#flowey is a dramatic bitch
azureblooet · 7 months
I feel like any human-ish Nariander design requires long hair because you know this bitch would be somberly hair flipping and having it fall dramatically around him like a anime character.
Like this bitch is SUCH a dramatic turnaround user.
(Also the veil working in tandem and as a sort of also hairband feels rad to me)
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Horrorfell Sans & Papyrus character sheets (Updated version)
COPPER (Horrorfell Sans)
Backstory: Knowing that Asgore would kill Frisk as soon as they reached the throne room, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Flowey and Toriel allied to kill the King, so the child could reach the Surface. They managed to take Asgore's down, which allowed Frisk to take his soul to cross the Barrier and go find help. Except… Frisk never came back.
After a brief period of peace, Undyne's and Toriel's relationship became tense, as both women had very opposite views of how to lead Monsterkind now that Asgore is gone. Toriel wanted to bring back the old days, before Asgore's kill or be killed decision, but Undyne accused her of wanting to re-do Asgore's work by doing so. Undyne wanted a modern kingdom, that would never accept a reign of terror once again. Eventually, a fight broke out between them and Toriel ended up badly injured and banned back into the Ruins as Undyne took over. Eventually, their fight caused a civil war in the Underground, which ended tragically with Toriel's partisans making the CORE explode.
Copper and Chief quickly understood it was in their best interest to stay out of this mess. Copper… Copper didn't live this well. After his brother forces the town to stay neutral, he finds himself stuck between his loyalty to Snowdin and his friendship with the Queen, making him a target not only for Undyne but for Toriel's rebels as well, considering he was not invested enough in their battle. With the food lacking added to that, Copper quickly had to learn to keep a low profile, too weak to fight against big LV monsters. He eventually decided he was a burden to his brother and went to live in the Ruins with Toriel, so his brother wouldn't have to worry too much about his survival. Toriel had enough resources to feed and protect both of them, while outside, they resigned to hunting rats and small cavern animals to live another day.
After seven years of living out of town, having only a few contacts with his brother through the door, a human fell down. Aliza was Frisk's friend and heard about monsterkind when Frisk died, through their notes. They never make it to the human city. Copper had a hard time accepting that, but Toriel even more, as she had to grieve yet another child. Unfortunately, it was too much for Toriel. They found her dust in the morning, having no idea what happened. Maybe she fell down out of despair, maybe she took her own life, one mystery Copper would never know.
The initial plan of Copper was to get the teenager out of this hell as Copper thought monsterkind didn't deserve to be saved anymore, but Aliza convinced him. With the help of his brother, and the not-so-many monsters who survived the famine in Snowdin, they challenged Undyne, hoping they would be enough to take her down. That worked, but at the cost of almost all of Snowdin's survivors, his brother's legs and his arm. Chief didn't want to kill Undyne, but Undyne refused to give up, letting them not choice. After that, with seven souls and the Queen's soul, Aliza broke the Barrier.
The brothers are now trying to recover, closer than ever after being apart for so long. They missed each other a lot, and they hope they can finally let the past behind for a better future.
Personality: Adventurous - Charismatic - Cooperative - Curious - Dramatic - Fair - Honest - Loyal to death - Observant - Protective - Prudent - Self-critical - Shrewd - Uncomplaining - Competitive - Quiet - Sarcastic - Calculating - Cowardly - Disobedient - Easily discouraged - Fatalistic - Irritable - Lazy - Moody - Opportunistic - Provocative - Sedentary - Slow.
Job : Farmer, sort of.
Hobbies: Taking care of the animals, bitching on the neighbors, watching TV, inventing small things he will never use, messing with the house equipment to piss off his brother and his S/O.
Loves: Cars, big tractors, big trucks, motorcycles, inventing new things, pranking his brother, testing the limits, annoying his S/O, messing with children by popping off his arm prosthesis when they shake his hand, plaid burritos, talking and arguing with his animals, finding random excuses to enter people's house, steal something and wait for them to notice weeks later, good food, playing piano, Halloween, horror stories, free coupons, weird looking animals.
Hates: People staring at his arm for too long, people who attack his brother on his disability, people trying to scam him, people pointing at him because he's a monster, very loud noises, crowded places, elevators, deep water, the smell of blood, thunder, people too curious about the Underground, not having food in his pockets, cleaning the house.
The S/O of his dream: Someone who has the same dark humor he has, or at least doesn't get offended by it. Someone patient enough to tell him when he's too much of an asshole. Someone who will not push him to talk about his past and understand he wants to move on. Someone who doesn't care about his disability and treats him normally.
Dealbreaker: Doing things for him and saying he can't do them because of his missing arm, disrespecting his brother. Mocking his panic fear of loud noises. Pushing him to talk about his past.
Contacts :
Family: Chief.
Adopted family: Oak, Willow, Nugget, Pumpkin.
Best friend: Red.
Close friends: Edge, UF Grillby, UF Toriel, Coffee, Rumba, Sam, Ben, Fang, Killer, Delta.
Friends: UT Toriel, UT Grillby, Blue, Honey, Nox, Rus, Demon, Error, Dune.
