#first edit i ever did so it looks horrid
stinky-rainboo · 2 years
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xxaraaq · 4 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙚
Synopsis | Alicent is a Godly woman who's morals stand high above everything else. She's given everything she's supposed to to the realm. She is so selfless, so fucking her husbands brother is the one thing she can keep to herself, right?
Word count | 1.5k
cw | Infidelity, spoken violence, corruption?
Authors note | Hi y'all. I know I haven't posted in literally the longest time ever but if I'm being honest I've been fighting with life it up until about a week ago it was beating my ass. Anyways, I'm back now, and I hope that this will make up for it, enjoy! Not edited.
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She is a good queen.
That’s what she thinks to comfort herself whenever the regrets of her past set in.  She has done her duty to the realm, giving birth to formidable sons and a beautiful daughter. She did what she was supposed to do, she just happened to do it with the wrong man.
No one could blame her for her choices. Her husband, a now senile, miserable old man who had no romantic love for her, failed in his role as her source of comfort. Once Rhaenyra went off and fucked her uncle in a brothel, she felt as though she had no true friends, no real allies.
No one except you.
You were the youngest of you, Viserys, and Daemon. Meaning that you had no real responsibilities. You had close to if not no chance of inheriting the iron throne, and you accepted it. Instead of struggling futilely trying to climb your way up the line of succession, you sat back, kicked your feet up, and enjoyed the life of a royal, of a Targaryen.
With you and Alicent being so close in age, you only being four years her senior, she found it easier to converse and jest with you compared to her husband and virtually everyone else around her. You were light hearted, a companion she often sought the company of. And even though her fathers concern grew about the influence you have on her that grows with each passing day, she paid it no mind. After all, she was the queen, and no one could tell her no.
It was the day the ‘rumors’ spread about Rhaenyra that you swooped in. Exhausted, you were the first person she went to to deliver the news. 
“Your sister has ruined almost any chance she has at marrying a suitable lord.” Alicent huffs, pacing back and forth around the room. You chuckle, amused by the entire ordeal. “She is a princess, maiden or not, my brother will surely find a wealthy husband for my niece.” You say, trying to ease her nerves. It obviously doesn’t help, her looking at you like you have two heads. “This is nothing to joke about. Your niece might run your entire house into ruin with the horrid accusations circling about. Have you no care in what happens?” She yells, desperate to get you to understand her frustration in it all. “Accusations? Alicent, my closest friend, you are no fool. You and I both know she fucked my brother in a whorehouse. You can speak freely with me, I promise you that.” You stand from your chair, making your way towards her. You love your niece and brother, but you’re also not one to deny the truth.
A tear slips from her eye, the stress of it all pouring down on her. “Oh, my dear, don’t cry.” You cup her face in your rough hands. A chill runs down her spine, something she’s never felt before. The look you have in your eyes is not what she’s seen from you before. Your eyes are dark, a smirk on your face that means nothing but trouble.
“You are a good woman, I must say. A loyal wife, an obedient daughter, a great friend. You never fail to be there to fulfill the needs and wants from others around you. But what about your needs, hmm?” You ask, tone sultry with an emotion she can’t pinpoint. “I-I don’t understand what you mean.” She stutters, growing shy from your demeanor. “You know what I mean, Alicent. When’s the last time you’ve truly felt fulfilled? Rhaenyra is too busy chasing after Daemon like a lost pup to spend time with you. Your husband is still stuck on Aemma even though he’s the reason she passed on in the first place, God's rest her soul. And your father, as much as he may love you, sees you as nothing more than a tool. I am the only one who has genuine intentions for you. The only things I care about ensuring is your well-being and happiness. A life full of not knowing what it’s like to be pleasured and to bring pleasure is not one worth living.” 
She knows that you mean this deep down in your heart, and that makes her want to give in all the more. ‘We can’t, what if someone finds out?” She asks, fear covering her features. You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Who would be so impudent as to try and tell the King that his youngest brother is fucking his wife?” You say. 
She thinks for a second, then two, then three. “I’m… I’m not certain that having an affair would be for the best.” She says, backing away until she hits the edge of a table. “Let me show you what I could do for you, please? If you don’t like it, just say the word and I’ll never make an advance again, I promise this to you.” You almost plead, desperation laced through every word you speak. You have to have her, you’re sure you’ll die if you don’t.
Her silence fills the room, making your heart beat all the more harder. You almost dropped to your knees to thank the Gods for having you in their favor the moment she nodded her head yes. It was slow at first, a kiss on the neck, a light caress on her thigh, but then you stopped holding back, and you took her to that table in a matter of minutes. You held your hand to her mouth, trying to keep her as quiet as possible as you fucked into her tight cunt with a fervor you’ve never felt before. Everything about her drove you crazy as you corrupted her. The scent of her hair, the softness of her skin, the way she so futilely used her hand to try and push you from her as your thick cock plowed through her. 
Your secret relations kept on through the years, past the birth of Ageon and the rest of the children. The both of you knew that all four of them were yours, words not needed to be spoken to know that you were the one to sire the king's heirs and not the king himself.
As everyone grew, so did the tensions concerning the birth of your niece's sons. You had to laugh when you first saw Jace’s brown tufts of hair. How could she be so transparent about her infidelity? It was Rhaenyra’s actions that truly caused the hatred to stir within Alicent. You knew as well as everyone else that it was only a matter of time before things grew too large to keep a blind eye to it all.
The day that Aemond was maimed was one that nobody could ever forget. It was truly just a blurry haze of squeaky voices, deep insults, and the sound of a sheathed blade. The royal blood that covered the pavement that night would never be forgotten. You were the one that escorted the queen back to her room that night, providing an environment where her tongue could be as loose as need be. You shut the door, the creakiness that shows its age filling the silence. “That vile woman and her, her…” She couldn’t even get the words out, she was so furious. “Bastards? Say it Alicent, we all know it to be the truth.” You say, leaning against the stone wall. She groans, hand running over her face as she goes back to her habit of pacing the room. “The king is so shielded by the love he has for her, he can’t even see the vile things she has done.” She says, pupils so dilated with rage she can’t see straight. “Must I remind you that we are in the same boat as her, only that her’s has started to sink while ours stays afloat?” You say, quick to point out the sins she has also committed. The words catch in her throat, taken aback by your sudden correction. “Are you taking her side?” Her voice trembles with stress as she picks at her nail beds. “Do you not remember how I to this day sneak into you room through secrets passageways to fuck you to sleep every night? How I’ve filled your womb with so much seed I’ve impregnated you four times? Or have you forgotten how all our children are bastards as well?” You say, your voice sarcastically sweet as you grip her waist, pulling her backside flush to her chest. You lay kisses on her neck and shoulders, soothing her tenseness almost immediately. “What happened to our son is a tragedy that may never be avenged. But as he said, the reward for losing his eye was much greater than the pain he suffered.” You whisper in her ear.
She is a good queen, she thinks to herself. 
She is a good queen, even as she lets you fuck her up against the bed posts, mouth cover by your calloused hands once more to keep her muffled sounds of ecstasy hidden from the outside world
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inkyycapp · 10 months
| rayman, ramon & raymesis x reader.
| relationship hcs.
personal song of choice: in my room, by insane clown posse.
i've seen so many rayman edits to this song, it now has him written alll over it. fuuuuuuckkkkkkk. do i write smut? (probably). just take this for now.
| tw:: foul language, raymesis/j, my own hcs, self indulgence, (heavy?)angst, they're all struggling, this is not proof read.
[ a/n:: we need more rayman. i'm still new to writing fanfics(aside my horrid watpad {i forgot how to spell it} phase.) forgive my errors and i hopefully plan to write more of him. he haunts my nightmares(lovingly). i'm ill rn, and wrote most of this in a sleep deprived craze for more rayman. first time writing these characters-- forgive me. ]
i feel like he'd be the type to randomly pinch you especially when he feels like he's being ignored, or when you're 'busy'.
he always does it when you least expect it. sitting on the couch, scrolling on your phone/reading a book? pinch. getting something to drink? pinch. stargazing? pinch.
loves the little reactions he gets from you. giggles over it. i bet he kicks his feet too.
definitely the type to swipe food from your plate when you're not looking, then gaslight you about it.
you're missing a potato wedge? nuh-uh. you're crazy. how dare you assume that your handsome, loving, amazing boyfriend would ever steal from you. the betrayal...(he did it.)
i like to think he enjoys hand kisses. random thought, but i dunno. i think he'd like to kiss your palms as a source of reassurance, and of course receiving the same affection back would probably give him a heart attack. in a good way of course.
or when you're a bit stressed in public and hold onto the back of his hoodie. like slightly holding onto the fabric where it's almost unnoticeable. probably the cutest thing you could ever do in his eyes. (that or giving him a lil kiss.)
silly things aside, he stuggles a lot. his failures that haunt him day in and out, he's scared to know how long it takes before he fails you too.
simple mistakes can lead to him getting stressed or overwhelmed as he doesn't leave any room for his 'failures', even with something so simple as accidentally knocking something over, breaking stuff, etc... he truly believes that you are one mistake away from leaving him.
he tries to be forgiving of all things with consideration of course, but often times it backfires. he has a naïve view that everyone can, and will change. he wants to believe that they will change for the better, even if the person chooses not to change, or to change for the worse. he blames himself when things go south because of that, he wants to give someone a second chance, but sometimes do they really deserve it? he tells himself he should know better by now, and it was all nothing but wishful thinking. very forgiving for others, but the rules don't apply to himself.
be patient with him, and reassure him whenever you get the chance. he really needs it.
his sleep schedule is the most horrendous schedule you will have ever seen. it's teetering between a full on coma, or staying awake for days on end. he loves taking naps, but sometimes he just can't-- he has work to do. remind him breaks are necessary. force him to sleep when he needs it. for his naps(comas), i don't know. cry? if there's one thing that'll wake him up is the sound of you in distress.
rayman is a sucker for pet names. he will be a puddle of goo in you're hands.
you're in another room, and he's just lounging about. the next moment you're calling for him, needing his help with something? he's right there. like right behind you.
lives for simplicity. babe, baby, sweetheart, honey, hun/hon. consider whatever you need done. he's so whipped for you.
he's also pretty good with pda. again, the pinching. public, private, it doesn't matter. that cute little pout on you're face is something he'd kill for.
personally, i prefer the earlier games personality traits as opposed to (i believe)origins. i do enjoy the childish behavior, however i do believe his immaturity does have a limit. (living for soh!rayman.)
definitely the type to crack the funniest jokes at the worst times imaginable. it's his secret talent.
that, and hitting you with a one liner when you're both faced with a terrible situation. except that one liner is just so good-- you have to at least give him credit for that.
huge soft spot for sentimental gifts. always putting them somehwere safe, and when enough time passes, he likes to go over each and every one. reminiscing about all the little things.
[middle child energy.]
