#finnick odair x ofc
heygerald · 5 months
Unbreakable Gems, Shattered Illusions (THG)
OFC x Finnick Odair
As promised a long time ago, I'm going to start dropping snippets/blurbs/chapters for a Hunger Games story I'm working on; it's not a "true" story in that it will never be complete, but I'm pretty happy with what i've written for it.
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Emerald DuChamp stared out across the Capitolite party with distaste. 
Gaudy outfits stretched as far as the eye could see; pink was in season, apparently, and on the far side of the courtyard she could see a few women clamoring around a pink-haired, pink-suited Caesar Flickerman who seemed to be greatly enjoying the attention. Avox brushed by with trays of delicacies to the districts—jumbo shrimp, dates, berries of every kind, chocolate, and more—but she fastidiously wiped her hands and looked away. 
Someone offered her a champagne flute.
She stared at the bubbles for a moment before accepting it. Alcohol was a good way to stave off hunger. It was also a good way to enjoy these types of functions.
  “If you keep scowling like that, you’re going to get frown lines,” Gloss said with an amused smirk. Emerald kept one off of her face. He seemed to understand that she didn’t want to talk to him and, with a cheeky grin, crept closer. “Caesar hosts the best parties in the Capitol.” 
“It’s certainly very pink.” 
“Pink is in style right now,” he shrugged. 
Emerald noted the salmon colored shirt he was wearing. The top two buttons were undone to give a teasing glimpse of the muscle that lay beneath. Months ago, she hated someone like Gloss who lived to look like an airbrushed magazine ad. But Emerald had learned quite a bit over the months; namely, that when a victor was in the Capitol, they had no control over themselves. 
“Where’s your sister?”
“Oh, talking to some Capitolites, enjoying the way they fawn over her. What else?”
“Hm. I’m surprised you aren’t.” 
“Maybe I enjoy our conversations,” he tittered. She gave him a flat glare to which he smiled, plucked some jumbo shrimp from a server’s tray, and corrected. “I was hungry and the food at these events is to die for. Literally.” 
Emerald gnashed her teeth but said nothing about his dark humor.
“Are you not going to eat?”
“Not hungry.”
“You’re skin and bones anymore, DuChamp,” he tutted while stuffing a piece of shrimp into his mouth. There was a faint undertone of worry to his voice, but the roguish smirk he plastered in place did well to hide it from interested ears. “A shame too, you used to be just my type when you still had your arena muscles with you. I like a woman that looks like she could kick my ass and throw me onto the bed.” 
“I still could. Kick your ass, I mean.”
Gloss leant back with an air of disappointment. Another falsity for the room they were stuffed into. Despite their differences, her and the District 1 victor had formed some sort of twisted friendship over the past year of enduring Capitol events. 
Sex, though fun, had never been a part of that.
“Maybe one day, DuChamp. We could rule the Capitol together, you know.”
Em snorted. “We would be a disaster. I never stop scowling and you never stop—”
“Charming women?”
“Opening your mouth.”
Gloss laughed before popping a skewer of melon into his mouth. She watched his lips twist in satisfaction at the sweet tasting fruit, watched a drop of juice drip down his chin, and steadfastly turned away when Gloss simply wiped it away with his bare hands.
Emerald’s hands were never bare anymore.
“Even so, we would have fun while it lasted,” he hummed.
“We would kill each other.” 
“Isn’t that what I just said?”
She rolled her eyes knowing that the dark, kohl lined makeup her stylist had insisted upon for this event would add depth to her scowls. Gloss either didn’t mind or didn’t notice as he simply grabbed another skewer—this one with goat—and gazed over the party with an idle eye. Hardly able to stomach being this close to the buffet, Emerald finished her glass and replaced it with another one.
“If one more person shoves their hand down the front of my dress, I’m going to take one of these pretty little skewers, and poke their eye out,” Johanna Mason groused as she shoved herself between the pair. Her dress was tight and short, much like Emerald’s, but her makeup had been done up in a soft, flirty style that undoubtedly caught several people’s eyes. “Give me that.” 
She snagged the skewer from Gloss’ hand and poked the end with her fingertip.
“It’s not an ax, but it’ll do.” 
He rolled his eyes with a dry smile. “Charming as always, Mason.” 
“Hm, why do I need to be charming when you and Odair are floating around the party? Isn’t that, like, your job?” She tossed the skewer away before snagging a flute of amber colored wine. “Well, don’t stop the conversation on my behalf. What were you two talking about?”
“Emerald’s undying love for me,” Gloss said as she said, “homicide.” 
Johanna paused, glanced between them, and rolled her eyes with a snicker. “That would be something to see. I’m sure Caesar would be delighted if you two went at it in his marble ballroom. Say, do you know the fuckers who chiseled these floors, DuChamp?”
“Do you know the gnomes who planted the garden outside, Mason?”
“Sheesh, what’s gotten you so riled up?”
A lot of things; the party, the greedy Capitolites, the President who she never saw but could always feel his eyes clawing at her back.
“This dress is a size too small,” she said instead, sipping on her wine as Johanna continued her barrage on the food buffet as though it would be her last meal ever. “Sometimes, I think that Digito wants me to pass out from lack of oxygen.” 
“Maybe stop eating. I know the upper districts aren't big on humility when it comes to luxuries like this, but you might actually fit into your dresses if you stepped away from the buffet every once in a while.” 
Emerald snarled around her dark lipstick. “Are you always such a raging bitch or is it just the party that has you in such a fine mood?”
Gloss sighed at the oncoming argument and excused himself. 
Johanna didn’t pay him any attention. She just stuck a large, red strawberry into her mouth while slanting her glare towards Emerald. Finger sticky with its juice, she seemed to know the exact way it caused Emerald’s stomach to curdle nauseously. “Do you have a problem or something, DuChamp? I know that District 2 doesn’t exactly teach manners when you’re growing up, but even Enobaria has more tact than you do in social settings like this.”
“You don’t talk to Enobaria.” 
“Yeah, because she’s a fucking bitch. I was surprised when you seemed to have a sense of humor compared to your mentors, but I guess the fame is starting to go to your head, huh?”
“Maybe it’s all the food I’ve been eating.” 
Johanna rolled her eyes, swallowed a portion of her wine, and popped another berry into her mouth. “You know, I doubt that Caesar keeps any axes in his living room, but we could always find a way to work out whatever your fucking deal is.”
Emerald’s temper flared as she watched the woman lick her fingers slowly.
“I’d certainly be happy for the exercise, but I’m not sure that my dress has enough modesty for that. Yours either.” 
