#firefox 3.5
Web apps could de-monopolize mobile devices
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Mobile tech is a duopoly run by two companies — Google and Apple — with a combined market cap of $3.5 trillion. Each company uses a combination of tech, law, contract and market power to force sellers to do commerce via an app, and each one extracts a massive commission on all in-app sales — 15–30%!
This is bad for users and workers. Many companies’ gross margins are less than 30%. In some categories, that means there’s no competition. Take audiobooks: publishers wholesale their audiobooks to retailers at a 20% discount, so a retailer that sells its audiobooks through an app, paying a 30% commission, will lose money through every sale.
This is why the only convenient mobile audiobook stores are Apple Books (a front-end for Amazon’s Audible) and Google Books: Apple doesn’t have to pay the Apple tax, and Google doesn’t have to pay the Google tax, and that means that Apple and Google can demand crippling discounts and preferential treatment from publishers and independent authors.
The app tax is a tax on the workers whose creative works are sold on mobile platforms, because creative workers have the least bargaining power in this monopolized supply-chain. Our publishers can squeeze us — and the editorial workers, narrators, and sound technicians who work on our books — to make up the difference.
Independent authors who sell directly on these platforms, meanwhile, have even less leverage and get even worse terms. Things aren’t much better at the other end of the supply-chain, either: while firms prefer to wring concessions out of their workers and suppliers, they’re not averse to raising prices on customers, providing that all the competitors do so as well.
Since every competitor is also selling through an app store and either paying a direct app tax or ceding margin to the mobile duopoly as a condition of selling in their in-house, pre-installed stores, they all have the same incentive to raise prices.
Economists call this the monopsony problem (or, since we’re talking about two companies, a duopsony or oligopsony problem). That’s an unwieldy and esoteric term, so Rebecca Giblin and I coined a much better one, and wrote a book about it: Chokepoint Capitalism:
Theoretically, there’s a way to avoid the app store chokepoint: web apps. These are part of the HTML5 standard, and if a browser fully implements that standard, then developers can make a self-encapsulated “app” that’s delivered in the browser, complete with an icon for your home screen, capable of doing anything an app store app can do.
A company that wants to sell stuff without paying the app tax could hypothetically deliver a web app that the user could download and install via their browser. This doesn’t just avoid the app tax, it also overrides the app stores’ editorial control, like Apple’s decision to block privacy tools in China to aid in state surveillance.
But you can’t have a web app without a web-app-compatible browser, and you can’t get a web-app-compatible browser in Apple’s App Store. The only browsers permitted in the App Store are those based on WebKit, the browser engine behind Safari. This means that every browser on Ios, from Firefox to Edge to Chrome, is just a reskinned version of Safari.
That’s a problem, because Webkit suuuuuuucks. Without the discipline imposed by either regulation or competition, Apple has systematically underinvested in Webkit, so that major bugs remain unaddressed for years and years. Some of these bugs are functional — Webkit just doesn’t act the way its documentation says it does — but others represent serious security vulnerabilities.
This is an important point: app store proponents say that denying users the right to choose where they get their apps and excluding competitors is necessary, the only practical way to prevent security risks to users. But while app stores can prevent the introduction of insecure or malicious code, they can also block the introduction of code that fixes defects in the manufacturer’s own security.
Mobile companies don’t want insecure code on their platforms, but they also don’t want to erode their profits. An Iphone with a working VPN app is more secure than one that lacks that app, but if that Iphone is owned by a Chinese person, it endangers Apple’s access to low-waged Chinese labor and 350 million affluent Chinese consumers.
Likewise, a third party might create a browser engine that corrects the security defects in Webkit, but if Apple allows users to install such a browser engine, they will lose the ability to extract billions through the app tax.
Companies never solely pursue their customers’ interests. Instead, they seek an equilibrium that allocates as much value as possible to their shareholders. This allocation is limited by both competition (the fear that a bad service will drive customers to a rival) and regulation (the fear that a bad service will attract crushing fines).
The less competition and regulation a company faces, the more value it can take from its users and give to its shareholders. Here, mobile platforms have it easy: they don’t have to worry about competition because of regulation. Laws like Section1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and Article 6 of the EU Copyright Directive (EUCD) make it illegal to jailbreak a phone to install third-party apps. Jay Freeman calls this “felony contempt of business model” — that is, the government will punish your competitors for trying to compete with you. Nice work if you can get it.
As the old joke goes, “if you wanted to get there, I wouldn’t start from here.” The rules that should promote better corporate conduct (through competition) instead encourage worse behavior, by putting companies in charge of who gets to compete with them, in the name of user safety.
Meanwhile, users are increasingly trapped inside walled gardens, because their media, apps, and data are locked up in mobile silos and switching to a rival means enduring the switching costs of leaving it all behind. Mobile companies claim to have built fortresses to keep bad guys out, but those high walls make fortresses into prisons that keep customers locked in.
But anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. The manifest unfairness and insecurity of the regulation-backed walled garden model has attracted the interest of new trustbusters, competition regulators from China to the EU to the USA to the UK.
The UK plays a key role here. The country’s Competitions and Markets Authority boasts the largest workforce of technical experts of any competition regulator in the world: the CMA’s Digital Markets Unit has 50+ full-time engineers, which allows it to produce the most detailed, most insightful market investigations of any nation’s competition regulators.
(Don’t get too excited, though: in keeping with the UK’s abysmal standard of government competence, Parliament has yet to pass the long-overdue secondary legislation that would give the DMU its own enforcement powers. Ugh.)
Last June, the CMA proposed a market investigation into cloud gaming and mobile browsers (gaming is the largest source of app store revenue and cloud gaming is a way to avoid the app tax, so it’s a closely related issue):
There were many significant submissions over this proposal, including comments that EFF legal intern Shashank Sirivolu and I drafted:
Many commenters (including EFF) proposed that the CMA should intervene to improve the state browser engines competition on Ios and Android (Android allows multiple browser engines, but doesn’t give them the same hardware access that Chrome and its Blink engine enjoy).
This argument seems to have landed for the CMA. Today, they announced that they would go ahead with a full-fledged market study into mobile browsers and cloud gaming:
The most obvious outcome of this study would be an order forcing the mobile vendors to open up to full-featured, alternative browser engines. This is compromise solution, between forcing open app stores onto the platforms — which would mean forcing Apple to allow sideloading and policing Google’s use of contracts to limit third-party stores — and doing nothing.
A browser engine mandate is less satisfying than open app stores, but it is also more achievable, and easier to monitor and enforce. With Android, Google proved that you don’t have to use hardware locks to prevent third-party app stores — you can use a hard-to-detect web of contracts and incentives to create an app store monopoly that’s nearly as airtight as Apple’s.
