#for anyone new here; I tag less so that others can see and more for personal organizational purposes; at least for more popular fandoms
atomicsuperrobot · 11 months
Aw no, why are y'all makin Sonoko out to be particularly annoying this case?? Maybe I'm spoiled by fanfiction that often handles her personality type a bit better without making her overbearing, idk; maybe it's the fact that I fuckin hate unnecessary love triangle drama.
It is nice to see Hakuba again, but it comes at a hefty price of "dumbing someone down for the sake of plot reasons" wrt to Sonoko (she may not be bright, but she ain't that stupid, surely; also, relationships don't even work like that, and it's absolutely not going to work bc none of the parties involved are very likely to fall into it like that).
Ran has met him before, albeit somewhat briefly, so I honestly don't think she'd be interested in him, regardless if he is another "handsome detective". He's haughtier and less pleasant than Shinichi even on a good day. I don't think he'd reciprocate, either, bc iirc he's only ever shown interest in either Aoko, or Akako; hell, he might not even have any genuine serious interest at all. Some girl he barely knows ain't gonna get through to his ass.
Shinichi is liable to dislike him, but that's more because he's, again, quite haughty, and therefore a bit prickly when it comes to interacting with others. Even now as my internet struggles to load the final pages, he is seemingly jumping the gun a bit and expecting things to go his way. (I do like him, sometimes, but canonically he is a huge pain in the ass, still. He doesn't appear often enough to have a lot of proper development...)
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sttm99 · 2 months
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Older!pro hero!Bakugo falling for one of UA's newer students seven years after he graduated.
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Note: I am without a doubt going to expand on this later, so consider this a teaser and let me know if anyone would like to be tagged when I post that one!
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He only went back to participate in some event the school was hosting, standing near the edge of the stage next to Red Riot. He face was rigid, and his expression twisted in annoyance at having to be there as he handed out certificates to the approaching students.
He notices you after a couple of minutes standing there, his eyes glued to your side profile as you converse with your classmates. He thinks you're absolutely beautiful, and he tries not to let himself get distracted, but he can't help himself.
Everyone's giddy at seeing the heroes in their school's hall, even though they're alumni and their pictures are plastered on walls all around the school. You're excited too, and he likes that.
He likes that your eyes keep glancing over to where he's standing, and he can see how you grin, how you look towards the girl at your left, mouthing, 'Dynamight's looking here, right?'
He can't help the pride swelling his chest, his eyes still stuck on you even when you leave, all the students filing out of the classroom.
He's quick to put out an offer to you to join his agency when you guys graduate two months later. It's uncharacteristic of him, and his assistant is more than shocked when asked to send the letter, but he doesn't really care.
He doesn't care when Mina and Todoroki ask him why he's at your class's graduation even though he's always invited and has never shown up before.
He also doesn't care how quick Heroes Weekly is to talk about the first UA student to be offered a sidekick role at Dynamight's agency straight from graduation.
And he honestly couldn't care less about waking up to the scandalous picture all over social media about 6 months after.
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And it's a picture of you sitting on his lap, hands rubbing over his chest, exposed by the undone buttons of his shirt, taken in the VIP section of a high-end club he and other heroes frequented.
He smirks to himself, throwing his phone on his bedside table as he climbs back into the sheets, running his palm over your naked back and leaning in to kiss the back of your neck softly.
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Extra note: I guess it's my fault for writing it this way, but please, reader is 18! 😭she's unironically inspired by me, and I was 18 before I graduated, so she's intended to be 18 in her last year of school.
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nobrashfestivity · 9 months
Everyone Hates Poetry 2024
Write a poem before Feb.5th and submit it to me with the submit feature or in an ask.
Poems should be less than 500 words
You can use your real name or your blog name but they can't be completely anonymous.
Poems will be published at 9pm on Wednesdays and then a link to each poem will be added to the bottom of this pinned post so people can read them all.
