#finn and rose
galactic-rhea · 3 months
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More silly Luke Skysilverfoxwalker doodles
in my mind, almost nothing of the sequels is canon, but Luke is still grumpy and somewhat depressed, his dad tries to help tho
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miamaimania · 4 months
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whistleblower ❄️ Steam Installation (1992) unleashes a gentle fury
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whaleshorks · 6 months
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this is something i drew from inspiration of @ finnpoetry on twt :)
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honkceasar · 1 month
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Some rough black rose doodles
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mithrandirl · 7 months
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clqoo · 10 months
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i got bored
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nkp1981 · 1 year
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The cast of "The Last Jedi" photographed by Jason Bell for "British Vogue", 2017
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enjoyerofsoup · 5 months
/// general riptide spoilers ???
just got to ep 93 of riptide on my relisten (when finn wakes up) and i can’t stop thinking about how during the feywild arc, when celestine was assessing the magic involved in apple’s transmutation spell, necromancy was one of the types listed.
when gillion finally gets through to the unconscious finn using the bracelets, finn keeps talking about his spell, asking if it worked, if it protected his crew. it’s clear that the spell finn had been casting (over the course of 100 years supposedly) was incredibly important, and likely the reason he ended up trapped as a bird. clearly finn had some knowledge of what may happen, considering he started preparing so far in advance. it might be part of the reason he left the undersea in the first place. but after waking up, with the spell’s resulting mental deterioration, he can’t provide the answers he may have once had.
(something about the spell feels very reminiscent of a deal. finn trading his knowledge and intellect, whether he did so intentionally. something he dedicated his life to. him being able to protect his crew, to a certain extent. and when he finally gets to see that his spell worked (?) he might not fully remember it’s significance. might not remember what he wanted. why he made that choice.)
during my relisten, i’ve really taken note that whenever any of the black rose crew are talking about the hole in the sea and what they remember, there’s some pretty big gaps in memory. they all recall falling unconscious at one point or another, and waking up somewhere else. drey struggles to remember a lot after being in the block so long. finn’s memory is waning, either from age or the effects of his spell. and initially, when chip talks about that day, he’s confident in what he remembers, and doesn’t seem to dwell much about losing consciousness and how he eventually ended up at skullslice port.
but when finn wakes up, and chip gets the third part of the map tattooed on his back, everyone’s confused. why wouldn’t it be on arlin, like they’d thought? why now?
drey says something along the lines of “why chip, though? he wasn’t even down there with us. you weren’t there, right chip?”
and chip doesn’t say anything.
i think the reason there’s so many gaps in memory is that maybe none of the black rose pirates made it out. maybe there’s a reason necromancy was involved in finn’s spell.
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pomribs · 5 months
me when someone brings up the fact that sean diaz thought his life was ending at 16, little did he know it actually did and he would never feel normal again
me when someone brings up "finn is so fucking smart. if he wasnt such a fuck-up, he couldve taken over the world"
me when someone brings up cassidys letter
me when someone brings up how the group got seperated after the incident even though they only had each other
me when someone brings up how every character had so much potential but were just dealt shitty cards in life and will forever face the consequences of not being good enough to combat the struggles they never asked for (ESP sean, cass, finn and lw daniel)
me when someone brings up the fact that its implied that max and daniel meet in the pw ending, and they finally wont feel alone for the first time in their lives
me when someone brings up how bad seans writing and drawing got after losing his eye, and he would get a migraine whenever he tried to focus, stripping him of the one thing that ever calmed him down
me when someone brings up the fact that daniel quit drawing after lisbeth manipulated him, but started again after sean died because he told him to never stop
me when someone brings up what seans teen years in prison mustve been like and what daniels first meetings with him wouldve been like
me when someone brings up how sean never even gave a second thought about being straight before meeting finn, but after he kissed him he wanted to do it again and kept telling everybody because it was such a personal thing for him
me when sean had no one to talk about prev with because his life was so fucked up and he had no outlet for being a normal teengaer
me when sean literally dreamt about telling his dad he kissed a boy because it was so important to him and he never got to have that conversation before he died, and he imagined his dad supporting him endlessly because he was experiencing a lack of that irl
me when sean got awoken from prev dream to get beat bloody and bruised by a fuckass racist (he will never experience peace)
this post is already too long and i could still go on why is this game so tragic
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poyopaan · 11 months
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JRWItober Day - 19 Black Rose
i intended for Drey and Finn to be more prominent but I loved this idea way too much man ;;
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finnpoefanevents · 11 months
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"Finn is known for his intense loyalties in his friendships–specifically with Rey, Poe, and Rose. He risks his neck at every turn, fights for what he loves, and will use whatever tool he needs to get the job done"
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castlewyvern · 3 months
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kingkenzieofmold · 1 month
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THSC Community whiteboard created by @jaedoesart
Some of the doodles I have done do far! Such as Role Swap Triple Theat! Ellry mean girls meme + Joyride - Kesha playing! My Burt add to the burt collection! As well as me and my sisters thsc ocs that when made to be in love with eachother and ended up being the most chaotic lovers ever! We love them both dearly<3
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@icilarastudios did the left doodle and [anonymous] did right doodle!
