#flynn x nanoya x keres
fumikomiyasaki · 11 months
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"What’s your favorite scary movie", "I hate bobbing for apples. It’s always such a mess." or "Do you like my costume?" for anyone you want?
Halloween themed starters
"What’s your favorite scary movie"
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Being done with the annual HSA halloween event even if they were close to win it, the Polisionalle dorm barely missed the win over 3 simple candies and Nanoya sighed seeing the results. However Flynn had a smirk on his hand and pulled his friends hand rushing off.
"What is your plan again, Flynn?"
"You know the night is still young, lets change into better costumes than just skeletons and surprise someone."
The stern Samurai knew what he meant and showed a warm small smile on his face as they both changed up back in the dorm building and went with their new costumes to the NRC Halloween party. However this also meant for Flynn to sneak in, given his usual reputation.. after all was he spotted probably some people would recognize him quick... eventually they could blend into the crowd to find their dearest Amber, Keres, giving out candy to some people as Flynn leaned close to their ear and whispered
"What’s your favorite scary movie?"
They turned around and gasped seeing them both in their costumes... staring in awe and happiness how much they looked like the counterparts to the movies they spent hours on rambling about.
"You two look incredible... I can't believe you would-"
Flynn took their hand and pulled them closer with a smirk, stroking their hair.
"For you I would become anything, my dear Amber."
Nanoya dragged him back.
"Give them air to breath, especially with that fake blood on your chest for effect you could spill it on them, and I don't think they want that."
"I don't mind it."
Nanoya smiled and looked down at Keres with a light blush.
"You look very stunning as well."
As both just stood in silence kinda processing the situation Flynn just grabbed both their arms.
"You two need to loosen up a little, this is a party so lets dance a little. Let me take the lead."
It was chaotic for sure but still, at least Keres now didn't have to deal with some other troubles her friends faced and could just relax with their two polisionalle boyfriends.
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"I hate bobbing for apples. It’s always such a mess."
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Joining the activities of terrovania, many were focused on one certain person getting all of the attention... Bengal who joined the whole bobbing for apples game mostly pulled it to him cause not only did he manage to make the pirate costume even more open then it already was, basically walking shirtless but seeing the water drip down after he arises from the barrel let many to stare. Hecate stood with small distance to him as he turned his head to her and scoffed a little.
"I hate bobbing for apples. It’s always such a mess."
"Then why did you join it."
"Wanted an excuse to see you and its at least a good snack. But there is another reason."
She looked at him dive in and catch another, being far quicker than any other contestant.
"If I win, Sam might get a big bag of Candy from my win so."
Hearing that Hecate left a small chuckle out of her mouth... so he did care to make them happy is all... despite becoming a wet cat for it.. it was endearing... so she watched him scoot out each of the barrels untill the last. He managed to do it and walked back to her.
"Do I get a little reward for the hard work?"
He leaned down to her just to get a small kiss on the cheek and smirk happily.
"You really don't have to strain yourself that much, Bengal."
"Don't worry about it... Just like to see you smile."
After the contest was done he dropped off the bag with Samuel and Hecate got him a towel to whipe away the water but... that didn't change that he had a cold for the next few days.... to him it was worth it.
"Do you like my costume?"
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The Halloween festivities went on as Verde tried to use a haunted house as a new scheme to have some fun... but as he placed some lights into position he suddenly heard odd noises from the wall.
"Ame, I hear you, come out there."
She popped her head out of the wall but surprised him quite much with how she looked.... cute cat ears, goth harness and her shining eyes staring right at his face that he accidentally fell over backwards.
"Nyahahaha, Gotcha."
"No fair... ouch."
"Do you like my costume? Its not even supposed to be scary and more cute but still I gotcha."
"Its cause you surprised me but.. I admit... you do look cute."
She gasped and floated over him to lean her chest on his back and hug him.
"I can still turn into something more scary for our haunted house but that reaction to cute little me makes me happy~"
"Then get ready, today we are about to scare a ton of people together.. have you brought what I asked you?"
"I did... some fake spiders, glow paint, creaky wood plates... oh and also the blood. Nyehehe... this will be fun."
Both of them sat down on the wodden floor, he explained the plan to her but couldn't help that his eyes wandered on her... she noticed him of course and started to smirk, just to pull his head on her thighs to rest.
"Verdy... as my master you need to rest too. Your plan it good but we still have time, so rest a little too will ya."
"Fine but you will listen to my ideas, right?"
"Right master <3 "
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
[evil] Hewwo bestie i offer ❝  you know i’m yours,  right?  i only have eyes for you.  ❞ for jealousy dialogues and [ CARESS ]  for actions for anyone you want :))c
❝  you know i’m yours,  right?  i only have eyes for you.  ❞
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Old wounds carve deep they said... and similar it was for Phobetor... even if he was getting better, being closer with Orphne and slowly dealing better with his cursed body... on that day he noticed himself glancing back at his former lover... given this joined event settled different students from different schools into this room, yet Orphne ignored him and focused on what the staff had to say... eventually he snapped out of it and turned his gaze back to her instead of Camilla... feeling somewhat guilty he did and took a deep breath.