I can't stop anyone from reblogging their own poems and generally sharing art is a wonderful thing, but don't turn it into some kind of social media campaign. because people with a small number of followers would be at a disadvantage. This is supposed to be fun. Please do reblog this post and tag people if you think you know someone on tumblr that might be interested. Since the post will contain links to the submissions, your poem will not be lost in the shuffle.
If I receive less than 10 entries I'll cancel the contest and consider it a failed experiment.
Public voting will begin after the 5th.and account for 50% of the vote
A panel of judges will also vote but will not submit poems themselves, and their votes will make up the other 50% of the final tally.
.There will be small prizes for the winner and runner up.
This is my art blog and will remain so, as it always has been. I'm doing this because poets here don't get much chance to get their stuff read and I have a fair number of followers. It's just a little thing to do if you want. I'm not turning this into a poetry blog or a contest blog or anything else.
Poems don't need to be finished. Due to the one month time frame I would suspect these would be first drafts, but please write something new. I want to encourage people to do something now, however imperfect, rather than showing work that's already done.
Updates will follow. Thank you!
Rule clarifications
-Please dont send poems anonymously if at all possible. I am happy to include a name that doesn't identify your blog directly but it's impossible to refer to or contact people who submit poems anonymously. I can't have anonymous poems considered without at least a name for you and if you were to win a prize, you'd need a name and address to claim it. I don't so much care about the latter part, that's for you, this becomes very disorganized and hard to regulate with anonymous messages floating in.
-Please put the title of your poem above it. If it is below it, I have no way of distinguishing with certainty if it's a title or a last line.
One poem per person please.
if you do not wish to see the poetry contest entries just filter the tag "everyone hates poetry 2024"
Due to the very high volume of submissions I am blogging them more gradually as to give more attention to each one. The same tag, "everyone hates poetry 2024", that you can filter if you do not want to see these can be used to find the submissions. If you follow this tag you'll get them all.
Please note that I am now publishing these as asks, previously I had to retype to keep the formatting and there are simply too many entries
Submissions are now closed, I will be publishing submissions all week and then when all have been posted we will start the voting (stay tuned as to how and when)
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
Heyy gorgeous! I’m here once again lol. I was thinking about enemies to lovers this time. Elijah and reader despise each other. She’s always getting on his nerves and he’s always making her embarrassed etc etc. She’s also misbehaving - like interrupting him mid sentence, being sassy and he’s just trying to hold it together. One day they get into a fight or they have to train together (like he did with Gia in s.2) and there’s just too much sexual tension between them. Some angry sex and so on…? Thank youuu🥰
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Elijah Mikaelson is controlling, arrogant and absolutely infuriating, you don't know how anybody can stand him. That is... until he gets you in his bed.
♡♡ Thanks for the request lovely @msveronicag ! I love this idea so much and I got a little carried away with it ♡♡
8.2k words - Warnings: smut, dom!elijah, blowjobs, choking, spanking, rough sex, tinsy bit of ass play, Elijah being a smug little control freak...
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You were back in New Orleans, visiting your old friend Marcel. He turned you nearly fifty years ago and he had always been a mentor figure for you. You left the city to go travel the world and discovered everything it had to offer. But you always remembered your roots, and Marcel was still the man you looked up to the most. So, when he called, asking if you wanted to come help him keep the peace and order in the city, you were happy to agree.
You knew the Originals had arrived in town and you were interested in meeting them. They were an endlessly fascinating bunch of lunatics from what you heard, and you couldn't wait to meet them.
But when you finally got the chance, you were surprised by a few things, number one, they were all ridiculously hot.
And number two, you instantly hated Elijah Mikaelson.
He was just so arrogant and stuck up. His constant use of posh words annoyed you to no end, and his perfect hair was just begging to be ruffled.
He just strolled into Marcel's loft one day and started giving orders. Talking to Marcel in a way that immediately pissed you off. You didn't like to hear your friend being talked to like he was beneath anyone, and so you spoke up.
