#fish || steve mcgarrett
lemuria1134 · 2 years
Where is the tuna fish in the photo "Danny and his first tuna fish", Steve?
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theatrediva1975 · 1 year
Redemption | Chapter 5
As they started the drive back to the house, Sam finally felt herself starting to calm down, finally compartmentalizing as she had been taught.  Her breathing under control, her heart rate slower, Sam took a deep breath and watched the beautiful scenery of the island go by.  She also started formulating a plan on what she needed to do moving forward.    
Mae glanced over at her passenger.  She knew Sam was up to something in that brain of hers.  Hoping to distract her a little longer, hoping she could stop ‘crazy’ from happening the minute they stepped over the threshold, Mae pondered what she could say to catch Sam off guard.  Throw her a little.  So, she went for the jugular.
“He looked damn good,” Mae said, with a little growl in her voice.
Sam barked out a laugh that ended up in a snort, causing both women to bust out laughing.  “Yeah.  Yeah, he did,” Sam conceded, quietly.  “He definitely filled out those dress blues nicely.”  
“I noticed you guys didn’t talk much,” she fished.
“Nah.  It’s okay.  I did what I came to do,” Sam replied.  The hint of sadness in her voice was different than Mae had heard the past few days.  This sadness had nothing to do with John and everything to do with Steve.  Mae had been there for the four years between the deaths of the Devereauxs and Doris McGarrett.  She had seen what an utter handful Sam and Steve had been together, but they were also so loyal to each other, always looking out for each other, always there when the other needed it.  Mae knew how heartbroken Sam had been when Steve left, when John sent him away.  To Mae, it seemed as if it was a loss Sam never truly got over.
Seeing Sam slip back into a melancholy she was scared would start to consume her, Mae went for another distraction.  “How about we stop at Kimo’s for lunch?  I think we could use the sustenance,” Mae said.
“Sure, Mae, that sounds good,” Sam responded with a small smile.
After lunch at their favorite little café, Mae suggested taking a walk along the beach, once again stalling for time to get Sam’s frame of mind straight.   “Mae, do I really look like I’m in beach walking attire?” Sam asked with a lopsided grin, gesturing to the rather warm dress uniform she was still wearing.  Mae acquiesced. 
“Ah, you’re right.  Sorry.  I imagine you’re a little itchy and probably about to keel over from the heat stroke,” Mae joked.
“Um, yep, pretty accurate,” Sam chuckled as she looped her left arm through Mae’s right.  They made their way to the car and headed for home.
Sam once again couldn’t keep her eyes off the house next door as they passed.  She had come up with a few ideas while at lunch, in between Mae’s constant barrage of stories of old family friends.  Sam knew Mae was trying to distract her.  Sam also knew that Mae knew it wasn’t going to work but she was going to try anyway.  Just another reason Sam loved and revered her Aunt Mae.  The woman didn’t know when to quit, when to take no for an answer and she absolutely refused to give up, no matter what.  I guess that’s where I get it from, Sam thought with a smile.
Once inside the house, Sam made her way upstairs, making excuses about wanting to get changed and rest.  Mae knew better but she was also keenly aware of the fact that not one single thing she said or did was going to change Sam’s mind.  Mae just hoped she didn’t have to arrange to have bail money at the ready before the afternoon was over.
“Well sweetie, if you’re going to lie down for a bit, I think I’m going to make some tea and follow suit, if you don’t mind.  I’m sure if you can’t rest, you’ll find something…constructive to do.”
Sam snickered.  Mae Devereaux would have made a good agent.  Hmm, maybe she had been at some point, given all the traveling she did when Sam was young. I never thought of running her through any databases, Sam thought, only half-jokingly.  But, for the moment, she simply said, “I understand.  It’s been a rough morning.  Get some rest.”  
Mae smiled at her and went into the kitchen, shaking her head and sighing. 
Sam climbed the stairs to her room and peeled off the blazing hot uniform.  Pulling her hair out of the tight, headache-inducing French twist, she put it back into a ponytail.  After throwing on a black ensemble of a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, she changed into her favorite pair of matching boots.  Back in black, Sam thought as she looked in the mirror.  After running an inventory of what she needed through her head, she changed her mind and stripped off the jeans for a more practical pair of cargo pants.  She loaded them up with her lock picks, phone for photos, a small flashlight, and she grabbed her badge just to be safe.  Sliding her Glock into the back of her waistband, pulling her t-shirt over the outline of the gun, she waited until she heard Mae close her door before she left her own room.  Sam quietly went downstairs and walked into the oversized pantry, pulling out a few pairs of gloves.  Mae loved to cook and ate her steak as bloody as the next guy, but she was completely grossed out by actually having to touch raw meat.  Sam said a silent thanks that she always had a bulk supply of food grade, nitrile gloves stashed away.  They were nearly identical to the black latex gloves she had used at crime scenes over the years.
Sam walked out the back French doors, making a beeline for the edge of the fence that separated the Devereaux property from the McGarrett’s.  Sam stuck her head around and made sure the yard was empty and quietly made her way along the fence line, ducking under the police tape on the lanai and knelt at the back door, pulling on the gloves.  She made quick work of picking the lock, silently stepping into the home she knew like the back of her hand.  After all, she had basically grown up in this house, spending just as much time there as her own.
Taking a deep breath, Sam advanced into the den.  A sob stuck in her throat as she stood in the space where John, the man who had saved her life, had lost his in one of the ugliest, most violent of ways.  She felt cold standing there, as if with his death, the warmth that had always wrapped itself around her had died, too.  What had once been her safe space, now, wasn’t.  Victor Hesse took that away.  It was no more evident than the moment Sam’s eyes settled on the wall.  Like a punch to the gut, a wave of nausea swept over Sam as she stared at the blood.  John’s blood.  Before any further invasive thoughts sprung to mind, she was spared by a noise coming from the garage.  Like a flip of a switch, Sam was back in complete control of her faculties.  She yanked off her gloves, stuffed them in her pocket and grabbed her Glock out of her waistband.  
Sam quietly released the safety on the gun and stealthily made her way to the garage door.  Listening carefully, it sounded as though whoever was in the garage was around the Marquis.  She heard the rustle of the car cover being removed.  Man, John loved that car.  She had spent hours with him in the garage after Munich.  John had dragged her into the project, believing that somehow, some way, it would help Sam’s healing begin.  And as usual, John had been right.  They continued to work on the car when Sam would come home for holidays or vacations from LA, hoping they would be able to take it out at some point.  
Shaking the newest flood of memories from her mind to focus on the intruder on the other side of the door, Sam carefully turned the knob.  Praying the door wouldn’t squeak and give away the element of surprise, she slowly swept her eyes over the space.  While the afternoon sunlight poured through the small window on the opposite wall, the garage was still dimly lit.  It took a second for her eyes to focus and once they did, she located the figure of a man crouching down by the work bench. He had his back to her.  Moving in on the target, she was taken by surprise when he swung around, grabbed her and in one swift move, pinned her face first against the Marquis.  Sam countered just as fast and reversed the pin, sticking the muzzle of her gun between the intruder’s eyes before recognition set in.
“Steve! You ass!”  Sam growled.
The surprise was evident on Steve’s face.  But then, for a second, it looked as though…he was having fun.  And sure enough, he gave her his best Cheshire cat grin.
“Good way to get yourself shot, you idiot,” Sam said haughtily as she placed her gun back in her waistband.
“Um, this is my father’s house, so a good way to get yourself shot,” Steve said as he showed her the gun in his hand.  “How the hell did you get in here?”
Sam bit the corner of her lip, as she always did when she got caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar.  Pondering how he would react, she just stuck her right hand into her pocket and held up her lock picks.  Steve’s eyebrow shot up.  Sam rolled her eyes.  “As I was planning on technically breaking and entering an active crime scene, I figured why implicate Mae by asking for her keys.”  Steve looked at her strangely for a brief instant when she said Mae had keys to his father’s house.  Then the SEAL mask was back in place.
The pair just stared at each other for a minute.  It wasn’t awkward, as Sam predicted it would be.  More, bittersweet, she thought.  Sam’s gaze softened and without thinking, grabbed the front of Steve’s shirt and pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck.  She was slightly surprised when, without hesitation, Steve wrapped his muscular arms around her torso and hugged her back.  Tightly.
“I’m so sorry.”  Sam whispered, stroking the back of his head.
“Me too.” 
They held on for another moment before breaking the embrace, but remaining in each other’s personal space.  They just looked at each other for another moment before Sam broke the silence and said, “We need to talk.” 
“I know it’s been a long time, and with the way we left things…I wanted to reach out, Sam, really I did.  It’s just…” Steve struggled to find the right words.
“Steve,” she interrupted, placing her fingers on his lips.  It was an innocent gesture that turned into an intimate moment between them neither had been expecting.  Sam swallowed hard before removing her hand from his mouth, continuing.  “Yeah, I want to talk about that, too, but there are way more pressing matters we need to address.  First…”
“Sam, I swear to you, Mae is safe here.”  Steve knew Mae was the only family Sam had left and he would protect that with his life.  In hopes of reassuring her, he continued.  “I will personally see to it that she is watched and protected.  But I promise you, this will not touch her.”
Sam smiled sadly at Steve.  He really had no idea, did he?  Better than anyone, Sam knew he couldn’t promise that.  “So, you’re looking me in the eyes and telling me that Mae is safe?”
“From Victor Hesse?”  Steve’s eyes widened slightly at Sam’s question, particularly the emphasis on Hesse’s name.  She continued, softly.  “Yeah, I know it was Victor Hesse.”  Tears threatened yet again but these were not tears of grief.  They were tears of fear, of rage.   
Sam could see in his eyes that he was fighting an internal war.  What was it, she wondered as he started to speak.  “You know about Hesse?”
“Yeah, Mac, I know it was Hesse,” Sam confessed.  Steve’s reaction to her childhood nickname for him quickly transformed from playful into one of surprise and something she didn’t quite recognize.  Perhaps it was fear.
