#firebrand/akeela was deemed 'a little too surly' by a public who wanted to see a chipper and naive kid sidekick
What was Overkast like?
honestly kind of a dick.
He was the star of his team, the only one who was ever really in the spotlight due to his looks, charisma, and flashy powers. Pretty cocky and self-centered, as well as impulsive and short-tempered, but cared enough about what the public thought of him to mostly keep that under wraps.
Overkast wasn't one of the superstar, highly-commercialized heroes (marketing, reality show, action figures, the whole shebang), but that was something he strived for. He had a pretty moderate fanbase due to, again, his flashy powers and good looks, but also his loose-cannon nature.
Initially, Corp overlooked his flaws, but as time went on he started to push his boundaries more and more. Going off alone when it was supposed to be a team mission, turning off his comms in the middle of a fight, etc. Titanium couldn't go too far with any disciplinary action either, because he had enough of a fanbase that it would raise unwanted questions from the public if he was decommissioned, especially if he raised a fuss about it. (Which he was likely to do).
Alexei was the final straw, though. He blatantly ignored the order to incapacitate and went right for dismemberment, while several civilian witnesses were present. Titanium set up an under the table "disposal" for him a few months after that.
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