agentsketchbook · 2 years
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The intelligent species of Dearth
Commonalities between all 4 species:
They are all protists
All, with the exception of virals, give live birth
Social creatures
Developmental stages happen at roughly the same time for all 4
Can develop mental disorders, but may vary between species
Common Ancestor of Unankind:
Very genetically mutable ancestor, can assimilate new DNA through mutation and horizontal gene transfer
Reproductive flexibility is still apparent in the 4 modern species that evolved from the ancestor
The result of the ancestor assimilating virus genes through horizontal gene transfer instead of becoming infected and producing copies
Both male and female virals can sire, but neither can become pregnant
The second hardiest of the species, suffer the least from environmental concerns
Lowest empathy quotient of the 4 species
Highest IQ of the 4 species
Often cycloptic, but not always
Female virals are still capable of horizontal gene transfer sexually with other virals
Genetically the closest to the ancestor, evolved to adapt to mineral rich underground conditions and water, grows rock and crystal from skin for defense as well
Does not need light and are capable of seeing in the dark
Are the most durable of the 4 species, do not tire the same way and can go longer without food and water
Highest pain tolerance of the 4
"Artificials" are petraphines, who for some reason, cannot process minerals and express them, so they rely on other man made materials to supplement (For example, Detroit uses car paint and Bonnie relies on ebonite)
The least physically diverse, tend to look the most "human"
Floros (Floro Sapien):
Ancestor adapted DNA from plantlife via horizontal gene transfer
Can reproduce either sexually giving live birth, or through pollination, forming a seed to be planted in substrate
Need for the sun is unique to floros, mental and physical health are dependent on it, will become ill and eventually die without
The most physically diverse of the 4
Most susceptible to illness, both infectious and genetic
More in common with petraphines and floros than virals despite being adapted to bacteria genetics as a response to attempted infection like them
Prolonged sun exposure can be damaging to them, starting with a very painful and dangerous sunburn open to disease
Prone to herd mentalities as a byproduct of bacteria's quorum sensing
Arguably the least combative and most socially adaptive of the 4, most likely an evolutionary function to survive in large groups peacefully with each other
Gram negative bacterials have flexible and malleable skin and bodies with lenient bones that can bend a good amount before snapping, where gram positive bacterials typically have sturdier bodies and normal bones
When the ancestor fused virus genes into its makeup to form virals, the new species lost its ability to reproduce with itself, despite being very efficient at doing so with members of the other species
Hybrids have very different needs than pure blooded individuals. For example, bacterials find the sun to be dangerous, but their cyano offspring have no such issues and often rely on the it like their floro parents -Hybrids make up less than 2% of the population. That's roughly the same population of redheads, asexuals, and intersex people in humans
Bacterials + Petraphines = X
The soft and simple half of bacterials becomes poisoned by the concentration of minerals within the cells, Bacterial and petraphine offspring fail very early on during pregnancy
Floros + Bacterials = Cys (Cyanos)
Cys (pronounced like "sighs" are the most viable of the two possible hybrids with a success rate of roughly 80% of pregnancies occurring without complications. Cys are infertile, and while most will bud, they will never bloom.
Petraphines + Floros = Terras (Terraflors)
Like cyanos, terraflors are infertile and will usually bud, but won't ever bloom. However, their success rate is closer to 30-40%. They tend to be less dependent on sunlight, but are significantly more likely to suffer petrifaction in their lifetimes than their fully floro relatives
WHOOO, long winded ref on the species! There's a lot of stuff detailed here, and even more yet that isn't!
