#football prince william and our mental health
thewales-family · 4 years
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The Duke of Cambridge, taken by Jaimie Gramston, poses for an official portrait while recording the documentary ‘Football, Prince William and our Mental Health’ -May 28th 2020.
📷 : Jaimie Gramston/2humaneyes on Instagram.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
MM Anon - The Terrible Trio Edition!😊
MM ANON ……👰🤴🤷‍♂️ THE TERRIBLE TRIO EDITION for ………A future 👑 KING …………… football ⚽️ crazy ……… his father’s son…… his sisters protector ………… PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 👸🏻……… An independent spirit………… determined, sassy, and clever ………… unicorns 🦄 give way to 🐴🐴🐴………… a future heartbreaker …… LOUIS 🤷‍♂️ ………… his mother’s son ……… his grandfathers joy……… much loved ………… teased by Charlotte ………… Another future heartbreaker.
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much dear MM anon. What a joy this will be to do this addition edition!
Riddle #5:SummerSeason
June 16/2021
Good morning everybody, or good afternoon evening good night wherever you are on this planet.🙂. I’m truly apologizing I didn’t get to this yesterday. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. It’s been extremely hot here and sound mean even with the air conditioning that greatly affects my back. And my shoulder has just been agony the joint actually nails a joint it’s just been in agony the last couple of days. So the first thing this morning I will get to this and hopefully hopefully do it justice. There are a few items in quotation marks and those have been taken from a magazine or an Internet article that puts a magazine called closer weekly I think. Anyways the things that are quotes I think they’ve taken from articles.
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What a whirlwind the Cambridge household must be. Five very strong personalities with many ideas on how each day should be spent. I definitely 100% know that every second of every minute of every hour of every day is filled to the brim with activities. These are promoting physical health mental health spiritual health love development of a healthy personality development of confidence growing them up into the amazing adults that their parents are.
A future 👑 KING 
The announcements of the expectation aka a new baby expected,of his Royal Highness Prince George was premature. Our dear Catherine suffered greatly with through all her pregnancies with HG, hyperemesis gravidarum. That’s funny, the dictator can spell that with no problem but common words it can’t,  that is funny. So when she was expecting Prince George she ended up in the hospital and they had to announce quite early that she was pregnant. Well I can still hear the whoops of joy that I let out my ears are still ringing from it. Oh my everyone was so pleased. And I absolutely loved how on the steps of the Lindo wing as they showed us baby George, Catherine did a nod to Princess Diana by wearing a blue and white polkadot dress. When Diana and Charles were on the steps of the Lindo wing showing us Prince William for the first time she was wearing a more green of a blue but she had a polkadot dress as well. I know that was no coincidence that was a nod of real love and respect to have her, Diana  be part of the moment. Oh wonderful such wonderful memories. And what a lovely young man he has grown up to be or is growing up to be he’s not done growing yet.
“George is a curious child whose favorite subjects are geography, English and history,”
football ⚽️ crazy 
How old was it was not last year it was a previous year England was in the finals and our dear William was beyond a super fan!, as l believe he is the patron. I think he  went football crazy, tweeting and I believe even Harry was there and they were watching the finals only to lose and he oh he went and supported them then you know will do it next time. And now it has come again England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. The UEFA EURO football tournament is from June 11/2021 until July 11/2021. Needless to say there will be lots of attention around the world’s people love football around the world to see what happens in this tournament.  Especially as we gradually move back in a positive direction back to normal lives again! He’s kind of notices more and more things that are normal are returning again as the pandemic is we’re on our way to moving on from the pandemic in many parts of the world. How wonderful. I am so excited that I have had both my vaccines for my second one about five weeks ago so I am at maximum protection now and I just I’m so grateful I would encourage anybody to just get it and you know we can move on with our lives.
his father’s son
I can’t remember the The date but the family went to view a match with Aston Villa that is Prince Williams favourite football team. And of course George absolutely enjoyed himself I remember so fondly the pictures of him just enraptured by the match and William leaning over to explain things to him and it’s just was marvellous. He looks so much like his father who looks so much like his mother. George is being raised well rounded lay as a young man in addiction to being a future king. They spend so much time together as a family doing those “little things” But when it comes down the little things really matter those are the things that really matter. Going for a bicycle rides, handing out food to people that need it, volunteering, being active, laughter, being in the garden and taking an interest in nature which is very much a Prince Charles is interested in as well all three of them share that interest.
his sisters protector 
“George is over the moon that Charlotte is attending his school,” a friend of the royals tells Closer Weekly in the magazine’s latest issue, on newsstands now. “Despite their different personalities, they are very close. George is extremely proud of Charlotte and loves to show her off.”
Princess Charlotte is the only girl the besides Catherine with two brothers.An older brother and a younger brother she’s the middle child. Therapists (Freudian)used to have a field day analyzing birth order of children and the middle child syndrome and all that other ‘horse hooey’. She will have a big brother who watches over her and a younger brother who very much watches  what his older brother does and then models his behavior. She will be well looked after. And very much loved!