Johanna laughed, enjoying the fire in Emerald’s eyes, and with a relaxed easiness she finished her drink. Setting aside the empty flute, she glanced over Em, hummed, and said, “it’s just as well. You don’t need an ax when you have your hands, do you? Too bad you just got an expensive looking manicure—I’m sure a fight with you would really fuck that up.” 
Emerald’s hand tightened around the stem of her glass and, if she hadn’t been in the middle of a Capitolite party with too many eyes on her, she might have snapped it in half with pure fury.
She couldn’t help but glance at her fingers. 
Clean, pale, not smeared with blood.
Taking a gulping breath, she said,  “anything to be a victor. Right, Johanna?”
Johanna just snickered, grabbed another flute, and disappeared into the crowd. It was just as well because Emerald suddenly felt like her hands were dripping with sticky, messy blood, and as soon as the brunette disappeared she turned on her heel to do the same. Gloss watched her go from his corner of the room—noting the way she seemed not to see anything around her—but when a gaggle of women hounded him for a conversation he let her disappear.
There was nothing he could do for her, anyways. 
A few interested patrons gave Emerald glossy smiles as she strutted past, but she didn’t have the energy to return anything other than a flat scowl. She could hear about it from her Capitol escort later; could listen to him reprimanding her for not having fun when she wasn’t desperate to clean her hands. The party thinned out as she traded ballroom for hallway, then hallway for the luxurious bathroom at the edge of the house.
Emerald barged in without thinking.
She froze when she found a young Capitolite woman wrapped around Finnick Odair, moaning as his hands curled possessively over the shape of her ass, laughing as she wrapped her tongue around his, and then shrieking when she came face to face with Emerald DuChamp.
“Oh! Oh my.” She detached herself from Finnick with a half-hearted giggle. She didn’t seem all that sorry; in fact, she seemed to enjoy the fact that someone else knew she was sneaking around with the Capitol’s Darling. “I’m sorry, how embarrassing.” 
Emerald said nothing.
She just rubbed the skin of her left knuckle, worried about the blood.
“Finnick darling, shame on you for not locking the door,” the woman purred.
“I must have gotten… distracted.” 
Emerald stood as the woman gave him a fierce, lusty smile before sliding off of the sink. Her heels clicked when they met the floor. Fixing her dress, she cleared her throat, and sauntered to the doorway that Em was still standing in. 
“Sorry about that, Emerald,” she said; though, she didn’t sound sorry in the least. “I just can’t keep my hands off of him. I don’t know how you do it, spending all that time together during the games! The victor’s room must be something else entirely.” 
Em swallowed, squeezing her knuckles, but kept her wit’s about her enough to know that anything she said would likely get back to Snow in one way or another. Flashing the woman a half smile, half snarl, she said, “I have a hard time noticing anything other than the games when they’re on.” 
The woman’s lips peeled with excitement.
As if she truly believed that she was getting a conversation with the genuine Emerald DuChamp; as if the rumors about her viciousness were true.
“Of course, how could you not?” she cooed. Then, she coyly looked over her shoulder, lipstick bright around too-white teeth, and glanced over Finnick with a prideful gleam in her eyes. “Finnick dear, you may wish to clean yourself up before returning to the party. I’d hate for everyone to know just what you were up to back here.” 
Finnick’s smirk deepened. “No one but DuChamp, you mean.”
She laughed. It sounded too much like a bell, and Emerald couldn’t keep herself from rolling her eyes in disdain. Not that it mattered. The woman let the door close behind her with another glance around, her heels disappearing down the marble hallway, and Emerald didn’t care that Finnick Odair was standing before her half-dressed.
She stepped up to the sink and began washing her hands.
“Sorry about that,” he said. Emerald found that no one actually sounded sorry when they were apologizing anymore. “It’s the cupcakes. They make it hard to keep your hands to yourself.” 
“I doubt you need an excuse to have raging hormones with anyone, Odair,” she snapped. It came out more aggressive than she had truly intended—a by-product of the invisible blood still lingering on her hands—and after grabbing the soap bar, she faintly relaxed in the quiet of the bathroom. “I didn’t eat the cupcakes anyways, but now I definitely won’t.” 
Finnick tutted while adjusting his hair. “It’s in most of the food, darling. If Caesar Flickerman is hosting a party, you can well enough assume that anything with icing on it is also laced with aphrodisiacs.” 
“I haven’t eaten anything.” 
She could feel his eyes on her as she continued to scrub her hands, pausing only long enough to find another speck of blood that was no longer there, before submerging them in the soapy water once more. 
“Did you go digging in the garden?” he inquired with a coiled smirk.
“Hm. You should wash your hands too, you know, after digging through—”
“Portia.” He sounded much too amused for her liking. “Her name is Portia.” 
“Usually I get someone’s name before I see them getting off.” 
Finnick well and truly laughed at her comment, unperturbed by her venomous attitude, and Emerald glanced at his reflection in the mirror. He had a nice smile when it wasn’t so forced, and pretty eyes when they weren’t so strained. 
“I always wondered why we didn’t spend more time together,” he tutted while smoothing out the rumpled collar of his shirt. Emerald caught a spot of pink lipstick on his neck. The water turned cold as she started to scrub beneath her nails thinking about the manicure she would likely be stripping off in her haste. “Everyone says that you’re like Brutus and Enobaria, but you have more personality than the two of them combined. Still, maybe it’s better for my ego if we don’t become good friends. I’m not sure I could handle my big head when you’re there to knock me down a few pegs.” 
“Friends,” she scoffed. “Are you allowed to have any of those?”
The question wasn’t directed at him, and she hated that he could tell with a single glance at her tight features. The question was directed at all of them—at her, at Johanna, at Gloss and Cashmere—at the entire population of victors who didn’t have any choice over what they did in their lives.
Just like Gloss didn’t pick his shirt.
And Finnick Odair most certainly didn’t pick the women he fucked in the bathroom.
She didn’t realize he had leant forward until the water shut off. Emerald stared at her hands for a moment noting how raw and chapped they were, before startling when Finnick gently offered her a towel.
“Thanks,” she whispered. 
“Not everything is laced with drugs,” he assured her quietly. It was strange how quickly conversations could change their tune in the Capitol, but victors were well experienced in hearing the things that were never spoken aloud. “You should eat something. Caesar’s parties are known to last for hours and I doubt you’ll make it that long if you keep downing wine.” 
“I can’t—” She caught herself, cleared her throat, and said, “I don’t eat with my hands.” 
Green eyes slanted to the hands she had just scrubbed for far too long in the bathroom sink before returning to her tight, impassive features. Emerald tried not to think about the way Thorn Hadley had looked at her in much the same way right before she killed him—like he had spent so long living under a single assumption, but finally got a glimpse into her soul that allowed him to realize who she really was beneath everything.
“The Avoxes will bring you a fork if you ask.”
