#fin playing persona 5
erengayer · 2 years
Finally continue to play P5R and im struggling to remember what I did
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dazaisonlyhusband · 2 years
Jade/Dazai’s Only Husband.
- ; Pansexual (She/They) Libra, Born September, 28th or 9/28 ; -
Hobbies: Drawing, Watching Anime, and being useless.
Names you can call me: Jade, Husband.
(Husband is weird, but I think calling me dazai would be weirder LMFAO.)
Games I Play: Persona 5, Ai: The Somnium Files, Ace Attorney.(And I guess Genshin)
What I’ll post about: Bungo Stray Dogs, and just anime in general.
A question i’m gonna answer right now so i’ll never have to answer it in the future, I’m using the term Husband because i’m unsure of my gender. I’m okay with feminine terms, like “you’re pretty” and stuff, but I don’t really know; I like the term husband more.
Dazai’s my baby girl.
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lake-archive · 3 months
Scene 24
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Anja / Luka (OC) (mentioned), Ann Takamaki, Ryuuji Sakamoto, Morgana, Protagonist, Yuusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima
Scene 23 - Masterlist - Scene 25
This chapter deals with the following topic(s):
Suicidal Thoughts
Suicide Attempt
‘��Bye everyone
You’re wondering where I am? I think you know the answer by now.
It’s as they say… I’m just some weirdo. Don’t play sad, I know that none of you will miss me. After all, I was just the weirdo crossdresser in your life. But that is no more. You’re free from my presence. You’re laughing, aren’t you? Yeah, that’s what I thought… But I will no longer have to hear it. There’s no need to pretend to pity me. It’s fine. Just laugh like everyone else.
As for you Mom… Sorry for having been a burden. I’ll be gone. And tell Ole that I love him still. I’ll greet Dad for you two.
Anja ’
The note had been carried around… She had dropped it. Yeah, it had to be her. This was signed with her name on it. This note… Combined with her having stepped closer and closer to the rails, even if slowly… It said all that it had to say, didn’t it? This was a suicide note. Wasn’t it?
Of course Ann had not known Anja that well yet it would add up. The signs were there, enough to come to this conclusion. Honestly all you had to do was put two and two together and you would get your answer. It was obvious, screaming right into your face. No matter how one would try covering it up… It was all too obvious in the end.
“I was too lost in thought again, wasn’t I? But this time it could’ve cost me my life, right? I’m more than aware. Sorry, I shouldn't have made you all worried. I will watch out next time.”
This was on purpose, wasn’t it?
Looking at the note made Ann almost sick. It would all come back to her, the image of Shiho jumping down from the rooftop… With her unable to do anything about it, only being able to watch. Maybe that is why she had a sense of urgency that time and her hunch would only be confirmed. At least she could do something about it that time but right after? These thoughts didn’t just disappear from one moment to the next. That didn’t sound plausible nor was it really plausible. Because if it was that easy then— 
“Ann? Ey Ann, you listenin’!?” A voice would get her out of her thoughts, making the blonde nearly fall over and drop the note in her hands. Right, back to the present… School had been over by then and the group was meeting at their current hideout – The Teikyu Building Accessway. Though one could only wonder for how long they could still keep being around there without drawing too much attention… 
That aside however Ann noticed the stares at her. First was Ryuuji who had been looking a tad bit annoyed at her by now, as if… Waiting for something? Though it was not just him who showed a little impatience. When looking over she could also see Yuusuke and Makoto looking at her, as if waiting for something. Not just that but Morgana had peeked at her as well, the cat looking perhaps the most concerned. And then there was also of course their leader of the entire group, though his face was hard to read. But he had been looking at her all the same, just like the others.
“Is something the matter?” Yuusuke asked in his usual calm voice. It was hard to tell what he was thinking yet if he asked he must be concerned at the very least. And it was not just him.
“Ann, is something on your mind?” Makoto would bring up. “If there is, it would be best to bring it up now so we can go back focusing on our next target.”
“Lady Ann… What is troubling you? Can I help?” Was Morgana’s only response. 
Ann looked at all of them, her face perhaps showcasing how nervous she was right now… She didn’t know how to explain this after all! Or she did… But that she had spaced out when discussing the next target… A potential next tar— Wait a minute!
“Ah— W… Well… You could say that there… Is something…” She said, stuttering for a moment, as if trying to find her words. That was until the raven haired male suddenly brought up the note in her hands which was nearly crumbled by now… Given that she was so close to tear it to shreds when reading through it. Something about it made her angry. It wasn’t anger directed at the author of the note but rather… Whoever had pushed her to go this far. But she had to shove that aside for a short moment, at least until she explained herself. “W… Well…”
“Meow!? I… Is that a— L… Lady Ann!” Morgana was about to faint, or so he looked like. His wide, blue eyes were at the brink of becoming empty at least. 
“A note from some guy?” Ryuji would ask, a little skeptical. Yet Ann shook her head quickly, having an idea what they were assuming at the very least. 
“No! It’s not that!” She almost yelled yet held herself somewhat back. They couldn’t tell after all…
“It has to be a pressing issue.” Yuusuke brought up which was met with a quick nod from Makoto.
“Yes. Please tell us. What’s going on?”
And that is where Ann had to open up about it. Not that she was unwilling to of course. This was something she just had been concerned about for some time now, longer than she would like to admit. So she told the group everything – From seeing Anja walk towards the train to nearly jumping to her death, only to downplay it moments later after Ann was about to scold her for it.
“And when she had left there was… This note from her pocket.” The blonde had finished as the others read through the note, reactions varying. Makoto was speechless, to say the least. She caught on right away yet perhaps did not dare to say it out loud right away.
“Ok what bastard is behind this!?” Ryuji would yell, then seeming to kick the air for a second. “If I get my hands on ‘em—!”
“Calm down! This won’t change anything!” Morgana interrupted before this could escalate. “Has this note been bothering you Lady Ann?”
“W… Well… It’s been on my mind for a while…” She responded, trying to be careful with her wording here. “After all… This… I can’t just sit idle and do nothing you know.”
“I understand… Given what your friend has been through…”
“It doesn’t sound like a high profile target however.” Yuusuke threw in, seeming to consider for a moment there. Only to get some protest shortly after.
“Dude! We can’t just sit here! We gotta do somethin’! Hey, how ‘bout we hit Mementos right away and—”
“We would first need to find who is responsible for this, wouldn’t we?” Makoto threw in, interrupting Ryuji pretty much right away. “And we do not have a target. Unless you know more Ann?”
“That— Well, that’s the thing… I don’t know much more than that.” She responded, saying the words only pained her more and more. “I did just meet her.”
“Hmm… That does seem tricky. But we cannot leave someone in need. And if Lady Ann wants to help, then we should do our best too!” Morgana said, probably with the utmost confidence at that point. Or so his cat grin suggested. Though it would only earn him a scoff.
“You’re just sayin’ that ‘cuz Ann’s worried…”
“N… No! I… It’s our duty to help the people too, remember!?”
The leader would chime in, saying that even he understood the concerns. And yet there was not much anyone could do if they didn’t have a direct target in mind. But at least… Maybe they could look into it. Or perhaps a miracle could happen before they knew it…
In the end everyone at least sort of agreed to help yet it was also important to search for a bigger target. And yet this could be time sensitive… No one should have to suffer like that… Ann had to figure out what was going on.
Doing this for a stranger was perhaps weird for most but she knew how it feels like being so close to lose a friend… So, before it is too late… She needs to figure out who has been the root for all of this. Maybe Anja was not the only one in this predicament thanks to whoever made her feel like that.
Scene 23 - Masterlist - Scene 25
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lo-frequency · 3 years
Amajiki Tamaki x Chubby!Fem Reader
I know I have plenty of requests to work on rn (I'll get to y'all, don't worry!), but I recently came back from a vacation and was inspired to write this. So, please enjoy 💕
A Day at the Beach
-The great Suneater has always kept his inner circle small. Despite being a well respected and admired hero, very few knew him beyond his aloof public persona. Except you, you were an unexpected exception.
-Introducing himself to you was a feat in itself. He first discovered you at the seafood restaurant he frequented; you were so lovely he couldn’t help but take notice. He imagined what it would be like to approach you, as suave and casual as Mirio, and introduce himself. He would charm you with compliments and knowledge of the restaurant (you were a new customer, after all), and once you’d finished your meal, you’d leave him with your number written on a napkin, just like the romance movies.
-Instead, he could only listen to the lively conversation you were having with your friend on the phone and sulk at his missed opportunity. So, imagine his surprise when you were there again the next week. Maybe he was staring too hard this time, but he jumped when you two accidentally made eye contact...in at least what he thought was a coincidental glance. After catching your pretty eyes darting away from him for the third time, he realized you were probably...interested.
-It took two weeks of the eye contact game for him to even work up the courage to wave at you when you walked in. A whole month of mumbled greetings, and finally, he progressed past small talk to having a full conversation with you.
-Your relationship with Tamaki was the epitome of slow-burn, and it simmered warm and sweet between the two of you well after becoming official.
-Despite knowing you for so long, he still got flustered when talking to you and struggled to maintain eye contact, especially when you were smiling.
-The truth is, Tamaki couldn’t help himself. Your beauty made him nervous. He was a total sucker for you, from the sound of your laugh to the sway of your full hips. He knew you had your own insecurities, and while he understood the feeling, it fascinated him that someone could be so attractive and not even realize it...though, maybe it was better that way, otherwise you’d probably fluster him to death.
-For your first trip together, you decided to go to the beach. You were thrilled, of course, but a little apprehensive about wearing a swimsuit in front of Tamaki for the first time. So when you pulled your sundress over your head, you carefully watched his reaction.
-His eyes drifted over the way your body filled out your swimsuit before glancing away, feeling a little awkward at your intense gaze. You were totally hot tho, from what he saw. Too bad he was too shy to say so...but no worries, you got all the answers you needed from his pink tinged ears and that little wobbly smile he does when he’s flustered.
-You asked him to get the sunscreen out of your bag, and he fully expected you to ask him to rub some on your back. He was eager to oblige, reaching into the bag to pull out the bottle of...spray-on sunscreen. His shoulders dropped in disappointment, but he sprayed your back for you, anyway.
-As soon as you were ready, you rushed off toward the water, eager to cool your warm skin. Tamaki watched you with a small smile on his face. You were radiant in the sun, and the way your skin shone and eyes glimmered in the light filled him with adoration. He chest ached watching you play in the water, he was so glad you were already his.
-After goofing around with him for a couple hours (you kept begging him to grow a shark fin and pretend he was a shark as a prank, but he refused every time), you two decided to get something to eat.
-One of the pluses of your relationship is that y’all are always eating good. You don’t have to hold back with Tamaki, he’ll be smacking right there with you! With his appetite, you can’t help but wonder where it all goes. The boy never turns down a meal. He tries to act all shy about accepting food, so you’re better off just giving it to him and he’ll ‘reluctantly’ take it. Come back in 5 minutes and the whole thing will be gone, tho.
-Ugh, and imagine going to the boardwalk with him at night and riding the ferris wheel!
-If you’re scared of heights, he’ll try to make you feel better (and accidentally embarrass himself with how sweet he’s being). “It’s alright, Y/n,” he says in his deep, gentle voice, scooting closer to you, “If, if the view makes you nervous, just look at me.” It took him a second to realize how embarrassing that sounded, and the instant he did, he ducked his head and looked away.
-You grinned at his comforting words and slowly leaned over to hug him, pressing your plump cheek against his in a delicate embrace so the car wouldn’t shake too much. “In that case, I’ll look at you the whole time,” you mumble against the softness of his cheek.
-You feel his arms settle over your plush figure, and the rise of his cheeks into a small smile of his own. “Okay,” is all he whispers back, pulling you against him as he watches the city lights far below the ferris wheel.
(Was that pinch on your butt an actual crab or...? 😏 ok, sry lmaoo) Anyway, thanks for tuning in! I'll be back with your requests soon :)
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Fin or Bin- Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)
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I technically have played this before- around 20 years ago. As a teen, I found it dingy and boring, and as my friend group grew up and became edgelords who desperately wanted to be Cloud or Sephiroth, I came to hate what everyone thought is the crown jewel of the series. Ultimately, I ended up selling my copy of the game for £5 and a copy of PS2 game The Bouncer, which you may take as proof positive that kids are idiots.
It wasn’t for the want of trying- I played all the way up to the interminably awful ice cave section where you have to run through a bleak frozen wilderness with nothing in it and music designed to injure you personally, and then the boss OHKOs you. It was at that point that I decided I was done with the game, and “actually, FF7 sucks” became my personality for about 5 years hence.
But! Now I am much older, and a little wiser, and it’s time to revisit the game with fresh eyes. Having long retired from endless circular arguments about “which is the best/worst FF”, “which female character is the most attractive”, and “could Gordon Freeman beat Master Chief in a fight?”, I gave it the hour.
I feel like an hour wasn’t long enough to really judge it fairly, with the opening scenes taking about that long to get through before you really get turned loose. I do feel like I understand it a lot better with adult eyes; the story of economic oppression and stark environmentalism hits a lot closer to home after you’ve survived your punk phase, and given the role of the protagonists during the opening, I think if it had been created five years later than it was, it would never have seen the light of day.
That said, I know a lot of spoilers about the main character now, and while I find his edgelord persona insufferable, I know now that it is a persona, and the game is doing some very interesting psychological stuff with that. I feel like my friends back in the day missed a lot of nuance when modelling themselves on him, and I in turn missed a lot when judging him thus. 
Fin or Bin:
I have since played up to and past the ice caves which thwarted me all those years ago. (It’s still an awful dungeon, but given what story events it follows from maybe that was deliberate.) The rest of the game though- I’m actually having a good time with it. The materia system is interesting to play around with and the story is resonating far better than it did back then. There are some surprisingly effective horror sequences too, with clever use of camera angles and low-poly models that feel ahead of its time. Playing more than one hour automatically qualifies it as a Fin, but I am going to play it through to the end regardless; I want to find out what I was missing.
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eldiariodelarry · 4 years
Clases de Seducción, parte 29: Empatía
Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3, Parte 4, Parte 5, Parte 6, Parte 7, Parte 8, Parte 9, Parte 10, Parte 11, Parte 12, Parte 13, Parte 14, Parte 15, Parte 16, Parte 17, Parte 18, Parte 19, Parte 20, Parte 21, Parte 22, Parte 23, Parte 24, Parte 25, Parte 26; Parte 27, Parte 28.
Rubén se devolvió a su habitación y se tiró sobre la cama, con la cara hundida en la almohada.
¿Había sido muy poco razonable?, ¿acaso Felipe tenía razón y estaba actuando de forma tóxica?
No sentía que su punto de vista era descabellado, e incluso, de alguna forma se sintió orgulloso de al fin decir lo que realmente sentía, pero al pasar los minutos, y mientras más vueltas le daba a la discusión en su mente, las dudas comenzaron a surgir.
“Quizás no debí insistir en que dejara de ver a Alan”, pensó. “Igual es una actitud tóxica decirle con quién debe juntarse y con quien no”.
“Al menos va a dejar de verlo, aunque diga que no es por mi”.
Estuvo por al menos una hora recostado, pensando, hasta que por fin se levantó solamente para salir a la cocina a buscar el teléfono fijo. Marcó el celular de Catalina (ya que él no tenía saldo en su celular), y se devolvió a su cama, estirando al máximo el cable del auricular.
—¿Crees que tiene razón en lo que dice? —le preguntó Rubén a su amiga después de contarle los pormenores de la discusión.
—Sí, igual tiene algo de razón Felipe —respondió Catalina después de pensarlo unos segundos—. Está feo eso de que le digas con quienes puede o no puede juntarse…
—Pero Cata, ¡es su ex! —insistió Rubén.
—Si sé, Rube, pero aunque sea su ex, sigue siendo su amigo de la infancia, y creo que no corresponde que le exijas que no lo vea nunca más. Yo entiendo que te den celos —agregó rápidamente, al escuchar que Rubén tomaba aire para responder—. Te entiendo, y sé que te duele que le siga teniendo aprecio, a pesar de que ya no son pareja, pero no por eso tienes que ponerte así. Yo sé que es difícil, sobre todo para ti, que es tu primera relación de pareja, y con el Felipe más encima, que se nota que tiene un poco más clara la película.
—O sea, yo soy el ahueonao…
—No es eso, Rube. Mira, creo que es bueno que le hayas expresado cómo te sentías realmente, pero creo también que es necesario que se sienten a conversar con calma, y que se escuchen, porque me da la impresión, por lo que me contaste, que no lograron conversar bien, no lograste que él entendiera cómo realmente te sentías, y tú tampoco lo entendiste a él.
Rubén se quedó en silencio por varios segundos, analizando las palabras de su amiga.
—¿Crees que la cagué y ya no quiera nada conmigo? —Rubén sintió cierta preocupación, al darse cuenta que probablemente había metido la pata.
—No creo —lo tranquilizó Catalina—. Según tú, dijo que hablarían cuando estuvieras más tranquilo, ¿o no?
—Más maduro —la corrigió—, si, algo así dijo.
—¿Viste?, no te preocupes por eso, Rube. Date el tiempo de conversar con él, con calma. Que ambos se pongan en los zapatos del otro. Al final eso creo yo que es el propósito de una relación.
Rubén se quedó nuevamente en silencio, asimilando las palabras de su amiga.
—¿Crees que deba ir a su casa ahora a conversar con él? —le preguntó Rubén.
—No lo sé, eso lo decides tú. Si quieres puedes venir conmigo y Marco al museo, para que te distraigas.
—¿Ahora? —Rubén no tenía muchas ganas de salir. Sentía que la discusión lo había agotado físicamente.
—Si, ahora —respondió Catalina, con una risita.
Rubén miró la hora en el reloj despertador que tenía en el velador.
—Pero Cata, son las seis y media, ¿crees que esté abierto cuando lleguen?
—Obviamente va a estar cerrado —se rió ella—, pero según Marco él siempre va al museo a esta hora.
—Es tan mentiroso ese hueón —murmuró Rubén, riendo internamente—. Lo dijo solo para impresionarte.
Catalina soltó una carcajada.
—Lo sé. Quiero ver su cara cuando vea que está cerrado —comentó ella.
—Sácale una foto —le pidió Rubén—. ¿Y qué harán entonces?
—No sé, lo que se nos ocurra. Ven, lo pasaremos bien.
—No, no quiero tocar el violín, menos ahora —respondió simplemente Rubén.
—¿Seguro? —insistió Catalina.
—Si, vayan ustedes nomas. Eso si, me avisas cualquier cosa, ¿ya?
—Obvio, Rube —lo tranquilizó ella, sabiendo a qué se refería.
—Y oye, no hagas sufrir mucho a Marco. No te aproveches de su inocencia —bromeó Rubén.
—Eso jamás —se rió Catalina, y luego de despedirse, colgó la llamada.
Rubén se levantó nuevamente de la cama y devolvió el teléfono a la cocina, justo cuando su padre volvía a la casa, acompañado de Sebastian, quien le ayudaba a cargar una caja con herramientas.
—¿Acaso saqueaste el taller? —le preguntó Rubén en broma a su padre.
—No, solo se las pedí prestadas a mi jefe para poder hacerle unos arreglos al Aska —respondió su padre—. Me encontré con el Seba cuando venía llegando y se ofreció a ayudarme.
Rubén ya estaba saludando a su mejor amigo con un choque de puños.
—Genial —dijo Rubén con una sonrisa en el rostro—. ¿Vas a quedarte a tomar once? —le ofreció a su amigo.
—Mi viejo quería mostrarme algo del servicio ahora —contestó Sebastian.
—Porfa —insistió Rubén—, quédate.
Rubén miró a los ojos a su amigo, y éste simplemente respondió con su hermosa sonrisa.
—Solo si te sacas un partido en el Fifa —Sebastian puso sus condiciones.
—Trato hecho —aceptó Rubén.
—Muy bien muchachos, vayan a jugar mientras preparo la once —les indicó el padre de Rubén, y los dos amigos se fueron al dormitorio.
Sebastián se sentó en la mitad de la cama, con la espalda apoyada en la pared mientras Rubén encendía la consola.
—¿Qué pasó Rube?, ¿por qué tanta urgencia con que me quede? —le preguntó Sebastian.
Rubén puso el disco del videojuego en la consola, y se sentó al lado de su amigo, entregándole un joystick. Ambos estaban apoyados en la pared, lado a lado. Rubén miraba a la pantalla del televisor, pero estaba seguro que Sebastian lo estaba mirando a él.
—No sé, no quería estar solo —respondió simplemente, haciéndose el tonto.
—¿Hablaste con Felipe? —adivinó Sebastian.
Rubén simplemente asintió, mientras escogía el uniforme de su equipo. Luego fue el turno de Sebastian.
—¿Y en qué quedaron? —inquirió.
Rubén le contó toda la discusión con Felipe, sin pausar en ningún momento el juego. Sabía que no estaba concentrado al cien porciento, pero aun así, Sebastian no se aprovechaba de eso (al parecer él tampoco estaba muy enfocado en el juego).
Por alguna razón, sentía que esa era la forma menos incómoda de contarle a su amigo cualquier cosa relacionada con Felipe, casi como cuando en las películas veía que en las citas con el psicólogo el paciente se recostaba y hablaba mirando el techo. Como si hablarle a la “nada” fuera más fácil que abrir tu corazón mirando a alguien a los ojos.
—La Cata me dijo hace un rato que tenía que volver a hablar con él, pero con más calma —concluyó Rubén—, ¿qué crees tu?
—La Cata es una mina inteligente, deberías hacerle caso —respondió Sebastian.
—Si sé que es inteligente, pero quiero saber qué opinas tu —Rubén le puso pausa al juego y miró a su amigo a los ojos.
Sebastian soltó una risita nerviosa, como si la mirada de Rubén lo hubiese desnudado.
—Yo creo que deberías hacer lo que tu corazón te diga —respondió muy lentamente Sebastian, como intentando escoger cuidadosamente sus palabras.
—¿Qué se supone que significa eso? —Rubén se rió, y Sebastian se sonrojó por un momento.
—A lo que me refiero es que, debes hacer lo que sientas que te haga feliz —respondió su amigo—. ¿Sientes que eres feliz estando con Felipe?
Rubén desvió la mirada hacia sus audífonos que estaban hechos un enredo de cables sobre el velador y respondió de inmediato:
—Si —volvió a mirar a los ojos a Sebastian un segundo después de responder, y luego volvió a desviar la mirada.
Un silencio incómodo se instaló entre los dos por unos segundos.
