#flight log turbulence
jaybhrs · 1 year
contents. GOT7 version - 1 random deco sticker, 1 random photocard [ID card, badge tag, making], 1 duty-free order form; jackson version - 1 random deco sticker sheet, 1 random photocard [ID card, badge tag, making], 1 duty-free order form collected. GOT7 version - GOT7 deco sticker, youngjae selfie photocard, no duty-free order form; jackson version - bambam deco sticker, yugyeom ID card, duty-free order form
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bunni-bun · 8 months
Hi :)
Please tell me/us more about your BamBam stage experience because that sounds like a whole lot of fun! 😁
hi friend!! absolutely cuz it's still such a wild moment, all these years later 😆
back in 2017, GOT7 had a fanmeet tour, Flight Log: Turbulence and Miami was the first stop in the US. my friends and i worked really hard to make it the best stop since Miami never gets anyone, honestly.
anyway! when everyone walked in to go to their seats, we all got a raffle ticket since this was a fanmeet, not a concert, and the boys play some games throughout the fanmeet. i really didn't think anything of my ticket and just put it in my pocket and went to my seat (lol).
they had a guess the song game, which was the fan game, so the MC had all of the boys pick a ticket and read the number out. They would only read the ticket number 3 times before moving on to a different person. Bambam chose my ticket and the first time he read the number, no one did anything and i didn't have my ticket out. So he read it a second time and i took my ticket out, purely out of suspicion cuz there was no way it was me, and he read my number one last time before i registered that it was, in fact, me and i screamed bloody murder so they knew they had the right person 😆 the MC jumped and was like "oh, we found her!" since i was sitting a bit in the back.
cue everyone in my row cheering and pushing me forward to get to the stage. Bambam was on the other end of the stage so Jackson helped me up from his end and he's really sweet (also short lmao). but i was stunned when i got to Bambam and he's pretty tall since i only reach his shoulders (his jacket was gorgeous and i focused on that a lot to keep from dying lmaoooo).
once all the fans were on stage, each member did a short little introduction of their fan. when they got to Bambam and I, he did his thing by asking what's my name, how old am i, where am i from. what i didn't register at all cuz i was in shock was that at the end he asked "so do you have a boyfriend?" and i shook my head no cuz i didn't and he said "well now you do" and both the crowd and i lost it. my soul ascended straight to the pearly gates cuz he was smooth as hell for that one 😂
we didn't do great at the game since i was still very new to GOT7 and kpop in general but we had so much fun! he was super nice to me and was really reassuring cuz i was nervous and he hugged me a bunch of times and thanked me for being sweet. he was absolutely ethereal and so funny and just genuinely a silly sweetheart. he made himself my bias for life 😆💚
someone actually managed to get a video of the whole fan game, if you wanna see this moment! i straight up blacked out the minute i screamed in my seat and all of my friends afterwards were like "DUDE ARE YOU ALIVE??!?!?!" and i was like "No, my soul ascended lmao who am i?". it was fantastic and still brings me so much joy. i love GOT7.
here's the video, if you wanna see it! it's not great quality but it's still a wonderful moment💚
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silelda · 1 year
When the Logs of the Demeter started up I felt like the Captain’s voice was a little too stoic, but I understood it as “this is a log. Just report the facts.”
And that helps make today’s entry hit so much harder. He’s obviously in distress. His tone is wavering in a way we haven’t heard before. It’s like when there’s turbulence on the airplane and the flight attendant starts freaking out.
Things are, very much, not going well.
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claireelizabeth85 · 3 months
Come Home to Me - Chapter 9
John Egan x OC!Female
Summary: When the idea of a past life turns out it isn't just an idea or a dream.
AN: really sorry for not posting this update sooner. I list my writing mojo and it felt that everything I wrote was terrible and so I would delete it and start again.
AN2: This is a work of fiction and is based on the TV characters from the Apple TV series. No disrespect is intended towards the real men of the 100th BG.
The previous chapter can be found here
Sarah had never seen anything quite so beautiful. The clouds whipped around them as they passed by. She felt free, as though there was nothing she couldn’t do, that nothing else mattered.
Hours passed by as the two friends talked things through. Lizzy explained what she could and couldn’t remember. Her revelations completely spun Sarah’s initial belief that Lizzy was originally from the present and had travelled to the past, but in fact that she was originally from the past and had travelled to the future. ‘Everything just makes more sense now!’ Sarah thought, not really knowing how or even if this would help them in any way.
Their conversations were punctuated with moments of awe and questions from Sarah. Was it heavy to fly a full bomber? Did you ever think you were never going to get off the ground? Who had the funniest superstitions? Sarah’s endless questioning ceased as the skyline of Berlin and the cloud came into view. Its huge imposing self blocking most of their field of view. Sarah couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing, all of the endless late nights, the phone calls and hours of research, sifting through decades of flight logs, weather reports and declassified missions had led them to this singular point - this ‘thing’ (hopefully) held answers for both of them.
Sarah could feel her heart begin to beat that little bit faster, that little bit harder. Neither of them had any idea what was going to happen when they faced whatever this cloud was. Were they going to be launched too far back in time? Would they be split up and have to find one another? Would it work at all and everything that happened in the last two weeks was all for nothing and they were just flying into a cloud?
