#fog spirit remy
cupcakecoterie · 2 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@miaaoi - Farideh, dragonborn sorcerer
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/warlock
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
@lovefrometernity - Rylan, wood elf sorcerer
Last one to catch up on! We were missing an Ava, but we got through okay.
While Hazel and Darvin were in warped mirror!Goldendale, and Clarity and Hazel were in warped mirror!Vanedar manor, Remi and Barnabus found themselves in warped mirror!Ravnica - specifically, Precinct 5, Tenth District, and Barnabus’ last beat before the accident that landed him in Ellon. As with Hazel before her, Remi found herself with no connection to her god or her patron. (Darvin might have had the same problem, but he didn’t actually try to tap into that, so...) After some figuring out what was going on - namely, that they were being stuffed in pocket dimensions so that whatever thought process behind the local sludge could gain a more detailed view of the world.
Alisaie came back to the town square with Rylan and Farideh, and found nobody there, and no one responding to shouting. This was of concern, so she and Rylan tracked Remi and Barnabus (Barnabus being easy to track because hooves). Alisaie hoped that she’d end up in the same place as Remi. Alisaie should not have thought that, because while the divine spark in Darvin’s soul was fairly tiny, Alisaie’s ... was not. No one’s sure exactly what the long-term consequences of this are, but Alisaie did trip into mirror!Ravnica screaming in agony because of whatever force was keeping the divine or celestial out.
Clarity found Henry - specifically, Henry’s soul, which Clarity took with her (in the lollipop she’d bought for him at the Egref sweet shop) so that Hazel could perform the rites to let his spirit move forward. When she’s grieving a little less, she might note that somehow, even if it obviously did some damage, the Archfey of Mischief and Whimsy either somehow freed Henry’s soul before it could be corrupted beyond repair or somehow cleansed it. Then again, given Clarity’s memory trip and losing Ava midway through her adventure, she wasn’t in the best state to think on it.
Remi, Barnabus, Farideh, and Rylan all ended up in the Ismeri Library with a barely-conscious Alisaie and a very worried winged dire moose ... and found Petunia, whose soul was apparently stuck in-between because of that worthy’s efforts to keep the death fog contained. Petunia recommended that if they wanted to skip the twisted version of memory lane, they could just offer up a memory of a place and hope that the entity was placated. It seemed to work, and as Henry was granted escape via a large lollipop, Petunia was granted escape via Rylan’s scarf.
Hazel and Darvin saw some pretty horrifying sites in that version of Goldendale, but after tripping over the Tailor-Green manor (Darvin’s old home), Hazel started swearing about “It’ll be the knife-eared bitch next!” ... which references her mother. And since hers was the loudest thought-pattern at that point, they went into the Tailor-Green manor ... except they didn’t, because they found themselves in a prison. Not in one of the cells, thankfully. In one of the cells, though, was a woman who looks very much like the Lady Emavaela but had clearly been locked there for close onto two decades. Hazel made a very good insight check and ... yeah, twins exist. That woman had been locked up shortly before Hazel’s birth and usurped. Hazel is ... armageddon-level angry.
When almost all of them were back together,Ava all but fell out of one door, unconscious but seemingly unhurt, and they got out as fast as they could, because Remi seemed to hope that Alisaie would recover better out in the sun, all things considered. Jury’s still out on that one.
Hazel said some prayers to send the departed on, and they ended with pouring a drink and seeing if they can’t rouse Ava, so they can all talk about what happened to them, and how it might be best to proceed from that point.
I make no promises about staying up to date. But at least I am up to date now.
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rosesisupposes · 4 years
Mist Connection (Sleepxiety)
read on ao3
Virgil's always been told to be careful in the fog. “Never stray from the path, no matter what you think you see or hear!” He's sure his Aunties are just superstitious. And yet...
pairing: Virgil/Remy (Sleep)
content tags: brief mention of parent death/disappearance; fae-like setting; Remy Is A Flirt; kissing, background best friends analogical 
word count: 4,072
Virgil has always hated the fog.
He stomps down the country road to his house, trying to make his footfalls louder.
He knows it's superstitious, but the thick, cloying clouds make him feel claustrophobic, like anyone or anything could leap out at any time.
And then, of course, there are the stories.
All his village Aunties talk of disappearances, a last sighting of a poor soul walking into a thick bank of fog and never being seen again.
“Be careful, lad,” they warn him. “Never stray from the path, no matter what you think you see or hear!”
Virgil rolls his eyes at them, smiles indulgently are their old tales. His friend Logan is always quick to point out that all these stories happened just before he was born, so it can only be passed down in rumor.
But a part of him believes, and so he dons his heaviest combat boots, zips his bomber jacket over his hoodie, and he keeps his eyes glued to the ground in front of him, watching each step to stay on the path.
He’s sure the legends are really about caution- the woods here are dense, and difficult to navigate even when it’s clear. It’s all too likely those sad disappearances were just folks who got disoriented and blundered in all the wrong directions.
But then again, one can never be too cautious.
It’s probably because he’s dwelling on those tales that he hears it.
Distinctly, a voice. Saying his name. It sounds... familiar, somehow. But who?
He pauses, listening hard. He hears nothing, though, and keeps on. He’s close to home.
He looks up, peering for the porch light. But then he sees- eyes? No, not quite eyes. They’re far too big, for one, but they also look too... blank.
“Virgil!” The voice says again, and now there’s a mouth along with the maybe-eyes. He’s not imagining- there’s certainly a face, of some kind, and it’s speaking to him. By name.
Virgil hesitates. He’s had several nights in a row of not great sleep- maybe he’s just tired and seeing things? But all the voices of his Aunties are yelling in his ear to look away, to keep moving.
The only problem is, the face is directly in the path where he needs to walk. He can only avoid it by going off the road. And that, he knows, is a far worse option.
So he takes a deep breath, looks down, and keeps walking forward. He keeps his eyes fixed at where the cloud meets the ground, at the edge of the little circle of visibility he has in each direction. It moves with him, as fog always does.
But when he chances a glance up, the face is still there. And now it’s more defined, a head shaped in the mist. And now he sees that the large eyes are in fact glasses. That makes sense.
Why am I trying to apply logic to a trick of my eyes in the fog? he asks himself angrily, and he firmly roots his gaze to the ground once more, stomping on.
“Virgil... wait, please!” the voice says again. More words now? Can he still call that just a trick of a tired mind?
Through the mist, he can make out the slightest nimbus of light from his porch lantern. He knows where home is, and it’s close.
So it can’t be too risky, right?
“Who do you speak to?” he asks cautiously, not wanting to confirm that this hallucination knows his name.
“I speak to you, Virgil!” the hallucination says, and its mouth is defined enough now for him to see a smile. The mist is rippling, more and more forming into defined shapes, giving it a neck, and shoulders, and a steadily-growing torso.
“Who are you? What are you?” Virgil asks. He tugs at his hoodie until the hood is free from under his jacket, draping it over his ears and head.
“You don’t remember?” the form asks, pouting. “Am I that unmemorable?”
“And what am I supposed to remember?” Virgil asks guardedly.
“How we met, babes! It seems so recent, but you’re so much bigger now...”
Virgil frowns. Something deep in the recesses of his memory stirs, like a whisper of a dream from many years ago.
The form has grown enough to have arms and the beginnings of legs. “Take my hand, you’ll remember,” it says, extending its newly-formed limb.
“Oh yeah? I’ll remember, and what else? Do I look dumb enough to go around shaking hands with every fog-creature I see?” Virgil crosses his arms resolutely, and the form droops slightly.
“I mean you no harm, hon. I just want to talk.”
Virgil says nothing, just taps his steel-tipped toe.
“Fine, no, sweetie, you don’t look dumb. Just familiar. Hm, do you have an older brother or father who looks like you? Did I skip a generation again?”
The more defined the form becomes, the more human its voice sounds, no longer an ethereal echo but a drawl. Virgil’s not quite sure if he should be reassured or more freaked out by that.
“Can’t help you there,” he replies. “If I have any siblings, I’ve never met them. And ditto on the dad.”
Finally, the form is complete, head to toe. It appears to stand on the ground, but it clearly cannot detach from its cloud completely. “Then clearly, introductions are in order.” It looks at Virgil for a moment, then grows a very similar jacket around its torso. “You may call me Remy.”
“Okay, fog-boy,” Virgil replies, arms still crossed. “You’ve been calling me Virgil, feel free to continue.”
“Virgil. I’m glad to have found you. I’ve been looking for you, you see. Or at least, I think it was you. You haven’t always been this big, right? Humans are weird.”
Virgil raises an eyebrow. “Strong words for a - man? Entity? - who just grew a body out of a cloud. But yeah, I grew the human way. I was a kid. Now I’m not. Are we done?”
“No, please!” Remy says, arms raising as Virgil starts to walk forward. “I can’t- if you go too close to the lantern I won’t be able to speak to you. I- if we did meet, touching my hand would bring the memory back, nothing more. I swear I mean you no harm. Please?”
Virgil hesitates. It’s a risk, for sure. But haven’t the aunties always said the fair folk cannot lie?
“Does it have to be your hand?” he asks.
“No, any part of this form will do.”
“Then turn around,” Virgil orders.
Remy obeys.
Virgil steels himself, still considering the possibility that he could just run to his house now. But curiosity takes hold, and he reaches out to lightly brush Remy’s shoulder. It feels odd, still a cloud, but gives more slowly, like memory foam. And then- he remembers.
He’s a child again, no more than five or so, and he’s lost on the way home. Auntie hurt her leg and couldn’t walk with him. He’d insisted he was able to walk the quarter mile himself. But then the fog had rolled in. He’s cautiously proceeding, staying on the path, but he’s terrified.
He hears a voice, calling his name, and follows it. A smile dances in the mist around him, and the voice tells him it will guide him home, only take its hand.
Virgil wraps chubby fingers around the cloud hand dangling from the mist, and true to its word, the porch light is soon visible. Another Auntie is on the porch, looking frantic, but calms when she sees him.
Virgil lets go of the hand, and he’s back in the present, hand dangling in mid air behind Remy’s back. He frowns in confusion.
“So I met you. And you helped. Why? Everyone not a child knows the mist isn’t friendly.”
Remy turns back around, looking hurt. “And did Everyone ever try buying me a drink first?”
In spite of himself, Virgil snorts in laughter.
“You’re a cloud, can you even drink?”
“No,” Remy replies, pouting, “but they could have made an effort!”
“Fine, so you’re not that bad. Can I go home now?”
“No- please, you’re the first one to hear me in... Goddess, even I’ve lost count.“
“So what,” Virgil asks with a shrug. “Did you just want to chat? Cause small talk ain’t my jam. I have a date with a conspiracy theory marathon.”
Remy droops. “I can’t keep you. Go, then. I’ll return to being alone and formless, reviled by the locals, my reputation cruelly smeared!”
“Holy shit, drama queen much?”
“Why yes, I am a queen! Thank you for noticing!” Remy replies, perking up.
Virgil rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but be a bit charmed by this odd creature. He dusts off a stump at the edge of the road and sits. “Fine. I’ll give you five minutes. Why can’t everyone hear you? Why does everyone think the mist will make us humans disappear?”
Remy’s feet leave the ground as they wriggle in happiness. A flick, and a chaise starts to melt into being out of the fog next to Virgil, giving them a place to elegantly flop down.
“I don’t know why they can’t all hear me,” they admit. “It only seems to be people who are... special, in some way. I think there’s been one a generation, but time’s a bitch and I don’t like her.”
Virgil smirks but doesn’t reply, nodding for them to continue.
“The disappearances... I think time might be an issue again? Time or space. One of those. Maybe both. I thought all humans were returned to the same moment and spot they left, but apparently I’m not the only one who gets messed up?”
“So... wait, what are you, exactly? Are you of the gentle folk?”
Remy sniffs. “How dare. My manners are so much better than theirs. Did I ask for you name? Have I whisked you off to my court? No ma’am!”
“Jeez, touchy! If not fae, what are you?”
Remy ruffles their hair, and it wisps around as if in a breeze. “I think you humans would call me, hmm, a spirit? Elemental? I’d tell you my actual name, but you wouldn’t be able to pronounce it.”
“Try me.”
Remy smirks, then makes a sound like the wind over a heath, the dampened noise of waves lapping at a shore, and the tiny sound of goosebumps forming in the clammy air.
“Okay, you’re right, I can’t pronounce that.”
Remy smirks deeper. “So anyway, I keep waiting to find one of you who can hear me properly, but most people just hear echoes I think? And that freaks out the poor lil human brains.”
“Wow, can’t imagine why,” Virgil replies drily.
“Hey, it’s not easy being ignored and invisible to everyone who passes you! Not that I’d expect you to understand-“
“Of course I understand,” Virgil says with a shrug. “That’s most of my life since the Aunties decided I was raised enough.”
Remy pauses. “What are ‘Aunties’. Are those... food?”
“...they’re people. Why would you think food?”
“Humans do weird things, okay?”
“Sure, whatever. Aunties are all the ladies in town who collectively took care of me when I was a kid. Because no parents.”
“And parents are- the ones who made you?”
“Yeah, more or less.”
“Well, how can you not have them then?”
Virgil shrugs. “They didn’t stick around, I guess. I was dropped off at the wardlings house when I was a baby. I’ve only ever had the Aunties, and my best friend Lo.”
Remy scratches their cloudy head. “Have I seen this Logan?”
“Nah, he was a pen pal, now an internet pal.”
Remy smiles, bemused. “I will pretend I know what any of those words mean!”
“I’ve never met him face to face,” Virgil explains.
Remy’s own face falls. “So you are also lonely.”
Virgil, about to shrug philosophically, pauses. “I- yeah. I am. It’s mostly fine, I’m an introvert. It’s fine.”
Remy sits up from their lounging position and stares at Virgil, or appears to. The glasses over their eyes are opaque, and the gray clouds of their face are hard to read.
“Do you think, maybe- I was so excited to be able to talk to you, Virgil. I would like to do so again, if you would allow it.”
Virgil looks down. The Aunties would absolutely screech in dismay at this entire situation, let along agreeing to repeat it. But- it hasn’t been unpleasant. It’s been intriguing. And Remy saved him, all those years ago.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he replies, looking up with a smile. He’s rewarded by a smile on Remy’s face that’s so bright, it almost seems like a second lantern.
“Until next time, Virgil- wait, humans have family names, correct? What is yours?”
Virgil is standing to walk home, but smiles wryly. “You need a family to have a family name. I was found in the doorstep in the middle of thunder and rain, so they’ve always called me Virgil Storm.”
“Until next time, Virgil Storm!” Remy says. They hesitate, then move through the mist closer to Virgil. “This is how humans say goodbye, I believe,” they say, and then Virgil feels that odd sensation of dense clouds touching his cheeks, one that distracts him so much that he’s barely aware of Remy leaning in until lips of clouds are pressed against his.
When Remy finally withdraws, Virgil’s mind has come to a complete stop, and it’s not until his body has fully faded back into the swirling mists that Virgil is able to make himself move.
He walks into his house, shucks his layers and boots robotically, and collapses on the couch. He stares at the TV as it plays his conspiracy marathon, but his eyes don’t take in a single minute of it.
A fog person just kissed me. The thought, with no useful additions, circles endlessly through his brain, even as he falls into a restless sleep.
Virgil pays an unusual amount of attention to the weather after that... well, unusual night.
He checks the humidity every day, looks for fronts coming in that might bring in a bank of fog, asks the local farmers their predictions. He never mentions why he’s so interested. Certainly not to the Aunties, but also not to Logan. His friend can tell he’s a little distracted, but not enough to be a real concern.
Virgil’s not quite sure why he won’t even hint at it, but he knows it’s at least partly because, well. He’s not convinced it was real.
He had been very tired, so there’s a non-zero chance he did imagine it all. Or at least, that’s what he tells himself.
But when he’s lost in thought, he keeps realizing that his hand drifts to his lips and the sensory memory they still hold.
