#foco overalls
ares857 · 2 months
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shinesurge · 1 month
Oh a cool thing that happened at the con last week: a bunch of folks asked if they could buy my books at the Big Cool Local Comic Store that totally shut me down after asking me to bring in my stuff, everybody was lowkey weirded out that they treated me like that and it felt nice lmao. I also did badges for this con (and got asked to do some of their promo stuff for 2025!) and i'd be lying if part of me isn't hideously delighted the shop employees who chaos dunked my work in the trash had to interact with my art for the entirety of this show
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Olá, boa tarde!!
Caittony é conhecida de todo e qualquer brasileiro que se interesse por OL. Não apenas na própria página, que é aquele Show de horrores: ela tem por hábito abordar fans que interagem nas páginas mais diversas - foco na série, nos livros, em DG, nas páginas dos outros atores, na de Sam, Cait, Balfienation, mulheres apontadas como amigas de Sam, da Starz, etc.
Demonstrou qualquer interesse em Outlander? Será abordada por Caittony, sempre com piadas e agressões as shippers. Todas nós já fomos abordadas por ela, que é um verdadeiro espinho na vida do Sis Brasil, que é perseguido diariamente, com suas publicações e até alguns documentos expostos.
Essa pessoa vive em função de agredir e ridicularizar shippers.
Seu nome real é conhecido por algumas mais antigas no tt.
Não acrescenta absolutamente nada ao fandon, não tem qualquer interesse em Cait ou seu (suposto) marido. A grande questão para Caittony são as shippers.
Dear Caittony Anon,
Embora não seja tecnicamente uma pergunta, achei seu envio muito interessante. Vou traduzi-lo e acrescentar meus dois centavos, como sempre.
Hello, good evening!!
Caittony is known by all the Brazilians interested in OL, and then some more. Not only through her own freak show page: she has a habit of approaching fans who interact with the most diverse pages - about the series, the books, DG, the other actors, Sam's, Cait's, Balfenation's, women peddled as Sam's friends, Starz.
Have you ever been interested in Outlander? You are bound to be approached by Caittony, always making jokes and attacking the shippers. We have all been approached by her. She is a real thorn in the side of Sis Brasil, who are persecuted daily, with its publications and even some documents exposed.
This person's reason to live seems to be attacking and ridiculing the shippers.
Her real name is known by some Twitter veterans.
She doesn't bring anything to this fandom and she does not even seem interested in Cait or her (supposed) husband. For Caittony, it's all about shippers.
Well, let's say it's all about statistics, here. For every 100 good natured, polite and overall honest, normal people, you just have to have a freak, haven't you?
Stupidity and lack of common sense are international. There is no need to ostracize an entire nation/community because of a monomaniac, parochial fuckwit who just happens to be louder than many other, less vocal, trolls.
This person is not the only Derailed Policewoman of this fandom, but it's true that she is one of the nastiest, vulgar and ultimately inane I have ever seen in here. And I have seen A LOT. There is no new content created, you are absolutely right. There just seems to be a permanent, all-consuming need to reassure herself with the same, same, same words, words, words.
One thing's for sure: C's deep silence and zero interaction with her fans, ALL her fans, can only encourage all kinds of speculation. For example, some think it's Tony on that pic, some don't and this is absolutely fine. It's not like the world's destiny depended on it. I am, for once, torn and a bit clueless: this is, if anything, a very poor and very intriguing picture of McInsipid and yes, I have thoughts and questions.
But ultimately, the real questions and the real problem are elsewhere and it's been like this since 2015:
What is normal about this picture, pray tell?
And this, well... This has nothing to do with shippers, for once.
Thank you for your submission. It is most welcome as you are, always.
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For the overalls anon, Jason wore the FOCO Kansas City Chiefs Men's Plaid Bib Overalls. Sadly they are sold out but you can pre-order from the next batch! (Sarah, it was exhilarating to briefly pretend to be you and I now have even more admiration for your skills!)
LOL. Tyvm for your time and attn on this.
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studio-des-br · 23 days
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The Japanese concept of Kanso (簡素) in residential architecture refers to the principle of simplicity and elimination of clutter, both in form and function. This concept is deeply rooted in Japanese culture, emphasizing the beauty and utility of simplicity. In the context of traditional Japanese residential architecture, Kanso manifests in several ways:
1. Minimalist Design: Kanso encourages the use of simple, clean lines in architectural design. The structures are often unadorned, avoiding excessive decoration or embellishment. This minimalism extends to both the exterior and interior of the home, where the focus is on the essential elements that contribute to the overall function and aesthetic of the space.