But policing whether a platform permits rival, full-featured browser engines — ones that enable web apps and cloud gaming without paying the app tax — is much easier. Also easier: developing objective standards for evaluating whether a browser engine is secure and robust. Open Web Advocacy’s criteria are a great starting point:
The CMA announcement is welcome, but has some gaps. It under-emphasises the importance of hardware access (for web apps to compete with native apps, they need full hardware access), and could leave new browser engines at the mercy of the existing review teams that review all the other apps in the app store (who reject rival browser engines out of hand).
Meanwhile, while I was writing this article, Mark Gurman published a jaw-dropping scoop in Bloomberg: Apple will open its Ios platform to rival app stores by 2024, in order to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA):
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-13/will-apple-allow-users-to-install-third-party-app-stores-sideload-in-europe I’m still absorbing this news, but I think this complements the CMA browser engine work, rather than rendering it redundant. Alternative app stores don’t necessarily mean alternative browser engines. Apple says it will have security standards for alternative app stores, and these standards could well include a ban on browser engines. At a minimum, it’s clear that different levels of scrutiny need to be applied to apps, app stores, and browser engines, as each one poses different threats and opportunities.
[Image ID: London's Canary Wharf, a high-rise business district that is home to the UK Competition and Markets Authority. The colours of the buildings have been inverted, and the sky has been filled with a Matrix 'waterfall' graphic. In the foreground is an ogrish giant, standing at a console, yanking on a lever in the shape of a golden dollar-sign. The console is emblazoned with the logos for Chrome and Safari. The ogre is disdainfully holding aloft a mobile phone. On the phone's screen is a Gilded Age editorial cartoon of a business-man with a dollar-sign for a head. The phone itself is limned with a greenish supernova of radiating light.]
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tehamelie · 10 months
We don't talk enough about how Bheem is clearly a Druid, probably D&D 3.5 edition. Look at the way he's introduced: at home in the forest.
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He's got animal handling figured out.
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And poison and anti-venom.
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Elemental powers (at least over water).
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He's about as good with hand to hand fighting as any high level caster.
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He doesn't Shapeshift, but he's good with Disguise Self.
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When he's not undercover, he's adverse to using iron tools. (Like, driving a motor vehicle into someone is generally a better combat strategy than hitting them with it.)
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And when his people fights the empire he takes a position of neutrality, against the oppressor. (Yes but really, the way he's instantly sorry for going against Raju when he learns of Raju's anti-imperialist motives for punching and whipping seven shades of shit out of him takes some serious diplomatic skill.)
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Raju is, I dunno, probably a straight Fighter with some wacky homebrew god-avatar racial template. (Which really kicks in when he gets his hands on Rama's own artifact weapon.)
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Funny story, I had to pirate the movie to take these screenshots because Netflix doesn't let you, no not even with Firefox.
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mtgrgn · 3 months
pain points in this new windows 11 install (besides all of the advertising trash)
to customize keyboard layout, you have to install an old utility that needs .NET 3.5 and compiles your layout into a dll
you can't change, add, or remove special keys, so i had to additionally install powertoys to map the right half of my left shift key to shift (thanks UK)
firefox either directly receives modified keypresses or interprets shortcuts as QWERTY, and i have a sinking feeling that any other windows app will also do this
ime is considered to be a keyboard for a specific language, so
japanese has its own roman input that is active by default instead of hiragana when i activate the ime ("switch language")
the keyboard layout cannot be customized, except by overwriting a key in the registry with the aforementioned dll
if i want to use a japanese ime it looks like i can't also have an english language installed
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When your brain refuses to function with the same strategy everyday
I've recently finished writing my dissertation after 3.5 months, so am still just about living in academic mode. Unfortunately one thing I haven't seen people who struggle with executive functioning talk about as much is the fact that I can find a strategy that completely clicks with me and works perfectly, but then won't even help me get five minutes of work done the next day. So, I'm gonna slowly build a masterlist!
This was originally supposed to be specifically about how to find the right music to function with but might as well broaden it out a bit. If anyone has any strategies/music/website recommendations that work particularly well for them, let me know and I'll be happy to add them!
Lofi Girl Livestream - Starting with the obvious one, but it's well-known for a reason! The song styles remain consistent enough to not get distracted by changed while still being different enough to keep the brain working, people are constantly in the live chat so there's an element of bodydoubling, and it's a livestream so you don't have to worry about changing songs partway through work. Plus if lofi hip hop's not your thing, they have a synthwave version too.
There's a platypus controlling me but it's lofi (1hr edition) - Getting a bit weirder now, I will admit, but I stand by this one 100%! At least once in every assessment period I will have it set to loop and playing for a full day. If instrumental music leaves too much room in your brain to be distracted, this one usually does the trick. The first couple of rounds might seem more distracting than it's worth but half an hour in, you'll be golden!
Mario Kart Double Dash Full OST - This doesn't specifically have to be Mario Kart Double Dash, but it is a fun one! Basically just think of a game that makes you feel nostalgic or comforted or happy, see if there's a full OST for it and hopefully it'll help. Other soundtracks I'm a fan of using are Danganronpa 2 and Professor Layton, but it depends what kind of speed/genre you prefer.
Minecraft but it's raining - Kinda similar to the previous one but this time it's particularly peaceful OSTs with extra sounds on top! The one linked is the video I use the most but it's the same few songs repeated over and over for 10 hours so depends whether you work better with repetition or variation. There's also an Animal Crossing one here.
8D Lofi Girl (2hrs) - If normal lofi and added rain isn't cutting it, 8D might be the way to go! Since the music is constantly changing direction it adds a bit more interest to your brain. It's only 2 hours long but there do seem to be a fair few others on YouTube so shouldn't be too difficult to turn into a playlist or queue.
I'm Still Standing - Just the song. I just put it on loop and for some reason it sometimes works. Pick whichever song you want for this, though maybe keep it for final day crunches and be prepared to never be able to listen to the song again outside of work.
Websites and Apps
Forest - The main programme I've been using this time around! You set a timer and choose a tree, and every time you complete a time period of work without going on one of the apps/websites on your blocklist, another tree is added to your forest. It comes as both a Firefox Addon and an app, which can either be used synchronised or separately. Be warned, if you do want to synchronise them, you'll need to buy the premium version of the app, but it's a one-time payment of £3.89, so if it's something you can afford, it can be really useful.
Noisli - A mix of background noise and generally useful features, this one's a website and an app. It has lots of different background noises and you can mix and match them to make your ideal work setting. There's also a timer and space to type within the website if you don't want to move outside of it during work!
