#finnula the salubri
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lineart credit to @jujulebee and I painted it. I love the collabed result so freaking much!
Feeling really great today. So how do I look?
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salubri-outcast · 3 months
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Dawson again! This time alone. Dawson's owned by @gordonthefreedman and can be found @lifeofacityboy Death is Rebirth. Dawson Reid was raised as a ghoul, a revenant. And as a perfect work of "art" by the standards of a Toreador Antitribue. Something he was oblivious of, living on the edge of the supernatural, but never directly part of it.
One night, that all changed. A choice by a friend, and an encounter with a very old and powerful Salubri sent her on a completely different path. Their friend, a glasswalker called John Babbage, put a bullet through his best friend's heart, rather than see him enslaved by the monstrous Toreador any longer. And to save him from an eternity of being that creature's childe.
While she died instantly, Finnula was able to drain his freshly dead body and bring them over.
Dawson's life was changed, he now represents a new beginning for the Salubri. Childe of Salout's Heir, this fledgling has a massive weight on her shoulders. And that's even without their duties to their patron god, Hermes.
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trupowieszcz-moved · 1 year
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finnula (@return-of-the-unicorns) for @salubri-outcast
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Ooc: Ritual Casting
Holy crap, my wrist is killing us. But we like what came out.
Anyway, here's Finn doing magic. Mixing Vampire and Theurge stuff, as they do. Edit: I fucking love community resources, while the figure is my work based on a model, I could not have done this without the help that ibis paint offers.
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return-of-the-unicorns · 11 months
BLINDSIDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were betrayed or shocked by what someone did
The waning moon hung in the sky, barely a sliver. Instead light from Shade's floating glow orbs gave the odd group illumination. Finnula stops at the borders of her family's historical land. And then she steps forward, the rest following them onto the lands. Despite it being high summer the apple grove stood barren and leafless. Finn frowned deeply, brows furrowing and hastened her movements. An hour's travel brought Finn to their home village.
They stopped dead in their tracks. Everything was ruins, with only the foundations and tumbled limestone left of her family home. Standing in the ruins was a red haired man of 18 winters, his eyes violet and the mark of a third eye on his forehead. Finnula picked up her pace and pratically slammed into the man, pulling him close. “FINLOCH! You're... alive?” They pause and eye him, his aura vibrant. Everything she had, but the gleam of fang and the uncomfrotable movement of the fera behind her told them that he wasn't alive. Not to mention the couple of thousand years that had passed. “You're salubri like me.” A slight grin spread over her face.
Red was welling up in his eyes, but he dashed it away. “I saw you die Finn. I saw you on that field. And I lost my control. When I came to a man was standing beside me. He offered me the night. And I accepted. He had Rayzeal embrace you, and... I went with him.” Finnula didn't pick up the slight twitch of his face, too enraptured in finding her twin again to care.
“What happened to our home, Fin?” They asked, looking around.
He shrugged. “Invaders, raiders from Saxony. Come, I have much to show you. I heard you were a sorcerer.” He smiled. “We've always been so alike. Come, see my work.” He pulled at her hand, and led them to an underground magical laboratory.
Finnula began to walk along, and eye the things. The sort of sigils, the texts. They stopped, it dawning on them. The land, now a blasted heath. The loss of their people. The unease of her companions.
“Finloch... you're...”
He smirked. “An Infernalist? We've always been opposites in many ways dear sister.”
“You BASTARD.” Finnula launched herself at him, sword drawn.
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OOC POST A painting of this encounter. @sascha-the-tremere
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okay who got footage of me fighting /j
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If I'm a holy warrior why don't I wear white? Dear person, have you TRIED to get bane-stains out of white clothing?
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We Finally took down a mountain goat for that cougar spirit. Got what I needed for my ritual and for Nemo.
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“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."-
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<In the Training rooms of The Caern of the Wandering Forest (Aka Wispy) People who get duskborn visions, or visions in general may be able to see parts of this> (this is LONG so Keep reading to not break your dash)
Step and flow, blade moving with the body. It is part of you. Calm. Focus.
Step, flow, blade moving with body. Part of Me. Focused.
Step, flow, blade is part of my body. I am focused.
Finn moves, tracing the steps over and over again as she lets her mind simply become one with her movements. She'd never been able to sit still for meditation like Sadhaka, the mage had once meditated for an entire decade. Not moving, or eating, or really doing anything.
No for Finn, it was movement that let her focus her mind in such a manner. Each step in sync with her breath, her heartbeat. Everything was one. The complexity of the flowing movement, blade and body dancing to the music of the spheres.
Ten Months.
That's how long she's got left with her friend. He was so much like Aodh. Why did he have to be born into that STUPID family. She hated them for that.
It stirred slightly in its sleep, moving like it was chasing something.
She breathes in. No, not the whole family. They are victims of a power structure. It's the way of canites. Of vampires, of what she came from. And their clan especially, props up the top. Loyalty through manipulation.
Flow. Step. Like a River. Like the music dancing about. Flow. Step. Blade up, sweep down, to the right, to the left. Flow. Step.
Aodh's face filled her mind. His bright silver-lilac eyes. His easy smile. His skill with music. Simply wanting to play. And father many children. Finn softly sighs and laughs remembering him.
She remembered his darker moods as well, when he would cry to the gods. No one knew why. Finn paused in her steps to wipe the vitae away from her face as she remembered sitting next to him as he cried.
I hope my death didn't break him.
She swings again, blade slicing clean through the training dummy. It regrows behind her and she takes a deep breath.
I hope his death won't break me.
Finn drops to her knees, point of her black-bladed katana on the ground. One of the many things she found, and changed over the course of her adventures. The blade that had set her on this path of magic and blade. She looks at it and hears it speak.
You've forgotten that people you get close to can die, Salout's Heir. The last words dripped with venom.
She looks at the blade and sighs. “Thank you for that reminder Irad. I know people die. I just... he's my friend.”
The blade is silent, but Finn feels the disgust and dismissal of her ideas from it. The ritual hadn't quite worked, and Irad's cruel and evil personlaity stayed. Though Finn was still the one in control. So he was left being a snarky ass.
“You know you're never getting out of that blade if you continue to be such a fucking blight.”
More silence.
Finn stood again and faced the training dummy.
Flow. Step, Blade up, Blade down, Side. Flow, Block, step. Blade Down, Blade Up, Flow, Step.
The cry of a pheonix becoming the roar of a bear filled her ears and she smiled.
An assurance. She would speak with him when he woke.
Now was time to carve.
The supply room should have the right block of gemstone. She walks along. Jasper... not quite. She picks up her pace. Petrified wood. That was it. The shape of a bear coming into her mind. Yes. She could do this.
Another thought in the back of her head.
You know the price, servant of the Morrigan.
Better pick up another ruby. I'm going to be doing that ritual again...
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Working from bases what PoV, a Salubri Antitribue has caught Finn's attention. not a place such a member of her clan would ever want to be. She's not shy about trimming rotten branches of Clan Salubri. Sometimes being the eldest left... means you have to do the dirty work.
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Knowledge shared is Knowledge redoubled and we can all pull together, to make our lives and unlives easier.
All it takes is reaching out.
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Swaying Silken Savior
You honour me. Thank you friend.
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piccrew here
Purple is a mix of red and blue.
As such I stand between warrior and healer, as a sorcerer of the angelic. As a Phoenix, my clan will rise again. This I promise.
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