“And Anton?” Steve cautiously asked.  “You know…”
“That he’s burning in the deepest layers of hell?  Yeah, I know,” Sam stopped short of saying the sick bastard’s name.  And that was all it took for a tear to escape.  Before either knew it, Steve lifted his hand to cup the side of her face, catching the tear as it slid down her cheek. Before she could stop herself, Sam allowed herself to melt a little into Steve.  Falling completely would not end well, she knew.  He’s a SEAL.  He was only here for a few days to wrap up John’s affairs and then he would go back to traipsing around the world, hunting bad guys while she got on a flight back to LA where she would do the same.  Taking a deep breath, hoping to diffuse the situation before it got to awkward, she spoke, breaking the spell with a silly, flippant question.
“So, didja miss me?”  Sam chuckled, pulling back slightly.  But it was also a sad query – had he ever thought about her?  About them?  Had he missed her, had he tried to contact her, had he even wanted to?  Sam would have settled for anything at this point, which if she was honest, made her feel like a silly little girl.  So, she was taken by complete surprise at his answer.    
“Every day, Sam.  Every damn day.”   The two briefly got lost in each other’s eyes.  Sam’s were full of surprise and bittersweet pain at Steve’s confession while Steve’s were filled with sorrow.  They had lost so much at such a young age, most of all they had lost each other.  He ran his thumb over her bottom lip as he leaned down…
“Hands up, don’t move!” 
Within the blink of an eye, Steve, Sam and some blonde ha’ole had drawn their weapons on each other and the two men engaged in a shouting match.  Sam just stared at Steve when she realized he had flipped her around behind him, in protection mode.
“Boys.”  More yelling.
“Boys!” Sam said, slightly louder.
Enough.  “HEY!!”  Sam yelled.  Silence.  “Hmm, ooh, thought. Why don’t we all show each other our badges and clear this right up?”  The two men looked at her with a look that was a cross between ‘she’s grown a 2nd head’ and ‘that makes sense’.  Sam loudly whispered in Steve’s ear.  “And if you ever pull the soccer mom arm, slash women & children behind the big bad SEAL move on me again, I will throat punch you.”  Steve gave her a dirty look and rolled his eyes. 
The two men went on to argue that neither were putting their guns down.  Sam rolled her eyes, but the truth was, she wasn’t putting her gun down either.  
Finally agreeing to pull out IDs on the count of three, everyone reached for their credentials.  “One.  Two.  Three.”  The blonde was Detective Daniel Williams, Honolulu Police Department.  Aha, Sam thought.  So, this was the guy she planned on giving a hard time after his refusal to give into her request for some interagency cooperation.  Huh, she thought.  Not bad.
“Lieutenant Devereaux?  We spoke the other day, right?”  Danny asked.  Steve shot her a look, which she ignored.
“Yes, Detective Williams.  You were less than inclined to, how shall I say, throw me a bone,” Sam replied playfully.  Danny turned his attention to Steve.
“Listen, I’m really sorry about your father, but you can’t be here right now,” Danny said to Steve.  While they exchanged a few barbs, Sam studied Detective Williams.  Jersey accent.  Tie.  Too much hair product.  She smiled inwardly, thinking how fun he would be to tease and mess with.  He seemed like the kind of cop she would want on her side.  She got a good vibe from him, despite their initial interaction and the current state of affairs.  And he was pretty cute, too.  Before she could get any further with her assessment of the cute cop, Steve grabbed John’s red tool box from the work bench with one hand and Sam’s hand with his other.  
“Leave the box or get arrested,” Danny said.
“All right,” Steve said.  “Gonna call for backup?”
“An ambulance,” Danny replied.  Sam had to duck her head to hide her snicker.  She was surprised when Steve put the box down on the back of the Marquis and looked at her.  She couldn’t read the look on his face.  The way he was staring into her eyes, it was as though he was trying to read her, figure out what she was thinking.  There was a brief moment that passed between them before he spoke.
“Wanna find some trouble, Red?” Steve asked her with a twinkle in his eyes and an incredibly sexy lopsided grin on his face.
“With you, Mac?  Hell yeah,” Sam instantly replied.  She couldn’t help but smirk.  They were settling into their old verbal back-and-forth in less than five minutes, despite being separated for nearly two decades.  How was that possible, Sam wondered.  Yet, it felt good.  It felt right.  It also felt like, all of a sudden, Sam knew her world was going to turn upside down.  Again.  She resumed chewing on the left corner of her lip, unsure of what direction this was going to take her.
Before Sam or Danny knew what was happening, Steve was on the phone with Governor Pat Jameson.  Looking into Sam’s eyes, Steve said, “Governor, I’ll take the job.  No, let’s just say I found some things that changed my mind.”  
“Take the job?” Sam mouthed at him, which simply elicited a wink.  Next thing she knows, she’s listening to him take an oath.  What the hell is going on, she thought.  Steve didn’t break eye contact with her until he hung up the phone and once again grabbed the tool box.  And Sam’s hand.
“Now it’s my crime scene.”  And with that, Steve pulled Sam through the door.  She had the courtesy to at least shrug in empathy and throw a look of apology at Danny, who was standing there with his jaw wide open.  Sam simply stared at the back of Steve’s head as he dragged her out of his father’s house.
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0A few years had gone and come around
We were sitting at our favorite spot in town
And you looked at me, got down on one knee
Take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle
Our whole town came and our mamas cried
You said "I do" and I did too
Take me home where we met so many years before
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch
After all this time, you and I
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °° ∆ -------- ••• ------
Complete 💯
Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Kono Kalakaua/Adam Noshimuri
It's the middle of the night when Steve whispers to Danny, "Hey, Danno? You awake?"
Now, Steve calls him 'Danno' for three reasons: one, he needs Danny to 'book 'em'; two, he's teasing him; and three, there's something serious he needs to say. They're in bed, so no one's getting booked and they haven't said anything in the past several hours (of Danny going in and out of sleep and Steve being... Steve), so Danny doubts he's getting teased.
Which means Steve has something serious to say.
"Please don't ask me if water is wet to fish. It's too late for that, Steven," Danny says, trying to break the tension he already feels building in himself. Steve snickers, a puff of breath behind Danny's neck.
"Nah, I was saving that for the morning," Steve responds. And then, "But seriously."
"What?" Danny asks, wary.
"Uh, well. I think..." Steve trails off and Danny hears him take a breath to steel himself. "I want a baby."
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So Taryn Manning played Scott’s character’s ex-wife/baby momma in One Day as a Lion. 
I was like  👀 👀 👀
That’s almost one McGarrett away!
But of course my fanfic brain’s gonna do what a fanfic brain’s gonna do. So imagine if Joanie and Gracie were Danny and Mary’s twins. 
It hadn’t been love but lust that brought their girls into the world. Co-parenting with both of their personalities at those ages back towards season one had to be a balancing act. 
Somehow they’d have to end up in Hawaii just slightly before the Hesse situation(or if I can’ think of another reason idk) but it all ends up with Danny working John’s case like in canon, Steve comes back to the island and it’s all very canon-ish...until Steve realizes that Danny’s been staying at the McGarrett home longer than he has(minus the last couple of days. Danny heard Steve was making it for John’s funeral and they’ve never really met and  better or worse, he was getting to the bottom of his girl’s grandfather’s case, so he was staying in a motel for the time Steve said he’d be there) so more canon as Steve takes the task force, forces Danny to join, Steve’s tunnel vision is pretty bad because later he’ll be slightly embarrassed it took him too long to realize how much time Danny spent at his house “working on the case” but also helping with the girls. 
This is season one Steve so he wasn’t going to question someone who probably knew how to deal with kids to help his sister with her girls. Mary wants Danny to stop wasting money on the motel and just move back in full time. If he’s her baby daddy and working with her brother? Why not? 
Danny’s pretty sure Steve doesn’t know and she’s like, don’t be ridiculous, but sometimes people are blind to stuff when there’s a lot going on and not only did Steve just lose his dad, he’s still got a big fish to catch that’ll leave a stain on his career if he doesn’t, and all while adjusting to not being in the military any more. Mary ends up sitting Steve down and bluntly revealing Danny is the girl’s father. 
It’s a weird clash of protective older brother/I’m now your boss but we’ve been becoming friends mental gymnastics Steve’s got to do but he does. But Danny’s a good guy, they get more leads and they work pretty well together, the bickering’s also fun. Living in close proximity to Danny, as in the room down the hall(I’m very confused about rooms in this house, but it’s with the assumption that there’s the master bedroom that belonged to john that will then belong to Steve. With Mary’s and Steve’s old childhood rooms available. I can assume after he sent his kids away, maybe he had them made into offices later? Or if the house already had an office. idk but I’m assuming it minimumly had three. Steve gets the master bed room, mary takes her old child hood room, the girls get Steve’s old room, and Danny still sleeps on the couch for the time being so a McGarrett invites him to bed.) 
Is it Soap-opera-y for Steve to fall in love with his sister’s baby daddy? Yes...yes it is. 
But Scott’s Character had a baby Steve look a like with Taryn’s character! And I’ve been watching more Spanish novelas so...to ponder at.  
I mean it also inspired some CA:TWS ideas too because the actor who played Rumlow is in One Day as a Lion as someone Scott’s character knew, so Danny having a dangerous fake SHIELD/actually HYDRA ex-lover who comes to the island to cause trouble and it brings to light maybe some Captain Rogers/Danny history too, for some GREAT Jealous!Steve McGarrett who is also very possessive of Danny and had some boyhood dreams crushed because his old childhood hero SLEPT WITH HIS DANNO! And he’s gotta prove to be the better Steve so there’s also a competitive Steve story plot in there. 
This year my goal is to wrap up my WIPs so I’m just gonna get these ideas out of my head somewhat/somehow  xD maybe i’ll come back to them next year 
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trickster-archangel · 2 years
I don't do tag games because I'm the worst, and since I never have time, or right mood, or both, and in this fuckingoodammitcursed time of the year even less than ever, I postpone until six months have passed and it's too late 😂 Also, I'm the most boring person so it's better if I keep the mystery around….
Anyway, I feel called out because, let's see... @chaosrising451 @stephmcx @mayberrycryptid tagged me so, here it is.
