#flightless records
pigeonpoem · 1 year
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i didn’t know how to make a post about these patches since i follow a specific format for posting about prints but i guess i’ll just. make a post. i got into making patches at the beginning of this year so obviously i had to make a bunch of murlocs, amyl, and king gizz themed ones
they’re block printed with fabric ink onto duck canvas and all of the designs are my own. the amyl one is actually based off an earlier sketch of the guided by angels print that i liked too much to completely scrap, and the murlocs one is based off of the logo i made for the bootleg tour poster from 2022
since they’re hand printed that means there is no adhesive backing to them, you’d have to sew them on yourself
alt text under the cut:
[ID: the first image is a photo of a bunch of block printed patches. the patches are laid out flat so that they are overlapping each other. the patches' design is of the gizzard gator is smiling and wearing a space helmet, surrounded by stars, including one shooting star over his head. he looks like he is floating in space. the design is printed on black and green canvas. the second image is a photo of two black patches block printed with white designs, the patches are sitting on white fabric. the patch on the right is very similar to my murlocs tour poster. the design reads "the murlocs" in all caps set on a stylized splash of paint on a brick background with leaves bordering the left and right of it. the patch on the left is of amy from amyl and the sniffers wearing boxing gloves, holding them up to her face defensively. the boxing gloves have angel with and two crossed pitchforks. two bits of her hair look like devil horns. the background is a a stylized fire and along the top are the words "guided by angels" in all caps. the third image is a photo of two patches made with dark green and black canvas printed with the same white design. the design is of a planet with rings around it. on the planet are the words "king gizzard and the lizard wizard" and little five pointed stars. around the planet are diamond shaped stars and little dotted stars and two smaller planets. one planet has craters on it and the other has stripes. the patches are on a wooden stool.]
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undeadflynn · 2 years
i wish king gizzard would press more 45s. i picked up the gaia/presumptuous one at the record fair in forest hills and it’s so cute. a no body/short change 45 would be so sick
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mymelodic-chapel · 10 months
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King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard- Eyes Like Sky (Garage Rock, Radio Drama, Spaghetti Western) Released: February 22, 2013 [Flightless Records] Producer(s): Stu Mackenzie
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New Video: Babe Rainbow Shares Breezy "Super Ego"
New Video: Babe Rainbow Shares Breezy "Super Ego" @bbrnbw @planetarygroup @seanjpr @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Founded back in 2015, acclaimed Aussie psych pop outfit Babe Rainbow — Jack Crowther (a.k.a. Cool Breez), Angus Dowling and Elliot O’Reilly — can trace their origins to back to when the trio worked for John Cuts, a local grower near Tropical Fruit World in Duranbah, Australia. Initially, the band’s sound was rooted in ’60s psych pop and ’70s French surf-pop, but since their formation, their…
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nofatclips · 2 years
Self-Immolate by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard from the album Infest The Rats' Nest - Director/DOP: John Angus Stewart
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lynxfrost13 · 8 months
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Physical traits
Sharing a close common ancestor with seawings, mudwings are a very large flightless breed of dragon that have adapted to the swamps and mountain borders of their lands. The largest tribe in terms of their sheer bulk, mudwings typically have a chunky build, with fat tails and short powerful legs built for endurance, not speed. Mudwings are ambush predators, choosing to wallow in deeper waters to catch their prey or graze on plants. With iron stomachs and their powerful jaws and tongues, mudwings can eat just about anything they find. Their large canines and gum flaps are mostly used for displays of intimidation, as well as their gills.
Mudwing gills only work during their hatchling years in order to allow the babies to hide underwater from predators who would eat the unprotected newborns, who’s scales are incredibly soft. As they grow older, mudwings lose the functional abilities of their gills but in exchange, grow thick flexible scales that protect their faces and bodies, with their underbellies remaining mostly soft. Mudwings’ head ridges grow into horns that are layered and transition into a neck crest. Many mudwings also sport “beard” ridges on their face regardless of gender, and these serve no purpose but are considered attractive.
Mudwings are semi aquatic and can remain underwater for several hours, their soft nose flaps can close to prevent them from breathing water and their massive lungs can hold great deals of air. To help them detect prey in murkier waters, mudwings also have whiskers on their brows and around their noses,the exception to this is newborns, who’s whiskers grow in as they age. As hatchlings they all tend to be a solid dull shade of any color, but brighter accent colors develop in adolescence.