I will treasure these forever, I love making fanart and getting fanart im return flusters me to no end! Like thank you so much just Aaaaaa-
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bestqprshipbracket · 7 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 2 Round 1
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rentumblsstuff · 3 months
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Rewatching The Hole in the Sea and this drawing came to me in a vision
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saphronethaleph · 4 months
Finn swallowed.
“Are we ready?” he asked. “Are you sure this is going to work?”
Maz looked up from the assemblage of comm gear she’d patched together, one of her lenses retracting, then they all swayed slightly as the Falcon did a three-sixty spin.
“Careful with the old girl!” Lando shouted, from the dorsal turret.
Chewbacca shouted something back from the cockpit.
“It’ll be fine, so long as Chewie keeps the violent manoeuvring to a minimum!” Maz snapped.
The sound of rapid firing guns pulsed up the turret access ways, as both Lando and Rose fired out a cascade of laserbolts from their respective turrets at TIE fighters following them.
“Aaaaa!” C-3P0 yelped. “Mister Chewbacca, please don’t do things like that!”
Another roar in Shyriiwook sounded in reply.
“I know we’d be shot down if you didn’t, you don’t have to rub it in!”
“As for how long it’ll work…” Maz added, glancing at the code cylinders. “You’ve definitely got a minute. Maybe two. What do you think the chances are of three?”
R2 whistled.
“Three is possible,” Maz agreed. “But I think the biggest question is one I can’t answer, Finn. Are you ready?”
Finn took a deep breath.
Everyone was depending on him. The whole Resistance was out there, fighting to buy him time, as the defences of Exegol spat fire up at them and as dozens of TIE fighters tried to pin them down.
Poe and BB-8 were very specifically flying cover for the Falcon, but everyone was out there.
“Let’s do it,” he said, picking up the headset, and Maz flicked three switches.
“I don’t know what you think of me,” Finn began. “I don’t know who you know me as, but… I’m pretty sure you know who I am. You’ve heard me described as FN-2187. As a member of the Resistance. As a traitor. A stormtrooper. A sanitation worker… as a failure.”
He paused.
“Maybe that’s true,” he said. “Maybe all of it’s true. I don’t know. But there’s something more important than that – something I learned from a friend. From the first friend I ever made-”
One of the sublight engines crackled and died, then Rose shouted something and Chewbacca slewed the ship away from the rest of a volley of laserbolts. Only the first few hit home, straining the shields but not overwhelming them, then Lando called advice and R2 rolled over to do something to the fuel pump.
Finn didn’t hear any of it.
“Because I am not a slave,” he said. “I’m a person, and my name is Finn. And – and I’d never really realized that before. I was a stormtrooper, and stormtroopers have been the face of the Empire, of the First Order, for decades – but we’ve always been used! We’re taken to fight, trained from childhood, and that’s wrong, and we’re made to think it’s the only way things can be – that we don’t even deserve names, just numbers.”