Sarah looked over at Lizzy who had started to grow increasingly panicked, despite how calm she was flying. She turned to Sarah, her blue eyes wide asking if her friend saw flak. “Liz, there’s nothing there. It’s all clear.” The tone of her voice betrayed the uncertainty that was starting to set in.
As the bomber became enveloped in the thick dense whips of the cloud, the plane began to violently shake and jolt around. She began to shout about the engines and a fire and how it wasn’t any good and before she could say anything else, Lizzy was back in the present. She was freaked out, telling Sarah that she was seeing people from the past and that she didn’t know how long she would have, giving her best friend the names of people that she knew would look after her if they were split up.
Sarah attempted to reassure Lizzy that everything would be fine, but she had to brace herself against her seat as the bomber continued to jolt and shake despite Lizzy's efforts to keep them steady. The turbulence tossed Sarah around the cockpit like a rag doll, her body slamming around the cockpit.
Clutching her seat and holding on as tightly as she could, Sarah tried to pull the seat up as well as push herself down but it was futile. A violent jolt to the right forced her to let go, smashing her head into the window beside her. Her head now thick and foggy as if the cloud had invaded her brain, making it harder to focus as her vision blurred.
Through the chaos, Sarah watched as her friend started to argue with thin air. Lizzy was gesturing wildly, trying to fight someone off her shoulder. Her eyes wide with pain and terror as she looked up to the invisible person that she was talking to. Her voice, normally so steady, was frantic and desperate.
“I can’t go, Rosie, I can’t move!” Lizzy shouted. “I’ll keep the plane steady and you go!”
Sarah’s vision blurred, her eyelids so heavy. She tried to call out to Lizzy, but her voice was swallowed by the roar of the engines and the turbulence that rattled every bone in her body. She tried so hard to stay conscious, but she could feel it slipping away.
Just before she lost the fight, she saw Lizzy get up, going through the motions of strapping something on and heading for the back of the plane. The sight filled Sarah with a surge of panic. “Lizzy!” she tried to scream, but the words never made it past her lips as darkness closed in, swallowing her whole.
Flashes of light streaked across her closed eyes, accompanied by loud, disorienting noises. The sounds were overwhelming, blending into a cacophony that made it impossible to think. Amid the noise, she could hear her name being called repeatedly, a voice trying to reach her through the haze.
“Sarah! Sarah, wake up!”
It took every ounce of strength she had to pry her eyes open. The world around her was a blur, but gradually, a face came into focus. The caring brown eyes of Tattie Spaatz peered down at her with concern.
“Sarah, can you hear me?” Her voice was urgent, her hands gently holding her shoulders.
The groan that came from her was all she could muster in response. The world around her was hazy, sights and sounds melting into a confusing blur. Sarah blinked, trying to focus on the face above her. She struggled to sit up, but the pain in her head made her wince and lie back down.
Sarah looked around from where she lay, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The English countryside stretched out around them, green and serene. They were on a country lane, with its wide dense green hedgerows and tall trees, a military jeep with a very dented bumper stood directly in front of a large imposing oak tree nearby.
Sarah stared at the woman in front of her. “What happened? Where am I?” Sarah asked, her voice weak and uncertain.
“We’re just outside the base. Helen and I were out to fetch some supplies for the club mobile and investigation hut when I saw you and your jeep in the ditch. I sent Helen back in the other jeep to get some help,” Tattie explained, wrapping a blanket around Sarah’s shoulders.
“What on earth were you doing out here anyway? I thought I had told Jean to tell you I was getting the supplies, cos I know you’d wanted to be around for when they all land.”
“Land?” Sarah attempted to sit up again, the pressure in her head making her feel sick. She rubbed the spot she had hit in the bomber. “I don’t remember. Landing? Who’s landing? Where’s Lizzy?”
Tattie frowned. “They’re on a mission. They’re due back any time now. Chick and Red are anxiously pacing around the tower like two mother hens. When Helen comes back with the medics, we’ll get you back to the base and have Smokey check you out.” Before Tattie could ask more questions, another jeep arrived.
“Hey! Oh god, are you doing alright?” Helen asked as she jumped from the jeep, followed by two medics. Checking her vitals and ensuring nothing was broken, they helped Sarah sit up. Nodding weakly at Helen, Sarah moved to wipe her neck as she felt something trickle down behind her ears. Pulling her hands away only to see her fingers cover in blood.
“Oh Sarah, you’re bleeding!” The medics started inspecting around the back of her head, pressing bandages firm to stop the blood.
“Let’s get you back to the base and have Smokey check you out, hey?” The young medic to Sarah’s right scooped her up off the floor in a bridal carry, walking steadily towards the jeep. Tattie climbed in first with Sarah carefully manoeuvring herself into the back, and resting her head on Tattie’s shoulder.
The ride back to Thorpe Abbotts was surreal. The landscape, the buildings, everything seemed like a scene from a movie. Yet it felt strangely familiar, as if she belonged here and then didn’t at the same time.