—Entonces si —dijo finalmente Sebastian—, creo que debes hacerle caso a la Cata y hablar con él. Si estar con él realmente te hace feliz. O sino después te vas a arrepentir de haber dejado pasar esa oportunidad de arreglar las cosas.
—Tienes razón —coincidió Rubén, y volvió a darle play al juego.
Se acomodó un poco sobre la cama y apoyó su cabeza en el hombro de su amigo. Luego Sebastian apoyó la suya en la cabeza de Rubén, y siguieron jugando por largo rato hasta que la once estuvo lista.
 El día lunes durante la tarde Rubén fue a la casa de Roberto para poder conversar con Felipe, ya más calmadamente.
En todo ese tiempo, no volvieron a hablar, ni por teléfono, ni por MSN, y mucho menos en persona.
Rubén estaba nervioso, pensando incluso en que Felipe no iba a querer hablar con él, y que no lo dejaría incluso entrar a la casa.
Se bajó de la micro y caminó por la vereda hasta llegar a la casa de Roberto. Gritó “Aló” para hacer notar su presencia, y el dueño de casa salió a abrirle la reja.
—Hola Rube —lo saludó Roberto, con su amabilidad característica, y le dio un fuerte abrazo—, ¿Cómo estás?
—Bien, ¿y tú? —Rubén estaba aliviado por el buen recibimiento.
—Bien, cagao de calor nomas —respondió Roberto, sacudiéndose la musculosa para ventilar su torso—. Pasa —le indicó, para que entrara a la casa.
Rubén saludó a los padres y el hermano pequeño de Roberto, que estaban sentados en el living viendo una película de Disney.
—El Pipe está en el patio, por si acaso —le informó Roberto.
Rubén se puso nervioso al escuchar a Roberto nombrar a su pololo, como si hubiera sido sorprendido en las reales intenciones de su visita, como si no fuera obvio desde el inicio.
—¿Quieres algo para tomar? —le ofreció Roberto, dirigiéndose a la cocina.
—No, gracias, voy a —Rubén hizo un gesto indicando que iría a hablar con Felipe en el patio, y Roberto entendió sin agregar nada más.
Rubén salió al patio por la puerta de la cocina, y vio a Felipe que golpeaba el saco de boxeo con fuerza. Estaba solo con un short negro y una gorra azul con la visera hacia atrás. Cuando vio que Rubén se acercaba, le dio dos golpes finales al saco, y luego tomó su polera, que estaba sobre una silla cercana, y la usó para secarse el sudor de la cara.
—¿Cómo estás, Rubén? —le preguntó con seriedad Felipe, mirándolo a los ojos.
—Bien, yo —respondió Rubén, nervioso y atropellando las palabras en su boca—, venía a conversar…
Felipe se quedó mirándolo, esperando que comenzara a hablar. Respiraba agitadamente, y con las manos apoyadas en la cintura. A Rubén le parecía intimidante su actitud.
—Estoy así porque estoy cansado —aclaró Felipe, casi como si leyera la mente de Rubén—, no porque te quiera intimidar.
Rubén sonrió aliviado, y notó un esbozo de sonrisa en el rostro serio de Felipe.
—Quería conversar por lo del otro día —comenzó a decir Rubén, acercándose lentamente a Felipe—, quería pedirte perdón por ser tan inmaduro…
—No creo que seas inmaduro —lo interrumpió Felipe con su voz ronca, mientras tomaba su celular y una botella con agua de la mesita de terraza—. Vamos a conversar arriba —le indicó a Rubén, dejando en pausa la conversación.
Rubén le hizo caso, y lo siguió escaleras arriba, mirando atentamente su ancha espalda sudada.
—Tú me dijiste que era inmaduro, el otro día —le recordó Rubén, retomando la conversación, una vez Felipe cerró la puerta del dormitorio.
Felipe le indicó a Rubén que se sentara en su cama, mientras él acercó la silla del escritorio y se sentó en ella, frente a él.
—Si, lo sé. Y si, encuentro que fuiste inmaduro ese día —reconoció Felipe—. Lo que quiero decir, es que no creo que la inmadurez sea el problema. O sea, somos pendejos, apenas somos adultos. Yo tengo 18, tu ni siquiera eres mayor de edad aún. Somos inmaduros porque no sabemos nada de la vida.
¿Eso era una disculpa por parte de Felipe?
—¿O sea que tampoco crees que soy tóxico? —quiso aclarar Rubén, confundido.
—Eso es otra cosa, Rubén. Sí fuiste tóxico —recalcó Felipe, y Rubén bajó la mirada avergonzado—. Pero oye, creo que va de la mano con lo que dije recién —le dio un golpecito en la rodilla—. Somos pendejos, y sobre todo tu, estás recién experimentando lo que es estar en una relación de pareja. Estás recién aprendiendo lo que está bien dar y pedir de tu pareja. Y esa es una de las tantas cosas que me gustan de ti, que eres inocente en ese sentido, no estás “contaminado” por decirlo de alguna forma.
Los ojos de Rubén se le llenaron de lágrimas, y se sintió estúpido por eso. Levantó la vista, y aunque borrosa, pudo ver la sonrisa inclinada hacia la izquierda de Felipe.
—No digo que yo sea alguien tan experimentado, o algo por el estilo —aclaró Felipe—, pero sí he pasado por más cosas que tú, y quizás eso me da otra perspectiva de ver las cosas, no sé.
Felipe extendió su mano para tomar la de Rubén, y entrelazó sus dedos con los de él.
—Te ofrezco disculpas por haberte lastimado con mis actitudes —buscó la mirada de Rubén—, y por no haber sido más empático contigo. Parezco disco rayado, pidiendo perdón tan seguido, creo que no es una buena señal en una relación que está recién empezando —bromeó—. Entiendo lo mucho que te dolió toda la situación con Alan, y bueno, ya te dije que no lo volveré a ver —Rubén mantenía la mirada gacha—. A veces no me doy cuenta cuánto puede llegar a afectar a los demás mis actitudes. Y lo peor es ver que te afectan, y cómo te afectan a ti, que eres la persona que más me importa en este momento.
—Yo igual te quería pedir perdón, Felipe, por lo del otro día —dijo Rubén por fin, después de escuchar casi en completo silencio lo que decía su pololo—. No te lo voy a negar, aún siento celos cuando recuerdo todo lo que pasó con Alan, incluso ahora que lo nombraste sentí… algo. No sé qué, pero no te voy a mentir y decir que está superado —Rubén miraba a Felipe a los ojos, quien lo escuchaba atento y asentía cada par de segundos—. Quizás el hecho que me hayas dicho el otro día que ya no lo verías más me dejó algo más tranquilo, e incluso me hizo sentir algo de culpa…
—Ya te dije que no —lo interrumpió Felipe, con calma.
—Si sé. No me refería a esa culpa, sino a que quizás fui muy duro contigo.
—No fuiste duro conmigo, Rubén.
Rubén dio un suspiro.
—A lo que me refiero es que, independiente la razón, el hecho de que me hayas dicho que no lo verías más, quizás me hizo llegar a esta calma más rápido. No sé, solo estoy suponiendo, nunca había pasado por esto —Rubén bajó la mirada y notó que sus manos temblaban. Dio un largo suspiro para ordenar sus ideas en la mente, y luego continuó—. A pesar de que aún siento celos hacia él, y estaba furioso porque no me entendías ese día, creo que me equivoqué el otro día al exigirte que dejaras de verlo.
—Te entiendo, Rubén —confirmó Felipe—. El otro día igual creo que te entendí, pero me puse a la defensiva al verte tan… afectado, y por eso no llegamos a buen puerto.
—Estaba enojado —dijo Rubén, soltando un par de lágrimas.
—Me di cuenta —se rió Felipe, secándole las lágrimas de las mejillas con sus pulgares.
—No quiero excusarme en que es mi primera relación, y que hay muchas cosas que no sé, porque creo que hay cosas que sí debería saberlas…
—No, Rubén —lo interrumpió Felipe nuevamente—. Son cosas que vamos aprendiendo a medida que vamos creciendo. Ahora ya aprendiste esto, y no lo vas a volver a repetir a futuro; así como yo aprendí que no puedo pretender que mantener una amistad con mi ex no va a afectarte a ti o a nuestra relación.
Rubén asintió, sonriendo tímidamente, frente a Felipe que lo miraba serio, pero con un brillo especial en sus ojos.
—Ahora, ¿te puedo besar para sellar nuestra reconciliación? —le preguntó Felipe, sonriendo al fin, y Rubén simplemente asintió.
Felipe no esperó mayor respuesta y se abalanzó sobre Rubén para darle un largo beso apasionado, demostrando todos los días que llevaba esperando hacerlo. Rubén casi perdió el equilibrio y puso su brazo izquierdo en la espalda de Felipe, que seguía húmeda, y luego lo rodeó con ambos brazos, mientras su pololo lo acomodaba para recostarlo en la cama.
Felipe apoyó sus manos sobre la cama, a cada lado de los hombros de Rubén, y lo miró sonriendo, recorriendo con su mirada cada centímetro de su rostro, como si fuera lo más bello que había visto en su vida. Rubén le sonrió de vuelta, encantado de poder ver nuevamente de esa forma a su pololo.
—Extrañé esto —comentó Rubén.
—Yo también —coincidió Felipe—. Te extrañé.
Felipe se acercó nuevamente a besar a Rubén en los labios, pero esta vez lo hizo con aún mayor pasión que la vez anterior, y comenzó a mover su cuerpo, frotando su pelvis contra la de Rubén, quien como acto reflejo deslizó sus manos por debajo del short de Felipe, sintiendo el calor y la humedad de su cuerpo recién entrenado.
Rubén le quitó el short y la ropa interior a Felipe, y éste hizo lo mismo con Rubén, quedando ambos completamente desnudos. Acto seguido, Felipe recorrió con su boca cada centímetro del cuerpo de Rubén, y luego le hizo el amor con una mezcla exquisita de fuerza, delicadeza y pasión.
Ambos se recostaron en la cama, agotados después de largos minutos de intensidad. Se miraban frente a frente, completamente desnudos.
—¿Qué pasa si alguien entra? —le preguntó Rubén a Felipe, volteándose a mirar la puerta para asegurarse que tuviera puesto el seguro, aunque no recordaba hacia qué lado tenía que estar orientada la línea del pestillo.
—Que entren, da lo mismo —respondió con displicencia Felipe.
—Claro, como a ti no te van a ver el culo —respondió Rubén, riéndose.
—Déjalos que lo vean —insistió Felipe—. Que el mundo vea ese poto hermoso que tienes —le dijo a la vez que le daba un apretón al glúteo derecho de Rubén con su mano izquierda.
Rubén se sonrojó con las palabras de Felipe. A veces sentía que como era su pololo, era esperable que dijera esos comentarios, pero aun así, aumentaba mucho su seguridad y autoestima. Le gustaba sentirse lindo y atractivo.
—Aunque bueno, si insistes tanto —continuó Felipe, acercando su cuerpo al de Rubén, y luego lo tomó entre sus brazos para cambiar de posiciones.
Ahora Felipe le daba la espalda a la puerta, y Rubén quedó mirando la pared, siendo abrazado por Felipe.
—Que fome tener que estar preocupado de que no entre nadie a la pieza —comentó Rubén, acomodándose entre los brazos de Felipe—. No poder sentirnos cien porciento cómodos cuando lo hacemos.
—Yo me siento cómodo, ¿tu no? —Felipe frunció el ceño.
—No es eso, sabes que no me refiero a eso —Rubén acarició el brazo de su pololo.
—Igual podríamos ir a un motel algún día —ofreció Felipe.
—¿Y me dejarán entrar siendo menor de edad?
—Buen punto —Felipe se quedó pensando.
—Bueno, por ahora esto me parece bien —concluyó Rubén, volteándose para ver a Felipe a la cara—. Igual le da un toque de adrenalina el peligro a que nos pillen.
Felipe se rió.
—Bueno, cuando seamos adultos, los dos profesionales, tendremos nuestra casa para poder tirar donde queramos, sin preocuparnos que nos vaya a ver alguien.
—¿Tanto te proyectas conmigo? —Rubén se sonrojó.
—Si po, si no me sintiera cómodo proyectándome no te habría pedido pololeo —respondió con seguridad Felipe—. Aparte si no es como pareja, podemos vivir juntos como amigos.
—¿O sea seré tu Alan? —bromeó Rubén sin pensarlo, y temió que Felipe se lo tomara a mal.
—No, tonto —Felipe se rió. Rubén respiró aliviado—. Serás mi Rubén. Siempre serás mi Rubén.
—¿Y si terminas conmigo y conoces a otro Rubén?
—Serás “Rubén Primero”.
—Qué impersonal —Rubén fingió sentirse ofendido.
—Bueno, entonces serás “Rubén el guapo”.
—¿Y si el nuevo es más guapo que yo?
—Imposible —respondió hábilmente Felipe.
—¡No es imposible! —se rió Rubén—, debe haber miles de Rubén realmente hermosos.
—Lo dudo —insistió Felipe—. Aunque en ese caso, serías Rubén el simpático, o el inteligente, o el que se tapa la boca para reírse porque no sabe que su sonrisa es lo más bello que hay, o el que susurra mi nombre con tanta dulzura cuando estamos teniendo sexo que hace que me derrita…
Rubén se sonrojó con las palabras de Felipe, y éste se acercó a besarlo en los labios.
—No te conocía esa faceta tan cursi —le dijo Rubén, provocando que Felipe se sonrojara esta vez.
—Son cosas que siento, pero que normalmente no digo por lo mismo —contestó Felipe—. Roberto me dijo que fuera más expresivo contigo, que era muy frío y eso se veía feo después de lo de Alan —admitió.
Rubén se rió.
—Me gustas como eres —le dijo a Felipe, mirándolo a los ojos.
—¿Así?, ¿poco expresivo y todo? —preguntó Felipe sorprendido.
—Si —respondió de inmediato Rubén—. Así te conocí, así me conquistaste —se sonrojó al decir la última frase.
—¿Incluso después de lo que pasó en Hornitos? —Rubén pudo ver que Felipe se avergonzaba de mencionar el paseo.
—Sí, o sea, sí sentí que me dejaste de lado, pero creo que no tiene nada que ver con que seas más expresivo o no… —Rubén se dio cuenta que Felipe bajó la mirada, y hacía circulitos con el dedo índice en su pecho, como si se sintiera culpable por algo—. ¿Qué pasa?
—Es que aún me siento mal por haber dejado que te fueras solo esa noche —le dijo Felipe, arrepentido.
—Ya está, ya fue —lo tranquilizó Rubén.
—¿Y si te hubiera pasado algo? —insistió Felipe.
—Pero no me pasó nada, estoy bien —Rubén le acarició el corto cabello en la nuca para darle confort—. Ya está todo arreglado, ya estamos bien.
Ambos se quedaron recostados por un buen rato, besándose, acariciándose, disfrutando su compañía, sin necesidad de conversar mucho más, hasta que Felipe se levantó y comenzó a vestirse.
—Voy a terminar el entreno, ¿te quieres sumar? —le ofreció mientras se ponía el short.
—Paso —respondió Rubén con una risita tonta—. Dudo que tenga la fuerza para hacer algo correctamente ahora después de… bueno.
—Al parecer hago bien las cosas —Felipe se llenó de orgullo.
—Yo diría que es por la falta de actividad física de la última semana —Rubén lo trajo a tierra.
—Bueno, eso lo cambiaremos en poco tiempo —respondió Felipe con confianza.
Rubén se tuvo que ir sin bañarse, ya que la familia de Roberto seguía en la casa, y no quiso delatarse de forma tan evidente. Se despidió de Felipe con un largo beso, y luego se despidió de la familia anfitriona con un gesto de la mano a la distancia, para no acercarse mucho a ellos (sentía que tendrían la capacidad de oler que había tenido sexo con Felipe).
De todas maneras, Roberto se acercó y se despidió con un abrazo, pero no dijo mayor cosa.
Rubén se fue muy contento a su casa. Tomó la micro, y se fue todo el camino pensando en que ya se había arreglado con Felipe y que las cosas volverían a ser como antes.
Apenas llegó a su casa, tomó una ducha y luego llamó a Catalina y le contó todos los detalles de su reconciliación.
—¿Y cómo te sientes con todo eso? —le preguntó su amiga, después de escucharlo.
—Bien, estoy muy feliz —respondió él, aún entusiasmado.
—Si así te escucho —se rió Catalina—, pero me refiero a si te sientes tranquilo con cómo resolvieron todo, si sientes que él entendió tu punto de vista, y si tú entendiste los de él.
—Si, siento que nos pudimos poner en el lugar del otro —confirmó Rubén—. Me siento tranquilo y feliz por eso.
—Creo que eso es lo más importante Rube, que hayan logrado ese punto común de entendimiento —le dijo Catalina desde el otro lado de la línea—. Me alegra mucho escucharte así de feliz.
—A mi igual me alegra volver a estar bien —confirmó Rubén—. Oye, a propósito de relaciones de pareja, ¿cómo te fue el otro día con Marco?
Catalina se rió con la pregunta.
—Se me había olvidado contarte —dijo ella entre risas—. Estuvo buena la salida. Como te había dicho, era obvio que iba a estar cerrado el museo, así que nos fuimos al Pizza Pizza a comer. Me dijo que no entendía por qué habían cerrado tan temprano si siempre iba a esa hora y estaba abierto —se rió nuevamente—. Pero mientras comíamos pizza fue muy entretenido, conversamos mucho y, creo que me está cayendo bien tu amigo.
—“Cayendo bien” —repitió Rubén, burlándose—. ¿Sólo te cae bien?
—Sí, me cae bien —confirmó ella—. No diré nada más, hasta que no pase nada más.
—¿Volverás a salir con él? —quiso saber Rubén.
—Si él me invita y tengo tiempo, sí. Está garantizado que la pasaré bien —respondió Catalina, y Rubén sintió en su voz que al igual que él, estaba muy entusiasmada por la situación.
 Al día siguiente, Sebastian le pidió a Rubén que lo acompañara a comprar un par de zapatillas al mall, y en la ocasión, Rubén aprovechó de contarle de su reconciliación con Felipe.
—Me alegro que te hayas reconciliado con tu pololo, Rube —le dijo Sebastian, mientras ambos caminaban a lo largo de las terrazas del centro comercial, camino al faro del puerto.
Sebastian cargaba una bolsa con las zapatillas recién compradas, mientras que Rubén cargaba una bolsa de papel con un combo de hamburguesa, bebida y papitas fritas para cada uno.
Rubén notó que el tono de voz de su amigo no coincidía exactamente con la alegría que decía sentir. No pudo evaluar su mirada porque tenía puestos los lentes de sol.
—¿Seguro? —le preguntó a modo de broma.
—Si po, o sea, no —Sebastian se rió al ser pillado en su mentira—. Me alegra verte feliz, eso es lo que me importa —le dijo mirándolo a los ojos, a través de las gafas, mientras se sentaba en una banca cercana al faro—. No me gusta que hayas perdonado a ese hueón después de lo que te hizo —Sebastian se puso serio—, pero si eso te hace feliz, realmente feliz, yo me alegro por ti.
El par de amigos se repartió la comida en la banca y comenzaron a comer.
—¿Crees que sea un estúpido por haberme reconciliado con él? —le preguntó Rubén, sintiendo algo de inseguridad.
—No creo que seas estúpido. Creo que eres un imbécil de marca mayor —respondió en broma, provocando que Rubén le diera un empujón que le hizo derramar la mitad del vaso de bebida que estaba tomando.
—Ahuenoao —le dijo Rubén, riéndose.
Sebastian sacudió las manos y luego se limpió lo que pudo con una servilleta.
—Hoy me llamaron para decirme cuándo me voy al servicio —le informó Sebastian de repente.
—¿Cuándo te vas? —Rubén sintió un vacío en el estómago, como si le acabaran de decir que se iba a morir en cinco minutos.
—En un mes, el 13 de marzo —le informó Sebastian, y Rubén por alguna razón sintió que toda la alegría que tenía hasta ese momento había desaparecido.
Había estado tan absorto en sus propios dilemas y problemas personales que no había pensado en que faltaba tan poco tiempo para que su mejor amigo se marchara. Y ahora que conocía la fecha exacta de su partida, sentía que era aún más real la situación, como si recién ahora se diera cuenta que realmente su amigo se marcharía.
—No queda nada —comentó Rubén, ya sin apetito.
—Nada casi —coincidió Sebastian, notando el cambio de humor entre ambos—. Me van a mandar a Arica —le comunicó.
—¿Qué?, ¿por qué tan lejos?, ¿por qué no acá? —preguntó Rubén sorprendido.
—Porque acá no tenían más cupos. Como siempre, el ahueonao a última hora haciendo todo —contestó Sebastian cabizbajo—. Igual mi viejo me dijo que Arica igual era más entretenido. No sé por qué, pero tendré que creerle.
Rubén recordó por enésima vez el odio que le tenía al padre de Sebastian.
—No quiero que te vayas —le dijo Rubén, poniéndose de pie para darle un abrazo a su mejor amigo.
Sebastian se puso de pie también y lo abrazó con fuerza. Temblaba de pies a cabeza y comenzó a sollozar.
—Yo tampoco me quiero ir —respondió él con la voz temblorosa.
Rubén sintió como si con ese abrazo Sebastian por fin pudo liberar todo lo que sentía, toda la angustia acumulada por meses, que él, como su mejor amigo, había sido incapaz de verla.
No lo soltó, y lo abrazó aún más fuerte, como si así evitaría que se marchara en un mes más. Los dos amigos se mantuvieron abrazados por largos minutos, bajo el resplandor dorado típico de los atardeceres de febrero.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Build Me Up Buttercup *Part 8*
This one goes out to @wanniiieeee 
If you need to catch up:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Note: In the universe of this story, we're saying Barba is 40, the rest of the squad is like 35-38
ALSO-- WOWWWWWWW I have just realized the whole "super young detective super genius" persona was from the one shot I wrote right before this. Wow. I am so sorry guys. I hope that didn't totally take away from it, we'll just say it was always a thing. Cool? Cool. 😅
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“2 vodka shots, top shelf,”
You instructed the bartender as you sat down in the very edged corner of the bar, making sure a seat was empty next to you. Like a moth to the flame Rafael slipped into it before you finished your sentence.
“Ah, I don’t really care for vodka,” he smirked.
“Who said those were for you? I’m obviously not driving anywhere tonight,” you rolled your eyes.
“Right….I’ll have 2 Jose Cuervo shots, thanks,” he nodded at the bartender, noticing you were giving him a  “look”.
