#fn server
vincent-frankenstein · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time I've watched a writing group implode because of the STUPIDEST drama imaginable I'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot but are you fucking kiDDING MEEEEEEEE
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comfychomps · 2 years
hi! do u know any fortnite discords? i need more people to talk about fortnite with :)
yes! there’s this one, it’s not too too active but there’s a few people who are pretty regular in there, and it’s a pretty accepting community (i have not seen any racial or homophobic slurs yet lol), most of the people there are from twitter though if that means anything to you
(if anyone knows any other servers though feel free to add, i’m also looking for more fortnite servers to join cuz this one is a little boring lol)
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745voiceofthepeople · 10 months
Hello @745voiceofthepeople !! How’s it going?
Got an ask for you this time.
A reversal AU where Katara is the princess of the Water Tribe and Azula is a peasant from the Fire Nation. The Water Tribe isn’t the bad guys. There was never any war in this AU.
Azula and her family journey to the South Pole when the FN goes there for a diplomatic meeting. Azula is one of the servers at the feast and Katara can’t stop staring at her because she really thinks Azula is gorgeous. After the feast, Katara seeks Azula out and starts talking with her.
It’s slow, but they do bond a great deal while Azula is there. Whenever Azula is done with her chores and Katara is done with Princess lessons, they met up and hide away. Azula is worried about how people will react if they find out she’s seeing a princess and, while she never says it outright, Katara is also a little worried about how people will react if they find out she likes a peasant from the FN so they keep everything under wraps. The only people who know are Sokka and Zuko.
When Azula has to go back to the FN, Katara tries to find every reason to visit. Eventually, her parents let her and Sokka go to the FN and Katara tries to find Azula again. No one in the FN knows Katara is a princess so when she takes off the expensive furs and crown, she looks like a regular Water Tribe girl and two can be seen in public together. Now Katara gets to spend some time in Azula’s world.
That’s all I got for now. What do you think?
I’m doing well @waterfire1848 , thank you.
This scenario is really interesting! I’ve never really though about the reversal of royal positions for Azutara before, so this is pretty cool.
In a no war Au, I can see this happening sort of like the following (maybe)
Its like you present, a peasant Azula can at first charm a (princess) Katara with her looks and then her personality as the two get to know each other.
I can picture a scene where there is some sort of international dispute being discussed between the SWT royal family (by Hakoda or his father) and the diplomats of the FN. And it is in the midst of this discussion when the FN diplomats call for wine bearers to come and bring in more drink.
This is when Azula comes in and stars pouring wine in everyone’s ones cups. Meanwhile Katara is having a discussion with an FN noble about fishing rights and Maritime boundaries between the South Pole and the Fire archipelago. While Katara is conversing she see’s her glass being filled up (with wine) and turns to look at the servant doing so. Only to stop dead in her grace as she sees the most beautiful women on the planet pouring the wine.
Katara openly gapes at Azula and she trails off in the middle of conversation. Sokka (who would be sitting to her right) has to stomp on her foot to get Katara to pay attention to the diplomat.
After everyone retired for the night, Katara would sneak out of her room (wearing what she believes is a “good disguise”) and try to get into the guest quarters. That held the FN diplomats and their retainers.
She’d find Azula randomly, and the two would have an enjoyable conversation. Talking about everything and anything. Life as a princess, as a servant, Waterbending, Firebending, politics, etc. And for the rest of the diplomatic mission, the two would have secret rendezvous at night. They quickly becomes good friends. Even showing each other their bending ability. Katara being amazing at Waterbending is expected. What Katara would not expect is for Azula to be powerful at firebending. Yet the peasant girl was. With Blue flames and the raw power to match even a princess of the Southern Water Tribe.
So for the next fortnight, Azula and Katara’s nights are spent talking, (sneakily) flirting, laughing, and sparing (discreetly so as to arose the suspicion of anyone else).
These rendezvous would continue until one night, Katara overwhelmed by desire, and falling in love with the beautiful Fire peasant, gives into her courage and kisses Azula.
