#folk spellwork
pandorasworkshop · 8 months
🃏 Astrology Observations Pt2 🃏
❕ slightly nsfw ❕
🎱 Taurus mars like neck kisses maybe a little more if there are harsher degrees
🃏 Cancer mars can like dominant people and it can also indicate parental issues
🎱 If you have a fifth house overlay synastry with someone BE CAREFUL cause this is an indicator of having children or adopting pets with someone.
🃏 8th house overlay synastry can give enemies to lovers. Its a very intense synastry and can also be an indicator of possessiveness or obsessed with the planet person.
🎱 Living on your Jupiter MC line can bring you much success in business and give you good social opportunities.
🃏 Pluto lines are scaryyyy they bring up trauma, and make u rebirth entirely. Ancestral trauma is sometimes healed in these places on a Pluto DC line.
🎱 Having your rising in someone else's Venus and their rising in your Venus is positive for relationships.
🃏 Venus in 2nd house love language could be physical touch or gifts
🎱Venus in 6th house love languages could be acts of service and quality time
🃏 A lot of filmmakers have 6th and 12th house placements.
🎱Models tend to have Mars, Sun or Neptune in 10th or 1st house.
🃏if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask and if you want me to review anything just lemme know 🃏
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folkandbooks · 6 months
Pshh, hey. If you are in a budget or if you have to hide your practice, I have some witchy tips for you.
• You don’t need to have an altar. But if you want to, creating an altar on a wooden box is great; you can collect stuff to put in there and you can hide it under your bed.
• You don’t need crystals. Common rocks can be energised to act with a certain intention and they work just as well. You can also associate the place you got the stone/rock from with an intention, such as: a rock from a river or sea can be used for cleansing, purifying, taking energies away from you. A stone found at the property of a hospital can be used for health spells. These are vague examples, so I might make a list later on of all kinds of things you can do with mineral founding.
• Energised water is a great offering to most entities. Water holds memory and it’s easy to energise it with a certain intention if you concentrate.
• You don’t actually need candles. For many deities, an object that remembers you of them works as a taglock, an identification of the deity you’re worshipping. Besides, many spells do not need candles to work, such as: ritual baths, petitions, etc.
Have fun, and remember that your practice isn’t meant to look the same as other practitioners’. We are supposed to do things our own way, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone or anything.
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spirit-amplified · 3 months
The Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils
In ancient times, our ancestors revered the power of oils, utilizing them in sacred ceremonies, rituals, and magickal workings that spanned centuries. Today, we have the privilege of carrying on this tradition by creating our own blends using the same flora & fauna that have been cherished for millennia. The practice of crafting sacred oils connects us to our roots, offering a meaningful way to honor the past while enriching our present-day experiences.
Carrier/base oils play a crucial role in the world of magick and holistic practices. These oils, derived from plants, seeds, and animal fats, are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can enhance the potency of essential oils and other magickal ingredients we add to them. Whether used in aromatherapy, massage, ritual work, or spell work the choice of carrier oil is significant, as each oil is associated with specific magickal attributes, such as grounding, protection, or amplification of intention. Understanding the magickal properties of carrier oils can empower practitioners to create custom blends that resonate with their intentions and desired outcomes, adding an extra layer of enchantment to their craft.
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Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils:
These plant and seed-based oils come from my own grimoire based on my own traditions and practice.
Almond: Prosperity, Money, Wisdom
Apricot: Happiness, Contentment, Love
Argan: Healing
Avocado: Love, Lust, Sex Magick
Borage: Higher Mind, Truth, Clarity, Legal Matters
Canola/Rapeseed: Neutral Base
Castor: Protection, Absorbs Negativity
Coconut: Purification, Cleansing, Protection
Corn: Abundance, Luck, Divination
Evening Primrose: Psychic, Glamour, Clarity
Flaxseed Oil: Beauty, Protection
Grapeseed: Fertility, Money, Strengthening Mental Abilities
Hempseed: Meditation, Psychic, Healing
Jojoba: Healing
Meadowfoam Seed: Protection
Neem: Fortifies, Protection
Olive: Healing, Fertility, Protection
Peach Kernel: Fertility, Love, Fae Magick
Peanut: Grounding
Pomegranate Seed: Divination, Love
Pumpkin Seed: Health
Rosehip: Self-Love, Beauty, Glamour
Safflower: Sex, Baneful
Sesame: Hope, Faith, Positivity
Shea Butter: Calming, Longevity, Patience, Healing, Soothing, Beauty
Sunflower: Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Sun Magick
Vegetable: Neutral
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liminalsoul · 2 months
The importance of knowing why you do what you do in witchcraft
At first we tend to see a spell like a recipe you have to follow to achieve something, however when we have seen multiple spells for one purpose we can make our own version of them taking into account the common elements that those spells have.
