmaki)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Words: 20k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Tags: AU Modern and AU Magical Realism, Fisherman Steve and Merman Bucky, Magic and Fairytale elements, Sexual Content, Soulbond, Touch-Starved, Memory loss, Serious Injury and Trauma, Angst, Depression  
The newly established charter boat business is booming for ex-military man, Steve Rogers. Being the captain of the charter boat ‘End Of The Line’ is a dream come true–but he doesn’t have anyone to share in his success and good fortune. Everything changes when he finds a sexy, mysterious stranger washed up on the beach. The chemistry is undeniable, like two old souls connecting. But Bucky Barnes isn’t the man he claims to be, having only three months to achieve his goal or suffer the terrible consequences. Can he succeed and claim what he lost? Steve and Bucky’s worlds will collide, changing both their lives forever. A modern retelling of a fairytale, with a twist!
Story by @starmaki (themirrordarkly)
Art by @elendrien
Fourth Floor by @dirtybinary, art by @cbolle & @mithborien
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 41,805
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, minor Sharon Carter/Natasha Romanoff
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Shrinkyclinks, Magical Realism, Tentacle Monsters
Steve has his life in order, okay. He goes to wizard college, even if he can’t technically do magic. He has his own apartment, even though it’s small and dinky and kind of gross, and forgets to exist sometimes, and might also be alive? Plus, he has a crush on the hot cyborg in unit 404 who cooks fiendishly good breakfast foods, and may or may not have some kind of weird connection to the sentient building they live in. He’s not sure.
He’s dealing, all right, his life is in tip-top condition, or it was until an eldritch monstrosity called the Hydra started posing as a real estate company to try and buy over his new home.
He’s really pissed about that.
(The one where Steve is an angry millennial wizard, Sam is a Disney prince, Natasha is a shapeshifter, and Bucky is a spoiler.)
[x] by @cbolle​ [x] and above banner by @mithborien
Freshwater Memories by @resinonao3 (Ao3)
A collaboration for the Stucky Big Bang 2017!
Header Art by @koreanrage (Tumblr) Papercraft Art by @milollita (Tumblr)
Artwork rating: G Fic rating: Explicit Word count: 50,903 Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Archive Warnings: None
Steve hasn’t been back to his family’s cottage for years, ever since the car accident took both his parents and his childhood memories. His therapist seems to think it’s a good idea for him to get out of the city for a while, so Steve decides it’s time to fix it up. He remembers a lot of things when he’s finally arrives, smells the fresh grass, hears the whisper of the trees, and the familiar warmth of a home away from home. The river outside is familiar too, only Steve can’t quite remember the imaginary friend he invented from it, when he needed one the most.
The river remembers him though, and will be damned if it watches his old friend sulk in loneliness instead of play with him, like he used to.
Check out @resinonao3‘s amazing fic on AO3!
From Dirty Paws and Creatures of Snow by goldenraeofsun
Rating: Teen and up
Words: 106k
Archive Warnings: Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Tags: Modern AU, Magic AU, Witch Steve Rogers, Familiar Bucky Barnes, Temporary Character Death
Bullies had mocked Steve's lack of magic for years, emboldened as Steve cast spell after spell that fizzled and died.
Steve didn't believe a word out of Bucky's mouth when he said that Steve was the most powerful witch he'd ever seen, but at least Bucky had until they reached Bonding age to convince him of the truth.
Amazing art by lunalittlelunatic is available here!
I See Fire by MooseKing, samwise_baggins, Steve-Bucky-Stucky (Chemical30)
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Rape/Noncon
Tags: Hydra Agents, Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Mpreg, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Graphic Sex, Minor Character Death, Illegal Activities
Steve, an elf, has always wanted to see the fabled dragons, rumored to have been hunted into extinction. He dares enter their domain where he meets Bucky, an actual dragon. But this isn’t all fairy tales and happy endings. Hydra, a group of humans bent on genetic control and manipulation, threaten the existence of all creatures, and it is up to an elf, a dragon, and a handful of other magically inclined creatures to put an end to the kidnapping, abuse, experimentation, and murder . . . if they can.
