#first restart was on me i just went into it WAY too soon after my last comic. burned myself out. stopped immediately.
Hi Maya! my name is Claire and I got into the void state, shifted and manifested my dream life using your lucid dreaming guide, and your recommended subliminals!
I think lucid dreaming is the easiest way to do anything spiritual related because dreams are the link of reality to the subconscious. I have now entered the void, shifted, and practice manifesting while using lucid dreaming. I had been trying for 3 years and your guide really gave me clarity I needed to complete my journey. This was a couple of months ago when I first read your post that I got my dream life so I just want to share my experiences in case it could help others!
Sooo….I first restarted my journey after downloading tumblr. I knew I wanted to do lucid dreaming so I did my research and found your guide and the rest is history. I started small, and after using FILD I combined that with your intention method and your recommended subliminals and it sped up my journey. I crawled before I walked and I first started with having small manifestations using lucid dreaming
In my lucid dreams
*I practiced driving in lucid dreaming and manifested my license
*I practiced my public speaking and manifested less anxiety
*i talked to my guardian Angel. It took form of an owl, which is the first spiritual experience I ever had.
Then I went bigger and tried shifting. After a week of practice I got lucid dreaming down and could become lucid every night.
Then I shifted. Best day of my life and I had no plans so I ended up shifting to a reality where no men exist 😭 it was honestly so fun and I spent a week of dr time telling women about what men are, what they do, and the oppression women in this reality faced. It was in a futuristic yet renaissancey type like reality. Anyways as I explored this new society I discovered something miraculous: the disappearance of men has actually created harmony. Women are now able to focus on themselves and the things that matter most to them without worrying about the men.This newfound bliss didn’t last long however as I soon realized that a new problem had emerged. With the absence of men many essential tasks were left undone. And so, the women of our society had formed a collective economy in order to fill this void.One of the most peculiar duties that the women had assumed was to take care of the sheep. With no shepherds to take care of them, women used their skills to care for these animals and protect them from the elements. They have become so adept at this task that they have perfected it. The lack of men may have been a dramatic adjustment, but it has made for a joyful and empowering society.
When I came back I made a list of realities, like self created ones, tv shows, books, etc that I wanted to shift my awareness to and historic past places I wanted to visit. I spent a lot of time doing that, I was barely ever in this cr tbh and I enjoyed it throughly. I decided then that I was going to one day permanent shift and explore the infinite vast world for eternity. When I came back to this reality after having the first initial exploring crave I realized I hated my life lmfaooo. But I knew about the void and started reading stories about that and then I decided I wanted to change my life here too.
I mean.. I have the multiverse to my will so might as well fix this life here too. I hated coming back to this reality after my shifts because my parents were abusive, I was kind of ugly, and my life had gone to shit. I didn’t really care to change it because I was barely here anyways but after reading Neville and the law and understanding that “clones” really don’t exist and I’m just switching states I decided up stop being such a loser and realize it’s all me and only me. Anyways I manifested a complete change in my life in every aspect. I don’t really care to make a list but I am gorgeous, my family is revised to be old money rich, loving,and taken care of, my house is 30,000 sq feet,revised my name to Claire (it’s so pretty I love it) I have a loving boyfriend who is into shifting and spirituality as well, and so much more. I still do plan to permanent shift one day and I reserve to sundays for exploring the multiverse but I want to enjoy this reality now.
I thought being here was an accident after shifting, but nope everything happens bc you intended to and it’s so goddamn beautiful. This came out super ranty and lame but I just wanted to share in case I motivated anyone! I still sometimes come on tumblr so can I be your 🎐 anon. I love seeing all the success stories and everyone living their best life ! Anyways the best tips I can give you as a stranger who has been through all this is be kind to yourself and never give up. You found it all for a reason and you deserve to have everything and you will.
The first reality you shifted to reminds me of a very vivid dream I had four months ago. Regardless anyways your entire experience is so beautiful and I relate a lot to your experience I’m glad you have found happiness in every reality including this one beloved :)! Thank you for sharing 🎐 anon
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oursecretways · 4 months
Is this what you call self-care?
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Felix × Reader note(s): I am at the point where I feel like playing 72 hours of Stardew Valley is perfectly reasonable, so I hope u enjoy my first fanfic. Also, idk about you, but I feel like he would def enjoy some Zelda 😌… also, this isn't the longest fic out there, but it is a short story after all. Enjoy!☻ genre(s): fluff, silce of life word count: 1,795 warning(s): light cursing Just a chill day with Felix, while you’re trying to make progress with your uni work
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It was a regular Saturday for you, waking up at 6 AM and feeling your boyfriend's arm around you. After you turn your alarm off, you turn to look at him, smiling. His long, blond hair fell into his angelic face. It is so hard to not say fuck it and stay in bed with Felix, but you—with the smallest of movements to not wake him—get out of bed, making your way to the bathroom to get ready. After you get yourself into some comfy stay-at-home-and-study clothes, you brew yourself a cup of coffee with some coconut milk.
You've been researching for your midterm paper for a while now. It wasn't the worst topic, but selecting what's important and what isn't is where you were hopeless.
After restarting it for the hundredth time, you heard movements from your bedroom. You peeked out of the study/gaming room to see Felix's tired face, which filled your heart with warmth. "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?" He looked back at you while he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "I slept well until some gremlin left from next to me way too early this morning." A smile crept up his face, reaching out for your hand so he could pull you in for a hug. He kept you close with one hand, resting his face on your head while you hid in the crook of his neck. His sweet scent filling your nose. "How's your university work going?" you scrunch your face, not even wanting to think about the research and writing your essay. "Well, I read a lot, but I do not know where to begin or what things are the necessities to put into my paper." You felt yourself wanting to throw a tantrum like the 5-year-old who you are at heart. He kissed your forehead, then put his pinky out. "Okay, I have a trade offer; once you're halfway done, we can play on our farm together." Your eyes lit up. You've been pretty hooked on Stardew Valley for a while now, especially since the new update, and you got Felix to play with you on his days off. Sadly, they've been pretty busy with their comeback, so you couldn't hang out as much. He usually got home by the time you were asleep, and you went to class or to the library to learn before he woke up, since it was soon time for your final exams. You only have one year back from your university, and you don't want setbacks, so it is important to get a good grade. Your parents would be pleased as well since you flew to another city to learn specifically there, so you want to make them proud. You link your pinkies together to form an unbreakable promise. "Okay, but no distractions! If you want to play, please play in the living room; we both know I won't ever finish my assignment with you distracting me." He chuckles and nods his head in agreement. You happily made yourself another cup of coffee, then went back to the study to work on your task. You still cannot believe it that you somehow snagged such a perfect man: he is supportive, understands your concerns, and can always accept your compromises. He openly talks to you about how he feels and bravely tells you if something bothers or concerns him. You honestly can't believe these past couple years have been real.
You've made a bit of progress; it helped that you talked with your old dorm roommates—you moved in with Felix about half a year now; you two realized that it would be the easiest since you went over any given chance anyways. They gave some good suggestions. Once you caught up with each other, you four said your goodbyes, since all of you have a lot of work to get done by the end of this month. After some time, you smelled a sweet scent coming from the kitchen. The door opened before you could sneak out to have a peek. Felix brought in your favorite cookies; it was a mixture of his classic chocolate chip and your oatmeal cookies recipe. You two perfected it while he got some time off, and you didn't have school just yet. His brown eyes looked at you proudly behind the plate of cookies with milk in his other hand. "How's your progress, baby?" He bent down to give you a peck on the lips. You waited until he put the plate and the cup down, then patted the ground next to you, signaling for him to sit down. He didn't waste any seconds, and plopped right next to you, happy that he could sit beside his girlfriend. Felix didn't want to make you feel pressured; he just wants to spend as much time as possible with you before he has to go back to endless dance practice, content creation, etcetera. You both know he loves doing what he does, but it can get overwhelming sometimes. They got cussed out a lot for the smallest of things, getting bullied and going as far as getting death treats. He was grateful for being able to work his dream job, and he is also happy that you understand what this kind of life comes with.
Felix watched you type your thoughts out in your document and started to play with your hair, which made you relax instantly. You couldn't help but melt into his touch. You leaned onto his shoulder, feeling exhausted. "I am almost done with half of my assignment; I just need another page, but I feel like my brain cells are giving up on me." He chuckled, placing a kiss on your head. "You got this; I believe in you." He started giving kisses all around your face, which soothed your tired thoughts. Felix eventually kissed your lips; the kiss was sweet and made you feel like you're under the sun at the beginning of the spring. You reciprocated immediately, feeling as though time had stopped—no tasks, no school, no pressure—just you and him tangled together in a complete state of Nirvana. Before it could get heated, Lixie pulled away, holding you firmly, so he kept up his strenght to not distract you further. "Is it okay if I play Zelda while I lay in your lap?" You saw a hint of pink on his face, making you smile. "Well, I am close to finishing it, so why not? I don't think it can cause any harm." Felix got up excitedly to get his switch with his headphones. He laid down and got comfortable, then started playing his game. He has been quite into it lately. The game was beautiful, and there were a lot of things to do. The excitement in him got you into playing it, asking for his help in some harder situations.
When you got done with half of your paper, you looked down and saw a sleeping Felix with a gaming console on the ground next to him. He looked so peaceful like this: his pink lips parted, his eyelashes casting shadows on his face, and his freckles painting constellations onto his features. You can't help but start connecting the dots on his face with your fingers, making his eyes flutter as he awakens. "What are you doing, gorgeous?" You lean down to kiss him as a response. You feel like you're going to explode with all the feelings inside your chest. "I am done with half of my paper; I didn't want to wake you, sorry." You pout just a little, earning a smile as he reaches for your face to caress it. "That's my good girl. Are you ready for some farming time?" You nod, knowing that you're going to end up either playing until the sun gets up again or none at all and will end up cuddling in bed.
You two made some lunch and plopped down besides each other. Your desks have been set against one another, his PC taking up one desk while yours is cluttered by notes and books for your university courses; you just keep pushing it back each time you take your laptop out instead of organizing it. Felix tried to reason with you or help with that mess, but that's how you were, looking unorganized yet knowing exactly what is where, always on point. That's what your grades always reflect: perfect or almost perfect scores, even though you procrastinate until the last minute. He smiled to himself, knowing how he and the boys wished they had this superpower.
You put on your two's favorite chill playlist and booted up the game. We made a lot of progress, stopping to occasionally show physical affection for each other or taking a quick bathroom or snack break. I didn't even notice how the time flied until you looked down on your watch, seeing that it had passed five a.m. "Yongbok, we have a problem. Have you checked the time?" He has been so into the game that he almost looked up into the corner to see the in-game time, realizing that this might become a problem in the future. "Oh shit, I didn't notice when it got this late. I mean, I am going to be okay; I won't work for a couple of days now, but when do you need to send this assignment in?" he asked, knowing damn well that you have a habit of sending in your tasks with one minute left on the clock, giving him a scare. One time, Chan got to see your study progress and felt his soul leave his body. He still remembers how he and Han watched how their leader scolded you about your academics and your attitude towards your learning, painting a picture of an overworked father lecturing his rebellious daughter, who—no matter what she's doing—will always be his treasure. It never got said out loud, but you became the younger sister of the group, with all the older members looking out for your happiness and safety. And Felix isn't sure that if you two ever break up—which, let's face it, is highly unlikely—he wouldn't get the shorter stick and wouldn't get scolded.
Once you two saved and logged off for the day, got ready for bed, you snuggled close to each other leaving sweet kisses on one another, fighting the strong urge to sleep. When he heard your breathing change, he knew that you were fast asleep, what he waited for all along. It makes him happy and calm, knowing you are asleep. He pressed a light kiss on your forehead.
"Good night, my love," and with that, he dozed off to sleep as well.
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potassiumivy · 4 months
PLAYBOY. | jjk
❥ mdni. fic masterlist.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 008: HEARTBEAT.
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YOU WERE LISTENING TO HIGURUMA, the pretty man you met earlier talk to you three about what you should do to help your case in front of the higher ups.
you were seemingly listening, muttering little 'uh-huh's and 'mhm's, but your head was empty. every word this man said went in your ear and out the other. 
you just couldn't focus no matter how hard you were trying.
he called your name, effectively getting you out of your trance. "did you understand what you have to do?" 
you smiled brightly. "not at all." 
kirara groaned, grabbing your hand before dragging you to corner of the room. "for the love of god, stop eyefucking him!" they whisper-yelled, "get yourself together!" 
you nodded in determination, lightly slapping your face to get out of it. 
"what got you so bothered anyways?" 
you looked straight into kirara's eyes and replied without missing a beat, "i wanna ride his face."
"i said—"
"wait, wait. i get it. it's the nose isn't it?" they snickered, making you nod enthusiastically. "ahah! i know you so well don't i, pretty?"
"i felt something." kirara raised an eyebrow, intrigued. they wanted to ask more, but they saw higuruma coming your way from the corner of their eye. the man told you guys to make your way back to your seats, since the meeting would restart soon. 
sitting right next to higuruma, you looked down at your lap, trying to gather the courage to look at his face. "psst," you started, getting his attention,  "i'm sorry for not listening. tell me again, i swear i'll try harder to—"
"there's no need." he whispered back, glancing at you discreetly. "just let me handle everything. i promise that they'll let you come back."
"even after gojo's scene?"
"yeah. even after gojo's scence. i'm not narcissistic, but i know that i'm good at what i do." he looked at you again, this time with confidence. "even if you make another scene right now, i promise you'll still win."
you thought about what he said. "you pinky promise?"
his lips twitched, and he linked his pinky with yours under the table. "yeah. i pinky promise."
a moment so sweet, unfolding under the bitter gaze of the zenin heir. 
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
*✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:    *✧・゚:
naoya was the one talking now, but he couldn't focus on anything except you and the lawyer talking in hushed voices. 
too close. you were both too close to each other. 
after that moment in the restaurant a few years before, he indirectly came to your defence many times. he wouldn't openly take your side, but he would talk shit about the other side. 
when higuruma stood up to talk, naoya took the opportunity to come closer to your side, listening to your conversation with kirara.
"so? what did you feel? your pussy skipped a beat or somethin'?" they asked jokingly, but you answered seriously. 
"i think it was my heart this time," you said, which made naoya's eye twitch. "i couldn't really tell, it's the first time happening. it just couldn't be my heart, right? i don't do relationships. maybe i'm just not getting laid enough."
"hakari literally dicked you down twice this morning."
naoya left, walking back to the spot next to his dad. he had heard enough.
he liked to believe that he hated you, just like how he liked to believe that he was the only guy you were messing around with.
maybe it was out of hate, maybe out of pettiness, but he wanted you to get punished for it. 
he faced your lawyer, smirking mischievously. "you know, it's not the best option to let a whore like y/n back here. she was on the cover of playboy. what would happen if people learn about it?"
"and how would you know about the playboy cover?" hakari asked rhetorically. this made the higher ups who were nodding along to naoya's words stop momentarily to ask themselves the same question.
this was the first time that you were a little scared of being judged. you didn't want higuruma to think less of you. 
"it's scandalous enough for me to know."naoya didn't flinch, although he could feel his father's stare on him. 
higuruma intervened this time. "and what's bad about it?" 
this made you relax a little, and kirara held you hand to show you that everything will be fine. 
"it tarnishes the college's image. it also gives a bad reputation to the jujutsu society. not all clans are so unmannered like the l/n clan."
hakari was fuming so you pecked his nose to calm him down. "i'll deal with him later, kin." 
in his big speech, something fell from naoya's traditional clothing. he froze, his face burning up in embarrassment, knowing exactly what it was. 
that playboy magazine.
"how hypocritical." higuruma commented, making your friends laugh. 
"shut up."
zenin naobito shook his head, leaving the room with his clan. well, except his son. 
you guys automatically won after. not like they could defend whatever just happened. you told your friends to go back to the dorms, saying that you'll join them later. 
you went back to find naoya still standing in his spot. you raised his chin with your hand, making his heartbeat accelerate with no signs of slowing down. 
"you're so pussydrunk. not like i'd blame you." you chuckled. your phone vibrated in your pocket, making you check the caller id. 
