#first of all it didnt hurt!! and second of all HIS MIDDLE PART….
poptarts-and-oranges · 9 months
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jenxsaiv · 2 years
[One Shot] JJ Maybank - Forbidden love
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PAIRING: dom!jj maybank x fem!reader
SUMMARY: JJ eating you out for the first time during beach night. But JJ is a pogue and you are a kook and that's the only problem.
WARNINGS: smut, kissing, hickeys, oral (receiving)
A/N: so this is my first time writing something like this and also english is my second language so im sorry if I wrote something wrong
It was dark outside. You were laying with JJ on the beach alone. You went there to surf and after it you decided to stay for a whole night. You both were a couple for almost one year. He loved you so much as you do.
Your relationship was a secret. Your parents had their own hospital in outer banks so you born as a kook. JJ were a pogue with family issues. And it was the reason why u met.
Two years ago he saw your brother screaming at you and almost hit you. He decided to stop him and yeah it was the moment when he wanted to protects you. You became friends but no one aroud knew it at the beginning. After a few months he introduced you to his friends.
You were so happy. You finally had someone in your life who you loved so much. He was your comfort zone. JJ was the first person who really protected you.
''JJ I want you to know that you are my favorite person and I appreciate everything you do for me'' you said looking into his eyes. He looked at you back and hugged you.
''Y/N you know I love you. I hate that we have to hide us" He was right. It was sick. But you were from two different worlds. You were tired of hiding your relationship.
''We should move out to Miami. " He added and kissed you. You and JJ spend do much time at talking about your future and you planned to move out together somewhere you can life as you should.
"When we end our school I'm ready to do it" you answered to him. He kissed your lips and then started kissing your neck, leaving there hickeys. You were laying under him on the sand in empty beach. He was the first person with which you felt comfortable and you didn't have to act ''perfect doctors' daughter''.
His lips felt amazing. He knew how to do that stuff. JJ put his hands on your hips. He loved your body. You were insecured about so many parts of your body but he literally didnt know why. He found every centimeters of your body perfect.
At the moment when he touched your bikinis bottom he looked at you. Of course you were kissing but that's all. You wasn't ready to do something more and he understood that and he told you he will wait until you were ready.
"Y/N can i? Are you okay?" He asked you. You loved it how much he cared about you. Were you ready? Yes, you were.
"Yeah JJ you can do it" You answered him. He took off your bikinis bottom. It was a middle of the night and everything was dark. You werent feel that much shy and insecure because of it.
''Sweetheart I dont think this is a perfect time and place to do all this stuff because it can hurt you. But im gonna feel you good." he told you kissing your thighs. Hes touch and lips were made you feel incredible. JJ slowly started kissing your clit. He definitely knew what he was doing and how you felt. No one never did this to you.
"JJ-" you sighed. He smiled when felt how good he was doing to you. You never dreamt about being eating by your amazing boyfriend on the beach in the middle of the night. Every minute you felt better and better. You heard about being eating out never thought it can be that good.
"You deserve it" He said when you came. It was feeling unreal. You expected that your boyfriend knew how to make you feel good but this was awesome.
"I love you y/n, you're so pretty" He whisped to you while dressed you in your bikinis bottom and his tshirt. The sky with stars was perfect tonight. Perfect as everything what happend a few minutes ago.
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blackbeautifulqueen · 9 months
Imagine dating the undertaker as a shy black girl
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Ok so ngl the first time you and the undertaker meet you were afraid to say the very least
You saw him and was just kinda like yeah… nah im good and speed walked the other way
Somehow or another you ended up bumping into one another- needless to say it wasnt a good day for you
Mark had been having a bad day so when you walked up not paying attention to where you were going and accidentally spilling some of your drink on him he wasn't happy- so much in fact he proceeded to yell…
Well- it wasnt a complete yell.. But thats not what it felt like
“What the hell are you doing?! You ever watch where the hell you're going!?” he exclaimed 
And almost immediately Mark felt bad when the tears weld up in your eyes as you profusely apologized to him saying how sorry you were and looked around soon enough to just drop your head.
He didnt really know why he felt bad at the time. He just did so he took a deep breath and walked away from you.
Ever since then you made sure to stay away from him and never to be caught like that again
Fate however had other plans and soon enough you were yet again looking at Mark-or well his shoes
“Im sorry” He grumbled taking you by surprise 
“Huh?” You asked looking up confused
“I was havin a tough day when ya spilled your drink on me. Shouldve never taken it out on you though ” He said looking into you eyes
“Wanna make it up to you” He said and you looked back down
“I can take ya out to get somethin to eat sometime” He said and you looked up at him and stared for a second not understanding why exactly he’d want to take you out
“Yeah-Sure” You said
“Give me your phone” He said and you did as you were told
“Good girl” he said as he put in his number and then walked off… Good girl?
All of this happened on a Monday and now it was Thrusday and you were with your friends out for brunch.
“Yeah but ion know… I think he might of played me a little bit” I said and almost immediately get a ding from my phone
xxx-xxx-xxxx: You free today or tomorrow?
Huh? You question to yourself
Y/N: Whos this
Xxx-xxx-xxxx: Taker
Y/N: Ohhhhh sorry! I'm free tomorrow.
Taker: What time
Y/N: All day
Taker: Ill pick you up at 3. Dress nice.
I looked back up at the girls and they were all staring confused at me
“I guess I didn't get played” I smiled and laughed slightly looking back down at my phone
It was 1:30 when I decided to get my happy ass in the shower I didnt want to be late when Taker came.
At around 2:05 I was out the shower and was doing my makeup which took around 40 minutes
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^The dress 
Taker: Im outside
When Taker got out the car to open your door he was dressed nice in a black button-down shirt, some black slacks and his hair was in a ponytail. It was simple but you liked it. He stared at you just for some time and you looked down.
“You look great” He said
“Thank you” you said as he opened your door
He was playing Lauryn Hill When it hurts so bad. I looked at the stereo and then at him and smiled. I LOVED this song.
“What” He questioned
“Nothing… I just love Lauryn Hill” I said looking down at the middle console for a second and then looking back at him
“Im shocked you know about her” I said
“Is it really that shocking? I have it on good authority that I'm older than you” He said
“I mean yeah but- ion know its just… nevermind” I said 
“Nah go ahead” He said not in a rude way just in an encouraging way like he actually cared for what I had to say
“A lot of white people don't really know about this kinda music or like it so-or at least where I grew up. And to know that you listen to it is crazy to me.” I said
“And where did you grow up?” He asked
“North Carolina” I said  “Whered you grow up I hear a bit of an accent” I questioned him
He chucked a little bit before saying Texas.
“What part?” I asked
“Huston darling” he said giving me a smirk
“Like Beyonce” I said looking at him with a smile
“Yes like Beyonce” he said
“... What's your real name id feel bad if I called you taker this whole time” I ask
“Mark” He said staring into my eyes. Im not quite sure why but it made me smile
At the restaurant, Mark had pulled out my chair. As we sat down and talked for a few the waiter came by. 
“Good afternoon. I'm your waiter for tonight Tyler. Can I start you off with some drinks” He said as Mark looked at me
“Um, can I have water please?” I asked and looked down as Mark ordered.
I looked at Mark and we talked about our values and what we hold dear and somehow it got onto the topic of our childhood.
“I'll take it you were a daddy's girl” He asked and we both laughed
“I mean pretty much. He never said no to me-even now if I ask him something he never really says no” I smile
“What are you a mamas boy?” i asked him
“Hell yeah i am” i laughed
“My dad was a mamas boy so my mom used to call him bamb standing for big ass mamas boy” I smiled
Then we got onto the topic of kids
“Do you want kids?” I asked and he laughed
“I wasn't really planning on telling you this today was thinking of telling you on the second date but I do have kids” He said and my eyes slightly lit up
“OMG really” I asked and he looked at me and nodded
“How many?”
“2. 1 boy 1 girl” He said and I asked for their names
“Gunner and Gracie” He said
“I think I know the answer to this but I'll ask anyway do you want kids?” He asked
“Yeah” I smiled
“How many?”
“I don't know I grew up in a big house so I want a big family… Maybe 4 or 5 kids” I smiled
“Got any names?” He asked looking at me
“I do but first we need to pause cause anytime I bring up the names I wanna name my kids people give me hell. So don't laugh” I joked
“Scouts honor” he said
“I want twin girls and I really wanna name them Juneiper and Jackie. Then I want 2 sons and I wanna name one of them Coltrane and then I wanna name the other one Sage or Imani.” I said
“I like those names as for the Sage or Imani, I like Imani” He said and I laughed at him
“What you plan on being there or sum??” I asked jokingly
“Actually as a matter a fact a do darlin” He said
“Oh really now!? Is you gon marry me?” I asked with a smile
“I just might have to” He said
“How many kids would you have then?” I asked him
“6” He said
*10 Years later*
“Mark” I poked at him
“What?” He grumbled
“I have a question” I said
“Shoot” He groaned
“When we first started dating and I gave you my number why'd it take so long for you to text me back?” I asked tracing his tattoos with my finger.