From there, their secret rendezvous becomes more romantic. But eventually reality sets in and they have to “end” the affair. Even though neither of them really wish to do so. Katara is greatly worried about her parents and the rest of the Water tribes reactions to finding out she their prodigal princess has fallen for a peasant dorm the Fire Nation. Another girl at that!
Later when Azula goes back to the Fire Nation Katara becomes greatly depressed. Her love for the Fire girl is all consuming. So much so that he even begins to trump the bonds of duty. Eventually, Sokka notices Katara downtrodden state and (correctly) assumes that that is has to do with the beautiful servant girl from the Fire Nation that Katara drools over.
Sokka eventually goes to Hakoda (the high chief the United Water Tribes) and convinces him that he and Katara need to experience the Fire Nation for themselves. So as to better understand their newfound allies and financial partners.
Hakoda agrees, and Sokka goes to tell his sister the big news. Who is of course ecstatic.
Once the Water siblings get capital city, they check into the palace and greet the FN royal family. After this greeting, Katara goes into their library and reads their book of records. Once she finds the info she’s looking for (Azula adress, sir name, typical occupation, and other personal info) Katara puts the book back into its resting place.
Katara then flees the FN palace. Evading both the FN royal guard and the Water Tribe guards is a laughably easy affair. Had Katara not been so cornermen’s with finding Azula, she might have been concerned. As it was her mind was solely focused on the Fire Nation breaty. She had even forgotten to warn Sokka. She decided to leave her crown and other royal effects behind. With the exception of a coin purse.
Katara commanders a dingy in the docs. She paid for it though! And traveled via bait and Waterbending to Hawk-crab island (name I just came up with). Which was a small island in the southern archipelago, where Azula and her family lived. The trip itself took nearly two days. Katara spent the time alternatively thinking about Azula, how angry her parents would be, how she forgot to tell Sokka the good news, and damning her impulsiveness and forgetting to pack food. Fortunately, Katara being a royal Water bender can de-salivate the ocean water and make it potable.
Eventually, Katara arrives at the small port on the island. Anticipation and momentary panic erupting in her very bones. Still she steels herself and goes looking for her beau.
Walking through the port…town was an odd affair for Katara. She was used to be stared and gawked at all her life. Being a princess of the Water Tribes and all. Here? After Katara had gotten rid of anything signifying she was royalty? No one gave two cares about her. Sure, people would still occasionally stop and stair for a second. Because I she was WT on an FN island. And II she was great beauty in her own right. Still, now one belived her to be a princess. Such a realization was both dreadful and exhilarating for Katara.
She finally comes to a small shop in the middle of the port town. Katara had been directed to this shop by a kind women, after she inquired about Azula’s whereabouts. She entered into the small shop. It was duels designed. One area for black smithery and the other for glassblowing. And their Katara see saw her. The women of her dreams and and waking thoughts. Azula.
Azula looked up and saw Katara, her jaw dropped to the floor. She dropped the the glass she was working on and it shattered at the floor. Neither Azula nor Katara payed attention to that though.
Azula rushed to Katara arms and the two spun around. Laughing and crying tears of joy. Katara brought their lips together. Finally she was home.
For the next few month, everything was perfect. While it lasted. Katara got to know Azula and her family. Her father Ozai (a blacksmith), her mother Ursa (a tailor), and her brother Zuko (an apprentice-blacksmith). Katara didn’t believe that life as a peasant could be so fulfilling. To be sure, it could be exceedingly frustrating. And it took a long while to adjust from being a princess to peasant. But nothing could be the simple of joy of returning to the arms her girlfriend future wife(?) after an honest days work. Katara fished off her dingy that she brought over from capital city. Zuko would often tease Azula about being a trophy fishwife to a WT princess.
Katara and Azula are able to be together incognito. Katara is able to enjoy the simple life in the Fire Nation. Just her, her fishing boat, and the her pretty Firebending girlfriend.