"would you look at that... my manager got me another deal. you better watch the covers of monthly magazines." before leaving, you turned back to him, looking at him through your lashes. "just meet me at my dorm tonight, will you?"
getting out of the room, you answered immediately. "should we celebrate with some dinner, shiu? your treat, of course."
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©potassiumivy, 2024. all rights reserved. do not translate / modify / republish my works.
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5 Years Later
So...I admit I didn't really have anything big planned for today ^^;
But today- September 12th, 2024- is the 5th Anniversary of when A Student Out Of Time began. I started this blog based on a simple whim, after I'd completed playing 999 with a friend and read H.P. Lovecraft's The Shadow Out Of Time. I asked myself "Hey, what if Hajime went back in time and tried to prevent the Tragedy?"
Now, this wasn't the first story blog I'd ever written. I had a couple early ones that I'm a little too embarrassed to share or discuss, but my biggest one was The Starship Hope, which also began on a whim all the way back in 2018. I was on a walk through the second neighborhood I lived in back in California, and I asked myself "What if the V3 Cast were actually in space?"
While I still have some fondness for that one, I don't believe I really found my footing as a writer until we got deep into this one. I had a tendency to just write whatever sounded cool or I got a little too shippy about some things. Then I really sat down and started planning out arcs, and we built things up from there...
...And now here we are, five years later, and I'm still doing this. Not only that, it's become so much bigger than I ever thought it would. Early on, I had one anon tell me that they weren't convinced that this blog would never last, because story blogs like this never do. I still think about that person now, and I really have to thank them because that was when I decided I'd commit to it.
Thanks to that, I've met so many new friends, been introduced to great things, inspired others to pursue their own stories and creative ambitions, and we even have a whole set of pages on TV Tropes. Almost 1,200 have decided to follow me, and that's not even counting how many have read this story and simply not made their presence known. In short, it really has helped change my life.
It hasn't been easy, and there have been times where I've thought about quitting or deleting the whole thing. There have been some dark moments, some bad arcs, some ideas that didn't pan out as I'd hoped. But even so, I always took them as learning experiences and chose not to quit.
More importantly, I've helped inspire people to check out one of my favorite series of all time, I've given them a work they can enjoy, and all this has in turn helped me refine my own writing skills and figure out the sort of writer I hope to become one day. Seeing people enjoy what I do or just curious to hear what my thoughts are, it really does inspire me to keep going.
It's also so wild to see how much Danganronpa has evolved as a series in time since I started all this. I got involved in the DR Tumblr fandom back in early 2016, before Danganronpa 3 was even out yet. I remember how much we were clamoring for it and V3, how controversial their story decisions were, and how many people didn't want it to end. They wanted to tell their own stories and do their own spins on the concept, and that's how we got so many different fangans in so many mediums- other games, videos, instagram, fanfics, and some here on Tumblr.
Danganronpa Another, SDRA2, DR: Rebirth, Despair Time, Blowback, TheAfter, Rocky Restarts, DR Mauve, DR Lapse, Brave DR: Coward's Paradise, Eternal Endings, Shattered Hope, Heartless Deceit, Eden's Garden, Antebellum, and so many others.
I got into both Zero Escape and AI: The Somnium Files, both great series in their own right. And now we have another SC game on the way, The Hundred Line- Last Defense Academy, which looks pretty interesting too.
In short, it's been a long 5 years.
Do I plan to keep going? Uh, yeah. We're nearing the conclusion of Season 2, and I have many ideas for Season 3. I intend to keep doing this as long as I'm able and as long as people want me to, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
More than anything, I'm just happy people enjoy the work I do. The support I've received over this last half a decade have been nothing short of inspiring, and I'm glad that people are always happy to see me update no matter how long it's been.
My life has had many ups and downs in the time I've been doing this, but being able to look at all this and say that I helped create a community and inspired people to pursue their own ambitions? It makes it all worth it ^^
What happens when it does all eventually conclude? I wouldn't worry about it. I do have an ending idea in mind, but we're nowhere near that yet. Season 2 has had some of our best arcs so far, and I think Season 3 could even turn out to be even better, but I won't get too ahead of myself.
I'm glad I'm still doing this, and I'm glad for every single person who decided that this silly little Danganronpa fanfiction blog was worth their time to get invested in. When I get things together a bit more and I start publishing my own original stories, I hope you'll follow me on my journey there as well.
Thank you guys for everything!
Here's to another 5 years ^^
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Hi so I wondering if you could do a tiny little drabble where katsuki finds the reader crying in the shower after a rough day? I haven't had a good day, but if you can't that's fine!
Hello! I'm very sorry you're having a rough day, I've been going through something similar as well (hence why I couldn't finish the Dadzawa Father's Day event), but as soon as I saw your request I knew I wanted to start writing it
I hope it gets better for you! I apologize if it isn't my best, it's a little late where I am, but regardless I did try _✍︎(・𖥦・ )ホウホウ
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You're Not Alone
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➤ Welcome - Links to all my masterlists, rules for requests, and some info about me
▶ [CHARACTERS]: Bakugo x Reader (no romantic nor platonic relationship determined + Gender is also unstated)
▶ [GENRE]: Hurt/Comfort
▶ [SUMMARY]: Just as the request states, Bakugo hears reader crying in the shower and offers some words of comfort
▶ [WORD COUNT]: 1251 (Small for me >⁠.⁠<)
- No warnings
- The only note I have is this one is very vague since I didn't want to assume anything, so I'm sorry if it appears to be a little confusing to anyone
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It was all too much... The weight of it all pressing down on your chest as you tried to keep the heavy thoughts at bay.
You just wanted it to be better... For it all to stop being so tough to overcome. You didn't know why it all had to be so difficult, did life have a personal grudge against you or something of the sort?
Whatever it was had eventually drained all of the fight from you, leaving an empty, numb feeling radiating throughout your whole being. Normally it wasn't like this. You supposed it all just built up, it all exploding eventually as you tried to hold back the rushing waters in the dam that housed your thoughts. It crumbled, and once they made their way through there was no holding it back anymore.
The dam broke, and just as the thoughts coursed through your mind, your tears mirrored it. It felt relieving almost, to have it all rush out. However, that still didn't help to alleviate the weight that sat on your shoulders. It crushed your head, compressed your chest, as forlorn sobs ascended from the deepest depths of your heart.
It all began to flow around you; the rushing of your thoughts, the coursing tears running down your face, the dripping water of the shower cascading down upon your sullen form. Yet, in that moment, none of that mattered to you.
Kastuki had just finished up some late-night training, making the exception only for weekend nights such as this since there was no school the next day to worry about. It was peaceful, the halls empty as everyone was out somewhere enjoying the calm night, either on their own or with someone they cared about.
As he made his way past the common room bathrooms, a small sound caught his attention. At first he ignored it, however he found it harder to forget about the further he walked past it. Stopping in his tracks, he huffed and swiftly turned back, coming to a halt at the door of the bathroom. He put his ear up to it and listened to hear what it was, only to be met with the sound of gentle sobs.
He frowned to himself, and although he was curious to find out who it was, he certainly wasn't about to walk in during such a private moment. Although he wasn't the most... empathetic, he still felt a twinge of remorse upon being greeted with the sound. Slowly, he raised a hand to the door and knocked a couple times, noticing how quickly the sobs dissipated on the other side.
"... Oi. I know you were-" He took a breath and restarted, noticing how blunt he was being. "Are you... You ok in there?"
You quickly went to work on trying to wipe the tears from your face the moment you heard a knock on the bathroom door, purely out of fear that you were being too loud. You were caught off guard upon hearing Bakugo's voice of all people, especially with him asking you if you were ok instead of yelling at you.
"Um, I'm ok, it's nothing-"
"Didn't sound like nothing" He was quick to shut you down, hating it when people hid things from him, especially with how common it was for everyone to hide their emotions.
"It's just me. No one's around, so... Tell me, what's going on?"
You sat still in place, letting the water run down your face as you thought. Letting out a sigh, you decided to answer honestly.
"I'm just... I just had a bad day today..." As you answered you sniffled a bit, continuing to wipe the tears that seemed never-ending.
Bakugo looked at the ground in thought, his hands in his pockets and the thought of sleep gone from his mind. It was heartbreaking honestly, he completely understood what it was like. Thinking back, he wished to himself that he had someone to talk to during those times...
He decided that night that he'd be that person.
"A rough day, huh?" He sighed and frowned, his voice unusually soft. "I guess life's like that sometimes, not always going your way..."
You moved your head up from the water as he spoke, eyeing the door as if you could see him on the other side.
"When things go south and don't work out like we hoped, it's ok to feel like everything sucks... Like nothing can go right, or like the world's against you..." Taking his hands out of his pockets, he leaned back against the wall next to the door as he crossed his arms.
"It all... Just got to be too much...."
He nodded to your response, despite knowing that you can't see him.
"I can relate to how you're feeling... Overwhelmed, too much on your plate..."
A beat of silence passes by the both of you, comforting in each other's presence.
"It'll be ok..."
Surprised, you looked up after hearing his blunt response. Normally you'd be sick of hearing such a common phrase, but with how Bakugo always phrased his answers, he was always known to be brutally honest. In this instance, it rendered you speechless as you waited for an explanation.
"It may seem like the end of the world, but if you work at it a little at a time, it'll be a lot easier than doing it all at once. It'll be less daunting, too. You just need to hang in there, with all you've got left in you."
He ran hand through his hair as he gritted his teeth, racking his brain of anymore he could say.
"If you need to talk... You've got me. You've got the whole damn class... And I want you to remember that needing support..." He furrowed his brows, only recently learning this hard lesson himself.
"It doesn't make you weak... Asking for help is a sign of strength. It's hard. And that's why it makes you strong, 'cause ignoring it's easy."
It felt good to him, being able to share the words of wisdom that took him so long to learn. It was something he held close to himself, and he hoped you would as well. At the very least he hoped it did something good for you.
The lack of sound began to worry him, receiving no response from you at all. The sound of the shower was off, and he wondered how long it was like that without him noticing. Worry filled his mind as he banged on the door, wanting needing to know if you were okay.
The door opened as his hand was about to make contact again, and you greeted him - hair damp and dressed in your pajamas. Bakugo breathed a sigh of relief, although he noticed how red and puffy your eyes were.
"... Thank you."
It was truly quiet in the dorms. But he preferred it like that.
Bakugo huffed and let out a small smile, gently putting a hand to the top of your head to ruffle your hair.
"Look... " He didn't mind being a little cheesy today. No one was around anyways.
"Just remember, you're never alone."
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Again, I do apologize if reads like it's half-done, I'm a little sleepy but I have a habit of only being able to write at night (´Д`;)ヾ 
If you ever want to talk, I'll always be here! I do hope your day goes better next time!
Wishing you well! Thank you for being here ♡( * ´꒳`ノ(´^`° )
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xoioel · 9 months
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parings; hinata x 8th member fem! reader
genre; fluff and slight angst??
warnings: none?!
synopsis; you’ve been having your doubts about why you debuted with XG, because you dont have as many talents as the other girls. And plus the age gap, you being a foreign member so the language barriers, it makes you think you need to go on a hiatus to work on yourself..
authors note; hey guys im back from my god knows how long break😭 this is so sweet bc hinata is such a cute patootie
— i speak my mind and don’t think first
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It's very difficult being a maknae, especially when you haven't trained as much as the girls. Before the debut and internship only a year passed and boom, debut at 15!
How sometimes you want to stop time and improve yourself, maybe just to restart and try again, if only get closer to their perfection.
It’s so nice to have hinata in the same room, you don’t have to clean it and no one will mind, everyone lives in their own comfort, you can not only laugh with her, but also have a heart-to-heart talk, but sometimes you don’t say a word when returning from the another group photoshoot.
Today is just such a day when everyone, having returned home, scattered to their rooms and went to the shower. having waited your turn, you needed into it. Finally, you can take the weight off your shoulders. People say that the older you get, the less you start to beat yourself up about things, but even after almost two years.
At the age of 16 you start comparing yourself even more. On the way home, you decided to look at your fancam, is that really how you look as you dance. Why are there so many mistakes, but your voice, is it really true? It’s so hard, everyone has their strengths, but what are yours? the comments mostly talk about how cute you are and that's it, but is that really all?
Many tears begin to flow one after another. after standing there for a good 10 minutes, you go back to the room, the light is no longer on, only one lamp near your bed is on, Hinata already seems to be sleeping soundly, turning to the wall, you change into pajamas and go to bed, now you can finally sleep.
But the sobs continue to break out as soon as your head hits the pillow. Your trying to drown it out, as you sit up and start breathing, everything seems to stop.
"Are you okay? what's happened?" Hinata’s voice comes from somewhere on the side, slightly lower than usual and you hear the rustling of comforters, “Sorry, I’m already going to bed” You were about lie down. “I asked what happened to you?” her voice sounds rougher than before.
“I...I just, umm” your hands bury themselves in the hair and head falls to the knees. “come here,” She says nothing more and opens the many blankets, moving back, inviting you to lie with her in it. Doing what she asks, you settle down on her bed, pressing your back to her chest.
Her hands find your hair and begin to stroke and scratch your scalp “well, what’s going on, I noticed in the car that something was wrong”Hina says to you as she continues to play with your hair, “I’m just not sure that I fit in the group, all that they say about me is just how cute I smile or I’m mistaken, how cute my voice trembles, they don’t say that I dance or sing well. It seems to me that I got into the group too early, should I have taken someone else and not me?”
“Stop saying that,” She switches to a whisper, “why are you listening to what they say about you on the Internet? they always divide everyone into beautiful, talented, cute or those who don’t do enough” She breathes loudly, and her hand leaves your hair and squeezes your shoulder.
“You are unique, as unique as we all are, do you think we would have gotten into the group if we weren’t like that? Our group is not just work, we are family and will always support each other, right?”
- nod -
“Then next time, please tell me and the others on how you feel or if you really need just talk to Jurin-chan, if you want to improve your skills, let’s practice together, the main thing is to say, we will definitely cope with everything no matter what happens, okay?”
“Yes, thank you so much Hina unnie, I love you, all of you”.
A long night in the arms of your sister, what could be better and easier, it really helps when family is always nearby.
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© xoioel — do not copy or translate my work.
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atsullia · 1 year
Hihi another request from me!! I saw Reo is your favourite, so I thought I'd request something with him!
You know how Reo got bored of presents because he always got what he asked for from his parents? What if his s/o gives him a handmade present, and it's the first handmade one he ever received, so it's very special to him and it's the first present that makes him feel so loved in a very long time!!
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Pairing(s): Reo Mikage x gn!reader
Warning(s): Profanity, aka swearing.
Author Note: I finally finished writing this fic🎉🎉
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It's no secret that Reo likes giving gifts, especially when it's for his s/o. There would be times when you would feel bad by how much money he would spend on a gift for you. 'Just the best for my love♡,' a common phrase you would hear from him.
Now, it's your time to gift him something! Well, it's hard to buy him a gift since he could buy almost anything - plus there were times when he would try to pay you back for the gifts.
He won't let you pay for the bill whenever you two went out - which led you fighting to pay the bill with your lovely boyfriend. The two of you try to one up each other like paying the bill, giving gift and etc. You even calculated the 'score', and it resulted in a tie.
So you're very determined to gift Reo something he would treasure his whole life! Then, an idea came into your head - why not make him a handmade gift? He wouldn't be able to pay you back with money, nor buy it somewhere - making it very special.
The thought of that got you riled up and excited, which caught the interest of your boyfriend.
"Hmm? Did something happened love?" The fact you got startled by his voice made him even more curious. "No- it's uh nothing..?" You tried to lie... but considering the look on Reo face- he didn't seem convinced at all.
"Hmm, something tells me that I don't believe you-" "Bitc- you never believe me either way," you quickly defended yourself - pointing your index finger to your lover accusingly.
He didn't even try to refute what you said, making you want to throw hands at him. However, you didn't since you love him too much to do that. Well actually there's this one time... but that was before you two started dating, so that doesn't count.
