#fnaf charlie x john
call-to-the-wyatt · 1 year
Finally- John & Charlie (fnaf)
Takes place in The Fourth Closet, after John takes Charlie from the chest in Aunt Jen's house. They confess their love to each other.
John entered the room as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake Charlie. He sat on the chair next to her bed, and after a moment brushed a strand of hair away from her face. She didn't push him away, but instead she moved an inch close in his direction- so he took a step forward and sat on the bed next to her. He was still far enough from her to make sure she's not uncomfortable, but also close enough to stroke her hair lightly.
She woke up after a while and looked up at him. "John?" She asked softly, and he smiled at her. "Yeah, it's me." He continued stroking her hair, and the two just looked into each other's eyes for a moment. It was perfect, for both of them- he could see the girl he loves is alive and well, and she felt his warm presence so close to her. Charlie didn't realize how much she missed John until he was so close to her- his warmth made everything else go away, including the pain she felt almost all the time. John kept her grounded now, kept her from drifting back to sleep.
"is what I'm doing okay?" John asked nervously, and Charlie nodded. "Yeah. I like that." John smiled at her response, and continued stroking her hair.
Charlie slowly moved close to him, and sat up, leaning on his shoulder. She has never let herself be so vulnerable in front of someone, but John.... John was different. She felt safe with him- safe enough to show him how weak she was in this moment. John's arm was wrapped around her shoulders, holding her tightly to his side. "It'll be okay, I promise" he whispered, rubbing her arm a little. She nodded and curled a little closer to him- she wanted to feel his warmth as close as possible.
They set there for a long moment, just the two of them, and it was.... perfect.
After a while, Charlie finally sat up straight, but didn't shrug John's arm off. She looked into his eyes for a moment. "That night... You know, before that thing trapped me..." she hesitated for a second, but the look in John's eyes encouraged her to continue. "...I remember what you told me then."
John's cheeks turned pink. "What do you remember?" he asked, looking down so he won't meet her eyes.
"You told me you loved me" she replied softly, and he looked back at her. She had a soft, loving look in her eyes, and a small smile on her lips. John smiled back, but then he looked away again, afraid of her next words.
"I just wanted to say... I love you too, John."
John looked up at her, surprised. The look in her eyes told him one thing- she was being honest with him now. She didn't mean it in a platonic way, or just said that to make him feel better- she truly, honestly meant it. His arm was still on her shoulders, and he now let it go down and hug her waist, drawing her a little closer to him. He smiled widely now, reflecting the look on Charlie's face. "Really? You love me?" He asked softly, and she nodded. John then turned his body to face her, and she did the same, so now they were facing each other on his bed. He looked into her eyes, then down at her lips, then into her eyes again, silently asking for permission. She nodded quickly, and they both leaned forward towards each other. John's arm was still wrapped around Charlie's waist, so he cupped Charlie's face in his free hand, his thumb stroking her cheekbone. She lay her hand on his shoulder, drawing him a little closer until their lips met.
The kiss they shared was nothing like what they have ever experienced or imagined. Their lips moved in sync for a long moment, but they didn't take it further. Each of them enjoyed the feeling of the other's lips against theirs, and they didn't need anything else. Charlie placed her free hand on John's other shoulder and draw herself closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as her lips kept moving against his. John kept his hand on her cheek, but wrapped his other arm tighter around her waist. They pulled away to breath after a long moment, their eyes closed and their foreheads touching. Charlie opened her eyes and found John already looking at her, and the look in his eyes made a few butterflies start fluttering in her stomach. He smiled at her and more butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she smiled back. "Will you be my girlfriend?" John asked suddenly, then blushed, a little embarrassed. "I know it's a little too early, but I've been in love with you for so long now, and now that I know you feel the same way... Well, I don't want to be just friends with you anymore."
Charlie blushed, too, as she responded. "I would love to be your girlfriend, John. Sometimes it feels like you're the only person who can keep me here. And honestly, I don't want you to ever let go of me, ever again." She paused, then added, "except for when it's necessary, of course."
