#final fantasy 15 imagines
sondash360-art-blog · 4 months
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The stupid crossover continues...
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blurryzip · 3 months
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Noctis Myspace pic haha
I just did this as a study but omg
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krisssssssy · 9 months
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raging-psycho · 2 years
Meeting Prompto Argentum would include:
Summary: This is basically just how you and Prompto from Final Fantasy XV met
Pairing: Prompto x reader
Definitions: h/c = your hair color, e/c = your eye color
genre: pure, rotten fluff
Tw: none
This is pretty short but I think it’s so cute :)
Let me know if y’all want me to do a part two to this!! Like a dating headcanon with Prompto
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Don’t even get me started
I’ve been in love with him since the very beginning, like he’s my spirit animal.
But anyway-
So y’all meet in a kind of unusual way
Him and the chocobros are out riding the chocobos (this looks like a mouthful)
When he sees something shiny and gets distracted
Typical Prompto
He starts racing over to it when this person comes out of no where
He completely knocks you on your butt
You were a little out of it because of the collision so all you can hear is this really loud gasp
You’d think Prompto gasped because of the collision, but no
He gasped at the sight of you!
He thought you were absolutely stunning
Down to you beautiful (h/c) hair and your shining (e/c) eyes
Just so adorable to him
Then you saw him and let out a gasp of your own
The same reaction
Noctis stared at both of you for a second before saying, “Are you gonna help her up or keep staring?”
“Oh right”
He swiftly gets of the chocobo
Okay it wasn’t swiftly, his foot got stuck on the harness and he fell
Laughter erupted from everyone
He jumped up with a huge blush on his face and offered you his hand with a shy smile
After you wiped away your tears you took his hand and he hoisted you up
“Hey I’m really really sorry about hitting you”
“No, it’s alright, but you can make it up to me with some ramen.”
He’s a stuttering, blushing mess
“So what’s your name?”
“Oh I’m Prompto. How about you?”
“Hi Prompto. I’m y/n.”
He lifts both him and you back into the chocobo, and y’all all headed to town to get some yummy ramen
And the rest is history
Btw y’all are extremely cute together
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*pretend you are cindy UwU*
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halcyon-writings · 2 years
Ravus x reader who where friends before the fall of tenebrae and got separated during the chaos, the y find eachother again in Altissia before its attacked
now ravus is def one of the og babygirls if you don't think so argue with the wall.
You think to yourself, well how did you get into this situation?
For all intents and purposes, you were a plain Altissian diplomat preparing for the arrival of the Prince of Lucis and his entourage. Now you were in a hotel across the city surrounded by soldiers of Niflheim, and sitting from you, is a pair of familiar siblings. You were aware of their presence too, as they had 'accompanied' the Oracle. (Everyone else knew that she was essentially a hostage.) But Secretary Claustra, your boss, had instructed you to go about as normal, something far more easily said than done.
You clear your throat, and a cup of now lukewarm tea in your hands is still full. You did not have it in yourself to take even a sip, much less snack on any of the delicious-looking tea cakes being offered to you.
"It truly has been some time, but I am delighted to see you doing well," is what Lunafreya breaks the silence with. Quite frankly you're just glad that she is here. At least you could still get the feeling that she was the same kindhearted girl you had met years prior. Ravus on the other hand? You could only hide your grimace so well. But you couldn't blame him for that.
"Same here, Lady Lunafreya, I have fond memories of our childhood, and while it is a bit late, you have my congratulations on your upcoming nuptials as well," Your smile is tight. Polite and practiced, but you could only hope she knows that truly, you were glad she was happy.
"Please call me Luna."
"Luna it is."
The short conversation continues without any problems. An attendant, who seems just as nervous as you were, is announced at the doorway. With so many gazes on her, she stutters that it was another fitting for the Oracle's wedding gown.