Repaid, by @waffilicious,
Rating: T
Archive warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 20k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Identity Issues, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Recovery, Mind Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Hurt/Comfort    
Summary: Bucky, having been freed from his captivity in Faerie, finds it difficult to readjust to life on Earth. Steve and Sam do their best to help, but it’s not until Bucky meets Wanda and she tells him about the Wakandan Magical Rehabilitation Program that progress is made. Meanwhile, a hidden threat may get in the way of Bucky’s recovery.
Art by @alishawinky
Art by @samthebirdbae
Saying Your Name by brideofquiet Art by @sorrowingsoldier
Rated E
Archive Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Word Count 43k Relationships Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Tags  Surreality, Magic realism, Religous imagery & symbolism, Homesickness, Pre- and post-serum everybody, suicide ideation, medical trauma,  Post-TWS, Not CW compliant
Glancing back up, Steve realizes that there’s something off about what he’s seeing. It takes him a moment to place it, overcome as he is with seeing his home—and it is his home, the Brooklyn he grew up in.
But the longer he stares, the more the image starts to distort. His own memories layer over top, a perfect duplication, but it’s like a layer of paint. He scrubs a hand over his eyes, stares harder and—there! The colors flicker out like cheap lights, fading away into grayscale till the sky is off-white, the East River churning charcoal below him.It’s eerie, uncanny, the not-quite-rightness of it all. If he doesn’t focus on anything in particular, the image snaps back into place, right again.
It unsettles him, making him nervous and flighty in place of the warm familiarity he’d felt only moments before.
Then he remembers: Hadn’t Bucky called to him, from just this spot?
Read the story here, and see the art here!
Misc. No Powers AU
Brave Boy by rooonil_waazlib with art by kissuru
37663 words Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Rogers, Clint Barton, Riley (Captain America movies) Additional Tags: Witness Protection AU, Stucky Big Bang 2017 Summary:
“CHORUS: Brave girl. KASSANDRA: People never say that to a lucky person, do they?” -“Agamemnon”, Aeschylus (trans. Anne Carson)
Steve’s always wanted to see Madrid: to have the chance to wander through Retiro Park; to explore the Museo del Prado and the Royal Palace and the Reina Sofía; maybe to light a candle at the Almudena Cathedral; to drink wine and eat tapas at all hours of the night and go dancing until the sun comes up, just once or twice.
Never in his entire life had he expected it might happen this way, though: a terrible memory ground into his brain; a scar the size of his fist knotted over his shoulder; his friends convinced he’s dead; his hair dyed dark; and a bodyguard next to him that’s pretending to be his new husband.
COFFEE AND COMICS by @mmouse15
Rating: Teen and up Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 23k Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Tags: coffee shop AU, modern AU, pre-serum Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes needs a hug Summary: A coffee shop AU that’s not about coffee, but about writing and life, and how a person’s value system influences the choices they make. It just so happens to (mostly) take place in a coffee shop.
ART by @izulkowa
Dreaming of Him by Loneliness_of_Evening
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 36K
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Mobster Bucky, Nanny Steve, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Modern AU
Summary: New York City hosts millions of different people living vastly different lives. Some people are nannies who dream of being artists, and some are mobsters who dream of being more than the big guys’ drivers. A chance meeting—rather a chance game of nose goes—brings these two people together, and a simple knock at the door becomes fate. But can fate avoid disaster? Or will they both be left alone with only dreams?
Art by @sundaecherries (NSFW)
Art by @happylaune
I Do (please say you want me) by ceeainthereforthat Ao3 / tumblr
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 84k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: No Powers Modern AU, Fake Engagement/Marriage, BDSM, RACK, CBT, TopDom Steve Rogers, BottomSub Bucky Barnes
Summary:  Steve Rogers wants to be President of the United States. That’s why Bucky should tell him no when Steve asks him out on a date…but he doesn’t, and the story about the son of former Vice President Joe Rogers and a high ticket BDSM dominant going out on the town is in the media days later. When Steve won’t throw Bucky under the bus to save his reputation–and his popularity ratings–they’re offered Plan B: Love at First Sight. A Whirlwind Courtship. A Fairytale Wedding, and an amicable divorce five years later.