“What? I’m not gonna let you get drunk alone,”
“2 shots is hardly going to get me drunk counselor, I can’t say the same for you,” you eyed him up and down.
“Pfft, please…” Rafael laughed.
The bartender returned with your four shots. You downed your two like they were water, then glanced at Barba. He took one of his shots and turned bright red, coughing wildly. You couldn’t help but smirk.
“You were saying?” You asked, trying your damnedest not to burst out laughing.
“It’s fine, it just...went down the wrong pipe,” he croaked.
“Mmmhmm well take the other one then,” You smirked.
He hesitated, but wouldn’t dare let himself be shown up like this, especially in front of you. He took the second shot glass and downed it; this time he only made a horrible face, but kept the liquid down nice and easy.
“You were saying?” He choked out with a fake smile, and you couldn’t help but smile. Dammit, NO. Stick to the plan.
“Can we please not do this,” You sighed, putting back on your chilly demeanor.
“Do what?”
“The whole witty flirty banter thing, I’m really not in the mood. Especially after you just rejected me,”  You gestured between the two of you.
“I didn’t REJECT--”
“We’re working, Y/N. Your insane crush is super flattering, Y/N. Neither of those sound good for me,” you scoffed.
“You have an ‘insane crush’ on me?” Rafael’s eyes perked up with a smile.
“Wha--no I was mocking you, moron,” You hit him casually.
“But I didn’t know you had an insane crush on me until this moment, so that couldn’t have been me,” he teased.
“Ok this is what I’m talking about,” you tried to stay angry, but the vodka was kicking in and all you could do was stare at his lips.
“I’m not rejecting you,” he simply stated, causing your eyebrows to arch.
“Sounds like tequila talking,” you scoffed.
“I was never trying to reject you, I just--” he tried explaining but you cut him off.
“Don’t wanna lead me on?”
“Excuse me?” he nearly choked again.
“I’m not stupid, counselor. Or deaf,” you narrowed your eyes at him; he looked at you with puppy dog confusion.
“I heard you and Liv’s conversation,” his eyes went wide with fear.
“....How much?”
“Enough to know she’s not ok with it, and you’re gonna listen because you guys are like, soulmates or something,” you gestured sarcastically.
“Oh please, I’ve seen you around each other for over a year now. You’re so in sync, it’s like you're one person,” you couldn’t believe you had to explain this to him.
“We’re not together,” he blurted out rather quickly, causing you to give him a “really?” stare.
“...But she doesn’t want you with anyone else,”  you raised an eyebrow.
“She doesn’t want me with you,” he murmured, looking at the empty shot glass.
“See?! Told you!” You slapped the bar triumphantly.
“No! Ugh….look, I don’t care what Liv wants, or thinks,” Rafael gently pounded the bar with a fist.
“Prove it,” you smirked.
“Excuse me?”
“Prove it. Kiss me,” you dared him.
“That’s not-- I’m not gonna--” he half laughed nervously.
“Hey you said you didn’t care what Liv thinks, and I can promise you you’re not leading me on. And I know you’ve wanted to since you walked back in here,”
“What? No, I didn’t-- pfft you...that’s not why I--” He tried coming up with an answer, but the tequila was hitting him hard.
“Then prove it….counselor,” you moved yourself up on the barstool closer to him, your faces now inches apart.
Rafael’s brain was frozen, all the blood in his body had already travelled south. He stared at your lips, willing himself to be strong but losing. Finally after a few seconds, you couldn’t wait anymore; you grabbed his collar and pulled him into you, HARD. He nearly fell off his own stool, he grabbed your shoulders to balance, pulling you further into him. Both of your minds went completely blank in that moment. All the bull shit of this wretched day had been erased, and all that mattered was this moment, your mouths exploring each other like Lewis and Clark. It was so intense and powerful it caused a few hoots and hollers from nearby patrons. Rafael felt your huge smile against his lips, and he couldn’t help but return the gesture. His hands ran through your hair, hungrily biting your lip. It took you all you had not to moan right there. You both tasted the burning of the two liquors mixing, almost making it that much more intoxicating. You lost all sense of time until--
You both snapped apart, and looked to see the squad, Olivia at the head, standing there in shock. Well, three of them looked shocked, Olivia looked PISSED.
“...I found a body shop near here that will send someone to fix your tire first thing in the morning, 6 am SHARP. So we’re going to check in that motel next door. ALL of us,” She practically growled at the two of you.
“...Yeah, yeah sure Liv whatever you want,” Barba tried to casually play off the fact that his face was covered in your lipstick. You muttered some awkward agreement phrases, throwing down a $20.
“Keep the change,” You whispered, lagging just behind the group. Rafael fell behind as you kept walking.
“Ooooh, you two are in troubleeee!!!” Amanda giggled, causing you both to glare at her.
“Shut up!” You hissed. Rafael tugged on your shoulder signaling you to chill.
“I’ll pay you back,” he whispered.
“What?” You said in a normal tone.
“For the shots,” he motioned back towards the bar.
“Oh, yeah that’s what I’m worried about right now,”
The six of you walked in silence after that, through the parking lot and into the “lobby” of the motel. It was basically a room consisting of: a vending machine, a couch, a black and white TV, and a desk where a girl who looked no older than 16 stood behind, playing on her phone.
“Excuse me,” Olivia knocked on the desk, getting the girls attention. She looked at the group and sighed, rolling her eyes and reluctantly putting her phone away.
“3 rooms?” She asked, gesturing to the three couplets you all happened to be standing in. Amanda and Carisi, Fin and Olivia, obviously you and Barba.
“Wha--NO,” Olivia almost yelled. “We’ll take six rooms,”
“Ah but--” Sonny protested, gesturing to Amanda, who quickly elbowed him in the gut.
“For how many hours?” She began typing into a computer that looked like it was from the 80’s.
“....Overnight? 6 am,” She shook her head at the seediness of this hotel becoming more and more apparent.
“$1920,” The girl replied, looking back down at her phone.
“The rooms are $40 an hour ma’am, times 8 hours. That’s 320. Times 6. That’s--”
“$1920,” Olivia bit her lip, trying her best not to explode.
“...I’ll uh, I’ll get it, Liv,” Barba spoke up as he walked up to counter, handing the girl his credit card. They traded looks that looked like an entire argument between eyebrows.
“Six keys, they’re the six rooms right next door. Get out by six am sharp or we’ll keep charging your card until you do.” The girl threw keys at the group nonchalantly, not looking back up from her phone.
“Great hospitality there, princess,” Sonny shot her a sarcastic smile, not like she noticed.
The group returned outside to the parking lot, Olivia handed out keys.
“Alright, meet back here in six hours. SIX HOURS, NO LATER,” She warned, looking each member in the eye; she lingered on you and then stopped on Barba.
“Can I speak with you?”
“Dun dun dun,” Carisi chuckled, Amanda couldn’t help but giggle. Fin rolled his eyes and peaced out, he wasn’t about the drama.
“ALONE,” She enunciated, motioning the three of you to run along. You all complied….to a spot around the corner, out of her sight.
“What did I JUST say, Rafael?!” Olivia began pacing.
“You said not to lead her on, I’m not leading her on,” Rafael stated calmly.
“I also said that she clearly has some kind of crush on you, and was trying to seduce you!” Olivia gestured towards where you had walked off towards.
“Oh Liv come on--” he started but Liv was not having it.
“I saw her kiss you! SHE kissed YOU!” she started to raise her voice.
“I would’ve kissed her if she hadn’t!” He bit back defensively
“God, don’t tell me that Rafa. I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt here,” Olivia sighed deeply, her hands wrapping around the back of her head.
“What are you talking about?” Rafael’s eyes questioned her.
“SHE 'S 28, RAFAEL. You’re 12 years older than her! You really think that banging her is a great idea?” Oliva wagged a finger at him.
“HEY. Olivia, it’s not like that,” Rafael’s voice raised higher, she was not going to cheapen what you and him had today.
“Oh please-- you’ve been around her for a YEAR, Rafael. You two have barely spoken two words to each other for a YEAR. And...and what, we come out to the country and you lose your minds?” Olivia scoffed.
“No, it’s not like--” He tried speaking again but Olivia was on a tirade. 
“You have one conversation in a bathroom and suddenly you’re soulmates? Really, Rafa?” She scoffed again.
“Look, Liv. I love you, but I’m not gonna stand here and take this, ok? You’re right. I am a grown man, and you can’t tell me who I can and can’t ba--date!” Rafael kicked himself for getting caught up in her judgmental terms; this isn't some booty call. You weren’t just a piece of ass to him.
“No, but I can tell her,” Oliva said eerily soft.
“Excuse me?” Rafael felt threatened, and he didn’t like it.
“If you start sleeping with that girl Rafa I swear to God, she will be on desk duty until she retires,” She warned.
“Oh real mature Liv,” Barba rolled his eyes angrily.
“Oh yeah I’M the immature one here,”
“You’re such a hypocrite, this is SUCH a double standard” Rafael raised his voice again.
“What do you mean?” Oliva narrowed her eyes.
“What do I mean--” He sarcastically laughed. “I mean clearly Rollins and Carisi have been sleeping together for MONTHS now,” He gestured towards where Sonny and Amanda had walked towards.
Sonny acted offended for half a second, then shrugged. He wasn’t wrong.
“And you, how many people have you dated ‘within the family’? In fact, when’s the last time you dated someone NOT ‘in the family’?” He asked in a soft, serious tone, his fists clenching in and out.
“....THAT, is different,” She lowered her voice, trying not to lose it in the parking lot. She took a deep breath and continued
“Rollins and Carisi have known each other for YEARS, and they’re ADULTS,” She emphasized. 
“We’re adults!” Barba argued.
“Are you? Because right now the two of you are acting like teenagers, sneaking around and hooking up when you’re supposed to be working.” Olivia snapped back.
Then, all of a sudden her eyes lit up with an idea. An evilly brilliant idea.
“Alright, how about this,” She paused.
“You say this isn’t just about sex, and I say it is. So...” she circled him like he was a suspect she was shaking down.
“Why don’t you go ahead and go ‘bang it out’ with the junior detective,”
Rafael’s jaw dropped. “You cannot be serious--”
“Why? Because you know I’m right?” Olivia baited him, but quickly lost any fun she was having with it when she saw the anguish in Rafael’s eyes.
 “I know you’re a good person, Rafa. You don’t wanna hurt that girl any more than I want you to,” 
“I’m not going to---”
“Alright fine, then chance it. Go to her right now. But you better be ready to accept the consequences for her. Because I’m pretty damn sure when we get back to the city, you’re gonna realize that you and her don’t make sense,”
“And if I don’t?” he asked.
“Then I’ll give you my blessing. I won’t like it, but if it’s really what you want, I can’t stand in the way of my friend being happy,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, a small smile finally appearing. 
“Thank you Liv,” Rafa smiled back, giving her a small hug.
“I wouldn’t thank me yet-- in fact if this costs me a detective I’m using your pay grade to find another one!” She walked off with a small laugh.
"Maybe we should...." Amanda tugged Sonny's sleeve and they walked away, shooting you apologetic looks.
This was infuriating; they were standing there joking about your life, making decisions for you.
You stomped away towards your room before Liv and Barba could see you eavesdropping.
Would he chance it? Would you let him chance it? 
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tokkuntradus · 3 years
Prison Breakers | Capitulo 6
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Makoto: Gente, agarrense las bebidas de esta bolsa~. También hay golosinas.
Tori: Que cosa! Nos pusieron la reserva de la habitación al mismo tiempo!
Tori: Por qué tenemos que estar a la par de nuestros rivales y ver juntos las transmisiones pasadas!? Yo quiero jugo de naranja!
Koga: Che, esa es mi línea. Yo café. 
Makoto: Okok, acá tienen.
Tori: Gracias. Agh! Este sistema de reservas está lleno de defectos! Definitivamente lo voy a poner en la agenda la próxima en el consejo estudiantil.
Makoto: Bueno. El error ya está hecho, no se le puede hacer nada, aguantemos por hoy. 
Makoto: Ah, Ayase-kun vos querés algo?
Mayoi: Ah… Gracias. Entonces, Té… 
Mayoi: Así es. Ya no nos queda mucho tiempo hasta el inicio del juego, si ninguno piensa ceder la reserva, hacer esto es lo más fácil y rápido para mi. 
Makoto: Cierto? En fin, miremos las transmisiones juntos y después nos separamos para formular estrategias. De esta forma no habría problemas entre nosotros.
Koga: Pero hay un gran problema~
Tori: Eso eso! Un problema de animo! Eso es lo más importante! 
Makoto: Por qué se la pasan discutiendo si se llevan bien, Ogami-kun, Himemiya-kun.
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Koga y Tori: No nos llevamos bien!
Mayoi: … están increíblemente sincronizados.
Tori: Callate~! Basta! Quiero terminar con esto de una vez! Vemos eso ya!?
Makoto: Si~p. Bueno, ahí lo empiezo a transmitir~. Le doy a play y—
Koga: Nh? Che, y donde es eso?
Tori: Hay un montón de casas antiguas. Tiene una onda campestre.
Makoto: Estee. Tiene pinta de ser un pueblo fantasma en algún lado.
Mayoi: Ya veo. Primero, los participantes se dividen entre los que están del lado de los prisioneros que se esconden y escapan y los del lado de los guardias que tienen que atraparlos.
Makoto: Sip. El inicio es re parecido al de las escondidas. Los guardias tienen que dejar pasar 5 minutos hasta poder ir a atraparlos. El tiempo límite es de 2 horas. 
Mayoi: Eh? Y este botón para qué sirve?
Koga: Qué botón?
Mayoi: Mirá, adentro del área de los guardias hay una caja grande transparente, ves? Adentro de eso está el botón. 
Makoto: Ahh, ese pareciera ser el botón de la meta.
Makoto: Cuando quedan 30 minutos de juego le sacan esa caja y los guardias tienen que proteger ese botón hasta el final para ganar. 
Makoto: Al contrario, los prisioneros tienen que apretar ese botón para ganar. Esas son las reglas.
Tori: Hum. Entonces al final los guardias pueden ganar si protegen el botón rodeandolo, no? 
Makoto: Parece ser que eso no se puede hacer. Al rededor del botón hay un círculo grande dibujado en el piso, ves?
Makoto: Cuando quedan 30 minutos se reduce la cantidad de personas que pueden entrar a ese área. Creo que pueden haber hasta 3 guardias?  
Makoto: Además cuando el botón de la meta es liberado, de otro lado aparecen unas personas vistiendo un uniforme que lleva escrito salida de emergencia.
Makoto: Si los prisioneros atrapan a uno de esos ganan aunque no hayan apretado el botón.
Koga: Jajaa, ya entiendo. Aunque decidí participar porque tenía el ojo puesto en el premio, esto de predecir los movimientos del otro suena divertido, eh~...
Tori: Eh? Ehh? No entiendo, a qué te referís? 
Koga: La put-. No queda otra. 
Koga: Escuchaste bien? Por ejemplo cuando el botón de la meta es liberado, te imaginás si todos los guardias se despliegan en cercanía al área del botón?
Koga: Obviamente los prisioneros no van a tener posibilidad de apretar el botón. Pero con la llegada de esos salida de emergencia desde lejos...
Koga: Los prisioneros ya no tienen que preocuparse por los guardias y su única meta es obviamente atrapar esos salida de emergencia.
Koga: Esta regla significa que estos salida de emergencia no van a salir en la cercanía del botón, o eso pienso. 
Tori: Ah. Es eso. Por eso los guardias y los prisioneros tienen que predecir los movimientos del otro, la clave entonces es de qué forma y en donde se despliegan las personas, no?
Koga: Exacto. 
Tori: Je~
Koga: También está la posibilidad de pretender que te empezas a mover aunque en realidad te quedás escondido hasta el tiempo límite en algún lado alrededor de la meta. Es difícil ver lo que está bajo tu nariz.
Makoto: Sip. Pienso que podría ser una estrategia, pero como son las reglas yo no lo recomendaría mucho~. El riesgo es altísimo. 
Koga: Eh? Por qué?
Makoto: Porque seguro justo antes del final los guardias van a empezar a agruparse alrededor de la meta. Si eso pasara la situación pasaría a ser que no te podrías mover del lugar donde estás escondido.
Mayoi: En caso de hacer buen uso de esa estrategia, sería necesario tener un señuelo para estar en ventaja de los guardias alrededor de la meta.
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Makoto: Sip. En el caso que fuera como un juego de multiplayer donde todos los miembros son amigos usando el voice chat y estuvieran en constante coordinación pienso que sería buena idea.
Makoto: Pero la base de este juego es una batalla individual, no? Creo que en la circunstancia de que ambos no puedan mantenerse en contacto, no podrían conservar el ritmo con quien haga de señuelo.
Makoto: Incluso en los videojuegos al jugar de multiplayer con extraños, no hay algo como un requerimiento de coordinación.
Makoto: Cuando tenés experiencia en los videojuegos de alguna forma se entiende lo que el otro jugador quiere hacer.
Koga: Ahora que lo decís, tenés razón. Pero esa estrategia podría funcionar si sos más astuto que tu oponente.
Makoto: Pero bueno. Ahí es donde está lo interesante de que el oponente sea una persona y no la compu, osea que sería natural que ocurran irregularidades. 
Tori: voice, qué…? multi….? Ugh~ Ya no entiendo nada!
Tori: Qué es todo eso!? Me gustaría que hablaran en japonés para que yo entienda!
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demadrugadahq · 3 years
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Querides, en primera instancia queremos agradecer los cálidos mensajes de apoyo y bienvenida al proyecto. Realmente nos alegraron estos días y son un buen incentivo para ponerle todas las energías al roleplay que, esperamos, sea un espacio de creatividad y entretenimiento para todes. En fin, mañana miércoles 5 de mayo se abren las reservas en los siguientes horarios:
→ Sólo podrán reservar cuando subamos el anuncio pertinente. → Las reservas se hacen vía INBOX, nada de chat. → Se reserva bajo un seudónimo/apodo → De reservar por une amigue se deja adjunto el blog de tal persona que deberá venir a confirmar su reserva en 24horas, también con seudónimo. → Se pueden reservar dos cupos, pero solamente uno de los mismos puede ser un skeleton. El género de cada cupo es irrelevante. → Efectivamente pueden poner una opción dos de cupo skeleton y de fc también de creer que no podrían alcanzar la reserva y por las dudas. También pueden reservar un oc como opción b de un skeleton. → El formato de la reserva sería entonces el siguiente:
Así como en nuestra primera versión, el role play será un reducido, inclusive habrá algún momento donde cerremos la posibilidad del ingreso de nuevos personajes. En ese sentido esta primera apertura tenemos un total de 60 personajes disponibles (30 skeletons +30 originales), sin embargo, de ver desbordado el número abriremos nuevos cupos oc para quienes envíen su reserva durante la apertura. 
Cualquier duda/comentario, nos tienen a un mensaje de distancia y si ven algún error en la diferencia horaria también nos lo pueden hacer saber.
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saikolikes · 4 years
Aki’s P5 / R  fanfic recs!
Hi, and welcome to everyone reading this post! I’m Aki, I write fics (you can fin me on Ao3 as saikowrites) but I also read fics! And since P5 has been living 24/7 in my brain rent free for the past year and a half at this point, I wanted to share my favorite works of all the fandom – some of them are very niche or from non-famous authors, but I wanted to do them justice!
I want to do a brief introduction before starting the (long) list of my recs:
Everything in here contains a certain degree of spoilers, except for maybe three au fics. Read this list only if you’ve at least played P5. Royal fics are signaled with a ‘Royal’ tag;
Fics that don’t have an author reported are orphaned works;
I won’t report the tags, as it would take too long, so if you’re interested in a fic, please open the link and mind its tag before reading it, so you don’t come around something that makes you uncomfortable;
Fic recs obviously reflect my tastes and preferences. For example, I love suffering without necessarily a happy ending and I don’t like fluff or domestic works, so browse this list knowing that;
This list will probably be updated as soon as I have enough new recs. If things get too long, I’ll split categories and make a part 2;
95% of these are shauke fics. I multiship a lot so you could come around some shumako or ryuann but shuake is the main focus here. I hope to create a more diverse fic recs post in the future for other pairings tho!
 PROMISING WORKS I’m not one to read ongoing works, because I have a tremendous fear of commitment regarding fanfics, and I tend to browse and filters through finished works only. But if a fic made me press the subscription button, it means it stole my heart away. Will I get heartbroken waiting for it to update forever? Who knows. [AN: This section didn’t age well as only one of these works has actually been completed as of January 2022, lol. I do think they’re all valid though, definitely worth a read even if not (still) updated!]
-  Fourth Time's a Charm by Strange and Intoxicating (M) | Royal | shuake | 5 chapters, ongoing “The world was saved, Goro Akechi was dead, and Akira Kurusu was, again, waking up on the same godforsaken train pulling into Shibuya station. At least this time Akechi remembered. Oh, joy.” I’m a sucker for time loops and time travel in general, and this fic is just so accurate with the characterization and the plot pacing. And it’s definitely much more than a retelling with just some additional memories.
 -  goro akechi's field notes on a false reality by vntagecassette (M) | Royal | shuake | 3 chapters, ongoing Goro Akechi wakes up on February 3rd, and he has to understand. I’m already starting to sweat for this one because it was last updated in June this year but. It’s just so experimental. I’d gladly see what the author has in storage with this one, because it’s a very original take on fic writing for what I’ve seen in the P5 fandom.
 - gravitational reset by chashmish (T) | Royal | shuake | NOW COMPLETE Maruki’s actualization messes up with personal distances and so Goro and Ren find themselves in a painful and uncomfortable situation in-between the red string legend and His Dark Material’s daimon-human bond: they can’t get far from each other without tearing apart. I have such high hopes with this – especially considered its author. Chashmish’s characters are always accurate and funny, they can be idiots without being corny, while keeping all their core intact. I trust her to finish this, because it’s a take that I’m so weak for, and it deserves to be told.
 - How I Married A Demon Lord by KivaEmber (T) | shuake | series, 3 works, ongoing Akira Kurusu is a journalism student that gets kidnapped and ends up in another world at the service of evil overlord Goro. Except nothing is as it seems. Take a hilarious parody of a trash isekai anime. Take Persona 5 characters. Put them together with crack taken seriously, well-written comedy, and shameless pining. That’s it, that’s the series. And it’s a gem you all should be reading.