Until of course, the Water tribe arrives. You see the guards panicked when the princess Katara disappeared with out a word. They had assumed she may have been kidnapped. And so the Hausa quickly rushed to inform the Chief Hakoda just what was going on.
Sokka assumed that Katara had found where her Fire Nation lover was and gone after her. So he was not overly worried. Especially, when he found (and later hid) Katara’s royal effects. Sokka would keep up a girl of ignorance to confirm the guards and the Fire Nation nobility at the FN palace. Sokka would do a good job of it too. Until Hakoda showed up in the Fire Nation personally.
Under his fathers intense scrutiny, Sokka lasted maybe V or VI minutes. Then he blabbed. Both about Katara’s love for a Fire Nation peasant (Azula) and her intentions to find her.
Hakoda and Sokka subsequently travel to Hawk-Crab island to find Katara. They find her to the Fire Family home. Hakoda demands that Katara abandon this peasant foolishness and return to the South Pole. Katara tells him of her feelings for Azula, but Hakoda replies that it is irreverent next to her duty. He offers a choice to Katara stay with the peasant and become one yourself, or return to the South Pole and remain a princess of the Water Tribes and a member of their family. While Hakoda does not like separating Katara from her love, he feels it is something me must do to maintain order in the tribes.
It is at this point, that Azula interrupts Hakoda and request permission for Katara hand. Right to the chiefs face. Impressed by the peasant girls audaciousness, Hakoda decides to give task reminiscent of say Beren and Luthien of the Silmilrilion. If Azula retrieved the pearl of spirit Sharks cove. A jewel of myth and legend, important to the Water Tribes culturally and materially. Then he allow Azula to marry his daughter, and even for Katara to retain her title and place in succession.
It was an near-impossible task that may mean Azula’s death. But she accepted it gladly. She traveled to the hive and retrieved the pearl. Overcoming all obstacles. Though only because of the aid of Katara (who did so secretly).
Azula presents the pearl to Hakoda and true to his word, grants permission for Azula and Katara to marry. Which they do gladly. Several years down the line.
Eventually, the two will bare a child (spirt shenanigans) whom will inherit the chieftenship of the Water Tribes.
Anyway, that’s one way it might go. Thanks for the awesome scenario @waterfire1848 !!!
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bigusbossus · 2 months
A discord server?!?!? holy shit Niakku cult being real. I would sacrifice a twink for you.
please do sacrifice a twink for me, and to be ethical preferably a twink close to twink death so they dont have to suffer through that /j
i think im gonna actually fr make a server but i cant think of a good name.... i need to be held back before i name it something like gyatthound, yaoi without borders or outer rizzler
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princessmotif · 1 year
i have yet ANOTHER fn family take for you believe it or not once again run first in the server. the fact that the comics even teased the idea that zuko wasn't ozai's biological son is so insane to me like even if you put aside the gross eugenicist implications of the idea that azula was born evil because she's ozai's biological daughter while zuko was born good because he's not ozai's biological son (even though they later confirmed that ozai is in fact zuko's biological dad, this was still the implication of even teasing that especially considering the eugenicist implications of roku as zuko's grandfather meaning he was destined to do good or whatever), it would be so absurdly boring if ozai just hated zuko because zuko was ursa's bastard son and the proof that she cuckolded him.
i think that what bryke believe is the reason for ozai hating zuko (aside from the fact that he's just generally evil) is that zuko wasn't meeting his standards in terms of his education or firebending as well as being too soft for ozai's taste, but the reason that i find actually compelling and supported by canon, unintentionally or not, is that ozai is living a lie. he projects himself onto azula and molds her in his image and makes his will hers, her an extension of him, all under the guise that he does this because he has always seen himself in her. she is strong like him, ruthless like him, prodigious like him, the secondborn child who was never meant to overcome or inherit but deserves it more than a weak, frivolous older brother who birthright dictates will have the throne and the country to boot.