We can even achieve a higher efficacy and creativity knowing what means each aspect of our spells or rituals, creating specific ones that will fit ourselves and our needs better. It is important not to forget that witchcraft isn't a science but an art in which there are multiple ways to get the same result.
From the perspective of my own practice every plant or stone we use is more than a tool, it is in some way a being, a spirit that can assist our craft with its essence. That's in what correspondences are based, in the nature of the spirit that embodies that element.
Correspondences also have the power, even in some way a part of the spirit, of all the ancestors that have been using those elements with the same meaning. We can believe from our modern perspective that those associations were just a coincidence, nevertheless, everything suggests that they really understood the powers behind the items in our craft, for example in the case of the plants where their spiritual meaning correlates in some way with their fisical properties.
To conclude, we shouldn't try to turn into a mere recipe something that works with different powers and spirits, because, if these forces have taught me something over time, it is that witchcraft is, more than anything, learning another way to see.
Disclaimer: this point of view is highly influenced by an animistic perspective, remember that this is far from being the only valid approach to witchcraft. Besides, correspondences aren't universal and this doesn't invalidate the different ones that may exist.
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magicianing · 1 year
Nontraditional Baneful Work (1)
For the hardcore crystal witch:
Specific harm
On a very sunny day, write on paper: "[Name Of Enemy] will [experience a great misfortune] before [date]" or similar, or use a sigil. Take a sphere of quartz, hold above the paper, and allow the sun to stream through it until the victim's name is scorched from the paper.
Harm in love
Write their name on a slip of paper. On another, write "your/their heart will not find love", similar, or use a sigil. Wrap in cloth or tinfoil with a piece of rose quartz. Unwrap to release.
(Even if you do not cleanse your crystals, I would recommend doing so after using them as described above)
For the elemental witch:
General harm
Create a vial of strong sun water, then "corrupt" with a pinch of pepper or a splash of red dye. On paper, write the name of your victim, and cast them into the vial. Shake vigorously to expedite.
Productivity-related harm
Cast a small item taken from your victim into a vial of ocean water. They now feel as if they are drowning in their responsibilities. Pour out to release.
There are always alternatives to the risk of pickpocketing items on and off of people, but this is a method I have always had success with.
For the nature witch:
Long-term harm
Healthy acorns sink in water, while rotten ones will float (most of the time). Take a floating acorn and and whisper to it its purpose. Sneak it into your victim's belongings and let it take root.
Bad luck
Paint the name of your victim in water on a maple leaf. Place the maple leaf under the candlestick of a black candle and let burn for as long as you like. Negative energy, including that of any standing hexes against you, will be captured and sent on to your victim, even if they are its originator.
(All are based on my own research, practice, experience, and theory. I encourage you to modify these for your own use if I have inspired you.)
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ccthegoddessblog · 15 days
Rituals vs. Spell work: Understanding the Difference
When delving into the mystical realms of magick, it’s essential to grasp the distinctions between rituals and spell work. Let me illuminate these concepts:
Magical Practices (Spell work):
Definition: These are simple workings—everyday magics that don’t necessarily involve elaborate rituals.
Duration: They can take seconds to a couple of hours.
Intent: They have an intention, an end goal, and a magical act.
Examples: Taking a magical bath, divination (like tarot), reciting a spell, meditating, or lighting a candle.
Ritualistic Level: Not very ritualistic; no casting of circles or complex spells.
Definition: More elaborate magical works with structure and specific components.
Duration: Longer than practices due to their complexity.
Purpose: Assist in walking between worlds, raising significant energy.
Components: Often involve casting a circle, calling quarters/elements, and invoking spirits or deities.
Examples: Full moon rituals, spell bottles, transformative magics, protection spells.
Definition: Spells consist of words or phrases with a specific intention.
Components: Usually involve words (or emojis) and focus on a desired outcome.
Purpose: To signify, relate, or talk—directing energy toward a goal.
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sourdoughservitor · 4 months
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Aftermath of my Yule ritual (after I blew out the candles because fire safety!)
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thecupidwitch · 14 hours
Common Witchy Terms
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A ceremonial knife, typically black handled with a double-edged blade. You use it to inscribe your candles or to cast a circle around the altar before commencing a spell.
A place where you do rituals or spells. It is often a special table or shelf where your ritual tools are kept.