'a hot tempered psycho who's looking to destroy rayman's reputation'. not my words-- it's the wiki's.
with canonical anger issues under his belt(?), he's a bit more brash than the other two. when realizing he may like you, he may turn against you in almost violent ways. but, he hesistates everytime. always missing by a hair.
it takes him a while before he'd able to ever consider that maybe being vulnerable is okay-- just this once.
suprisingly a tad bit cautious of 'being nicer' to you, but he's trying his best.
raymesis is a thing-a-majig with a serious identity crisis.
i like to think that the some of the 4-5 vers. of the evil clones of rayman are just him having multiple 'phases'. it's fun to think of.
on a more serious note: he often feels like he's nothing but a lesser-- a shadow of the heroic rayman. maybe he looks up to him in a way, and finds jealousy in how he can just...keep going. how he's able to be so open, and forgive other so easily despite their past transgressions. he finds it unfair: why is it so difficult for him, but so easy for rayman. he's a clone of him, sure an evil clone, but a clone nonetheless. that's where the deep, dark spiral comes in.
linking to that he struggles to be nice, vulnerable, or open with you. he's supposed to be an evil clone of some heroic figure, and yet he's falling over himself because of you. in his own way, he gets extremely upset-- it pisses him off. he tries to be mean to you, but he can't bring himself to do so. he's supposed to be a 'bad person', but hurting you makes him seem like more of a monster than a villain.
this will all take time for him to process, the best thing you can do is be patient, listen to him rant, and just try and be there for him.
you have definitely mellowed him out, just a bit. he's still an asshole to rayman/j.
they're more like bickering siblings who never get along.
do not expect 'family(?)' dinners to go well.
i feel like mr.dark and the nymphs have serious beef with eachother. wwe smack downs every 'family(?)' dinner. always bet on the nymphs.
wouldn't it be cute for the nymphs to treat raymesis like their son too? just adopting him one day without him knowing? scolding him for lighting that one house down the street on fire?
raymesis doesn't like christmas trees.
there seems to be a reoccurring joke in the descriptions that claim raymesis is 'ugly' despite the fact he's a near clone of rayman. this always leaves him in a puddle of confusion with his confidence always shot. please tell him he's pretty once in a while-- he won't accept the compliment, but he'll think about it for days.
he's not used to praise, and can't take compliments. poor buddy.
he definitely bites. a lot.
of course he's a little more careful with you, he still bites now and again. i feel like he's an agressive lover. wanting to squeeze the life out of things he finds 'cute' without ever admitting it.
he has a purple tongue. that's kinda cool. i like to think he probably has a tongue piercing too? i feel like he's the type.
definitely plenty of pent up feelings that he has a hard time expressing.
but pda? oh yeah. lives for it. his hands always has to be on you in one way or another. get's all agitated, and sulks when you pull you're hand away from his to pick something up, or to rummage through your bag. how dare you-- you owe a huge apology.
pet names; babe/baby, sweetheart, creature, mine, stupid/idiot(lovingly). he's very silly with these.
he has a hard time believing you'd ever choose him compared to the hero, rayman. with time maybe he'll learn you love him, and choose him because he's your first choice.
(superiority complex.)
he may not be the best person, but he's at least willing to learn to be better in his own way.
can we all agree on the amount of trust issues this man has right about now? good.
after the betrayal with eden whether you've been in his life for years or not, he finds it hard to put everything out in front. it'll take him some time to rebuild trust after what eden did. and no, him needing to rebuild the trust has nothing to do with you! (i mean that in a good way.) you did nothing wrong(unless you did) in his eyes but, he used to believe eden was his everything. and with that, eden took everything. he worries that with time they'll take you too.
give him reassurance, quality time, the whole mile. remind him you're not going anywhere.
while cuddling in bed(couch, etc) probably the type to refuse to let you go to the bathroom because he doesn't want to let you go.
honestly, very romantic.
he loves fruit, and chocolate covered fruit too.
will buy you some, but steals a few pieces when you're not looking. he's sneaky like that.
also known that he likes sushi, but i feel like he probably has beef with the conveyer belt things. probably a bad experience, or he's mad at it for no reason.
i think he likes habatchi. it's very entertaining.
he's the type to tell the most outrageous stories out of the blue. he's the absolute king of 'i used to know a friend'.
probably kept up with everyone's drama as the news host. stays awake at night thinking about it sometimes.
y'know when someone tells you a joke and you don't get it at first? this is him figuring out what they meant at like 2:30 am.
another terrible sleep schedule. like absolutely horrendous.
he probably has nightmares about his time as a news host. thinking of the lies he used to spread. how much each one impacted someone elses life.
wakes up in a cold sweat. ends up focusing on you're calm breathing, and tries to match it. eventually falls asleep, not before firmly pulling you close to him. even when you wake up, you'll never escape his grasp.
on an alternative route, if you did wake up, he's extremely apologetic. tries to usher you back to sleep. now you're both awake munching on some food watching some shitty trash tv, criticizing why she choose james over percy.
he's not keen on pda. he worries for you're life. it's already a risk for you to be with him-- what if eden sees?
pet names too, but more casual with them behind closed doors. definitely married-couple-core. sweetheart, brat when he's being a pain, or play fighting. hon/hun, baby when he's literally attached to you're hip.
has frequent chronic migraine. enjoys just burying his face into you're stomache and just laying there while you're doing whatever your doing. like a cat.
enjoys the comfortable silence between you two, but small conversation is just as nice.
has guns. you broke a lamp. doesn't let you touch no more./j
he actually prefers you have a gun on your person at all times, even in the comfort of home. you'll never know what could happen when you can't protect yourself.
| the end.
[a/n: sorry it's a little short, but this is my first time writing for these three. addiction is strong, don't do rayman kids.]
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galvanizedfriend · 4 months
Klaroline WIP Wednesday
This is my humble contribution to this wip Weds! It's a tiny little snippert from the next chapter of Speed Dating, which has been sitting untouched for way too long. Genuinely hoping this might give me the will to keep going because I am this 🤏 close to the finish line (before editing starts and the finish line gets away from me again but shhhh, we're not going there yet).
She doesn't see Elijah again for the next two days. Whatever he's in town for, he either glides around the apartment like a ghost or their schedules are totally at odds. If not for the extravagantly fancy woolen overcoat by the door and what she has quickly learned is a very particular brand of moodiness for Klaus, she would've thought he'd already left.
It's probably for the best, considering the horror of that first meeting, but curiosity is an unscratchable itch. Elijah has intrigued her for years, more so than any of Klaus’ other siblings. Putting a face - well, a little more than a face, really - to the person is a given, but she can't help the desire to dig deeper. It’s in her nature to be nosy. About him, about Klaus, about the whole family. 
Despite the fact she's lived with one and been friends with another for years, the Mikaelsons remain a mystery to her. The more she knows, the more confusing it gets. Nothing about them seems to make much sense, and Caroline hasn't even decided if that's a super-rich, children of the 1% thing, or if the Mikaelsons are especially wacky even among their peers.
After two days, though, she's just about lost hope of bumping into Elijah again. She doubts he'll be staying for much longer, especially with Klaus' cordial show of hospitality. Not that Elijah seemed bothered - being rude to siblings for no apparent reason seems to be one of those things that are normal by Mikaelson standard. It's just how they operate.
She's just back from a shift at the hospital, idly scrolling through her Instagram while she waits for the microwave to deliver her sad leftover dinner. Bitterly, she realizes it has been months since she last updated her feed. Her last photo is with Tyler, for crying out loud. Should she even keep it there? What's the etiquette for when you break up with someone for no earth-shattering reasons, the relationship just fizzling out and running its course? Is it rude to delete all evidence of him from her social media records? Is it expected? Will he be upset? Has he deleted her from his social media? 
In fact, now that she thinks about it... Is Tyler even seeing anyone?
"Huh," she mumbles to herself, fully internalizing in that second how truly messy her life has become that she hasn't even cyber-stalked her ex to know what he's been up to since they broke up. That's a whole new level of rock bottom unlocked, right there.
"Miss Forbes?"
Caroline nearly drops her phone when she looks up to find Elijah standing by the kitchen door. She swears to God the man is unnaturally feline; she didn't even hear him approach.
Unlike in their first encounter, he's now fully clothed and, unsurprisingly, he looks just as good as he did without a stitch on. Maybe better. His suit looks as though it was sewn directly onto his body by an Italian master tailor. The range of that man.
"Hey!" She cringes at her high pitch, standing up straight. 
His smile is affable as he steps further into the kitchen. "Do I interrupt?"
"What? No. I was just scrolling."
Caroline feels suddenly very self-conscious of just how crazy frumpy she must look standing in front of Elijah. The man is a poster boy for wellness and prosperity, while she is... Well. Not.
Suffice to say she's wearing a Timberwolves t-shirt from her long-gone cheerleading days in high school with at least five visible holes on it.
"I've been meaning to apologize for that horrid incident the other day," he starts. Caroline wouldn’t have brought the incident up, assuming he would rather forget it ever happened, but if it causes him any measure of discomfort to have been butt naked in front of a complete stranger, he does not show, which - now that she thinks about, is something else that feels very Mikaelson-esque. They do all seem to be incredibly comfy in their own skins. "Niklaus warned me that you would be home soon, but my despair for a proper shower was stronger than caution. I should've been more careful."
"You don't have to apologize. It's fine. It was nothing." That would've been a good place to stop. A very mature and dignified let's leave it at that and never mention it again. But her stupid mouth just keeps going. "I see naked people all the time at the hospital. It's totally unremarkable." Elijah's eyebrows inch upwards into a mildly curious expression. "I don't mean that you are unremarkable!" she corrects, and then, getting immediately horrified at the implications, adds, "You're not - I mean, you're ok, you're - obviously. Not that I was looking, I wasn’t - I just mean - You know what? I'm just gonna shut up now." She snaps her lips sealed, half-wishing that a hole would open underneath her feet and suck her into the magma of the earth.
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
Luigi's Mansion 3: "A Friend in the Biz" pt 3. (Finale)
   Soft clicking and the whir of the editing machine were accompanied by humming as Morty worked on his film. As he checked over a strip of film he blinked. Purple light came from behind him.      "Excuse me, but I simply cannot work with that li-" he turned and was met with baleful glowing eyes. A sharp cackle as a picture frame floated into view.      "Gravely thinks it's safe to leave you here. But I think I need a new painting!" King Boo growled.
   Luigi coughed as dust flew up. All around him various ghosts were picking through the remains of the hotel. Debris crunched underfoot as Mario came over.      "What do we do now? It's been ruined." Luigi said.      "We rebuild, of course!" E. Gadd came over, hard hats in hand. "We have enough ghosts and and people here to make a crew, we can rebuild better than ever!" Mario laughed as he accepted a hard hat. "Whadda ya say, lil bro? Ready to do plumbing for an entire hotel?"    Taking the hat, Luigi went to put it on but stopped as a call came from one of the ghosts. No longer under Hellen's control, Steward had been let out of containment and had been digging in the mess. He pulled something out and rushed over to the others.    Luigi let out a cry when he saw what the ghost was carrying. Morty was trapped in the painting, an expression of horror and anger on his face as he glared out. Scrambling to turn on the dark light Luigi's hands shook as the beam struck the painting. A hum and Morty shot out of his prison.      "You horrid, vile, cinema hating...!" Morty stopped and looked around in confusion. "I, where am I?"       "Morty!" Luigi grabbed the ghost in a hug, startling him even more.      "Luigi?" He returned the hug. "My young star, what on earth happened? Where's the hotel?"    Letting up a weak laugh, Luigi rubbed the back of his neck. "It, um, it's there." he waved his hand to the mess. Morty took in all in and then saw the other people nearby.      "You beat King Boo, didn't you?" he said, looking at Luigi with pride. "I knew you were more than just a movie star!"      "Movie star?" Mario came over, eyebrow raised. Luigi chuckled nervously. "It's a long story."    E. Gadd strutted past them. "Stories can wait, we have a hotel to rebuild!"
