kalirush · 1 year
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aceofstars0 · 1 month
fire loooord~
my flame buuurns for theeee~
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Flamey-o, hotman!
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demonicrosebushsims · 2 years
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Fantasy February - Day 4: Flames
@morrigan-sims​  “Oh, you think you’ve seen me set things one fire? Watch this!” (More info and unedited cas pics under read more)
The first familiar face is here! When I saw the Theme Flames I knew it had to be Jasper, since they had two goals in life. Eat grilled cheese and set things on fires. I also gave him a nice little make over. He’s rocking that kilt.
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Flame-o hotman!
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msmoonlighter · 6 years
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Have I expressed my undying, death defying, never wavering, unconditional love for this boy yet?
Because I love him. 
Also I love Viria’s art so I mean. 
Based off of this post.
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vbyg · 3 years
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Flame-o, Hotman! /./ [Simades]
The first thing Simba did when he walked into the Town Hall ballroom was put his fists on his hips and let out a low whistle. That was better than what he wanted to do, which was cry. Yeah, to many, that might feel like an over reaction, but Simba loved Town Hall. It was old and musty, but he had so many memories within its walls. Some of his earliest memories took place right here in this ballroom, riding on his grandpa’s shoulders, and hanging out with Nala--stealing extra cookies off the tables, bored at this political function or another. 
The fire had peeled back some of the painted wood to expose the boards beneath. The mirrors were warped. The smooth marble floor was charred. It still smelled like acrid smoke. A few ceiling beams had fallen in. The antique mural was half-destroyed. Not to mention the puddles of blood on the floor and the fact that several tables were broken. 
Simba knew that people had been hurt. Hell, he’d been hurt. His husband had been hurt. His kids (not his actual kids, thanks, but it was easier to refer to Ashlee and Kion as “the kids,” kind of like how it used to be easier to refer to Kiara, Callie, and Bambi as “the kids”) had, thankfully, not been hurt, but Ashlee was shaken up pretty bad. And people were more important than an old building.
It still tugged on Simba’s heart strings. 
So, he rolled up his metaphorical sleeves (he was wearing a t-shirt), and got to work. The first place he went was towards where it looked like the fire had started in one of the back corners. 
Lo and behold, who should be here but--
“Oi, hullo, Hades,” Simba beamed, his chipper attitude probably out of place in the oppressive, somber air. Still, it was better than crying he told himself. He gave Hades a friendly smack on the shoulder as he came up beside him. 
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“How’d you and Belle fair?” he asked, and his voice dropped to a slightly more serious tone. “And the little ones?” 
[this t-shirt with jeans and boots]
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gladlywumbo · 3 years
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Flame-o, Hotman!
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rachelmbradyart · 3 years
Zuko of the Fire Nation. My favorite animated character honestly. Love his character arc. Flame-o Hotman! 🔥
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nitewrighter · 4 years
“The Headband” is SUCH A FUCKING GOOD episode of ATLA. The historic revisionism, the not-so-subtle-note of “Hey! You know the Pledge of Allegiance is fucking weird, right?”, Wang Fire and Sapphire Fire, the fact that Aang felt more compassion for these kids in this environment than anything, Aang being a genuinely good dancer, Aang and Katara’s adorable waterbending dance, “Flameo, Hotman, Flame-o,” and then when the episode ends and you just kind of go, “Oh! Fire needs air to stay alive!” 
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lazy-cat-corner · 3 years
Loki trying to blend in on Lamentis: Flame-o Hotman!
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schildwand · 3 years
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Bellroc, but its also Flame-o Hotman
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nadisabug · 4 years
Summary: Y/n is not prepared to find out why she has been picking fights with Zuko. Prompts: 42. Character A: Fuck. Oh, fuck. I’m in love with Character B! Character C: Yeah. A: Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?! C: What?! I thought you knew! 31. "I'm so in love with you it hurts." Fandom: ATLA Pairing: Sokka x reader Warnings: cursing A/N: Ah! Here is my second piece for the @fromthewatertribe‘s event! (also gonna tag @astroninaaa jic!!) I loved writing this, I hope I did the prompts justice! I hope you enjoy guys!
