#five hargreeves hc
queermarzipan · 2 years
I have had a headcanon about why Five founded the Commission rattling around in my head since like three days after I watched season 3 and I just sort of integrated it into my thoughts on the show and I was just reminded that ACTUALLY IT'S NOT "COMMON KNOWLEDGE" IT'S NOT CANON IT'S A PERSONAL HEADCANON so here it is
The Five who founded the Commission is not Five. As in, he has had roughly the same life as the Five we know from the show, but they are not the same person, because Old Five did it with the crucial difference of doing it without the Commission. The Commission wasn't a factor in this Five's life, because as we have seen, Time does not work like that. Closed loops that paradoxically set themselves off don't exist. Five travelling back in time was always going to result in him changing what had (from his perspective) already happened, not causing it to happen. So from the opposite perspective, a Five that founded the Commission could not, under any circumstance, have previously encountered the Commission. Because on Five's personal timeline, it didn't exist yet.
(Getting excited about the fact that I now know why the Commission has a Fixed Timeline of its own like Five does — because a Five is there)
So what does this mean?
I think it's safe to assume that the Five who wasn't picked up by the Commission was unsuccessful, the first time around, in preventing the Apocalypse. Apart from the whole issue of him simply Not Knowing Enough, if he'd initially succeeded and gotten his family back, he would have had no reason to ever time travel again, let alone create a time travel organisation to "protect the flow of time", and especially not one that had goals that conflicted with his family's continued living.
So he jumped back to redo — and made the same mistake as before. He went too far back.
Now, do I think he went back to the 1960s, Dallas specifically? No. I think Young Five's jump in the show was affected by the JFK assassination having been the last place he was before he jumped to 2019, and expecting the exact same outcome with different variables is not smart.
BUT. He did take them back to before they were born, AND somehow prevent them from being born in the first place. Whether that's by (roughly) the same series of events in the show (highly improbable) or by talking to Reginald and impressing upon him that it was his fault they ended the world, and to please leave them alone, thereby inadvertently causing Reginald to decide not to release the glowing orbs after all (slightly more likely, but this theory also required some of the miracle babies to exist), or something else, he gets hus siblings back to the changed 2019 to find that he's created a (not yet named) Kugelblitz.
And then Reggie uses the miracle babies to create his perfect universe — and this is the sticking point — killing Five's siblings in the process.
Here we have Five, in a new universe where none of his family exist because their lives were literally used to save the world, without even his powers, and he immediately invents time travel and creates the Commission, an organisation with the end goal of recreating the exact timeline he came from, and by proxy, his family. Only everyone else he brings into it is just fed the "preservation of the timeline" line, because what he's doing is Selfish with a capital S. But also, I might argue, in character. Five taking "do anything to save his family" to the level of "create an organisation of time assassins to recreate his family" is very on-brand.
And when he encounters a younger version of himself — could be 13, could be 63 — he can only tell him "don't save the world", because if he hadn't tried to do that — if he'd just died in the first apocalypse — he might have at least gotten to see his siblings again in the afterlife. Now he can't.
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bookishgalaxies · 6 months
Hi! Can you do a five hargreeves x reader where the readers quiet but really good at hand to hand combat? If you don’t want to do it you don’t even have to respond
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐤
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☾☼✧☽ summary: thoughts on five hargreeves with an s/o who’s quiet but is killer at hand to hand combat.
☾☼✧☽ pairing: five hargreeves x gn!shy!reader
☾☼✧☽ type: head-cannons, not proofread
☾☼✧☽ warnings: fighting???
☾☼✧☽ a/n: love this request! Thank you so much!
You spoke when spoken to, with the exceptions of conversation with Five Hargreeves, which were still very minimal
You two had only been “together” for a few months now and your brain was still getting used to forming full sentences while looking at him.
For awhile you and Five were only able to communicate through letters due to his work with the commission
After he stopped working for them, and started saving the world with his siblings though, things were different
You most of the time kept to yourself when you weren’t helping the Hargreeves save the world
You would go out for smoothies with Viktor or help Allison with Claire occasionally.
And you could become quite chatty with them, but not Five
He hadn’t meant to assume that since you didn’t talk much, you were shy, and therefor timid in physical fighting situations
It just kind of clicked in his mind like that without him realizing.
So when you two were out one day at the doughnut shop getting him a black coffee and you whatever you normally get
You weren’t expecting a surprise attack from the Commission
You had both been sitting across from each other in a booth by the window
Letting Five talk quietly about what his next plan was and nodding your head while smiling kindly
Enjoying the view of how he looked in the afternoon sun
Then, glass shattered, and in an instant you were up and headed towards the sound.
Five teleported across the shop as you landed a good punch across the agents face.
Exchanging punches and strikes, you took him down quite quickly.
Moving on to the next few, you took them out under ten seconds.
