#flo falls fast for anita LMAO
dorkousloris · 2 years
flo in both universes is essentially...
a sweet woman who put others before herself, and doesn't like to be in the spotlight. she hated it, and just merely want to enjoy hanging out with friends and families. shes smart and very aware of her surroundings but doesn't let it get it to her. just a sweetheart!
but when u put flo in HUSKLESS, she is weighted by various things that happened to her childhood, making her more quieter than her Connected by Strings counterpart, and unlike her counterpart, Flo always always uses defensive moves as someone whose power is controlling vines.
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girlfromthecrypt · 4 months
Sigh...My poor MC is legit not made for this- he's totally a bad influence. The man is all for the throwing of ones hands, against bullies.
He's going to have to start a fight club soon, if he continues low key encouraging the children to give out knuckle sandwiches every time another kid says something mean. Not only that but, dude doesn't even have a filter, he's a call it how it is, type of person. Whiiich maaay not be the best approach so certain interactions.
What I find amazing about this situation is, he doesn't even like kids, or at least I wasn't intending for him to. But very quickly I can tell, Enola and Javier are going to be his (aka my) favorites. Especially Javier. The little cricket scene was adorable, I was nervous for a second- I thought you were going to have him kill it. Then there's Enola making friends with Gab...like just ahhhh, I can't. 💕
I know in another comment I said Flo was the end goal no matter what buuuutttt umm yeaahhh....ANITA FOR LIFE!!! 🫢 I love her character so much. Her with an annoying, flirty, kind of an ass MC; have the best dynamic. He gets on her nerves, but she loves it lol.
My MC is also super neat, has a Masters in Science and dresses in a more tidy style. I feel like Anita and him just go so well together.
Oh my God thank you so much for the detailed ask, those are my favorite and it's so flattering to me that you wrote all this out.
Your MC is such a vibe. Very much the reluctant guardian vibe, which is so dear to me. Figures that he'd get along with Enola and Javier the most. They're the most straightforward chaotic of all the little gremlins. They totally appreciate feeling seen by someone who understands their inherent need for violence lmao
Yeah, Enola and Gabriel embody the law of attracting opposites. You'll get to watch their friendship deepen, and just know they will keep in touch for the rest of their lives, thanks to this connection they forged with your MC's help. Aka let's see how tooth-achingly sweet I can make this.
YESSSS Anita appreciation HELL YEAH love to see it!!
You are SO right, Anita is MADE for annoying flirty idiot MCs. Oh, she'll roll her pretty eyes and scoff and call them morons, but damn, will she fall fast. I take it you played her the bird noises? Hehe.
With that style, the tidyness and that demeanor, your MC sounds like her soulmate at this point.
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