John chuckled, and moved his hand from her cheek to hug her waist with both his arms. "I promise you I will never let you go, ever again" he said, then leaned forward to kiss her again.
Marla entered John's bedroom with a cup of water and some medicines, and smiled at the sight before her. The couple didn't even notice when she set what she held on the dresser and left, closing the door quietly behind her. "Finally," she whispered to herself, smiling widely. She waited for them to get together for what seemed like forever, and now she hoped nothing will split them apart. Although she knew it won't be easy to separate them again- Charlie never let go of something when she finally got it, and John would fight anyone who tries to take away the girl he loves. Marla could feel they were going to be happy together, and she was thrilled of the thought about how happy their lives were going to be.
Meanwhile, Charlie and John finally pulled away to breath, smiling widely at each other. "I love you" they whispered to each other at the same time, then laughed, blushing. Charlie was tired, so she laid back on John's bed, and John- now her boyfriend- watched her as she drifted back to sleep. He smiled to himself as he looked at her. She was so incredible, it felt unreal to him that she was truly his now. "I can't believe you're here, Charlie" he whispered, stroking her hair. "I'm so glad you're alive and safe with me. I'll protect you from anything and anyone. I promise." Charlie mumbled something in her sleep, and John laid close to her, kissing her hair before he fell asleep too- finally with the girl he loved in his arms.
This was the best thing that happened to him, and he felt the happiest he have ever been.
AYOOO! this is my official comeback!!
pls leave your thoughts and notes in the comments below, I read them all and always try to get better.
thank u so much for your support, i love u! x
~ Bar
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psiirockin · 8 months
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Charlie + John seeing a movie for Valentine's day!
Redraw of this! >
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childo0p · 2 months
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As promised, I have prepared an announcement of a comic based on my AU, I hope you like it! : D
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I am having all the art block so here is a tiny Charlie and John please take good care of them
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saulgoodwoman6 · 9 months
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Come and get your love! ✨✨ (All my favorite ships lol.)
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 2 months
Ugh I hate the way the fnaf thriology/novels fandom is almost non-existent 😭 Please if you're a fan let's be mutuals!
Recently on my sleepless nights I've been thinking a lot about the fact that John had a girlfriend in between the first two novels, like, I can't picture him with anyone else but Charlie🥲 But I would also love to see a little more about it, I'm all in for the gossip ;> But yeah, it kind of breaks my heart just a little bit,, I wonder how Charlie felt, the relationship between both has always been hard to describe cause they weren't official, they never even kissed formally yet they acted more like a couple than a lot of real stablished couples lol. I want to know much more about itttttttt,about everything😭😭 I would love to get another book/comic explaining more things and explaining the end a lil better, cause I'm NOT satisfied with the one we got, I mean, yes, but I want to know what exactly happened, is a pretty open ending. Is Charlie alive? Is John going crazy or something? Was it like some sort of dream? And mainly, how did the others react??!?!??!!? And did their friendship keep on going? I hope so☹️ I also hope that Charlie is alive. In my head Charlie survived, they continued to be friends and Char and John officially started dating. The happy ending they deserve. But yeah, I really hope that someday we get a book or something with more details about the story. And If you have any headcanon or theory about anything related I would love to hear them! (I'm so thirsty for content I'm going to die)
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dirtsoilmulch · 7 months
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uhhhhhhhhh., cool
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rainbowspinch · 1 year
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Can I confess how much I actually like John or will I get shot
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fnafsilvereyes · 8 months
Charlie and John are watching the Fazbear gang perform.
John: Bit weird that the band doesn't have a drummer.
Charlie: Well, there was one once, but they got 'em.
John: What does that mean?
Charlie: Shame, I liked him too.
John: What do you mean "They got him"?
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phantomss-pain · 1 year
Charlie Emily and Michael Afton timeline of their relationship. This is purely a AU where Charlie lives and the two end up together.
