#finally maeve 'why wouldn't I care?'
heinous-desiree · 1 year
for all your pcs but especially Meave (boy has a choke hold on me rn) who are their pitty LI? like people they hang around or even date out of pitty even though its kinda obvious they don't love em
Jas the Wildcard
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Jas sat with her palm squished against her mouth. The fact she immediately knew who her answer was made her feel bad for the name she was about to drop.
She made a muffled noise of a name, then sighed when she knew no one caught it.
"...Whitney... LISTEN, NO, LISTEN, I didn't ask for his attention, okay?! I was happily slapping the bastard out of him on the daily, and one day, he just grabbed and kissed me!" Jas spoke indignantly, she sounds as frustrated as she is baffled. "I beat him up! For fun! And he catches feelings! ...It's so pathetic that it comes back around looking almost cute... So I just let him stick around and get a kiss or two."
Jas pulled her hair back with a huff. She wished Whitney didn't look so charming when she wrecks him and he stares at her all endeared. It makes it impossible for her to hate him like that! Disgusting! She has her beloved, and she doesn't need this!
"I'm shoving him into the water fountain again next chance I get..."
Hunter the Allrounder
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Hunter gave a long suffering sigh. His face suddenly looked so tired that he gave off the impression he aged ten years.
"He isn't around out of pity anymore..." Hunter said, staring off into nothing. "Little rat bastard jumped onto my dick so hard that it knocked the brain cells out of me and I kind of, fucking, really love him now."
Hunter bared his teeth, angry that he wasn't more angry about the tiny bitch that sedated him, kidnapped him, punched the shit out of him multiple time while he was tied up, and had him have to turn to Bailey for help to escape. The fact the tiny bastard would look up at him so utterly in worshiping awe that Hunter wanted to pick him up and keep him tucked in the corner of his room. Fuck.
"For the record, I resent the shit out of Kylar, but that's MY terrible little bitch boy."
Celeste the Righteous
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"No on-" Celeste bit down on her own tongue and froze with daunting horror. As much as she wants to say there's no one she would date out of pity or give time to for something ridiculous like that...
She actually has an answer and she doesn't like it at all.
"I," Celeste grimaced and hated that she would feel guilty to lie. She promised herself to Sydney. These feelings shouldn't exist in her at all.
"As much as it pains me to say," she forced out, "the... I came to care for the Great Hawk. Despite her rudeness in kidnapping me... She was nothing but hospitable to me as she kept me in her care. She treated me... Well and kind. I pity her circumstances and wish her well..."
Maeve the Trap
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"Pity date...?" Maeve repeated uncomprehensively, he tilted his head with knited brows.
"Why... Why would I pity any of them? They choose to be with me... To give me their time a-and affection... I'm so grateful to all of them. I-I, I love all of them! I know... I know my love isn't worth a lot, but I really... Really really like all my people... It's not... Like many people want to date me anyway."
Maeve has Whitney, Kylar, and Avery as his love interests, and he does appreciate all of them. While he might have a favorite, he is glad any of them give him time of day.
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sunny44 · 7 months
Co-parenting (Part 3)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x ex!reader
Warnings: medical center, cuts…
Summary: Co-parenting is never easy but y/n never thought it would be so hard.
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Max and I haven't been able to go on that date yet. The first time, he had to cancel because he had to go to Milton Keynes for a meeting, and the second time, I had to cancel because Maeve and I got sick and I didn't want to go and risk getting him sick too.
But after several weeks we finally managed to schedule a day, and it would be today. Maeve is going to spend the whole weekend with Carlos, which would be great because even if he hadn't, I would keep my promise to introduce them only if it was someone I knew would stay in my life longer.
But he was late, and I was getting nervous because I had asked Carlos to pick her up at seven because Max would come to pick me up at seven-thirty. And besides not wanting Carlos to see him, obviously, I didn't want Maeve to see him either.
I heard knocks on the door and ran there to see Carlos.
"I know, I know, I'm late and I'm sorry. I had to wait for the plumber to fix a pipe that was flooding my apartment and he was late, and then I got stuck in traffic, and..."
"It's okay, just hurry up." I shouted for Maeve to come quickly and handed him the backpacks.
"Why the rush and why are you all dressed up?"
At that moment, Max parked, and I panicked. He got out of the car and was smiling until he saw Carlos and stopped smiling.
"Why is he here?" I didn't know what to say. "Are you going out with him? Is that why you wanted me to leave quickly? So that I wouldn't see you going out with Verstappen?"
"It's not because of that."
"Then why?" I didn't say anything. "Answer my fucking question."
"I didn't want Maeve to see, okay? Because I stick to our agreements, she doesn't need to know that I'm going out with someone, and neither do you."
"But why him?"
"Because he invited me and I wanted to." He laughed. "Look, I don't have to give you any explanations. Focus on taking care of our daughter and I’ll deal with my live life ok?" At that moment, she appeared.
"Sorry, I couldn't find Mr. Bibbles." She said, hugging her stuffed rabbit. "Can we go Daddy?"
"Yes baby." He picked her up, and they went to the front, and luckily Max had returned to his car when Carlos passed with Maeve in his arms.
"I'm sorry; I didn't know he would be here."
"It's okay, he was supposed to arrive earlier but got delayed. Neither you nor he were supposed to see each other.”
“You didn’t want him to know that you were going out with me?”
“Carlos and I have an agreement about relationships and I didn’t want him nor Maeve to know about it right now.”
"What kind of agreement?"
“We don't introduce anyone to Maeve without the other being aware, and not with a short amount of time in the relationship, you know? We don't want to put someone in her life just for that person to leave without explanation."
"I understand."
"Our separation was amicable but also difficult; she was small and doesn't remember, but she doesn't quite understand why her friends at school have parents together and she's the only one who doesn't."
"It's okay, you don't need to explain to me." He says kindly. "I can imagine how difficult it is to raise a child, and I also understand what it's like to be the child of divorced parents; I know you're doing the best you can for her."
"Thank you."
"Well, shall we go to our date? They say the third time's the charm." I laughed and went inside to grab my purse and my phone, locked the house and went to his car.
The date was great; he made me laugh a lot, and I hadn't had that much fun in a long time.
I felt light, and I felt like I could be myself without being defined only as Carlos's ex or as a mother; I could be myself again.
"Just a minute." My phone started ringing, and I saw it was Carlos. "Hello?"
"I'm sorry; I took my eyes off her for 1 minute, and..." I immediately got up.
"What happened?"
"Maeve and I are at the hospital."
"Which hospital?" I grabbed my purse and started walking towards the exit, and Max came along.
“What happened?"
"She was on the couch with me watching a movie and she asked me for a juice box when I went to get it, she started jumping on the couch and when I heard a loud noise, I went back, and she had fallen and hit her head on the table." He spoke quickly. "I'm really sorry; I..."
"It's okay."
"It's not; she cut her head and had to get stitches. I'm a terrible father."
"Carlos, stop." He looked at me. "These things happen; kids jump on things, they fall, and they get hurt, so stop blaming yourself."
"I was just so scared, and..." I hugged him.
"It's okay, everything will be fine." He hugged me back and relaxed. "What did the doctor say?"
"That it wasn't anything serious and that I did the right thing by bringing her as soon as possible; it could have been worse if she had fallen asleep after hitting her head."
"Okay, let's go in." He went in, and I turned to Max. "I'm sorry for ruining our night."
"You didn't ruin anything; our night was perfect."
"Except when I switched back to mom mode."
"Your daughter got hurt, and you did what any worried mother would do."
"Thank you for bringing me here too."
"You're welcome." He smiled. "I would love to go out again. If you want, of course."
"I would love to. I'll send you a message, and we'll make plans."
"Perfect." He said goodbye, and I went into the room.
"Mommy." I went to her and kissed her forehead.
"Hi, sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
"My head hurts and I'm very sleepy." She gave a little smile and blinked her eyes very slowly.
"It's okay, you can sleep again." I pulled the blanket up to cover her more, and she closed her eyes and was soon asleep, and I sat next to him on the couch there.
"How was your date?"
"We don't need to talk about that."
"I know, it was just a question."
"Let's just focus on her well-being and forget about today." He agreed, and we fell into silence.
And that's how we spent the night at the hospital until we could leave the next morning.
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Bonus scene!
“What a wonderful night”
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Tag list: @ietss @lightdragonrayne @asplarklysoul @xoscar03 @smdrl @shobaes @evans-dejong @cocoxoxo69 @ggaslyp1 @bingewatche @loaves4me @justdreamersdream @alinacecee
Guys, the names with a line on top is because I couldn’t tag
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lemmilemura · 8 months
Based on the show All kept gender-neutral, 'girly' used once or twice
I hadn't gone to school for a few days, but we also had a week off, so I didn't think it was that bad. I didn't really talk to Janae, Maeve or Simon either, eventhough I knew that was stupid and I really wanted to talk, but I knew I'd just break down the second I say a word.