Sure. That’s gonna work
.Say Goodnight and Go by gingertintedglasses
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Words:  26,586
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Boston snowpocalypse 2015, fluff, copywriter!Bucky, graphic designer!steve, panic attacks and past self-harm mentions, unexpectedly sharing space, pining, bisexual bucky barnes, sarah rogers and rebecca barnes are treasures, super background natasha/sharon that I want to expand in some one-shot follow ups at some point
Summary: Bucky and Steve work for SSR Marketing in Boston. It’s January 2015 and it’s starting to snow in Boston, faster than can be kept up with. Bucky ends up with few transport options to get home and Steve offers to let Bucky crash on his couch until the MBTA is running reliably again. Mutual pining, close quarters, some weather-related mishaps, and some well-timed meddling from a mischievous, well-meaning Sarah Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Rebecca Barnes, do their level best to help Steve and Bucky own up to their feelings. Lots of awkward flirting, second-guessing, coffee, snow, and a puppy.
Art by @whatasaur​  
Art by @comedicdrama​  
The Greatest Show on Earth by youngavengersfeels
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 25K
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Circus AU
Summary: When Steve’s mother dies he runs away to join a circus to escape the debt left behind. He finds himself part of something much larger than himself as he falls for an acrobat known only as the Winter Solider.
Art by Brooklyn-bisexual
Art by @buckybarnesbutt
That Would Be Enough by MarcellaBianca Tumblr
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 62K
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: AU: private school, AU: Teachers, Pining, Angst with a happy ending, Fluff and Smut, These Two Are Idiots, Brunch, Gym, Bucky Barnes Needs A Hug CW: Eating disorders, references to emotional and psychological abuse, and attempted dub-con sex
Summary: Bucky Barnes, a Columbia University graduate with a Masters Degree in Education, is in his fourth year of teaching AP US History at Shield Academy, a private school in the very heart of the Connecticut valley in the bucolic town of Barkstead. He also helps run the Russian Club with his colleague and best friend, Natasha Romanov. He’s got amazing friends, three nephews he adores, and a beautiful little apartment. The only thing Bucky would change about his life? His luck in love. It’s been two years since Bucky ended an emotionally abusive relationship and he’s just now starting to feel that his heart has healed enough to try dating again. Then, a new Art History and English teacher arrives with tattoos he doesn’t like talking about, a body like a Greek god, and some secrets of his own, and Bucky knows he’s done for. Cue pining, sass, and a TON of geeking out over Hamilton.
Art by alienswearsunglasses
Political Submissive by Samwise_baggins & Steve-Bucky-Stucky
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Word Count: 87,963
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes, Johnny Storm/ Thomas ‘TJ’ Hammond, Jack Benjamin/David Shepherd
Tags: BDSM, Graphic Sex, Prostitution, PTSD, Rape/Non-con, Abuse, Pre-Serum, Post-Serum
Summary:  Steve’s always struggled with owning a Submissive because of his size, and Bucky with his missing arm doesn’t have a lot of Dominant buyers/suitors. TJ, Bucky’s twin, would be a popular Submissive, though he’s never settled down, mostly one night stands. One night when attending an art show, the twins meet Steve and the world changes!
Artist: Colbaltmoony ( tumblr)
The Selection by worrisomeme
Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 20k Tags: Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage (kind of), panic attacks, PTSD, disabled Bucky, disabled Steve, tattoo artist Steve, writer Bucky
The Department of Spousal Selection. Anyone not married by age 25 gets a spouse assigned to them by the government. And it’s fine, really. The matches are almost always a perfect fit. Steve Rogers is a successful tattoo artist who’s about to have his world turned upside down when he’s matched with a one Bucky Barnes. As they navigate their new life together and learn to deal with each other’s baggage, will their match prove successful, or will their inner demons tear them apart?