After he left you alone, you started brainstorming what to give him. Bake him something? Nah, he might find you baking something, and the surprise will be ruined. Maybe a peom? Hmm, that sounds too cheesy. One after another idea, you couldn't find what to make for Reo.
You almost gave up hoped until an acquaintance to give you an idea. They love crocheting and started teaching it to other people.
Honestly, you thought it was easy and felt like you mastered crocheting until the world had to humble your ass and everything went turned downhill. You wanted to quit so bad, but you had to remind yourself that this is for Reo.
After the days of suffering, counting each stitch and restarting because you've lost count - you finally completed it. You wanted to thank them so much for helping you out, but they only wanted a few yarns for compensation.
It wasn't much despite how long it took to make it... you couldn't wait to see Reo reaction.
The next day, you invited Reo to your house, texting him that you wanted to show him something.
You calmed yourself - making sure everything was perfect. As soon as you heard the door ring, you dashed towards the door and instantly open the door.
"Looks like someone excited," Reo chuckled. You never got tired from his laughs - it sounds so heavenly to the point that it's addicting.
"Sooo- what d'ya wanna show me love?" Reo looked around your house, seeing if anything changed. "You have to close your eyes first!" You exclaimed, pushing him toward the couch for him to sit.
"Fine..." He reluctantly agreed, closing eyes and putting his hand over it.
He could feel something placed on his lap, it's wasn't heavy, which made it harder to guess what it it. "Okok- you can look now!!"
His eyes were drawn to the bouquet of flowers, but when he looked closer, he saw that it was crocheted. There were different types of flowers too! An arrangement of white and lavender roses accompanied by tulips and daisies.
A crocheted lion plush was tucked next to the bouquet - it wasn't large, but it was huggable, which is all Reo cares about right now. "Lion is your favorite animal, isn't it? Y'know that shit took so long to make," you ruffled his purple hair, "Buuutttt- since it's for my beloved, it's worth the time and effort."
You were going to say something, but you instantly forgot everything when you heard Reo crying. "SHi- did I accidently hurt yer head?! or maybe uh-"
Reo didn't respond, but you can see how tightly he was hugging his present. "I will get a tissu-" Suddenly there was a hand preventing you from leaving, "hm? Is there something wron-?!"
You feel him embrace you, hugging you so tightly, not wanting to let you go.
“[Name]- thank you...,” You could feel his tears getting your clothes wet, his voice trembling - trying his best to say something. A smile approached your face as you hugged him back, “Your welcome, Mi chan.”
Mi chan, an old nickname you gave him before you two started dating, he always hated how cute it sounded back then. But for once, it felt so nice to hear it again.
“Your such a big baby Mi chan- but yer my big baby~”
A giggle ecaspe your mouth as you console your boyfriend. Upon hearing you giggle, he couldn't help but smile. "I love you so much," your lover tried hiding his blushed face by covering it on your shoulder, "Sometimes I wonder how I managed to end up with someone amazing as you..."
"You're such a sap, y'know~" You commented, "but that's what I love about you♡."
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✦ Bonus:
"Thank you for the gift," Reo smiled, "it must've taken a long time to crochet all of that - I slightly feel guilty..."
"For what? I did it just for ya, so it was worth it," you rejoiced, putting a hand on his shoulder. At first, he felt all lovely dovey until you whispered something.
"Also, FYI- I won," he didn't understand what you meant by that, but it took him a few more seconds to realise.
He started walking to your room, leaving you on the couch alone.
"Iwasjustkidding..MI CHAN! WAIT- LOVE?? MY BELOVED!!"
You tried to call your lover with many nicknames but with no avail.
"Also- you're sleeping on the couch."
The way Reo turned to look at you with a scary glare that could rival any mother made you step back and lift up your hand in defeat. "Haha... I love you, darling♡."
It seems like you're going to sleep on the couch today...
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Author note: I love writing bonus parts whenever I write fanfics.😌
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sadgirlbaby · 1 year
“YOUR BOYFRIEND WON’T HEAR ABOUT THIS” - kit walker x fem!reader (part 2 - final part)
requested by/idea of @evanpetersfansblog
CW: cussing, unprotected sex, p in v penetration (smut just at the beginning), cheating
SUMMARY: you and kit stayed friends after what happened that time but kept making out and fucking every time you saw each other. your boyfriend shouldn't have known that but one day he catches you two having sex in the back of the cafe.
part 1 here
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kit's hands slid up to your bra trying so bad to take it off. as soon as his cold hands touched your back you felt lots of goosebumps all through your body. your arms were perfectly wrapped around his neck pushing him more and more towards you.
"we should check if anyone has come in" you giggled between his hungry kisses.
"or maybe we shouldn't" he responded.
he finally took your bra off so he grabbed one of your breasts and squeezed it hard making you whine. your tongues were dancing together and both of you were sweating a bit.
kit was hasty. he didn't like fingering you or eating you out as he prefered going straight to penetration. he was pretty impatient. and it was completely okay as you used to get wet just at the sight of him, and he knew that.
just thinking about you getting wet used to make kit get wet too and he couldn't help fucking you instantly.
you had lost count of how many times you guys fucked that week.
"hello? is someone here?" you heard a male voice.
"I told you" you smirked and quickly moved away from kit to get out of the back and serve the guy.
"no no baby, where are you going? come on, there's another waitress working with us so she will deal with him" he said with a sexy low-pitched voice.
"kit-" you tried to speak but he immediately kissed you shutting you up. he knew you couldn't resist him as well as he couldn't resist you.
he made you sit on a shelf and restarted kissing you. he didn't wait any longer so he quickly removed his belt and pulled down his pants and boxer.
then he took off your pants and panties too in just one move.
you instantly let out a loud moan as soon as he thrusted into you. you had sex so many times but each time felt like the first one and you couldn't get used to its size yet.
you clinged onto him again but immediately jolted and got away from kit as soon as you heard someone sneaking into the back of the cafe.
"dude what the fuck!" kit shouted. he put his pants on and gave a bad stare to him while you tried to cover yourself with your hands as much as possible.
"kit" you called him.
"you are not allowed to go into a cafe's back! what the hell were you thinking about?!" he kept shouting.
"kit" you tried to gain his attention again.
"seriously dude, what is wrong with you!"
"KIT!"you yelled.
he immediately shut up and looked at you. "what?" he said.
"he's my boyfriend"
kit lowered his look and slowly turned around to gaze at him.
"you have bad taste, not gonna lie" he commented looking at your boyfriend from head to toe.
you looked at kit widening your eyes in shook. how could he say something like that in a moment like that?
"seriously? your co-worker? you whore! we're done" your boyfriend said and left immediately.
"wait- let me explain!" you tried to chase him but then you remembered that you were still naked and couldn’t get out of the room.
"hey man! don't you dare ever again calling her a whore!" kit shouted and went chasing him forgetting he didn't have his shirt on.
your boyfriend started his car and immediately got off the way as soon as he saw kit showing up to his window car.
"ASSHOLE!" kit yelled at him.
he sighed quite upset and came back to the back.
you had gotten dressed but you were crying with your hands covering your pretty face.
"hey baby, don't worry about him... he didn't know how precious and special you are. he wasn't aware of how lucky he was to have you." kit ran towards you and took your hands.
"no, he's right. I cheated on him... I was not a good girlfriend..." you sobbed.
kit looked at you sadly. you both knew that what you and kit were doing was wrong since the beginning.
"you could be for me" he said lowering his stare.
"what...?" you were confused and thought you didn't quite catch what he meant.
"you could be a good girlfriend for me" he confessed.
"I'm so sorry, I know this is not the right moment to tell you but... ugh I love you!" he moved away from you and hit the shelf in anger.
"I know that it's just sex for you but it's not for me! you can't even imagine for how long I've been dreaming about becoming your boyfriend and replace that fucking idiot!" he said.
his beautiful black eyes were now watery. then a small but very salty tear slid down his cheek. he was looking at you like you were about to tell the most important thing in the world.
and it was actually the most important thing in the world for kit in that moment - all he wanted to know was if you loved him back.
kit's eyebrows were frown and his facial expression was a mix of sadness, anger and fear.
he didn't say a word, he just kept staring at you waiting for you to say anything.
you looked at him back noticing his face becoming red and his hands shaking. he was freaking out for you, for your love and because he loved you definitely more than your ex-boyfriend. you thought that kit deserved a chance.
"please…" he begged you with a broken voice.
you didn't say anything but you walked towards him and kissed him. it was a needy kiss, both of you wanted it so bad.
"I love you too, kit, and... yes, I'd love you to be my boyfriend instead of that motherfucker that you hated so much" you let out a soft laugh and kit did too.
you cupped his face and then you both leaned over to made your noses touch.
reminder: requests are always open and you can request about whoever you want. currently taking requests for ahs only!
note: I’m back again :)
taglist: @evanpetersfansblog @kitwalkersgfff @netey6m @imdeaddearnotstupid
-> click on the ask/request bottom or just comment if you want to be added or removed from my taglist!
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Jann Mardenborough x reader pt.5
Pt.1,Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5,Pt.6
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The flight to Japan had already taken a long time, but I didn't want to complain and spoil Jann's joy. He finally got the licence, so we were on our way so that Jann could sign a contract with Nissan and instigate the creators of Gran Turismo. We had been flying for several hours and my eyelids began to close and my head slowly began to fall on Jann's shoulder.
Danny pov: I saw two young people in front of me huddling in their sleep. They were so in love and sweet it made my teeth rot. I saw how she was helping him and I never once doubted that I asked her to act as a medic in our team. With a smile on my face, I also closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Y/N pov: I was woken up by a caress on my face and even without opening my eyes I knew it was Jann. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled at him, "Good morning baby," I said in a slightly hoarse voice. Jann returned the greeting and reached in for his first kiss of the morning. "Ah save it for when you're alone." Jack grunted next to us. We just laughed and in about half an hour we finally landed in Japan.
We looked out of the car window with amazed eyes and admired everything around us. Finally the car stopped and we went to the building where we were welcomed by the creator of Gran Turismo himself, and then we went to the contract signing ceremony where there were cameras and journalists. I stood quietly at the back of the room and watched the whole event. I was so proud of him and happy for him too. After signing the contract, Jann and I tried to leave the building, but journalists blocked our way. Despite the endless barrage of questions and inquiries and the endless crowd of reporters, we felt trapped. In the end, however, Danny freed us and told us to go explore the city. We happily set off and wandered through Tokyo. We went to several restaurants and enjoyed the food to our heart's content. We laughed and enjoyed crazy photo booths, endless streams of anime and the smell of delicious food. At one point, Jann stopped unexpectedly, looking into an electronics store. At first I didn't understand what he was focusing on, but then I realized that he was looking at the music player. One eye contact was all it took and I realized why he wanted to buy it. I just smiled and dragged him into the store.
A few weeks later we were preparing for a race in Germany. As always, I encouraged Jann and checked his health, it seemed that he had already fully got used to the life of a racer, he no longer had such nervousness before races as he used to. The last kiss took place and Jann got into the car and drove off towards the start. The whole race went perfectly and Jann even overtook Capa. Now Jann was riding in second place when he hit a straight bumpy section. However, suddenly just before the bend, his car flipped backwards and Jann lost control. His car overturned several times and crashed into the fence where the spectators were standing. It was like someone had taken my breath away. My head was completely empty, but my body, as if acting on some invisible command, ran from the depot. I didn't wait for Jack or Danny and ignored their calls. Fortunately, I managed to catch the ambulance outside, which was just leaving for Jann. I quickly showed them my medical registration and luckily they had no problem taking me with them. When we arrived at the scene of the accident, a few people managed to open the car door together with the other medics, and I managed to pull Jann out of the car. I immediately started checking his condition, he had a broken collarbone and maybe some broken ribs but the worst part was that his heart was not beating. I immediately started resuscitating him and continued even when he was being carried on a stretcher to the helicopter. Halfway to the hospital, we managed to restart Jann's heart and as soon as the helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital, Jann was taken over by local doctors. And only then did a voice reach me and I felt someone shake my shoulder. It was as if I came out of a trance, I looked down at my hands and my heart sank when I saw they were covered in blood, his blood. That is when what kept me going vanished and I collapsed into Jack's arms. I think I screamed because my throat hurt and all I remember was Jack's voice soothing me.
I'm sorry that I haven't published a chapter in a long time, you know, school and such. I also tried to draw fanart for this series of mine and it didn't work out. If any of you would like to draw something for this series, I would be very grateful.
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 02 | JJK
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⏤banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren’t expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK’s noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 7.9k+
⏤ author’s note❧ Please, enjoy the new chapter, guys! I hope you don't hate me after this one. Trust me, things are getting interesting from now on - the trip is coming too! 😏 Let me know your thoughts on the story so far! If there's any misspelling please forgive me, I tried to update as fast as possible since I'm not gonna be able to write the next chapter until next Monday so I wanted to give you this time a chapter that's a little more longer than the first one.
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‘Oh, for fucks sake my head, make it stop!’ you hear your best friend groaning on the sofa while you’re in the kitchen preparing yourselves breakfast.
You placed in the kitchen counter a plate with strawberries, kiwi, and banana. You've also prepared some french toasts, scrambled eggs, and fresh orange juice. It’s not like you've worked a lot preparing everything but you know Chris likes that kind of breakfast, so knowing he would get up any time soon feeling like hell, you went for that.
‘There you have some Ibuprofen for you to take, it will help with the headache, at least I hope so’ you say when Chris approaches one of the chairs next to the counter.
‘Thanks, you’re an angel’ he says whilst he drinks the pill with help of the freshly orange juice that you’ve prepared him and then he adds: ‘I missed so much having these hangover breakfasts with you’.
Right before he started to talk, you were about to scold him for over drinking on the very first night you went out together again and leaving you with people that you just met. Thank God for Jungkook that helped you dragging his ass back to home, you don’t know how you would’ve done it without his help. But you bite your tongue because, to be totally honest there’s been a million times where the situation was the opposite, you being drunk as fuck and he being the one to drag you home so, you can only respond ‘I missed this too’ while placing your head for a few seconds on his shoulder and then start eating your breakfast next to him
‘So…the golden maknae has charmed his way out to you?’ says your friend out of the sudden
‘The golden what?’
‘Maknae means the youngest. JK is insanely good at every thing that human beings can possibly do, so Namjoon thought of that nickname and now most of the guys in the group call him ‘golden maknae’ because of that’ he explains while you just nod
You feel like you’re starting to blush remembering about yesterday’s events so you look away and then you think to yourself – how the fuck did your friend noticed? He was so freakin wasted but he still noticed the flirting? Well…at least that’s what you think you were both doing…you were both flirting each other, right?
Chris knows you like the back of his hand, he noticed how you looked away and he clearly saw you blushing while spacing out. ‘I was wasted but not to that extent to not remembering how you were both obviously flirting with each other’ he says suddenly making you return to Earth
‘I wasn’t flirting!’ You respond almost immediately knowing it’s a lie and that Chris can see right through it
‘Hey – It’s me who you’re talking to, since when do you get this shy over a guy that you flirted with? I’m actually happy that you’re putting yourself out on the market again. I mean, it’s been like ages’
‘It’s only been a year’
‘Only a year? Dear God if I didn’t get my dick wet for a week I would be bawling like a baby’
‘That’s because you constantly think with your dick, there’s more in life than sex’
‘Oh yeah? Like what? Watching Netflix on your couch while eating popcorn alone on a Friday night? – what’s wrong with that? you think to yourself while your friend keeps talking - Come on, you’re about to turn 30, you haven’t been single for almost a decade... you need to start having some fun again’
‘Honestly, I don’t know if it can be catalogued as flirting what happened last night, maybe he was just being friendly with me. I have been in a relationship for so long that I feel like I don’t even know how to act properly with a hot guy’ you say sincerely
‘From what I remember I’m convinced that my man JK was flirting with you too… but stop worrying so much, go with the flow…you’ll know what to do’ your friend tries to comfort you
‘He asked me for my cellphone number before leaving’ you confess
‘He did, huh?’ - says wiggling his eyebrows over to you while you roll your eyes - ‘Though, I have to say, I’m surprised you’re even attracted to him, he is an insanely handsome guy...but you were never too fond of younger guys’
‘That’s what I thought exactly when he told me how old he is. But I’ve never really tried with a younger guy anything so…maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing to give it a go at one point’
‘Now that’s my best friend! Go get that dick bestie!’