Work began and everyone agreed to stay and see it to the end. As a result a campsite was set up and that night a large campfire was lit. After dinner was done, Luigi joined Morty by the fire. The ghostly director was holding something that glinted in the light and Luigi realized it was a mangled film reel.      "My one masterpiece. Ruined." Morty said softly. "And I can't find the photo of my sister."      "Your sister?"    Morty tenderly set the reel aside. "Did you know most forget their lives once they turn into ghosts? I didn't though. I still remember my life, my family. I had a little sister, three years younger than me, and my best friend. We both wanted to go into show business, she wanted to be a singer, I wanted to direct.    "She got her chance after a lot of practice. Was hired at a night club in New Donk City. That night after her first gig we were driving home." He stared into the fire. "It was storming, and late. We had an accident. Neither of us made it."    By now others had gathered, quietly taking their seats as they listened.      "There was a bright light but I wasn't able see anything past that. She did, and since she got to live her life's dream she was able to move on. I couldn't. The pull to make my masterpiece was too strong so I stayed behind. When Hellen came to me with the idea of the studio I was so excited! A chance to meet people, to make movies and find new talent! But people didn't want to work with a ghost director. Until you." he turned to Luigi.      "You were the first one to be kind to me, actually help me out." he sighed, picking up the reel again. "And now it's ruined."    No one had ever seen Luigi move so fast, diving to catch the reel before it could land in the fire. He clutched it to his chest as he took his seat again. "Gadd says we can rebuild." Luigi supplied. "We could make you a new studio, and I'd help with your movie again." He held out the reel. "Don't give up, Morty, please?"    Morty took the reel back. "Thank you, my young star." he said gratefully. "I think I will try again."    With the ghosts able to move swiftly and the ability to make materials float to reach high places, rebuilding didn't take long, only about a month. Morty entered the elevator with Luigi and reaching for the ninth floor button, hesitated.      "Go ahead," Luigi urged. Giving his friend a nod, the director tapped the button and the doors closed. It wasn't a moment later they swung open and Morty gasped softly as he floated out.    The studio had been not only restored, but improved. Rows of posters were proudly displayed in lit cases, with movie props placed around along with signs depicting what movies they were from. Going through the nearby double doors they entered a large sound stage. Boxes of props were set aside along with a fully restored miniature city laid out and glowing with tiny lights.      "We tried to get as much of it back as we could." Luigi explained. "And we even got you this."    He stepped aside and motioned to a director's chair and a brand new megaphone. Morty picked up the megaphone, running his fingers over the gold printing that had his name.      "Morty?" Luigi prompted, "Whadda ya say?"       "What do I say?" the ghost's reply was quiet at first. "Nothing I can say except..." he whipped around with a big smile. "Let's make a movie!"
   Planning to add in what film he had salvaged from the rubble, filming didn't take long and it was a week later Morty happily announced "Cut! That's a wrap!" to a series of cheers and applause. As Morty praised the crew and cast, Mario pulled Luigi aside.      "I'm proud of you, lil bro, you were great!"    Luigi turned a light pink. "Th-Thanks, Mario."    A gong rang out from nearby. Peach was holding the mallet and she smiled brightly. "There's a party ready and waiting in the ballroom!" she called to more cheers.    The party was a big one, heaps of good food and music and dancing led to laughter and plenty of talking. As the night wore on, Luigi noticed one was missing. Excusing himself he took the elevator back up to the ninth floor.    In the new editing room, Morty was quietly splicing in old footage with the fresh work. He looked up as Luigi lightly tapped on the door.      "Am I interrupting?" Luigi asked, his tone back to the shy young man who had first entered the studio during his adventure.      "Not at all, come in." Morty said warmly, indicating the chair beside him. Luigi took the seat and watched quietly as his friend resumed his work. After a while, Morty spoke.      "I didn't think you'd want to come back in here, after the last time." he said. Luigi was silent, remembering the fear as Serpci's poison crept through his veins and how he stumbled back to the elevator, only one thought on his mind.      "I feel safe here." he said softly. He then seemed to remember something. "Oh, I have something that I think is yours."    Reaching into the front pocket of his overalls, he pulled out something and handed it over. Morty gasped, eyes wide as he took the photo.      "I thought it was lost forever." he whispered, ghostly tears gathering in his eyes.      "You and your sister, right?" Luigi ventured to guess.   Morty sniffled, wiping at his eyes. "Yeah." The young man grew thoughtful as he watched Morty pin the photo back up. "Do you think when the movie's done, you'll move on?"    There was a pause. "I'm not sure. I'd like to see my sister again, I miss her every day. But this hotel, everything here, I feel like I've been given another life." He turned back around, smiling. "And I'd like to see where it goes."    Luigi smiled back. "Yeah, me too."    END      By "CC"
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cdroloisms · 1 year
hi your art is so gorgeous I’m obsessed with how you shade and texture hair especially. Also can you tell us more about spaghetti strap collar dream (j!dream??) starting with Why is he dressed so fruity
OMG THANK U :D hair drives me a little nuts to draw i wont even lie
j!Dream ... my j!Dreamogie...
j!Dream starts with the JMAH AU, which involves our favorite mans sam awesamdude getting to do a good old do-over of the prison. Which he takes gladly, of course, with a good heaping measure of god has sent me back to do what's right and this is the warden's duty to bear and other related such sam-isms
of course, things go awry with him, but not before a year of (title drop!) just him and dream in the prison and all of the horrid intimacy and violence that came with it. sam wallows in his failure (and his successes...he did things better this time, right? it wasn't his fault, right? he did everything he could...maybe now he can enjoy true freedom...) while dream relearns how to be free (in the belly of the prison that had swallows him whole and spit him out different. the dispensers are a row of teeth above his head.) it hardly matters at the end, though, because XD has other games to play--this brings us to Four Square, which is the prison-themed crossover meetup with canon of their dreams (heh, Dreams) !! All your best hits are here: the clock! Blood! Drama! More blood! Sam giving the Dreams over for Quackity to torture! Sam threatening Quackity for Dream's sake! Technoblade! Camraderie! Betrayals! Gossip sessions! Raw potatoes! Dream grilling Sam about his reasons! Even board games! Four Square really has it all.
(a lot more. under the cut.)
in four square, a certain point, both prisontrios (jmah edition and canon) get to play monopoly together. in the regular version, the dreams manage to win monopoly, (j!dream does, specifically) and quite a bit happens in the aftermath of this--after getting trolled by XD a bit an having to fight for their lives a lot more, they do (with. some complications) manage to win themselves the upper hand eventually. it kinda brings four square to the more "daedalus" era, with the LN confrontation next (we never finished writing that, though: it probably would've ended quite a bit messier than the LN confrontation, with nowhere to run, but i feel like it probably would've ended with the quackitys hogtied in some corner of the prison while the dreams waited for them to get tp-ed out.)
in the bad ending, though, j!sam wins. and there's a lot about four square that does demand...a level of introspection, for better or for worse, and sam has been on quite the roller coaster of emotions (here, you have him: but only for a day.) dream is in the prison, but sam is really no more its warden than anyone else here--four square is first and foremost a game, and that in and of itself is a mockery. more than anything, he's finding that he wants dream and dream alone; he misses the days of just the two of them in this prison, just the two of them and dream is safe and perfectly under his control. when he wins monopoly and XD gives him a wish...well.
enter mayfair. four square had taken a lot out of them both, dream especially--he was told for a year that sam was protecting him from Worse, that sam wasn't really torture wasn't really that bad, and 24 hours with two Quackities each with a Lays family size bag of chips on their shoulder sure has him pretty damn convinced. sam and him and a new prison only this one has brick walls instead of obsidian and wood flooring instead of blackstone...a little cottage with an impenetrable barrier surrounding them. he's more trapped than he's ever been but look, here's a house and here's sam and here's the sun. here's table set with a vase of roses and a candlelit dinner for two.
in a lot of ways, what happens after is the natural progression of jmah, and then four square, and all their combined horrors. dream isn't even sure that they're on their server (they weren't for four square, after all.) he's tired. he's genuinely, wholly, so fucking tired of it all and sam isn't that bad, when it comes down to it, not as bad as he's been having nightmares about for the last few months--not as bad as he expected, should sam ever recapture him. this is his world now, this clearing and this house and this sam. it would be foolish of him to not try and make the most of it.
for a year and a half, they had been dancing around each other. for the entirety of four square, they had been grilled on the nature of their relationship with no satisfactory answers. there is so much about this house that is just so damn unambiguous, and honestly? honestly, dream just wants to know.
(one week, one week and a half into their new living arrangment, dream sinks to his knees in front of sam in their living room.)
(you want this, a question or a statement? you want this, and it goes both ways.)
the walk-in closet attached to their master bedroom had a little selection of clothing when they were tp-ed in. the whole damn place was kind of a practical joke, a picture-perfect romantic getaway. there's like, sex toys in the drawers. stuff like that. the closet itself is also a mess of different things--some copies of sam's clothes from home, some tunics and hoodies for dream...but also suits, and ties, and dress pants, and dresses. croptops and lingerie. a prisoner's jumpsuit tucked in some corner.
their sexual relationship is ummm UMMMM. it's a little dubious. for flavor. in a weird way, both sam and dream are on the same page of wanting to move past the prison? sam in particular is in an awkward position because...dream escaped! he literally Left, he Got Away, and now that sam has him again he's obligated, as his warden, to Do Something About That. at the same time though, he's giddy from the fact that he does have dream again. that he has real, tangible proof that dream is better, that he does need him and knows that he needs him, that he. Wants Him. the house didn't come with a cell--there is no place that is sam's, and then a separate place that is dream's. they are meant to exist together...and sam is finding that he. quite likes the idea of that.
they're also pent up as hell after uh going well over a year without any sexual activity for them both, and they've spent so much damn time thinking about it and dreaming about it and fearing it and wanting it on both sides without being able to admit any of it. so once the line is crossed, things start snowballing pretty damn fast. it's not something either of them can take back, so they. don't. and there's really nothing that exists to put a real boundary on any of it, any brakes to make things slow down or stop, anything that either of them can cling to as an excuse to force them to pull back. sam is pushing limits (how far will dream go to obey him--) and dream is pushing limits (how much can he use this to change what they are--) and neither of them are in a position where they can afford to back down. So They Don't.
birdhouse, or the timeline where we just get Really Silly With It, is where other variables are added in the form of different Dream AUs that kind of interrupt jmah duo's mutual decision to swan dive to hell. the outfits kinda start from mayfair and progressively get more extreme if dream + sam go unchecked--they're a natural consequence of j!Dream going hey how far can i push this to make sam lose his mind because if he's too busy thinking with his dick then he's probably less likely to get mad at me and other such lines of logic. in the version of birdhouse that begins to involve ff AU, the addition of ff!Sam (eventually) to the sexual dynamic does put another added layer of strain on j!dream in terms of the whole. There's Two Of Them Now. that's also where you kinda see more of him embracing uhh sex as the end-all be-all solution to most of his problems, as a means of getting some power back with regards to Sam and making the best out of his situation and the best (and only) leverage he has and the tool that's both the most pleasurable for him to wield and the most effective in making sam treat him better. Etc.
so he's doing great.
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sesshy380 · 9 months
Hi friend! Thank you for the lovely holiday gift offer <3
If possible, and if it's not a bit of a cop out to ask this, I'd like you to write whatever you want to write, your fave pairing and your fave prompt from the links you shared <3 <3
Keep being wonderful ^.^
There were a couple of prompts that called to me with one of my fave ships in mind…though this kinda feels like I’m just creating a gift for me lol
I decided to go with Deathshipping and ‘Finding the perfect gift’ for the prompt (because we all know Yamima would freak out about what to get Ryou for their first Christmas together). Huge shoutout to @resuri-art for helping me decide what Amir (Yamima) would get Ryou for Christmas!
(I literally just finished wrapping this up like 15 min ago and just did a once over for edits)
Amir stared at his horrid attempt to replicate the Monster World boss figure Ryou had been obsessing over for months. The closest similarities he could find between what sat before him and what it was supposed to be was that it had what appeared to be wings and too many eyes. Aside from that, the two weren’t even close.
How could he have screwed this up so badly? He’d watched Ryou create his own figures multiple times, and he’d made it look so easy.
Maybe he should have just sucked up his pride and asked Marik for the money to buy the figure. Hell, he probably could have walked into the bank and pretended to be Marik and withdrawn the amount, and Marik wouldn’t even have noticed it missing.
It wasn’t too late to do either of those things, right? This whole ‘Christmas’ thing wasn’t for another few days, and Ryou had to work every day leading up to it. That should be plenty of time to obtain the funds, run to the local shop that had the very expensive figure in its display, and get it home and wrapped. Ryou would never know that the fake monstrosity had ever existed.
Amir looked at the time. Ryou wouldn’t be home for another few hours. That would give him plenty of time to decide which route he was going to take in order to obtain the money he needed (though the idea of pretending to be Marik felt more degrading than just straight up asking for the cash).