I never told my parents. Why would I? They wouldn't even really care anyway. Whenever anyone would come to my place, I'd just ignore the doorbell and pretend I was sleeping, even if I was right behind the door, passing by. I knew it wasn't good for me, but at this point I had gotten used to it. Better this than suffering through awkward silences woth Simon.
The only place I went that wasn't home was the beach. I loved it. Just sitting in the sand, nobody else around me, middle of the night. The only sound was the waves, and they calmed me down. I know it sounds stupid, that's why I don't tell anyone. I was truly and wholly miserable. But my friends didn't know. So it couldn't hurt them.
Every night I was at the beach. Not too far away from my car, but still close to the water. Every now and then if a wave was closer, it'd lightly touch my feet. I let my mind to go wherever it wished, but of course it was mostly Janae, Maeve, and of course Simon. Fucking Simon. He never left my mind, even when I was doing things that had absolutely nothing to do with him. He even appeared in my dreams most nights. I hated it. Well, only somewhat. I missed the three of them immensly, so seeing them in my dreams was the most I could at all.
The rushing of the waves hid the sound of another car approaching, I only heard it when it got close. I turned and saw a few boys from school. I tried to just ignore them, but then they noticed me and started coming closer. I immediately stood up and speed-walked to my car. "Where ya goin pretty lady?" One of the called. I walked faster. "Yeah, why don't cha hang out with us?" Another asked.
Just a bit more, c'mon. Because of the sand I wasn't able to walk as fast as I wanted to, but somehow they seemed to be perfectly fine. "We promise we're nice! C'mon, girly!" They tried again. I looked back to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, then tried to get my keys out of my pocket. But, as always when you're stressed and need to find something quick, it disappears completely and falls every five seconds.
I managed to find the keys pretty quickly, opened the door and got in, but as I was about to close it, one of the guys put his body inbetween me and the door, forcefully keeping it open. "Heyyy, where do you think you're going?" Another then stepped next to him. "Wait a minute, you hang out with Kelleher, right?" "Yeeeeah, now that 'cha say it. What're you doin' all alone here? Finally realized that he's a total freak?" "I'm sure we're much better company that him. So whaddaya say you get out your car and come join us?"
I didn't say anything, saying anything in my, or even worse Simon's defence, would just make this whole ordeal even worse. I turned away and instead worked on getting my car started up. Hopefully if I just drive I can get far enough away and then close the door. I got my key in and the engine started revving to life.
"Hey now..." one guy reached inside to grab my steeringwheel, but just as I turned to face him he got punched in the face. It shook all of us, because it was dark I couldn't really see who punched him, but I was pretty sure it wasn't one of the guys who were trying to get to me. Finally, my car started up, but I couldn't move.
"What the fuck!?" The guy's nose was bleeding from the punch. His friends helped him up then got ready to fight this random dude who was currently my hero. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" One of them asked. "Apparently a total freak" he finally spoke, and I recognized his voice. "Simon what the fuck are you doing?" I whisper yelled, grabbing his arm. "Fucking Kelleher. I'll fucking kill you" the guy he punched started swinging.
I quickly stalled the engine again and pulled out my key, I didn't want any of them driving away in my car, before getting out and doing my best to get to Simon to save him from almost certain death. They sadly already got a couple hits in, but I managed to pull him away and get him in my car. The guys started screaming again, but my brain sort of tuned them out. This time my car was nicer and got started sooner, I backed out of my parking space and drove away, them still screaming after us.
I had never driven that fast in my entire life, I didn't even really care if I'd get a ticket, at this point all I cared about was getting home. As if he'd gotten stabbed or was close to death, while all he had was just a few scrapes. I pulled into my driveway and made the garage door open, then got Simon out. We didn't say anything as I sat him down on the couch in my garage and went to go get our first-aid kit. He just sat there, disheveled, looking around the room. Even when I returned and started assessing the damage we didn't talk.
"You're a fucking idiot." I said. "You were the one at the beach in the middle of the night. Alone." He responded. "Why were you even there? You stalking me or something?" I had to force myself to focus on anything besides the weird feeling in my stomach. "I went to yours but your parents told me you were with Janae. So I called her, and she told me you weren't. I just went to the first place that came to mind."
And then he looked up at me.
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How was I supposed to concentrate and get over him if he was looking up at me like a lost, abandoned puppy? Plus our faces were really close, only a few inches apart, so that wasn't helping. I immediately felt a blush coming on, so I turned back to the first aid kit and pretended to be looking for something.
"Should I not have?" He asked. "No, you're fine." I responded. I took a breath and then turned back to face him. "Thank you. Thank you for saving me Simon." I smiled at him. "Heh. Getting beat up was definitely worth it. Don't know what I would have done if they'd done something to you."
The atmosphere finally got too tense, and I decided to just suck it up and started talking. "I'm... sorry for what happened. I just kinda... burst. Just wasn't thinking right I guess." I explained, plopping down next to him. "Well, I still like you." He said, looking to me. "Do you still like me?" He asked, once again giving me a giant puppy face. That fucking face.
"How can I not when you look like a kicked puppy?" I joked, which made him chuckle too. "Seriously though. Did I fuck up?" He asked. "Of course you didn't. I was just... too overwhelmed with shit and overreacted. You're fine, really." I explained. If I could, I would go back in time and not say those things, a lot would be solved and he also wouldn't have gotten beaten up.
"That's good..." We once again sat in silence. I decided to get up and put the first-aid kit away. "So uhm... what were you and Janae listening to that one time you two had a party?" "Wait how do you know about that?" He laughed. "I wanted to come by but saw you two were 'busy'" he said with air-quotes. "So I left" Of course he had to see that. Great.
"It's, well, a playlist we made a while ago." I pulled out my phone and connected it to my speakers. Might as well. "Really? Janae listens to Katy Perry?" He asked. "Kinda? Listen, no matter how you feel about her, Hot N' Cold is amazing." I decided to put it on shuffle, but of course the first song to play was HONEY.
"Okay so we're still friends, but... what about more? Last time we both kinda... blurted it out didn't we?" He said. Shit. That's right. In our overwhelmed-ness we both sort of confessed to eachother. That did happen. "That we did do." I sat back down, this time facing him. "So? What are we? Because I still want to be with you." "I honestly feel like I don't deserve you given how I acted last time."
"Why do you think that?" He asked. "Oh c'mon! I literally flew off the handle at you! I barely let you speak..." I just wanted to disappear that moment, to not have this conversation, but I also knew it needed to happen. "Nonsense! I totally get where you were coming from. But you also can't only blame me for showing up here, it was Janae and Maeve who convinced me."
"They knew??" I could not believe it. My best friend, to whom I had been lamenting my unrequited feelings to knew all that time he felt the same? How could she. The betrayal. "Did you never notice I didn't have any of your notes? I didn't go to school either that day, I just came because I wanted to see you. They convinced me to do it." Janae was definitely getting a phone call later.
"Never thought you would skip school." I joked. "I wasn't skipping. I felt like shit. Not that it mattered, I changed my attendance so it's fine. Changed yours too by the way." "You know you didn't have to do that." I said. "There's a lot of things I don't have to do but still do because, and get this," he leaned closer "I want to" he whispered.
For a moment we stayed like that, faces so close, just looking at eachother. "Just like this." He said, then grabbed my face and kissed me. It happened so fast I couldn't even blink. He just grabbed me, pulled me in, and let me go just as fast. I just stared, obviously flushed, in disbelief. "I still love you." He said. "Do you still love me?" Just as fast, I threw all cautioun out the window and kissed him again, this time actually participaring.
To think that the moment I had waited for so long was finally there was surreal, the feeling completely foreign, but oh so welcome. "I'll take that as a yes" he managed to say between kisses, then pushed me so I was laying down on the couch.
Janae would get that call tomorrow.
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tartrazeen · 10 months
Why am I making myself sad 😭
I've had this really nice (sad 😭) head canon about Angus and Rohan growing up. I could write it as fanfic...
... or I could just barf it into a post like I'm doing now.
So this is about the two of them when they were very young.
Basic backstory: in my head, when they say they've known each other for "practically all their lives" and "as long as either of them could remember," they mean it: I have Angus as being a year older, and the two of them meeting when Rohan was six and Angus was seven. Both orphans. Both without a home. Rohan woke up from where he'd fallen in a forest one day, and Angus was the kid standing over him, the first thing Rohan saw, who was waiting to see if he was dead or not lol
Angus took enough of a liking to Rohan when they were in that forest that when Angus went to leave, and Rohan sort of baby-duck'd onto him and followed along, Angus mostly just shrugged. There was a village nearby, after all, and that's where Angus had been headed anyway, having just been passing through that forest when he saw a maybe-corpse. When Angus goes to leave that village a few days later, Rohan continues baby-ducking and following his new best friend. Angus, being seven and not thinking any further than his next meal, shrugs and accepts that he's got a buddy now. He has no idea that he's just signed up for a life-long commitment.
