#finding out cass was a fan just tied the ribbon
flickering-chandelier · 4 months
The Alchemy
Pairing: Hockey Azriel x Best Friend’s Sister Reader
Summary: The day Azriel met Cassian’s little sister, he knew he was done for. When he finds out years later that she’s just as interested in him, things become complicated as they try to hide their blooming relationship from Cassian while their hockey team is working hard to win the championship.
Based on this request! 🩷
Warnings: swearing, smut, a sprained ankle lol?
Word Count: 7.1k
The crowd roared as Azriel slapped his stick across the ice, shooting the puck directly past the goalie and into the net. 
His teammates clapped him on the back, grinning as the final buzzer sounded. He had won them the game. People were in his face, excitedly swarming around him on the ice, ready to celebrate, but through it all, his eyes landed on you in the stands. Your smile was bright, your eyes glittering with pride. 
That made his heart flip. He could handle all the reporters, all the overeager fans, all the assholes from his team and opposite teams alike, but your smile could bring him to his knees.
Cassian skated into sight then, and Azriel was immediately brought back down to earth. 
“Congrats bro,” Cassian said. “Maybe the journalists will leave me alone for once,” he smirked.
Azriel rolled his eyes good-naturedly, and sure enough, a woman with a microphone was waiting next to the tunnel, her eyes locked on Azriel, a big smile on her face. 
Cassian was usually the star of the show, the team’s captain, the hotshot golden boy for the fans and media alike. Azriel loved what he did, but he was perfectly happy to blend into Cassian’s shadow. 
It had been that way since they were kids. Azriel and Cassian had met as teenagers at hockey practice. They hated each other at first, but once they started working together, they realized it was better for everyone that way. 
They had been friends for quite a while before Azriel met you. 
It was one of the last games in the season of their senior year. Cassian had stolen the show, but Azirel had gotten a few good shots in, too. The two of them walked out of the locker room together after the game, and you were waiting there, wearing a jersey for the team, your hair tied up with ribbons that matched the team’s colors. 
Azriel was immediately drawn in by your smile, your hair, your eyes. For a moment he fantasized about sauntering up to you, introducing himself, and immediately making you fall in love with him.
But then you looked right past him, grinning at Cassian. “That was so awesome, Cass!”
Cassian grinned, pulling you into a bear hug, before turning to Azriel. “Az, this is my little sister.”
Your smile turned on Azriel for the first time, and he felt his whole world flip on its axis. 
Azriel had already known that Cassian was protective of people that he cared about. He had gotten suspended from a few games the year before because he tackled a player on the other team who had made fun of Azriel. So, he could only imagine how Cassian was with you, with his little sister who clearly looked up to him. 
So, Azriel immediately knew you would never be an option for him. 
That didn’t stop him from falling for you, though. 
You cheered at the top of your lungs as Azriel’s shot whizzed into the net, seconds before the final buzzer went off. Your heart soared as his teammates buzzed around him, lifting their sticks in the air in triumph. 
Despite everything around him, his eyes landed on you and you felt your heart lurch. 
It seemed that Azriel had always been able to find you in the stands, no matter what else was happening. You tried to push down the well of emotions in your chest. 
Ever since you had met Azriel, you had felt drawn to him, to his steady, quiet presence. 
He had never shown any interest in you though. In fact, he seemed to avoid you at most functions that you ended up at together. 
You couldn’t exactly blame him. You were just Cassian’s little sister, the annoying girl following them around to all their games. 
Cassian and you had always been close, so you loved being able to support him, but in the privacy of your own mind, you were willing to admit that after you had met Azriel, you were definitely more inclined to go to your brother’s hockey games. 
You watched as Azriel skated toward the reporter, getting through the interview with as few words as possible, as usual. 
The reporter eventually seemed to give up on getting anything substantial from Az, and she called Cassian over, who came up with an easy smile. He had always been good in the spotlight, giving interesting answers, able to work a crowd. 
Azriel looked relieved to get off the ice, out of sight. 
You wished you could follow him, get just a moment with him. 
But you knew that wasn’t in the cards for you.
A few days later, you had gotten out of work early and decided to go watch the boys’ hockey practice. They didn’t let many people in, but Cassian had made sure that you made the list. 
You took a seat fairly close to the rink, your gaze immediately falling on Azriel, mesmerized as you watched him fly across the ice, his brow furrowed with focus, massive frame somehow so graceful in his element. 
Often, you wished you could see his muscles working beneath all that padding, the shape of his shoulders, his biceps, his forearms flexing with each movement.
Cassian barked orders at his teammates, ever the hardworking captain, and you tore your eyes from Azriel long enough to pretend that you were only there to support your brother. 
At the end of practice, Cassian grinned at you, and nodded his head toward the tunnels. “Meet me in the locker room in 10 minutes?”
You gave him a thumbs up and he skated out of sight. You hadn’t been in the locker rooms much. You secretly hoped that Azriel would still be around by the time that you got there. 
Hesitantly, you pushed through the doors into the locker room, your heart racing slightly at the thought of what you might see in there. You were used to being around your brother’s coworkers, but they weren’t usually so... naked.
Frankly you couldn’t tell if your prayers had been answered or if the universe was messing with you as you immediately locked eyes with a shirtless Azriel, a towel wrapped around his waist, his own eyes wide in surprise when he saw you there. 
It took all your strength to maintain eye contact, to not let your gaze dip down to his chiseled chest, still glistening with water droplets from the shower. 
“Hey,” he said, his voice slightly husky. 
Some of their teammates were around in various stages of undress, looking at you and Azriel curiously, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Azriel. “Hi,” you said, and cleared your throat. “Cassian asked me to come…” you trailed off, feeling unsure of yourself. You couldn’t remember the last time you and Azriel had been together without Cassian’s looming presence. 
He swallowed, and nodded. “Right.”
Before you could think of anything else to say, Cassian sauntered in with an easy smile on his face, in shorts and a t-shirt. 
“Hey! I’m glad you came by, I wanted to talk to you,” he said, as he opened his locker and rifled through it. 
You noticed out of the corner of your eye that Azriel retreated to his own locker, behind you. “What’s up?” You asked.
He shot you his sweetest smile, and you immediately rolled your eyes. “What’s the favor, Cass?”
Laughing, he said, “the team’s having a party soon, and I’m supposed to be in charge of appetizers…” he trailed off, grimacing slightly. 
“Who’s idea was that?” you laughed. 
He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know how it happened. Would you help me out?”
“Do I get to come to the party?” you raised an eyebrow. 
“Of course.”
“Alright, I’m in,” you smiled. 
“You’re a lifesaver,” he grinned. 
“Oh, I know,” you said, hyper aware of Azriel getting dressed out of sight, behind you. 
“Az and I were going to go get lunch, if you want to come?” Cassian asked.
You swore your heart started beating slightly faster. “Sure,” you said, trying to keep your voice even.
Azriel kept his features schooled into neutrality as Cassian slid out of the booth and went to the bathroom, leaving you and Azriel alone.
He racked his brain for something to say. He wasn’t great at speaking to people under normal circumstances, much less with you.
“That was a really great shot you made at the last game,” you smiled, somewhat sheepishly, Azriel thought. “I was on the edge of my seat.”
He couldn’t help but smile faintly, his heart leaping at the thought of you watching him intently on the ice, hanging on every move he made. “Thanks.”
Your eyes crinkled in amusement. “I don’t think you understand how talented you all are. I can’t even skate.”
“Really?” he asked, surprised.
You nodded. “I tried a few times when I was a kid, but I was always so clumsy. And Cassian was a natural of course, so I guess that made it harder when I kept falling over and over,” you shrugged. 
“If you wanted to learn, I could teach you,” he said, before he could even really think about it. “It took me a long time to get the hang of it, so I understand.” He added, feeling slightly flustered, but trying his best not to show it. 
Azriel felt relieved when your eyes lit up. “You would really do that?”
“Sure,” he said as nonchalantly as he could.
Your smile was bright. “I would love that. When do we start?”