OK/Neutral: Sans, Papyrus, UT Asgore, UT Mettaton, UT Burgerpants, UT Gerson, Ink.
Would better avoid: UT Undyne, UT Alphys, UT Frisk, UT Chara, UT Gaster, UT Muffet, UT Asriel/Flowey, UF Alphys, Moon, Sun, Rambo, Salsa, Tango, Creeper, Torpedo.
Absolutely hates: UF Undyne, Wine.
CHIEF (Horrorfell Papyrus)
Backstory: After Undyne took control of the Underground, tired of this pointless civil war, Chief took over Snowdin's authority, forcing the town to be neutral in the war, while Waterfall and the Hotlands became a battlefield. With the explosion of the CORE though, they had no choice but to learn how to survive, as Undyne, feeling betrayed by Chief's refusal to follow her lead, refused him and all of Snowdin access to what little food there was left. So Chief taught the town how to haunt small animals, hoping it would gain enough time for Frisk to come back and free them from this hell.
Constantly making sure his brother would survive, Chief forgets himself, pushing his body to limits he probably never should have crossed. That's probably one of Copper's motivations to find shelter in the Ruins, to stop worry him. It kinda worked. And it kinda not. Even if he played it cool when he could talk with him through the Ruins door, Chief had a very hard time trying to keep everyone in town alive and healthy.
He didn't tell his brother he almost died three times, two because he refused to eat for too long, one because Undyne took advantage of his weakness to try and kill him for good. Yet he survived. For his brother. He knew that as soon he would die, Undyne would find a way to hurt his brother somehow. And he refused.
He survived seven very long years, doing his best to survive and keep the others alive. Until he met with his brother again, and a child. He didn't think they would really free them, as Chief lost hope a long time ago, but he didn't feel like breaking his brother's hope, so he played along. Quite honestly, he thought they would all die as soon as they met Undyne, and he was ready for this.
So when he realized Undyne was as weak at him and that he actually had a chance to take her down, he was shocked. And maybe he let his enthusiasm talk too much. He underestimated her and made a terrible mistake. He didn't expect her to suddenly attack his brother, and without thinking, he threw himself in the way. His spine took most of the hit and injured him to the point of paralyzing him completely. But by sacrificing himself, it gave enough time to his brother to finish her, so he thought it was justified.
The truth is that he didn't expect to survive this injury. He couldn't live like that, it couldn't happen to him. And yet, he's still there. A lot of therapy helped him to accept his disability better, but it's still a subject he will avoid. He doesn't like his broken body. He hates that everyone are moving on but he can't because his legs will forever remind him of what happened. But he can't give up on his brother. So he continues.
He's slowly healing, but the scars will never really leave.
Personality: Clever - Disciplined - Dutiful - Empathetic - Forthright - Hardworking - Incorruptible - Intuitive - Leaderly - Loyal - Painstaking - Prudent - Reliable - Responsible - Preoccupied - Stubborn - Anxious - Cautious - Cold at first - Critical - Depressed - Desperate - Difficult - Fatalistic - Impulsive - Moody - Negativistic - Obsessive - Paranoid - Resentful - Terrified of failure - Still acts like he's Underground
Job: Farmer, Animal shelter employee
Hobbies: Taking care of Doomfanger, writing, crocheting, cooking.
Loves: Doomfanger, all the abandoned cats of the shelter, taking care of the food stock, finding new recipes to try, his brother, the snow on the Surface, criticizing the news, the neighborhood children, when his legs are moving even just a few inches, that his brother never gave up on him despite everything, puzzles.
Hates: People staring at him too much, his body, people saying they're impressed his cat is so old, his body, therapists who are not honest with him, that nothing is accessible with his wheelchair, people trying to help him in the street when he didn't ask help, people abandoning animals at the shelter, finding kittens in the bins in front of the shelter, when his brother is hurting, when he's hurting.
The S/O of his dream: Someone who can prove to him he's more than a broken body and that he still is himself. Someone who never judges him and supports his progress instead of focusing on the failures.
Dealbreaker: Using his disability against him, hurting his brother, asking to get rid of Doomfanger, and not letting him be independent.
Family: Copper, Doomfanger.
Adoptive family: Oak, Willow, Nugget, Pumpkin.
Best friend: Pumpkin.
Close friends: Red, Edge, Nox, Rus, Coffee, Rumba, Sam, Ben, Killer.
Friends : UT Mettaton, UT Grillby, UT Asriel/Flowey, UF Grillby, Blue, Honey, Moon, Tango, Fang, Delta.
OK/Neutral : Sans, Papyrus, UT Toriel, UT Asgore, UT Muffet, UT Burgerpants, UT Gerson, Sun, Rambo, Salsa, Demon, Creeper, Dune.
Would better avoid : UT Undyne, UT Alphys, UT Frisk, UT Chara, Ink, Error.
Absolutely hates : UT Gaster, UF Undyne, UF Alphys, Wine, Torpedo.
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random-autie-fangirl · 9 months
Hey, Do you have any Chara headcanons?
So technically I already have a reblogged post of Chara headcanons. Right here, within the tags. (99+) Chara neutralist squad on Tumblr
However, I most certainly have not run out of things to talk about and so...
