#finance revolution
thedacian · 2 months
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🌐💸 The rise of fintech is transforming the finance industry!
From mobile banking and digital payments to blockchain and AI, explore how fintech is making financial services more accessible and efficient.
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cyntexa · 10 months
According to a study by BusinessDIT, 90% of the brands worldwide are investing in AI, and 83% strongly believe that AI will help them maintain or gain competitive edge.
From enabling personalized financial services to optimized store layouts in retail industry, AI is revolutionizing various sectors across industries.
Our recent blog unveils how AI is transforming industries like finance, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.
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magicmagic09 · 2 months
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Today witnesses my another shitpost (my apology for not good at coloring), showing blonde young engineer Carnot singing in Rosati with a rose in his hand. He looses his braid at the same time.
SJ whips the roses so you can see roses in the sky. (This scene is from the beginning of Saint Just et la force des choses. Though they didn't meet each other in 1780s)
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ai-innova7ions · 16 days
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Neturbiz Enterprises - AI Innov7ions
Our mission is to provide details about AI-powered platforms across different technologies, each of which offer unique set of features. The AI industry encompasses a broad range of technologies designed to simulate human intelligence. These include machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, computer vision, and more. Companies and research institutions are continuously advancing AI capabilities, from creating sophisticated algorithms to developing powerful hardware. The AI industry, characterized by the development and deployment of artificial intelligence technologies, has a profound impact on our daily lives, reshaping various aspects of how we live, work, and interact.
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davidson-eric · 6 months
BE ALERT!!! 👇👇👇💯💯
Imagine a future where the central bank holds all the power and control over our financial transactions.
This is the reality that could come with the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Unlike traditional forms of money, a CBDC would give the central bank absolute authority over the rules and regulations that dictate its use. This means that the government would have unprecedented control over our financial activity, which could have dire consequences for our freedom.
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One of the biggest concerns with a CBDC is its potential threat to privacy. With the ability to track every transaction and gather vast amounts of data, the government would have endless opportunities to monitor and control citizen's financial activity. This level of surveillance could be used to target political opponents and suppress dissent. The mere thought of a government having such power should raise alarm bells for anyone who values their freedom and privacy.
Furthermore, a CBDC could be easily weaponized against those who oppose the government’s agenda. By controlling access to funds and monitoring transactions, the government could effectively silence dissenting voices and stifle any opposition. This would create a chilling effect on free speech and undermine the very foundations of FREEDOM
It is crucial that we carefully consider the implications it could have on our freedom and privacy. The power that a central bank would wield with a CBDC is unprecedented, and we must ensure that safeguards are in place to protect our rights and liberties. The future of CBDC should not come at the expense of our fundamental freedoms. Congress should prohibit the Fed and Treasury from issuing such. CBDCs have no place in the American economy.
Move your funds into the Quantum Ledger Account and be safe from government agendist. We can be reached via email (check bio for email) or a DM away.
# EyesOpenAmerica
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empirearchives · 11 months
Changes to the Tax Collection System in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France
My translation from Le prix de la gloire: Napoléon et l’argent by Pierre Branda.
This part is specifically about the reforms made to the tax collection system. Problems with taxation had been the source of many woes, so it went through major changes.
“The [tax] work of the Consulate mainly concerned the reorganization of tax collection. Until now, this essential element was not administered directly by the Ministry of Finance. The Constituent Assembly had wanted the tax rolls for direct contributions, that is to say the ‘tax slips’, to be established by municipal administrations. Their work was complex, because each year it was necessary to draw up a list of taxpayers, determine each person’s share of tax and send them the amount of the contribution to pay. Poorly motivated (or even corrupt), the municipalities had put little care in the execution of their mission since a large part of the taxpayers had not yet received anything for their taxes of year VIII, or even of year VII or year VI. Also, with two or three years of delay in preparing the rolls, it was not surprising that tax revenues were low (nearly 400 million francs were thus left outstanding). If the sending of tax matrices left something to be desired, the collection of direct contributions was hardly better. The tax collector was also not an agent of the administration: this function was assigned to any person who agreed to collect taxes with the lowest possible commission (otherwise called ‘collecte à la moins-dite’). With such a system, there were numerous inadequacies, often due to incompetence, but also due to the prevailing spirit of fraud. However, in their defense, the profits of the collectors were most of the time too low to provide such a service; also, to compensate for their losses, they were ‘forced’ to multiply small and big cheats. In any case, in such a troubled period, letting simple individuals carry out such a delicate mission could only be dangerous for the regularity of public accounts. In short, the mode of operation of taxation that Bonaparte and Gaudin inherited was failing on all sides and threatened to sink the State.”