Dr “Smokey” Gordon, the 100th Group military doctor was a tall, dark haired man with kind eyes and a tobacco pipe somewhere on his person, examined Sarah carefully. Asking all sorts of questions, who was the President, what was the name of the King, what was her name, did she know where she was etc. “You’ve a little bit of memory loss, given the fact you can’t remember why you were in the jeep or what happened to you and you’ve got some nasty bumps. I’m going to admit you so I can keep an eye on you. Let’s get you to a bed and have you rest for a while.”
Sarah sat quietly as the station nurses completed the paperwork, informing Tattie and Helen that she would need to stay overnight. Tattie gently squeezed Sarah’s hand before departing with Helen. Sarah watched them leave, her eyes wide with confusion, as one of the nurses guided her to a bed in the far corner of the ward, away from the recovering soldiers. The area was sectioned off with privacy screens, offering a semblance of solitude.
As they walked by, a young man with bright green eyes and a head of dark brown hair raised his bandaged hand to wave at her. "Hey, Sarah!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with happiness. It was clear he was delighted to see her, though Sarah had no idea who he was.
"Oh, hi. How are you?" she responded hesitantly, her uncertainty evident. The nurse leading the way slowed down to accommodate the young man's enthusiasm.
"Lt. Kraft. I see you’re feeling much better today," the nurse commented with a smile. The lieutenant beamed at Sarah, his grin wide and infectious. "Sure am, especially when my favourite English girl swings by to say hello!"
Sarah could feel the awkwardness rising within her. She had no recollection of this man and was afraid of saying something wrong. Before she could respond, the nurse stepped. “Well, unfortunately for you, Miss Taylor isn’t here to see you. I suggest you get your rest Peter, it’ll help heal your hands.” With that Sarah and the nurse left Peter gnawing at the itch that was the centre of his palm.
“Dr Gordon wants you in the hospital overnight for observation given the fact you've hit your head. I asked Miss Spaatz to bring you some clothes and some of your things.” Sarah nodded absentmindedly, not really knowing what was going on.
With the nurse leaving her alone, Sarah stood in front of the neatly made bed, not really knowing what to do. She remembered who she was and where she had come from but the bump on her head had made things that little bit more difficult to think about.
She ran her fingers over a well read version of The Hobbit that was sitting on the bedside table. She had loved the films when they had come out and then she had read the book and fallen further in love with the story, it seems that her past self had the same feeling.
There was a three window silver photo frame sitting at the back of the table. Taking it delicately in her hands, Sarah studied the photos staring back at her. The idea of her living here in this time was confounding. Was 1940s Sarah happier than she was in the future? Did she like the same foods? Did Cadburys chocolate taste the same?
Tracing her fingers over the intricate detail of the frame, the photos presenting a snapshot of the life that she was now living. The first photograph showed her dressed in British Red Cross uniform standing in front of her parents. Her dad dressed in an officer's army uniform with his cap under one arm and the other tucked around her mum’s waist, who looked amazing in a nurse’s uniform. “Sorry mum, they didn’t have female paediatric surgeons in the 40s,” Sarah thought.
The next photo showed her with three tall, presumably older, boys who were also dressed in neatly pressed army uniforms, each of them looking very smart. “We’re the real-life Brady Bunch!”.
Carefully taking the photo out of the frame, Sarah hoped for names on the back. Thankfully, each of their names, ranks and regiments were noted on the back. Thomas who was standing to Sarah’s left, was a Sergeant in the 1st Royal Tank Regiment, Heavy Armoured Brigade; Stanley, standing to Sarah’s right, was a Sergeant in the 4th Battalion Coldstream Guards; and Sydney, the tallest but youngest of the three boys, was a Corporal in the 4th Royal Tank Regiment.
Studying the photo, she could see how similar and yet different they all were. Although the three men were just faces in a frame, she felt a deep rooted need to keep them safe.
The final photo showed her and Lizzy in front of the control tower. They were laughing and smiling whilst holding onto each other, something having been said that set them both off into laughing hysterics. Lizzy, like the photograph Abigail had given her at the tower, was wearing her Royal Air Force blue uniform. Her smile was infectious. She was truly the definition of a best friend.
Pulling the contents out of her pockets, Sarah looked over the collection of money, her note book, a pen and the envelope that had contained the flight plans and a letter.
Taking a seat on the bed, Sarah unfolded the letter.
Dear Sarah
I hope you’re safe and well.
I want to apologise. I know you’re not going to be pleased with our, my, involvement again. But please allow me to explain, as much as I can, so that you know I'm only here to help.
You are such an important person in my life (I know you want to know how and why, and as much as I want to, I can’t tell you) and because of that, I agreed to travel to England to give you the photograph, nudge you in the right direction when it came to Lizzy and to also help secure the flight plan so that you were able to fly to Berlin.
The fact that your last minute flight plan wasn’t challenged was also my doing as the plane that Lizzy was flying was owned by my family (and yes, I knew when we met at the pub that getting Lizzy in a plane was the way forward) and I knew what you were planning too - I think it’s called stealing or as I was told by my grandfather strategically transferring equipment to alternate locations!!