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Spent the last four hours wrestling with my custom css for firefox to make it look better which broke due to the update just there. A few things spring to mind. A) I''ve forgotten far more CSS than I know. B) So many deprecated functions....
C) I am a dumbass and know little of what I'm doing
D) Despite all of the above, after 3.5 hours I remembered my frame of mind when I'd thrown together various code that I'd found online, remembered how it worked, looked up some stuff that had changed and fixed the issue. I am now feeling incredibly accomplished despite the fact that ~8 years ago I'd have been able to do this in like 10 minutes odd.
Ah well.
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
LibreVastServitor computing stack designs 1/?
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Just a quick reminder here, this is a customized computing stack manifestation game where I simply write what I desire and then let the wider universe manifest it for me whatever way that means, including personal efforts of mine. Boils down from customizing and adapting research material into a actionable series of items to manifest.
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Ashur dream specifications
(mid-tower personal workstation computer)
2+ 2560x1440p monitors (one vertical, one or more horizontal)
Intel Core i5-4690 @ 3.5 GHz with its 4-cores (hoping forward to upgrade the RISC-V + OpenPOWER like processor for something decent with ~12-cores & much more open design) central processor unit
32GB of RAM
Some recent mid-range AMD GPU
64 GB Linux swap partition (mostly for virtual machines and RAMdisk partitions)
4TB+ SSD storage
Bluray burner
Floppy drive
Cassette / datasette drive
Themed GRUB bootloader
S6 init system
Arch-like package manager and software ecosystem
Customized alternative Linux kernel between Linux Libre & Zen kernel ( XanMod + Liquorix )
ZealOS, Parade, OpenBSD, OpenIndiana...
CLADO, DIS, Venera, Perseus, Maskoch, Synod, Monad, Valenz, Constans?
KDE Plasma with Liquid shell as desktop environment, complete with custom ricing, dot files & all the KDE desktop environment utilities;
Bash + Fish, Tmux, Astro-Neo-Vim with LSP, Emacs, LibreOffice Suite, Calligra, Bottles, Wine, WineTricks, QGIS, Firefox, LibreWolf, Dolphin, Konsole, Inkscape, Karbon, OpenStreetMap, GPlates, GProjector, Itch, Steam, GOG Galaxy, Lutris, Cyberpunk 2077, Ken Silverman's, FreeBASIC, Common Lisp, Godot + Qodot, VLC, MPV, .ogg / .ogv media player, musical tracker, 'Landchad.net', Brasero, K3B, FloppyFormatter, LibreCAD, AutoCAD, Blender, Kate, Qt, Nim, MUSL, C compiler, assembly monitor, HxD debugger, Rust, Swift, Kotlin, F#, C#, GNU make, NASM, Sweet Home 3D, some digital audio workstation software, Audacious, FFMPEG, Wayland, Morevna OpenToonz, some HTTP(S) web server suite, MongoDB, Hexo, Netlify CMS, RSS feed reader + generator, Pomodoro, Calendar, timely Tracker, Notion-like service, Tape, Gollum, some level editors, FreeCiv, The Sims 2, SimCity 4, Quake 1, Doom 1 & Doom 2, Markdown / Argdown, Konqueror, some WYSISYG rich media editor, some Raycaster engine, Daggerfall Unity, Portal 2, Source (1 & 2) Engine modding, some VirtualTableTop software, some remote desktop control software like VNC, OpenSSH, some distributed share storage software, Trenchbroom, StableDiffusionXL, ChatGPT open source alternative, DAO, Krita, GIMP, G'MIC & its plugins, PaintDotNet, CataclysmDDA, CataclysmBDA, Evennia, Python 3, Firefox for KDE (Developer Edition), Perl, PHP, MariaDB, lighttpd, Apache, Nginx, Themix Oomox GTK+ theme editor, Falkon, ...
Custom shell scripts, interactive REPL programming languages, some GUI programs, command aliases and dot file configurations;
Venera (computation "deque" project)
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Original components:
RISC-V + OpenPOWER = LibreVast (tribble word-based open hardware architecture designed for daily use & tinkering developer purposes)
Tropix + OGAS = Nucleus (optimized distributed processing micro-kernel, like 'Inferno' & 'Plan9')
RedSeaFS + Parade = CLADOgram (direct-access rich media agentive filesystem & file server suite)
KDE + POSIX-compilant CDE = VUE (lightweight desktop environment with profound customization options)
CommonLisp w/ CLOS + Nim = Pan-Lisp (both low-level and high-level REPL programming language)
Existing components:
Fish, Tmux, Vim, Konsole, Flatpak, Git
KDE Plasma w/ Liquid shell alternative
Konqueror, LibreWolf
GIMP w/ G'MIC & Krita w/ G'MIC
Hexo (flat blog self-hosting web server), MariaDB, "Landchad.net" stuff
QEMU, Wine, Wine-tricks, Proton, Bottles, Lutris
Trenchbroom, Godot w/ Qodot
Kate, KDevelop, Okteta, Mousepad, Notepadqq
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myfriendskickass · 2 years
hi hello i had to reinstall windows TWICE but knock on wood this time it will go smoothly
i still have some programs to reinstall and if everything goes well i will add all my data back which i THOUGHT was contaminated but I really think system mechanic just kept false positive-ing my riched20.dll and input.dll because that external drive with all my shit on it went through 3.5 different malware and virus scans and came back 100% clean so like
anyway i am a new convert to firefox and i have questions! (@vergess @arionwind no pressure to answer asap take your time i have workarounds)
attempting to download from google drive constantly gives me a "page isn't redirecting" error no matter how many times i fiddle with cookies to the point that i am just going to make microsoft edge my dedicated "download from google" browser fixed this, my time zone was wrong, oops
for the purposes of logging into the same website with multiple accounts at the same time without having to log out ie. say, this tumblr and my rp tumblr, which way is better, containers or profiles? i am using containers right now mostly because profiles in firefox are weirdly hidden away unlike chrome. for chrome i used profiles. or should i just go with something like sessionbox?
what important privacy and anti malware/virus extensions should i have? for now i am relying on windows defender because i no longer trust any anti virus software and i also have ublock origin and facebook container (i have family that i care about where the best way to contact them is facebook shut up). should i get malwarebytes free or keep that as an emergency "oh no malware" type of situation instead of keeping it installed 24/7?
