Eris Week | Day 2 | Childhood | There had been joy, too.
"His mother, who had adored dancing and hired musicians to perform at the Forest House. Her flames had once been a rosy gold when she lit the nursery’s hearth, a blanket to warm their shivering faeling bodies after a day at the swimming hole...It was melted down chocolate and hazelnut on a crisp morning." --Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows
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Thank you to the talented Poppy for creating JEL's Amma and young Eris for me.
Art by @/poppypola and commissioned by me for @erisweekofficial
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lunydoobles · 2 years
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Bee, the firework maker- and an amateur’s imagining of a chambered firelance.
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raycatzdraws · 2 months
Your dark crystal lu au has me giggling and kicking my feet. I would love to hear more about it!!! What inspired Hyrule to leave the caverns? Are the Zelda's the Madras?
I wrote a lot so it's going under a read more:
Wanderlust? Wanting to see more of the world? Seeking out a missing princess? A calling? A summons by Aughra? It could be a number of things! I'm still figuring out how I want to integrate the Zelda lore and timeline into that of The Dark Crystal.
What I do know is that I think I want Hyrule to be apprenticing under Aughra. Assistant turned apprentice. He really does do a lot of grunt work. Go here, fetch that, oil the entire orrery, crawl around in the Sog swamps for this one specific plant. But he has a strong connection to the song of Thra and an insatiable desire to listen and learn so Aughra teaches, and gives him tasks most would think crazy, and he stays. She keeps telling him asides about this snarky sharp tongued apprentice she had before who did a bunch of cool stuff but then ran off and is shirking his duties!!! and Hyrule's like, "gee I'd really like to meet this guy you keep comparing me to smh"
As for the Zeldas, yeah! They're the princess and Maudras. These are bound to change but at the moment, the trio Artemis, Dot, and Lullaby are Maudra to the Vapran clan together. Dusk of the Drenchen, Fable is Spriton with strong connections to the Castle of the Crystal, Dawn with the Grottans, and Aurora spends her time with both the Vapran and Grottan clans. I think the Sifa hierarchal structure would be a little looser. Most seek council from the Sifa elders and soothsayers. Tetra's out and about sailing with her crew. When she needs to speak for the clan that's when you know things have really gone to shit. Flora is a princess from an age past who now travels but spends a lot of time with the Vaprans. I'm realizing now I've forgotten Stone-in-the-Wood. I might place Lullaby, Dot, or Flora there instead. Still a wip!
Which leaves Sun. There's Thra, and then Mithra from the Power of the Dark Crystal comics. I don't want to add another clan because there being 7 is significant. But maaaaybe I could just be like, you know what, what if there were just gelfling living on floating islands who have been up there of since the Age of Innocence or Golden Age or whatever and forgotten. And they're not part of any clan necessarily.
What I really need to figure out is the cause for all the guys to be in one place. Do I want time travel and they're all from different eras and are jumping between them like they are in the LU comics and fanworks, do I want a singular timeline and they've all been living congruently the whole time with their own adventures, or do I want some kind of event to have happened which has caused their times to collapse into a singular and now they're all here in one place with their Zeldas? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there's a lot of possibility! The Dark Crystal already deals a lot with ideas of threes and triangles so three timelines and three virtues for the triforce and there being nine heroes (divisible by three) already works suuuper well.
And then there's the villans. In loz there's Ganon but in TDC the Skeksis are already a formidable adversary. They have a thirst for power and everlasting life that's already pretty interesting. There's the darkening too, which could be a stand in for the idea of Ganon, just like an evil tainting the land instead of an actual person. Idk!
And since I want it to be in Thra, where in the timeline should it be? During the Age of Division before the events of AoR, far far past the events of the later comics in the Second Age of Harmony with Kensho and Thurma, or create something new and rewrite the timeline altogether? lol I need to reread Power of TDC and read the other comics.
There's A LOT but it's fun.
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pockettron3000 · 12 days
something has bewitched me,,,i can now only draw gelfling/fireling as mouse-like creatures,,,what happened
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amitieos · 6 months
let's get ready to rumble! || battle of the eagle and lion round 3, battle 23
Elincia heads to the field of battle once more, a spring in her step. The number of competitors had thinned out considerably and she considered herself blessed to have made it this far. For the third time that day she fought alongside Caspar, his cheer infectious and enthusiasm boundless.