3 Ships: alright, this is easy, even if the ship grows on me only after I watched the show and not the opposite, probably I'm some sort of demi-ship-sexual. So it's Steve McGarrett/Daniel Williams aka McDanno (Hawai'i Five-0), Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla aka Teslen (Sanctuary), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens).
First Ever Ship: of this I'm sure. I was 7 years old, Saint Seiya was airing for the first time in Italy, and I decided Hyoga and Shun were a perfect match for each other. Friendship-wise and romantic-wise, even if I couldn't care less. But the resuscitation scene is famous not for nothing. I didn't even know I was shipping them but I did 😂
Last Song: uh, so, I'm in a really BAD spot right now, so I'm not listening to music. Just some endless playlist of rainy coffee shop with bossa nova piano ambience stuff, to shut the world outside. Or lofi. Lofi is always a safe haven.
Last Movie: honestly? Too many years ago to remember. I'm not big on movies, I cannot watch tv in peace and after 8 hours drawing maps on pc for work I surely won't turn mine on. Probably it was my 56th rerun of LOTR trilogy, ten years ago.
Currently Reading: a book I purchased years ago and never read, like always. Compulsory shopping, especially if I find used books. It's If Cats Disappeared from the World by Genki Kawamura. It's a bit disappointing so far, some banality about the important things of life, but since I can only read while commuting and I'm having difficulties getting back to my usual standard of a book per week like before I started university 8 years ago, if it's not some essay or handbook or textbook, it's ok for now. Anyway I just finished reading the marvelous essay by Rifkin, Hydrogen Economy, which I purchased exactly 20 years ago and which predicted exactly what would become of our fossil fuel economy today.
Currently Watching: eh, same as before. They were airing again the Italian dub of H50 during pre-dinner time so I tried to catch up, but now it's stopped at s3 finale to air something else, so nothing specific.
Currently Consuming: just finished dinner, consisting of broth soup, breaded fish, salad and fruit :)
Currently Craving: .....let's skip this, it's just too sad.
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to spread and maybe join!
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ao3feed-hawaiifive0 · 2 years
Fins from different shores
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/azpR0hK
by Dhae
“I swim,” Danny had said. “I swim like a fucking fish. I just chose not to.”
And Steve hadn’t realised he was being completely litteral.
Words: 2952, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams, Grace Williams (Hawaii Five-0)
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Additional Tags: Getting Together, First Time, Alternate Universe - Merfolk, Kidnapping, Shapeshifting, Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Panic Attacks, Self-Doubt, Steve McGarrett is Bad at Feelings
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/azpR0hK
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cowandcalf · 4 years
Writer’s Month 2020 - To Find A Way
Prompt No.14 - Metamorphosis Part II
Chapter 1 - 7
They watch Grace play. Danny stays close the to climbing frame with all the ropes to make sure he could run to the rescue if his girl should get into trouble. Steve mimics a statue and stays silent for a long time. Danny's tongue is stuck to the roof of his mouth. All the great remarks he figured he could throw at Steve dissolve into a fog.
He learns once more how difficult it is to transport a special, magical mood into a normal Wednesday. Steve seems to be miles away. The bonding moment they've experienced is non-existent. Danny can't stand the silence any longer. If he wants the quiet, he hikes to the top of a damn mountain or goes snorkeling. "Hey, you okay there, Steve?" He side-eyes the tall, dark, handsome guy next to him.
Steve licks his lips and squints into the bright sunlight. "Yeah, I'm okay."
"You had, uh, a scare this morning with Mary, rattles every man. We think pregnant women are fragile but God, believe me, they're not."
Steve shoots him a thoughtful glance. "You speak from experience, I think. You're a father. You have a sweet girl."
Danny knows Steve doesn't mean to sound reproachful, but his words affect him. "Yes, that's my baby girl. I'm a proud father. We have the life we choose. Or sometimes life chooses us."
"So, you're married? Do you plan on having more children? I haven't seen your wife." Steve gets braver. He even turns and stands closer to Danny. Danny likes where this is going. Steve's checking the turf.
"I was married. Rachel and I have worked hard to become friends for Grace's sake. And no, no more kids on the way. I'm divorced and, uh, I'm single." Danny can't look at Steve. The urge to explain is still pressuring behind his chest. He kind of swipes the playground with his eyes. He hopes he sounds nonchalantly enough. "I'm here for Grace. Today, I mean. It's uh, Rachel, her mother, has an appointment and her husband's not here yet. I'm an emergency backup. Didn't expect to run into you on the maternity ward, though." Danny twists his upper body to check up on Steve's mood. "I honest to God thought Mary's your wife." Okay, his heartbeat just picked up speed. His mouth is as dry as the Gobi Desert.
Steve goes quiet again. Danny senses his troubled mind and wished Steve would be a bit more responsive. It's no fun to talk to a menhir. Danny doesn't get easily pushed out of his comfort zone. But add emotions to the mix and he's as light as a feather in strong wind. Jeez. Danny purses his lips. He fights the urge to assure Steve he's into guys too and that there's nothing wrong with the circumstance to have a family with a woman and why the hell does he even bother? This guy drives him nuts. Danny's armpits are uncomfortably wet.
"No, Mary's my younger sister. I wouldn't be a good father, I guess. I wouldn't know what to do with a helpless bundle, too scared to mess up. I don't know. I've never had to make that decision –" Steve bends his head and watches his shoes, "if I wanna be a father I mean. Hasn't happened so far." He adds.
"Hey, you did well. You made sure Mary's well taken care of."
"We had a big argument before she let me maneuver her into my truck to drive her to the hospital. She's so stubborn. I found her on all four, doing garden work. I freaked. She had cramps and I was so scared. She said, she overdid it and that's all. She just wanted to lie down until everything would calm down. But I couldn't – " Steve rubs with his fist at his forehead. "I got so scared. I had this horror movie running through my mind. I saw how she gave birth, collapsing out on the lawn behind the house or something like this. I needed to bring her here. I can handle tough calls but not when it's my baby sister nine months pregnant with my niece. I've just lost my nerves, I guess." Steve laughs bashfully. "Not my bravest moment."
"You did good, Steve. Mary's going to be fine and she'll be okay. You'll see, nature knows how to do what needs to be done when it's time. Women give birth since humanity exists. Kawika is with her. You're fine and I know you're going to spoil your niece rotten once she's born."
Steve smiles at him and Danny's bones turn into useless goo. "Why haven't you texted? Called? I thought you wanted to get that rain check on lunch?" Danny chews on his bottom lip. His eyes scan the playground to make sure Grace isn't in any danger. "I've waited for your call." Should he have said that? Too much pressure, no, he shouldn't have said that.
Steve clears his throat. "Yeah, about that. I, uh, I was hungry, but I got caught up in work. You know, uhm, I had to get the seedlings into the ground. I would have – would have called, you know? But days," Steve steps closer, still with his arms crossed over his chest as if he has to hug himself, "days sometimes flow into each other and I can't really say how much time has passed. It's been almost a week since we've met and when time passes the things that happened start to shape in something else. I wasn't – it was an intense afternoon. I, uhm," Steve draws a breath before he continues, "you saw me at the worst. I wasn't sure if you wanted to, you know, go for lunch, have a chat. I'm not the funny average guy to talk about the weather over chicken salad."
Danny has his eyes on Grace. He wants to give Steve the space to have his mini freak-out about the fact he might have scared Danny off. He ignores how the heat in the pit of his stomach flows in all directions. "You forgot my number." Danny states calmly, "just say it, Steve. Be honest. I'm not offended. Okay a bit, yes, a bit. I'm offended a bit that you forgot my number." Danny rocks on his heels back and forth while he rambles. "I expected a SEAL, even a SEAL buried up to his nose in flowers and plants to remember a few, easy numbers. Don't you get trained for that? I thought you're tough multitasking guys. The Army is a fun club."
Steve stiffens and scoffs. "I haven't forgotten your number. It's 808-925-1717. Happy? And it's the Navy, Danny. The Navy."
Danny can't believe how fast Steve falls for that dumb joke. "God, you're so easy to tease. Don't be so uptight about it. Look at you, all puffed out chest and standing at attention. I know, man, it's the Navy. I didn't mean to offend you." He hopes his smile is appeasing. "Good to know you didn't forget my number." He darts a look at Steve and sees how he sets his jaw to keep his lips from being pulled into a grin. Instead, he gazes off into the distance and fishes his cell from the pocket and unlocks the screen.
Two seconds later, Danny's cell rings. He takes the call with the unknown caller ID. "Yeah, Detective Williams, HPD – who's it?" He frowns hard at Steve who stands there like a boy who has all fun doing a silly prank.
"Yeah, Detective Williams, McGarrett here, Steve McGarrett. Do you remember me?"
"Yes, you big goof. The Army guy, isn't it?" Danny can't control the laughter. He really needed to say that.
Steve glares at him, for real this time. "You owe me a fat rain check on lunch and for being too dense to know the difference between the Army and the Navy. I'm hungry. Lunch. Today. You're paying. You're in?"
"You know how stupid this is to stand three feet apart and to give me a call, don't you? I can hear you talking and the echo in my hear is strange. How old are you? Five?"
"You haven't answered my question." Steve still speaks into his phone and watches Danny at the same time.
"Yes. Lunch. Today. Good. I'm in. Where do you wanna go?"
"Have you ever taken Grace to Kame's shrimp truck for Kame's specialty of the day? She'll love it."
Whenever Steve says Grace's name, Danny gets kind of dizzy with something he doesn't want to explore. Steve watches him with a gentle, kind expression. Too much for Danny's heart to stand for more than five seconds. "No, I haven't but Kame's place it is." He hangs up.
"See?" Steve seems utterly satisfied, smug even. Danny notices Steve's faintly colored cheeks.
He has tried to keep the love at bay. The crazy beast of feelings is toying with him, tugging at the golden rope wound around his heart. But he can't hold it and he doesn't want to. The way Steve stands there, watching children playing, having a hawk-eye on Grace, makes it impossible for Danny to hold on to the rope that keeps the insane sensation in his heart controlled. He lets the leash go and stands his ground when the wave of feelings rushes through his body.