Age 1-8
The two are very good friends when they are younger and were inseparable along with Charlie’s brother Sammy. Henry, Hannah (Charlie’s mother) and Clair would often joke that Charlie and Michael would end up together which the two kids would just say no to.
Age 10-13
This is when the two start drifting apart. Mostly due to Michael becoming a loner because of William’s neglect. Though Charlie tries to keep Michael close to her but Michael pushes her away. On Michael’s 13th birthday the pair are alone and Charlie tries to get Michael to talk to her but it ends up with Michael yelling at her and telling her to fuck off. This breaks Charlie’s heart and the two don’t speak for a while because of it.
Age 13-14
Michael is in his bully Afton phase and gets a reputation of being a dickhead to everyone with his three friends, Jeremy, Mick and Nicole. The four become the biggest bullies in the school. Meanwhile Charlie gets her own friend group being Marla, Jessica, John, Carlton and Sammy. Though Charlie’s friend group constantly bad mouths Michael Charlie is the only one who defends him by saying that he is just confused with himself. Though when she catches Michael and Nicole kissing in the pizzeria one time she is heartbroken again.
Age 14-15
This is where everything turns for the pair. Nicole, Jeremy and Mick play a prank on Charlie which ends up with her outside Fredbear’s in the alleyway. After a argument with Henry, William sees Charlie and stabs her several times before fleeing the scene. Michael stumbles across the bloody Charlie and gets Henry to call the ambulance which saves her life.
After Charlie tells the police about the attack William gets put on trail and goes to jail. Unfortunately for Charlie apart from the police very few people believe her including Henry. This makes her life at school hell with many people saying she lied about it. Due to the trauma of the event and the stress of everything Charlie becomes selectively mute for a while. However this time Michael tries talking to Charlie but she is normally with Sammy who refuses to let Michael speak to her as he thinks he’s going to bully his twin sister and also believes he started the bullying campaign to his sister.
Because of this Michael is still in his bully Afton phase and is still bullying Evan. The first time Charlie speaks is when Michael and his bully group went to put Evan in Fredbear’s mouth. Seeing this Charlie storms up to Michael and slaps him, swearing at him to stop doing this to his younger brother. Of course due to Michael’s bully group being next to her the four get into a fight while Michael just stares at before breaking it up.
After this Charlie and Michael start talking again which sets Michael back on track on being a good person.
Age 16-18
Michael becomes a lot closer with Charlie and her friend group and mostly drops his old friends apart Nicole. Though some members still don’t like each other. John is the person who clashes heads with Michael the most while Nicole and Charlie clash heads as well.
First year at College.
The friend group goes to the same college and becomes a lot more closer with Charlie and Michael getting even closer than before. This naturally makes the two begin developing crushes on each other. Charlie thanks to Jessica notices that she has a crush on Michael first and is naturally embarrassed and freaks out. Jessica is Charlie’s wingman in this part and keeps Charlie’s crush a secret.
Michael realises it after a night out with Sammy and Carlton where Sammy teases Michael for being the only one out of the three to not have a girlfriend after he broke up with Nicole. Carlton jokes about Michael having a crush on Charlie which is when Michael actually realised it though he doesn’t tell anyone.
Second year of College.
Towards the end of the year Michael asks Charlie out and she agrees. The night ends up with the two in Michael’s dorm snuggled up on the couch. Charlie requests that the two keep their relationship quiet which Michael agrees to though they fail massively as in the first week Jessica finds out though she doesn’t tell anyone.
After college.
The two get a house together and become closer obviously. Though Charlie is too scared to sleep with Michael or show herself nude as she still has scars from the night William stabbed her which makes her self conscious. One night Michael catch’s Charlie in her room crying and the two talk about it which ends up with the two sleeping in the same bed together.
Age 30.
The two become married with Jessica and Carlton being the best man and bridesmaid for the wedding.
Age 32. Charlie and Michael become CEO’s of Fazbear Entertainment and it becomes stronger as it ever has before. Charlie becomes pregnant with their first child Millie.
Age 39.
Charlie and Michael have their second child Gregory.