“Tomorrow afternoon?” He asked. “Meet me at the rink?”
You nodded excitedly, just as Cassian came back. “What are you two meeting at the rink for?” he asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow at Azriel. 
“Az is helping me finally learn to skate,” you said as Cassian slid into the booth next to you. 
“Az is? I never knew you even wanted to learn,” Cassian said, his brow furrowed. 
You shrugged. “Well, I do.”
Cassian looked between you and Azriel for a moment, somewhat skeptically, but then shrugged easily. “Okay, then.”
Azriel could understand why Cassian was a little confused. In all the years that they had been friends, you and Azriel had barely spent any time together, if only because Azriel was purposely keeping his distance from you, hoping that his feelings would eventually diminish. 
He didn’t think this little endeavor would help him get over you. 
Your legs felt a bit shaky as you made your way to the rink and you silently cursed yourself. Maybe this was a bad idea. Being around Azriel made you so nervous, and pairing him with ice skates could be a perfect recipe for a broken ankle.
Azriel was already there, casually skating around. You couldn't help but watch him for a moment. It seemed impossible that he had ever had a hard time skating. He looked like he was born to do it.
He glanced up and saw you there, skated over to you then came to a halt, pointing to a bench just outside the rink. “Got your skates?”
You nodded, and sat down to start putting your skates on, your movements awkward and unsure. He watched your every movement, and came over to you when you started tying.
“May I?” He asked, and you just quirked a brow. He smiled faintly. “They'll have to be a lot tighter than that if you want them to stay on.”
“Oh! Yeah, go ahead,” you said.
Azriel tied your laces quickly, with expert precision.
He offered you his hand when he was done and you took it, trying to push down the swell of excitement in your chest.
As soon as you got onto the ice, your nerves overpowered everything else. Your knees felt wobbly and you were sure you would fall down instantly.
Azriel was in front of you, skating backwards slowly, still holding your hand. You gripped Azriel for dear life and your voice shaky, you croaked out, “Azriel, I don't think I can do this.”
Worry clouded his expression, his eyes softening. “You absolutely can. But you don't have to if you don't want to. There's no pressure here, okay?”
You nodded, your eyes locked on his, on the care that he seemed to have for you. It helped you settle down a bit. “What do I do?” You asked. 
He smiled with pride and said, “Skating is all about balance. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and try to evenly distribute your weight between both feet.”
You did as you were told, and you already felt a bit better. He nodded with approval. “I'm going to have to let go of you for this next part, okay?”
Your eyes widened in fear, but you swallowed and nodded.
He smiled reassuringly as he slowly took his hand from yours and skated back the slightest bit. “Before you can glide, like you see most skaters do, you're going to march.”
“March?” You asked skeptically.
Azriel laughed, his face lighting up, and you felt your heart thunder in response. You weren't sure you had ever made him laugh before. “Just trust me, okay? Lift one foot up and bring it forward, then do it again with the other. This helps you learn to balance and rely on the skate that's still on the ice.”
When you hesitated, he skated closer to you, and took your hand in his again. “You've got this.”
You took a deep breath and nodded, and he took his cue to skate in front of you.
Following his instructions, you slowly and awkwardly marched, your movements unsure and wobbly, but at least you hadn't fallen yet.
“Is this how you learned to skate?” You asked, needing a distraction.
He barked out a laugh again. “No. I didn't have anybody to teach me, so I mostly just fell on my ass a lot until I figured out what to do.”
Your heart ached for little Azriel. You didn't know much about his past, but you did know it was a lonely, painful one. 
Suddenly, you wobbled significantly, and Azriel said, “Put your hands on your knees whenever you need to regain your balance.”
Quickly you dropped your hands to your knees and felt more steady.
After a while, you felt confident enough to start skating for real, and Azriel walked you through the motions, his eyes laser focused on every movement you made. 
As soon as you started trying to mimic his movements, you fell. Hard.
He winced, skating over to you. “You okay?”
You nodded, trying to keep your breathing even.
“Get on your hands and knees.”
Despite the pain, his words sent a wave of heat through you. Blinking up at him, you said, “Excuse me?”
His eyes widened slightly, the smallest smile on his face. He cleared his throat. “To get up. You need to start from your hands and knees.”
Your cheeks burned as you maneuvered yourself like he told you. You looked up at him. “Now what?”
Azriel's breathing seemed slightly labored, his eyes burning as he looked down at you. You felt like you could hardly breathe. He swallowed, then said, “Put one skate on the ice, balance yourself with your hands, then push yourself up to standing.”
You tried to follow his instructions, but as soon as you got to your feet, your balance was completely off and you would have fallen again if Azriel hadn't quickly gripped your waist, keeping you steady.
He was so close to you that you could feel the heat from his body. You looked up into his eyes, utterly mesmerized, unable to move.
For a few moments, he just held you, eyes boring into yours. Finally he said, “Ready to try again?”
“Okay,” you said quietly, but you didn't move, unwilling to be the one to pull away from him.
It took another moment for him to remove his hands from you, and you instantly felt cold at the absence of him.
Azriel skated backwards, urging you to catch up to him.
You started moving, focusing on the instructions that he gave you, your eyes continuously glancing down to your feet.
“Don't look down, just look at me,” he said gruffly.
You obeyed, your eyes latching onto his. It was steadying, his gaze. In a few moments, you actually did catch up to him, and you were so excited that you forgot to focus on your movements.
You tumbled into Azriel, bringing him down on the ice with you.
He landed on his back with a groan and you landed on top of him, your head landing on his chest.
“I'm so sorry,” you said, starting to scramble up, but his hands landed on your waist again and you couldn't bring yourself to move.
You looked into his eyes, your hands resting on his chest. Even through his sweatshirt, you could feel the hard lines of his muscles. You could hardly breathe.
He lightly brushed a lock of hair off your forehead, his eyes tracing down your face. “Don't be sorry,” he said, his voice huskier than you'd ever heard it.
Without even realizing you were doing it, you inched your face closer and closer to his, like you were being drawn in by a magnet. 
His hand cupped your cheek gently. He whispered your name. And then his lips were on yours.
An electric shock jolted through your body. You leaned even further into him as he kissed you so gently that you thought you might weep.
Your hands traveled up to his face, his hair. His fingers tightened on your waist, and he groaned quietly as you deepened the kiss. 
Suddenly, he pulled away, sitting up, sliding you off of him. “I’m sorry… We shouldn’t.”
Your heart plummeted. “Why?”
He looked pained as he saw the hurt on your face, putting distance between the two of you again. “Cassian,” he said gruffly. “He would kill me.”
“You think he would?” You asked. In all the years that you had been crushing on Azriel, you had never considered how Cassian would feel if the two of you actually got together. 
Azriel let out a humorless laugh. “You’re his little sister. He’s more protective of you than anyone else. Remember how we had to stop him from beating up that guy who broke up with you?”
You did remember. Cassian had been more mad about that breakup than you were. 
“Az,” you said, willing yourself to say the words you had been keeping to yourself for so long. “I like you. I’ve liked you for a long time… If you feel the same way, we shouldn’t let Cassian get in the way.”
His eyes widened as he studied you, his gaze lingering on your mouth. “I never knew,” he said quietly. 
Before you could say anything else, he was pulling you back into him, kissing you harder than before, his movements faster, more sure as he twined his fingers into your hair. 
You gasped at the sudden change in his demeanor. 
It was impossible to tell how long it was that you and Azriel sat on the cold ice, exploring each other for the first time. 
When he finally pulled away, gazing into your eyes, you said, “Maybe he doesn’t have to know. Not yet.”
And just like that, everything changed. 
Azriel had never felt this way in his life. You and him had been sneaking around for the past several weeks, going on dates, and he could hardly believe it. 
You were incredible. Absolutely incredible, and he thanked his lucky stars every day that you were giving him the time of day. 
But then he would think about Cassian, what he would do when he found out, and Azriel would feel so incredibly panicked and guilty that he could hardly function. 
You weren't doing anything wrong. He knew that. You were two consenting adults spending time together.