Is an object that is carried or worn on a person or placed in a location in order to draw specific energy or luck toward that person or location.
Book of Shadow
A Book of Shadows is a Witch's journal. It contains notes on experiments, information they picked up along the way, spells, recipes, correspondences, chants, traditions and more.
A coven is a community of witches who gather regularly for religious and/or social occasion.
Divination is the metaphysical work of finding the truth of an issue by using symbols and objects to interpret messages from the the collective unconscious or from communication with spirit beings.
To call or summon a spirit or entity or deity.
A familiar is a magic-user's spiritual helper manifest in animal form.
Is a magical manual or a magician's instruction book. It is much more formal than a Book of Shadows.
It refer to an unfriendly spell meant to bring about mischief.
to summon or draw a spirit being into your own body. This is usually done to encourage communication between the spirit world and the material world.
A small bag of herbs, crystals, or other objects that is meant to bring about a desired effect; essentially acts as a charm.
A protective barrier may be maintained by a spell, a talisman, a symbol or some other physical or energy object.
tip jar
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ome-magical-ramblings · 7 months
Setting Light into the past, for spells, ancestors and beyond.
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Setting light is a common practice in a lot of tradition, spiritual lamps are used EVERYWHERE...so it isn't very restrictive to one tradition but as a concept that you can tweak your petitions and your intentions when you set it, I hope that people try it and report back :D
A candle burn straight down, but the light it gives off goes all the way and around. It goes forward, backward, and all around...That's how we are as human when we are "time" burns one way, but the light it gives off is all around. That's how time is, that's how our spiritual families are, that's how a lot of magical work should be, by reaching into the past. Even if I say this in a million way, don't do a candle spell to change the future, change the future by setting that light into the past.
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The spiritual dead people who are connected with you by blood, by soul, and by actions are many and as many as the grains of sand in the world. To think of that it's only a backward motion is to only look at them as dead people not as people in different stages in their "life", the difference between them is the difference between an old person and a baby. Not much except time have passed. Really what you think of as ancestral predecessors are only what you see, hear, touch from your own "genetics" but if that was the only way we live, we wouldn't have spiritual heroes like the prophets, saints, righteous people, immortals, wanderer, hermits and so on. The world as we know it is only the tip of the iceberg for the whole "world" as it is. To assume that it only extend to your family is to assume that your family is only related to you by blood and nothing more. Your Ancestors from the start till today are all here and listening carefully to each letter you read, and each word you speak for they carry their weight for them as your words are the "scale" by which they can elevate and evaluate you, it's not a one-way street or two-way street, the streets and paths are endless as the street and paths in sand tracks, YES there are easily more identifiable ones but that's not important, what's important is that you go to each path and "Call" with a sincere heart and offer a sincere word, that's what really carries the Word not if this path is more identifiable than that path. Light, and it was there. To close off, instead of praying to someone to improve, pray to their ancestors, send your prayers of light to their "spiritual family", let it go beyond in time to the past. That's the important thing, there's a million way to skin a cat and reach Rome and this is my way of opening up a different approach to the petition and workings you do, REACH into the past and work with that. The past is just as malleable as the future, and the present is the only thing we "have" and can work with to influence all other points. Remember, Your future and past are two columns by which you enter the mysteries of the holy temple of God and Time. Let the Light go into the past and see it illuminate you right now. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon light!
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pandorasworkshop · 8 months
💘Love is in the Air - Pick a Card
What's next for you in love? What about you charms the people around you?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Pile 1
Cards: Ace of cups, Eight of wands, Ten of cups
Reading: New beginnings in love is coming in for you. Or a special message from a special message from a special somebody. Whatever the message may be whether you're in a relationship or very single it will make you very happy. Blossoming relationships and happy endings. If you are wondering whether or not you should text someone or make the first move this is your confirmation. Some of you may even have a secret admirer planning on confessing soon. Whoever this person is they find your personality infectious and your style is adorable. If any of you guys are artists they are inspired by your art. This person is definitely a family person and a community centered person. If you are in a relationship they may want to introduce you to their family as the next step.
Signs: 555, harps, love story by indila, howls moving castle, getting or giving gifts, lattes, bunnies, the feeling of something exciting about to happen, soft blankets , warm tea, the eagle emoji?, Autumn.