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Mudwings are a festive tribe, holding annual contests pitting sibling groups against each other in various sports, with a focus on having each sib group demonstrate how well they cooperate with each other. Mudwings also have a deep connection to food and mealtimes, their cuisine is heavily made up of stews and soups and large meals that can be shared, such as meat roasts. Mudwings borrow from sandwing culture and use sandwing spices so frequently in their cooking that they’ve become a staple in every mudwing household. The emphasis on sharing a meal with a guest is also extremely important, to not offer a meal to a stranger is considered a hostile action against that stranger by other mudwings. They appreciate foods from all over Pyrrhia and many merchants from other tribes come to the mudwing kingdom to sell treats and food that would not be welcome in other places due to cultural differences.
Mudwings are also incredible storytellers, with much of their history being passed down through oral storytelling, they don’t keep many written records but instead have bards who’s duty is to teach mudwings about their history and entertain them with song. They swear oaths that bind them to a faithful retelling rooted in truth, but they are allowed to make the stories as poetic as they please. Mudwing bards have traveled across Pyrrhia and some even tell the histories of other tribes. Despite their rich tradition, the other tribes tend to dismiss the mudwing approach, since they see bards as unreliable.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
The story of my 3-year-long quest to identify a very rare bird
So I've been trying almost since I moved here to figure out what bird made this strange call that I sometimes heard near my house:
I tried to google "european bird that sounds like a laughing hyena?" and also to imitate the noise over the phone for a friend who once took an online bird course, but she had no idea. (Well, she said "that's a hyena." I said, "but I hear it all the time! Near my house!! Wait I'll do it better." She said, please stop making a hyena noise :(( and I stopped because the cats thought I was losing my mind)
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Eventually I managed to record the actual bird call on my phone, and used a Shazam app for birds—but once again, no luck. The first app I tried just assumed it was being trolled and was like "it's you, isn't it? That's not a bird that's your stupid human laugh, you're making fun of me. I'm not an idiot"
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The second birdsong app was more insecure and apologised a lot for failing to identify my bird. I thought it must be a rare bird! (The only uncommon bird I know of in this region is the vulture but it sounds less like a hyena and more like if elephants were birds.) Every time I heard the call (usually during the day) I opened the window trying to a) get a better recording so my app would finally have an epiphany, and b) see something flying off a tree.
At one point I was cutting brooms in the pasture and heard the call very loudly, as if the bird was just a few metres away, and it wasn't coming from the sky. I googled every possible version of "flightless (?) bird that nests in thorny bushes?" and found nothing, and started wondering if it was actually a mammal. But I couldn't think of any plausible local mammal that would make this sound—definitely not a fox or badger, who say WAOOHHH, and nothing like the polite whistle of marmots. We've got pine martens in the woods and I found a video called "mating pine marten scream bark" and thought oh!! that must be it! ... but then I listened to it and it sounded like yiiiaaaaaeeeeee, like if you stepped on a baby banshee's toe, nothing at all like the heheeheuruurhh of a hyena who just heard a good joke.
Anyway, this morning I was in the pasture and I once again heard the hyena laugh! I was standing by the moose butler tying up the hay net, away from any trees or shrubs and the call came from just behind me. I turned around thinking there was absolutely no way for the mystery bird to hide, it had landed on the ground behind me and this time I was going to see it!
it was HER:
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Absolutely no doubt. I saw Pampy's throat vibrating along with the last echoes of the hyena laugh. All these years I've been saying that llamas are very quiet animals who just make cute little "hum-hum" sounds (I rarely hear adult llamas humming to one another, it's mostly for mother llamas to communicate with their baby and with me) and I had no idea that the shrieking hyena-bird I occasionally heard outside my house was Pampelune! I googled "llama alarm cry" and immediately found youtube videos featuring llamas making this exact sound. There was a stray dog nearby this morning that Pandolf eventually chased away, so maybe Pampy was the first to hear him and sounded the alarm. Maybe she uses this cry to tell Pan to go do his guard dog job, because he left the pasture and ran into the woods when she made the sound (while I was turning round like "aha! you can't run, hyena-bird!")
I wanted to share this discovery! I've had llamas for nearly 4 years and I'm only now finding out that they can laugh like hyenas when the situation calls for it. I feel bad for the poor birdsong app that I've repeatedly gaslighted feeding it a llama call and insisting that it identify this bird for me while it hung its head in shame like "I swear I don't have your bird in my database. I'm so sorry. I'm a bad app."
Llamas are fascinating creatures. Please experience their majestic alarm call again, and be alarmed:
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espionn · 4 months
LeafWing tribe sheet!
its over, i finally did them all. sorry this one took a while, ive been losing motivation, but at least its done!! honestly i love leafwings, so im glad i could get them out.