“I’m not all that hungry.” He didn’t believe her, and oddly enough, neither did she. But Finnick didn’t push the topic; he just grinned at himself in the mirror before striding towards the door. “Finnick.” 
The blonde swung his head back towards her. 
Emerald stepped closer and with her crumpled paper towel she gently wiped the smeared makeup off of the delicate skin behind his ear. “Lipstick.” 
“I’m not wearing any,” he joked.
“Portia’s.” She tossed the ruined towel into the garbage bin. “You probably don’t want the next girl to see it or else she might start a riot.” 
Something darkened at the mention of the next girl, but Finnick didn’t deny it.
What good would that do when they both knew he had an obligation to uphold? Emerald suffered the same fate, if not the same obligation, and she knew that once she left the bathroom she would be expected to smile like there was nothing wrong.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever said my name, sugar. Maybe we are becoming friends.” 
Emerald released a low sound from the back of her throat, shaking her head as she started to pick at her hands once more. She saw red painting her clean fingers, could smell pennies mixing with the scent of his sea salt cologne, and as she wrung her palms together she found Finnick's brow furrowed strangely on his forehead as if she were a puzzle he were trying to decipher Something ugly coated the back of her mouth.
“I’m not very good at friends, Odair, and I doubt that you need many anyways.” 
“I could always use a friend.” 
She didn’t like the simple way he put it—as if it was even possible that they could be anything other than strangers to one another—but Emerald didn’t have time to argue because in the next moment Finnick was striding out of the bathroom with his head held high, that damned flirtatious smirk plastered back onto his face as if nothing had ever happened.
As if they weren’t murderers with blood on their hands.
Emerald twisted her hands, glanced at the sink, and then followed him with a sigh knowing that no amount of soap in the world would ever truly make them clean. 
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arthdoesart · 8 months
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“So, basically what you’re telling me is that—what?—I tried voting for the boy to get mutilated?” Johanna Mason tried to keep her temper in check when all she got on the other end was the deafening sound of frazzled silence.
"Well?" Seven's victor tapped her foot impatiently. Her brows furrowed when Twelve's former escort stuttered in explaining the differences between what they were receiving in their District in comparison to theirs. 
Joanna's nerves finally popped visible near her head. 
"Be specific, Trinket!"
"Johanna!" Annie Cresta chided from where she was curling herself in an attempt to hide from the world. "Please…" Four's victor was shaking again, eyes wide like a trapped animal. "Please…please don't shout—"
"Is he going to be okay?" A smaller, far innocent, and younger voice had rasped out. 
Johanna stiffened from her place. At least some good came out of it when Annie had the sense to instantly snap out of her episode. She always seemed to be the stronger one of them when it came to the needs of Flynn Odair. 
"You shouldn't watch any more of this, Flynn!" 
Annie pulled her son close and hid him desperately in her arms, glaring hard at the broadcast as they waited for the fourth scoring of another Capitol child heading its way to their screen. 
"Don't hang up on me here, Trinket!" Johanna snapped, quickly falling back to her anger of all things. The telephone in her hand groaned upon contact with her immense grip, almost close to snapping. She feared that she might break it if she didn't particularly like Effie's answer. 
"What the hell is happening?! And how the fuck are we supposed to score them then?"
"...what is the announcer saying on your end?" Effie questioned hurriedly in complete panic. "Beetee just called us and it would seem that each District is getting different messages! Some are even lacking information more than others—" 
"The fuck you mean!" 
There was an edge to Effie's voice the second she resorted to cursing again. "Mason! You watch your language!" 
"Fuck you!"
"Johanna!" Annie joined in, covering Flynn's ears while the boy was chaotically struggling to free himself from his mother's grip.
Made this gif for the scene of my fic. The snippet of this scene can be fully read here 👉:
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bruisedboys · 9 months
Hi, your celly looks so fun! May I please request candy cane with either Finnick or Steve (whoever you're feeling) and face? I feel like you're so good at those moments of quiet intimacy and would love to see what you do with that. Ofc absolutely no worries if not, love you regardless!
(Also sorry if this sent more than once, my laptop died and I wasn't sure if it went through)
mae!! hi my lovely, I went with finnick for this one because I just couldn’t resist hehe. ily and thank u for the request x
join the celebration
prompt: sender turns receiver's face towards them.
finnick odair x fem!reader
“Let me look at you, honey.”
Finnick takes your face in one hand and turns you carefully to face him, your head propped up on two pillows. You’re feeling rather poorly, and his worried doting is a lot to manage, but you can’t deny that you’re really enjoying being looked after by him.
You meet his eyes over a sea of blankets and he grins, all lopsided and stunningly handsome. “There’s my pretty girl,” he says. “How’re you feeling, sweet thing?”
“Okay,” you say weakly. Better now he’s touching you like you’re made of starlight.
“Yeah?” He strokes your cheek. His fingers feel cool on your hot skin. “How’s your throat?”
“Not very good,” you admit. It aches when you swallow and it hurts to talk. It’s no use downplaying how you feel to Finnick. He knows when you’re lying and he’ll get it out of you in the end, anyway.
Finnick hums sympathetically. “I’m sorry, honey.” His fingers dip below your jaw and he presses gently against the side of your neck, presumably checking for swelling. He must find nothing, because he takes his hand back and smiles at you. His palm rests over your chest, warm and heavy. “Would you like me to make you another lemon and honey drink?”
“Yeah, please,” you nod. His hands feel nice on your aching body. You wonder if you can persuade him into cuddling you for the rest of the day. It wouldn’t be very hard to convince him, you think.
Finnick squeezes your shoulder gently. “Can I get you anything else?”
“A hug would be nice,” you suggest, hopeful in your miserable state.
Finnick visibly melts. He’s a mixture of utterly fond and very pitying when he says, “Of course, sweetheart.”
He bends at the waist to scoop you into a warm hug. You let him do most of the work, his arms working around your upper back to lift you very slightly off the mattress and into his chest. He’s warm, and he smells really nice. You bury your nose in the juncture between his shoulder and neck and breathe him in, wheedle your aching arms around his waist. He rubs your back, your skin prickling from his warmth.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling so awful,” he says softly. “Let me get you that drink, and then I’ll hug you all you want, okay?”
He’s so sweet on you. You wonder vaguely if his overbearing sweetness is what made you sick in the first place. You wouldn’t be surprised.