anybody else who uses firefox feel free to chime in
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moko1590m · 1 day
2024年09月26日 07時00分 なぜ研究者はローカルPCでAIを実行する必要があるのか? 高度な生成AIは動作に相応の機器を必要とするため、一般的なユーザーが高度な生成AIを使うためにはネットに接続して利用するしかありません。一方で、高度なAIをローカルで実行できるような試みが行われ、実際にローカルで動作する高度なAIもいくつか存在します。AIをローカルで動作させることの利点について、科学誌Natureが利用者の声をいくつか紹介しました。 Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02998-y 免疫系タンパク質の構造のデータベース「histo.fyi」を運営するクリス・ソープ氏はAIをノートPCで動作させています。ソープ氏は以前にChatGPTの有料版を試したそうですが、高価で出力が適切でないと感じたため、80億~700億のパラメータを持つLlamaをローカルで使用しているとのことです。 ソープ氏によれば、もうひとつの利点は「ローカルモデルは変更されないこと」だといいます。商業的に展開されているAIモデルは企業の意向によって動作が変わってしまい、ユーザーはプロンプトやテンプレートの変更を余儀なくされることがありますが、ローカルであればユーザーの意思で自由に使用できます。ソープ氏は「科学は再現性のあるものを求めるものです。自分が生成しているものの再現性をコントロールできないというのは心配の種になります」と語り、AIをローカルで動かすことの有用性について意見を述べました。 記事作成時点では数千億のパラメーターを持つAIモデルもありますが、パラメーターは多ければ多いほど処理の複雑さが増します。企業によっては、こうした複雑なモデルを公開する一方で、一般消費者向けPCで実行できる縮小版や「重み」を公開したオープンウェイト版を公開しているところもあります。 例えばMicrosoftは小型言語モデルの「Phi-1」や「Phi-2」を2023年にリリースしていて、2024年には「Phi-3」を矢継ぎ早にリリースしています。Phi-3は38億から140億のアクティブパラメータを持ち、いくつかのベンチマークでは最小モデルでさえ200億のパラメータを持つとされる「GPT-3.5 Turbo」を上回っていることが示されています。研究者はこれらのモデルをベースに独自のアプリケーションを作ることができます。 ニューハンプシャー州の生物医学科学者であるKal'tsit氏はローカルで動作するアプリケーションを作った開発者の一人です。Kal'tsit氏はアリババが作成した「Qwen」モデルを微調整し、原稿を校正したり、コードのプロトタイプを作ったりするモデルを作成して公開。Kal'tsit氏は、「ローカルモデルは用途に合わせて微調整できることに加え、もう一つの利点はプライバシーです。個人を特定できるデータを商用サービスに送信することはデータ保護規制に抵触する可能性があり、もし監査が行われたら厄介なことになるでしょう」と語りました。 他にも、医療報告書に基づいて診断を手助けしたり、患者の問診を書き起こしたり要約したりするAIを使用している医師は、プライバシーを重視するためにローカルモデルを使用していると語ります。 Firefoxを開発するテック企業・MozillaでオープンソースのAIを統括するスティーブン・フッド氏は、「オンラインとローカル、どちらのアプローチを選ぶにせよ、ローカルモデルはほとんどの用途ですぐに十分な性能を発揮するはずです。この1年間の進歩の速さには驚かされます。どのようなアプリケーションにするかはユーザーが決めることです。自分の手を汚すことを恐れないでください。その結果、嬉しい驚きがあるかもしれません」と述べました。 ローカルでAIモデルを動作させる方法の1つとして、Mozillaの開発者が提供している「llamafile」というツールを使うものがあります。 GitHub - Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile: Distribute and run LLMs with a single file. https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile?tab=readme-ov-file 上記のURLにアクセスしたら「Download llava-v1.5-7b-q4.llamafile」にかかったリンクをクリックします。 ダウンロードしたファイルの拡張子を「.exe」に変更します。 ファイルをクリックするとブラウザが立ち上がり、チャットインターフェイスが表示されます。 上記の方法だと「LLaVA 1.5」をローカルで実行できます。他のモデルのリンクもいくつか用意されています。
なぜ研究者はローカルPCでAIを実行する必要があるのか? - GIGAZINE
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codesandprogramms · 2 months
5 Essential Tools for Streamlining ReactJS Development
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ReactJs stands out as a powerful framework in the dynamic world of web development. To leverage the optimal capacity of ReactJs you need to hire React developers who are thorough with its essential tools. Whether you are looking for a new hire or already have a ReactJs team in place, these tools can have a significant impact in enhancing business productivity and streamlining the development process. 
Without further ado, let’s look at what are these essential tools that your ReactJs developers must be proficient in. 
Enhancing Efficiency with These 5 ReactJs Development Tools
The reliable module bundler Webpack makes managing assets and dependencies easier. Better performance is achieved through code optimization, which is crucial for ReactJS apps. When considering Reactjs developers for hire examine their competence in this tool. Webpack is an essential tool since it helps streamline the development process and saves time and effort.
Visual studio code
Developers frequently choose Visual Studio Code (VS Code) because of its many plugins and adaptability. Coding is made easier and more productive by its features, which include IntelliSense, debugging support, and Git integration. Making sure React engineers are conversant with VS Code might be a huge advantage for teams seeking to hire them.
Ensuring the quality of code is crucial for every development effort. JavaScript code problems can be found and fixed with the aid of ESLint. It guarantees that your ReactJS projects stay tidy and manageable by enforcing coding standards. This is especially crucial if you hire React developers because it guarantees team uniformity.
React Developer Tools
Developers can easily analyze and debug React applications with the help of the React Developer Tools extension for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox. Debugging becomes easier when component hierarchies, props, and states are understood. Debugging can be made easier by hiring ReactJS experts who are skilled with this tool.
An essential component of the development lifecycle is testing. A thorough testing framework called Jest integrates well with ReactJS. It makes developing unit tests easier and guarantees that your components function as intended. Investing in developers proficient in Jest can result in programs that are more dependable and devoid of errors.
If you are wondering how to hire Reactjs developers who are proficient in these tools, the answer is your one-stop hiring platform Uplers.
Uplers is a reputed talent network that has gained prominence for over a decade among 7,000+ global clients. With a 1M+ talent network spread across 5+ time zones, Uplers can connect you with the top 3.5% of AI-vetted Indian remote talent. You get the best match for the job at up to 40% cost-savings with zero hassle. 
Not only that, Uplers can assist you in comparative salary analysis by comparing the salary of your local hire to that of an Indian remote talent. This will help you align your Reactjs salary with the existing salary trends in the market to attract and retain top talent. 
Concluding Thoughts
To conclude, leveraging these React tools can significantly streamline the development process. When you hire React developers look for their competence in these tools repositories. Top talent solutions like Uplers can help you invest in the right talent and steer competition in the fast-paced web development landscape.
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govindhtech · 4 months
NVIDIA RTX Video HDR Revolutionises Creation with AI
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NVIDIA RTX Video HDR Technology
NVIDIA debuted NVIDIA Studio in 2019 at COMPUTEX. With a variety of new RTX technology integrations unveiled this week at COMPUTEX 2024, it’s delivering AI to even more creators after five years and more than 500 NVIDIA RTX-accelerated apps and games.