Five was so shocked he stood by, mouth agape.
Looking up at his surprised look, you stood with knocked out bodies around you, breathing heavily and looking at him.
“I didn’t know you could…..” he trailed off
“You never asked.” You responded
Needless to say, he never underestimated you again.
And actually felt himself develop a healthy fear of you.
Pretty AND deadly…...
He never needed to get on your bad side, he’d be screwed
thank you so much for reading !!
remember to stay safe and hydrated !!
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vibinginthebg · 3 days
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Still some doodles of them :DD
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gorebonk · 2 months
Five being stuck on a subway for all those years and not growing facial hair is because he is transgender thank you for coming
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rrcenic · 6 months
me whenever i relate to a character: yeahh sorry this ones trans. yeah i dont make the rules. sorry.
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Ooh hcs for a jealous and possessive Five
This turned more into headcanons for an overly protective Five than anything else, so I'm sorry about that 😅
Five Hargreeves when he's jealous
Warnings: slightly insecure Five, over protectiveness, jealousy/possessiveness, swearing, slight nsfw near the end
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Five can get over protective fairly easy, and more often than he'd like to admit
It's not that he doesn't trust you, per say; he's just so used to the painful feeling of having someone he loves ripped away from him that he kind of expects it to happen again with you
However, he's not one to be overly sentimental unless he's drunk so he typically masks these deeper feelings and emotions with being overly jealous and pretty possessive as well
He won't deliberately talk shit about someone (not to their face, at least) or try to mess with one of your friendships on purpose, but he does want to have at least a brief run down on who you're hanging out with
He worries a lot more than he should, especially after what happened with Leonard/Harold. He would never want you to be hurt or betrayed by someone who you trusted and thought cared about you
He just really loves you and wants to keep you safe, always </3
A lot of the time his over protectiveness can come off as jealousy and being possessive over you, and while that is sometimes the case you know he just does it because he cares
When he's truly possessive over you/jealous of someone, it definitely shows
An arm on the small of your back or around your waist, biting passive aggressive comments, an intentionally mean glint in his eyes- these are all things he does in order to let the other person know you're his and he's yours, and they'd better back off if they know what's good for them
Five doesn't feel the need to do those things unless either a) you're uncomfortable by someone's advances or b) whoever's hitting on you just can't take a fucking hint and respectfully decide to leave you alone
If you're flirting with someone on purpose in order to get his attention, he'll have a much different approach
Like I said before, he trusts you, and knows you'd never let it get too far, so it's pretty easy for him to tell when you're just trying to tick him off
He'll let it go on for a little while, watching from a distance, then finally intervene when he can't take your teasing any longer
Once he's whisked you away to a more private area, he has no problem showing you just who you belong to
Expect several bite and scratch marks, hickeys, and bruises on at least you (although he'd certainly appreciate it if you shared his sentiment and left some on him as well)
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nickeverdeen · 4 months
wahoo !!! are your requests awake ? immediately fell inlove with how you wrote five﹐and i knew i had to send in mail !!!
five x gn ! reader which he met an ordinary / average person﹐until they come in some ‘ unexpected combat ’ & something in them triggers their powers. ( you can choose their superpower﹐or keep it not said. )
i was thinking; they weren't drugged like Viktor﹐they were just unaware of their superpowers ? thank yew !!!
Yep, they’re awake and thanks for the request!