I now present Chara Dreemurr headcanons 2: Electric Boogaloo
1. Yes, so as I said before, they have been spotted reading the dictionary cover to cover multiple times and reads english grammar books for fun. It is like they have to use one word literally nobody understands at least once a day or they will figuratively die. And of course, they would be the one to say figuratively every single time they use a metaphor or hyperbole or turn of phrase and they would get genuinely annoyed with anyone who says literally when they don't literally mean literally. Chara is the kind of kid who if someone says "can I", they will say "I don't know, can you?" like an english teacher because it's supposed to be "may I" for allowances. And, Azzy, it's supposed to be "Chara and I" not "me and Chara" ...no-one cares.
2. Something vocabulary related is that Chara absolutely, categorically refuses to swear! Apparently, contradictory to popular belief given that they're an "edgy" character, they think they are far too intelligent, high-class and mature for such gauche and vulgar words (did I mention they're a loser yet?), you see, and they would definitely consider using words that mean almost nothing to be a grave insult to their extensive vocabulary.
This doesn't mean they don't have certain stock phrases they use as exclamations or insults, though, of course. "asshole" or "bitch" becomes "you complete and utter ingrate", "what the fuck/hell?" becomes "What on this good earth/What in the Angel's name?" and "fuck you" becomes "may the angel smite you dead" or "may you burn in hell forevermore" (except that since Chara Dreemurr has proved themselves able to dish out much, much worse insults than "may the angel..." (stuff like "you look horrible, why are you even alive" for example) this might just be more annoyance than genuine hatred.)
So basically, while a normal person might say "Ow! Fuck!" when they stub their toe on something, Chara "Sesquipedalian loquaciousness" Dreemurr starts up an anime villain speech at nothing in particular while Asriel giggles and possibly records in the background. (Because of Asriel's apparent love for anime, he'd probably find his sibling's way of speaking to be the coolest thing ever as well as thinking it makes Chara some sort of uber-genius (note: it does not))
3. Okay so, since they tend to fixate on being impeccable in every way, even for the smallest of things, they can get embarrassed very easily and...very dramatically. Not finding the best word for every situation (particularly if they end up saying something wrong), not getting a perfect score on the test, anyone (who isn't the Dreemurrs) seeing them when their appearance is anything less than completely spotless.
They shall freeze and go completely blood red, they shall squeal and run off to their room. They will lie face down, not making a sound, and stay there for...hours. They will not respond, they will not be consoled. They have recently learnt they're not literally the best at everything ever and no, nothing will ever be okay again.
...They'll be back to normal within a day, though, boastful and eager to impress as ever. I think at some point they do learn that maybe not being perfect isn't the end of the world...eventually. Anyway, heard someone saying that hell exists for Flowey and it is minor inconveniences and that is true but hell also exists for Chara and it is minor embarrassments.
(Yes, I am aware this is very exaggerated, it's just more fun that way)
They have an equally dramatic, though positive, reaction to praise and compliments. Giddily skipping around and smiling ear to ear for hours, they tend to preen and straighten up, and it turns out they were lying and can cry, (a lot) just not out of sadness or fear. Though, they do get somewhat good at downplaying how much they care in front of acquaintances or strangers (even if they are nice and polite about it). Technically, only the Dreemurrs are allowed to know that Chara feels emotions.
(Also they have the same reaction to realising they are in fact the prophesied angel in the murder run, despite not being a praiseworthy accomplishment in any way, they're just happy to be, well...special. They always knew the prophecy was about them! Of course they were the angel, they're the best person in the world after all, finally they have the title they always deserved! Oh dear...)
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does flowey count??? technically he revived as a different being but his magic dust is still there so??? 🤷‍♀️
We have Asriel in the sudden death round. I think the dramatic words ‘Asriel Dreemurr’ showing up on the screen is a pretty solid I lived bitch
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undertalethingies · 4 years
Undertale Characters Ranked by how Dramatic they are
So, just a note before we begin:
Mettaton is not at the top of this list. I considered it, I really did, but despite how dramatic he is, I have two reasons for picking someone else. One: I didn’t want to just go for the obvious choice, two: I genuinely believe the character at the top of this list is more dramatic.
Because I don’t want to spend 10 hours picking through every npc interaction in Undertale, this list includes only the major characters. Because not everyone agrees on which characters in Undertale are major, I’ll list out the ones I’ll be discussing.
Chara, Flowey, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Napstablook. 10 in all. (Frisk will not make an appearance, as their behaviour is dictated by the player)
Without further ado: let’s do this
Number 10: Napstablook
Not a hard pick, really. Mostly all he does is cry, and it’s more depressed than dramatic. Dapper blook might qualify, but when it’s the only remotely dramatic thing he does? Definitely the bottom spot.
Number 9: Alphys
This one was a bit harder. Alphys is one of the least dramatic characters, but she does have her moments. I suppose the most dramatic thing she’s ever done in-game would have to be the phone call she gives you at the end of one of the neutral runs, as she ends it with the phrase “I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.” However, the fact that this feels almost out of character belies the fact that she doesn’t normally deliver such lines. Another dramatic thing she does is the note. I hesitate to label it a suicide note, but it definitely gives off those vibes. Finally, I feel like the narrative tension in the lab entries (so many cliffhangers!) should really be mentioned. I mean, she made an entire entry that was just the word “no” over and over. 