Lunafreya smiles gently, more for the young woman's sake than anything, as the poor thing shook like a leaf. Before quietly excusing herself, she takes your hands in her own, giving them a gentle squeeze. Ravus only nods in response to her goodbyes for the afternoon. You hear her footsteps, alongside the attendant and the guards assigned to her, retreating down the hall.
Which left you awkwardly sipping at the same cup of tea you had received when you sat down.
"I am... I am glad that you are doing well too," You almost miss it. Placing your teacup down onto the small saucer, you see now that it was Ravus being far more hesitant now that Lunafreya was gone.
A part of you thinks, that maybe he had not changed as much as you thought he did. As you grew up in Tenebrae, you had considered Ravus just as much of a friend as you did for Lunafreya, best friends even. But then, it all went terribly wrong, as all things in this world seemed wont to do, and now you had made it here.
"You don't need to be a stranger Ravus," Your tone is much lighter, "If I remember, you were the chatty one, even talking us out of trouble for a lot of your pranks."
Across from you, you might have thought he blushed. Poorly hidden behind your hand, you snort.
"I suppose not," He agrees. For a time, it was just you both reminiscing about your shared childhood. But like all good things, this meeting too comes to an end. You hesitate in saying goodbye because it sounds final. Like with Lunafreya, you take Ravus' hands into your own, much to Ravus' surprise when you even take hold of his metal one too.
Promises to meet again, such as when the wedding preparations and the summoning of the Leviathan were over, were made. You collect your things and make your way out.
Naively you hope that things can stay like this for a while. Yet when you stare outside into the waters surrounding Altissia, all you feel is unease.
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genderchrisisspeaks · 28 days
Lord Gortash(BG3) reminds me freakishly of Adryn(FFXV) and the mild attraction I feel towards both of them is very much consistent.
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Evil! Noctis Lucis Caelum- The Dark Side Of Things Part 3/?
Trigger Warnings: Fem! Reader, talks of demons, evil, death, murder, suggestive content, unaliving people, slight misogyny directed towards the reader, stockholm? not canon so please don’t expect that.
I got spammed for a part 3 like 4 times so here it is. PLEASE do not spam me to get me to update old series. I just decided to out of nowhere. My therapist told me if I wanted too I could update every month until I felt secure enough to return to the internet...so that’s what I’m doing.
... Picking up right after part 2 ended
You sat at the edge of the bed as Noctis trailed his fingers up and down your arm.  “Where do I start?” he laughed nervously.
“The beginning?” you joked. With a funny look, Noctis kissed your lips, gingerly holding your cheek in his hands. 
“After that night, I thought I died. The I woke up in a dark room. I could barely see, or breathe for that matter. I was dragged off shortly after you ran off.” he sighed. “Fuck, I’m glad you got to safety...come here.”
He practically pulled you into his lap as he spoke. “A daemon found me and resurrected me and my friends...for a price.”
“ A PRICE?” You repeated. “You’re scaring me.”
“I had to give up my mortal life, Y/N.” he sighed. “My humanity if you will.”
“...I don’t understand?”
“What’s there to understand, cute little thing?” 
You practically snapped your head in the direction of that voice. It sounded so much like Noctis, but so much deeper and sinister sounding. You watched as a clone of Noctis (the same one you had seen while you were watching him fishing AND when you were in the bathroom) step out of the mirror. “He’s evil and he’s trying to tell you he’s a monster blah blah blah~”
“So I’m not crazy!” you clutched onto Noctis’s arm. “W-who is that?”
“He’s my daemon who doesn’t understand the meaning of subtle.” he growled in reply, protectively wrapping his arms around you. “I told you to fuck off!”
“I just wanted to see the girl you wouldn’t stop talking about.” this Daemon Noctis scoffed. “Y/N was it?”
“Y-yeah?” you raised an eyebrow. “Um...Noctis?” you looked at your boyfriend. 
“I’m so sorry.” he sighed. “I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how?”