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crayonverse · 1 year
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MORE Charlie trilogy redraws. I love doing this so much
Spreading the John/Carlton agenda + trans dude Carlton agenda,,, robo Charlie here to say that she loves her Gay people in her phone and would die for them
I also really need to draw actually refs for these characters bc idr what noses I gave them😭
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call-to-the-wyatt · 1 year
Warm Inside- John x Charlie
inspired by a charlie x john headcanon by @mechanicaldemonio 's headcanons.
it's raining outside, so they're in the library together, just being cute.
hope u like it!
John and Charlie were having a picnic in the woods. They unpacked everything from the basket and now they sat on the blanket, Charlie's back leaning on John's chest as they fed eachother strawberries. They talked and laughed like they never did before, and kissed a few times. They had a great time together. "I seriously thank you for making me go out, John," Charlie confessed with a smile on her face. "I've had a great time." "Me too" John replied and leaned in to kiss her.
They kept doing it for a while, until they heard a few raindrops falling on the leavs above them. They looked at each other. "I think we should bring everything inside." said John, and Charlie nodded. It was a smart decision- as soon as they finished putting everything back in the basket they brought, it started actually raining, and the two felt like they were standing under a waterfall. They were both blinded by the raindrops getting into their eyes and sticking their hair to their faces, but John grabbed Charlie's hand and they started running towards the nearest building. Charlie let out a surprised laugh as they out out under the trees and the rain really poured on them. She lifted her head and let the rain wash her face, a huge smile spread on them. John founf himself staring at her. She is truly something incredible, he thought to himself as he brushed the hair away from his face, smiling as Charlie was spinning around in the rain.
John walked up to Charlie, taking her hand. He smiled at her and spinned her around again, then layed his hand on her waist, as she layed her hand on his shoulder. They both closed their eyes and John leaned his forehead on Charlie's, getting as close to her as he could. They were spinning slowly in their place for a while, just enjoyning each other's company. John eventually opened his eyes, taking Charlie in his arms. She opened her eyes looked up at him, smiling, her cheeks a little red. She layed her hands on the back of his neck as he pulled her up by her waist and kissed her. That kiss didn't feel like anything else for the both of them- their warm lips melted together as the cold rain hit their face and body, the feeling of being in each other's arms- despite the cold, they were feeling warm.
Eventually they pulled away, smiling at each other. "I think we should really get inside now," Charlie whispered, a little breathless. John nodded and let go of her, taking her hand in his almost immediately after. It still amazed him how her cheeks turned a little red at every sign of effection he showd. They entered the nearest building- the library. John toom his jacket out of the basket and let Charlie wear it, and after a little protest from her, she wore it. She felt her heart jumping in her chest when John crossed his fingers though hers and held them both in the pocket of her his jacket, and let herself smile. She almost felt like giggling like a teenager, but she stopped herself. John kissed the top of her head as they walked in, and as soon as they did he smiled. "I love the library" he whispered, dragging Charlie behind him as he went to explore the bookselves. Charlie rolled her eyes, still smiling. "You're such a nerd" she said quietly, not wanting to be shushed by the librarian. John chuckled, picked a book from one of the shelves. "So we're soulmates," he replied, and made Charlie's blush deepened.
John eventually picked a book, and went to one of the couches in the back corner of the library. John set down and Charlie almost immediately joined him- she found a book Arty recommended to her and decided to give it a try. John sat up with his back comfortably leaning on the back of the couch, and Charlie leaned on his side, her head laid on his shoulder as they both read. At some point Charlie got a little tired. She yawned, went to borrow the book and came back to John, the book closed (with a bookmark that was once Theodore's bowtie). Charlie lay down on the couch, her head in John's lap, and took a little nap. John smiled when he saw that, and started stroking her hair slowly.
It was a perfect moment for both of them, and John wished they will have more of these on the future.
Heyyy! Just wanted to thank u for taking the time and reading this. pls do comment ur opinions and thoughts, and reblog\like if you liked it!
ur support means the world to me, and I always want to get better.
love u!