This guy is going to be the death of him. Danny's cell rings again. This time it's Stan. "Hi, Stan. Yeah, she's fine. Where are you? Give me a second. I'll meet you at the entrance. Yes, she asked me to make sure you'll find her." Danny's eyes search for Grace.
"Danny, it's fine. I'll take care of her. Go, go be with Stan. We'll wait for you right here, okay?" Steve squeezes Danny's shoulder with his large hand.
"You don't mind? You'll keep her safe?" Danny asks hesitantly. He never lets a stranger look after Grace. But Steve, Steve's different.
"Danny, I'll take care of her as if she's my daughter." This time, Steve blushes bright red but he doesn't correct himself. "I'm good at keeping people safe, especially your daughter. Go, Grace is safe with me."
Danny exhales and covers Steve's hand on his shoulder shortly with his own. He swallows. This man, God, he can totally feel the softness of Steve's lips pressed to his just by looking at his mouth. The bottom of his stomach drops out. Danny forces his eyes to stay above Steve's nose, but he gets distracted by the longest lashes he has ever seen on a guy. Steve waits for reassurance. Danny forces his eyes to focus. "Yeah, good. Thank you, Steve. I mean it. I'm back in a flash."
Danny still sees Steve's smile after he reunited Stan with Rachel and made sure they were good. He hurries back to the playground on the other side of the street. But –
He doesn't see Steve. Where the hell is he?
Danny runs faster. And where the hell is Grace?
For a split second, Danny's heart races and his muscles tremble faintly under the strain of too much tension. And then, he hears the lighthearted giggle from his little girl. He jogs over to where the sound comes from. He can't believe his eyes. This tough, combat-hardened SEAL sits on a seesaw with a bright grin on his face. Grace is safely tucked in between the handlebar and Steve's strong arms. He boxes her in to keep her safe. On the other side of the seesaw, three kids shout and laugh simultaneously. They try to fight the weight, to make the seesaw move.
Danny bites the thick rope of emotions back that tries to strangle his throat.
"Danno!" Grace screams and giggles with her head thrown back. She laughs at Steve and Steve looks down at her and answers her laugh with an even brighter grin.
No one ever has told Danny that happiness can be as sharp as a spear. The detonation of feelings almost has him bend over. "Monkey!" He waves and jogs closer. "What are you guys doing?"
Steve whispers something in her ear. "Winning!" His little girl screams on the top of her small lungs. The kids on the other side shout something back.
When they are safely back on the ground Grace throws herself into Danny's arms. "Danno, that was great! Steve is fun! We won!" She clings to him.
Danny hugs her extra tightly. He follows Steve's stance and the way his eyes search his, not letting go until he stands right next to Danny.
"Thank you," Danny whispers.
"You're welcome, Danno." Steve has a way to roll the letters on his tongue that makes Danny want to bury his face in the curve of Steve's shoulder.
Danny puts Grace down and keeps an eye on Steve. "Danno is –" he downplays how much Steve makes him want to reinvent the world. He can't let Steve have that name in his mouth. He can't. "Danno is Grace's endearment for me. I – You can't, it's –"
"I told Steve he could use it, too. He asked me." Grace grabs Danny's fingers and pulls him forward.
Danny blinks. How long has he been away? Two days? "How much have you guys talked? I haven't been away that long!"
Steve shrugs.
"I'm hungry, Danno. Can we go now? Steve said we're going to see a friend. He has shaved ice and French fries."
Danny gawps as Steve. Steve stuffs his hands down the front pockets of his cargos. He looks only half-guilty. "I told her Kame has also lots of different salads and shrimps. And that her daddy knows what she likes for lunch."
"Good choice of words. Good choice." Danny furrows his brows and almost drowns in Steve's gaze. "Yeah, let's head to Kame's. I don't have a car. My HPD partner drove me."
"If that's the only thing that's holding us back, then – we're good." Steve jingles with the car keys. "My truck is over there. Let's go."
Danny has no memory of how they've ended up talking about dolphins. The air is saturated with a heavy scent of wind and sea and a wild beauty Danny has never sensed before. Grace cheerfully answers Steve's questions about the animals she loves the most. Sometimes she also screams their names. "I love fishes! I love dolphins!"
"Baby, tone it down. My ears ring when you shout like that. Dolphins aren't fish, Monkey. They belong to the mammals. They breathe air just like you." He twists on his seat to wink at his baby girl.
She's tiny with the seatbelt across her small chest. The black back seat almost swallows her up. It's huge. Steve's truck is huge and everything in it. She bends her knees and tucks them to her chest. She smiles one of her staggering happy smiles. "I love mamas!" She shouts and giggles at the same time.
"Mammals. A difficult word but you're doing great." Danny's mood is dangerously close to soaring high. It's somewhere up in the stratosphere where rainbows get born and where space waste gets burned when entering the earth's atmosphere. But he couldn't care less.
Steve wears a small smile that makes him glow. Danny looks out of the window. His eyes would have betrayed him under one second flat. He inhales deeply to wallow in the scent of Steve's skin and the way his detergent wafts over to him, tickling his nose and making his heart ache.
"You love dolphins, Grace?"
"YES!" She yells.
"It's time we get some food into you, Grace-face. Look we're here!" Danny unbuckles the seatbelt and pushed the door open. Kame's place is busy with lunch guests. "Hey, Steve! Look! Isn't that Mary and Kawika over there? Whoa, Kono and Chin are also here. Kame's having the time of the day with all the money his getting out of us."
Steve jumps out of the car to scowl over where a bunch of people sit and talk. Danny touches his arm after he helped Grace out of the car. "Steve, you okay?"
"I – Mary's here. She should be lying in bed with her feet on a pillow not moving an inch until the baby's born. What is she doing here?"
"Come on, let's find out. And Steve, before you throw Mary in the back of your truck to drive her home, let Kawika handle it."
"I wouldn't do that!" Steve blurts.
"Maybe you believe that but the way you stare over at her I fear for her lunch. Go easy on her. She's fine Steve. Pregnant women gotta eat."
They get greeted with loud cheering. Kame is serving the first round. "Look what the cat dragged in. Danny with his little girl. It's time you bring her around. Sit down, pua li'ili'i. You hungry?"
Danny places Grace next to Kono. Too many people make her go all quiet and shy. Steve greets the bunch like they're old friends. Kono fires a gazillion questions at Danny only with her eyes. He just ignores her with an elegant move. "Mary, how are you. Is everything okay? Steve was a bit shocked to see you here. He's afraid you might overdo it again."
Mary wipes at her mouth with a napkin. "My brother," she makes sure Steve hears her, "thinks every time I get up our sweet little flower slips out as if I have any intentions to give birth standing upright." She laughs and Kawika pulls her protectively against his side.
"Go easy on him, darling." Danny hears Kawika whisper.
Steve glares at Mary and steals a shrimp off her plate. "Look at your belly. It's so big. You're ripe like an apple. Let me worry okay?"
"Punk, relax. I'm fine. I was hungry. After lunch, Kawika takes me home. Happy?"
Steve takes her hand and has her look at him. "I'll drop by to check up on you."
"I love you, Punk," Mary whispers. "Thank you."
Steve thins his lips. He gifts her with a small smile but doesn't say it back. He takes the seat across Danny and gets involved in a conversation with Chin.
Danny plops down on the bench. "Do you know each other?" He asked dumfounded over to where Steve catches up with Kono, Chin, and Kawika. Kono gifts him with a stupid face and completely slack-jawed.
"You're kidding, right, Danny?"
"No, I'm not. I – I haven't expected you to know each other is all."
"Kukui High, football, quarterback. Freaking Hawai'i, surfing. Brah, of course, we know each other. We hung out together at the beach. We all grew up in Hawai'i. Steve's ohana. He's gone to save the world and now he's back. We all make sure he's fine, getting along with life and all, you know." Kono slaps his back. "Dude, you didn't know that?"
Danny wants to scream. He wants to go for a walk. "How the hell would I know that? I'm the new guy, remember? You have never even mentioned anything about knowing a Steve!" He cuts Grace's shrimps in small pieces to distract him from this unveiling. He can't look in Steve's direction when he sees Steve matching names and events together.
"Danny's your partner?" Steve asks Kono with so much disbelief in his voice it's comical. "He's the haole you talked about?" Okay, that high-pitched voice is a bit unsexy.
After that Danny's memories are blurry.
He remembers a lot of laughter, especially Steve's low, rare carefree rumble. At one point, Kono punches Danny hard and makes faces at him. She points out how he hasn't checked his phone a single time since they've sat down. That got her thinking. She's about the figure out who he might have a secret crush on. Danny kicks her shin and pinches her thigh to shut her up. Kono gives him the stink-eye.
Danny stirs the attention immediately away from Kono with her razor-sharp mind. He calls over to Mary. He asks her if she could be a bit more specific about the details Steve has told her about him. Because that's what she said when they met at the hospital. Strangely enough, Steve chooses that moment to get seconds from Kame's hit of the day. The chatter dies as if well-orchestrated. All eyes are on Steve's sister.
"You have to know one thing, Danny. I talk Steve."
Danny forces himself not to cast a look over to where Steve chats with Kame. "That's a language?"
"Yeah, actually it is. And we all talk Steve. It's – it's a thing. When our mom died and when our dad got lost for some time someone needed to take care of Steve. We all did but I'm his sister. So, he doesn't say much and it's up to us to decipher what is hidden beneath the words he utters. We had a game going as teenagers. He never liked it when we did that. Steve doesn't do emotion; at least not the same way we handle them."
Danny eats. He's not hungry and he's not sure if his body is able to fight the tightness in his throat. He swallows and pretends his skin isn't on fire. "So, okay, what did Steve say that made you recognize me at the hospital?"
Mary's face morphs into a seriousness Danny wouldn't have thought possible. She looks as if she carries wisdom you only gain when of old age. She's calm when she answers his question. "Steve said just two words after a fruitless conversation to get more out of him. He said, 'he stayed' besides that, you're blond and asked all the right questions."
Rachel is downstairs resting from the day's treatment. Stan prepares a simple dinner in the kitchen. Danny tucks Grace in. It has been an adventurous day and Grace is tired. Danny reads to her from her favorite book, but she almost falls asleep. He puts the book aside.