“Well, I thought you hated me but one day I was with the boys and they were talking about how after I asked you out you were talking to Booker and how you said you found me attractive but were scared of me. That didn't really get me going until I thought why not prove im not a dick ya know.”
“Where you scared” i teased him
“A little i knew you where a girl with pretty high standers from looking at you so i really didn't wanna fuck up” he said
“Nah you did perfect I think” I smiled and kissed him
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queensilber · 4 months
Supernatural: Witch‘s Canyon
Posting everything in this book that i think you need to know, lets go!
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Okay, so, the boys head to the Grand Canyon to solve a case of a fourty-year murder cycle. The spirits of variouse humans and animals alike attack the locals and they need to find out why and how to stop it.
It is set somewhere in Season two.
My opinion:
This was so much fun. Like, it was really like watching an episode, just a lot longer and with the magic ability to see into Sam and Deans (and a bunch of other characters) heads.
It also gave a little bit of a fanfiction vibe, just with the addidtion that everything is cannon and that all the random little facts and quotes are a real thing (i‘ll list those in a second)
And also there were flashbacks of their childhood??? That made me cry??? I hated john winchester before, but now even more so. (More about the flashbacks below too)
So yea, it was definetly worth it and i cant wait to read the others!!
This is the music Sam and Dean listened to during the course of the book (some locals listened to music too, but i did not list those)
- „paranoid“ by Black Sabbath
- „turn the page“ by Bob Seger
- unspecified tape by Bad Company
There are two flashbacks to Sam and Dean‘s Childhood:
- the first one is Dean Remembering a time when John made him and Sam run through an obstacle course at age twelve and eight. Dean had to shoot a gun during it, Sam just had to point and yell „Bang!“.
In the process of that Sam got injured and cried and John yelled at him to keep going and that he was doing poorly. Dean comforted his brother and encouraged him, leading to sam actually making it. Sam did it and Dean cheered, but john kept yelling at them to keep going to the next obstacle.
- the second one was from when Dean was fourteen and Sam was ten. Their Dad gave them backbags and said what was in them could last them fir four days and they all went on a hike together.
In the middle of nowhere john then saud that they should not trust anyone on what they are told and left them alone, telling them that they should find their way (at very least two days of walk) back themsleves and they shouldnt have relied on him so much and he just… left.
When they checked their backbags they found that most in it was useless and they were also filled with rocks to make it seem like it was more than it was.
Thats so fucked up, like
Those are children. And the worst part, when Dean rememvers this he thinks of it almost positively because it taught him a valuable lesson. I cant even begin to describe how my heart hurt for them.
Random facts:
Here are some facts from the book, i do t know anymor if those are mentioned in the show too, but it hardly matters, i think:
- Sam outgrew Dean at the age of 16
- Dean felt gutity over Jessicas death and thought that it was a „more solid basis“ of guilt than Sam had on the matter
- Sam can differentiate between uniforms of different wars in history just by a look
- Dean hates Rats. A lot.
Some quotes from the book:
John Winchester hunted monsters, ghosts, demons — the creatures most people only believed in deep down in their 3:00 am hearts, abd that they laughted off when the sun was bright and their spirits high.
It was a habit Dean had picked up from Dad — reffering to what they did as a „job“. To Sam it was nore of a Mission, even a calling.
„Sammy really likes cops,“ Dean said. „If he didnt have any talents he might have become one“
Sometimes he thought Dean wouldnt mind dying if he could go out in a blaze of glory, as the saying went. In moments of fairness, Sam knew that wasnt true. Dean didnt care about the glory; he cared about making a difference.
„I‘m coming around to the point, Sam.“ „He‘s Dean,“ Sam corrected. „I‘m Sam“. „Sorry, For some reason, you just look more like a Dean to me“
Gilmore Girls reference?
„You tried to shoot my brother“ Dean said.
Sam belived in a highter power, Dean didnt. Sam didnt have any special knowledge that Dean lacked, handt seen or heard or met God.
Lol, not yet.
Dean had been a kid, hadnt ever had a chance to become anything other than what Dad had made of him. That, finally, was the gulf between them — the canyon that could never be bridged.
Dean was an amazing guy, Sam knew, with skills and abilities most people would never imagine, and smarts Dean himself wouldnt credit, even though he relied on them all the time. And yet, at times like this, he was so humble, so unassuming, that he seemed almost unaware of the importance if his iwn contributions. At other times, of course, that humility vanished. Knowing and accepting both Deans, he guessed, was what being brothers was all about. Maybe I wouldnt want to be Dean, he thought, but i‘m sure glad I have him araound.
So anyways, that book sure was an experiance and i cant wait for the next one! I‘ll post a review of that as well and will update that post with a link to it one i‘m done!
Xoxo! <3
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xhanelia · 10 months
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Okay so this was the ask but when i deleted the post, it got deleted too. I tried to write the post again as much as i remember. All of my luck aside, i have my first official anon now i am so happy!! Thank you for the request, green anon! Hope you like it 💚
How would Sova react to a mute reader
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I think he would ask Sage or Brim about what kind of a person you are before trying to talk to you, but lets just think that you were introduced in the middle of a mission. (absolutely not to make the fic longer and maybe interesting)
In the missions, Brim always wants an "understood" after his commands on the field. To confirim that his voice went to the person and make sure they did not get hurt. When Brim gave you information about the building and told you what you should do, you did not reply. Sova got scared that the new agent might have got caught or hurt but seeing the steril face of Brim, like this is what was supposed to be, he got a bit confused and went to his part of the mission. Trying not to think about it.
Later on, when you return with the information you have on your hands (witch is nothing but a little flash drive) he sighed in relief that you didnt got hurt. With the smile on your face, covered mostly by the mask you wore, you handled the flash drive to Chyper. He thanked you in his own language to show intimacy to the new agent. Well, to you.
Also Cypher was never leaving your side after your first mission. Being a new agent means that he will follow you everywhere like a tail stuck to your back. (This is cannon btw.)
He glared you two a bit. One side hoping you wouldnt turn out to be his friend or such, the other wants to get to know you. Either way, it was the first time the moral of HQ, Sova, didnt talked to the new agent by his choice. He was intimidated by your similarities with Chyper.
At this point, Sage needed to ask Sova if he was okay. She understood that he did not liked secretive persons but you were far off from Chyper. She convinced him to at least say hello to you while passing by. But he would still avoid any conversations with you.
You nod everytime he greeted you. Sage told you that Sova (a tall blonde man that has a prostetic eye, she said. Pretty much noticable.) would cheer you up if you feel down or lonely. But it was like the other way around. At least near you. When you look at him with other agents, he was like how Sage described him but when he notices you, his smile drops down a bit.
At some point, you decided to ask him about why he was like this to you. Gathering your courage, getting yourself a pen and a little notebook, you began to search for him.
He was in the tech room. Making adjusments to his bow and arrows. He looked up to you from where he was sitting. You waved to him as a hello, he nodded to you back. Thinking maybe you dont want to talk to him at all.
You got out your pen and notebook, wrote something to it and slowly pushed it to him. He looked at the notebook and to you, then again to the notebook. Reading what was written on it.
"I am so sorry if i did something wrong to you."
He stood still after reading the paper for a good 10 seconds then looked up to you. Such simple words but it hit Sova so hard. Now getting that you cannot talk, it feels like the guilt was building up in his chest.
"You were mute?" It sound like he was scared to even ask this question. You slowly nod with a broke smile. It was visible in your eyes.
He stood up. "No... i am sorry. I should have tried to get to know you at first but i was stuck to the thought of you did not wanted to talk to me. I... shouldnt have judged you beforehand."
Even though he kept the Chyper intimacy you have to himself, you understood his reasons and wrote again to the paper.
"Its okay. I hope we can be friends!"
He smiled at the paper. "Ofcourse." He said with relief. After everything, he is still blaming himself about his prejudices about you, but seeing you getting happy with his words is enough to convince him that it does not matter anymore.
He tries to learn sign language. Its like a form of a apologize to you. Afterall, you cannot talk to him through paper forever, can you? He will make up to you. He promises himself.
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theviridianbunny · 2 months
Summary: emotions boil over when Viridian and Jackie find themselves stranded in the middle of Dogtown. Vague spoilers for cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty.
A/N: Pspspsspps hurt no comfort nation come get your dinner !!! - I don't normally write stuff like this but!!! The idea of had been brewing in my mind since...... GOD november 2023 when i was first playing the dlc - and finally I wrote a little thing !!!
You can read the fic below the cut or on AO3 here!! Thank you for reading!!! Putting the blorbos through the blender feels vaugly cathartic!!!
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"What did I do to deserve this?"