~Bar <3
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psiirockin · 1 year
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John & Charlie from the FNAF novels!
(Drawn for our fictives bahah.)
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redwaterlakes · 1 year
more fnaf headcanons but this time it’s the silver eyes gang (+ robot lis)
remember this is just an au, obviously none of this is meant to be canonical and it’s just a little thing i do for fun :)
!! things might change over time !!
Charlotte Jean Emily (1)
aka. the human charlie.
born in texas, july of 1969. in consequence, she has a southern / texan accent.
a year younger than the afton twins.
died on her 18th birthday, 1987
she spent more time at the afton household than in her own home.
she loved to record what she did. she had thousands of tapes of her working, hanging out with elisabeth, annoying mike, or some of just her talking into the camera. she never went anywhere without it.
charlie was pretty much one of the afton siblings at some point. she was especially close with elisabeth, but she also got along well with mike, though he didn’t like to hang out with her since his friends thought she was weird.
charlie and elisabeth were attached at the hip. if you saw one of them, the other one had to be close by. their super close relationship was mostly a product of their fathers being super close as well and wanting their daughters to be best friends too.
henry and william used to dress them in matching outfits when they were toddlers.
as an only child with a dead mother and a workaholic and unconsciously neglectful father, she spent 90% of her time at home completely alone.
she’s middle eastern (egyptian) and east asian (japanese)
she’s also a lesbian
after elisabeth’s death, michael refused to talk to her ever again. she didn’t understand why and it made her very upset.
she worked at the freddy’s prize counter and was occasionally a waitress / attendant at kids’ parties.
she was kind of an airhead and never put much thought into things or actions that needed it, but was very thoughtful when she wanted to. therefore, she had pretty bad grades, but she gave pretty cool birthday gifts.
she had an amazing memory and a very long attention spam, she js didn’t care about school.
she and elisabeth had at least three different matching friendship bracelets.
she could listen to any type of music and enjoy it, but she liked country music the best.
charlie loved her dad, really. but she never expected much from him. he usually never fulfilled his promises, so she stopped expecting him to. the only time in her teenage years that she actually believed he would, it was when he promised he’d be there at her last birthday party.
she never had many friends since she was deemed “the weird girl” by many, but she was overall well liked, especially by her peers’ parents.
she had her mom’s eyes. they looked a lot alike.
do not even let her near a car. she’s failed her driving test at least 6 times and she’s almost ran over at least one person each time.
every time she opened her mouth she’d just spill a bunch of useless information about anything and everything. once she started talking, she’d most likely never stop.
this made her charismatic to many, incredibly annoying to others.
her mom died when she was two. she doesn’t have many memories of her (or any really), but her mom left her cards for every one of her birthdays up until 21. henry also makes sure she doesn’t forget how much her mama loved her and wanted to be a part of her life.
she never cared much for what others really thought about her, except for four people; her dad, the afton twins and a girl in her class she really liked.
henry didn’t get along well with his parents and brother, jen lived in the north at the time & charlie’s mom’s remaining family lived in japan, so she never met any of her extended family.
henry used to send jen updates about his life (specifically about charlie), since his wife’s death up until his daughter’s. when the letters suddenly stopped, jen flew to hurricane and decided to stay as much as it was necessary to check on her brother’s health.
Charlotte Jean Emily (2)
aka. the robot charlie.
in my au, since charlie died when she was a young adult, there is only three robo-charlies.
the first charlie was pre-teen charlie. henry made her as a 12-13 y/o first so he could “make up for lost time”.
the second charlie was teenager charlie. she was crushed by the house and some of her pieces were never recovered.
the third charlie was young adult-adult charlie. this was the charlie jessica and john found in the chest at jen’s house. therefore, she’s the “real” charlie in tfc.
henry never spent time with any of the charlies. the few memories she has of her dad are memories of when she was being made (she isn’t aware of this though), or they are blurry and incoherent memories of the human charlie.
though she isn’t possessed by her, the human charlie haunts charliebot. sharing with her her real memories and flashes of her lost life.