The sneaking around was getting difficult though. He didn't like hiding anything from his best friend.
“You okay?” You asked beside him, threading your fingers with his.
His heart leaped at how casually you did it, how comfortable it was between you so quickly. He had taken you out to eat downtown, and now you two were taking a walk through the city, the lights twinkling, dancing off your skin.
“Fine,” he said, smiling down at you. 
“Stressing about Cassian?”
He couldn't help but laugh at how quickly you were able to read him. “I’ve just never hidden anything from him.”
You squeezed his hand reassuringly. “We can tell him, if you want to.”
“We should soon. I just don't know how he's going to react.”
You nodded, and he could tell that you were just as nervous as he was. 
He stopped you with a hand on your arm, leading you into an alcove off of the sidewalk. “It'll be okay,” he said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “We'll tell him when we're ready.” He leaned down and kissed you gently, and you leaned into him, sighing happily.
The day of Cassian's party rolled around, and you walked in with him, carrying a platter of appetizers that you made for him. The whole hockey team, as well as their friends and families were milling around the coach’s massive backyard.
Azriel stood out to you like a beacon in the crowd. You had always felt like you could sense his presence, no matter how many people there were or where he was in any given room. You longed to run right to him, but you knew you couldn’t. 
It was too soon, you kept telling yourself. You and Azriel were still figuring out exactly what you were, and you didn’t want to complicate things between the two of you by letting other people get involved or give their opinion. 
You knew everyone on the team at least a little bit, so you mingled through the crowd until you finally found your way over to Azriel, looking up to find that his eyes were already on you. 
“Hi,” you smiled. 
The side of his mouth quirked up slightly, and you knew he was holding in a smile. He stepped a little closer to you, and you longed to hold his hand, to touch him.
Before either of you could say anything else, Cassian strided up, grinning. “You guys wanna go eat?”
You reigned in a sigh, and focused your attention on Cassian. “Sure,” you said, following him, and shooting a smile over your shoulder at Azriel as he followed. 
The three of you each grabbed a plate of food, then settled in at a crowded picnic table. Azriel slid in next to you as Cassian took the seat opposite. 
“So, I never asked, how did those skating lessons go?” Cassian asked as he dug into his plate. 
You swallowed, and nearly jumped out of your seat as Azriel’s hand landed on your thigh, squeezing lightly. “It was good,” you said, trying to keep your voice nonchalant. 
“She’s a really great student,” Azriel said, his eyes on his plate as his thumb ran slow circles over your skin. 
You took a big drink of water to stop yourself from flushing as his hand wandered higher. 
“Seriously? How many times did you fall?” Cassian asked, clearly amused. 
Azriel’s grip tightened on your thigh, probably remembering just like you were, what had happened when you had fallen. “Only a few, actually,” you said, forcing yourself to keep your eyes locked on Cassian. 
“Impressive. You gonna be playing hockey with us anytime soon?” 
You forced out a laugh. “Definitely not. I’ll need a lot more lessons if I have any hope of that.”
Azriel finally looked at you, offering you the faintest of smiles. “Whenever you want another lesson, just let me know.”
“Okay,” you said casually, turning your attention back to your plate. 
You got through the rest of the party without incident, which was impressive considering all the lingering, discreet touches that Azriel kept giving you.
Azriel came to your apartment after the party had ended. As soon as he walked through the door, he had you up against the wall, kissing you fiercely. 
“You were driving me crazy,” you gasped as he kissed down your neck. 
He laughed into your skin. “You think you weren’t doing the same to me?”
His hands trailed from your face, down your body, lingering on your hips before landing on your ass. 
You moaned quietly, taking his hand in yours and leading him to your bedroom. 
He raised his eyebrows in question as you closed the door behind you. 
Wordlessly, you stepped up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. It started out slowly, gently, but quickly turned heated. 
Grabbing the front of his shirt, you pulled him towards your bed and fell back onto it, tugging on his hand to pull him down over you. You toyed with the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his head and tossing it to the side. 
Your hands explored his abs, his shoulders, your breath catching at the pure muscle as he kissed your neck down to your collarbone. 
When your hands settled on his belt buckle and started undoing it, Azriel caught your wrist, stilling you. He looked into your eyes, flooded with emotion. “Are you sure?”
You cupped his cheek, studying his face for a moment, your heart swelling with love. “I’m sure.” 
He smiled for a moment, leaning in to kiss you gently before he let go of your wrist. Your hands wandered back down and slowly undid his belt buckle, pushing his pants down past his hips, and he kicked them off from there, not breaking his kiss. 
He pulled back slightly to look at you as he slid the straps of your dress down your arms, kissing your bare shoulders, your exposed chest. He slid your dress down further, just past your breasts. He hummed happily as he ran his tongue over one nipple, his fingers toying with the other. Your toes curled as he raked his teeth along your chest. 
Azriel kept pulling your dress down slowly, kissing his way gently down your stomach, down your legs, until the dress was tossed to the floor. 
“You’re everything,” he murmured, his gaze raking down your naked body. 
You smiled, your heart thundering as you placed your hands on either side of his face and pulled him into a kiss. 
He kissed his way back down your body then, pausing momentarily at your panties, before looking up to you with a smirk, and pulling them down your legs with his teeth.
You gasped as he settled between your legs, licking a line straight up your center, before his tongue dove into you, while his thumb pressed on your clit. 
“Azriel,” you moaned, burying your hands in his hair. 
This just spurred him on further, as he took your ankles in his hands and wrapped your legs around his head, burying himself even deeper in you. 
“Az,” you groaned after a while. “I need you.”
He looked up at you, grinning, before sitting up on his knees, sliding his boxers off, and settling himself over you, his eyes locked on yours. “You ready for me?”
You nodded, your hand threading through the hair at the back of his neck as the other clutched his shoulder. “Please.”
Azriel smiled, nuzzling your nose with his for a moment before he kissed you sweetly, as he slowly slid into you inch by inch. 
He paused when he was fully inside you, pulling back slightly to study your face. 
“I’m good,” you smiled. “More. Now. Please.”
He chuckled, then did as he was told, sliding in and out of you in slow, deep thrusts. 
You groaned, your hands sliding down his muscled back as he leaned down, resting his head in the crook of your neck, sighing contentedly into your skin. 
Together you moved in tandem, until you both found your release, gasping. 
Azriel rolled off of you, pulling your body against his, holding you close. You felt so safe and content, you couldn’t believe it had taken the two of you so long to get to this point.
The locker room was empty before the game started. His teammates knew that Azriel often liked to be alone, especially before important games. If they won tonight, they would be in the playoffs. Tensions were high for everyone. 
He was pulling his gear on when you came up behind him, leaning against one of the lockers. You were wearing the team’s colors, your hair tied up with red and gold ribbons, just like the first time he saw you. His heart leaped, as it always did. “How are you feeling?” You asked. 
Azriel shrugged, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to him, resting his chin on the top of your head. “Better now that you’re here.”
You smiled, leaning into his chest. “You’ve got it, Az.” 
He placed his index finger under your chin, gently tilting your face up to look at him. “Thank you for being here,” he said, kissing you softly. 
Suddenly, you heard someone coming into the locker room, and the two of you sprung apart. Azriel ushered you out the opposite door, into the hallway, near the locker room for the other team.
The two of you breathed a sigh of relief, and Azriel couldn’t help but bring your body to his again. It calmed him down, settled his nerves, to be close to you. 
You tilted your face up to meet his lips in a kiss, and the world melted away until a player from the other team walked out of the locker room, smirking at the two of you. 
“Casey,” Azriel said, his hand resting on the small of your back, trying to keep his cool. He didn’t know Casey well, but he did know that he was an asshole.
Casey looked between the two of you, smirking, before sauntering away without a word. 
Azriel immediately located you as he and his team went out onto the ice. You were out of your seat, clapping and cheering, your eyes locked on him, your smile bright. 
By the second period, Azriel’s team was up two to one, and the other team seemed to be feeling the heat. 