The ASUS ProArt PX13 and P16 and MSI Stealth 16 AI+ laptops, among other recently announced NVIDIA GeForce RTX AI laptops, will have dedicated RTX Tensor Cores to speed up AI performance and power-efficient systems-on-a-chip with Windows 11 AI PC capabilities. They join the more than 200 laptops that RTX AI technology has already enhanced.
The free VLC Media Player will soon support NVIDIA RTX Video, a set of features that improves video content streamed in browsers like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. These features include RTX Video Super Resolution and NVIDIA RTX Video HDR. Additionally, makers can take advantage of these AI-enhanced video effects in well-known creative apps like Wondershare Filmora and DaVinci Resolve for the first time in June.
NVIDIA’s new H.265 Ultra-High-Quality (UHQ) mode has been added to DaVinci Resolve and Cyberlink PowerDirector. This mode increases encoding efficiency and high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) by 10% by utilising the NVIDIA NVENC.
Amazing Detail Is Delivered with RTX Video HDR
NVIDIA RTX Video HDR enables producers and gamers to optimise the dynamic colour reproduction of their HDR panels while retaining fine details that could be accidentally lost as a result of video compression. This is achieved by using the power of Tensor Cores on GeForce RTX GPUs.
The clearest streamed video can be produced anywhere, at any time, by combining NVIDIA RTX Video HDR and RTX Video Super Resolution. Chromium-based browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome support these functionalities.
Soon to be released as open source, NVIDIA RTX Remix is a modding tool that lets users recreate vintage games using RTX. This will make it easier for modders to alter objects and replay scenarios. In order to integrate RTX Remix with other modding tools like Blender and Hammer, a new REST application programming interface (API) will also be made available.
The latest creative software to use NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction is Womp, a 3D modelling tool. AI-powered DLSS provides higher-quality ray-traced graphics in the viewport.
Project G-Assist, an RTX-powered AI assistant technology demo from NVIDIA, offers PC games and apps context-aware assistance.
One-click performance adjustment and 120 frames per second AV1 video capture are new features of the latest NVIDIA app beta release.
Additionally, you can install the most recent versions of the NVIDIA Studio and Game Ready drivers right now.
NVIDIA RTX Video Super Resolution
RTX GPUs with AI Tensor Cores are the source of NVIDIA RTX Video, a suite of real-time artificial intelligence (AI) video upgrades that significantly boost video quality.
Included in it are two upscaling technologies NVIDIA RTX Video HDR, which turns normal dynamic range videos into breathtaking high-dynamic range on HDR10 televisions, and RTX Video Super Resolution, which eliminates compression artefacts and creates extra pixels to boost video sharpness and clarity up to 4K.
The NVIDIA RTX Video software development kit, made available by NVIDIA, enables app developers to integrate NVIDIA RTX Video effects into their creator processes.
One of the first applications to use NVIDIA RTX Video is Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve, a potent video editing programme featuring colour correction, visual effects, graphics, and audio post-production capabilities. On the COMPUTEX show floor, an integration demonstration is taking place.
Soon, Wondershare Filmora, an AI-powered video editing app with advanced social media video editing capabilities, will support NVIDIA RTX Video HDR.
In addition to adding support for Mozilla Firefox, the open-source, cross-platform media player VLC Media Player has now added NVIDIA RTX Video HDR in its most recent beta edition.
Additionally, NVIDIA announced the release of a new UHQ mode for the HEVC video compression standard (also known as H.265) in NVENC, a hardware encoder specifically designed for RTX GPUs. Compared to the commonly used x264 Medium compression standard, NVENC HEVC is 34% more efficient due to the new mode, which boosts compression by 10% without sacrificing quality.
The upcoming updates for Cyberlink PowerDirector and DaVinci Resolve video editing software will include support for the new UHQ mode. Check back soon for the official launch dates.
Toolkit for RTX Remix Open Sources Creation
With the help of generative AI technologies, modders can effortlessly acquire game assets, automatically improve materials, and produce gorgeous RTX remasters with complete ray tracing thanks to NVIDIA RTX Remix.
Recently, DLSS 3.5 support with Ray Reconstruction an AI model that produces better graphics for demanding ray-traced games and apps was added to the RTX Remix open beta.
NVIDIA plans to release the RTX Remix Toolkit as open source later this month, enabling more modders to simplify the process of swapping out assets and lighting scenarios. Additionally, the business is adding additional models to RTX Remix’s AI Texture Tools and expanding the file types that its asset ingestor supports.
Additionally, NVIDIA is opening up RTX Remix’s capabilities with a new, robust REST API, enabling modders to livelink RTX Remix to other DCC programmes like Blender and modding tools like Hammer. In order to enable modders to integrate the renderer of RTX Remix into games and applications other than the DirectX 8 and 9 classics, NVIDIA is now offering an SDK for the RTX Remix runtime.
Take a Look at Some Rays
With NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction, hand-tuned denoisers are replaced with an NVIDIA supercomputer-trained AI network that produces higher-quality pixels in between sampled rays, improving the quality of ray-traced images on NVIDIA RTX and GeForce RTX GPUs.
Even with top-of-the-line technology, previewing content in the viewport can occasionally result in less-than-ideal image quality because traditional denoisers need to be manually adjusted for each scene. The AI neural network can identify a large range of scenes with DLSS 3.5, resulting in high-quality preview photos and significantly cutting down on rendering time.
DLSS 3.5 has been integrated to Womp, a free browser-based 3D modelling tool, to improve interactive, photorealistic modelling in the viewport.
With DLSS 3.5, users of two well-known professional-grade 3D applications with real-time preview modes and ray tracing, Chaos Vantage and D5 Render, have also experienced significant speed gains of up to 60% from Ray Reconstruction and 4x from all DLSS technologies.
AI App Acceleration Tools
The great majority of the currently available open-source AI models are pretrained for widespread use and executed in data centres.