The shaking of the Falcon made him nearly fall out of his chair, and Maz steadied him. “The only jobs of a stormtrooper are to scare people into obeying, and to kill, and to die! The people who make us don’t care about us, they don’t care about what we do, anyone who hesitates gets reconditioned and you’re not allowed to leave. We’re made as slaves, as they try to force us to be clones, even though the original clones wanted more than anything else to be individuals. To be people. And – and, ask yourself, what do you want? What would you do with your life?”
The words were pouring out of him now, and Finn didn’t know if they made any sense. If they’d do what he wanted, what he dearly and truly hoped.
“I’m not sorry I left, because I deserve more with my life than a code,” he said. “And so do you. I have a name, and so should you. I was just a little different and they wanted to destroy me, and they’d do the same to you. They didn’t care about me, and they don’t care about you…but they care about me now. They recognize me now. They know who I am, now. And everything they’ve built depends on your willingness to be content with nothing. With obedience. With slavery. With being replaceable and anonymous.”
Maz waved at him, and Finn saw that the displays were flashing in what looked a much more urgent way.
“Listen to me, brothers, sisters!” he pleaded. “You deserve to be more! I am a person, and my name is Finn – and you are people too. I want to know your names.”
The next hit sent the Falcon rolling through a complete spin like a top, throwing Finn out of his seat, and the mixed-up pile of comm equipment flew out of place. Some of the cables snapped, parts of it caught fire, and electrical arcs snapped out into the rest of the main room.
Some of the lights went out.
“What the hell was that?” Lando shouted.
“Torpedo!” Rose replied, from the ventral turret. “I nailed it just before it hit us!”
R2 rolled calmly into the room and doused the flaming equipment with his fire extinguisher, putting out the flames, and Finn patted out some of the ones on his clothes.
“Did it work?” he asked. “Maz – did it work?”
“I don’t know, Finn, but you did all you could,” she replied. “Quickly – to the cockpit. My boyfriend could do with another pair of hands!”
“Got it,” Finn decided.
It took him only a few seconds to reach the cockpit, and he used the time to swap out earpieces.
“Poe?” he asked. “How are we doing?”
“You certainly got their attention, Finn!” Poe replied. “Half the fleet is firing at you, specifically! Chewie’s a damn good pilot, I’ll tell you that much – so far he’s dodged more than a dozen turbolaser shots! They’re using the main batteries on you, too!”
“Great, really good to know that’s happening,” Finn said, wincing. “What happens if one of them hits us?”
“Well, good news is, you’ll probably never realize it,” Poe said, then his X-wing rolled past the Falcon and did a weird kind of inverted flip before firing behind them. “That’s two more down!”
“What do you need me to do, Chewie?” Finn asked.
Chewbacca waved over at one of the banks of switches with a mumble, and Finn saw that the whole power system was straining badly to keep up with the demands being placed on it by everything that was going on.
He diverted some power from the front screens, sharing it out to everything else that needed attention, then one of the Star Destroyers closest to the superlaser refit facility blew up.
“Whoa!” he said. “What was that?”
“Don’t know, Finn!” Poe called. “I don’t think we did that!”
“Boys, listen to this!” Maz instructed, then their commlinks crackled.
“-destruction of the Forceful was a warning!” an Imperial officer said, in harsh tones. “Any attempt by Stormtroopers to launch a mutiny will be met with overwhelming force! This is your only warning!”
“That’s the First Order Allegiant General,” Maz told them.
“Well, if this doesn’t work, we can ram the Falcon down his throat!” Rose suggested. “What ship’s he on?”
A moment later, one of the other First Order Star Destroyers opened fire.
On a fellow Star Destroyer.
“This is KL-1138!” a man’s voice called out, over the same frequency. “I am a person, and my name is Kyle! Everything Finn has said is right!”
“I am Brell!” another voice declared, this time a woman. “Starting now, I am not a slave!”
The comm frequencies began to dissolve into overlapping shouts, and Finn felt like slumping over backwards.
They’d done it. Somehow-
It wasn’t a mystery. It wasn’t an unknown.
It wasn’t even something he’d done, mostly.
He’d just reminded them all. They were people.
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