Casey smirked at Azriel as they faced off before the buzzer sounded. “Who was that you were getting cozy with, huh Azriel? Didn't seem like you wanted anyone to know you were with her.”
Azriel knew that he was being baited. He tried to reign in his temper, to keep his cool. He tried to remind himself how important this game was, that he couldn’t afford a penalty right now. 
But then Casey said, “I can see why. She's not exactly spotlight material, is she?”
A growl released from deep in Azriel’s throat, and he launched himself at Casey, slamming him into the ice, before reeling his arm back and connecting his fist with Casey’s jaw. 
Within moments, he was being pulled away and sent to the penalty box, his head spinning, wondering how the hell he was going to explain this to his teammates, to Cassian. He cursed himself for letting Casey get to him, for knowing exactly which buttons to push. 
Luckily, they still won the game, despite Azriel’s outburst at the beginning of the final period. You couldn’t comprehend what could have possibly happened to get this reaction from him, and you felt awful as you watched him sitting solemnly in the penalty box while Cassian tried to pull the team together and keep their lead. 
You left right after the game, not wanting to get involved in whatever you knew would go down between Azriel and Cassian. 
Later, after Azriel asked you to come over to his apartment, you practically raced over there, dying to know what happened. 
As soon as he opened the door, his arms were around you, holding you to him like you were the only thing keeping his feet on the ground. 
“Are you okay?” 
He sighed, kissing the top of your head. “I’m getting there. Cassian chewed me out, but I think we’re okay.”
“What happened?” You asked. 
“It was the guy who saw us out in the hallway. He was… he was talking about you. I knew he was baiting me, but I still couldn’t keep it in.”
“It was because of me?”
“No,” he said, running his thumb along your cheekbone. “It was because of him. He just must have known what would make me mad.”
You stood up on your tiptoes to kiss him lightly. “I’m sorry. What did you tell Cassian?”
“That I was feeling tense because of the playoffs, and he baited me,” he raised one shoulder into a shrug. “He didn’t ask for specifics.”
“Well, I’m glad you guys are okay. Congrats on making the playoffs, by the way,” you smiled. 
Azriel smiled faintly, leaning down to kiss you sweetly. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
You sighed, leaning into him further. “We’re going to have to tell him.”
“I know,” he said. “Soon.”
The two of you looked at each other, anchoring yourselves in one another. 
For weeks, Azriel had been traveling all over the country with the team for the playoffs, and the two of you had kept in contact as much as possible, face timing whenever Azriel could get alone and texting as often as he could.
Finally, they were playing at home again, the last game before the championship. You didn't want to be a distraction for Az, so you went right to your seat, as close to the ice as you could get. 
You watched them play with bated breath, your eyes glued to Azriel as he soared across the ice. Just before the end of the second period, Azriel made a slapshot, the puck flying right between the goalie's legs and into the net, bringing your team ahead by one. 
The fans erupted into a thunderous applause and as the buzzer sounded, Azriel's eyes locked on you, a grin on his face, his eyes shining. You had no idea how he always managed to find you in a sea of people, but it sent butterflies through your chest every single time.
The energy was high as the players moved into the final period. It seemed like Az's team would take the win without much of a fight from the opponents until the unimaginable happened.
The opponent’s center roughly checked Azriel's shoulder, and when Az stumbled, the center slammed Azriel into the wall, hard. Azriel collapsed onto the ground and another player collided with him.
Even from where you were, you could hear Azriel cry out as he brought his leg up to his chest, wincing in pain.
“Azriel!” You shot up from your seat immediately, racing to the other side of the tunnel where you knew they would take him, praying that they would let you through.
In the chaos, nobody batted an eye at you, and you were waiting for him when Azriel limped into the tunnel, the coach and Cassian holding him up on either side. 
“Az!” You cried, tears brimming in your eyes as you ran up to him, unable to think about the consequences, or anything other than him. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck as gently as you could, and he snaked an arm around your waist. “I'm okay,” he said.
Cassian looked between the two of you, his brow furrowed. “What are you freaking out about? It's probably just a sprain.”
“Oh,” you said hesitantly, forcing yourself to take a step back, out of reach. You looked up at Azriel though. “Are you sure? You looked like you were in a lot of pain.”
He smiled faintly at you, his eyes twinkling. You could tell that he appreciated that you were concerned about him. “Nothing I can't handle.”
Cassian continued to look between the two of you skeptically, then cleared his throat. “I need to get back out there.”
Azriel nodded to both Cassian and their coach. “I can make it by myself.”
They seemed to hesitate, but nodded, and you helped Azriel make his way to see the medics. 
After his ankle was wrapped and it was proven to be just a sprain, you sat with Azriel, running your hand through his hair, leaning against him.
“You were really worried about me back there, huh?” He smiled, kissing your temple.
“Of course I was! I--” you broke off hastily, stopping yourself from saying what you had been feeling for weeks now.
He looked at you expectantly though, raising an eyebrow. “You… what?”
You took a deep breath, and looked into his eyes, placing a hand on his cheek. “I love you, Az.”
His eyes swarmed with emotions for a moment before a smile lit up his face and he kissed you. “I love you, too,” he said.
Moments later, the team rushed into the space, whooping and cheering.
You grinned at Azriel, “Looks like you guys are going to the championship.”
Azriel's smile grew, and he pulled you to him, laughing, before kissing the top of your head.
“I knew it,” Cassian's voice cut through the noise, and you and Azriel froze, looking up to find him staring at the two of you.
“Cass-” you started, but he cut you off.
“What the fuck, guys? How long has this been going on?”
You glanced at Azriel, who settled his hand at your waist comfortingly before looking up to Cassian. “A few months.” 
“Months?” Cassian asked incredulously. “Why didn't you tell me?”
“We weren't sure how you would react,” you said quietly, shrinking into Azriel's side slightly.
Cassian scoffed. “You know what's worse than my best friend dating my little sister? Both of them lying to me about it for months.”
“Cass-” you tried again, but he held up a hand to stop you.
“If we keep talking about this now, I'm going to say something I'll regret,” he said, his voice low. 
He left without another word, throwing a final harrowing glance back at the two of you.
Your heart sank.
For days, Cassian avoided Azriel at practice, and from what he’d heard, Cassian wasn’t talking to you at all either. 
“Come on, Cass,” Azriel groaned after practice. “Please talk to me?”
Cassian rounded on him, his eyes burning. “About what? What do you want to talk about?” he said furiously. But then all the tension left his body suddenly and he just looked at Azriel sadly. “She’s my sister, Az. How could you keep this from me?”
Azriel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “We thought it would be best until we… figured things out. We didn’t want to get you all freaked out if it didn’t go anywhere.”
“And is it? Going anywhere?” Cassian asked. 
Azriel swallowed, he felt his jaw tick. “I love her, Cassian. And she loves me.”
Cassian swore, rolling his eyes. “So at what point were you going to tell me?”
“I -- don’t know,” Azriel said honestly. “I’m so sorry. We both are.”
They were both silent for a moment, until Cassian blew out a breath and said, “Just give me some time, okay? I’m happy for you both, but… I’m going to need time to stop being pissed at you both for lying to me.”
Azriel nodded, partially relieved. Time, he could handle. 
The championship game finally came, and though Azriel and Cassian weren’t quite at the point that they used to be, things were slowly getting better between them. 
Cassian gathered the team before the game, hyping them up, always the strong captain leading his troops into battle. 
The game went by quickly, and every time Azriel would feel some pain in his ankle or get caught up in the stress or the pressure, his eyes would find you, and your smile would ground him, help him lock back into the game, to the task at hand. 
There were only a few seconds left in the game when Azriel found an opening, slapping the puck past the goalie and into the net. 
The crowd cheered, but Azriel only had eyes for you. You formed your hands into a heart and held it up toward him as you cheered, blowing him a kiss. 