‘Eww, why do you always have to be so explicit? I’m not even sure something is gonna happen with him… we just talked a bit and he asked my cellphone. It doesn’t mean anything’
‘Maybe we’ll find out tonight’ says Chris while heading over to wash the dishes
‘Huh? Why tonight?’ you flip your head towards him and curiously ask
‘Didn’t you check your phone? The guys added you to our group chat. We’re going to a night club tonight; we’ll keep it going with Jackson’s birthday party… he really enjoys celebrating the whole weekend whenever he’s the birthday boy’ says your friend
And then he adds: ‘And I’m pretty sure that your lover boy JK confirmed he’s going tonight’ while he winks at you
‘Shut up, he’s not my lover. And who said I’m going too? I might be busy’
‘Are you, though?’, he looks suspiciously at you because he already knows you’re lying
‘No’ you almost whisper
‘Then that’s it, you’re coming. You need to get laid, it’s good for your health, you know’
‘Oh my god Christian, I just met the guy last night, I’m not gonna sleep with him immediately!’
‘Why not? You’re not hurting anyone by enjoying yourself’
You go near him and hand a few dirty dishes that were left in the counter while you sigh and say ‘I'm aware that I’m not hurting anyone, it’s just that I don’t usually go sleeping around, you know it. And we’re getting to much ahead of ourselves, I already told you I don’t know if he’s even attracted to me, I just saw him one time, I barely know the guy for crying out loud!’
He chuckles while saying ‘Trust me. I have the feeling that he wants to pound you until you don’t remember your own name’
‘Oh my f – You’re such a pig sometimes!’ you say while punching his arm with your small fists, though he doesn’t even budge
He smiles at you and says ‘So, that means you’re coming, right?’
‘Fine, I’ll go. But I don’t want to drag your drunken ass back home again tonight so please control yourself’
‘Don’t worry, after last night I think I’ll just drink water tonight. I’m not getting any younger and it takes a lot more time to recover now than when I was 18’ and you both chuckle at your friend’s sincerity while you take a rest scattered in your couch
‘Ugh, I don’t know, I’m not sure… maybe this is too revealing or maybe it’s too tight, why am I getting so stressed over a dress?!’ you say while you show your outfit through videocall to your best friend
‘Maybe because you know you have pretty good chances on hooking up with certain someone today’
‘Please, cut it out. You’re making me nervous, I just want to have a good night’
‘Okay, okay sorry… you know I’m just kidding. You look amazing, stop having doubts. You usually don’t give a shit about what people says so what’s with the insecurities now?’
‘It’s not insecurities, I know I’m gorgeous’ and you see him rolling your eyes at you ‘Hey – don’t you roll your eyes on me, mister. You know it’s true’
You both snicker at this point and he simply replies ‘Yeah, I honestly can’t disagree on that’
‘Maybe I’m nervous because he’s also kind of your friend and I don’t want to make things awkward. Imagine that we hook up... and then we start dating... and then for some reason we break up, it would be so weird giving that he’s in your friend’s group and now I’m also being included’
You see your friend laughing like crazy through the screen, till the point that he’s cleaning a few tears of his cheeks
‘What the hell are you laughing for?’ you say with greeted teeths
‘It’s just that you said to me earlier that we were getting ahead of ourselves because you don’t even know if JK feels the same way about you and now here you are imagining scenarios were you two are dating… gosh, you can be so funny sometimes’
‘Fuck off’
He snickers and says ‘Listen, just go with the flow. He is my friend too, yes, but don’t even think about that. Just do whatever your heart… or your pussy says’
You can’t help to laugh at your friend’s words, and you respond ‘Okay, we’ll see were the night goes. Let’s have fun tonight!’
‘I love that spirit! I’ll pick you up in an hour, bestie. See u’
You send him a flying kiss and you see him faking like he passed out after he received it ‘See u, clown’ you say while laughing at his bad acting skills
This club looks posh, you think to yourself. Although, it’s not that big as you imagined to be, it has only 2 dance floors, one of them is basically a huge ass balcony right next to the Han River with a beautiful view to Seoul city
Chris guides you to the usual spot where he and his friends use to hang out, he told you that Jin’s brother-in-law is the owner, so they come very often to this particular night club.
You spotted Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Taehyung with smiling faces waving at you from across a table that’s right next to the dance floor.
Once you greet everyone, they start telling you that Joey and Emma couldn’t make it, they were still recovering from last night. Aria had her best friend’s baby shower during the day and felt exhausted, so she couldn’t come either. Namjoon and Jackson were asking for some drinks at the bar… and JK and Jin where nowhere to be found.
Suddenly, you started to feel a little bit more nervous at JK’s mention and Chris noticed it so, he grabbed your hand and asked at the same time looking on the guys direction ‘Hey, we’re going to grab some drinks, do you want anything from the bar?’. Yoongi said a short 'No, thanks', Jimin and Taehyung were already drinking Soju so they raised their glasses and said ‘No, thank you hyung!’ while Hobi said ‘Um, could you order a whisky on the rocks for me, please? Thanks, hyung!’. Chris just winked at Hobi and said ‘You got it, buddy’ while dragging you with him holding your hand
When you got to the bar, Chris said while ordering the drinks ‘Okay, maybe a drink will help to make you loosen up a little bit. Remember, we are just having fun!’
‘Yeah, I know, you’re right. I need a drink ASAP’ you respond to your friend and then you redirect your attention towards the bartender who was waiting for you to order ‘A gin tonic for me, please. Thank you’
You take your drinks to the table with the guys and once your glasses are empty, Chris says ‘Come on, let’s go dancing bestie’. The gin tonic definitely helped you to loosen up a little bit more because you didn’t even hesitate and accepted your friend’s request while you grabbed his hand and went towards the dance floor
‘I’m good yeah I’m feeling alright, baby Imma have the best fucking night of my life and wherever it takes me, I’m down for the ride’ you were singing along while dancing with your best friend. You danced for about half an hour when you said to Chris ‘Hey I’m going to the bath, I’m about to pee myself’ which he only replied ‘Who’s the one being explicit now, huh? Go go! I’ll be here when you come back’
So, you started running off to the bath, on your way there you spotted Jin right on the other side of one of the bars grabbing a bottle of Soju as if he was the owner of the club, he smiled brightly and waved at you which you replied back and suddenly you saw his eyes widening… you curiously followed whatever his eyes were looking at and saw a blonde girl kissing… Jungkook.
Your smile dropped instantly. You didn’t want Jin to see your face, so you quickly continued your way to the bath not looking back.
After emptying your bladder and sanitizing your hands, you stayed for a few minutes in the bath against a wall spacing out. Did I really misread that bad his intentions? Fuck I’m really out of the game, how could I think that he was interested in me? He was just being friendly with you, y/n. You’re such an idiot. Is she his girlfriend? I mean, of course he has a girlfriend, he's so fucking gorgeous...stupid, stupid, stupid – You kept scolding yourself in your own mind. You somehow felt sad and stupid, how could you feel sad about a guy that you just saw one time in your whole life? Maybe it was the fact that he made you feel wanted after such a long time of not having that feeling – though, you now realize it wasn’t like that at all, you just felt that –
Suddenly you realize you have been inside the bathroom for almost 20 minutes and Chris might start worrying if he sees that you are not coming back. So, you arm yourself of bravery and get out of there, you’ll just walk quickly towards the dance floor, that way you won’t have to witness again that scene of Jungkook and that blondie kissing.
When you were already passing by the bar, you feel a hand pulling yours… you move your head to see who’s the person that grabbed you and it’s none other than Jungkook. ‘Hi, noona – you look beautiful’ he says while smiling with that sweet tone that you didn’t even know you missed hearing. You don’t know how to react, you just keep repeating in your head the scene of that girl kissing him, but you must be mature about it, he’s nothing to you… he’s just... a friend of your best friend that you’ve just met, and you were the one to misread the signs, it's not his fault. So, you just reply with a simple ‘Hi Jungkook, thanks… you look good too’
You feel like his hold on you is almost burning, so you take back your hand unconciously which Jungkook notices and looks at you strangely. ‘Is everything okay?’ he asks, and you just respond ‘Yeah, everything’s great’ though by the way he’s looking at you, you know he didn’t buy your fake smile. You start to feel insanely uncomfortable, so you immediately say ‘Um, I have to go, Chris must be looking for me… It was nice seeing you again’ and you don’t even wait for him to respond when you turn your heels and walk away as fast as you can.
Of course, Chris disappeared. You went looking for him on the same place where you left him before going to the bath and he wasn’t there. Knowing your friend, you know that he probably met some random girl and must be having his fun somewhere around.
You really need a drink, pronto. So, you head towards the bar and sit on one of the stalls while looking at the dance floor. From where you are situated, you could see Jimin and Taehyung dancing on top of a speakerbox, they seemed to be a little bit hammered, and it made you laugh for a minute. Those two share the same braincell, they remind you of Chris and you – soulmates -, you can’t help to think
You were waiting for the bartender to finish preparing another gin tonic for you when a guy sat on the next stall right next to you. You were already cursing inside your head; you had already sent off 3 guys that came up to you with cheesy lines trying to get your number or for you to accept them buying you a drink… you just weren’t in the mood to hear any more fuckboys coming to you with their stupid attempts.
‘Rough night?’ you hear from the guy that just sat next to you
Well, at least this one’s trying to make a conversation before coming up with a cheesy line – you think to yourself
‘I don’t know if rough is the right word… nothing that tragic happened, it’s just not what I had in mind’ you reply while you thank the bartender that has finished preparing your drink
‘You and me both, my friends dragged me here with the excuse that I should get out of my house more often and have fun… and they’re nowhere to be found’ he responds and then asks you ‘so…your boyfriend is an asshole or what’s been troubling you tonight?’
He got a good laugh out of you this time while you respond ‘wow, smooth way to find out if a girl has a boyfriend or not’
‘What can I say? I have my ways’ he responds giving you a cocky grin
You take a proper look at him now… he’s handsome - you think – while holding his gaze you respond ‘I don’t have a boyfriend’
He smiles at you and says ‘Nice to know that. So, what’s in your mind?’
You don’t know if it’s the gin tonic that once again is putting your filters down or what, but you start telling him ‘Well, I met this guy… I saw him only once, but I don’t know… I felt like we had kind of a connection and that we were both flirting back and forth and thought that maybe tonight was going somewhere with him but on my way to the bath I just saw a blondie sucking his face – so I clearly misread the signals and I’m feeling like an idiot’
‘Auch, that’s a bummer’ he responds while taking a sip of his drink
‘You don’t say’
‘You don’t have to feel like an idiot though, we all been there at some point of our lives’ he says while keeping his gaze on you
You noticed he never told you what’s his name was throughout all the conversation, so you offer your hand while smiling at him and say ‘I’m y/n, by the way’
He smiles and says ‘I’m Minho, Choi Minho. Nice to meet you, y/n’ while taking your hand on his
‘Nice to meet you too, Choi Minho’ you say while also smiling at him. You feel like you don't have any shame left in your body, alcohol does wonders indeed- you think to yourself for a second - and bravely ask Minho ‘What do you say? Wanna have a dance with me? Please don’t reject me, I already had too much embarassment for one night. Oh..wait.. do you have a girlfriend?’ -
‘Only an idiot could reject a beautiful girl like you and no, I don't have a girlfriend’ he says in the most flirticious way while you both smile at each other like two idiots and without further do, you both headed hand in hand towards the dance floor
What you weren’t aware of, was that there was a pair of burning eyes watching the whole scene unraveling between you and Minho.
Jungkook was about to head to the dance floor and drag you out of that guy’s hold when Jin putted a hand in his shoulder and told him ‘That wouldn’t be wise to do’
‘What the hell do you know, hyung?’
‘JK, she saw you kissing Lina and I saw y/n’s face… she seemed as shocked as I was. It’s only fair to say that right now she must be thinking that you either have a girlfriend that you didn’t tell her about or that you are not interested in her. Either way, if you go there and make a scene, she will probably tell you to fuck off and I wouldn’t blame her to be honest’
Jungkook’s eyes were big as a plate when he said ‘She saw me with Lina? Oh no.... no no no. Fuck. I didn’t even kiss her, she did. I stopped her as soon as I realize what we were doing. She just came out of nowhere and kissed me, I haven’t seen her in 3 months, hyung’
‘Well, my friend, bad luck. I think you lost your chance… at least for tonight. Just don’t do anything stupid. When you get the opportunity to talk to y/n, you can let her know what really happened tonight but barging in when she’s having a good time with someone else, it’s not a good choice’
‘It should be me the one dancing with her, not that guy’ he says with greeted teeth
‘She’s just dancing, it doesn’t mean it’s going to go fur- okay, forget what I said… he’s kissing her’ Jin said a little bit preoccupied
‘Fuck this, I can’t keep just staring while she’s kissing some random guy’ Jungkook responded with jealousy running down his veins while walking towards you and Minho
Jin got to him quickly and dragged him back to the bar saying ‘Jungkook don’t! Be mature about it. You’ll ruin any chance you have with her if you get in the middle. Let her be’
Jungkook sighed and said with a defeating tone while looking on your direction ‘I fucked up, hyung. I like her, I don’t even know how to explain it… I just saw her yesterday and every time she smiled at me, I felt like I was going to pass out. I should have kissed her last night’
Jin looked the maknae with a pitiful look and while hugging him responded ‘Hey – if it’s meant to be, it’ll be – Maybe in time you’ll get closer and you’ll be able to tell her all of this. But if I were you, I’d be careful not to hurt her in any way because Chris will sure beat you ass’
And that got a little chuckle from Jungkook that left Jin content, his job was done. He somehow avoided Jungkook doing something that he would have regretted for sure later.
‘Come on, let’s get something to drink and swallow our sorrows’ Jin said while taking JK with him
Alcohol was flowing freely in your body, everything felt numb. You loved how free you felt whenever a few glasses of alcohol were involved. It’s been such a fucking long time not feeling this good. You don’t overthink anymore, it’s the first time over the night that you don’t think about Jungkook and that blondie and you just let yourself enjoy every second of dancing with a handsome guy like Minho who’s been giving all his attention solely to you.
His hands are respectably on your waist while you turn around and have your back pressed against his chest, you don’t even care that your ass is brushing against his crotch. He doesn’t seem to mind, not at all because he doesn’t put any distance between you two. In fact, he grabs one of your hands and places it on the back of his head while one of his hands goes from your waist to your stomach, the palm of his hand holding you as close as possible to his body
Excitement overflows in your body, you’re trying so hard to act unaffected but once you share a look with Minho, you realized you’re failing to do so. His gaze is so intense, he’s driving you crazy and he’s not even doing anything… just sharing one dance with you, a very very close dance.
When you look away, you can feel his breath hitting the crook of your neck and God how you wish he would press those lips onto your neck. You don’t know when you got this bold, but there’s this sort of confidence boost that makes you shamelessly grind your ass against Minho’s crotch and that’s when his lips brush against your jaw… he knows what you’re doing… so, you take one more look at him, you realize his gaze goes straight to your lips and then to your eyes like he’s asking for permission.
And then your own eyes can’t help but do the same, your gaze going towards his lips and then look directly to his eyes while nodding. Without even sharing any words, he gives you the sweetest smile and then proceeds to kiss you.
You don’t know if it’s because you haven’t been kissed in a long time or the fact that you’re a little bit tipsy, you can’t even think straight… you just know that his lips feel so amazing against yours. So, you let yourself enjoy and start moving your lips against his own while you’re being turned around by his hands. Your hands go behind his neck and his hands stay by your hips, grabbing you tightly.
The first touch of his tongue entering your mouth makes you feel like you’ve been electrified, you feel 100x times horny than what you were already. You’re so close to him that you can feel his bulge starting to grow harder and you can’t help to moan once you feel him. You know he heard you, he stopped the kiss for a moment while looking at you in the eyes and smiling again. Then he kissed you once more, it was so passionately, you haven’t been kissed like this in ages.