NVIDIA has released the RTX AI Toolkit, an end-to-end workflow for the customisation, optimisation, and deployment of AI models on RTX AI PCs, in order to develop more efficient app-specific AI tools that operate on local PCs.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 2.26
Bill Hicks Day
Black Lives Matter Day
Buffalo Bill Day
Carnival Day
Carpe Diem Day
Cheongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival; North Korea)
Cooperatives Day (Thailand)
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Khojaly Massacre (Azerbaijan)
Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea & Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Fats Domino Day
For Goodness’ Sake Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Grand Canyon Day
Grand Teton Day
Happy Burp Day
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Hoodies All Day
Jazz Record Day
Johnny Cash Day
Lesser Periwinkle Day
Letter to an Elder Day
Levi Strauss Day
Liberation Day (Kuwait)
Llama Dress Day
Man in Black Day
Michael Somare Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
National Firefox Day
National Personal Chef Day [also 7.16]
National Ranboo Day
National Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Saul Day
National Set a Good Example Day
New York City Subway Day
Patrick Star Day
Pound Notes Day.(UK)
Read Me Day
Rooks Nesting Day
Sourdough Rendezvous
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Thanks Day (Myanmar)
Thermos Bottle Day
Thriller Day
Tournament of Hearts (Scotland)
Trayvon Martin Day
Violet Day (French Republic)
World Leisure Day
World Trade Center Bombing Anniversary Day
Zamboanga Day (Philippines)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day (Iowa)
National Pistachio Day (a.k.a. World Pistachio Day)
4th & Last Monday in February
International Corporate Philanthropy Day [4th Monday]
Museums Advocacy Day [4th Monday]
National Cupcake Day (Canada) [Last Monday]
Play More Cards Day [Last Monday; also 2.22]
Study Abroad Day [4th Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 26
America Saves Week [Last Monday]
Fairtrade Fortnight [Last Monday]
International Petroleum Week
Museum Advocacy Day [Last Monday] (thru 2.27)
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week [Last Monday]
National Invasive Species Week [Last Monday]
National Justice for Animals Week
National Nothing Week
National Pasty Week [Ends closest Sunday to St. Piran’s Day: 3.5] (thru 3.3]
Real Bread Week
Independence & Related Days
Annexation of Poland (by Russia; 1832)
French Republic declared (1848)
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 2 (of 2; Texas)
Festivals Beginning February 26, 2024
Geneva International Motor Show (Geneva, Switzerland) [thru 3.3]
HAI (Helicopter Association International) Heli-Expo (Anaheim, California)v[thru 2.29]
Kosher Food and Wine Experience (East Rutherford, New York)
National Potato Council Washington Summit) [Washington, DC) [thru 3.1]
RCI Chocolate Boot Camp (Waterbury, Connecticut) [thru 2.29]
Snow Machine Festival (Nagano, Japan) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Anaximander (Positivist; Saint)
Animal Transformation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Big Hugs Candle Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Christopher Marlowe (Writerism)
Dance of the Known Places (Shamanism)
Day of Nuit (Thelema)
Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Emo Phillips Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Festival of Ayyám-i-Há (Baha'i)
Festival of Mihr (God of Fire; Armenia)
Forgiveness Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [Last Sunday before Lent]
Honore Daumier (Artology)
Hopalong Hamster (Muppetism)
Hygeia’s Day (Pagan Hygiene Goddess)
Isabelle of France (Christian; Saint)
Kasimir Malevich (Artology)
Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada)
Lost Pen Day (Pastafarian)
Mourn Lost Socks Day (Pastafarian)
Nestor (Christian; Martyr)
Nuit’s Day (Pagan)
Pentagram Night (Everyday Wicca)
Porphyry of Gaza (a.k.a. Parphyrius; Christian; Saint)
Saviours' Day (Nation of Islam)
Shan e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh; West Bengal, India)
Victor Hugo (Writerism)
Victor of Champagne (a.k.a. Victor the Hermit; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 4 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [4 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [10 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [11 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [12 of 60]
The Abyss (Film; 1993)
Booty Call (Film; 1997)
Bullwinkle Bellows Again or Moonin’ Low (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 102; 1961)
Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones (Album; 2002)
Cop Out (Film; 2010)
The Crepe Hangers or Brighten the Coroner Where You Are (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 207; 1963)
Discovery, by Daft Punk (Album; 2001)
Dixieland Jass Band One-Step, by The Original Dixieland Jass Band (Jazz Song; 1917)
Double Trouble or Two’s a Crowd (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 208; 1963)
Dragon Ball (Animated TV Series; 1986)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
El Mariachi (Film; 1993)
Falling Down (Film; 1993)
Fiddle Saddle (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1974)
Frantic (Film; 1988)
Fright Flight or A Rocky to the Moon (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 101; 1961)
From Here to Eternity, by James Jones (Noel; 1951)
Hairspray (Film; 1988)
Heebie Jeebies, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1926) [1st Recorded Scat Singing]
Howard’s End (Film; 1993)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Hanna-Berbera Animated Special; 1967)
Java, recorded by Al Hirt (Song; 1962)
Justice League: The New Frontier (WB Animated Film; 2008)
Livery Stable Blues, recorded by the Original Dixie Jass Band (Song; 1917) [1st Recorded Jazz Song]
Lonesome Ranger (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1966)
Loose Boots, by Honeyhoney (EP; 2008)
Lotsa Luck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
Mexican Mousepice (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Mirror Image (Twilight Zone TV Episode; 1960)
Pierre and Cottage Cheese (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
Polka-Dot Puss (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1949)
Rich Man, Poor Man, by Irwin Shaw (Novel; 1968)
Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (Play; 1922)
Spitting Image (UK TV Series; 1984)
Stork Naked (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Symphony No. 5, by Frank Harris (Symphony; 1943)
There’s Something About a Soldier (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
200 Cigarettes (Film; 1999)
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (UK TV Series; 2001)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Film; 2021)
What Price Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
The Zoo Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Edigna, Gerlinde, Ottokar (Austria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Robert, Viktor (Croatia)
Dorota (Czech Republic)
Inger (Denmark)
Ingmar, Ingo, Ingvar, Selmar (Estonia)
Nestori (Finland)
Nestor (France)
Denis, Edigna, Gerlinde, Mechthild, Ottokar (Germany)
Anatoli, Fotine, Fotini, Photini, Porfirios, Porfyrios, Sebastianos (Greece)
Géza (Hungary)
Arnoldo, Nestore, Romeo (Italy)
Evelīna, Eveline, Mētra (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Aurimė, Izabelė, Jogintas (Lithuania)
Inger, Ingjerd (Norway)
Aleksander, Bogumił, Cezariusz, Dionizy, Mirosław, Nestor (Poland)
Porfirie (Romania)
Svetlana (Russia)
Viktor (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Néstor (Spain)
Torgny, Torkel (Sweden)
Sebastian (Ukraine)
Levi, Nestor, Savana, Savanna, Savannah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 57 of 2024; 309 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 9 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 17 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 17 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 16 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 27 Grey; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 12 February 2024
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Anaximander]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 68 of 89)
Week: 4th Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 8 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy) [Month 3 of 13; Positivist]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 2.26
Bill Hicks Day
Black Lives Matter Day
Buffalo Bill Day
Carnival Day
Carpe Diem Day
Cheongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival; North Korea)
Cooperatives Day (Thailand)
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Khojaly Massacre (Azerbaijan)
Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea & Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Fats Domino Day
For Goodness’ Sake Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Grand Canyon Day