The teal haired netrunner grumbled to herself from behind red lenses- arms bracing herself against a worn and breaking wooden desk. She and her partner - the ex valentino Jackie Welles- had managed to rescue the president and make contact with the sleeper agent Solomon Reed.
But the kicker to it all? They were now stranded in an abandoned high rise. Patience growing thin and good faith running low.
Viridian knew they were too Deep into the belly of dogtown now. Stranded in the mess of it all. Viridian ropped into an elaborate mess of a plan - to rescue the president in exchange for a way out of a rockerboy shapped mess . She wanted Johnny gone. She wanted him out of her head - by any cost at this point.
Everything felt like it was strung together on one very ropey shoe lace.. Orchestrated by a fellow netrunner who would only show herself through showdows. Viridian knew Songbird was hiding something. She saw the faintest glint of an ever unraveling secret.
Her gaze traveled across the scatterly lit office to her partner. Stood leaning against a low wall. His body tense - pursed brow as he rubbed his eyes.
Making eye contact - they both knew knew things were going south.
Overly tired - Viridian spoke her mind. Fuled by this frustration that had been eating at her. Like how a starved dog would gnaw at a bone.
Maybe Johnny's ways were starting to rub off on her...
"This would have never happened if you'd not taken that gig from Dex, yknow- the one that gave your ego a massive hard on-" she started . Her voice was full of resentment.
"Wait wait - What wouldn't have happened Viridian? Tell me-" Jackie tried to remain calm- though he felt his own anger rising.
"If you hadn't taken the job - if you had took two fucking seconds to think that hey- this job sounds fishy - you wouldn't have thrown me back into araska's jaws - it wouldn't have gone south- I wouldn't be infected with this rockerboy parasite that's eating at my psyche with every passing second-" each point becoming more strained - more angry- more raw as the netrunner held back this angry sob. Moving closer to her partner- jabbing a cybernetic finger into the leathers of his bomber jacket.
"Why you putting all the blame on me , Huh V?" Jackie asked - eyebrows furrowed - the two making eye contact now. Jackie could see the corruption- he couldn't tell where Viridian started and ended.
A part of him wondered if Johnny were finally taking over - and that made Jackie all the angrier.
"You found the job- you ropped us into it- it's clearly all your fault-" the anger in Viridian’s voice toxic like a snakes venom. Logically she knew it wasn't his fault. She knew how much Jackie cared for her... but now - she was just beyond the point of reason and logic. She was exhausted- physically and mentally.
"You had every chance to walk away from the gig Viri-" Jackie spat - backing away and pacing across the room - the anger in himself boiling like a pan of hot water. He tried so hard to push it down - stifling it. He didnt want to become his father.
But it was no use - as the argument grew longer - his anger got the better of him. The ex valentino and the red rabbit spitting vile words at one another. It all ending in tears as Jackie took himself out of the room they shared - the air thick with hate.
Jackie's mind wracked with a storm of emotions.
Once the air had settled - he would return to his lover. They would talk it out like adults - like they always did.
For now - he found an opening in the lobby of the abandoned hotel.
His Booted foot stomping over the ledge to check it were secure - he himself down over the ledge - realising the sun finally set over the skyline of dogtown.
He reached into one of the pockets of his bomer and grabbed one of the few smokes he had left. With his golden engraved lighter He lit a ciggerate and inhailed the mentholated smoke. -
Taking a long drag - he tried to let the guilt he felt wash over and through him. He didn't realise this - but his hands shook as the adrenaline spiked in his system.
He never knew just how much pain Viridian were in. She would always just push it down or bottle it up. - that's one of the few things he wished he could change. But he knew his lover was proud to talk to him at times . Almost too proud to admit anything were wrong. It frustrated him. He and Viridian were a team. For better or for worse.
He sighed to himself after exhaling. Knowing fully well he would carry this guilt with him for the rest of his life. Taking a moment to breathe - he wiped the salty tears that burnt in his eyes.
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jaethecreator · 6 months
ok this au is all over the place but lemme go ahead and spill more brainrot since people liked it !!!!!! here is part 1:
so after minho and han realize they need to save the gaang, they have a lil zuko/katara episode. minho, being the apprentice to the firelord, has great control of his firebending and is essentially an unstoppable force. han's healing bending is a great aid to their success in finding and saving the others, but also during this time he realizes he must use his bloodbending if he wants them to have better chances. more than likely, the rebels will know how to counter minho or to handle/distract him, since they're planning to ransom his brother for the end of the war. when minho asks how han will fight, han decides to be honest and explain his own intentions as well. how he learned bloodbending against his will, the pain he'd been in since that day, the nightmares and anxiety, everything. minho is ever understanding, and urges han to only use it if he truly feels he needs to. he reassures him that with his firebending, there will be no need.
felix woke up in the middle of the night with sweat running down his neck. that night, he'd had a vision that he was going to lose something. the dream didnt explain what it was or WHO it was he'd be losing, so with a building feeling of anxiety he leaves his tent to check on everyone. chan and changbin had both fallen asleep sat against each other, having promised to take turns keeping watch. felix remembers them fighting over who would watch first earlier that night, mainly because the two men couldn't admit that they wanted to protect the other. after watching changbin sleeping with a pout on his lips and arms crossed though, chan couldn't help the gentle coo that left his lips, before tucking into his side and falling asleep himself. he continues walking to the next tent, seeing both jeongin and seungmin together. the both of them are sprawled out like starfish, but their hands are linked somehow between the mess of limbs. felix chuckles and shakes his head, before walking to han's tent. he knows han is probably asleep, especially since his nightmares have been getting worse the closer to the fire nation they grew. part of him felt bad for wishing han was awake inside, because he felt selfish for wanting to seek han's company after his own less-intense nightmare. however, when he sees han missing from his tent, the hairs on the back of his neck stand to attention. immediately he's breathing quickly, trying to rationalize and calm himself down.. trying to convince himself han might just have walked away to cool off. before he can walk away to go looking for han, felix hears yelling. an ambush.
if felix had used the avatar state, he could have surely protected everyone and taken care of those ambushing him. however, after his lack of control in recent situations, he fears entering the state will hurt more than help. and without han there to keep him calm and to guide him, felix feels lost. instead, he and the others stand to fight. however, a gas slowly fills their camp, rendering the gaang useless. one by one, they fall to the ground. seungmin catches jeongin's body as he goes limp, trying to plug his nose to keep him awake. as he struggles to protect his friend (and the one he loves most) seungmin falls on top of him, knocked out from whatever was released into the air. changbin and chan rose the second they heard yelling, struggling to remain conscious as they began using their bending to create a shield. looking to seungmin and jeongin, they awaited the two to use their air powers to blow the gas away. however, seeing the two younger members of their group passed out, changbin and chan both stopped their bending to pick them up. felix took to attacking the ambushers, using his martial arts while changbin and chan tried to focus on defense. however, with the gas filling their lungs, the air monks on their backs felt heavier and heavier, until both changbin and chan succumbed to the gas. felix, enraged, entered the avatar state. before he could fully unleash his attack, however, his body had ingested enough of the gas to fall to the ground. one by one, the members are loaded up and taken away chained and shackled. realizing they'd also gotten a hand on the avatar, the rebels feel a surge of success and ambition. if they can ransom the firelord's second son to end the war, they could also threaten the firelord with the presence of the avatar.
when the gaang is dropped off at the rebel's camp, hyunjin realizes in horror that felix and his crew have been kidnapped too. through the bars of his enclosure, hyunjin tries to touch felix to wake him, his hands gravitating towards his face. while opening one of his eyes, hyunjin gasps in relevation that felix's eyes are pure white like how he is in the avatar state, but since his body and conscience are dormant, the power is sitting in an inactive vessel, essentially. realizing the boy he'd been flirting with is the avatar, hyunjin's heart grows cold, believing that felix was only manipulating him to get to the firelord.
thankfully for the team, seungmin and jeongin were jailed together, which was a bad choice on the rebel's part. however, they're nowhere near where the others are. instead, they're in some type of boiler room where the air is thick with smoke. being the youngest two of the group and having lost their temple, doubts trickle into their mind. seungmin feels the worst, knowing he tried his best to protect jeongin but had failed. instead of speaking the truth about his guilt and his failed attempt, seungmin instead voices his anger at the situation. he lists how they shouldn't have helped the avatar, how they should have followed monk orders and relocated like instructed in their learnings. jeongin disagrees, urging that they had done the right thing. seungmin snaps at jeongin, raising his voice and saying that it was jeongin's idea in the first place to follow them, not his own. that he only followed jeongin because that's all hes ever done. obviously, our boy seungmin is struggling and is projecting his guilt and anger at himself onto jeongin. definitely getting "i'm not a bad dog.. i don't know why i bite" vibes from this scene. jeongin is quiet for a moment, before saying that he never forced seungmin to make the same choices as him. he's hurt, and seungmin knows, but jeongin tries his best to keep his tone unbothered. they've never been the type to voice their real feelings easily, always messing around and never being serious. ILL EXPLAIN HOW THEY GET FREE IN THE NEXT PART ;)
now to talk about my beloveds BINCHAAAAAAN !!