“No idiot, you were a scared little bitch boy-”
“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!” Noctis snapped. “Y/N! I’m sorry! Did I scare you?” he took note of the way you jumped at how deep and raspy his voice got. “This moron makes me so mad.” he kissed your temple.
“So in the water...the mirror? That was you looking at me?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“Glad you noticed, clever girl. I wanted to introduce myself to Noctis’s delectable pet.” he waggled his brows at you. It was weird. It was Noctis’s face, but not his voice.
“I’m not a pet.” you tried to say with confidence.
“Oh but you are.” Daemon Noctis bit his lip. “You’re so cute too.”
“Watch it.” Noctis warned. “Y/N...look at me.” he made you look at him. 
“I knew I saw something. When we went fishing I saw...him.” you looked over at D.N. who winked at you again as soon as you faced him. “I saw him in the water. I saw him in the mirror not too long ago.”
“When we were-”
“Yeah...” you found your face heating up violently.
“DAMNIT!” Noctis took a pillow and hauled it at his demonic doppelganger. It disappeared in a cloud of dark mist and you two were left alone again. “Y/N...I’m so so so- hMM?”
He was shut up by you kissing his lips. Noctis quietly groaned against your lips, holding the side of your face.
“I just got you back.” you pouted. “I don’t care how you’re alive...I’m just glad you are.”
“Even if I’m...evil?” he hesitated to say it. “You heard him-”
“I don’t give a shit what he says...unless you give me a reason to believe it...I don’t care what he says.” you pecked his lips again.
“You’re too good for me baby and you’re way too good to me to...” he bit his lip. “Shit, come here.” he pulled you back onto his lap. “What do you wanna do tomorrow?”
“Hmm...feel like taking me shopping?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You want me to take you shopping...first you steal my heart then you steal my wallet.” he winked.
“Hey! You always used to spoil me.” you pouted. 
“I didn’t say the answer was no, princess” he pecked your lips, rolling his eyes at the way you pouted. “I’d love to dress you up.”
“Noctis, are you sure about this.” you groaned. You weren’t one for bodycon dresses, so why he wanted you to wear one so bad.
“Get out here!” he wolf-whistled. “I wanna see you!”
Groaning dramatically you came out of the dressing rooms. 
“Holy sh-...I sure know how to pick out clothes for you.” he bit his lip. “Who gave you permission to look so god-damn gorgeous?”
“Noctis.” you whined, feeling your face heat up. His praise was not something you were used to but you liked it nonetheless. He sauntered over, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“This dress reminds me of the one you wore on our first date...remember that?”
“When you spilled Lobster Macaroni on me?” you recalled. 
“I still got a second date.” he winked, kissing your lips. Each kiss got more and more deep, his hold on your waist becoming almost desperate. 
Noctis had to be sure to pace himself. He didn’t want to let you go, but he also knew he had to work slowly with you. He just couldn’t expect things to go back to normal, especially after the ball he dropped on you last night. However when you began running your hands through his hair, he couldn’t help but get a little handsy.
“Change back into your clothes, so we can go home, so I can get THOSE clothes off.” he smacked your ass, ushering you back into the dressing room.
“Ack! Okay okay. Mr. Handsy...mind getting my zipper?”
“Anything for you.”
After you changed back, and purchased said dress, you had greeted Noctis who was still outside the fitting room.
“Ready to go?”
“Yep! Ready as I’ll ever be-”
It was then you saw a huge flash, nearly blinding you. You dropped your shopping bags and shielded your eyes. “Ow!” you whined.
“Shit! Princess, you okay?”
“If I didn’t need glasses before, I might now.” you winced, rubbing your eyes. When your vision adjusted, you saw some dude with a camera, smirking.
“Well if it isn’t the Crown Prince himself. You know, everyone is saying you faked your death? Instead of addressing it you’re out with a groupie.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” Noctis glowered.
“Hm, I wonder how much the news would pay to see the crown prince getting cozy with some rando girl in a mall dressing room of all places.”