He quickly re-hid the abomination in the far corner of one the higher shelves in the closet, then closed the door, trying to be as fast as possible so that he could at least get the money and get back home before Ryou did. He’d barely turned around, when he saw Ryou standing in the doorway of their room.
“What was that?” Ryou asked, his face expressing a sort of innocence that Amir had come to learn was more of a ‘I’m going to feign naivete to see if you’ll be honest with me’.
Shit. He’d been caught. How long had Ryou been standing there? Had he seen Amir’s horrifying attempt at a re-creation?
“Just putting away a few things, ya amar. Nothing important,” he lied…kinda. There was a small truth to what he’d said. “Aren’t you supposed to still be at work?” he asked in an attempt to deflect Ryou from further questioning what he’d been doing.
Ryou’s eyes subtly narrowed, sending a small chill up Amir’s spine. Fuck! Ryou knew he wasn’t being completely honest!
“It was a slow day, so I got to come home early,” Ryou said with a small smile that sent another chill up Amir’s spine. “Plus, it gave me the opportunity to pick up something I had commissioned a little while back. I was going to wait to give it to you on Christmas, but I can’t wait to see your reaction. Here.”
Ryou plucked a small box from his pocket and presented it to Amir.
Oh shit…Ryou was giving his Christmas present early! Did he expect Amir to give his gift early in return?!
Amir carefully took the small box, wondering what Ryou could have gotten him. He stared at it, trying to figure out what could fit inside such a small box. It looked just like one of the hundreds of small boxes Marik owned that his jewelry came in.
Amir had never been into the excessive amounts of gold Marik was into, so it was odd to think that Ryou would have gotten him jewelry in general.
“Aren’t you going to open it?” Ryou asked.
Amir glanced up momentarily from the box. “Uh, yeah. Just preparing myself.” He gave a small smile. “You know how I am with surprises. Gotta be ready for it.”
He looked back down and removed the lid, everything coming to a complete standstill as his brain registered what was inside.
It was a cartouche, similar to the one that Pharaoh had been gifted. That wasn’t the part that shocked him though. It was what was written on it.
It was his name written elegantly in Arabic.
Not Marik's. His.
Amir continued to stare down at the object, awkwardly frozen with the small box in one hand and the lid in the other. As much as he hated to admit it, his time with Marik had taught him how to judge the quality and worth of jewelry from looks alone…and the white gold piece before him wasn’t something Ryou could easily afford. He had to have saved up to have this made.
Now he had to find a way to get Ryou that figure. There was definitely no way he’d ever be able to present the horror hiding in the closet.
“Based on your expression, I’m going to take it as you like it?” Ryou asked, snapping Amir out of his frozen stupor.
“Ya amar…I-...yes! I love it!” he managed to fumble out.
He quickly set aside the lid and removed the cartouche from the box. He then slipped the chain over his wild mane, letting the pendant come to a rest just below his collarbone.
He closed the space between him and Ryou, tightly embracing his partner to show him how he felt about his gift.
“Thank you hayati. I don’t have the words to say what this means to me.”
Ryou squeezed him back just as tightly.
“I’m glad you like it. And I just know I’ll love what you made for me.”
It took a moment for Ryou’s words to register in Amir’s brain.
‘...what you made for me.’
Amir was glad that the way he was holding Ryou, that Ryou couldn’t see his panicked expression.
“Made?” he asked, trying to hide the panic in his voice. “I didn’t make anything?”
He was a terrible liar, and he knew it. Whenever he attempted to lie, he either ended up pulling a ‘Marik’ and being cocky in an attempt to hide the truth, or he nervously fumbled and created a story with more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.
Ryou pulled back and gave Amir that look. The one that said he knew Amir was trying to (badly) hide something from him.
He released Amir and folded his arms across his chest, that look boring into Amir’s soul. He pointed over to the small table where tools were still strewn.
“You’ve been using my crafting tools for weeks. I know you made me something.”
Oh shit. He had planned to put all of that away after hiding the monstrosity in the closet, but Ryou’s unexpected appearance had made him forget all about it. Damn. He’d been caught. There was no point in continuing to lie.
“Ya amar, it’s no good. It doesn’t even compare to what you got for me. I was going to go out and buy you something that is worth more than my terrible attempt.”
Ryou’s gaze softened.
“Amir, it’s not about the cost of the gift. It’s the thought that went into it. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you imagine. You’re just being overly self-critical of your own work. I do it all the time. Please let me see what you made.”
Ryou was giving him those eyes. He knew Amir couldn’t refuse his request when he was looking like a sad little creature that might cry if told ‘no’.
Amir heaved a defeated sigh, then reluctantly retrieved the horror from the closet. He looked at it one last time, still void of paint at this point, then presented it to Ryou.
He couldn’t even look up to see Ryou’s reaction. He was already too embarrassed at being caught and having to show his failure.
Ryou’s silence after taking the horror into his own hands seemed to linger for ages, and the sound was deafening to Amir’s ears.
“Is this-...is this what I think it is?!?!”
Ryou’s surprised voice shattered the silence, startling Amir enough that he had to look at Ryou’s face.
Amir was confused. Ryou looked like the happiest person in the whole world at the moment as he gazed upon the abomination in his hands.
“This is that Monster World boss figure that I’ve been wanting, right?!?!”  Ryou asked in excitement.
Amir was speechless. He could only nod his head as an answer. Ryou actually liked what Amir had made him???
Perfect??? How in the name of Ra, could Ryou think that thing was perfect?????
“Ya amar, I don’t understand? It barely resembles what it’s supposed to be. It doesn’t even have paint.”
Ryou chuckled lightly. It was obvious to Amir that there was something he wasn’t understanding, and Ryou’s little laugh meant he was about to explain it.
“I can see that it doesn’t have paint,” Ryou said with a smile. “As far as not resembling the original, that’s what I love about it! It’s a very unique, one-of-a-kind version! It may even have higher stats, making it even more powerful! I can’t wait to incorporate it into one of my campaigns!” he added excitedly.
Amir was still beyond confused, and he was certain his face showed it.
Ryou set the figure aside, then cupped Amir’s face in his hands as he gazed up into Amir’s eyes.
“You put all that work in just for me. You know I love Monster World and you knew I wanted that figure, and instead of just buying it, you decided to create one for me. The fact that you put so much thought into it is why I love it.”
He lowered a hand to the cartouche that rested on Amir’s chest.
“If I had attempted to make this myself and it came out looking terrible and the spelling was all wrong, would you love it any less?”
“Of course not, ya amar.”
It was then that Amir understood. He rested his forehead on Ryou’s and smiled.
“I would cherish it just as much, if not more.”
Ryou’s smile was always heartwarming in his opinion, but this particular smile made him feel warm all over (it reminded him of how that green guy felt towards the end of the movie they had watched the night before).
“I’m glad to hear that. You know what? Since I’m home early, why don’t you help me plan the paint scheme for this? While we’re at it, we can also discuss its stats and abilities. I’ve been wanting to incorporate a really challenging boss that will require a sound strategy to defeat. Oh! Maybe we can create a special item that without it, the boss’s stats are even higher!”
Amir couldn’t help but laugh at how excited his partner was becoming over the idea of having a legendary level boss for his campaigns.
“Calm down, ya amar. Our next game night isn’t until after the start of the new year. We’ll have plenty of time to create a difficult adversary for our friends. Let’s just start with the paint.”
Ryou nodded and rushed off to gather his painting supplies.
Amir looked over where the horror had been temporarily placed. It still looked awful to him, but now that he wasn’t stressing over it being an exact replica of the original, he found he could appreciate it better. There was a certain charm to its little imperfections, and he felt proud knowing that he had made it. Not that he was inclined to attempt something so elaborate anytime in the near future…but he felt he might try his hand at a few simpler figures. If anything, he knew Ryou would love having something else for them to do together.
Ryou returned to collect the figure.
“So, I was wondering…what if we painted the eyes on different parts of the body different colors, and because this is a legendary boss, the players have to take it down one body part at a time with eye colors indicating the type of ability it uses?”
Amir’s smile turned into a devilish grin. “I love it. I can’t wait to see our friends' horrified reactions.”
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astro-break · 1 year
New hypmic anime season and I'm BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAIN (I feel like the Martha I'm coming home sweetie audio)
Thoughts on the 1st ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
New plotline lets gooooooo I like that they're straying away from the drama tracks actually, Rhyme Anima is fundamentally a different experience from the core drama tracks which gives new material for both new and old fans OP is an actual banger, Ramuda's verse is the best fight me all you want but you know i'm right Nemu!! uh spoiler chara for anyone new to the anime I guess? Like they spoil her right at the introduction and iirc they didn't really build off her mystery in the first season. Makes her impact here a bit weaker but I'm willing to let it slide since some might not catch it (Post Editing Astro here: I haven't rewatched Rhyme Anima since it finished airing and uh. Nemu definitely was a plot point there lol they dropped it after ep 11 but she was there!) Jyushi my son I love you so much you idiot I love the little stingers for each team that they did for each team, its so cute and gives so much personality The visuals have definitely improved, a big step above the last season in terms of animation i don't see an improvement with story writing though… Pacing is still all over the place and very squished/fast paced makes sense since the cast has grown by a quarter since last season but still makes me sad that there isn't much time given to each character individually I forgot how much I love the localization of Doppomine Okay so Pink hair and Green hair in the flashback are most definitely the two in the white cloaks. Theres just no subtly with this series lmaoooo Nice that they were able to incorporate everyone somehow but too many people means that too many parts to handle I'm getting deja vu, this exact same thing happened last season…. Oh. Its the same guy. Makes sense lmfao Listen bud I have minimal rap experience but that rap was just embarrassing wow. No rhyme or flow, there was only straight passion which i mean props I guess but you suck ass Look at me being so smart and predicting all of these ahead of time without looking at any materials Did Rio just contact Jyuto with his hypmic???? Samatoki have I ever said that I love your for being a bullheaded idiot? bc I do. you're so silly Damn the typography has gotten even better, its just a lot more smooth and the animation too especially during Jiro's part is just so stylish The animation has improved a lot I'm glad it got a little more love compared to last season My guess is that maybe someone from the six divisions will fall under the anger thingy that's going around, something like the stage show. My biggest guess is that they might re-incite the Samatoki and Ichiro conflict again but I hope not. Another guess is that there will be old MCD or Naughty Busters beef which seems more plausible given that this is Sasara and Kuko's anime debut but I guess we'll wait and see THE OUTFITS!!! THE STUPID OUTFITS I LOVE THEM the art style of the ED is super pop punk and has a strong sense of style which i love. its simple but stands out really well which i love Very jjk but more toned down. Feels a bit like a cleaned up croquis drawings the smear frames is just so stylish and good, very simple and a bit messy and sells the gesture drawing kind of feel of the ED Ramuda's parrot costume i love you Those hand signs just make the first letter of each word which is really fun. Not proper JSL though I guess beggars can't be choosers esp for a series like this
Overall, a really strong start. It shows how it built off the first season and where it improved and while some things (like the horrid pacing) never change, at the end of the day its still a fun and delightful watch
If anyone wanted to read my thoughts on the first season, they're all archived here
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You Are Not Alone
Here's a fic I wrote for Gradaline week! Fun fact: It's an edited version of the very first KOTLC fanfiction I ever wrote! (Also, this is *technically* for Day Five: Anger/Ruin, so... ignore the fact that it's a day late.) @gradaline-week
Summary: When Jolie died, Grady and Edaline had no one to turn to but each other. Now, when tragedy strikes again, Edaline knows what it's like to feel alone in your grief.
I'm adding my tag list for Perfect Match updates since I don't have a general fanfic tag list yet, but lmk if you want to be added to either/both: @bronte-deserves-better @you-have-been-frizzled @axels-corner @marella-gossipqueen-redek @istanrandomfandoms
Content warnings for discussions of grief
Edaline's memories of those horrid nights only grew more vivid with time.
