#flaky rambles
I'll preface this by saying it's been a hot minute since I read the books, so there might be an easy answer and I'll be mildly ashamed but better informed.
But I don't see how Tom Riddle could have publicly (but covertly) announced the Heir of Slytherin was the one siccing the basilisk on muggleborns back in the 1940s and also claimed his heritage as a descendant of Slytherin, even if only within Slytherin house.
You're telling me that there wasn't a single Slytherin who wasn't under Tom's thumb or enamoured of him -- even for two consecutive hours -- who wouldn't have immediately ratted him out as part of a power play? Or who wouldn't have used it as blackmail at some point?
(And maybe it's fanon that he told the Knights of Walpurgis that he was the Heir of Slytherin? But I believe the implication was that Tom's change of status in his house is in large part because of the discovery of his ancestry.)
I know there's probably a "what happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin" mentality at play, and the Heir of Slytherin means something significant to this group in particular, and that this is far from the only inconsistency regarding Tom's adolescence, and we've got a couple pretty unreliable narrators/interpreters presenting Tom's past.
But I simply cannot fathom that every single stuffy, bigoted pureblood in that house cowtowed to Tom, that upstart, no-name mudblood (well, halfblood) for the more than two years before he graduated. They all had two months away from Hogwarts shortly after Myrtle's death, too, during which they could have spread the information and made it more difficult for Tom to pin down who tattled. They have the power, due to their names and wealth -- with the correct pressure on the right person, Tom might have had his wand snapped and never returned to Hogwarts to take vengeance on them.
If he's ruling through fear while maintaining the perfect reputation facade, that's bound to create friction with whichever knight is on the outs at any particular time. Piss off enough people and at least one of them is bound to try to bite back, no matter how powerful Tom is nor how ill-advised the course of action.
If they're all so in awe of him that they wouldn't think to move against him, then why not assist him with a job or support after Hogwarts? It must pinch the purebloods to worship a lord who's working retail in the shady part of town for a pittance.
I dunno. I have issues with Tom's intelligence being very "told to the reader" rather than "shown." Whether as Tom or as Voldemort, he makes plenty of bad plans and decisions and sets up a lot of Batman gambits that work out for plot convenience as much as (or more than) the characters acting in-character. But this point in particular rankles because it could -- and should, based on the players -- fall apart so easily.
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ask2ps · 3 months
soo funny how my idea of 2p canada and france's relationship changed over time. in an old ask i was like "matthieu was his son 😔he loved him more than anything..."
my thoughts nowadays are more along the lines of: francois saw matthieu as some weird tumor that fell off him and gained sentience. he couldn't have cared less about canada. and he wouldn't regret feeling that way for a long, long time (way after the damage was done)
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herebecritters · 1 year
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Happy pride, here’s a reminder that non-binary Flaky is incredibly important to me
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delurkr · 4 months
The weird little conflict in my head whenever I see someone hating on John for being flaky and then a John fan coming in defending him by saying it's because it was a rough night or whatever.
Folks the man is indefensible and the flakiness is all him, he's established to have a history of flakiness at the college but that's why everyone should love him if you ask me. John stans gotta lean into the punches 😂
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pupkou · 3 months
i planned a clothing swap that’s going to take place tomorrow at my house and im very scared that no one is going to come </3
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squirrelpatties · 1 year
Some HTF fans refusal to accept that Flaky is greasy and unwashed will never not be funny to me
I read a fic this morning that described her as neat, feminine and dainty with soft flowing hair and they replaced her fucking dandruff with hair pins like MY GOD 😭 😭 😭 😭
Like I’m sorry but that porcupine doesn’t shower well, they are not feminine, they are not neat, they are not feminine, they’re a lil greaseball who plays outside with their friends and has so much dandruff that when they walk by they look like they were in a snowstorm in the middle of July 😭
their fur is probably matted and missing in clumps, they probably have scars that they pick and bite at, they probably smell like wet dog and an old sandwich, sorry everyone thats how it is
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toasty-self-shipping · 2 months
Sooo did we all thought Flaky from happy tree friends was a girl because of the human designs of them back in the day had Flaky looking like a shy anime girl
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cartooemcanhis · 2 months
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The four treefriends of "I'm gonna force my own traumas and traits onto you subconsciously and you can't do anything about it"
I don't do it on purpose but I have slowly begun to realize that alot of the things I have planned for them in no control mildly relates to me.. which is fun!! They're my little creatures!! They aren't self inserts tho, since all of this just happened on accident lmao so don't get worried if any rlly messed up stuff happens to them 👍
Flaky is litterally me bro because I'm genderfluid but like everyone not on the internet thinks I'm cis
Unrelated, but pls ask about my htf hcs I want to yap. I will talk about my hcs for any character(s) ‼️‼️‼️
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unreone · 10 months
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Its creation + original pic under cut:
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Tuesday is just...really late Monday. Happy day! For the ask game: 🎁 and 📝!
Happy day! Thank you for the ask, Lettie! <3
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
This took me a while to think of, but I'm going to have to say when my grandparents got my brother and I a Super Nintendo for Christmas. I played that system obsessively, and some SNES games are still some of my favourites (Super Mario RPG and A Link to the Past, I'm looking at you). But I have vivid memories of playing Donkey Kong Country and Clayfighter and Super Mario World with my brother. Video games were something we bonded over for a long, long time, and that's really where it started.