2. Natural Materials: The use of natural, unprocessed materials like wood, bamboo, and stone is central to Kanso. These materials are chosen not only for their beauty but also for their inherent simplicity, which contributes to the overall serene and tranquil atmosphere of the home.
3. Functional Spaces: Spaces within the home are designed to be multifunctional, with an emphasis on practical utility. Rooms are often kept sparse, with only essential furnishings, allowing for flexibility in how the space is used. This approach avoids unnecessary complexity and focuses on creating an environment that is easy to live in.
4. Aesthetics of Restraint: Kanso reflects a restrained approach to design, where less is more. This can be seen in the careful selection of a few, high-quality objects or furnishings that are placed in the home. Each item is chosen for its functionality and its ability to contribute to the overall harmony of the space.
5. Harmony with Nature: In keeping with the principle of simplicity, Kanso also emphasizes a harmonious relationship with nature. Architectural elements like open spaces, sliding doors, and large windows are designed to invite natural light and the surrounding landscape into the home, creating a seamless connection between the indoor and outdoor environments.
Overall, Kanso in Japanese residential architecture is about creating spaces that are simple, uncluttered, and focused on the essentials. This not only fosters a sense of peace and tranquility but also reflects a deep respect for the natural world and the impermanent nature of life.
O Conceito de Kanso aplicado ao design de interiores residencial
O conceito japonês de Kanso (簡素) na arquitetura residencial refere-se ao princípio da simplicidade e da eliminação do excesso, tanto na forma quanto na função. Este conceito está profundamente enraizado na cultura japonesa, enfatizando a beleza e a utilidade da simplicidade. No contexto da arquitetura residencial tradicional japonesa, Kanso se manifesta de várias maneiras:
1. Design Minimalista: Kanso incentiva o uso de linhas simples e limpas no design arquitetônico. As estruturas são frequentemente desprovidas de adornos, evitando decoração ou ornamentação excessiva. Esse minimalismo se estende tanto ao exterior quanto ao interior da casa, onde o foco está nos elementos essenciais que contribuem para a funcionalidade e estética geral do espaço.
2. Materiais Naturais: O uso de materiais naturais e não processados, como madeira, bambu e pedra, é central para o Kanso. Esses materiais são escolhidos não apenas por sua beleza, mas também por sua simplicidade inerente, que contribui para a atmosfera serena e tranquila da casa.
3. Espaços Funcionais: Os espaços dentro da casa são projetados para serem multifuncionais, com ênfase na utilidade prática. Os cômodos são frequentemente mantidos esparsos, com apenas o mobiliário essencial, permitindo flexibilidade no uso do espaço. Essa abordagem evita a complexidade desnecessária e foca em criar um ambiente fácil de viver.
4. Estética da Moderação: Kanso reflete uma abordagem moderada ao design, onde menos é mais. Isso pode ser visto na seleção cuidadosa de poucos, mas de alta qualidade, objetos ou móveis que são colocados na casa. Cada item é escolhido por sua funcionalidade e por sua capacidade de contribuir para a harmonia geral do espaço.
5. Harmonia com a Natureza: Em consonância com o princípio da simplicidade, Kanso também enfatiza uma relação harmoniosa com a natureza. Elementos arquitetônicos como espaços abertos, portas deslizantes e janelas grandes são projetados para convidar a luz natural e a paisagem ao redor para dentro da casa, criando uma conexão perfeita entre os ambientes interno e externo.
No geral, Kanso na arquitetura residencial japonesa trata de criar espaços que são simples, descomplicados e focados no essencial. Isso não só promove um senso de paz e tranquilidade, mas também reflete um profundo respeito pelo mundo natural e pela natureza impermanente da vida.
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Case de Sucesso
Métricas de Produtividade
A Toyota é um exemplo bem conhecido de implementação de métricas de produtividade, principalmente com o lançamento do Sistema Toyota de Produção (TPS), também conhecido como Lean Manufacturing. Este exemplo clássico mostra como as métricas de produtividade podem mudar a vida de uma empresa e servir de modelo para muitas indústrias em todo o mundo. 
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Case de Sucesso: Toyota e o Sistema Toyota de Produção (TPS) 
No período após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Toyota enfrentou problemas significativos, como falta de recursos e o desejo de competir com as gigantes automotivas americanas. A Toyota criou o Sistema Toyota de Produção, que transformou a indústria automotiva. 