That’s when you grabbed his hands and moved them from your hips to your ass and you could swear this time you heard him trying to restrain his groaning. You didn’t care you were in the middle of a night club surrounded by people, you just wanted to feel him
‘We should go somewhere else’ you say breathlessly – since when you sleep with guys that you just met? It came across for a split second in your mind, but you quickly shush all your thoughts away, right now you just want to enjoy the moment. Plus, just like Chris said, you’re not hurting anyone by enjoying yourself -
‘We can go my place’ you visibly see him gulping while he offers, you don’t know how but he looked so innocent for a second while he was telling you to go over his place
‘Sure’ you respond simply while giggling
By the time you’re walking hand in hand with Minho from the night club, you grab your phone quickly and text Chris that you’re leaving with a guy that you met in the club and that you’ll leave you’re location tracker activated – Chris always makes you do that in case you have any problem, so he can locate you easily -  you don’t even wait for your friend to respond and get on an Uber that Minho called.
The ride to Minho's apartment building felt long but it was maybe less than 10 minutes. The only moment when you weren’t kissing each other like maniacs was when the car slowed down because you’ve had arrived to your destiny. You almost jump out of the car while Minho was holding the door for you and helps you get out of it while also thanking the driver. As soon as he shut the door, he grabbed your hand and hurried guiding you through the building entrance.
You waited for 2 minutes until the elevator finally arrived, the longest 2 minutes of your life. While you were waiting for it, Minho cupped your face and gave you a sweet kiss on your nose and said ‘You’re so fucking gorgeous’ – gosh, you’ve a pool between your legs by now, it’s all you can think of – and as soon as the doors of the elevator opened, Minho clicked the button of his floor and as soon as he turned around you both threw yourselves at each other.
Minho opened his front door so quickly you didn’t even saw him taking his key out. He took you in and his hands were all over your body, fiddling with your tight dress, feeling every part of your body and all you can think of is: please just, take it off of me
He leads you to his bedroom while your mouths are attached to each other, oh my…this is really happening
Once you see his bed, you push him lightly and he lets himself fall and sit into his bed while he’s eye fucking you. You grab the end of your dress and while pulling it off from your neck you see him biting his lower lip, he seems hypnotized.
You sit on his lap in your black lacy underwear, feeling his bulge so hard and you almost salivate at the feeling. He goes for your neck with slow but intense kisses.
"Minho" you whisper, feeling his breath ghosting against your neck.
"Hm?" he hums, while he’s occupied sucking your skin, the tips of his fingers grazing over your exposed thighs.
"Please, fuck me" you keep whispering on his ear while grinding on him and he swears he could bust his nut right there just by hearing your sweet voice asking him to fuck you
‘Fuck, you’re so hot. Your wish is my command, gorgeous’ he says with a raspy tone
He then turns you around and your back touches the mattress, while he takes off his shirt and you swear your pussy just clenched by itself by taking one look at his toned body – Good, God, what do they eat in South Korea? Do they all look like they’ve just come straight out of a Calvin Klein’s publicity? – your hands start to work on his belt and pants while he’s smirking at your desperation.
Once he's only on his boxers, you palm his bulge giving him a few strokes through the fabric – and oh…he’s big that’s for sure - while he grunts at you and says ‘I swear you’re driving me insane’
His lips start trailing his tongue on your collarbone, a small moan slips out of your mouth and it’s just in a matter of seconds that your bra and panties are taken off you and thrown somewhere in the room.
You feel like you’re starting to blush and maybe he notices it because he stops for a moment while looking you straight to your eyes and says sweetly ‘If you want me to stop just tell me, it’s okay, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want’ and you respond ‘I do want it, I really do. It’s just that’s been a long time since I had sex and…I’m nervous’
‘You’re doing great if you didn’t notice’ – he says signaling his bulge while you both chuckle at the sight – ‘You’re so beautiful, baby’ he says and starts to kiss you all over again gaining some more moans from your mouth ‘Just tell me if you want me to stop’
‘Don’t. Please don’t stop’ you manage to mumble somehow. And that’s all he needs, your reassurance, because as soon as you gave him the green light, he connected his lips to your nipple while one of his hands is cupping your other breast, driving you insane, fogging your mind with nothing but pleasure
 “Fuck, your tits, so fucking perfect, you like the feeling of my tongue in your tits, huh? I can tell baby, your body is speaking to me, who knew you were such a dirty girl?” he whispers in your ear and proceeds to bite your earlobe earning another moan from you, fuck.. the dirty talk is about to kill your pussy
Suddenly, you feel his fingers slipping inside you, thrusting in while his thumb rubs circles on your clit. You can’t help but scream at the pleasure his giving you, grabbing the sheets with a fist while he tells you ‘That’s it baby, keep moaning for me, we have to stretch you out so you can take me’
You’re blinded by pleasure by now, you feel the knot about to unleash while he keeps thrusting his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace. ‘Shit, yes – don’t stop – keep doing that, please. I’m cumming… I’m cumming’ you inform him almost screaming though he was already feeling how you were clenching around his fingers uncontrollably, ‘Yeah? Cum for me baby, come on, make a mess on my fingers like the dirty girl that you are’ and that was the final point. You came so fucking hard. Finally, you get an amazing orgasm and he rode you through it thrusting in a few more times his fingers. And then, when he finally takes them off, he licks his fingers and says ‘You taste amazing’ making you go crazier from all the dirtiness.
You grab him by the neck and kiss him tasting yourself on him and start taking off his boxers, you can’t wait anymore. Your thirst is still there, even though he just gave you one hell of an orgasm… you need him inside you right now.
He smiles through the kisses and grabs a condom from his nightstand, you watch every move he takes while he’s putting on the condom and giving himself a few strokes to check everything’s okay.
“Are you ready, princess?” Minho asks, while his hand is trailing your thighs. You respond ‘Never been more ready’ while you smile at each other, and that’s when he positions himself to be on top of you, his eyes trailing every part of your naked body as if he’s taking a mental picture of it.
You gasp when he enters you in one go, followed by a long pornographic moan from the sudden stretch you feel from his cock. He grabs your cheek, forcing you to look into his big eyes.
‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard, princess’ You stare into his eyes while he squeezes your cheeks. You whimper and he adds: ‘I’ll start moving now, okay?’
You nod your head, and he starts thrusting in and out, biting his lips while he pushes his cock deeply into you and you’re just a mess, you keep moaning at the amazing feeling of him inside your pussy.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt this, you feel like you’ve almost forgotten how it felt to have sex— how the fuck did you go a year without this?
“You feel so fuckin’ tight, fuck princess.” Minho moans on the crook of your neck, and you close your eyes taking all the pleasure in while your legs automatically wrap themselves around his waist as he is still thrusting at a slow pace, so you can get used to him inside you.
In the meantime, his lips are occupied on yours, his tongue entering your mouth and meeting with yours in a passionate kiss. That’s when he starts to thrust faster into you, and you moan desperately on the kiss.
“M-MMinho!!” You moan his name, and you hear him cursing loudly making him go feral, while you’re scratching his back with your nails as he thrusts roughly into you, without giving mercy to your clenching pussy.
The room is filled with the sounds of your skins meeting each other, you feel how insanely wet is your cunt, your juices and his cock mixing and how close you’re from your second orgasm.
You are out of this world, so out of it that you didn’t even realize but in a split of a second he’s out of your cunt and turning you around, putting you in all fours with your ass perked up while your hands are pressed against the mattress.
He thrusts his cock inside you once again and you both curse at the amazing feeling that it brings. His hands grab your hips while pounding you as fast as possible, he feels his cock starting to twitch and he says ‘God, princess, you feel so good, so warm, so fucking tight’ while the only sounds that come out from you are moans and his name being screamed all over again and again as if it was a chant.
He feels you getting tighter every second that passes and says, ‘My dirty slut wants to cum, huh?’ and you’re going crazy, you’re so close, so fucking close. You respond breathlessly ‘Yes, please daddy I wanna cum so bad’
You feel his balls slapping against your cunt while he sets a ruthless pace and then you feel one of his hands going for your clit, rubbing it while he keeps pounding you from behind and opens that dirty mouth of his saying ‘Cum princess, cum all over my cock’ and that’s it, that’s when you hit your second orgasm of the night while being a moaning mess.
As soon as he feels you cumming, clenching like crazy around him, he feels his balls tightening ‘I’ll fill you up so good baby, I’m cumming fuck fuck fuck’ he keeps cursing as he shoots his cum into the condom with a few more sloppy thrusts until he slows down trying to come back from his own high while you both are out of breath
A few moments later, he pulls out slowly. You can’t help but to fall onto the mattress while he’s taking the condom off and throws it away to a trash can near the nightstand.
He falls right next to you, both of you sweating like hell and still recovering your breaths while you share a look and start chuckling, still none of you over the mind-blowing orgasms you just had
‘That was-’ you start saying but he interrupts you by saying ‘The best sex I ever had’ while panting and you can’t help but to laugh again. ‘Yes, it was indeed’ you say
When you both recover, he says ‘Um, you can take a shower if you want. I can give you some of my clothes to sleep with if you’d like’
Well, thank God he’s not the kind of asshole that sleeps with someone and throws them out immediately after the act – you think to yourself. You look at him and say ‘Yes, a shower sounds amazing right now. Thanks’ and then you give him a sweet peck on one of his cheeks that he returns with one of his beautiful, sweet smiles while caressing the side of your face.
You take a shower separately and by the time he’s finished with his, you’re all covered up on his bed wearing nothing but one of his long shirts and a pair of boxers that he gave you. He gets in the bed wearing only boxers and you just can’t help but to think – what a fine piece of art – he pecks you on your cheek and says ‘It was an amazing night with you, goodnight princess’ and you’re already dozing off when you say ‘It really was, goodnight to u too Minho’
Next morning, you got up with the sound of Minho preparing both of you breakfast. You had a nice talk with him where you both got to know each other a little bit better. He told you all about his job being a lawyer, he’s working in one of the most important law firms in Seoul now. He surely knows what he wants in life and that’s something you really like about him.
You told him about your job as a Manager in the Finance team in this big multinational tech company that you’ve been working for 2 years now and that thankfully when you decided to move to South Korea there was an opening at the Seoul Office so you didn’t even have to look for a new job, you just switched positions from your native country base to South Korea’s. Which honestly it was a big relief for you. Not having to look for a new job made everything so much easier to you.
Since the moment that you got up and went over to the kitchen to encounter him, the conversation with Minho was totally natural. It wasn’t awkward at all. It felt nice. It felt fresh.
Before you leave, he made sure that you have exchanged numbers and you both promised to see each other soon. You waved him goodbye before by his door frame and while you were waiting for the elevator his hands turned you around and he gave you the sweetest and most passionate kiss ‘Sorry, I couldn’t help it, you’re so addictive, princess’ he says - and that’s when the elevator comes, and you hit him slowly in the arm saying ‘Stop it – you’re making me blush’ while he chuckles he says ‘You’re so cute when you get shy’
You enter the elevator and tell him ‘I’ll see u soon, thanks for the breakfast…and last night’ and he gets to respond before the doors close ‘I’ll be eagerly waiting to see u again, thank u princess’
You realize when the elevator opens its doors again that you’re smiling like an idiot – what a good night that was –
Once you get home, you take out your cellphone from your purse and realize you have 5 messages from your best friend all from last night
Chris bestie: what? Who? what guy are you leaving with? When did that happened?
Chris bestie: what about JK?? Did he do something bad to you??? You better tell me because I’ll kick his ass if he did
Chris bestie: Honestly, I never felt so happy to say that my best friend is finally getting a dick again
Chris bestie: If anything happens and you need me to pick you up, I’ll be one call away
Chris bestie: Use protection, bestie! Have a nice fuck! ;)
You can help but to laugh at his messages while you start replying
‘God, I didn’t even realize how much I missed having sex until now’
‘I’m home by the way, safe and sound. And to respond your various questions, I met this amazing guy while having a drink at the bar. Remember when I went to the bath? Before you ditched me? Well, on my way there I saw a blondie sucking on JK’s face… so, I guess he has a girlfriend that I didn’t know of and clearly we were wrong about him having some kind of interest in me, I got it all wrong :/’
‘I’m not complaining tho – I did felt like an idiot for a while - but, because of that I met Minho and had the most mind blowing orgasms so, the night didn’t suck at all, not at all :)’
Clearly your friend was expecting your messages because as soon as you sent them, you saw that he read them and started to type
Chris bestie: ‘I told you it’s good for your health having sex!!!’
Chris bestie: ‘JK and a blondie? Wtf? JK doesn’t have a girlfriend, at least not that I know of, and I already told you, I saw the way he was looking at you… I’m sure he likes you; I don’t know about the girlfriend thing but I’m sure that he likes you’
Chris bestie: ‘Oh my god, I’m getting déjà vu of all the times that I sent you messages after a hook up but now the tables have turned! Well done my friend!!’
Chris bestie: ‘by the way, is this the same blondie you saw with JK yesterday?’
<Image received>
You download the photo that your best friend sent you and immediately recognize the blondie girl that was sucking JK’s face last night
‘Yep, that’s the blondie’
‘Honestly, I don’t know if he has a girlfriend or not. I only know what I saw. And they were kissing’
Chris bestie: ‘I knew it. The blondie’s name is Lina. JK hooked up with her for a few months, they didn’t get to be official because JK found out that Lina was hooking up pretty much with anything that moved on the Earth at the same time she was with him – so he stopped being with her a few months ago’
‘Well, it seems like he has forgiven her because she had her tongue down his throat yesterday. Anyways, it sounds messy and complicated and honestly, the last thing I need right now it’s something complicated. I guess JK and I will be friends from now on… or something like that’
Chris bestie: ‘As far as I know, he despises her. I really don’t understand why he would be kissing her again. It’s weird’
Chris bestie: ‘But anyways, I’m happy you had a nice and orgasmic night. Are you gonna see this Minho guy again?’
Are you? – you thought to yourself – and then all the sudden JK’s face with that Lina girl came right at you – God, why the fuck you keep thinking about JK when you had this amazing night with an amazing guy??
Whatever relationship that JK has with that girl is none of your business. It would be the best to maintain your relationship with JK as friends – just friends – and maybe you should give Minho a chance, I mean… if he’s also interested of course.
And you start reminiscing last night with Minho and all that wonderful sex. Yes, you should give it a try with Minho definitely
‘Yes, I think I’ll see Minho again’ you respond to your friend with a smile on your face
‘I’ll go take a warm bath, talk to u later bestie’
You leave your phone charging and head to have a nice bubbly bath to relax for a bit while listening to some music. After a good half and hour of being on the bathtub, you dry yourself and check on your phone where you had 2 message notifications.
You thought that Chris was the one that texted you, but you saw Minho’s name on your screen, for a moment your heart skipped a beat and you quickly read it:
Minho: ‘Hey princess, just wanted to make sure you got home safely. And I also wanted to ask you something’
Minho: ‘Do you wanna have dinner with me tomorrow night?’
Excitement overflows in your body. Did he just ask you on a date? Oh my god, oh my gooooodd!!!
‘Hiii :) I got home safely, thank u for asking’
‘Of course, dinner sounds great. It’s a date’ you responded immediately, and then you start regretting the message you just sent ‘It’s a date’ - maybe he wasn’t inviting you like a date date, oh my god what if you scare him away? Ughhhh why do I over think everything? Since when am I this idiotic when it comes to guys? – and while you were busy mentally scolding yourself your phone vibrates and you see a new notification
Minho: ‘Cool. It’s a date :) I’ll pick u at 8PM then, see u princess’
You have a date. With Minho. OH MY GOOOOOOOD!