“there are five signs a ghost is haunting you. […] you start to have funny dreams and flashes of memories that are not yours. it’s like they possess your thoughts when they're near." — alone together, tales from the pizzaplex 8.
in my au, at the end of the fourth closet, both charlies pretty much end up fusing into one. i call her the ultimate charlie.
turns out robots can also be lesbians haha. who would’ve known.
she’s always had a big fat crush on jessica.
charlie and john have a brother-sister dynamic. they are very close.
jen never saw charliebot as her niece. she saw her as the last thing her brother left behind, she sees her more like something she has to take care of, but not like her family and not like the real charlie.
henry regretted making her ever since he finished the second charlie. every time he’d look into her eyes and see the shell of the memory of her daughter, of his wife, a little part of him died. he knew, though he really tried to repress these feelings, that his daughter was forever gone, and making a hyper-realistic robot replica of her would just make things worse.
btw, henry survived his suicide attempt. he just never cared to contact jen again out of mostly shame and fear. also, he wanted to know nothing about charliebot.
when they met again, (charliebot is in pizza sim in my au) even now that she had charlie’s essence and memories, henry still treated her like a thing. a burden he was set on getting rid of.
she never had a deep passion for robotics and just set for that since that’s what her father did.
she also had terrible grades, but unlike her human counterpart, she did care about school, she was just not naturally good at it.
she used to be so angry that she couldn’t remember anything about her life before she moved with her aunt at 13.
then she found out that she had no life before 13 and she was like “oh 😃”.
clay and betty were both friends of henry and his wife from way before they even had kids. they both know what charlie is, except betty keeps distance because of how uncomfortable seeing charliebot feels like. clay got mostly used to this but he still feels unsettled by it sometimes.
clay and betty were also very close with william and carmen but that’s unrelated to charlie so…
she was a mall / casual goth who really liked country music.
she has a drivers license but she is a terrible driver. everyone is scared of getting on a car she’s driving.
she’s gotten arrested for drinking and driving too.
like human charlie, she also has a country accent, except hers is less loud and less noticeable.
she rarely brushed her hair and would usually just throw on whatever clothes without any care.
her personality, things she likes or hates, opinions, etc. are pretty much the same as the human charlie, she’s just a bit more closed off, awkward and quiet.
Jessica Elaine Wagner
she’s a natural brunette but she dyes her hair blonde because she feels like it suits her better.
she’s the daughter of a diplomat and a celebrity (think either an actress or a fashion person) so she grew up rich, but she deeply dislikes her family so she emancipated and moved out pretty young.
the whole reason why she left brooklyn (her home town) was cause she wanted to get away from her parents.
born in winter, 1980
natural born leader.
the reason why she used to spend time in utah as a little kid was because some family members lived there so they occasionally visited.
she’s the popular blonde girl but she’s actually very nice. think cher from clueless. instead of making fun of other people she likes to help and make others be themselves and feel included, there’s very few people around town that dislike her and she’s almost like a celebrity for a lot of people.
elle woods core.
she’s a lesbian in denial kind of. she isn’t aware that she’s a lesbian (YET) but she has gay thoughts. and she also is very in love with her bestie charlie.
she has a brooklyn accent so when carlton was pretending to have one she was in the phone like “you ain’t fooling anyone”.
jessica and john (and carlton too, actually, except he did come in a little bit later), were pretty much the founders of the friend group. they are very very close and deeply care about each other (you will never get them to admit that though).
her favorite color is yellow.
she speaks a lot of languages and takes a lot of pride on that.
she’s also very very smart.
she’s had a lot of hobbies because she gets bored of them really easily. some of the ones that have stuck are photography and clothe-making.
she’s pretty tall. abt 1.80cms.
she’s a compulsive cleaner. everything always has to be neat and pretty.
she’s not necessarily positive or negative, she just sees things like they are.
jessica is also very honest. she’ll call anyone out if needed or asked to.
deep down, she knew fake charlie (elisabeth) wasn’t charlie. she could tell. she knew her charlie. except that, unlike john, she wanted to believe it, so she just repressed those thoughts.
she can’t keep the same look/hairstyle for more than a month.