"Did you have a good day, Monkey?"
"Mm-hmm. It was fun. Steve is fun."
"Yeah, he is."
"I asked Kono to take me surfing. Steve surfs too. He said he could teach me, too."
"Grace, baby, we've talked about this. It's still too early. Next year, okay?"
Grace plays with the bed cover before she whispers. "Steve has dolphins and he said he makes me see them."
Danny sits up. He doesn't lose his smile on his face. "He has dolphins. Really? Where?"
"He said, at the beach, where he lives. Danno, dolphins! Can we go see them? I want to go. Steve said we can come anytime." Grace glows and looks so hopefully at him. He knows how much she loves dolphins. "We can go tomorrow. Please, Danno, please." She whines, too exhausted and too hyper about the fact that Steve got miraculously some dolphins somewhere at his house.
"Let me talk to him, first, okay? And then we can go see them. But you might haven't heard it right, Monkey. Are you sure he said there are dolphins at the beach?"
Grace nods enthusiastically. "At the beach, Steve's beach. But we have to paddle out, to see them. He said he's going to show me. Can I go? Please, Danno." She begs.
Danny kisses her forehead and whispers in her ear, "of course, Monkey. We'll go visit Steve and he's going to show you the dolphins."
Back at home, Danny's finally alone with his thought. He can't stand that Steve told, promised even, his little girl dolphins. Real dolphins, the wild ones in the sea. No one promises a child something without keeping it. Danny doesn't know how he feels. Steve should have asked him. He should have consulted him. Danny can't stand the picture of his little girl far out on a paddleboard on the ocean. Not even a boat. Nothing, his girl has nothing lost on the ocean. Not yet, too dangerous.
Danny types already the words to send Steve a text. He's agitated and paces the small space in his apartment. He's also angry. What was Steve thinking to make such a promise?
Danny deletes the written text. He grabs his keys from the kitchen table instead and storms outside. He peels off the parking lot and heads towards Steve's place in the jungle. He needs to ask him in person what the hell he was thinking. Who has freaking dolphins at the beach at home?
Danny's headlights lighten the dark street on the freeway. It's late. The first drop of rain hits the windshield when Danny makes the turn to drive up the dirt road to Steve's place.
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murphyhatesme · 4 years
I wrote this last week, for a pirate/king prompt and I wanted to share the first chapter here. It’s a short snippet full of fluff and family feels. I wrote a second chapter, which is the get together. (Mind the tags because it's fluff and smut) You can find that here (X)
King Daniel Charles Williams the Fourth squints his eyes against the glitter of the sun on the ocean. A tiny hand slips into his own and he squeezes it
“Danno, are we going to get Gracie back?”
“Of course buddy”
Only Danny wasn’t sure he could get his first born back. Dread Pirate McGarrett and his crew snuck onto their ship and took over command. Danny had been able to grab his youngest before escaping into a dinghy with Tani and Noelani. They had been following, unseen, in the shadow of the ship ever since. Tani bends forward and bops Charlie on the nose
“First we need a plan”
Charlie nods seriously and holds up his finger in an aha gesture
“A plan!”
Danny smiles and ruffles his hair
“So, I think we should storm them from all sides at once”
Noelani tells them but Danny shakes his head
“He’ll be counting on just that”
“But we’ll have the element of surprise”
Tani says frowning and Danny sighs
“Listen I know Steve” Noelani coughs and Danny rolls his eyes but correct himself “I know Dread Pirate McGarrett, he’ll anticipate us being rash so we need to plan something he will not expect”
Charlie looks at Danny and mouths ‘Dread Pirate’ with a gleeful expression on his face
“So what would you do oh mighty king”
Tani teases and Danny discretely gives her the finger
“Right. Charlie?” his son shifts his attention to him and Danny continues “you sneak aboard, find Ste .. Dread Pirate McGarrett and then you wait until he’s alone before you charge and take him out. I’ll rescue Grace and then come find you. Tani I’m counting on you to take out Junior and Noelani?” she looks up with a smile “are you confident you can take on Quinn?”
“Yes I am!”
She salutes him, Tani on the other hand doesn’t look as sure
“Uhm boss? There are still two crew members that you forgot in your plan”
“Nah, if we stick to the plan Prince Charlie will have taken out McGarrett before they realise something is wrong”
Charlie beams and Tani hides a smile before whispering
“We’ll need weapons”
Charlie grins and hands them all swords. Danny takes his and brandishes it to the middle of the dinghy, they all follow his example
“All right men! Let’s go and take back our ship!”
“And Gracie”
Charlie cries out and Danny shushes him
“Shhh buddy, we need to surprise them, remember?”
Charlie repeats his words but softer and follows it with a loud ‘Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!’
They wait until Charlie is out of sight before climbing on board themselves. Danny follows Charlie and he peeks around the corner, he grins when he sees his mini me charge Steve. He scans the deck until he finds Grace and begins sneaking towards her. Sounds of fighting reach his ears and he knows his window of opportunity is closing fast so he gets up and starts running only to be stopped in his tracks by a smirking Nahele pointing a sword at him. Suddenly Charlie streaks past them and Danny uses the distraction to over power Nahele. Charlie is pulling a smiling Grace back with him
“Come on Princess Grace we need to hurry”
Danny is the one smirking now as Noelani marches a defeated Quinn onto the deck. When Tani comes out she’s led by Junior who holds her sword. Charlie orders him to let go of her, pointing his own sword at the fallen Dread Pirate McGarrett. When Junior does as he’s told Charlie starts jumping up and down
“I won! Danno,I won!”
“Yes, you sure did”
“What’s all the commotion here?”
Kamekona voice booms over the deck
“We won!”
Charlie shouts out and Kamekona frowns
“Mm seems like you did. But ..” He glances around the deck “I made your favourite lunch and I think you want to eat?” Charlie nods and Kame purses his lips “That’s what I thought keiki. Come here so we can work out a deal, yeah?”
Charlie looks at Danny and then at Steve before hesitatingly making his way over to Kamekona.
The big guy squats down and picks up Charlie; they whisper for a few minutes before they turn back to the deck. Charlie is smiling wide and he points his sword to Steve
“Dread Pirate McGarrett, I sentence you to walk the plank”
“No! Not the plank! Have mercy!”
Steve gasps out and Danny laughs loudly until Charlie calls out his name
“King Danno! You are sentenced to walk the plank too!”
“What? No! I am your king! Why?”
“Kame says mutiny is good and if you walk the plank I get dinosaurs nuggets”
Nahele starts to chant ‘walk the plank, walk the plank ’ and everyone joins in, sides forgotten and Danny finds himself pushed to the back of the boat together with Steve
“Please Charlie! I’ll make you pancakes every morning for a week!”
He tries to bargain but Charlie turns to Kamekona who solemnly shakes his head. The little boy brandishes his sword and pokes Danny with it
Danny is still pleading when he’s suddenly lifted into strong arms
“No! Steven, put me down!”
“Come on Danno, let’s feed the fish”
Steve turns and leaps into the ocean, they come up with Danny spluttering salt water. He slaps a spray of water towards Steve’s smirking face
“You think you’re funny but you’re not”
He wipes his hair back and looks up to the grinning faces of their friends up on the boat. Charlie is shrieking with laughter as Nahele tickles him before following Steve’s example, taking the little boy with him as he jumps off the boat. Steve’s foot brushes his calf, and his fingers brush over his lower back under the surface as they tread water and watch as Grace and Tani have a prettiest dive contest with Junior, Quinn and Noelani as judges. Charlie is pretending to be a shark and is taking large bites out of a smiling Nahele.
Fifteen minutes later Kame calls them out of the water for an early lunch.
They dock back at the harbour just before one, Kamekona deems his new venture a success and Danny, for once, agrees. The boat tour around one of the smaller islands, listening to a history of bootlegging smugglers, a Pirate romance with a happy ending and a stop in the cove of said island for swimming and lunch is actually very relaxed and nice.
“I think you actually hit a gold mine here, big guy”
There is a chorus of agreements and Kame beams the whole way back to the cars.
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Merry Band of Misfits
Fandom: Alex Rider/ Hawaii Five-0
Summary: After an incident, child services questions whether Steve is truly a good fit for Alex. Steve won’t stand for Alex being taken from him of course, and Danny is right there with him.
A/N: This started out as a little angst, a little comfort, and a whole lot of cheese, but somehow it turned into a little cheese, probably a lot of inaccuracy of how the system works, and a ton of angst sprinkled with comfort. What ya gonna do, tho, lol.
. . . .
They were still chasing their suspect through the crowded outdoor market when Steve’s phone vibrated incessantly in his pocket for the third time. His mind immediately jumped to Alex, wondering if he was okay, but he couldn’t exactly answer at the moment. Ready to be done with this chase and praying the call wasn’t anything too serious, he jumped up onto a low, narrow wall. Now moving faster than the man attempting to push his way through, it took less than a minute to catch up. Launching himself off the wall, Steve tackled the man to the ground.
“Oh, just give it up,” Steve grumbled at the still-struggling man underneath him as he wrenched the suspect’s arms around and zip-tied his wrists together. He pulled the man back up to his feet as the rest of his team finally caught up. “Book ‘im, Danno.”
After they had pushed their way back out of the market, Steve finally fished his phone out of his pocket.
3 Missed Calls - Kapi’olani Medical Center
He stopped dead in his tracks, heart in his throat, as he played back the voicemail they’d left for him. It didn’t give him much to go on, unfortunately, but since the woman had introduced herself as a child advocate with the hospital, that didn’t bode well. He didn’t hesitate to call her back.
The other end rang twice before the same woman who left the message, Alana Kelekolio, answered.
“Yeah, this is Commander McGarrett. You called about Alex? Is everything okay?”
. . .
As Steve stormed into the office, he didn’t fail to notice the two people in the room who were clearly not medical staff, but for the moment he ignored them, opting to head straight for Alex, who had stood up as he had entered.
“Hey, you all right, kiddo?” Steve asked, wrapping him in a hug.
“Shoulder hurts, but otherwise I’m fine.”