Eliminar Desperdícios: Durante o processo de produção, todos os tipos de desperdícios devem ser eliminados.  
Melhorar a Qualidade: Fazer carros de alta qualidade que atendam ou superem as expectativas dos consumidores.  
Aumentar a Eficiência: Use o máximo de recursos disponíveis, como tempo, materiais e mão de obra.  
Adaptabilidade e flexibilidade: Crie um sistema de produção capaz de se ajustar rapidamente à demanda e ao mercado. 
Ações Implementadas 
Introdução de Métodos Lean 
Just-in-Time (JIT): Um método de produção que minimiza o estoque e reduz o desperdício com base na demanda real.  
Jidoka (Automação com um Toque Humano): uma integração de automação que permite a parada imediata da produção em caso de problemas, permitindo uma rápida correção e melhoria da qualidade. 
Definição de Métricas-Chave 
Tempo de Ciclo (Cycle Time): Medir o tempo total desde o início até a conclusão de um processo de produção. 
Lead Time: Tempo total desde o pedido do cliente até a entrega do produto. 
Taxa de Defeitos (Defect Rate): Percentual de produtos defeituosos em relação ao total produzido. 
Eficiência Global dos Equipamentos (OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness): Avaliação do desempenho dos equipamentos em termos de disponibilidade, desempenho e qualidade. 
Kaizen (Melhoria Contínua) 
Envolvimento dos Funcionários: Incentivar todos os funcionários a sugerirem e implementarem melhorias contínuas nos processos de trabalho. 
Eventos Kaizen: Realização de workshops e projetos focados na resolução de problemas específicos e na implementação de melhorias. 
Sistema de Produção em Pull 
Kanban: Sistema de sinalização que controla os fluxos de produção com base na demanda real, evitando a superprodução e a criação de estoques excessivos. 
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A Toyota se transformou em um líder global na indústria automotiva como resultado da implementação do Sistema de Produção Toyota: 
Redução de Desperdícios 
Estoques: Redução significativa de estoques intermediários e finais, liberando capital de giro e espaço físico. 
Movimentações Desnecessárias: Otimização dos layouts das fábricas, reduzindo movimentações desnecessárias de materiais e funcionários. 
Melhoria da Qualidade 
Taxa de Defeitos: Diminuição drástica da taxa de defeitos, resultando em produtos de alta qualidade e maior satisfação do cliente. 
Paradas Menores: Aumento da qualidade dos processos, resultando em menos interrupções na linha de produção. 
Aumento da Eficiência 
Tempo de Ciclo e Lead Time: Redução dos tempos de ciclo e lead times, permitindo uma produção mais rápida e flexível. 
Eficiência Global dos Equipamentos (OEE): Melhoria contínua na utilização dos equipamentos, maximizando a produção eficiente. 
Engajamento dos Funcionários 
Cultura de Melhoria Contínua: Participação ativa dos funcionários em iniciativas de melhoria contínua aumenta a moral dos funcionários e aumenta a participação da empresa. 
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O sucesso da Toyota com o TPS (Sistema Toyota de Produção) é um exemplo tradicional e estudado de como métricas de produtividade podem transformar uma empresa. Na indústria automotiva, houve uma revolução com foco em melhorar a eficiência, a qualidade e o envolvimento dos funcionários, bem como em eliminar desperdícios. O TPS levou a Toyota ao topo do mercado global e inspirou muitas outras empresas a implementar práticas Lean para melhorar seus processos produtivos. 
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jazzandother-blog · 4 months
"Swing is an adjective or a verb, not a noun. All jazz musicians should swing. There is no such thing as a 'swing band' in music´´. Artie Shaw
"Swing" es un adjetivo o un verbo, no un sustantivo. Todos los músicos de jazz deben hacer swing. En la música no existe una 'banda de swing". Artie Shaw 
(English / Español)
Artie Shaw was a virtuoso clarinetist whose good looks and eight wives (including Lana Turner and Ava Gardner) made him a darling of the gossip page. He was also a bandleader extraordinaire and a modern instrumentalist who grew restless with the repetitive nature of popular dance music and uncomfortable with the spotlight. In 1938, he became the first white band to employ a black female vocalist full-time when he hired Billie Holiday.
After World War II, Shaw returned to the U.S. to lead some of the most modern groups of his career. Soon after, Shaw was called before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which was hunting down Communists in the entertainment industry. Shaw was fed up. He made his last Gramercy Five recordings in 1954 before putting down his clarinet and leaving the country.