The final buzzer sounded off, and everyone celebrated around him, yelling and thumping their chests, thrusting their hockey sticks into the air. Cassian was about to hand him the trophy, but Azriel smirked before skating over to where you were waiting on the sidelines, lifting you up and setting you onto the ice before bending you over his arm and kissing you like he’s never kissed anyone before. 
He could feel you smile against his lips, your hands gripping him for dear life. 
Later, after interviews and photos and speeches, Azriel pulled his jersey over his head and tossed it to you. 
You looked up at him, your eyes dancing with amusement before you slipped it over your head. It was huge on you, and you laughed as you rolled up the sleeves and the hem, tucking it into the front of your jeans. 
“How does it look?”
He growled quietly, pulling your body into his. “Like I want to hear you scream my name while you wear nothing but the jersey.”
Your eyes widened, biting your lip. 
Before Azriel could get any further into his fantasies though, Cassian sauntered up to the two of you, smiling. 
“Hey, it’s my brother, the captain of the champions!” you grinned, bounding up to him and giving him a hug. 
Cassian grinned, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Look,” he said, leveling you both with a serious expression as you pulled away and went back to Azriel’s side. “I love you both, and I’m happy for you, so I’m not going to hold a grudge. It must be the real thing if Az just blew off the trophy like it was nothing,” Cassian smirked at Azriel. “But don’t lie to me ever again,” he said. 
“We won’t,” you cut in quickly, looking at Cassian with pleading eyes. “We’re so sorry, Cass.”
“I know you are,” Cassian said. “Now, let’s go celebrate, shall we?”
Azriel guided you through the huge party long into the night, not taking his hand off you for a moment, showing the whole world who his heart belonged to.
@loving-and-dreaming @birdsflyhome @hanuh @sheblogs @iambored24601 @thalia-as-blog @melmo567 @evergreenlark @ecliphttlunar @bookloverandalsocats @headacheseason @sillysillygoose444 @yourqueenlilith @mariamay02 @halibshepherd @azrielshadows1nger @cigvrette-dvydrevms @andreperez11
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andromedia5 · 4 years
Cass likes having a dad
she likes the kisses dropped on the top of her head and the quick good morning side hugs
she likes how he never minds when she’ll go get a pair of his socks from his closet when its wet and gray outside and her feet get cold
she likes the smell of his aftershave and cologne and the way they mix with the warm earthy smell of coffee and dew that flood the manor kitchen in the mornings
she likes the way he’ll turn on Bruce Springsteen in the batmobile on the way home, just for her because it’s their job to corrupt Damian into becoming a fan whilst he’s young enough
he’ll sing along and she stays quiet, just listening to him because she likes his voice
low and quiet, maybe a little tired but good
she likes how he never seems to forget about her even with so many other more important things to think about
he’ll get sent some gift basket from one company or another and he’ll pocket the ribbon it came tied with if it’s nice and leave it on her dresser or find it whilst looking for his keys and get excited because he had forgotten it was there
if her hair’s long enough she’ll tie it in her ponytails but usually she’ll just run it through her fingers, feeling the smooth fabric on her callouses
she likes the way Bruce will stand behind the couch, arms crossed stance slightly wide while she and Tim are watching tv and he doesn’t want to commit to watching with them so he can go get work done but ends up staying for the whole episode anyway
even though Tim says it freaks him out and complains Cass will nudge him with her foot “Don’t be mean,” so that Bruce can respond, pretending to be hurt “Yeah, listen to your sister,”
Cass really likes when he says that
mentions her brothers as being her brothers or causally refers to her as his daughter
she knows he’s realized the way she always beams when he does and makes a point to introduce her not just by her name but as “my daughter”
“my daughter Cassandra,” “these are the boys and my daughter,” “yes, just the one girl, I have to have some sanity, you know,”
she likes it because even though he’s probably forcing it into conversations, it doesn’t sound unnatural
she’s his daughter
Cass belongs
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glacecakes · 4 years
Alchemy Lullaby (7/?)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did... helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
Part 7: Varian spends his first Christmas with his family. There is no actual plot it's just fluff
Read the rest on AO3 
Part of an art trade for the lovely @finnoky once again! Finn is my partner in crime on this au so major shout out to him <3 Yes we are aware it is Halloween season but a) the timeline dictates Christmas and b) JUST LET ME HAVE MY CHRISTMAS SEROTONIN
Also a massive shoutout to the Scar Varian discord, who's support has cured my depression. And all of you! Seriously, the love for this fic is insane I don't know how to handle it lol. If you want more baby Varian content dm me! The Scar Varian server is where we brainstorm baby ideas like, daily. And it's a riot. If you have any ideas you wanna see for this AU send me an ask!  Also the next chapter is gonna be a world of pain enjoy this while it lasts
The castle was abuzz with joy. The maids flitted around the halls, some even humming as they strung up lights and garlands. The frosted windows shone light through their wreaths, basking everything in a wintery-white glow. Even Old Lady Crowley seemed less angry than normal, barking out orders at only half volume. 
Spinning around, Rapunzel hums an old Christmas song. She’s always loved this time of year! Christmas was watching snow, and cuddling up by the fire with chocolate, and cooking gingerbread…! There was so much to be excited about! Even if she never had an official Christmas with her family yet, her steps were light as a feather, confident in this year’s success. Her previous Christmases had been quiet, just her and sometimes Gothel. Now, she had a mother, a father, a boyfriend, and his son! To think, exactly one year ago she never would have thought this could be possible.
The princess twirled to a stop in the throne room. The place was decked to the nines, ribbons and garland and all sorts of red decorated every inch. And in the corner sat a perfect pine, already decorated head to toe. The candles shone down on a confused, pudgy face.
Varian tugged at one of the ornaments. Not hard enough for it to fall, but enough for it to jingle.
Oh, that’s right! She’s not the only one celebrating a first Christmas with family!
The little boy fiddled with the pine needles, marvelling at the bristles and poking soft fingers into needles. He stuck his tongue out and stood on his tiptoes, reaching for a candy cane tied to a higher branch. If only he was a little taller…!
Strong, warm hands wrapped around his stomach and lifted him skyward. 
“Need a hand?” 
Varian looked up at the princess and beamed. “Hi Punzel!”
“Hello, Varian. Did you want the candy cane?”
Varian blinked, confused. “No, I wanted the red hook.” He grabbed the candy cane off the tree and held up his prize. “See?” 
“That’s a candy cane, but it’s just for decoration. If you want actual candy canes, you can head down to the kitchens.” the princess gently took the decor from his hands. 
He frowned, trying to commit the term to memory. “What’s it for?”
“The candy canes?”
“No, the tree!” He yelled right into her ear. 
“Woah, inside voice.” Varian zipped his lip. “It’s for Christmas.”
“Ooooh. What’s that?” he asked.
Rapunzel’s smile fell off her face near instantly. How do you explain a holiday to a toddler…?
“Well, um,” she started. “It’s a day where we all get together and celebrate being a family. We exchange gifts under the tree, and eat snacks, and sing songs… there’s a lot of stuff to do! It’s very fun, you’ll like it a lot, I promise.” 
Thankfully, that seemed to satisfy him. “Celebrate family… like momma?”
“More like you, and me, and Eugene,” Well, and Cass and Lance and her parents, but no overwhelming the baby. Little at a time. 
Baby blue eyes glanced down at the floor. “But… momma is family.” 
There was no denying the wasps in her heart, stinging at the mention of Varian’s mother. How they burrowed deep, whispering how the boy saw Eugene as his father, but not Rapunzel as his mother. It was selfish, she knew it. Varian was much closer to Eugene, he was practically the man’s shadow. But as Eugene’s girlfriend (and hopefully future wife), there was no denying the wish for Varian to see her in a similar light.
Varian still saw that woman as family? That’s ok, he still needed time. Or maybe he’d always see her as family. That was ok too. But hopefully, they could assure Varian that his real family, his loving family, was there for him this Christmas.  
“Varian,” she whispered, gently lifting his chin to face him. “Family loves you, protects you. It’s ok if you still love your momma, but you weren’t safe with her. That’s why you have us now! We’re your family too, and we’ll celebrate Christmas with you, ok?” 