I have been asked to remind you to look after Lizzy when it happens (I’m told that you will know what this means) and to not let her do any “stupid shit” and I’m also to mention that only certain people can write letters to loved ones who are in trouble (I have no idea what this means, so I hope you do).
Please be safe and hopefully I will be able to explain one day.
All my love
Exasperated, Sarah tucked the letter back into its envelope and placed it on the bedside table. She felt angry that Abigail knew all about this, enough to be in England (and own a working B-17) but couldn’t or wouldn’t tell her. The cryptic messages offered no real answers. Of course I’m going to look after Lizzy!
But instead only provided her with more questions. A sudden and overwhelming sense of being in over her head washed over her. Here she was in the past, on her own and injured which was something she hadn’t counted for. Her mind raced as the enormity of the situation hit her full force. She had no idea where Lizzy was, what day or even what year it was. She hadn’t found Jack or Crosby as Lizzy had told her to, and now she was expected to protect Lizzy from some vague, looming danger she didn’t understand. The feeling of being lost, misplaced, and wildly out of her depth crashed over her like a tidal wave.
Her heart pounded in her chest, and she could feel the panic rising, threatening to engulf her. Everything felt surreal and out of control. She was a stranger in this time, grappling with a mission she barely understood. The fresh, crisp hospital pillows looked calm and inviting, a stark contrast to the chaos in her mind. Despite the head injury, and realising that it probably wasn’t the best idea to sleep, but needing respite from the overwhelming confusion and fear, Sarah allowed herself to curl up onto the bed and before her head could fully rest on the pillow, she was sound asleep, her body giving in to the exhaustion and stress of the day.
@victoryrollsandredlips @bobparkhurst @thedeviltohisangel @instructionsnotincluded @prettyinlimegreenboots @ginabaker1666 @luminouslywriting
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
Okay, so the first poll finally ran out, so I'm once again asking y'all to vote again because I missed some material the first time that I wanna include this time around. I did exclude some titles from this, yes. Why is Resistance Reborn not on here? Because I already know it's popular. I also chose not to include Allegiance because...Poe's hardly in it. I waffled on including the choose your own adventure but because of the nature of that novel being essentially up to the reader, I decided not to include it. Also the movies/see results won the last poll, so this is for science I wanna know what it'd look like without that as an option.
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from-izzy · 10 months
nine albums to get to know me!!
thank you for tagging me @winterchimez ❄️🎶 @heemingyu ☘️🐝 @littleroaes 💌💜
sorted in alphabetical order!
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bonus: my fav song(s) from each album! 🎧
colorful trauma (woodz) - hope to be like you, better and better flight log: turbulence (got7) - let me, my home heal (the rose) - childhood, cure hello future (nct dream) - rainbow, irreplaceable neo zone (nct 127) - love me now, mad dog reveal (the boyz) - spring snow take over the moon (wayv) - face to face the most beautiful moment in life: young forever (bts) - epilogue: young forever, ma city, moving on, whalien 52 universe (nct 2021) - new axis, beautiful, round&round
feel free to join in!!
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robbiemd · 1 year
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Log #397
Had a very long day today. I went to MNL T3 around 8AM to meet my parents who just had their flight from PPS. We waited until 2PM to board our flight to KIX.
We landed around 7:30PM, KIX time. It was raining hard as fuck but we were lucky to be flying with an Airbus A330-900 so there were little to no turbulence despite the harsh weather.
Unluckily, the rain was so hard that Nankai trains to the city suspended their operations for the day. We had no choice but to take the midnight bus to Umeda station after about 4 hours of queueing. From there, we hailed a cab to our hotel near Shin-Inamiya station. The cabbie was kind enough to drop us exactly where we needed to be. Good thing he understood my barok Japanese. We arrived around 3:30AM local time.
Our last meal intake was while in flight so tomguts na when we arrived in our hotel. I immediately went to a nearby Family Mart to rummage some (superb quality) convenience store food. The shop attendant understood my barok Japanese as well as she tried conversing with me in English.
It’s time to sleep. I might go to Kyoto later if may energy pa.
Nishinari-ku, Osaka, JP 3 June 2023 4:59 AM
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digitalgirls · 1 year
listening to flight log turbulence is always a fun time
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virtuangel · 10 months
hi 👀 i was the kpop album anon. if ur willing to share i would love to see/hear about ur list! i love when people talk about their albums/interests/etc!