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Pile 2
Cards: Empress, queen of wands , tower, fool
Reading: some of you may have recently departed a relationship or may be planning to. Some of you could have been single for very single time but with this tower card I feel like this may not be for long and you will NOT have to wait. Love is coming rushing in quicker than water. I feel you guys are stepping into your empress energy. Some of you guys may have been cheated on in the past and this is causing some insecurities. Just know you are divine, let go of doubts because you are enough and with this Empress card I'm getting this confirmation. Whoever this person who is coming in they are like a hurricane. Your life will be significantly changed by them. Whatever energy you have is like honey people stick to you. I feel like some of y'all may even smell very nice.
Signs: 777, 666, red roses, star wars, spiderman, caterpillar, born to die by Lana del rey, wanting to learn a new language, chocolate covered fruit, sandwich with tomatoes in it, the moon.
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Pile 3
Cards: the devil, temperance, strength and king of cups.
Reading: I'm getting an unsure energy that will eventually resolve in the right decision whatever you may decide. Whoever this person is they are OBSESSED and sexual chemistry is off the charts. It may even overwhelm you. This person is going to come in boldly and maybe with gifts? This person finds you so attractive and everything about you pulls them in. If you are unsure about your decision to ask the universe for a definite sign like a red balloon or something. King of cups energy is an emotional mature loyal man but with the devil and strength card I can see they have a bit of a wild side. If you haven't met this person yet I feel like you'll meet them while with friends, through friends, at a party? Definitely in a group setting. When you guys first meet you shine so brightly they're unable to take their eyes off you. I feel like you guys charm people through your eyes and smile. Many people feel at ease around you and you are a hard worker.
Signs: 333, 222, watches, sneezing, picnics, chocolate croissant, champagne, itchy fabrics, tripping down steps, brand new person by tame impala, guitar, cats, moss, doing some deep cleaning, spring, seeing the stars.
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folkandbooks · 5 months
Folk witch tip #2
Someone did you dirty but you don’t want to get down into the nitty-gritty? Instead of hexing or cursing, bless them.
Bless them to learn their lesson sooner rather than later. Trust me, life lessons hurt.
Ooooor, you can bless the people around them to see their true nature.
You’ll make them pay for sure ✨
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spirit-amplified · 2 months
Defense Magick: The Power of Reversing Oil to Protect and Cleanse
Reversing Oil is indeed a fascinating tool in the realm of protection magick and defense magick. Its ability to reflect negative energy back to its source is a concept found in various magickal traditions, often linked to the idea of sympathetic magick, where like attracts like. The ingredients used in the oil are typically chosen for their protective and reversing properties, such as certain herbs, roots, and essential oils known for their ability to ward off negativity.
Combining Reversing Oil with Mirror Magick is a clever and powerful approach. Mirrors have long been associated with reflecting and deflecting negative energy, making them a natural complement to the oil's properties. Together, they can create a potent barrier against harmful intentions.
It's important to note that while tools like Reversing Oil can be beneficial, they are not a substitute for addressing the root causes of negative and malevolent energy in one's life. Understanding and addressing the source of negativity, whether it be through inner work, energy clearing, or other means, can also be crucial for long-term protection and well-being.
Note To Reader: This is my simple and basic reversal formula from my practice. Reminder, that when making oils please allow your herbs to infuse in the oil for 1 moon cycle (min 28 to 30 days) before using... unless you are doing the heat-infusion method. Feel free to adjust for your needs.
One of the wonderful aspects of creating your own Reversing Oil— is it can be tailored to your specific spiritual path and magickal practice. While there are traditional ingredients and correspondences associated with Reversing Oil, such as using herbs like Agrimony, Crab Shell, or Nettle, you can adapt the formula based on your own intuition, spiritual beliefs, and what resonates with you personally.
Some practitioners might incorporate additional ingredients or symbols that hold significance to them, such as specific crystals, colors, chants, or infused frequencies. The key is to infuse the oil with your intention and focus, aligning it with your desired outcome of protection and reversal of negative energy.
Experimenting with different ingredients and variations can be a valuable part of your magickal practice, allowing you to fine-tune the formula to better suit your needs and enhance its effectiveness.
Some Ways To Use Reversal Oil:
Reversal Candles
Mirror Magick: This includes mirror boxes, mirrors on altars (great for deflecting or cloaking magick), personally worn mirror charms, and the ingredients could be infused in vinegar instead of oil to make a Cleansing Reversal Spray for mirror magick.
Can be combined with other cleansing spells and workings.
Anointing self
Reversal Chant or Incantation:
Oh defense magick, ancient and wise, With powers that fill us with wonder and surprise. Reversing Oil, a potent blend, To cleanse, and protect, from all negative energy sent.
A shield it creates, around us to guard, From any harm, our beings it will ward. For any negativity that comes our way, Will be reversed, and sent back to where it may.