PRINCESS CHARLOTTE 👸🏻,An independent spirit, determined, sassy, and clever ,unicorns 🦄give way to 🐴🐴🐴
Our Charlotte,  our beloved Charlotte oh how blessed are we. I’m just taking a moment to just thank God for these children. She was feisty right from the day one. I mentioned this in the other monarchy edition but on the day of Prince Louis’ christening as they were leaving the chapel after their taking photographs. And they were walking and she was holding Williams hands and she turned and said to the reporters you’re not coming ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. They were definitely not invited to the brunch. Oh that was just so sweet. Her first day of preschool twisting her ponytail hair trended worldwide on the Internet. Amazing, just  amazing everything this little lassie does will be trending for her whole entire life! She has a beloved love. I know I use the word beloved a lot don’t worry but hey that’s mean she loves unicorns absolutely loves unicorns and then she went on to a spell where,At least in the vignettes she was yearning for a pony and wanted a pony ever so badly until Zara and Auntie Anne got involved and then she had the sniffles , allergies to ponies.  I don’t think she’s gonna let any sniffles stop her from doing the family thing of riding horses no way no how! This girl is a leader a born natural leader. My mum used to say better have your children be leaders than followers! I love the video of her and George I’m not sure if Louis were there but they were riding their bikes and she was way ahead of George and she was hollering come on George hurry up come on hurry hurry. Oh my what will she be what will she do what will her interest be as she gets older. Right now Charlotte just please stay little for a little while longer just a wee while longer.     
Charlotte won’t have any problems making friends at her new school at all. “She has a strong personality and is the kind of little girl who knows what she wants and doesn’t let anything get in her way,” another insider told in a separate interview. “Charlotte is outgoing and oozes confidence.”Charlotte is more drawn to the arts. This year, she’ll take math, reading, French, music and ballet classes. “She loves dancing and is already talking about wanting the lead in the school’s Christmas play,” 
a future heartbreaker 
Charlotte has definitely inherited her mothers hair and I mentioned this the other day and from day one I noticed that Catherine has just the loveliest facial tic, for lack of a better word. It is a natural thing, she’s not doing it on purpose. Just  the right side of her cheek lifts up just the slightest and it gives her a uniqueness and is quite lovely. Our little Charlotte inherited that little lift in the right side of her cheek and she’s just so charming. She is stunning she looks just like her Majesty the Queen there’s such a strong resemblance in their childhood photos with the healthy DNA that she is carrying she’s going to be as they say used to say a real heartbreaker that that means to those who are who are you who are unfamiliar when they grow up they’re going to be a really beautiful person inside and out and many will fall in love and she’ll break many hearts. But I have a feeling she will mend many hearts too as no doubt she will be very active with charities. I have no doubt of that giving given where she comes from.
LOUIS 🤷‍♂️ 
Oh little Louis oh boss baby 😂😂🤣🤣. Wee Prince Louis on the balcony with that his lips were pursed, he was so oh and in my ethnic language we have a word that describes her but I won’t bother putting that here because none of you will know it. He just had his adorable pouty lips and it was just adorable, just absolutely adorable. And it was ever so sweet when he put his arms out and wanted his  daddy who was dressed in his full uniformhe by the way, wanted daddy to hold him while they were on the balcony, oh so precious. I see Louis has such a strong resemblance to grandpa Middleton eyebrows and all since day one. As he’s growing though he’s taking a more resemblance of George so it’s going to be interesting they’re all three very handsome children I think all three of them are going to be great Heartbreakers.
 his mother’s son 
I think this means William is the son of Diana. Definitely so. I’m not speaking genetically because of course he’s her son. William was raised in a very unique way his mother took him and Harry places where royal children didn’t normally go and introduced them to different parts of the way people live and made them well-rounded individuals. And we see William now has fully come into his own and we can see what kind of king he is going to be. He and Catherine are raising their children in a loving stable home exposing them to all the best things in life education gardening music history fun laughter just well-rounded healthy individuals. Just imagine how Diana is smiling from Heaven as she watches this. Can you imagine how she would love on those three children oh. I remember the the scene I think she was on a ship and they had been on a tour and their little boys were running up to her and William threw himself  up into her arms and Harry was left standing there and I don’t think he was too happy about that but he soon got his cuddles . That is what it’s all about yes there’s pomp and circumstance in and roles to fill but raising healthy children in all aspects oh she would be so proud just so very proud.
his grandfathers joy, 
I love the scene not last Christmas with the one before where the the four of them Queen Elizabeth prince Charles Prince William Prince George! Who by the way were standing on a box, they were making Christmas pudding. They had their pictures taken for generations and the Fixin’s for making Christmas pudding we’re on the table and George was attempting to stir by hand that thick batter. That was just so charming just so so charming. Then there is  the picture of Prince Charles holding Louis that just warm the cockles of your heart. You can just feel the love including from Louis for prince Charles. And I love the photo of them all on the bench while summer standing behind Catherine is holding Louis oh it’s a lovely photo. I just love photos real photos you can put in frames and hold in your hand and look at I love that I am old school. There are several pictures read like the love between the two of them it’s just it just jumps off it’s just jumps out of the photo it just makes my heart so warm. Charles has three lovely grandchildren so so nice.
much loved ,
teased by Charlotte 
Prince William reveals he has to defend Princess Charlotte against Prince George’s cheeky teasing
The royal kids don't always get along... https://www.goodto.com/family/family-news/prince-william-prince-george-princess-charlotte-teasing-518727
This article is from 2019 with a really cute article. 
