#flinchite felix
felixcosm · 5 months
FELIX: It's time for a cowboy to dream ♪ …goodnight. ~ DAVID AULT (in the bloopers): Could there be another iteration of you somewhere out there, Michael? Somewhere, out there, beneath the pale blue sky! Someone's thinking of you, and loving your Big Bear ♪
Ahem, sorry yes, torture compound! Ah, yes no. Um.
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this is my second time trying to post this-- go figure. homophobia, if you ask me. anyway. dw this is the last jimmyposting for today but i just wanted to say he is in fact friends with felix and this is in fact season ten real and canon and i should know because uhhh dylan told me (/j)
now behold my crappy art boy
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neverendingparable · 1 year
Ty Betteridge this, Ty Betteridge that. Who cares about some punny mad scientist with an accent? I need to write for Flinchite Felix more instead 💖
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 10 months
Taking on that full cast challenge I reblogged the other day for WOE.BEGONE. Here's the list I'm going to be using:
Central Characters
Mike "Mikey" "Michael" "MDawg" "MW" "The Gambler" "The Bear" Walters
Christopher "Topher" "CANNONBALL" Evans
Hunter Jeremiah "Jerry" "H" Hartley
Chris "Chance" "Blorpo"
Ryan "Shadow" "Donder"
Marissa Ng
Ty Betteridge
Sylvester August Baxter
Major Iterations of Central Character
Latvia Mike
Emdubya / MW
Innocent Hunter
Mystery Hunter
H (may be the same character as Mystery Hunter)
Punished Hunter
OVEdgaR / Mustardseed
Ty Betteridge (Green)
Ty Betteridge (Yellow)
Cowboy Ty / Outlaw Ty
Recurring Side Characters
Kasimieras Berzina
Jamilla Gardner
Recurring Side Iterations
Texas Michael / Tex
Council Anne Who Joins Base In S7
Unknown 4th Hunter
Young Ty / OVER Ty / Arbiter Ty
Ty Betteridge (Blue)
Very Minor Character / Bit Character
Unnamed Flinchite Boot Sent To Kyrgyzstan
Unnamed Arbiter that Meets Mikey Before Donny's Fourth Challenge
One-Off Or Minor Iteration
Van Mikey
Alaska Mikey
Cowboy Edgar (Saved Mikey During Rugby)
Ty Betteridge (Orange)
Sly II / Bax II
Punished Mike
Other Mikey / "Baby Mikey" (fan-given name)
OI Mikey
Replacement Mikey
Replacement Troy
The Bear (OVER)
The Bear (Latvia)
Hamster 1 / Chubbums the Wondergirl
Hamster 2
Hamster 3
Hamster 4 / Princess Daffodil
Lucy, The Largest Cat In The World
The Bear (The Diary of Aliza Schultz)
Shadow II
Nine Unnamed Crows
Bluster the Gigantic Horse
No Appearances / Not Real / One Appearance, Central Role or Some Characterization
Aliza Schultz
Charles Thibbideau
Flinch AKA |=|_1/\/(|-|
Donny Evans
Brendan Evans
Rafael Muslani
Felix's Mother
Felix's Father
No Appearances / Not Real / One Appearance, Minimal / No Characterization
Taylor Yarmoth
Gretchen Stevensbretcher
Carol (OVER)
Todd (OVER)
Mike's Mother
Mike's Father
Mike's Boss at OVER
Southern Woman who Gives Mike The Job At OVER
Patrick (papercraft hat crewmate)
Jamie (Hunter's friend)
Harlan (Hunter's friend)
Bill (regular at the Sidewinder)
Hannah (wife or partner of Bill)
Jess (lives in Boulder, once visited by Shadow)
Two Pool-Playing Regulars at the Sidewinder
Interrupting Bar Patron
Greg (Hypothetical neighboring OVER guard)
Troy's Unnamed Boyfriend
Dave (OI)
Samantha (Flinchite)
The Ty Spectrum
Magenta Ty (Decorated for the office party)
Chartreuse Ty
Rainbow Ty
Beige Ty (Does data management)
Aquamarine Ty
Uberpink Ty
Vermillion Ty
Vitellary Ty
Crystal Ty (Does meditation)
White Ty (Did entertainment at the office party)
Black Ty (Did catering at the office party)
Peach Puff Ty (Does tracing)
Ultramarine Ty
For those unfamiliar with the Full Cast Challenge, we intend to write a fic that is either from the POV of or otherwise examining every single character in WOE.BEGONE. For ease of use we have separated this list into categories; others taking on the challenge can exclude characters or categories as they wish, but we intend to write for every single character listed above, except for some of the "Animals" and everyone listed under "The Ty Spectrum" and "No Appearances / Not Real / One Appearance, Minimal / No Characterization".