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Physical Appearence + Traits:
-LeafWings are arboreal dragons, living in and relying on trees to hunt, shelter and sleep. Their talons are perfectly shaped to comfortably climb and hold onto branches, and their narrow wings allow them to swoop and weave through the trees without crashing.
-LeafWings’ colors, physical traits, and even demeanor shift and change with the seasons. During the summer, their frills and wings are rich green, and scales bright and glossy. They have higher energy and sleep less. During the fall, their colors shift to a warmer spectrum, their leafy frills start to flake off, and they start to prepare for winter. Once winter arrives, they lose their frills, tail-leaf and wing membranes, as well as turning duller and darker. They spend the majority of winter asleep, relying on the trees’ bare branches for camouflage, now rendered flightless. Finally, during spring, they wake up, their colors brighten, and their wing membranes return. The buds that grow along their backs open up and form their spine frills before summer begins.
-LeafWings are lithe and agile, and are very quiet fliers, especially when compared to HiveWings and SilkWings.
-During the summer, with their wings at their fullest, they can actually photosynthesize. They still need to eat food, but anytime they sleep during the day with their wings open to the sun, they wake up energized and not needing to eat for a while after. 
-The coloration and shape of LeafWings’ wings varies both by region and individual. Some LeafWings mimic specific types of trees.
-Some LeafWings also have Leafspeak, an ability which allows them to communicate with plants and even control them if powerful enough. 
Life Cycle:
-LeafWings hatch in clutches of one or two. They take around 5 months to hatch, and they are deeply reliant on their parents and their wider community. LeafWings are strongly protective of their dragonets. They also grow up somewhat quickly, reaching physical maturity quickly, but they continue to grow in size their entire lives.
-They partner for life, but often only raise one clutch of eggs (sometimes only a single egg) in their lifetime. The tribe is somewhat small as a result.
-LeafWings don’t have an official education system, instead relying on parents, peers and older, more experienced dragons to teach them what they need to know. LeafWings can then go on to pursue whatever tribe role stands out to them, using a sort of mentoring system.
Society and Culture:
-Before LeafWings were split into two groups, the tribe was quite peaceful and unified. The queen, by tradition, always had a council, and they lived nearby and alongside SilkWings. The tribe was known for being friendly and knowledgeable, and deeply dedicated to caring for the forest. 
-LeafWings are also very resourceful. From various leaves, grasses, bits of wood, flowers, and insects, they could create baskets and rugs, thin slats of wood to write on, dyes, storage objects, and various weapons and food preparing tools. Learning to make and control fire meant they could progress faster. They were also talented woodcarvers, weavers and artists, sometimes trading not only supplies, but also various art pieces to and from the SilkWings. 
-They were expert foragers, and had records of every type of tree, plant and animal in their forest. Many had  small gardens of their own - medicinal herbs, spices, and plants they simply found pretty. 
-Those with leafspeak were beloved and respected in the tribe, not dissimilar to animus dragons. Sometimes they would mould the shape of trees’ growth to create proper homes and nests for dragons to spend the nights, especially in winter.
-They have tribe-wide celebrations to mark spring, when they all wake from torpor, and the summer solstice, when they are at their highest energy and fullest lives. 
-The SapWings, after the tribe was forcibly split, remained very similar culturally, though they lost their ability to trade and had to concentrate on survival in the poison jungle. The PoisonWings, meanwhile, changed dramatically. They became distinctly aggressive and warlike, taking their understanding of plants and animals and weaponizing them. They used the many venoms, poisons and sharp, dangerous objects throughout the jungle to their full advantage. A number of dragons died in the process, but those who survived became stronger.
-LeafWings believe that plants hold some level of consciousness, and some believe that they are animated by fully conscious spirits, each with its own unique consciousness and opinions. Trees are unanimously believed to be extremely wise and benevolent, and as deserving utmost care and respect. They are treated as if they were tribe elders themselves. It was once agreed upon by all leafspeakers that if a tree resisted a request, they were not allowed to make any attempt to force it to do what they wanted. Leafspeakers would also be used to make requests before cutting off any part of the tree to use - if it refused, it would be left alone. (It isn’t hard to imagine the way they felt when the entire forest was cut and burned down by the HiveWings.)
Diet: Omnivorous. LeafWings eat meat (birds, rodents, sometimes large mammals and reptiles), sometimes raw, sometimes cooked, and also a wide variety of plants, fruits and nuts. Because of the versatility of their diet, they have a great number of meals they like to prepare, usually garnished with herbs, spices and sweeteners like honey and certain types of tree sap.