No hex or curse can ever defeat, The power of this oil, so pure and sweet. It breaks through barriers and breaks through binds, To To restore balance, and peace of mind. With every drop, we feel the shift, As negative energy begins to lift.
For with Reversing Oil, I stand strong, And any harm sent my way, will not last long.
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booksbeansandcandles · 8 months
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When doing a circle and calling corners, a little information on the element that goes with the direction.
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stregalucania · 3 months
How I enchant Jewelry ✨
Like the title says, this is a little step-by-step on how I like to approach enchanting jewelry!
1. Decide on the piece you're using and cleanse if necessary (probably recommended). I like to bury it in salt for a while or use holy/moon water.
2. If you're asking for a specific entity's help, I like to light a candle in their honor and possibly leave an additional offering (especially if asking for a big effect). If not, just light a candle for some additional assistance from the fire's energy!
3. Create a designated space to place the jewelry on. I think of it as offering the jewelry for a small amount of time (like leaving it overnight) in order to ask for help enchanting it.
4. Adorn the jewelry with corresponding dressings or pieces of the offering (ex.: herb/flower petals, oils, put crystals on it). If not offering to a specific entity, use corresponding materials with the effect you'd like to achieve (ex.: lavender for tranquility, rose for glamor, etc)
5. You can also leave written intentions with the jewelry along with your offerings! This will help focus your mind on the goal as you wear it, as well as strengthen the intention of the working.
6. Leave it! Let it sit as you reflect and allow time for your offering to be accepted. I like to do overnight so I can feel ready to tackle the day with the newly enchanted jewelry.
7. Wear it! ✨
This is just how I like to do it- add or remove whatever works for you!
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thephooka · 4 months
White Noise double update!
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Start here and click through! | Read from the start | WN on Patreon
Practical magic.
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grottyoldhag · 8 months
As a witch, the witchcraft community scares me sometimes
Things desperately need to change and I hope that together we can create a better community moving forward
For context: I almost got lured into a fucking cult
I want to start off by saying that I am SO GRATEFUL for tumblr and the people who are on this platform educating others for free and putting their time into that, in my experience this is the only social media that is safe and trustworthy (although there is still plenty of misinformation floating around on here)
And I also want to add that I’m of course well aware that everybodies spiritual path is different
Im in a few witchcraft and pagan groups on Facebook and let me tell you it’s terrifying.
I don’t know what it is about middle aged white ‘witches’ who think they know everything but seem to thrive on closed practices, appropriation and straight up lies
A few weeks ago a lady posted in one of these groups ( a uk specific one ) saying she had a teaching opportunity available about the elemental path
This lady owns a witchy shop, claims to be a high priestess and seemed generally safe and trustworthy, so I reached out bc I was interested in elemental magic
She added me to a group chat that had a handful of others and her daughter in it, they proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions about my practice which seemed normal,
And then started telling me about the ‘coven’ they are a part of
According to them, this coven exists in two parts: the ‘outer coven’ and ‘inner coven’
The outer coven being people on the outside world and the inner coven being a group of people who live on private owned land in the woods with no connection to the outside world aside from the outer coven
Obviously this was the first red flag so I decided to investigate and ask about the ‘rules’
They proceeded to tell me that the coven runs on an ancient book of logs that have been in their coven for centuries, and that they do not use legal names
And that they allow adults to have sexual relationships with children
Amongst other things
I was so shocked by that revelation I questioned them on it thinking I had misread it, but this woman and her daughter defended it, saying that ‘the people who live in the woods are nothing like us in the outside world’
Horrified, I contacted the admins of the group her original ‘teaching’ post was in and the police were called through them
None of the other (middle aged and white) women who were added to the group chat for the ‘teaching opportunity’ defended me or questioned these ‘rules’ , they just went along with it and stayed after I promptly left the chat and blocked them all
They claimed to work with Hecate and Pan and hold rituals every full moon, standard pagan / witchcraft things that seemed so normal, but under it all was an entire cult
My only hope is that this entire thing was a lie by two crazy people, I’m still waiting for updates about the police report (otherwise I’d upload the screenshots, I still might tbh)
But yikes,
I’m attending my first circle & soundbath since this incident at my usual place this evening and I’m a little nervous
Just because my practice feels a little tainted since then, I innocently fell into a trap, the community I usually attend circles with is lovely and safe so hopefully this will help
I’ve seen a million documentaries on cults, you don’t ever think you’d be the person to fall into one but it’s true they can get anyone
Stay safe out there witches, be vigilant, always remember protection first
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