but ozai doesn't actually see himself in azula. he sees what he WISHES he had always been in azula, perhaps what he has grown into on some level, but not what he was as a child. the truth is that zuko is the mirror of all of his childhood weaknesses and failures, and so he hates what zuko represents. he sees the privileges iroh was born with as a firstborn son, yes, and he sees what he perceives as iroh's weak nature that came with age as the war and loss of lu ten softened him, but he does not see what iroh was as a child. because iroh was the favored child. iroh was the fearsome general. ozai was nothing.
ozai is simply trying to revise history by projecting himself onto azula, to create the narrative that he was always strong and iroh was always weak. all the while, he is completely blind (willfully or not) to the fact that even though she's the secondborn and a girl at that, he's actually recreating history by favoring azula the prodigy and abusing zuko the failure. he's even creating adversity for zuko to overcome to inherit something he wasn't born with the right to while also breaking down azula by taking away the thing that she's valued the most.
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thefringespod · 9 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday! Doing something a little different today in honor of the holiday season and instead of my listens for the week, I'm gonna shout out some of my favorite shows and their patreons/ko-fis!
Starting off with the upcoming @souloperatorpod which just released its discord server and new patreon levels! Patrons will get access to the first episode of the show on JANUARY 1!!! Want to support the show? Find them on patreon at https://www.patreon.com/SoulOperatorPod
Another show I adore is @innbetween! I blasted through the first 2 seasons and started season 3 this week, it's stellar. You can show your support to the lovely folks behind Inn Between by visiting https://www.patreon.com/thegoblinshead
Another show I've been blasting through is the @thenightpost ! Once I'm all the way through I'll be joining their patreon, which you can do at https://www.patreon.com/thenightpost
I listened to so much @woebegonepod so fast and am starting Dylan's commentaries which are incredible. Want to support WBG? Check out https://www.patreon.com/woe_begone
The @kingmakerpod is a delightful bit of fantasy/alternate history that I absolutely adore. You can support them on patreon at https://www.patreon.com/KingmakerCast
The Grotto is a wonderful bit of liminal horror that started releasing this year and it is already off to a remarkable start You can support the show at https://www.patreon.com/TheGrottoPod
I love both The Town Whispers and Tiny Terrors which can both be supported at https://www.patreon.com/pulpaudio!
A BUNCH of my favorite shows are Faustian Nonsense shows including The Technomancy Project, @chainofbeing , Super Suits, and @ethicstownpod to name a few. You can support the fine folks at FN at https://www.patreon.com/faustiannonsense
@hemcreekprod made one of my favorite shows this year, @liarsandleechespod !! You can show them some support by tossing a coin to their ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/hemcreekprod
And of course the show that kickstarted my creative energy to finish creating the Fringes, we have @thekilda which can be supported on ko-fi as well at https://ko-fi.com/thekilda
This is just a handful of my favorite shows that I love and love being able to support. If you like any of these shows and are able to, I highly recommend supporting them! And if you want to support this show and @forgedbondspod , you can do so at https://www.patreon.com/PineTreePods
Happy holidays from the Fringes!! I'll be back next week with the usual run down of listens for the week :)
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fence-time · 1 year
man youve been one of my favorite artists for a while and i still find it crazy that we're mutuals/friends now
your art being amazing is a given (and your fns/astro art lives in my head rent free), and it means the WORLD to me that ive spread some of my interests to you, especially twrp
and like, despite the fns discord being My server you were the one to start up a game night?? and it was SO fun and i still wanna do it again?? that means so much!! you are amazing friend :) 🫰
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This Is me rn in the most /pos way <3
SERIOUSLY, PUFF. BUDDY, BEING FRIENDS WITH YOU IS SO CRAZY? LIEK I’M FRIENDS WITH A CRAZY COOL ARTIST WHO IS NOT ONLY SUPER TALENTED BUT SUPER CHILL TOO?? I mean, as you know you’ve given me like . 2 of my biggest current hyperfixations (twrp and Astro) and I am so thankful for that <3 you’re also just super easy to talk to?? I mean (again I don’t like to talk negatively or expose my own problems on here) but damn do I suffer with suuuuper bad social anxiety but honestly talking to you is super chill (even if it’s only occasionally on teh Fns server :P)
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chainsxwsmile · 2 years
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The Finding Nemo discord server is fueling my desire to draw more of my FN-sona / fin-sona / sharksona/ fursona-but-fish-self, etc. I love zebra sharks so much— very lovable, very chill sharks that are unfortunately endangered.