📝 Fave quote
For years I've loved a quote from Le Petit Prince. The line is «C’est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante» -- or, more or less, "It's the time you've spent on your rose that makes your rose so important." It's a little melancholy -- the Prince will never see his rose again, but it's still important to him because it's his rose (of all the other roses in the world), and it's his rose because of the time he spent caring for it. A rose doesn't have to be unique to be special to him.
But my favourite part is «C'est le temps que tu as perdu», because the main meaning of «perdre» is "to lose" -- "It's the time you've lost." Time becomes meaningful -- rather than lost -- when spent on something that matters (to you). And things become meaningful by the time you lose for them.
So, to me, it's a reminder to make sure the things I spend my time on are things I find important; otherwise, they'll become "important" by virtue of my wasted time, whether I want them to or not. I'm not always very good at following this, but that's why I keep the quote with me.
TL;DR: «C'est le temps que tu as perdu»
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ravewing · 4 months
i think takis would taste much better if they made them bite sized instead . like little one inch segments to be honest
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charrfie · 4 months
I've been very silent lately due to lower energy levels but I hope everyone's well!!! Been itching to share some art I've worked on recently. In other tangentially related news I've been thinking a lot lately about how wildly different character depictions tend to be dependent on the source material + the crowd which it attracts. The act of fleshing out a character that's discarded by both fans and writers alike feels like something so special and personal.... like you're completing the frame which was left for you, or like justice is being served in some manner since the character doesn't have the capabilities of correcting or finishing themselves
Anyways would you believe it if I told you in the time I've been gone I basically finished a whole new pmv on a character I feel this way about because said character does not get nearly enough of legitimate thought put towards them
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theradicalace · 7 months
have all of my htf playlists in one place, as a treat (part one bc i have too many 🙏)
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the-gene-mile · 10 months
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clydeposter · 9 months
appearing again just bc idk if it's just me not watching the show for a while but has trey forgotten how to voice clyde?? he doesn't rly sound like himself at times he sounds more like a mix of cartman, craig and scott m??
anyway special was fine my fav part was the fake videos they put in recommended
/disappears again/
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autisticlee · 3 months
I need a friend (or maybe actually a life partner) thats super consistent/scheduled, not flaky, probably not disabled with unpredictable flare ups/energy issues, someone with energy who can plan and get stuff done. because I cannot do it myself. I need someone very close who is like this so they can help me do things I want or need to do. come over in the morning to exercise like go for a walk or swim or kayak. come over to help me make food when they realize I forgot to eat. come over and help me change my bed sheets. sit with me while I work on something and keep me focused or help me get done easier. plan a time to hang out or go somewhere and be here at that exact time instead of forgetting or canceling.
I NEED consistency in my life. I cannot provide it for myself. I know there's people out there who are like this. the autism in me craves it. but the adhd in me rejects it and always wins no matter how hard I try. having unpredictable physical flare ups doesn't help. trying doesn't do anything. people make it clear to me that it doesn't look like I try at all. that proves how useless trying has been. I need an external force that is beyond my control. alarms and reminders are in my control so they never work. I can't be consistent with myself and flake out on myself, beyond my control. but when it comes to other people, i'll push through and stick to things for their sake. I need a separate entity that has more control over the situation. someone to do with me and not just "remind" me. but also someone that won't push me too hard or let me push myself too hard. remind me to stop and drink/eat. don't let me push through pain. remind me it's ok to rest. etc.
but finding consistent people is so hard. I can't seem to do it. I only find and attract flaky, inconsistent people. I don't know what i'm supposed to do about it. they want me to be their consistent, nonflaky friend that they can flake out on. i'm told i'm always there for them whenever they need me, and they appreciate it. but I can never say the same about them.
no one wants to help me or "hold my hand" mostly because they can't even help themsleves and expect me to do everything for them, but also people who could help just dont like or care about me enough. i'm a burden to people who don't care or value me enough. I need someone to magically care so much about me that they enjoy being my solid pillar of consistency, support, and companionship. they wake up and WANT to see me immediately, so they come over and wake me up to make breakfast and go for a walk and do chores at their house together and etc.
you can't just wait and they will show up like a pokemon you can catch and turn into your loyal companion. you can't just make someone like you. but I don't know how to make anyone like me/find people who like me for who I am and don't have the energy and spoons endlessly sort through everyone in the world for the chance of finding one i also like and feel comfortable with. I need a person that either doesn't cost energy to interact with or somehow gives energy. that'd so hard to find.
I do try, though. but it takes at least a month or two to recover from the energy and effort it takes to reach out to a single person, especially since it's me doing most of the work. so the process is slow and is wasting my life away. I don't care about the possible "one day" because i'm struggling NOW. thinking about "one day" hasn't helped improve my life one but over the past 15 years or more, i've been told "one day"
it seems to be all about either luck or being privileged to have the energy and right personality to attract the right people. I have none of those things. so I just continue to struggle to exist within my own chaos alone. merely barely surviving and not at all living.
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