"Excuse me," You drawled lazily, looking up from where you were perched on Marcel's couch. "Just because you're some original pain in the ass doesn't mean you get to control everything."
Elijah was clearly used to being obeyed. He slowly turned to you, regarding you with that arrogant sneer you came to detest in just a matter of minutes. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes unflinchingly.
"I beg your pardon?" He asked, looking at you as if he could barely see you.
You hated when someone pretended not to hear or understand something. Especially when they understood perfectly well, but were hoping for you to be scared into backing down. Well, that wasn't happening.
"If you didn't understand, I'll repeat it in simple terms that even your elderly ears will comprehend," You snapped at him, standing up to meet his eyes more equally. "Be. Nice."
He gave you a slow, crooked smile that didn't reach his eyes, then he looked back to Marcel with his eyebrows raised. "Are you going to control your little pet?"
You saw red, and opened your mouth to respond, but Marcel gave you a look that screamed 'don't', so you kept quiet, glaring at Elijah.
You couldn't stand the man, the way he would always be wearing a suit, his perfectly styled hair, and those dark, judgmental eyes that seemed to always be on you, looking down at you.
He was just one of those rich assholes who saw a regular person like you as something lesser, and you weren't going to let him walk over you. You'd think after living for one thousand years he would have gained some insight on human behavior, but no, he was just an old, pompous jerk.
You weren't sure what the hell Elijah and his siblings had done to Marcel to make him act the way he did around the Mikaelsons. But he was different around them. More obedient and less himself. You didn't like how the Originals acted like they owned the city.
Regardless, you weren't stupid enough to make enemies out of them. They were valuable allies, so you kept quiet for the most part, and just rolled your eyes and sighed whenever Elijah would open his arrogant mouth.
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Marcel needed you to help train some new vampires that had turned recently. You would have them do drills and spar. Things were going well, the new recruits acclimating well to their new state of being.
When you saw Elijah and Marcel enter the room, you immediately felt defensive, you knew that prick was going to say something.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at him, his presence putting everyone on edge.
"Keep training," You said, gesturing for them to keep practicing. They were hesitant at first, but did as you instructed.
You walked towards Elijah and Marcel, trying to get the man to leave before he said something wrong and ruined their progress. You stood between the two men and looked up at Elijah with a forced, tight smile.
"Is there something you need? I'm a little busy here." You told him.
He raised his eyebrows at your tone, looking at you as if he was studying you, his eyes moving from the top of your head to your feet, and it felt like he was stripping you naked. He glanced around the room at the others with an amused smirk, and it irked you to no end. He turned his eyes back to you, tilting his head.
"They're not doing very well, are they?" He said, looking down at the trainees.
One of the vampires completely missed their punch and fell over, they were still adjusting to how strong they had become.
You sighed, rolling your eyes. "They're new, they're not perfect yet. And you're not helping, your presence is distracting them." You told him. You weren't about to admit he was right. You weren't going to give him that satisfaction.
“They need a proper example on how to fight,” He smirked and looked at Marcel. "Perhaps a demonstration is in order."
Marcel nodded, then stepped forward. "Come on, I'll show them." He said.
But Elijah shook his head, holding his hand up. "I'm not talking about you."
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. "I'm not sparring with you, Elijah. You're too powerful." You told him.
You weren't scared, you knew you could handle yourself. But, he was an original, and you were just a vampire. He would win, easily. And you had no interest in being humiliated by him.
"It's just a friendly match, it doesn't have to be a contest," He said, and you didn't believe him for a second. "Unless you're afraid of getting hurt." He taunted.
You could tell he was enjoying this, he had a small smile on his face, his eyes shining with amusement. He knew you couldn't back down. If you did, he'd call you weak, and a coward. That's just the kind of guy he was.
You rolled your eyes and sighed, getting into a defensive position.