"Why don't you get off your pretty little ostrichhorse and face the fact that we're not going to treat you like royalty," I spat angrily, glaring at Zuko.
We were fighting. Again.
Ever since he joined us after we defeated combustion man we had been getting into it.
A lot.
"Says Princess," Zuko scoffed and rolled his eyes.
I felt fire surge up to my face. I opened and closed my mouth, completely unsure of what to say. That was Sokka's nickname for me and only Sokka was allowed to call me that. I was so floored that he would bring that up that the only thing I could shout back at him was, "You are the most despicable person I have ever met!" Fucking lame, I thought to myself.
"Tell me something I don't know," Zuko quipped. His responses were so easy and calm, he wasn't riled up in the least bit. It bothered me that I was so emotional and he wasn’t. It was like he didn't even care.
So I went for a low blow that I knew would set him off.
"Oh poor baby Zuzu, playing the martyr-"
"Don't call me that!" He nearly screamed losing all of his composure. He lunged towards me, flames erupting from his closed fists.
"Okay that's enough!" Sokka strolled in between the both of us, putting his arms up as if that would stop us from tearing each other to pieces. "Zuko, you come with me. We'll go hunting together. Princ- Y/n, you stay here with Toph and cool down."
"I don't need to cool down!" I shouted. I winced when I realized how loud I was. "Fine," I sighed and let my shoulders slump. I watched as Zuko and Sokka walked off to go hunt, leaving me behind with Toph.
It wasn't like I didn't like being with Toph, I loved her, I just... Something was bothering me about that fight.
I turned around and sat next to Toph. She was sitting there, nonchalantly picking her feet. I supposed she had been doing that the entire time we had been fighting.
"What's up with you today, grumpy pants?" Toph asked and elbowed me in the ribcage.
"Ow," I grumbled and rubbed my side. She had good aim for a blind girl. "Nothing, I'm fine."
"When will you people learn that I can tell when you lie," Toph sighed dramatically. She scooted closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Is it a secret? You can tell me, everyone else is gone."
She was right, Aang was training with Katara and now Sokka was off hunting with Zuko. The later part may have been why I was angry. I didn't know why but I felt this intense jealously that Sokka had asked Zuko to go hunting with him instead of me.
I huffed and scooted away from Toph. "I'm just jealous Sokka took Zuko instead of me," I answered truthfully. "I don't know why it bothers me so much though."
"Really?" Toph deadpanned. She paused for a second and when I didn't answer she continued. "Do you even know why you started fighting in the first place?"
I rolled my eyes at her tone. She was probably just trying to make fun of me for being upset over something so trivial, or because I couldn't figure out why it bothered me. "Yes really, I'm jealous. I always go with Sokka when we hunt." I purposefully ignored her second question, though, because I honestly couldn't remember what started the fight.
"I know that, I meant-"
"And why did he take Zuko anyways? He always says that you have to trust you hunting partner with your life, does that mean he trusts Zuko more than me now?"
"I meant-"
"After Boiling Rock they just seem so close, and about that too, I can't believe he took Zuko and not me with him. I knew how important that mission was to him, and he always takes me on his missions."
"Oh whatever," Toph gave up on trying to talk and listened to me rant instead.
"And I guess I am just so upset because usually we sit next to each other during the night around the campfire but now he's sitting with Zuko instead. You remember that time I accidentally fell asleep on him? Do you think that's why he doesn't sit next to me anymore?" I barely paused to get a response before continuing, but it was okay because Toph made no move to answer. "Like I thought that was so nice but what if I snored or something or he just doesn't like me and that was so annoying and-"
I stopped. Something I said had caught my attention.
What if he doesn't like me?
For some reason I felt like it meant more than just like. Like... I wanted him to like me. A lot. Like more than normal. I wanted me to be his favorite person and I wanted him to choose me first and-
"Fuck. Ooooohhhh, fuck. I'm in love with Sokka," I cried out, throwing my head into my hands.
Toph had since begun picking at her feet and didn't even look up when she responded. "Yeah? And?"