I do think Charlotte has  a real assertive personality and I think she probably teases both her brothers a great deal. I’ll mention it again when they were riding their bikes in George was  behind her and she was saying come on George come on that cute little video that was taken outside Kensington Palace she was way ahead of him. I have a feeling if they are amounts of kibitzing goes on in that family. Do you kids know the word kibitzing?  It means laughing and joking and playing tricks and being silly and puns and just enjoying being together.
Another future heartbreaker.
As I said earlier I think all three of those children are going to be Heartbreakers. But they’re also going to be heart menders moreso  because I think they are going to be doing a lot of excellent work in their lives whatever their chosen profession will be and charity work definitely.
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you....wonderful! Great insight....much appreciated.....😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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ingek73 · 3 years
Gary Goldsmith: ‘When the Queen steps down, things need to pass to William & Kate’
April 27, 2021
By Kaiser
What on God’s green earth is going on over at Middleton Manor? Something has scared the bejesus out of Carole Middleton, and the Middleton media operation has been churning out these increasingly bizarre, overwhelmingly sugary interviews and “commentary” pieces. Enter Gary Goldsmith, Carole Middleton’s younger brother and Kate’s shady uncle. Uncle Gary has been getting bolder and bolder over the past year, giving two massively unhinged interviews to the Daily Mail (the Middletons’ favorite media outlet). Dodgy Uncle Gary called Harry and Meghan “attention-craving Muppets” last year, and then back in March, he practically gave the official Middleton statement on the Sussexes’ Oprah interview. He called Meghan a liar and made Kate sound like the second coming. Well, dodgy Uncle Gary has spoken again to the Mail and I can’t believe Carole does not realize how bad this makes the Middleton family look. Some highlights:
A decade of keen: ‘The ten years have been incredible for her. She’s taken to that job — and it is a job, her success comes from the fact she recognised that — like a duck to water, and emerged as the best thing that could have happened to the Royal Family. She’s their biggest asset at the moment. She was a breath of fresh air then and she hasn’t put a foot wrong since! When you look at what happened with Meghan, you realise how easy it is to marry into that family and get it completely wrong.’ He gives a little laugh as he refers to ‘our Kate’ (by contrast, the Duchess of Sussex and her husband are ‘those muppets’).
On Kate’s keen behavior at the funeral: ‘She doesn’t just look the part, she’s living the part. She acts like you’d want a royal to behave. She has that poise of the public servant, yet she also has the common touch — or the Diana touch, as I think of it. It’s a difficult balance, being someone people can identify with but also look up to, but she’s got it. I think she’s the Queen’s protégée’.
He thinks the Queen looked suddenly and shockingly frail at Philip’s funeral. Understandable in the circumstances, of course, but with questions about the future of the monarchy swirling, he has an interesting but controversial take. ‘Obviously, I’m a massive fan of the Queen and it’s amazing that her reign has been the longest in history, but wouldn’t it be great if William and Kate had the opportunity to have perhaps an even longer reign? We are in an era of change for the Royal Family. It has been a bit of a rollercoaster, and if Her Majesty was to step aside, it’s my opinion William and Kate would give the whole country stability.’
What about Charles & Camilla? ‘Well, I personally didn’t think it was right the Queen was back at work. That was such a burdensome thing for anyone, never mind someone of her age. I think she should take some time out. Well if there was a good time to step down, maybe it is now. I think Prince Charles is a credit to the nation and I’m sure he would do a great job as King. And I have a huge amount of time for Camilla… But — and I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this — I think that when the Queen steps down, things need to pass to William and Kate. To give you a football analogy, they are ready to have their foot on the ball. Charles would do a good job, of course, but in terms of freshening things up it would be better with William and Kate. With them the monarchy would thrive, rather than just survive. Charles could be found another amazing role.’
On the Duchess of Sussex: ‘There isn’t any self-interest about Kate’s work. I wish I could say the same about Meghan,’ says Gary. He adds that he was ‘livid’ when he watched the Oprah interview, in which the Duchess of Sussex claimed it was Catherine who made her cry in a row over bridesmaid dresses.
On Harry: ‘I was angry at them over there [in California] slagging off our Royal Family. There was no reason for them to betray the family trust in the way they did. But seeing him at the funeral, I was just sad. He looked lost. I feel quite emotional even talking about it, but we’ve all been thinking about mental health, and here we are, watching someone crumbling in front of us. It’s not right.’ He talks of the ‘happy days’ when William, Harry and Kate had formed a sort of public trio. ‘Look at how happy they were. You can’t fake that. Kate adored him and everyone only wanted him to be happy. When Meghan came along it should have been more fun. Kate would have been welcoming to her, because she would have wanted Harry to be happy. If Harry is happy, everyone is happy. But at the end it became about Meghan. It’s all about Meghan. I was disappointed. I thought she was given quite a hard time from the Press, but perhaps the Press got it right quicker than we did.’
[From The Daily Mail]
The more these people talk, the more I feel like Harry and Meghan were so lucky to be able to get out alive. The obsession with them is really dangerous and unsettling, and there are so many moments where it feels like people are implicitly threatening Meghan’s life and existence. They’re so mad at her for… existing, for being the woman Harry married. It’s disgusting the way they speak about her. And Kate should be disgusted and embarrassed to hear her uncle speak this way about her and about Meghan and Harry, not to mention the Queen, Charles and Camilla. I keep thinking that surely, at some point, Charles has to step in and shut down the Middletons in some big way? Because it really can’t go on like this. It’s painful.