Skip ahead to their present day, or maybe a few months after the finale. Maeve's exiled, Nemain hasn't started her shenanigans yet, so there's a decent sense of peace over Kells.
Rohan is telling the others about how he and Angus grew up. In this particular version of my daydream (I like changing it), it's because Rohan's still trying to bond with Lugad but doesn't know how to be an older brother to him. Ivar explains that an older brother's supposed to protect his younger siblings, guide them through life, keep them happy, and help shape them into who they are as adults. And Rohan's miffed, because Lugad's already grown, so it seems like the ship's sailed on that.
Deirdre tries to think of ideas for Rohan to try, and eventually asks how it was for him and Angus. Rohan does his little scoff-laugh, saying he doesn't see what that matters. When the others push, he says Angus is his best friend...
... but to be honest, he wouldn't say Angus was 'protecting' him. Rohan was usually the one getting Angus out of trouble, and Lugad isn't antagonizing every guard in every village. In fact, Lugad grew up in one place. It might have been on a horrible island, but at least Lugad didn't make Rohan move a hundred times because of some tiny thing he didn't like about where they were one morning.
This gets into him explaining that when they were boys - Rohan being seven, Angus being eight - they'd had some rough times trying to survive by themselves. They did take care of each other, but Angus would... well, he'd be a little selfish from time to time. Rohan doesn't blame him because they were both so young, but he says that's the difference between being brothers and being best friends. Rohan loves him and obviously Angus is his family now, but back then, they were just two kids that happened to meet one day.
He gives examples when the others ask. For instance: food. There wasn't much of it. Sometimes, they'd be close to starving. And sometimes, Angus would let the hunger get the best of him, and he'd eat his whole share - more than that - before Rohan even got back to split it. And then Rohan would be stuck eating whatever happened to be left.
It was almost funny, because Rohan could even see how bad it was. Sometimes, Angus would get caught by the guards for stealing and be gone for a few days. Magically, there'd be enough food the whole time that Angus was gone. No hard feelings, Rohan stresses, but it was entertaining to look back on it. Angus had never lost that appetite either; even now, he'd eat everything around him.
The most frustrating part was how Angus always had to complain about where they were living. It'd be over something small, and so small that Rohan can't remember now that nearly fifteen years have passed, but Angus would think it was more than enough reason to pack up that very night and head onto the next village. Eventually, they got to the village closest to the castle, and they had to stay there because where else were they going to go? Rohan had genuinely been afraid when he first became Cathbad's druid, thinking that in the meantime, Angus was going to head off again - without Rohan.
He hadn't. :) All was well.
Anyway, that was why taking lessons from Angus wasn't the best approach.
There's dinner in the throne room later on, and Angus is here now. There's a light conversation and Rohan idly laughs about having to move from village to village so often. Angus rolls his eyes and laughs like he agrees the whole thing was a chore, and Rohan says that at least a lot of good came out of it: if Angus hadn't been so picky, they would've never been where they needed to be for Rohan to become Draganta.
To be honest, there were fun moments while they were moving, too. Angus would whine endlessly about how much he hated the forest, which would shut him up when they finally got to their next village. But despite that, Angus would tell Rohan story after story. They'd be made up, but Rohan still remembers some of them. They were vivid - Angus has always had a way of spinning a tale, and those would lull him to sleep under those trees. It was peaceful. Rohan kind of misses it. Too bad Angus hates sleeping on the ground.
Deirdre asks what sort of stories these were. Rohan says they'd be ones about a clumsy bunny who kept dropping its magic rings, or even one about the princess herself, trying to pluck a silver plate from a waterfall of plates, and only having one chance. Or there'd be a field of grass made out of gold, and a knight having to stomp through with his armour, trying to stop the sheep from eating all the golden grass. Cute things like that.
Angus is a little impressed that Rohan remembers those. Rohan shrugs, saying he's always enjoyed Angus' stories. But now that they're talking about it, and knowing that Rohan did appreciate getting to be in the forest enough to hear them all, what did Angus hate about all those villages?
There's a thoughtful silence and smirk from Angus like he thinks Rohan's making a joke, but Rohan insists he's serious. Angus decides to only half-joke back, glibly replying that it mostly had to do with all of them getting burned down.
Rohan's confused. The others are more surprised, and are able to ask Angus what he means. Angus says that each of those villages were attacked by Temrans. There was a war, after all.
Rohan's very confused.
Not about the war - yes, obviously, there was a war - but about being attacked. They never got attacked by Temrans.
Angus says yes, that's true. Because Angus got them out of the village when he'd heard enough rumours to predict an attack was coming. So then he'd get them both out of there.
The others start asking Angus what it was like, growing up like that. Rohan is quiet as Angus brushes it off and says it was fine, that's how it used to be by the border, and the trick was to keep moving deeper into Kells - towards the castle. In fact, that's how Angus met Rohan: he'd been leaving one village that'd just been attacked, and found this lump of a boy lying in the middle of a forest between the next one. And so a friendship was born.
Rohan says they were never attacked.
Angus agrees again, saying they always stayed a night ahead of it.
Rohan asks how Angus could know.
Angus says they could hear it from the forest.
Rohan says he never heard a thing.
Angus squints at him.
The stories, Angus explains, still kind of smirking because he thinks it's funny that he has to spell this out, were him trying to cover it up. He makes Rohan go through the ones he remembers. What did they have in common? Metal. Crashing on metal. Angus barely remembers any of them, but he's sure there would've been a few to cover any screams.
Rohan thinks.
In the awkward silence that Angus is trying to break for the others, Rohan brings up that one story about the wolves that were terrible at howling.
Angus grins. Exactly his point. One of them had to get some sleep, so it might as well have been Rohan.
The others start to chat excitedly about this, Ivar even alluding to Rohan being wrong about Angus looking after him, until Rohan interrupts again. He's beginning to frown.
Rohan asks what Angus means by 'getting some sleep'. He remembers Angus sleeping all the time back then. It was partly why it took so long to leave the forest.
Angus says he'd tell Rohan stories to get the boy to sleep, but Angus himself would be awake to keep an eye out for Temrans. They liked to attack at night back then, so night-time was all he'd been worried about. He'd take naps throughout the day to get some rest in. Which was fine. It helped with the hunger anyway.
Rohan calls Angus out on that, saying Rohan never took naps and he'd have even less to eat than Angus would. That earns him a look from Angus, so he explains how there'd be times where someone wouldn't stick to eating their fair share.
Angus is mildly outraged by the accusation, asking when that had ever happened. Back then, he clarifies. He sneaks a bit now 'cause Rohan always puts the good stuff in his half.
Rohan says that when they were boys, Angus would wait until Rohan was out and then help himself to the food. There'd barely be enough for one of them, and Angus decided to take the first bites anyway.
Angus squints at him.
Rohan frowns back.
Angus asks, starting to smile, like Rohan is playing a trick on him, if Rohan had ever seen Angus this so-called 'share'.
Rohan says no, and that was the point. Angus waited until Rohan had left.
Angus says yes, that was the point. He'd wait for Rohan to go, then wait for him to come back so Angus could lie. There was barely enough for one of them, after all, and Rohan would always make them split it evenly. Angus starts joking about it with the others, bragging about how he'd let Rohan split the food, then just hide his own share and give it back to Rohan at night. There they were, starving orphans, and Angus still had that boy eating twice a day. Better to spread it out like that, obviously.
Rohan doesn't believe this. He can't quite argue it, but he wants to. Eventually he says that if that's true, why would there be food to spare whenever Angus got taken away by the guards?
Angus laughs outright at that, but not at the part about food. The part about the guards. They were living in villages - what guards? Rohan's been living in a castle for too long.
Before Rohan can ask about that, Angus answers his first question with a question: what exactly did he get taken away for? Stealing, was it? And what did he steal? Oh, there was food to spare? Funny, that.
Garrett asks who took Angus to jail, then. Angus says there was no jail. Whatever villager he'd taken food from would find out, beat him half to death, and then he'd need a few days to come limping back to Rohan. He means it light-heartedly, but it's a little more bitter than the rest of what he's said, and the meaning of his words bring an unmistakable sense of pity to the table.
Except for Rohan, who is deeply confused and a tad angry.
Rohan asks if Angus is saying that he wouldn't eat, just give Rohan his food, then sleep through the hunger as they ran from village to village, always only barely ahead of the Temrans.
Angus says yup.
Angus says he's also surprised that Rohan's only figuring this out now. He thought Rohan had known from the beginning. Why else was he following Angus around?
Rohan says it's because they were friends.
Angus shrugs and says that's fair enough.
Rohan can't stomach what he's been hearing. This is news that's come crashing onto him, and Angus is happily chatting with the others and assuring them it was for the best - well, it was horrible, but at least it got them Draganta. Small price to pay for a kingdom, isn't it? And Angus gives a innocent bat of his eyes to the king and says, "You're welcome."
Which is when Rohan leaves the table. Not consciously, of course, but steadily. His ears are ringing at this point. He's not sure if he's cold or sweaty and he doesn't understand why he'd be either.