"Ready?" He asked, and you nodded.
Before you could even react, he punched you, and you went flying across the room, landing on your side, and you heard him chuckle. "This is who you got to train your recruits Marcellus?"
You growled and stood, launching yourself at him, and he dodged your hits easily. He grabbed you and twisted your arm, holding it behind your back, and you hissed at the pain. He pulled you closer, and his lips were next to your ear. "Yield."
"Never," You snarled, and he laughed.
"So, prideful, but I can break your arm and force you to yield." He said, twisting your arm more.
"C'mon Elijah, let her go," Marcel said, and Elijah smirked.
"As you wish," Elijah said, releasing your arm, and you turned to face him, glaring. "I thought you were stronger than that, but I was clearly mistaken."
You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much that hurt.
"I think that's enough for today," Marcel said to the vampires, and they all filed out, leaving the three of you alone.
"I don't know why you insist on acting the way you do," Elijah said, shaking his head. "It's quite unbecoming."
You raised your eyebrows. "Oh yeah, and how exactly do I act?" You challenged.
"Childish and impulsive." He answered, and you scoffed. "You need to learn some manners." He added.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. He was insulting you, and talking down to you, and it just pissed you off even more.
"Enough, both of you," Marcel said, getting in between the two of you. "You're both acting like children."
"Maybe because I'm dealing with a child," You muttered under your breath, and Marcel gave you a stern look.
"She's disrespectful, and ungrateful," Elijah said. "Perhaps I should teach her a lesson in obedience." He threatened, his eyes flashing darkly.
"No one needs to be taught a lesson in anything," Marcel said, looking pointedly at you. "Just. Stop." He sighed. "Both of you, just stop. I have a headache, and you two arguing isn't helping."
You glared at Elijah, and he glared back, but neither of you said anything. Marcel let out a long sigh and walked away, his fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose. "I need a drink," He muttered.
You watched him go, feeling a little guilty for upsetting him. He had a lot on his mind and he needed your help, not your petty arguments with Elijah.
"He's right, you know," Elijah said, and you turned your glare on him.
"You think I'm the problem? You're the one who antagonizes me, and talks down to everyone. What's your deal, anyways?" You asked, crossing your arms.
His lips turned up into a smug smile, "I'm not trying to upset you. I'm simply stating the truth."
"I don't like you." You said, shaking your head.
"The feeling is mutual," He said, and you raised an eyebrow.
"What the hell did I ever do to you?" You asked, and he laughed, moving closer to you.
"You constantly have your mouth open, yet nothing of substance comes out. You look down on me, despite knowing nothing of my past, and you think I owe you something. Your insolence is tiresome, and I'm sick of seeing your face." He said, his eyes boring into yours, and his gaze was so intense it was hard to maintain eye contact.
He was so close to you now, and his eyes flicked down to your lips, then back up. "Your mere presence is distracting."
You swallowed hard, feeling your heart hammering in your chest. You were angry, but you also wanted him. You hated that, but it was a truth you were having a hard time denying. You couldn't stop your eyes from moving over his body, and the way his stupid suit fit him so well, showing off his body.
"Well I think you are a self-righteous prick who can't accept the fact that people are allowed to have opinions that differ from yours. Just because you've lived for a millennia doesn't mean your opinion is more valuable than mine." You said, your eyes going to his lips, then back up. "You need to chill the fuck out and not take yourself so seriously. We aren't all your fucking minions. We don't all bow down and worship you."
He leaned in and his breath was fanning over your face. "You have got me all wrong."
"I don't think I do," You said, tilting your head up. "And you don't scare me."
His lips curved into a smirk and his eyes looked down at your lips, his hands coming up and gripping your waist.
And then he was kissing you.
His lips moved slowly over yours, and his hand cupped your jaw. He kissed you with such tenderness and care that you didn't know how to react. You didn't know if he was just using this as a way to humiliate you, but you were too far gone, and you kissed him back.