For Shaw, "playing the clarinet was only one manifestation of an overall thirst to learn about the world." He went on to become a writer, penning an acclaimed autobiography, The Trouble with Cinderella: An Outline of Identity. He also wrote four novels and a collection of short stories. Shaw re-formed his band in the early 1980s and became the subject of an Oscar-winning documentary, "Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got."
Artie Shaw - May 23, 1910 - Dec 30, 2004
Artie Shaw fue un virtuoso clarinetista cuya belleza y ocho esposas (entre ellas Lana Turner y Ava Gardner) le convirtieron en el favorito de las páginas de cotilleos. También fue un director de orquesta extraordinario y un instrumentista moderno que se sintió inquieto por la naturaleza repetitiva de la música popular de baile e incómodo con los focos. En 1938, se convirtió en la primera banda blanca en contratar a tiempo completo a una vocalista negra, Billie Holiday.
Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Shaw regresó a Estados Unidos para dirigir algunos de los grupos más modernos de su carrera. Poco después, Shaw fue llamado a comparecer ante el Comité de Actividades Antiamericanas de la Cámara de Representantes, que perseguía a los comunistas de la industria del espectáculo. Shaw estaba harto. Hizo sus últimas grabaciones con los Gramercy Five en 1954, antes de dejar el clarinete y abandonar el país.
Para Shaw, "tocar el clarinete era sólo una manifestación de una sed general de aprender sobre el mundo". Posteriormente se convirtió en escritor y escribió una aclamada autobiografía, The Trouble with Cinderella: An Outline of Identity. También escribió cuatro novelas y una colección de cuentos. Shaw volvió a formar su banda a principios de los 80 y fue objeto de un documental ganador de un Oscar, "Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got".
Artie Shaw - 23 mayo 1910 - 30 diciembre 2004
Source: JazzCorner.com
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Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging Market Potential Growth Opportunities and Competitive Landscape Report to 2033
Market Definition
The Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging (FOWLP) market is experiencing significant growth and technological advancement as semiconductor manufacturers seek more efficient and compact packaging solutions for integrated circuits (ICs). FOWLP technology offers advantages such as increased functionality, reduced form factor, and improved performance compared to traditional packaging methods. With the demand for smaller, lighter, and more power-efficient electronic devices rising across industries such as consumer electronics, telecommunications, automotive, and healthcare, the adoption of FOWLP is expected to soar.
Market Outlook
The Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging (FOWLP) market is poised for substantial growth and innovation in the foreseeable future, driven by the increasing demand for compact and high-performance packaging solutions in the semiconductor industry. As electronic devices become more sophisticated and complex, there is a growing need for advanced packaging technologies like FOWLP to accommodate the integration of multiple functionalities within a smaller footprint. Additionally, FOWLP offers benefits such as improved electrical performance, better thermal management, and enhanced signal integrity, making it an attractive choice for a wide range of applications spanning from smartphones and wearables to automotive electronics and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Moreover, the growing adoption of 5G technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to drive further demand for FOWLP, as these technologies require highly integrated and power-efficient semiconductor solutions.
To Know More: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/fan-out-wafer-level-packaging-market/
Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
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Market Segmentation
The Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging (FOWLP) market can be segmented based on several key factors, including application, packaging type, end-user industry, and geographic region. Application segmentation involves categorizing FOWLP solutions based on their intended use, such as mobile devices, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, healthcare devices, and industrial applications, each with specific requirements and performance characteristics. Packaging type segmentation recognizes different FOWLP configurations, such as embedded fan-out (inFO), fan-out panel level packaging (FOPLP), and fan-out chip-on-substrate (FOCoS), each offering distinct advantages in terms of cost, performance, and scalability. End-user industry segmentation reflects the diverse range of sectors leveraging FOWLP technology, including semiconductor manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, telecommunications, automotive, and healthcare.
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Major Players
The key players in the Global Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging Market are ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), Amkor Technology, Inc. (United States), Deca Technologies, Inc. (United States), TSMC-IC Packaging and Testing (Taiwan) Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Powertech Technology Inc. (Taiwan), ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Taiwan), STATS ChipPAC Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) (Taiwan), NANIUM S.A. (Portugal)
Request Discounted Pricing: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-special-pricing/GIS25726/
Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis
Buy your copy here: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/checkout/single_user/GIS25726/
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squirls1025 · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New York Yankees Women's NY Logo Slippers Peak Slide Slip On Shoes FOCO MLB..