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camillaluddingtns · 4 years
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The Duke of Cambridge photographed while recording ‘Football, Prince William and our Mental Health’ | May 2020.
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coraofwales · 4 years
The Duke of Cambridge has met players, fans and managers from grassroots to the elite as part of #HeadsUp, a campaign to kick off the biggest ever conversation on mental health, through football.
The documentary ‘Football, Prince William And Our Mental Health’ will be broadcast on Thursday 28 May at 20:05 BST on BBC One.
In this preview of the documentary The Duke and former footballer Marvin Sordell discuss how feelings from a traumatic event can resurface when becoming a parent.
#FootballPrinceWilliamAndOurMentalHealth  @Heads_Together
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theroyalweekly · 4 years
"It's one of the most amazing moments in life, but also one of the scariest."

The Duke of Cambridge and former footballer Marvin Sordell discuss parenthood as part of 'Football, Prince William and our mental health', a new @BBCOne documentary following the #HeadsUp campaign ⚽
- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
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mrmrswales · 4 years
The BBC has announced it will air a series of programmes for May’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which will include a film led by Prince William.
Currently titled ‘Tackling Mental Health With the Duke of Cambridge’, the film sees the 37- year-old second-in-line to the throne focus on “men’s mental health through the prism of football.”
The documentary follows the Duke for over the course of a year.
As well as meeting with fans, players and managers, Prince William will talk candidly with former England goalkeeper Joe Hart and Chelsea manager Frank Lampard “as part of his efforts to start the biggest ever conversation on mental health, through football.”
The documentary leads an array of programming about mental health on both television and radio.
BBC Director General Tony Hall has said that focus on mental health is “more important than ever” during the coronavirus crisis.
“That’s why bringing mental health issues out into the open is so important. Our programmes aim to do just that. They highlight the issues affecting many and will hopefully help people seek the support they need.”
BBC Content director Charlotte Moore added: “It has never felt more important to raise awareness and bring the conversation out into the open when so many people are feeling isolated and alone.
“We’re taking our commitment even further to provide a vital support to those in need and reach an even broader audience with programmes that will explore what we can all do to look after ourselves, help loved ones and deal with the anxiety so many are experiencing through this crisis.”
Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 18-24 May 2020
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royalfamily84 · 4 years
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This portrait of HRH Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge was taken by Jaimie Gramston, while recording ‘Football, Prince William and our Mental Health’.
Really great photo!
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mia-soufi2018 · 4 years
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causeiwanttoandican · 5 years
I think I hear he sound of shattering glass coming from Vancouver.
The Telegraph
Kate steps up: The making of a future Queen
Revealed: The crack team building and shaping the Duchess of Cambridge's royal future
By Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor
7 February 2020 • 9:00pm
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It has been exactly a month since Harry and Meghan announced that they were stepping back as senior members of the Royal Family. For the past eight weeks, column inches have racked up about the ‘Megxit’ bombshell and its impact on the institution of monarchy.
Yet amid all the hysteria and hullabaloo, one of its most important members has been serenely going about the business of keeping calm and carrying on.
Until now this kind of understated behaviour may have been most closely associated with the Queen, but it is her modern day equivalent, the Duchess of Cambridge, who has been quietly putting duty first with increasing visibility.
A recent UK tour to launch her landmark survey on early childhood, combined with well-received visits to Bradford and Mumbles, may at first look like Kate making a conscious effort to fill the void left by her brother and sister in law.
Yet as has ever been the case with the middle class girl from Bucklebury who married into the Firm almost a decade ago, that would be to underestimate a woman who has never made a show of her royal role.
Motherhood to monarch
Having discreetly spent the past eight years beavering away on the causes closest to her heart, Kate has finally found her voice and is determined to use it. No longer willing to be seen but not heard, sources say she is now ready to commit the rest of her working life to raising awareness of the importance of childhood - and its impact on adult life.
Although she never took the credit for being the inspiration behind the Heads Together mental health campaign spearheaded by William and Harry - having witnessed its extraordinary impact, there is a sense that the Duchess has finally realised just how much she is capable of.
“The Duchess has worked quietly away in the background for years,” said one well-placed royal insider, “And now she knows that people want to hear from her”. No longer as fearful of public speaking, and fast carving her own path out of the shadows, Kate’s landmark online survey '5 Big Questions on the Under Fives’, will mark the start of decades more work on the subject, according to aides.
“It’s much easier to speak out when you know what you’re talking about and passionate about your subject,” added the insider. “She has become an expert in early years learning, she understands the science and is respected in the sector because she has spent the past eight years working it out. But she also wants to find answers. This is about evidence based research.” The first results of the childhood survey are due next month.
Kate’s gentle yet inquisitive manner was never more on display than when she met wheelchair-bound Harvey Bentley, 90, in Mumbles on Tuesday. The warm exchange was filmed by Mr Bentley’s son-in-law Mike Sutton-Smith
This kind of reaction is certainly welcome after arguably the most testing period for the monarchy since Diana’s death. With two of the so-called ‘Fab Four’ poised to set up their own projects in North America, the focus for the Cambridges will not only be on putting duty first but in a non-partisan, but an extremely effective way.