"I couldn't ask for a better partner. Shall we try and make it three for three?" Elincia asks him as they approach their opponents. It will be a hard fought battle, of that much she is sure before they begin. Yet the pair had made a fantastic team so far. "No matter what happens, I'm proud to have fought by your side today."
She stands across from Princess Céline of Firene and a knight named Lloyd who appeared somewhat familiar. Humming, she tries to put her finger on how so whilst she assesses the battlefield before her, searching for an advantageous opening move. Elincia makes her decision, grabbing the bow strapped to her back when it hits her. "Lloyd Reed? As in Linus' brother? He's a lovely fellow, isn't he? It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" Perhaps some may titter and say this was hardly the place for pleasantries but Elincia did not care. They were not enemies in war but rivals in a friendly competition, hardly a reason not to be polite and amicable to their opponents. Her smile is broad as she turns to Céline, inclining her head to the young royal. "You must be Lady Céline, it's lovely to make your acquaintance too."
"Shall I get us started then? May we all have a fair fight, in the spirit of good fun!" She draws her arrow back, allowing it to fly towards Lloyd. The knight, armed with only a sword, will have to make a choice of his own - to forfeit his turn or move into Caspar's line of attack. Either way, this should secure them an advantage, albeit briefly. If her arrow lands, that is.
Elincia 5/5 HP attacks Lloyd 5/5 HP with Steel Bow Roll d20: 15! Hit -2 damage Lloyd has 3/5 HP remaining
A sigh of relief escapes her lips when the point of her arrow finds it's target. She'd been far too inconsistent for her own liking today, relying far too much on Caspar. After all - they were supposed to be a team and she was determined to pull her weight.
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I know they only let us have what we did because they kill her but like I’m still so happy I keep crying
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gianluc30 · 29 days
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one image, but many tears
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kayray-art · 10 months
yumai week 2023
day 4 - waiting
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boundlesschaos · 4 months
[ Garden ] Céline recalls their conversation from the previous ball well— A wondrous moment filled with talk of tea. This time, she finds herself surrounded by the budding blooms of flowers in place of the homely scent of tea. Nonetheless, the princess greets with a polite wave and bow: "It is most delightful that our paths cross once more! I was hoping we would meet sooner or later."
Resting her hands on her knees (or an attempt thereof), she lowers herself closer to a dazzling blue flower growing in their midst. She dares not pluck it, nor touch it— Only admire. "The flowers here are lovely.." She trails off, eyes lingering between the flower and Niamh as she uprises once more with a soft smile. "How are you finding the festivities?"
The retreat to the gardens, Niamh has found, has been a welcome one. It had become a cycle for her, in order to maintain her stamina, to dip into the ballroom, and into the masquerade. To delight in the adventures in there, yet have an escape.
Each time, the gardens have greeted her with flora that Niamh can't help but observe - this time is no different. She is enamored with the brilliant blue of the flower her eyes catch sight of. She wonders how it came to be, whether the garden's soil plays a part in the hue. The medicinal properties could be considered as well, though she'd want to see if there were other of it's kind, first.
But what she finds instead surprises her. The person who kneels down to briefly examine the floor herself is familiar to Niamh, very much so. And more than that...
"It's fun..." she informs Céline with a small nod. "Different from last year..." and for a wide number of reasons. Niamh recalls the plantlife last year to be far more dangerous - but lovely in their own ways, too. There are treats, both new and old, to be had here. And of course, there is the masquerade...
There's a small gasp. "I was informed that we can exchange these..." she carefully brings forth the string of pearls that have been assigned for her to give out. "I've kept note of what I learned last year. I've been able to try tea in many ways..."
She looks to Céline expectantly. "If...there's something you need assistance with...I want to help, too. Let this be a reminder of that..."
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penwrythe · 1 year
*sees fave Paintbrush's exit III interview*
That characterization was interesting to say the least. Even though I was a bit in *ahhhhhhhhhFAV* mode, I feel odd about PB's out-of-character dramatic personality.
Also, Lightbrush confirmed??????