“Noct, it’s fine-” you put a hand over it, only to yank it back when you felt the searing pain of a burn against your fingers. His skin was hot, about as hot as concrete during the hottest day of summer. “Shit!” you winced. Thankfully the pain lasted less than a second, but it didn’t ease your confusion, not in the slightest bit.
That’s when you say it...his eyes turning bright red...like that night.
“You wanna say that again...buddy?” he slowly walked up to the slimeball of a paparazzi. 
“I said...it’d be a shame if the press found out you were out playing with one of your wh-” he didn’t have time to finish his insult because Noct wrapped a hand around his neck. Now he was gagging, and gasping for air.
“Big mistake...” he growled. Before you knew it...Noctis’ demon had come out of the mirror.
“Having fun yet, princess?” he winked at you as he stood with the real Noct.
“Kill him.” Your Noct demanded.
“Hey shopkeep, you were never here, go and take your 30 minute break.” he looked back at the cashier who suddenly appeared to be under a trance, when they walked away from the register. “When are you gonna learn to respect boundaries, good sir?”
“P-please...don’t-” the man choked.
“Sorry...I don’t take kindly to being insulted, but you made the mistake of bringing my princess into this...and I can’t forgive that.” Noct cackled. “I’d cover my eyes if I were you Y/N.”
“Noctis no!...” You risked it and grabbed his hand again. “Please don’t.”
“Y/N, didn’t you hear him? He called you a-”
“You don’t have to waste your energy on him...um..I-” you tried to think of something to save this idiots life. You didn’t even care that he took your picture, or insulted you. You just wanted him to go away. “Please?” you whimpered. “We were having fun..and-”
“...” you watched your boyfriend’s eyes shift back to their beautiful ocean blue color. “This woman just saved your life, asshole.”
“If I even so much as see one of her FINGERS in the news, let’s just say I hope you can take pictures with your feet...IF I let you live that long.” His demonic counterpart threatened, and like that he disappeared.
“Now get the fuck out of my face...before I change my mind.” Noctis let go from his grasp on the mans neck. Before you could say anything, Noctis took you into a huge hug. “I’m so sorry Y/N...Did I scare you?”
“A little.” you confessed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know....I just- I can’t control it sometimes. When it comes to you...I get so-” he paused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothing...not a thing is wrong with you Noct...I love you, you know that right?”
“...Yeah...yeah. I love you so much, princess”
Noctis pulled you into another hug again, opting to ignore his daemon morph out of the shadows.
Follow him...and if he tries anything...kill him.
Already on it...just make sure you don’t scare her again.
yeah....I’ll try
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mariogirl369 · 11 months
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Happy birthday to Prompto! (Still feeling bad for him both in canon and Operation Noctis and Epoch Engage...)
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dumpster-daddy · 2 years
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Because bein a höe is better than doing ur job 💅
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shellswritesstuff · 2 years
chocobro squishmallow headcanons please... I beg
[I'll put the picture, followed by the lil blurb that comes on the tag. Big thankies squishmallow wiki jsjsj-]
This is Benedict 😭
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"Benedict grew up in a small family as an only child, and enjoys his privacy and quiet time. You can usually find Benedict kayaking or fishing alone, but if you ask him, he will welcome your company any time! Grab your floaties and jump in!"
Greeeegory... 🤭
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Meet Gregory, the go-to photographer for all things nature. Gregory takes amazing photos from all over the world, he just got back from a trip in the Mallow Mountains! He loves sharing the amazing things he sees with other 'mallows. Where should he go on his next photo-adventure?
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Meet Amalie. She loves slithering through the jungle with her iced coffee before she starts her day. Amalie is a vegetarian chef and works hard to keep her menu tasty and intresting, her latest menu features jackfruit with a variety of beans. Do you want to try the nacho cheese?
Owns this lil dude in every size. Kaitlyn!!! 😭
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Meet Kaitlyn. This loyal and loving lemur is your new best friend and workout buddy! Kaitlyn loves going for runs, swimming in lakes, and hiking. Her latest hobby is mud running! She may get dirty, but she always has her precious pink glow!