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i learned what was the most unnerving creature that has gone extinct in the more recent chapters of our planet's history
The Giant Moa.
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Also known as Dinornis, it was a huge, flightless bird that lived until the 1500s in New Zealand. It went extinct due to reckless hunting by the native people of the area, who sought the fur, meat, and eggs that the carcasses of this species provided.
It is a subspecies of the Moa, which generally varied in size, with the largest ones being those of the Dinornis.
Specifically, these 'giants' measured up to 3.6 meters in height and could weigh up to 300 kg, with one of the highest recorded sexual dimorphisms in favor of the female gender ever recorded in nature (280%).
A true dinosaur of the new millennium.
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sasiaucompetition · 7 months
Fics Submitted to the Event
Okay, so apparently links count as characters, and you can only have so many characters per block of text. That is why the end of the list looks like that.
This is the list of all AUs entered, with links. Originally I was going to do links separate, but then I realized it would be easier to do it this way.
The AUs I know that are Mature and up have been marked, but please contact me if there are others on the list that haven't been!
The Other Side of the Mirror - @/Frejennix and @/Lalijinx (ao3)
Chessboxing AU - @/arealsword (ao3)
What you need - @/Anxiousgaypanicking (18+) (tumblr)
Happily Ever After Universe - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Never Met You - @/Nad98 (ao3)
Archduke of Demonic Cultivation - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat (ao3)
One Coffee, Morally Gray - @/Duckduck_Scribblerswan (Caellie_E_and_Vaye_R) (ao3)
A Dragon's Treasure - @/TypicallyUntipical (ao3)
Fairies in the Forest - @/Ended_Flames (ao3)
Ghost Janus AU - @/SoDoRoses (FairyChess) (ao3)
Logan Accidentally Steals Two (2) Children - @/the-panmixxia (ao3)
The Stowaway's Heart - @/thesympatheticvillain (ao3)
They Share A Kitchen - @/BuddyBuddyPalBuddy (ao3)
100 Seconds to Midnight - @/never_the_rose (ao3)
Touch Transcends Language - @/IfFoundPleaseReturnToJanus (18+) (ao3)
Flores Facets - @/Whiskey_With_Patron (ao3)
Life's A Drag - @/infawrit10 (ao3)
Crown Princes And Butterfly Wings - @/Ended_Flames (ao3)
Where the Lovestruck Bleeds - @/Fangirltothefullest (ao3)
Banding With You - @/glacierruler (tumblr)
Through Hades and Back - @/glacierruler (tumblr)
Deja Vu / Hero Worship AU - @/Greenninjagal (ao3)
Eucatastrophe - @/arealsword (ao3)
Side by Side in the Mindscape - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Beside Me - Dee - Thrall - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Plea for my New Self - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To change - @/Queen_Whovian (ao3)
How the Angels got their Wings - @/SunRey1116 (ao3)
don't paint wonderful lies on me (that wash away) - @/codevassie (ao3)
How to Fuck with Humanity 101 - @/Jungle321jungle (ao3)
What You Can Stand - @/ManyFandomsOneLog (ao3)
All of These Stars (Will Guide Us Home) - @/lucernis (ao3)
Virgil’s Guide to Avoid Accidentally Falling In Love With Your Boss’ Boss - @/Jungle321jungle (ao3)
Hidden In Shadows - @/Kaysigns (ao3)
Labeled - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3)
Dreaming While I Wake - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Painful Death - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Lost & Found AU - @/rollthewhatever (tumblr)
Monsterous Roomates - @/Willowanderer (ao3)
Between Light and Darkness - ORPHANED (ao3)
Pumpkin Spice - @/VoidDragons (ao3)
Pick A Side (i love you and everything is beautiful) - @/arealsword (ao3)
Is there anything left of Patton - @/AdrianaintheSnow (ao3)
if you're going my way, i'll go with you - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
one chance to change your fate - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
A Moment with Potential - @/Midniteblue (ao3)
KNEE DEEP - @/plumcat (ao3)
House of Tarot Cards - @/FlowerMeat (ao3)
The Long Road Home - @/warcatscat (ao3)
Punks, Poets, Parents - @/edupunkn00b (ao3)
Flightless Bird - @/AvoSunflowerTea (ao3)
A lesson in practicality - @/ResidentAnchor (ao3)