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libertyybellls · 9 months
finnick odair + black!district 11!reader?? thank you and happy holidays 💓
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pairing; finnick odair x f!black!district11!reader
summary; you and finnick mentor your tributes before their games. yet only finnick can understand your unease.
contains: ANGST/FLUFF, comfort. mentions of death (it’s the hunger games babe)
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
being back at the capitol is bittersweet, the smell of roses overwhelm you in each room your in but you know you’ll find exactly who you’re looking for here.
mentoring two unsuspecting kids- to send them into a battle they’ll likely lose- it haunts you. you could do it millions of times ams yet even then you will not be able to shake the feeling of grief, of failure.
finnick knows where to find you- he maps you out in his heart and finds you in an isolated end of the hotel hallway.
you’ve just sent your tributes off to bed- you’ve given them all you know. they ask how you won your games, how you came out okay.
and you lie through your teeth. i didn’t come out alright. in my mind- i lost my games. you think that anyone who died in your games had won, atleast they’d left with their dignity.
he finds you at the right moment- before you can lose yourself in your mind. finnick pulls you into the most forceful yet endearing hug you’d only ever felt from him.
his love, his trust, his understanding- it all seeps into you. there is only adoration seeping from his pores as he looks at you, as he breathes you in.
you can’t remember the last time you’d seen him, there’s very few times you can cross districts unless it’d been unpleasant visits to the capitol.
you look at him, you can’t find the words.
“i know.” he holds your face, so soft you almost melt. putty under his touch.
you think about your tributes, a thirteen year old boy and a sixteen year old girl. what do they know? they’re babies, someone’s baby, someone’s little boy and girl.
you want to scream, you want to yell, you want to throw things.
“it’s not fair finnick.” you repeat this over and over. you begin to grow hysterical.
your hands go to cover your eyes, your tears spill with each passing breath.
“i can’t do this. every year-“ it takes a piece of you, you want to say.
every year i lose two kids from my district to a cash-rich spectacle for the upper class. for their viewing pleasure.
each year you lose faith. faith that finnick rebuilds each year, faith that he works to restore.
he holds you now, keeps you steady in his arms. kissing your forehead.
“when this is over we’ll be long gone, far away from here.” he speaks into your hair “how many kids do you want? two? eight?”
you laugh, “four.”
“a nice little house by the sea. i can fish, you can lay in the sun, read to me like you always do. our kids will play in the water.”
you can only manage to let out a small mhm of understanding through your smiles- your cheeks still wet.
“but for now, we have to get through this. and i need my girl to be okay. none of this is your fault.”
a/n; happy holidays babe and ofc. i tried my best but there’s so few places that ppl from two separate districts could get to know each other ykwim 🙁 but i hope u like it.
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obislittleone · 8 months
The Winner Takes It All
Episode 7
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Tribute(OC)!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety, fluff, sad goodbyes (finnick refuses to actually say goodbye) and canon typical violence... like, a lot of it. Anyways, happy hunger games.
Chapter Summary: The countdown is on. The goodbyes need be said, the tributes must prepare themselves. The bloodbath is soon at hand, a daring start to the 71st hunger games.
Word Count: 3.0k
okay listen this is the beginning of a long and winding road. there's nothing in this chapter for me to fear for my life over but lord above the next few chapters might make me get my ass kicked (in a loving way ofc)
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“Mercedes,” he said softly, handing to you the final pieces of your official game attire. “The Greek goddess of joy and happiness.”  You smiled, the description of your name was the exact reason it was given to you. You hadn’t been named for five days, mostly because your parents had been expecting a boy. In those five days, you’d smiled so much more than any baby they had ever seen. The name only seemed fitting, as you had been filled with joy and happiness. How ironic that a person with such a name would end up here?
If any of the tributes were able to sleep peacefully last night, you would be thoroughly surprised. Once you’d finally reached a restful state, your mind jumped you awake every single time to remind you once again that you were hours away from your possible demise. The bloodbath. All careers are expected to run straight into the chaos. If you want to keep them as allies, it is your duty to do what is expected. You have to conform to stay alive. 
Even though you’d rather grab a knapsack and run far away from the center of the arena, you know that you’re signing your death certificate if you do. It doesn’t matter how strong you are. You have to stay with the allies you made, or you’ll be at the top of their list. Lukas can help you if you need it, you know that for certain. Even if you don’t really trust the others, Rodey, Copelin and Freeda seem nice enough. You know to watch your back with Estelle, but otherwise, you think you’ve made a solid enough impression that they won’t double cross you. 
Yesterday, on the flickerman show, you all were too busy celebrating to focus on the fact that there was still another tribute with a perfect score, from district eleven. His name was Brock. You assumed that he was going to be the biggest threat against the career pack. You didn’t listen to his skills or even his interview, but you knew that if there was anyone to be afraid of, it was him. 
“You ready?” Lukas called to you from your bedroom door. You’d been given a temporary change of clothes for the time being until you were able to make it to the site of the arena. There, your stylist would be waiting to dress you in your actual game play attire.
You nodded, standing up and going to meet him where he stood. He seemed so calm, as did you on the outside. Perhaps it was the way you both were trying so hard to be strong, emotionless, or maybe it was simply the fact that you just wanted to get this over with. After all the pageantry is over, the only thing left to do is die. You just wished it wasn’t such a long process. The games were about sending a message, and that message was that the tributes were not just sacrifices, they were pawns. They were used to show just how much control the capitol had over everything. If they wanted to punish the districts, they could have just lined up twenty three kids every year and shot them down… but the hunger games were about exuding their influence, to let the people know that they could never fight back, and here are the consequences.
Finnick and Mags were waiting outside of the tribute center. Both of them looked sullen, as you can imagine this was a hard thing for them. Having to watch the tributes they worked so hard to prepare, leaving the building where there was a last sense of security. It made sense to say that even in the proudest of moments, they would still be sad for what they have lost. Even if one of you wins, one of you will become a permanent addition to the arena, and there’s nothing they can do about it. All they can do is hope that at least one of you comes home. 
Finnick was up late last night thinking, as were most of the other people in the building. He left the party kind of early, as even though he wished to distract himself, he had no desire to sit and think about the many outcomes of your future. Especially whilst surrounded by those who knew all too well what it was like to see the end of someone’s future. The end of someone’s life. They were all victims of the Capitol, but they all had blood on their hands that wasn’t their own. Finnick had more than most, and he understood that there was always a price to pay for his life being spared… but thinking that today is the day that he loses his best hope, he has no chance of resting until the games are over.
“This is where we part ways,” He said solemnly. The vast expanse of the sunrise getting higher was nothing today. It meant nothing because it couldn’t be appreciated. Even though the colors of the sky were brilliant, lighting the scene in the colored hues, it didn’t matter, because it didn’t change anything about today.
“Thank you Finnick, you’ve given us a better chance than we ever had.” Lukas reached his hand out to Finnick, and likewise, Mags had stepped forward to embrace you. Her warmth and sweetness was the only thing that brought a taste of home to this journey. You only could dream of seeing her again, and feeling her arms around you. 