Number 8: Toriel
I had some trouble deciding between her and Alphys for this spot, but in the end, Toriel is the only character who can lay claim to having dramatically stormed all the way from New Home to the RUINS. Presumably while carrying Chara’s dead body, unless she had it delivered or something. (“Is this the pizza?” “No, it’s your kid’s corpse”) While this is the most noteworthy thing she’s done, it’s not the only one. I mean, the line “what a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent child...:” is dramatic when delivered to Flowey, and amazing when given to Asgore. Also: throws fire at you for your own safety.
Number 7: Asgore
Having him this low on the list causes me physical pain. However, Undertale has a lot of drama. While he’s only number seven, trust me, he’s very dramatic. Just as an example, “Human. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.” I mean, what can I even add to that? Honestly, that entire scene feels like a fantasy novel, which is a bit of a departure from Undertale’s normally fun and lively vibe. The bit where he destroys your MERCY option, especially. There’s also something else I’d like to point out. When he realizes you’re a human, he says: “nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming…” Which is almost exactly what Sans says on the genocide run. What’s more dramatic than coordinated dramatic speeches? Nothing. Nothing ever. There’s also nothing dorkier.
Number 6: Undyne
I almost put Asgore in this spot, but anime. I mean, she stands on a rocky crag and gives a speech. What more can I even say here? I dunno, maybe that her geno theme is called “Battle Against a True Hero”, and her pre-fight song is called “but the Earth Refused to Die”. Oh, and? “I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one!” not to mention freaking “let me tell you the story of my people”. Honestly, the only reason she’s not higher on this list is because she doesn’t finish said story.
Number 5: Papyrus
He’s Papyrus. He’d be at the top, but that justification also works for everyone in the top four. Also known as: the really really dramatic ones.
Number 4: Chara
So, I support narra!Chara, because I found a lovely proof of it which you can read here. Now, narrating your entire journey through the Underground is pretty freakin’ dramatic. What’s more dramatic? “Chara. The demon that comes when people call its name.” the speech Chara gives at the end of the genocide run is chilling, truthful, and very dramatic. The whole thing is basically one long callout for the player, reminding you who really held the knife, and the way it’s delivered is far too perfect for Chara to have improvised it. That’s right, I’m proposing that they rehearsed it. What else would they do while you wander around looking for murder victims? Also: “But nobody came” is just absolutely top-tier.
Number 3:
And the bronze medal goes toooooooo: Sans
It was really hard to pick whether Sans or Chara should get this spot, since they’re both just so dramatic, but what it came down to in the end is that Sans is just more of a presence. He follows you throughout the pacifist run, showing up at least twice in every area till Hotland. And every time he shows up, he uses his appearance either for a dumb joke... or to make you feel a chill down your spine. In Grillby’s, he stops time, completely casually, and doesn’t even say anything particularly incriminating! Rather, it’s a casual display of his ridiculous power that’s clearly done just to freak you out. Another thing it would be criminal not to mention is the restaurant scene, which I’m not going to recite, because it’s impossible to forget. And, of course, the geno run. Sans doesn’t show up as much on the geno run as he does the pacifist, but he plays a much larger role, as the final boss. He haunts you throughout Snowdin, dogging your footsteps and remonstrating you for choosing the violent path. He also repeatedly tells you that if you continue as you are now, you’ll face consequences. He’s right. You face him. Do I really need to tell you how that qualifies as dramatic? Yeah, didn’t think so.
Number 2:
Our silver medal winner is the silver man himself!: Mettaton
Need I go on?
Number 1:
Who could be more dramatic than Mettaton? More secretive than Sans? (well, no one is as secretive as Sans, but this character might come in second) More creepy than Chara?
It’s your best friend, Flowey!
The very first thing Flowey does in the game is to be unnecessarily dramatic to the point of harming his goals. Because he pretends to be nice before betraying you, rather than just murdering you, Toriel arrives in time to stop him. Of course, you can reset, so it wouldn’t have made any difference, but he didn’t know that. Then, after Toriel, he straight up tells you he has plans in the works! Also “I am the prince of this world’s future” is peak drama. But wait! It only gets more ridiculous! He specifically waits to murder Asgore until you’ve almost killed him, even though he could have absorbed the SOULs and fought you at any time during the fight! Then comes the true pacifrisk- sorry, true pacifist run. His introduction? Tell me with a straight face you’ve seen something more Extra than the ASRIEL DREEMURR name drop. I’ll wait. Also, the absolute god of hyperdeath? Really? REALLY? Yeah, I think we’re done here.