Endless Sides (Sandman AU) - @/sometimes-love-is-enough (tumblr)
The Ghost and the Reaper - @/thatonelesbianfander (tumblr)
A Bug in the System - @/AwLawdItComin (ao3)
Syzygy - @/arealsword (ao3)
lavender for luck - @/lovelylogans (ao3)
The Starlight Universe - @/iclaimedtobethebetterbard (ao3)
59. Pieces Verse - @/SoDoRoses (FairyChess) (ao3)
60. (Un)Wanted - @/TheAsexualofSpades (ao3)
61. Black Hole Sun - @/coconutcluster (ao3)
62. Vanished - @/red_imeanblue (ao3)
63. Space and Everything In It - @/Greenninjagal (ao3)
64. You Can't Go Back - @/delimeful (ao3)
65. Ghost AU - @/tsghostau (tumblr)
66. Live Without You - @/stormsofstarlight (ao3)
67. Janus Sanders and the Cassandra Fallacy - @/arealsword (ao3)
68. Short Sides AU - @/nachosforfree (tumblr)
69. Plant Parents Dukeceit - @/ThreeCrowsInATrenchcoat (ao3)
70. For the Record/The Sanders Archive - @/VillainVogue (ao3)
71. The Other Side(s) - @/VillainVogue (ao3)
72. genius loci - @/oldkamelle (tumblr)
73. unsympathetic patton au - @/aidensm8 (tumblr)
74. cat virgil - @/its-the-cat-queen (tumblr)
75. murder mystery - @/thecrowslullaby (tumblr)
76. guilty tears - @/not-exactly-laborious (tumblr)
77. ride the cyclone - @/purplecrayonismine (tumblr)
78. Pingverse - @/SoDoRoses (ao3)
79. Spirit Complex AU - @/casart (tumblr)
80. A Series of Silly Questions - @/SoDoRoses (ao3)
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alphynix · 1 year
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The evolution of falcons is rather poorly understood. Thanks to genetic evidence we know that they're closely related to seriemas, parrots, and passerines, but their fossil record is patchy and little is known about the early members of their lineage.
But a group knows as masillaraptorids are giving us a rare glimpse at what some early falconiforms were up to. Known from the Eocene of Europe, these long-legged predatory birds seem to have been caracara-like terrestrial hunters specializing in chasing down prey on foot – although their wings and tails indicate they were also still strong fliers.
Danielsraptor phorusrhacoides lived during the early Eocene, about 55 million years ago, in what is now eastern England. Although only known from partial remains, it was probably around 45-60cm long (~1'6"-2'), and it had a large hooked beak with a surprising amount of convergent similarity to those of the flightless South American terror birds.
Its mixture of falcon-like and seriema-like features may indicate that the common ancestor of both of these bird groups was a similar sort of leggy ground-hunting predator.
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pigeonpoem · 1 year
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amyl and the sniffers @ terminal 5, 12x18”, 2022
i made this gig poster for fun in the weeks leading up to the show on september 23, 2022 and i finished it literally hours before doors on the night of the show. in my rush to finish it i didn’t realize the “r” in “23rd” was backwards but i think it gives it a certain rushed diy charm, or something like that. i printed these on mulberry paper and tore it to size instead of cutting it to show off the soft, thin texture of the paper
alt text under the cut:
[ID: a photo of a black and white linocut print that is a mock gig poster for amyl and the sniffers' show in new york at terminal 5. the words "amyl and the sniffers" are in large slightly curved text at the bottom and below it, in smaller text is "with bob vylan and mannequin pussy". there is a star nosed mole coming out of the ground sniffing upwards at the text. below that, underground are three smaller star nosed moles clambering over each other. in the bottom right and left corners are two areas of texts set into "holes" in the ground that read "september 23rd, 2022" and "new york, ny terminal 5" the r in 23rd is backwards. in the dirt are scattered bits of rocks, seeds, leaves, worms, a stick, and a tiny skull. the print is in a frame made of a light coloted wood and set on chipboard without the protective glass. it is leaned against a pink pillow for sitting up in bed which set in a corner. there is a dream catcher and a calendar hung on the walls, which are painted a light cream color and a light pink. the second slide is a close up of the print in the frame.]