She remembered Grady's quiet sobs as he lay beside her, his haggard, weary face, his ever-present anger. The two of them huddled together, against the world and against the gaping hole of loss and grief that threatened to swallow them whole.
They'd had no one.
Juline and Kesler tried, of course, more than anyone else, but even they didn't really understand what they were going through. Everyone was sympathetic, but no one knew. "We're terribly sorry for your loss," they'd say with downcast eyes and hushed voices. People acted as if the Ruewens' tragedy was contagious, and by looking at them, something just as awful would happen to them. People tiptoed around them, treating them delicately, like they'd break with too loud of a word or too bright of a color.
And there had been times that Edaline felt like she would.
It felt like color had vanished from her life. She didn't see the beauty of Havenfield that she always had noticed before. The world was black and white, dull and grey, nothing like the happiness she'd felt when Jolie was around.
But at least she had Grady.
She'd never forget how they'd clung to one another in the middle of the night, buried too deeply in their grief to say anything, simply holding onto each other like lifelines.
Edaline would have crumbled if it weren't for him. They were both holding on by threads, but somehow, it felt more bearable when they were both on the edge of falling apart.
That was how they made it through those fifteen years. Isolating themselves from the people who didn't understand, growing closer to the only other person who did.
Sophie's presence was a healing balm Edaline hadn't expected, putting the broken pieces of her and Grady back together so slowly, she didn't notice it was happening at first.
Slowly, color began to seep back into her life. She noticed the red and purple flowers growing in the garden, the beautiful bronzed brown of Sophie's eyes, the deep green of the grass, and the tossing, wild blue of the ocean beneath. Gradually, Edaline and Grady began to smile again. There were still times that they clung to each other in the middle of the night, trying to ignore how similar Sophie and Jolie were. But the aching, pulsing pain of grief that had been her constant companion for years began to fade.
Everything was supposed to be beautiful now.
But then the disastrous healing arrived, and she watched as someone else's life was drained of color.
Edaline numbly stood at the funeral, her hand in Grady's as they watched the tree planted. The Councillors stood watching with stoic expressions, their faces all the same mask of acceptance.
All except for one. Slowly, Edaline's focus shifted away from the funeral rites, a process she'd gone through two too many times, and to the person standing among the Councillors that wore an expression with which she was all too familiar. Oralie's eyes were tear-stained and red, her expression dazed as she looked into the distance.
Edaline wondered how the world was looking for her. Could she see the bright red leaves of the sapling growing before them? Or for her, was it simply another reminder of what she'd lost? Another piece of her life that would never be the same again? All throughout the rest of the day, she kept wondering about poor heartbroken Oralie, drowning in her own grief, thinking there was no one who could pull her from the waves.
Right then, Edaline made a decision.
When Jolie died, she'd had Grady to lean on. They'd both been shells of themselves, their broken pieces breaking more with every passing day, but they'd had each other. Edaline knew that Grady was the only reason she was standing here today, and not catatonic somewhere in a darkened room with an irreparably broken mind.
But Oralie had absolutely no one. No one who would understand her grief. No one who she could lean on. They'd all say they were sorry, give her sympathetic smiles and tender pats on the shoulder, but no one would actually know.
For a second, she hesitated as the plan formed itself in her mind. She was going to approach a Councillor, after all, and basically accuse her of breaking a major law. The fact that the Councillor who was grieving and the Councillor who'd died had been in love was common knowledge, but still dangerous. Maybe it would be better if she simply stayed out of it. After all, with all the drama from the planting and the upcoming election, she didn't even know if there would be time. Maybe her presence would just be an inconvenience.
But she remembered the painful, heart-wrenching grief she’d felt in the days surrounding Jolie’s death. She thought of the long, sleepless nights she and Grady had spent clutching one another and mourning over their daughter’s loss. No one understood. Everyone gave their condolences and said how sorry they were, but no one really got it. 
Grady had been the reason she hadn't lost her mind. He'd understood when no one else did. Without him, Edaline didn't want to think about where she'd be now.
Now she had the option to be that person for someone else. The person she’d needed when Jolie died, who knew how it felt to lose someone you loved with your entire heart. 
Maybe by being someone who knew what it was like, actually knew, she'd help Oralie start to bring color back into her life. That gaping hole of loss would always be there. For her and Grady, and for Oralie. But the wounds would scab, and though they would leave scars, life had to keep moving on. That was a truth Edaline wished she'd known at the time.
So, without a second thought, she whispered “Eternalia”, and leaped away.
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sky-poprocks · 2 years
Not to send an essay in ur inbox but LITERALLY. I've seen ppl complain that genshin is too grindy and it's like. You people would NOT survive playing sky: children of the light. Genshin has a lot of grinding and farming but at least you get noticeable progress from it!! In sky you spend 2 hours farming for 15 candles and then if u don't have any friends to hang out with u just kind of. Log off. But you can't Not do those 2 hours of farming because then you won't be able to get the 16 new cosmetics tgc introduced at once that all cost 200 candles. At least 2 hours of playing genshin gets you well into the story, or artifacts or primogems or SOMETHING worthwhile. Probably should've just made this a post this is long sorry abdhdbfjxbd I just. Have a lot of feelings about the fact that gambling: the game is less horrid to be invested in than sky: children of the light which is supposed to be this fun cute lighthearted experience. Idk. We literally do not know each other sorry for this abdjdnjd
gaymer. @forgetful-storyteller
look at my first post on this blog's fucking date. I've been playing since android release and stopped around Shattering getting into beta, this is my sky side-blog. I know Sky's draining on players. 2 years of sky fucked me up.
I grinded daily in sky. it fucking slaughtered me. I still have muscle memory of HF and VoT candle runs.
I don't play sky often anymore for a fucking reason; no one I'm close to plays, it's actually draining and stressing.
I was ftp other than maybe 2-3 seasonal passes on sky. I basically did crs daily for months when possible in 2020-2021, and got fucked over.
You may have a better experience in Sky than Genshin (if you played it), but Genshin is actually better for my mental health long term. I can drop it without worry, and I only play for fun with less worry of "I'm not going to be able to get something I want!" or "shit I'm low on candles". and don't even get me started on the winged lights that only got worse and worse.
I dislike gambling as well, but I don't spend money on Genshin, and quite honestly? I get more from Genshin than Sky ever did for me, which yeah, fucking sucks, but I hate grinding and I can bullshit my way through genshin without constantly gambling. Tbh bud, if TGC found a way to get people gambling, they would. They are not above that as a game company.
Why do you think all of the IAP are so fucking expensive for what it is, even when not collabs? Sky is not a moral game on ethics to it's making either. TGC have ignored the fact they need to pay artist and sweep so many things under the rug from players to try and keep people distracted they always will.
(Edit: I did misread it, look at reblogs)
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: Besides from us going to be able to be knowing all about for getting every single thing of all of the books, toys, all of the other stuff from all of the movies of this summer of 2023 as merchandise as well as for all of us doing everything else for the fandom such as fan edits, cosplay, fanfiction, fanart, fandubs, commentary reactions, etc. from Pixar's Elemental, The Little Halle Bailey Mermaid, Ruby Gillman "Normal Teenager" Teenage Kraken, Spiderman : Across The Spider Verse, Transformers : Rise Of The Beasts, Teenage Mutant Turtles : Mutant Mayhem, and Barbie : The Movie (The Wizard Of Oz + Female Buddy The Elf + The Lego Movie Prequel with The Man From Upstairs who runs a Mattel company, etc.), Fast X (my dad watched this one when it was first ever released online as a cam corded version somewhere from the release date for the movie), Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3, The Flash movie, there is other stuff that some of us like myself have not ever heard of such as The Blackening, Joy Ride: The Movie, Gran Turismo, White Men Can't Jump (it is out in the internet, but I do not know much, since I have not watched the movie yet), About My Father, The Machine, You Hurt My Feelings, The Boogeyman, Extraction 2, Asteroid City, No Hard Feelings, Insidious : The Red Door, Mission Impossible : Dead Reckoning Part 1, Oppenheimer, They Cloned Tyrone, The Haunted Mansion (I am not so sure about if it is safe to be able to watch it, since I have a good faint of heart after I watched the official trailer for the movie that I did not laugh at, or scream, or anything at all, but it lead me to uneasy second thoughts, since this one, and a brand new tv show series is coming to Disney Plus called Pretty (an adjective, but it is a name of a boy) Freaking (a normal girl who is named Frankie who somehow took a horrid trip to the real underworld which is runned by a first ever female version of The Grim Reaper who gives Frankie tasks for when she comes back from the dead, and just got powers, and now has streaks of white in her hair unlike before, etc.) Scary (another adjective, but it is a name of a girl), if I watch this show that does not remind me of Fairly Odd Parents, but it does of Danny Phantom, but in a fear factor, or in fact anyone else will be able to choose to do it, this will be able to have to give me, of anyone total nightmare fuel unlike from all of the other stuff that Disney Channel has been doing for 40 years even the logo, and the poster looks retro like it was back in all of the days of the 1980s for when this channel all began leading to the 1990s, the 2000s, and the 2010s way before we have to the 2020s, and all of the other decades after), Talk To Me, The Meg 2 : The Trench, The Last Voyage Of The Demeter, Back On The Strip, Strays (the 2D style should have been for the movie instead of the stereotypical live action with talking animals that we are going to be able to get in this movie), White Bird, Lift, Love Again, Book Club : Next Chapter, BlackBerry, Rally Road Racers, Hypnotic, The Starling Girl, and The Mother! :
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: (A new scene of the movie has just been found (I guess that this was one of the things that Wade Ripple, and Ember Lumen did for their more exciting Memorial Day than how we had spent, I wonder what else that they did on that day along with how they would be able to be celebrating all of the national days, and all of the other holidays that we have in the calendar, it is the image from the little golden book that Wade Ripple is wearing with a nice pair of geeky nerdy glasses, a pretty tutu with two straps with one each side for the left, and the right of someone's arms for keeping it on in place for when someone like him wears it to take it on, and off with flags attached to the tutu piece, a little tiny bell hanging on a necklace, a wig, a cute 🧣 that it is almost too close to be able to true to the business causal tie that is from his other fancy outfit (👔) over the stylish sophisticated bow tie that he wore to the Cannes Festival in France, and two foam hands that he put one on each side to be able to act like the perfect gloves so that way he does not have anything happening to him at all such as when he was trying to give Ember a sporty 🧢, it did not go so well as he planned for this to be, since because Ember smoked everything again like how Wade's yellow bag was, I do not know why they used a far away shot to see the 💥, but I hope that this description is able to get what I just said to you all), if there is a longer version of the one that is shown 👆, I wonder how that will be able to look like besides from all of what this snippet of this source has so far to include in the longer version of this original material from wherever it could be able to found from) :
: (Nevermind with what I just said before, I just encountered this 👆 today, but before the video shows us the movie, it does show of Coco, The Incredibles 1, and 2, Up, Inside Out 1, Monsters University, Ratatouille, Brave, Toy Story 1, 2, 3, and 4, Finding Nemo, and Dory, Cars 1, 2, and 3, and Wall-E (way to go to show off these, but what is then forgetting to be able to put of all of the other stuff that is from this brand there because that is like how they put out of merchandise for these movies that I just listed, but not of the ones that are the 7 forgotten, but they have to be able to make sure that they still exist for keeping them alive than dead which that are not here on the video, but I hope that we all can be able to continue in the present, and future to be able to do everything like we have so far get all of the merchandise from all of the past, all of the present, and all of the future for the following of toys, books, etc. of building up the entire collection of these following which are A Bug's Life, The Good Dinosaur, Onward, Soul, Luca, Turning Red, and Lightyear, even if Elemental, and all of the future stuff that is from Pixar falls there, it is okay, but if it goes to the other list, it is sure to be a gift even with all of these 7/8/however much it would be besides from all of the mentioned mass production of the previous 18 ish I just said to you all after Elemental, I hope that these can be able to be inserted into their own games, and all of the other games, and all of the other stuff that we have so far that they can be able to put in) ! )
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: I get the part of knowing that we are not supposed to be able to be playing with 🔥, but does anyone notice that it looks like Wade can be able to drip with the way that he makes of his own sweat of not the surrounding heat turned up on him, but of a situation that he can be able to be in, does anyone also know what the rest of the saying 👆 means by how come that unless someone is💧, he/she gets to be able to play with fire because even if someone like Wade might be made out of water, he could still be able to feel fire as pain, plus there is new footage 👆 there as well! :
: Part 2 in my next post!
