fitnesslive · 3 years
I am absolutely obsessed with this pear and prosciutto crostini with gorgonzola! 🍐 It has so many flavors going on and is a great balance of sweet, tangy and salty.
This recipe is so easy to make and so special. It includes crusty garlicky sourdough bread, lathered on a creamy gorgonzola spread and topped with pears wrapped with prosciutto.⁠
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fitnesslive · 3 years
🤔 What’s your favorite stay-at-home quick lunch these days?
👉🏻 Follow for more healthy recipes
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fitnesslive · 3 years
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Listening to your body is more than just “listening to your body”🤯
Sometimes I think that people forget that our brains are part of our body🧠….. I’m starting to hate the term “listen to your body” to be honest because it’s getting SO misconstrued. In reality, listening to your body means listening to ALL of the above. 👆Together. Not just picking and choosing.
I think a lot of times what we see on social media is just the body’s cues (hunger, cravings, etc.) and not all of the other, less sexy things. Because sometimes when you put it all together that might mean choosing a salad! 🥗Crazy, I know! 🤪And goodness knows that’s not as sexy of a photo as a cupcake so it won’t get the clicks so it won’t get the influence over you.🤷‍♀️
Truly listening to your body is listening to all of these factors in harmony. Sometimes one may be more prominent than other other, like price or access for instance, but they’re all being considered. Same thing with medically necessary dietary needs. The key is to know the WHY behind it VS blindly following. It’s about making your OWN empowered choice.🥳 Ya feel me?
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fitnesslive · 3 years
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fitnesslive · 3 years
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!... 🍩 Oh wait…..
There is no reason to change the way you eat on the weekend from the way you eat during the week. 🙅‍♀️Actually, I’d V much so recommend AGAINST it. Why? Restricting food, even if you allow yourself to eat it in set amounts or on certain days (you’re still restricting!), actually heightens our brain’s reward response and motivation for that food. Meaning? You’re going to want it more and likely in large quantities.
If you feel like you can’t control yourself around a food and HAVE to limit it to the weekend or measure out the ice cream then that might actually be a sign that you need to eat it more, not less. 🤯 You likely need to work to normalize this food and take it off of the restriction pedestal. Sure, when you let yourself go from eating donuts only on the weekends to also having it during the week you probs WILL want to eat it daily. And maybe still in larger amounts. But, if you’re truly doing the work (👉there is a BIG difference between just eating a food and making peace with it!) it will become normalized and the novelty of eating it and eating it past fullness will likely wear off. Leaving you with donut (or whatever heck food you’re thinking about right now) freedom!
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fitnesslive · 3 years
👉🏻 Follow @fitnesslive for more science based facts like this!
✌ Pomegranate is higly beneficial for treating high blood pressure as it stimulates production of nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels.
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fitnesslive · 3 years
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🧠 Brain Food 🧠
All of these foods contribute to overall brain health and help to boost brain function overall!
🤔 Do you consume any of these?!
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fitnesslive · 3 years
Easy High Protein Waffles 🧇
SAVE and try this muscle building recipe 😍
Ingredients (4 Waffles):
👉 1 Banana
👉 1 Egg
👉 25ml almond milk
👉 50g low fat greek yogurt
👉 40g oats
👉 30g whey protein
👉 1 tsp. honey
👉 baking powder
👉 cinnamon
Macros without toppings: 500kcal, 43g Protein
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fitnesslive · 3 years
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👉🏻 Natural Health Remedy for Headache
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fitnesslive · 3 years
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fitnesslive24 Feeling stressed out? 🙋👋
You're not the only one.
FOLLOW 👉 @fitnesslive24 For More Healthy Tips And Tricks 🤩🥑💚
Probably most people on our planet are overstressed nowadays. Stress is the 21st century epidemic and we all need proper stress management.
Stress damages your body and mind, and alters your emotions and behavior. That's why you need to cure stress with multiple activities - which help your body, mind and soul.
To soothe your soul you might need to turn off your phone for a few hours and find a creative hobby whether it's art, photography or papercraft.
To help your body try a short workout, you won't be tired after it, but more energetic and more resilient to stress. For an immediate relief, take deep breaths and you'll feel how your body calms down.
To relax your mind start meditating on a daily basis or go for a tech free walk.
Which one are you going to pick?
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fitnesslive · 3 years
fitnesslive24 ✌ Follow @fitnesslive24 for more science proven facts
👉🏻 Research claims that Men having poor cardiovascular health tend to suffer from problems in bedroom.