Varian nodded weakly, wrapping short arms around her waist. Outstretched arms squeezed him tight. Then, he broke off, skittering out of the throne room and likely towards the kitchen for those treats.
Rapunzel sighed as she watched him go. He was a smart little thing, learning faster than anyone could teach. On more than one occasion she spotted the precocious kid trying to heave a too heavy book around the library. One thing he was particularly fond of were the sciences. From Astronomy to Zoology, Varian ate it all up, greedily grabbing any book that even looked like it was informational. He was also a big fan of the Flynn Rider series, but that may be more because Eugene was so eager to share it with him. Ever since Lance told him Eugene used to be Flynn Rider, Varian assumed he’d meant the book Flynn, and his love for his dad became near fervent in nature. 
But while Varian adored learning about the world around him, there were certain things he struggled to pick up. Social cues were a big one. He was dreadfully shy around strangers, and a little hellion to those he knew. On one memorable occasion, Varian had insisted on dressing himself, resulting in a day of backwards shirts and missing pants. Anytime Eugene tried to fix it, he’d screamed like the man was stabbing him. 
Poor Eugene had needed a drink after that. 
The point is, Varian loved to learn, but he still struggled with sociability, not unlike Rapunzel when she first came home. It sounded like he grew up in the same way, isolated from other people, relying only on a controlling mother. Thankfully, Varian was saved at a much younger age. Rapunzel could only pray that meant he’d flourish now.
Varian struggled to understand the world around him sometimes. 
There were some things he understood perfectly well, like how Ruddiger was his friend. There were some things he knew were true but didn’t really get why, like how his family hated his momma. And there were some things he was completely lost on, which in this case, was Christmas. 
Everyone around him was so cheery, so lively, even more so than usual. Whenever he asked why, he got the same answer: It’s almost Christmas! Christmas is tomorrow! But when he asked what Christmas was, what Rapunzel meant by singing and eating and gifts, everyone had a different answer! How was he supposed to figure it out if everyone had a different idea of what Christmas was? 
Everyone was busy preparing for… something. Varian wasn’t sure what. A party, maybe? So soon after the last one? That party sucked, but at least he got to introduce Ruddiger to everyone.
After that debacle, Eugene hadn’t been so keen on letting Varian keep the baby raccoon. The boy wasn’t even 5 yet, how was he supposed to care for his own pet? Rapunzel mentioned she’d been about his age when she met Pascal, but apparently a chameleon and raccoon are two very different things. Bummer.
Eventually, they settled on a compromise: Ruddiger was an outdoor animal who belonged outdoors, but during the winter and night he was allowed to be inside. And once Varian got older, he might be allowed to keep Ruddiger full time! 
Since it was snowing today, Ruddiger got to happily trail the child, keeping close to his feet as they traversed the castle. He said hi to the maids and guards as he walked by, but right now, Varian was trying to find his family. He technically wasn’t allowed to wander the castle alone, but King Frederick was really the only stickler about that rule. Varian had survived 6 months on the street, he could survive the short walk to and fro. 
Just as he passed the kitchens, a sweet smell tickled his nose, followed by a deep, familiar voice singing. His pet noticed it too, already waddling into the kitchen. Varian followed, and sure, enough, Eugene’s best friend was there.
“Hi Lance!” Varian squeaked. He latched onto the burly man’s legs. 
Lance leaned down from his place by the stove. He’d just finished taking the gingerbread out of the oven, the golden brown sizzling on the sheet. Carefully, so as not to drop the sheet on the child, Lance set the cookies down with one hand and ruffled black hair with another. 
“Hey there, kiddo! I thought I told you to call me Uncle Lance,” he grinned at how Varian squirmed under his palm.
Varian giggled. “Eugene said you’re not really my uncle.” Those giggles doubled at Lance’s mock offended face. 
“After everything we’ve been through, after all I’ve done for him, and he won’t call me a brother!” He gripped his chest, and his knees sunk to the floor. “It hurts… my heart…” with an overdramatic wail, Lance fell back and squished Varian to the floor. His weight wasn’t entirely on this child, he didn’t want to crush him, but it was enough to send Varian sprawling. 
Honestly, Varian didn’t get why Eugene was so against him calling Lance his uncle. He didn’t even know what an Uncle was! Shrieking laughter emanated from the toddler. “Lance!! Get off!” He said.
“Sorry, can’t, Lance is dead.”
“Yesssss, the only cure,” the thief sighed, “Is for a brave, smart kid to call him… uncle…”
“Uncle Lance!” Varian shrieked. “Uncle Lance get off!” Almost instantly he sat upright, freeing his prisoner. 
“I live!” He cried, scooping Varian up and standing. “Thank you, sweet child!” He smushed their cheeks together in joy, only letting go when he had to bat Ruddiger away from his creation. 
“No bud! Gingerbread is bad for raccoons… probably,” 
Varian hadn’t heard that word before. “Gingerbread?” It smelled so good, surely Lance wouldn’t mind if he stole one, right? The guy adored him.
“Ah-ah!” Lance spun away from the stove, cookies now out of reach. He ignored the whines. “Gingerbread cookies can only be eaten if they’re decorated.” Setting Varian on a nearby counter, the man grabbed a few icing pipettes and candy pieces. “Gingerbread men need gingerbread clothes!” 
The next hour was filled with messy cookies and sprawling icing. White sugar covered nearly every surface, as Varian couldn’t figure out the right pressure to use a pipette. Eventually he gave up, letting Lance do the drawing while he added buttons and eyes in the form of candies. Every so often, Varian would hand a small treat to Ruddiger, enjoying fuzzy whiskers that tickled his hand. It was a comfortable silence, both of them invested in their individual activity. By the time Lance finally spoke again, the sun had tracked across the room and shone through the window. 
“So,” he said, tongue sticking out as he drew a face onto his cookie. “Why Eugene?” His companion stuck his head up, confused. He licked the sugar off his fingers. “What about him made you want to stay with him?”
Varian glanced down, deep in thought. “He’s nice,” he started. “He gives me lots of hugs, and makes me laugh.”
“Yea? What else?”
“Eugene is… super cool! He’s pretty, and he let me keep Ruddiger, and he loves me…” his small voice trailed off. The heat from sunlight warmed his bones, layering him in laziness. A yawn escaped him. 
He was just about to doze off, mind still trying to think of compliments, when soft knocking shook him awake. Cassandra nodded at him, bundled up in her winter coat. 
“It’s high time someone got fresh air,” She said in her monotone voice, so Varian slid off the counter to join her. He waved to Lance on the way out, and off they went. 
No sooner than they left, Rapunzel peeked her head in. “Hey Lance! I have an idea…”
Ruddiger zoomed ahead, happily digging up snow and dirt to catch a meal. The winter sun was bright yet also weak, sparkling off snow mounds. Varian’s small boots kicked up powder as he walked, each step more exaggerated than need be. He gripped Cassandra’s hand tightly. Out of everyone Varian frequently interacted with, she scared him the most… except maybe for the King. But he trusted her not to let him get hurt, not after saving him from the Stabbingtons. 
Sure enough, she whispered “Careful, it’s slippery.” And lifted him up and over the patch of ice with just her hands. 
“Wow, you’re really strong,” She raised her eyebrow at him. 
“I have to be, it’s my job to keep Rapunzel safe.”
Just Rapunzel? Not him, not Eugene? What about the king? Didn’t they need protecting? Thankfully, Cassandra saw his confused face and smiled faintly. “And you, someone’s gotta clean up after you.”
“Eugene said it’s rude to leave things for the maids to clean up.” 
A look akin to shock overtook her face. She stopped walking, temporarily startled, forcing Varian to stop with her. “He said that?” A nod. “Huh. Guess he’s not a terrible father after all.”
That caught the child’s attention. Rage simmered in his gut, bubbling and twisting his insides around. He glared up at her with a look he hoped was intimidating, but judging by her veiled laughter, he’d failed. A booted foot stomped the snow, and by his side small black spikes sprouted. It wasn’t noticeable, only as tall as his shoelaces, but it was there regardless. Just as fast as it appeared, the rage fell down his body and leaked out into the earth.