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hehe <3 this is going to be a bit long i'm sorry in advance ... but I started buying kpop albums in like. my last year of middle school maybe?? back when i was still living in belgium (and those are still at my parents' house with my later purchases when we moved to spain). so i don't have my full collection here!! i'll still mention the full one just bc i can and bc some of my personal favourites are back there and not with me rn, but!!
my criteria for buying albums changed a lot with time i think!! nowadays i mainly buy albums if i really like the way it looks (the packaging) and/or when i know i will enjoy the photobook (mostly if i really loved the concept pics for a given version!) . or if i Really want some of the inclusions (i'm currently debating buying the upcoming nmixx album because im absolutely in love with the silly little fluffy keychain guy that comes with the ? limited edition i think...) . i used to often buy any album of a group i was REALLY into (and thus my skz collection despite not really being into their music as much anymore, for example), though, or albums that i really liked from a musical standpoint (which is why i am...the owner of a jay park album....................,)
what's also interesting to mention is that before i ever started buying kpop albums i WAS buying jpop albums, actually!! my collection of those isn't as huge (in part bc they're way more expensive, and in part because i pretty much stopped getting those soon after getting into kpop). so. if u'll allow me. i'll add these to this post as well.... they're still v important to me </3
back at my parents', i have!! :
jay park, everything you wanted
4minute, act. 7
monsta x, shine forever
ioi, miss me?
bts, young forever
got7, flight log: departure
got7, flight log: turbulence
monsta x, the clan pt. 1 // lost ver.
monsta x, the clan pt. 2 // guilty ver.
wanna one, 1-1=0 (nothing without you)
seventeen, boys be // both versions
seventeen, love&letter repackage
seventeen, going seventeen // all 3 versions
seventeen, al1 // all [13] ver. (i think?? honestly can't remember)
seventeen, director's cut
jj project, verse 2
day6, moonrise
gfriend, snowflake
astro, summer vibes
astro, autumn story
pristin, hi! pristin // prismatic ver.
lovelyz, a new trilogy
taeyeon, my voice // deluxe edition
bts, wings // can't remember the version i won't even try
ailee, a new empire
day6, the day
day6, daydream
oh my girl, windy day
shinee, 1 and 1
bts, youth
day6, youth pt. 1 (shoot me)
nct dream, we young
nct dream, we go up
nct 127, regular-irregular // can't remember the ver. either
and these japanese albums!! :
chico with honeyworks, sekai wa i ni michiteiru
shuuen no shiori project, re:act
q'ulle, q'ulle and answer (q&a)
q'ulle, unreal / hope
undead (from ensemble stars), vol. 1
last note., mikagura gakuen kamikyoku
honeyworks, suki ni naru sono shunkan wo
honeyworks, boku jya dame desu ka?
akb48, 0 to 1 no aida // complete singles, limited edition
as for my collection here!! :
skz, i am you // you ver.
skz, i am not // not ver.
skz, i am who // i am ver.
skz, clé 1: miroh // miroh ver.
skz, clé 2: yellow wood // clé 2 ver.
skz, mixtape
victon, nostalgia // algos ver.
skz, clé: levanter // clé ver.
skz, go live // possibly limited ver. ?? can't remember
skz, in life // limited ver.
tbz, reveal // wolf ver.
tbz, chase // trick ver.
ace, hjzm
han seungwoo, fame // seung ver.
cravity, season 2. hideout: the new day we step into // ver. 3 (i think?? forest fairy princes ver.)
victon, voice: the future is now // the future & now ver.
cravity, season 3. hideout: be our voice // ver. 1
enhypen, border: carnival // hype ver.
txt, the dream chapter: magic // arcadia ver.
txt, the dream chapter: eternity // starboard & port ver.
txt, the chaos chapter: freeze // world, you & boy ver.
skz, noeasy // limiter ver.
enhypen, dimension: dilemma // scylla & odysseus ver.
itzy, crazy in love // special edition, photobook ver.
wei, identity: action // ocean ver.
kingdom, history of kingdom pt. 1: arthur
kingdom, history of kingdom pt. 2: chiwoo
seventeen, fml // deluxe ver.
enhypen, sadame // type a
&team, first howling: we // type b
enhypen, dark blood // half ver.
zerobaseone, youth in the shade // shade ver.
jini, an iron hand in a velvet glove // iron hand ver.
as well as a few photobooks:
skz, stay in london
skz, stay in playground
cravity, league of the universe (one of my most prized possessions fr)
and a few albums that i stole got from my best friend:
enoi, red in the apple
enoi, w.a.y
tbz, bloom bloom
hotshot, early flowering
e'last, day dream // dream ver.
now i wanna be a little annoying and talk about them sorry . first of all, currently on display are these: (as well as my cravity photobook and one of my victon the future is now albums on other shelves).
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unsure how to talk about every album individually without being super annoying so. being annoying will have to do. but soooo . starting with what i have Here at my place.
my entire skz collection is currently in a box, but i am you was my first album purchase after i moved here, from my trusty kpop store (musica i love u). i really, really love the way its cover looks!!! most skz photobooks are varying from boring to ugly (so do the packagings, since go live)(it all started going downhill with god's menu i'm sorry to be saying this but it's true), but i quite like this one and the levanter one!!! and the mixtape album is also cute in a way!
i also really like the nostalgia album (and so does my mom, btw, which i can't say about most of my photobooks sadly). the way the box is cut also made it perfect to help me display one postcard at a time on my display shelf for a while lol also i really love this album from a musical standpoint! i remember looping it a lot in my compsci labs . . . the other two victon albums i pre-ordered after seeing the concept pictures . . . they were princes for me..... if there's one thing you have to know about me it's that i will always be insane about a prince/royalty/knight concept. also they had like pc-sized little ?? mirrors?? idk but that's rlly cute it's hanging off my bookshelf rn. and i really like my fame album as well because....well i like swoo. and the photocards were really cute!!!!