So. What are some FOODS we can include in our diet to INCREASE testosterone?👇⁣
Here are my TOP 10:⁣
1) Eggs 🍳 - cholesterol in egg yolks may help low T⁣
2) Beef 🥩 - beef liver provides Vit D and ground beef is high in zinc, which may boost testosterone⁣
3) Fatty Fish - rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, boost in fatty acid levels which can affect T levels⁣
4) Ginger 🧅 - increases testosterone & antioxidant levels⁣
5) Leafy Greens 🥬 - rich in magnesium which may increase T levels⁣
6) Garlic 🧄 - can lower cortisol which competes with testosterone⁣
7) Oysters 🦪 - good source of zinc which may boost low T⁣
8) Milk 🥛 - Vit D may keep testosterone levels in check⁣
9) EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) 🥃 - may increase luteinizing hormone, which stimulates cells in the testes to produce testosterone⁣
10 Pomegranate 🍒 - may boost testosterone levels and support healthy stress levels⁣
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fitnesslive · 3 years
fitnesslive24 😍 Moms zucchini ricotta lasagna roll-ups.
😋 These are everything you want in a dish but more.
👉🏻 Follow for more high protein delicious recipes!
4 zucchini’s ( palm size )
olive oil ( or any oil )
1/2 cup ricotta
1 small egg ( optional )
1/4 cup parmigiano
basil ( optional )
pinch of salt ( to taste )
marinara sauce ( 1 cup or as much as you like )
1/3 cup mozzarella ( as much as you like )
🙌 Please note: Feel free to leave the egg out if you are intolerant to eggs. This method works incredible with a meat filling too but I’ll show you that next time.
Pre-heat oven to 400F. Wash the zucchini , pat dry and cut the ends. Cut each one into 4 slices. The two end pieces we also cut from the back of each one so that they lay flat and are easy to roll. Don’t discard any peeled scraps as you can use them in your cooking for other recipes. Set them on a baking sheet and drizzle each side with olive oil plus a dash of salt. Bake until they are soft which will take you 15-20 min. Ours took 15 minutes. Take them out and let them cool a touch. In a separate bowl add the ricotta , parm , egg , dash of salt and basil and mix. Take a small pan ( we used 8 by 8 ) and add marinara sauce to cover the bottom ( we used our own homemade sugo which is on my highlights but you can use any store bought like rao’s) Take each zucchini with the wider side facing you and add about a teaspoon of ricotta to each one and roll them up. Add them all to your baking dish , top with more marinara and some mozzarella. Bake at 400F for 20 minutes or until nice and melted. Enjoy, and follow me for more.
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fitnesslive · 3 years
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Do you prefer the cake or the frosting?! 🎂Let me know in the comments!👇👇👇
👉🏻 Follow @fitnesslive24 for more deep insight in to the Nutrition niche
I used to feel so self-conscious and guilty when I’d eat more than my husband😬, especially when before we were married and were newer in our relationship. I thought it was “unlady like”. 🙈Can you relate?! 🙋‍♀️Can I be real with you? That’s a load of sh*t! 🙅‍♀️Owning your food choices and eating what you truly want is amazing and strong and empowering and ...makes you a happier person- let’s be honest!
To this day, I often match or even surpass my husband’s portions🤷‍♀️- and he is a big 6’2” guy! And dessert wise? No question, I eat more and more often. 🍰He just doesn’t have the same sweet tooth that I do. And ya know what? I don’t care! 🤪It’s my body. I do what I want and what feels good. 🥳End of story. No one else’s food choices should impact that.
This is probably especially going to be true when you begin to break your food rules. You might want larger portions of previously restricted foods than other people do. 🍦🥧🧁🍫Honor that, gorgeous! 🙌🏻And even after that, once your food rules are broken, ya still might want bigger portions! Totes okay! 🤷‍♀️If we avoid what we want and need we’re only setting ourselves up for that vicious restrict-binge cycle. 😬No bueno.
#nutritionforlife #fitnesslive24 #foodandnutrition #nutritionblog #nutritionscience #fitnutrition #nutritioncoaching #nutritionalyeast #nutritionplan #fitnessnutrition #nutritionschool #goodnutrition #diettips #dietdiary #dietkalori #dietician #dietherbalife #healthhacks #healthyfoodideas #healthlifestyle #naturalmedicines #eatcleanfood #fitnessaddiction #healthyeatinghabits #gymfood #newyorkfoodie #cake #frosting #nutritionbasics #cakesofinstagram
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fitnesslive · 3 years
There's plenty of evidence to demonstrate that carbs don't "cause" obesity:⁣⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
➡️ Population data⁣⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
➡️ The Minnesota Starvation Experiment⁣⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
➡️ The "Rice Diet" for treating obesity.⁣⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
Obesity is caused by excess calorie consumption. That's the bottom line. Whether those excess calories come from carbs or fats really doesn't matter!⁣⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠
Don't let people who know nothing about nutrition make you fear ANY food.
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fitnesslive · 3 years
🔥 These are the six basic causes which stops you from losing fat
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fitnesslive · 3 years
Recipe below:
combine 3/4 cup oats, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/8 cup maple syrup, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 1/4 tsp baking powder, and 1/4 tsp cinnamon in a microwave safe bowl. stir in some dark chocolate chips, cover (with a paper towel or microwave cover) and microwave for 3 to 3+1/2 minutes. done 🤩
these oats make 1-2 servings, are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and SO GOOD ❤️
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