unfortunately for these two rivals (who are extremely in love but they dont wanna say it smh), they're both held separately. chan doesn't know where changbin is, or whether or not he's even alive. the same goes for changbin. chan swore to himself that he’d keep changbin safe, especially after the incident at the earth kingdom when he found the younger injured and left as the only one alive. meanwhile, changbin has always wanted to show that chan never had to shoulder any pain or responsibility alone. they're both generals, but because chan is older, he'd always take the short end of the stick if it meant changbin would have better opportunities. even as rivals, chan can't help but give changbin every advantage he possibly can. changbin wanted to have chan rely on him, and to need him instead. so when chan came to save him, he was thankful, but he also felt deep shame that he needed saving from the other (as a rival but also as someone who wants to be equal). changbin can't help but worry about what chan is willing to do to save and protect him, and so he views it best that he try to escape on his own instead of waiting to be saved again so he can look for chan. and for once, chan doesn't fight. instead, he sits and waits to find out where changbin is being held, believing that he'd rather remain in captivity than be free without changbin. THE MISCOMMUNICATION IN THIS ENTIRE AU IS SO ASTONISHING !!!! but can u blame them? damn they can't even sleep without getting kidnapped
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leynaeithnea · 3 months
Who am I to deny you the joy of listing all your favorite lines from the musical? Bestie go nuts bc now I really want to know your favorite lines ( if you want to add the reason why they make you insane I will not be complaining) ( but like , a keysmash for each line is good too )
Ill go through it song by song I guess because thats the easiest way
1. Horse and the Infant
GREAT opening song; amazing; so good, from the set up, references, singing, sound design, music everything
My favorite part in it is when Odysseus tries to bargain with Zeus for Astyanax (totally didnt have to look up the name again) because musically??? And story wise??? Im on phone rn so maybe if we do these types of interactions more often i can go moee into deepth at some other point but for rn ill keep it semi short BUT ITS SO PERFECT (mortius and caspers reactions tend to break down things really well so bascially what they say, most of the time)
2. Just A Man
Tears, i loveeeeeeee Jorges falcetto voice, the desperation when he sings "whos fighting for his life" and then the drop that goes into "but when [...]" etc, it kind of reminds me a bit of the shift of pace in "Wait for It" in Hamilton? Which is def one of my favorite songs in that musical
As well as whe musical design of the men picking up the chorus when Odysseus steps closer to the wall and all eyes are on him and the question of when does a man become a monster, when does the reason become the blame gets echoed...
3. Full Speed Ahead
I absolutely loveeeeee the theme of "We're up,we're off and away we go" followed by "full speed aheeeead" ANd agaiIN JORGES VOICE WHEN IN THAT omg its so gooooooddddddddd, also, ody being stern when he talks with eudy and then lighting up the second Polites approaches him, one of my favorite songs
4. Open Arms
We need more Polites.
When i first listened to it the first times I thought Polites was already high on Lotus....well
Also odys "im fine polites" -> huge liar
Does it show that I have a thing for Ody? He is the perfect kind of angsty character that I loveeeeee so deeply, Jorges voice acting in "STAY BACK", and Polites being completly unbothered fjsidksks also lotus winions!!!
A cave!
East; that way
5. Warrior of the Mind
personally actually one of my less favorite songs for some reasons? Probably bc its not angsty enough in this case, but i really love athenas voice in the new remastered versions even more than before. "Hahahahaha" is amazing tho, also I FEEL ROBBED in the new versions you cant confuse "Enlighten me" with "you lied to me" anymore ~yes i totally was convinced its "you lied to me" for weeks~
....this is really long that was only the troy saga oh well
6. Polyphemus
"Theres been a misunderstanding" line; the vocals in that, so good, as well as the threadenung drum sounds and all
Also great sound scape and everything
7. Survive
Oh my
I CAN PICK UP THE DANGER MOTIF THERE im so happy that im getting better at this, ive been tone deaf all through high and middle school and it makes me so haopy to actually get better at this now
When the crew joins in with "sixhundred lives at stake" etc its sooo good, I loheee the choir/ensemble parts so much, in this musical and generally THE DELIVERY OF "push foooooooOOORward" omg
...also...rip to pancake boy...i love how w can see/feel in the musical how in shock Odysseus is until Polyphemus passes out
8. Remeber Them
ALSO UNDERRATED probably the only song where i rllyyy prefer the first version and dont like the remastered one as much because i love how it goes from shock and grief to slowly arising anger and determination while still hearing the hurt in his voice, in the new version we go straight into anger, which is fineeee but I always loved the way I imagined it before that
I loveee the chorus lyrics too
And then WHEN ODYS ANGER AND PRIDE AND GRIEF TAKES OVER AND HE DOXXES HIMSELF TO POLYPHEMUS, the delivery of these lines ----- love it so much
9. My Goodbye
Grown to love it even more lately, just because again, i think this is a trend but I love it when Ody is just kind of...suffering x)
The "Hey" is such good voice acting in that moment, its so good, just Ody being hurt and griefing and Athena bring frustrated with human reactions and man such a greattt song
10. Storm
"We're going to shoot for the sky" "What?"
...thats all I have to say for this one
11. Luvk runs out
...all the themes this sets up for thunder saga oml....
also, ody pretending to be fine and confident and all and the second hes alone with eury his fascade drops...he must be so angry that Eury called him out in public haha...ha...
Okay so, my hands are dying from typing but I totally want to finish this for the rest of the series, if you also want the second part of this please send me another ask so I can reply to it! 🙈
Good night for now :3
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away-ward · 1 year
To the anon who posted "one thing i hate about will was his manwhore tendencies/lowkey maybe “flirty” personality.", i agree with you 100%. Even worse when i remember that will said that he could easily "sink into alex" implying that he can have alex and alex have him, just like how rika could easily have kai if em and banks were not around. There's no "exclusivity" for their romance as if intimacy with others were so easy, so it does cheapen their feelings for their partners, and it can be seen like "so mich talk, but no actions". This was my main gripe with will too, because if he had the time to fuck around with other women, he had the time to email or call emmy and asked if she was homeless or dying, alright.
That's why i said, no MMCs in this book is possessive, not even damon, they all aint shit. The romantic parts were not giving, the bias were so obvious it ruin the fun of "a story with variety of couples" type of series, the men were scums from hell, even worse than mafia romances (and mafia romances had better arc, can you imagine that?! Even these mafia guys practice loyalty and monogamy wtf?!). Like if you guys want great dark romance, better not expect it from PD srsly, because if there's one constant thing i noticed that pd loves to use in their storytelling is to romanticise (?) something ugly, then abandon that ship and expect the reader to lap every second of it. They always wanna write something that goes beyond ugly (whoch is fine, many other authors like k. Webster and other do it too), but PD'S wrap up of their stories were always just pure shit. It's even disappointing because pd's idea was usually fun to read but man, the execution was just so 🗑️☠️
If there is one thing pd was really bad at, it's the middle and redemption arc, that's why whichever character that gets the shorter end of the stick in any of their books will always just have to stow in their hurt feelings without any further just ending for them. It happens in DN for banks and emory, it happens in Fall Away, it happens in credence noah and jake, in tryst six venom too, and at this point, only birthday girl and maybe hellbent were free from this, only because they dont have much "bully" elements to their stories. Even if there were some rough scenes in hellbent, the romance was still sweet, hot, monogamous and everything great you'd expect from the romance genre, but with a sprinkle of hot spice in it.
IMO, i didnt have much thoughts or feelings when will complimented banks, because he's literally like that with everyone, but when you guys discussed about it, he really was a bit too flirty with these women, huh? 🤣 now he made me pissed off to, and this just adds more to my will grayson's ick list, LOL! Becaus that mad sense, if we cant get angry at michael for looking at banks and kai at rika, why cant we with will?
Hey, I hope the Anon sees your message. And I also hope you don’t mind me popping in with some thoughts!
But you can ignore them too. I'll post if Anon replies.
Even worse when i remember that will said that he could easily "sink into alex" implying that he can have alex and alex have him
So I actually found this line interesting, because it can have two meanings, depending on how deep you want to look at it. One, is the obvious. He means penetration.
But the second is like drowning. Like how he used Alex, along with drugs and booze to, drown out his pain. It would be so easy to just try to love Alex and to sink into her because she doesn’t fight him; she numbs his pain. But at this point, he's come so far that he doesn’t want to be numb anymore. He’d rather fight with Emory than forget with Alex.
At least, that’s how I understood his thoughts in that scene.
because if he had the time to fuck around with other women, he had the time to email or call emmy and asked if she was homeless or dying, alright.
You’re not the first person to say this and, I hope you don’t mind, but it always struck me as a bit funny. Because if I was Will’s friend after he got out of prison and he told me he was going to try and contact Emory, I would have lost my mind.