“Stay strong, don’t let your guard down. Most importantly, stay together, no matter what happens.” Finnick’s last words of advice had no need to be said, because Lukas had already understood their importance. He just wanted so badly for Lukas to know that you were his best ally. He knew Lukas wouldn’t cross you, probably wouldn’t even kill you if you were the only other person alive… but he had to make sure those words were repeated until the last second.. 
“Mags,” Lukas turned to her, his heart leaping in his chest at the mother he never had. The mother he always wanted but was denied. “Thank you.”
You traded places with Lukas, letting him say goodbye to her as you know he wants to. You turn to Finnick, looking up to those sea green eyes. They reflected your sadness, but you tried not to dwell on it. You might never see him again, you don’t want to have the last memory be a sad one. 
You reached for each other, arms clinging around your bodies in an attempt to stay close, and not be forced apart. Whatever the outcome, this embrace will be remembered. You didn’t want to cry, but tears came to the corners of your eyes, and you blinked rapidly to try and force them to a stop. Your face was tucked into his shoulder, the smell of him was what you would take into the arena today. You’d dwell on it, and think of it if you died later. 
“I h-have so much I w-want to say to you.”
“Then say it when you get back,” he whispered in reply, his arms becoming impossibly tighter around you until you all heard the engines of the carriers start up. 
It’s time to go. 
You all part from each other, beginning to walk to the separate carriers awaiting on the landing pad. You look back, and Finnick is staring on, trying to catch every last glimpse of his favored tribute before it’s too late. He’ll be seeing you on a screen, but that’s not good enough.
As you board the aircraft with the other tributes, he gets one last look at your bare shoulder, and the windswept hair sitting over it. After that, the only thing he can do is remember. If that’s the last time he ever sees you, he doesn’t know what will come next for him. 
Dalton made you smile, a familiar face in the darkest hour, right before the chaos. 
“Mercedes,” he said softly, handing to you the final pieces of your official game attire. “The Greek goddess of joy and happiness.” 
You smiled, the description of your name was the exact reason it was given to you. You hadn’t been named for five days, mostly because your parents had been expecting a boy. In those five days, you’d smiled so much more than any baby they had ever seen. The name only seemed fitting, as you had been filled with joy and happiness. How ironic that a person with such a name would end up here?
“Based on what we’ve been told to prepare for the tributes, I would say you’re looking at a humid climate. Maybe desert or tropical. The directions were to provide breathable material… It could be biome, even.”
You weren’t sure if this rundown was something all the stylists gave. Or if there were just a few that cared more about their tributes. Dalton seemed to care more than any other Capitol member you’ve met thus far, which made him something of an ally in himself. 
“Will there be a l-lot of water?”
He smiled, shrugging his shoulders.
“There’s no way to know for sure. You might be looking at an oasis, it might just be small portions meant for tribute survival. There’s no real way of anyone knowing yet.”
You nodded, standing up and pulling the short sleeve tunic over your head. It was so thin it could be considered mesh, but it provided full coverage of your torso, hiding the black and gray sports attire you were given to wear beneath it. 
“The cargo bottoms lead me to believe that they want you to travel lightly. The pockets will provide ample room for things you might grab out of the packs. My advice would be to leave anything of substantial weight and only keep what you need.”
They want you to be quick on your feet. They don’t want you to be easily stuck in one place… does that mean you’re going to be chased? By something other than tributes?
There was a loud alarm sound that buzzed in the outside hallway of the private room. You looked to the ceiling with fear… it was starting. 
“Hey,” he snapped your attention back one more time. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you. And I hope we meet again.”
“Thank y-you. I hope I s-see you again, too.”
He leaned in and gave you a simple hug. Nothing long and lasting, but comforting enough that you could leave the room feeling better than you did when you went into it. You wished Finnick had been the one to see you off. Sadly, that didn’t fall under his job description. 
Dalton walked you into the hallway and down to the chamber labeled ‘female, four.’
Your heart started racing, and you realized only now how tired you were. Having tossed and turned and been completely and totally anxious the night before, you felt the sting of exhaustion hit you as you stepped into the lift. 
“Don’t be afraid. You are stronger than you could possibly know.”
The lift sealed, and though you wanted to say something in reply, you feel as though words would have failed you anyways. Your words always did. 
The anxiety heightened when the lift moved, the upwards drag of the mechanisms turning your stomach to mush. You’re a career. You will survive the bloodbath. Your allies are the strongest ones in the arena. You will survive through the day. 
When the arena showed itself to you, it seemed to be something of a rainforest. Barely any sun for the giant trees overhead, even in the clearing. It was humid and sticky in the air, which meant water would be everywhere, and as you were assuming, rain. 
This rainforest probably was crawling with capitol mutt wildlife, and you couldn’t help but feel like that would be the main danger. 
The clock was counting down at the cornucopia, thirty seconds remaining until the games began. You searched the platforms for an ally, and found two. Freeda and Rodey. Rodey who seemed to like you quite a bit. You would stick by him until you could find Lukas. He must have been further on the other side, because you certainly could not see him from here. 
Rodey happened to make eye contact with you, and you nodded to him, getting into a running stance. His head tilted towards the left side of the cornucopia, where all the weapons were spread out across from the food. He would run there first, so that’s where you would go. 
Your heart was beating harder and faster than ever it has before, and with every tick of the clock, every number counted down, it got faster, and faster, and faster… until the clock hit zero. 
Your feet were running the mossy grounds the second you stepped off. Copelin was the first to reach the center, grabbing a spear and a knife, throwing the knife at the first non-career tribute that attempted to grab something, you didn’t dare look behind you at whoever it was he’d hit, you only heard their cry of pain before a cannon sounded. The first of many, and you hated it already... You finally saw Lukas, as he was the second one to a weapon. He took a short sword, and tossed to you a long weighted club, you'd made it there third. You didn’t intend on using it, but it was good to have. Freeda was seen next to Estelle, running and grabbing the bow and arrows. You heard the cry of an angry tribute behind you, turning to see the boy from seven with an ax. He was coming at you with incredible speed, but you managed to use your club to deflect his first hit. You were about to try and unarm him before a Kunai knife was thrown from behind you and into his face. He was down immediately, and you didn’t have time to think about the fact that he was the first death you’d ever witnessed, you only listened to the second boom of the cannon, now connecting the sight and sound. You just stood up and turned to Rodey, his arms holding out a sword for you to take. It felt heavy in your hands, and even though you could easily bear the weight of the blade, you doubted you could take the weight of what it would do to the people around you. 
Lukas hadn’t killed anyone yet, but he aided both Copelin and Estelle in taking down the girls from six and eight. Your kill count was zero, and your assist count was zero. You were going to do everything in your power to keep it that way. This wasn’t training anymore. There weren’t any prissy Capitol snobs that could punish you for not doing as they say. You’ve come to die, and you won’t go out a murderer. 