the ace album i absolutely LOVE from a visual standpoint it's SO pretty (my mom doesn't understand its beauty sadly). it's so pretty it will always be on display idc i love it... it's also very thin and while that's sad (i could take 238472983749823 more of those pictures) it also helps it maintain a very . . . . fancy look i think
the forest fairy concept for the cravity s2 album that i got is close enough to the royalty concept and thus it was SO for me... it rlly reminds me of lovelyz's a new trilogy photobook and that's been my favourite photobook (that i had) for a LONG long long time like.... i really love is SO much. and this vity one really compares to it i love it just as much!!! and thus i had to have it. well, that, and also i have had this album looped for like most of the year it came out in? like i listened to it an abnormal amount. like. a worrying amount. season 3 i pre-ordered and i'm not as satisfied with it visually (i don't rlly like it to be honest) but it has call my name and thus i had to have it also. i've been Obsessed with call my name since the prologue video for this album was released and That is why i pre-ordered it despite not liking any concept pictures it was just THAT important... call my name i love you
border: carnival!!! this one is very important to me on a personal level... both visually and musically. drunk-dazed is still so insane i still don't know what kind of drug they put in it but dear god. and i love mixed up a whole lot too... visually, the box is really pretty despite being simple like. it just fits anywhere really. makes a little statement... there's like. not MUCH to it but it's not ugly like most skz boxes these days, for example. and the photobook is so......important to me i love it so bad i don't get bored of it ever. i just love this concept so much... (surprisingly way more than the prince concept, which u might or might not have noticed... i have Not bought. i didn't like it as much. the One prince concept that i didn't rlly vibe with as much). the scylla ver. of dimension: dilemma is much more my style!! and thus. i really love that one a lot as well <3 odysseus ver. i don't like as much unfortunately but that was a gamble on my part in the first place (i mostly just trusted the blurred gradients on the album preview pictures for this one bc it looked pretty. and well. sunset colours wise it still does. the concept itself just doesn't do it for me). one thing about enhypen is that when they decide to have beautiful photbooks, they WILL have BEAUTIFUL photobooks. the half ver of dark blood i so absolutely beautiful . the other thing you need to know about me is that i go insane about water shots (in water photoshoots and like .... pool scenes in mvs like. txt run away or &team under the skin). this one was just so for me it's insane. also the outer cover for this one is a really beautiful colour it's like... navy... it's so pretty . additional fact is that the group photocards from enhypen albums are some of my fave photocards they're so cute
one thing about hybe is they will release albums that i will want to own. as you could see on my list one day i just went on a full txt spree like i went absolutely insane at the store like idk what possessed me but... i mean i don't regret it. i love these albums to my core. for tdc: magic, it's about the photobook - first of all the photobook is in the format of like. a spiral notebook abt i find that SO cute (and also practical in a way)(although i would hate if that was the default for photobooks, just to be clear). but like . it's just. idk how to describe it... it's Magical?? the darkness the glitter it's so...beautiful.... i love it so much.... the eternity ones are like. little diaries and that's ABSOLUTELY adorable??? i mostly like the version with the.... magical lullaby concept as i like to call it (there's beds there's stars there's . purple and there's . vibes), but since the diary idea is so cute i kinda just caved in and got both... and then comes freeze which i think i preordered? all three versions because all the concept pictures were just so good. and i don't regret this choice at all even today i don't know which version i would choose if i could buy only one. these photobooks are absolutely. beautiful...
my tbz reveal album is one of my fave albums actually!!! i love it a lot musically, but i love it just as much aesthetically... it kinda looks... like a fancy book?? which is just so cool and it's really nice to the touch also (under the initial outer box)... and another one of the VERY rare photobooks that my mom likes. i was honestly surprised at how much she actually liked this one sdkjjksdbk she got out her phone n all... but that's valid it's a really nice photobook. the chase one i like way less, but it's quite different? quite creative i would say!! and i really liked the concept for this version (no regrets once again) !! the chanhee postcard i got from it has always been on display on my shelf he's watching over me (<- insane woman speaking)
my itzy album!!!! bought it a while after it released so i already knew i LOVED the album musically i think i like every single song on it to a degree?? and it turned out to be SO pretty as well... i had an amazing time looking through it after i got home (i stopped by the store minutes before it closed after hanging out with uni friends in the area bc i happened to check my email and see that i could pick my order up kjndkjbdwnjws) not only the photos/concept themselves but just. the entire design of this photobook is so nice it's almost shocking it's coming from jype i was sitting like wtf jype u CAN make pretty albums??? insane. i also love the photocards i got from it!!
wei's identity: action album is another important one... those are my fancy little guys!!! the inclusions were really cute and i really like ... well wei in general, but also bye bye bye is SO good and i like the rest of this album a fair amount, and. most importantly. fancy concept. for me. great. so for me. SO for me.... <3 meanwhile the kingdom albums were a bit more of a caprice because i was getting into kingdom at the time. they're a little... clumsy, i'd say, in the way they're...designed?? but they remain really nice mainly because that's just. a big royalty concept . for me . FOR ME ... once again, not a purchase that i regret!!