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azurezra · 29 days
man. today has been, something. started off by queuing up some TMR songs. that was. fun. ended up searching for the SEED song lyrics in an attempt to karaoke like the old days. and ended up stumbling upon the name of an old LJ friend in the translation credits, ah,hahahahaa...hah. (;_; )
somehow or other i next decided to check if 平川地一丁目 was on spotify and uh, gee, two separate artist pages. "Hirakawachiitchome" and "Hirakawachi 1Chome"... weird. one had their early stuff, the other was 3 2020's releases... i d k. made a playlist because i still do not fully comprehend HOW TF to use this godawful app. soon enough noticed how tHE ONE. WHOLE. UNAVAILABLE SONG. 「君のくつ」 i immediately recognised the title it was one of the FIRST I EVER HEARD, and thus SURELY the MOST nostalgic and... goddamn.
cue an attempt to listen to it ELSEWHERE? youtube just showed me. a cover. o-ohhh but it WAS, *VERY* nostalgic!!! but NOT THEM. so, i tried another site. it was a *japanese* lyrics site. it actually had a link. to a youtube video. region block. of. course. ........so, my DUMB ASS has just never bothered with a vpn in all these years (used to use proxies on occasion, but...) —so i did not have one handy!! but after NOT TOO MUCH STRUGGLE, i found a jp one (and the site actually seemed familiar? h-huh...) AND GOT IT TO WORK
....and then the eventual emotional crash. sigh.
i didn't even listen to the pl yet or discover any other songs i used to know, great! and nvm the idea to try to d/l the song cos even tho i HAD it, who knows, now? but ofc MY vpn didn't do jack shit for the mp3 converter websites accessing it from hell knows where. and again. i'm too dumb, to solve, these fucking issues!!
so then there was yesterday's shit. the power got shut off by 11am, curtailing my original plans for TMR. unable to even do chores, and lacking ANY offline activities or crafts in this hellhole, i ended up... reading —INITIALLY ONE. and then, ONE BY ONE— ALL, of my, ancient ass, OC writings. the ones i made like a single file each for, thought about in bed for days/weeks until the next ""idée fixe"" took over, but then eventually neglected in favour of my "top 3"...
well there was ACTUALLY some good/cute stuff. a LOT of cringe stuff. shameless asides laughing at my own cringe-but-free writing ability. peppered here & there with many an ancient ass meme phrase i hadn't heard in a decade+
and ofc, far too much, incomplete scenes, suddenly stopped, SOMETIMES NOTED with, "i'll write that later" and then i never. did. (and yet i KNOW there were more scenes??? so it was. thought up in bed. and never typed up....) (;_; )
well that was FUN. ...until the crash. from the high. and the power was still off ofc. *power eventually paid & resolved by 7pm* BUT. the damage was already done.
brain now overloaded with "freshly unearthed" thoughts about ALL of my OCs, not just my top 3 stories.... oh, god.
a-and THEN i started wondering how they looked? i.e. my pathetic maplestory sprites created in bannedstory (rip in pieces)
and so i. eventually dug into my dropbox. o-oh god. SOME ARE. SOOOOOOOOCUTE. SOME ARE. SO ugly. l-lol. cry. "they'll look better when i finally draw them! these are just design drafts!" .......CRYYYYYY.
and NOW i'm plagued by thoughts of posting them, but even MORE tormented by:
a.) not being to edit or adjust any!!! fucking pixels!! on ipad!!
b.) even CROPPING the massive "collages" is a HUGE PAIN on the ipad???
c.) there are multiple versions, across different images, made at different times— and SOME charas look better in one, while others look better in another?!? MORE CUT PASTE CROP EDIT HELL
0 notes
ynscrazylife · 3 years
Hey !! i love ur writing style <3 i wanted to ask you if you could write a loki x reader where the reader and loki have been best friends for a long time now and after he faked his death in tdw he knocks on their door and the reader and loki have an argument and then they kiss?? maybe like the scene in crimson peak “you lied to me” “i did” “you told me you loved me” “i do” smth similar? :)
The Greatest Deception | loki angst fluff fic
Summary: After Loki reveals himself to be alive, Y/N has some choice words to say. Loki has a question.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting! Also, I want to say that I fully support and acknowledge that Loki is genderfluid. Seeing as this fic was requested with Loki having he/him pronouns, I will use those pronouns. (Also, I didn’t know which pronouns you wanted me to write since you mentioned they for the reader but typically I use she/her, so lemme know if you want that edited)
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist 
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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“Lady Y/N?”
The voice was muffled through the door and the one in question rolled from her side and onto her stomach as she laid in her bed. A low groan emitted from the creature whose limbs were tangled in the blanket and sheets.
. . .
“Lady Y/N?”
A short knock-knock accompanied the repeating words, and Y/N had a feeling of that the lovely woman who she’d love to talk to at any other time wouldn’t stop until she replied.
She pulled herself into a sitting position, smoothed over her unruly hair, and finally pulled the covers up so her pajamas wouldn’t be seen and called out, “Come in!”
The woman opened the door and sent her a sheepish smile. “The All-Father has requested your present, ma’am,” she informed her.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Do you know the reason as to why?” She quizzed.
The woman spared a quick, darting glance at Y/N’s window. “Well, the All-Father has requested all of the palace’s royals and higher-ups to gather in the courtyard. He is gathering local citizens for a, ah, play, and more would like, in this words, his ‘most esteemed confidants to enjoy,’,” she answered, subtly bouncing her weight from one foot to the other.
Y/N thought for a moment. This was the first time she was hearing that the King was holding a play — not to mention, the fact that the last play (if you could even call it that, because by Heimdall’s recounting it was horrific) was held before any of the children of Odin were born.
Just thinking about that caused a twinge to hit her stomach and for it to twist up. Loki. Odin’s youngest child and the one that had most recently left her, as he sacrificed herself to save his vaillant brother, Prince Thor. It had been weeks, maybe even a month, since Y/N had heard the news and had been resorted to a lonely, saddened version of herself. Loki was her best friend, the person she trusted more than anything and—no, no, who was she kidding? He’s more than that, and he deserves to be remembered as more than that by her.
He’s also the one that she loves, and has loved for at least the past year when she realized it.
Nonetheless, she had taken many steps to get through the grief of Loki’s dead — as had his father — and she wasn’t going to let all her hard work crumble down on one, singular thought.
“Very well, then. Please inform the All-Father that I will be there shortly, thank you,” she said.
The woman nodded and bowed her head before exiting.
Once the door had been fully shut and she could hear footsteps no more, Y/N crossed over to her window and drew back the curtains, not having missed the look at said window.
The sunlight poured into her room but the stage was indeed sent. Rows of fine chairs sat with rows of fine people in them. In front, Odin stood with a red curtain drawn closed behind him. His arms were gesturing wildly and he had a big grin on his face as he gave his speech.
Despite the curiosity that itched into Y/N’s face, she pushed it aside. She had never seen the King conduct himself in such ways, but alas, everyone grieved differently. So, she closed the curtains and got dressed for the day ahead.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
The moment Y/N stepped outside, she could’ve sworn that there was already long beads of sweat trailing down her skin. She let out a huff but journeyed on towards the courtyard, as this formal royal wear was necessary and she had no intention of pissing off Sir Snotty-Dickhead — as she called him (he had some fancy and long name she couldn’t remember, in her defense) — who was Odin’s right hand man.
By the time she got there, Odin was still rambling on with his speech, but his sudden notice of Y/N saved the guests from boredom.
“Aha, the guest of honor! Lady Y/N, herself,” Odin announced, bringing his hands together in a clap and gesturing for her to come toward him.
She betrayed herself and her cheeks involuntarily reddened as all eyes laid on her. She approached Odin and curtsied out of respect, but her mind was full of wonderings of why she, of all, would be singled out.
“I’m sure you all know who Lady Y/N is, yes?” He began, briefly pausing before continuing. “If you sadly do not, let me tell you. Lady Y/N had been a friend of the royal family, specifically my child, Loki’s—” the name caused her to suck in a sharp breath, “—and she was granted the title of Lady to uphold the image of the palace and to complete very important Asgardian duties.”
Once he stopped talking and the crowd clapped politely, Y/N took the opportunity she was presented before it’s door could close and quickly went and sat in her seat, the only seat not occupied yet, in the front row.
Odin then began speaking against whilst he walked to the side, “Speaking of my dear child Loki, this play that has been put together is one designed to honor him and his heroic sacrifice. Without further ado . . . ” He let his words trail off, and the red curtain pulled open.
Y/N’s face contorted into surprise at the words, not expecting this to take place. Again, she reminded herself, everyone grieved differently, so she decided to give it a chance. However, as the play went on, she was quick to realize that honoring Loki wasn’t the intention here. The horrid acting could be excused but Odin himself allowing this mockery of how Loki died? Of how he sacrificed himself? Well, with every second that passed, her face heated more and more — and not due to the sweat — and she grit her teeth, just barely refraining from yelling.
The worst part for her came though when the actor who played Loki did a dramatic reenactment of his sacrificed and the actor who played Thor did the worst fake crying ever. Y/N turned to the others, expecting them to be just as enraged as she was, but was floored to find that no—they were laughing. And not just that, but Odin was having himself a chuckle as well!
Her fingers tightly gripped the edges of her chair and she forced herself to look straight ahead, just about able to hold in her tears until the play was over and the actors bowed.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Afterwards, while everyone was standing and giving Odin rounds and rounds of praises, Y/N stayed rooted in her seat. She couldn’t just let this go by as if it were nothing, but she was struggling to compose herself to confront him.
After a couple minutes of going back-and-forth, she decided, screw composure. She didn’t have to be composed. She was allowed to be angry.
So, she stood up and marched straight for him.
“All-Father,” Y/N said through grit teeth, forcing herself to curtesy, “I request your company in private, if I may.”
It took Odin a moment to tear himself away from accepting his latest comment, but the way he quickly glanced over at Y/N, she knew that he had not noticed — or perhaps he did not care — the state she was in.
“My apologies, Lady Y/N, but should I depart now, I fear I shall upset my comrades!” Odin said, ending his comment in a boastful joy, which resulted in laughter and cheers.
He didn’t wait for her response before engaging in another conversation, and Y/N’s lips remained tightly shut until she decided to just go forth and let her stuffed-up emotions out.
“Fine. I will say it in front of everyone, then!” She said, firmly and loudly, gaining everyone’s attention. “That was a pathetic excuse to remember Loki . . . It was an insult! You mocked him, your own child! How could you even— I . . . I just don’t understand . . . He sacrificed himself for your son and for Asgard and this is how you repay him? God. I expected much, much more from you for him because I . . . Let’s just say that we both love Loki, in our own ways, and I-I . . . I am very disappointed.”
Wanting to flee from the tears that were now streaming down her face and from the silence that was pounding, she turned around and she walked away, the realization that she had just confessed her love in front of everyone hitting her.
“Lady Y/N!”
Odin’s words stopped her in her tracks, but she did not turn around. Just stood. Waited.
“He told Thor, before he passed, that he, uh . . . He loved you, too.”
Y/N stared straight ahead, her hand jutting out to grab the pillar next to her to steady herself.
Loki loved her?