"You knew?" I gasped and whirled on her. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
"What?! I thought you knew!"
"How was I supposed to know?"
"Are you kidding me? They're your feelings!"
I didn't have a good comeback for that. So, we lapsed into silence and I began to think about my newfound feelings. It actually started to explain a lot. That's why my face burned every time he sparred with Zuko, shirtless. That's why I felt so at home next to him. That's why I was always so angry at Zuko, I was scared that he was replacing me.
"I need to apologize to Zuko," I mumbled softly.
"Yeah you do, grumpy pants."
"Thanks, Toph," I rolled my eyes. I was about to reprimand her for not being a more supportive friend when I spotted Zuko and Sokka coming back. Still embarrassed over my outburst, I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my head under my arms.
"That was quick." Toph said.
"Yeah, flamey-o hotman over here scared everything away with his magic whoosh powers. I'll have to go out later," Sokka replied. "I'm going to fish for now."
I peeked out from behind my arms to see Sokka stalk off, leaving Zuko awkwardly standing in the middle of the clearing.
I sighed. Now was a good a time as any.
I stood up and walked up to Zuko. "Zuko, can we talk?"
"What, want to yell at me more, princess," he sneered angrily.
I sighed. "No, I want to apologize," I reached up and rubbed the back of my neck and looked off to the side. I couldn't meet Zuko's gaze.
"Let's walk," he nodded and began to lead the way. I followed him, leaving Toph behind.
Once we were a good ways away, Zuko looked at me. "Big change from earlier, wanting to apologize."
"Yeah, I did some thinking."
"Cooled down a bit?" Zuko suggested.
"Fuck off," I growled and rolled my eyes. Zuko raised his hands in defense.
"Sorry, you're right you didn't cool off at all."
"You are making it really hard to be nice, you know," I said and shot him a glare.
"Sorry, sorry," he relented waving his hands. "You're right, I'm still in the mindset from earlier. So. Why are you apologizing?"
"Well, I picked the fight. It was kinda my fault."
"Zuko," I sighed.
"FIne, fine."
"I just want to say I figured out why I am picking out fights with you and I want to say I'm going to try to do it less."
There was a beat of silence. I looked at Zuko to see his response but his gaze was unreadable.
"What?" I responded quickly, defensive over my lame apology.
"You're not going to tell me why?"
I flushed red and turned away. "It's personal."
"It's not personal when you're picking fights with me over it," he responded, raising his voice a little. I could hear his frustration, but I really didn't want to tell him.
"Well it's a personal reason I'm not obligated to tell you everything about my life."
"And I just said if it's the reason you're picking fights with me it's not personal anymore."
"That doesn't even make sense," I bit back, matching his volume.
"Just tell me!"
"Fine it's cause I like Sokka!"
"Okay and?"
I blinked. "What do you mean 'and,' I just told you I like Sokka! That's a big deal!"
"Not really," Zuko shrugged. "I mean we all already knew that."
"You did?"
"You didn't?"
"No of course not how could I?"
"Well I mean it was pretty fucking obvious," Zuko scoffed and folded his arms. He was so blase about it it blew my mind.
"It was obvious?" I repeated what he said, still unable to grasp it.
"Yeah, but moving past the fact that you're an oblivious idiot, how does you liking Sokka have anything to do with me?"
"Oh," I said softly, my cheeks reddening. "Um, well I'm kinda jealous. Of how close you two are."
Zuko was silent for a long time so I looked up at him to see what was the matter. When I did, I just saw him staring incredulously at me.
"We're just friends. It's not like I want his tongue in my mouth like you do," he finally said, laughing.
"Zuko!" I shouted, my face growing even more red.
"Well it's true," he shrugged nonchalantly. "So that's why you're so upset at me all the time."
I shrugged meekly, "Pretty much yeah."
Zuko nodded resolutely. "Then let's help you get this boy."
"Did I stutter? I'm going to help you confess and start dating Sokka."
"I don't need any help!"
"Obviously you do if you haven't realized your feelings until now," Zuko half snorted in response. He seemed to find this situation so funny.
"Listen, I can confess on my own time okay," I said resolutely.