“Don’t call Eugene bad,” Varian pouted, cheeks puffing up and lip jutting out. “He’s the best!”
“Oh yea? Why’s that?” Cassandra teased, resuming their walk. 
“He’s a reallllllly good reader. Like, really good. And he’s smart,” That got a laugh. “And he saved me!” 
“So did I,” she reminded him, but that just got her frustrated boot shuffles. At last the handmaiden took pity on him. “Ok, ok. I’m sorry I called Eugene a bad dad. He loves you very much, and you love him.” He preened. 
He went to speak, but soft crunches interrupted his train of thought. From around the bend, two familiar and burly men step into view. 
“...no word from either of them, but Hector never answers my letters anyway-” Quirin was speaking, with Frederick hanging onto his every word. Their faces were both solemn, stoic and businesslike. Whatever they were talking about, it was likely serious. But the seriousness evaporates when Quirin catches sight of the young child. “Hello there!” Frederick’s face remains impassive, but he seems to let the subject drop. At least for now. 
Something about Quirin just screams welcoming to Varian. It’s strange. His time on the streets as well as his encounter with the Stabbingtons should have made Varian terrified of men like him, but Quirin’s autumn scent and warm smile relaxed Varian. He grinned his toothy smile and waved. 
“Your majesty,” Cassandra bowed. The King nodded, and she stood back up. He gave Varian a nod as well, but he had no idea to react. Bow? Smile? Hide? All of those options sounded like a bad idea, so he just stood still for now. 
“Hello, Cassandra, Varian.” The latter name was said with a hint of apprehension. “Enjoying the weather?”
“Yes sir,” The lady-in-waiting responded, and she gently nudged Varian. He nodded frantically, so fast his head might as well have flown off. Quirin seemed amused, at least. 
“Don’t stay out too long, we don’t want this young man to catch a cold,” Quirin ruffled Varian’s hair, and the child blushed. 
“We won’t, sir.” Cassandra bowed to him as well. Satisfied, they moved on, leaving Varian and Cassandra to finish their walk around the castle ground. “Cassie? Who is Quirin?” 
She seemed surprised by the question. “Who is he? I think he’s an advisor, or something.”
“A what?”
“He helps the king.”
Varian’s mouth dropped open in an “o” shape. Who knew Kings needed help? Not him, that’s for sure! 
“Come on, let’s go inside, it’s getting cold.” She led him away, until Varian couldn’t see either man when he turned around. 
“As I was saying, Adira is hard to track down, but-” Quirin’s words halted as he stumbled over something. “What the…” A small cluster of black rocks, innocent and unflinching. The men shared a nervous glance. 
When Cassandra dropped Varian off inside, she watched as Varian toddled off to find Eugene, turned around, and came face to face with a Rapunzel grinning like a maniac. 
The princess covered her friend’s mouth before she could scream. “Come on! I need your help. We only have a few more hours!” Without any explanation, Cass found herself being dragged off to god knows where. 
Waking up on the early side was not new to Varian. Ever since he’d come to the castle, Eugene would drag him out of bed no later than 9:30 am. And he’d learned to adapt, even if Varian preferred to get up when the sun’s rays were directly overhead. But 7 was really pushing it. 
“Noooo!” He whined, clutching his sheets like a lifeline. “I don’t wanna get up!” 
Eugene grunted from where he was holding his legs. For a 4 year old Varian had a hell of a grip. “Come on, kid, you can go back to sleep when we’re done if you want! Don’t have to change out of your pjs either. But you gotta get up now or you’re gonna miss your surprise.” 
“Nooooo!” Varian wailed, burying his head into the duvet. 
With one final tug, Eugene managed to dislodge his child from his bed, sending them both sprawling on the floor. They laid there for a moment. Eugene questioned his life choices as Ruddiger rounded the bed and licked his face. 
He carried Varian down the corridor to the throne room. At this early hour, the only people about were night shift guards preparing to turn in. A strange quiet filled the castle, a sense of peace lingered. It would be a nice experience if Varian wasn’t bone-tired. Honestly who decided that 7 am was a normal time to get up? It was understandable during the summer, but not at Christmas!
Grand doors swung upon, revealing the same setup as yesterday, only several people sat under the tree. Familiar blonde hair swung around to reveal Rapunzel’s exuberant face. By her side stood her family plus Lance and Cass, all looking tired but content. Presents sat scattered, surrounded by pine needles that had fallen. 
“Merry Christmas!” She cried as she stood up and ran over. Both boys found themselves in a trademark bear hug. “It’s our first Christmas as a family, how exciting!” 
“Sunshine, you’re squishing meeee!” Eugene wheezed, face turning red. The princess paid him no heed, leading him (and by extension, Varian) over to the pile. Several gifts with multiple names in fun colors and patterns awaited them. It was at this time Varian realized he knew how to read most things, but his name was not one of them. Thankfully, Rapunzel was eager to hand out everyone’s gifts. Slowly Varian’s pile grew larger and larger.
Cassandra winced. “I think you went a little overboard, Raps,” 
“Nonsense! What makes you say that?” Cassandra pointed to where Varian sat by a pile larger than himself. He leaned against Eugene, eyes drooping. 
The man rustled his shoulder. “Wake up, kiddo, open your presents.”
“My what?”
“All those boxes, they’re for you! They have fun stuff inside them.”
“Like what?”
The gathering broke into chuckles. “Why don’t you find out?” asked Arianna. 
Curious eyes grabbed the largest box and fingers ran across its paper. Happy snowmen decorated the outside, and he was loathe to destroy it. But Rapunzel gave him a thumbs up, and that was all the invitation needed. With a war cry, Varian ripped off smiling snowmen with claw and fang. Even Ruddiger joined in on the mayhem, happily shaking his head as he held a piece of wrapping paper. The box gave way to…. Another box? But this one was on wheels.
A cart! A painted cart! It was light blue, just like his hair, and painted on the side was a name. Varian ran his fingers over it in confusion. 
“Ruddiger,” Eugene whispered. “It says Ruddiger. So he can stay with you.” Varian’s eyes lit up in understanding. Without any pomp, he scooped up the raccoon and plopped him straight into the cart, much to Ruddiger’s confusion. Then, like a shot out of a canon, they were off. Varian screeched with delight as he zoomed around the throne room, wheels clacking against the marble floor as Ruddiger chittered in similar joy. 
“So, I think he likes it!” Rapunzel chimed. 
“He better,” Cassandra muttered. She was not a fan of staying up till midnight to help Rapunzel wrap her last-minute Christmas gifts. Lance got to do the easy part, too. All he had to do was sign! Meanwhile Cassandra nearly broke her nail for that one gift. 
“Varian, you can play with that some more after the rest of your gifts! Come say thank you!” Eugene called. The child skidded to a stop, happily launching himself at Rapunzel for a hug. 
“Thank you Punzel! Love you!” He pressed a wet kiss to her cheek. It should’ve been gross, but to her, it was perfect.
Eugene smiled from his seat on the floor. It was pretty damn perfect to him too.
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incoherentbabblings · 6 years
TimSteph Fanfic Recs
I was thinking about making a list the other day but then anon prompted me so clearly the time is right to make one of these.  A lot of these authors have stuff which is worth checking out outside of the individual stories I’ve linked, so have fun, and add any that you love as well!  It’s quite long so see the read more for full list!  **Starred Fics are the Favourite of Favourites**
Oldies but Goodies
**Make This Go On Forever by boywonder_iii**
“Stephanie thought she was just imagining things when she saw the darkness in Tim, but the more and more she was with him, the more she realized he was slipping further towards the point of no return. Unbeknownst to him, she had something up her sleeve to keep that from happening.” 
Set after Steph’s return and the Robin/Spoiler special, Stephanie goes to efforts to bring Tim out of his shell and be open with her once more.