Jonathan Bartholomew Brandt
he’s emo in every sense except in looks.
he was raised by his grandparents and used to be pretty close with his aunts, uncles and cousins until he dropped out and stopped contact mostly out of shame.
local tall white boy.
his grandma calls him barry. jessica and carlton call him that to annoy him.
he had a crush on charlie once in 9th grade and got over it after a week.
half of her relationship with charlie is just her saying something way out of line and john js being like ????
everyone in the friend group knows jess and charlie have a thing going on but none of them has done anything about it so they have a bet on who’ll make the first move.
john bets on charlie because at least she’s fully aware she likes women.
john is jessicaxcharlie’s biggest supporter. he loves his lesbian besties.
if it wasn’t for jessica constantly checking on him during the months between tto & tfc, he would’ve taken his life.
he was born in august, 1980
he’s trans.
he really likes watching reality tv
he has a very sassy personality, very sarcastic and is pretty much a drama queen.
his personality is kind of a mix between zuko & sokka from atla. sarcastic guy who always plans ahead but is never taken seriously because he always find a way to fuck it up / angsty and distant guy with commitment issues who’s actually js a extremely sassy drama queen.
jessica is his anchor to the real world. she’s always there to call him out on his bs (especially bcs he’s very blind to misogyny but once jess points it out he’ll know in the future and shut it down), she has helped him to get ready for dates or set some up for him, and she was the first to know he planned to dropout and offered to help him get a job (he refused).
john wants (and plans) to pay her back for everything she’s ever done for him, cause he knows he can be a handful and appreciates jess a lot for everything. they are practically siblings and consider each other that even if they’ll never say it out loud they know they both think that.
the straight one™️.
he has had several girlfriends, though he doesn’t really do relationships anymore since they always end badly for him.
he used to be (before tfc) a flirt and kind of a ladies man in some way (he didn’t date around much but he did it enough), he never really looked for anything really serious in any of his relationships but he was always very honest about that.
john’s very afraid of commitment. not only regarding relationships but on anything really.
he is very respectful when it comes to boundaries tho. like he respects women lol.
every time jessica or charlie say anything between the lines of “we’re besties / we’re just friends” he looks at them like 🤨
when he’s bored, he likes writing poetry.
he usually shows his poems to charlie but he uses way too complicated words so she just nods, pretends like she understands and tell him they’re very good.
he has no regards for his personal safety or well being.
Carlton Dallas Burke
he copes with humor.
he’s a mama’s boy.
he is also very very close with his dad too tho.
is a good actor when he wants to or is convenient.
tries very hard to make his parents proud. clay always tells him he doesn’t need anything but be himself to make him proud and though betty also feels this way, she’s a tad bit more strict and expects much from him cause she knows he’s capable.
he’s mixed. white american (dad) and black ghanian (mom)
he looks JUST like his mom. if it wasn’t for some of his facial features, clay’s genes wouldn’t have contributed at all.
he’s bisexual but he’s still figuring that out. still, his closet’s made of glass. he always says things like “john, if you were a girl i’d marry you” or “[insert any male celebrity] hot af no homo tho”
he has an overall good family dynamic. even though his parents have been separated for a while and carlton is already of age, they still care for each other and make sure he knows there isn’t any bad blood between them. he keeps very close contact with both.
carlton thought not-charlie had a certain something but then he saw elisabeth’s human (and the clown form too 😭) and that’s when he started to think she’s hot. when he met him, he also thought michael was very hot. like this man js has a thing for the whole family.
he had a small crush on marla. it never got to anything though.
elisabeth, mike and marla have one thing in common too 😭
carlton bets jessica’ll make the first move cause charlie is way too awkward to do anything.
ever since he dropped out of college (between tto-tfc), john had been very distant with him. carlton tried to keep contact by sending letters and updates but he never answered any of them. this makes him very sad cause john’s his best friend and he feels like he’s losing him.
he really likes making prank calls.