As one observer noted: “It is a bit of a paradox, having such a naturally introverted person in such a high-profile position. I think that’s what people find endearing about the Duchess. She’s not a showy person. It’s a deeply British trait.”
And one which she certainly shares with Her Majesty who also has a quiet confidence and sense of reserve when interacting with the public.
Of course, accession may still be decades away, but preparations for the royal couple to become the next Prince and Princess of Wales were already well underway before Harry and Meghan’s move to Canada.
Yet while efforts had previously been ploughed into elevating the status of the man who would be king - there is a new, and arguably even more compelling project now fully in progress at the palace: the advent of Queen Catherine.
So much so in fact that team of academics have been drafted in to help the mother-of-three shape her royal future, with input from the highest echelons of government and even the security services.
Likened to a modern-day version of the Way Ahead Group, set up to rebuild the monarchy in the aftermath of the Queen’s ‘annus horribilis’ of 1992, the Duchess’s steering group of experts has informed her focus on early years learning and helped her to grow in confidence in her royal role.
Working royals putting duty first
As the royal couple prepare to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary next year, 2020 is set to be momentous for the Cambridges.
Projecting themselves as a family unit - and a relatable one too - has become a priority and was behind them agreeing to the prime time Christmas TV special with national treasure Mary Berry, which saw the royal couple cooking souffles while discussing the work of their Royal Foundation, the philanthropic vehicle for all their charitable endeavours.
With talk of trips to Ireland, Chile and Columbia already in the offing, and both having recently launched major charitable initiatives - including William’s Earthshot Prize - a multimillion pound project to ‘repair the planet’, the next 12 months will see the pair try to bring what one palace insider describes as the ‘calm after the storm’.
The source added: “What you are going to see with the Cambridges is a couple carved very much out of the Queen’s mould: Duty first.”
Having had three children in swift succession and with Prince George, six and Princess Charlotte, four, now in school and Prince Louis turning two in April, Kate’s priorities have shifted.
According to one well-placed source: “Over the last 12 months they have realised the potential power of their platform. They understand that by launching these long term projects they can genuinely make a big difference. They’ve been told clearly by people the impact that they can have if they pick the right spaces - things they care passionately about.”
Just this week we have seen William discuss diversity at the Baftas and his mental health initiative Heads Up, tackling the issue through football, has been well received. As with Earthshot, described by one aide as “the biggest thing the Duke has ever undertaken”, it’s about saying ‘we can do this’, rather than ‘this is too daunting’”, said a source.
“The Royal Foundation has been going for 10 years now. What they want to do is a smaller number of things on a bigger scale. For the Duchess, the early years work is something she will lead for the rest of her life. It's easy to dismiss it as nice and cuddly, but the focus is going to shift from how much childhood issues affect adult mental health and on the social side, it's as significant as climate change.”
While both projects and their recent visits to Yorkshire and South Wales had been in the diary for months, there is no doubt the ‘Sussex situation’ has escalated matters. “A hell of a lot of responsibility rests on their shoulders and they’ve just got to get on with it,” said royal author Phil Dampier. “I think they are both resigned to spending the next 30, 40, 50 years as heavyweight royals.”
A formidable asset
Government hopes are also being pinned on William and Kate flying the flag for post-Brexit Britain. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) was “delighted” with their highly successful visit to Pakistan last year, which helped to demonstrate the Cambridges’ worth to UK Plc. There emphasis will be on ‘youthful yet dependable royalty’ - demonstrating the power of the Royal Family both home and abroad as a formidable ambassadorial asset.
This was certainly on show last month as William hosted his first major state occasion - a reception for the UK-Africa Investment Summit - on behalf of the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Standing alongside his wife, many royal watchers noted how much more publicly demonstrative William had become towards Kate. During the reception he was uncharacterstically nostalgic, saying: “The African continent holds a very special place in my heart. It is the place my father took my brother and me shortly after our mother died. And when deciding where best to propose to Catherine, I could think of no more fitting place than Kenya to get down on one knee.” When a wellwisher in Mumbles complimented William on Charlotte, he replied: "Yes, she is lovely - just like my wife."
And it is this kind of gentle encouragement and support which is intended to propel his wife to the next level - where her dependability turns into the kind of ‘soft power’ which can affect real change.
Or as one insider put it: "They are going to be doing what politicians can't do, with such a comparatively shorter shelf life. Only royals can think about this scale of change on a generational basis - and that is what the Cambridges are determined to bring about."
A crucial appointment for Kate will be her next private secretary following the departure of Catherine Quinn, the Oxford-educated right hand woman who has helped to chart the past two years. The Telegraph understands a replacement is yet to be found and the Duchess is continuing to be supported by her assistant private secretary and Simon Case, the former civil servant who has been William’s closest adviser since July 2018. Case previously worked for former Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May and that they are taking their time, searching for someone of Case's calibre for Kate is certainly telling.
The couple arguably have another, equally pressing legacy project: the future survival of the monarchy. William has certainly been working in ‘lock step’ with his father and grandmother to find a solution to his brother and sister-in-law’s desire to leave the Firm.
The Telegraph can reveal that the second-in-line was also much more involved in the decision for the Duke of York to step back from public life last November than has previously been reported.