Because, looking at the situation with only the information Will has, this is a girl who had repeatedly for three years told him ‘no’ and to ‘leave her alone’. Then, when he goes to prison for brutalizing her brother (who rightfully deserved it), she doesn’t reach out to him at all.
He's not sleeping with other women in prison. He’s not going anywhere. She knew exactly where he was every day and night.
I’d say with all of that, Emory had made it abundantly clear she didn’t want to be contacted by him.
So if he told me he was going to reach out “just to check on her” I would have tied him to a chair, and removed all access to the internet. No email. No calls. Hell, he doesn’t even get pen and paper. He can’t do smoke signals or morse code. Nothing.
It just seems to be that when a girl says no, we should respect that. So we can’t say we want Will to respect her but also ignore her when she says she doesn’t want him in her life. Because that’s what she told him. Repeatedly.
But also, it sort of does a disservice to Will to expect him to roll his heart out to her once again.
For three years, he begged, followed, and pleaded with her to see him. He goes to prison, and she still says nothing. Not even a thank you letter. Now, whether Em owned him any communication is up to the reader.
But even before then, Will was lost.
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I propose Will didn’t just not like himself, but that he hated himself. He hated himself for wanting her so much. And he tries for years to root her out of his mind and heart. He tries to numb the pain with women and booze, because if the woman he wants doesn’t want him, what would be the point of acting like he’s in a committed relationship. Why mourn the loss of someone who was never his?
And I still think all of this is to cover up the fact that he hates himself. He’s trying to deaden the voice inside that says he’s worthless because Em didn’t see anything worth in him. He’s heartbroken and sick.
Now, if I were Will, and I had gone through all that and had tried to get this person out of my head and heart, only to see them once and realize they are still so deeply entrenched in every part of me? To realize that for years, all the stuff I’d done to try and kill off the love I felt for them, was useless because at the first sight of them I know without a doubt I’m still in love with this person who has made it very clear they want nothing to do with me?
I would feel so stupid. Just dumb. And broken.
But in NF, Will of course has a layer of anger to cover up his feelings. He wants to hurt Em for hurting him and it’s messy and wrong, but people often are.
All I’m saying is expecting Will to come out of prison wanting to get right back to where he left off in high school would be unfair to both of them.
but PD'S wrap up of their stories were always just pure shit. It's even disappointing because pd's idea was usually fun to read but man, the execution was just so 🗑️☠️
Unfortunately, I think this is the case. PD has great ideas, but somewhere along the line, at least for me, the story I’m interested in reading and the story they’re interested in telling diverge until I’m just confused as to how we ended up here.
because they dont have much "bully" elements to their stories
This is an interesting analysis. I wonder what it is about the “bully romance” trope that causes them to do this?
I know a lot of author get tripped up with arc enemies to lovers storyline because they don’t give enough time to let them come to respect each other before making them lovers? At least in my experience, it seems some authors try make the enemies part ‘oh they don’t really hate each other; it’s just hidden attraction’ but that’s not enemies to lovers!
Does PD do the same thing? Where they try to make it a bully romance but once the romance picks up, there’s no time to deal with all the previous bullying?
I don’t know. I’m just throwing things at the wall…
IMO, i didnt have much thoughts or feelings when will complimented banks, because he's literally like that with everyone, but when you guys discussed about it, he really was a bit too flirty with these women, huh?
I never minded Will be flirty with the women in the inner-circle, because I don’t think there was any real intent behind it, but I won’t waste an opportunity to bring up this clip so…
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Ok im gonna try to bring a bit of positivity here even if it might not seem like it at first lol. U might have seen (but i think u avoid twitter right?) Carol being attacked these last few hours/days regarding Sophia/Ed. How she supposedly let Sophia being sexually abused by Ed without doing nothing. How she screamed to Shane "stop!" and cried when he beat up Ed. Meaning she was weak and ridiculous, again.
First of all i think (correct me if im wrong) that its considered canon that Ed didnt abuse (sexually, that is) Sophia... yet, because he died, but he would have had tried to had he lived because he saw her "growing up" and was a sick psycho. And Carol acted on it by having Sophia taken physically far away from her father if i recall well (dont have the exact scene in mind hence why im vague).
Second of all, this is bullshit obviously. Those people have never been abused and it shows. How its hard to leave, because you still love him and actually believe him when he says he wont hurt u again. Because he's a "great father" and "only" hit you and not ur children (its stastically rare i think but it does happen). I've worked with a lot of women beaten up by their husbands (and believe it or not, a few man with their wives too. Even husbands with husbands or wives with wives. Again, more rare but still here) and all combinations exist: women dont give a shit anymore, wont forgive, and only wants to leave and/or ptotect their children, woman who cant leave because they still see the "amazing" man he was for the first 10 years, or the first 3 years. Or says things like "he was beaten up when he was a child by his dad so its not his fault. "
ALL combinations exist, no one knows what its like to be in the head or the heart of a beaten 's wife/person, and no one should judge someone's way of coping with it, dealing with it, reacting to it. It is NEVER the victims fault, even if in the case of a beaten's wife, she stays with the husband.
Sorry, so, this disgression to say that Carol was insulted yesterday and so on for staying with Ed and not protecting Sophia.
The goods news (and here comes the positive part lol) is that for once, everyone was coming at these assholes (who, yes, happened to be Richonners, but NO, not all Richonners are this way, absolutely NOT).
And when i mean everyone, i mean even those who usually dont say shit when Carol (and therefore Melissa) is called ugly and/or too old for Daryl. Even those who dont ship caryl and/ or dont particularly like Carol are saying "ohh hell noo, too far, u re not victim blaming Carol here, absolutely not". Even the "kind of official fan accounts" followed by stars of the show.
So, while i wish she was defended more often already for the ageist and sexist part of the attacks she suffers, its still comforting to see that this time, everybody or almost see how too far they have gone and reacted accordingly.
Sorry if im clumsy in my way of writing or presenting things, english is not my native language, hope i did ok.
First of all, thank you for all you've done for survivors of domestic abuse and for sharing your insight. I heard about the incident through the grapevine and it was nice to go back and see all the support Carol was getting from all sides :)
Even though we have to be responsible for what we say on SM, I don't think it should just be left up to the fans to create a safer environment for them (and even cast and crew) to interact with each other. We should also put pressure on AMC to stop fueling the sexism, ageism, racism, etc. seen not just in one particular subset of the fanbase, but across the board. For example, how about making Carol the same size as Daryl in the key art so people can literally see her as a lead character? How about abandoning the ambiguous language around Caryl's relationship so people can understand that, yes, a middle-aged woman with gray hair can be the middle-aged male lead's love interest and vice versa? How about hiring someone who actually supports their characters and their relationship to run the official SM accounts? That's the kind of change I'd love to see.