it's surprising that fml is the first svt album that i bought since i moved, but what's even more surprising is . the reason i bought it. it's quite embarrassing actually . i was seeing the previews for the deluxe ver. and i noticed that there was . a set of photocards IN the super mv (2nd half) outfits which meant. jeonghan with that hairpin . and once i processed that information my hands acted on their own . um,
<my jini album3 i love jini's album so so so so much... she was my favourite in nmixx back when she was still a member n honestly the only one i rlly knew like. i knew a few of the other members' names but cldn't always recognize their faces n stuff . but my jini ... that's my performer daughter.... she's such a talented performer it's insane. and i was quite worried about her solo debut because... that's easy to screw up ESPECIALLY when expectations are high and. mine couldn't be anything but high because i do think she's insanely talented, and because the title of this album invokes such a strong imagery... and in the biggest plot twist of the year she even exceeded my expectations and released an album that was so for me. i love all the songs SO much i don't think words are enough to express how much i love this album... and when i looked at the concept pictures (a bit after the album was released, actually), i decided i really wanted to buy it... honestly i wanted both versions but i couldn't justify buying both, financially, at the time so.... i'm still waiting for an occasion to buy the pink version <//3 but i am very happy with the version i have as well!!! very proud to have it. and if you haven't checked my jini out yet, you should!!!!!
and finally. i actually didn't think i would buy the zb1 album - i don't really like it musically. i can't remember the exact reason i decided to buy it after all, maybe it was because i DID like the shade ver concept pictures quite a lot? but either way i'm SO glad to have bought it because.... i think it's currently my favourite physical album that i own... it's absolutely gorgeous. in every single way. in its entirety. it's just. beautiful. i encourage you to watch an unboxing video of it or smth because it's . genuinely so beautiful.
my sadame album was actually one that my aunt bought for me because i saw it in a bookstore we went to together and thought rlly hard about whether i wanted it or not.... i was mostly looking forward to the photocard but i got The One Photocard i absolutly did not want . but oh well. meanwhile!! my moonrise album was actually a gift i got from my best friend back in brussels!! which was really cute of her it was SO cute :< we also bought our al1 albums together <3 kissie for aly!! and as for the five albums i got from my bestie... she's been holding them for me for YEARS kkjsdjkndcb but i finally flew over to the states to see her this summer and she somehow managed to cram them into my luggage as i was leaving... and im so vewy grateful for these because i lob them all... i didn't even know that she had a hotshot album to give me but it's an album that i really love (musically) and turns out it's SO pretty also??? it looks quite book-ish, similar to tbz reveal (amd theyre both red also...) which i really love!
another photobook that i REALLY love is the one from my taeyeon's my voice album!! it's beautiful i love flowery concepts... (also really love that album musically a whole lot). was my favourite for a long time visually alongside the lovelyz's one that i mentioned earlier!
musically, got7's turbulence was my favourite album for quite a while, actually... i don't think i can say it and mean it nowadays anymore, but back when it was a relatively new album it was one that i really loved listening to.
other stories include. me constantly forgetting that i own a shinee album. the fact that i managed to own the pristin album (bought it at a convention) but they didn't have the version i wanted (elastin) anymore and i still really want that version... hopefully i can get it one day. not that i dislike this one i'm just glad i have something to remind me they were real..... the fact that i own a jay park album because at one point in my life i was going to kpop dance classes and everyone really liked his music and i started rlly vibing with it for a while to the point of buying. this album. and me hunting for gfriend's snowflake for a long while before i finally managed to buy it (kpop stores in brussels are very. different from the ones in paris. it was not an easy feat)
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
Saw you are listening to got7. Wondering what's your favourite song? ♡
stop stop it! i just think it’s so endearing bc the members were so young when it came out 🥹
my favorite album is flight log: turbulence 👀
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exo-s-victory-lap · 2 years
Thr flight log turbulence trailer shook the EARTH when it released
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cavenewstimes · 4 months
One dead as London-Singapore flight hit by turbulence
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Chasing Dragons, a botw megafic
Chapter 28 up now!
Link thought encountering two Divine Beasts would mean he’d be ready to face the ones to come, but no. Even seeing Vah Medoh in the distance before couldn’t have prepared him for being under it now. The Divine Beasts are all so unique that each one completely redefines the concept of majesty . The great avian machine circles over Stonespire, letting loose another sky-splitting cry. Its mighty wingspan casts a shadow over the lake and its powerful motors, even from so high up, whip up turbulent winds that whirl around the valley. The setting sun haloes it, and it appears darker than the others. The purple glow of the malice puppeting it is only visible in pulses and spurts in gaps in the distant machinery, and in the spraying sparks and flashes of light that look like shooting stars. Other than that, it’s a dreadful silhouette prowling the sky. Trailing behind it are streaks of dark purple smog, billowing out from its ‘beak’ and the spaces between its wings and its body, only adding to its unique foreboding presence.