You knew it was a bad idea, but you couldn't stop yourself, and you didn't care anymore. He pulled you closer and his tongue swiped at your lower lip, and you let him in, moaning softly as his tongue moved over yours. He was an excellent kisser, and it annoyed you as much as it turned you on.
He pulled back, a smug smile on his face, "that's what I thought."
You blushed and looked away, your head spinning from the kiss. "Asshole."
He laughed and stepped away from you, adjusting his tie, "You're welcome."
You were so annoyed and flustered, and you glared at him. "Fuck off."
He chuckled and left, leaving you standing there, confused and aroused.
He was infuriating.
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You had decided to leave New Orleans. You hated that Elijah was getting to you, and you didn't want to risk him using your feelings against you. You knew it was a mistake, he was messing with you in ways you didn't even think possible. You knew about his reputation of being manipulative and cruel, and you weren't going to get sucked into his game.
You had everything ready to go, you just had to tell Marcel. He would understand, although you weren't going to tell him about Elijah kissing you. That was just embarrassing.
But when you got to his loft, the only person there was Elijah. Sitting on the sofa, reading a book. He looked so good he was practically glowing, and you wanted to punch him for it.
He didn't look up from his book, "Marcel is out."
"I'll come back later," You said, turning, but he was in front of you, blocking the exit.
"We need to have a little chat," He said, looking down at you, and you sighed, crossing your arms.
"About what?" You asked, tapping your foot anxiously and looking at the door, wishing you could escape.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked, and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
"I'm not avoiding you, I have better things to do than waste my time with an arrogant prick," You said, and he narrowed his eyes at you.
"That's not true," He said, taking a step closer, and you took a step back, not liking the intensity of his gaze.
"Yes, it is." You said, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Why did you come here?" He asked, moving closer again, and you walked backwards until your back hit the wall, and he was caging you in.
"To tell Marcel I am leaving." You said, and he cocked his head.
"Where are you going?" He asked, and you frowned.
"Why?" He asked, leaning forward, his face inches from yours.
"Fuck off." You said, exasperated by his line of questioning, it was none of his business.
His eyes flashed dangerously and he grabbed your wrists, pinning them above your head, holding them tightly.
"You are not as smart as you think you are," he growled, his lips inches away from yours.
You could feel his arousal pressing against your stomach, his hips pushing into yours.
"Neither are you," you snarled, trying to get out of his grip.
But he held your wrists tightly and leaned down, his teeth scraping against your neck.
"You talk so much, yap, yap, yap. But you never say anything meaningful," he whispered, his breath hot on your ear, "perhaps I should put your mouth to better use."
Your heart was beating frantically and your pussy was soaked. The tension between the two of you was finally breaking and the hatred was dissolving into something else entirely.
"I'd love to see you tr-"
His mouth was on yours before you could finish your sentence. It was rough and needy, his fangs digging into your lip, and his hands still pinning your wrists above your head.
His knee moved between your thighs and you moaned, rubbing yourself on his leg.
Elijah chuckled darkly, his tongue tracing the wound he'd made.
"How pathetic," he murmured, his hips rolling forward, his hard cock pressing against your core.
"So is your dick," you lied, trying not to gasp at the sensation, it definitely didn’t feel pathetic.
His fingers dug into your wrists, his eyes flashing with amusement and arousal. His free hand slipped underneath your dress, stroking your wet pussy.
"And yet here you are, dripping wet, and ready for me," he smirked, his fingers slowly circling the sensitive bundle of nerves. "Wearing a cheap, skimpy dress, practically begging me to fuck you,"
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," you groaned, your hips moving in rhythm with his hand.
He slid his middle finger inside your cunt, pumping it in and out, his palm grinding against your clit.
"Oh so, this is all just a figment of my imagination, is it?" He asked, adding another finger.
Your legs were shaking, and your breathing was heavy. You couldn't think straight, his fingers were hitting all the right spots.