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nintendont2502 · 3 years
Thinking about how Flowey knows that he's in a game and when you reset after a Neutral without killing him, he directly calls you out for 'pretending to not know him' (not his exact words but I can't be fucked looking them up rn) and yet in the fight his dialogue is still the same as when you open the game for the first time (trying to trick you and then getting mad when you know what's going on)
Ig you could explain it by saying he's still affected by the programming of the game but I choose to believe he's just a dramatic little bitch
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justanechoflower · 3 years
No it’s just short for his name
(Demon, shut)
Also, now that you’re back as a flower
M!A, he has a popcorn kernel stuck in between his teeth and he can’t get it out for 15 asks!
Remus, what the fuck??
What, it’s torturous?
Sure but why that??
Why not?
Flowey: That's not torturous, that's just stupid. If you're going to give me an M!A, you should at least make it dramatic or fun.
Flowey: Is mun's name Bitch?
M!A count:
1/15 - Popcorn???????
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
I VOTE FOR UNDERFELL GRILLBY X READER BECAUSE I CANNNN I don’t know about prompts though. Maybe his silly S/O is playing pretend with some monster kids to make them feel happier and someone tries to fight them because they don’t like how individualistic the kids are becoming?? I know it’s random but just an idea I’ve had floating around in my head for the past couple days 😂 i know it’s not necessarily a “prompt” but hey-hi 🙈💀
SO! I actually ended up choosing another prompt for the selftober prompt thingie that I asked about. (because it was proposal and I’m a sucker for proposal prompts because love man, I love it) BUT! To be honest, I’m really feeling this prompt request thingie, so hell, I’mma do both! Though, this one won’t be considered like a selftober thing.
I adjusted the request a bit but I hope that it still fits what you were thinking!
“Very eloquent, Sans,” you teased, leaningyour head against your fist and grinning at the golden toothed skeleton. “What’sgot you groaning in such despair?”
“toriel wants me ta watch frisk, mk, n’theweed tomorrow,” Sans grumbled, rubbing his skull irritated as he acceptedanother bottle of mustard from Grillby. “don’t get me wrong, love frisk tadeath, salt of the earth n’all that crap, but babysittin’? that shit ain’t mystyle.”
“You don’t have style,” Grillby retorted,practically draping himself against the back of the purple velvet booth, hisarm shifting only to pull you against his side. You blushed a touch at the PDAbut focused on Sans’ smart ass comments and Grillby’s sharp teasing responsesinstead.
“What, you can’t look after two brats forone day?” Grillby asked finally, smirking his blinding smirk, “Or are you toomuch of a-“
“I can look after them,” you interrupted Grillby,“I don’t mind babysitting and I have tomorrow off.”
Sans’ brow bones rose, “heh…ya wanna lookafter the brats?”
“I mean, you’ll totally owe me, but yeahsure,” you shrugged a shoulder, “Frisk and Flowey are sweethearts.”
“ya do realizeif ya fuck up what-“
Grillby’s flames snapped in warning, “Mymate won’t fuck up, and on the off chance, she does? Nothing’s gonna happen toher. Or they’ll be answering to me.”
“Uh…” you frowned slightly, peering over atGrillby, “I agree with Grillby? Not in those words or anything though,” youshook your head, “Look I’ve babysat before, and I’ve even looked after Friskbefore. The kid likes me. It’ll be fine.”
“if ya say so,” Sans said with a shrug,fishing his phone out of his pocket, “i’ll see if tori’s cool wi’it.”
Flowey was curled around your arm as Friskand MK ran around the park chattering about everything and anything theirlittle minds could think of. A few times, MK spat out an insult to Frisk, who justgave them a look of intenseneutrality and MK grumbled and apologized before they were back to racingaround.
You knew by now Sans would probably benapping, and refusing to be anywhere near Flowey.
Frisk darted over to you, encouragingFlowey to transfer over to them before tugging at your arm. “Can you play withus?”
You smiled and nodded. Frisk told you thatthe two kids would be playing the ‘heroes’ and you being the ‘villain’, whichyou had to clarify with them what you were supposed to do. Frisk explained itvery simply. You were supposed to pretend to be trying to do some dastardlydeed and Frisk and MK needed to stop you without violence!
Which led to the current state of yourunning around the small field in the park trying to get away from Frisk whowas attempting to hug the badness out of you and MK who was trying to egg yourbadness on, completely contrary to the rules. Frisk caught you, laughing andyou swung them up pretending that you got them.
“Ahaha! My dastardly deed is almostcomplete! I’ve caught a hero!” you said dramatically, causing Frisk to snortout a laugh.
“I caught you!” they retorted, “Besides! MKwill save me!”
You turned to face MK and froze.
The little monster was standing rightbehind you, and if they had hackles they’d be raised in anger. A group of threemonsters were watching from a distance, and…none of them looked happy. You slowlyshifted Frisk to your hip and placed a hand on MK who jumped slightly.
“What’s wrong?” you asked quietly, keepinghalf an eye on the adult monsters.
Frisk curled closer to you, “not allmonsters are happy that Asgore has stated that monsters need to live pacifist-ly.”
MK bristled but shifted closer to you.
One of the monsters stalked closer,grinning wickedly. “Well…well…well, lookit what we got a-here. The big bad bratwho thinks they can waltz into the Underground and change everything. Trynamakes us monster what we ain’t.”
The group moved closer, and you felt yourheartbeat start to race.