 -  Rhythm of your heart by A_Splattering_Of_Paint (E) | shuake | 5/8 chapters, unfinished (?) “The first step to a clean breakup is not to make out with your ex boyfriend. Unfortunately, Akira has a lot of trouble with step one.” I’m definitely not one for terrible ex-boyfriends but boi. BOI. Did this fic hurt. And it hurts all the most knowing it most likely will never be finished, but I put it here nonetheless because they’re so in character, and the fic has some very good comic moments, and Futaba having an incredible gacha luck is just canon to me.
 EVERGREEN CLASSICS Some of the ‘oldest,’ most famous and appreciated works in the fandom that I particularly enjoyed. If you don’t know where to start, these will always be a good choice.
 -  Sunny with a Chance of Storms by Mysecretfanmoments, SuggestiveScribe (E) | shuake | one shot Inspired by this art by Marudyne. Akira discovers he’d be willing to pay to give Akechi a blowjob. Things escalate from there. Slow building storm-fic with beautifully pictured crushing Akira, supporting Ann, and unfathomable Goro. A little gem.
 -  Paranoia by nafnaf (E) | shuake | one shot Thieves play a silly game suggested by Ann. Some things are confessed, some others don’t, and Akira eventually gains a nice win out of it. Out of all the ‘Thieves throw a party and Goro attends’ fics, I find this one to be the funniest and with the most accurate characterization. You’ll laugh, you’ll hold your breaths and you’ll definitely go ‘gasp’.
 -  Dreamcatcher by SomewhereFlying (E) | shuake | one shot Wet dreams but make it extremely vivid. A classic dream-sex fic with a lot of (resolved?) sexual tension for all your power bottom Goro needs.
 -  this account's tweets are protected by alsahm, benetnash (T) |shuake | 10 chapters, finished Fandom au in the form of a twitfic where everyone is into Featherman, Crow writes fic, and Joker crushes hard. If you haven’t read it already, do it now honestly: it’s the wittiest, funniest, most wholesome fic into the Persona 5 tag on AO3. Brilliant jokes, subtle references, a nice plot, and tons of mutual pining. I’m sure you could enjoy it even if you don’t ship anything, even if chatfic aren't usually your thing. It's just plain iconic.
 -  The Next Time Around by chashmish (T) | shuake / makoann | 12 chapters, finished Makoto and Ann get married in Venice, and both Goro and Akira attend. The problem is: they’re exes. I’m not one for exes that get back together but boy, did I enjoy this fic. Everything is beautifully curated, from Venice atmospheres to the cringy panic of meeting your ex after years. Bonus points for the heartwarming flashbacks of their youth.
 GENERAL RECS The fics I’ve enjoyed the most and that I go back to reading sometimes.
 -  Silent Night by nafnaf (lavenderet) (E) | shuake | one shot Years later, Akira and Goro keep meeting on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Eve only. But Akira cannot stop wanting to catch Goro for good. A bittersweet, post-canon fic that can be soft and honest without being cheesy. They’re more open, but at the same time they never talk properly, and I think this is painfully fitting.
 -  To Core an Apple by Chromophilic_Daydream (E) | shuake | one shot Akira Kurusu is just an enigma Goro Akechi is wrapping his mind around. Beautiful character study kinda fic, with a stream of consciousness approach that perfectly closes like a circle.
 -  cake by the ocean by OpheliaDusk (E) | ryuann | one shot In Hawaii, Mishima pukes in the toilet. Akira is the one unlucky enough to have to stick with him, while Ann and Ryuji are left outside experimenting with unresolved feelings. Might be my all-time favorite ryuann fic – both the mood and the characterization are just perfect.
 -  La Douleur Exquise (M) | shuake | one shot After being defeated in Shido’s ship by the Thieves, Akechi runs away. And Akira follows. And things escalate. A very well crafted one shot that will keep the suspense high until the end and that, I’m sure, will catch you completely off guard.
 -  Time (E) | shumako | one shot Akira is stuck in a time loop, but maybe, just maybe, he has someone else he can count on. One word: fealty. This fic, despite its brevity, is so intense and powerful regarding how much Akira and Makoto are determined to never leave each other’s side and protect the other no matter what. It made my heart painfully dance.
-  When the morning comes. by Discontinuous Qualia (Sechzehn) (G) | Royal | shuake | one shot Ren chases after Goro and convinces him to stay. A classic 2/2 fic to exorcise pain with other pain – but with a more positive outlook. A delicate mood and wonderful dialogues paired with a super on point characterization.
 -  quantum + dead photon by so_soft_boy, ymirjotunn (E) | shuake | one shot The interrogation room never goes in the same way – and neither Goro nor Akira can make it out of it unscathed. A pair of beautiful, complementary one shots – each one with a pov – that explore NG+ themes in the interrogation room, with physics metaphors, tons of ugly and conflicted feelings, graphic depictions of violence and most importantly, whump.
 -  The Ties That Bind by eyrist (M) | shuake | 3 chapters, finished The red string of fate can be a romantic concept, even a bit corny. And sometimes, it can feel like a noose around your neck. Speaking of P5 vanilla canon, I’ve always thought about shuake as something burning, raw, and passionate. Even destructive: a relationship that leaves both part with ugly scars and broken hearts (and not just figuratively). This fic is a wonderful character study that perfectly follows this concept – with the red string serving as a unifying thread, both metaphorically and physically.
 -  you've got me seeing through different eyes by futuresoon (T) | Royal | shuake | one shot Akira accepts Maruki’s deal and starts to live through his new reality. Nothing goes as planned: it goes in the worst possible way. A very nice way to experiment with unexpressed potential within canon. I’ve got chills reading this until the end. You’d think it will go in a certain way, and you know it’ll feel bittersweet. But then it does worst. And it hits home.
 -  tomorrow (B-SIDE) by relationshipcrimes (T) | Royal | shuake | one shot | with an A-SIDE more bittersweet Akira and Goro reunites in a park after three years. Three years of waiting, struggling with life going on, bottling up feelings, and doubts. How will it end? This piece has an amazing take on Akira’s life and coping methods post canon. Thinking about him waiting for Goro is great in theory, but how does it work in practice? This is what this fic tries to answer – right, in my opinion. It takes its time, focuses a lot on introspection, but without being boring to read.
 -  stay with me by shouldbeworking (E) | Royal | shuake | one shot Ren is on the train, ready to go home and somehow return to his normal life. But nothing can be normal again, and surely not after helping a very alive Goro Akechi escape his chasers on said train. I think one of the main themes of this fic is shuake’s never-ending game of hide and seek, of chasing each other again and again until either one of them disappear, or the other one makes him stay. Will it work? Who knows.
 I WISH I WROTE THIS These works are so powerful they in some way shaped my viewing of the characters or made me reflect on my writing and what I wanted to communicate in my own stories.
 -  thirty-five ways he said 'i love you.' (E) | shuake | series | 32 works, unfinished A series of short one-shots exploring Akira and Goro’s relationship during canon, with some occasional divergencies. One of my all-time favorites – the introspection and angst are just too on point. The characterization is wonderful, and the mood is constantly tense, both for good and bad. It’s a pity it’s been left unfinished, but I highly advise that you read it nonetheless, because it’s more than a gem: it’s a little diamonds mine.
 -  to err is human by Katraa (E) | shuake | one shot “There’s a bomb, ticking away, set to explode – or perhaps implode? – in less than a month and yet he can’t help himself from wanting to play with the wires.” Honestly, this piece has everything I want and yearn for from P5 vanilla shuake. Danger, pretention, sexual tension, banter, philosophy quoting, complicated emotions, playing with fire. Everything mixes so well, I’m astonished. If I were to summarize pre-Royal shuake in a fic, it would be this one.
 -  the fishes swim left and right, thoughts of you swim in my head till midnight by Ciasquare (T) | shuake | one shot Akira is back to his normal life in Inaba and he can’t stop dreaming of Goro. But are they just dreams? A 5+1 fic with a nailed open ending. The concept is fascinating, the dreams are powerful and the characterization is so on point, I found myself wanting to hug the author.
 -  With the Intent to Kill by The_Pen_Dragon (E) | Royal | shuake | one shot Rank 8 of the Justice confidant, taken to the extreme. The tension in this could be literally cut with a knife – which of course happens. It’s a perfectly crafted perspective of rank 8 by Goro’s pov, which means additional angst, denial of feelings and internal turmoil.
 -  anywhere, i would have followed you by shantealeaves (M) | Royal | shuake | one shot Akira Kurusu has escaped death countless times. His life doesn’t deserve to end due to terminal illness. Honestly. This isn’t a "personal" favorite and I probably won’t ever be able to read this again because I discovered I might have a trigger for stories centering around extremely debilitating or life-threatening illnesses or physical conditions. But this indeed is one the most powerful, tearing, moving fics I’ve ever read not only in this fandom but in my entire career as a reader. If you want to cry, or if you want to learn how to punch people in the stomach with emotions, read this. It deserves all the praise it’s getting.
  IF YOU HAVE TO READ JUST ONE [trope] FIC, READ THIS Recommendations for various tropes I’m usually not a fan of, but which are masterfully explored in these fics.
 -  Bless him with blood by songofproserpine (E) | shuake – vampires | one shot “Life begins in blood. All life begins ugly and raw—savage. Beauty only comes by living.” A vampire fic with a dark atmosphere and a beautiful style that perfectly depicts the rise (fall?) of Akira following vampire!Goro.
 -  a fish hook. an open eye. by MistressEast (E) | Royal | shuake – a/b/o | one shot (now with a sequel!) A status effect makes alpha!Akira goes into a rut – which catastrophically causes omega!Goro to follow. ‘Shadows made them do it,’ but to the extreme. This fic has an impressive amount of worldbuilding for something so strongly centered around porn, it’s astonishing. And it’s maybe one of the most IC fics I’ve ever read with strongly possessive behaviors and Goro overthinking.
 -  a desire born from the heart by heyitsmemi (E) | shuake – persona sex | 3 chapters, finished Akira and Goro must face what they feel for each other – and this time, they cannot look away. A highly symbolic and metaphorical fic that nailed a perfect combination of smut, character study, introspection, and feelings.
 - Spectral Thief by cinereous (E) | Akira-centric – selfcest, horror | 4 chapters, finished Akira is left alone in Tokyo and has to deal with… whatever lurks in the shadows of Leblanc’s attic. A beautifully painful experience to read – the fear is real, and Akira’s breakdown(s) hit right in the spot. It’s the kind of personal and existential horror that would make a masterpiece of an indie game in the right hands. I’d gladly pay to see Red Candle bring this fic to life.
 -  More Brainwashed Than A Cult Member by heavymoons (E) | Royal | shuake – Marin Karin sex | one shot Akira gets brainwashed in Maruki’s Palace, and no healing item seems to have effect – leaving Goro with a moral choice to make. The thing I find the most interesting in this fic is how deeply Goro’s conflicted feelings are analyzed. This work has a very nice amount of introspection for a sort of pwp with a dubious consent tag (which… may or may not get subverted near the end, who knows). It’s a lot more than “healing is not working we have no other choice,” it rather focuses on the moral nuances of it all – and how much Goro wants Akira, deep down. Which leads to a lot of ugly feelings and raw emotions that are just so spot on.
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erengayer · 2 years
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Me, after seeing the addition of Joker's showtimes with Akechi and Sumire: The P5R creators want me to know that Joker is bi.
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46snowfox · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers Tag 2
Agradecimientos a @vampiretsuki nuevamente por el tag. Siempre me alegra ser recordada a pesar de pertenecer a la parte de habla hispana del fandom ^^
Esta vez dejaré el link con todo el tag en inglés para las personas que taggee y que sean de habla inglesa (o por si me equivoco a la hora de traducirlo al español) [Tag original]
Reglas: Responde las preguntas y taggea a cualquiera que desees para verlo participar~ ¡También taggea a vampiretsuki si haces esto, ya que ella amaría poder leer las respuestas~!
1: ¿Usarías la bufanda de Carla o el parche de Shin?
En invierno siempre necesito bufandas o de lo contrario tengo hartas posibilidades de contraer bronquitis... Así que la bufanda.
2: ��Qué momento te ha dejado más en shock? (Anime, manga, CD drama, juego, stage play)
Cuando Ayato le arranca la cadena del pie a la protagonista/Yui en su CD de more blood. Con solo recordarlo el cuerpo me escuece porque una de dos, o le arrancó el pie junto a la cadena o le dejó todo el pie pelado y sangrando al arrancársela y en cualquier caso suena a un dolor aterrador.
3: ¿Has tenido un diaboy que al principio odiabas (o que no te interesaba) y que ahora amas?
Kou era el Mukami que más odiaba durante more blood y ahora es uno de mis cinco favoritos junto a Subaru, Azusa, Yuma y Reiji. En serio no me creo que hubo una época en la que lo odiaba más que a Ruki, como ha cambiado todo -w-
4: ¿Qué momento te ha hecho reír más? (anime, manga, CD drama, juego, stage play)
Todo el Vampire Juice, fue el primer tokuten de DL que escuché y uno de los culpables de que me acercara a la franquicia y a día de hoy me sigue matando, en especial cuando Subaru se harta y manda a volar a sus hermanos x’D
5: ¿Qué momentos te han hecho llorar más? 
No importa cuántas veces lo escuche, siempre termino llorando con la décima pista del More Blood de Subaru, sé que tienen que ser los CDs menos canon que existen, pero me destruye cuando dice que ahora que él morirá la protagonista/Yui al fin será libre <///3 A parte de que se apuñaló para evitar matarla succionando su sangre, yo no puedo con eso Q--Q (inherentemente de lo que pase luego en el CD, esa parte siempre me destruye)
6: ¿Qué momentos son los que más te han asustado?
Cuando Kou introduce su dedo en las heridas que Yui/la protagonista tiene de los otros chicos en su CD de More Blood. ¡Soy demasiado débil de mente e imaginar eso me duele! También me asusto cada vez que Subaru saca su daga de plata en algún CD por culpa de su More Blood, es un trama. [Inserte aquí todas las veces que Laito usa su voz grave.]
7: ¿Qué momentos te han hecho enojar más?
Cada vez que Laito se comporta como un idiota en algunos de sus CDs... Recientemente su more more blood, acabo de salir de traducirlo y lo tengo fresco, ¡no daré spoiler, pero se pasó con su broma DX! 
8: ¿Te gustaría ser una estudiante de una escuela nocturna? ¿Te gustaría acosar/ver lo que hacen los diaboys? (solo puedes elegir a tres chicos)
No realmente, por las noches hace frío y soy de resfriarme con facilidad... Y si estuviera allí dudo que los espiara, siempre en mi colegio me quedaba en la sala sin salir dibujando y por lo general sin hablar con nadie, así que dudo que cambie mucho.
9: ¿Has tenido sueños con los diaboys? De ser así cuéntanos tu favorito.
No recuerdo mis sueños, solo mis pesadillas y en ninguna han aparecido estos idiotas.
10: ¿Hay algo o algún hábito de los diaboys que te moleste/odies?
Uhm... No realmente, ¿tal vez el que Kino y Subaru inviertan dinero en los juegos de celular? Aunque es solo que yo detesto con mi alma los juegos que te piden constantemente pagar (en los gacha sufro recolectando orbes/diamantes a través del juego por puro no querer gastar dinero).
11: ¿Hay algún hábito de los diaboys que te haga sonrojar/te derrita?
¿El pasatiempo de Reiji era cocinar? Yo soy mala cocinando, así que las personas que pueden hacerlo siempre son dignas de mi admiración ^^.
Tag para @raburabusama @sugar-lollipop
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callunavulgari · 3 years
Scrapbook 2021 | Part II
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal. I think the first one was 2011? Maybe? In which case, woohoo, ten years of scrapbooking!
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 books (as of today, i am at 31 books, which sounds not great but goodreads assures me that it’s only 1 book behind schedule), finish five video games (at two at the moment... mostly because I keep dragging my feet on actually finishing P5R), write more than 20 fics (at... 6) or something larger than 20k (negative), and write either an original short story or start a novel (i have started plotting for the novel? does that count?)
Past Years
Mortal Kombat
(SW: The Phantom Menace)
(SW: Attack of the Clones)
(SW: Revenge of the Sith)
(SW: Rogue One)
(SW: A New Hope)
SW: Clone Wars
Wonder Woman 1984
Dark Phoenix
(Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
(Princess Mononoke)
Sailor Moon: Eternal
In The Heights
Wish Dragon
(Thor: Ragnarok)
(Doctor Strange)
(Guardians of the Galaxy)
Black Widow
Space Jam 2 Electric Boogaloo
The Green Knight
Godzilla vs Kong
(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
These Violent Delights | Chloe Gong [Fin]
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig [Fin]
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within | Becky Chambers [Fin]
Unconquerable Sun | Kate Elliott
People We Meet On Vacation | Emily Henry [Fin]
The Soulmate Equation | Christina Lauren [Fin]
Unconquerable Sun | Kate Elliott [Fin]
September Love | Lang Leav [Fin]
One Last Stop | Casey McQuiston [Fin]
The Chosen and the Beautiful | Nghi Vo [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 2 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
For the Wolf | Hannah Whitten [Fin]
The Sandman | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Mister Impossible | Maggie Stiefvater
Mister Impossible | Maggie Stiefvater [Fin]
TAZ: The Crystal Kingdom | The Mcelroys [Fin]
She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan
A Psalm for the Wild-Built | Becky Chambers
The Universe of Us | Lang Leav
She Who Became the Sun | Shelley Parker-Chan [Fin]
A Psalm for the Wild-Built | Becky Chambers
The Universe of Us | Lang Leav [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 3 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
Lumberjanes, volume 4 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
The Penumbra Podcast, s3-END
The Magnus Archive - Fear Winners 1 & 2
Gods of Appalachia, Eps 1-6
(Wolf 359)
Janus Descending
(Wolf 359)
(Zero Hours, ep 7)
Watcher Entertainment, Are You Scared?
Castlevania, s3, s4 [Fin]
Word of Honor [Fin]
Buzzfeed: Kelsey in Control?
Demon Slayer, s1
Demon Slayer, s1 [Fin]
Kim’s Convenience, s4
Leverage, s5 [Fin]
Watcher: Too Many Spirits, s3
Loki, s1
Lucifer, s2, s3, s4
Trese, s1
(Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime, s3, s6?)
(Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural, s1)
Sweet Tooth, s1
Love, Death & Robots
Loki, s1 [Fin]
Watcher: Too Many Spirits, s3 [Fin]
Watcher: Dish Granted, s3
Shark Week
Lucifer, s5
Masters of the Universe: Revelation
The Owl House, s2
Watcher: Dish Granted, s3
Watcher Weekly+
Buzzfeed: Ruining History
Star Trek Discovery, s1, s2, s3
What If..., s1
Monster Hunter Rise, 12 hours
Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, 25 hours
Pokemon Go
Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, ? hours
Pokemon Go
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, ??? Hours
Persona 5 Royal, ??? hours
Persona 5 Royal, 167 hours
Pokemon Go
Persona 5 Royal, 167 hours
Pokemon Go
Ori and the Blind Forest [Fin]
The word is help. by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 9k | In a flash, Fett has his blaster out and pointed at Luke’s head. “You’re right,” he says. “Turnabout’s fair play. So maybe I oughta shoot you.”
Don’t be afraid. by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 12k | “Padawan Kenobi,” Yoda says, after a moment. “Complete your training, Master Skywalker will.”
who carried the hill by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 22k | Din’s about to head up the ramp onto the newly-repaired Razor Crest when a string pulls taut around his heart and yanks him into the sky.
Tapestry by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Anakin | 8k | In March, Obi-Wan drags Anakin to another faculty party, where Anakin gets all sorts of wrong ideas about Quinlan Vos and decides to fellate Obi-Wan in a coat closet about it.
wonderterror by peradi | Star Wars | Leia/Han/Luke | 6k | Anakin Skywalker is the son of the Force.He’s half human and half something monumental.What does that make his children?
Xen Gardens by denimwrapped | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan & Shane | 1k | Shane Madej saves the day.A strange man comes to congratulate him.
A Series of Better Decisions by SassySnowperson | Star Wars | Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin | 9k | "Kill him. Kill him now!" Chancellor Palpatine hissed, as Anakin held the two blades against Dooku's neck. "No," Anakin said. "It's not the Jedi way."
Futurus (-a -um) by cadesama | Star Wars | Padme/Anakin/Obi-Wan | 60k | Cracked hyperdrive? No problem. Just hold it together with the Force. Time travel? Well. That could be a bigger problem.
Comfort in Wartime by Rosbridge | Star Wars | Padme/Obi-Wan/Anakin | 4k | Obi-Wan is exhausted, drunk, and just about out of fucks to give.
spark me up, i'm a firework (i'll burst into light) by coffeeinallcaps | FATWS | Bucky/Sam | 7k | "You know how the super-soldier serum makes everything, well, super? I guess you could say that's what happened to my sex drive."
Thaw by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 6k | That’s what hope does to you, Luke remembers now. It lingers at the back of your mind, whispering maybe, maybe, so that knowing a plan is stupid isn’t enough to keep you from trying it.
Christ in Repose by spqr | Din/Luke | 8k | More on this story as it develops. Subscribe to HNN’s JEDI WATCH newsletter for instant updates on Jedi sightings throughout the galaxy.
Insufferable by perkynurples | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 3k | Wen Kexing asks a question. Zhou Zishu only hesitates to answer for a little while.
parasitic, parasocial by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 45k | Xue Yang stumbles upon the channel of Fuxue, a popular videogame streamer, and immediately becomes completely and utterly obsessed with him. Unfortunately, Fuxue has a boyfriend -- but that's fine: Xue Yang loves a challenge.
Aaron Burr has Hamilton's RSI and he isn't pleased about it. by DragonBandit | Hamilton | Hamilton/Aaron Burr | 3k | Aaron knows 2 things about his soulmate: The first is that they're angry about everything. The second is that they need to fucking sleep.
dinluke lawyer au by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 31k | At 1:18 a.m., just when Luke is starting to think he might’ve gotten away with something, Biggs Darklighter shows up on the other side of his desk and says, “I can’t believe you called in sick to get shotgun married to a Mando.”
like, comment, subscribe by DeHeerKonijn, Roselightfairy | Lord of the Rings | Gimli/Legolas | 90k+ | Legolas meets Gimli for lunch - unfortunately, he meets someone else, too.
a jackal; a thief by brawlite | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Ye Baiyi | 11k | This is not the first time Wen Kexing’s body has been poisoned like this.
you're the trouble that i always find by sundiscus | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 27k | “Do you know him?” Jin Wang asks.The ringing in Zhou Zishu's ears gets louder. “No, Wangye,” he says.At Zhou Zishu’s voice, the prisoner freezes.
vampire!wwx threadfic by sundiscus | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | ??? words | in which vampires exist in a modern cultivation au, lwj is investigating a string of strange deaths, and wwx is a vampire he can’t seem to kill.