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sualne · 3 months
today should be a good because im finally seeing my endocrinologist after a over a year and i should get my first hrt prescription and soon first tshot but i feel kind of doomed because my dad said if melanchon win the election he'll move out without me leaving me homeless and im worried about my siblings, one got a good job she loves and pays well and a hotel situation, she's much smarter and competent than i am so i think she should be able to handle it, other sibling just got her own place and will start moving soon, it's only for school so i don't what happens once that's done, i'm not even sure he plans on throwing them out actually, i think he loves them but the possibility worries me. i don't know what he'll do with their stuff since one will be away and all that, he's always threatening to throw away mine but i don't know how it'll work them, maybe they'll be completely fine actually.
this isn't out of nowhere either, he's been threatening to throw us out for years and to send me to an asylum/mental hospital since i was 15 so i know he's a bit strange like that. even if i went full time my job still wouldn't pay enough for me to get my own place so i've been looking for collocation around and maybe i could manage smth if i get some more hours of works, otherwise i'd have to live on less than 100-200€ a month with everything paid (no counting food). it took me 3 years to get this job so i really don't think it'll be possible for me to ever get another one, i don't have enough years to send resumes constantly that i even do it in my dreams, plus i've looked into it and all the job offers pay about as much anyway so it wouldn't change a thing. i can't move all the way to live at some family member's place because my gender clinic is here and i don't know often i'll have to go there, the back and forth could cost a bit on the long term and i know i can't restart the process from the beginning where they live because last i heard they closed the queues there because they were too many ppl and won't accept anymore. and again, im sure i could ever get another job.
i actually did have a job in the three years it took me before getting this one, i was a comic colorist and it paid nicely for 7h to 12h of work per week but nobody considered it a real job since it was art and done on a laptop/at home (plus it turned out it wasn't exactly legal, no fault of my boss, she was an independent student employing someone for the first time) so i was so happy when i finally found this one, it's a real job, nothing to do with art and you go outside but my family was already yelling at me about it before i'd even gotten it, my dad said "you have no self respect" and when i told my grandma she said "you can't do this your whole life" but i'd just signed my contract, i hadn't even started working yet, everyone was and is still acting like that's not a real job, that i need a real one and refuse to believe me when i tried to explain i genuinely love it because i help ppl, a lot of them are chronically ill or disabled so it make me happy to help them, they're my ppl and i feel like i'm actually useful but no one is happy for me, i don't understand. i don't think my body will be alright on the long term if i go full time and like i said im in the process of getting some long overdue diagnosis and hopefully help/treatments for a few health issues.
that's one thing too they act weird about, no one irl believe me when i say i'm losing my sight, i tried to explain it's been going on since i was at least 18 and now i can't see on the sides but they keep telling me it's nothing and not happening but also my fault? and everyone, not just my family keep saying things like "then you really need to learn how to drive while you still can" but i'm going blind so i can't drive and they won't understand that, it's so weird??
back to moving out, if i do somehow end up finding a place to live i don't have friends or anyone so i can't ask for help to move all my stuff (ive got a Lot of books), i don't want to abandon my things, i've bought most of them and they're actually mine so i don't want to have to loose them. i've no idea what to do and i'm kind of at lost, had a horrible night thinking about it when i'd been looking forward to today for months. it's so weird i might just loose everything now that im happy, if my siblings are safe then at least that's that, im reassured but i wanted to be happy for longer than just that, i actually want to live and all now and i've got projects i've been working on since october and they're nowhere near to be finished and i feel really bad that i might not be able to finish them because i know a few ppl where genuinely looking forward to it and i don't want to disappoint anyone.
it's weird also because dad's been buying new furniture so if he plans to move out that seems like a pointless thing to do because that'll be more stuff and trouble to transport and he's the one who's been pushing me to decorate my bedroom but then he keeps turning around and say he'll throw away my thing and me too, that i need to some activity like join a club but then say i don't own enough money to waste on useless things and should work more but get a real job first, he contradicts himself a lot so i've no idea what to do.
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Although (M/n) was enjoying spending his time with Gally again for the past few days, he hadn't been able to shake off the memory of him saying something about falling in love before cutting himself off. He didn't want to pressure Gally into telling him who it was, it would only make him look like a hypocrite. So he didn't.
He had been working on his communication skills with Gally, not keeping everything to himself as he usually did, trying to comprehend that if Gally -or any of his friends- tell him they want to listen to what he has to say they mean it.
"I wanna know what you wanna tell me, even if you think it's dumb or a waste of my time," Gally said to him after he kept doubting the intentions of others, "I wouldn't have asked in the first place if I didn't care, alright? I'm not trying to act nice and as if I care, because then I will be wasting my time, I truly do care, bean."
Somehow, the thought- knowing someone cares about him in any way is still a foreign concept to (M/n), so he was also working on that with Gally. He was just basically restarting his brain at this point with all the parts of himself he had to fix.
And now, on their fourth day working on all sorts of issues he has, they were sitting atop the Watchtower, drinking some of Gally's non-alcoholic drink and snacking on some leftover fries Fry had in the fridge. The silence that surrounded them was nice, and the breeze was chill, the sun had been covered by the grey clouds heading their way and slowly made the natural light fade. It looked like it might rain soon.
(M/n) wouldn't have minded just sitting there in silence, but the Maze was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask.
"What happened..." He said slowly, noticing Gally turning to look at him, taking a sip of his drink, "When you went into the Maze? Why did you go?" He finished in a whisper, looking up and making eye contact with Gally.
He saw the blond getting serious and looking away, staying quiet for a while. Gally was debating whether he should say it or not, it wasn't necessarily a happy memory, and it seemed like everything that had a dark or sad story to him was made into a permanent reminder of that time.
But the moment he turned back to look at (M/n), he saw worry in his eyes, genuine concern, and he sighed, deciding he would tell him.
He shifted on his spot and got a bit more comfortable, "I haven't said this to anyone at all, not even to Alby, and..." He hesitated for a few moments, fiddling with the jar in his hand, "It's mostly 'cause I didn't think it would make a difference, whether I said this or not," Gally took a deep breath, and (M/n) silently waited until he felt ready to talk.
Gally appreciated that. He really did.
"I was... Tired. Of the way I was treated. Everything," he briefly looked at (M/n) before focusing back ahead, "So I tried to run away, I didn't even know what my plan was if I'm honest," Gally took a sip of his drink and reached for a fry, "After running into a Griever there's not much I remember, but apparently, I had found my way back and I collapsed when I got to the Glade."
(M/n) turned to look at the Maze Doors, looking as ominous as ever. He watched the Doors for a short while, and that same dream flashed in his mind, seeing Gally in the Maze wasn't just a dream... It was real.
But that didn't help him much, did it? It just brought more questions to his mind.
"And while I was unconscious, I kept having these... Dreams, or I thought they were, because I knew they weren't made up by my fevered and delusional mind," when Gally kept talking, (M/n) looked at him again, paying attention to his words, "I had no idea what they meant, so when I woke up I started drawing them so I wouldn't forget. It was... Weird too because..." He hesitated for a few seconds, unsure of how to continue, "There was someone I could never see clearly, just their silhouette, and whenever I woke up I felt... Empty, as if I was missing a part of me."
There was another silence, and (M/n) couldn't help but wonder if they were seeing the same "person" in their dreams. He had experienced something similar a few times, he could never see who that person was no matter how close they were, all (M/n) could recall was their sense of familiarity.
He wondered, if by any chance... Was that Gally? Or was it someone completely different?
"Alby told me that..." He went back to listening to Gally, he could figure out things some other time, "Someone had sent stuff up to help me survive, along with a note. I... I wish I could say thank you to that person, honestly."
And now, with a deep sigh, Gally was officially done talking.
He wasn't expecting anything from (M/n), maybe a comment to ease the air and go back to cheerful and playful, but he felt (M/n)'s hand wrapping around his, making him turn to look at him.
"I'm glad you're alive, Gally."
This was the first and only time anyone had told him that, he had been thinking everyone was just being nice to him because they had to, not because they were sorry or worried about what had happened to him. They were forced to stop bullying him, so Gally never felt as if he was welcomed in the Glade after that. New greenies had helped to ease the tension, but he always felt left out.
No one was happy he survived that day. But now, (M/n) completely changed how he felt about being alive. He felt thankful to have made it out of that, otherwise, he would've never met someone as great as (M/n).
The thought almost overwhelmed him to tears, just realizing how much he needed someone to care.
They gazed into each other's eyes, unsaid want and longing swirling in them.
Slowly, both of them began to lean in closer, their breathing mixing, lips mere inches away, hearts racing and heated faces, about to finally kiss...
When thunder startled them, making them pull back instantly, and less than a second later, they were drenched under the heavy rain. They should've expected it, the sky had been turning grey, but did it really have to start pouring right that second?
"Well, shuck..." (M/n) chuckled at Gally and they got up, "We should get inside," Gally decided to leave the empty bowl of fries and jars up top, they could pick them up after the rain ceased anyway, and then carefully headed down.
Laughs and squeals were heard as they made their way down the ladders, yelling 'be careful!' to each other between chuckles, until they finally made their way to the ground. They had to get to the nearest place that could provide shelter, and that could either be the Homestead or (M/n)'s treehouse, so they started walking, well, more like jogging under the heavy rain.
However, they were already drenched, what would a little bit more water do?
With that train of thought, (M/n) reached for Gally's hand and made him spin around, catching the blond in his arms. Gally looked down at him and smirked, "What are you doing?"
(M/n) tried to hold in his chuckle as he held Gally's hand, and did an elegant and slightly dramatic bow, "Can I have a dance with the prettiest boy?" There he goes, he said it.
Gally tried to ignore the heat creeping up his face, and decided he could turn the tables around on (M/n).
"I don't think you need to ask yourself for a dance, bean," he was caught off guard by that and he walked closer to hide his face on Gally's chest, unbothered by how soaked his clothes were.
"You're an idiot, did you know?" Gally chuckled and nodded, lifting his free hand to ruffle (M/n)'s hair, splashing water around.
"Well, you're best friends with an idiot, so that makes you a double idiot," (M/n) looked up at Gally with a frown on his brow, but a smile was pulling his lips up, and as a revenge, he decided to tickle him.
Immediately, Gally turned around and ran away with a squeal, "Unfair!"
"Apologize, Gally!" (M/n) yelled while running after him.
While those two continued chasing each other around like idiots, they were unaware of the audience they had, watching them playing in the rain and getting covered in mud, laughing alongside (M/n) and Gally, and enjoying the time they had.
Even Minho and Dan, who had to go back to the Glade as soon as it began raining, saw them rolling on the ground and cackling. The sight made them smile as they continued their way inside to change their soaked clothes.
Despite all the fun they had under the rain the previous evening...
Gally woke up sick. He had a fever and had been sneezing quite a bit.
Being the one at fault that he ended up getting sick, (M/n) decided to take care of him until he got better again. Gally didn't even try to argue with him when he saw (M/n) walk in with a tray and a steaming bowl of soup, Gally felt so bad he didn't even want to argue about that this time, he did not have the strength to fight him over anything anyway.
And since Gally spent the majority of the day sleeping, probably because he felt so bad all he wanted to do was rest, (M/n) didn't have to do much, gave him painkillers for his headache, tuck him in with blankets, and a wet towel on his head to ease the fever. He took care of Gally while he was awake and watched over him when he was asleep.
Only occasionally (M/n) would walk over to his desk, and crouch down to take a closer look at all the wooden sculptures he had done, paying attention to the details some of them had, some even had cute faces drawn on them, and a few other were painted, making spots or lines covering their body, whether it was fully or partially.
And at some point, when Gally woke up almost at dinner time, he turned to look at (M/n), watching him look at his little sculptures.
"Why did you not get sick?" He asked in a hoarse and raspy whisper, coughing right after. (M/n) was quick to handle him his cup of water and help him sit up to drink it.
"Don't know, big guy," after Gally was done drinking his water, he placed the cup down again, and (M/n) decided to mess with him a little bit, "Why? You wanted to take care of me?"
He made a dramatic and playful pout, smiling wide when Gally let out a breathy chuckle, and the red on his face caused by his fever was pretty good to cover how flustered the thought made him, "You wish, bean."
The next day, while Gally was sleeping peacefully in his room, (M/n) found Dmitri as he was walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of water and eating some leftover breakfast.
"Oh, hey (M/n)," he did the 'sup?' greeting with his chin, and walked past him and to the kitchen, grabbing a single candy from the new bag they had gotten two days ago.
"I wanted to ask you something," the Keeper did a 'shoot' signal with his hand, "Is there any way that I can maybe fix the Homestead?" 
"You want to... Fix it?" He asked as if he couldn't believe it, and (M/n) chuckled.
"Yeah, why? Is that weird?"
Dmitri proceeded to explain how no one feels entailed to fix anything in the Glade, because it tended to be harder than building, and (M/n) almost couldn't believe it, how could fixing something be harder than building it? That's what he thought, until Dmitri explained why.
The reason was simple, and it was the only one.
If you don't know what you're fixing or changing or whatever it is that you have to do, the whole built section could collapse, or break off more in the very least and most common cases. The Keeper wanted to do a demonstration with the kitchen wall, until Fry walked past.
"Do not break my kitchen or imma break your ass, Dimi," he raised his hands away from the wall.
"Sure, Fry, just wanted to prove a point."
Well, Fry's reaction was pretty much all the point Dmitri had to prove. At least (M/n) understood why the Brick-nicks never really repaired stuff around unless it was absolutely necessary.
And with all the time that had passed, he decided to go check up on Gally, and maybe try to work the next day, after all, Dmitri had explained to him how to do things without making them worse, he just didn't get to see the "make them worse" part of the job interview.
And yeah, he spent his time with Gally and took care of him until he fell asleep again.
"I'm gonna be downstairs for a while, and I'll come to check up on you every thirty to forty minutes, alright?" (M/n) told Gally while placing the newly wet towel on his forehead. He had just taken his painkiller for his headache, and ate some fruit for lunch, although he had to be fed because he said he wasn't hungry, "Or you could just... Make noise if you need me."
Both of them chuckled softly at that, and Gally nodded, getting comfortable on his bed, looking up at (M/n) with glossy eyes.
"Okay, try to get some rest, big guy."
(M/n) walked out of the room closed the door behind him, and headed downstairs, ready to start some work around the Homestead. Dmitri had said he could wear gloves to avoid splinters on his hands, but they usually get in the way, so he decided against it and opened the cabinet with the toolbox, wooden crates and leather bags containing various supplies essential for the Glade.
He took out whatever he thought he might need and what he knew he needed and carried it around in a small bag while he began looking around every room, every wall, every floorboard and every corner of the place. He began checking the Gathering room, and he saw a few holes in the walls, so he went and fixed them. He was done rather quickly with that and he continued looking around.
He even spotted the few leaks Dmitri and Brandon had covered up while he paced around the place.
After a while, with all the holes he could find covered, he began looking at the floorboards, cleaning the dust and pieces of wood would be easier after he was done with the floor, otherwise, he would've had to clean up twice.
(M/n) found himself kneeling on the hallway floor, where Newt's room was, at the end of the hall, he took out sticking out pieces of wood, filled the empty spaces in and sanded them.
He was actually enjoying doing this work, in peace and quiet, he had checked up on Gally to wet his towel again, finding him asleep with his mouth slightly open every time he walked in, and he had done it maybe two or three times now.
He will have to go back soon, but he wanted to be done with the last bit of the floor he had left before he did. (M/n) started humming a different song, just chillin' on his own, when he heard the loud noises of people barging in. He decided to ignore them at first and continued humming since the noise they were making worked to mask the tune he was letting out.
But then, when they were settling down, probably sitting on the couches, (M/n) recognized Stan's voice. He instinctively rolled his eyes and debated whether he wanted to finish working as if nothing was going on, or leave and stay with Gally until they left, act as if they weren't there.
He debated for a few seconds, and when he was about to stand up to leave, part of their conversation caught his attention.
First, he hadn't been paying attention to them until he heard his name. Second, they were making comments about him, and they were indeed worse when he "wasn't" around.
(M/n) was sure they were jacked in the head with how aggressive and/or sexual some of the observations they made were. Those pigs were saying stuff about how they would 'totally screw her', and he stood up, he was not gonna stand there and listen to their comments about his body and personality.
"But... Why would you want to screw her?" The hoarse and raspy voice of the scrawny twin, Sean, filled the room and there was a short silence.
"We thought you hated her?" Derek added, the sound of his gruff voice coming out with a confused tone to it.