“One month after Gaudin’s appointment, on December 13, 1799, the Directorate of Direct Contributions was created with the mission of establishing and sending tax matrices. This administration, dependent on the Ministry of Finance, was made up of a general director, 99 departmental directors and 840 inspectors and controllers. The organization of direct contributions became both centralized and pyramidal, the opposite of the previous system, decentralized and with a confused hierarchy. The work of preparing the rolls, for so long entrusted to local authorities, passed entirely ‘in the hands of the Minister of Finance’ and in this way the taxpayer found himself in direct contact with the administration. The tax system no longer having any obstacles, the beneficial effects of such a measure did not take long to be felt. With ardor, the agents of this new administration carried out considerable work: three series of rolls, that is to say more than one hundred thousand tax slips, were established in a single year. It must be said that the ministry had not skimped on their pay (6,000 francs per year for a director, 4,000 for an inspector and 1,800 for a controller), which was undoubtedly not unrelated to such success.”
“Tax reform was slower. It was not until 1804 that all tax collectors were civil servants. The consular system gradually replaced the collectors of the departments, then of the main cities and finally of all the municipalities whose tax rolls exceeded 15,000 francs. At the end of the Consulate, the entire tax administration was thus entirely dependent on the central government. Subsequently, the one in charge of indirect contributions (taxes on tobacco, alcohol or salt) created on February 25, 1804 and called the Régie des droits réunis was built on the same pyramidal and centralized model. It was the same later for customs.”
“According to Michel Bruguière, historian of public finances, ‘Napoleon and Gaudin can be considered the builders of the French tax administration. [...] They had also developed and codified the essential principles of our tax law, so profoundly derogatory from the rules of French law, since the taxpayer has nothing to do with it, while the administration has all the powers’. Basically, after having clearly understood the true cause of the ‘financial wound’, Bonaparte wanted an effective, almost ‘despotic’ instrument to avoid experiencing the unfortunate fate of his predecessors. As a good soldier, he created a fiscal ‘army’ responsible for providing the regime with the sinews of war. It was also necessary to definitively break the link between private interests and state service in everything that concerned public revenue. The time of the farmer generals of the Ancien Régime or the ‘second-hand’ collectors of the Directory was well and truly over. Napoleon Bonaparte, with his fierce desire to centralize power in this area as in many others, undoubtedly gave his regime the means to last.”
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iloverosetyler · 3 months
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You seem to have thoughts on this new calendar system. Do you perchance, have qualms with it yourself?
I actually quite like it. The plants of the day have been very amusing to track, and I'm looking forward to the multiple-day New Year celebration at the autumnal equinox. This seems to be one of the occasional positive things Citizen Fabre d'Églantine has accomplished as of late.
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anarchotolkienist · 25 days
I find people who object to the three arrows on like Communist ground deeply annoying. Like youse are seriously defending the Glorious Legacy of the fucking KPD, what's wrong with youse.
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unpluggedfinancial · 29 days
The Psychological Impact of Bitcoin: How Money 2.0 Can Transform Your Mindset
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In a world where money is constantly losing value due to inflation, where centralized institutions dictate the terms of financial engagement, and where the future of personal wealth seems uncertain, Bitcoin emerges as a beacon of hope. Often referred to as "Money 2.0," Bitcoin is not just another currency—it's a transformative force that can fundamentally alter the way we think about money, value, and our financial future.
The Shift in Mindset
Traditional financial systems are built on a foundation of short-term thinking and consumerism. We are encouraged to spend rather than save, to trust in centralized institutions rather than take control of our financial destiny. This mindset has been ingrained in us for generations, making it difficult to break free from the cycle of dependency on these institutions.
Enter Bitcoin. By its very nature, Bitcoin requires a different approach—one that is rooted in long-term thinking, patience, and a belief in the future. Holding Bitcoin is not just about securing wealth; it’s about cultivating a mindset that values financial independence and personal sovereignty. As you accumulate and hold Bitcoin, you begin to see the world differently. The volatility of its price teaches you to be resilient, to remain calm in the face of uncertainty, and to develop a deeper understanding of the true nature of value.
Bitcoin as Money 2.0
Bitcoin is not just an upgrade to our existing monetary system; it is a complete reinvention. As "Money 2.0," Bitcoin represents the next evolution of money—one that is digital, decentralized, scarce, and immune to inflation. Unlike fiat currency, which can be printed at will by governments, Bitcoin’s supply is capped at 21 million coins. This scarcity is what gives Bitcoin its value, and what makes it an attractive alternative to traditional money.