Velle by DeHeerKonijn, Roselightfairy | LotR | Gimli/Legolas | 29k | Velle (Latin): to want.
May All My Wounds Be Mortal by hansbekhart | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 10k | Peeled out of his many robes, Wen Kexing’s body reveals itself to be mostly leg. He strips eagerly, grinning up at Zhou Zishu as if this is another joke between them. See? Wen Kexing’s body seems to say, I have no secrets from you.
drop by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 4k |  Xue Yang has had this dream before.
Splenda by Tierfal | FMA | Ed/Roy | 19k | WIP | A sugar daddy AU that barely even qualifies as a sugar daddy AU, because these two can't do anything right.
From the Ashes by blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Shane/Ryan | 3k | “This doesn’t need to leave this room,” Ryan had said that first time. “Casual is my middle name.”
Whale Songs by denimwrapped | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 2k | It could be humming, he thinks. Some distant angelic humming. What it’s humming about, he’d have to find out the hard way. All he can hear in his mind’s ear is come closer. There’s so much more in the depths than you’ve ever known.
A Good Bargain by Neery | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 11k | The Window of Heaven captures the Ghost Valley's master. Zhou Zishu is put in charge of interrogating him.
So Why Not Crack Your Skull When the Mind Swells by greenteafiend | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 13k | Or, Wei Wuxian is cursed to feel terrible pain when he and Lan Wangji aren’t touching.
the agony and the irony by arostine | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 44k | WIP |  Ryan has a lot on his plate right now. He’s one of three members of his species employed at BuzzFeed, and the only male omega, and his boss keeps asking him to do videos about being an iterant ‘to educate the humans,’ when what he really wants to do is videos about ghosts.
the rest of your life by bestliars | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 30k | MYSTERY DISAPPEARANCE IN THE MIDWEST! The year is 2034. Successful video producer Ryan Bergara uproots his whole life to take care of his friend’s children.
sit in my circle and hold my hand by soda_coded | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 14k | Ryan and Shane work for the metaphysical department of the LAPD, fool around and get cursed.
Idle Hands (Do the Devil's Work) by ma_malice | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 4k | In which the only upside to being a demon stuck in a seasonal Chicago snowstorm is the ability to abandon your body and possess your boyfriend in LA.
Shell Game by Giddygeek | The Magicians | Quentin/Eliot | 20k | Or, Quentin can’t believe he never thought to ask if there was a magical time in Fillory when people swapped bodies with the last person they slept with.
Contention by hollybennett123 | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu/Ye Baiyi | 3k |  The Zhou Zishu of ten minutes ago, who first agreed to the whole thing — the evening’s conversation and general bickering over drinks taking an unexpectedly filthy turn — had been thinking only about the imminent pounding on offer and not, well, everything else that might come with it.
Necrocafé by etothey | Locked Tomb Trilogy | Gideon/Harrow | 2k | Harrowhark Nonagesimus isn't sure which confounds her more: the new boxes of bones she is to animate, or the hot redheaded courier who brings the boxes.
simple man by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius, Loki/Loki | 6k | “Tell you what,” says Mobius, shortly after the Timekeepers have sentenced Loki to death, “why don’t I take care of this?”
(Un)disclosed desires by Springandastorm | Loki | Loki/Mobius | "That's not how I see you at all, Loki." Mobius said, unexpectedly earnest. "We all play roles sometimes." 
sources of light by brawlite | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 3k | Zhou Zishu makes a difficult choice in order to save Wen Kexing's life. The morning after is not an easy one.
warm company, cold nights by janonny | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu | 23k | He gave Zhou Zishu a lingering look from beneath his lashes. “Your virtuous wife will accompany you of course.”
the potential of broken things by icarusinflight | Harry Potter | Drarry | 11k | "Can you feel that? Some things want to be what they once were. The original spell is still there, and it wants to work again. All it takes is a little push and then"—Draco clicks his fingers of his free hand—"snap, everything will go back into place."
little beast by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 7k | Payback's a bitch.
you, undeniable you by returnsandreturns | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Jake/Amy | 1k | “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jake asks, for the fourth time. “Because we can just ditch that thing, toss it out a window, do it missionary like the founding fathers intended.”
Car Talk by drunkbedelia | Loki | Mobius/Loki | 1k | ‘When I pruned myself, I thought I might be able to find Loki,' Sylvie said.
one too many by sarcasticfishes | Watcher | Ryan/Shane | 1k | “Stay here,” Ryan says, just casual enough, “I’ll drive you home tomorrow.”
Tencent and Chill by quoth_the_ravenclaw | The Untamed | Nie Huaisang/Nie Mingjue | 2k | “Da-ge,” Huaisang whines, all for show, as much a performance as the actors on screen. He wiggles his toes. “My feet are so sore, you worked me too hard.”
The House at the End of the World by Hopetohell | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 1k | What will they do, now that they can do anything?
moderate the middle by ElisAttack | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 9k | People only smiled with their eyes when it was real. Unless they were a Loki. No matter the differences between the variants, their tricky grins were a constant as much as they were indiscernible.
Lost and Sound by snack_size | Loki | Loki/Thor/Sylvie | 5k | “Sylvie, did you help my brother defeat the Time Police?”
push the button (and let me know) by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 5k | “How about this?” hands folded on the table, he watches Loki intently. “If you tell me why, I’ll answer.” 
We're (not) all villains here by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 19k | WIP | Alone and friendless (once again), Loki has to find a way to set things right, or at least right enough he can comfortably sneak off into the sunset, which starts with one thing: saving Mobius's lost memories.
what remains by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | “You’re no analyst.” Mobius sounds stunned. They are not aligned, they are not in tandem. But there are wistful glimmers of what is now agonisingly out of reach.
worth a shot by thereyoflight | Loki | Loki/Sylvie | 2k | When Loki and Sylvie are moments away from being cornered on the train in Lamentis, they resort to desperate measures.
Bug Problems by xorabbit | Marvel | Grandmaster/Loki | 7k |  Loki ends up on Sakaar, of course, with just that many more schemes to scheme. However, the Grandmaster is not altogether too terrible--a bit of fine luck, for once--and perhaps it's all right to have a better-natured fling while one works out what's next.
our way, no takebacks by dinosuns | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 20k | "Nice speech," Sylvie drawls, but the sarcasm doesn't land.
Vennen min by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 12k | The day they let Mobius out of the infirmary, Loki gets assigned to a new handler. This, Mobius is pretty sure, is where the trouble starts.
new terms by dinosuns | Loki | President Loki/Mobius | 21k | For the first time in his life, Loki triumphs. How fitting then, for the end to swiftly barge in unannounced.
Icarus by Waako | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 5k | When Mobius got pruned, he expected two different outcomes. Either eternal peace or eternal emptiness. He certainly didn’t expect a grey sky, ruins of old buildings looming over him, and a Loki variant watching him like he was a piece of fresh meat.
Stress Relief by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 3.5k |  “Let me read you something,” Loki says. He rifles through the pages, clears his throat, and Mobius puts a hand over his eyes because he knows what’s coming before Loki even reads the first word—“Pēdīcābō ego vōs et irrumābō—“
just like the weather by sarcasticfishes | BFU | Shane/Ryan/Sara | 6k | “Y’know,” Ryan shrugs. “Friends have kids together sometimes. Like if a same-sex couple has a friend surrogate for them. Or sometimes people just co-parent.”
Woodash and iron and leather by iffervescent | The Witcher | 9k | Jaskier is the only person Geralt's ever been around who doesn't smell of fear
Food of Love by tanktrilby | The Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | 22k | I brought a dead princess back to life through the power of song is the kind of thing that would have got an eyebrow raise even from the stone-faced Geralt of Rivia, so it's a good thing he and Geralt will probably never see each other again.
If The Morning Light Sets In by nagia | Castlevania | Sypha/Trevor/Alucard | 45k | Save the Belmonts, save the world.
halfway by ivelostmyspectacles | Castlevania | Sypha/Alucard/Trevor | 12k | Vampire attacks are happening again. Unprovoked, strange, humans and vampires dying alike. A disease. Alucard assures them that he isn't susceptible.
lonely lonely heart by spqr | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 7k |  Mobius looks down at the paperwork, gets a sort of flustered farmboy look on his face, looks back up at Loki and says, “You offered to give a cop fellatio in the middle of Central Park.”
Bedrest by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen& Xue Yang | 3k | Xiao Xingchen's newest patient is causing him problems. He just won't stay put.
too little, too late. by raisesomehale | Miraculous Ladybug | Adrien/Marinette | 6k | WIP |  “Ladybug.” Chat’s voice cuts in like molten steel.
Jesper Fahey | 99 Problems
Jesper Fahey | OLD TOWN ROAD
Kaz & Inej | I Can't Pretend
human | kaz brekker
bucky barnes || humble
The Mandalorian || Warriors
The Mandalorian | I'll See You Again
Hope is the light.
►Zhou Zishu & Wen Kexing | Beautiful mess
Kaz & Inej | I Can't Pretend
versailles at night | alina & the darkling
look what you made me do | the darkling
Bucky Barnes | Rasputin
Obi-Wan || dirty work
Blood in the water [the Witcher]
MARVEL || Astronaut in the Ocean
Enola Holmes || Unstoppable
Shadow & Bone || Fire Meets Fate
Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 AMV/Trailer - Teeth
Kylo Ren | STAR WARS
MARVEL || Rasputin
MARVEL || Astronaut in the Ocean
i dont enjoy hurting people | Loki [1x01]
loki laufeyson • unsteady [⚠ 1x01]
MARVEL || Levitating
Shadow & Bone | Paint It Black
Glitter & Gold | Jesper Fahey
Shadow and Bone | Levitating
wen kexing ✘ zhou zishu | put your lips on mine
Erik Lensherr - Magneto
The Crows || Circus
The Crows | Thrift Shop (Shadow & Bone)
Zemo & Bucky — RASPUTIN [tfatws]
Cruella | Feeling good
Percy Jackson || Watch Me
THE KILLING KIND || The Magnus Archives Animatic
LOKI || Glorious Purpose
The Darkling | Black Heretic
Sam x Bucky || Handclap [HUMOR]
Loki || Lovely
Doctor Strange || Dystopia
Loki & Sylvie || I’m not your friend
Loki || Hate Me
MARVEL || River
Loki & Bucky || Paint It Black
Wanda Maximoff || The Scarlet Witch (WandaVision)
Play With Fire || MARVEL || Loki Doctor Strange Scarlet Witch
MARVEL || Warriors
Loki || God of Mischief || You Do You
(Marvel) Loki | You Will Never Be A God
Marvel's Horror Cinematic Universe
community gardens || the magnus archives PMV
Thor || Rise
Loki & Sylvie - Demons in my head [ep.3]
Loki | Lost
A Quiet Place
Loki & Sylvie || Strange Birds
Loki & Sylvie "I won't let you down" | (+1x05)
♚ Loki & Sylvie | If You Love Me (1x04)
Loki & Sylvie | If our love is wrong [Loki +1x04]
Loki and Mobius | Hold On [Loki +1x05]
loki laufeyson • in the end [+ 1x04]
Loki and Sylvie || Feeling Good
Marvel || Black Widow - Counting Stars || Natasha Romanoff 
Cruella || Little Wicked
MARVEL || This is My Time || Shang-Chi Trailer Music
Sylvie | Unstoppable (Loki +1x03)
Loki and Sylvie (Lady Loki) || Play With Fire
Wanda and Vision || Dancing With Your Ghost
Wanda Maximoff and Loki || You Should See Me In A Crown
Loki and his Variants ⚔ King of Space [ep.5]
Loki & Sylvie ❤ This world is slowing down [ep.5]
Sylvie || Confident (+1x04)
•Loki x Sylvie ⱠΞⴼ King and Queens•
Loki - In The End | Marvel
Loki & Sylvie ❤ Out of Control [ep.4]
Loki & Mobius | Dynasty [LOKI/+1x04]
Loki & Sylvie ❤ Love War [ep.6]
(Marvel) Loki | Glorious Purpose
(MARVEL) Loki | Chaos
Loki | In The End [+1X06]
Loki x Sylvie | Another Love
Loki & Sylvie | Arcade [ Loki +1x06]
MARVEL || The Assembled Universe (c/w ASTrix UI)
Natasha & Yelena || Do It Like A Dude
Black Widow || Smells Like Teen Spirit
MARVEL || Uptown Funk
MARVEL || 1 in a Million
MARVEL/DC || Dies Irae
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness TRAILER #1
MARVEL || Loki 
The Wild One - Suzi Quatro
What’s So Funny ‘Bout - Sharon Van Etten
Levitating - Dua Lipa
The Underground - Meg Myers
You Won’t Find Me - Narrow Skies
Elixir of Life - Leah
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers
ERROR - Niki, Kradness
Runaway - AURORA
Butterfly Water - Pastelle
Close to the Sun - Porcelain Pill
Selkie-boy - The Lost Words
Good Riddance - Annapantsu
Die Anywhere Else - Julia Henderson
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
Down - St Vincent
Word of Honor OST
Welcome to the Pleasuredome - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Shy Away - Twenty One Pilots
Follow You - Imagine Dragons
I’m Not That Girl - Kerry Ellis
Meant to be Yours - Ryan McCartan
Ex Wives - Six
Euphoria - BTS
Walls - Cher
96,000 - In the Heights
Sun Goes Down - Lil Nas X
Enough For You - Olivia Rodrigo
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Ziti E Buoni - Maneskin
Shum - Go_A
Loco Loco - Hurricane
Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Glass Animals
The Horror and the Wild (whole album - The Amazing Devil
Chant - Hadestown
Titans - Major Lazer, Sia
Bones - Galantis
Golden Dandelions - Barns Courtney
Le Nozze di Figaro - Hybrid
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd
Psycho - Post Malone
Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding
And So It Went - The Pretty Reckless
help herself - bbno$
Fire For You - Cannons
Twist the Knife - Chromatics
He Said She Said - Chvrches
Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Campus - Vampire Weekend
Your Power - Billie Eilish
Reach - Eternal Eclipse
1 Last Cigarette - The Band Camino
Insertion - Hans Zimmer
from the edge - fictionjunction
The Devil Is a Gentleman - Merci Raines
Meet Me In The Woods - Amarante
Fire - Saint Mesa
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Saint Mesa
Appetite - Casey Edwards
All Things Devour - aeseaes
Throne - Saint Mesa
Witchcraft - Vian Izak
The Shrine / An Argument - Fleet Foxes
It’s Tricky - Run
Darjeeling - Barrie
Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings - Father John Misty
Picture Me Better - Weyes Blood
Loch Lomond - Mackenzi Tolk
Punta - Matzzy
Touch It Clean - DJ Raulito
Oh No - Kreepa
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - Marina
Sofia - Askjell
The Boy - Shannon & the Clams
First Steps - Lena Raine
The Power of Balance Rearranged - Rush Garcia
And So My Heart Became a Void - Ursine Vulpine
Paper Mache - Iris Lune
Catch Me If You Can - Desert Belle
Darkroom Double - Moon & Pollution
Serotonin - girl in red
In the Air Tonight - Natalie Taylor
When Your Heart Is a Stranger - Friends In Paris
Moon Effect - Sailor Moon Eternal OST
In A Black Out - Hamilton Leithauser
Forever - CHVRCHES
Way Less Sad - AJR
Helter Skelter - Detention
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors
TVA - Natalie Holt
Honeybee-The Head and the Heart
Home All Summer - Anthony Ramos
In the Shadows - Amy Stroup
My Way - Lucifer Cast
In the Air Tonight - Jon Howard
The Beast - Old Caltone
The Beast - Delta Rae
Freak Like Me - Adina Howard
Only the Good Die Young - Billy Joel
Winds of Change - Scorpions
good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
If I Could See The World - Patsy Cline
Ends of the Earth - Lord Huron 
The Killing Kind - Marianas Trench
Bones - Wens
Kiss Me More - Doja Cat
How Not to Drown - CHVRCHES
Dark Moon - Bonnie Guitar
Free Smiles - Tia Ray
Sundown Blues - Joanna Levine
Citta Vuoto - Mina
If You Love Me - Brenda Lee
Very Full - Tom Hiddleston
Loki Green Theme - Natalie Holt
Wrecked - Imagine Dragons
The Wolves - Cyrus Reynolds
Cure For Me - Aurora
Theory of Light - Eternal Eclipse
Fate of the Clockmaker - Eternal Eclipse
Potential Breakup Son - Aly and AJ
transparent soul - travis barker
My Love Will Never DSie - AG, Claire Wyndham
Happy Together - King Princess
Atomise - Temple
Darkside - Oshins
Someone to Watch Over Me - Lucifer Cast
This is Ours - Peter Sivo
Love and War - Fleurie
Take Me To Church - MILCK
Devil I Know - Allie X
East of Eden - Zella Day
Shadow Preachers - Zella Day
Losing My Religion - BELLSAINT
Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley
Dark Side - Blind Channel
Tanz Mit Mir - Faun
My Jolly Sailor Bold - Ashley Serena
Stuttering - Fefe Dobson
Monsters and Fairies - Savannah
Chosen - SVRCINA
Freya - Verdandi
Sick on Seventh Strett - Sarah and the Safe Word
Tarah - Sae Sae Norris
Suspicion - Sherwood Roberts
Fjorgyn - Osi and the Jupiter
Fight to Make It Up - Takenobu
The Edge of Dawn - Rozen
Innocence - Cannon Diviision
A Stray Child - .Hack//Sign
The Kiss - Luigi Rubino
Any Kind of Dead Person - Ghost Quartet
The Great Unknown - Dominique Gilbert
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Saint Mesa
over the rainbow - misterwives
Fireflies - Cullen Vance
My mother Told Me - Nati Dreddd
Athetosis - Crywolf
Major Tom - Shiny Toy Guns
Novacaine - 10 Years
Right Here Right Now - Jesus Jones
NDA - Billie Eilish
Trouble’s Coming - Royal Blood
Completing the Circle - Gareth Coker
There’ll Always Be Another Monster - Brian D’Oliveira
take my hand and i'll drown you with me | Star Wars | Rey & Ben Solo | 2,157 words |  “You brought this upon yourself,” the creature told her, its voice serene.
keeping me restless and whole | Loki | Loki/Mobius | 1,584 words | Mobius was very young when he encountered his first Loki.
feed me lies until i'm dead | Loki | Thor/Loki | 3,476 words | “Don’t you think we should talk about it?” Thor asks.
the ghost of us can linger here | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 4,432 words | “So, how do you crazy kids want to do this?” Mobius asks them in a stage whisper, mouth twitching. At her back, Loki laughs, burying the sound against the curve of her neck.
there's a whisper in my bones | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 2,794 words |  “All right,” she says. “Fine. Let’s make things more interesting. Take off your clothes.”
east of eden | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 2,202 words |  “How long have you been fucking him?”  Mobius asks, stroking his fingers against the place where leather meets skin.
Triptych in C Minor | Loki | Loki/Mobius/Sylvie | 1,647 words | Pt 1 | There is a house at the end of time, past the last storm, pushed up against the very edge of the unknown. It is a castle, a manor, a fortress - all depending on who inhabits it. But one thing that it never is, is a home.
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4 notes · View notes
notabigdeal-fanfic · 3 years
capítulo 3 - UN PASO
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Jisung no podía quejarse mucho, al menos habían elegido una canción para realizar, el problema ahora era que el imbecil volvía a discutirle por todo. El rubio no aguantaba más a este chico.
—¡Sigues sin pillarlo! — grita Minho, mirando como el rubio se había vuelto a perder en el ritmo.
—Podría hacerlo bien si me explicaras bien lo que tengo que hacer. — contratacó Jisung.
—Pero si te lo he explicado ya quinientas veces, ¡presta atención! Un, dos tres, un dos. — Minho contaba el ritmo, lentamente, mientras bailaba, marcando exageradamente los movimientos. — Pam, pam. ¿Lo pillas? — el castaño le miró con rabia por el espejo.
—No soy imbécil. — Jisung rueda los ojos, volviendo a posicionarse.
—Algunas veces lo aparentas.
—¡Retira eso! — la paciencia del rubio llega hasta un límite, y el chico estaba haciendo que el agua desbordara del vaso. Encara al castaño mirándolo con rabia.
—¡Oblígame! — Minho también le mira, retándole.
—Voy a borrar esa estúpida sonrisa de subidito de tu cara.
—No creo que lo logres.
El timbre suena, interrumpiendo la discusión de los dos chicos. Ninguno de los dos se mira más mientras recogen sus pertenencias lo más rápido que pueden para salir del aula. Jisung sale el primero, andando que parecía que saltaban chispas a su alrededor. Tenía tiempo libre a si que se fue a su aula favorita.
Sabía que esta aula siempre estaba vacía, nadie impartía clases aquí, estaba prácticamente abandonada, ni siquiera las personas de la limpieza pasaban para limpiar, por eso el rubio se tomó la libertad de limpiarla y hacer que fuera como "su habitación" en la universidad. Podía venir las veces que quisiera, nadie le buscaría aquí, está ubicado bastante lejos de las demás clases y parecía que nadie sabía de la existencia de esta aula.
Jisung abrió las cortinas, permitiendo que los rayos de luz se colaran por la ventana, la cual abrió un poco para que corriese un poco de aire. Respiró profundamente, intentando relajar su cuerpo. Estar con el castaño le hacía enfurecer demasiado.
Apoyó su espalda en el cristal, mirando el aula. Era bastante espaciosa, el suelo de madera perfectamente limpio, ya que el rubio se había colado en los armarios de limpieza para coger varios productos, escobas y fregonas para poder limpiar bien la sala. El cristal que adornaba toda la pared de esquina a esquina no tenía ninguna marca de manos o sudor a diferencia de los cristales de las aulas de ensayo. Y en una esquina un piano de cola negro.
Se había sorprendido de que sonara tan bien viendo que estaba repleto de polvo cuando llegó, con suerte no había afectado a los mecanismos del instrumento y sonaba como si fuera nuevo.
Se acercó al piano, sentándose en el banco, sus dedos repasaron las teclas lentamente. Cerró los ojos y colocó gentilmente sus dedos en una posición conocida. Sus dedos y el pie del pedal empezaron a moverse, creando una suave melodía.