I’m neither a fast nor high-energy person (not unless pushed), so zebra sharks are a very fitting species for me!
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fns-doodles · 2 years
Welcome to FNS Doodles! We draw the Friday Night Stabby crew, aka the "Hermits and Friends" Among Us group ^_^
run by:
Mod Puff (she/it/synth) @dragonpuff17
Mod Cloud (he/it) @darkclouud9
Mod Rumble (it/its) @aliensorbiting
Mod GZ (any including neos) @gz-missfit
Mod Moss (fir/it) @meteormoss @bintage-veef
Mod Fence (he/him) @fence-time
Mod Aiden (he/kit) @aidenplays
Our inbox is always open for suggestions and requests!
Also, we have a Discord server to host our own Among Us sessions, chat about the crew, share art and headcanons, and more--DM Mod Puff or send her an ask if you're interested!
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darkclouud9 · 30 days
me: things are more fun with friends! I hardly play video games anymore or do anything anymore because I'm so alone!!
also me: *does nothing about it*
I'm at like. world. 3. in super mario bros. wonder. and I haven't touched it in months. I finally got a new tv and I thought it'd make me play games more, but instead I'm binging fns and it's a struggle to get me to go through all the effort of getting to the complete playlist and then to the vod I'm on whenever i fall asleep or had to go during. so I basically never (or try to) let the tv go to screensaver. a difficulty, for someone like me.
and then I haven't played minecraft in so long. part of that is bc I miss a server I had with friend :/ and I haven't filled that void.
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zawadni · 2 months
i made a discord server for girls that play fn/other games! lmk if you guys want a link :p
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scambitcoin · 5 months
FN Markets Review
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FN Markets Review - Is this broker legitimate or a fraud? Given the growing evidence pointing to FN Markets's involvement in fraudulent operations, potential investors are advised to proceed with care before investing, particularly in areas prone to forex scams, cryptocurrency scams, dating scams, and CFD scams. We provide a complete study and throw light on the broker's operations and any red flags with our in-depth FN Markets Review. Even though you should always do your research, the information at hand suggests that FN Markets is quite likely to be a scam broker. FN Markets Website - https://fnpmarkets.co/ Website Availability - No FN Markets Address - NA FN Markets Warning - Alberta Securities Commission Domain Age - Domain Name: fnpmarkets.co Registry Domain ID: D0AA32BE5229D4E94829880DF118C6839-GDREG Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.dynadot.com Registrar URL: https://www.dynadot.com/ Updated Date: 2023-11-26T03:51:25Z Creation Date: 2023-09-11T07:56:04Z Registry Expiry Date: 2024-09-11T07:56:04Z
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The number of unfavorable FN Markets reviews on several websites is a major element in the classification of FN Markets as a possible fraud. Reputable websites like Trustpilot, Sitejabber, Scam Bitcoin, and others are quickly examined and show a steady flow of complaints against FN Markets. It is crucial to examine every detail carefully to determine a broker's reliability.