With that, Zuko shrugged and walked away. I sighed, but let him, knowing I didn't have much more to say anyway. I went back to camp and sat down next to Toph, talking to her about nothing.
Later, when Sokka came back from fishing, he was soaked and shirtless, a bad combination for my heart. Since I realized I liked him, it was like my feelings were magnified. My face burned red and I couldn't bear to look at him.
"Look what Katara did to me!" He whined once he was in earshot.
"What did you do to her?" Zuko responded airily, not even turning to look at him. I wished I could be that easy going around Sokka.
"Doesn't matter," Sokka waved him off. I saw Sokka look at me and the heat in my chest flared. I looked down quickly, breaking eye contact as soon as we made it. "You and Princess make up?"
I heard Zuko rumble an assent then the topic was dropped. Zuko and Sokka eventually wandered off, talking to each other.
"You're lucky he's as dense as you are. I can't even see and you're making it more obvious than a platypusbear in a pottery shop," Toph smirked at me.
"Oh shut up," I mumbled. I looked up to see Sokka walking back towards me. I mentally hoped that he wasn't coming to talk to me, but when he stopped in front of me I knew my worst fears had come true.
"Hey, can we talk, Princess?"
"Uh, I am actually talking to Toph right now-" I nervously began but Toph cut me off.
"Oh, we just finished. Go have your talk, Princess," Toph pitched her voice up at the end of the sentence, obviously mocking me.
Left without any other excuses, I took Sokka's outstretched hand and followed him to go talk.
We walked all the way down to the beach, where no one else was, before he finally broke the silence.
"So, Zuko said you wanted to talk to me," he finally said, looking down and over at me.
"He did?" I was caught off-guard by that. Why would...
"Yeah, he said it was about the reason why you're fighting with him so much."
If thoughts could kill a man then our party would be down one member. "I can't believe he said that," I groaned and threw my head into my hands.
"So... you don't want to talk to me?"
"No!" I looked up quickly and met Sokka's confused gaze. "I do want to talk to you just not about that!"
"But you talked to Zuko about it?" He asked, half a question half a statement.
"Yeah," I agreed slowly. Sokka smiled softly, sending my heart up into my throat.
"While I am a little jealous, I am actually kinda glad. You don't know how hard its been, what with my best friend and my girl not getting along."
I stopped breathing for a second.
"Your girl?" I whispered breathily.
At my statement, Sokka blanched and began to stammer. "I, uh, I mean a girl that I know not specifically my girl I mean because I can't own a girl you know women's rights and everything equality yeah um so yeah I didn't mean my girl yeah of course not."
I smiled softly and began to open my mouth, but Sokka cut me off.
"I just mean its so hard when your two best friends are fighting because that's what you are to me, just a best friend."
At that my smile fell. "Oh," I said softly, turning away. I began to think that he may have actually just misspoke and that was all.
Suddenly, I felt Sokka grab my arms and pull me in, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him in surprise but his eyes were closed. He rested his forehead against mine.
"Aw man, don't make that face, I'm sorry I'm such an idiot. It's just... I just... I just love you so much it hurts when you look like that... don't hate me," he added the last part on quickly and softly, scrunching his eyes up.
"How could I, when I love you so much it hurts too?" I whispered breathlessly.
And then, I kissed him. He didn't react at first, but after a moment he began kissing me back ferociously. I reciprocated immediately, kissing him with an intensity of months of pent up affection.
We only parted when we both couldn't breathe.
Panting, we leaned into each other. My arms around his neck, his around my lower back.
"I am considerably less mad at Zuko now," I said happily.
"Yeah, what was with all of that?" Sokka replied, pulling his head away to look at me properly.
"Oh," I flushed for what felt like the millionth time this day. "I was maybe a little jealous."
Sokka laughed but stopped quickly when I glared at him.
"Y/n, don't be jealous. You'll always be my Princess."
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Warnings: heartbreak, betrayal.
Pairing: Zuko x f!Reader
Characters: Zuko, Katara, Aang, Toph, Sokka.
Requested: I guess?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, nor the gif. Credit to the owners.