She didn’t stop the tears from coming this time. She let them, and the sobs, overwhelm her.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
“Lady Y/N?”
The voice and the knock were much more stiff than they were this morning.
“Come in.”
Her response was devoid of emotion, much more curt than it was this morning.
The same woman turned the door’s knob and opened it, sending Y/N, who was curled up on her bed, head nestled into her knees, a wary look. “The All-Father has requested your presence at his quarters,” she said.
Y/N let out a small huff, in no mood to talk to the King after what had happened. She forced her head up and gazed boredom at the woman. “Is it an emergency?” She deadpanned.
The woman looked around the room and by her lack of response, Y/N knew that either she didn’t know or didn’t want to say.
She sighed. “I will be there shortly,” she said.
The woman nodded and wordlessly left.
After she did, Y/N stood up and went in front of her mirror, taking in her appearance. Her once brushed hair was now frizzy and in knots and her eyes were puffy and red. Angrily, she practically tore the hairbrush through her hair and dabbed at her eyes with makeup until the red could be seen no more. She had no intention of letting him see her this way.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Screw formalities, Y/N thought, as she walked straight into Odin’s quarters which composed of a small living room, a bedroom down the hall, an office, and a bathroom. She didn’t bother to curtsy or announce her presence.
When he finally and gradually turned around from whatever he was doing, a slight look of shock crossed his features, before he replaced it with a warm smile. “Y/N!” He said, but quickly corrected himself, “Lady Y/N.”
Y/N frowned and crossed her arms. “I hope that you have called me here to apologize,” she said, an icy edge to her voice.
Odin nonetheless looked at her kindly. “In a way, yes,” he vaguely said, before a magical transformation underwent before her.
His wrinkles disappeared, his beard disappeared, his grey hair turned jet black, and his clothes transformed into his usual wear.
No longer was the All-Father standing in front of her, but her best friend. The one she loved.
Taken by utter shock, Y/N instinctively stumbled back, her jaw dropping and her eyes widening. “What the hell is this?” She gasped out, not wanting to believe it at first. It was a cruel trick — it must be! There was no way.
“It’s me,” the mischievous deity said, a rare softness to his voice and in his eyes. He took a step forward, but then stopped himself. “I never died, I only impersonated my father.”
Y/N stared at him, angry tears coming to her eyes once more. “How?” She forced out, thinking that maybe she was dreaming. “Why?”
Loki looked around, slightly dumbfounded, as if he hadn’t expected anyone to question him. “I wanted the throne,” he answered, as if it were obvious and a perfectly acceptable reason.
Y/N stared at him as if he had grown two heads. To her, he might as well have.
“Oh, really? So you take over your father, trick everyone - me, your brother - into believing that you’re dead, you banish Sif . . . All because you wanted the goddamn throne?” She cried.
The cluelessness left his eyes and replaced itself with guilt, regret pooling inside him. He looked down, shoulders falling with a sigh.
“I’ve felt guilty tricking you ever since it had all went down. I wanted to tell you but, honestly, a part of me didn’t think you’d be that upset over my death. But you were really, so upset and I . . . I was lost. I didn’t know what to do. All I wanted to do was hug you and tell you that it was fine, that I was here, but I thought I’d screw up your emotions and hurt you even more,” he admitted.
Y/N just looked at him, her frown growing deeper. “That’s an awful excuse,” she hissed out, words laced with venom.
Loki immediately snapped his head up to look at her and his gaze held desperateness. “It’s not an excuse,” he said quickly. “It shouldn’t be. I’m . . . I’m so sorry. The last thing I ever wanted to was to trick you, and . . . I did. But today was the final straw. I couldn’t continue like that.”
Y/N took a step forward, having an inner battle in herself on whether or not to forgive him. “You lied to me,” she reiterated bluntly.
Loki nodded guiltily. “I did,” he agreed in a small voice.
She took a pause, taking in a deep breath. “You told me you loved me,” she added.
There was a brief moment of silence before Loki said, in the same small way but a little more firm now, “I do.”
Y/N kept walking, not even fully sure or convinced of what she was doing, but knowing that she needed to do it, until she was standing just inches away from him. They looked at each other for a couple moments, neither saying anything, until Y/N wrapped her arms around Loki. He returned the embrace.
“Never do that to me again!” She yelled through the tears that were now coming. God, was she tired of crying. Especially today.
Loki hugged her tighter, his own tears falling. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, and repeated that over, and over, and over again. “I’m an idiot.”
Y/N leaned back and cupped his face with her hands. The love she had for him overwhelmed her pain, and more than anything she needed him now. Besides, she could see his guilt. She could see the truth shining in his eyes. He wouldn’t do anything like this again, because he loved her. And she loved him.
“At least you’re self-aware,” she whispered through a sniff, taking a page out of his book with her joking remark. Before he could quip back (and she was sure he’d have an excellent one), she leaned forward and captured his lips in his a kiss. Loki smiled against her lips and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things @ycfwmalise14 @unexpected-character  (could not tag)  @passionswift
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saeyoungchoismaid · 3 years
Line Without a Hook
Pairing: Leviathan x gn!reader Genre: Angst, Fluff, hurt/comfort Warnings: none Summary: Dating Leviathan started out fine but slowly goes downhill because of his insecurities. Can he win you back after pushing you away or is it too late? Word Count: 1.7k words
A/N: THIS WAS WRITTEN BY THE LOVELY @cyberbunny33​ AND ALL CREDIT GOES TO HER. I simply proofread and edited it :)
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“"She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy"
He's singing, "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook"”
A slew of emotions spark inside Leviathan when he feels your head rest against his shoulder. His body stiffens, trying to suppress the ever-growing blush as it travels up his chest and to his pale cheeks. His hands shake as his grip on the controller tightens.
“(Y/n)! Don’t try to distract me with your normie tactics!” Leviathan bellows as he attempts to focus back on the screen in front of you two. 
“Distract? Who, me? Never,” you giggle back as you lean further against his shoulder, smirking to yourself as you get in a quick combo to throw his character off their feet. This throws him into a panic as he shouts at his character to get up while you happily hum, punching in another combo and follow it up with a projectile.
Your ‘yes!’ and his ‘no!’ harmonize for a second as your fighter strikes a cool pose, ‘winner’ appearing across the screen. You jump up and celebrate your first, and probably final, victory of the night.
Levi whines as he stares at the screen and turns to complain about you distracting him. He freezes though, his sunset eyes gazing at your dancing figure. Your laughter is music to his ears and your smile appears brighter than the sun. He doesn't notice the small smile crawling onto his face the longer he stares at you.
That was the night he confessed.
On accident, but it was a confession nonetheless.
A few months later, you wondered if he truly did love you like he claimed…
It’s not something you thought much about. You know Levi had a deterrence towards being touched. In general and in public. Public display of affection was just something he's not comfortable with. It had nothing to do with you. You accepted that when you first met him and when you accepted his confession.
But like any normal person in a relationship, you began to crave his touch outside the safety of his room. You wanted to show him off. You wanted to kiss him and hug him and hold his hand on the way to RAD or in front of his brothers, but anytime you reached for his hand or tried to give him a hug, he would recoil and move away from you, telling you off for being so clingy and for acting like a normie.
One time, he even asked if you wanted to fight when you reached out and tapped him on the shoulder. 
You thought by now that he'd also have that craving for touch and intimacy, but it also seemed like he was quickly losing interest in being alone with you because any time you initiated something, he would move away or dismiss you. The more you reached out for him, the farther he would move away from you. It made you wonder; was he ashamed to be seen with you? Did he realize you, a human, weren’t worth his time?
You didn't know that he was having the same thoughts. Was he, a yucky otaku obsessed with 2D women and games, worth your precious time? Would he be able to live up to your expectations of being a good boyfriend? What if he did something wrong? What if he made you uncomfortable? What if he did something and you began to hate him and avoid him? He wouldn't be able to handle the thought of you hating him.
He pushed you away for that reason. Afraid that you would realize he wasn't worth your time. That if he indulged in you, you would leave, leave him for one of his brothers. He'd be a wreck without you.
He wanted nothing more than to reach out to you. You had no idea how much willpower it took him to keep his clammy hands to himself, to keep his emotions and desires in check. That tiny voice in his head wouldn't leave him alone, dancing around as it told him that you're too perfect and he's nothing. You deserve so much more than a pathetic otaku like him, but he was selfish and refused to let you go. He wanted you to stay. He needed you to stay with him.
His eyes are wide the moment he sets his sights on you. 
You had left in a hurry during your weekly game nights so he came looking for you when you wouldn't answer your phone. He wasn't expecting to peak into your room and see you under your covers, sobbing softly into your pillow. He stops breathing as he fully enters your room, closing the door behind him before taking a breath and slowly advancing towards your bed.
“(Y/n)? Was—Was it something I said?”
It breaks his heart to see your tear-stained face when you pick it up and turn to look at him. Lovely and bright eyes now bloodshot and glassy. “If it was something I said then I  take it back,” he says as he rushes to your bedside. You shake your head as you sniff, trying your best not to look like even more of a mess in front of your hot demon boyfriend. 
“It's not what you said, it's what you didn't say and didn’t do…” you reply in an unsteady tone.
“Do you not love me anymore?”
“Do you feel shame every time we’re seen together?”
“N-No! Of course not—!”
“Then why won't you show me any affection! Why won't you let me hold your hand or hug you or—”
Levi lunges forward, crashing his lips against yours in a slow yet passionate kiss. Your eyes flutter closed as Levi fights the blush that burns at his cheeks. He fails when he feels your plush lips kiss back feverishly. His tail pops out unannounced, wagging as your hands come up to cup his face, his own hands having a tight grip on the sheets that have pooled around your waist. You pull back first, panting softly as Levi stares at you with a red face. 
“You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that…” Levi admits in a sheepish voice as he attempts to hide behind one of his hands. 
“Why didn't you? I've been trying to kiss you for the past month,” you whisper, afraid that if you spoke too loud, you'd ruin the moment and scare the serpentine demon away.
“I didn't think you would want to kiss a gross, yucky otaku like me,” he answers, “I thought that you would realize that I'm not the demon you deserve and leave me for one of my brothers like Asmo or even Satan.” He shrinks down as he speaks, shame and guilt weighing down on his shoulders as he thinks back to how often you would try to initiate something between him and yourself.
He avoids looking at you, opting to stare down at your bedroom floor. His eyes are only drawn to you at the sounds of your sheets shifting around. His blush returns when he sees you silently pat a spot next to you. Slowly, he crawls onto your bed and takes a seat next to you, his scaly tail wrapping itself around your waist. His cheeks burn brighter as you let out a soft chuckle.
“I don't think you’re ‘yucky,’ you know…” you murmur softly as you turn to face him. “Why do you think I agreed to date you?” 
Leviathan doesn't have a good answer for you. You had a point after all. Why would you agree to be his lover if you didn't have an interest in him to begin with? The more he thought about it, the more his guilt began eating at him. He neglected you. In the most horrid way possible too. He didn't just neglect you. He blatantly pushed you away and acted like he was disgusted by you all because he doesn’t think he deserves your love and affection. 
Your sweet voice brings him out of his toxic thoughts. “Levi, stop,”  you sigh as you cup his cheeks and turn his head to face you. Your gentle hold pushing the nasty storm clouds around his head away. “Please. Your self-loathing is what got you here. I love you, Leviathan. Nothing is going to change that. I'm not going to leave you for your brothers. I don't want them; I want you.”
His mouth falls agape. An uncomfortable stinging coming to his eyes as he bites his lip. Before you could see the tears, Levi throws his arms around you and buries his face into the crook of your neck. He's blubbering out apology after apology, begging you to forgive him for not trusting in you or talking to you about his insecurities.
You two sit there for who knows how long, holding each other, and finally indulging in each other's presence and touch. Levi had stopped sniveling some time ago, feeling a wave of drowsiness hit him after he was done crying. You fell asleep after he stopped, melting into his chest. He doesn't move, wishing to let you sleep after the whole ordeal, but he can’t sleep sitting up so he carefully moves the both of you into a lying position. Using his tail to grab your covers and pull them over your shoulders.