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Conduct Comprehensive Research Before engaging with any broker, such as FN Markets, safeguard your interests by conducting an extensive investigation to thwart potential scams. Ensure their legitimacy by delving into various sources, including an FN Markets review. Scrutinize reviews, testimonials, and user feedback from credible outlets to gauge their trustworthiness. Verify Regulatory Credentials Ensure that the broker holds accreditation and operates under the oversight of a recognized financial regulatory authority in your jurisdiction. This step provides a crucial layer of oversight and protection for traders. Prioritize Secure Payment Methods Prioritize the use of secure payment options that offer buyer protection. It's essential not to divulge sensitive financial information to unfamiliar or untrustworthy brokers. Beware of Unattainable Promises Exercise caution when encountering brokers that make extravagant claims of substantial profits with minimal risk. Such promises often serve as warning signs of potential scams. Stay Informed Staying informed is your shield against financial fraud. By keeping up with the latest fraud trends and warning signs in the financial sector, you enhance your ability to spot potential scams and protect your investments. Vigilance and knowledge are essential in identifying red flags, particularly when dealing with brokers. File a Complaint against FN Markets if scammed
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mirandamckenni1 · 7 months
In Search of Code Purity I was taught formal methods at university but these ultra-safe development techniques are expensive, require using unusual external verification languages, and most damning for web and application developers, they slow down iteration. After graduating and getting a webdev job, I despaired that the safety and guarantees of the formal systems that I had been introduced to weren't available to me as a web developer. I was going to have to act if I wanted to live in a different world. ❤️ If you would like to support what I do, I have set up a Patreon here: https://ift.tt/a6WxA5p - Thank you! 📄 All my videos are built in compile-checked markdown, transcript source code available here https://ift.tt/xnbA9gk this is also where you'll find links to everything mentioned. 🖊️ Corrections are in the pinned ERRATA comment. 🦀 Start your Rust journey here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hXNd6x9sZs 👕 Bad shirts available here https://ift.tt/tFUxcla 🛰️ Lost Terminal is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3bDE9kszMc 🌕 Modem Prometheus is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SDnUVHAC44 📓 The Phosphene Catalogue is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3wVvDbJHrU 🎵 My published albums are on spotify, itunes, etc, but I have a lot more unpublished work over at https://ift.tt/8plXkuG 🙏🏻 CREDITS & PROMO My name is Tris Oaten and I produce fast, technical videos. Follow me here https://ift.tt/GEabNvW Website for the show: https://ift.tt/v7CjqVe Come chat to me on my discord server: https://ift.tt/k8ZKfhY If you like sci-fi, I also produce a hopepunk podcast narrated by a little AI, videos written in Rust! https://ift.tt/JChvo6P If urban fantasy is more your thing, I also produce a podcast of wonderful modern folktales https://ift.tt/8zf7w4F 👏🏻 Special thanks to my patreon sponsors: - JC Andrever-Wright - Miah Beach - Taylor Dolezal - Thomas Picard - David Senk And to all my patrons! Alternate title options: 1. In Search of Code Purity 2. Rust's Secret Purity System 3. My Journey from Haskell to Go to Rust 4. const fn: Pure Functions in Rust via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voRBS0r4EyI
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this-week-in-rust · 9 months
This Week in Rust 527
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing async fn and return-position impl Trait in traits
Rustc Trait System Refactor Initiative Update: A call for testing
Improving Supply Chain Security for Rust Through Artifact Signing
Project/Tooling Updates
2023: Slint in Review
Introducing Loco: The Rails of Rust
My path to becoming a Rustacean
Memory Safety is a Red Herring
The Most Common Rust Compiler Errors as Encountered in RustRover: Part 2
My reference was dropped, why is the compiler complaining about multiple borrows?
Can CppRef be ergonomic?
[video] Rust 1.74.1 & Rust News
Rust Walkthroughs
The dark side of inlining and monomorphization
The Heart of a Language Server
Rust: Multi threading
[series] Meilisearch Expands Search Power with Arroy's Filtered Disk ANN
Encrypted Portals between Macs – built in Rust and Swift (sorta similar to ngrok and tailscale)
[video] Error handling in Rust
An anonymous survey about mutable statics
Web development in Rust
Rocket: Web-based Hello World! with tests
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is rouille, a small synchronous web framework.