Rohan doesn't answer when he feels someone calling him. Ivar, he imagines. Although these feel like Garrett's hands leading him to sit. After... months, it seems, his vision - which had blurred some time ago - starts to clear again.
He sees Angus knelt over him. One hand gripping Rohan's shoulder. Angus looks worried and even scared, so different from the boy who'd only grinned in amazement that Rohan wasn't dead in a forest.
Angus had been talking. Rohan hadn't heard. Eventually, the sounds around him returned, and Angus was asking what was wrong. The others were there as well, in varying states of crowding around or stepping back to let Angus handle this.
In my last version of this daydream, Rohan and Angus talk this out right now. In this version, Rohan's more emotionally stunted than that. He apologizes for a making scene, says he isn't feeling well, and then excuses himself back to the hut.
Angus arrives later in the night. By how sheepishly he enters, it's clear to Rohan that Angus thinks he's the one who screwed up. He says as much, apologizing for lying, swearing he thought Rohan knew or puzzled it out by now.
And Rohan breaks.
I mean, truly breaks.
His entire plan was to be stoic about this. He was going to solemnly thank Angus for taking care of them as boys... and still even now, with how much work Angus did to keep him fed and with mended clothes...
But he breaks.
Because Angus was his best friend and was eight and never once complained about the truth of what there was to complain about. And Rohan had complained about that, calling Angus selfish. In hindsight, it was all so perfectly clear that Rohan felt like an ass for not figuring it out. Angus was right to assume he would. So now Rohan was left with an overwhelming guilt of having put that all onto a child, who'd been barely older than him and who'd needed someone's care, but was stuck with Rohan instead.
He cries so hard, he doesn't even realize he's crying into Angus' shoulder or that he's clutching onto his friend as tightly as he is. And Angus allows it to happen, in a flood of patience that never appears unless it's as dire as this. Rohan can feel himself being carefully handled until he's sat on the edge of his cot. It's there that Angus asks if Rohan wants to hear one more story. Rohan agrees by not disagreeing, and Angus sits Rohan back until he's propped up against the thief.
It's exactly like they used to be in those nights: Rohan lying against Angus, curled up under him, and Angus gently holding him there. It isn't perfect, since Rohan's bigger than Angus now, but it feels like a home that Rohan didn't earn.
Angus, in his half-dream of a voice that would never fail to have Rohan at ease, tells a story about a little boy named Schmangus.
Apparently, Schmangus had a hard life growing up. It'd been filled with war and hunger and cold and all the awful things those would do. He doesn't mince words, because he says Schmangus was terrified. Every corner had something new to fear, and he knew he had no choice but to face them anyway if he wanted to live.
One day, Schmangus found a corpse in a forest - only it wasn't a corpse, and it had a name: Schmohan. Schmangus and Schmohan - Rohan would've hit him if this dumb name wasn't so badly what he needed right now - became best friends and went everywhere together. Schmangus never asked him to, but Schmohan always followed along.
The trouble was that Schmohan had all the brains of a child who would drop dead in a forest, and was always trying to share food that wasn't enough to share, and fight wars with a dinky sword that hadn't helped against whatever had knocked Schmohan out in the first place. That meant it was up to Schmangus to keep them alive, and that meant Schmangus had to lie about it.
It wasn't so bad the first time. Or the second. By the third, it had become a pattern. And it got harder and harder to do. Schmangus felt like everywhere he went and everything he touched was cursed, and Schmohan hadn't asked for any of it. Schmangus wanted to keep that curse away from Schmohan for as long as he could; just like food, there was only so much peace to go around, and with how terrified Schmangus was, it only made sense to give that peace to Schmohan.
Stories turned the sounds of war and fire into a melody. Pockets turned a meager scrap into a meal for later. Sleep and water from the river, plus whatever he ate right from a villager's home, got Schmangus through most of it. The villagers didn't catch him often - sometimes Schmangus would just be hiding - but when they did, it was still worth the risk.
He only needed the peace to last until they were somewhere safe. He didn't know where 'safe' was, but now he was making an effort to look for it. Before, Schmangus would simply wander around. Now, he had Schmohan to care for.
Rohan says that Angus was only eight.
Angus says yes, he was, but this wasn't about him, it was about Schmangus, and also, shut it, he isn't done yet.
Schmangus felt a new kind of fear: one of failure. He knew he was only eight, and he knew he didn't know what he was doing. But if he could keep Schmohan from hating him for - shut it, Rohan - for dragging him all over the place like this, he'd be satisfied.
And he was. When they eventually made it to the castle, Schmohan had simply teased him about living in there. It was the best thing Schmangus had heard. It was like everything he'd gone through was worth it. Maybe he'd gone through it alone, but Rohan would always try to split everything - he meant Schmohan, shut up Rohan - and now one of them had enough of a peaceful life to share.
The story used to end there, Angus says, but there's a new ending to it now. Rohan is utterly relaxed into Angus, and at any other time, would have been dozing off already. He asks Angus for the new ending, and Angus provides.
Schmohan, as he'd said, was the sort of boy who'd fight a tree and have it topple over and crush him, so of course he grew up and never figured out any of this until Schmangus told it to him outright. But Schmohan wasn't a fool. Schmohan had become the best warrior of a kingdom named Schmells - Rohan did shove him a little for that - and had figured out many things, even if he still held a spoon like an angry rat - a lot of a shove from Rohan - so it had to mean that Schmangus was very good at lying.
Even on the nights where there were no sounds of war, Schmangus would lie awake worrying that Schmohan had enough. If there'd been any way for him to know that fifteen years later, Schmohan would still be looking back on those days as peaceful journeys with his friend, never aware of attacks, thinking food would appear by itself...
... that boy would've slept with a smile on his face, knowing he'd saved his friend from so much, so completely, his friend would long for those nights. He'd remember the stories as stories alone, and remember what they'd been about. He'd be happy. Still, obviously, very hungry and cold and awake, but happy for what it did.
Rohan asks if it's because Schmells got Schagmanta.
Angus says that's a dumb name, and everyone knows the champion of Schmells is called Footsy O'Bigtooth, and no, that's not why. It was worth it for Rohan alone. And he knows that isn't much, what with how upset Rohan is, but Angus was eight and trying his best. He would've done everything differently if he'd had a way to see their fate, but he didn't. So he doesn't regret doing what he could.
Especially not when it brought them here.
It sits in Rohan's mind for hours. Angus doesn't budge him, save to settle them better on the cot. Eventually, Rohan hears the steady, telltale breath of sleep brushing the top of his head.
He very slowly and carefully chances moving to look up. There, as it'd been in the story, was the softest smile on Angus' face.
Rohan curled himself back under his brother's chin, and went to sleep as well.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 months
3x01, part 1.
"I want you inside me" and "Don't stop, get to prostate", only to die that horrible death. Lol. That's one way to play with those words.
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!!! If this season is about corpo Hughie, I swear to the Outsider. I hope s3 being many people's fav is actually a good one. They're always so bad at opening episodes.
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STFU, Hughie.
Butcher: "Everyone is losing their fucking minds."
Hughie: "Or they're just trying to be happy."
He isn't wrong there. Hughie being nice to Kimiko. <3 Kimiko is a sweetheart. When she smiles, she lights up a room.
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Stuff like this makes me think about that meme I saw about Homelander killing Maeve, Starlight, everyone that's ever stood up to him and then being surprised that no one ever stands up to him.
Homelander's constant high pitched ringing? Dude is gonna snap and take half of the building with him. If not the entire building. Man, I am so curious what could've been if he was decently raised or if he could at least resume a functioning human and feel things while at it. Because right now it's a walking, talking corpse in a cape.
Oh my goodness, Frontstorm is not dead yet. 😩 Yeah, this is the part I was afraid of 'cause this kind of humor is not for me. I think it's cringe and not funny at all.
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See, that's what I don't understand. MCU is homophobic af while it's completely obvious Steve and Bucky are romance. Why didn't The Boys go this route? Say a big 'fuck you' to Marvel, make "Captain America" gay or bi (though he already is ("i was too deep in thoughts... thoughts about Bucky!"), but that's Marvel we're talking about). i mean, maybe they did, but that's not revealed yet, but I doubt that.
which is a great shame, really.
"Maybe we can use it to blow Homelander's fucking brains out."
See, that's where you lose me, because I know that at the end of s4 Homelander is still alive while everyone else suffers. From a glimpse that I saw, even Soldier Boy suffers. So this game with the viewer gets old very quickly, very fast.
Though I do wonder what they wanna do in s5. Because, you know, the final one, so maybe something will finally move until the show ends? I wouldn't count on it, but still. A girl can dream (or Butch and Homelander fucking nasty before they kill each other).
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Just fuck already. I'm tired of this slowburn flirting. He's so polite, too, with his "may I?"
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Again with the 'William', heh.
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They're so civilized all of the sudden. "May I", "I don't mean to be rude." Guys. Folks. Lads. Fuck. Already.