"Fuck," you moaned, your back arching.
He kissed you hungrily, his tongue dominating your mouth, and his fingers pumping faster.
"Cum for me," he demanded, his teeth grazing your neck.
"No," you moaned, but your hips were moving on their own, seeking release.
"I wasn't asking, darling," he growled, his eyes meeting yours, compelling you, "Cum."
His voice echoed in your head, and you could feel the wave of pleasure wash over you. Your orgasm ripped through you, his fingers still moving inside you, drawing out every last bit of pleasure.
You were trembling, your legs barely holding you up, and your brain fuzzy.
He let go of your wrists, and pulled his fingers out of you, before licking them clean. He took a step back, smiling at the look on your face as he adjusted his cufflinks.
"Now, on your knees," he commanded.
Your legs obeyed immediately, sinking down and looking up at him.
"What a lovely sight," he said, smirking.
He cupped your chin, running his thumb over your lips.
"I've been imagining your lips around my cock, since the first day I saw you," he said, unbuckling his belt, giving your cheek a little slap.
"Now open up and take it all,"
You opened your mouth and he shoved his cock inside. He was big, bigger than anyone you had ever sucked off. And he wasn't shy about using his power to keep you in place. His hands were tangled in your hair, tugging and pulling, and his cock was hitting the back of your throat.
Your eyes were watering, but he didn't care, he kept going, using your mouth, making you gag. He felt amazing on your tongue, hot and hard, and the taste of him was driving you crazy. You could feel yourself getting wetter, the more he fucked your mouth, and your hips were rocking, desperate for friction.
"Look at you, taking it so well, such a good girl," he praised, his thrusts becoming deeper, and his voice sounding strained.
Your eyes met his, your mascara running down your cheeks. He looked so good, his lips parted and his eyes glazed with lust. His dominating nature was intoxicating, and you were drunk on his cock. The feeling of him sliding down your throat, and his moans of pleasure, made you feel so good, it was addictive. Your hand slipped between your thighs, rubbing your clit, and making yourself moan around his cock.
He slapped your face gently, tutting.
"Naughty girl," he said, his voice a low rumble, "keep touching yourself, and I'll punish you."
You looked up at him, and rubbed yourself faster, daring him to stop you.
His eyes darkened, and he pushed himself deep inside your mouth, his cock pulsing as he cummed down your throat.
"Swallow it," he ordered, and you did, licking his cock clean.
You were a mess, your makeup smeared, and your body trembling with need. You wanted to be fucked. So. Badly.
Elijah looked at you, a smirk playing on his lips. He grabbed you by your hair and pulled you to your feet, his eyes roaming over your body.
"Such a pretty thing," he said, pushing you back against the wall, his fingers teasing the sensitive skin of your neck, "I knew you could behave."
He pulled his handkerchief out and wiped the tears and mascara from your face, before putting it away.
"There we are," he smiled, tucking his cock back into his pants, and buckling his belt.
"Are you not going to fuck me?" You asked, frustrated that he was leaving you unsatisfied.
"Oh no, my dear, that's your punishment," he said, grabbing a bottle of scotch and pouring a glass. He glanced up at you, seemingly confused on why you were still standing there, and nodded towards the door.
"You may go,"
You huffed, and walked towards the door, feeling angry and humiliated. But his voice stopped you.
"Oh, and darling?"
You turned and saw him grinning at you.
"Don't think I'm done with you,"
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You were definitely leaving now, you had to. You couldn't stand another moment in New Orleans. The way Elijah had used you and humiliated you. You couldn't handle it, you had to get away. You needed to be as far away from him as possible.
But Marcel insisted that you come to a party he was hosting, it was a goodbye celebration for you. And you didn't want to let him down, he was one of the few friends you had.
You were packing your things, planning on leaving immediately after the party, when you heard a knock on your door.