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mymelodic-chapel · 10 months
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The Babe Rainbow- The Babe Rainbow (Psychedelic Pop, Neo-Psychedelic, Psychedelic Folk) Released: June 2, 2017 [Flightless Records] Producer(s): Stu Mackenzie
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ateez-himari · 10 months
:: Masterlist ::
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Profile - Relationships (within ATEEZ) - Dorm Room - Inside Her Phone - Romantic Relationships
[Archive] Flightless Bird - [Archive] Take Me Home - [Archive] Deep Down - [Archive] 'Tunnel' by Mingi - The Story
Behind The Photo (230718) - Alone With You (230928) - Happy Anniversary (240225) - Their Light (240802)
PRAY ft Agust D - Versace Ambassadorship - Where We Fall K-Drama (w/ Yunho) - [Special Clip] The Beach - MAMA Exclusive Stage - LXST; Record One - LXST; Record Two
Versace; Ephemeral Collection - Versace; Ephemeral Runway - Versace; Milan Recap
D-Day Tour Guest Appearance - KCON LA Day 2: Special Stage - Break the Wall Tour: Jongho's Absence - Versace Ambassadorship - MCountdown - Versace Icons Dinner - MAMA Awards Nominations - MAMA Exclusive Stage : Icarus - BANGTEEZ Maknaes - D.U.N.K Showcase Health Concerns - 'Trust Me' Listening Party - J-Hope On The Street - 'D-Day' The Movie - Coachella Dating Suspicions - Relationship Evidence Throughout Coachella - Coachella Kiss - Former Leader Meets Maknae - Hearing Loss Revelation - Akaraka Festival - Pray : Hidden Footage - Mentorship Reunion - Dispatched by Mistake - Behind The Curtains : Tokyo Anchor - Lore Deepens - Work Part 4; Leaked Footage - GQ Magazine; Segment - Summer Sonic Festival - ATEEZ's Royal Blood
Treasure EP. Fin: All to Action (Epilogue: Neverland) - The World Ep.2 : Outlaw (Concept Photos) - The World Ep.2 : Outlaw (Trailers) The World Ep. Fin : Will (Comeback Teaser) - The World Ep. Fin : Will (Tracklist) The World Ep. Fin : Will (Scenes) - The World Ep. Fin : Will (Shadow) Not Okay (Teaser) - Not Okay (MV)
Jamsil Sound Check : 240127 - A More Mature Concept (& Acting Stage) - Hanzo Twitter Update : 240128 - Solo Stage: Shadow - Dance Break: Wings
Twitter - Fromm - Instagram
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markrosewater · 5 months
Hi, Mark. I looked at some records of giant moa and it would be good to see this already extinct bird with more presence in future sets.
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The problem we have with moa is they are flightless birds, but not enough people know what they are, so the lack of flying in a Bird throws people.
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bethanythebogwitch · 4 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: Adélie penguin
I previously covered the world's most famous penguin, the emperor. Today I'll be covering its less famous neighbor, the Adélie penguin. While being much smaller than the emperors, Adélie penguins are just as charismatic and highly ecologically important. They were named after the wife of the explorer who first described the species. Let's see if that was romantic or a mistake.
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(Image: an Adélie penguin standing on a rock and facing the camera. It is a bird standing upright with flipper-like wings and webbed feet. The belly is white while the head and back are black. There are white rings around the eyes. End ID)
The Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) looks like a penguin. Like picture a generic penguin in your mind and it'll probably look like an Adélie. They are flightless birds that stand upright, a posture that seems to be unique to penguins. They have countershading, with a black back and white underbelly. The most distinctive feature of an Adélie penguin is the white ring around its eyes. As with other penguins, Adélie penguin wings have adapted into flippers that enable powerful and graceful swimming but renders them flightless. Adélies reach a height of 73 cm (29 in) and a weight between 3.8 and 8.2 kg (8.4 to 18.1 lbs). The primary difference between males and females is that males are significantly heavier than females of the same size. As with most penguin species, it can be difficult to tell males and females apart without examining them. Adélie penguin feces and nasal discharge has been noted to be high in salt, the result of living in a very saline environment. By ingesting salt and nitrogenous substances in the sea and excreting them on land, the penguins help hasten the movement of nutrients from sea to land. This makes the penguins highly important to the antarctic ecosystem.
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(Image: an Adélie penguin seen from the side as it walks over snow in a very dapper pose. End ID)
Adélie penguins are are one of the two penguin species to inhabit Antarctica itself, the other being the emperor penguin. They also share the many antarctic islands with multiple other penguin species and are rarely found as far north and Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand, and South America. The penguins spend most of their time out on the pack ice, hunting for food to build up the layer of protective subcutaneous fat that helps keep them warm. Adélie penguins can be found hundreds if not thousands of kilometers from shore as long as there is access to the sea and ice flows to rest on. As the ice extends hundreds to thousands of kilometers in winter and retracts during the summer, the penguins will be on the move to retain access to the water. A penguin can migrate up to 13,000 km (8,100 mi) every year to retain access to both ocean and sea ice. They hunt and forage underwater, with a diet consisting primarily of krill, fish, squid, and jellyfish. Chemical analysis of shell fossils has revealed a change in diet from primarily fish based to primarily krill based around 200 years ago. It is believed that this change in diet was due to whaling diminishing the local baleen whale population, which was the primary krill predator. This resulted in a population boom of krill that the penguins took advantage of. It is very cool to me that you can tell what diet animals from thousands of years ago analyzing ancient eggshell remnants. Adélie penguins swim at around 8 km/h (5 mph) and can leap 30 meters out of the water to reach ice flows.