When Prince Andrew travelled to Sandringham to hold talks with Prince Philip and Charles - he also held a meeting with his nephew, believed to be at Anmer Hall, the Cambridge’s Georgian country house on the Queen’s estate in Norfolk. According to a source: “William spoke to Andrew for about an hour. They met separately. The Queen and Prince of Wales both agreed he should be fully involved in the discussions - he is very much a part of what has become a triumvirate of decision-making these days.”
No Fab Four Anymore
As Joe Little, editor-of-chief of Majesty magazine points out, there needs to be a shift in focus now that Harry and Meghan have handed in their notice. “Prince Charles had hoped to have a slimmed down monarchy with his own children and grandchildren as the major players, but he has had to revise that masterplan in light of recent events.
“The House of Windsor was riding high for such a long time with weddings, babies and jubilees, William and Kate have got to restore some of that magic.”
Agreeing that the Duchess’s role will be key to ensuring a modern-day monarchy is fit for purpose, he added: “There’s a mystique about Kate like there has always been about the Queen.”
While Harry and Meghan appear intent on politicising their future role, for William and Kate it is going to be all about the three S’s: stature, strength, and stability
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thewales-family · 4 years
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News : In the new documentary "Football, Prince William, and Our Mental Health", The Duke of Cambridge opened up about the emotions of fatherhood, the raw pain of Princess Diana's returned when he became a dad and his wife's support.
Speaking about his experiences and pressures parents face with English former professional soccer player Marvin Sordell, The Duke of Cambridge said : "Having children is the biggest life-changing moment, it really is…I think when you’ve been through something traumatic in life, and that is like you say, you’re Dad not being around, my mother dying when I was younger, the emotions come back, in leaps and bounds."
William also discussed how his wife, Catherine, supports him through parenthood pressures and work as a team : “Me and Catherine particularly, we support each other and we go through those moments together and we kind of evolve and learn together… I can completely relate to what you’re saying about children coming along, it’s one of the most amazing moments of life but it’s also one of the scariest,” he said -May 22nd 2020.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON …… “They will return… eventually!!”…… “mummy, it’s school Monday!!”……… cry-sis, 😭😭what cry-sis…… “from our house to Bauhaus”……” there together sir”………… “ one needs the quiet time “……… take the pulse of the populace ……… “ overwhelming support ma’am” ……… “football George,football!!”…… “O god!! He’s on another planet”………… “ A quiet few weeks would be welcomed” ……… I received the memo. ………” poison chalice old boy, poison chalice”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
JANUARY 3/2020
2200 hrs CST
“They will return… eventually!!”…… “
The eventual return of Harry and madam is invariably needing to happen,will it be  to continue the kabuki. This sounding like there may be a slight delay in their or make that’her’ returning to the U.K. l have no doubt she is fighting, kicking, screaming, like a toddler every which way she can to avoid this. They will return, the public will be told of annulment/divorce. Beyond that, what details are shared is bet you knowledge. 
“mummy, it’s school Monday!!”
The Christmas break is over, the Cambridge children along with millions of other will return to school and a schedule/routine with millions of relieved exhausted parents glad of it! We all thrive better on schedules!
cry-sis, 😭😭what cry-sis
The real crisis is Australia and now New Zealand, along with looming military action in Iraq/Iran! I cannot think anything supersedes that this moment. The issue with madam has gone on so long and has been at different stages of crisis so long, action does need taking to end this garbage! 
 “from our house to Bauhaus”……” there together sir”………… “ one needs the quiet time “
The phrase is from our house to your house, has previously been an advertising ploy and a sentiment.
Bauhaus is a furniture company. From wiki….”
The History & Philosophy of the Bauhaus Movement. … With that being said, you’re constantly surrounded by pieces of architecture and design influenced by the movement and philosophy. The Bauhaus, meaning “house of building” in German, was founded in 1919 in Weimar, Germany, by architect Walter Gropius.Jun 14, 2017”
From Bauhaus to our house is a 1981 narrative about modern architecture by Tom Wolfe.
Harry has a cousin in Germany, and a goddaughter, he goes hunting there with his cousin. I believe Harry is there now with who? A friend or friends? Or the English 🌹? LG updating HMTQ, she agrees most definitely that continued quiet recuperating time is what is best for our Harry, surrounded by live and support!
 take the pulse of the populace ……… “ overwhelming support ma’am” 
LG continuing his conversation with HMTQ, suggesting perhaps getting a feel from the public. The public has made well known their opinions, just read the comments on the DM or most articles about madam! I have no doubt what the results of what the general public’s wishes are, GET RID OF MADAM, FREE HARRY, BRING HER TO JUSTICE, TELL AS MUCH OF THE TRITH AS CAN BE TOLD WITHOUT JEOPARDIZING NATIONAL OR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY!!