—It's nine o'clock on a saturday, regular crowd shuffles in. There's an old man sittin' next to me, makin' love to his tonic and gin — Jisung empieza a cantar, una de sus canciones favoritas, Piano Man de Billy Joel,  — He says: "Son can you play me a memory?", I'm not really sure how it goes. But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger man's clothes — los ojos del rubio estaban cerrados, cantando con toda la pasión que puede, concentrado en su canción. Notando como su cuerpo se destensa, y disfruta de esa sensación.
Suspiró una vez que tocó la última nota. Su cuerpo se notaba mucho más relajado. Era en estos momentos en los que agradecía saber de la existencia de esta aula. Podía venir las veces que quisiera que se sintiera agobiado, cabreado o triste. No necesitaba nada más.
Tiró la cabeza hacia atrás cerrando sus ojos, tomó otra respiración antes de levantarse y mover todo su cuerpo y sus músculos. Cogió en su mochila un pequeño altavoz portátil que siempre llevaba, la única diferencia de esta aula y las demás es que no tenía un equipo de altavoces donde poner su música, pero no podía quejarse. Conectó su móvil y eligió la canción que estaban trabajando hacia unos minutos los chicos.
Jisung se puso en frente el espejo, mirando fijamente su reflejo, intentando recordar los movimientos que el castaño le había enseñado malamente. El rubio sería el que empezara a rapear el principio, y el baile que había elegido Minho no era especialmente fácil para aprenderse en apenas una hora.
Los movimientos eran rápidos, recuerda como el castaño no paraba de mover los pies sin parar, y no hablemos del torso y brazos. Jisung juraba que iba a tener una agujetas enormes a la mañana siguiente.
Jisung se enforzaba, pero casi podía jurar escuchar la voz de Minho en su cabeza riñéndole porque los brazos no habían subido al ángulo querido, que había perdido un tiempo, o que esa no era la correcta posición de sus pies. Suspiró, mientras se acercaba a su móvil para volver a reproducir la canción desde el principio.
El rubio se había pasado toda su hora libre practicando la maldita canción. Su cuerpo le empezaba a doler, pero al fin dominó esas partes que parecían imposibles. Solo rezaba que Minho no hiciera el baile todavía más difícil.
Jisung no era un mal bailarín, lo contrario, era muy bueno, pero Minho tenía un don para el baile, era uno de los miembros más reconocidos de la universidad. Hyunjin, Felix y él eran conocidos como el equipo danceracha, nombre que le habían puesto los demás estudiantes al verles bailar. Le cabreaba un poco al rubio, ya que él y sus amigos Changbin y Chan habían estado creando canciones y rapeando desde la secundaria, y habían elegido llamarse 3racha después de una noche con unas cervezas de más, les había parecido gracioso el nombre de esa salsa picante.
Suspiró mientras recogía sus cosas y salió del aula. No había nadie en este pequeño pasillo no conocido por los demás estudiantes. Se dirigió al comedor, donde sus amigos ya estaban sentados en su mesa habitual, cogió el almuerzo que servían ese día y se sentó con ellos.
—Dichosos los ojos que te ven.— habla Chan, mirándole con gracia. — Pensábamos que habías muerto.
—¿Por que lo dices? — pregunta extrañado Jisung mientras empieza a comer los macarrones de queso de su plato, sin duda uno de los mejores platos que hacen en el comedor.
—Minho salió al patio echando chispas, era obvio que habíais discutido, no te vimos en toda la hora, pensábamos que te habría arrancado las tripas o algo. — explicó Changbin. — Cuando le preguntábamos dónde estabas no nos decía nada. ¿Donde has estado?
Jisung rueda los ojos. — Es imbécil... — mastica sus macarrones con rabia mientras mira la mesa en su diagonal, ahí está, el castaño comiendo con sus amigos, con su rostro como siempre, serio, cabreado, malhumorado. — He estado en mi sala, necesitaba tiempo.
Sus amigos sabían que muchas veces Jisung se iba a esa aula vacía para estar tranquilo y relajarse, estaban acostumbrados a que desapareciera durante horas, algunas veces incluso apagaba su teléfono y era imposible contactar con él. Pero ahora que tenía que trabajar con Minho tenían miedo por su pequeño amigo, el castaño no tiene fama por tener paciencia y ser amable.
—Al menos vives un día más.
—Lo que tú digas, Bin. — el rubio decide ignorar a su amigo y seguir comiendo lo que le queda en su plato.
Maldito Lee Minho. Maldito profesor que decidió que sería buena idea que trabajasen juntos.
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La alarma sonaba, Jisung estiró con pereza su mano y pulsó el botón de su móvil, la alarma volvería a sonar en unos minutos.
Ojalá despertar fuera como todas esas historias cliché, ¿verdad? El o la protagonista se despierta con el sonido agradable de su alarma sonando, unos pequeños rayos de sol pasan por su ventana, haciendo que abra poco a poco los ojos y se levante con un "Hoy va a ser un buen día", con su cara perfectamente limpia y bonita, su pelo bien peinado y hasta un pijama bien colocado, su habitación de colores claros perfectamente ordenada.
Pero esta no es una de esas historias, el despertar de Jisung es como cualquier despertar común. Su habitación no era grande de colores cálidos, sus paredes eran color azul mar, su cama estaba completamente deshecha por todas las vueltas que había dado durante la noche, y sin duda su habitación no olía bien, ya que duerme con sus dos gatos y esa noche uno de ellos utilizó el arenero con emergencia. Jisung no había tenido fuerzas ni ganas de levantarse a las 5 de la mañana para limpiar lo que fuera que hubiesen hecho en esa caja de arena, ya lo haría por la mañana, por lo que ahora su habitación apestaba a caca de gato. ¿Quien no quiere levantarse así?
Su pelo estaba revuelto en todas las direcciones y su cara con marcas de la almohada. En el momento en el que el rubio se relajó para dormir cinco minutos más, su alarma volvió a sonar, haciendo que gruñera al móvil.
Además, Jisung tenía un iPhone, no se despertaba por la mañana con una dulce melodía como los usuarios de Android, no, era un ruido tan horrible que parece que le estaban pegando martillazos en la cabeza para que se levantara de una puta vez.
Con pereza, abrió los ojos mientras miraba las últimas notificaciones de su móvil. Le daba hasta pereza abrir los chats que tenía sin contestar, revisó publicaciones y historias de instagram, algunos tiktoks, hasta que se dio cuenta de la hora que era. Tenía que apurarse si no quería llegar tarde.
—Alexa, — llamó a su dispositivo — pon mi lista de spotify.
La música empezó a sonar en los pequeños altavoces del aparato, no tenían una calidad excelente pero hacían su función,  sin ganas de nada se levantó mirando a sus dos gatos. Uno estaba todavía dormido en los pies de su cama, y la otra gata estaba dormida en la silla de su ordenador. Saludo a ambos con una sonrisa y un beso en sus pequeñas cabezas mientras su cuerpo empezaba a moverse al ritmo de la canción. Si, sin duda despertar con música era la mejor opción.
Se vistió con la ropa que había dejado la noche anterior preparada, abrió la puerta dejando que sus gatos salieran con él. Se dirigió a la cocina para ver que el desayuno y las pastillas diarias de su abuela todavía seguían intactas, algunas veces se olvidaba de dejarle listo todo a su abuela por la noche y tenía que levantarse a mitad de la noche para ponerlo.
Puso su desayuno a preparar, y mientras se hacía fue al baño para lavarse la cara. Lavarse con agua fría nunca le parecía una buena manera de despertar, le ponía de mala hostia, pero el agua caliente tardaba bastante tiempo en salir. Se lavó la cara rápidamente y se puso su crema hidratante para que no le quedara la piel reseca. Sus ojos picaron cuando se puso las lentillas, tenía demasiado sueño y le pesaba todo el cuerpo debido que estuvo durante horas practicando el maldito baile.
De vuelta a la cocina, revisó el comedero y el bebedero de sus gatos, tenían comida y agua de sobra para el resto de la mañana. Desayunó mientras miraba algunos vídeos en su tablet.
Una vez que terminó, dejó su taza en el fregadero y se dirigió a su habitación para limpiar la caja de arena de su habitación. Hacia buen tiempo a si que dejó la puerta de su balcón abierta y la caja fuera, así podría ventilar durante el día y sus gatos podrían acceder a ella.
Frente el espejo de su habitación se puso un poco de maquillaje. Jisung no era un experto en el maquillaje, malamente sabía aplicárselo, pero sus ojeras mañaneras era mejor taparlas. Se echó la crema hidratante de su color de piel y el corrector de ojeras, extendiéndolo lo mejor que pudo. Retocó sus cejas y listo. No estaba perfecto pero al menos disimulaba su mala cara.
Estiró sus brazos con un bostezo, miró la hora y cogió su mochila y llaves. Se despidió de sus gatos y salió a la calle. Con suerte no hacía mucho frío, se encaminó a su coche y arrancó a dirección de la universidad.
Llegó en menos de 15 minutos, no vio el coche de Changbin, supuso que llegaría dentro de poco, todavía les quedaba algo de tiempo para entrar. Chan estaba apoyado en su coche hablando con Hyunjin, seguramente sobre su trabajo. Salió de su coche y se acercó a ellos.
—Buenos días. — saludó el rubio, los dos chicos le miraron con una sonrisa y asintieron. Estuvieron unos minutos hablando de diferentes canciones que su amigo y el otro rubio estaban planteando todavía para realizar. Chan era realmente bueno a la hora de crear canciones, o modificarlas al gusto, era un buen productor.
—Hyunjin. — una voz demasiada conocida, sobre todo para el rubio, sonó a sus espaldas, se giró mirando al castaño que llamaba a su amigo. Su fría expresión estaba ahí, como siempre, ambos se miraron con recelo.
—Nos vemos luego Chan. — se disculpó el rubio con una pequeña sonrisa, el otro chico le sonrió de vuelta. — Jisung, espero que Minho y tú empecéis a llevaros mejor, al menos sin tantas discusiones, — Hyunjin dijo con una pequeña mueca. — así podríamos hacer alguna actuación todos juntos, creo que estaría chulo.
Jisung hizo una pequeña mueca. — Sabes que es complicado, ese imbécil la tiene tomada conmigo, es realmente insoportable. — dijo mientras rodaba los ojos.
Hyunjin rió. — No te lo voy a negar, muchas veces le tengo miedo, pero no es un mal chaval, ya verás.
El rubio más alto le dio un amistoso golpe con su mano en el hombro del más pequeño, en forma de ánimos, y se fue con el castaño. Jisung miraba como se iba acercando cada vez más a Minho, este otro seguía mirándole con su típica mirada fría que a cualquier otra persona le daría miedo, pero no a Jisung, éste le retaba con la mirada de vuelta.
—¿Cuando será el día en que os podríais soportar Minho y tú? — le habla Changbin, quien había llegado hacia unos segundos y había presenciado esas miradas de odio. Nada  nuevo, lo de siempre.
Jisung bufó. — Cuando los cerdos vuelen.
Chan mira a Changbin divertido. — ¿Si le ponemos unas alas a Bin crees que serviría?
Jisung ríe. — ¡Oye! — Changbin le da un golpe a Chan, lo que hace que ambos chicos rían más. — No tiene gracia.
—Claro que la tiene.
—Chúpamela. — Changbin les da la espalda dirigiéndose a la entrada de la universidad.
—¡Vale, vale! — Chan se cuelga en el cuello del más pequeño mientras sigue riéndose. — Ya paro.
Changbin les mira de reojo.
Jisung suspira, otra vez, a causa del estrés, nerviosismo y ansiedad en la que se encontraba. Se dirigió a su clase de harmonía no sin antes despedirse de sus amigos.
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Las dos horas de harmonía le habían pasado demasiado rápido, no quería que fuera así, ahora tendría el resto de la mañana para practicar con su querido compañero. Intento evitar rodar los ojos con solo pensarlo y simplemente se dirigió a la aula de ensayos que les habían asignado. Cuando llegó, el castaño ya estaba dentro estirando sus músculos.
Sin decir ni una palabra, dejó sus cosas en una esquina y empezó a moverse y estirar todos sus músculos también. Tenía el cuerpo un poco resentido, suspiró a la vez que estiraba, hoy no le dolían tanto, pero sabía que mañana iba a ser peor. Tampoco iba a ser dolor siempre, le dolerían solamente los primeros dos o tres días, luego su cuerpo estaría más habituado.
Una vez que terminó de estirar, Minho se acercó al equipo de música y empezó a reproducir la canción. La puso un poco más lenta de como es el ritmo de la canción. Pudo saberlo porque la mezcla que habían hecho, todavía versión beta, tenía cinco toques antes de que la canción empezara, para que pudieran coger posición y saber cuando empezar su baile.
—Empecemos. — fue lo primero que dijo el castaño. El rubio le miró inexpresivo a través del espejo y se puso a su lado, aún dejando bastante distancia.
Cuando empezó la canción, ambos chicos empezaron a mover sus cuerpos al ritmo de la canción hasta el punto que tenían coreografiado.
—No está mal. — admitió Minho una vez que pararon de moverse. — Pero sigues estando muy rígido — Puntualizó.
—Será porque no estoy cómodo contigo.
—Oh, que va, si yo estoy encantado de trabajar contigo. — el escupió el castaño a través del gran cristal de la sala. Jisung solo chasqueó la lengua mientras miraba para otro lado. — A ver princesa, tenemos dos opciones. Ninguno hace nada y suspendemos, o intentamos aprobar. Luego ya podremos volver cada uno por su camino.
Jisung le miró, y debía admitir que el castaño tenía razón, si seguían así sólo conseguirían acabar a puñetazos y no podrían terminar su actuación para la fecha del examen y ambos suspenderían. No le importaría que suspendiera el otro chico, pero él no quería suspender. — Estoy de acuerdo.
—A mi tampoco me gusta trabajar contigo, ¿sabías?
—No hace falta ser un genio para darse cuenta.
Minho rodó los ojos, relajando por una vez su rostro cuando se giró para mirar al rubio. — A lo que me refiero es que aunque no me caigas bien, no me pienso cargar la asignatura.
—Díselo a tu canción del café helado. — susurró Jisung en bajito mientras miraba sus manos. Minho empujó el interior de su boca con su lengua, lo había escuchado.
—Ahora vamos a velocidad normal. Recuerda lo que te dije. — el castaño decide ignorar las palabras del otro chico por el bien de ambos, y vuelve a reproducir la canción desde el principio a velocidad normal esta vez.
Jisung suspiró, intentando relajar su cuerpo.
"Era todo o nada."
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4 notes · View notes
homespork-review · 4 years
HOMESPORK ACT 5 ACT 1: Mobius Double Plusungood, Part 3
TW: """funny""" sexual and physical assault of a child by another child, extreme bullying, extreme ableism, a very brief discussion of shipping characters outside their canon sexuality.
CHEL: We get some implications of the part of troll culture we ended on last time when a slightly baffled-looking Nepeta, watching through the viewport, updates her SHIPPING WALL. Instead of hearts, some of the hypothetical pairings she’s painted are marked with diamonds. What this means will be explained shortly.
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I can’t help but feel it’s slightly creepy to hypothetically matchmake your own friends, but I’m pretty sure the other trolls know at least that the shipping wall exists if not exactly which ships they’re in, and they do live in a society in which it’s stated later that mating is mandatory, so it would indeed be helpful to have at least emergency-doable matchmaking done well in advance and they might appreciate the help.
I’d like to take a moment to note a ship at the bottom row, left of centre; GA/Tavros. Hussie, on his Formspring, later said that GA was “obviously” a lesbian, or anyway was only interested in women, which doesn’t have a specific term for it in troll culture. It’s actually hard to tell going by what’s shown in canon, because she only displays specific interest in girls except for in a complicated case we’ll discuss later, but trolls are supposed to be bi-normative, plus it’s not like the male selection here is particularly inspiring, so, yeah, the evidence we actually see isn't conclusively "obvious". The fandom, knowing this, systematically harass anyone who even muses vaguely about the possibility of shipping her with a boy, even if they don't know about that Word of God. This is why I’m wondering whether the trolls knew about the shipping wall, because if they did, we can presume GA didn’t care. For the record, I’m sex-repulsed ace and have in fact written about.my own imaginary persona fucking (admittedly fucking an opposite sex clone of herself, it was a complicated injoke) and my reaction to someone else writing it would depend on context and reason, so I can imagine her reacting similarly, but not everyone would. A similar thing with a canonically gay male character explicitly on-screen not caring about hypothetical shipping of himself with girls comes up much later; he’s not a troll, but his upbringing was troll-influenced (long story).
BRIGHT: Harassing people over the ships they make content for always baffles me. It’s not like fanart/fanfic for a ship which contradicts canon has any effect on the canon, and playing around with character dynamics (often in a pornographic manner) is a major part of fanfic.
CHEL: On top of all this, gender and sexuality are really shaky concepts to even try to apply to a species which reproduces hermaphroditically. On this side of the fourth wall it’s obviously because Hussie is a not-very-reflective cisgender heterosexual man, and didn’t think about it any further than “girls wear skirts, right?” Plenty of people fanwank up possibilities for how it could happen on the other side. I think we may have to make a “What The Fuck Is Alternian Biology And Sociology” post or two separate from the sporking at the very end.
Discourse discussion over! Next page, we see some of the relevant terminology used in troll culture, though we still don’t get any explanation of what any of the words actually mean, which is a tad annoying for new readers. The context is a discussion between Karkat and Vriska about getting her into the game.
BRIGHT: Specifically, Karkat wants Vriska to get Tavros into the game, leading to this exchange…
Finally, our long-awaited introduction to troll romance!
And the introduction is an effective one. We now know that there’s something called ‘black romance’, that it concerns hate, and that one’s black-romantic partner is a ‘kismesis’. The conversation also flows naturally and fits the characters having it, rather than being an awkward as-you-know infodump, although brace yourselves, there’s one of those coming up. Thirteen is about right for kids starting to have romantic feelings and being confused about it, not wanting to talk about it is pretty normal, and Karkat lecturing people at a good opportunity is absolutely in character.
Karkat goes on to lecture Vriska about the emotions involved in different sorts of romantic relationships, and wow, it really says a lot about troll culture…
CHEL: It’s never really clear if this is just Karkat’s idea of it or if this is how trolls actually work biologically. Trolls do use the word “love” later on, so I always interpreted it as “pity” being a euphemistic term because “love” in such a warlike and oppressive culture could be exploited as a weakness. Fandom has played it with their love actually being based on a weird form of sympathy/seeing the other as needing protection, which is also plausible.
FAILURE ARTIST: I have played with the pity thing before but in retrospect Karkat is the only one who seems to see it that way. Maybe this is all his fake deep teenager view of romance.
BRIGHT: Vriska makes a performance of how bored she is, but Karkat’s on a roll.
So now we have ‘kismesis’, ‘moirail’, and ‘matesprit’ as terms for romantic partners, as well as the concepts of black romance, red romance, and ‘moirallegiance’ as the relationship one has with a moirail. Troll romance is not going to get any less confusing for a while.
If Karkat’s grasp of psychology strikes you as amateurish, there’s a reason for that: He gets all his knowledge from romance movies.
AG: Hey asshole, stop watching movies for girls.
I think that’s another strike against the ‘girls are the dangerous ones on Alternia’ argument. Romance movies, per this exchange, are both female-coded and seen as inferior -- Karkat defends his viewing choices by saying they’re INTRIGUING SOCIOLOGICALLY, but Vriska isn’t buying it.
CHEL: I’m not sure an interest in the workings of romance should be a socially gendered thing in a society where, as it turns out, you have to have an acceptable romantic partner by a certain time or die. You’d think most kids would be trying as hard as they could to learn and put into practice everything they could about it, and you’d also think there’d be better information for them than romcoms.
BRIGHT: Has the mate-or-die part come up yet? I’m not sure when Hussie thought of it.
CHEL: I don’t know if he’d thought of it yet, but it does come up very soon.
BRIGHT: Karkat then moves on to the original reason he contacted Vriska -- he needs her and her mind powers in the game, because he’s just run into a double agent called Jack.
Over on the next panel, Karkat is still talking to Vriska, but he’s glancing back over his shoulder at Jack Noir. His hand is covered in blood, which keeps cycling through a range of colours. The blood, it transpires, is because Jack stabbed him. Karkat is amazingly calm about this.
This would be ridiculously chill even from someone who isn’t extremely cagey about his blood colour -- and it’s not that Karkat suddenly doesn’t care any more, because as soon as Vriska says she’ll ask Terezi or Jack what colour he’s bleeding, he tells her that he’s out of Terezi’s range, Jack is sworn to secrecy, and Sollux (who’s incommunicado) is the only one who knows how to make Trollian’s viewport feature work. (Given we saw how easy it is to use earlier, I’m surprised Vriska doesn’t try to figure it out herself.)
Over on the next panel, the viewer is now Jack, a few minutes prior to this conversation. Contrary to Karkat’s protestations, Jack stabs him because He's got a pretty sharp tongue and can't seem to keep it sheathed. He is curious when Karkat cares less about the wound and more about Jack seeing his blood colour, which is apparently some freakish mutation. Jack looks at his knife…
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CHEL: While it’s not a realistic depiction of the colour, recall that this is the shade of red used in-comic to depict human blood. This reveal probably isn’t a surprise to anyone by now, if you’ve encountered fanart, and honestly it wasn’t a huge mindblowing revelation on my first read before I knew, but I do think it’s a clever little “aha, THAT’S why!” moment. Skilfully done.
It seems he's the only one of his kind with this mutant candy-red blood. An outcast. He thinks he was put on this planet covered in an ocean of his own blood to be taunted. Punished for something. Saddest story you ever heard. Got to do something to shut him up.
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BRIGHT: Awww. That’s kind of sweet.
This little interchange gave rise to the ‘Stabdads’ fandom phenomenon, where Spades Slick is envisaged as Karkat’s father-figure. In Homestuck canon, it’s dubious how much affection Slick has for Karkat. He seems more irritated by him than anything else, but that’s about on par for how he treats the rest of the Midnight Crew. On the other hand, it clearly makes a massive impact on Karkat. We’ve seen how important blood colour is on Alternia and how insecure he is about his own; his sudden rush of fellow-feeling towards Jack is understandable, even if it does make him way too forgiving about having been stabbed.
CHEL: Karkat and Jack shake hands, and proceed to be in cahoots. Cahoooooooots. Doodling on the defaced parking ticket from earlier, they draft OPERATION REGISURP.
Your whole team executes the plan along the course of its journey, employing espionage, mind control tactics, political sabotage, vicious interrogations and cold blooded assassinations. Everyone does their part and you begin to learn the true meaning of teamwork, as well as this troll disease called friendship.