If there are any characters I have missed, please let me know!
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solipsistful · 1 year
hi im having thoughts about Felix out of nowhere
or like. reactions to Felix?
this is Ty’s most direct assistant, the one pressing the button or pulling the lever or whatever on so many of the awful consolidations, obediently dragging the Mikes anywhere the Flinchites need them
but he’s so mild-mannered and apologetic where it counts, in a way that’s extremely Ty-like but it’s different because, i suppose, he’s not the one directly responsible?
he’s just following orders
morally dubious characters in the morally dubious podcast but wowee why is Felix never in those sorts of discussions, please let’s talk about Felix more in these discussions it’s great i love him
- ace
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fortunechaos · 1 year
Woe.Begone Character Roll Call Post 108
Spoilers for 108 under the cut obviously.
As always characters who's status has changed will be in bold... let's get right into it I guess.
Mikey: So incredibly dead
Mike: Also very dead
Michael: All of them are dead y'all, are you sensing a theme yet.
Edgar: Presumed still dead but not confirmed
Innocent Hunter: Alive! Apparently being kept in the dark by the other Hunters
Mystery Hunter/ H: Alive
Punished Hunter: Presumably alive
Anne: Unknown
Charlie: Presumably alive
Chance: Alive, still working for Hunter Hartley Base
Shadow: Alive, still working for Hunter Hartley Base
Marissa: Alive, still working for Hunter Hartley Base
Sly: Almost entirely sure he's still dead
Matt: Presumably still dead
Ty: Not a single clue what this current retcon did to him
Outlaw Ty: See above
Felix: Unknown
Kasimierez: Alive, presumed to be retconned but aware of it due to Flinchite record-keeping procedures
MW: Unknown, presumed retconned out of existence (BOOTS???????)
Compound Mikey's: Dead, affected by the retcon
Compound Michaels: Dead, affected by the retcon
Mustardseed: Retconned out of existence
Over Mike: Presumed dead, probably retconned out of existence
Ravi: Unknown, Ty states that the Hunters caught him doing something (I relistened to this recently and I'm pretty sure he's dead tbh, rip)
Ryan: One copy in stasis, one copy with Hunter
Cannonball: One copy in stasis, one copy with Hunter
Edman and Mdawg: Retconned out of existence
Boris: He's fine guys stop saying he's dead he's fine
Bruno: Needs a new dog sitter I guess
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parkeryangs · 10 months
“I could fail and fail again but in my mind I’m taller than before. I break and I bend but my heart keeps coming for more” -trying to kill the moon by motherfolk (for the lyric ask game)
i thinkk this is a felix-centric fic! detailing how he landed a job with the flinchites, his relationships or lack thereof with his other coworkers, and mainly following everything going on with ty. i think just as a character he quickly becomes self-deprecating + negative about any situation that doesn't go exactly as planned (gifted kid burnout say what) but as he and ty initially begin to work closer together, ty's no-nonsense attitude gives him a better appreciation for his skill which is something he tries to keep in mind even when he and ty aren't on the greatest of terms (i.e. the felix chronicles, and the slight fallout after ty finds out what he did. lol) :]
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whirlwindsworld · 1 year
Introducing my woe.begone OC, Tim Saddler. He’s a psychologist working at Flinchite Compound.
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Basically this is his concept:
Ty, observing someone: this is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior
Tim, starts observing Ty: 🔬
Ty: wait not like that
Okay so obviously he works at compound. Some kind of extra psych personnel maybe. Postgrad, looking for money.
Haven’t determined how he ended up mixed in with everything, but probably he knew someone who got into time travel, and he saw stuff from afar. This encouraged some interesting side specializations, that caught the interest of the compound. Neuroscience and behavioral psych. With specific focuses on memory, self identity, and perceptions. And of course their newest area of study that finally caught Ty’s attention: controlled alterations of perception to bring about specific and repeatable positive changes in subjects who experiencing otherwise adverse circumstances.
This was meant to help the world of course. Change the way people experience pain or help people with dementia. Help people with traumatic injuries adjust quicker. He knew all the possibilities that this research could be used for. Even the worst ones.
So he gets a job offer they would be crazy to refuse. Access to the tech and the opportunity to have it revolutionize everything he was doing.
And then he meets Ty. And another Ty. And another Ty. They start working and its everything they dreamed of and a complete mess at the same time.
See he wasn’t meant to be working on the Mike Walters Project. Not really. It was like a side benefit to Ty that their research was so applicable to keeping all the Mikes in line. But he kept being pulled aside and asked to do a little thing on this Mike, and then a little on this other who was a cowboy. And it kept snowballing. Until he was working side by side with Ty Betterridge. So frustrated with this change he starts genuinely questioning the effort put into the project and realize Ty is far from the consumate professional he originally believed. Their observations start with the basics.