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He likes some nice foreplay, huh.
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Since when did you start caring about wounded animals? Or is it the "too fucking easy, too boring" kind of thing?
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They just sit there and flirt.
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damien-mlm · 2 years
A New Start - Part II (The Boy Nanny!OC)
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A Brahms POV of Part 1
800+ words
Warnings: 18+, light smut at the end it is Brahms, after all...
Brahms was excited, but also so nervous he could vomit. He could think of a million things that would go wrong. After all, it took so long to find Greta, and even then, she had betrayed him. He was lucky he was even able to contact his parents before…
But it had been late enough, late enough for her to abandon him, leaving him with the doll broken and a stab in the gut. It had almost been a year since the incident and he still had nightmares about it. Before, his nightmares were plagued with the day of the fire, the familiar pain searing into his skin, he was used to it. But the new nightmares? They shook him to his very core, he knew his parents wouldn't be around to fix things this time if it all went wrong yet again. 
A new doll, and mask were purchased. He had fixed the old one and kept it with him in his room in the walls, which made him feel a little less lonely there. Still, he needed a new nanny, someone who would care for the doll, and of him, hopefully accept him as who he is and maybe even love him, in the future.
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He paced back and forth in the passages inside the walls, trying to ease his mind, to no avail. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a gentle femenine voice call out, "Hello? Is anybody there?"
That sounded like it came from the foyer, was that the new nanny? Brahms silently rushed to get a view of how the girl looked, catching sight of her as she took off her coat. Her coppery hair falling behind her, bright teal eyes curiously examining the walls that kept him apart from her.
He watched as she walked around, and took it as an opportunity to get out of the walls, maybe get a better look. Maeve had gone into the study, and was closely examining the piano. Brahms, on the other hand, was closely examining her. Memorizing her movements and body language as she played a few trying notes on the small piano he had ever since he was a small child. 
His mother caught him staring at the girl, and silently sent him back to the confines of the walls, before going to the kitchen to see that everything was ready. Brahms stayed in the kitchen walls, watching the plate he had requested his parents to leave ready for the new nanny.
"Well, the little lad is truly a gentleman. I'll make sure to thank him tomorrow when I meet him…", Brahms was starting to like her more by the second. 
"We also arranged a monthly nurse to come and draw blood from you, for your blood tests, as you requested. Your medication will be delivered with the groceries"
Wait, medication? Is she ill? What if she fainted in the middle of a chore? What if she became so ill she couldn't move? Was that why he saw a patch of bright red on her skin? What if she died on him?
He was terrified, so much so that he didn't even realize there wasn't anybody left in the kitchen anymore. He decided to go to what would be her room, and he heard the shower running. 
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A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom wearing a white nightgown. She looked like an old Victorian ghost in the best way possible. She looked ethereal, almost unreal in the soft lighting of the room. He was able to get a glimpse of the red patch, it seemed to go all the way down her arm.
Once the lights were off, and Brahms was sure that she was asleep, he decided to take a closer look. He needed to, at this point.
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He carefully approached the bed, as she laid on her right side. He could finally see that the red patch of skin was a big scar, and not any type of scar either. It was a kind he was all too familiar with, burn scars.
His breath became labored, partially in sympathy and  regret from the thought of such a pretty girl having to endure such pain. The scars seemed fresh too. He wanted to reach out and caress her scarred skin. 
The other reason for his labored breathing was because he had just realized how close he was to her, allowing him to notice that her nightgown was, in fact, see-through. 
He noticed her squirm in her sleep, and he quickly and silently ran back into the safety of the walls. He rushed to his makeshift bed, immediately laying on it and taking his trousers and boxers off, wild erection springing free.
He kept thinking of the way her breasts looked under the soft translucent fabric as he grabbed the base of his cock and gave it a light squeeze. Oh, it would be torture to watch her from afar every day…
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A/N: I know this is kind of a re-run of part one, but I promise next in line is the following day at the manor!
Taglist: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @texaschainsawslvt @moon-of-desire @angxlslasher @kalid-raven @coppasulfate @ajarofpickledtears @capybar00 @mr-trick
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luxmaeastra · 5 months
Garrick looked to Sarai, Natalia, and Maeve and Merka, throwing the female down on the ground. He ignored Uilleam's look of fury and disgust.
He nodded at her, the manacles on her flickered as she sought to tear them off.
Merka's cycle of violence needed to stop. In his experience one final blow should do it. She was causing too much agitation. If she wasn't dealt with the Daglan could face another civil war. Especially if the people learned Uilleam he seemed to love the Changeling female.
"Kaden's mate. Do as you will with it."
Merka sneered, turning to look at him.
"How stupid do you think I am? He doesn't have a mate, why would he -"
"You sure?"
Garrick knelt before Juniper, her eyes glowed and she barred her teeth. He simply stared at her grabbing her neck and pulling the necklace from her.
Bryce glared, trying to push at the Valg gaurds holding her in place.
"You have the wrong female! She doesn't have a fucking mate! And it wouldn't be someone as deranged as this -"
He held the pendant up, he crushed the gemstone in his palm.
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Juniper flinched, but she didn't speak - not to Merka, not to Bryce. She watched the gemstone turn to dust, the runes flared up her arms, his scent on her.
She lunged for Garrick, Athril holding her back. She twisted, trying to scratch at his face.
"You will pay! He will find you! You professed to save us! You promised peace and abandoned us! You -"
This was not how she wanted things to go, this was not the moves she had wanted to make, but they were running out or resources in this battle. Garrick and Athril had told them to let them handle it, that they knew of a way to get a step ahead of them all while ensuring at least some peace a little bit long.
The answer left a bitter taste in her mouth, but Sarai wasn’t about to speak out against the fold. She did not want to draw a target upon herself or those she cared for, no her home.
Her gaze lingered upon the red haired female who seemed to be struggling with the guards, who seemed concerned for her friend.
Natalia’s hand squeeze’s Sarai’s arm before he moved forwards. “Are you accepting what is being offered to you Merka?”
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Thoughts of The Boys (2019) Season Two *SPOILERS*
I didn't enjoy this season as much as Season One, I have to admit. Not that it was BAD, but it took a lot longer to settle into itself - the first two episodes were kind of boring in comparison to Season One's.
Honestly like, Billy's rampaging over Becca is probably meant to be sweet or misguided or whatever but I just found it fucking annoying. Like she ain't worth it, Billy. She never was. Your friends are so much more fun, fleshed out and interesting. Also I couldn't help but think that Billy didn't really deserve to have Becca back - after how horribly he treats his friends, kills people when it's convenient to his goals and gaslights and manipulates everyone (especially Hughie and MM) if he thinks it will make them more amenable to his cause. He doesn't actually give a damn about Robin or MM's family and it annoys me nobody calls him out on how selfish he is.
Stormfront = Stormcunt. I already knew she was a Nazi before going into the season but I wouldn't have liked her even if she wasn't one, she's one of those people who's like, "Whaaat? I'm just being honest!" when actually she's just an obnoxious bitch. Though I maintain Kimiko deserved to be the one to kill her.
Any scene with Homelander, Ryan and Becca I had to pause because the secondhand embarrassment was TOO MUCH. Honestly seeing Homelander trying to act like a person is almost more unsettling than when he's just being his deranged lunatic self. (Also, Ryan and Becca were so fucking BORING. Any scene with Becca was like watching paint dry - she just exists to be a victim Billy wants to save and that's it. Any scene with them was making me want to scream with how slow it is. I'm glad she won't be in Season 3, because why should I give a shit about Becca and her boring relationship melodrama with Billy? They try so hard to make her cool and sorry but it doesn't work. And Ryan's even worse, no shade to his actor but some child character who's scared of using his own superpowers is also pretty dull.)
Maeve is also super, super boring. Like part of the fun of The Boys is the Supes are all inherently shitty people (except Starlight) but Maeve doesn't ever really DO anything. Nearly all her scenes are just her sitting around with a face like ":/" Like honestly, why the hell should I care about Maeve? What's her character progression? She doesn't seem to have one except her girlfriend dumped her. She's not interesting to me in any way, she's just kind of there. And even though she did kind of try to convince Homelander to save the people on the plane, but it annoys me the show doesn't hold her accountable for any of it - she's just like, "Wah wah, Homelander made me do it!" and thus she's off the hook for all of it, even though she acts like all those people dying is just a way to get Homelander off her back about Elena. All Maeve cares about is herself and her equally boring girlfriend. (Sorry Maeve fans, I don't think her being 'yaas bisexual queen' is enough to make her a good character. I guess her helping beat up Stormfront was cool but it's not really enough to make me like her.)
Once again, babygirl Starlight is the best. I was so happy to hear her calling Billy out on his shit - she's like the first person to tell him to his face he's a bigot. (I do wish they'd give her Season 1 costume back though, I feel so sorry for her actress constantly having her buttcheeks hanging out.)