Stan clicked his tongue, annoyed at the questions, "To get her to shut up, that's why I want to screw her, shank," (M/n) heard the sound of what was possibly Stan's boots being placed on the coffee table, "Show her where she belongs, under a man."
Yeah, Stan had a very delusional view of himself, referring to himself as "a man". Damn, (M/n) was about to come out from around the corner, throw up on him and leave him sterile for the rest of his pathetic existence with the kick to his ball he wanted to gift him, teach him not to mess around, and to save the human race from allowing "mini Stans" to live their lives.
He was mad. With every day he had to endure the comments and looks, his anger issues were becoming a big problem, all he wanted to do was punch them and break stuff, but who could blame him? Nothing he did worked to get them to stop.
The audacity Stan had never failed to make his blood boil. Screw working or leaving, he was getting ready to throw hands.
"Yeah, doubt Gally would ever allow you to touch what's his, he will probably kill you, or beat you within an inch of your life, mate," Gale argued Stan's comment, and the living room was soon filled with chuckles and snorts from the rest of the Sloppers.
All Stan did was mutter a 'shut up' for them to, eventually, quiet down. Of course, the twins didn't care about obeying Stan, he wasn't their Keeper, after all, Billy was.
"What's Gally's problem anyway?" At Sean's question, Stan scoffed and shifted his sitting position, leaning in and resting his elbows on his knees, as he was about to let the twins into a huge secret.
"Gally is just a pussy ass bitch who acts like a tough guy, but he's nothing more than a scaredy cat filled with trauma, believe me... I know," (M/n) frowned and leaned his back against the wall behind him, remaining hidden from their field of view.
After that, (M/n) stayed in place, listening as Stan proceeded to tell everyone how he used to bully Gally every day, belittle him and used him as he pleased.
Hearing everything he said definitely made his anger issues go haywire, and if he had been holding something, he would've broken it. He listened to everything with his jaw clenched and fists tightly closed.
But after Stan was done, another voice echoed in the room, "So, how are we getting rid of her?" It was Peter, now this was something he had to hear.
"Hm, we have to do something to get her banished and not simply make her get taken to the pit," and that was Jason, speaking for the first time in the past ten minutes.
"Well, she's gotten very similar to Gally, only more level-headed, it won't be easy to make her snap at us, and even if she did, I doubt anyone would vote for a Banishment," (M/n) almost couldn't believe their conversation, they were actually planning for him to get banished from the Glade? He knew he was hated by the Sloppers but... That much? What the shuck did he do to them that was so horrible?
Fry had previously explained to him what a Banishment was after he had overheard two guys talking about it. It was only used as a last resort.
"We will think of something," the twins muttered in unison, it sounded kinda creepy, their voices were emotionless, but at least, (M/n) knew what to expect would happen during the next couple of days.
He remained in his hiding spot until they finally left a few minutes after planning different stuff they could do, now he was gonna be on the lookout for those scheming bastards.
(M/n) sighed when they left and the door closed behind them, and proceeded to finish up what he had left, cleaning up all the dust, and wood on the floor. As soon as he was done he went upstairs to Gally's room.
Upon opening the door and walking in, he saw the blond awake and looking better than he did a few hours ago, "Hey," Gally greeted him and he walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, smiling at him.
"Hi," (M/n) reached his hand and began touching Gally's neck and chest gently, checking his temperature. His fever had gone down quite a bit now, "How are you feeling?" He asked and backed away.
Gally raised his eyebrows and grinned, "Bad, but better."
They chuckled together and (M/n) nodded, "Yeah, I get it, you'll probably be alright by tomorrow, big guy."
Gally did something (M/n) never thought he would see. He pouted and reached for his hand.
"But I like having you as my nurse," (M/n) laughed and lifted his free hand, moving his blond hair away from his face.
"Well, I like it when you're in top condition, it gets boring without you, Gally," the blond felt his face heating up suddenly and his heart beating faster.
He tightened his hold on (M/n)'s hand, staring into his (e/c) eyes and briefly licking his lips, "I feel the same."
They stared into each other's eyes, and felt the same pull from the other day, something making them want to be closer and closer together. And this time there won't be thunder or rain to break their moment-
Except for the sound of Fry coming up the stairs while hollering his name at the top of his lungs. He opened the door, completely oblivious to the moment he had just unintentionally ruined.
"Greenbean, could you chop some wood for me? Thank you!" And he left.
He sighed, and they watched Fry leaving, "Well, duty calls, be right back," reluctantly, Gally had to let go of (M/n)'s hand, and he observed him as he closed the door behind him, the one Fry didn't bother close.
Gally stared at the ceiling of his room and released a deep sigh, rubbing his face with his hands, "What am I doing wrong?"
With both of them left alone with their thoughts, they kept thinking about the same thing. How long could they hold back from just... Doing it? Every moment together, (M/n) began to completely ignore the idea of Gally not liking him back, and Gally thought the same thing about (M/n).
The possibility of their feelings not being so one-sided as they once thought was just too good to be true, but it wasn't completely delusional either.
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multifandomfix · 2 years
Monster-Sitting — Debbie Jellinsky
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Summary: You’re tasked with watching Wednesday and Pugsley when Gomez and Morticia go out for a date night, but you’re not expecting someone else to be there to help.
Word Count: 1,505
Warnings: Attempted murder(ish)
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Your soft knock fell on the Addams' front door. This wasn’t the first time you’d stayed with Wednesday and Pugsley while Gomez and Morticia went out for date night, but watching them didn’t always go smoothly. While you could have refused, you found it nearly impossible to say no to Morticia when she swore you were the best babysitter they’d ever had.
When no one came to the door after your first attempt to announce your arrival, you grabbed hold of the door knocker and slammed it with more vigor. Mid attempt, the door swung wide open, almost pulling you into the house on your face. Luckily, you only stumbled, catching yourself on one knee before crashing the rest of the way to the ground.
"Ugh, you’re late. These brats are running me ragged. I’ve barely gotten away with my life all because of that girl. The boy is too stupid to do any real harm, but it doesn’t make me feel any better to have him just stand there and laugh when his sister makes her nasty little attempts to kill me."
You look up at the woman speaking, a bit thrown off that it was neither Morticia nor Gomez at the door. You admit, you a few minutes late, though you could have sworn it was no more than ten, and it hadn’t been your fault. Had they really already left? And who was this woman dressed head to toe in pastel blue? Certainly not your usual Addams family member.
"Umm, hi," you said with a wince as you picked yourself up off of your knee. It had taken quite the hit, but it was probably no more than bruised. You’d just have to walk it off.
"Hi? That’s all you can manage? Aren’t I owed an explanation?"
After the spill you just took, you weren’t really in the mood to deal with attitude. "Traffic," was all you offered. It wasn’t even the truth, but then again, you felt she wasn’t owed the truth. "Who the hell are you, anyway?"
"Debbie, soon to be Addams. I’m marrying Fester."
You scrunched your face, analyzing her to see if she was telling the truth. "So then why are you here?"
"Didn’t they tell you? I’ll be helping you watch the two little troublemakers. Sort of like a test run, letting them get to know their new auntie while still having someone familiar to keep them from acting out."
Good luck with that, you thought to yourself. Wednesday and Pugsley were enough trouble for you, let alone with this…well, you supposed you shouldn’t jump to conclusions about Debbie. You weren’t exactly in a great mood when left alone with the Addams' children the first time either. You took a calming breath and offered a half real, half fake smile in attempt to start over.
"Debbie, I really didn’t mean to be late. I’m usually quite punctual, or I try to be, and I know the kids can be a lot to handle, especially the first time. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to be short with you." You could see Debbie was taken aback by the sincerity of your apology. She fumbled with a reply for a minute, before settling on a warm —if perhaps a bit exaggerated— smile of her own.
Now that you had restarted your encounter on the right foot, you closed the door behind you, keeping the late fall chill in the air from making the already drafty old house any colder. The rattle of the door closing, caused a vibration that shot up through the walls and caused a guillotine blade, likely the one from Wednesday's room, to fall between you and Debbie. You jumped back, clearly startled and your back hit the door. You cast a look towards the staircase and while you didn’t see the children, you heard their retreating footsteps from the second floor. So it was going to be one of those nights.
"Insolent little monsters," Debbie screamed. You couldn’t help but want to agree with her in the moment.
"Are you alright," you asked her.
"Fine, but if that thing had come any closer I’d be missing toes."
"Best to let them get it out of their system," you informed.
Debbie laughed mirthlessly. "And will that be before or after we’re both brutally murdered?"
"Usually before," you answered, a playful sincerity in your voice.
"Mmm, comforting," Debbie deadpanned. For a while after the incident, Wednesday and Pugsley kept to themselves, no doubt plotting another scheme or trap for the two of you. You and Debbie stayed on the ground floor, as it seemed the safest possible place. At least you wouldn’t be falling down stairs or getting locked in the basement.
You only made a bit of small talk, still not overly fond of one another. You couldn’t sit down, too much fear of setting off some sort of trap, so you carefully took Debbie on some sort of unofficial tour of the first floor, carefully stepping through thresholds so as not to trip any invisible wires.
Debbie, however, was not quite so careful. While she did try and mirror your light step, her shoes made it a little less easy, and she caught a pointed toe on one such trip wire, sending her off balance. Once you knew it had happened, your senses heightened, knowing something worse was coming. Sure enough, a large battle axe taken from Gomez's collection came hurtling down at the both of you. You lunged for Debbie, hoping your reflexes would be quick enough that neither of you suffered any severe injuries.
The blade missed by only a few inches. You and Debbie now laid on the floor, the majority of your body on top of hers. Debbie gave you this defiant look, pursing her lips, looking ready to reprimand you. "If you wanted to jump me you could have just—" Debbie trailed off while looking over your shoulder, seeing the axe still swinging. "Oh. I see. I guess I should thank you for saving my life?"
"It would be nice," you teased.
"It’s not everyday a girl gets saved by an attractive stranger, so…thank you." You smiled, somewhat surprised that she’d actually said the words. "Now would you please get off of me?"
Your smile instantly fell as you realized you were practically pinning her to the floor. You muttered an apology as you awkwardly scrambled to your feet and hoped you were hiding the frazzled look you wore. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire.
"Well don’t go getting all shy on me now. Help me up," Debbie instructed. On autopilot, you held out your hand to her like taking orders from her was what you were made for. When she was fully upright again, she hovered so close to you that you could feel her breath puff out across your face. Why in the world was your only thought in that moment to kiss her? "My hero," Debbie practically purred. "Is there any way I can repay you?" Her sincerity seemed to drop away, but the flirtation in her voice did not. She was playing a role, and giving you the opportunity to play it right back.
"I could think of one or two," you replied with a smirk, but then you paused. "But aren’t you engaged to Fester?"
"That depends. How much money do you have?" There wasn’t a hint of a joke in her question this time, so you felt compelled to answer honestly.
"Well I know the Addams', don’t I?" You were actually quite well off. Maybe not to quite the extent as Gomez and Morticia, but you lived a more than comfortable life. In fact, Gomez and Morticia only paid you in gratitude for watching their children. A hazard of being a long time friend of the family, you supposed. But it wasn’t all bad now, was it? You met Debbie after all.
"Then I have only one thing to say to that. Fester, who?" Debbie then lunged forward, your lips colliding together with such force and passion that she nearly knocked the two of you back into the axe's swinging path. You managed to steady yourself, easing her back until she was up against the archway between the rooms and you kissed her, really kissed her now.
"Ew, get a room," Pugsley gagged, having come downstairs to see if Wednesday's latest attempt had done the trick.
Debbie pulled away from you and grimaced at the boy. "Get a life, you little urchin," she spat. Pugsley ran off and yelled for Wednesday.
"You know that comment is not going to help our chances for surviving the next couple of hours," you said.
"Lucky for me, I have a knight in shining armor to protect me." You couldn’t fight the smile that tugged at your lips as you leaned in and kissed her again. So let them try to kill you again, at least if you were going to die, you’d die happy.
For @invaderzami
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @icetown587, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist
Debbie Jellinsky: @iticaboopsyou, @riveranddoctorsong123, @suck-me-sideways, @fog-on-the-moon, @hotshot624, @lady-darkswan3
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unluckyknight-21 · 8 months
i've decided that the Good Place is real.
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I finally know the answer to the question that has been asked since the dawn of man or at least since Greek philosophers have been making people think about stuff. ("Plato", f**king nerd).
The question in question is: "What happens when we die?".
The answer is: It's on Netflix in the form of a series called: "The Good Place".
For those who don't know, 'The Good Place' is a hit American comedy-fantasy series created by Michael Schur, It aired between 2018 to 2020 on NBC.
(⚠️SPOILER WARING⚠️: For those who haven't watched 'The Good Place')
The show revolves around 4 humans who've died and went onto the "Good Place" or so they think, they soon find out that they're actually in the "Bad Place" and they've actually been partnered together by a demon in a perfectly designed experimental 'hell' so that they can torture and make each other miserable for eternity.
But to the surprise of everyone in the Bad Place, the 4 humans actually helped each other be better than they ever were on earth, the demon in charge of them would try to wipe their memories and restart the experiment but the 4 humans would always find each other, become better by helping each other and outsmart the demons.
It became such an inconvenience that the main demon eventually gives up and teams up with the humans to try and get them into the real Good Place but then we find out that there is something wrong with the system of how people are judged when they die.
THAT'S where my religious girlfriend (God bless her or whoever is up there) got kind of sketchy about the show because her religious worldview couldn't accept that "Heaven" was flawed.
And I can understand that because most religious people, no matter what religion, would find it hard to believe that there is something wrong with the afterlife, the very thing that they've been told their entire lives they will go to after they die.
First of, the afterlife is the most mysterious thing that humans believe in because no one knows where or what it is, even Shakespeare made a whole speech thing about it because being a white guy during the 1500's he had the privilege of thinking about death while others were too busy being either poor or slaves and I have a feeling that they didn't enjoy it.
And secondly, Being humans, we couldn't handle not understanding something, so we created different versions of the afterlife using religions, but every religion had the same rules: Follow a certain way of life and be good so that when you die, you will be granted eternal happiness.
And that was the flaw in 'The Good Place', the protagonists in the show discovered that the rules to get into heaven were too broad, life on earth became too complicated because when you try to do good, you are setting off a chain of events that causes misery for others without even knowing it and that makes it impossible to earn enough "afterlife good points".
And so what do our protagonists do? They fix the afterlife, they make it so that no matter how you live your life on earth, when you die, you will get into a specifically designed hell that will test you until you become the best version of you and, only then, will you get into the 'Good Place'.
And it doesn't stop there, after you've had your eternity of fun, pleasurable bliss and you finally feel at peace, you actually have the choice to leave paradise and become one with the universe.
That to me is the definition of a perfect afterlife and is the reason why I've decided that the Good Place's version of the afterlife is what will actually happen when I die.
Now you might be thinking: "Wow, that is denial on a whole new level, I can't believe this guy is not just handsome but is he is also so scared of not knowing what happens when we die that he chooses to believe that the made up heaven of some tv show is the real heaven AND he's also handsome".
Well, I say to you, thank you, I am handsome but also, just like what my college professor told the dean why he has liking all the bikini pictures of my female classmate on Instagram: "Let me explain".
You have to remember one thing: All versions of heaven are made up.
That's the point I've been trying to make since the start, humans couldn't handle not knowing what happens when we die so we created religions, created rules into getting to heaven.
AND to a horrible extent, some of us created cults so that people will give them money to tell them that they're getting into heaven and that is simply despicable.
I'm not pointing fingers at any religion, although, when I mentioned money-grabbing cults what was the first one you thought of? And why was it 'Scientology'?
And if you're filipino, just like me, you know which one I am thinking of.
That is my problem with religion, they instill fear and guilt to their followers to keep them subservient and they wage war to anyone who thinks otherwise, but enough about christianity.
Meanwhile, in the "rules" of the Good Place, you simply need to do one thing to get into heaven: Be Good.
Be good to yourself, be good to others and put out good into the world. No subscription or body count needed.