Thanks to [Peter Puetz](https://users.rust-lang.org/t/crate-of-the-week/2704/1275 for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
greptimedb - Add more tables into information_schema for better compatibility
Ockam - Check that the bootstrap_server command argument is a valid host:port
Ockam - Refactor to use typed interfaces
Ockam - Check structs comply with the cddl schema
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
No new calls for speakers this week
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website either through a PR to TWiR or on the [Rust-lang forums].[link TBD]
Updates from the Rust Project
268 pull requests were merged in the last week
add support for for await loops
add illumos aarch64 target for rust
add support for hexagon-unknown-none-elf as target
-Znext-solver: adapt overflow rules to avoid breakage
rustc_codegen_ssa: Don't drop IncorrectCguReuseType , make rustc_expected_cgu_reuse attr work
subtype_predicate: remove unnecessary probe
add check for possible CStr literals in pre-2021
add method to get instance instantiation arguments
add missing feature gate for sanitizer CFI cfgs
avoid redundant Option for cross_crate_inlinable
coverage: check for async fn explicitly, without needing a heuristic
do not allow ABI mismatches inside repr(C) types
do not fetch HIR in inferred_outlives_of
emit better suggestions for &T == T and T == &T
emits error if has bound regions
encode CoroutineKind directly
exhaustiveness: improve complexity on some wide matches
exhaustiveness: keep the original thir::Pat around
exhaustiveness: reveal empty opaques in depth
exhaustiveness: reveal opaque types properly
fallback default to None during ast-lowering for lifetime binder
fix ICE when using raw ptr in a pattern
fix crash due to CrateItem::kind() not handling constructors
give temporaries in if let guards correct scopes
make soft_unstable show up in future breakage reports
make closures carry their own ClosureKind
mark ty::Const::Error when meet unsupport ty for const generic params
pass DeadItem and lint as consistent group in dead-code
remove DiagCtxt API duplication
remove metadata decoding DefPathHash cache
resolve: eagerly feed closure visibilities
resolve: feed visibilities for unresolved trait impl items
resolve: stop feeding visibilities for import list stems
rework -Zverbose
simple modification of non_lifetime_binders's diagnostic information to adapt to type binders
skip duplicate stable crate ID encoding into metadata
split coroutine desugaring kind from source
subtree sync for rustc_codegen_cranelift
suggest = to == in more cases, even in the face of reference mismatch
add function ABI and type layout to StableMIR
separate MIR lints from validation
miri: implement and test simd_masked_load and simd_masked_store
improve coding efficiency for RawDefId
use Vec for region constraints instead of BTreeMap
stabilize file_create_new
stabilize ip_in_core feature
add more niches to rawvec
add IntoAsyncIterator
add hint::assert_unchecked
cargo: extend the build directive syntax with cargo::
cargo: hold the mutate exclusive lock when vendoring
cargo: refactor: centralize git checkouts and db paths
cargo: refactor: custom error types for cargo-util-schemas
cargo: rework --check-cfg generation comment
rustdoc: Add is_object_safe information for traits in JSON output
rustdoc: fix display of warning block if it is first element of the top doc block
clippy: question_mark: also trigger on return statements
clippy: check whether out of bound when access a known length array with a constant index
clippy: do not consider async { (impl IntoFuture).await } as redundant
clippy: extend UNNECESSARY_TO_OWNED to handle split
clippy: move uninhabited_references to nursery
clippy: new lints iter_filter_is_some and iter_filter_is_ok
clippy: stop bool_comparison's suggestion from consuming parentheses
rust-analyzer: complete exported macros in #[macro_use($0)]
rust-analyzer: implement a rust-analyzer span backed proc-macro server mode
rust-analyzer: auto remove unnecessary braces after remove unused imports
rust-analyzer: correctly set and mark the proc-macro spans
rust-analyzer: fix completions analysis not caching all nodes in Semantics
rust-analyzer: fix span marking for builtin fn macros
rust-analyzer: fully remove dummy spans
rust-analyzer: remove wrong comma after remove unnecessary braces
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Some of the recent noise swings have been appearing again this week, but luckily less often than before. There were a few actual regressions, but most of them were localized to a single stress test. On the other hand, there were a few very nice wins across the board, especially for check and incremental builds, primarily thanks to #118824 and #119265.