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gentlenekomata · 4 months
❀ blondies back together ❀ { ethereal ball event }
from here @firelles
As the other petite girl accepted her invitation, Sakura burst into a soft giggle as the two of them began to twirl in the middle of the room; they were so delicate and so light, emanating a radiant aura all around them.
“Actually, no” she shook her head, but her smile never disappeared, “But I’m sure we can figure it out together” and she softly made her grip a little sturdier on Céline’s body, hoping that the rhythm of the music would lead the two of them to understand the dance steps more easily.
“Anyway, you look stunning in this green dress! Very befitting on you!” and she noticed the string of pearls as well; they were just perfectly fine as décor for the entire outfit.
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goldoanheart · 1 year
Water- While she cannot say the ball is up to the ideals she had been expecting, she has at least found the endeavor fruitful. The choice of music is certainly strange, albeit the circumstances seem to be in favor of it. As she leaves the dance floor, she heads towards the refreshments table and grabs a cup of water. The heels of her shoes follow each step with poise.
When she reaches the space, she turns to her right. Then left. Céline takes hold of two cups, extending a hand out in anticipation of giving one away. A sudden gesture, she is aware. Yet, what are balls if not a time to socialize and learn of one another? "Perhaps I am over-stepping, but it is important for us all to take care of our health. Have you had any water? Do join me."
Kurth, despite how many events he has attended in his lifetime, is still not quite used to strangers coming up to him, especially with the circumstances that everyone now finds themselves in. But the girl before him now seems kind enough, and he takes the cup of water gingerly from her hand into his own.
"That is very kind of you, to worry about the health of others even when you have not met them before." He smiles softly, not wanting to seem to terribly rude. He hopes that the way he startled upon her approach was not too damning for them to not continue speaking. He was curious about many of the people here that he had not yet met, after all. About the land that they had come from, about things that he did not know, things that he wished to learn.
"I suppose it is only proper to introduce myself. I am Kurthnaga, though simply 'Kurth' is quite fine."
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tsugarubecker · 2 years
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pockettron3000 · 5 months
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here’s another Volcanafi doodle because i don’t know what to post at the moment!!
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starrook · 1 year
8.) making their favorite hot drink (tea party delight)
Alcryst is much more particular with his teas than he’d like to admit. His favorite blends are full-bodied, spiced with cinnamon and cloves or have a pleasant nutty aroma. Bold flavors that should linger on the tongue. Weak teas are no better than water, and yet one had to be careful not to let it steep too long…
That’s what makes these tea tastings with Céline that much more special. Who better to sample the best teas with than a true connoisseur of the art? Recently they’ve been trying Fódlan blends. Today’s is an oddly-named one, ‘Crescent Moon Tea’, with a variety of seeds blended amongst the tea leaves. It has a light aroma, which generally indicates a light tea. Not among Alcryst’s favorites, but he gives it a try regardless and takes a sip.
…and another sip, and then another. The variety of flavors in this one makes the tea far more complex than it first appeared. Earthy and yet floral, and pleasantly sweet—it doesn’t take long for Alcryst to finish his cup, and yet he wants more. “That… was amazing! I don’t even know how I’d describe that!” Looks like he has a new favorite tea!
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luminousrider · 1 year
[ Cue the Music ] - Extending a hand forward, she gestures towards an empty space: "Greetings! Might I request something of you? I must admit— I find this choice of music rather.. odd." Crickets holding instruments certainly isn't something she sees every day. Or, rather, at all. She supposes there is talent in that, strange to observe as it is. 
Céline's eyes flicker from the scene back forward, a sparkle of readiness apparent. "However, I would find it a shame were we not to do any dancing at all. Do you know of a dance that can match the tune of this song? I would be delighted to learn a new piece." A pause. "Ah, you may call me Céline. I am delighted to make your acquaintance."
"Is it?" Altena tilts her head curiously as she, too, observes the cricket musicians. "I've never actually been to anything like this before--even normal-sized--so I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be like. What I'd really like to know is how they manage to play their instruments without any fingers." A small smile curls at the corners of her lips and she glances over at Celine.
But when the princess suggests Altena teach her a new dance, her cheeks turn as red as her dress. "Oh. Ha. I'm not...I mean I definitely haven't had enough champagne to try dancing." She reaches out to shake Celine's hand in greeting and there is a glow as the two hands meet. "Altena. The pleasure is mine."
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