A week later, the forest eases under a coverlet of soft clouds curling close to the ground. From the minute the mist gathers, Virgil is sitting on his porch, peering into the growing fog with anticipation and nervousness.
When he can barely see the first tree, he double checks the porch lantern and walks out, checking over his shoulder until he’s fully surrounded by dense, swirling clouds.
He waits, looking around him, but sees nothing, and hears nothing.
“Uh, Remy?” he says aloud, feeling self-conscious. “Fog-spirit? It’s, um. Me. I mean, it’s Virgil.”
A weight in his stomach is insisting that it was all a sleep-deprived hallucination, and that he’s speaking like a fool into empty air. The rest of his stomach not currently sinking through his knees twists into elaborate pretzels.
Just as he’s giving up hope, turning to go, he sees smooth orbs sticking out of the amorphous clouds. The smile follows, already smirking.
“Oh babes, don’t tell me you mist me!” Remy drawls.
Virgil wants to run to them, to reach out and confirm that they’re really real, but he restrains himself. “I wasn’t sure you’d show,” he says with a deceptively noncommittal shrug.
Their body forms faster this time, and they lower their glasses to stare at Virgil for a moment. “Oh hun, don’t even try, I know what it’s like to be waiting breathlessly for someone to return.”
Virgil finds himself breathless anew, caught by the sight of Remy’s revealed eyes. They glow softly, like the hazy haloes of twin lanterns somewhere in the distance behind them.
He coughs, finding his thoughts again. “Do you  even need to breathe? As an- elemental, was it?”
Remy sniffs. “No, but I can if I want to. I’ve made myself lungs before! It was weird. I don’t know how humans do it.”
“We don’t exactly get a choice,” Virgil replies drily.
“And yet, Virgil Storm,” Remy says, drifting closer, “I think it’s really you who’s taken my breath away.” They cup Virgil’s cheek again, and this time Virgil’s sure his brain has absolutely ceased functioning.
“...erm. Uh. Yes?” he stammers, his cheeks flaming in stark contrast to the cool, humid touch of Remy’s fingers.
“What is this color, Virgil?” they ask softly. “It reminds me of- lady slippers. Early spring peonies. But with the warmth of a midsummer rain.”
“It’s called a blush,” Virgil mutters, still demonstrating the affliction.
“You didn’t do this last time,” they comment, still holding Virgil’s cheek in one cool hand.
“Last time, you hadn’t already kissed me,” Virgil says to the ground, the heat in his cheeks bursting out even more.
“Did I upset you?” Remy asks, a dark line of clouds showing a crease in their forehead.
“Not- upset, no,” Virgil manages. “You surprised me, though. Kind of a lot.”
“Surprises can be good or bad, yes? Was it a good or bad one?”
“It was, uh. A good one.”
“Would it be better if it were not a surprise?” they ask, and there’s mischief in their misty smile.
“Absolutely,” Virgil breathes, veins thrumming.
Remy leans in, and they’re kissing him again, and he’s... god, this is objectively the weirdest thing he’s ever done, and yet he can’t bring himself to care even a bit.
He kisses back, this time, feeling the odd, pleasant sensation of cool lips giving under his without dissipating. He reaches up and finds he can cup Remy’s soft, cloudy cheeks too.
A tiny, insuppressible voice in the back of his head wonders if an elemental has a tongue, or if that’s something they’d have to grow for the occasion.
The question definitely interests him, but there’s a second, louder voice.
Breaking off, it’s the second voice that tumbles out of his mouth. “Do you kiss everyone who can see you?”
Remy pauses.  “I- well. Technically, yes?”
Virgil steps back, arms coming up to guard himself off. The heat in his cheeks feels like ice now. “So, what. I’m just another human conquest?”
“No!” Remy says, and there’s clear distress in their voice. “No, not at all, it’s just- I admit, I have not been... entirely honest?”
Virgil narrows his eyes. “Start talking truth now, then. Or I’m walking away right now.”
Remy holds up their hands in defeat and surrender. “I was mostly truthful, I swear. I don’t know why some people can hear me, but I know why you can. And only two people ever have.”
“And why can I hear and see you?”
“Because of the last person who could.”
“And who was that?”
Remy takes off their glasses, meeting Virgil’s eyes with theirs. “I believe it was your parent.”
Virgil’s ears roar as his brain struggles to process this announcement. His parents? The ones he never even looked for, since no one had any leads? There’d been no note, no memento, no witness of who’d dropped him off. And he has his Aunties. But he’s never stopped wondering, fantasizing about dramatic backstories that he’d never confess to in a million years.
“Who are they?” Virgil asks, in a small voice.
“They were- unique. They heard us, after generations in this village who couldn’t or refused to. They lingered and talked, and didn’t run away in fear.”
“You talked to them?” Virgil asks, hope bursting out of his throat. “What was their name? What were they like?”
“I didn’t, no,” Remy replies with a small shake of their head. “Not until much later. No, they talked to a different elemental, a mentor of mine.”
Virgil stares. "There are... more of you?"
Remy smirks. "Not of me, hun, I'm one of a kind. But yes, there are other elementals. Fog's not the only thing in the world, sadly."
"What was your mentor's element, then?"
Remy sobers, and reaches out to clasp Virgil's shoulder. "Thunderstorms. They were the Thunder Spirit."
Virgil stiffens. "Wait, does that mean- the rain, when I was dropped off?"
"It was them, yeah," Remy says softly.
"What-" Virgil's voice is rough. "What happened to the other one? The human?"
Remy sighs deeply. They drop their arm to their side, and their body follows, falling to sit suspended in their soft clouds. "They disappeared, having you. None of us knew it would happen. They just... melted into the storm. Your parent, the elemental, they were able to save you, but they couldn't save their lover. And my mentor, Thunder- they couldn't care for you, not the way you needed. So they dropped you off and saw that you were picked up safely."
Virgil feels his legs giving out. His parents- not in any of his daydreams had they been, well, magic. He'd thought- maybe if they were, they wouldn't have left him. Or they would have come back.
Distantly his brain wonders why he's not on the hard ground, and he realizes Remy has sent solid clouds to hold him up despite the jelly his limbs have become,
"...why didn't they come for me?" he asks his knees, tears leaking down his cheeks. "Thunder- why didn't they find me, all these years?"
The clouds of Remy's cheeks have grown darker, and small raindrops drip from them. "They were devastated, Virgil. They loved your parent, truly and utterly, and they blame themself for their death. And we experience time differently - it hasn't been that long, for them. They haven't recovered. But they asked me to watch over you, to make sure you were safe."
Virgil swipes at his cheeks. "Doesn't that make you a creep, then?" He glares at the foggy entity in accusation. "Watching me since I was a kid, then kissing me?"
"I was barely a 'kid' myself when they asked me to, I swear," Remy protests. "They were like my- what was your word - Aunties? They looked after me, showed me the ropes of my powers as a new being. I promise to you, I wasn't leering then, I was new and young and, perhaps, interfering more directly than the elders wanted by taking your hand all those years ago.
"There'd been too many oddities of humans and the mist," they continue. "Disappearances. Our cousins the fae causing mischief when we weren't watching. So the elders created me, to survey all that the mist touches."
"So. What. Your love is pure or some shit," Virgil drawls, acid dripping off his words.
"Yes," Remy answers simply.
If they'd qualified, or justified, Virgil could be more defensive, could refuse to believe it. But they just stare at him, glasses off, glowing eyes sincere.
"Oh," is all he can manage in response. Maintaining eye contact has a strange side effect of making his cheeks heat up, so he has a staring contest with his boots, instead.
"Babes, please look at me?" they ask gently.
Virgil can't ignore such a polite request, can he?
But it's a dirty trick. How can he maintain a tough, self-righteously angry exterior when Remy is smiling at him with so much liking in their eyes that the orbs might as well be glowing hearts?
"Can you forgive me, Virgil? For not telling you everything sooner?"
Virgil resists for all of a second before breaking into a broad grin. "You could convince me, somehow."
Remy grins, and lifts Virgil off his feet, fully suspended in the low-hanging clouds. "I'll do my best to be very convincing."
Virgil, the son of a Thunder Spirit and their human paramour, laughs, and pulls Remy in to kiss him again, and again, and again.
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mevvsplays · 3 years
“You don't get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplicably odd.”
A group of native-Magnolian close friends with personalities loosely based on the members of Mystery Incorporated in their mid-to-late 20’s who know there is something odd about their hometown–and they want to be the ones to uncover it. Mystery hunters, conspiracy theorists, scholars of the paranormal–but completely and utterly ordinary; with the exception of one (1) friendly ghost.
inspo taken from scooby doo, from buzzfeed unsolved, from phasmophobia, from marble hornets & blair witch project. Feel free to reach out on discord [mevvs#2648] if you wanna play ball <3
THE PRODUCER - Remington Chamberlain
The frantic founder, he’s convinced that Magnolia is being prepared as the site for an alien invasion. Obsessed with uncovering the truth of the town since he saw an apparition in his youth–he runs recklessly into abandoned houses with little care for his own safety. Finds the gang places to check out, drives, and is generally just a cheerleader for the gang. He’s an idiot–but a lovable one, at least.
CO-HOST #1 - Reserved
The rational one, who lays out the straight facts. Think the Shane Medaj of the thing–conspiracies are not real, and there must be some kind of sensible reasoning behind all these strange occurrences–right? So why are they involved in the first place? One reason: the clout. They aspire to fame, but how the hell are you going to get famous when you live in a town like Magnolia? Everyone loves a good ghost story–right?
CO-HOST #2 - Open
Funny and laidback, they have the perfect personality for hosting–any other podcast. Their cowardly nature has them jumping at every little thing, meaning they get all of their information funneled to them through Remy. Why’s that a bad thing? Well, they confidently spew his conspiracy theories on the air, much to the chagrin of the rest of the crew. So what was that strange mist in the woods? Vapor trails, or regular old fog? Don’t expect this podcast to come to a decision.
Someone on this team needs to have a little brains, and that’s where the researcher comes in. An expert on the paranormal, they try their best to convince the rest of the team that their opinion is the right one–and it usually is, even though they are most often ignored. The one who remembers to bring all of the ghost hunting tools to the jobs. The responsible one, like the person who mans the cameras back in the truck in Phasmophobia.
THE SPOOKY - Reserved
Even the dead want to have a little fun, right? A spirit from a home the crew has investigated in the past who now gets their kicks following them around to make strange things happen. They love hearing the different rationales behind their pranks–and love casually “bumping” into the crew when they are corporeal. Probably watches them while whispering the lyrics “Part of Your World” to themselves.
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monkey-network · 4 years
Why Klaus IS Christmas Kino
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Klaus isn’t flawless, let’s get this out the way. My love for this film won’t deny that it bears a couple nits that can distract the experience. Jesper and Alva’s relationship felt like an eye-rolling inevitability, notable cliches here & there, a notable song felt both fitting and out of place, and while enjoyable, I’m not as big a fan of the climax as I thought. But in spite of it all, I love this film and it is one of the best modern animated Christmas films, period? Follow me here. I could go on about its wonderful animation cuz yeah, it’s unlike any other film. But a philosophy of mine is that the best animation enhances the writing and I can say Klaus is that surprisingly well written and has become an all time Christmas fave
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*deep breath in* So let’s do this...
I mention that Klaus has its cliches, but you gotta know that it’s smarter than expected. Believe me when I say if the writers didn’t care, this could’ve actually been so much worse. Jesper could’ve been more manipulative towards everyone for his goals, Klaus would’ve given up entirely after knowing the truth about Jesper, we could’ve had an argument between Jesper and his dad about upholding business, the townsfolk could’ve reverted back to their old ways, plenty writing moments where this could’ve been Emoji Movie levels of insulting to your intellect. BUT, they don’t. The film never really turns back on itself, it keeps moving where, as the notable quote goes, an act of good will sparks another as it starts with Jesper’s father.
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Even if nepotism was responsible for Jesper getting the job in the first place, he clearly sees his son be more spoiled than he’s worth so is like, “Ma boi, I will send you to the ends of the earth or leave you to the streets if you don’t do something with yourself.” He never cared about his son representing the postal company, or ruining his top class image, he was only tired of Jesper taking advantage of his fortune while not having any ambition of his own. Can’t help but say Jesper’s dad is a very respectable character because the sole reason the whole plot happened in the first place was because he just wanted his son to do better. It’s that act of genuine consideration that pushes Jesper to his wake up call as he reaches Smeerensburg.
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People have compared this movie to Emperor’s New Groove through Jesper’s character and I say yes, but this film takes that next step and put Jesper in the pit of pits way early. Reminds me more of Ratatouille’s beginning where Remy’s lowest point is around the same time as Jesper’s. The harsh atmosphere of the island is treated very blunt in how this is our mailman’s nightmare come true. With his situation, our guy is truly at his lowest. Gives up now, he’ll be cut off his inheritance and probably will have worse. Everyone hates him and each other, his post office itself is in shambles, symbolic of how communication is practically thin outside conflict, and the teacher turned fish seller Alva is that path Jesper could notably be if he didn’t try. Everything is literally grey for this guy, but like Ratatouille, when you’re at your lowest there’s no where else to go but up. That’s where Klaus comes in...
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This is genuinely the most clever interpretation of Santa I know, hands down. A well established woodsman, a crafter both of living, for him and the birds that reside in his woods, and recreation with the toys he made himself not just for kids, but specifically the kids he and his wife wanted but couldn’t have. Klaus feels like a real person, not just another take on the mythical man. You’re with him and Jesper as he, after familiar winds provide him a letter, a small spark to do something good, soon opens up and gets reminded of what’s kept him going all these years. It is no wonder he sees his wife in Jesper, it’s thanks to him that he could refurbish his dashed dream into a new one. He didn’t just want to do it for the children of the island, but for himself. That is another thing about this film: communication. I mention before how it’s practically thin at first due to a long going feud that isn’t even aware of why it’s still going. The joy in hate is only for hatred’s sake, and they make it very clear how miserable it all feels. That is where Jesper comes in. They don’t take shortcuts with how he gets the ball rolling, both accidentally and purposefully, he boots up to get things done, pushes himself to go to Klaus to make things happen. This is all in part by the youth, what really ties the plot together...
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As I mentioned before (again), life in Smeerensburg is noticeably miserable but thanks to Klaus, by extension Jesper, the kids are enticed to do what it takes to get some genuine joy in their lives through the toys they’re able to get. They’ll make them letters, and if they can’t write, they’ll go to Alva for teachings, and if they act naughty, they’ll try to do good which in turn pushes the adults to do good for the sake of their kids. It really would’ve been one thing to sure enough make the kids spoiled because of the toy giving, focusing more on the extrinsic value of Klaus’s kindness but no. The children are very grateful for these gifts enough to feel compelled to do good, and it makes them feel good as much as it soon makes the adults more convinced to stop fighting. It helps that this all takes place in older times cuz I believe this would’ve been far different, possibly worse, if this took place in modern times. That or just kinda rip off Arthur Christmas, it’s my guess. As such, it gradually becomes an amazing Christmas film because it isn’t just the presents, the Santa Claus myth, the festive style of it all that makes this holiday special to me. It’s the warmth... of togetherness.
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My favorite detail about Klaus is how it transitions from cold to warm with its atmosphere. We start out with the emptiest, harshest environment, enough fog to choke your eyes, and then we get to this moment with a brighter, clearer sight of the more united town as the Christmas spirit builds in the film, even when it isn’t even that day yet in-universe, so too does the warmhearted feeling that can come from celebrating it appear more and more. This film fleshes out more of what the Grinch taught me, what A Charlie Brown Christmas taught me, what I’ve come to appreciate about Christmas as I grew up in this materialistic world. I can say everyday can have the Holiday spirit, but Christmas is the time where I feel compelled to be grateful of what I’ve made and got and give back when honestly, I don’t care about getting the most expensive stuff anymore like I used to when I was way younger. This film is so sincere in what it wants to say, and you know this is indeed the same guy that made Minions. Yeah, not kidding and I’ll let you sit with that if you’re reading this as I continue because we have to talk about that moment...