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(Image: a group of Adélie penguins leaping off of ice and into the water. End ID)
Adélie penguins are noted to be very curious and fearless on land. They have no land predators and therefore have no predation response on land. Antarctic explorers have recorded that Adélie penguins would walk right up to charging and barking dogs without fear and quickly get eaten. They have been called boisterous by explorers and have been seen challenging much larger creatures to fights over space. During the filming of the BBC Earth documentary Spy in the Snow, the filmmakers caught footage of an Adélie penguin deliberatly protecting a group of emperor penguin chicks from a southern giant petrel who was hunting them. Despite the petrel's threat and the chicks being of a different species, the Adélie put itself between the predator and prey and repeatedly charged the petrel (which occasionally hunt adult Adélies) until it gave up and left. Adélies are not always as nice to each other. They will fight each other, especially during breeding season. Adélies are known to be reluctant to enter the water if they can't see another penguin swimming safely. They will gather in groups on the edge of the ice until one penguin gets pushed in. If that penguin doesn't get attacked by a predator, the rest will join.
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(Image: a group of Adélie penguins being examined by a scientists sitting on the ground in a red coat and black pants. The group includes adults and chicks. The penguins show no fear of the scientist and some appear to be examining them. End ID)
Mating season lasts between October and February. During mating season, the penguins gather in rocky areas with no ice covering. The males gather piles of pebbles which will become nests. Males will try to steal pebbles from each other, which can led to fights. Once his pile is complete, the male will stand on top of it and begin a display involving pointing his beak up, vibrating his chest, and flapping his wings. A female who is wooed by his display will approach and bow, which he will then reciprocate. The male then shapes the nest into a pit and lets the female lay down in it. The male stands on the female's back to mate and they will rub beaks together while doing so. Adélie penguins are serially monogamous. They will form mated pairs during mating season, but will usually not pair off with the same penguin next season. On the other hand, Adélie penguins have been suggested to engage in prostitution. Males have been known to mate with females they are not paired off with, after which the female will take some of the stones from his nest. The reasons for this behavior is not clear and calling it prostitution may be applying human ideas to non-analogous animal behavior. Females may be examining males as potential backup mates should hers die. The male allowing the female to take some stones may also be an advantageous trait as if she does lay his eggs, having better stones will give them a better chance of surviving with him not there. Adélie penguins are notorious for their aggressive sexual behavior. Males will attempt to forcibly mate with females (possibly as a result of mistaking her bending over as a mating bow) and males without partners will attempt to mate with such things as chicks, dead penguins, and the ground. During mating season, males accumulate the hormone corticosterone in their systems. This hormone increases aggressiveness and sexual activity in birds and is likely why males who can't attract a mate will attempt to mate with anything they can.
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(Image: two Adélie penguins mating. The male is standing on top of the (presumably) female, who is lying stomach-down on the ground. The male's head is bend down and the female's head is bent up so their beaks touch. End ID)
After mating, the female will lay two eggs, the second a few days after the first. If one egg is lost soon after being laid, a third may me produced to replace it. The second egg is usually smaller then the first so they will still hatch around the same time. The father and mother share share incubation duties. One parent will sit on the eggs to warm them while the other parent returns to the sea to feed. The incubating parent will not leave the nest during this time. They do not eat while incubating and will projectile defecate to keep feces away from the nest. Shifts change every 7-10 days, allowing both parents to eat while keeping the eggs incubated. When both parents are at the nest, they will perform a mutual display involving waving their heads while calling out and bowing to each other. The eggs hatch after 32 to 34 days and the chicks will remain with their parents for another 22 or so days. During this time, the parents will take shifts guarding the chick and returning to the ocean to feed. The chicks are fed regurgitated, partially-digested food. Mothers who have lost their chicks have been known to try to steal chicks from other parents. After the 22 days, the parents abandon their chicks and return to sea. The chicks gather together in groups called crèches for mutual protection from predators. They must subsist on fat stores for another 30 to 40 days before developing their adult plumage and setting out to sea.