Grand Teton Day
Happy Burp Day
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Hoodies All Day
Jazz Record Day
Johnny Cash Day
Lesser Periwinkle Day
Letter to an Elder Day
Levi Strauss Day
Liberation Day (Kuwait)
Llama Dress Day
Man in Black Day
Michael Somare Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
National Firefox Day
National Personal Chef Day [also 7.16]
National Ranboo Day
National Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Saul Day
National Set a Good Example Day
New York City Subway Day
Patrick Star Day
Pound Notes Day.(UK)
Read Me Day
Rooks Nesting Day
Sourdough Rendezvous
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Thanks Day (Myanmar)
Thermos Bottle Day
Thriller Day
Tournament of Hearts (Scotland)
Trayvon Martin Day
Violet Day (French Republic)
World Leisure Day
World Trade Center Bombing Anniversary Day
Zamboanga Day (Philippines)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day (Iowa)
National Pistachio Day (a.k.a. World Pistachio Day)
4th & Last Monday in February
International Corporate Philanthropy Day [4th Monday]
Museums Advocacy Day [4th Monday]
National Cupcake Day (Canada) [Last Monday]
Play More Cards Day [Last Monday; also 2.22]
Study Abroad Day [4th Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 26
America Saves Week [Last Monday]
Fairtrade Fortnight [Last Monday]
International Petroleum Week
Museum Advocacy Day [Last Monday] (thru 2.27)
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week [Last Monday]
National Invasive Species Week [Last Monday]
National Justice for Animals Week
National Nothing Week
National Pasty Week [Ends closest Sunday to St. Piran’s Day: 3.5] (thru 3.3]
Real Bread Week
Independence & Related Days
Annexation of Poland (by Russia; 1832)
French Republic declared (1848)
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 2 (of 2; Texas)
Festivals Beginning February 26, 2024
Geneva International Motor Show (Geneva, Switzerland) [thru 3.3]
HAI (Helicopter Association International) Heli-Expo (Anaheim, California)v[thru 2.29]
Kosher Food and Wine Experience (East Rutherford, New York)
National Potato Council Washington Summit) [Washington, DC) [thru 3.1]
RCI Chocolate Boot Camp (Waterbury, Connecticut) [thru 2.29]
Snow Machine Festival (Nagano, Japan) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Anaximander (Positivist; Saint)
Animal Transformation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Big Hugs Candle Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Christopher Marlowe (Writerism)
Dance of the Known Places (Shamanism)
Day of Nuit (Thelema)
Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Emo Phillips Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Festival of Ayyám-i-Há (Baha'i)
Festival of Mihr (God of Fire; Armenia)
Forgiveness Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [Last Sunday before Lent]
Honore Daumier (Artology)
Hopalong Hamster (Muppetism)
Hygeia’s Day (Pagan Hygiene Goddess)
Isabelle of France (Christian; Saint)
Kasimir Malevich (Artology)
Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada)
Lost Pen Day (Pastafarian)
Mourn Lost Socks Day (Pastafarian)
Nestor (Christian; Martyr)
Nuit’s Day (Pagan)
Pentagram Night (Everyday Wicca)
Porphyry of Gaza (a.k.a. Parphyrius; Christian; Saint)
Saviours' Day (Nation of Islam)
Shan e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh; West Bengal, India)
Victor Hugo (Writerism)
Victor of Champagne (a.k.a. Victor the Hermit; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 4 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [4 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [10 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [11 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [12 of 60]
The Abyss (Film; 1993)
Booty Call (Film; 1997)
Bullwinkle Bellows Again or Moonin’ Low (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 102; 1961)
Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones (Album; 2002)
Cop Out (Film; 2010)
The Crepe Hangers or Brighten the Coroner Where You Are (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 207; 1963)
Discovery, by Daft Punk (Album; 2001)
Dixieland Jass Band One-Step, by The Original Dixieland Jass Band (Jazz Song; 1917)
Double Trouble or Two’s a Crowd (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 208; 1963)
Dragon Ball (Animated TV Series; 1986)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
El Mariachi (Film; 1993)
Falling Down (Film; 1993)
Fiddle Saddle (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1974)
Frantic (Film; 1988)
Fright Flight or A Rocky to the Moon (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 101; 1961)
From Here to Eternity, by James Jones (Noel; 1951)
Hairspray (Film; 1988)
Heebie Jeebies, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1926) [1st Recorded Scat Singing]
Howard’s End (Film; 1993)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Hanna-Berbera Animated Special; 1967)
Java, recorded by Al Hirt (Song; 1962)
Justice League: The New Frontier (WB Animated Film; 2008)
Livery Stable Blues, recorded by the Original Dixie Jass Band (Song; 1917) [1st Recorded Jazz Song]
Lonesome Ranger (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1966)
Loose Boots, by Honeyhoney (EP; 2008)
Lotsa Luck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
Mexican Mousepice (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Mirror Image (Twilight Zone TV Episode; 1960)
Pierre and Cottage Cheese (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
Polka-Dot Puss (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1949)
Rich Man, Poor Man, by Irwin Shaw (Novel; 1968)
Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (Play; 1922)
Spitting Image (UK TV Series; 1984)
Stork Naked (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Symphony No. 5, by Frank Harris (Symphony; 1943)
There’s Something About a Soldier (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
200 Cigarettes (Film; 1999)
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (UK TV Series; 2001)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Film; 2021)
What Price Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
The Zoo Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Edigna, Gerlinde, Ottokar (Austria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Robert, Viktor (Croatia)
Dorota (Czech Republic)
Inger (Denmark)
Ingmar, Ingo, Ingvar, Selmar (Estonia)
Nestori (Finland)
Nestor (France)
Denis, Edigna, Gerlinde, Mechthild, Ottokar (Germany)
Anatoli, Fotine, Fotini, Photini, Porfirios, Porfyrios, Sebastianos (Greece)
Géza (Hungary)
Arnoldo, Nestore, Romeo (Italy)
Evelīna, Eveline, Mētra (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Aurimė, Izabelė, Jogintas (Lithuania)
Inger, Ingjerd (Norway)
Aleksander, Bogumił, Cezariusz, Dionizy, Mirosław, Nestor (Poland)
Porfirie (Romania)
Svetlana (Russia)
Viktor (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Néstor (Spain)
Torgny, Torkel (Sweden)
Sebastian (Ukraine)
Levi, Nestor, Savana, Savanna, Savannah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 57 of 2024; 309 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 9 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 17 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 17 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 16 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 27 Grey; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 12 February 2024
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Anaximander]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 68 of 89)
Week: 4th Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 8 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy) [Month 3 of 13; Positivist]
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New Post published on https://tangledtech.com/artificial-intelligence-ai/voila-review-gpt-4-browser-extension-for-emails-blogs-novels/
Voila Review - GPT-4 Browser Extension for Emails, Blogs, Novels
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Voila Review: Voila is a GPT-4/GPT-3.5 Turbo-based browser extension for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and any other Chromium-based browser. It lets you quickly access the power of AI from within any application. This means that you’re only just a shortcut away from professionally written and error-free copy. How Does it Work? Voila can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon, right-clicking on text, or using a shortcut (default is Ctrl+M). From the popup, you simply ask it to create content in a conversational way. Ask it to write a blog post for you, and it’ll create…
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itonlinetraining · 1 year
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As an IDE, PyCharm provides user-friendly auto-completion, suggestions, PEP8 checks, and other tools that improve code quality. You can count on it for capabilities like code inspections, testing support, and clever automatic code refactoring.