Five x gn!reader who he thought is ordinary, but is proved wrong (hcs)
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Warning: Fighting, shooting, attempted murder
Reader’s power: Bioluminescent constructs
Definetion of Reader’s power: Creating objects using light emitted by living organisms, like fireflies, for combat purposes like creating weapons, shields or barriers
After another long day Five, seeks a moment of respite from the chaos of his own thoughts
He finds himself drawn to a quaint coffee shop tucked away in the bustling city streets
The coffee shop has a steady hum of conversations in the backround and comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee
It seems like a paradies for Five
Suddenly Five’s attention is unexpectedly captivated by the presence of a seemingly ordinary individual seated alone at a nearby table
Despite his initial reservations, as soon as he got his coffee, Five decides to strike up a conversation with the enigmatic stranger, drawn in by you for some reason
As you engage in idle chit-chat, Five finds himself surprisingly at ease in your company, your easy banter providing a welcome distraction from the weight of his own burdens
Though Five initially views you as just another face in the crowd, he can’t shake the feeling that there’s something different about you
It’s a sense of familiarity that he can’t quite place
As your conversation comes to an end and you start to part ways, Five can’t help but feel a lingering curiosity about you
Your brief interaction leaving a lasting impression on him
As Five navigates the crowded city streets, his senses alert him to the presence of shadowy figures lurking in the shadows, their sinister intentions veiled beneath a facade of normalcy
Assassins from Comission, a lot of them
Before he can react properly, the air is rent with the sharp crack of gunfire as the agents of the Commission make their move, their weapons trained on Five with deadly precision
Panic surges through Five as he realizes the gravity of the situation, his mind racing as he teleports a bit away from the chaos unfolding around him
As soon as Five regains his composure he starts fighting as the years of working for the Comission pay off to him
During the fight Five is too preoccupied with the assassins near him to notice the ones in distance
As soon as they fire Five realizes that he’s about to get hit as he won’t make it in time
As the loud shooting continues you feel a small pain in your veins and the pain worsens the more your body tensing when the shooting continues
Just when it seems as though all hope is lost for Five, a sudden surge of bioluminescent energy erupts from you as the loud shooting triggers your powers
Your powers awakening in a blaze of light and energy as they instinctively shield Five from harm creating a barrier to shield him and the bullets dodge back into the shooters
With newfound clarity, Five watches in disbelief as you unleashe your formidable abilities
Your constructs of light and energy manifesting with dazzling brilliance in the darkness
As soon as Five realizes that you obviously are also new to this power he springs into action, his movements fueled by a surge of adrenaline as he engages the assassins with you while keeping an eye on you
With each attack exchanged and each foe vanquished, you and Five draw closer together
Your movements synchronized in a seamless display of teamwork and coordination
As the last assassin dies against the might of your combined forces, Five immediately starts to check-up on you making sure you’re alright and your power is at bay
Once you’re both safely in more private setting, Five wastes no time in confronting you about the extraordinary display of power he witnessed, his curiosity piqued as he never saw a power like that
You’re meanwhile, hesitant to reveal too much too soon, while still being shaken up and confused from what happened
As soon as Five notices your distress he quickly starts calming you down and explain what’s happened and what your powers mean and do
As you engage in a serious conversation, you and Five find yourselfs opening up to each other in unexpected ways, in order to figure things out
By the end of your discussion, you and Five reach a mutual understanding and accept his offer to help you control your powers while studying them in the process
Though the path ahead may be uncertain, Five makes sure you know you can rely on him and tell him anything
At the end of the day to calm your nerves he takes you to his favourite coffee shop and pays for everything while trying to make you feel safe
Over time you and Five learn to respect each other and you feel safe around Five and open up to him about any of your problems
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radiumjuice · 2 months
FIVE HEADCANONS… (most in a post-story scenario in which he is allowed to live out the rest of his years normally)
- was a smooth pb liked as a child but eventually upgraded to crunchy pb on his sandwiches
- it wasn’t just twinkies that were ruined permanently for five, but all hostess brand products. If he is found in a supermarket, he will jerk his cart away from anything hostess
- tea enjoyer. Specifically the sleepytime stuff (all of these are food related oopsie)
- likes scented candles such as “new car scent”
- used to read pg wodehouse as a kid
- throws himself into stern routine to make up for the inconsistency of his past 58 years of life
- sucked up to adults a lot when he was younger. Doing that thing some kids do when they patronize adults asking shit like “does your boss give you homework”
- five was sick of trying to use lighters with no fluid in the apocalypse so he started carrying around a rusted metal striker to light fires.
- finds the internet to be one of humanity’s worst blunders, aside from quora. He appreciates that no matter how niche his issue is, somebody seven years before has always experienced the same problem
- used to find very little joy in food (particularly during the apocalypse) but is somewhat curious about cooking because he likes how math-forward and objective following a recipe is
- inconsistent with his pragmatism. He’ll happily substitute a can opener for a blunt paring knife, but the moment that his nighttime routine is compromised, he’ll lose his shit
- loves math-based riddles, sudoku, those 200 piece puzzles, chess, and The NY Times crossword
- has His Own™️ afghan blanket that nobody is allowed to touch
- actually HAS mr. Pennycrumb :( why did the showrunners omit this
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frozenwafflesagain · 2 years
It’s my personal belief that after a few years spent in the apocalypse, Five started coming up with roasts to use on the rest of his siblings when he saw them again
And like yes of course it was a coping mechanism but it spurred him on to keep going — he couldn’t give up until he tore each of them to absolute shreds
But also I think it’s just objectively hilarious to think of Five at seventeen, at twenty-six, at thirty-four, at forty-eight, just stopping whatever he’s doing because he came up with a killer comeback and just HAS to write it down
“Omg Dolores can you imagine the look on Diego’s face when I call him discount Batman? That’s gonna be so funny”
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Klaus: sometimes wearing a shirt feels like my skin is burning and I want to rip it off my flesh until I'm just bones, its like this overwhelming torturous feeling and then I take off my shirt and I'm completely fine
Five: you're autistic
Klaus: that's what that is??