I'm not saying that other religions scriptures/bibles/teachings tell their followers otherwise, I truly believe that they are no bad religions, just bad people. True good people, use their religion to impart good onto others and I believe that even without they're religion they will still be good. Good people are just that.
And then comes along this little comedy show, tells me that I need only to be good to get into heaven? Umm...yes please!
But if you think: "Then that means you're just being good because you want to get into heaven!", then what do you think religious people are doing? They're told to be good to get into heaven and if they don't? Eternal damnation. I don't know about you but that will definitely motivate me to be good.
But keep in mind that I don't really believe that the heaven in 'The Good Place' is real. Of course it isn't! it's just some comedy show that a white guy made, another Shakespeare situation if I ever saw one.
But I CHOOSE to believe it, just like any other religious person chose to believe their religion, because we're all scared of not knowing what will happen when we die so we cling to a belief that makes us feel safe.
Religion can be beautiful, I love seeing people become passionate about being good, I love when they dance and sing in choirs about how you should love others and spread happiness. God knows, I want to join in with Whoopi Goldberg and the other nuns in Sister Act when they were singing their hearts out, THAT is what heaven is all about.
But religion is flawed due to human error, divinity was defined by a humans a few thousand years ago and we've been suffering from it ever since. You want to tell me that God is perfect? Homer wrote in the Odyssey that Zeus turns into a swan to have sex with women. That's not perfect, that's means Homer had a furry kink.
The Good Place, isn't perfect either, especially in season 4 when some episodes definitely felt like they were just trying to run out the clock but it's message is, to not focus on what happens when we die.
My personal view on the afterlife is to not think about it too much. We spend so much of our lives trying to mold our life and our choices to align with the views of our designated religion or belief so that we get to be rewarded in the next life, when what we need to do is focus on the here and now.
To live your life on earth, the way you want it BUT also remember not to hurt others and even to put out some good out there in the world. Sounds unfair? It is.
But no matter how evil the world is, it's up to us to make it a little bit better for others and hope, just HOPE, that others will do the same thing.
And you might be saying: "Well, that's not how the world works" and the sad thing is you're right (Wow, bummer much?).
People will be bad, they will be selfish and they will choose to feel pleasure rather than suffer so that others would be happy, some greater than others, but yes, everyone will do that.
...I genuinely don't know what to write next.
I can't tell you things will be better when you do good because all of human history is against me, we try to do good, we wage wars, people die, the one's in charge learn a lesson, impose that others should be good, everyone forgets and then the cycle repeats.
"But what about technology, no more slaves and Captain Marvel movies?"
No, there's still slavery, human trafficking, sexual harassment, global warming and bad marvel movies. There will always be evil.
But there will also be good.
The cycle repeats not because people are always bad people but because there are always good people. And what 'The Good Place' also teaches us is that YOU can always be one of the good ones, as long as you try.
So why don't you get your phone (that was made by a child in some Chinese sweatshop), subscribe to Netflix (a streaming service owned by a billionaire) and watch the Good Place (a pretty forking good show) now.
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midnightbabylon · 1 year
Play With Fire
Part Two
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summary: With some help from the bad guys, you have a good chance of a fresh start. But does Kian let you down so easily, or was this all just a sick game with big aftermath?
pairing: Jax Teller x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: violent actions, death threats
A/N: the following parts are inspired by season 2 x 13 911
Also if you wanna be part of a Taglist just leave a comment and I'll do one :)
The last few days have been like a trance for you. It was like you were reliving every single trauma that Kian had inflicted on you over and over again. You could hardly sleep, but at least the diner had good food. After all, you called your mom to tell her that you and Kian didn't have a bond anymore. As a mother, she did not need to know more details. It's bad enough that so many strangers had noticed. The scratch and the cracked lip were almost completely healed so you dared to go outside again in daylight.
At first you just wanted to stretch your legs a bit until you were back on the paved square of the car repair shop. “I wouldn’t have expected you back here so soon,” Gemma’s voice suddenly sounded from the left. She smiled and squeezed out the cigarette with her high heel. “I could use some help.” you went to her and she pulled you into a warm embrace. Immediately you had to smile too.
“What can I help you with, darling?” she took you into a little cabuff and gave you a warm cup of coffee. “I was hoping someone could lend me their car so I could move out of my apartment. I wanted to escape from this relationship several times and he caught me both times. Now I can make the restart I always wanted. Unfortunately, I don’t own a car.” you sighed at your coffee. “And you want to make a fresh start here in Charming?” Your eyes met and you thoughtfully tilted your head. “I can’t answer that properly. But I want to leave this apartment and everything I don’t need behind me and start over. My mom is traveling the world and my dad has been dead for a long time. I don’t have anyone to miss me there.” A pause of silence arose. “I’m sorry, honey.” Smiling, you pulled your eyebrows together. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” You reached out to her. “We are beyond these formalities,” she said, smiling at your hand. ‘Hi Y/N.’ Less than two minutes later, Jax strapped into your coffee break. “Well, look who’s here!“ he leaned casually against the door frame and smiled at you. Gemma saw your face lighten up. “Y/N could use some help. Can you drive her to her old apartment and help her clear out everything she needs? You can take the truck that fits more.” Surprised, you glanced at Gemma and Jax answered without hesitation. “Yes, of course. If I’m lucky, the bastard will cross me again.” his smile was murderous but it looked fucking sexy. Where did that thought come from?
Quickly you discarded the thought and thanked him in advance. The trip to your hometown wasn't long, but it was pleasant. Jax told you a little bit about charming and what it was like to live there and you told him about what it was like to live in yours. By now you had arrived in the right neighborhood and stood at a red light. “What are you going to do now that it’s all over?” Jax was sitting comfortably in the passenger seat looking at you from the side. “I don’t know where and how to start again, but I want to. It was long overdue.” You gave him a light smile and drove on. “Stay here, I’ll check if your apartment is really empty.” he took your keys after you told him the number. Nervously you rubbed your palms on your jeans before he came out of the house leisurely jogging after a felt eternity. “All Kian clear, let’s go.” You take the boxes out of the trunk and get to work. The apartment was furnished a few years ago when you started to rent it but Jax was really helpful with the heavy furniture pieces you bought yourself and wanted to keep while you were cleaning out the whole apartment. The pictures and things Kian had given you ended up in a big garbage bag. You didn't want anything to remind you of him. After less than 2 hours everything was done. You had already paid for the apartment every month so moving out was still the easiest on that day. When Jax was already carrying boxes down, you met your older neighbor, Mrs Jenkins. “Oh child you’re moving out? I knew this day would come.” she grabbed her heart and sighed wistfully. You liked the old lady, you'd often sit together with a hot tea and talk about God and the world. “Yes, I got a good job offer and I have to move on.” Lying to her felt wrong but so right. After a warm hug, she wished you all the best and you met Jax again on the stairs. “If I get the last 4 boxes, we’ll be through.” Smiling, you kind of felt a feeling close to freedom. “All right, I’ll take the garbage bag away from behind the house and join you again.” A strand had come loose from your ponytail when you finally arrived in the backyard. The garbage bag was really heavy and you blew the strands out of your face after you opened the bin. You armed yourself to throw in the bag, but you didn't get there. Two strong arms wrapped around your face and neck. “If you scream, I’ll end your life here and now and throw you into that barrel just as unlovingly as you want to throw away our stuff.” The goose bumps formed within seconds and you close your eyes defeated. Kian.
Filled with fear, you watched as your ex put tape over your mouth and next tied your wrists with it. Screaming for Jax was now useless. While Kian pulled you to his truck, you were still able to pull off your ring. Jax had just looked at it earlier and would know it belonged to you. Fortunately, Kian didn't hear the clink of the ring on the asphalt as he pushed you roughly into the truck. Since his windows were tinted, no one would see your silhouette. "Everything I did for you, for us." he muttered to himself. "And how do you thank me? Running to the next best thing with a tail and getting ruined. Didn't our time mean anything to you?!" he asked angrily, and by now he was on the highway out of town. You swallowed the lump in your throat. Making him angry now might get you killed, since all he'd have to do is speed into the guardrail. For a moment you closed your eyes and then looked at him again. Tears formed in your eyes and his features softened, so he carefully removed the tape so you could respond. "It was my fault and and I promise you on my grandmother's life that he didn't ruin me. Not in any way. There was always only you Kian. He didn't even touch me, please Kian..believe me." His knuckles around the steering wheel turned white and his lip trembled before he looked at you with moist eyes. "We both made mistakes okay. I'm sorry, I want to do better. I'll do better and I'll prove it to you." Outraged, you stared at him. He was vulnerable right now and believed your lie. The sick feeling in your stomach didn't let up and the farther away you got from your old city the more tense you were in your seat.
Jax hesitated as he was about to light his second cigarette. He wondered what was taking you so long. He put the lighter back in his pocket and walked to the garbage cans. No sign of you. "Y/N?!" He looked around in all directions before inspecting the trash bag in front of the open garbage can. He repeated your name, louder this time, before running to the alley. As he did so, his shoe slipped over something, causing a metallic crunch. Confused, he lifted his foot and saw the silver ring. He picked it up and looked to the end of the alley, which was connected to the main street. Cursing, he pulled the cell phone out of his pocket, tangling the knife. "Argh! Shit!" He dialed Chibb's number and walked quickly back to the car, pulling the sliding door shut before getting behind the wheel. "What's up? You guys finally on your way back?" the Scotsman asked, amused. "We have a problem." he said seriously before there was silence on the other line. "You're on speaker." "Y/N's gone. I think her ex blindsided her in the backyard. I'm getting on the highway back to Charming. Get Unser on board, we need to track this asshole down."
A few hours passed before you woke up again. However, you were immediately aware that Kian had driven across the California state line. The immediate heat of the desert would have burned your skin if he hadn't turned up the air conditioning so high. You had no idea where exactly you were, there would only be two options and that would be Nevada or Arizona. There were no signs right now, but you would keep your eyes open. "Oh you're awake. Finally..just in time for the surprise." Kian smiled at you and you gulped. "Where are we? And can you turn the air conditioning down a bit..I'm freezing." your voice was raspy and weak. Now that he'd been alone with his thoughts for a few hours, he could be the angry psychopath again. "We're in a very special place. After all, our vacation in the cabin was taken from us and now I got us a much better one." He drove off the road onto a sandy path toward huge cliffs. The vegetation increased and you saw the blue glitter of a river. He stopped behind a thick tree and drove the car into the bushes. "Get out." he unbuckled you and opened the door. Carefully you kicked the door open and climbed into the thorn-covered bush. He slammed the car doors and threw the key into the bushes. "Come." he grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you along the steep path. Down by the river, vacation bungalows lined up among cactus landscapes. "See, beautiful isn't it?" You nodded absently and stumbled after him. He dragged you to one of the most hidden bungalows and looked around before breaking a window to get in.
Frightened, you watched as he made sure no one was in the house before pulling you in. He pushed you harshly onto an armchair and taped your wrists again. Almost panicked , he closed all the curtains and searched in all the drawers for something. Tears formed in his eyes while you admired the beautiful furnishings. He found what he was looking for when he smiled and held up a rope and tied your ankles to the feet of the chair. "Be a good girl and don't make a sound will you? Or I'll tape your pretty mouth shut." he smiled at you and put a hand to your cheek before pressing his lips to yours. Disgusted, you swallowed and turned your head away as he released. "I'll cook us something nice to eat when I find something edible and then we can talk all night honey." Silently you closed your eyes before you eyed your jeans, which were partially ripped open by the thorns. How could the day have gone so wrong? He could have just been stalking you or camped outside your apartment to get to you.
"Any news yet?" Jax stepped out into the shadows and lit a cigarette before looking at Charming's chief. "APBs on the reported car are out here in California, Nevada and Arizona. In addition, I've instructed that any new reports of stolen vehicles be monitored as well. He can't get far with her." he exhaled loudly and Gemma paced back and forth nervously. "Didn't she have anything else on her that could help us at all?" Jax shook his head and played with the silver ring in his free hand. The only thing he had from you just now, besides the cart full of your stuff. Gemma exhaled loudly and took a drag on the rest of Jax's cigarette before running to the truck and eyeing the crates. "I'm going to go through this stuff and see if I can find anything that will help us." Jax nodded, stifling a comment that Y/N had probably already thrown everything away, or at least planned to before she got caught.
Kian put a glass of water and some food on the table when he finally finished. All this time he had been silent, until now. He unclasped your hands. "This is the reward for being so well behaved. They'll stay free even if you don't fight back anymore. Got it?" he smiled and you could only nod mutely. You could only get the food down since you hadn't eaten in hours. "Can I go to the bathroom?" you asked softly as he turned on the TV. "Are you behaving?" You swallowed the lump and answered with, "Yes." He also freed your feet from the chair and told you where the bathroom was. Slowly you walked down the hall and looked around. There had to be a phone around here somewhere. Hope rose in you as you spotted one on the dresser next to the bedroom door. You quietly went into the bathroom and a short time later flushed the toilet. You let the water from the sink run and left the door ajar as you crept to the phone. Carefully, almost silently, you lift the receiver. "Are you going to be done soon? The movie's about to start!" shouted Kian from the front. "Be right there." You tried to sound like it was coming from the bathroom and when you finally got the phone to your ear, however, no dial tone sounded. Confused and heart pounding, you pressed 911 on the dial pad. Nothing. Uncertainly, you pulled the phone forward and saw that the cord had been cut. "You little-!" Kian was suddenly standing in the hallway. You couldn't even put the phone down, already colliding with the glass case. "I ask you just once to behave and you betray me?! I expected more from you Y/N!" His grip painfully clutched your face and your forehead throbbed. Roughly, he pulled you back to the chair. He turned down the TV and knelt in front of you. "Y/N, listen." he exhaled loudly. "We can be happy together again. We'll start all over again. In a new place, maybe even with new names. We will face each other as new people. You will forgive me, and love me again. I know that." he clutched your hands and looked at you. Now it was your turn to exhale loudly. He made you stand up and walk across the room. "Yes, I've always found a way to forgive you." Carefully, you reached for the sculpture on the shelf, about the size of your hand, before turning to him. "Then let's give it a try. What are we waiting for?" he said hopefully, coming toward you. When he was close enough to you, you hit him over the head with the heavy sculpture. He fell to the ground and you ran out the door into nature.
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One of the wildest things I think that can happen in Grand Bazaar is just, stuff during blizzards lmfao. To set stage, during Winter, so far, it seems like you can’t fish or crop. Like. The river is straight up frozen over, allowing you to walk on it and cross to usually impassable areas, occasionally finding items. There’s also a lot of blizzards, at least for me this year (Winter 1).
So far, I’m not used to the weather indicator on the bottom right of the top-screen depicting how the weather is, so, following my once-strict animal care routine, I’m picking up all my four chickens and putting them outside first thing on Winter 1. Seeing the blizzard, I think, “Oh well this is just snow, haha, it’s Winter!” I put them in the outside pen, as well as pushing my cows outside.
Then I notice I’m sliding. Farmer’s slipping and sliding and it’s kinda hard to control. I get a hang of it eventually, but soon, in going to brush my cows I notice they’re sliding too.
After just getting a new field, I go to it, and all the way on the left hand side my cows are bumping into the far end trees and angry. Realizing that, oh, maybe this is extreme weather (!!!11), I sloooowly push their asses back inside, taking way too long due to the ice physics. Once they were in, I put up my three chickens. Three.
Thinking maybe the last one had managed to manage slip out of sight, maybe wander inside my house, I scour the entire map thoroughly, wondering where they were. Starting to panic, realizing that I didn’t know how well I was going to Do in the bazaar this season (I had only briefly seen the frozen over river on the next map iirc), most likely needing to rely on livestock to get by, I did a soft-restart. Despite the blizzard, I thought maybe this slightly buggy, often repetitive 2008 DS title could’ve glitched the chicken out. Redid the day. Nobody went outside, things were good!
Can someone please name any other HM games where non-standard animal losses can be. that extreme like jesus christ dude I came here to get silly at the bazaar not get silly at the mercy of nature woagh!!
TL;DR: I didn’t follow the weather and Smimbi get carried away in a blizzard 3^3
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