Summary: Part six of “destiny is a funny thing”.
previous part
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s a late chistmas present hehe. Have fun reading!
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“Who is down there?”
The three of you gasped as the Sun Warrior Chief came into sight. You were surprised, and positively relieved about the tribes appearance, but even more about the fact that you got rid of the slime that clung to your skin. It was removed by aardvark sloths on either side of you, while men and women formed circles around you. The Chief soon stepped closer. ”For trying to take our sunstone, you must be severely punished!”
Great, you thought. Just great.
”We didn’t come here to take your sunstone,” You explained, giving Zuko a dirty look, who pouted briefly. “We came here to find the ancient origin of all firebending,”
“Yeah, right. They are obviously thieves,” Ham Ghao said, walking forward, holding onto the artifact. “Here to steal Sun Warrior treasures,”
“Please, I don’t normally play this card, but ...,” Aang placed a hand on his chest. ”I’m the Avatar,” He gave Ham Ghao a weak smile, as he shifted his puzzled expression towards the Chief.
“Just hear us out,” Zuko said, standing up and offering his hand to you. You grabbed it, letting him pull you up, before helping Aang to his feet. ”This is (Y/N), a talented fire bender supporting the Avatar’s journey,” He gestured towards you. “And my name is Zuko, Crown Prince of the Fire Nation,” He lowered his gaze to the ground, reconsidering. A sight you didn’t want to feel sorry for, and yet it bothered you. ”O-or at least I used to be,” The tribe seemed to listen to him, standing still and silent in their positions. It was a large group of people. And all of their attention was on you. ”I know my people have distorted the ways of firebending, to be fueled by anger and rage. But now I want to learn the true way. The original way. When we came here, I never imagined the Sun Warrior’s civilization was secretly alive. I am truly humbled to be in your presence,” You all proceeded to bow your head to them. “Please, teach us,”
“If you wish to learn the ways of the Sun, you must learn them from the masters, Ran and Shaw,�� The Chief answered, his stern eyes never leaving your little group. “Ran and Shaw?” Aang asked. “There are two of them?”
“When you present yourself to them, they will examine you,” The Chief came near, speaking loud and clear. “They’ll read your hearts, your souls, and your ancestry,” He closed in an towered over Zuko, who looked more than worried by now. ”If they deem you worthy, they’ll teach you. If they don’t, you’ll be destroyed on the spot,” You watched as he retreated, seeing the last of him until the next day.
And tomorrow came quickly. Much quicker than you would’ve liked.
You weren’t that keen on dying, but now the Sun Warriors sat in multiple arcs inside the room, before the Eternal Flame. The only ones standing were you, and the Chief himself.
“If you’re going to see the masters,” He said. “You must bring them a piece of the Eternal Flame,” His hands were raised over his head as he turned around to face you. “This fire is the very first one. It was given to man by the dragons. We have kept it going for thousands of years,”
”I don’t believe it,” Zuko breathed, eyes widened.
”You will each take a piece of it to the masters, to show your commitment to the sacred art of firebending,” The Chief continued to enforce, but the more he said, the more unsure Aang seemed to grow. “Umm, Mister Sun Chief Sir‌, yeah, I’m not a firebender yet,” He mumbled, rubbing his neck, before pointing to Zuko. “Couldn’t my friend here carry my fire for me?“
But the Sun Warrior Chief was unyielding. “No,” He turned back to face the fire, not paying any further attention to Aangs uneasy expression. He took a part of the Eternal Flame into his hand, turning back to you. “This ritual illustrates the essence of Sun Warrior philosophy,” He declared, slowly spinning in a circle and splitting the fire in his palms into three parts. Aang stared, entranced by the light, but cringing at his next words. “You must maintain a constant heat. The flame will go out if you make it too small. Make it too big, and you might lose control,”
You were the first to recieve the fire. Feeling the warm comfort of it in your palm was like coming home. Like you’d lost and found yourself again. A unconcious smile spread out on your face, looking down at the dancing element in your hand. Zuko brought his arms forward next, ready to take the flame, as the Chief offered Aang the same. ”I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous,” He stuttered, but took it. You saw his face get washed over by relief when it didn’t vanish into thin air. “It’s like a little heartbeat,”
The Chief nodded. “Fire is life,” A little smile spread out on the Avatar’s face. “Not just destruction. You will take your flames up there,” He pointed the top of a large mountain. “The cave of the masters is beneath that rock,”
And so you did. The climb was exhausting, having to constantly check on your flame, and fueling it just right.