PyCharm supports Django, Flask, web2py, and more well-known frameworks. A few database and developer tools for debugging and profiling are already included in the IDE, and they all smoothly interact with Visual Studio Code for added functionality.
Its connections with the NumPy and Matplotlib libraries expand its capabilities for scientific computation. The comprehensive feature set of PyCharm is completed by its integrated testing capabilities, cross-technology interoperability, and remote development capabilities.
Jupyter Notebook
A well-liked open-source web application is Jupyter Notebook. The supported Julia, Python, and R programming languages gave rise to the moniker. With the help of this tool, you may facilitate interactive development, distribute documents with live code, produce visualizations, and more. Furthermore, it allows you to add notes to your codes and uses a console-based technique for document authoring.
Data scientists and machine learning experts prefer this tool for various difficult jobs. This is because Jupyter makes it simpler to write and run your code. After all, you must run one cell to test it rather than the complete program.
Python was used to create the deep learning API known as Keras. The tool is used to build deep neural networks and to facilitate different backend neural network computations. The tool is easy to use, flexible, and expandable. It can quickly run on top of various neural networks frameworks such as TensorFlow, CNTK, Theano, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, and PlaidML because it is written in Python.
It simplifies the work for building neural networks as it is open-source. To make it simple for you to troubleshoot your code, it also generates detailed and actionable error messages.
The language was first designed to make deep learning models easy to implement. It currently supports Python 2.7 and 3.5.
SciPy is an open-source ecosystem of Python-based libraries used in technical and scientific computing. It is widely utilized in science, math, and engineering. To provide libraries for typical math- and science-related programming activities, SciPy uses other Python packages like NumPy, IPython, or Pandas. 
One of the best Python development tools is, without a doubt, Selenium. It is a free and open-source framework for web application automation. Java, C#, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, and .Net are just a few of the various programming languages you can use with Selenium to create test scripts.
Additionally, you can run tests from any browser on any of the three central operating systems, Windows, macOS, and Linux, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer. 
Test Complete:
Desktop/mobile online testing automation software is called TestComplete. But to utilize it, you need to get a business license. Keyword-driven testing is also possible with TestComplete. It has an intuitive recording and playback feature.
Numerous scripting languages are supported, such as Python, VBScript, and C++ script. Software testers can conduct keyword-driven testing like Robot Framework. This Python tool's ability to recognize GUI elements and identify updates is significant. 
Wrapping it up:
Python is undoubtedly a programming language used by developers in the software industry. The tools mentioned above are Python tools that can be useful for you. Enrolling in an online Python course with placement will look good, enhancing your career.
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aftitta · 2 years
Rapidweaver 3.5
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ANtics Episode 2.
Finally Got Around to Seeing Episode III.
Google Building Secret Massive Supercomputer.
A's Closer Comes Up Clutch to Stymie Seattle.
Bill Gates Steps Down as Microsoft Tumult Continues.
RapidWeaver 4.1 is available to download and buy from today in English, with localisations in French, German, Italian, and Japanese to follow.
A's Defeat Dodgers To Win Eighth Straight A new licence is priced at 79 for new users, whilst users of RapidWeaver 3.5 or earlier can upgrade for 30.ANtics Episode 2.17: The June Resurgence.Sactown Royalty: The Kings of NBA Blogging.
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Screenshots Leaked?.
ANtics Episode 2.18: A Whole New Ballgame.
Paul Oakenfold Back on Track With "A Lively Mind".
Public Funding for Sports Stadiums Is Ridiculous.
Listening to ''Spinal Column'', by Stereolab (Play Count: 6) Now I just have to stop visiting the page and refreshing to see if the software's been posted yet! But if you expect me to sit around while everyone else gets to muck around with the new version, you'd be way off. I'll definitely be doing a backup of everything from 3.2.1 at the very least before we go crazy. NimbleHost provides extensive documentation and user support for all their products, including User Forums, FAQs, Knowledge Libraries, Guides to RapidWeaver, User Product. But the more I read, the more I see how the company is warning people it is "beta" software, and it could go kablooey. When used as an adjunct to RapidWeaver, Qube supports all major web browsers: IE7/8+, Safari 4/5+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 5+, and Opera 10.5+ (IE6 is not fully supported). Everyone wants their grubby hands on it now - so they can mess with new themes, s and automatic Technorati pings, to name a few things.
If you peruse the software developer's forum site, you can see the massive anticipation this release has brought. Speaking of which, the software I use to power this blog, RapidWeaver from Real Mac Software, is turning the big 3.5 tomorrow, up from its current iteration of 3.2.1, which has been in use since we relaunched in January. Five years later, it's pretty clear they had a pretty good thing going, but I've gotten a tad more conservative in my old age, and don't know if I'd do it the same way again. In fact, I think I payed $29.95 for the privilege to beta-test Apple's new OS. As it was, I still installed the OS that evening, and was tinkering with its Aquaness, even though I no longer could play DVDs, I didn't have anything that really was a "Finder", and it seemed the most-robust app was the included Chess program. It was all I could do to finish my Web projects before obliterating all my files, and I had to be diligent enough to back things up to an external drive or Zip files. I was at home, working to launch my new company's Web site, when a knock at the door, on a Saturday, delivered me the very, very beta copy of Mac OS X 10.0. I can even tell you the date - March 24, 2001. The best example of this was when I moved from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X Public Beta. But with 1.0 software, it's fairly common to see things crash and burn, or the new features you were expecting to be so "cool" might actually not work after all. It's a long-standing tradition to download new software right when it comes out - and version 1.0 can be very exciting, especially if you've anticipated it for some time. Living on the bleeding edge can be fun, so long as you don't mind all the blood.
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