He lies across from you, gazing at your peacefully sleeping face. His cheeks gain color once more, feeling both embarrassed and grateful to have you forgive him after all he's done to you. He reaches out and gently caresses your cheek as he thought of how lucky he was to have you. He vows then and there to be better, to show you just how much he really loves you. If those nasty thoughts come back, he’ll go to you and talk to you instead of pushing you away. He promises to do the same for you. Because he needs you.
“I love you, (Y/n).”
Credit to the lovely @cyberbunny33​
More with Levi
Tag List: @katelynwithpaint​, @buzzybeebee​, @officialdevorak​, @thesoftkittylexy​, @jungialo​, @fanfictwarrior​, @ohbbobeyme​, @zeldan7​, & @otome-otakuwu​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
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yundix · 3 years
Pairing:Platonic!Angry, Platonic!Smiley and GN!Reader
Contains: Sibling headcanons, fluff?, little manga spoilers!
Think of the twins, now add you. Triplets, with you being the middle one! This is sorta long so enjoy :)
Not edited.
So, you know how Nahoya is Smiley, and Souta is Angry? You're neutral. But it's shortened to Neu(t), which still sounds weird but oh well
You're called Neu(t) because you literally never have any other expression on but a dead pan
Even when fighting, you still have a blank stare
Your opponents? Disturbed asf
You're the second oldest out of you three, and you hold that above Souta all the time to tease him
And Souta will be like "stfu before I kill you" and you're like "😐okay bitch do it"
Nahoya loves watching y'all bicker, he'll be watching with a huge grin
"Shouldn't we stop them?"
"Nope, this is funny."
Meanwhile you have Souta in a headlock, with him yelling at you to let him go
But then there's the times where you and Souta team up against the oldest sibling
Every time, Nahoya knows it's about to happen because you and Souta look at eachother and nod, then turn back to him
"Hey, hey Hoy Hoy." Why tf did you have to give him that horrid nickname? He hates it so much
"Guess what?" My man's can't get a break from y'all two 😭
You'll know when you're getting on Nahoyas nerves because his smile will tighen
And if y'all decide to annoy him while around Toman members, they'll all find it amusing
No ones facial expressions will change, but there'll be a mischievous glint in y'all's eyes
If you end up annoying him too much, expect to have a mark on your forehead because of how hard he flicked you
Okay no more annoying Nahoya
Remember their matching jackets? I imagine yours would be like, a mixture of theirs, a straight face with a small curve of a smile, and little horns-
Y'all get what I mean right? RIGHT???
You three have a strong relationship
So if someone were to mess with one of you while the other two weren't around, they better expect two beatdowns later on <3
It's funny when a member from another gang underestimates one of you
Say a gang member does to Smiley while in a fight, you and Angry will look at eachother like 😶😶
A moment later Nahoya comes back like nothing happened, you shrug and go back to fighting
While the two are used to your blank face, both of them become a bit unnerved when you actually show a different expression
It's only happened once before, when the three of you were in a fight and the two had gotten pretty hurt, so you were taking on more opponents
They began mocking you, and while usually petty remarks didn't faze you, their's were really ticking you off
Your eyes were twitching, Angry the first to notice your faltering expression
You were knocked down, so your brothers went to jump to your side and defend you
But they were both shocked when you looked up, veins popping out of your forehead, and a smile that screamed 'run or you're dead'
One moment, you're on the ground, and the next, you're helping your brothers away from the pile of bodies behind you, back to your usual neutral look
The two are like "wtf just happened???" And you just shrug
Rip to those people, and to anyone else that would awaken that side of you in the future
Sorry that was so long but I had that one thought in my head forever-
Are these even sibling headcanons anymore 💀
You love cheering them on when they're fighting, though people will think you're being sarcastic because you're yelling "BEAT HIS ASS WOOOO" while lookin like 😐
If Angry and Smiley decide to fight against each other (not seriously ofc) you'll watch and cheer on whoever's winning
"Go Hoy Hoy, oh nvm you got this Soupta"
Ends up with them both yelling at you to shut up with the annoying nicknames
Y'all definitely have a competition on who can eat the most spicy ramen
Helping each other with hair styles 😌
You also have a motorcycle but prefer to ride with one of them because you're too lazy to drive yours
"Carry me."
"Fine." And then you fall asleep on their bike
One of them ends up carrying you
They really don't mind it though
You're glad you have them both, the support you get is grounding, and you give back just as much
One time you tried showing you were thankful for them by smiling, but that shit just scared them LMAO
They thought you were pissed
It's like that for all three of you though
Nahoyas smile once faultered, with you and Souta already down the street running 💀
You were also there to witness Souta go ape shit against the Haitani brothers
You hated seeing him cry though
But you bet you were a super proud sibling and told Nahoya about it later on
How tf do i end this its so long
10/10 best siblings ever
So I'm probably gonna do a part 2 💀 this is so long but I still have some ideas
And if you couldn't tell, I love these two :)
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jointimeandspace · 3 years
Hey y'all! So this is my second headcannon. I may make this a part 2 if the moment strikes or I have some ideas. But I hope you enjoy. *Edit: I just wanna say I was definitely inspired by @KathyIsWeird on AO3. Check out their story "Teach Me Tonight." It made me feel so happy, especially as a chubby person myself.
First Night (pt.1?)
It was a cloudy night as you sat on the large bed while looking out the window. The silence of the room was quiet, but not uncomfortable. It was also warm and peaceful; an orange tint bounced of the walls that were created from the fire. You were nervous. It was you first time making love with Alcina. As you stared around the room your poor stomach was in knots. What if you vomited, or fainted? You'd be so embarrassed. As much as you wanted to run away, you couldn't. You pulled the sheets around you trying to steady your nerves. The deep breath you took was so shaky and loud that you could've sworn everyone in the castle heard it, but you wanted this moment to happen, and waited for it for a long time. When you first started working at the castle, all you wanted to do was work long enough just to save up enough money to leave the village. Falling in love was the last thing you needed. At first you thought love was just a set back to your goals, but you soon found out the lady of the house felt the same way. There'd be times in the beginning when you'd catch her looking at you when she thought she was being subtle about it, wondering what was reeling through your mind when you saw her. It made you uncomfortable at first. As time went on you eventually started noticing her as well. Her pale skin with a tint of gray underneath, her beautiful full, red lips, her gray-green eyes, everything about her was ethereal. To know she wanted you, a chubby, insecure girl with glasses was almost shocking. You've always remained in the background, minding your business and doing your chores, trying not get in trouble so you won't get sent to the dungeons. You were flattered. "She clearly, must've seen something in me that I didn't and still don't see," you said to yourself.
"And so I do."
You jumped as your breath hitched in your throat. For someone as enormous as her she was awfully quiet. You stared at her wondering if she was real or not. Alcina emerged from the bathroom wearing a dark purple robe with a very prominent low cut center. She smelled of fresh gardenias and her raven hair was out of her famous bun and down to her shoulders. She looked like an angel.
"You look...divine, Alcina!"
She smiled as she walked over to her vanity to pour herself a glass of wine. "Thank you, pet! Not half as divine as you. You look so pretty in that pink negligee. You know, you should really wear more clothes that inhance those soft, sweet curves of yours," she said as she took a swig of wine. She turned her eyes at you. There was a hint of love in those eyes along with something else. They darkened as she looked you up and down. You sometimes forget she is predatory by nature. What she wants, she gets. Tonight, she gets you.
"Um, I'll try. I look in a few catalogs tomorrow. Whatever looks right I'll show you."
"Wonderful! What's on your mind, dear? I can see the gears rotating in that cute head of yours." Alcina moved over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Are you nervous, draga?"
"More than you ever know. I've never been with someone before. Sure I've had...moments with myself, but even those were awkward," you sighed. You scooted down on the bed to lay back on your pillow, looking up at the ceiling. " I felt good for a second, but I never finished. I've been close though, even though I wasn't sure what I was doing was right." You turned over on your side embarrassed.
Alcina chuckled as she stroked your leg. "Draga, there isn't only a singular way to pleasure yourself. If what you did felt good, then continue doing it. As for finishing, sometimes an orgasm shouldn't always be the end goal. If it happens, then that's all good and well. However, the more you focus on it, the harder it'll be to get there. The best feeling is to let the activity flow naturally. Do you understand?"
You turned to look at her. That was easy for her to say as she was more experienced. Over decades of practice and maybe even more to come. You felt, even though you wouldn't admit it, that your time was limited.
"I know, Alci, but I...." Anxiety was creeping in as you've never had such an in depth conversation about this with anyone, but you mustered up the courage to continue. "I just want to know what it would feel like. For so long I was convinced that I wouldn't meet anyone, and so I thought that the only way to make me feel better about...potentially being single for the rest of my life was to try to achieve orgasm, and when I didn't get there I'd be frustrated. Like I said, I felt good, but incomplete. Now that I've met you, I really wished I could've had one. At least I would've entered in this relationship having an inkling on what to do." Tears spilled from your eyes. Alcina grab her handkerchief from her robe pocket and wiped your face as she positioned herself along the headboard. She pulled you into her lap cuddling you until you calmed down. She hated to see you cry. To her sex was a simple, easy thing to pick up. But she had to remember that this was your first time. You told her at the beginning of your relationship that you wanted their first time to be meaningful. Alcina hummed and thought back to her wedding night. It was awful! The lack of communication made her feel jaded, the belittling her husband did to her made her feel dirty, and nothing was consensual at all. She kissed the top of your head.
"This is stupid, Alci! You probably think I'm a mess right now. I've often been told that nobody wants to be with virgins. We're too this, too that, too emotional, too clingy. I could go on forever...."
"Don't, love. I know how you're feeling. My first time, or any other time after that during my marriage, wasn't pleasant. I was told the same things by my husband and he took matters into his own hands. But you? I'll never do to you what he did to me; made me feel, small, useless, unimportant, unworthy, and an idiot for not knowing what I was doing. A nuisance, I was to him. And he made that known. If I didn't know what I was doing, he was going to find someone else who did. It hurt! A partner is supposed to teach and help you. Your feelings are heard and so valid. Those people that told you all that nonsense remind me of that horrid man. Of course they're having sex, but do you know if they are truly happy?" You looked up at her. You didn't know. People always talked about how much they were getting, but you didn't know their struggles aside from them bedding each other. What if their relationship was one sided? What if it was fulfillment for one and meaningless for the other? Comparison is the thief of joy you always heard.
"Sex doesn't always equate to happiness, love. It's better to be alone than to jump from one relationship to another wondering if what you feel is happiness or emptiness. Sometimes sex is used as a coping method, a random stop along this road called life with no real feeling involved. For some, it may not bother them at all and they continue where they left off. For others, it can make them feel drained and tired, and then that emptiness and depression comes creeping back again when they find out it wasn't truly love. I'm not judging you for waiting, so please don't feel bad. I wouldn't have judged you if you didn't. You would've had experience, but even then boundaries would still need to be set just like now."
Your grip around Alcina tightened. You felt as though a weight was lifted off your shoulders. You have no idea how she has so much patience, but your glad she does. "Thank you, Alci! I guess that makes me feel a little better. I was wondering if, maybe not tonight, but soon, could we try again?
"Of course darling! Whatever you want." She smiled and gave you soft kiss. "Sweetie? When the time comes, you'll find I can be a most wonderful teacher. I want to make you feel so good." Her hand trailed down to your bottom and a rush of electricity sent shivers through your body. Alcina chuckled as she gave you a dazzling smile. "We'll have to practice everyday, draga."
"Well, then professor, I can't wait to start our lessons. I want to know EVERYTHING!" You giggled and gave her another playful kiss. You were so lucky to have someone so caring and understanding as Alcina. You know your first time will be magical when it eventually comes.
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