But Bitcoin’s value goes beyond its scarcity. As a decentralized form of money, Bitcoin is not controlled by any government or institution. This means that it is resistant to censorship, seizure, and manipulation. It is money that belongs to the people, and it empowers individuals to take control of their financial destiny. For the first time in history, we have a form of money that is not just a medium of exchange, but a tool for financial freedom and autonomy.
Changing the Way We Value Things
One of the most profound psychological impacts of adopting Bitcoin is the way it changes our perception of value. In a world where fiat currency is constantly losing value due to inflation, we have become accustomed to thinking in terms of short-term gains. We chase after investments that promise quick returns, often at the expense of long-term stability and security.
Bitcoin, with its limited supply and deflationary nature, flips this mindset on its head. Holding Bitcoin requires patience and a belief in its long-term potential. As you watch its value appreciate over time, you begin to understand the true meaning of wealth preservation. You become more thoughtful and deliberate in your financial decisions, prioritizing long-term gains over short-term gratification. This shift in mindset can have a ripple effect on other areas of your life, encouraging you to think more critically about the value of time, energy, and resources.
The Broader Impact on Society
The psychological transformation that comes with adopting Bitcoin is not limited to individuals—it has the potential to reshape society as a whole. As more people embrace Bitcoin as "Money 2.0," we are witnessing the emergence of a more decentralized and equitable financial system. Bitcoin reduces reliance on traditional banks, which have long been the gatekeepers of financial power. It opens the door to greater financial inclusion, allowing individuals who have been excluded from the traditional financial system to participate in the global economy.
This shift toward decentralization also brings with it greater transparency and accountability. Bitcoin operates on a public ledger, known as the blockchain, where all transactions are recorded and visible to anyone. This level of transparency is unprecedented in the financial world and has the potential to reduce corruption, fraud, and financial crimes. As more people adopt Bitcoin, we move closer to a world where financial systems are fairer, more transparent, and more accessible to all.
Bitcoin is more than just an investment; it is a revolution in the way we think about money and value. As "Money 2.0," it has the power to transform not only our financial systems but also our mindsets. By adopting Bitcoin, we can break free from the constraints of traditional financial systems and embrace a future of financial independence, long-term thinking, and personal sovereignty.
If you haven’t yet considered how Bitcoin could change your life, now is the time. The psychological impact of holding Bitcoin goes beyond wealth accumulation—it’s about cultivating a mindset that values freedom, patience, and responsibility. In a world that often feels out of control, Bitcoin offers a sense of empowerment and the promise of a better future.
Take Action Towards Financial Independence
If this article has sparked your interest in the transformative potential of Bitcoin, there's so much more to explore! Dive deeper into the world of financial independence and revolutionize your understanding of money by following my blog and subscribing to my YouTube channel.
🌐 Blog: Unplugged Financial Blog Stay updated with insightful articles, detailed analyses, and practical advice on navigating the evolving financial landscape. Learn about the history of money, the flaws in our current financial systems, and how Bitcoin can offer a path to a more secure and independent financial future.
📺 YouTube Channel: Unplugged Financial Subscribe to our YouTube channel for engaging video content that breaks down complex financial topics into easy-to-understand segments. From in-depth discussions on monetary policies to the latest trends in cryptocurrency, our videos will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed financial decisions.
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serenefig · 1 year
OKAY BUT CLOCKWORK REVOLUTION LOOKS SO FUCKING GOOD???? It's giving me hella Bioshock Infinite vibes and I'm so down for that.
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bitnestloop · 5 months
BitNest: The Leader of the Digital Finance Revolution
BitNest is a leading platform dedicated to driving digital financial innovation and ecological development. We provide comprehensive cryptocurrency services, including saving, lending, payment, investment and many other functions, creating a rich financial experience for users.
Our story began in 2022 with the birth of the BitNest team, which has since opened a whole new chapter in digital finance. Through relentless effort and innovation, the BitNest ecosystem has grown rapidly to become one of the leaders in digital finance.
The core functions of BitNest ecosystem include:
Savings Service: Users can deposit funds into BitNest's savings system through smart contracts to obtain stable returns. We are committed to providing users with a safe and efficient savings solution to help you achieve your financial goals. Lending Platform: BitNest lending platform provides users with convenient borrowing services, users can use cryptocurrencies as collateral to obtain loans for stablecoins or other digital assets. Our lending system is safe and reliable, providing users with flexible financial support. Payment Solution: BitNest payment platform supports users to make secure and fast payment transactions worldwide. We are committed to creating a borderless payment network that allows users to make cross-border payments and remittances anytime, anywhere. Investment Opportunities: BitNest provides diversified investment opportunities that allow users to participate in trading and investing in various digital assets and gain lucrative returns. Our investment platform is safe and transparent, providing users with high-quality investment channels. Through continuous innovation and efforts, BitNest has become a leader in digital finance and is widely recognised and trusted globally. We will continue to be committed to promoting the development of digital finance, providing users with more secure and efficient financial services, and jointly creating a better future for digital finance.