Hughie continues to be so wholesome and sweet. He's really such a great character because he continuously manages to win people over and pull them together - I totally adored the scene where Billy and Starlight are basically just standing around gushing about how Hughie's great, because he absolutely earns all the praise. I was sitting there agreeing with them both wholeheartedly because Jack Quiad just sells the character so well. I'm glad we finally got some sort of explanation about where his mother is - I'm assuming she'll turn up later. (Also I find it amusing that all the way through Season One I thought Billy was meant to be an Aussie, but Hughie's dad is Simon Pegg, who IS British and just does an American accent. I guess American is just easier to do because we hear so much of it on TV.)
I'm happy we finally got some more exploration of MM and Frenchie because for the initial couple of episodes they kind of stood around in the background while Hughie was mad at Billy. In particular Frenchie's history and his complicated relationship with Kimiko got a bit more fleshing out, which it badly needed because up til this point it felt like they'd fallen into being a pseudo-couple pretty quickly. I also liked that MM's prissy mannerisms got some exploration too - I mean him having OCD didn't factor into much of the season but I'm glad that he got a bit of a spotlight episode because he didn't really make much of an impression on me in Season One.
What exactly are Black Noir's superpowers? It's never really explained what he can do - he seems to be unusually strong, durable and fast but it's not as obvious as it is with The Deep or A-Train. Anyway, I'm glad he got to do a bit more this Season than just stand around - he seems to overall have less autonomy than the other members of the Seven.
Anthony Starr is too fucking good at his job. I swear to god he sells Homelander in a way that's quite astonishing. Like, I know he's a murdering bastard of the highest calibre but GOD HE'S SO INTERESTING. When he awkwardly tries to be a good dad to Ryan? When he barely holds himself back from laser blasting an entire crowd just because one guy flipped him off? Astonishing. (Also I still can't help but feel a little bad for him. Like, nothing excuses what he does, but the more you learn about his fucked up childhood, the more you can pity that little boy who was forced to be the world's answer to Superman. Again, I know, Homelander is awful, but he wasn't born that way.) The final scene of him jerking off was kind of...huh? I have no idea what they were going for there.
Where the hell are they going with The Deep and his extremely weird subplot? And how many more marine animals are going to be mutilated for the sake of comedy? I felt so sorry for that whale but god help me it was pretty funny how the characters were running around with whale guts covering them for the rest of the episode. (I do already know about the octopus. RIP.)
I'm legit scared of Season 3 - what will they do next?!
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blckfridays · 9 months
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pretend you're anything . . . just to be ADORED
★ , no way, haven’t you ever heard of INDIGO BARKOV? perhaps you know them best as GO-GO. spotted under new york's city lights, i’ve heard they’re a TATTOO ARTIST/BUSINESS OWNER/ASSOCIATE that’s protected by THE SAWAYAMAS, spilled blood for loyalty is thicker than water. the rumour goes that the TWENTY-EIGHT YEAR OLD is known to be closed-off and distant, yet laid-back and resourceful. it’s SLOTH that’s their biggest vice, but hey, what do i fuckin’ know? their favourite song on the job is STUPID GIRL by GARBAGE and are never seen without their ROLLERSKATES, hard to believe in superstition in such a godless city. ask the right people and they’ll tell you that they remind them of: THE WAFTING SMELL OF LAVENDER, A GIGGLE IN AN EMPTY ROOM, NEON LIGHTS AND CIGARETTE SMOKE ENTWINED. so whatever you do, and may vengeance have mercy on you, do not fuck with them.
grizz, they/them, est
full  name ,  nicknames  :  indigo yekaterina barkov , indi/digs/go-go
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty - eight  , october 28  ,  scorpio
hometown  :  kirov, russia
gender  ,  pronouns :  trans female  ,  she / they
orientation  :  bisexual , demiromantic
height :  5′10″
occupation  :  tattoo artist/business owner
language(s)  spoken  :  russian  -  fluent   ,   english  -  fluent   ,   greek   -   fluent
similar  characters  :  satine  (  moulin rouge  )  ,  maeve wiley  (  sex education )  ,  faye valentine  (  cowboy bebop  )  ,  mystique   (  x-men  )  ,  selina kyle  (  gotham  )  ,  wichita  (  zombieland  )  ,  summer finn  (  500 days of summer  )
an only child to a single father— dima. to make ends meet, he got caught up with the wrong people; in turn becoming a soldier for the sevskaya bratva, an organized crime family located in russia. barely ten years old and she could recall having to take care of their home in his absence.
indigo doesn't remember what happened, or why they had to flee their home. dima would refuse time and time again and give the excuse of it being for her safety. it always felt like it was something he did wrong, she could see it in the way he would refuse to meet her stare or dismiss the discussion entirely.
the age of twelve and indigo— she demands to be called after seeing an ad for an american perfume— finds herself in a cramped one bedroom apartment in brooklyn. this city is gritty, dangerous, and her father teaches her how to protect herself.
dima opens a tattoo shop toska ink, and indigo starts skipping class in favor of learning the trade. she becomes the shop's official receptionist as indigo is able to learn english far faster than her father.
five years pass and the shop starts inviting new and sketchier faces into the fray. the name sawayama is uttered at least four, maybe five times a week and her father still refuses to clue her in on just what those men are doing in the backroom. she asks if he's returned to the life he led and russia, only to receive a smack across the face. indigo wouldn't ask anymore questions.
four more years and her father gets sick. he'd tried to hide it from her as always— it's only on his deathbed does she finally receive answers. the sawayama 'organization', the meetings that take place.. the 'goods' that are sometimes trafficked through.
indigo will never forget the guilt-ridden look on her father's face at the realization that his life is hers now, that he'd effectively damned his daughter to a lifetime of crime at the young age of twenty-two.
she has been the owner and lead artist of toska ink for six years now, and works closely with the sawayama in the form of offering a safe place to talk business without the prying eyes of new york city's finest.
personality & fun facts
there has been no time to grieve, indigo has refused to allow herself a moment of reprieve the loss of her only family. she's far too angry to even consider it.
so unbelievably guarded. smiles are a rarity unless you get under her skin. she tends to keep people at an arms length.
doesn't drive, prefers to rollerskate and take the subways.
is an extremely talented artist and in spite of all this, takes pride in her business and wants to uphold the standard her father placed when he'd initially opened it.
comes off as sarcastic and laid-back, sometimes people underestimate her considering her choice of overtly feminine fashion and platinum blonde hair.
is good at covering up her russian accent. indigo has been in america for longer than she's been in russia, and speaks english more often than her native tongue.
swearing  |  fingernail  chewing  |  slouching  |  slurring  |  drinking |  smoking  |  drugs | impulse  decisions |  obsessive  phone  checking  |  slang  |  poor grammar  |  overworking  |  slacking  off  |  over  sleeping | under sleeping |  skin picking |  poor  eye  contact  |  lying | rambling | skipping  breakfast  |  junk  food  |  self  criticism |  procrastinating |  day  dreaming |  forgetful  |  envious  |  jealous |  gossiper |  drama  whore |  secret  teller |  skipping  class  |  spitting  |  lip  licking | lip  chewing |  drinking  from  the  carton |  yelling  |  too  much  internet  |  poor  hygiene  |  impatient | hot headed |  biased  | complaining |  scab  picking  |  buzzfeed |  cheek  biting |  teeth  gnashing  |  shoplifting  | scamming  |  speeding |  hair  pulling |  large  ego |  exaggerating  | fidgeting |  free  loading  |  littering  |  one  -  upping  | whining |  borrowing  without  returning  |  unnecessary  aggression |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring  | spacing  out | ignoring  |  over  critical  | messy |  hateful  |  overly  prideful
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gccdstories · 5 months
//haha finally something for Bryce! For Maeve and Nat as well! Merka lost her sister and went feral?? Killing all these criminals and feeding on Innocents to gather power 👀//
Garrick looked to Sarai, Natalia, and Maeve and Merka, throwing the female down on the ground. He ignored Uilleam's look of fury and disgust.
He nodded at her, the manacles on her flickered as she sought to tear them off.
Merka's cycle of violence needed to stop. In his experience one final blow should do it. She was causing too much agitation. If she wasn't dealt with the Daglan could face another civil war. Especially if the people learned Uilleam he seemed to love the Changeling female.
"Kaden's mate. Do as you will with it."
Merka sneered, turning to look at him.
"How stupid do you think I am? He doesn't have a mate, why would he -"
"You sure?"
Garrick knelt before Juniper, her eyes glowed and she barred her teeth. He simply stared at her grabbing her neck and pulling the necklace from her.
Bryce glared, trying to push at the Valg gaurds holding her in place.
"You have the wrong female! She doesn't have a fucking mate! And it wouldn't be someone as deranged as this -"
He held the pendant up, he crushed the gemstone in his palm.
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Juniper flinched, but she didn't speak - not to Merka, not to Bryce. She watched the gemstone turn to dust, the runes flared up her arms, his scent on her.