[art] by @lasenbyphoenix
Modern Veteran AU
All or Nothing Days by Lacanthrope
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Words: 20K
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/ Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes & Wanda Maximoff
Tags: Amputee Bucky Barnes, War Vetran Bucky Barnes, Pre-serum Steve, Alternate Universe- No powers
Summary: Sleeping rough in a big city was a shitty way to live, but Bucky knew it was better than he deserved after what he had done. What he had been asked to do and then did. He didn’t deserve the neatly-packaged leftovers from Wanda, the girl who lived in the apartment building he slept outside of, or the smokes she always shared with him. Most of all, he definitely didn’t deserve Steve, the completely fearless volunteer at St. Benedict’s, looking at Bucky the way he did. But when Wanda goes missing and the cops don’t seem to be doing anything about it, Bucky goes stumbling into the dark underbelly of the city to find her. He also happens to stumble right into Steve, who sticks his nose right where it shouldn’t go and insists on helping Bucky get to the bottom of Wanda’s disappearance. All they have to do is survive stirring up the largest criminal organization in the city and all of the unsavoury characters who come with it.
Art by dire-situations
Getting to the Groot of the Problem by Werewolfinthetardis
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 32,798 Relationships: Bobby Drake/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Tags: Friends to Lovers, kid fic (kinda), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Angst, Explicit Language, Mentions/Depictions of various types of sex and foreplay, Modern Setting- No Powers AU, Amputee Veteran Bucky Barnes, Post-Serum Steve With life winding down new problems pop up, and Steve and Bucky are left struggling with their own personal demons. Steve is trying to figure out what being bisexual really means, while Bucky deals with depression, PTSD, and life with only one arm. Their friendship on the verge of collapse, their lives only get weirder when everyone’s favorite Guardian of the Galaxy, Baby Groot, ends up living in Steve’s apartment. Will the little hell-raiser help fix the problems or will he just create new ones? Amazing Art done by the incredible cancerousmonkey
Shelter from the Storm by ironmanspanties
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Words: 63k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Depression, Self-Esteem Issues, Minor Character Death, minor description of violence, PTSD, Slow Burn, Mention of infidelity (not Steve/Bucky), Alternate Universe - No Powers, Bucky’s arm Sucks, Mention of Child Abuse, Past Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Past Bucky Barnes/Jake Jensen
Summary: To lessen the pain from his wife’s betrayal, Steve Rogers is headed as far from his problems as he can get. Though he’d reached the Oregon coast, he still felt broken, empty, and alone. When circumstances leave him stranded on the coast during a summer storm, he sought refuge with the local War vet, who was no haggard old man, but rather a handsome recluse with stormy past of his own. What was it about James Barnes that kept Steve from returning to wandering?
Art by laufcysons
You Belong in a Gallery by gr8escap tumblr
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Word count: 55K
Tags:  Modern AU, Artist Steve Rogers, skinny Steve, veteran amputee Bucky, PTSD, mention of past suicide ideation, mention of past drunken non-con, partial deafness/hoh steve
Summary:  Brooklyn gallery owner and successful comic artist Skinny!Steve Rogers has overcome a lot in his life. He just hasn’t figured out the dating scene. Veteran!Bucky Barnes returned home from Afghanistan minus an arm, but after a rough patch, he has goals to become a graphic designer and even a video game developer. He just has to get through his temporary work as a construction worker so he can get back to school. The pair meets and works to overcome their personal struggles at the same time exploring whatever this is between them that’s moving so fast.
Art 1; Art 2; (& header) by @linguastrata
Neighbours AU
i wish i knew you when i was young by bagels-and-seagulls AO3
Rating: G
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 21k
Relationships: Steve Rogers / Bucky Barnes
Tags: Art History Professor Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Kebab the therapy dog, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Slow Build
“You can pet her. I mean, if you want to that is. I’m not, like, demanding that you pet my dog or anything. I’m just saying that you can, if you want. I know that the, uh, vest says not to, but, like, it’s okay, if I say it’s okay. Which I do, so you can, if you want…” What the fuck, Steve? Does your brain to mouth filter really suck that much?