The adventure lead you through a steep forest, before changing to a surface. You and Zuko had already reached the top of it, turning back to Aang who was lagging behind. ”Hurry up,”
“I can’t,” The Avatar complained, approaching the rock. “If I walk too fast, my flame will go out,” He climbed up, balancing his fire in the other hand. “Your flame’s gonna go out because it’s too small. You’re too timid, give it more juice,” The air bender tried to overcome the next obstacle, wanting to catch up with his friends. ”But what if I can’t control it?”
The two of them argued, while you were lost in your own thoughts. Heartbreak was a funny thing. Your gaze remained on the prince as he concentrated on motivating the Avatar. It was a relief to not feel anger anymore, any time you looked at him. But there was still one aspect that kept you away, and you weren’t sure if you could ever overcome it. The disappointment. Every time you felt like taking a step forward, it made you recoil. Made you step back. It sat in the back of your head, lurking, only coming out whenever he was near.
“You can do it. I know you can,” His voice brought you back into reality. Zuko didn’t ignore Aangs insecurities this time. “You’re a talented kid,” The boy smiled at the compliment, finally reaching the top and following the fire benders to the top of the mountain, where the Sun Warriors were already waiting. Among them was the Chief, framed by Ham Ghao and another male. Behind them the mountain still reached high, showing a bridge in between two vertical rocks.
“Facing the judgment of the firebending masters will be very dangerous for you. Your ancestors are directly responsible for the dragons’ disappearance. The masters might not be so happy to see you,” The Chief said walking closer. “I know I wouldn’t be,” Ham Ghao made clear, placing a hand on his hip with a grin.
“But once they find out I’m the Avatar ...,” The Chief interrupted Aang, correncting him sternly. ”Have you forgotten that you vanished, allowing the Fire Nation to wreak havoc on the world‌?” A guilty look returned to the boys face. One you’d seen far too often since you’d know him. “The decline of the dragons is your burden, too,” Aang turned to the side, as if he couldn’t bear to hear about his failure once more.
The Chief proceeded to root his staff on the ground, while the other two Warriors got into a kneeling position. He then walked towards you, taking a small potion of your flames and handing them over to the group. Warriors stood and sat creating a circle of fire on either side of you, prompting the Avatar to grow restless. “We could turn back now. We’ve already learned more about fire than we’d hoped,” He showed you his flame with a weak smile.
“No, we’re seeing this through to the end. We’re gonna meet these masters and find out what’s so great about them,” The air bender looked towards the rocks. ”What if they judge us, and attack us” You gave him a reassuring smile. “I think we’ll have to take the risk, Aang,”
”(Y/N)’s right. We can’t turn our backs on this now, besides,” He unsheated his swords slghtly, to underline his words. “I think we could take these guys in a fight, whoever they are,” Aang nodded nervously, despite Zuko’s sedative smile, while the Warriors finished their circles. The fire bender turned towards the Chief, and raised his voice. “Bring ’em out!”
The man stretched his hands out on both sides in response. “Chanters!” Music started playing. Multiple drums, beating in a synchronized rhythm to be more specific. It almost looked like the Warriors were dancing with the flames. The Chief stepped aside to let you pass, the path to the stairs now free.
The three of you looked at each other before taking a deep breath and climbing the steps. You could feel the stares of the tribe in your back, as you neared the bridge at the top. The setting sun warmed your skin as you reached the top, painting the sky crimson, and the drums were silenced. You spotted caves on either side of you.
“Those who wish to meet the masters, Ran and Shaw, will now present their fire,” A Sun Warrior announced from below. Your heart thumped faster and faster in your chest as you all stretched your hands towards the caves. ”Sound the call!” Some man blew a horn, sending a flock of birds scattering. The insides of the rocks seemed to be rumbling. Beside you, you could feel Aang trembling.