“N’that little armless piece of shit whothinks they’re tough, when they couldn’t even harm a fuckin’ fly,” another teased cruelly, their wide mouth stretching evenfurther as MK snarled.
“Fuck off, you low levelled asshole!” MKbarked, their tiny tail curled around your ankle and you could feel themvibrating.
“Let’s go,” you said taking a step back andtugging MK closer to your side.
“They can’t do shit to us!” MK puffed up, “We’rein stripes, and your Grillby’s mate! They do anything to us and they’re DUST!”
The three paused, eyes flickering up toyou. Oh no. You tightened your grip on Frisk, and Flowey started to cry softlyinto Frisk’s hair. For a moment you prayed that it was enough but then thefirst one started laughing hollowly.
“That flaming asshole? A mate? Bullshit!”he laughed, “Besides, I don’t see no pretty collar marking her as his.”
You paled slightly. Could you get out yourphone before one of them attacked? Or would drawing it out make them react? Youglanced around quickly, hoping to see anyone that would intervene but there wasnobody. You took another step back.
“Look, w-we-we’ll just l-leave, n-no oneh-h-has to come to h-harm…” you stammered out, glancing to where your car was.
“L-Leave?” the second one parroted, mimicking your nervous stutter, “noharm? Where’s the fun in that? We can’t do shit ta the kids, but we’re pissedoff and there ain’t no one protectin’ you! Monsters ain’t ‘heroes’ and we don’t solve our problems with shitty littlehugs.”
Frisk wriggled down from you and stepped infront of MK. You pulled out your phone once their attention was on Frisk and quicklycalled Grillby’s number. Frisk attempted to talk the monsters down but then amagical pellet whizzed towards you knocking the phone from your hand. You letout a yelp in surprise.
“F-Frisk, g-get MK to the car,” you stammeredout, MK was spitting insults and Frisk was still trying to convince themonsters to back down. Flowey was crying louder and begging Frisk to just getout of there. One of the monsters went to shove Frisk away but you dartedforwards and pulled them behind your back. “Don’t touch them!” you said,protectiveness overriding your fear.
The monster merely laughed in your facebefore shoving you hard, sending you crashing into Frisk and taking the two ofyou to the ground. Frisk scrambled out from underneath you to standin front of you but one of the monsters grabbed them and tossed them at MK asif they were nothing but a sack of potatoes. You scrambled to your feet. There was asharp sting in the center of your chest. The colour in the world bled out andyour SOUL leapt from your chest.
“Let’s fight, ya bitch!” the monstercrowed, “It’s been too fucking long since I killed someone.”
You tried to run but you couldn’t move, andthere was a strange interface floating in front of you. Panic rooted deep inyour SOUL as you tried to look for MK or Frisk, to get them to run to your car but they were both gone. Youcould only see the black and white versions of the three monsters in front ofyou.
What were you supposed to do? This wasNOTHING like when Grillby had taken out your SOUL!
There were four options in front of you. Fight. (Which youweren’t going to touch). Act. Item. Mercy.
Your hand was shaking as it touched mercy,and you attempted to spare but a small word text popped up that said:
*You? Spare them?
Your chest seized in panic as the three monsterssent white attacks at your SOUL at the same time. Pain blossomed through yourbody and you watched as even though the attacks didn’t hit your skin, yourflesh reflected the damage your SOUL took. A few scrapes and bruises blossomedon your skin, and you let out a cry. The small health bar dropped down nearly to half from one joint attack. 
What were you supposed to do?
Warmth surrounded you and then two formsappeared at your side, both black and white. You craned your head and if youcould move your legs you were sure you would’ve collapsed in relief.
Sans stood on one side, and Grillby on theother.
The three monsters balked instantly.
“What are you two doing here?” one of the monsters barked in surprise.
Grillby grinned wickedly, “I must bemistaken, because I don’t think anyone is STUPID enough to hurt MY MATE.”
“Y-You d-d-d-didn’t. She’s not! S-Shedo-doesn’t ha-have a collar!” one squeaked out.
“tch, shitty excuses,” Sans drawled, “’sides,even if she wasn’t grillbz’s? ya idiots really shoulda realized that anyonetakin’ care of the queen and king’s brat would have their protection.”
“P-P-Pleas-Please!” one of the monstersbegged, looking at you, “For-Forgive u-u-us, we did-…we di-didn’t know,sp-spare us.”
“You want mercy?” Grillby taunted, “You must really be idiots.”
You blinked back your relieved tears as you noticed that you could choose the spare option andretried what you failed to do in the first round. You spared one, who took off immediately. Grillby, on the other hand, sent a firey attack at the two remaining monsters who shouted in pain. Sans spared another monster, and the remaining one took off. Your SOUL disappeared backinto your chest and coloured returned to the world. 
You immediately turnedtowards where the children were. “Frisk! Flowey!” you said hurrying over to them, “Areyou okay? Were you hurt?”
They shook their head, “just…a bit sore,”they said quietly, “Are you? I’m sorry…we should’ve left. I’m sorry.”
“I wanna go home!” Flowey sobbed against Frisk’s chest where they were cradling him protectively.