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Yeah, I don’t like being the Nostalgia Critic, but I too don’t take kindly to the ‘liar reveal’ trope myself and this could’ve been a point where the film lost me a little. Though you know what? It still works. See, with that trope, what sucks is that it can tend to unravel the plot to where you know as soon as they break apart, they’ll get back together regardless of the deed done. This is why I don’t like A Bug’s Life, don’t @ me. But I’m not saying it can’t done right, like in Over the Hedge. The breakup between Jesper and the others is painful, but it is necessary to give us a couple great character moments. One is with Jesper and his dad, who came back personally to see that Jesper has indeed built something for himself. We get no dialogue between them but it’s clear that even when Jesper’s unintentionally successful thanks to Yzma and Bubba, he can tell his son wasn’t happy leaving everything behind, so he lets him stay since that was what he truly wanted this whole time. Again, give that man some credit for amazing dad. Another moment comes before the big reveal where not only do we see Jesper come to understand his own guilt surrounding his original intentions, but in the end they never hated him for coming back, especially due to him inadvertently stopping the enemy feud all together. Lastly, without that moment, we probably wouldn’t have got this smile. When Margu, purest character ever that I could make a whole segment about but I don’t wanna keep you too long, started to tear up after calling for Jesper thinking he left for good but she then sees our guy never really left and we get this teary smile:
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I felt that. Almost more than anything else in this film.
Cliched as it can appear, the execution excels in those more memorable emotions for this film. It’s been a year since I watched this again and I remember so much about these characters. And my god, I haven’t even gotten to the animation which... my god.
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Klaus is indeed the most beautiful upon beautiful films I’ve seen, and what makes it better is that it all enhances the story. I mention before of its transitional visual from cold to warm sights, but goddamn, the character designs, the environments, the expressiveness, the textures all amount to style perfect for this alone. I think it would’ve as well received if it had a more flat look, but they seriously went higher for a traditional appealing story that compliments the unique children’s storybook look of it all. This honestly is better than most of modern Disney films that I’ve seen, ironic since it feels like if you took Tangled the Series and made it 3D with more fluid character animation. And if I’m comparing something to the continuous mindblower that’s Tangled the Series, you’ve most certainly got on my best side.
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Sergio Pablos and his team really pulled no punches in making this a great movie. A great Christmas movie, one worth seeing if not at least once but every Holiday season for tradition’s sake. Klaus gave me a good time, made me cry, and above all showed me to never stop having a good heart because doing good can indeed go far, thankless as it can be. Heck, my heart felt more rejuvenated than before in making this critique, that’s a testament to how much good this film means to me personally. What else is there to say?
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It's The Best
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jwillowwolf · 3 years
Magic and Miracles - Chapter 11
Sanders Sides Big Bang fic, Chapter 11!
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Summary: He sighed in relief only to tense up when he noticed the expression on Logan’s face.
“What happened?”
“We need a miracle.”
Warning/s: food mention, minor violence.
Characters: Logan, Virgil, OCs, Roman, Remy, Remus, Patton, Janus.
Tag List: @theimprobabledreamersworld @remy-please-come-back
Read on AO3
11 | Danger Unknown
Once Virgil and Logan returned to the room, Virgil made a request not to be disturbed and they put up a magical barrier to keep anyone from using enchanted items or spells to spy on them. The group was sitting in the living area, with the tv turned off, and trying to come up with a plan of action, or at least a logical theory as to what is happening. So basically, they were stuck with no idea as to what was going on or what their next move should be.
Logan frowned. “Could these events be connected? Virgil’s parents and grandmother both being essentially missing.”
Remy shrugged. “Possibly. Right now though we’re just guessing.”
“I think that our next move is more obvious than we think,” Remus declared. “We need to find Virgil’s grandmother.”
Roman nodded. “But where to start?”
Remus shrugged. “Her room?”
“Whether she’s there or not though, they’ll have guards stationed there to keep up the ‘she’s sick and quarantined’ charade.” Janus pointed out.
“Oh! What if we use the teleportation spell?” Patton proposed.
“Would that even work in this realm?” Willow wondered. “And what if they have some kind of magic barrier like we have here?”
“Virgil, is there anyone who you would trust to tell you the truth about what’s happening? The best thing we can do is find a reliable source to inform us what’s going on.” Remy said.
Virgil sighed. “The Earl was my grandmother’s closest advisor, and I don’t think we can trust him at all.”
“What about the reporters? You said they give news to the people of this realm, so surely they would have some information,” Logan reasoned.
Virgil perked up. “I don’t know how reliable they’d be, but I guess that’s a start. We’d need to comb through the news channels on TV.”
“Ooh, I can do that. I figured out how to use the remote properly,” Patton proudly stated.
“I could do some reconnaissance. Like covertly listening in on what people say to each other,” Willow suggested.
“I can help keep you hidden while you’re doing that,” Janus added.
“Roman and I could also do some covert reconnaissance. Our hearing isn’t as good as Willow’s but it’s still pretty sharp,” Remus stated.
Virgil nodded. “Alright, Pat can look into what’s on the news while Remus, Roman, Janus and Willow act as our spy teams. Logan and I have left the room before, so we can go out again and try to see my grandmother or at least fake that we’re doing that to see how well her room is being guarded.”
Remy frowned. “Hang on kids. If there is something going on, I would like to get us out of here as soon as possible. You shouldn’t be getting too deep into stuff like this.”
“It’s dangerous, but we knew this was going to be risky when we agreed to it. And, really, this might be our safest option considering how the Earl was trying to convince Virgil to go back home.” Logan noted.
Remy sighed. “If you really need to check in on the queen, then I may know a spell that can help. But it’s difficult for normal mages to cast.”
The group exchanged curious glances. “What is it?”
“Mind linking,” Remy stated. “It’s a high-level spell that can allow a person to link their consciousness to someone else. You can’t do a full connection unless two people are doing the spell with each other, but there’s a way to use the spell to specifically disconnect one’s consciousness for a time in order to find other minds in the space around you. Aka this building. The spell goes through all kinds of loopholes and can work even inside or through magical barriers, but the caster needs a proficiency in mind magic…”
“So, theoretically, I could cast the spell?” Virgil asked.
“Yes, but another rule is you can’t cast the spell onto yourself.”
“You could cast it onto me though,” Logan said.
“I was actually thinking I could take the spell,” Remy declared.
“I think Logan should do this. If Pat’s watching the news, the twins, Janus, and Willow are out spying, and I’m maintaining this spell, then it would probably be a good idea to have someone checking news sites online, and we don’t have time to teach Logan about the internet,” Virgil pointed out.
“Inter-net? Is it some kind of magical net you catch information with?” Roman asked.
“Like I said, we don’t have time to introduce you guys to it. Maybe later though.”
Remy sighed. “Alright. But we’re going to need to go into full detail with this plan…”
The team did plan things out as best they could. Virgil explained to the spy team how to navigate the building. After that, Roman, Remus, Janus and Willow went to the elevator, casting invisibility spells on themselves that would make it so only they could see/detect each other, then went their separate ways.
Meanwhile, Remy showed Patton which channels were for the news and gave Logan the instructions for the Mind spell. Pat made notes on everything that was being said on TV in a small black notebook and once Remy finished instructing Logan he found a tablet to use the internet on.
“Remember, I’m only able to keep this up for five minutes, then you’ll be pulled back into your body,” Virgil said. “You know where to go?”
Logan nodded. “I’ll be fine, Virge. We can both pull this off.”
Virgil nodded. “Okay. You might want to lie down then.”
Logan laid down and closed his eyes as the spell was cast. He could feel as the magic flowed through his body like a gentle wave washing over the shore. For a moment he thought that the spell had failed since nothing else changed, but then he sat up and opened his eyes only to realise that he was outside of his own body. More specifically, he was floating just above his body like a ghost.
He felt suddenly excited at this discovery. It was like he was now a ghost completely disconnected from his physical form. A glance over to Virgil however reminded him of the current urgency of his mission. He was watching Logan’s body with a particular concern. Right now he had no idea what was happening to Logan and it was worrying him a great deal.
Logan wanted to reassure him in some way, but this form wouldn’t really be able to do that, so instead, he focused on finishing his task so that when Virgil pulled him back he would have some useful information. He floated up to the ceiling and then phased through it like it was nothing more than a cloud of fog. He navigated his way literally through the building quickly until he came to the hall outside of the queen’s bedroom.
There were indeed a pair of guards outside the door, but no one else seemed to be on this floor. Logan phased through the door and looked around if anyone was there. The room was lavishly decorated in silver and lavender tones, with a pair of ornate wardrobes on either side of a large vanity table, a wall to wall bookshelf, and a large king-sized bed. In the bed, someone was laying down.
On closer inspection, Logan found that the someone was a fae woman with long tresses of silver hair that was spread out all over her pillows. She looked weak and sickly, with cold sweat on her forehead. Logan reached out to touch her so he could hopefully see into her mind when a voice from behind him said.
Logan whipped around to find the spirit of the woman in the bed standing behind him. “Gah!”
“Oh, sorry darling, I didn’t mean to scare you there. You came looking for me, right?”
“Queen Valeria?”
“The one and only!” The woman said with a smile before her face turned serious. “You’re my grandson’s friend. Correct?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Then I need you to get him out of here. Immediately. Tell my son what’s going on here so that he can save the rest of this world before it’s too late for the others. I won’t last long enough to see him again...”
“I- no, your majesty I don’t really know what is happening but I’m sure that Virgil will not leave if you’re going to-- to die.”
“Child, there is no way to save me. All of you need to go to Nico and explain to him that Earl Ynclementia has overthrown me. Then he’ll know what to do next once my powers transfer to him.”
“Ma’am… Prince Nico and King Thomas have both disappeared. They were attacked by an unknown spellcaster during a meeting and no one knows what’s happened to them or where they vanished to.”
Valeria paled. “No… then Ynclementia’s plan was successful. That’s just all the more reason for you to get Virgil out of here. If he receives my powers then… it all will fall to him…”
Logan felt a lump in his stomach at the realisation of what she meant. With his parents gone and his grandmother dying, Virgil would be forced to take rulership over both humans and fae. Except the fae realm has been stolen by the earl, and if Virgil reveals his heritage without his parents support, then lord knows what might happen.
The people could rise against him in fear. Dethrone or even kill him. Even if he were completely accepted as half-fae, they could still try to take away his throne on the excuse he was underaged and possibly didn’t have the necessary training to rule in his fathers’ steads.
“Your majesty, there must be something we can do. If you’re here outside of your body then surely there’s still time to heal you.”
“Dear, I don’t have much time left. The spell I’m using to keep myself alive will be gone soon enough. Nothing but a miracle could save me now. Please, my only wish is that Virgil is safe. Take him home and… tell him to destroy the porthole. Right now, I’m using a spell to keep Ynclementia here, but once I’m gone he will try to take over your realm as well. That cannot happen.”
“No, there has to be something. There has to be a way to save you.”
“As I said, nothing but a miracle could do that.”
Logan looked down at his feet sorrowfully, then an idea struck him. “A-a miracle. Like the mythical creature, Miracle?”
Valeria gave a short laugh. “I doubt there are any of those just walking around in your realm, much less this one.”
“But if we found one, it could save you?”
“Well, they’re supposed to have boundless knowledge of the universe, so possibly. But it’s impossible to find one. Please just… just get Virgil away. Right now he’s going to need good friends more than ever.”
Valeria stared sorrowfully at the painting above her door. Only now Logan noticed it. A large portrait of Valeria, Thomas, Nico, Tanya, Dune and Virgil, all together smiling happily. If the queen died now then Virgil really would need friends. His fathers were completely missing and neither Tanya nor Dune could leave the forest. In the castle, facing the duties of ruling a kingdom, Virgil would be completely alone.
Logan couldn’t let that happen.
He tried to say more to Valeria but he felt that his soul was being pulled back. As his vision faded he heard Valeria say one more time, “Take him home.”
Barely a blink and a breath later, his consciousness returned and Logan found himself back in his body, with Virgil staring at him in concern. He sighed in relief only to tense up when he noticed the expression on Logan’s face.
“What happened?”
“We need a miracle.”
Virgil tugged on his hood. “Is it that bad?”
“No, well, what I mean- ugh, do you remember Remus’s dream?”
“That one about the giant bagel?”
“No, the recurring one. That one that started on our vacation.”
“Oh, the nightmare.”
“Yes, that. To save the person, we needed to find the miracle that time left behind, right?”
“I’m with you so far.”
“I think that that dream was very literal…”
An hour later, the group was reunited and once again stuck thinking of what to do next. Logan explained everything that happened with Valeria, leaving Virgil terribly distressed, and then the spy team returned with the news that Ynclementia planned to use them as hostages since the plans to get rid of Virgil’s parents and assassinate Virgil ‘failed’.
“Assassinate me?”
Willow nodded. “That’s what a rockslide was. The agent Ynclementia sent must have believed they killed you then went off to get your parents.”
“And now Ynclementia thinks both plans failed so he needs you as a hostage to use against your fathers.” Janus sighed.
“The news isn’t giving me any hope either,” Remy stated. “It seems that they’ve… erased the queen. Like she or any of your family never existed. They’ve made it look like Earl Imbecile has always been in power and no one is speaking up about it.”
Patton nodded. “From what I’ve seen on TV they’re scared to even talk about him. Whenever they refer to anything he’s done or is doing, they have this terrible fear in their eyes.”
“Then it isn’t like they’ve been brainwashed or anything. They’ve been traumatized.” Roman theorised.
Remus chewed on her fingernails. “We need to get out of here.”
“Well, it’s not like we can just walk out of the place.” Janus declared. “They would lock us up for real if they caught us.”
“A porthole,” Willow said. “We can use a porthole to get ourselves back to the realm porthole and go home.”
“You pointed out earlier that kind of magic might not work in this realm.” Roman reminded them.
“Well, yeah, but how many successful spells have we used now?”
“Okay true.”
The group used a porthole to get themselves back to the realm porthole, then went through the second porthole and found Tanya, Dune, and a few other pixies waiting for them. Tanya looked at Virgil with a worried expression. She could already tell that something had gone wrong.
“...We need to close the porthole.”
A/N: thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be posting two chapters a day until the full fic is up, so if you want to be tagged, you can just ask.
I'd love to hear what you thought about the chapter if you wouldn't mind commenting. Thanks again for reading! Here's hoping you have a magical day 💜
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
I’m Afraid, Your Cute And We’re Both Stuck; Let’s Cuddle
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@surohsopsisofclouds asked for (red 11) Wings and (purple 12) Spirits from here and I took the ‘spirits’ prompt and just made it into a Haunted House/fears thing and I hope that’s alright
@sparrowofsong​ @5am-the-foxing-hour​ @ladyedwina​
Pairings:  Romantic Intrulogical, Background Romantic Roceit, Background QPR Patmile
Warnings: Swearing, wings, collapsing structure, claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces), mentions of thalassophobia (fear of the ocean), fluffiness, my fear that Remus isn’t in character by the end of this
Two stories tall, with dull brick walls and the occasional broken window. A stereotypical haunted house; recommended by Patton of course. If Virgil recommended one, it’d have reviews about a real ghost that made the rooms go cold and maybe a fork being thrown across the room. This place reeks of machinery and fake, money-grabbing tourism.
I glance up at the sound of wings, not fully turning towards it as I’d know my brother and best friend's wings anywhere. Roman has those huge angel wings that everyone swoons over because of their power and fluffiness; while Jan-Jan has awesome looking yellow-green scaled ones that he’s still self-conscious over since they’re often stereotyped to be with ‘evil’ people. 
So now I’m surrounded by winged-ones. Patton’s Puffin wings press tightly against his back as the sound of shattering glass, that’s been happening every five minutes on the dot, while Virgil’s huge Wedge-Tail Eagle wings fluff up despite knowing that it was going to happen again. At least Roman and Janus didn’t react as much, despite it being a shock to them
“You two are being fucking pussies.”