”What’s happening‌?”
The next thing you heard was a gasp, but you tried to ignore it, fully concentrating on your task. “Zuko, my fire went out,” A whisper sounded behind you, making your blood run cold. “What do you want me to do‌?”
“Give me some of yours,” A fight seemed to brew behind you, upon hearing the prince decline. “No, just make your own,” Hushed whispers continued to be shared behind your back.
”I can’t,”
“Get some from those warriors, Hurry!” But the struggle continued. “Stop cheating off me!”
“Quit being stingy!”
“Would you two cool it already!” You hissed, eventually having enough of their bickering. But they were clearly too caught up in their fight. Aang repeadiately tried to reach Zuko’s flame, who raised his hand up in the air. But the Avatars attempts continued, leading the prince to stretch his arms away.
“Didn’t you hear what I said?” You growled. “Quit it!”
You managed to pull them apart just as Aang pushed Zuko’s hand down, extinguishing the flame. They both look at each other, before their eyes landed on you. To your horror, you’d lost your own flame, trying to drag them apart. Suddenly the ground rumbled. You turned to look at each other, wearing worried expressions on your faces.
“Uh oh,” Aang mumbled, when two eyes began to glow in each cave.
They shot forward, roaring, and circling around the bridge. You took a step back, staring at their snake-like bodies, covered in scales and with bat-like wings. “These are the masters,” Zuko stated, to which Aang answered in a low voice. “Still think we can take ’em?”
“Sshh. I never said that.”
“You’re such a liar,” You laughed incredulously, watching the masters circle around you. Down below you could see the Warriors bow to them.
"Guys, I think we’re supposed to do the Dragon Dance with them,” Aang whispered next to you. “What‌?” You wipped around to him. The prince seemed just as confused as you. “What about this situation makes you think they want us to dance‌?” The boy shrugged. “Well, I think they want us to do something. Let’s just try it,” Zuko had never seemed more unwilling in his life.
And together you moved in sync. The postures from the Dance before slipped into your mind easily, flowing with the dragons around you. As you performed the final move, all your hands meeting in the middle, the masters hovered on each side of the bridge.
And then there it was. Fire.
You yelled, covering your faces, as it engulfed you, surrounding the three of you with flames. Inside the vortex, you stare at the scene in awe. “Wow,” Aang said breathlessly, overwhelmed by the sight. “This is incredible,” You whispered, more to yourself than to the others, while watching an infinite amount of colored lights flicker before your eyes.
“I understand,” Zuko muttered, staring at the flames.
After a while, the vortex slowly dissipated, leaving you standing on the bridge. The dragons curled their bodies, flying up and back into their caves. Together, you descended from the steps.
“Their fire was beautiful. I saw so many colors, colors I’ve never imagined,” Zuko said. ”Like firebending harmony,” Aang added. “The different flames were woven together within, building a never ending untiy,” You murmured, still caught upin the previous moment. “Yes. They judged you, and gave you visions of the meaning of firebending,” The Chief agreed when you’d reached the bottom.
”I can’t believe there are still living dragons. My uncle Iroh said he faced the last dragon and killed it,” The prince remembered. “So your uncle lied,” Aang said. Now a tight lipped smile spread on the Chiefs face. ”Actually, it wasn’t a total lie. Iroh was the last outsider to face the masters,” He slightly raised his hand above. “They deemed him worthy and passed the secret onto him as well,” Zuko’d eyes widened. “He must have lied to protect them, so no one else would hunt them,” You hummed, the cornors of your lips lifting slightly at the memory of him. No matter under which identity Iroh disguised himself, you couldn’t deny that he had a good heart and an old soul. “Sounds like the old man,” The prince looked at you upon your fond tone, his amber eyes being just as loving, but you turned away before he could see your embarrassement.
“All this time, I thought firebending was destruction. Since I hurt Katara, I’ve been too afraid and hesitant. But now I know what it really is ... it’s energy, and life,” Aang changed the topic, which you wee more grateful for, than you’d care to admit. ”Yeah. It’s like the Sun,” Zuko added and curled his hand into a fist. “But inside of you. Do you guys realize this?”