He tried to join her in listening but eventually his gaze shifted once in a while... pain stinging in his chest as it got better once Orphne accidentally let her arm lean on his... moreso to relax but it snapped him back... once the talk was done the two oft them were alone near the rose gardens as he spoke up.
"Something on your mind?"
"Nothing really just another daydream..."
She was the same as usual but still he took her hand feeling the guilt pressing into him.
❝ You know i’m yours,  right?  I only have eyes for you.  ❞
"I know, so what?"
"I... often still feel trapped by the past... like some things are left unsaid hence... I felt bad looking at her."
"And what do you want? For me to punch you about it? Whats done is done... and you should accept that."
"You are right..."
With a small smile he held the Dame's hand... walking with her... its good he had her as a somewhat calming force to his broken state of mind... and so he managed for the rest of the day to not look back anymore... only at his current partner... in hopes to not be consumed by the nightmares himself.
[ CARESS ]  for one muse to possessively kiss the other in public.
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Keres didn't really want to be here, but still they accompanied hiding behind Nanoya and Flynn to this gala to celebrate Flynns debut... in the end for most of the time they were just standing to the side with Nanoya and chatted a little but even he was dragged away being questions by some paparazzi while they hoped nobody would spot them... just to be approached by an actress who looked at them in disdain.
"Urgh and somebody like you gets to hang closely with such a refined actor... he really must take pity on you."
Pity, huh? Thats what they thought alright... it always been like this... people only hanging out with them cause of pity, at least thats how they saw it... maybe it wasn't the best idea to come here... what if they ruin the reputation of the both of them... what if this all is just an elaborate scheme over all this time.. they gripped their arms in annoyance untill Flynn stopped by with smirk.
"Hey is this colleague of mine bothering you, my dear Amber."
"Just admit it, Flynn... You only hang with this person for your own entertainment, they seem like a good person to fool... our scene had far more impact toget-"
Before she could talk on, Flynn already gave her a light smack across the face, much to Keres surprise... but even moreso that he pulled them close for a passionate kiss... clearly marking his territory among the other guests that they belong to him, glaring sharply.
"I am sorry, deary but... if you dare to insult my dearest partner then, you can be assured your next few auditions for roles might not go well... you should watch your back if you dare slander my dear Ambers name."
"You little."
He turned to Keres.
"Are you alright?"
"I a-am but could you not focus on me."
"Right... let me draw all the attention to me so you can rest."
He took one of the mics and went onto the table... it was like he was set on ruining that womans name in front of the crowd... deserved it seems cause she been causing quite some trouble for a while... Nanoya meanwhile came back and leaned his arms around Keres.
"If there is one thing Flynn is passionate about its protecting who he cares about... its always been this way..."
They looked back at him, feeling the warmth of Nanoyas arms and looking how much he made a show out of this somewhat pushed some of the bad thoughts from before away.. but not all of them.
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fumikomiyasaki · 10 months
🏵 For sillies maybe Keres for Flynn/Nanoya or Slice take your pick bestie
First Meeting
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"I remember the fatefull encounter with Amber like yesterday... Nanoya brought them along for a horror play and was I surprised to see someone that excited seeing me in a bloody role... it was endearing and adorable in a way how they watched. Reputation followed them well at first I was only interested thinking NRC would send a spy on us recently but... instead I found someone with a similar passion for Movies even if it was the more extreme kind... I know my dear Platinum Nano came first but... I couldn't help but want to join in on getting them as red as I could... I know my dearest might glare at me for interupting his chances at a relationship but, as old friends we can share, right?~"
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"We met among the Fighting tournament on HSA as they asked some students questions... I figured they helped with the event but found out they were from NRC.I remember in the beginning I was a little nervous around them... given my regular fear of feminine looking individuals but they were quite kind and helpfull... I realized so late how much the fanclub was a bit too ruthless and how much they helped me with getting better... Flynn had some skepsis but... I felt somewhat a connection... of course he had to butt in and join this relationship too but at this point... I am used to his antics, I care about him as well after all and... if they accept us both its even better... I feel we both needed someone more to lean on than just ourselves."
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"It was funny really... Erena dragged some people into one of my shows and they looked hella sick... so at first we tried to get them to rest... but as they laid down and fell asleep some of my team gave them a full on Clown makeover and... I gotta say seeing that first time... they were hella pretty in it not gonna lie. Even if they panicked and I apoligized... I felt there was great potential of a performer... and I was right even if they still deny it. Its also just really fun to fool them but I do it lovingly... after all.. who else has seen my actual nose under that clown nose and not mocked it is to me someone to keep."