Steve snorted. “Yeah, that happens when you dislocate it. What happened?”
Alex shrugged his good shoulder. “Got my feet tangled up with Nathan’s fighting for the ball during practice and fell.”
“Yeah, you might need to spice that story up a bit before you tell it to anyone else.” That comment finally pulled a small smile out of the teen as Steve turned to address the other two people in the room. “So we’re good to go then?”
“Not quite, Commander.” A man Steve vaguely recognized as Alex’s social worker stood up and stepped forward. He’d been by the house a handful of times, but Steve honestly had a hard time remembering his name; he didn’t leave much of an impression. Robert something, maybe? Robert Kent? That sounded right. “If I could have a word with you alone?” he asked, gesturing towards the door.
Once they had stepped out and the door had clicked shut behind them, Robert continued. “This is negligence at best, Commander.”
“What do you mean?”
“You are Alex’s only emergency contact.”
“Yes, and here I am. So what?”
“The only reason I am here is because the hospital couldn’t get a hold of you.”
“I was literally in the middle of chasing a human trafficker through Chinatown. What was I supposed to do, huh? Ask him to wait while I answer my phone?”
“And that is exactly why Alex’s case is going to be reviewed.”
For the second time in an hour, Steve felt his heart jump into his throat. “What does that mean?”
“It means I think someone was a little quick to hand you Alex’s custody, so there is going to be some careful thought as to if this is really the best situation for Alex.”
. . .
“I could have punched him, Danny. Was it oversight on my part? Yes, I’ll admit that it was. Initially I wasn’t sure who else to put down since chances are if they can’t get me then they wouldn’t be able to get any of you guys either. So I put it off -- a little too long evidently -- but reviewing his case over that?”
Danny sat quietly, watching as Steve paced, waiting for him to finish.
“I mean, isn’t that a little extreme? Especially coming from a guy who talks to Alex for maybe ten minutes in a month. He doesn’t know anything.” Steve stopped with his back to Danny, a long sigh escaping. “He’s finally starting to settle a little and they’re about to take all of the progress he’s made away.”
“That does seem like a little much,” Danny sighed when it seemed like Steve was done. “Especially for something that’s a quick fix. Did he tell you how soon they’d make a decision?”
“End of the week.” Steve plopped down into one of the chairs opposite Danny’s desk, rubbing wearily at his temples.
Danny nodded. “Okay. I’m assuming you plan to fight this if they decide to pull him, right?”
“You have to ask?”
“If it comes to that, you know I’ll do whatever I can to help. I’ve got your back, babe.”
Some of the tension bled out of Steve’s shoulders at Danny’s words. “I know. I know you do. Thank you.”
. . .
Alex stopped at the end of the driveway, staring at Steve’s truck with a frown. They’d left at the same time that morning so Alex knew Steve had driven himself to work. If it was here, that meant Steve was home already -- very, very early.
Which likely meant something was wrong.
He parked his bike next to the garage and went inside to find Steve sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees, chin resting on his clasped hands, face pensive.
Steve dropped his hands, face softening slightly, when he noticed Alex. “Hey.”
“You’re home early, which is never a good thing. What’s wrong?”
Sighing deeply, Steve motioned to the spot next to him on the couch.
Alex dropped his bag onto the stairs and sat down.
“I already tipped you off, so I’ll just get right to the point. You -uh, you remember on Tuesday when you got hurt at practice?”
“Hard to forget. Go on.”
“The hospital called in child services when they couldn’t get me right away, and that made them...less than happy.”
Alex’s stomach dropped. When he spoke, the words didn’t feel like they were coming from his own mouth. “They’re taking me away, aren’t they?”
Steve sighed again. “They want to, but I’m not letting that happen without a fight. I told you from the start that I’m not gonna leave you on your own, and I meant it -- I still mean it. I have a hearing with a family court judge in a few weeks to decide the final verdict.” He wrapped an arm around Alex’s shoulders, and the teen easily melted into his side. “I’m not going to let them take you, Alex. Okay?”
“Okay. I trust you.”
As true as those words were, they still felt hollow on Alex’s tongue. He wanted to believe them but he knew it wasn’t as simply as that either. No matter how much faith he had in Steve, they could still take him away.
And there would be nothing either of them could do about it.
. . .
The hearing was not going well and Danny knew it. Robert Kent seemed bent on removing Alex from Steve’s custody and was bringing up every even slightly questionable thing Steve had ever done, whether it related to Alex’s care or not.
And Danny was done listening.
“And furthermore, it was clearly negligence on Commander McGarrett’s part in failing to list a second emergency contact.”
“Your Honor, I’m sorry to interrupt, but to be honest, none of this is in any way relevant.”
“Detective Williams, this is not your forum, and I do believe I am perfectly capable of determining what is relevant and what is not.”
“Yes, I am aware of that, and I apologize -- I really do -- but if I may, I have something I need to say.”
“I do believe you will already be giving a statement.”
“I will be, but this has nothing to do with what I’ve planned to say, your Honor.”
The judge was silent for a moment before saying. “I’ll allow it, but keep it brief, Detective.”
“Your Honor, with all due respect, if you allow Alex to be taken from Commander McGarrett’s custody based only on what you have heard so far, then you will be making a huge mistake.” He paused, taking a deep breath. Steve was either going to hug him or kill him for this later. “I’ve known Commander McGarrett for a long time now, and I will be the first to admit that I hated his guts back then. I thought he was completely irresponsible and reckless. But here’s the thing: he’s downright terrible at first impressions. So forget the bad first impression you’ve been given here so far today because what you are probably thinking is exactly what I thought, too. But the fact of the matter is, your Honor, that I trust him with my life and, moreover, with the lives of my own children.
“See, first impressions don’t tell you everything about a person. My first impression didn’t tell me that his guy was going to give me a place to belong in a place that I hated and a family in a place where I had no one.
“If the other members of Five-0 could be here right now, I know they’d say the same because Steve McGarrett likes to fix broken things. He has again and again taken the outcasts and the misfits and given them a place to call home. All of us at Five-0 are a family.
“And Alex is part of that family now, too.”
Danny paused; he’d been told to keep it short and he was sure he’d already talked longer than the judge wanted, but he hadn’t been stopped yet either.
“Right now, Mr Kent is trying to tell you from a collection of ‘first impressions’ why Commander McGarrett is unfit to be a parent, so allow me to tell you why Mr Kent is dead wrong.
“In the past eleven months, Alex has gone from withdrawn and emotionally volatile to outgoing and emotionally stable -- as stable as any teenager can be, anyway. In the first three months alone Alex was diagnosed with PTSD, properly medicated to help mitigate symptoms, and started in therapy -- all things that should have happened much sooner but were easily overlooked as he was written off as a ‘problem child’ and quickly passed around between homes like he didn’t matter -- and maybe to those people, he didn’t.
“But therein lies the fundamental differences between everyone else Alex has been placed with and Commander McGarrett: instead of calling Alex the problem, he addressed the problems Alex had, and -- maybe even more importantly -- he has never once even considered giving up on Alex.
“Commander McGarrett may not be the perfect parent, but he is a good one, and he does genuinely care about Alex’s well-being and wants the best for him. One oversight that is easily corrected -- because make no mistake, that’s the real reason why we’re here right now -- should not detract from all the good that has already happened -- and it has happened, your Honor; I’ve witnessed it myself. And that is how I can say with absolute confidence, your Honor, that if you allow this to happen, you will be making a huge mistake.”
Danny sat back down in the eerily quiet courtroom.
The judge cleared her throat. “Thank you, Detective Williams. Your words will be taken into consideration.”
. . .
Alex couldn’t concentrate, plain and simple. Steve had offered to let him stay home from school but Alex had declined, thinking it would be a good distraction. But it wasn’t, and he was seriously considering going to the office and signing himself out for the day. His anxiety was the worst it had been in months so he doubted they would make him stay, but would it really be any better if he went home? He doubted it. So at school he would stay for the long four hours that still remained.
He really wasn’t sold on the idea.
(But, again, being home alone probably wasn’t the best idea either, but those were his only two options.)
He forced himself to take a couple of deep breaths; having a panic attack in the middle of World History would not do.
Somehow he made it through the rest of the class and to lunch, skipping the line and heading straight to his usual table, folding his arms and resting his head on them. Maybe if he could close his eyes and focus on his breathing for a minute then his stomach would dislodge itself from his throat and go back to where it belonged.
“Alex?” The clunk of a tray against the table and the thud of a bad against the floor accompanied the voice.
“Maybe you should go home, man.”
“‘M fine.”
“Yup. That’s very convincing.”
Alex took a breath and raised his head just enough to glare at his friend. “I’m fine, Koa.”
“Ya know, I actually have to agree with him for once,” Nathan said as he slid into the seat next Koa. “You really don’t look good, man.”
Letting his head thump back down, Alex muttered, “It’s just anxiety. It’s nothing.”
A pause, then, “Alex. Go home. I’m serious.”
Alex knew they were right, but… He pushed himself all the way up, meeting their concerned gazes. “I really don’t want to be alone so school is the better option right now.”
Koa shrugged. “Then call Commander McGarrett.”
“Can’t. He’s in court right now, and I don’t know when he’ll be out.”
As if on cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket with a text from Steve.
Steve McGarrett: Hearing’s over. They’ll call with the decision sometime this evening. Are you doing okay?
Alex sighed in relief; Steve always seemed to know when he was struggling and Alex didn’t feel guilty about admitting it if someone asked first as opposed to him just saying it.
Alex Rider: Honestly not really. Steve McGarrett: Omw
“He’s coming to get you, isn’t he.” It wasn’t a question.
Alex nodded. “Yeah. I’m just...gonna head to the office then. See you guys tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t.”
Alex glanced at Nathan as he stood up. “What?”
“No school? It’s Thanksgiving.”
Alex stared blankly for a moment. “Oh. Right. Forgot. Uhm, Monday -- I’ll see you Monday.” I hope.
By the time he got to the office, Steve was already there, still in his dress blues from the hearing, and it took Alex a minute to realize that Steve must have been headed this way to get him already even as he’d texted.
“So how’d it go?” Alex asked as he settled into the passenger seat of the truck.