“Language, Em! And the shattering sound is scary… I can’t help it.” Patton should have brought his life-partner with him as it’d be more fun with more people. I guess after the last haunted house that we took Emile to, he wanted to be able to actually sleep this October.
“We’ll go inside soon, Pat. Is Logan here yet?” Oh yeah, that guy that I’m supposed to be meeting. Forgot about him. Virgil and Roman made him sound so boring, but they also made Remy sound boring before I met the guy while he was dealing with caffeine withdrawal. 
My foot sends a small stone flying as Virgil checks his phone; tsk-ing quietly as he starts typing. “He’s inside already. In the upstairs piano room.”
“I thought we were gonna meet him out here?” Oh my god; I’m going to die from boredom and haunt this place for real if I stand out here any longer. So I grab my jacket from the ground, throw it on and quickly slip between the fence bars instead of grabbing a ticket. No one’s watching anyway.
“I don’t care! I’m going in- Bye!”
“Remus! Wait up!”
Happily ignoring Roman, I slip in through an unlocked side door and fight the distant sound of doors slamming by letting my stomping echo through the house as I head upstairs. This place sucks at scares if they’re resulting in slamming doors, but I can probably piss off some employees if I can find one of their hidey holes. And finding this ‘Logan’ and messing with him would be a nice bonus.
Taking a glance into each room -and ignoring the bad jump scares of fake ghosts played by underpaid, teenage actors- I finally find the piano room Virgil mentioned with someone standing at the far end, by the window. Despite the poor lighting, I can tell that he’s wearing a dark blue polo shirt and that his dark hair has been attempted to be slicked back. Perfect posture, hands held behind his back, shoulders tense; I may even be seeing a pair of those fancy black shoes that a lot of the richer kids in the area have. 
I shake my head as I step into the room, followed by an eerie creak in the floorboards. The guy spins around and I manage to see dark eyes behind some glasses before my legs suddenly give way.
One second I see those dark eyes, then the next I’m on the floor with sore arms and a heaviness on my back. A muffled voice, sounding close but layered beneath some kind of fog, gives me the energy to push myself off my stomach and onto my knees before I’m suddenly feeling exhausted.
Those eyes are in front of me again, but this time are a whole lot closer and also no longer as difficult to see that they’re a dark blue; as if the lighting has changed. With a quick glance around, I realise that it has. Because now there’s a broken piano, some splintered wooden pillars, a floodlight that looks like it’s been forgotten about, the walls showing their insides, and a giant fucking hole in the ceiling.
“What the hell...” This guy better have some answers- there’s no way that I should have fallen through the floor. But he looks just as roughed up as me, with some sawdust and a black feather in his now unkempt hair and his tie -who wears a tie to a haunted house?- is hanging around his neck. His huge, ruffled, pitch-black wings of some corvid don’t look injured at least. 
He… didn’t have wings a moment ago.
The guy must have noticed me staring at them, as he motions behind me wordlessly as he stands and brushes himself off. Something twinges in my gut as I turn slightly, only to find myself looking at the dusty wings of a hummingbird. They’re small and rather thin looking, but covered in blues and greens and a few hints of red. They flutter as I try out the new limbs, tearing another part of my shirt in the process. But who cares? I just grew two new limbs.
I’m pulled to my feet, my vision spinning slightly and a tightness in my chest makes it a little harder to breathe. My eyes drift back to the guy in front of me who seems like he’s not as stupefied as I am at what the hell just happened. “Uh… There’s a feather in your hair.”
His eyes widen as he reaches up and runs his fingers through his hair, catching the feather along the way and taking a second to pocket it before nodding slightly. “Thank you.” I hear him taking in a sharp inhale as his wings twitch as they try to stay off the dirty floor. There’s no point as they’re covered in dust and dirt already, but he seems stubborn enough to keep trying. “As unexpected and strange as this encounter was, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Logan Crow.”
“Oh! You’re that guy I’m supposed to be meeting- Wait, your last name is ‘Crow’?” I point at the black masses on his back. “And you have those wings?” His brows dip in slightly; just enough that he looks kind of cute. I wonder what all of his other expressions look like...
“Purely coincidental. And you must be Remus Aurelian-”
Something grinds together, echoing the sounds of wood against metal and of a highly taught string snapping from the pressure. Logan’s wings move so that the joint sits higher than his head, ready to fly him away from danger; if only he actually knew how to fly.
I swallow with a dry mouth as I finally realise how small of a room that we find ourselves in. Not that the small amount of space is an issue. Nor that the room seems to be also empty, besides the useless, broken piano. “We should probably leave.”
“Agreed.” The door to the room is just a maintenance one; small enough to not draw attention to it the other side, while large enough to push through wood or something to fix these pillars. They obviously haven’t done so in a while...
It’s rusted hinges squeak with resistance until one of the screws pops out of place as I manage to push it open. But as I attempt to crawl through, a stab of pain flows up my back and shoulders as my new limbs hit the top of the door frame. I try again, wincing this time as I attempt to squeeze through until I’m dragged back inside by the leg.
“I can’t fit through that! Are you fucking kidding me?”
“If you can’t, I surely can’t either.” Even with my tiny-ass wings that may or may not be able to carry me in the future -something to worry about another time- we’re stuck in here unless we suddenly figure out how to fly. In this small room, with not even a window in it. Just four walls that seem to have gotten closer than the last time I had paid attention to them. “I’ll text message the others, see if they can get the operators of the house to help us.”
Standing up doesn’t help the irregular waves of nausea that continue to hit me, but it’s better than how hard it is to breathe when I’m sitting. “But that’s going to take ages!” Except now it’s both hard to breathe, and I feel like I’m going to throw up. And I feel light headed. And my legs don’t want to hold me up anymore. A deep growl escapes my throat as I kick the stump of the closest broken pillar, making a few extra chunks fly off of it. “Why the hell did they make half of these rooms so damn tiny!?”
I kick it again until a hand sits firmly on my shoulder. It’s weird that I already feel so much for this guy, as anyone else would get an elbow to the ribs for touching me while this nausea keeps attacking me. I move away instead, huffing a bit while also taking in a few deeper breaths. “Are… Remus, do you happen to be claustrophobic?”
“What? Fuck no.” I can almost see Janus raising his eyebrow at me; always somehow knowing when I’m lying. It’s just some stupid fear that everyone thinks that I got over years ago. I can last until someone comes to grab us. Maybe sitting down will help...
“I know that we have only just met, but I will ask if you need comforting right now. And before you say that you don’t need it; you are shaking.” The nausea fades into chills and a heavy stone in my gut as I look at my hands as the ground gets a little closer. I close my eyes, hoping that I can just imagine that I’m outside or in a huge cathedral with furniture and lots of room to run around. My hands aren’t shaking; they can’t be shaking. If Roman or Patton or Virgil- anyone knew that I would turn into this wreck just because I’m in a tiny space, I’d never hear the end of it. Being afraid isn’t… It’s not me.
A comforting warmth makes me jump, sliding me off of my pins-and-needles-filled legs. Something slides in behind me, with one hand on my waist and the other helping my wings fold before I’m pulled into a chest. Logan’s chest. When the hell did he wrap his wings around me? 
“I’m not great at this…”
“It’s cool.” I go to say ‘me either’, but instead decide to relax into him. My chest still hurts and it's still harder to breathe then what I’d like.
“You were crying.” 
“I didn’t notice.” Well fuck. What a great first impression this has been. He doesn’t sound judgemental, and he has his wings around me, so he mustn’t think too badly of me. Probably...
“Are you alright?”
I shake my head, sighing as he adjusts the both of us for a few seconds before he finally seems comfortable. “Don’t tell anyone that this happened. They uh, don’t know.” All of my usual drivel and weird flirts are weirdly vacant from my head. It’s weird since that’s the usual, but it’s not bad. I don’t think I’ve felt this comfortable since I was a kid. “The claustrophobia thing, I mean.” 
“Ah. Of course. Your secret’s safe with me.”
Logan seems shy; that’ll be fun to fuck with later. A distant scream from the haunted house brings his arm further around me, and I definitely get a smug smirk because I know that Roman didn’t get cuddles for weeks after meeting Janus. Logan may be a little awkward but holy shit, I already love this.
It's too quiet though; I can hear how bad my breathing is and it’s making me way too self conscious. “I’m gonna eat a full squid in front of Roman to cheer myself up after this.” He stifles his laugh too. Oh, he really is a shy one! And he doesn’t get grossed out easily from the sounds of it.
“They do have three hearts that could be used to help you scare him, but I’m unsure if they are also edible. It may depend on the species.” He hesitates for a moment, moving his head to look down at me, judging by how he’s moving. Roman did say that he was a nerd, but not about stuff that’s actually cool. “I do know that they use two for their gills while the third sends blood to the rest of the body.”
He stops again, this time tensing up the shoulder that I’m using as a pillow. With a huff, I reach up to pat his face before closing my eyes; getting comfortable enough to try and forget where we are. “Keep goin’, you’re nice to listen to. Got that sexy teacher voice thing going on.”
I’m exhausted, but manage a chuckle after his sputters for a moment. He starts talking once more as the hand that’s wrapped around me lightly tapping a rhythm against my side.
“Oh, uhm, alright. I myself am afraid of the ocean, as we have mapped far more of Mars then it and it confirms that over ninety percent of the world is in the dark, but it is rather fascinating to know that ninety-five percent of life on Earth comes from our Ocean’s-” I get to listen to Logan talk endlessly about cool facts, wrapped in his large wings, while being comforted about some silly fear as we sit inside of a partially collapsed room? I think I could get used to stuff like this.
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luthorao3 · 3 years
Okay, running with your idea of the Gilded Poppy (also that's the name of their ship in this, I'm taking it as any pirate ship is the name of each group/crew) being a legend that hardly anyone actually believes:
For context: I have discovered that there were old superstitions regarding ship cats giving omens of the weather, and some beliefs saying that cats could start storms using magic in their tails - so I am taking the wikipedia sources as fact until I can do further research, and as such Elizabeth is now magic and can control the weather a bit (although this can backfire when Elizabeth is grumpy and there's suddenly a storm all because Remy wasn't able to get her favourite toy or food at the port while posing as a navy officer).
The legend goes that the Gilded Poppy appears out of a fog that surrounds ships, sporting a Poppy pattern on it's sail. The pirates wear masks, so nobody really knows what they look like or how many members there are because one minute you're fighting someone and then they vanish into the fog and then there's someone else there (usually this is actually the same Poppy member messing with some crewmember to bolster the embellished legend that they have hundreds of members despite there actually being only a few - other times the crewmembers just can't see enough in the fog and are actually fighting their own crew without realising). Nobody dies during their raids, even if they sink the ship, but whatever the Poppy came for they will get, before vanishing back into the fog, and when the mist eventually recedes there's never any sign of another ship despite there being only open water for miles. Most of the stories talk of the Poppy attacking military boats, slave traders, rich merchants and the like, but there are a few, occasional stories of storms raging around civilian boats before a thick mist descends and the storm lessens as the civilian boat finds itself being escorted to shore. Sometimes, a person who was kidnapped to be a slave is found on the coast of their home country, and they tell stories of how somebody snuck aboard the boat during the night and stole the keys to everyone's chains and they were helped aboard a Poppy-sail boat under the shroud of a thick mist. A few of them insist that on the way home there were creatures that rose from the deep. One swears they saw a Kraken once, another says that one of the Poppy, muffled through their mask had tried to convince another to ride a Hippocampus with them. Another is adamant that they overheard the Captain of the ship, sounding very tired as he tried to convince someone that "no, we are not going through that route, that route has sirens and last time we saw sirens we all would have died because we all tried to jump overboard and it was only because Leon had blocked his ears trying to sleep through Jett's explosions and cannon tests that we lived."
!!!!!!! ADORE this. my brain went straight to lilo & stitch with the ‘elizabeth controls the weather, so we have to make sure she’s well fed’ part lmaoo, but yessssss!!!!!! elizabeth as a mysterious mythical creature that takes the form of a domestic cat, granting boons to those she favours, and decimating those she does not (hunting the ship vermin, just for fun). and this has just put another mental image in my head, of somebody reaching out to the poppy for help on a job, and their collective response is ‘well, we better ask our cat…’
of course, their raids are always as bloodless as possible, but that in and of itself sparks a kind of terror amongst their rivals and enemies. it’s almost as if there’s something supernatural about the crew themselves, the ship, perhaps. the poppy creeps up on you like a phantom, and by the time you’re in the shadow of her masts and sails, it’s far too late.
god, the ghost stories would run riot, though. rumours about the entire ship being cursed, run by vengeful spirits, or that there isn’t a crew at all. it’s just the ship - a sentient vessel, a sea monster that has learned to mimic humans until it’s upon them, and it’s great maw opens to swallow enemy ships whole.
mc, having grown up with all of these rumours, finding herself amongst the crew and, ‘………um. you’re just PEOPLE???’
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molloaf · 4 years
Teach Me to be Brave Ch. 5
Read on AO3
The day whizzed by Manon in a blur of assignments and overheard excited chatter about Paris’ new dynamic duo. She moved from class to class without a thought, but the narrative of the students around her remained the same buzz of excitement and wonder. Before she knew it, the final bell was ringing, and it was time for her to take her leave and head home.
Emotionally, Manon was exhausted. Her body, of course, was largely unaffected by her gymnastic endeavors the night prior as a result of the magic in the suit. She found, however, that keeping up appearances and watching her every word very carefully to avoid any and all suspicion from her classmates was more weight than she was used to carrying on a daily basis.
“What’s for dinner tonight, then, Manon?” Remy elbowed Manon in the ribs to pull her from the mental fog she appeared to be lost in. The spunky brunette jolted and shook out her jumbled thoughts before turning to her best friend who was watching her pack up her things with a quirked eyebrow.
“Tonight’s menu features a Taleggio, Ham, and Cornichon baked croissant with a summer berry tossed salad accompaniment,” Manon declared in a fake fancy accent, putting on airs about her culinary creation-to-be. A strange, high-pitched, muffled whining noise was suddenly heard from the back corner of the room, and Manon turned to see Chris gripping something in the pocket of his black hoodie with all his might before he loudly coughed.
“What are you looking at, Chamack?” he bit, though the tips of his ears were tinging red with clear embarrassment. Manon rolled her eyes and turned back to her conversation without acknowledging the obnoxious boy.
“Chris, would you mind hanging back after class for a minute?” M. Agreste called out to him.
“Again?” Chris groaned. Manon couldn’t help herself, and she twisted around to stick her tongue out at him, hopeful that maybe their teacher had caught wind of his actions that day.
“God, my stomach is yowling. That’s either going to be really gross, or it’ll star in my hungry daydreams for weeks to come…” Remy grabbed the attention of his experimental chef bff again as he rubbed his stomach performatively.
“Who says you get any?” Manon scoffed, acting offended. Elise laughed her bright, sunshiney laugh as she hung off her boyfriend beside Manon.
“Your mom is lucky that she gets to try it! It’s definitely gonna be better than those bacon onion tempura lollipop abominations you brought for lunch yesterday.”
“When she bit into it, it brought a tear to my eye,” observed Remy. He dramatically brushed a finger across his bottom eyelid as if he were crying right then.
“Sometimes they’re hits, sometimes they’re misses! You still gotta take the shot,” Manon winked. All laughed as they slid their respective backpacks onto their shoulders and made to leave the room.
“Have a good evening, M. Agreste!” Manon called as they exited. Their spirited homeroom teacher looked up from his computer to smile warmly and wave to the trio.
“Goodnight, guys! Good luck on problem #6,” M. Agreste flashed a devilish grin at them, and Remy groaned in response. “Ready, Chris?”