You decided to busy yourself, to make it look like you were helping the team, but without seeming like a coward from staying away from the fight. You rushed behind Rodey and Lukas, hearing three more cannons go off as you scrounged through the supplies. Ropes, sleeping bags, medical supplies. Hell, even snack bars. You started packing them into the backpacks, seeing as though they only contained a flask, a rope, and a hunting knife. 
You weren’t sure what the plan was yet, but you knew you would be needing all of these things at some point, so it made sense to gather them together instead of letting them get taken by run-by tributes. You mentally apologized to them, for taking the resources that could mean the difference between losing or keeping their lives. It was you or them, that was what you needed to start thinking. But you really hated the thought that your life should be considered worth more than anyone else's. It’s not.
Several cannons and a bloodbath later, the fighting stopped. You had gotten everyone a backpack, handing it to them once the career pack was the only group left on the field. It was only when you turned around that you started to feel sick. All those cannons, the sounds were of little consequence until you saw what they left behind. Fallen tributes. Eight, you counted. They all lay in the mossy patches on the ground, a once beautiful clearing already tarnished with the blood of the district's children. 
You didn’t say a word, just handed out the packs you’d prepared, letting them look through and grab what they wanted, keeping what they did and exchanging what they didn’t. You did the same, grabbing Lukas by the arm and pulling him to the side. You opened the top of your pack, showing him the rope and lures you'd stashed away. There had to be water somewhere in this jungle, and when you found it, you were sure that fishing would be a good option to keep the other food supplies stocked up. 
“That’s good,” he said, nodding to you and giving you a once over. You had splattered blood of that kid from seven on your face. Your hands, even trying to hold strong, were shaking. The expression you wore was a facade, but he could see the tinge of guilt hanging in your eyes, even though you hadn’t done anything to be ashamed of. He had. He killed a boy, the one his age, from six. He kept reminding himself that this was self defense. Every single person in this arena was fighting against one another in self defense, because none of them wanted to be here. Even the careers who volunteer don’t want to die, they just like the attention. Now, when the fun is mostly over, they would rather be in their own districts as well. Every child in this arena just wants to go home, and in order to do that, the others must die. Lukas is no different from every other tribute in this hell hole, and though his mind feels heavy, he tries to lighten the load by thinking that perhaps he can go home at the end of this. All these dead kids around him are providing him a way home, even though it comes as a great cost of sacrifice. “Are you okay?”
You look back at him, and all you can do not to fall apart is nod. He understands the need for silence. Your mouth couldn’t even say the words you wished to anyway, so you’d rather spare yourself the trouble and not say anything at all.
“Alright,” he turned in the direction of the others, walking back and feeling your presence follow behind him. The others looked at him in expectation, in waiting. Lukas was the top dog, he’d be giving the orders. Copelin leaned forward, wiping the blood off his hands into his pants. He turned to Lukas fully, raising his voice in a question. 
“What’s the plan?”
tags(open): @thepassionatereader @i-voluntears @secretsicanthideanymore @mystargirl-interlude @c4ttheart @lilibrn
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
still feel like asking requests is weird but i rly like ur blog so🚶
Could you do a Finnick Odair x Reader were they meet/actually talk for the first time in that scene where Finnick talks to Katniss in that horrible bare-chested outfit that makes him look like a draft and then he eats pure sugar like ew 💀 after having that weird interaction with her he comes over to us and introduces himself and is all flirty with the Reader and the Reader actually flirts back what totally startles him but hes into it and Katniss is just like ???
Yes ofc! Tagging my daughter (Finnicks Whore 2) @sakuraazharuno
My requests are open! I write for a lot of people so check out my pinned post! And if you see someone not on a list that you want, from a fandom listed, feel free to ask!
Finnick Odair x Reader
"What happened to the little girl dresses?" Finnick Odair asked Katniss Everdeen. You were standing a bit far off as they chatted, you were now approaching.
Feeling the need to protect your younger friend you decided to say something, "I don't know Finn, maybe being tortured by the capitol makes some people grow up a bit faster, wouldn't you say?"
"Sugar Cube?" Finnick asks and you raise an eyebrow. Katniss walked off some time in the conversation and you decide to talk with him.
"Pure sugar?" You ask and he pops it in his mouth. Game on.
"Aren't you a little cold?" You tease and he glares at you. You smile and let out a little laugh.
"Aren't you a little warm?" He asks. You roll your eyes. Your dress was very warm, you were from district 8. Of course it was, damn textiles.
It could be worse. You had seen Johanna Mason, she was in a type of corset with a tree patterned body suit.
Finnick reapproved you and katniss shortly after. He had a smirk on his face. Not a smile, defiantly a smirk.
"I didn't introduce myself I'm Finnick," he says. You smile and give him yours. He already knew your name, and you already know his.
"So, do you have any, plans for tonight?" Finnick asks with a rather suggestive tone. Katniss fakes a gag and rolls her eyes.
"What if I don't?" You ask with pure sugar in your tone. You hear katniss groan and then footsteps grow quiet.
She left, all of the flirting was to much for the young girl.
"Then I'd say maybe we could enjoy each other's company," finnick says with a satisfied smirk. You lick your lips and wink at him.
You see he is caught off guard. He quickly recomposes his self and winks back at you.
"I would like that," you say and lean back against the wall of this hell you were all placed in. It was literally hell, only hell was far more pleasant.
"Well, we might as well have some conversations before we go at each other's throat," finnick states and you let out a little laugh.
"That won't be an issue," you say and finnick raises an eyebrow, "I have no intention of winning. The quicker I die, the better," you finish and you see concern on finnick's face.
"What? They say if we win we get life time protection. Know they want to kill me again," you say and finnick gives a sympathetic glance.
"I know what you do Odair. Snow will take everything you have if you don't sleep with half of the capitol. He really will," you state and think of your sister, "My sister, the girl I volunteered for, was shot in the head because I refused. That was all it took, he didn't even have to threaten, he killed her and I knew. I knew my parents couldn't lose both of their kids," you finish and finnick sighs.
"That is how it works," finnick says before you walk off. You stop.
"I could use some company." He smiles as you walk off.