Yeah, it actually happening is skipped over with one paragraph, but that’s probably a good thing with all the complexity already going on, and we do hear more details about it. First, we’re reminded of the existence and functions of the Queens’ Rings, the magic rings the queens of Derse and Prospit have which give them traits and powers from whatever the players put in their sprites. The trolls have put their lusii in their sprites, except for Aradia, whose lusus died long ago, so she got in the sprite herself. The Queen could put up with getting bits and pieces from eleven hideous monsters (well, ten hideous monsters and one adowable little fairybull thing oh my gosh it’s cuuuute) tacked onto her, but what she absolutely won’t stand for is the other thing Aradia put in her sprite…
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She could not stand bearing the visage of the most loathsome creature known to existence. So vile is its appearance, so contemptible its purpose, all depictions of the creature let alone members of its population are permanently banned from any jurisdiction in the reach of her agents. Those of its kind go by many names, and so does the reviled patron god they herald - THE GREAT DETESTATION, KING PONDSQUATTER, SPEAKER OF THE VAST JOKE, or most commonly, BILIOUS SLICK.
Recall that AR thought of the hieroglyphs in the Frog Temple as “illegal pictography”. We’ll find out later why the Black Queen has such a revulsion for frogs, it’s important. But the important part right now is that she took the ring off. At the time of planning it’s in the ROYAL VAULT.
We briefly see a moment in the future of the Black Queen wrapped in rags, just like the human sessions’ White Queen, wandering the desert as the BANISHED QUASIROYAL, and the caption notes the plan was a success.
However, Doc Scratch appears in the desert in front of her, and it’s noted she was given a new purpose. This, it seems, is the origin of Snowman.
FAILURE ARTIST: I would like if there was some canon Homestuck material expanding on this REGISURP plot.
BRIGHT: Same! It sounds really interesting. One example of Homestuck’s idiosyncratic pacing, I suppose -- we spend pages and pages on trivial alchimeter nonsense, but skip over something more meaty.
CHEL: The Red Team work on that, while the Blue Team battle their own session… or so they think. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve all already figured it out, but the trolls hadn’t just yet. They note that their prototypes are affecting the opposite team’s underlings, and the readers are shown Alternia’s two Frog Temples, one near Aradia’s home and the other near Kanaya’s, each with six pillars outside (one seems to have five, but the sixth is hidden behind the building). Superimposed on each other, the pillars make a full ring of twelve.
The truth was it had always been the same session all along. That your teams were not competing, but cooperating toward a common goal. In the more drawn out form of this adventure's narrative, figuring this out would have been a huge deal. We would have been completely blown away by this stunning revelation. Wow. Same session all along. Really? Huh.
This is what Aradia’s been so mysterious about. She knew. We’re provided with a handy diagram, in case we haven’t been able to keep up.
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After watching the phrases MOBIUS DOUBLE and REACH AROUND toggle for a few minutes while in a sort of stupor, you finally snap out of it.
(I just noticed, the Blue Team are the Derse dreamers and the Red Team are the Prospit dreamers. Neat!)
The reader’s attention is drawn instead to the Aquarius and Pisces symbols in the top left, belonging to characters we haven’t met yet, and the narration promises we’ll learn about them soon. Drawing attention again to GA’s Virgo symbol, the narration muses about her.
It will probably be quite some time before you get to be her. It could very well be pages and pages and pages.
Naturally, we jump right back to her.
GA’s intro is long, so we’ll take it piece by piece.
Your name is KANAYA MARYAM.
The Sanskrit name for Virgo is “Kanya”, and it’s also the name of a town in Japan. “Maryam” is the Arabic version of “Mary”, as in Jesus’ mother. It may also be a reference to Marya Zaleska, the title character of the movie “Dracula’s Daughter”.
You are one of the few of your kind who can withstand the BLISTERING ALTERNIAN SUN, and perhaps the only who enjoys the feel of its rays. As such, you are one of the few of your kind who has taken a shining to LANDSCAPING. You have cultivated a lush oasis around your hive, and in particular, you have honed your craft through the art of TOPIARY, sculpting your trees to match the PUFFY ORACLES from your dreams. You have embraced the tool of this trade, which conveniently is the weapon of choice for those who would hunt the HEINOUS BROODS OF THE UNDEAD which crawl from the sand at sunrise to feast on the light and the living.
Couple things established here; trolls are not only nocturnal but actively harmed by their planet’s sun, and undead beings other than ghosts exist. Said traditional weapon for hunting them is a chainsaw, which we can see lying against her bookshelf, a reference to the Evil Dead movies.
It would be convenient if you actually hunted them, but it is of course far too dangerous, every bit as suicidal as attempting to poach the terrible MUSCLEBEASTS who roam at night. So you indulge in your bright fascination with the grim through literature. Just before the sun goes down and you join your flora in rest, you immerse yourself in tales of RAINBOW DRINKERS and SHADOW DROPPERS and FORBIDDEN PASSION.
Rainbow drinkers are, as discussed later on, troll vampires. I don’t think shadow droppers are ever expanded on, but they might be zombies or werebeasts. Troll goths, apparently, are the reverse of human goths, dressing in bright colours and staying up in the daytime, which makes sense for a species who can only safely go out at night.
You are one of the few of your kind with JADE GREEN BLOOD. As such you are one of the few who could be selected and raised by a VIRGIN MOTHER GRUB, an event so rare as to elude documented precedent. She would defend you from desert threats, and though her life would be short, in time you would assure her of progeny.
Recall that the Mother Grub is required for troll reproduction.
You are a SEAMSTRESS or a RAGRIPPER or a TREETRIMMER or a LUMBERJACK, whichever you care to be, and your unique hive is equipped with a great supply of advanced technology to accommodate your interests. The technology and indeed the hive itself were all recovered from the ruins nearby when you were very young. The seed of your hive was deployed on the volcanic rocks beneath the sand with the assistance of your lusus and her remarkable burrowing skills, and you have lived there happily together since. You know the ruins and the hive and everything here that is not sand and rock originated from the world of your dreams. You also know that one day you will visit this world while you are awake. That day is today.
Like Jade, Kanaya has been awake on Prospit for years, and the technology in question is Skaian in origin, so that’s how she knows what’s going on with the game.
Kanaya is prompted to equip her chainsaw, which promptly turns into a lipstick in a Problem Sleuth reference. Like Jade, she has a Wardrobifier, set to randomise, which suddenly turns her black shirt and red skirt into a red leaf-print dress. She takes out the lipstick.
You can choose between your trademark jade or black. Even though a troll's lips are naturally black. But they can always be blacker, and a lady with a true sense of style knows this.
She goes with green, her dress turns into a blue kimono, and she’s messaged by someone with a fuschia Pisces symbol. This person, named cuttlefishCuller, turns out to be rather excitable, greeting her in all caps and following it up with Glub glub glub glub glub!
BRIGHT: This conversation is pretty sweet, with some friendly joking about CC’s quirk (they stick hyphens in front of their capital Es) and mention of their Collapsing And Expanding Bladder Based Aquatic Vascular System. There’s another mention of moirails, with CC saying they’ll have to join the game late to keep an eye on theirs.
It also turns out both CC and Kanaya are having some premonitions of what’s to come! Kanaya is seeing visions in the clouds of Skaia, the same way Jade does, but CC hears whispers from a mysterious ‘she’ who needs her voice keeping down. It’s implied to be CC’s lusus, as both Kanaya and CC are aware their lusii are going to die soon.
Kanaya hopes to be with her lusus as she dies, but looks out of the window to find the Virgin Mother Grub has already passed away, apparently of natural causes.
CHEL: The Mother Grub was seen briefly before; it’s a moth-like creature with a huge fat body the size of a bus, with wings too small to ever lift it, horns the same shape as Kanaya’s, and a skull-like head with big lips. The skull on Terezi’s Doomsday Scale was, we can tell now, a Mother Grub, except quite a lot bigger - presumably a breeding Grub.
BRIGHT: Kanaya changes back into her original outfit, and goes down to live up to her end of the bargain… which entails slicing a hole in her lusus with her chainsaw and pulling out a round object covered in spikes the colour of trolls’ horns, called a Matriorb. Kanaya stores it in her sylladex; she’s using a CHASTITY MODUS, which locks each card away, and the key will serendipitously be discovered when it’s time for the card to be unlocked. These modii are getting more and more esoteric.
Kanaya proceeds to have a conversation with her own moirail, Vriska, which we already read earlier.
You then proceed to have the rest of this conversation we already read, bugging and fussing and meddling through the special and magical union one can only describe as being in moirallegiance with another. At least, you guess that's how you would describe it. Maybe. Troll romance sure is confusing!
Yes, yes it is. (Spoiler: It’s not that confusing once it’s explained.)
Kanaya doesn’t have long to dwell on the conversation, as she’s contacted by caligulasAquarium, someone with a violet Aquarius symbol who she doesn’t seem to think highly of. It rapidly becomes apparent why.
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin GA: Who CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho
CHEL: Trolls are supposed to come bi/pan as standard, so why does he need to specify “girl crush”? I wonder if Hussie hadn’t decided that yet when he wrote this part, but I’m not sure.
CA’s gender hasn’t been revealed, but let’s not kid ourselves, we know from how he’s talking that he’s a dude. Nice Girls certainly exist but they don’t tend to get portrayed as so whiny in fiction, plus CC comes off as very girly, and that leaves us with six boy and six girl trolls. Balance and opposites and counterparts are a running theme throughout Homestuck. Not that there can’t be nonbinary characters, as some show up in Hiveswap; just that there would most likely have to be an even number of them, split evenly between the groups of players. Fine by me as a nonbinary person with a thing for balance and even numbers of my own.
Also, note that we’ve seen this guy, or at least his hand and foot, before. This is the litter-hater in the bowling shoes.
GA: Overstating Our Relationship Wont Make Me Feel Very Cooperative GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok CA: pshhhhhh that is a fuckin laugh and you knoww it evveryone does CA: so help me out tell her to talk to me i think she blocked me you got to GA: Why Do I Got To GA: I Dont Got To And Every Time You Take My Help For Granted I Feel Like I Got To A Little Less CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs
BRIGHT: Oh hey, another troll romance term! ‘Auspisticing’ is the last of the lot, don’t worry.
CA: wwho givves a shit wwhy she blocked me or about my fuckin manners come on youvve got a wway wwith her CA: i figure if youre going to auspisticize any twwo brinesuckers wwho sneer at each other a funny wway you might as wwell make it official and be ours right GA: Your Black Solicitation Just Seems Really Indecent
Funny words aside, Hussie does a good job at laying down context for what auspisticism is here; we now know that it involves mediating between two parties who dislike each other and that it’s a form of black romance. Meshing worldbuilding naturally into the dialogue is something Homestuck does really well at times.
Anyway, CA is trying to get in contact with Vriska because he asked her to make something for him and now she’s blowing him off.
GA: What Is It CA: kan stupid wwhat do you think its a fuckin gizmo to bloww up the wworld or somethin CA: ok wwell not that obvviously CA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i be after GA: Can You Just For A Moment Entertain The Thoughts Of One Untouched By Megalomaniacal Derangement And Tell Me Why Id Want To Assist You With That CA: wwell CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
While CA is obviously a douche, there’s something funny about how over-the-top he is about it and how utterly oblivious he is to the idea that Kanaya might have a problem with a device that would kill all landdwellers, although the humour is inversely proportionate to how likely he is to pull it off.
CHEL: Maybe I’m strange, but I think he’s adorable. I get the impression of a small kid trying to puff himself up to adult size.
BRIGHT: There’s also more romance talk, and this next bit is one I find interesting:
CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once CA: you should read up on your history instead of poring through that godawwfull sunny rubbish
I’m going to take a step back from Homestuck itself for a moment and talk about kismessitude as it’s portrayed in fandom. People tend to envision it in a variety of ways -- some see it as a BDSM relationship, some as a way of pushing a rival to be better, some as just straight-up hate-sex -- but most depictions show it as something that only affects the two people involved.
Here, though? CA’s talking about kismessitude as something that’s potentially really damn dangerous, to other people besides those involved, and cites history as a backup -- implying it can really be that dangerous, and it’s not just a teenager’s flight of fancy. (Although, that said, CA is clearly using this to try and get Kanaya in a relationship with him, so how sincere he is is questionable.)
CHEL: Later on we do see a little bit of one of the historical cases he might have been citing. We’ll discuss it more then. Also, I do like him saying “sunny” instead of “gloomy”. Makes sense!
Kanaya tells CA none of this matters, and he sneers about the “purity of the bloodline”. That’s an… uncomfortable turn of phrase, especially since he’s speaking to someone not covered by the “purity” standard, but since it applies to aliens and it’s in a society where that’s hammered into its inhabitants it’s not a Problematykks issue. Kanaya tells him it still won’t matter because their race will be wiped out entirely, and his reaction is remarkably understated:
CA: huh CA: wwell ok HURRY UP AND DO NOTHING: 11
CA says he knows Kanaya doesn’t lie except to herself, surprisingly perceptive for one so puffed-up otherwise. CA might be smarter than he’s letting on? He asks if her clouds told her that; that was the reader’s assumption too, but she says no, she has a different source. Uh-oh. We know what the last source of information was, and it cost Vriska an arm and an eye-sevenfold. CA’s own clouds “hide nothin but misfortune and monstrosities”, so we can guess she’s Prospit and he’s Derse. He goes back to nagging her to tell Vriska to talk to him, and when she continues to refuse he poutily steps off.
CA: you dont wwant to be our auspistice cause you dont wwant to get locked into that sort of relation wwith her i can respect that
Kanaya denies this, and CA says everyone knows, including Karkat.
GA: Its Unbelievable GA: Her Patience CA: wwhat CA: wwhoa wwait wwho GA: Never Mind CA: ok wwait did she talk to you today CA: wwhat did she say CA: or glub or wwhatevver
They’re talking about CC, if it wasn’t clear. Kanaya, in a callback to John’s comment to Terezi, facetiously tells him that she talked about Longing To Touch You Indiscretely and That Shes Basically In The Scarlet Throes For You. CA, flustered, picks up that she’s teasing him, and she tells him the truth, that CC’s just concerned as a moirail.
CA: if youre not savvvvy about howw you define yourself to people CA: you can just splash into the moirail zone before you knoww wwhich wways upwward
I’m going to comment on this attitude in a bit more detail when we get a clearer explanation of what moirallegiance actually is. CA leaves her with some arc words.
CA: being a kid and growwing up CA: its hard and nobody understands
Kanaya heads back to her room, planning to emphatically not meddle but help her friends, and consults her source; it’s fortunately not a Doc Scratch-related one at all. It is, in fact, Rose’s long-forgotten GameFAQ, saved on a server floating in the Furthest Ring, to which Prospit’s clouds directed her. I have to show you the panel for a moment though…
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I’m sure there was a way we could see the screen without having it facing away from Kanaya who’s supposed to be reading it.
You can only assume this took place a long time ago. This race is likely ancient, preceding yours by millions of sweeps. Maybe billions! You like to try to imagine the adventures of these players. Were they successful in repopulating their race? Did they manage to protect their matriorb and hatch a new mother grub? Could they hold it together, or were they torn apart by the complex social dynamics, the matespritships and moirallegiences and auspisticisms and kismesissitudes that will surely plague your group along the way? You have little doubt they succeeded with flying colors.
Oh dear, dramatic irony. Kanaya fantasises about a troll version of Rose, thinking she must have been the leader of this supposedly long-ago group.
And yet they appear to have been the only of their kind to have risen to the challenge in a session stacked heavily against them.
Huh. So is this just because Kanaya can’t find more information, or are the four kids in fact the only humans who successfully got into the game? Picking four specifically white-coded kids to be the last of the human race due to supposedly their own competence is… not a good choice. And why the hell couldn’t other people succeed? This strikes me as more of the whole theme of “nobody matters except the people we’re focusing on”. A good lampshading of video game tropes, but in a literary story, that’s the opposite message to everything I’ve ever read, and it’s a creepy one.
BRIGHT: I thiiiiiiiink it’s at least implied later on that there are other sessions going, it’s just that each session is a closed loop of players so we don’t see the others...although if that’s the case, does that mean Earth’s getting hit with meteors from multiple Skaias?
CHEL: That over with for the moment, we cut to Tavros’ house as you take your place as the PAGE OF BREATH in the LAND OF SAND AND ZEPHYR. Vriska, his server player, gets down to the business of building up his house towards the Gate…
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… entirely out of staircases.
Okay, this probably makes me a bad person, but I’m crying with laughter at his expression and that line.
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It’s more disability slapstick, but here the point of the joke comes off as being more that Vriska is a jerk and Tavros’ reaction is really understated than any reasonable person being supposed to assume Tavros is wrong for not being able to climb stairs. Emphasis on “comes off as”, unfortunately. I’m still gonna give a Problematykks point, and further experience with Hussie’s attitude to disability has soured the joke somewhat, even in just the next couple of pages.
BRIGHT: Vriska tries to get Tavros to crawl up the stairs, first by telling him that he promised not to be boring anymore and then by saying that she’s trying to help him get stronger. She caps off the rant by demanding that he apologise.
AT: oKAY, AT: tHANKS, i GUESS, AT: bUT, AT: sORRY FOR WHAT, AG: For 8eing crippled, you ass! AT: yOU WANT ME TO APOLOGIZE, AT: fOR BEING PARALYZED, AG: Yes. AG: Say you're sorry. AT: i DON'T MEAN TO BE RUDE, oR bORING, AT: bUT THAT'S RIDICULOUS, gIVEN, AT: uH, tHE CIRCUMSTANCES, AG: 8ullshit! AG: It's something called 8asic decency and civility you fudge8looded 8oor. AG: Now get down on your useless wo88ly knees and apologize. AT: nO, i DON'T WANT TO, AG: >::::O
Vriska, what the fuck.
Tavros is really great here. He’s obviously not comfortable fighting with Vriska, and repeatedly tries to redirect her into building him ramps instead of engaging. But, at the same time, he holds his ground and doesn’t let her push him around, and won’t let go of solid hard reality in the face of Vriska trying to emotionally manipulate him.
FAILURE ARTIST: And yet people still call him a wimp.
BRIGHT: Vriska retaliates, because of course she does, by grabbing his wheelchair with her cursor and shaking it about. If Hussie left it at that, everything would be unobjectionable, at least in terms of narrative voice. Instead, well…
Now she's done it. She has awoken the mighty inner fury that is... RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
CHEL: It just occurred to me to mention that the name Rufio comes from a character in the movie Hook, the leader of the Lost Boys after Peter Pan left, played by Dante Basco. Tavros’ mental image of him is a reference to that character.
FAILURE ARTIST: Dante Basco did read Homestuck, with hilarious results as we will see.
But unfortunately, Rufio is not real. He's imaginary. A fake. Like a made up friend, the way fairies are. You continue to be sad and alone.
BRIGHT: Eurgh.
Let me be clear: Tavros having no further recourse to deal with Vriska’s abuse beyond his visualised self-esteem is a problem for the character, but it’s not necessarily a narrative problem per se. Escapism is a thing. You could get a decent character arc out of Tavros learning better ways to deal with harassment he can’t escape. It is a narrative problem when the narrator mocks it and makes him out to be pathetic for even trying it.
CHEL: I’d consider this to be just Tavros’ own thought process, but, sadly, this kind of narrative sneering at him carries on throughout Tavros’ presence in the comic and the fandom seems to buy into it. Tavros gets a lot of hate for reasons which mostly boil down to him being a male abuse victim; there’s a feeling that he should “try harder” to fight back, despite him being physically disabled and a member of a caste out of sight beneath her on the social ladder and legally permitted to be killed by her on a whim. Might that count as a point for WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM, for Huss and the fandom not taking the social dynamics into account for why Tavros can’t defend himself?
BRIGHT: I don’t know if it’s fair to count against the fandom when we’re reviewing Homestuck proper, but we can definitely count against Hussie!
CHEL: It’s also notable that the common fandom interpretation of Tavros is as Hispanic-coded, at least partly due to his Spanish username, and of Vriska as white-coded. That’s probably not helping.
Since Hussie appears to expect us to agree with Vriska that this is funny, I’m adding another to these as well.
BRIGHT: What’s weird about this whole mess is that Hussie doesn’t — yet — try to say that Tavros should be trying to get stronger; his disability is fully acknowledged. I feel like this kind of mockery is usually accompanied by the attitude that disabled people should just get over their disability, but Hussie’s clear that Tavros can’t. Which means he should do...what, exactly?
CHEL: Not have let Vriska disable him in the first place, presumably. Never mind that, you know, she has mind control powers so he didn’t really have a choice in that either. That is, however, an argument Vriska fans actually make. Apparently some of them actually blame him for not flying when she threw him off the cliff, which… well, unpowered flight is a thing that can happen in the comic but he certainly couldn’t do it then.
BRIGHT: ...Apparently I retain the capacity for surprise at how awful people can be. The fuck?
Back in the comic, Tavros fortunately does have one other means of recourse. Back in her hive, Vriska is suddenly prodded in the back with a flying toilet, courtesy of Kanaya.
GA: Just Presenting A Floating Reminder That Tavros Will Need Plenty Of Inclined Surfaces For His Ascent AG: That's silly. I made so many ramps, you wouldn't even 8elieve it. AG: I specifically decided I wanted to 8uild something ugly and 8oring. It is now the land of ramps and yawns. GA: Hes Reported Otherwise AG: That lousy snitch! May8e I should take his computer away so he can't go crying to fussyfangs anymore. GA: Maybe I Should Upend This Load Gaper Over Your Head AG: No, don't! GA: Im Still Learning The Interface GA: It Could Happen Accidentally At Any Moment AG: I'm only trying to help him. ::::( GA: Think Of Another Way To Help
CHEL: Did I mention Kanaya is my zodiac troll? I can only long to reach her heights of awesome. Of course the ability to levitate toilets would kinda help.
BRIGHT: Vriska heads down to her treasure vault and retrieves a pair of ROCKET SHOES. The captchalogue code for these is ‘PSHOOOES’, which amuses me greatly. Vriska sends the code to Tavros, who combines it with the code for his wheelchair to create a flying wheelchair. Now that is a good use of alchemising!
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CHEL: Awww!
Tavros flies up to the Gate, and we cut back to him later on, leading an entourage of communed-with imps and ogres to move obstacles and help him solve puzzles. Using his skills well, I see! In another set of ruins the imps load jigsaw pieces of rock into a frog-shaped alcove,
Things, however, don’t continue to go so well, because Hussie hates this poor kid. I do not mean that facetiously. Statements he’s made elsewhere imply he has a hell of a lot of contempt for several of the characters he created, which I don’t understand at all. We’ll go into this after Act 7, but I get the sensation that the characters are merely tools to show off the complexity and meta references, which are the parts he really cares about.