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7xwc · 7 months
honest opinions about the intro (that nobody asked for or cares) - driver by driver:
sargent: what does he even do? thank god it was just a second of him. 1/10
kmag: ok? like… you aint got nothing better to do? 1/10
zhou: baby we know you can serve. where's the energy girl? but gotta admit the second camera angle did something to me. 5/10 purely for the second shot
daniel: looks dumber than my left toe. 2/10
hulk: ngl that was pretty good considering he usually looks like a mcdonalds drive thru 5/10
bottas: slaaaaaaay!!!! love the energy, coming out of the shadow. love the hair. the only bitch that is not afraid to show off. 7/10 also bonus point for the stache 8/10
yuki: im disappointed. baby, we know you eat always and you never ever leave crumbs. what happened? who hurt you? poor baby looks like a cardboard cutout of himself i hate it here. 4/10
alex: stop. get some help. and a haircut. they deyassified him. also. what are you staring at buddy, look away pls. 2/10
ocon: SLAY! rent was due and the bills needed to be paid! the twinkle in his eyes, the strut, the bisexual lighting going across his face. this is cinema right there. 8/10
pierre: first of all: scoot back, buddy. why you trying to fight the camera? it wont bite you, yknow? absolutely not. 3/10
stroll: no rizz just a head full of head and brown eyes. didnt serve, didnt eat, matter of fact he aint even shown up to dinner. 2/10
piastri: ok buddy, next 2/10
george: omg hiiii sid from the ice age!!!! wtf is that middle part fix that shit right up pls. also why does he look like he is doing a cowboy walk? like, yknow the one, with the hands on the gun thingy. no. 2/10
carlos: boring as always. he literally just stood there. like okay girl you're so unique 1/10
lando: should've had more screen time. i wanna see them hips swinging boy. struting like rent was due. could have served face some more, he looks bored. 6/10
charles: YES! absolutely yes. he had two seconds and made the most of it. they just dont want to show a bad bitch for too long. side profile on point. cunty. shouldve winked. 9/10
alonso: i hate to say it but he served. the cunty stare? big beautiful green eyes? wow. the first angle not so much it did nothing for him but the second was GOOD!! 8/10
lewis: i mean. do i even need to say it? the rent was due, the bills needed to be paid, they took bono away and they were coming for his dog next, like… he cooked, served, ate AND did the dishes. like. wow. he's looking at the camera like he's about to jump and beat the shit out of it (metaphorically) like yes sir, kill them all. he got three different angles cuz they know they gotta feed the masses. 1000/10
checo: jumpscare. no. get away from my face. 1/10
m*x: was he cracking his knuckles? who are you about to fight my guy? the racism accusations? like? also how are you gonna have such beautiful eye color and still do nothing for no one? why you gotta be so fucking boring. you're the reinging champ my guy, it's not that hard to serve a cunty look into the camera??? guess you cant cheat your way into that one. -1/10 this one actually piss me off
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mxdotpng · 3 years
u know maybe if lin manuel miranda wasnt a little bitch the finale of encanto wouldnt be bad
#.text#disney#i hate him btw. like in case you didnt know#its a good song for the most part except for that stupid shit in the middle where lmm was being too obvious#hes so shit at doing finale's bc every single fucking time he has to do that bullshit where he includes parts of#previous songs into the finale and it WORKS sometimes like it worked just fine in hamilton even if that#musical is a fucking disaster. but it doesnt work here and its so out of place and ruins the rhythm is SO BAD#and then like he wrote it. like it was a song in a theater musical. and not a song in a movie musical#the part with dolores and mariano shouldve been kept to words and not in the song it is So Out Of Place#they werent even important enough to have gotten a part in that song in the first place 💔💔 lmm is just like that#my 10th? 11th? grade english teacher made us study his music for like 3 months i was miserable#and now i can recognize his bullshit from a mile away#u know u can like listen to brunos part and fully understand that he was written with lmm in mind. likr you can tell#not to mention the. like. actual best part of the song and the one that stuck with peoplr the MOST was only sung like once or twice#in favor of shifting the song around to fitting like 4 different themes bc lmm cant be normal for like 5 seconds#i dont wanna see anyone supporting him his music is literally only okay 90% of the time and hes also just a shit person so 💕#i hate him. god.#how can one man be so ugly#at least he didnt sing like he did in moana#all of you welcome to the family madrigal & your welcome are so painfully lmm it genuinely hurts to listen to them#this isnt to say the score is bad by the way. like some of the songs are genuinely good but those 2........................#the first has its good parts. except. well. ^. and the second is just.#i get its an exposition song its the first thing they do in present time but that doesnt mean i have to like it or that its good <3#anyway. im done complaining abt him i promise.#maybe if he was good at anything 😒
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falontia · 2 years
<<Part 1: here
Where'd our captain go?
[Summary: You get transported into another universe where mark and mack are there and they both have a huge crush on you]
(Pairings: Mark x reader, Mack x reader, Wliford x reader if u squint hard enough.)
{Setting: ISWM part 1, but with mack...and a special guest.}
The captain was nowhere to be seen today, which was weird because they've always been around the ship checking on minor problems that have happened. This immediately set off an alarm in the two head engineer's heads (ironic..) as they started looking for the captian together, having short lived fights along the way, only stopping because they didnt find the captain in the room.
The whole crew also thought about this, it was weird and unsettling as the halls were now quiet without the captain praising every accomplishment they made. Everyone was uncomfortable and just wanted the captian back.
"In some other universe..."
The captain looked around the decorated room with confusion. First their portable wormhole device doesn't work and now it sucks them into a wormhole in the middle of their comfortable sleep? The captain wasn't even surprised at the fact that wilford was the one who set up the room, yet they were angry at him. "Why did you do that?.." the Captain sleepily asked the energetic man-- who was quite the opposite of what the captain was right now. "Because! Our meeting is now!" Wilford said happily.
"But I thought it wasn-" The captain was about to make a point before they got cut off by a finger to the mouth and wilford quickly making shush noise. They gave in as they were still sleepy, sitting on the couch that seemingly just appeared there. "I did want to say. What's with...those two other people you've been with?," Wilford asked about Mark and Mack, well the captain thought he was asking about them and they were right.
"There's nothing special between us. We are friends." They stated with a serious tone, they were in a bad mood, they did just get sucked by a wormhole into a room which made them dizzy as hell.
Wilford laughed like one of those silly villian side-kicks and quickly pulled out a notebook. Ofcourse he took the captain's words for granted and quickly crossed out a doodle he made of both of the men, then he proceeded to put a heart next to a doodle of the captain and him.
A portal appeared the second he pulled his head up to look at you. Wilford took a knife out of his pocket that the Captain swore wasn't there before. Wilford went to stab the portal but the captain stopped him before he could. "Wilford I am very tired of both your shit and just generally so let me go home," captain groaned. Wilford just rolled his eyes playfully and booped the captain's nose. "You better visit!" Wilford stated. The captain nodded lazily and jumped into the wormhole.
Oh wilford was gonna miss the captain yes, but Mack and Mark were probably having a heart attack.
"In your universe...."
Oh Mark and Mack WERE having heart attacks. They convinced themselves their captain just went outside to check something (with the space suit on) but it has been 35 minutes and that is way too long for someone to be outside in space. Especially if it's the captain.
The captain got 'softly' thrown on the ground (if that even exists) of the air lock with their space suit on. Weird, they recalled being in the storage room sleeping peacefully. (Plot...) The captain excited the air lock their head engineers looking like hurt puppies. Mark immediately hugged their side while also asking why they were gone for so long, while Mack just stared at them longingly. The captain knew both of them had crushes on them yes, but they did want to mess with both of them for a bit. It wouldn't hurt much. They quickly grabbed Mack's arm, making him grab their shoulder and arm for support.
The captain repeatedly petted Mark on the head because...who wouldn't, making him all flustered but he still held dear on to his captian. Mack was even more red than Mark. He kept telling himself he had an image to uphold around the crew and colonists but the crew wasn't here anyways so who's to say how he should act?
As the touch-starves man he is, he leaned in to the captain's touch and all of his stress immediately went away. It was like peace after the storm.
And it was worth it.
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trentskiiii · 2 years
enough for you - mason mount ft. dec
: this was inspired by enough for you by olivia rodrigo (angst- NOT HAPPY ENDING (unless i do a part 2) , only read if u wanna be heartbroken) this is my first fic :((( you wld think my first wld be about trent but ive been thinking about this idea for forever and thought mason would be a better fit :) i didnt do a proofread bcs this took me so long😭
desc: you and mason mount have been in a relationship for around 2 years. you realised that the way he treats u n how u feel everyday in the relationship quickly changes. what will happen when u talk to him about it? WARNINGS: some curse words and then just PAIN PAIN AND PAIN AGAIN.
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you woke up of your sleep. light peeping through the blinds of yours and masons bedroom. you’d move into his house after a month into the relationship. the relationship that you noticed was beginning to deplete, but you never knew why. and you were sure he didnt too. everything changed after the prior 3 years of friendship, when you two met at a coffee shop. cliché right? you two always joked about it, saying it was meant to be. or at least used to. for the past 2 months, he was getting distant. after his away game against real madrid. you turned to his side of the bed, as usual, he was not there. in fact you barely saw him nowadays. only an hour or two before he left the house in the morning, and another few hours when he came home to sleep. you couldn’t help it as a tear streamed down your cheek as you thought about the state of your rs. you took a long, deep breath before wiping the tear and getting up. you made the bed and headed downstairs.
“Morning, babe!” you exclaimed. A bright smile plastered onto your face, as if you hadnt been crying a second ago. You were greeted with barely a smile as he nodded, looking down at his phone. “So whats the agenda for today? Date night’s tonight right? Make sure youre back by 10!” you reminded, praying he hadn’t forgotten about it. You saw his brows furrow as he looked up at you slowly. You knew you weren’t going to like his response. “Shoot, i’m so sorry babe. I made plans with the boys and i dont think theyd like it if i cancelled.” he said blankly. Not a single hint of sorry for you. even though he said it, you knew he didnt mean it. You could feel your heart crack. A straight line down the middle. This was the 5th time he’d cancel consecutively. It’s like you didnt matter to him anymore. You had to say something.
“Cant cancel on the boys. But of course you can cancel on me. Do i even matter to you, Mase?” you asked, genuinely but with a laugh. You didnt want to show how much it hurt you. “Dont start y/n-“ you quickly interrupted him, “Dont, start what Mason? Now i cant even talk to you without it turning into an argument? Answer me, Mase? Do i matter to you?”
“What dumb question is that, y/n/n? You’re my girlfriend, of course you matter? And you’re the one screaming! All i wanted to say was that i’d rather be with the boys-“ Silence. Both of you now staring into each other’s eyes. He knew he fucked up. “Y/n. I didnt mean it that way. Im sorry okay?” he quickly broke the silence as he saw you try to hold back your tears. But failed and it felt as if the whole ocean was pouring out of your eyes as you wiped them away. “You walked up the stairs quickly, hoping he’d follow you, but he didnt. instead, he just picked up his phone and acted as if nothing had happened.