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fumisdemonicrealm · 1 year
“Go ahead and squirm all you want, you’ll just give yourself rope-burn.” and/or “Why didn’t you just say you liked it rough?” for anyone you feel in the mood for
Have fun bestie
-your favorite Jester™
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The dim moonlight shined through the windows as Seraphim was busy once again with another poem that sprung his imagination... Roxanne was out for a art seminar, yet Jon decided to stays so at least one art teacher was present... and even if he himself did just finish with a painting his eyes often glanced on what Seraphim has written down... even if he agreed to this relationships as a trio it was hard for him to understand the silver haired man in a lot of cases... yet his poems often let him notice some hints to what he was thinking... however quickly he was met by some glares that could kill in an instant.
"Sorry to bother you, I was just curious."
Seraphim let out a faint grunt before standing up and turning to him.
"You do know curiousity kills the cat right... I will be in the bathroom."
He placed a book on the poem and left as said, however Jon didn't heed his words and instead took a peak at the poem... much to his surprise it was far more romantic and calm.. only the ending seemed to end on a far more kinkier end than expected... as he brought the book in place again, he suddenly felt Seraphims arms on his shoulders.Shuddering from the aura he gave out.
"I warned you..."
And so he quickly got pushed down onto the bed below him and bitten in the nape...
"Ack... too harsh."
"You brought this upon yourself... you shouldn't agitate me especially when there is no one here to hold me back."
"I just want to know more about you...ahh."
He didn't expect just how determined Seraphim was to teach him a lesson... binding his arms and legs together and fixing the arms against the bed so he was on his knees... A spank quickly making him realize the situation.
"w-wait- I-I didn't me-"
"You did full well look at something I told you not to... be glad I don't use my other sword on you... just this one."
He struggled trying to get out as she heard Seraphim open the zipper of his pants. Yet to know avail.
“Go ahead and squirm all you want, you’ll just give yourself rope-burn.”
The insertion went raw inside him... his size already made the impact hard hitting and a little painful... yet he did know for his sake he was even holding back... he became far less bend on destroying him like in the beginning of the relationship, even if he didn't admit it... maybe he could read him without the poem... yet as he smother the thought he felt him pick up the pace.
"Hold out for me a little and I might treat you better after if you apoligize for just peeking."
"Immm sowwyy..."
He felt a drooling mess against him... Seraphim pulled lightly at his ponytail to mock him before continuing his pounding... he filled him for a while untill the man collapsed and he removed those ropes from him... a sigh escaping the silverhaired swords man.
"Pathetic... hmpf..."
Despite the harsh treatment however he did his best to fix Jon somewhat up to just sleep in his bed for now and continued his work till noon...
The next day Jon woke up with a note on his forehead...
'I finished the poem if you are so curious about reading it...'
Somewhat he felt like this was a trap but his curiousity won over... reading it he was pleasantly surprised... the story of it seemed like a nudge ot their relationship as a trio... it even left a small tear in his eye... at least he knows him a little more... even if it costs his legs not being able to move for the rest of the day... and that was Mercy of his Boyfriend.
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Coming back from a gala Flynn felt like checking up on Nanoya before he wanted to get some rest himself... however what he was met with was a mix of amusement and annoyance... he was only sitting in his boxers with Keres on his lap as both turned bright red being caught like this.
"My dear Platinum and Amber, just having fun without me... *fake sniffing* the audacity."
"Come on Flynn, you said you were out for the gala."
"You could have at least told me, but alas I can't be too mad.. however if you do this, I want in on this one."
Nanoya let out a sigh as Keres squished his cheek a little.
"It would be only fair for him to ask that..."
However as they looked back at Flynn he had this menacing smirk on his face as he pulled off his jacket and pushed down his pants to get behind them... letting his nails leave small scratches over their body which made them squirm.
"I know Nanos treatment can be soothing and soft but we need to add a little spice with that and I just know how."
He let his teeth sink into their neck pressing them basically against Nanoya so he was resting in their chest.
“Why didn’t you just say you liked it rough? Dear Amber you just came to the right man...”
"Always have to show off Flynn... then let me help as well."
Soon Keres was covered in marks by both of them... leaving a utter mess from all the different caresses, touches and wounds... as Flynn sneakingly pulled Nanoyas boxers down.. leaving Keres faced flushed at the sudden popping out dick under them.
"Oh my what are we to do about it... Oh I know... how about you help him with the mouth and in exchange I help your quivering hole a little."
A nod to him they leaned down to take Nanoyas cock in their mouth as Flynn inserted himself in them... letting his nails run over their sides during his movement as Nanoya started to moan.
"My, what a great sighed to come back to... lets make you more weak for a while, my dear Amber."
He was in full control of the situation, giving the orders for enough pressure and doing his all to rearrange their guts while giving Nanoya some fun too during this night... Eventually he himself bounced a little on Nanoyas dick as Keres needed some rest too as getting the rest of his fix and leaving them both sleep next to each other...
Inspecting all the marks he left with a chuckle.
"It feels good to mark whats mine. ~ " <3
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