She lunged for Garrick, Athril holding her back. She twisted, trying to scratch at his face.
"You will pay! He will find you! You professed to save us! You promised peace and abandoned us! You -"
Perhaps Natalia should have been shocked. Surprised. Perhaps she should have felt something strongly enough when Garrick came in with the female.
As it was, she barely felt her power stir. Like the exhaustion she felt outweighed even the anger, even the rage that she would need to control and unleash the darkness.
Maeve just stood there as well, though the flick of emotion across her face (a brief smirk) was more than Natalia could manage to experience. Could summon to feel. Maeve's arms crossed, the fire flickering in her eyes as she raised an eyebrow at Garrick.
❝ And what exactly is your goal here, Garrick? ❞ Maeve purred, motioning back to Merka. ❝ You think any of this will stop? That it can be so simple as to end it-- ❞
Natalia shook her head and stepped forward, dark gaze piercing at Maeve as if she wanted to shut the female up herself.
❝ She's a feisty little thing, that's true. Obviously Kaden has a type. ❞ She shrugged, like she couldn't care whatsoever about any of it. Like the entire situation didn't just exhaust her but was too far below her to care about. A glance over at the guards that held Bryce, Natalia waving her hand dismissively.
❝ Oh you don't have to break her arms. She's not going anywhere, are you? ❞ she addressed the last part to Bryce, the question clearly not offering any other answer but one.
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h-a-unted · 7 months
❝  i can help—  let me help.  ❞ — Cate (@dollhidden) to Maeve! Or Butcher?
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"Not a fucking chance..." Butcher starts, and Maggie quickly groans at him, crossing her arms. It seemed the two were just as defiant as the other.
"Why not? You know she could do this easily. It's the only step that is hindering our progress, and she can get rid of it with ease." Of course, she wouldn't be pushing the girl or trying to convince Butcher if she knew it would strain her too much. Hell, if she would potentially get hurt, she'd rather take Butcher's side. But, this was an easy task, surely she could take it. When Cate was careful and thorough, she made things work extraordinarily. And the fact that she was volunteering meant the girl truly trusted her abilities would be beneficial, that she could do it... And that she'd take moderation, she hoped -- for Maeve had told her many times to prioritize her well-being.
"It's bloody obvious, because she is--"
"A Supe? Butcher, come on. Annie and Kimiko are both Supes, and they do their jobs excellently, you can't deny that. Plus, I was also a Supe once and you trusted me. So, trust me again; let her help."
"No way in hell am I going to let her take the first, most crucial step on something so important."
"Stop exaggerating. It's just this little thing... She promises she will take it easy. She'll only compel one person. Just one alone. Isn't that right, Cate? You're going to be careful with yourself and your surroundings, right?" Finally, Maeve turned over towards the girl, eyebrows raised, waiting for a positive response. She was choosing to trust her on this, so she expected the girl to at least follow her words.
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Light From Uncommon Stars, November
"aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" - unofficial plot summary by Maeve
The easiest way to separate an artist from their work is to bring up something insanely private in the most public place possible. Seeing a redux of Shizuka's tragedy of not being heard pass on to Katrina is equal parts prescient and heartbreaking. Tremon engineered the perfect scenario, the slimy little fucker.
While being transgender informs her life, her music, her performances, it is not the end-all be-all to who she is. But say it out loud and suddenly the comments on her videos have slipped away from people listening to and appreciating her music to being overwhelmingly concerned with her gender and presentation. Many of the people who chimed in with happy, thankful comments are probably the same ones berating her the most for the crime of being who she is.
It's a story that isn't only true in fiction.
Tremon Philippe has been the exact picture of the highest, wealthiest, most egocentric class on Earth for this entire story. He can't stand being out of control, he tolerates art so long as it serves his ends, he plays people into a corner to make them the only possible offer that would save them from ruin. A corporate bully, in so many words. It's part of the reason I'm so interested in how Shirley has recordings of Shizuka. Almost certainly, why wouldn't they? Light will travel forever in the vacuum of space, all the way into the hands of a refugee family who has no conception or care for any Hell but the one they're escaping. The larger, truer, interconnected world remains outside the reach of the consumptionist demon Tremon Philippe, missing the stars for the glitter of coins.
It's an allegory I like reading about, it's one that really cements the choice to have the Tran family be from outer space, fleeing from psychological entropy. What a playful little stroke of truth in emotion.
And Lan has listened to the music that Shizuka plays for the first time. Really play, and, in that moment finally understand what our favorite violin teacher has been saying all along. About how important music is, about how one song played in its entire complexity can inspire or enrage another into action to make their own. Like Katrina is now learning to do, following the flow of Shizuka.
It's the solution to the Endpla- Ah. It's a solution to the quiet. The quiet that comes from people beaten into an inoffensive, marketable shape that can go through the motions and tear themselves to shreds on the word of another. Because such things as self aren't worthwhile, don't produce.
But if that were true, would people really have subjected themselves to such hell just for a chance to be heard and seen? All of us hunched over our crafts until it hurt just because we have a song we wanna share?
It's why Katrina is practicing so hard with Bartok's Sonata. It's a strange piece, but it's what she wants to say. For Shizuka but also for herself.
This was a more condensed month, but I want to talk more about setups and payoffs in the finale of another February. The Golden Friendship Violin Competition is near.
I hope my words are enough to encapsulate everything I want to say.
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bookofmirth · 2 years
After gathering her forces, Maeve retreated to Doranelle, where she built up her final defense against Aelin. The three Fae-Queens' former palace and settling was abandoned to the City of Rivers in Doranelle. She created a palace of stone smack atop a river basin, so that if Brannon's heir came after her, she would be safe. She did not search for the Wyrdkeys, because she learned through her gifts that Aelin, the heir of Mala Fire-Bringer, would lead her to them. So she took the measures to have her niece brought to her, forcing Aelin's mate Rowan to love Lyria, then breaking him by killing Lyria. This was so that when Evalin Ashryver brought Aelin to Maeve, she would at last be in her clutches, and give Maeve anything, including the Wyrdkeys, which Brannon made sure only Aelin could retrieve.
This is from the Wiki page ^
See, Maeve had reasons for making Rowan believe that Lyria was his mate and she gained much from doing it. It made sense for Rowaelin to have that kind of story and the "true mate" story was actually build up before it happened. Maeve was preparing herself all along for Aelin, because Aelin was a serious threat and the key to the Wyrdkeys to Mave. Meanwhile Aelin's ancestors had been trying to prepare Aelin.
But Koschei or the cauldron?? Wtf would they want from El/riel? This is stupid because the cauldron loves Elain, so why would it give her a fake mating bond and what would it gain from this? If the cauldron really gave Elucien a fake mating bond, then everyone would have to question Feysand's and Nessian's mating bonds. Koschei probably doesn't even know Elain and she has been a side character literally the entire series. How would that even work in one book? You tell me that all of a sudden, when they face Koschei, that he will tell them Elucien's bond is fake? Just out of nowhere? And what would Koschei even gain from this? Elain ignores him anyways and since Elain apparently "loves" Azriel, El/riel wouldn't give a damn and be actually grateful for Koschei. Like what would be the point of giving Elucien a fake mating bond??
If we would just think logically, the "fake mating bond" story kind of happened with Jesminda and Lucien. They both were never mates, but Lucien really believed in his heart they were. Beron killed Jesminda to break Lucien and then years later he finds out that he shares a mating bond with someone else. The difference is that there was no one who made him believe that Jesminda was his mate and used Jesminda to trap Lucien, it was Lucien alone who convienced himself, because he really loved that female.
Elain is not that important like Aelin and Sarah certainly won't give her the same story. Having Koschei telling her that her true mate is someone else, when he never even gains anything from faking a mating bond, is just cheap story telling. Who, besides maybe Lucien, would give a damn if their mating bond was fake??!
That's why I always have to roll my eyes when people compare El/riel to Rowaelin- THEY ARE NOTHING ALIKE!! Both of these ships have literally NOTHING in common🤦🏻‍♀️
They both were never mates, but Lucien really believed in his heart they were. Beron killed Jesminda to break Lucien and then years later he finds out that he shares a mating bond with someone else.
This exactly, there are parallels in these stories but not in the way people are making it sound. There is a canon parallel already, no need to invent a theoretical parallel.
1) both thought they had already found their mates, Lyria and Jesminda
2) both realize much later that they were wrong, it was actually Aelin and Elain
“Lucien fell in love with a faerie whom his father considered to be grossly inappropriate for someone of his bloodline. Lucien said he didn’t care that she wasn’t one of the High Fae, that he was certain the mating bond would snap into place soon and that he was going to marry her and leave his father’s court to his scheming brothers.”
Another parallel: even though Lucien and Rowan thought they had mates, they weren't mates at all - they weren't fake mates either, they just... had no mating bond.
From EoS:
“It was so easy to tug on the right psychic thread that day Rowan saw Lyria at the market. To shove him down that other path, to trick those instincts."