BRIGHT: It’s not unknown for authors to dislike characters they wrote; the great Terry Pratchett reputedly hated his character Rincewind. The key difference is that in Pratchett’s case, the audience couldn’t tell. Hussie, on the other hand, tends to make his disdain pretty obvious, to the detriment of the story.
CHEL: That’s a point. Conan Doyle grew to hate Sherlock Holmes, too. He didn’t, however, set up situations solely to shit on Holmes in his books.
BRIGHT: I think that’s the key. I’ll forgive a multitude of failings as long as the author seems to be treating the characters fairly. That doesn’t mean that good things have to happen to them — plenty of bad things can happen and I’ll enjoy it — it just means that the author has to...respect how the character feels and would behave, I guess.
Of course, respect is Hussie’s antithesis, so.
Also, nothing so far has shown Vriska to be anything other than a (granted, entertaining) bully. I wasn’t around while Homestuck was updating, so I’m not sure when her fandom took off, but it has to be later than this, surely?
CHEL: I don’t know. I wasn’t around till about mid-Act 6.
What was I on about? Oh yes. Tavros is interrupted by Vriska again, who bitches him out for doing things the boring way and seeking the boring lore.
AG: The minds of your consorts are very soft and impressiona8le. AG: As easily manipul8ed as all those imps you've 8een 8ossing around. AG: I have picked apart their tiny little lizard 8rains and seen through all the smoke and mirrors of their riddles. AG: I have gotten to the truth they are guarding. The great 8ig mystery 8ehind this planet. And you know what it is, Tavros? AT: nO, AG: It's 8ullshit! AG: Meaningless, 8oring, fanciful 8ullshit wrapped in flowery poems to keep you guessing. AG: It all leads to one thing anyway, and that's what we should put our attention on. AG: Real gamers cut to the chase. They power through all the nonsense and go for the gold. AG: They cheat, Tavros. AG: It is time you learned to start cheating.
Interesting theory. Tavros thinks befriending his monsters instead of killing them is cheating, and Vriska grudgingly agrees but is annoyed he isn’t killing anything. She claims to have designed a better and more challenging quest for him; he asks after her own quest, and she says she has time because Kanaya’s busy.
AG: Which is just as well 8ecause I was starting to get nannied HARD. WHITE SBURB POSTMODERNISM: 37
Strange word choice for a species raised by animals, but okay. Vriska sends Tavros a map to the next Gate, and he sets off in his little rocket chair. Little does he know.
You proceed through what seems to be your second gate, into the LAND OF MAPS AND TREASURE. The THIEF OF LIGHT lies in wait.
In a callback to our last meeting of Breath and Light players, Tavros crashes through Vriska’s wall and is left hanging upside-down in the rocket chair from the large cobwebs across the room, while Vriska sleeps on a pile of broken eight-balls. Doesn’t look comfortable, but trolls rest in worse places later. Vriska wakes, and Tavros falls head-first onto the floor.
Here is where it gets incredibly uncomfortable, and we have to show it in detail to assign points properly and so that there’s no ambiguity about what’s happening, so if you have any sexual assault, ableism, underage, mind control, or victim-blaming triggers you may want to skip this part. No clothing is removed but it’s very unpleasant to read and the attitude toward it is worse. Seriously, this is Taklamakan Zoo levels of bad.
(This heading below’s not part of the comic, I just put it there so you can skip. The sequence ends with the piece of fanart of Kanaya looking at the sideways screen.)
Vriska sits up. She’s wearing a very short strappy white Tinkerbell dress with her sign on it, and what look like over-the-knee socks, a commonly fetishised style of clothing. I remind you these characters are supposed to be thirteen years old. The dress is also the same as the one worn by the fairy in the artwork on Tavros’ desktop background. I don’t know if Vriska had seen that or not.
To be fair she’s just in an actually-more-modest version of what Peter Pan’s sidekick/love interest wears and the socks come off as more dorky than sexy.
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Oh my! It appears Pupa Pan himself has flown through your window while you were asleep. How exciting! Surely he is here to take you away on the adventure of a lifetime. He is more dreamy and heroic than you ever imagined. But what's this?? It seems the legendary Boy-Skylark has misplaced his shadow. He is looking EVERYWHERE for it, to no avail. He is having a devil of a time, what with being paralyzed from the waist down and all. He clearly needs your help.
CHEL: Vriska is prompted to Help Pupa find shadow, and approaches Tavros with a nasty-looking grin on her face, while he lies on the floor, gritting his teeth in noticeable pain.
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Pupa! You truly are a silly goose. Your shadow has been trapped underneath your useless torso the whole time! Honestly, where else would it be you stupid sack of shit?
Charming. Vriska proceeds to kick him in the head, or at least nudge him with her foot, while he lies unresponsive.
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Of course, the secret to reuniting with your shadow is to get up and walk around. And play and dance and frolic! Your shadow will surely join in your gaiety. But it appears Pupa has lost the use of his legs. There will be no frolicking in this young man's future. ::::( Unless...
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Everyone knows that just a pinch of SPECIAL STARDUST along with a happy thought will allow any boy to get up and walk again. Everyone knows this because it is in the classic tale, PUPA PAN. Young Pupa flies through the window of a fairy girl's respiteblock, falls on the floor, and has trouble getting up like an enormous pansy. The fairy girl then helps him walk again, and in return, he teaches her to fly, even though she probably already knows how to fly. Because she's a fairy. They fly out of her window together, and have magical adventures for many sweeps thereafter. To be honest, you hardly know a damn thing about Pupa Pan. But you do not care.
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Pupa remains as pathetic and useless as ever.
FAILURE ARTIST: The story just keeps mocking Tavros for being disabled.
CHEL: Not to mention for being interested in fairies. Because how dare a boy have a gender-nonstandard interest, or a young teenager enjoy whimsical escapism from an increasingly horrible and guaranteed-to-be-short life.
I might be projecting because the fandom has made me loathe her, but it honestly comes off like Vriska dressed up like this in the first place less to seduce Tavros and more to make sure she thoroughly ruined his favourite thing to hurt him further, especially if the narration is supposed to be things she’s actually saying to him.
The stardust did nothing! Probably because it is just glittery powder with no magical properties whatsoever and is basically bullshit. Because in case it wasn't clear, magic isn't real, and neither are miracles. OR It could just be that Pupa has failed to have a happy thought! Your duty is clear. You will have to MAKE him have happy thoughts. Vriska: Make Pupa have happy thoughts.
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He certainly doesn’t seem to be having happy thoughts now. Notice his expression, what we can see of it, looks terrified, he’s trembling, and let’s recall that he’s paralysed from the waist down. Even if he wasn’t, she’s of a far, far higher caste than him, legally permitted to do whatever she wants to him, including killing him if he tries to resist. It’s kind of gone back and forth on, but higher bloods are a few times stated to be a lot stronger than lower bloods, and if they work like humans, they’re in puberty right now, a time at which human girls tend to get taller and stronger sooner than boys. Again, it’s gone back and forth on, but a common interpretation is that female trolls are stronger than male trolls in general and/or have the social power advantage. Let’s also remember that, even if none of those factors apply, Vriska has mind control powers. There is no point here at which Tavros has the advantage, nothing he can use as leverage on her. She can do whatever the hell she wants, and she does.
BRIGHT: We’ve also been explicitly shown that Vriska has little to no respect for anyone else’s autonomy if she finds it inconvenient, and that Tavros is her favourite punching bag, and that his ability to stand up for himself when she gets going is extremely limited.
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CHEL: Despite the odds stacked against him, Tavros struggles against the kiss forced on him, and when Vriska pushes him back, doesn’t respond with anything but a look of horror, though she appears to expect him to, as a flickering heart-spade with a question mark over it appears between them. I’m not sure whether that’s supposed to be the thought process of him or her or both.
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Vriska hurls him onto the floor with some force...
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… and activates her mind control, causing little hearts to light up in Tavros’ eyes.
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BRIGHT: Vriska has used her mind-control powers on Tavros before, and when it happened she walked him off a cliff. There is basically no way that her doing it again isn’t going to be a traumatic experience for him, above and beyond the inherent horror of losing control over one’s body.
I’m inclined to think that forcibly altering his emotions is worse, though. Being paralysed was bad enough, but Tavros knows what happened and he knows how he feels about it. Making him fall in love with her is just…on one level, it’s a horrible assault on his autonomy as a person, and on another level, it’s tailor-made to make him doubt himself and believe the encounter was something he wanted.
FAILURE ARTIST: I hadn’t thought that he might now consider the encounter as consensual, which would explain his later reaction.
CHEL: Tavros paws at her legs, making kissy faces, and she looks vaguely concerned. Note the background still depicts wavy blue rays coming off her, showing her power is still active.
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Looking defeated, she drops the control and dumps him on the floor again.
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I’m not sure what she’s supposed to be thinking in this last panel. Is she feeling guilty? Is she disappointed that he didn’t like her under his own power? Has she just decided he’s too useless to be worth the effort? Any could be true.
BRIGHT: I read that as disappointment that even when he ‘liked’ her, he didn’t act the way she wanted. (And the way Tavros acted is kind of disturbing. ‘Mindlessly pawing at someone’ is not what I’d expect from him if he was legitimately attracted to someone.)
FAILURE ARTIST: The common interpretation these days was she was realizing she wasn’t into boys which okay that’s good for her but she should feel more bad about molesting him.
CHEL: That also makes no sense, because she shows interest in multiple boys later.
I’m also not entirely sure if Vriska had the intention of actually raping Tavros here (in the standard way, I mean, as one could argue that mind control is a form of rape), or just making out with him. The fact that she dressed up in vaguely fetishy clothing isn’t making it look good, though. Yes, she’s very young, but traumatised kids in particular have been known to lash out sexually like that. It’s a way of reasserting personal power, and I imagine it would be more prevalent in a society with no sapient adult supervision. While there are mitigating circumstances involved in their social situation and Vriska not really having ever had a chance to learn better, that doesn’t make this not a horrible thing to do, or not traumatising for Tavros.
BRIGHT: The clothing could potentially be down to Vriska wanting to look ‘adult’ without fully understanding why it looks adult. That does come up sometimes with teens — they want to experiment with clothing because that’s how adults dress, not because they want to look sexy, or they might dress a certain way for dates because that’s the social model they have for How Dates Work.
And if I read it like that, this basically looks like Vriska having the date equivalent of a dolls’ tea party. Which says volumes about how she views Tavros’s autonomy.
CHEL: Good point. Though honestly it would say volumes about same either way!
BRIGHT: I said earlier that Vriska is better than Equius at recognising when other people’s desires conflict with hers, and she is, but that doesn’t mean she respects those differences. She just recognises that they’re there, and overrides them. This is a prime example of Vriska viewing Tavros as something between a chew-toy and a prop. First she kicks him around and terrifies him, then she expects him to be able to get over those emotions at the drop of a hat and respond to her advances — and, moreover, she wants him to respond in a certain way, which Tavros has zero way of knowing. This is the first time she’s shown that sort of interest in him, unless her earlier behaviour was the Alternian equivalent of pigtail-pulling.
...I think maybe that was in fact Alternian pigtail-pulling. Or at least Vriska’s version of pigtail-pulling.
CHEL: That’ll actually make more sense, once we explain what the spade symbol means.
Okay, how many counts does this cover?
It also occurred to me during this sequence to think again about how Karkat contemptuously swears at and hangs up the phone on the injured Tavros. This, at first glance, seems to be very much at odds with the “cranky but caring” impression we’re supposed to have of Karkat… but it fits precisely with Hussie’s opinion of Tavros and how pathetic he is for allowing a much more powerful person to permanently disable him. I know at the moment it looks like I’m not separating the character from the author, but it’ll become clear as we go that that is what he thinks.
Why didn’t we start a FUCK YOU, HUSSIE count?
BRIGHT: It would have ended up longer than all the other counts combined.
CHEL: The actual assault is over now, but there’s one more picture of it. The ramifications must continue to be discussed, so tread cautiously. The actual act is over now, though.
Said ramifications come pretty quickly. Kanaya, having dealt with getting herself into the game and prototyped her own lususprite, decides to check on Vriska.
Ideally she has not gotten herself into too much trouble. And ideally the dramatic irony has not gotten so thick you could draw a dotted line on it with a tube of lipstick and cut it in half with a chainsaw.
Of course, she sees the exact moment Vriska kisses Tavros.
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(Fanart source has now been deleted, sadly.)
Humorous art aside over, let’s watch Kanaya’s reaction in more detail. She angrily looks at a copy of the Tinkerbell dress, which she presumably sent the alchemiter code for rather than the actual item to Vriska, hence why she still has it.
So THAT'S why she had you make this dress for her??? And you just went along with it like a sucker. Argh, you are such an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Karkat, Kanaya is presented as the caring one, the protective one. The “mom friend” of the group. And yet, she looks at this, in which Tavros is clearly frightened and struggling, and her reaction is to be mad that Vriska didn’t want to wear the dress for a date with her. I’m not sure whether this says more about Hussie’s opinion of Tavros or the social system of Alternia or both, but it certainly says a lot.
BRIGHT: Kanaya has had to corral Vriska on Tavros’s behalf already! Possibly more than once! She has all the information to realise that this is abusive, even leaving aside Tavros’s reaction! Sure, teens can be self-centred, but even so this is egregious.
CHEL: Kanaya’s Grubsprite comforts her and she throws the dress out the window.
Being a kid and growing up. It's hard and nobody understands.
Yes, I’m sure Tavros thinks so too.
Charles: "I know Sir can be prickly, but you have to understand he had a very terrible childhood."
Klaus: "I understand. I'm having a very terrible childhood right now."
-A Series of Unfortunate Events
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xvangoghssunflowerx · 5 years
Anemone Estrella Profile
Credit for template: @hogwartsmysterystory
Name: Anemone Estrella (Nickname: Ann).
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: August 12, 1973
Species: Human/Siren
Blood Status: Half-blood (father is a Siren, mother was a pureblood witch. I am using the fish-like sirens of Greece, not the bird-like ones).
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Ethnicity: American 
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFP
The Mage
Cedar Wood
Dragon Heartstring Core
Quite Bendy Flexibility
 “Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.“
Animagus: None, but can grow fins and gills if near a body of water.
Misc Magical Abilities: 
Pescatongue: She has the ability to speak to any fish or water mammal. 
metamorphmagus: She can only change her hair color and turn into a Siren form. Though she rarely changes her hair color, unless she’s in a bad mood. 
Bogart Form: Fishing nets and spears. 
Riddikulus Form: The fishing nets turning into bubbles and the spears into fish. 
Amortentia: She would smell like salt water and driftwood, the kind of smell after taking a nice long walk on the beach. 
Amortentia: She would smell owls. And then she would smell flowers from herbology class. 
Patronus: Siren (she doesn’t use her patronus as she hates being associated with them). 
Mermaids/Sirens are known around the world as half human half fish creatures. Muggles know them only from folklore that can lead humans to their death through song (by distracting them), or by simply drowning them. But a mermaid patronus will only drown out the Dementors, luring them in by their sweet songs. 
Patronus Memory: Playing with her father and mother at the beach. 
Mirror of Erised: At age 10, she would see her mother braiding her long hair. At age 18, she would see her lover and her holding hands. 
Specialized/Favourite Spells: 
Singing: Her father taught her how to use singing as a weapon against humans for protection, not necessarily to kill them. 
Caterwauling Charm: Learned to disarm opponents. 
Nebulus: Used among sirens to trap sailors. 
Ventus: Creats hurricane like winds. 
Faceclaims: None. 
Game Appearance: 
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Height: 5′04″ 
Weight: 160lbs. 
Physique: Chubby, pear-shaped. 
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Blue and pink, thick long hair. She always has it down. Her fishtail is baby blue.
Skin tone: Light skinned.
Body Modifications: Ear piercings. 
Inventory: Has a gold seashell pendant around her neck, and has her wand with her at all times. 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 
Ministry of Magic
Order of the Phoenix
Spy for Order of the Phoenix 
Ministry of Magic
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures: Merpeople and Siren Division (Not of her choosing). 
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★
DADA: ★★★★★★★★★★
Herbology: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★★
Potions: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★
Swimming: Though not actually an elective, Hogwarts allowed her to take it up in her spare time. (There’s an indoor pool somewhere in Hogwarts, I just know it! XD). She avoids the Selkie in the lake. 
Hates quidditch, would rather watch two people beat each other with sticks than play or watch. 
Extra Curricular: 
Favourite Professors: 
Minerva McGonagall:  One of the only professors who knows about her father. She admires her and her strict approach in lessons.
Professor Flitwick: She does find him a little annoying, but enjoys the spells that are taught. 
Least Favourite Professors: 
Professor Silvanus Kettleburn: She feels uncomfortable around him, and how he treats magical creatures. (Letting them escape, etc). 
Father: Taras 
Merfolk: Sub-category: Siren. 
Height: 6′5″
Blue and pink hair long and thick. Ice blue eyes. Light skinned. He has a blue tail. 
Was next in line to succeed his father as king, but was disowned for involving himself with a human witch. 
He’s soft-hearted. Over protective of his daughter. He despises humans, except his deceased wife. He gave up living in the ocean to raise his daughter when she was 3. His feet are in constant pain from being on land for so long. 
When Anemone went to Hogwarts, he went back to the ocean, returning only during the summer. 
When he was younger, he was cold and kept to himself. Not letting others see how kind and considerate he was. 
Mother: Valda Estrella 
pureblood witch from America
Height: 5′6″
Blonde wavy hair and brown eyes. Tanned skinned. 
She was sorted into Thunderbird whilst in Ilvermorny.
Patronus: Sting-ray 
Fell for Taras at 18, just after graduating from Ilvermorny. She had decided to venture around the world in search of magical creatures. She was exploring near the ocean of Tsigrado for sea dwelling creatures when she came upon a beautiful voice. Losing herself in the voice she hadn’t noticed she was about to step off a cliff leading to a rocky ocean below. The song stopped before she could fall. She kept coming back to the spot, hoping to hear the voice again. 
Taras was annoyed by this, as the spot was one of the least frequented by humans, so he confronted her with a self-made spear. To which Valda only smiled and said: “You’re beautiful.” Taras fled there after. 
She still kept coming, over and over. This time venturing into the open waters (like the daring idiot she was), not knowing that the reason for there basically being no humans around, was because the water was treacherous. She almost drowned, but Taras, having been watching from underwater, saved her. Taras had yelled at her for being stupid, but she smiled again, “I found you.” 
She fought in the first wizarding war in 1970. But stopped fighting when she got pregnant in 1972. In 1975, she wanted to go back and help, but Taras wouldn’t have it. Saying that humans should be left to their own demise. Pissed off, she left for a walk. She never came back. Her body was later found near the docks of a nearby village. 
Love Interest: Talbott Winger
First met in their Second year, both wanting privacy. Talbott was annoyed to have her around, as was she. After a while, they both realized they just wanted to be away from large crowds of people. So they became friends. 
Anemone tried her best to keep her siren form a secret. However, she saw Talbott transform into his Animagus form, he kept his distance from her there after. She confronted him one day, dragging him to the Black Lake. Once there, she dove head first into the water, not resurfacing for a good minute. Talbott panicked, until she peered her head out of the water. “Can you keep a secret?” Talbott could only nod. To which she raised her tail out of the water. Since then, the two became inseparable. 
Talbott asked her out on a date in their fourth year. Then they went steady in their fifth year. 
Taras, her father, was largely against it. Always glaring at Talbott when he came over in the summer of their fifth year going into sixth year. At one point telling him that he could kill him if he wanted to. Talbott wasn’t too afraid, as he shrugged it off as a father(beast) being overprotective of his child, and knowing full well how much merfolk hated humas. 
They both became aurors and helped fight in the second wizarding war. After the war, they continued to work for the ministry and had twins (a boy and girl). Both gaining the ability to entrance with their singing and being able to turn into sirens, though for a limited time. 
Best friends:
Andre Egwu
Beatrice Haywood
Penny Haywood: Annoyed by her. She feels a fakeness emanating from her persona. 
Sirens of Tsigrado Kingdom
Death Eaters
Liz Tuttle
Ismelda Murk
Merula Snyde
Bottlenose Dolphin: Named Bluefin. Found her trapped in a resort, her and her father helped free her. 
Sea turtle caretta-caretta: Named Viridescent. She helped rescue him when it was a baby from local muggle teens who were torturing it.
Closest Canon Friends: 
Talbott Winger
Beatrice Haywood
Anemone was born and raised near Milos, Greece. Often visiting the Tsigrado beach. Her father and mother would take her to the beach as often as they could. Sometimes she would stay in the ocean with her father for days at a time, while her mother stayed in town. It was the happiest three years of her life. 
She hated the muggles and witches/wizards in Milos because of how poorly they treated the animals and ocean. She would always find trash, plastics around the beaches. At age five, her and her father rescued a dolphin from an “aquarium”. Not so much an aquarium as a small pool, the size of a jacuzzi. 
The following year, she almost sang a couple of muggle teens off a cliff to their death for torturing a turtle, before her father interfered. 
That same year, she had befriended a wizard who could turn into an eagle. They never told each other their names, and he left the area after only a month. He was the only human that she found trustworthy, since he helped save some birds. 
At Hogwarts, she kept to herself, and minded her own business. Only Dumbledore, McGonagall, and the ministry knew of her lineage, Which was kept secret for her safety. 
She made friends with Talbott, in second year. She then realized it was her old friend from years ago, so she confided her secret to him. 
Beatrice began to hang out with her, to spite her sister, to which Anemone protested, but at the same time, didn’t care. Beatrice found out about her siren self, when she followed her one day to Hogwart’s underground pool. She thought it was amazing and promised to never tell a soul. 
Tonks became her friend in first year, loving that they were both metamorphmagus. Anemone accepted her being around, as it was easier to ignore her than to avoid her. 
Introverted, when she needs to be. She would rather be lost in thought among the relaxing waves of the ocean than to be near humans. 
She loves music. She hates to admit, but she loves lots of music made by muggles. (Favourite bands being: The Beatles, Abba and Queen).
Is half siren, half witch. Was being hunted by the Tsigrado Kingdom of Sirens, now they search for her as she is the only heir left, besides her father. 
Her mother was pureblood, but was orphaned at age 12. She left her daughter a gold seashell necklace. 
Her theme music is: Chiquitita by ABBA and How I Became the Sea by Owl City. 
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