The bully nodded reluctantly and headed for the front of the room as the teacher stood to close the door. Manon was silently disappointed that she didn’t get to hear the beginning of her rival being chewed out by an authority figure. She decided to try to watch his behavior tomorrow to see if he’d really given it to him.
The group of friends chatted casually on the stroll towards home, as they did every day after school. They all lived within the same neighborhood, so they were able to walk together most of the way before diverting onto their respective streets. Manon expounded on her recent trip to the produce market across town in search of the perfect, crisp cornichons she needed for her sandwiches. Elise updated the gang on her latest modern dance routine that she was cooking up for competition, flip-flopping on which moves were too complex for her to pull off in a fast-paced sequence like that. Remy filled them in on how his twin pet frogs were currently in a fight, refusing to occupy the same half of their tank at the same time. Manon suggested couples counseling.
“They’re not a couple, they’re brothers!” Remy shouted, his voice reverberating off the tall buildings surrounding the group of friends.
“That doesn’t always stop a relationship in the animal kingdom….” observed Elise.
“You are not allowed near Erlân and Ramón ever again.”
“Aw, come on! They love me!”
“Nuh uh. You’re a bad influence with those utterly impure frog thoughts you just aired.”
Manon rolled her eyes at her lovestruck besties as they bickered good-naturedly beside her. She loved them so, but thinking of that fact reminded her that, since last night, she was keeping a very large secret from them. Guilt quickly soured her mood.
“H-have a good night, guys. I’ll let you know how the croissants turn out! Maybe there will be enough leftovers for me to bring them for lunch tomorrow.” Manon tried to keep her voice even and cheerful as she turned rapidly down her street, breaking off from the group to hide her conflicted face.
“Oh, uh, bye, Manon!” Elise called at her rapidly retreating pal with a confused wave. She shrugged to Remy, and they continued walking and discussing frog technicalities.
“Are you feeling okay, Manon?” Tikki poked her little bulbous head out of Manon’s backpack to speak into her charge’s ear. A look of concern was plastered on her adorable face.
“Huh?” Manon startled, almost forgetting she had Tikki in there. “Sorry, Tikki. I just don’t like lying to people. It makes me feel… dirty.” The girl frowned.
“I’m sorry to hear that you’re upset, Manon. It’s a tough job to be a superhero, and it’s a lot of responsibility to have foisted on you all in an instant. However, Ladybug chose you because she knew that you could overcome the obstacles and thrive.” The kwami patted Manon’s shoulder with her tiny paw.
“That’s right! Ladybug chose me.” Manon looked confused, struck by the thought. “How does she assume these things about me? Do I know Ladybug?”
Tikki shook her head dismissively, “I am not allowed to speak the name of my previous owners to those who don’t already know it. It’s a magical spell placed on the Miraculous to protect secret identities if a kwami is captured, so don’t even ask,” she chuckled. “And anyway, I think maybe you should just get inside and look in your physics book.”
“I promise I’ll get the homework done, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Manon replied, twisting her head to look at the little bug creature over her shoulder with a curious quirked brow. “Science is usually my worst subject, but M. Agreste is a good teacher.”
Tikki shrugged and nodded. As they came upon Manon’s building, the girl keyed her code into the pad next to the front door and took the elevator to her floor. Once inside her apartment, she flopped her bag down on the couch and set about getting her dinner ingredients out of the fridge.
Tikki watched her new Chosen as she worked, a look of determination and excitement on the teen’s face like a great artist struck with inspiration. Manon turned the TV on for background noise, pulled out a cutting board, and began slicing up deli meat, cheese, and tiny pickles while the oven preheated. The brunette danced gracefully about the kitchen, pulling armfuls of sauces and liquids from the refrigerator, several spice jars from a tall cabinet, bowls from the dishwasher. Tikki caught the sparkle in Manon’s eye as she made various concoctions from citrus juices, vinegars, creams, seasonings, and oils in little bowls.
Twenty minutes later, the sandwiches were in the oven, roasting the croissants to a golden brown while the cheese melted. Manon wiped sweat from her thick brows and took down her hair from the ponytail she had tied it back into, shaking it out to her shoulder blades with a sigh.
“Phew. I hope this one works!”
“You look so alive while cooking! Is this a hobby of yours?” Tikki questioned, hovering over to the tired girl.
“Yeah!” Manon perked up instantly at the mention of her special interest. “I’ve been cooking things by myself since I was little, because my mom was always gone at night working. Over the years, I think my tastes have strayed from the norm, though…” she trailed off with a light giggle, reminiscing about the strange dishes she had come up with just in the last month.
“I think you have great taste,” Tikki beamed, “and I can’t wait to try a tiny bite of that sandwich when it’s done.” The hungry kwami rubbed her hands together and licked her lips, looking at the oven.
Manon laughed and felt herself relax slightly. She had really come to love cooking. Someday, she thought maybe she could open a restaurant, or maybe a bistro, to showcase her unique recipes. That is, if enough people actually liked them. She made a mental note to pinch off a tidbit of her sandwich to slip to Tikki during dinner later without her mother noticing.
Right on cue, Manon heard her mother’s key unlock the apartment door as the oven timer was about to ring out. Quickly telling Tikki to hide, Manon slipped on an oven mitt and pulled the tray out of the hot oven just as Nadja entered.
“Hey, Mom!” greeted Manon.
“Hi, Sweetie. How was school?” The pixie-haired talk show host replied to her daughter.
“Ah, nothing to write home about.” Manon shrugged, deciding not to vent about Chris and his goons today. She wanted to keep her spirits up to enjoy dinner.
“No new drama with that boy today?” Nadja asked anyway, like she had read Manon’s mind and decided to pry.
“Ahhh,” chuckled the girl, “He gave some trouble to Odette, the girl who got akumatized last night? She’s in my class.” With her face turned away from her mother, Manon frowned briefly as she glossed over the detail that she had been targeted by them as well, and may have even made herself an enemy of the group with just a few sentences.
“That’s a shame. I hope she didn’t let him get in her head. He seems too stupid for her to trouble herself with.” Nadja shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. She had heard plenty of earfuls about Chris Lahiffe and his jerky jock pals over the years, ramping up now that he and her daughter were in high school. Nadja had even had some talks with various teachers and Principal Mendeliev regarding the rambunctious behavior, but the problems always returned in time.
“Exactly, Mama. Plus, M. Agreste held him after school when we were leaving. Here’s hoping he got expelled!” Manon’s optimism was a bit misplaced in vengeance, but Nadja decided to let the girl have her fantasy. “And he seemed kinda jealous when he heard me talking about these sandwiches,” Manon grinned with pride as she plated the croissants and poured homemade dressing on the salad she had crafted. Nadja lit up, hunger in her eyes.
“You’re too good to me, Manon.”
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The croissants were a success in Manon’s book. She may sometimes find out that not every idea was as delicious in execution as it sounded in her head, but lately she had been right more often than wrong. Even Tikki agreed, having eagerly gobbled up the bite Manon offered to her when Nadja’s back was turned during dinner.
After the dishes were cleared, Manon packed the remaining few croissants into a container and slid it into her lunch bag for the next day. It was time to start her homework, she realized with a groan. The teen slung her backpack over her shoulder and marched into her bedroom to begin.
Flicking on the light, Manon was greeted with the comfy, familiar sight of her room. Three of the walls were an ashen grey color, accented by the fourth wall which was almost neon teal. Leaning against the accent wall was her dresser, tall and white with several keepsakes and curios on top such as Ladybug merchandise and little Japanese keychains made to look like miniature foods. A bookshelf stood proudly next to her queen-size bed, full of fiction novels about girls who go on adventures and participation trophies from various sports Manon had played as a child, but never exactly excelled at.
Her desk was triangular in shape, placed in the corner with a large, plush rolling chair at it. The great window beside it gave her a view of the streets below and the buildings surrounding, as the apartment was on the 7th floor. Manon placed herself elegantly in the chair as she tossed her bookbag onto the ground beside her before slumping and groaning at the idea of homework once more. She flicked on her lamp, which was clipped to the bookshelf between the desk and her bed in order to provide light to both.
As Manon flipped open the heavy textbook to read her first homework question, a yellow piece of paper stuck to the page caught her eye. Lifting it to catch the light, Manon read the mysterious note curiously. It seemed to be an address, though Manon didn’t recognize it, and a time, 8 p.m. Her heart leapt into her throat when she saw the initials in the bottom right corner:
Her eyes snapped to the clock on her bookshelf instantly. 7:36, it read. Manon’s golden eyes blew wide as she glanced rapidly between the note and the clock, urging her brain to form thoughts. Once she managed to push through her shock, she flipped open her personal laptop on the desk and speedily hopped on a navigation website. The walk time to the address was almost half an hour.
Manon stood before she even finished thinking, twisting her long hair into a braid lightning fast, two strands of cowlicked hair hanging loosely over her forehead as they always did when her hair was pulled back. The frantic girl grabbed her backpack and tore through the apartment to the front door.
“Are you going out, Manon?” Nadja turned around from where she sat on the couch to look at her fleeing daughter.
“Oh! Mom! Ah, yeah! Remy is having…” her mind blanked briefly, “relationship issues? With his frogs! Not Elise. We’re gonna help him! But I gotta go right now so bye!” Manon blew a kiss to her confused mother as she tugged on a light jacket to face the brisk evening ahead, and then she was gone.
Tikki floated along behind Manon down the hallway of the large building as the girl decided the stairs would be faster than the elevator. The kwami looked sheepish.
“Oh, right. I did tell you to check your physics book, didn’t I? Sorry, I got a little distracted by the food.”
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Intertwined - [Chapter One]
Kanene’s note:
What? I didn’t finished the fanfic Cats, Coffee, an Old Apartament and... Oh, yeah, the Apocalypse?
Well... It wouldn’t be a shame if I just...
Ya know...
Write another Long Fanfic for this AU?
Hahaha. What a crazy idea.
... Unless...
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That is a fanfic directly connected with this chapter and therefore this AU, which will be called Until The End (maybe provisonally, I’m horrible with names xD).
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* Warning for Anxiety Attacks and Implied Past Abuse!
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* I didn’t proof read it yet, so I am sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Hug a Patton today. ^w^)/
* Remy is pretty sleep here, so this chapter can be a little crazy.
* Eu vou postar em português, é serio! Sdfgyhujikjuhykjh! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Stay calm, take a time to yourself, remember to eat today, hug a hoodie (and a Patton! :D), drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Chapter 01 - Am I the only one sleeping here?!
Patton woke up with an unbearable boisterous cacophony of something shattering in the middle of the night. The loud noise cut immediately all his barriers fogged by his sleep, getting into his dreams and without a second of hesitation brutally tearing him from the said. He literally woke up jumping from the comfort of his bed, wobbly legs trying to support him, heart in tachycardia and all the memories he would rather wish they were completely erased from his mind emerging again to the surface. Part of his blanket still covering him and quickly his fingers tightly squeezed it, his knuckles lightly painting themselves in pale due the strength applied in such act. His throat slightly relaxing as he recognized the fabric and softness, which surrounded him, completely different from the cold, metallic bars, were those memories were created. His eyes finally stopped running around in a desperate search for danger to focus in the fabric, the bed and, finally, the room where he was.
 His room.
 His bed. 
 He was good. He was back to his own room.
 A panicked thought took over his brain, as remembering the sound that pulled him from his sleep. 
 “They found me.”
Before he even noticed it his legs dazed and transported him to inside his closet, allowing the comforting and real touch of his clothes to embrace him as he moved and sat in the further, darkest corner of the place, the fabrics covering him up without suffocating and being the only tactile solace he had, the only thing he owned that pulled and locked his mind in the reality when the seas of faces and words passed as thunder and lighting before his pupils: The smiles which one day brought a warm feeling in his chest but now only delivered fervent tears in the corner of his eyes. Tears. Tears and shivers frosty, uncomfortable, and bad memories running, spilling, unrolling towards him and his eyes even if these were closed with all his might.
 Fast, too fast. Everything was too much fast.
 “You can be in our group. Together we are stronger.”
 Gasping breathing, fast. Too much. Fast. If it was so fast, why do he still feeling like he needed more air?
 “Sure! You will be a great importance!”
 Strange, quick heartbeats. Even quicker. That was dangerous. Too much dangerous. It felt like it would break everything around him, it seemed like it would cut his chest.
 “What did you saw?? You KNEW it was forbidden to get out of your room after this hour!!”
 “It’s alright, Pat. It’s just me, remember?”
 Speedy memories. Incomplete flashes. Voices, sounds, cold, betrayed, warm, no, fast. Spinning spinning spinning and weighting and absorbing and spinning and-
 And he opened his eyes. He saw just clothes. Nothing more. No one, anymore. Just him and his clothes.  
 “I told you that you would be essential, didn’t I? So why are you look at me like that? You wanted to help us, didn’t you?”
 “He is better quiet, anyway. Take him.”
 Patton focused in concentrate in his senses, the breathing still fragile as he shrinks further, hugging his legs and dancing his gaze through the vestments that surrounded him. He was fine. He managed to escape. Everything was fine. His tremble fingers squeezed the sleeve of a warm and soft sky-blue hoodie, holding tightly while his other hand rested on his chest, towards his beating heart. He was alive. He was here, alive.
 “T-t-this…” His tune was a weak whisper, as if he shared a secret, however this didn’t mattered. What mattered was that his voice was real. Sounded real. This hoodie was real, was good. Not one of them spun or weighted. It was good. “I-it was a birthd-day from my aunt. I-it was... a small pa-party in my… my yard. Sunny.”  He tried to remember the great feeling of the rays of Sun in his skin, pushing the other memories. “S-she knew m-my favorite co-color and-” His breathing mismatched one more time, stealing all his air and words. His grip tightened more, the man remembering to take deep sips of oxygen. Even if wobbly, it didn’t mattered. It has to be big, continuous sips. “S-she gave it to-to me. S-s-she taught me… se-sewing. I made a… a little heart. Towards my, my chest. Rainbow. A colored heart l-like a rain...bow…”
 He adjusted his sitting position just the enough amount to his arms, now tired since the adrenaline from the scare started to get out from his system and buzzing of his ears faded little by little, the memories just being a background sound. He yanked the hoodie from the hanger, reminding himself to keep his deep breaths, to wear it. The lavender aroma surrounded him completely, the comfy warm being very welcome as the one wearing glasses hugged himself again, his muscles relaxing at the same time when his index finger followed the perimeter from the small colored heart - a heart colored as a rainbow, his mind recalled, redirecting his focus. - resting on his chest, counting while outlined it again and again and again and a little more, until he felt his heartbeats stilled.
 Patton wiped some tears on his cheeks. It wasn’t the discreet vestment he owned, albeit it was soft and too much good to make him even consider in change it. He opened his closet’s door, immediately going to the wardrobe nearly and taking some supplies from the said, putting in his bag, which lazly laid next to his bed. 
 He would need to get out before That Thing arrived.
 He got some medicine, food and some things to pastime, since he would only be able to come back to his apartment after at least four days. Probably Them would disappear after They got tired and realized that there weren’t any human in the building.
 Patton recalled the sound and a shiver spread across his body, making him stop in the middle of his action. 
 Was there really no one else in the building?
 He bit his lower lip while crouched, going to the window’s apron and looking the most cautiously as possible from the same. There was something on the ground in midst of the street, a kind of misshapen object (or a group of it??) that was even more difficult to distinguish with the night darkness.
 It was, was… a wood pile? And right next to it...
 “NEIGHBOR??!” Patton almost shouted, quickly clapping his mouth with both hands, as if the resident who always walked in the hallways wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket and exhaled an aroma of coffee could hear him from the fifth floor. Patton never really talked to the man, but he always seemed someone strong and who definitely wouldn’t let himself be shaken by life. His smile was beautiful. Probably he was a good person. One day the cat lover saw him- Wait a hot minute, he was throwing flowers on the pile?