Maeve didn't create a new bond, she just made Rowan think he had one. There wasn't even a fake bond in that case. Rowan was tricked - and anyone who encounters Elain and Lucien in acotar knows that they are also mates. It's not just in Lucien's head.
There, case closed! There are the parallels for everyone, and it is based on what we already know to be canon. It's already fact that Rowan and Lucien thought they had mates, and found out they were wrong.
Rowan 🤝 Lucien
Thinking their mates were Lyria/Jesminda but finding out it's Aelin/Elain
If the cauldron really gave Elucien a fake mating bond, then everyone would have to question Feysand's and Nessian's mating bonds.
I am answering your ask all out of whack but seriously - do people realize the way that the entire trope of the mating bond would be weakened it it could be faked like this, by whomever? Just because they wanted to? Would the mating bond be spoken of in these terms just for sjm to tear it all down, thereby making us question rowaelin, feysand, nessian, and quinlar? And every single other main ship she has created, since they are all mates?
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
Plz the Big Fight in the Boys season finale was such a mess. And it was so noticeable because the fight in Herogasm was pretty good?? I think there were just more people than they knew what to do with. They really should have just kept HL/Butcher/SB/Maeve in that scene and trimmed the fat because everyone else felt like they were just there. And it wouldn't have mattered that much except it was meant to be the payoff for the rest of the season and it just. Fell flat unfortunately.
Yeah, I think the four-way in Herogasm is the best choreography they had this season -- but in part it worked well because all of the characters who were participating were a) well-motivated to be there and b) fighting like... themselves? If you see what I mean. I mean, what's going to top that move where SB tosses HL into the wall by his cape, haha. Not to mention the give-and-take between SB and Butcher tossing HL between them, and Hughie coming in to help via evasion and quickness bc his powerset is actually different. Really cool, meaty, weighted, and with a specific goal in mind.
I don't know if everyone just got high and mailed it in for the finale but... woof. How on friggin' earth is Maeve going 1v1 with Homelander when the whole point of the last two years is that she can't do this on her own because he'd slice her in half as soon as she tried? Why do we care what Starlight does with her glowy-eyes power when her big kamehameha over 9000 move lightly bonks Soldier Boy over and then he just... stands back up immediately? Why is MM even here with his gun that does nothing? Why is SB blocking laser attacks with his shield when we just saw him take a laser directly to the face and it was no big deal?
Idk. In some ways it reminded me of the big airport fight scene in Marvel's Civil War, where a bunch of people pair off to have pointless fights that are literally just to waste time. Except I don't think this was meant to be a parody of Civil War, lol. What it really felt like is that they couldn't think of any way to a) eliminate Soldier Boy (which they had to do because uhhhh) while also b) not killing Homelander, since the whole show is focused on Homelander and so obviously he can't die. So they came up with a really really thin justification that Butcher turns on SB for giving Ryan a slightly hurt forehead, and that led to a complete clusterfuck of "wait, who actually has powers here?" And then SB panics (except they failed to actual show him panicking) with his nuke power, and then they promptly proved that actually Ryan would have been fine if he got hit because Maeve was INSIDE THE BLAST and lived with a slight limp. So...
Oh well!
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ciranetyart · 6 years
KOS theory
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Probably no one would care about it but let's try.
For some reason, I believe that Aelin won't die, why? Well for me the cover speaks loudly about it, plus some things that I would like to add.
First of all: I know her hair looks longer in the cover which means that she was taken for more than a year(specifically 13 months), but her having long hair and wearing an armor probably means that she's going to escape from maeve.
Speaking of the armor, wearing it proves that she would be wearing it in the war that would happen eventually because if you looked back at the old covers, she wore every single piece of clothing in at least one of the scenes. I’m not sure she is going to wear the exact same armor but I’m sure it would link to something eventually. Plus her wearing that cape thing in blue and gold but not green is probably because their armors were made by galan ashryver cuz who would be able to make the army strong armors other than him?
Anndddd let us talk about how some people assume this might be Lysandra on the cover, honey, even if Lysandra wore Aelin’s skin she won't be able to summon fire, ever, and on the cover, if you focused, you would be able to see the fire that is coming from under her feet or something.
Plus the first thing I noticed was the smirk Aelin is wearing on her face, a smirk that in empire of storms when Lysandra turned her self into aelin to fool the pirate lord everybody said that she won't be able to do it like how Aelin does. And let's not talk about how it's a smirk aelin does whenever she is about to unleash her fire upon the enemies.
Further on: goldryn’s ruby for some reason shines during every battle or encounter with the valgs, maybe that reason is that it protects its owner from them just like the ring that was found with it? I saw a post talking about it( God I just got an idea, what if goldryn has been collecting power to forge the lock instead of the eye of eleana???that would be cool tho)
“Her destiny would end with a crown” don’t tell me that would even link to her dying because honey it’s not like she was born with a blade that her journey in life would start with it? It’s just about how she finally found peace and freedom after a long journey of being a slave or an Assassin.
Now let's talk about the real things though, how it would be like if she killed Aelin since it's her first-time ending a series and killing the main character would only ruin everything for her since everyone would talk about how the ending was heartbreaking. Even thought I would love her books no matter what.
Finally, she loves celeana so much that killing her would make her as heartbroken as we would be if it happens.
I know everybody wouldn't care but, here are my thoughts bye.
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
Kolis sneered, his sword at his throat.
"The only good use for your bones is to be feasted on. That bitch took one of our best soldiers. We raised that boy like family! And he threw it away for - why are you smiling? Are you slow?"
Nazarius would have cried or laughed if he didn't actually fear this Valg would kill him. He didn't move though.
"You hate what she did to him...I despise her. I don't want to bring him back anymore than you do."
Kolis lowered his sword staring at him. He slowly smiled and gestured him inside.
"Ignore Irabel."
"Whose -"
Nazarius didn't in the doorway, even as he guessed who it was. The beautiful female at the table. She was their age but her eyes, her mannerisms - she'd been shattered... probably when she'd been young. Fuck.
He looked to Sarek, watching the way he doted on her. His mind caught up to everything else he realized. Had he? Every Valg he'd met was violent, ruthless animals. But would they do that? How did that give them more children in this never ending war they fought with each other?
Sarek raised his eyes to him and then to his brother. He sneered, his teeth fined to a point.
"Why is that in my dining room Kolis?"
"He has a proposition. He wants to help us with our dragon problem."
Sarek slid his to him and waited. He didn't stop petting her hair. Nazarius didn't look to her again, he knew Sarek's reputation. He'd be justified in throwing him out the window if he looked. He was a perfect example of possesive Valg males. Sebastian and Maeve's Cadre had nearly made him forget exactly why he didn't like living here.
"I want my sister dead. I want her gone. I don't care who takes her place. But she needs to be stopped. I am more than happy to help get that done with you."
Sarek stared tiling his head. His male smile was slow, somehow oily.
"Nazarius. Raelyn's mate. How is she? Tell her she's always welcome in my home."
Nazarius didn't feel that fear, that fury. He only blinked, thrown.
"Which brother of hers did you have the opportunity to meet?"
Sarek waved him off.
"It doesn't matter. You don't want your sister's kingdom? We could let it slide for Raelyn."
She'd thrive here if she had to. But she wouldn't be happy. She wasn't happy like that in the war. He slowly shook his head, his fingers tapping on the table in thought.
Irabel hissed and glared at him making him freeze.
"Stop that. I can't concentrate on my coloring with you doing that. Who are you? Sarek who is he?"
Sarek leaned down to her ear, his voice low. He chanced a glance to Kolis. He leaned against the wall and shrugged at him. He twirled a finger near his head.
Broken. She was broken.
Irabel looked to him, the ribbons in her hair. The khol under her eyes. The callouses on her fingers - she'd been a fighter once. A very good one by the way she moved and watched him.
"What's your favorite color?"
"Can I say the sunset over the -"
"No. A color. One. You're not very smart are you? Sarek don't trust him, he'll make us look stupid."
Sarek smiled and touched her cheek.
"I don't."
"Violet, like my mate's eyes. I may have an Asteri or two. Rhaegar or Romulus who do you want in her place?"
Irabel smiled when he finally gave her the color as she reached for it, her focus returning to the paper that she was so focused upon. His fingers gently brushed against her skin as his attention slid back towards Nazarius.
The boy seemed to understand how things went, he was learning quickly and had a potential that he didn't even see in himself. Interesting. Both the brothers had shared enough with him about this wayward sister and her Wyvern beloved, another of the Night family who maybe one day swayed.
"Good choice, it seems she has a special place in your heart for that to be your immediate response," he sat up, his arms folded. "Out of the two, I feel Rhaegar is more suited to rule. Romulus deserves to feel free, not to be tied and chained as he once was."
Serek mused for a moment, the proposition had promise but it did have a few snags in the process. Removing such a high-ranking dragon would ease things for them, but was that really all he wanted? It felt off, that all he wanted was his sister dead and he provided him with such a high level of payment.
"Is there more?"
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