The Sun Warrior Chief smiled. “Well, our civilization is called the Sun Warriors ... so yeah,”
Zuko turned towards Aang. “That’s why my firebending was so weak before. Because for so many years, hunting you was my drive ... it was my purpose. So when I joined you, I lost sight of my inner fire. But now, I have a new drive. have to help you defeat my father and restore balance to the world,” He declared, delivering two blast of fire into the air, far more powerful then in the Western Air Temple. Your own bending was restored as well. With a kick into the air, the flames that should have been last time, appeared now. The Avatar bend a similar flame, grinning at his success, before he walked toward the two of you.
“Now that you have learned the secrets, and you know about our tribe’s existence,” He walked up to you, suddenly wearing a serious expression on his face. “We have no choice but to imprison you here forever,” Your eyes widened, looking between Aang and Zuko, before the Chief grinned. “Just kidding. But seriously, don’t tell anyone!”
Back at the Western Air Temple you, Zuko and Aang demonstrated the Dancing Dragon to the rest of Team Avatar and friends.
“With this technique the dragons showed us, Zuko, (Y/N) and I will be unstoppable.” As you moved into the final posture, the group applauded.
”Yeah, that’s a great dance you three learned there,” Sokka’s sarcastic voice reached your ears. “It’s not a dance. It’s a firebending form,” You answered, whereupon Sokka moved his fingers in a dancing manner. “We’ll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord.”
Zuko walked closer to him, feeling the need to protect the ancient tradition. “It’s a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old!”
“Oh, yeah‌? What’s your little form called‌?” Katara asked and Zuko’s cheeks reddened slightly. “The Dancing Dragon.”
He shut his eyes, cringing, as Team Avatar laughed. "Awww, look! He's blushing!" You pointed at his face that seemed to grow more crimson by the second. "I'm not!" He retorted forcefully, as if it would hide the obvious.
You raised your brows, holding your hands up in surrender. "Sorry, Sifu Hotman.”
"Don't call me that!"
tags: @zvkonation​ @viva-la-millennia​ @randomness501​ @drheinzd​ @kaylove12​ @duh-dobrik​ @yeetscreetiwannaeat​ @ ashnkamfeun    @hailkyoshi​ @shortmexicangirl​ @animexholic​ @sorrythatspussynal​  
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business-sleepover · 3 years
The Pinned About!
(OOC Blog Description)
Hey, welcome to our blog! We’re a group of buddies originating from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region, and we decided to find a place to document our adventures. Thanks for checking us out!
The Crew (Alphabetical Order)
Troy Barak:
Studying online at Viridian University (Majoring in History)
Started with Squirtle; traveled through Kanto before deciding being a Trainer wasn’t for me
I’m the youngest out of five brothers
Also known as: Trojan Man
Turner Imin:
Working as a lab assistant at Professor Oak’s Lab
Started with Bulbasaur and stayed home, first to stay with the crew (since I got my first a year before then), and then just because I didn’t feel like leaving
I have 6 sisters and 1 brother
Also known as: Iminizer
Ash Ketchum:
I’m a Trainer aiming to be a Pokemon Master, but I’m taking a little break from traveling right now. I’ve participated in 7 Leagues, won one (Orange Islands), and made it to the Top 8 in Sinnoh. I’m helping my mom with her restaurant in the meantime
Started with my best buddy, Pikachu!
I have two half-siblings
Also known as: Ketchup Man, Flame-o Hotman
Curfy Rowan:
Honestly just kind of vibing at home right now, but I’m working on my own to become a Pokemon Professor like my grandfather
Technically started with a Charmander, but I had a couple of Pokemon befriended before I got her
I have a twin brother and an older sister!
Also known as: Curfinator, Boat Boy, Alex
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aradiiaa · 4 years
Watching ATLA book 3, the thought of Rengoku greeting people with “flame-o, hotman!” like Aang greets random Fire Nation civilians is making me laugh
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ukyuo · 4 years
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🔥 Flame- o Hotman 🔥
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