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tuatism · 1 year
i should probably post something else instead of just thinking about tua.
how do you think five felt when he first joined the commission and got to eat real food again? what do you think was the first thing he tried? clearly he avoided sweets because of the twinkie, but other than that? do you think the first thing he made then was a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich too? Do you think he made a childhood favorite dish of his? Something his father may have served on friday nights when everyone was tired from a long day, something grace made with love? do you think he couldnt bear to eat some things because they reminded him of his childhood? because he wouldnt be able to handle it if he found that his tastes had changed? because he wanted to hold on to that little bit of fondness he had left, he had to avoid what he once loved so dearly?
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dykefive · 2 years
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i shrimply think five would be improved if they let his love of frogs manifest
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swampbrick · 2 months
if I can’t pretend that the Lila/Five plot line didn’t happen I WILL absolutely pretend that nobody died and they ended up in a toxic but fulfilling polycule with Diego and Delores and they all raise Gracie and the twins together
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vibinginthebg · 7 days
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✨Some doodles of the siblings to try to see how to draw them ✨
(I am super late to the party hello)
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natsuki-bakery · 3 months
⁎˚ ఎ Five care giver Headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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hii! can you do five hargreeves (the umbrella academy) caregiver headcannons?
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•Despite his typically gruff and no-nonsense demeanor, Five has a soft spot for you
•He maintains a structured environment, ensuring routines are followed to provide a sense of stability and security
•Hargreeves loves to engage your mind with fun yet educational activities. He'd turn simple games into opportunities to teach something new, whether it's a new language, a science fact, or a puzzle-solving exercises
•He finds creative ways to make learning enjoyable, often using his time-traveling experiences as storytelling material
•Five is incredibly protective of you. Given his past and the dangers he's faced, he ensures the environment is safe and free of anything that might cause distress to you
•If anyone threatens your sense of security, Five is quick to step in, using his sharp intellect and combat skills to keep you safe
•He understands the importance of comfort foods and would go out of his way to prepare your favorite snack
•Whether it's baking cookies together or preparing a special treat, he ensures it's a time filled with joy and connection.
•With his ability to teleport and his knowledge of various timelines and places, Five makes playtime an adventurous experience. He might take you on mini 'time-travel' adventures within the house, using his storytelling to make each corner a different era or world
•These imaginative play sessions are designed to be both entertaining and enriching !
•Five Hargreeves might uses few pet names like : kiddo, little one, buddy or tiny
If you're sick when age regressing :
•Five would immediately spring into action, meticulously researching symptoms and remedies. He’d ensure you have everything you need, from medicine to a cozy blanket
•His past experiences have taught him to be thorough and precise, so he'd double-check dosages and instructions to ensure your safety
•Though Five isn’t typically one for overt displays of emotion, he’d make an extra effort to provide comfort. He’d sit by your side, reading stories or talking about his adventures to distract you from feeling unwell
•He might prepare homemade remedies, like a soothing tea or a simple soup, using recipes he’s picked up from various times and places. He’d focus on natural, gentle ingredients that are easy on a sensitive stomach and help boost your recovery
•Understanding the importance of rest, Five would create a peaceful, quiet environment
•He’d dim the lights, ensure your room is at a comfortable temperature, and might even use his abilities to make sure you aren’t disturbed by any loud noises
•Five would keep a close eye on your condition, regularly checking your temperature and other vital signs
•If things don't improve, he wouldn’t hesitate to seek professional help, ensuring you gets the best care possible
•He’d keep meticulous notes on your health progress to track any changes and adapt his care as needed
•Dada Five always makes sure to keep a steady supply of your favorite snacks on hand, knowing how much joy a simple treat can bring you <3
•He reads bedtime stories with an unexpected tenderness, often choosing tales from his own past adventures, modifying them to be more child-friendly
•Whenever you feel scared or anxious, Five gently reassures you with a soft, "I've got you, little one" making sure you feel safe and protected.
•During playtime, Five uses his teleportation abilities to turn ordinary hide-and-seek games into epic adventures, always ensuring you have the time of your life
•If the regressor has a nightmare, He'd be immediately by your side, soothing you with calming words and a warm embrace until you fall back asleep
•Despite his usually serious demeanor, Five often surprises you with spontaneous, silly moments, like goofy dances or funny voices, just to hear your laughter !
•Five takes it upon himself to learn about child development and age regression, reading books and consulting experts to ensure he's providing the best care possible for his little one
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DNI: basic criteria, DSMP, vivziepop/h4zbin h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl, nsfw/k!nk, anti-agere, anti Christians blogs
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unabashedmoonlight · 3 months
All the best characters always betray and kill the future versions of themselves and end up dooming themselves because they did. not. hear the warning the future self tried to give them and chose snark and belittlement instead. The best mixture of self hatred and superiority complex. Favourite plotline. Love characters who do this in canon and those who 100% would do this if they could time travel.
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