 The one wearing hoodie shook his head. He couldn’t lose himself in his thoughts right now. The sudden sound likelihood would attract The Things, therefore he would need to get out the quickest his legs and bouncing (He really wasn’t the last human in the city!) heart allowed him. Roger (That was his name, right?) was already aware of this and was in his way out and Patton didn’t wanted to get too much behind.
 Not that he would show himself to the other adult or something like that! A taste strangely bitter hit his tongue. Something in life shows you that, sometimes, is better for you to move forward, alone.
 He closed his eyes for some heartbeats, letting the new information weight in his brain.
 He carried his bag and locked his and the building's door, in case any other survivor looking for supplies or a place for night tried to get in without knowing it was a risk area. Just for further precaution Patton decided to write the day, month and current time right at the case, just to make sure that, when he came back, he (or anyone else. Maybe Roguer?) would be able to remember if enough time had passed for Them to disappear or not.
 He yawed, feeling a bit tired as his arms embraced himself in a hug to enjoy the maximum of his hoodie’s softness, his gaze wandering at the sky, from which began to emerge the first rays of sunshine. Something in his spirit warmed for knowing he wasn’t alone anymore, even if they don’t talk, that was a good sign, right?
 Yes… A ray of hope filled his heart and for a moment all the tiredness for his sudden wake up call was forgotten. A humming flied from his lips in back flips as he followed up the street. Maybe he could use the opportunity to refuel his supplies! Who know, perhaps he would even be able to find some seeds and fertilizer in his way?
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diamondbats-blog · 8 years
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Barret’s Notebook - Session 03 - 3/15/17
Last night’s conflict in the woods had me feeling better about myself - like maybe I really am cut out for this adventuring life. Well, better about myself until this morning when I opened this book. As I turned its pages, the writing swam together and I felt a pounding in my head. The further I went in the book, the worse the feeling got. I turned back and discovered this grotesque message that I swear wasn’t there before: “I HUNGER FOR WEAKNESS I THIRST FOR FLAW ONE OF YOUR PARTY - FIND THEIR RUIN AND CONFESS IT TO ME.”
We left town this morning and all I could think about was probing my companions’ minds for their secrets. I tried with Tuf’nel but he remained aloof and unwilling to talk about his life outside of the Ringlands. Shashae was a little more forthcoming, perhaps because she is a fan. She told me of her first performance: an embarrassing affair that caused the audience to boo her. She fled the stage angry and upset and vowed to become somebody new. What was young Shashae like before that, I wonder? Before the reality of the world crushed her spirit? What were any of us like? Closest to the state of innocence is Tori, the young boy who dreamed of me. He is just barely reaching maturity, but he still seems unwise to the ways of the world. Maybe it is for that reason that I did what I did.
Tobo was packing provisions for us when the guardian on watch rang the alarm bell. We hurried to the front gate to find Kanzu, a well liked guardian, returning with three others. The guardians following Kanzu were carrying a young man between them whose body had been wrapped in bandages in various places. Even from a distance we could see fog wisping out from underneath the bandages. Having seen what becomes of those consumed by fog, Tori instructed them to halt. Who knows what could become of the shrine should he be allowed in? One could lead to many, and before long the whole shrine could be consumed by fog.
Tori flinched in recognition as they approached. The wounded boy was Remi, Tori’s childhood friend. And suddenly I was taken; I was overcome by the desire to smash that innocence and create one of the deep seated secrets my book so desired.
I am not sure how, as whatever powers I’m gaining in the Ringlands are still largely unknown to me, but I cast a spell at Remi. Columns of fog poured out of him at an even greater pace. To all those in attendance, it seemed like the boy was turning faster than expected. It seemed his death was all but assured. Believing in the danger, Tori notched an arrow and fired it into Remi’s leg. His scream was like a song drifting into my ears. I saw the pain on Tori’s face and joy flashed through me.
The Matron came hurriedly through the gate and attended to Remi. I was disappointed to watch her dispel my magic with some of her own. No, “disappointed” doesn’t accurately describe it. I felt like something was stolen from me. A clever plan fouled up by the ones that have no place in doing so. For years I wrote high art - novels that tugged at the heartstrings and spoke to the depths of our soul. And what happened? Young upstarts came in with their new movement of garbage and the emotionally bereft public lapped it up.
I thought I was past these feelings. I’d hoped I’d left them behind when I crossed through the Misty Gates. Just breathe, Barret. You can come back from this, you can rebuild your name. Your writing is powerful and soon your adventures will be talked about the world over.
[NOTE TO SELF: tear out and burn these pages before returning home]
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onthegoinmco · 5 years
The theme parks of Central Florida are always buzzing with excitement and events, and here is everything you can experience this weekend in the parks!
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Florida
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando returns to Universal Studios Florida to take fear to the max on select nights through November 2, 2019. 
During this year’s all-new Halloween Horror Nights, the 80’s return with a vengeance bringing with them some of the biggest frights of the era with 10 totally terrifying haunted houses, five pulse-pounding scare zones, and outrageous live entertainment. 
Don’t forget that you can save up to $52 on your HHN when you purchase it in advance online!
Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle debuts at Universal Orlando Resort this September
Universal Orlando Resort
*** Shows this weekend begin at 7:30pm with show runnings lasting approximately 20 minutes ***
All-New Experiences at Universal Orlando Resort will Bring the Darker Side of the Wizarding World– including Death Eaters – to Life in Hogsmeade on Select Nights Through November 15
As darkness falls on select nights the all-consuming Dark Arts will be unleashed in Hogsmeade when the all-new light projection experience, Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle, will make its highly-anticipated debut at Universal’s Islands of Adventure at the Universal Orlando Resort.
The nighttime show utilizing state-of-the-art projection mapping, special effects and lighting to bring a new dimension of magic to life on the majestic Hogwarts castle. 
But before the experience, an ominous green light and fog will permeate the village, signaling the arrival of the Death Eaters. They’ll eerily roam throughout Hogsmeade, lurking amongst guests – practicing the Dark Arts with complete disregard of wizarding laws.
The highly anticipated Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle will run select nights through November 15 in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade at Universal’s Islands of Adventure. 
Halloween Spooktacular at SeaWorld Orlando
Guests of all ages can join their favorite furry friends from Sesame Street as Count von Count, Elmo, Big Bird, and all the gang celebrate the season in our All-New Sesame Street Halloween Parade.  
Families will also enjoy a Halloween Dance Party and meet spooky characters along our new trick-or-treat trail. For this special event, children are welcome to dress in their 
Halloween costumes and take part in this frightfully fun Halloween experience.
The Halloween fun takes place every weekend through October 27 and is included with park admission.
PLEASE NOTE – This year SeaWorld Orlando won’t be giving out Trick-or-Treat bags, so you can bring your own or purchase one at the park starting at less than $1.
Craft Beer Festival at SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld is serving up an incredible party for craft beer lovers. SeaWorld’s Craft Beer Festival features more than 100 crafts brews and specialty menus weekends October 27. 
Sample an unbeatable mix of domestic, international and local Florida favorites. Plus savor more than 20 food items expertly paired to match your preferred brew. 
To get the most brews for your bucks, make sure to purchase a 12 ($54 plus tax) or 8 ($40 plus tax) Lanyard!
This is the one craft beer celebration you won’t want to miss!
WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs
Disney Springs is once again celebrating the return of Autumn with the WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs limited-time celebration returning September 20 through November 4, 2019. 
The WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs takes foodies on a journey around the shopping, dining, and experience destination with stops at over 30 participating locations.
From specialty cocktails and ciders to desserts and dishes featuring the popular flavors of the season like pumpkin, squash, apple, cinnamon, and more you are sure to find your favorite (or even new favorite) seasonally-inspired dish. 
You can also pick up a WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs event guide at various locations to help plan your visit. 
In addition to all of these yummy items, you can also enjoy a variety of fall-inspired hard ciders at Dockside Margaritas and outdoor vending carts. And don’t forget to stop by Candy Cauldron and Goofy’s Candy Co. to snack on some fall-inspired treats like candy apples, cookies, cake pops, crispy treats, and more!
For more information on WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs, restaurant info, full menus, and to make reservations, visit DisneySprings.com or call 407 WDW-DINE (407 939-3463). 
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Get your favorite costume ready and make your plans to live it up—collecting candies, sweets and delightful treats—all while Magic Kingdom park thrills and chills you with special fireworks, eerie entertainment and Disney Characters that go bump in the night as Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party kicks off tonight at the Magic Kingdom!
Best of all: since this event is “not-so-scary,” children of every age can enjoy the fun! 
The party starts at 7pm, but you can get in with MNSSHP ticket as early as 4pm, to enjoy the exclusive entertainment, merchandise, special treats, ride overlays, trick-or-treating, parade, and all-new nighttime spectacular hosted by Jack Skellington. 
Disney’s Not-So-Spooky Spectacular (Fireworks Extravaganza)
Gather ‘round as your host—Jack Skellington—delights with this not so scary-tale that proves anything can happen at Halloween!
During a frightfully fun fireworks display, Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy are spirited away to a mysterious haunted house where they encounter dancing skeletons, waltzing ghosts and a sinister gathering of Disney villains!
Don’t miss this dazzling spectacular featuring state-of-the-art projection effects, lasers, light and fireworks during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party
Descendance Party
Join your favorite Villain Kids for some wickedly good beats and fun photo ops at Cosmic Rays beginning on the August 16th party.
Ride Overlays
Mad Tea Party – special lighting and music takes this wild attraction up an even madder notch
Pirates of the Caribbean – take care as live pirates join in on your adventure in search of treasure
Space Mountain – hurtle through total darkness to the “riffs and chords of a new hard-rockin’ soundtrack”. 
Monster’s Inc. (NEW for 2019) – join your favorite comic cast of monsters as they learn all about Halloween in the human world
Returning favorites include:
“Mickey’s Boo-to-You Halloween Parade,” which happens twice nightly and features favorite Disney characters dressed in their Halloween best, along with the Disney villains and a cavalcade of fiendishly fun floats. But the coolest part is that the Headless Horseman rides the route (weather permitting) before the parade.
new this year are floats and updates to the parade. Joining the Haunted Mansion waltzing spirits will be the spectral bride from the attraction. There will also be two new Tomorrowland inspired floats: one featuring Buzz Lightyear and alien explorers and the other with the Incredibles and Edna Mode. 
The popular live show “Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular,” featuring the Sanderson Sisters and Disney villains the likes of Oogie Boogie, Dr. Facilier and Maleficent.
Storybook Circus Disney Junior Jam in Fantasyland is the spot for all of the young partygoers to get their groove on with favorite Disney Junior characters like Doc McStuffins and Vampirina.
In Frontierland, prospector Cactus-Flower Cate rounds up youngsters for the “Frontierland Costume Promenade,” encouraging them to show off their costumes in a quest for the greatest treasure in the land – candy! The “Frontierland Costume Promenade” takes place just prior to each run of Mickey’s “Boo-to-You” Halloween Parade.
Trick-or-treating throughout the park!
If you have dietary concerns, Disney has you covered!!! There is a special way that you can trick-or-treat. You will go to the Trick-or-Treat locations throughout the park to collect tokens that can be redeemed for treats you can enjoy!
Epcot International Food & Wine Festival 
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is celebrating its 24th year with even more global marketplaces, entertainment, special events, and fun as the festival happens daily through November 19, 2019!
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is:
A culinary mashup of global cultures and gourmet innovations with 30 festive global food and wine marketplaces extending from Future World to encircle the World Showcase promenade
Fun for the entire family including the Disney du Jour Dance Party in Future World & Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak scavenger hunt
The popular Eat to the Beat Concert Series
Baha Men October 18 through 20 
And special add-on seminars, demonstrations, and parties throughout the festival!
During the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival Eat to the Beat concerts through November 19 the Disney du Jour Dance Party, Festival Passport, all attractions, and park entertainment are included with regular Epcot admission.
Don’t forget to catch the new Epcot Forever Fireworks while you are in the park!!!
Walt Disney Imagineering Presents: The Epcot Experience
Right now Epcot, at the Walt Disney World Resort, is buzzing with activity as it undergoing the biggest transformation ever in Disney Theme Park history as the park prepares to add several new attractions, pavilions, experiences, and entertainment.
To help guests have a better visualization of the upcoming changes, a new experience showcasing the changes has opened in Future World’s Odyssey Pavilion – between Test Track and the Mexico pavilion – called Walt Disney Imagineering Presents: The Epcot Experience.
LEGOLAND Florida Brick or Treat
Photo: LEGOLAND Florida
Brick or Treat happens weekends in October at the LEGOLAND Florida Resort with a spirited lineup of LEGO festivities including trick or treating along a LEGO trail, exclusive Halloween character experiences and a nightly firework show that make it appear as if thousands of LEGO bricks are exploding in the sky.
You can find more information about the theme parks and more by subscribing to our YouTube Channel and following @onthegoinmco on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
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The post This Weekend in the Theme Parks October 18-20 appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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vvakarians · 6 years
Sorry it’s not under a cut I’m on mobile and I’m tired. But have more shit from the last session I did in D&D. Had to let my players know what the gods saw 🙃.
Within the fog was a nightmare come to life, a ghost come to haunt Aegis from his worst memories. Relias stood before him, dripping with the Rot, teeth bared in a horrifying grin. Never had he thought this would come back, he had willed it away so many nights before. Even if Aegis knew this wasn’t real it still sat in his gut wrong. The man should be dead and yet here he was.
“What? Too scared to come and hit me?”
There it was, the tell tale rasp of vocal chords fried by corruption. A smirk settled on thin, pale lips and Aegis watched as Relias took a single step forward, taunting him. He would not let the anger overtake him, not now. Much less the horror.
“I know you’re not real”
“Am I? Remember the last time you said that? I’m pretty fucking sure your boyfriend got impaled”
It didn’t matter if that was Shar or not, the rage boiled deep within Aegis at the words. Pain scratched at the surface but had not yet broken through.
“I seem to remember that you also died the last time I said that. The party turned you into ash and Ielia is currently torturing your soul for all of eternity”, Aegis spat out, poison dripping from his words.
If only Relias wasn’t immune to insults and mockery. His smirk simply widened and he took another step forward, casually gesturing towards where Thrash stood. At the same time it flashed the remnants of his old armor, Aegis’ brand burned deep into it. One more pain to add on top of the list. A deep, heart wrenching guilt that one.
“Too bad he didn’t succumb. I did so want to be on your mind a little more. Instead it’s filled with...that horrible gushy shit. You could do so much better”
“You once wanted to be part of that gushy shit, you know”
It wouldn’t do any good to yell back at the vision but at the very least it helped calm Aegis’ blinding rage. Rage was always better than fear, than the panic that bubbled beneath his skin. He was very aware of the cold and calculating eyes upon him. Relias’ presence was all too familiar still, and he needed to rectify that. There was a year in between him and that cold day in the Necropolis; a year in between him and the asylum. He could do better than this. Already the vision was quiet, watching his every move but it would give him time to strike.
Relias was a ghost and that’s how he would stay.
Remis thought he had forgotten the sound of her voice, the perfume she would wear after her baths; he had thought he’d forgotten her. And yet here she was, arms outstretched and smiling.
Panic closed off his lungs, digging it’s claws in deep and would not let go. Remis was frozen in place with nowhere else to go but forward; where were the others? Divines above it was getting too hard to breathe. All he could do was stare while Nephrit offered herself to him with that same smile, gentle and soft, but he knew better. Beneath her innocent gaze was a predatory spirit who wanted to consume everything in her path.
“Why won’t you come towards me, Remis?”
Another jolt of panic alighted down the gods spine and he jumped back a few inches. In his hands his handaxes clattered together while he trembled, and he did his best to gather his words. Her eyes eerily focused in on his movements, a way to tell this wasn’t real and yet…
“You’re dangerous”
Shock and hurt crossed Nephrit’s face, a visible pout that both angered and saddened Remis. Gods, why had he ever thought she’d been good enough for him?