“It’s not your fault,” you assured them,pulling them into a hug. They clung to you. MK glared over your shoulder at the others.
“Ya let them go!” MK accused angrily, “Theywere gunna kill her! What kinda cowards are ya????”
“Sometimes giving people a sense ofsafety makes revenge that much sweeter,” Grillby snarled in response, “Sans,get the brats to their homes.”
“yup,” Sans stepped forward, gesturing forFrisk to step away from you. Frisk wiped at their tearstained face, apologizingagain even though it wasn’t their fault. You watched as Sans grabbed both oftheir shirts and disappeared from view.
Grillby picked up your phone, ending thecall, and handed it back to you. As you reached for it, you were reminded of your quivering hands. He stepped towards you and slid an arm around your shoulder while pocketing your phone. Neither of you said anything as he guided you to your car.
The silence stretched on even as he bundled you into the car and then drove it back to his penthouse. Once you were out of the car, his arm never left around your shoulders until the two of you were safely inside.
The first thing he did was rustle around in his kitchen before handing you a piece of candy, and then he disappeared into the depths of the penthouse.
The quiet was getting to you, but you ate the candy and then slowly shuffled over to his couches. Every muscle in your body was tense but at the same time, you felt light and jumpy, ready to dart away at the first sign of trouble.
Would they have really killed you...just because you were there? 
You were reminded of the world that Grillby had lived in. Kill or be killed.
It chilled you right to the core.
You didn’t even notice Grillby re-enter the room and stride over to you. He thumped a long jewellery box onto the table in front of you before sitting down beside you heavily. His mouth opened but you turned and threw your arms around his neck. Clinging to him with all the strength that you could muster. Tears erupted and you couldn’t stop them even if you wanted to.
A heartbeat passed where Grillby didn’t move, and then he was tugging you onto his lap and enveloping you in his arms. His head pressed against the side of your head, depositing tiny kisses against your skin.
“You’re safe,” he growled into your ear, “I’ve got you.”
You just cried, and cried, and cried, terrified of what could’ve happened to you if you hadn’t called Grillby.
After you had no more tears to shed and were just shaking in his arms, he tilted your head up and kissed you until you were breathless and panting. Then he reached over and plucked the jewellery box up and handed it to you. “Been waiting to give this to you at the right time, but those assholes have forced me to expedite this fucking process.”
You sniffled lightly before opening the box. Inside was a black lace choker necklace with an amethyst pendant in the shape of a small flame. Any other day you would’ve been stunned by how beautiful it was...but right now you felt kind of empty. Your fingers gently stroked the pendant and then the words of the monsters returned. You weren’t collared.
“Grillby?” you mumbled, “What does ‘collaring’ mean to monsters?”
His fingers gently brushed some hair away from your throat, “Depends on the style, but this one means that you’re my mate, my girlfriend, whatever you wanna call you, and that if anyone fucking lays a finger on you again? They won’t get any fucking mercy when I find them.”
You stare at it, and then up at him, “I...If I had been wearing this...before...?”
“Who knows, they might’ve fucked off and left you alone or they could’ve thought they were lucky to find my mate alone,” Grillby grumbled darkly, “but those assholes seemed as scared of me as they should be.”
He reached over and picked the necklace up. You hesitated before turning slightly and lifting your hair up. He slipped the choker around your throat and fastened it at the back of your neck. The amethyst rested in the hollow of your throat and felt warm and soothing in a way.
When you turned around, he pulled you in for another kiss, this one longer and more desperate than before. 
“I need to fuck or drink,” he grumbled pulling away from you slightly, “and I don’t think you’re up for a fuck.”
You shook your head, and he tilted your head up to look him in the eye. “I love you, and I don’t say that lightly. I’m going to find those monsters and I will make them pay for laying a finger on you.”
You nodded before curling into his side. 
Sure, he wanted to drink to take the violent edge off his SOUL...but he wasn’t about to abandon his mate when she was so vulnerable. He pulled you closer, adjusting his position on the couch, and vowed to very PUBLICLY make sure everyone knows that if they touch you? They’re dead.