Triage done by @kobzol. Revision range: bf9229a2e366b4c311f059014a4aa08af16de5d8..1ab783112ab4e4807304dbd249b39771246013ef
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 0.6% [0.6%, 0.6%] 1 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 2.5% [0.3%, 4.2%] 10 Improvements ✅ (primary) -0.8% [-3.3%, -0.1%] 180 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -1.2% [-5.5%, -0.2%] 109 All ❌✅ (primary) -0.8% [-3.3%, 0.6%] 181
5 Regressions, 7 Improvements, 2 Mixed; 1 of them in rollups 58 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Use version-sorting for all sorting
[disposition: merge] Tracking issue for exclusive range patterns
[disposition: merge] rustdoc: clean up source sidebar hide button
Language Reference
No Language Reference RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Unsafe Code Guidelines
No Unsafe Code Guideline RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
New and Updated RFCs
RFC: Allow type inference for const or static
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-12-27 - 2024-01-24 🦀
2023-12-28 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-01-03 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-01-09 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2024-01-11 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-01-16 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2023-12-27 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust hacknight #1: CLIs, TUIs and plushies
2023-12-28 | Vienna, AT | Rust Vienna
Rust Dojo 3: Holiday Edition
2024-01-11 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2024-01-11 | Wrocław, PL | Rust Wrocław
Rust Meetup #36
2024-01-13 | Helsinki, FI | Finland Rust-lang Group
January Meetup
North America
2023-12-27 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-01-06 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Beacon Hill Rust Lunch
2024-01-08 | Chicago, IL, US | Deep Dish Rust
Rust Hack Night
2024-01-09 | Seattle, WA, US | Cap Hill Rust Coding/Hacking/Learning
Rusty Coding/Hacking/Learning Night
2024-01-09 | Minneapolis, MN, US | Minneapolis Rust Meetup
Minneapolis Rust Meetup Happy Hour
2024-01-14 | Cambridge, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Alewife Rust Lunch
2024-01-16 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-01-17 | Chicago, IL, US | Deep Dish Rust
Rust Happy Hour
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
Rust can be rather more verbose than C; there are a lot of invariants that have to be expressed in the code. But that is countered by the need for far less error-handling code; it turns out to be a wash, with the size of the two implementations being about the same.
– Alice Ryhl at the Linux Plumbers Conference as quoted by Jonathan Corbet, LWN
Thanks to Ivan Fraixedes for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
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mariacallous · 10 months
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) cyber divisions reported hacking Russia’s Federal Taxation Service (FNS) servers.
The GUR said that the hackers were able to break into one of the central FNS servers, allegedly allowing special service workers to gain access to more than 2,000 regional servers. A Russian IT company that served as a database for the FNS was also reportedly affected by the attack, according to Ukrainian intelligence.
The agency claims that “all [FNS] servers received malicious software” during the operation and that “configuration files ensuring the functioning of the FNS’ extensive system were completely eliminated” as a result of the cyberattack. The GUR stated that the entire tax office database and its backups were allegedly destroyed.
The Ukrainian ministry also added that all of the FNS’ Internet traffic “ended up in the hands of Ukrainian military intelligence,” and that the work of the tax office was allegedly halted, while Russian specialists “have been trying to resume it for the fourth day already.” The GUR reports that the tax system’s full restoration is impossible, and “paralysis in the work of the [Federal Tax Service]” will last for at least another month.
The FNS denies that the agency’s servers were hacked by Ukrainian intelligence. Commenting to state news agency RIA Novosti, the tax office stated that all services are working as normal, and that Russian citizens’ data is safe. However, the FNS’ contact center also told the Port Telegram channel that users may experience problems with access to online services. The agency refused to specify the cause of the problems.
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digitalcreationsllc · 10 months
Ukraine’s intelligence claims cyberattack on Russia’s state tax service
Ukraine’s defense intelligence directorate (GUR) said it infected thousands of servers belonging to Russia’s state tax service with malware, and destroyed databases and backups. During the operation, Ukraine’s military spies said they managed to break into one of the “key well-protected central servers” of Russia’s federal tax service (FNS) as well as more than 2,300 regional servers throughout…
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