“I am not! Why do you think such things? All I’ve ever done is wanted to love you”
Before he even knew what was coming out of his mouth, Remis choked out, “I asked you, pleaded with you to not pursue godhood. And look at what it did to you. Do you not remember Phyra and Klaus? They died because they weren’t worthy, Nephrit”
Again, there was a pout and she settled her hands against her hips, “But how do you know I’m not worthy?”
Panic surged through Remis, his heart hammering so hard against his ribs he believed it would escape him. Why did this have to happen here? Why? He had to pull through it but everything in his body wanted to fall apart at the seams. Instead, Remis took in a deep breath and squared his shoulders. Sure, he wanted to run screaming from the room and curl into a ball to sob, but there were things they needed to do. People they needed to save. Anxiety could wait.
“Why do I have to justify myself to a phantom? You’re dead, what does it matter?”
No sooner had the words left his mouth than Nephrits body had shifted. Teeth bared in a terrible grimace she reached out for him again, only red blooming in the place of a request for an embrace. Despite the crack of his heart as Remis threw the axe in response, he knew this was for the best. She wasn’t real.
She was never worth the time he gave her.
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disneygeekcom · 6 years
Succumb to the Spooky Fun at Shanghai Disney Resort this Halloween
Wicked villains, nighttime cavalcades, festive parties, exclusive merchandise, trick-or-treating and more await guests this Halloween season
Shanghai, October 8, 2018 – This fall, spooky fun and entertainment can be found all over Shanghai Disney Resort as the Halloween season returns in full force. From October 1 through November 4, guests can find mysterious events, special parties, Halloween-themed treats, decorations, and more, with many not-so-scary surprises designed to help guests experience the magic of the season across the entire resort. Offering an escape from the ordinary and a taste of authentic Halloween fun, Shanghai Disney Resort offers a perfect place to spend time with families and friends this autumn.
Villains, ghost pirates and spooky surprises – a perfect potion for a spectacular celebration The resort welcomes guests this Halloween season with a bewitching array of decorations, including Disney character Jack-O-Lanterns, colorful buntings and banners, and more, delivering mysterious and delightful Disney Halloween surprises around every corner.
As dusk falls, guests can experience Mickey’s Halloween Treat Cavalcade and watch as Mickey and Minnie, dressed up in their Halloween costumes, make their way across Shanghai Disneyland, followed by a gang of villainous Disney characters, including Dr. Facilier [from Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog”], Maleficent [from Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty”], Hades [from Disney’s “Hercules”] and this year’s newcomer, the Queen of Hearts [from Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland”]. Duffy and his friends have also joined the nighttime cavalcade in their Halloween costumes for a fun and festive close to the nighttime action.
When sauntering around Shipwreck Shore in Treasure Cove, guests will be enveloped in spooky fog and encounter more ghost pirates than ever before. At the Pepsi E-Stage in Tomorrowland, guests can also enjoy a brand-new show – the “This Is Halloween!” Dance Party. The new interactive dance party features a DJ, music, and special appearances from Jack Skellington and Sally – the pumpkin king of Halloween Town and the humanoid ragdoll from “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” – who play interactive games with guests.
Get dressed up for this Halloween season Halloween is a delightful holiday that gives people of all ages a great excuse to play dress up. This year, guests are encouraged to wear their favorite Halloween costume during their visits to the park to win a free Halloween sticker. What’s more, an area near Sweethearts Confectionery on Mickey Avenue will also serve as a face-painting hub where guests can pay to receive special Halloween-themed face paints. To unlock the magic of a Disney Halloween and add an element of mystery, a full range of Halloween-themed dress up items are also available at Avenue M Arcade to help guests of all ages get immersed in the wicked atmosphere.
Guests can also enjoy trick-or-treat fun with Mickey Mouse and his pals as they dress up in their favorite Halloween costumes and take photos with guests along Mickey Avenue. Children under 16 are also welcome to join in on the trick-or-treat fun at the resort hotels from October 29 to November 2, and throughout Disneytown at the World of Disney Store, Mickey’s Playground, the Walt Disney Grand Theatre and other select locations.
Festive-themed menus deliver a spooky taste of Halloween Throughout the season, Shanghai Disney Resort will offer an extensive menu reflecting a rich diversity of authentic and savory seasonal dishes and refreshments, including Halloween Mickey blueberry muffins, Halloween Duffy pumpkin cupcakes in Remy’s Patisserie and premium glittering StellaLou Halloween glowing sips in quick service restaurants and kiosks. The Royal Banquet Hall is also serving up impressive fall flavors, such as Halloween crab cakes with mango salsa, and beef cheek rendang in mini pumpkins, bringing a touch of tasty magic to the spooky season. Adorable popcorn buckets featuring the lovable StellaLou will also prove to be a popular photo-worthy item throughout the resort this fall.
Last year’s popular black bun burger has made a comeback at the Stargazer Grill this fall, featuring an updated recipe designed to satisfy guests’ hunger. Also back by popular demand is our Halloween cotton candy, a perfect grab-n-go treat for every sweet tooth. Starting from October 13, guests can even enjoy a Halloween-themed buffet with family and friends at Lumiére’s Kitchen where they’ll be immersed in an enchanting Halloween dining environment.
Stylish products help guests enjoy the spirit of Halloween Guests of all ages can enjoy a wide range of Halloween-themed merchandise offerings – from pumpkins to spooky bats, spider webs and other classic Halloween decorations. This Halloween season, plush toys, mugs and pins featuring Jack and Sally also have made their debut in the park alongside a popular Halloween Mickey and Minnie collection that features a stylish Minnie Mouse in a witch’s hat embellished with an orange bow and purple ribbons. Guests can also discover this year’s all-new Halloween Duffy and Friends collection, featuring StellaLou Halloween headbands, Duffy and Friends plush and key chains, and limited-edition pins developed exclusively for Shanghai Disney Resort.
  A wicked celebration that whirls its way into Disneytown and the resort hotels This year, Disney’s Halloween magic has made its way through the park to Disneytown and the two resort hotels – Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel. Every weekend from October 1 through November 4, as well as on October 30 and 31, guests can join a series of wicked weekend dance parties with surprise appearances from Mickey and Minnie. Surrounding the parties will be delightful Halloween DIY workshops and tasty treats, as well as a whole host of fun Halloween surprise around every corner.
From October 1, every weekend brunch at Lumiére’s Kitchen, and dinner in Sunnyside Café, will give children dining with their families the opportunity to dress like junior chefs and make Halloween-themed cupcakes guided by hotel chefs as part of a unique and immersive Halloween experience.
This autumn, guests of all ages are welcome to enjoy the spooky fun of Halloween at Shanghai Disney Resort.
Details on the #ShanghaiDisneyResort #Halloween Season Festivities, Food & Merchandise which runs from now through Nov 4 (#ShanghaiDisneyland Release & Images) Succumb to the Spooky Fun at Shanghai Disney Resort this Halloween Wicked villains, nighttime cavalcades, festive parties, exclusive merchandise, trick-or-treating and more await guests this Halloween season…
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onthegoinmco · 5 years
The theme parks of Central Florida are always buzzing with excitement and events, and here is everything you can experience this weekend in the parks!
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Florida
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando returns to Universal Studios Florida to take fear to the max on select nights through November 2, 2019. 
During this year’s all-new Halloween Horror Nights, the 80’s return with a vengeance bringing with them some of the biggest frights of the era with 10 totally terrifying haunted houses, five pulse-pounding scare zones, and outrageous live entertainment. 
Don’t forget that you can save up to $52 on your HHN when you purchase it in advance online!
Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle debuts at Universal Orlando Resort this September
Universal Orlando Resort
*** Shows this weekend begin at 7:30pm with show runnings lasting approximately 20 minutes ***
All-New Experiences at Universal Orlando Resort will Bring the Darker Side of the Wizarding World– including Death Eaters – to Life in Hogsmeade on Select Nights Through November 15
As darkness falls on select nights the all-consuming Dark Arts will be unleashed in Hogsmeade when the all-new light projection experience, Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle, will make its highly-anticipated debut at Universal’s Islands of Adventure at the Universal Orlando Resort.
The nighttime show utilizing state-of-the-art projection mapping, special effects and lighting to bring a new dimension of magic to life on the majestic Hogwarts castle. 
But before the experience, an ominous green light and fog will permeate the village, signaling the arrival of the Death Eaters. They’ll eerily roam throughout Hogsmeade, lurking amongst guests – practicing the Dark Arts with complete disregard of wizarding laws.
The highly anticipated Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle will run select nights through November 15 in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade at Universal’s Islands of Adventure. 
Halloween Spooktacular at SeaWorld Orlando
Guests of all ages can join their favorite furry friends from Sesame Street as Count von Count, Elmo, Big Bird, and all the gang celebrate the season in our All-New Sesame Street Halloween Parade.  
Families will also enjoy a Halloween Dance Party and meet spooky characters along our new trick-or-treat trail. For this special event, children are welcome to dress in their 
Halloween costumes and take part in this frightfully fun Halloween experience.
The Halloween fun takes place every weekend through October 27 and is included with park admission.
PLEASE NOTE – This year SeaWorld Orlando won’t be giving out Trick-or-Treat bags, so you can bring your own or purchase one at the park starting at less than $1.
Craft Beer Festival at SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld is serving up an incredible party for craft beer lovers. SeaWorld’s Craft Beer Festival features more than 100 crafts brews and specialty menus weekends October 27. 
Sample an unbeatable mix of domestic, international and local Florida favorites. Plus savor more than 20 food items expertly paired to match your preferred brew. 
To get the most brews for your bucks, make sure to purchase a 12 ($54 plus tax) or 8 ($40 plus tax) Lanyard!
This is the one craft beer celebration you won’t want to miss!
WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs
Disney Springs is once again celebrating the return of Autumn with the WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs limited-time celebration returning September 20 through November 4, 2019. 
The WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs takes foodies on a journey around the shopping, dining, and experience destination with stops at over 30 participating locations.
From specialty cocktails and ciders to desserts and dishes featuring the popular flavors of the season like pumpkin, squash, apple, cinnamon, and more you are sure to find your favorite (or even new favorite) seasonally-inspired dish. 
You can also pick up a WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs event guide at various locations to help plan your visit. 
In addition to all of these yummy items, you can also enjoy a variety of fall-inspired hard ciders at Dockside Margaritas and outdoor vending carts. And don’t forget to stop by Candy Cauldron and Goofy’s Candy Co. to snack on some fall-inspired treats like candy apples, cookies, cake pops, crispy treats, and more!
For more information on WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs, restaurant info, full menus, and to make reservations, visit DisneySprings.com or call 407 WDW-DINE (407 939-3463). 
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Get your favorite costume ready and make your plans to live it up—collecting candies, sweets and delightful treats—all while Magic Kingdom park thrills and chills you with special fireworks, eerie entertainment and Disney Characters that go bump in the night as Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party kicks off tonight at the Magic Kingdom!
Best of all: since this event is “not-so-scary,” children of every age can enjoy the fun! 
The party starts at 7pm, but you can get in with MNSSHP ticket as early as 4pm, to enjoy the exclusive entertainment, merchandise, special treats, ride overlays, trick-or-treating, parade, and all-new nighttime spectacular hosted by Jack Skellington. 
Disney’s Not-So-Spooky Spectacular (Fireworks Extravaganza)
Gather ‘round as your host—Jack Skellington—delights with this not so scary-tale that proves anything can happen at Halloween!
During a frightfully fun fireworks display, Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy are spirited away to a mysterious haunted house where they encounter dancing skeletons, waltzing ghosts and a sinister gathering of Disney villains!
Don’t miss this dazzling spectacular featuring state-of-the-art projection effects, lasers, light and fireworks during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party
Descendance Party
Join your favorite Villain Kids for some wickedly good beats and fun photo ops at Cosmic Rays beginning on the August 16th party.
Ride Overlays
Mad Tea Party – special lighting and music takes this wild attraction up an even madder notch
Pirates of the Caribbean – take care as live pirates join in on your adventure in search of treasure
Space Mountain – hurtle through total darkness to the “riffs and chords of a new hard-rockin’ soundtrack”. 
Monster’s Inc. (NEW for 2019) – join your favorite comic cast of monsters as they learn all about Halloween in the human world
Returning favorites include:
“Mickey’s Boo-to-You Halloween Parade,” which happens twice nightly and features favorite Disney characters dressed in their Halloween best, along with the Disney villains and a cavalcade of fiendishly fun floats. But the coolest part is that the Headless Horseman rides the route (weather permitting) before the parade.
new this year are floats and updates to the parade. Joining the Haunted Mansion waltzing spirits will be the spectral bride from the attraction. There will also be two new Tomorrowland inspired floats: one featuring Buzz Lightyear and alien explorers and the other with the Incredibles and Edna Mode. 
The popular live show “Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular,” featuring the Sanderson Sisters and Disney villains the likes of Oogie Boogie, Dr. Facilier and Maleficent.
Storybook Circus Disney Junior Jam in Fantasyland is the spot for all of the young partygoers to get their groove on with favorite Disney Junior characters like Doc McStuffins and Vampirina.
In Frontierland, prospector Cactus-Flower Cate rounds up youngsters for the “Frontierland Costume Promenade,” encouraging them to show off their costumes in a quest for the greatest treasure in the land – candy! The “Frontierland Costume Promenade” takes place just prior to each run of Mickey’s “Boo-to-You” Halloween Parade.
Trick-or-treating throughout the park!
If you have dietary concerns, Disney has you covered!!! There is a special way that you can trick-or-treat. You will go to the Trick-or-Treat locations throughout the park to collect tokens that can be redeemed for treats you can enjoy!
Epcot International Food & Wine Festival 
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is celebrating its 24th year with even more global marketplaces, entertainment, special events, and fun as the festival happens daily through November 19, 2019!
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is:
A culinary mashup of global cultures and gourmet innovations with 30 festive global food and wine marketplaces extending from Future World to encircle the World Showcase promenade
Fun for the entire family including the Disney du Jour Dance Party in Future World & Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak scavenger hunt
The popular Eat to the Beat Concert Series
Boyce Avenue – NEW! October 10 through 11 
Southern Avenue – NEW! October 12 through 13 
And special add-on seminars, demonstrations, and parties throughout the festival!
During the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival Eat to the Beat concerts through November 19 the Disney du Jour Dance Party, Festival Passport, all attractions, and park entertainment are included with regular Epcot admission.
Don’t forget to catch the new Epcot Forever Fireworks while you are in the park!!!
Walt Disney Imagineering Presents: The Epcot Experience
Right now Epcot, at the Walt Disney World Resort, is buzzing with activity as it undergoing the biggest transformation ever in Disney Theme Park history as the park prepares to add several new attractions, pavilions, experiences, and entertainment.
To help guests have a better visualization of the upcoming changes, a new experience showcasing the changes has opened in Future World’s Odyssey Pavilion – between Test Track and the Mexico pavilion – called Walt Disney Imagineering Presents: The Epcot Experience.
LEGOLAND Florida Brick or Treat
Photo: LEGOLAND Florida
Brick or Treat happens weekends in October at the LEGOLAND Florida Resort with a spirited lineup of LEGO festivities including trick or treating along a LEGO trail, exclusive Halloween character experiences and a nightly firework show that make it appear as if thousands of LEGO bricks are exploding in the sky.
You can find more information about the theme parks and more by subscribing to our YouTube Channel and following @onthegoinmco on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Follow us for more updates:
The post This Weekend in the Parks: October 11-13, 2019 appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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onthegoinmco · 5 years
With so much going on in Central Florida’s Theme Parks it can be hard to choose what to attend, and I am here to help!
Here’s what’s happening in the Theme Parks September 27-29, 2019.
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Florida
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando returns to Universal Studios Florida to take fear to the max on select nights through November 2, 2019. 
During this year’s all-new Halloween Horror Nights, the 80’s return with a vengeance bringing with them some of the biggest frights of the era with 10 totally terrifying haunted houses, five pulse-pounding scare zones, and outrageous live entertainment. 
Don’t forget that you can save up to $52 on your HHN when you purchase it in advance online!
Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle debuts at Universal Orlando Resort this September
Universal Orlando Resort
*** Shows this weekend begin at 7:45pm with show runnings lasting approximately 20 minutes ***
** No Show on September 28, 2019 **
All-New Experiences at Universal Orlando Resort will Bring the Darker Side of the Wizarding World– including Death Eaters – to Life in Hogsmeade on Select Nights Through November 15
As darkness falls on select nights starting September 14 the all-consuming Dark Arts will be unleashed in Hogsmeade when the all-new light projection experience, Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle, will make its highly-anticipated debut at Universal’s Islands of Adventure at the Universal Orlando Resort.
The nighttime show utilizing state-of-the-art projection mapping, special effects and lighting to bring a new dimension of magic to life on the majestic Hogwarts castle. 
But before the experience, an ominous green light and fog will permeate the village, signaling the arrival of the Death Eaters. They’ll eerily roam throughout Hogsmeade, lurking amongst guests – practicing the Dark Arts with complete disregard of wizarding laws.
This marks the first time that guests at Universal Orlando will be able to encounter Death Eaters – devoted followers of Lord Voldemort known for their allegiance and practice of the Dark Arts – as part of their experience in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade.
As the Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle begins Hogwarts Castle is illuminated with a darker side of the wizarding world sinister creatures and villains – such as Dementors, Aragog, Mountain Trolls, Thestrals and more – cloak the castle through a mesmerizing display of light, music and special effects. 
To help battle these dark forces, guests will be asked to summon their inner strength and bravely face the Dark Arts and the visage of the powerful Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, until the Patronus spell – to cast one of the most famous, difficult and powerful defense of the Dark Arts charms in the wizarding world.
The highly anticipated Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle will run select nights through November 15 in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade at Universal’s Islands of Adventure. 
Halloween Spooktacular at SeaWorld Orlando
Guests of all ages can join their favorite furry friends from Sesame Street as Count von Count, Elmo, Big Bird, and all the gang celebrate the season in our All-New Sesame Street Halloween Parade.  
Families will also enjoy a Halloween Dance Party and meet spooky characters along our new trick-or-treat trail. For this special event, children are welcome to dress in their 
Halloween costumes and take part in this frightfully fun Halloween experience.
The Halloween fun takes place every weekend through October 27 and is included with park admission.
PLEASE NOTE – This year SeaWorld Orlando won’t be giving out Trick-or-Treat bags, so you can bring your own or purchase one at the park starting at less than $1.
Craft Beer Festival at SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld is serving up an incredible party for craft beer lovers. SeaWorld’s Craft Beer Festival features more than 100 crafts brews and specialty menus weekends October 27. 
Sample an unbeatable mix of domestic, international and local Florida favorites. Plus savor more than 20 food items expertly paired to match your preferred brew. 
To get the most brews for your bucks, make sure to purchase a 12 ($54 plus tax) or 8 ($40 plus tax) Lanyard!
This is the one craft beer celebration you won’t want to miss!
WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs
Disney Springs is once again celebrating the return of Autumn with the WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs limited-time celebration returning September 20 through November 4, 2019. 
The WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs takes foodies on a journey around the shopping, dining, and experience destination with stops at over 30 participating locations.
From specialty cocktails and ciders to desserts and dishes featuring the popular flavors of the season like pumpkin, squash, apple, cinnamon, and more you are sure to find your favorite (or even new favorite) seasonally-inspired dish. 
You can also pick up a WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs event guide at various locations to help plan your visit. 
In addition to all of these yummy items, you can also enjoy a variety of fall-inspired hard ciders at Dockside Margaritas and outdoor vending carts. And don’t forget to stop by Candy Cauldron and Goofy’s Candy Co. to snack on some fall-inspired treats like candy apples, cookies, cake pops, crispy treats, and more!
For more information on WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs, restaurant info, full menus, and to make reservations, visit DisneySprings.com or call 407 WDW-DINE (407 939-3463). 
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Get your favorite costume ready and make your plans to live it up—collecting candies, sweets and delightful treats—all while Magic Kingdom park thrills and chills you with special fireworks, eerie entertainment and Disney Characters that go bump in the night as Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party kicks off tonight at the Magic Kingdom!
Best of all: since this event is “not-so-scary,” children of every age can enjoy the fun! 
The party starts at 7pm, but you can get in with MNSSHP ticket as early as 4pm, to enjoy the exclusive entertainment, merchandise, special treats, ride overlays, trick-or-treating, parade, and all-new nighttime spectacular hosted by Jack Skellington. 
Disney’s Not-So-Spooky Spectacular (Fireworks Extravaganza)
Gather ‘round as your host—Jack Skellington—delights with this not so scary-tale that proves anything can happen at Halloween!
During a frightfully fun fireworks display, Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy are spirited away to a mysterious haunted house where they encounter dancing skeletons, waltzing ghosts and a sinister gathering of Disney villains!
Don’t miss this dazzling spectacular featuring state-of-the-art projection effects, lasers, light and fireworks during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party
Descendance Party
Join your favorite Villain Kids for some wickedly good beats and fun photo ops at Cosmic Rays beginning on the August 16th party.
Ride Overlays
Mad Tea Party – special lighting and music takes this wild attraction up an even madder notch
Pirates of the Caribbean – take care as live pirates join in on your adventure in search of treasure
Space Mountain – hurtle through total darkness to the “riffs and chords of a new hard-rockin’ soundtrack”. 
Monster’s Inc. (NEW for 2019) – join your favorite comic cast of monsters as they learn all about Halloween in the human world
Returning favorites include:
“Mickey’s Boo-to-You Halloween Parade,” which happens twice nightly and features favorite Disney characters dressed in their Halloween best, along with the Disney villains and a cavalcade of fiendishly fun floats. But the coolest part is that the Headless Horseman rides the route (weather permitting) before the parade.
new this year are floats and updates to the parade. Joining the Haunted Mansion waltzing spirits will be the spectral bride from the attraction. There will also be two new Tomorrowland inspired floats: one featuring Buzz Lightyear and alien explorers and the other with the Incredibles and Edna Mode. 
The popular live show “Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular,” featuring the Sanderson Sisters and Disney villains the likes of Oogie Boogie, Dr. Facilier and Maleficent.
Storybook Circus Disney Junior Jam in Fantasyland is the spot for all of the young partygoers to get their groove on with favorite Disney Junior characters like Doc McStuffins and Vampirina.
In Frontierland, prospector Cactus-Flower Cate rounds up youngsters for the “Frontierland Costume Promenade,” encouraging them to show off their costumes in a quest for the greatest treasure in the land – candy! The “Frontierland Costume Promenade” takes place just prior to each run of Mickey’s “Boo-to-You” Halloween Parade.
Trick-or-treating throughout the park!
If you have dietary concerns, Disney has you covered!!! There is a special way that you can trick-or-treat. You will go to the Trick-or-Treat locations throughout the park to collect tokens that can be redeemed for treats you can enjoy!
Epcot International Food & Wine Festival 
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is celebrating its 24th year with even more global marketplaces, entertainment, special events, and fun as the festival happens daily through November 19, 2019!
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is:
A culinary mashup of global cultures and gourmet innovations with 30 festive global food and wine marketplaces extending from Future World to encircle the World Showcase promenade
Fun for the entire family including the Disney du Jour Dance Party in Future World & Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak scavenger hunt
The popular Eat to the Beat Concert Series
Mark Wills September 27 through 29 
And special add-on seminars, demonstrations, and parties throughout the festival!
During the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival Eat to the Beat concerts through November 19 the Disney du Jour Dance Party, Festival Passport, all attractions, and park entertainment are included with regular Epcot admission.
You can find more information about special events like these and theme park news by following @onthegoinmco on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Follow us for more updates:
The post This Weekend in the Theme Parks: September 27-29, 2019 appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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onthegoinmco · 5 years
If you are looking for help planning your weekend in the theme parks, look no further!
Here’s what’s going on in the theme parks September 20-22, 2019, park by park!
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Florida
Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando returns to Universal Studios Florida to take fear to the max on select nights through November 2, 2019. 
During this year’s all-new Halloween Horror Nights, the 80’s return with a vengeance bringing with them some of the biggest frights of the era with 10 totally terrifying haunted houses, five pulse-pounding scare zones, and outrageous live entertainment. 
Don’t forget that you can save up to $52 on your HHN when you purchase it in advance online!
Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle debuts at Universal Orlando Resort this September
Universal Orlando Resort
*** Shows this weekend begin at 8pm with show runnings lasting approximately 20 minutes ***
All-New Experiences at Universal Orlando Resort will Bring the Darker Side of the Wizarding World– including Death Eaters – to Life in Hogsmeade on Select Nights Through November 15
As darkness falls on select nights starting September 14 the all-consuming Dark Arts will be unleashed in Hogsmeade when the all-new light projection experience, Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle, will make its highly-anticipated debut at Universal’s Islands of Adventure at the Universal Orlando Resort.
The nighttime show utilizing state-of-the-art projection mapping, special effects and lighting to bring a new dimension of magic to life on the majestic Hogwarts castle. 
But before the experience, an ominous green light and fog will permeate the village, signaling the arrival of the Death Eaters. They’ll eerily roam throughout Hogsmeade, lurking amongst guests – practicing the Dark Arts with complete disregard of wizarding laws.
This marks the first time that guests at Universal Orlando will be able to encounter Death Eaters – devoted followers of Lord Voldemort known for their allegiance and practice of the Dark Arts – as part of their experience in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade.
As the Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle begins Hogwarts Castle is illuminated with a darker side of the wizarding world sinister creatures and villains – such as Dementors, Aragog, Mountain Trolls, Thestrals and more – cloak the castle through a mesmerizing display of light, music and special effects. 
To help battle these dark forces, guests will be asked to summon their inner strength and bravely face the Dark Arts and the visage of the powerful Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, until the Patronus spell – to cast one of the most famous, difficult and powerful defense of the Dark Arts charms in the wizarding world.
The highly anticipated Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle will run select nights September 14 through November 15 in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade at Universal’s Islands of Adventure. 
Halloween Spooktacular kicks off at SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld Orlando
Guests of all ages can join their favorite furry friends from Sesame Street as Count von Count, Elmo, Big Bird, and all the gang celebrate the season in our All-New Sesame Street Halloween Parade.  
Families will also enjoy a Halloween Dance Party and meet spooky characters along our new trick-or-treat trail. For this special event, children are welcome to dress in their 
Halloween costumes and take part in this frightfully fun Halloween experience.
The Halloween fun takes place every weekend September 21 through October 27 and is included with park admission.
PLEASE NOTE – This year SeaWorld Orlando won’t be giving out Trick-or-Treat bags, so you can bring your own or purchase one at the park starting at less than $1.
Craft Beer Festival at SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld Orlando
SeaWorld is serving up an incredible party for craft beer lovers. SeaWorld’s Craft Beer Festival features more than 100 crafts brews and specialty menus weekends September 7 – October 27. 
Sample an unbeatable mix of domestic, international and local Florida favorites. Plus savor more than 20 food items expertly paired to match your preferred brew. 
To get the most brews for your bucks, make sure to purchase a 12 ($54 plus tax) or 8 ($40 plus tax) Lanyard!
This is the one craft beer celebration you won’t want to miss!
WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs
Disney Springs is once again celebrating the return of Autumn with the WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs limited-time celebration returning September 20 through November 4, 2019. 
The WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs takes foodies on a journey around the shopping, dining, and experience destination with stops at over 30 participating locations.
From specialty cocktails and ciders to desserts and dishes featuring the popular flavors of the season like pumpkin, squash, apple, cinnamon, and more you are sure to find your favorite (or even new favorite) seasonally-inspired dish. 
You can also pick up a WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs event guide at various locations to help plan your visit. 
In addition to all of these yummy items, you can also enjoy a variety of fall-inspired hard ciders at Dockside Margaritas and outdoor vending carts. And don’t forget to stop by Candy Cauldron and Goofy’s Candy Co. to snack on some fall-inspired treats like candy apples, cookies, cake pops, crispy treats, and more!
For more information on WonderFall Flavors at Disney Springs, restaurant info, full menus, and to make reservations, visit DisneySprings.com or call 407 WDW-DINE (407 939-3463). 
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Get your favorite costume ready and make your plans to live it up—collecting candies, sweets and delightful treats—all while Magic Kingdom park thrills and chills you with special fireworks, eerie entertainment and Disney Characters that go bump in the night as Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party kicks off tonight at the Magic Kingdom!
Best of all: since this event is “not-so-scary,” children of every age can enjoy the fun! 
The party starts at 7pm, but you can get in with MNSSHP ticket as early as 4pm, to enjoy the exclusive entertainment, merchandise, special treats, ride overlays, trick-or-treating, parade, and all-new nighttime spectacular hosted by Jack Skellington. 
Disney’s Not-So-Spooky Spectacular (Fireworks Extravaganza)
Gather ‘round as your host—Jack Skellington—delights with this not so scary-tale that proves anything can happen at Halloween!
During a frightfully fun fireworks display, Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy are spirited away to a mysterious haunted house where they encounter dancing skeletons, waltzing ghosts and a sinister gathering of Disney villains!
Don’t miss this dazzling spectacular featuring state-of-the-art projection effects, lasers, light and fireworks during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party
Descendance Party
Join your favorite Villain Kids for some wickedly good beats and fun photo ops at Cosmic Rays beginning on the August 16th party.
Ride Overlays
Mad Tea Party – special lighting and music takes this wild attraction up an even madder notch
Pirates of the Caribbean – take care as live pirates join in on your adventure in search of treasure
Space Mountain – hurtle through total darkness to the “riffs and chords of a new hard-rockin’ soundtrack”. 
Monster’s Inc. (NEW for 2019) – join your favorite comic cast of monsters as they learn all about Halloween in the human world
Returning favorites include:
“Mickey’s Boo-to-You Halloween Parade,” which happens twice nightly and features favorite Disney characters dressed in their Halloween best, along with the Disney villains and a cavalcade of fiendishly fun floats. But the coolest part is that the Headless Horseman rides the route (weather permitting) before the parade.
new this year are floats and updates to the parade. Joining the Haunted Mansion waltzing spirits will be the spectral bride from the attraction. There will also be two new Tomorrowland inspired floats: one featuring Buzz Lightyear and alien explorers and the other with the Incredibles and Edna Mode. 
The popular live show “Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular,” featuring the Sanderson Sisters and Disney villains the likes of Oogie Boogie, Dr. Facilier and Maleficent.
Storybook Circus Disney Junior Jam in Fantasyland is the spot for all of the young partygoers to get their groove on with favorite Disney Junior characters like Doc McStuffins and Vampirina.
In Frontierland, prospector Cactus-Flower Cate rounds up youngsters for the “Frontierland Costume Promenade,” encouraging them to show off their costumes in a quest for the greatest treasure in the land – candy! The “Frontierland Costume Promenade” takes place just prior to each run of Mickey’s “Boo-to-You” Halloween Parade.
Trick-or-treating throughout the park!
If you have dietary concerns, Disney has you covered!!! There is a special way that you can trick-or-treat. You will go to the Trick-or-Treat locations throughout the park to collect tokens that can be redeemed for treats you can enjoy!
Epcot International Food & Wine Festival 
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is celebrating its 24th year with even more global marketplaces, entertainment, special events, and fun as the festival happens daily through November 19, 2019!
The Epcot International Food & Wine Festival is:
A culinary mashup of global cultures and gourmet innovations with 30 festive global food and wine marketplaces extending from Future World to encircle the World Showcase promenade
Fun for the entire family including the Disney du Jour Dance Party in Future World & Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak scavenger hunt
The popular Eat to the Beat Concert Series
STARSHIP featuring Mickey Thomas September 20 through 22 
And special add-on seminars, demonstrations, and parties throughout the festival!
You can find more information about special events like these and theme park news by following @onthegoinmco on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Follow us for more updates:
The post Weekend in the Theme Parks: September 20-22, 2019 appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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