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findroleplay · 10 months
hi there! i'm eliza (she/her) & at the moment i'm craving either some harry potter, asoiaf, or some hunger games rp. it's like its 2013 again! i'm 25+ (sigh!) so unwilling to write with anyone under 21 under any circumstances, and I write on discord, generally on private servers.
i like to double up in terms of canons - if i write your preferred canon, it would be great if you could write mine - and if we do mxf ships I prefer to double up on those too. I am comfortable writing all genders and dynamics, I just find that having two ships means we both have equal investment! in terms of ocs I have noted a couple of oc scenarios I would like to explore, but in general I prefer to stick faiiiirly close to canons.
i am definitely a 2-3 paragraphs type of writer and i love to ramble on about our characters, novel/novella style!
below i have listed a ships i'm craving, with my preferred role in bold*, as well as some canons I just love writing in any scenario! *if neither is bolded you can take your pick, it means I love writing both of them <3 italicised means I would literally kill for you to write this with me. i'm open to canon x oc or canon x canon, as well as mxf (generally my default but not always!), mxm, or mxf.
I'm very easy going (just silly really) and would put my activity at about a 6/10 - I won't be on discord every day but will absolutely check in with you if I think I'm going to be away from my phone or extremely busy. while I don't have any triggers per say, I prefer to plot and write a little together before plunging into full blown smut, and I like nsfw scenes to have a plot purpose (most of the time lol). needless to say i am extremely anti-jkr. these characters are ours now <3 harry potter: fred weasley x alicia spinnet** (i would probably cut limbs off for this) sirius black x marlene mckinnon sirius black x remus lupin sirius black x ofc oliver wood x katie bell or ofc george weasley x luna lovegood george weasley x angelina johnson narcissa malfoy x lucius malfoy draco malfoy x astoria greengrass alastor moody x anyone fabian prewett x anyone
lily evans x james potter draco malfoy x harry potter ginny weasley x harry potter ginny weasley x pansy parkinson bill weasley x fleur delacour dudley dursley x anyone magical for his redemption arc any minor character ships where we can develop backstories! (just off the top of my head for characters that I love to develop: michael corner, padma patil, justin finch-fletchley, theodore nott, terry boot, susan bones, blaise zabini)
the hunger games: finnick odair x annie cresta haymitch abernathy x effie trinket coriolanus snow x whatever poor girl he decides is going to be his wife gale hawthorne x madge undersee
gale hawthorne x johanna mason ('i could fix him' 'well i could make him worse') finnick odair x ofc (happy to play either role) original tributes in the arena, tribute x mentor if we come up with something good! haymitch x his girl from home (rip babe) asoiaf (book canon): robb stark x jeyne westerling or ofc robb stark x oc if we double! luv writing him sansa stark x jon snow (post parent reveal) jon snow x satin loras tyrell x renly baratheon ellaria sand x oberyn martell catelyn stark x jaime lannister iykyk catelyn stark x roose bolton nooo don't give me the skin of my enemies you're so sexy aha x davos seaworth x stannis baratheon arianne martell x anyone at all! sansa stark x willas tyrell robb stark x margaery tyrell edmure tully x margaery tyrell tbh you can probably persuade me on most canon x canon crack marriages. i got fully invested in lyanna x jaime lannister once so now nothing will surprise me <3 if you're interested in any of these pls like this post so I can reach out and provide my discord!
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mrsnancywheeler · 9 months
hi!! i saw your finnick odair x golden retriever
hc’s, could you do that but with black cat vibes?
yes, ofc! here it is
black cat reader
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sunniskyies · 8 months
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𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬 !! ⋆˚˖☆🕯️ back to navigation
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If you see your request here, that means I am working on it, and will have it out as soon as I can! Love you ♡
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𝐀𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫) || 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Ford Pines x fem!reader 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Secrecy is a talent of Ford Pines, but he fails to keep his affection for you under-wraps. At Stan’s utter disapproval, the two of you are forced to separate. Romeo-and-Juliet-esque 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: She's a three-parter!
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𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 || 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Ford Pines x fem!reader 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Just a silly little drabble 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: -
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𝐔𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 || 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Percy Jackson x Apollo!fem!reader 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: "please i need percy x daughter of apollo reader PLEASE (this is me begging) i’ll take crumbs if i need to" - Lily <3 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: OFC @lilydoeswrite ANYTHING <3
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𝐁𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩 || 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Percy Jackson x fem!reader 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: "Oh my goddd the percy x mortal reader was so cuteee!! Can you pls do a part 2 of it??? And this time even Poseidon knows about the reader in it???" - Anon 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Of course!! Sorry if it takes a while, I'm in school :)
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𝐔𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 || 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Percy Jackson x fem!reader 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: "Hi! Can you do a Percy Jackson x daughter of nemesis pls!!" - Anon 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi!!! So my requests are actually closed right now, but I'll put this here anyway 'cause ily <3
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𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞-𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐝 || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝����𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Finnick Odair x original female character 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I'm just going to leave this here forever until I finish the damn thing :)
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work, nor copy my ideas
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heygerald · 1 year
Unbreakable Gems, Shattered Illusions (THG)
OFC x Finnick Odair
Finnick will forever be my OG heartbreak; he deserved everything and I will accept no criticism on this.
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Emerald DuChamp was a winner.
Victor of the 69th Hunger Games at only 16 years old, she had outwitted her opponents in a desert arena that was characterized by endless caves and scorching temperatures. Though she had been prepared for this very scenario since she was a young girl, Emerald didn't understand the true brutality of life until she was forced to crack skull and bone with nothing other than her hands to claw her way to victory.
It was this willingness to win that earned Emerald the title of President Snow's favorite tribute; though Snow himself would deny ever having favorites amongst the players, Emerald was lauded with heavy gem necklaces and a large Capitolite fan club that insisted on her presence at every party.
Only, Emerald found she could no longer stomach eating with her bare hands after the blood that she got on them or being in large crowds after the bloodbath at the Cornucopia or making friends after her district partner had shoved her into a snake pit in hopes of saving himself.
But a winner didn't get to hide away in the shadows, and it was at the President's very own birthday party that she is introduced to the tantalizing charm of none other than Finnick Odair. His smile is whiter than the magazines make it, but Emerald is no idiot.
She sees beyond his facade of expensive cologne and floozy dates, just as he sees through the cracked stone walls she has hastily erected to protect herself from the memories that remain.
The President's gaze doesn't stray far from his favorite toys, however, and when the pair hears rumors of a revolution they have to decide if they would rather stay alive in the limelight or risk dying in the spreading fire.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever said my name, sugar. Maybe we are becoming friends.”  Emerald released a low sound from the back of her throat, shaking her head as she started to pick at her hands once more. She saw red painting her clean fingers, could smell pennies mixing with the scent of his sea salt cologne, and as she wrung her palms together she found Finnick's brow furrowed strangely on his forehead as if she were a puzzle he were trying to decipher. Something ugly coated the back of her mouth. “I’m not very good at friends, Odair, and I doubt that you need more anyways.”  “I could always use a friend.”  She didn’t like the simple way he put it—as if it was even possible that they could be anything other than strangers to one another—but Emerald didn’t have time to argue because in the next moment Finnick was striding out of the bathroom with his head held high, that damned flirtatious smirk plastered back onto his face as if nothing had ever happened. As if they weren’t murderers with blood on their hands. Emerald twisted her hands nervously, glanced at the sink, and then followed him with a sigh knowing that no amount of soap in the world would ever truly make them clean.