 “football George,football!!”…… “O god!! He’s on another planet”
This weekend, January 4/2020 the 32 FA Cup matches to be played, the first minute of all matches will be one minute to show a video with Prince William regarding mental awareness. Connections with others improves mental health and see the other as a human not just a face. Football is massive, Aston Villa is the favourite, Catherine loves, or used to love,Arsenal but by default Aston Villa wins out🤣🤣😂😂. I seem to recall reading that William and George liked different teams but l just cannot recall exactly. Between tennis and football our George is so wrapped up in sports!! George and Charlotte am sure are tot
 “ A quiet few weeks would be welcomed” ……… I received the memo. ………” poison chalice old boy, poison chalice”
PP, HMTQ AND LG. HMTQ needing some time to think regarding what was part of Wednesday’s riddle where HMTQ says she needs to contemplate something before taking final action. AKA release the hounds on madam, that is lift any and all informal news embargoes and lets the chips fall where they may. There will be many affected, the Royal family will take many hits to be sure, but this kabuki cannot go on any longer. HMTQ will take some time before she decides the exact time is right! Think perhaps she may just stay at Windsor or perhaps elsewhere but not in London.
2240 hrs CST
Thank you PG!  This looks great. Much appreciated😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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oliver-starkk · 4 years
if you’re in the uk, please watch william (aka the duke of cambridge, prince william, future king) and his show football, prince william and our mental health on BBC 1 now (or on iplayer!!!)
this will be doing amazing things hopefully for male depression and suicide in the uk ❤️
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opiatemasses · 5 years
Mental Health in Football:60 seconds that could save a life
Mental health is seen as a taboo subject in general and especially in the sporting world. It is only in recent years that the conversation and awareness of mental health has increased, however this should only be the foundation for creating more of an impact on society in the future. In men under the age of 45, the biggest killer is still suicide. So, what exactly is being done to help raise awareness of this common illness?
At the beginning of 2020, for the first time ever, all 32 Emirates FA Cup Third Round fixtures were delayed by one minute in order to promote better mental health among football fans. This was part of the collaboration between Every Mind Matter’s and the Heads Up campaign.
During the extra minute, a video narrated by Prince William was shown, encouraging all fans and players to ‘Take A Minute’ to look after their mental health and that of their friends and significant others. By simply talking to the people around us it can create a much better atmosphere, making sure nobody feels completely alone.  
This campaign comes after research found that 45% of men who experienced signs of mental illness in the last year haven’t tried to undertake any actions to cope with it, compared to 31% of women. This is a staggering amount considering one in four people are affected by mental health each year.
This simple idea from The FA is exactly the kind of thing that we should see more of. It got people taking double takes, asking questions and ultimately increased awareness of the subject of mental health. During the minute delay, fans were encouraged to consider the positive impact that 60 seconds can have, whether that is thinking about their own health or helping a friend.
Godric Smith, Chair of the Heads Up campaign, added “The Emirates FA Cup is a competition for everyone and we want to use its power to help show that we all have mental health and that we can all take a minute to focus on how we can start to improve it.”
How could a footballer possibly suffer from a mental illness?
We need to change the stigma amongst football players about feeling down and depressed. Footballers are under so much scrutiny already that it often seems like they’re not allowed to have their own issues and problems.
Ex-footballer Jamie O’Hara explained that he struggled with depression for years without speaking to anyone about it, because he was scared of what their reply would be.
“How could you be depressed when you’re a footballer living in mansion?”
To many people, the fact that professional footballers have what is considered the ‘dream life’ means that they cannot possibly suffer from mental illness. But at the end of the day, just because they have certain unique skills that are far greater than our own, does that mean they are not human like us? There’s an easy answer to that, no.
This video also hears from Paul Merson, who admitted previously that at one point he was struggling with life as his gambling and alcohol addiction was out of control. Before news of his addiction became public, his now ex-wife even stated that she had no idea about it. Conversations about this subject need to become normalised, and hopefully ex-professionals speaking out about their experiences can create a snowball effect which allows this to happen.
Is enough being done by The FA?
The numbers of professional footballers accessing counselling services offered by the players' union increased by almost 50 per cent during 2019. Data released by the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) to the PA news agency showed that 653 of its members had used therapy over the past 12 months, compared to 438 in 2018.
These stats show that people are starting to talk more about their feelings. ‘Mental health week’ is another time when campaigns are run and it seems especially normal to talk about the topic. But more can be done. We shouldn’t be relying on one campaign or one week each year to show people that ‘it’s OK to not be OK’.
What do you think could be done to help raise the awareness of mental health in sport? Please let me know in the comments below. 
If you are struggling with mental health or know of someone that is, then don’t be afraid to seek help or speak to someone. Please visit the Mind Health Charity website.  
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phototoolchange · 4 years
Social Media Research
- Jasper
Social Media Men’s Mental Health Campaigns
Heads Up – Heads Together
·      This campaign was in partnership with the English FA (English Football Association)
·      The campaign strived to raise awareness, spark conversation and signpost support for those in need (the established a crisis text support service alongside the campaign)
·      It was aimed at everyone including football players, supporters etc.
·      It was on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube alongside a television campaign that was shown before football games at the weekend
·      Their content featured ‘famous’ men and footballers talking about their problems in an attempt to share stories and promote conversation about our mental health in our life
·      “Heads up will show men that we all have mental health just like we have physical health” – Prince William
·      It was effective is it showed people their ‘heroes’ (football players) being human and having issues with their mental health, which promoted a normalisation within men speaking about their mental health.
The Lad Bible – UOKM8?