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thebirdsblitz · 1 year
FOCO Releases Philadelphia Eagles Overalls
The Philadelphia Eagles showed up to training camp wearing THE item of the season Philadelphia Eagles Bib Overalls. These overalls are the perfect blend of functionality mixed with team spirit and might just be the best thing you could tailgate in this season. Why blend in when you can stand out, and these overalls are the perfect way to do so. The officially licensed Philadelphia Eagles Bib…
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ares857 · 9 days
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If you want this project to continue, you can use the Paypal donation button on the web page of the blog. Any donation is welcome.
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umeshkhanna562 · 1 year
Grocery Supermarket Franchise In Ghaziabad : A Great Deal To Do 
A grocery store that is located right in the middle of Ghaziabad has completely changed how locals go about doing their food shopping. This retail treasure expertly blends brilliance and convenience to produce a unique shopping experience that gets people talking. Imagine entering a world of wide aisles brimming with a variety of goods, each exuding value and freshness. This is the fundamental idea behind the grocery chain that has won over the people of Ghaziabad. This business offers you the chance to live out your entrepreneurial ambition in addition to just grocery buying. Whether you're looking for a specific item, a billing service, or advice on franchises, the professional staff at Grocery 4u Retail Pvt Ltd are ready to help.
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Let's learn that the unwavering dedication to quality, a value at the heart of Grocery 4U Retail Pvt Ltd's goal, is what genuinely distinguishes this retail location. The business takes great pride in displaying a well chosen assortment of goods, making sure that each item meets the highest standards. The emphasis on perfection is seen throughout the whole store, whether it's selling high-end imported goods or locally sourced farm products.
Grocery 4u Retail Pvt Ltd.'s supermarket franchise in Ghaziabad 
This franchise provides a special opportunity for ambitious business owners in addition to being a shopping paradise. It's not just a store; it's an opportunity to make your entrepreneurial ambitions come true. With a strong support network and a tested FOCO and FOFO model, this franchise equips entrepreneurs to build profitable enterprises that are in line with their passions.
Grocery 4u Reviews
Reviews from customers give a vivid picture of the exceptional experience this retail location provides. Purchasing groceries from this store is a lovely experience, and I also value the service, says Shalini, a devoted customer. Never is quality compromised. Rajiv, who entered the world of business through this franchise, continues, "This chance has opened the door to an amazing path. The consumer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
In conclusion, this shopping center has improved the overall grocery shopping experience in Ghaziabad, not simply the way people shop. It turns shopping from a routine activity into an unforgettable experience by effortlessly fusing convenience, excellence, and business prospects. Whether you're looking for high-end goods or thinking about starting your own business, Grocery 4u Retail Pvt Ltd is here to serve you. Get a taste of distinction and set out on a voyage of distinction!
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year
Neyken Vegas Los peloteros venezolanos no paran de destacar y no solamente en las Grandes Ligas, sino también en las Ligas Menores de las diferentes organizaciones. Un criollo que desde el inicio de la temporada ha estado en el foco de todos los seguidores del beisbol, es Jackson Chourio y este miércoles se destacó, pero no con el bate, sino con una buena jugada a la defensiva. En una situación crítica, para su novena, la sucursal Doble -A de los Cerveceros de Milwaukee, el jardinero central pudo resolver de manera apremiante. Chourio salió a la búsqueda de un elevado que parecía de rutina, no obstante, el fly se le perdió un poco en el aire, sin embargo el venezolano nunca perdió de vista por completo a la bola y la capturó antes de que tocara el piso, el esfuerzo fue tanto que Jackson cayó al suelo después de la atrapada. Hang a star on this one by Jackson Chourio ⭐️ MLB's No. 2 overall prospect (@Brewers) puts his plus defense on display with this catch for the @BiloxiShuckers. pic.twitter.com/kx7J8Vf0zf — MLB Pipeline (@MLBPipeline) July 27, 2023 El jardinero criollo demostró que no solamente puede ayudar a su organización con el bate, sino que también hace gran trabajo en los jardines, para colaborar en situaciones apremiantes.   Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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Show Off Your Pride for the Kansas Jayhawks Tribe with FOCO’s New Kansas Jayhawks Overalls
There’s a new way to head to the Jayhawks games this season and show off your love for the Jayhawks, with the brand-new Kansas Jayhawks Mens and Womens Plaid Bib Overalls from FOCO. Why blend in when you can stand out, and these overalls are the perfect way to do so. The officially licensed NCAA team overalls are available in both Men’s and Women’s styles and sizes with different team-thematic…
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nflbestgifts99 · 2 years
Stand Out in Style with FOCO NFL Team Logo Floral Aloha Tropical Button Up Shirt
The FOCO NFL Mens NFL Team Logo Floral Aloha Tropical Button Up Shirt is the perfect addition to any football fan's wardrobe. This shirt combines two classic styles, the tropical Aloha shirt and the iconic NFL team logo, to create a unique and eye-catching look that is perfect for any game day or beach day.