María Elena “Marla” Delgado
she’s (white) hispanic! her mom’s from el salvador and her dad was from panamá. she was raised in the us though.
the mom friend ever.
jason’s her half brother. she isn’t particularly close with her stepdad but they both respect each other and he doesn’t treat her any differently.
she gives the best hugs ever.
she's a big girl and she can get very self conscious about it sometimes, but she’s grown to love herself like she is and be comfortable with her body.
she gives the most thoughtful and coolest gifts ever.
marla also likes to plan her friends birthday parties. it’s usually more of a team work between her and jessica.
she has super dark chocolate eyes and curly dark brown hair.
marla bets jess & charlie’ll go on into their lives torturing themselves because none of them will ever confess.
she cries very easily, and it’s the kind of crying that makes you cry too cause she’s always so happy and joyful that it hurts to see her cry.
Elisabeth “Dolly” Eleanor Afton
she’s dangerous and she’s coming to the games.
she’s not a remodel of the fourth charlie or any of her bot versions for that matter.
when dolly (baby) “ate” her, william remodeled her to look slightly more like elisabeth. her “original” form still looks like a clown, though it resembles eleanor more than game baby.
she uses an illusion of her human form often.
el still tries to convince herself she’s the same person she was. it’s not until tfc that she embraces that she’s no longer the same elisabeth and that she’s a robot.
after she came back from the dead, she was ecstatic to continue on with her life, except that wasn’t william’s idea.
he wanted elisabeth to follow his steps and help him to get what he wanted and convinced her to under the promise he would bring evan back and things would be the same again, clearly, she only used this to manipulate her.
the man that raised her, her best friend, her father, is no longer the same person he used to be. completely consumed by his obsession for immortality; dolly is convinced her father died with evan only to be replaced by the monster that has brought her back.
*tolerate it by taylor swift plays in the back*.
remember how i said she used to want to be an actress? pretending to be charlie was the closest she’d ever get to be one.
she deeply envies charliebot for getting to live the teenage life she doesn’t get to.
she can eat and william encourages to do so since that way she isn’t that dependent on her recharging station, but the only thing to ever get into her mouth is coca-cola.
elisabeth doesn’t have any of charlie’s memories. she got all her information through extortion or her dad’s testimony, and went with the personality of charlie she used to know; the outgoing, talkative and loud girl who didn’t care what others thought about her.
when she first started pretending to be charlie, (in my au, instead of six months she does that for almost a year) she wasn’t too fond of the idea so she tried to sabotage it, until she realized that was her chance on a normal life and having friends, so she started putting in a little effort on it, until she realized john and jessica knew and that’s when she really gave up.
her default height is 2.25m (7’4ft i think) but her preferred height is 1.95m (6’something idk)
out of the friend group, she dislikes jessica the least and she finds marla the most annoying.
one of the things she hates the most about her situation is that she has to sit around and interact with her half siblings.
and to watch her dad remake his family and forgetting about his promise of bringing back hers.
hopefully, i’ll add more later.
sorry if there’s any typos or grammar errors, english isn’t my first language lol.
i had a lot to say abt charlie lmao. anyways, i’ll add more to carlton and marla when i have more ideas.
in my au, the silver eyes trilogy takes place from 1997-1999 so their age range is 17-19
also, how weird is it if i lowkey ship el and john 😭 like, i feel like they’d have an interesting development and relationship and i feel like they’d ve cute together idk 😭😭
if anyone has any questions regarding my au pls ask! i’d be happy to answer any questions.
as i said, none of this is meant to be taken as canon, is just an au :)
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tiredb1s3xual · 9 months
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Head cannons: He is bi, demiboy, demisexual and demiromantic
He liked Charlie ever since he meet her
If Charlie had lived he and Charlie wouldve gotten married at 23
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I love them so much!
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Also I'm calling their ship Jarlie and none of you can stop it-
Kiss panel
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I can't draw kissing very well lol
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