Note: Straddles being an R to NC-17 rating, but it’s not too explicit.  Sweet more than anything.
Adventures in Death Traps by faile_neume
Tim and Steph are stuck in a trap and shenanigans ensue.  
This is just plain funny.  A+ banter and usage of Tim and Steph saying c2007 lolcat meme jokes which I’m not sure is cringe or charming (I mean we have canon proof that Tim and Steph used to say pwned so I’m going with charmed) 
The Antidote by aravistarkheena 
Tim is poisoned and Steph stays with him until Bruce arrives with the antidote
Drugged confessions with angsty apologies and cuddles are good for the soul.  Fic includes the wonderfully earnest line of “ “There is a place for Tim Drake,” she said fiercely, around her tears. “There is a place with me. Tim Drake belongs with me.” ” like URGH good stuff right there.
Rainy Nights by aravistarkheena 
Tim has to walk home in the rain, feeling miserable until Steph cheers him up with bed snuggles
Sweet schmoop!  Set after the above story but works completely independent of it if you just want to read cuddles in bed.
**Learning By Doing by iesika**
“There's a first time for everything.”
I’d argue this is the best smutty fic that TimSteph has...if you are looking for a definitive yes this is the full deal kinda schtick.  This is explicit but also very vanilla.  Just what you’d expect from these two’s first time.  Includes Tim getting sidetracked by the type of bra Steph is wearing to the point of getting a tape measure and later sending her a proper good sports bra in front of her mum. 
Ao3 Newbies 
All The Ghosts That Bring Us by Downmimosaeyes
“It’s been a rough night,” he says, then after a moment’s pause clarifies delicately, “You’re hurt. Let me help.” Set at a handwavey point sometime after Steph's return from Leslie faking her death.
Includes Tim taking care of Steph after a difficult fight with Clayface.  Shower cuddles and hair washing and gentle teasing from Tim about Steph’s choice of shower curtains and towels
Mosaic by Heartsfightforyourwrite
In an odd way, they found each other once more after falling apart. It wasn’t a matter of starting again on the holy grounds of their past, but rather, picking up the pieces of their broken devotion and hoping that an artist, or someone, could create some sort of mosaic masterpiece out of the mess.
A good look at how messy TimSteph got towards the end before Flashpoint, but also how that messiness means they fit so well together and with no-one else.  
**Sorry That I Bruced You by quipquipquip**
He tied a purple ribbon around a brick and left it on her windowsill with a note that said: Want to catch a movie on Friday? - Alvin. Post Batgirl #24, Tim/Steph fluff.
The best TimSteph fic bar none.  A totally believable and adorable way of getting the two back together after the end of their batgirl/red robin solo runs.  The fic is chock a block with references to earlier issues and fan theories, such as the Dr Midnight actually being Red Robin that saved Steph from the Black Mercy, their date in Robin #111 and their first date ever to the cinema.  It’s just...really good.  
Countdown to a Bad Idea by Nimravidae
Stephanie has that feeling in her gut that says she's either about thirty seconds away from making a bad decision. It's the feeling she gets right before she jumps off a rooftop or into a den of criminals. Or when Tim Drake is standing too close.
Anther fic depicting them getting back together after their solos, but this time a little less smoothly.  This one is explicit again, so be mindful when reading.  
Slick by Merit
Why stop at one?
Just smut.  Just pure absolute smut.  
Hallways by fightforyourwrite
Things would be a lot less awkward if Stephanie wasn't wearing a dress shirt and shorts.
Steph tries to sneak around Wayne Manor after staying the night.  This being Wayne Manor, she fails.  Just adorable really.
Photograph by redbirb
A lazy morning with Tim & Steph
I am weak for bed snuggles you hear me!  Weak! I confess it!  Also a sweet callback to when Tim had actual hobbies, like photography.
Don't Wake by MeRascalJoy (DarkQuill)
*Spoilers for Detective Comics #940* This. THIS was Tim. Solid, warm, breathing, alive. Not disintegrated on some clocktower's roof.Just a dream. It had only been a dream. (A nightmare.)(Pre-52 Steph and Tim's "death." Alternatively, Steph has a nightmare and Tim comforts her in his own awkward way.)
Written just after Tim ‘kicked the bucket’ and has the gut punchiest ending.  Thankfully as of the end of Tynion’s run the two have got their happily ever after (for now grumblegrumble) but at the time this was 100% pure ooOWWWww??!?!
Spoiled Again by WanderingJane
Tim would like everyone to know that he really hates catchphrases. (Please make her stop.)
Written during Batman Eternal and details what could have been the first meeting between Spoiler and Red Robin in the New52.  Sweet as candy floss ending and to be honest my headcanon of their relationship before they got together proper by the beginning of Rebirth.  Afterall, Red Robin met Steph in Batman Eternal, Spoiler and Red Robin may have met at a different time...
**Bird all Sing (as if they knew) by anonymous**
"How do you spell 'engagement'?"   "Who are you texting?"   "Tim."
Bruce get it into his head that Tim is going to propose to Stephanie at aged 19 after finding an big ass ring in his closet.  Not quite a TimSteph focus fic, as Stephanie only appears through one text conversation with Bruce (and it is a golden conversation).  The fic is more about Bruce’s inability to let Tim live his own life, pushing him to move back to the manor or go to college, whilst Tim is quite content to continue working at WE, getting joint tattoos with Steph and preparing to move from an apartment to a townhouse.  Miscommunication leads to hilarity and arguments.  Seriously this is one of the funniest batfam fics I have ever read, but also one of the more heartbreaking.  Bruce means well, but can’t bring himself to actually ask about the ring, leading to him belittling everything about Tim’s existence in an effort to prove that he’s too young ‘to be making such big decisions’.  Cass and Damian also make quick (hilarious) cameos.  Not complete yet, but patiently waiting for the ending hinted at in the tags (no rush though anon, it’s glorious as is) 
Midnight Talks, Chapter Six by ShariDeschain
Damian's family loves him. Sometimes they even say it (or come really, really, really close to say it, at least).
Like above, this is a fic less where TimSteph is the main focus, but rather this time it is Stephanie and Damian. Set during the Batman Reborn era, it takes a really good look at what a good influence Stephanie is on Damian.  I’ve included this in this list a)because it is very good, and b) Damian’s attitude to Tim can be softened through Stephanie.  There’s a fantastic conversation at the end regarding how Stephanie is viewed by Damian, and how Tim can be useful in this one (1) regard: if Tim marries Stephanie, then Damian can safely claim her as his sister.  After that Tim is fair game for murder but-
Heroes and Thieves by starspatter
A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
One of my fave things about the DCAU is the hints that Tim’s wife is Stephanie Brown (blonde, wears purple, knows all about his past adventures...yeah it’s Steph) and that they do get their happy ending. Set in the DCAU this covers Tim’s efforts to get on with his life after the Return of the Joker film, and how Stephanie plays a major role in this.  A WIP, and only five chapters in, this story updates slowly but is well worth the wait, as it is already nearly 25,000 words long.  Long TimSteph fics are a rare find, and this is shaping up to be the best of the bunch.  
EDIT CAUSE I’M A FOOL A GODDAMN FOOL.  Brick to the Face tumblr page.  
Drabbles after drabbles of pure gold.  Sweet through to humour to angst to a bit smutty, something for everyone there.
Thanks to Tynions efforts on Tec there are more TimSteph being written, especially ones where they aren’t the main focus, but are present in the background, which I am pleased to see more and more of.  Where Tim and Steph appears, it’s a given that they are either together or love one another, or at the very least are each others closest friend.   No more sweeping Steph under the rug because she’s inconvenient you hear me! 
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klc-journei · 8 years
My Avvar OC Bryndis has a bad habit of starting fights just about anywhere, chances are if Bryndis shows up, there's going to be a fight of some kind.
Bran Trevelyan is an avid fan of Varric’s “Hard in Hightown” serial. Asked for an autograph when they met although Cassandra was there to remind him that it wasn’t the time. 
Tell me a fact about your OC and i’ll respond with a fact about mine
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