·      A series of videos on YouTube Instagram and Facebook featuring ‘influential men’ and their experiences with depression
·      They also released articles alongside the campaign such as “why treating your mates who suffer from mental health issues differently is bullshit”
·      It once again promoted a normalisation of speaking to your friends about your mental health and also gave people advice on how to support a friend properly
·      Worked well as it targeted the most vulnerable group of men (18-24-year olds) and reached around half of British 18-24-year olds
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
·      CALM have a lot of influential men as ambassadors and have a constant social media presence
·      The influential men include:
o   Loyle Carner (music artist)
o   Sam Allardyce (Football manager)
o   Seamus Coleman (Footballer)
o   Michael Dappah (comedian)
o   Terry Butcher (footballer)
o   And many more
It seems like a running theme for social media campaigns on men’s mental health is to use a wide variety of men, I feel like this is important as it shows that the campaign can reach a variety of target audiences within the broad category of men. 
0 notes
mrmrswales · 6 years
Prince William has hit out at British football clubs for treating young players as “financial assets” without caring enough about their mental health.
The Duke of Cambridge – who rarely points the finger of blame – last night said clubs were guilty of a “dereliction of duty” and called for radical changes in the game.
Wills, who is President of the Football Association, said: “Many players come from difficult backgrounds and may have all sorts of issues. So just to have them as a complete financial asset...it’s a dereliction of duty.”
The Prince was was applauded for his bold stand last night by Mirror Sport columnist Robbie Savage, who said: “It can only be a good sign Prince William, who genuinely cares for the game, is taking such an interest.
“This summer, dozens of teenagers who dream of a career in professional football will be released – and it’s important that they are not simply left to pick up the pieces.”
The Prince warned that too many clubs simply drop young players if they fail to reach a required standard, with no thought as to how to support them in building a new life.
William, 36, made the astonishingly candid comments during a meeting at Windsor Park, the home of the Irish Football Association in Belfast, on a two-day visit.
He told of his despair at the way players are discarded, saying they should be “supported” instead of being told to “move on”.
He said: “Some clubs don’t do anything about mental health. We’ve got to change the whole way we look after players.
“Many players come from difficult backgrounds and may have all sorts of issues going on. So just to have them as a complete financial asset...it’s a dereliction of duty, I think.”
William’s comments to members of Ahead of the Game, an organisation that delivers mental health support to grassroots football clubs are sure to hit home across the game – especially as so many names have been hit by mental health issues.
The community leaders told the Duke of the perils of young players being sold a dream after being signed up to football clubs with the lure of making it to the Premier league and earning millions of pounds.
The pressure youngsters are put under to succeed can often lead to crippling bouts of anxiety and depression, especially when they are “let go” by the clubs with little education and no future.
William’s comments have been echoed by Michael Bennett, the Professional Footballers’ Association’s head of welfare.
It emerged last year that a record number of players approached the body for support with mental health problems.
He said: “Clearly, not everyone is earning £100,000 a week.
“But there are things you don’t see; players could suffer an untimely death in the family or suffer a serious injury.
“Money isn’t going to stop emotional feelings surfacing.”
Former England and Liverpool striker Stan Collymore was deluged with support yesterday after revealing his latest bout of depression has left him “staying in bed for 20 hours a day”.
The Mirror Football columnist has suffered with mental illness for a number of years.
He described his current state in an emotional Twitter post this morning, saying: “Last 3 wks I’ve been in bed sleeping 20 hrs a day,stinking to high heaven, unable to wash.
“2nd worst bout of D (Depression) of my life filled with a longing to never wake.
“Today I’m going to the gym. To fight back.
“If you’re struggling, you’re not alone, and it will pass. Stay in the game.”
Burnley winger Aaron Lennon has also spoken publicly about his battle with depression.
The former England star was playing for Everton when he was diagnosed with a stress-related illness and sought help with experts at the Priory Hospital in his fight to get his life back on track.
William, who is in Northern Ireland with wife Kate until this afternoon, also highlighted the case for providing more support to the LGBT community in sport.
Revealing he has discussed the possibility of staging a “Mental Health FA Cup”, the Duke said: “We’re working on something with the FA at the moment, trying potentially to get a mental health FA Cup to have a really punchy campaign we can base something around
“I’m still intrigued and trying to understand, because no-one’s done any surveys, how much the LGBT community is linked in to the mental health problems in football.
“Are people being put off football because of LGBT reasons? Is it not integrated well with mental health issues within sport?
“I don’t think we’ve explored enough or know enough.”
Dad of three William has spoken openly of his own mental health battles being a helicopter pilot in the air ambulance.
He spoke of the benefits of the network of support he could rely on when dealing with the after effects of attending distressing road traffic accidents involving children.
In a discussion, in a meeting room at the stadium, he also raised questions about the next generations of sportsmen and women, wondering aloud about their resilience.
“We’ve been thinking about the stats and the evidence recently,” he said.
“Are we setting up some of our children at the moment for more mental health issues in the future, by the way we are creating a win-win situation and scenarios?
“I’ve been hearing that a bit recently and I’m trying to get my head around how we do it.
“Because resilience has to be built within everybody.
“From a very very young age, nobody wants to be told they’re not good at something but of course that could prove a difficult situation to handle when life comes along with school and jobs and so on.
“How do they learn to pick themselves back up again?
“When they lose a match, you’re gutted. But that’s part of what sport is all about. Every sportsman and women knows what it takes to be at the top of their game.”
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