The ground-level panic continues as Medoh gives off an echoing rumble that Link feels vibrating in his teeth, until the Divine Beast curls back around towards the snowy peaks to the immediate north. He sees the rito flying from pillar to pillar, a flurry of feathers and fearful distant squawks, but they keep their flight paths tight to the structures. Only when it becomes clear the danger has passed do they settle. The whole valley is tenser than it was just moments before. The perfect serenity of the pictoresque autumnal scene is broken by the reminder of the threat of destruction that looms over their heads. 
Link’s heart races, breathless from the brief but powerful shot of adrenaline. He nudges Nyx back into motion and they speed down the steep hill towards the stable, where the commotion is still dying down. It seems that with each Divine Beast he comes to tame the danger gets more and more urgent. Link doesn’t have any details yet on how exactly Vah Medoh poses a threat to the Rito in its possessed state, but the fear he just witnessed is undeniable. There will be no time to waste. 
Based on the view from above, Link thought this stable was just more sprawling than the others he’s seen, but as he reaches the bottom of the hill he realizes the stable is flanked by a small market on one side, and a logging mill on the other. The market is no more than a handful of wooden stalls occupied by merchants-- some travelling, some local-- and their wares. He passes one vendor selling sacks of grain, a brightly-feathered rito woman selling a whole host of textile goods, and other sellers of products and resources that must be hard to come by in the Tabantha region. As he steers Nyx through towards the stable, Link spots a familiar teal plumage he hadn’t expected to see again so soon. Off to the side, a tall gray-and-brown rito merchant stands huffily, while Kass appears to be in the midst of a heated debate with none other than Beedle. Link dismounts, leaving both his animal companions by the counter.
Read the rest of the chapter over on ao3! ✨🤘🧙‍♂️👇
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             Graeme Strachan was a popular Australian music and television personality. He is best known for being the lead singer of the band Skyhooks, alongside Red Symons. Skyhooks had hit singles with Living in the ’70s, Horror Movie, and Jukebox in Siberia. In 1977-1978 both Strachan and Symons left Skyhooks to become successful television personalities. Strachan is best known for hosting the Australian children’s TV program, ‘Shirl’s Neighbourhood’ (1979-1983) as well as appearing on the renovation TV program Our House.
            Strachan was born in Malvern, Victoria, Australia, and grew up in Mount Waverley. Graeme was a skilled carpenter and avid surfer and is best known for his long curly hair which gave him the nickname ‘Shirley’ after Shirley Temple. Graeme married twice and lived in Queensland.
            Graeme was a fixed-wing pilot and underwent training for a helicopter pilot’s license. On 29 August 2001, Wednesday afternoon Graeme was killed in a helicopter crash, aged 49. Graeme was on a solo flight near Mount Archer, QLD in clear weather. This was Graeme’s third solo flight and he had already logged 68 official hours and was said to have been an above-average learner and was just a few hours of solo flying from getting his full license. His instructor, who ran a helicopter training school, set him up a navigational exercise to complete and Graeme would have to fly past various landmarks in the route designed for him. The flight would normally take 90 minutes and Strachan had done a couple of these duties before.
There were blustery wind conditions and Graeme wasn’t supposed to go near the mountains. Nobody knows exactly why he was near the mountain at the time and there was no black box recording in the helicopter. Graeme had been in the air for 30 minutes, the fuel tank was full (and intact) when the helicopter crashed in a remote inaccessible location. It is believed that the wind in the mountains was so severe that it buckled the main blade, the tail rotor was found separately in the bushland. The mountain turbulence caused the rotor of his Bell 47G to sever the tailboom, crashing the helicopter onto the slope of Mount Archer.
             A beachside funeral took place in September which was attended by his family and friends and his ashes were scattered into the sea by helicopter by his wife, Sue.
Skyhooks reunited for a memorial gig at the Palais Theatre, St Kilda that same month.
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#graemestrachan #skyhooks
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theodoravanyar · 10 months
Travel Log: Day 5, Part 3
Alternatively Titled: Of Turbulence and Train Rides 997 Miles Flown from Tampa to Midway Today 4 Hour Delay on My Flight 2 Hours of Heart-Pounding Turbulence Hit Ooof. The flight from Tampa to Midway was rough. But I’ve landed safely and that’s all that really matters, right? Continue reading Untitled
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withhopeinmyhands · 1 year
Okay, a small intro for anyone who stumbles across this blog. This is mostly for myself to try and help motivate me to actually write this fic that has been percolating in my brain for the last five-ish years.
Even if I'm reblogging things, please know there is no guarantee that this will ever see the light of other peoples' screens.
This may become more a hopeful writing inspo for other ideas, but still focused on this specific fic.
Basic info:
Pairing: Jaebeom/Jinyoung
Premise: Idolverse Dæmon AU, Bounce to 7for7 (aka 2012-2017)
Chapter 1 - Jinyoung POV, Bounce to 'disbandment' of JJP
Chapter 2 - Jaebeom POV, 2nd trainee period to Just Right?
Chapter 3 - Jinyoung POV, Just Right to Flight Log: Turbulence
Chapter 4 - Jaebeom POV, Flight Log: Arrival to 7for7
Chapter Playlists
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