#BitNest: The Leader of the Digital Finance Revolution#BitNest is a leading platform dedicated to driving digital financial innovation and ecological development. We provide comprehensive crypto#including saving#lending#payment#investment and many other functions#creating a rich financial experience for users.#Our story began in 2022 with the birth of the BitNest team#which has since opened a whole new chapter in digital finance. Through relentless effort and innovation#the BitNest ecosystem has grown rapidly to become one of the leaders in digital finance.#The core functions of BitNest ecosystem include:#Savings Service: Users can deposit funds into BitNest's savings system through smart contracts to obtain stable returns. We are committed t#Lending Platform: BitNest lending platform provides users with convenient borrowing services#users can use cryptocurrencies as collateral to obtain loans for stablecoins or other digital assets. Our lending system is safe and reliab#providing users with flexible financial support.#Payment Solution: BitNest payment platform supports users to make secure and fast payment transactions worldwide. We are committed to creat#anywhere.#Investment Opportunities: BitNest provides diversified investment opportunities that allow users to participate in trading and investing in#providing users with high-quality investment channels.#Through continuous innovation and efforts#BitNest has become a leader in digital finance and is widely recognised and trusted globally. We will continue to be committed to promoting#providing users with more secure and efficient financial services#and jointly creating a better future for digital finance.#BitNest#BitNestCryptographically
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magicmagic09 · 7 months
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Betty looks elegant in this pose. New Frev-Betty dropped! I like this picture so much!
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tmarshconnors · 9 months
“Only fools, pure theorists, or apprentices fail to take public opinion into account.”
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Jacques Necker was a Genevan banker and statesman who served as finance minister for Louis XVI. He was a reformer, but his innovations sometimes caused great discontent.
Born: 30 September 1732, Geneva, Switzerland
Died: 9 April 1804, Geneva, Switzerland
Swiss Origins: Necker was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1732. His Swiss background made him a foreigner in the French political landscape, and this sometimes influenced the perception of his policies.
Self-Financed Publication: Necker was known for his publication titled "Compte Rendu," or "Report on the Finances." This document, which detailed the state of France's finances, was unique in that Necker personally financed its publication. This move aimed to showcase transparency and gain public support.
Resignation through Illness: In 1781, Necker resigned from his position as Finance Minister, citing health reasons. His resignation was accepted, but he continued to influence French politics from behind the scenes. He was later recalled to office in 1788.
Criticized by Revolutionaries: Despite being initially celebrated for his efforts to improve financial transparency, Necker faced criticism from revolutionary figures like Maximilien Robespierre. They accused him of being too sympathetic to the monarchy and not fully supporting the revolutionary cause.
Exile in Switzerland: After the fall of the Bastille in 1789 and the escalation of the French Revolution, Necker resigned once again. Fearing for his safety, he sought refuge in Switzerland. His departure marked the end of his active political career.
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davidson-eric · 6 months
Don't keep quiet as they have keep deceiving us that everything is fine, everything is not fine no matter what, the bank and exchanges will still crash and all money in there will be lost forever and nothing we can do about it but only Quantum Financial System (QFS) will save the world with the biggest reserve as it's backed up by digital gold and silver known as the ISO 20022 stellar XLM silver and ripple XRP gold and backed by precious gold 🥇 and silver 🥈 well secured on the stellar Blockchain technology and being guided 🔐 by Quantum stellar initiative QSI.
I hope everyone have started stocking up on this recommended currency as it's going to take over the fiat $ currency and become the world 🌍 currency used for future transactions paying bills and others trading, the whole world will be using one currency and all evil will be getting rid off dept and mortgages will be cleared from everyone as the new system will save the world and NESARA GESARA retirement payouts will be paid to all QFS users as well...we can be reached via email (check bio for email) or a dm away.
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#GESARANESARA #FinancialRevolution #NESARA #QFS #Decentralized #XRP #GESARA
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The Revolution of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Hey friends! 🌐 Check out this eye-opening blog on the game-changing #DeFi revolution, featuring current benefits and exciting future directions. Explore #financialinclusion, #privacy, #governance, and more in the future of finance! 🚀
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the financial world, a disruptive force has emerged, challenging traditional banking systems and revolutionizing how we handle money. Decentralized Finance, commonly known as DeFi, is an innovative concept built on blockchain technology that empowers individuals with greater financial autonomy, transparency, and inclusivity. In this blog, we will explore the…
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