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punishercoded · 7 years
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“Adventures in Undertale” Frisk had just fallen down and was in the process of getting up, and looked around in slight boredom. They had seen all this before and were ready to do it all again. Finally raising from the golden petals they started walking,“Time to do this all again.” Frisk said as they started to go to Flowey. Frisk was going to the next room when suddenly a green portal appeared above their brown haired head, two people soon falling on top of them, shooting guns into the portal. Frisk fell as a boy and man collapsed onto them. Their hp decreased dramatically from the impact due to the combined weight of the people, causing the vibrant red soul of themselves to break into multiple pieces. Frisk’s last thoughts before the darkness consumed them was simply,“That’s new…” as they fell into the dark abyss. “G-God dammit Morty!” The older man with blue hair yelled as he drank from a silver flask,“Do you realize what the fuck you just did?!” “M-Me?! You did it! You shot the portal! I d-didn’t do anything, Rick!” The brown haired fourteen-year-old looking boy studdered towards Rick. Rick rolled his eyes and mumbled, “At least I don’t bitch about everything, you little shit.” Rick then decided to look around and noticed the cave walls and the flowers on the ground,“Oh Fuuuck Morty! Do you know where we are?! This is baaaaad Morty! Y-You fucked up biiig time!” Rick mumbled drunkenly as he stumbled to begin the process of hiding the body of the departed Frisk, pausing every once in a while to drink from his flask. “W-What do you mean Rick? Where a-are we?!” Morty yelled gripping what little brown hair he had on his head. He was genuinely confused and was really close to possibly shitting his pants again. “W-We’re in Undertale M-M-Morty! And you just killed the main character!” Rick studdered and belched, throwing the body into a corner of the room. “I-I-I didn’t kill nobody! Besides… i-i-isn’t Undertale a video game or something? H-How are we in a video game?!” Morty was looking around wondering what the hell Rick dragged him into this time. Rick looked at Morty with a look of pure annoyment in his beady eyes,“Multiple Realities MOoOorty, including one where video games are actual places.” Morty’s head tilted,“Why would you pick this dimension to hide in Rick? S-Seems like a bad place h-h-hide.” He honestly didn’t really understand this at all, why out of all places to hide from their enemies… “Because MoOoOorty, it happened. The writer of the story we are in decided to put us here.” Rick burped and drank his flask some more. He threw Frisk behind a rock in the very dark depths of the room, their body already seems to show signs of decay,“Alright M-Morty, we have to get the hell out of here. L-Let’s fucking gOoooO! "Wait R-Rick! What do you mean story?! And where d-d-do we go?!” Morty studdered and yelled. “Shut the f-fuck up Morty, your being reaLly annoying. Just calm down and go check t-this place out for cool shit, the fAaaLl broke my portal gun and I n-need to fix it before the counsel of fucking idiots shows up.” Rick pulled out some glowing crystals and a screwdriver then took a seat on the pile of flowers beneath the opening of the hole. Morty looked around nervously,“O-Ok Rick, I’ll see what I c-can find."He then proceeded to look around the room, not seeing anything of interest or desire,"Maybe there is something in the next r-room.” Morty spoke seemly to no one. “Then go check it oOUtt then and stop being weird MoOorty.” Rick mumbled,“I w-want this damn story over with so this fUucking writer will stop telling everyone e-every damn detail of our lives.” Morty walked into the next room and glanced around again, the room was all pitch black except for a spotlight-like thing showing a small green grass circle. He stepped closer to the circle and suddenly a small golden innocent face appeared seemly from nowhere,“H-Holy shit! w-w-what the hell is that?!” Morty screamed slightly, already regretting coming out of the room he and Rick fell into. “Howdy! I’m Flowey, Flowey the Flower!” Flowey Observed the smallest boy and was perplexed, this was obviously not Frisk. So what was this child doing here?,“You must be soooo confused!” “You c-can say that again…” Morty spoke to himself, wondering how he could get away from this creepy ass flower. He tried stepping away before realizing he seemed to be in a white battle box. Looking in front of himself Morty saw a gray dull looking soul in front of him. Flowey giggled at how wimpy this boy must be all the time, it was glorious. Morty, on the other hand, was even more terrified,“W-What the hell is this?! L-L-Let me out!” Flowey smiled,“See that heart? That’s your soul! the very cumulation of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but can become stronger will more LV!” Morty studders grew worse from fear,“W-W-What do y-you mean LV? Wh-What’s that?” “Why LV stands for LOVE of course! You want some love don’t you?” Morty shook his head,“Actually n-no thanks, I’ll j-just go now!” Morty tried to get away before becoming surrounded by little white pellets,“W-What the hell?! HEY! LET ME OUT!” Flowey giggled,“Nah, you’re much more fun than Frisk ever was!” He laughed with menace before sending the pellets closer and closer to a trembling Morty. “RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!” The pellets grew and closer towards Morty, Morty himself assuming that Rick didn’t hear him or didn’t give a shit, the latter most likely being the answer. Morty didn’t think being killed by a video game character would be how he died, an alien or shoot out yeah. But a fake yet real game flower? Not really a memorable way to go. He curled up into a ball on the ground, waiting for his death. Time seems to go by in slow motion before the devil of a flower froze. Not in fear or surprise, but in actual ice. Morty glanced up to see his grandfather holding a freeze ray towards Flowey with a look of disgust on his face,“JesUuUs Morty, you were gonna let yourself d-die by a flower? That’s fucking pathetic.” Morty ignored Rick’s insult and ran up to him throwing his arms around the older man,“T-Thank you grandpa Rick! Thank you!” Rick was nervous at first from the interaction but slowly hugged his grandson back,“SuUure Morty, your mom would have murdered me if you died so once again, hAad to s-save your ass. Now c-come on, let’s go home b-buddy.” Rick grumbled pulling Morty away to the wall. He shot a green portal onto the surface of the wall not too far away from the now frozen Flowey. Rick took some pellets into a vial,“Might be useful for something.” and proceeded to pull Morty into the portal, it soon closing afterwards. Not too long after this whole ordeal, Frisk finally loaded their save. Looking around once again at the golden flowers and the doorway to the next room they wondered,“What in the underground was that about?”
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