Steve let out a heavy sigh. “Well, not as good as I’d been hoping, honestly, but not horribly either. We’ve still got a shot.” He paused, shifting into drive and pulling away from the curb. “So what would you like to do with this suddenly school-free afternoon?”
Alex shrugged, worrying his bottom lip. His anxiety was still through the roof so he honestly didn’t want to do much of anything.
“Did you eat?”
Busted. Once again, Steve always seemed to know. Swallowing around the lump in his throat, he shook his head, stomach still rather queasy.
Expression full of understanding, Steve nodded once. “Okay. I want you to try when we get home though, all right?”
Alex took a deep breath. “No promises on success.”
“That’s okay. Just try.”
The rest of the ride was relatively silent apart from Steve assuring him that he didn’t need to worry about school or homework, that they would just relax until they had news. 
Once home, Alex changed from jeans to sweats; no need to be anything less than completely comfortable all things considered. Alex sat down on his bed, listening as Steve went down to the kitchen to find something for them both to eat. Simultaneously exhausted and restless, he honestly didn’t know if he’d rather take a nap or run a marathon. His breathing hitched, and he tried to push everything he was feeling into nice, neat compartments. He knew he shouldn’t, that he should just get it over with and deal with it now, but if he could shove it away for only a few more hours, then he wouldn’t have to deal with it at all. (Because in a few hours they would get word that he was staying -- he would be -- because if he wasn’t, he didn’t know what he would do.)
Calloused hands gently pried his apart, and as Alex’s eyes slowly focused on where Steve knelt in front of him, he wondered when the man had even come in. How long had he been sitting here that Steve had had to come up to get him?
“Oh, kid.”
Those two words were all it took to open the floodgates. An ugly, hysterical sob tore out at the same time Steve pulled him into a hug.
Alex wasn’t sure how long they sat there before the knot in his chest eased and the sobs pettered off into hiccups, but he did know that he didn’t feel any better. Wasn’t that what was supposed to happen? But he didn’t, exhaustion settling even thicker in his bones, his stomach still uncomfortably lodged in his throat. If anything, he only felt worse.
“How are you feeling, buddy? Any better?”
“Not really.”
Steve hummed in thought before he said, “Why don’t you come lay down on the couch and watch a movie with me, and we can go from there. Okay?”
He didn’t want to move, but lying down definitely sounded nice. “‘Kay.”
Steve took one corner of the couch, and Alex curled up next to him, head on the man’s thigh. Some Disney movie played quietly on the TV, but Alex wasn’t really paying attention. Time seemed to drag on; it could have been hours or only minutes before Steve asked if he was feeling up to eating. Alex could only shake his head in response and, strangely enough, Steve didn’t push it.
Then finally -- finally -- Steve’s phone vibrated with an incoming call. Glancing at the ID displayed on the screen, Steve murmured, “This is them,” before picking up. “Steve McGarrett.”
Alex sat up. He had thought he’d feel something when the call came, but all he felt was numb.
After a moment, Steve said, “Thank you very much for calling.” As soon as he’d set his phone down, he turned to Alex and wrapped him in a hug. “Remind me to thank Danny by picking up his tab at Side Street next time. Looks like you’re stuck with me for a little bit longer, buddy.”
It took a moment longer than it should have for the meaning of those words to register, but when they did, Alex almost felt like crying all over again. Instead he tightened his grip and breathed for what felt like the first time in weeks. He couldn’t help but think that maybe Steve really had been telling him the truth all along, that maybe it would actually be true this time.
Maybe he really would never have to be alone again.
. . .
“So, a little birdy named Lou told me you might be needing someone as a second emergency contact for Alex,” Renee commented as she mixed up a salad at the counter. “If you haven’t figured someone else out already, you can always put me down, you know; I don’t mind.”
“Really?” Steve asked, glancing up from the pan he’d just pulled from the oven. “I hadn’t figured that out yet, so I’d really appreciate that actually.”
“Shoots, a sista beat me to it,” Kamekona said from the doorway. “I was gon’ offer, too.”
“As was I,” Max added as Steve turned the corner, carrying the turkey to the table. “Given my profession, I surmised it to be highly unlikely I would not be able to get away if called upon.”
“Great minds think alike,” Jerry piped up next. “I mean, I don’t exactly ever have anything I couldn’t step away from if you needed me, after all, and when I work with you guys I’m not really in the field for all the dangerous stuff, anyway.”
Danny laughed as he came out of the kitchen, carrying more dishes. “So, uh, you think child services will be happy now with that many numbers to choose from?”
Steve couldn’t help but chuckle. As Alex came up beside him, he threw an arm around the teen’s shoulders. “I’ve definitely got a lot to be thankful for his year, you know that? So, thank you, guys -- I mean that; it’s been quite a year and I couldn’t have done this without all of you.”
“You don’t need to thank us,” Chin replied with a smile. “We’re ohana; it’s what we do.”
“Yeah, if anything we should be thanking you,” Kono added. “None of us would be here right now without you.”
Steve looked around at the people he called family and realized that Danny had been only partially correct. He may have created a space for them all to belong, but he needed it just as much as everyone else did. They had rescued him just as much as he had rescued them.
A merry band of misfits -- maybe that was just how it was always meant to be.
. . . .
Tags: @diekatimitdemhutohnehut @just-add-butter
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detectiverickitubbs · 4 years
This outta be good: Crime Boss Steve V. Cop Tubbs
@crime-boss-steve-j-mcgarrett​ (the Cop and the Criminal) 
“I must say…you’re a beautiful sight for these sore eyes.” Steve said teasingly.
This was just a phase, a part needed to be played out. Many might have been shocked when there was a warrant issued for his arrest that actually went through. It was part of his game, things were in motion, and what better alibi was there when something huge happened than being under Big Brother’s eye in the American prison’s system?
His lawyers had everything they needed to get his charges dropped to the point that he could make bail. It was all just a matter of time.
In said mean time, he would wait…but having a visitor was always a nice surprise.
“Miss me?”
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Shadows etch and ebb against frigid, sterile tile walls. There happens to be ominously dim lighting that takes over the inner sanctums of prisons, or so the Tubbs’s brain always seemed to imply. It is ‘mood lighting from hell’ when one was attending a date arranged for by a known criminal. Steve had to be fishing or yanking her chain but curiosity compels her to investigate anyways.
The cop bristles, falling lock-step into the accompaniment of the prison's well-armed guards as she is escorted to the designated spot. This was the last place she wanted to spend her Saturday after the week she’s had!!! But the meeting did hold promise. Castillo, Crockett, and half of the department had attempted to dissuade her from going but she couldn’t help it. She absolutely had to know if what he implied over the phone held any true weight. Besides, though Ricki was loathed to admit it, Tubbs had fallen for the criminal at least on a small level. It wasn’t, however, a piece of information she was going to broadcast.
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She takes her seat at the other end of the room’s small table. Her dark orbs transfixed upon the crime boss’s handsome features. The Vice cop gives a respectable silence till the other guards departed. “You’ve got a set of balls calling me down here,” Tubbs rumbles, borrowing Crockett’s tough-as-nails personality. But unlike Crockett’s grumbling, her’s holds no razor-sharp edge. “You didn’t call me to come all this way just to tell me I'm aesthetically pleasing. Did you, Steve?” She runs her tongue across her lips and leans her body across the table, hoping to encroach upon as much of his space as possible. A move most would classify as an attempt to assert dominance. She cushions those harsher words with a, “now, I know prison lighting warps vision but I didn’t know it had gotten this bad. It’s a shame. You did always have those beautiful eyes.” The playful jive flows easily now with only the faintest glossing of truth concealed in the syllables.
Steve’s question encourages a brief moment of shock to befall the cops features. Of all the things she’d been prepared to answer, that had not been one of them. It takes her a few minutes to rebound. “What do you mean by ‘miss you’? As in, do I miss you being a pain in my behind? Or miss you as in, if you flash me those eyes of yours, I ought to be taking you back to my warm bed?” Tubbs prods, her answer extremely non-committal almost to the point of complete eavsion.
Crossing her legs and leaning back in the chair she’d been provided with, Tubbs asks, “alright. Enough fun. Why don’t you tell me why you really asked me here. I don’t buy it was just to flirt. You’ve got information and I want it.”
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Like ALL my favorite McDanno blogs commented on a GLORIOUS pun filled post about the fish tank in the limo of Danny’s and Rachel’s wedding. It was truly a work of art :’) 
Headcanon that if Danny’s dad doesn’t get it for Steve’s and Danny’s wedding...Steve’s gonna feel more than a little insulted. But the reason Danny’s dad didn’t get it was because of the flack Amada and Rachel’ and their family gave. And seeing Steve genuine disappointed face, Danny’s dad slips away from the reception for a bit to replace the limo they came in with one with the BIGGEST tank they had and even had a tank delivered to whatever honeymoon suite they were staying at. 
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h50fanficdirectory · 4 years
via AO3 works tagged 'Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams'
by MistressKat
“You know, you’re not going to get away with this, right?” Danny asked. He was trying not to go cross-eyed from staring down the barrel and instead focus on the perp behind it. Next to him, Steve made a noise like a dolphin caught in a fishing net. Danny correctly interpreted it as ‘shut the fuck up, Danno’ only the message did not make it from his brain to his mouth. Story of his life, really.
Words: 664, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kono Kalakaua, Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Additional Tags: Ficlet, Hostage Situations
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five-wow · 5 years
here’s a thing i just realized i really, really, truly want and need in my life: a steve mcgarrett fanvid (or one for danny williams, but my first choice would be steve because he’s the Big Strong Tortured Very Male Protagonist) set to a hyperfeminine marina and the diamonds song, like this one for alec lightwood from shadowhunters set to bubblegum bitch (!!! a very good song for these things) or this one for benton fraser from due south set to oh no!, which is also very near and dear to my heart because yes and because many of the lyrics work brilliantly for the character, which they ALSO WOULD for steve mcgarrett. (i mean, “one track mind, one track heart / if i fail, i'll fall apart”? much yes. “i know exactly what i want and who i wanna be / i know exactly why i walk and talk like a machine”??? EVEN MUCHER yes.)
i’m not sure if this doesn’t already exist, because actively searching for a specific type of fanvid on youtube is less like shooting fish in a barrel and more akin to aiming at a single guppy in a swimming pool while wearing a blindfold (even though you do have a vague sense that the fish population is plenty! where are all those fish hiding!), but if it does exist, please link me, oh god.
