#fluttershy makes the first cut and breaks under pressure
maribatshipper · 4 years
Evil Fluttershy AU
*Warning! Warning! some characters are out of character because this is an AU, & this is not a happy story, with no happy ending.*
Fluttershy looks down at her old friends. One problem. She's not Fluttershy anymore. Her normally baby pink hair is darker with has black streaks running through it, her eyes pitch black, bat-like wings on her back, & she just floats, laughing at the girl's pain.
"You all did this to me. You abandoned me, & now you want me back?! Pathetic! For someone who's supposed to represent Loyalty, that was quite a betrayal, Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy laughs.
Twilight Sparkle yells, "Fluttershy, stop this! This isn't right! Rainbow betrayed you, I get it, but you don't have to take it out on the world."
Fluttershy laughs, "That's rich coming from you, Glasses! You tried to tear apart this world to get to Equestia once. I'm not being that stupid pushover anymore! I'm not Fluttershy anymore. I'm Bitterage. You made me into a monster, you all did. Especially you, Rainbow."
Rainbow holds back tears. She's right. Rainbow Dash had hurt her best friend deliberately, & now she has no way to reverse it.
"I'm sorry! I wanna make this right, Flutters!" Rainbow exclaims.
"How? You knew how much I wanted that, & you took it from me, on purpose! Well... No more... because I'm now infinite, unlike you."
Bitterage picks up Rainbow & throws her into the school's building. Sunset Shimmer stands up to help while gripping the geode around her neck. Bitterage starts singing.
"I'm the tallest of mountain I am the roughest of waves I'm the toughest of terrors I am the darkest of days I'm the last one that's standing, Don't try to stand in my way, Cause I've been up against better, Just take a look at my face
Cause if you're messing with me, I am a dangerous weapon I am the sharpest of blades; I'll cut you down in a second Cause I was born in this pain, It only hurts if you let it, So if you think you can take me Then you should go & forget it"
Bitterage stops Sunset from reaching Rainbow & picks her up by her collar, sneering.
"& after all this time, you're back for more I won't stop until they know my name So I'll take what's mine & start this war I'm coming at you like a tidal wave"
Bitterage continues fighting off her former friends, all of them having pain not just from being flung into buildings, but from their friend hurting them.
"When everything you know has come & gone, You are at your lowest, I am rising higher Only scars remain of who I was What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire! When there's no one left to carry on, This is an illusion, open up your eyes! This pain persists! I can't resist! But that's what it takes to be Infinite!"
Rarity pulls up her gem shield to protect her friends from Bitterage's attacks. The shield cracks under the pressure of the power coming from Bitterage's anger.
"Yeah, so look around you & tell me what you really see I never end & that's the difference in you & me Cause when your time is up & everything is falling down, It's only me & you - who is gonna save you now?
So look around you & tell me what you really see You live a lie & that's the difference in you & me I have the power, Let me show you what it's all about It's only me & you - who is gonna save you now?"
Apple Jack uses her super-strength to throw a big piece of rubble towards Bitterage, only for it to disintergrate before it even comes close.
"I am the tallest of mountains & don't you ever forget it If you step in the ring, Then you're gonna regret it! Cause if you're messing with me, Then you should know that it's over I don't crumble for nothing I've got the world on my shoulders!"
Rainbow appears behind Bitterage, only this time, all trace of regret has disappeared as she superspeeds towards her former friend to hit her, only to be thrown away again.
"& after all this time, you're back for more I won't stop until they know my name So I'll take what's mine & start this war
When everything you know has come & gone, You are at your lowest, I am rising higher Only scars remain of who I was What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire! When there's no one left to carry on, This is an illusion, open up your eyes This pain persists! I can't resist! But that's what it takes to be Infinite!"
She picks up Pinkie Pie by the neck, who is in tears, pained by the horror that her friend turned into.
"So look around you & tell me what you really see I never end & that's the difference in you & me Cause when your time is up & everything is falling down, It's only me & you - who is gonna save you now?
So look around you & tell me what you really see You live a lie & that's the difference in you & me I have the power, Let me show you what it's all about It's only me & you - who is gonna save you now?"
Bitterage laughs as she knocks the girls out.
"Nighty night."
All the girls wake up to find themselves in a prison of some kind, all of them shackled.
"What is this?" Sunset asks.
Pinkie Pie frowns, not even trying to think up a joke as she glares at Rainbow Dash.
Apple Jack frowns, "Well, this wouldn'ta happened if Rainbow hadn'ta stolen that ticket in the first place!"
Rainbow glares, "Are you saying this is my fault? How was I supposed to know Flutters was going to find a magic artifact that gave her the rage & anger to take it out on me?"
"Ya can put yer boots in the oven, but that don't make 'em biscuits."
Twilight yells, "Enough! We can all agree Rainbow is at fault for this, but we need a way to get Fluttershy back."
Suddenly, Bitterage's laughter echoes around the girls in a way that sends shivers down their spines.
"You are all that dumb, aren't you? There is no getting the old me back. This that you see? All me. It's all real. Unlike you fools. Pinkie Pie, hiding your pain with laughter. Twilight, still yearning to know about magic. Poor AJ, only honest to hide her previous lies. Rarity, only prim & posh because you didn't want to end up like your brother. Rainbow, enough said. & Sunset Shimmer. The one who tried to prove herself to her teacher, only to fail time & time again because she wasn't good enough."