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(Image: a group of Adélie penguins with a focus on a parent and a chick. The chicks are smaller than the parent and are covered in gray, fluffy down. End ID)
One of the earliest texts on Adélie penguin behavior came from the journal of the explorer George Murray Levick in 1911-12. He described the sexual behavior of the penguins but the result was considered too explicit and immoral to be publiched with the rest of the expedition's notes. As a result, Levick's noted were not discovered and published until 2012. One of the things in the notes that resulted in them being denied publication was the description of homosexual behavior. That's right, this is a surprise pride post. Despite what many conservatives would like you to believe, homosexual behavior is very common in the animal kingdom. Penguins are seemingly especially known for this behavior. While initial reports suggested that Adélies would accidentally mate with other males as a result of mistaken identity, this have been proven to not be the case every time. Male Adélies have been seen taking turns copulating with each other, which means they definitely realize the other is male. Similar behavior has been seen in other penguins. Famously, a male/male pair of chinstrap penguins (a close relative of the Adélies) named Roy and Silo in New York City's Central Park Zoo successfully fostered an egg and hatched a female chick named Tango, who also went on to bond with another female penguin. Multiple other species have also been know to form same-sex bonds in captivity (wild behavior being harder to study) with many even building nests and using round stones in place of eggs. Same-sex pairs have been known to bond with each other year after year when other penguins will chose different mates each year. Multiple zoos will let same-sex penguin pairs to foster eggs.
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(Image: two penguins standing among a pile of pebbles. End ID)
Levick's notes on homosexual behavior in the Adélie penguins described them as deviant and disgusting. I bring this up because it leads me to a point I want to discuss. It is very important to not judge animals by human moral standards. Study of homosexual behavior in animals has been distorted and repressed by generations of scientists operating under an Abrahamic religious worldview where homosexuality is considered a crime against nature. In that worldview, it would not be possible for animals to be homosexual because now could nature commit a crime against nature? Thus, the use of rationalizations, deceptions, and cover-ups by scientists operating under that worldview. When the facts conflicted with their beliefs, they chose their beliefs. This is not the only time this has happened. Back in the early days of paleontology, famous paleontologists such as Sir Richard Owen discovered that theropod dinosaurs had similar traits to birds and that dinosaurs were not the slow, lumbering, lizard-like animals they were initially assumed to be, but highly developed, powerful animals. This conflicted with their pre-conceived religious beliefs in Biblical creationism where all species were created as they were and did not evolve and that modern species must be the better versions of past species as God wouldn't replace something powerful like a triceratops with something less powerful like a cow. These early paleontologists covered up and denied evidence that went against their beliefs and in doing so, set back the fields of paleontology and evolution in ways we are still trying to fully recover from. Failure to separate our moral standards from animal behavior is important to studying animals for the same reasons that those early paleontologists failing to separate the evidence from their religious beliefs was. I have heard popular animal Youtubers insult animals like Adélie penguins and dolphins in exactly the same way Levic did because of their behavior when mating. Those kinds of attitudes are thing we need to get over when studying nature. Nature is under no obligation to conform to the many and varied moral standards of humans and we need to recognize that. This doesn't just apply to people who disapprove of animal behavior. You will notice that I never called any of the penguins "gay" or anything similar in the above passage. That was deliberate and it's not because "I'm a homophobe trying to to deny that gayness exists in nature" or anything like that. That would be a pretty fucking hypocritical thing for me, a trans lesbian, to believe. I don't think it's fair or intellectually honest ascribe human descriptions of behavior and psychology to nonhuman animals. We have very different psychological makeups from penguins and the definitions we use simply may not apply to them. Similarly, penguin mental constructs or concepts wouldn't apply to us, at least not in the same way. Nobody can read a penguin's mind and nobody can Animorph into a penguin to experience its psychology first hand. If Roy and Silo were able to talk, would they identify themselves as gay? Would the modern, western idea of gay even make sense to a penguin? I have no idea and neither does anyone else. And I think applying labels for human concepts like being gay that may or may not apply to an animal risks introducing bias to our understanding that can produce mistakes and misunderstanding about that animal's behavior. This is true whether you think being gay is good (like me and hopefully everyone reading this) or bad (like Levick did).
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Oops, what's this doing here? (Image: an old-fashioned soapbox. End ID)
Adélie penguins are classified as Least Concern by the IUCN. This does not mean they are not facing challenges. The loss of sea ice due to global warming has reduced the available habitat and has seen population drops. Chick survival rates have also been decreasing. In addition, as of 2024, a mass die-off of over 500 birds was discovered and is being attributed to H5N1 bird flue spread from South America. This strain has also been found in local skuas, which could act as vectors to spread to to other species and populations. This situation is currently under investigations and we currently can't predict where it will lead.
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(Image: an Adélie chick nuzzling its parent's belly. End ID)
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