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
I was tagged by @well-who-needs-angels-anyway
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? black
2. a food you never eat? fish, anything fish, the smell bothers me
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Eating and pulling my hair out because of my group’s inability to respond to my text message
5. what is your favorite candy bar? KitKat and Hershey are pretty much tied and I’m not about to choose.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Unfortunately
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? I don’t remember what I said but I was talking to my mom’s boyfriend, who stopped by with my mom to pick up something, about my group’s inability to respond b/c I want to get this project done as soon as physically possible (I’m not salty, I swear, just annoyed)
8. what is your favorite ice cream? chocolate
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? soda (probably shouldn’t have but here we are)
10. do you like your wallet? yeah, sort of, I wish it was smaller
11. what was the last thing you ate? french fries
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope, I probably need jeans though
13. the last sporting event you watched? Honestly, probably a football game that was on in a restaurant that I was in which I would look up to simply so I’d have something to look at.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I don’t have one. I don’t even like regular popcorn. 
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my mom to let her know I was heading back to my apartment and @peaceoutofthepieces before she went to bed (it was around the same time)
16. ever go camping? yeah, I don’t like the outdoors though so I didn’t have a good time
17. do you take vitamins? my mom makes me take some energy ones but idk if they work
18. do you go to church every sunday? nope, I haven’t been in a church since I was 12 (or I was trying to have more time with my best friend and we’re not friends anymore so... *shrugs*) 
19. do you have a tan? when I was constantly in the sun year but that was several years ago
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? pizza, there’s no contest, pizza
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? depends on if I get it from a restaurant or if it’s in my house
22. what color socks do you usually wear? all the socks
23. ever drive above the speed limit? my state generally drives 5 above the speed limit anyway and I’m pretty sure a cop has gone around me going the speed limit with over 10 over the speed limit
24. what terrifies you? a lot of things, but mostly being an embarrassment, being forgotten, being abandoned, not being good enough... the list goes ooooonnnnnnnn
25. look to your left, what do you see? a lamp and an open door to the hallway
26. what chore do you hate? (all the chores tbh) cleaning my room even though I know it’ll be easy because why would I do that when I could be doing literally anything else. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? Steve McGarrett from Hawaii-Five-O because I’ve seen him in so many other shows with a perfect American accent, but then I watched an interview and I literally can’t look at him the same. Oh, and also Beliza (Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor) 
28. what’s your favorite soda? Coca-Cola
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? I would literally rather do the drive-thru no matter the line. I just don’t see the point of stopping my car, getting out, waiting inside, only to go out to my car again and fight to get out of the parking lot. 
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my mom and her boyfriend
31. favorite cut of beef? ngl, I don’t know what this is asking
32. last song you listened to? This Is How We Roll by Florida Georgia Line ft. Luke Bryan
33. last book you read? All my reading these days is my own shit and fanfiction so I honestly don’t remember the last book I read. Probably the Selection series if I had to guess. 
34. favorite day of the week? Umm... I don’t really have one right now because every day is school so ask me in like a month?
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? no
36. do you like your coffee? frappuccinos and that’s it. I only really had them on campus because I could so since school closed, I haven’t had any. Probably a little better for my wallet
37. favorite pair of shoes? my slip on black shoes
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? 10pm-1am
39. at what time do you normally get up? it changes day-to-day
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets all the way. 
41. how many blankets are on your bed? 2
42. describe your kitchen plates. plain old white
43. do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? I don’t drink at all
44. do you play cards? nope
45. what color is your car? my car is a blue van but the paint is chipping terribly on the sides and on the front but it’s over a decade old (I think about 15 years, it was my grandmother’s and they saved it so I would have the car when I got my license) so I’m not really surprised. 
46. can you change a tire? my mom showed me how to change one once when I got a flat and while I’m sure that I’d have to be on the phone with her while I was doing it (because I’m paranoid that I’m just going to fuck everything up), I could probably do it.
47. what is your favorite province? Never been outside of the continental U.S. so I don’t know...
48. favorite job you’ve ever had? I love my current job as a tutor at my school and a learning assistant in a freshman course. 
49. How did you get your biggest scar? Uh, I think my biggest scar in on one of my calves and basically what happened is I was going down the stairs to a test with my teacher and another student (because we were reviewing beforehand) so I was walking and my foot got under me and I fell. Which, wouldn’t be that bad except it was concrete stairs so it broke a significant portion of my skin. I got a bandaid and cleaned it up a little, still took my test (got a 70 but it got replaced by the final so I got an A in the class), drove 30 minutes home with my leg aching (i don’t remember which leg it was and I’m wearing jeans or I would check), and walked in my kitchen to show my mom. Tbh, it only became a scar because I have a habit of picking on scars and fingernails and basically anything.
I’m an anxious bean. Okay?
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? ... I actually don’t know, I’ve been doing homework all day... uh I pet my cat and he started purring, does that count?
Tagging: Um, I don’t know! anyone who wants to join, I guess.
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
HGS 2: Clone Wars!
The Capitol, 202 ADD
You take a deep, slow breath as you settle into the pod.  You’re ready to help test out the VR programming, and you really do want to help, but... you also suspect it’s going to be a little bit stressful. Still, you’ve never been the kind of person to walk away when you’re needed-- or to turn down a challenge. Or sometimes, both. The VR simulator will help remind people why the Games and the Capital are gone-- why they’ve been gone for generations-- and why they can never, ever be allowed to return. You nod at the doctor, who’s watching over you. You give them the thumbs-up.
The pod closes around you.
@navybratcath @iknxwtherisks @anyilherron @stevenjackmcgarrett
(under a cut for length)
The Bloodbath As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Andy Yablonski finds a backpack full of camping equipment.
Andy Yablonski runs away from the Cornucopia.
Anyil Herron runs away from the Cornucopia.
Anyil Herron runs away from the Cornucopia.
Benji Dunn grabs a shovel.
Benji Dunn runs away from the Cornucopia.
Beth Turner grabs a backpack and retreats.
Beth Turner grabs a jar of fishing bait.
Catherine Rollins runs away from the Cornucopia.
Catherine Rollins sets Mick St. John on fire.
Cian Lucanus runs away from the Cornucopia.
Cian Lucanus grabs a backpack and retreats.
Dom Hughes runs away from the Cornucopia.
Dom Hughes runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ilsa Faust grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Ilsa Faust runs away from the Cornucopia.
Liz Burgess runs away from the Cornucopia.
Liz Burgess snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Mick St. John finds a mace.
Rena Yablonski runs away from the Cornucopia.
Rena Yablonski runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Steve McGarrett runs away from the Cornucopia.
Steve McGarrett runs away from the Cornucopia.
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Slytherin and Hufflepuff friendships are some of the best. Imagine SlytherinDanny and HufflepuffSteve
xD I just imagine lil Slytherin Danny looking like Draco’s cousin first and foremost xD 
When people are sorted they’re children at the age of eleven. So I can actually see Danny as a Slytherin. Cunning, ambitious, the green totally complimenting his eyes…Steve’s loyalty and the snippets we see of him as a kid? Yeah, I can see him as a Hufflepuff. I can see Danny having some stereotypical problems with Gryffindors and ending up in the hospital wing and Steve all but bursting in there. Hell, here we go!
Steve had been in Care of Magical Creatures all the way outside, which is why he hadn’t been there. He tries to swerve through students but halfway through the castle he just started shoving people out of the way. 
“Mr. McGarrett! Slow down!” 
“Professor Longbottom! I…sorry I just…I’m on the way to the hospital wing. I heard that Danny got into a fight and-” 
Neville frowned at the mention of it. He wasn’t very happy that some of the stigmas between houses still existed but he also wasn’t surprised. “I just came back from checking in with Mr. Williams. He’ll be fine. No need to rush.”
That did make Steve feel better, but another worry crept up. “If he gets into another fight he’ll be expelled. That’s what the headmistress said last time…”
“I’ve spoken with her. Mr Williams should try to avoid conflict in future, but he’ll still have a chance to graduate.” 
Steve smiled at that, “Thank you, professor! I gotta go now!” 
And despite Neville’s shout to slow down, Steve didn’t until his eyes landed on Danny. He ran up to the bed and began to inspect him. “How bad is it?”
“Stop. Watch the hair.” Danny grumbled. 
“Your hair’s fine. You know you only look sexier when it gets disheveled.” Steve muttered as he grabbed Danny’s hand to look at them. His knuckles usually had the worst of it when his face was fine. 
Steve and Danny blushed when Madam Pomfrey appeared behind Steve. She handed Danny a vial and instructed him how to use it. “I hope to not see you so soon again Mr. Williams. Though if I must, let’s keep the damage minimal…we don’t need that falling off your broom incident again.” 
“I was hexed!” 
“I’ll keep him out of trouble,” Steve promised. 
“That’s as likely as keeping a fish dry.” she deadpanned but let them go. 
In the hallway, they found a little crook and Steve pulled him into a kiss. Then he got angry, “What the hell Daniel?” 
“Full name. Wow, you’re upset.”
“Hell yeah, I’m upset! It’s that same dirtbag that hit your sister, isn’t it? He’s still pissed at you and pushing your buttons, isn’t he?” When Danny didn’t answer, Steve pulled him in for an embrace. “I’m not mad at that…I’m mad that he might be succeeding in keeping you from graduating…Danno, we have dreams, you and I. I don’t want to become an Auror if you’re not there to keep me from doing something stupid…we settled on our dynamic when we were twelve…I do that stupid shit, you save my fine ass, and then I repay you…” 
“You really are a charmer, aren’t you?” 
“Charms is one of the classes I’m actually passing,” Steve said with a grin. 
Danny lightly punched him before pulling him in for a kiss. “Thanks…and I’ll do better not to get riled. You and me…it’s more important than a snake and a lion.” 
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