Each of the girls gasp at the accusations coming from Bitterage. Pinkie Pie cries, her hair deflating like a balloon. Twilight looks to her friends, her secret not being painful. Apple Jack frowns, guilt drawn all over her face.
"Don't even mention my brother!" Rarity glares.
Rainbow goes to say something, only to get glares from each of the girls. Sunset frowns, then looks back up, determination filling every fibre of her body.
"That's not true. I have finally gained her approval. & my friends & I will find a way to stop you, like we always do. We will find a way to bring the old Fluttershy back to us!"
Bitterage laughs, "Oh you poor delusional fools. When Rainbow Dash betrayed me, she betrayed her element. Her element, her geode, it is extremely weak because of her. & if one breaks... the rest are sure to follow. Ta-ta, freaks!"
Bitterage leaves, laughing her heart out.
Bitterage stands on top of the school.
"This is my world now."
Suddenly, she starts coughing uncontrollably. Something separates from her body as she coughs, only to be tied to her leg. Her hair turns back to it's normal baby pink colour & her entire body turns back to normal.
"No... What have I done?" She cries.
"I did it, you fool! I took over your body, Fluttershy!"
Fluttershy looks up to see Bitterage.
"Why did you do this to me? Why did you force me to do this to my friends?"
Bitterage laughs, "Friends? Oh, you poor soul! Before Rainbow betrayed you, your will was too strong for me to get in. You always thought that if you were kind & had courage, it'd turn out alright. But Rainbow broke your will... no, she didn't break it, she SHATTERED it! Then you couldn't be kind or courageous anymore. That is what let me in. I was just punishing her for you, since you couldn't."
Fluttershy glares, "I won't let you back in."
Bitterage laughs, "Dear... once I'm in, I don't leave."
Bitterage jumps back into Fluttershy, causing her to scream. Her hair turns back to that dark pink with black strips, the wings grow again.
"That's better. Now, time for my rule!" Bitterage laughs.
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luupiirto · 6 years
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I’ve seen a lot of people making these next gen mlp kids, so I wanted to try it out too! 
I don’t really see all of the mane six as the type to want children (like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash don’t strike me as the “motherly type”....) but I still wanted to make each member of the mane six a child to just think about what they would look like and what kind of a pony they would become!
There’s a little bit of info about all of them under the cut!
Fire Flower
Fire Flower is the daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Fire Flower is quite quiet but she is always very polite and nice to others. She’s very well mannered as well. She’s very interested in gardening and all kinds of plants. Fire Flower lives in the Royal Palace with her parents. She’s good friends with Eternity since they both live in Canterlot and their parents are close friends.
Mussel is the son of Pinkie Pie and Princess Skystar. He’s quite the charmer and a charismatic guy who has quite a lot of friends. He’s energetic and loves all kinds of physical activities. His favourite thing to do is swim and he is the captain of the towns swimming team (yes, the seaponies have a swimming team). Mussel lives in Hippogriffia with her parents (Pinkie Pie moved there ‘cause Skystar couldn’t move away because of her royal duties). He doesn’t know the other kids well and has only met them a few times.
Honeycrisp is the daughter of Applejack and Caramel. Honeycrisp is a very big shy girl who loves to keep to herself. She loves to dance around and sing to herself and do all kinds of silly things by herself, but if she gets caught she gets very embarrassed. Whenever she’s nervous she’ll break in to a nervous laughter and blush a lot. She took an interest in baking as a child and is now the best baker and cook in the family. She lives on Sweet Apple Acres with her family.  She doesn’t know the other kids well but meets Sweetie from time to time when she visits with her family.
Eternity is the daughter of Rarity and Sassy Saddles. She’s a girl who has lived in the high society her whole life and it shows. She’s very confident and knows her worth and sometimes ends up being a bit rude because of it. She’s quite serious and shows little emotion on her face. She also doesn’t really have a sense of humor. Even though Eternity might seem a bit rude and stuck up at first she makes a great friend when you get to know her and will will take good care of those close to her. She likes to buy gifts and host little parties for her friends. Eternity works as a model and models a lot for her parents. She lives in her own apartment in Canterlot and is good friends with Fire Flower.
Sweet Alyssum “Sweetie”
Sweetie is the daughter of Fluttershy and Tree hugger. She’s a kind and cheerful pony who works as a therapist. She’s a very good listener and good at lifting others’ moods. She’s an optimist and always tries to see the good in others.She has her little clinic in Ponyville where she also lives. Only other kid she knows is Honeycrisp, since her family visit the Apple Family often. 
Fireball is the son of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. He lives in Cloudsdale in his own apartment. Fireball is a quite, introverted guy who really enjoys video games and is very good at them. They are the thing that really bring him out of his shell and make him happy. As a kid his parents and other relatives, partly on accident partly on purpose, put a lot of pressure on Fireball about being a good flier and following in his parents’ footsteps. Fireball lost his interest in flying and sports wholly because of that which was a bit of a disappointment for his parents even though they won’t admit it. Fireball doesn’t know any of the other kids well and meets them very rarely.
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