As you sat on the edge of the bed in your shared bedroom, his words kept replaying in your mind. What changed? He was head over heels for you in the beginning of the relationship. Treating you like a princess. Never hurting you and always making sure you were happy. Was he cheating on you? You hated yourself for thinking that of him but what else could you do? You took the hint that he didn’t want to be with you at that moment and quickly packed your essentials into your handbag and grabbed your keys. There was only one person that could help you. Declan. He was both yours and masons bestfriend. But, you knew for a fact that he wouldn’t be with Mason that night because Mason was supposedly hanging out with his other gang. Outside football. You’ve never even met them. For all you knew, “the boys” could have been code for some chick he was shagging behind your back.
You finished packing, sneaking in one of Masons tshirts, not knowing how long youd be away from him. Obviously you would miss him. You pace down the stairs and head towards the front door. “Where you headed, Pie?” he asked innocently. You cringed at his use of your nickname- Pie. He called you that because on your first date, you shared a slice of pumpkin pie at the cafe you two met. “Out.” you replied bluntly, grabbing your car keys. The door slammed behind you as you got into your car, and drived quickly towards dec’s.
“Y/n! I missed you!” you were greeted by a certain someone, with a pair of green eyes and a smile as bright as the sun. You two began catching up with each other on his living room couch.
“How’s Mason? Havent seen him in ages!” suddenly your smile disappeared. Every week without fail, mason claimed to be meeting up with declan. So who was he meeting instead? Why did he lie? Your train of thought was quickly stopped when dec tapped your shoulder lightly. You asked him about it. Confused.
“You sure he said he was meeting me? Havent spoke to him around 2 months? Yeah i think so” you began putting the pieces together. tears started dripping down your beautiful y/e/c eyes. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong, y/n/n?” declan asked as his thumb swiped your falling tear. “i-i-is he cheating on me, Dec? Am i not enough?” you asked, your voice trembling. “What? Of course you’re enough, y/n. You’re more than enough. Don’t ever doubt that.” he pulled you closer as you rest your head on his chest. One of his hands across you chest and another supporting your neck. He chose not to say anything involving Mason because he himself didnt know anything about his situation.
The two of you eventually fell asleep on the couch. You were the first to go after crying everything out. And declan, afraid to move, he also dozed off. you reach for your phone and opened it. Hundreds of messages and notifications. From your friends, instagram, twitter and what interested you most, from mason. One voicemail and 5 missed calls. You clicked open the voicemail and listened.
“Look y/n. Im sure you’ve seen the articles. Where are you? I’ll meet you there and we can talk about it.” you furrowed your brows, confused. So you clicked on y/bsf/n’s message, with a link attached to it. The text below it read, “Im so sorry babe. Call me soon. Im here for you.” Your heart beat growing faster and faster and eventually felt like it was beating at a pace of 1000miles an hour.
“FOOTBALL STAR, MASON MOUNT SEEN WITH ANOTHER GIRL AFTER BREAKUP WITH FORMER LOVER, Y/N” the headline read. what. the. actual. fuck. You sobbed silently for the 4th time that day. and the day was not even half over. But declan quickly woke up to the feeling of tears wetting his tight fit grey t shirt. “Y/n, what’s wrong? Im sure he’s not cheating. We dont even know the fully stor-“ he stopped as he saw the article through your phone screen. “Oh, y/n. Im sorry.” he could only say so much. he knew you were feeling completely shit. If only he could, he wouldve punched the shit out off mason. but he knew it would only make things worse.
A few days passed since then. You were still staying at declans. Every few hours, he would knock on the door offering a glass of water, food or a talk. To which you would decline until he had enough of your stubbornness. “y/n, youre drinking this, then eating this. and im not taking no for an answer.” he said putting a glass of warm water and a bowl of takeout from when he went out earlier on the bedside table. You wiped your remainder tears off your pale cheeks with your hoodie sleeve. and taking a sip of the water before putting it down. “He was my everything, Dec. Why wasn’t i, his? w-wh-what was lacking? am i not pretty enough o-o-or was i not sexy enough? was i not good enough?” you stuttered. you were genuinely confused. all those things he said about you. were they lies? did he mean it? “i wore my makeup the way he liked it. i did everything to make him love me. ever since the day we met, i remember the exact way he liked his coffee. but it wasn’t good enough. the second he found someone more interesting, he left me. did he even love me, dec?” “y/n, of course he did. i still remember the day he met you, he was telling me about your gorgeous eyes, perfect smile, soft hair and the way you laughed. he was in love with you. im sure he still is. Get some rest, y/n. I dont like seeing you like this. and eat up.” he pecked a kiss on ur forehead before leaving the room. declan always understood you. but no matter how much comforting anyone was able to give, you were still hurt. you still cried every minute of the day. only pretending to stop whenever declan checked in on you. the cycle continued. —————-
you heard a knock on the bedroom door.
“im alright declan, it’s okay.” you said, sniffling. it was obvious by the strain of your voice that you weren’t in fact alright. suddenly the door opened. “y/n.” you heard a familiar voice. it wasn’t dec’s.
“what are you doing here? get the fuck out mason. i dont need your explanation. i don’t wanna see you.” you mustered up whatever energy you had in you to say that as you used your hoodie sleeves to wipe your tears again. “my t shirt in your hands says otherwise.” fuck. you were clutching onto the t shirt u snuck into your bag. not anymore as you threw it towards him and it landed on the floor in front of him. “now get out” you ordered again. “i just wanna talk y/n-“ “about what exactly mason? about how you’ve been shagging some blonde chick behind my back. 5 years of my loyalty, my love, ME and so much more wasnt enough for you to stay? you just meet some random slut and leave?” “dont call her a slut y/n. she has a name.” he said sternly. you rolled your eyes and let out a laugh. you were hurt. deeply. “get out mase. i cant be assed talking to you” listen y/n. can we just talk it out like mature adults.” he negotiated. you hated how he was playing the good guy at that moment. and your heart hurt more and more at each of his words. you realised he wasnt there to fix your relationship. he wanted to clear his name. “yeah. because mature adults cheat on the people whos madly in love with them. mature adults lie. i assume you’re only here so you’d stop getting backlash right? because people are hating on you for being a cheater?” you asked rhetorically. you didnt want him to see the other side of you. the one declan had to live with for the week. “you’re one to talk, y/n” mason spoke again. “what are you doing in declans bedroom anyway? seems like you’re comfortable. it’s obviously not your first time here” how dare he. how dare he assume that of you. “what the fuck is wrong with you mason. just fuck off. declans my friend and he was there all the times you weren’t. all the times you were busy in some hotel fucking how many other girls. what exactly do you want from me. i meant nothing to you. everything you said were just lies.” you couldn’t help your tears now. you were basically sobbing. mason just stood there. watching. “Pie, dont cry love. Please dont.” he started walking towards you. “dont call me that mason. you dont mean it. im not your love and neither do i go by pie. please mason.” your tone was lower now. you were basically whispering, your voice breaking. he swiped your tears. “im sorry y/n. you don’t deserve this.”
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dilf-enthusiast420 · 2 years
feelz (ii)
find part i
next part
eddies pov
“I would never put a knife in your back, the love i give her is kinda creepy but fuck it she orders and i deliver”
Eddie was absolutely positively living right now. here you were in all you gorgeous, gorgeous, glory. Sitting criss-crossed in his room. on his fucking bed. 
And he was just standing front of you like an idiot.
“You just gonna stand there? I can leave if you want..” no, no, no ,no
“no no i'm fine, i’ve just,” never had a girl in my room? thats pathetic eddie. “had a lot of caffeine? i’m just a bit wired..” real fuckin smooth eddie. You idiot.
“oh.” you stare at him “so.. you gonna stand there or start rolling?”
“right! I'll start, uh, doing that.” Eddie fumbles around his room for a bit before finding the box he keeps his stash in and gets out the necessities. 
Meanwhile, you uncross your legs and lean back on his bed and start looking at your surroundings. Eddie can't stand the silence but would rather die than speak in fear of him accidentally making a fool out of himself. 
so, of course, you’re the one to break the silence. “I wanted to smoke with you to get to know you better.. If you were uh, wondering.” eddie stills. He wants to cry. Or die. Both sound like a solid option at the moment. “Me?”
“uh, yeah. You deal to me yet I know nothing about you, other than what other people have to say. But if you ask me, they seem a bit biased.” you take a breath. “I wanna know eddie. Not Eddie “the freak” just good ‘ol Eddie munson” Eddie looks up at his ceiling.
God? is that you?