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gamesmakers · 7 years
I was tagged by @titaniasfics. Thank you!
A - age: 23
B - biggest fear: failure
C - current time: 8:37 p.m.
D - drink you last had: diet coke
E - every day starts with: glaring at the alarm clock
F - favorite song: strawberry fields forever --- the beatles
G - ghosts, are they real: nah
H - hometown: des moines, ia
I - in love with: family, friends, finnick odair
J - jealous of: jk rowling
K - killed someone: what kind of a question is this
L - last time you cried: i’m not sure, actually? it was definitely over something stupid
M - middle name:  nah
N - number of siblings: 3 brothers
O - one wish: more wishes ofc
P - person you last called/texted: my mom for both
Q - questions you’re always asked: lately there’s been a lot of what do you want to do when you finish school and similar
why is there no r
S - song last sang: . don’t you --- simple minds
T - time you woke up: 8:20 gotta love the weekend :-)
U - underwear color: blue
V - vacation destination: its been way too long since i went on a vacation
W - worst habit: constant daydreaming
X - x-rays you’ve had: i managed to royally fuck up my ankle a few years ago and had several sets of xrays on it, but otherwise none
Y - your favourite food: sundaes!
Z - zodiac sign: aries 
I’ve seen a lot of these on my dashboard the past couple days, so i’m just going to tag anyone who wants to :-)
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hemsworths-chris · 8 years
ag-tay ame-gay
wassup it’s yo girl hey! i’m here with another tag game bc i’m a sucker for them :/
tagged by the lovely @auroremus; thanks! <3
rules: answer the questions and tag nine people who you want to get to know better
relationship status: single (thankfully)
favourite colour: turquoise, navye blue, bright green
lipstick or chapstick: shit this reminded me i haven’t put on chapstick recently - ofc chapstick for me
last song I listened to: idek bro (update: i checked spotify and it’s *drumroll* scared to be lonely by martin garrix - i figured that it’d be a good idea to listen to spotify’s top 50 for once, so i actually know what people are talking about at school haha)
last movie I watched: people who do these must have rEALLY GOOD MEMORY I HAVE NO CLUE
top three tv shows: um??? the late show with stephen colbert??? the colbert report??? i don’t watch tv???
top three characters: i am going to intentionally misread this and assumed it says “three characters per three fandoms” because i have no self control so 1. sirius black, remus lupin, hermione granger 2. finnick odair, gale hawthorne, katniss everdeen 3. aaron burr, alexander hamilton, john laurens (god my fandoms are so obscure *thomas jefferson voice* ahahaha yeah right)
top three ships: jily, blackinnon, odesta
books I’m currently reading: fanfiction i’m just finished princess x by cherie priest and it was so good!
tagging: @ravehclaw, @padampatil, @maruadurs, @hiddenpolkadots, @lordvoidemort, @fjrebolt, @lumox, @emmelinevvance, @lilabarhd, @scamander-the-salamander, @ginweasleys, and anyone else who wants to do it! it’s completely optional ofc <3
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heygerald · 2 years
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hi everyone!
thanks so much for stopping by! a little bit about my blog: 
18+ only, minors DNI 
A03 is also heygerald
smut-free blog
i come from a very movie-centric family, and have seen a little bit of everything, and because of that my blog will be a mish-mash of everything from fully written stories to plot bunnies.
please always feel free to interact, ask questions, or comments! i love and appreciate anything! bon appetit <3
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pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x ofc
summary: After years away, Lt. Zoe “Buzzard” Preston is back in Miramar as a candidate for a top secret mission. She’s excited for it, ready too. Her entire career has been building up to this moment. What she’s a little less excited for is a reunion with a starry eyed, smart-mouthed pilot who had broken her heart the first time around. Maybe, just maybe, this time she’ll be able to finally put him in her rearview mirror. Or maybe she’ll be forced to face the things that she preferred to keep in the dust.
read it all here: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / *bonus chapter* / part 4 / part 5 / *bonus chapter* / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / say yes
pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x ofc
summary: Matty Neven had dealt with her fair share of pilots throughout her life. Most of them, she has fond memories of. Her dad teaching her how to ride a bike. Her godfather sneaking her into a bar so that she could see what it’s like when she was way too young to be there. Her mother hosting a cookout reunion every couple of months for whoever was in town to catch up at. 
But some of them weren’t so happy. Soldiers insinuating that she only got her job because of her family ties. Men with starry smiles hitting on her at the bar despite the fact that she wasn’t interested. One night stands that didn’t have enough manners to even wait until sunrise before kicking her out. It was just the mechanics of it all.
And so, she made a very simple rule: love the jet, but never the pilot. 
It’s a fairly easy rule to follow, right up until the moment she meets a pilot with a cheeky smile that seems to understand the heavy weight of family ties.
read it all here: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
check out the cast and crew here
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pairing: Tom Ryder x ofc
summary: [AU where Tom Ryder is still an asshole, just not a psychotic one]
Parker Seavers has a tendency of weaseling her way into her brother's life. Colt doesn't mind so much, at least not when the weaseling involves accompanying him to work events, cleaning his bachelor-pad of an apartment, and making margaritas for the girl that he likes.
Colt likes the weaseling a whole lot less when it brings Parker to his set one fateful morning where she runs into his alter-ego, Tom Ryder. It's unfortunate for everyone that Tom Ryder is a grade-A asshole, but it becomes even more of a nuisance when she tells him that to his face. Over, and over, and over again.
But despite everyone's expectations, Tom doesn't seem to mind. In fact, to everyone's surprise, he becomes a little bit less of an asshole when he's with her. Until the accident, however, and then suddenly the siblings are drawn into a conspiracy theory that spans across the Pacific Ocean.
read it all here: ch 1 / ch 2 / ch 3 / ch 4 / ch 5 / ch 6 / ch 7 / ch 8 / ch 9 / ch 10 / ch 11 / ch 12 / ...
submission: parents drabble . spotify playlist
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Dahlia [Black]
Animal Kingdom: Dove Raynor
The Mummy (1999): Catherine Irene Sinclair x OMC
drabble 1 / drabble 2 / drabble 3 / drabble 4
The Hunger Games: Emerald DuChamp x Finnick Odair
drabble 1
Pirates of the Caribbean: Edwina Thorpe x Jack Sparrow
drabble 1 / drabble 2 / drabble 3
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