Bucky blinked at him slightly before scrunching his nose up slightly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
or the one where Steve doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut around his new neighbor and his dog thinks it’s hilarious
Art by starlingzinc
To Have or Have Not by blue_pointer on ao3
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 56k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky, Bucky/Falsworth, Steve/Peggy, Steve/Bucky/Falsworth, Steve/Bucky/Peggy, Peggy/Falsworth, Bucky/Tony (poly)
Tags: Boy Next Door, Infidelity, Romance, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Pregnancy, threesomes, Stucky dads, First Times
Summary: Having a little crush on your hunky new neighbor is totally harmless…unless that hunk has set his sights on you. Fidelity is easy when Steve Rogers isn’t doing his best to seduce you.The second Steve sets eyes on Bucky, he knows he’s the one. Peggy’s left it up to him to choose the father of their child. Now how to break it to him…Bucky believes that cheating is wrong. When he discovers love isn’t limited to the confines of a single relationship, can he accept what his heart is telling him?
Art #1 by @drowningbydegrees (NSFW)
Art #2 by @drowningbydegrees (NSFW)
Anything But Circumstance by Crave
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Words: 20k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Other Character(s) (minor)
Tags: Science Fiction, Action, Space Opera, Alternate Universe - Space, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Humor, Aliens, Identity Porn, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Implied/Referenced Torture, Panic Attacks, Nightmares, so much sass, IN SPACE!
“You are talking to me,” the voice said.
“And who are you?”
There was a pause. “It is probably best if I show you,” the voice said.
One of the walls, the one Steve had been inspecting, began to slide up and up into the ceiling. Steve dashed forward, only to collide with the solid sheet of glass behind the wall. The glass didn’t break, even when Steve pounded it with his fists.
“No need to get hysterical,” the voice said. “Why not step back and admire the view?”
Art by shutupimcreating
The Saughteling by Claudia_flies and zilia
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Violence
Important Tags: Star Wars AU, explicit sexual content, past-trauma, references to torture, action adventure, psychic connections, dream sharing, epic lightsaber battles, angst, internalized homophobia, violating the Jedi code, accidental voyeurism, MCU Star Wars AU, Old Republic
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes and Steve Grant Rogers arrive at the Jedi Temple just over twelve months apart.
Many years later, a disillusioned Jedi Knight Steve Rogers returns to the Core Worlds at the summoning of the Jedi Council. Instead of following the will of the Council, Steve chooses a different path. His quest will lead Steve to confront a specter from his past and finally open himself up to the will of the Force
The most amazing art by @hopeless–geek here and @this-simple-mind here (NSFW) and here
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by OktaviaMiki (pandasubaru)
Archive Warnings: Choose Not To Use Warnings
Words: 39k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes (minor Sam Wilson & Natasha Romanoff)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Robot/Human Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, AvertedNonCon
Summary: Two years have passed since Bucky was honorably discharged from the army, and still he’s plagued by the scars and memories. While coping by means of drinking, he orders a persocom, a popular humanoid computer, who arrives (naked) the following morning and he names “Steve”. Bucky wants nothing to do with Steve at first, but because of Steve’s kind influence he begins to open up and his outlook on life changes for the better. Lines are blurred when Bucky realizes his feelings for Steve go beyond that of an owner and machine, feelings Steve might return
Art by @frau-argh
Art by @comedicdrama
Art by @10ftalice
Warhawk by Unicornologist
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 43k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Space AU, Stark Strek AU, canon typical violence, war of 1812 au, slow burn, swearing, enemies to lovers
Summary: Twelve years ago, the Terran Revolution ended. Nicky Fury swore an oath to himself and the known universe that he would never return to the empty void of space again. He vowed that he would rather be tried for treason than set foot on another warship. Yet somehow, all these years later, here he stands in front of his captain’s chair watching the endless black surge past his ship. He watched his crew readying for the battle to come; he could hear Rogers and Barnes bickering over strategy while Romanov and Stark readied the long range blaster cannons and checked the shields. “The universe has a sick sense of humor.” He muttered to himself with a sigh.
Art by @sundaecherries (Hannah)
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