He looks back at you, “ well uh. What do you wanna know? I'm weird and do drugs.” he shrugs.
you look at him for a second, eyebrows furrowed in a way that eddie cant help but think is absolutely adorable “What’s your favorite color?” he looks at you to see what color shirt you have on. “Green.” he grabs the two neatly rolled joints and grabs his lighter then hands you one.
you put the joint in your mouth and eddie is completely transfixed onthe way you hold it between your fingers and place it between those perfectly kissable lips. you grab the lighter from his hand, and eddie cant help but notice had soft your hand is even if he only felt the pads of your fingertips, and light the joint between your lips.
eddie feels like he cant breath. 
you take a puff and resume talking. “good to know. but you and i both not thats not what i meant. ask me something, to start?” you take another drag and give him the lighter.
he grabs the light from your (significantly) smaller hands and subtly tries to flex just how much bigger his hands are. girls like that right? she probably didnt even notice. (you did)
he lights his own joint while thinking of what to ask but the space between you was kind of suffocating. he doesn't know when but you were sitting against his head board with one leg hanging off the side while he sits just a little bit above the middle of the bed with his legs criss crossed. 
he takes a long drag to stall some more.
“tell me about your first friend?” god eddie. would it kill you to be somewhat original?
“well, her name was jaden and we were friends from 1st grade up until i moved here” you shrug and take another hit. “we were pretty close but when i moved she practically ghosted me and i found out from a mutual friend she started dating my ex.” you say it with such a casuality that eddie can’t tell if your hurt or just dont care anymore.
well now i feel like an asshole.. “oh wow. that sucks. sorry.” he looks down at his hands feeling bad for asking you such a question, as if he could have could have known.
“im over it. she was a kind of a bitch” you chuckled and finished your joint. “so eddie, why do you let me smoke for free?” you look at him with your lips curling into a coy smile.
“well uh. you see, i just uh, your new. and well, new people should uh. well- you’re nice and pretty. so you should smoke for free.” eddie stops speaking and feels like his brain just exploded. why did i think smoking with the person i would like to have my children would be a good idea?
the room feels like its getting warmer with each minute (second) eddie waits for you to say something.
you laugh. “thanks eds. i think you’re pretty too.”
eddie is staring wide eyed, mouth slightly agape. you stare at him in return, though it feels like you’re staring through him rather than at him. 
“oh?” you question.
“oh.” he confirms.
you eye him skeptically, then lean your head back against his headboard, exposing the unmarked column of your throat.
eddie’s mouth gets dry and its not because of cotton mouth.
“hey y/n”
“hm?” you hum
“can i.. try something?” this is such a stupid idea.
“yeah go ‘head” you tilt your head to look at him
now or fucking never
eddie leans forward and places his lips against yours.
it’s nothing but inexperience on eddie’s part. but he couldn’t have imagined anything even close enough to the euphoria he’s feeling right now.
and he’s done shrooms before.
you both kind of just, sit there. lips placed on each others. unmoving. 
eddie pulls back fearing that he fucked everything up because his stupid brain thought maybe, maybe, you could have wanted something more.
“was that your first kiss?” 
“that obvious? im sorry. i shouldnt have- you can just- you can uh, you can leave im really sorry-” .” he starts to get up just before you grab him by the the collar of his infamous hellfire shirt and place your lips against his, moving them with such experience that eddie cant even be bothered to feel jealous when it feels so damn good.
but just like that. you pull your lips off his stand, stand up, grab your bag, and say “its getting late, see ya later.” and walk out leaving eddie with one thought only.
what the fuck.
hope you liked? this is gonna be a mini series so stick around if you’re interested :)
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saintobio · 2 years
I saw some people being torn between 1. hating on or being 'disappointed', to word it more kindly, with Utahime for being a traitor to Y/N and 2. Cannot really blame her because you can't help who you fall in love with. Ok, this is not a hate-ask or what. I'm just stating what I really think of this whole ordeal. At first I was torn between these two too but now that I thought about it, I think I shouldn't be.
Aight so first things first, it's clear, Utahime betrayed Y/N for sleeping with her ex husband. There's nothing to explain about that. Y/N trusted her yet she did something she definitely know could hurt Y/N. The whole sentence describes what she did. Now, for the part where some say that "They can't really blame her because you can't help who you fall in love with." That, I don't think it can justify what she did. First of all, can you really call it LOVE? In that short amount of time, can you really call it LOVE already? Second of all, in the middle of all those emotions, those frustrations, can you really call it LOVE? OR is she just DESIRING for something? Idk how this may sound to some of y'all but what I'm saying is, the betrayal that she did cannot be justified just because you think she fell in "love" and "can't help it" when the situation is like THAT, when they're all in THAT state? not drunk state, but you know...damaged and vulnerable. Admiration, infatuation, appreciation and desire are all so very different than love.
Anonymous said
I don't think Gojo is using Utahime to hurt Y/n. But I do think Utahime is taking advantage of the situation and the state that Gojo is in. Idk if she's doing it intentionally or not but I think what happened is that she saw an opening to fit in and make a move for what she wants for herself. She even encouraged him as she saw how desperate he is to try and move on because of what Y/n said even if she knows that he shouldn't get in a relationship right away. She probably saw Gojo's vulnerability and frustration as a chance and went for it. She took advantage of the situation and state that they are all in. I know she said that she knows that she's being a bad friend but I don't think she's really that concerned about it. like she's not really taking it to heart. at least that's how it seemed to me.
Anonymous said
I was in the situation where my ex got together with my best friend. I think what was hurt it wasn’t i still loved him but how she never told me. I knew it when i saw he came to meet her while my best friend and i hung out. She told me I told her i didnt love him, so they were together. I had to say it was fine because ppl expected me to accept it otherwise i would be a bad guy.
That was why i truly understand y/n. It didnt matter whether she still loves gojo or not, i assume she felt betraying in the way utahime didnt tell her. Because to y/n, utahime was her best friend, who she trusted. I hope y/n would have a happy ending with her son. And hope saint gets to take a rest too ❤️💪
Anonymous said
I really hope YN never forgives Utahime. She literally betrayed her in all ways possible. Y/N trusted her w almost everything that is happening with her and her life. Even trusted her to look out for her ex husband. She knew of Y/n's pain yet she was greedy enough to go for her ex husband for her own purposes, encouraged him and took advantage of the state he is in. She has witnessed how Momjo degraded Yn, even saying that Satoru should date her instead, yet she still went for him. I bet she was silently celebrating during those moments because his mom is in favor of her out of hate for Yn. Utahime is the last person person who deserves a happy ending in SY.
Anonymous said
A thought crossed my mind.
How possible is it that pushing Satoru and Y/N farther away from each other has started to become Utahime's ulterior motive at some point? Like at first, it wasn't her ulterior motive and she doesn't have any hard feelings for Y/N but when she started to learn more about how messy Satoru and Y/N's relationship is, she saw a tiny crack and took advantage of that, and she started to think that maybe she could be with him instead, so she chose to disregard her friendship with Y/N, no matter how special it is to her, because greed has gotten into her and she thought maybe Satoru could give her what she desperately wants. Like, she knows that Satoru is feeling neglected, she knows that he's so vulnerable, so desperate for comfort so she purposely gave him more attention than she should and more than what she was asked for, as if luring him. How possible is it that she's been intentionally separating Gojo and YN farther away from each other to make way for herself?
I just wondered since we're still in the middle of the story and I still don't know the true motives of the characters 😗
Anonymous said
idk... i think what hurt me the most was not the fact that gojo and hime slept together while drunk but it was the fact that they kept on going after the whole incident. i also can't stop thinking about how sachi is going to react after he matures more and understands the situation. the way that y/n sees herself as the antagonist in SN and SY just hurts me. also fuck you momjo. also don't listen to the haters Saint we love u, it's not your fault they can't differentiate fiction from reality.
Anonymous said
this might sound mean but I just really wanna speak out my opinion LMAO. I saw some still thinks that Toji and Utahime play the same role. Ok so For me, it is safe and okay to call Utahime an antagonist right now. I mean she betrayed YN's trust and is causing her pain when YN's been nothing but a good best friend to her. She's not just a second love interest, she's an antagonist in a sense that she's one of the main sources of MC's pain and hardships. That's far from the role that Toji is playing. Toji and Gojo aren't best friends, he didn't betray Gojo when he went for YN. I don't think it is right to put Utahime and Toji in the same level because they definitely aren't. The only similarities they have is that they are the "seconds" for the two MCs. Other than that, they are not the same. Unless she changes direction and shows some genuine love and respect for her best friend, she will remain an antagonist. try to put Getou in Toji's place, only then will the roles be even.
Anonymous said
Now that I think about it... The comparison "what Toji is to Y/n is like what Utahime is to Gojo" is not really acceptable. Toji didn't betray Gojo when he dated Y/n. They weren't friends. They weren't BEST friends. But Utahime... she's Y/n's trusted best friend yet she still did this to her. Nothing can justify her actions. You can't control who you love but you have a brain. I think she should know better than to date her BEST FRIEND's ex husband if she truly care for how Y/n feels. AND Sachi. I just hope she wakes up and think about all of her actions.
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