The shirt is made from high-quality materials and features a comfortable and relaxed fit. The colorful floral print is complemented by the team logo, making it a great way to show your support for your favorite team while still looking stylish and on-trend.
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The shirt also features a button-up front and short sleeves, making it perfect for warmer weather. It's a great way to add a pop of color to your outfit and stand out from the crowd, whether you're tailgating with friends or enjoying a day at the beach.
In addition to its stylish design, the FOCO NFL Mens NFL Team Logo Floral Aloha Tropical Button Up Shirt is also a great gift for any football fan in your life. It's a unique and thoughtful way to show your support for their favorite team and give them a versatile and stylish piece of clothing that they can wear all year round.
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Overall, the NFL Mens Shirt is a must-have for any football fan looking to add some style and personality to their wardrobe. With its comfortable fit, unique design, and versatile style, this shirt is sure to become a staple in your closet for years to come.
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thefloralhouses · 2 years
Clínica dental en Bollullos Par del Condado
Esta especialidad se centra en la prevención y corrección de las irregularidades dentales y/o de los maxilares y su afectación funcional y estética en la sonrisa y en la cara.
En la Clínica González Gayoso somos especialistas en task tipo de técnicas ortodóncicas, desde la más convencional hasta la más avanzada. Puedes encontrar tu tratamiento a medida, con cómodos pagos y el sistema que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades.
Consigue mejorar tu estética y tu función oral, ya que no existe una sonrisa perfecta sin una buena masticación.
Se colocan en la superficie externa de los dientes, su activación es sencilla.
Youngster braquets que quedan enmascarados con el tone del diente, de forma que casi no se percibe. Su cuidado es más delicado que el de los metálicos, motivo por el cual se suelen prescribir en adultos, aunque no está contraindicado en jóvenes responsables.
En los pacientes en crecimiento podemos intervenir en la forma y dirección del crecimiento de los huesos. En nuestra clínica pensamos que lo más importante es crear en los niños un buen patrón de asistencia al dentista que nos permita la detección temprana de problemas en el desarrollo de los maxilares y la aparición de hábitos nocivos. Cuando esto sucede es necesario un correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento para vehiculizar el crecimiento de los maxilares y conseguir una erupción dental armoniosa.
La intervención en los niños, cuando es necesaria, es la más productiva y agradecida porque contamos con task el potencial de crecimiento, de modo que se practican técnicas cómodas e indoloras para evitar problemas severos en el futuro.
Love por nuestra profesión
El love por nuestra profesión, unido a la constante formación de nuestro equipo, kid la clave para ofrecer el mejor servicio, dotado con las últimas tecnologías para poder obtener siempre la excelencia en el diagnóstico y desarrollo de nuestro trabajo diario.
El cuerpo nos habla, a veces de una manera sutil con una molestia y, otras veces, a gritos con un dolor que nos impide el movimiento. Lo importante es saber qué ocurre, por qué ocurre y qué podemos hacer para mejorarlo y/o solucionarlo.
Desde la Fisioterapia vamos an ayudar an encontrar el foco del problema, mejorar la movilidad overall del cuerpo y, finalmente, prevenir que vuelva an ocurrir. En el caso de que sea un dolor crónico buscaremos disminuirlo al máximo buscando siempre la CALIDAD DE VIDA de la persona.
Nos basamos fundamentalmente en el "Método Poyet" mezclándolo con otras técnicas de fisioterapia (masaje, estiramientos, kinesiotaping… ) con el objetivo de mejorar y/o eliminar el DOLOR y conseguir la POSTURA y el MOVIMIENTO más idóneo para cada persona.
El Método Poyet es un método overall que armoniza las estructuras mediante el sistema cráneo-sacro y su Movimiento Respiratorio Primario (MRP). Este movimiento inherente a nivel craneal, descubierto por Sutherland, se origina en la sincondrosis esfenobasilar (cráneo) y se transmite a través del eje cráneo-sacro al resto de estructuras corporales a través de la belt (tejido conectivo overall del cuerpo). Es un movimiento fisiológico, rítmico e involuntario.
Visite para más información:-  https://clinicagonzalezgayoso.es/inicio/
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