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typewriter-worries · 6 months
It's world poetry day so here are some (more) of my favorite poems:
What You Missed That Day You Were Absent from Fourth Grade by Brad Aaron Modlin
All Trains Are Going Local by Timothy Liu
Rural Boys Watch the Apocalypse by Keaton St. James (@boykeats)
HOPE YOU’RE WELL. PLEASE DON’T READ THIS. by Lev St. Valentine (@dogrotpdf)
Time of Love by Claribel Alegría
Every Job Has a First Day by Rebecca Gayle Howell
Reading by A.R. Ammons
things i want to ask you by Helga Floros
Night Bird by Danusha Laméris
Prayer for Werewolves by Stephanie Burt
The Two Times I Loved You the Most In a Car by Dorothea Grossman
The Yearner by Rachel Long
If I Had Three Lives by Sarah Russell
I Dream on a Crowded Subway Train with My Eyes Open But My Body Swaying by Chen Chen
We Have Not Long to Love by Tennessee Williams
Jesus at the Gay Bar by Jay Hulme
Cracks by Dieu Dinh
and here's part one <3
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bunedycom · 2 years
Yunanistan Genelkurmay Başkanı'ndan Türkiye'ye tehdit: Ölümcül bir hata olur
Yunanistan Genelkurmay Başkanı’ndan Türkiye’ye tehdit: Ölümcül bir hata olur
Yunanistan Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Konstantinos Floros, Silahlı Kuvvetler Günü kutlamaları nedeniyle yaptığı konuşmada, Türkiye’ye göndermelerde bulundu. Türkiye’nin açıklamalarına ve Türkiye’deki üst düzey analistlerin Ankara’nın Suriye ve Kuzey Irak’taki operasyonunun “Yunanistan’a bir mesaj” olduğu yönündeki açıklamalarına vurgu yapan Floros, bu sözlerinin Türkiye’ye dolaylı bir yanıt…
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ohmaerieme · 2 months
Draw Dimentio playing chess maybe?
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something something doomed position on the board
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boxbusiness · 7 months
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The uncensored version below~
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rateelism · 8 months
avallum tag is still baby. post their concept arts
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saxandviolins88 · 15 days
Elita-1 with "ice cream?"
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This is my first time posting an Elita-1 drawing!! Enjoy
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Could you do one of suffering from an "almost something" relationship.
If thats too difficult, something about heartbreak it's okay ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹🥺
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Helga Floros things i want to ask you. / Audrey Niffenegger The Time Traveler's Wife / unknown / @hamletmaschine unaligned (2016) / Natasha Trethewey Memorial Drive / Jan Heller Levi Writing for This Story to End Before I Begin Another
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mushie-lol · 1 month
first post here lmao uh Luigi and Dimentio
(TW blood!! Not super realistic or anything)
(also TW brainwashing/mind control?)
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also Luigi & Mr. L designs!! Wow.
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xanderlovesluigi · 1 month
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long time no see tumblr (i forgot this app existed)
been practicing animating lately and made this little gif of luigi with the floro sprout. dont worry I’m definitely planning more…
ALSO!! if you are a fan of my work i also have 2 instagrams!! thatonestupidskittle is my art acc and skittlestarsaga is nintendo stuff so you should go follow me there too (no pressure)
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kroosluvr · 7 months
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i feel like i got hexed or something
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arylleth · 1 month
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i want her love like the butcher’s knife, want her to be the one moving it.
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prettyboychainsaw · 7 months
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Dr. Floro managed to sign enough NDAs and cause just small enough of a fuss to get out of the Murkoff Mousetrap before it snapped. His coworker, and friend, whose name isn't really known to anyone but him anymore wasn't nearly so lucky.
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bunedycom · 2 years
Konstantinos Floros'tan Sakız Adası provokasyonu
Konstantinos Floros’tan Sakız Adası provokasyonu
Yunanistan Genelkurmay Başkanı Konstantinos Floros, Doğu Ege Adaları’ndaki askeri birlikleri ziyaret etti. Dün akşam saatlerinde Aydın’ın Kuşadası ilçesine sadece 2 mil uzaklıktaki Sakız Adası’nı ziyaret eden Floros, buradaki kara ve deniz askeri birliklerinde denetlemelerde bulundu. ASKERİ BİRLİKLERİ DENETLEDİ Floros, adada bulunan  96. Ulusal Muhafız Yüksek Komutanlığı (ADTE) Komutanlığı’na…
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ohmaerieme · 1 year
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mr l MR L BEHIND YOU MR L LOOK OUT MR L !!!!!!!!!!!
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