His likes: Puns, information packets and briefings, being in control, Felix, and Mike Walters.
His dislikes: Kasimieras Berzina, experiments and results made void, arctic monkeys, not being in control, and the color purple Then Tim starts gently probing, listening, and reading between the lines, to discover what Ty believes about the world and other people.
And through this Tim gets to know that Ty is a) a hypocrite, and b) deeply interesting.
And in a fun reversal of Ty’s usual role, that is the day that Ty Betteridge began to be surveilled.
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the-mikey-parable · 1 year
This is a The Stanley Parable x WOE.BEGONE crossover roleplay blog.
Spoilers for both will be found here. WOE.BEGONE spoilers are only about Ty Betteridge, the Flinchite Compound and Mike's romantic relationship. The overall plot of WOE.BEGONE won't really be mentioned here.
The Parable Experiment is run by Ty, with Mikey as his unwilling test subject.
Time travel, time duplicates and human experimentation are present here
Cowboys may show up
Edgar is the doomed Settings Person
The Skip Button works in reverse - Mike is the one affected by it, not Ty
People in this Office may be subjected to Ty's experiments
Felix is Ty's assistance. He is not related to me in any way x')
This blog is explicit - there won't be any NSFW except perhaps mentioned, but there will be strong language, gore, human experimention, medical distress, unhealthy relationships, etc
If spoilers should arise, I'll tag them as #wbg spoilers
You can kill Mikey all you want. You can technically also kill Ty but watch out.
Ty can go from 0 to 100 very quickly. Keep this in mind if you mess with him, he can be very sadistic.
There will be a bunch of muses with questionable morals here
Basic rp etiquette applies
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felixcosm · 6 months
Some Ty/Fe headcanons because I'm thinking about them lately:
Felix is the only person allowed to touch any Ty without needing permission. Ty isn't big on suddenly being hugged or touched without warning, especially in the Compound where his autonomy is nonexistent.
When he's had a particulary bad day, he will sometimes lay his head in Felix's lap and start ranting about things while Felix strokes his hair
Ty's know-it-all trait can be incredibly annoying, but sometimes Felix will show him a movie or an article just to hear him scruntinize it.
Similarily, when Ty wants reassurance that his idea is good, he'll show it to Felix (a sure fire sign he is feeling insecure about his ideas because usually he just does what he wants anyway)
Felix is cautious about letting Ty touch him after spending practically every day watching him torture people. He tries to distract Ty from the fact that he doesn't feel 100% safe around him by focusing on Ty instead - Ty does notice and pretends he doesn't in an attempt to make Fe feel more at ease.
They both know absolutely embarrassing, reputation-destroying secrets about each other.
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felixcosm · 8 months
You know to me this just looks like youre becoming a cowboy.
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Everyone is talking about me, all my mutuals are invested in my cowboyification. I am Felix from my shows, I've become my own blorbo.
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felixcosm · 1 year
The entirety of the Felix Chronicles are out on Patreon, by the way!
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felixcosm · 1 year
Dear followers.
Due to the fact that the name "Felix" has already been claimed by the internationally beloved character played by Ben Rowe, I am hereby changing my name to Gerard to pay respects to the true protagonist and most important character of WOE.BEGONE.
Thank you for understanding.
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felixcosm · 1 year
I think Felix is doing the best he can, to be honest.
Not to make blatant excuses for someone involved with the Flinchites, but I doubt he could just quit if he wanted to anyway. I'm sure it's not as easy as leaving a two week notice, if you're allowed to quit at all (and they don't fry your brain afterwards)
But he is nice to the Mikes, even though he shouldn't get close to them he chats with them about movies and food, he tries their favorite meals because he's curious, he watches Westerns so he has something to talk to Michaels about. He's actually friendly to Base, not in the Ty Betteridge way. He gets upset sometimes about leading Mikes to their deaths. He worked hard on making a playlist for Mikey to cheer him up.
He also went through great lengths to protect Outlaw!Ty and the Posse in 108, covering for them, helping them get around and eventually escape to his best abilities.
In conclusion:
Flinchite Felix is precious and has done nothing wrong.
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felixcosm · 1 year
MICHAEL: Ty seems like a handful.
Felix: Hmph. There's a reason that keeping up with Ty Betteridge is a full time job.
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felixcosm · 1 year
I love Felix, though. I love him so much. I love how nice he is to the Mikes, even if he's helping Ty torture them. No matter how angry I get at Ty, Felix will always be exempt from my rage 💖
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