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Say hi to Hal! Hal is a mechanic in training, and loves to learn all about cars and trucks! Hal’s practicing so that he can build a custom car one day and go on a road trip! He wants to see the ocean, eat new foods, and maybe even make friends along the way.
Badabing, badaboom. You can't tell me Dino hasn't made this lil guy a freaking necklace.. Omar!
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Omar loves crystals, gems and jewelry and has an eye for finding the beauty in everything he does. He hopes to be a jeweler one day!
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As I'm sure many have noticed, I'm on a bit of a comfort kick this Christmas season, and I plan on carrying on with my little mini series because it makes me happy, and I hope it makes others happy.
I just wanted to let everyone know that my ask/request box is open for anyone looking to see their comfort character featured in the series.
I'll happily write for any character I'm familiar with, usually means the three fandoms I publish fics in, but I've been known to write for aot, demon slayer, bnha and a few others, if you've any doubt please feel free to message me.
That's all I wanted to say, sorry to bore you.
Happy holidays to all <3
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nyanykamito · 2 years
hear me out vampire x vampire hunter ffxv au.....
nyx is a vampire, his village was attacked. His mother was killed but him and his sister were bitten but they managed to get away.... but his sister couldn’t handle it...so she didn’t make it. 
Nyx was struggling but he could control his urges, he was actually taken in by a vampire hunter, Regis. He is head of his clan...he knew Nyx was a vampire but took him in anyway because he saw the potential. It came with its ups and downs but Nyx became in debt to him and promised to watch over his son. 
Nyx watches over Noctis to keep him safe and out of trouble, which comes with its troubles because its Noctis we’re talking about... He has prompto and the boys to get him in/out of trouble. 
poor nyx has his work cut out for him, god forbid its a new moon...and thats when he has to go away from everyone because his urges get alittle wild. He also suffers with trauma from his village and sister too... oof
aside from angst, vampire nyx acting as a vampire hunter and body guard to protect Noctis. And he has to fight other vamps, werewolves and other dark entities...but he prevails. 
sliding in my oc because reasons,
she’d be a vampire hunter/ mercenary, she was tasked with kidnapping the prince for money. She was bored and had nothing better to do so she accepted it, course she didn’t count on running into nyx. 
They crossed blows and she found out he was a vampire, of course she lost their little battle and was locked up. He later comes and questions her, why didn’t she snitch on him. 
she simply states that would be a dirty win, she could have done that....but she likes fair fights. though human to vampire fight...isn’t really fair. 
stuff happens and she gets a chance to redeem herself, but she’s warned and she blows it off. Noctis’s home is attacked and things happen.. Noctis is taken and Nyx’s little secret is blown..but not by her. 
so thus begins a quest of nyx, my oc and few dorks as they try to retrieve noctis.... Oh yeah prompto has collected a shite ton of garlic and stakes so just incase nyx tries something he’ll stabby stabby. 
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Alrighty! I'm getting some original works written up and edited (they should be up at some point this weekend!), but I also want to do some fandom stuff as well!
I'm considering Sons of Anarchy/Mayans, a first attempt at a Shameless (I'm only on season 4 of the US version and haven't written for the show EVER) piece, Final Fantasy 15, or Naruto.
Either: one shot or preferences (what the characters would do in whatever situation)!
Comment or send me an ask if you have a preference for a certain fandom and I'll get to writing! 😊😊
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krisssssssy · 9 months
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promptoshair · 2 years
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I’m mortified
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
I'm in the FFXV reverse bang this year as a writer, and I am VIBRATING after seeing the artist synopses today. I've never written ffxv before bc I couldn't think of anything to write, so this is the perfect event and let me tell you, all of the artists ideas are BANGING
Also, ffxv had kind of fallen by the wayside for me what with all of my deep anime obsessions and I am very excited about reacquianting myself with it
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