You opened it to find a large box, wrapped in beautiful silver paper and tied with a blue ribbon. There was a card attached to it, and you picked it up, curious to know who it was from.
Wear this. I will be picking you up at 8 – E
You groaned, not wanting to see him. You had been doing your best to avoid him, and this was not helping.
The dress he had sent over was gorgeous, it was black and long, and the fabric was silky. The straps were thin and delicate, and the cut was low, and it was sexy, but not revealing. It was an expensive designer brand that was impossible to get, and the fact that he had somehow just had one that was your size pissed you off.
He was so smug and cocky, and the worst part was, he had great taste, and the dress was perfect. You didn't want to like anything about him, he was even good at being infuriating.
At exactly eight a car arrived to pick you up, and Elijah was in the backseat, waiting. He was dressed impeccably, and his eyes roamed over you, a smirk forming on his lips.
"You look stunning," he said, as you sat down, and the driver pulled away. "It's nice to see you in fine clothing."
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the compliment, and staring out the window. His hand went to your thigh, pushing up the dress a little to reveal the top of the stockings you were wearing.
"Is this for me? How thoughtful."
You swatted his hand away, giving him a glare. "I don't dress for any man. I dress for myself,"
"Of course, I would expect nothing less from a strong independent woman," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, refusing to engage with him. He leaned over, his lips brushing your ear, and his fingers sliding over your thigh. "You do lots of other things for a man though, don't you?"
You bit your lip, the memory of being on your knees for him, and how good it felt to have him fuck your mouth, flooded your mind. You kept your composure, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
"No," you said, glancing at him.
He chuckled and put his arm around you, his fingers dancing along your bare shoulders. You wanted to push him away, but the heat of his body was nice, and you didn't hate the way his touch made you feel.
"We shall see about that."
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When you arrived at Marcel's party, you were greeted with cheers, the local vampires loved any excuse to celebrate.
Marcel gave you a hug and poured you a drink, "I'm going to miss having you around, but I understand."
You gave him a smile and took a sip of your drink. "I can never stay in one place for long,"
"I know, and that's what I admire about you," he said, before turning to a vampire who had come to talk to him.
You were standing alone, looking around at the crowd of people. Trying to avoid Elijah, but also keeping an eye out for him.
"Having a good time?"
His voice made you jump and you turned to find him standing behind you, a glass of whiskey in his hand.
"It's alright," you shrugged, trying to act cool, and not like you had just been caught looking for him.
"You seem lonely," he said, leaning closer.
"I'm fine, thank you," you said, taking a step back, but his hand reached out, grabbing your arm, and pulling you against him.
"You keep lying, why is that?" He whispered, his breath warm on your ear.
You shook your head, your heart racing. You could feel his body pressed against yours, and his lips ghosting over your skin.
"Is it because you're attracted to me?" He asked, his tongue darting out and licking the shell of your ear.
"No," you said, but your voice was unsteady, and your breath caught.
"Oh, so you just suck any man's cock then? That's an interesting hobby."
You tried to move away, but his grip tightened, and he turned you to face him. His expression was teasing, but his eyes were dark and intense.
"I apologize, I'm not usually so crude. It's just that seeing you in this dress..," he trailed off, his eyes roaming over your curves, his voice thick with lust.
You blushed, your skin burning, and your pussy getting wet. He was so close, his hands sliding down your body, his touch setting your nerves alight.
"I don't like you," you said, but it sounded weak, and he grinned.
"I know," he murmured, his fingers finding their way under the hem of your dress, dancing along the bare skin above your stockings.
"So why are you letting me touch you?" He asked, his lips brushing against yours.
"Because you are irritatingly fucking hot," you admitted, your body melting into his, his closeness clouding your senses.
"Ah, and there is that honesty I have been searching for," he smirked, his hands gripping your ass.
"Shut up," you said, your eyes locked on his. "Why must you be so arrogant?"
"It's not arrogance, it's confidence. You should try it sometime."
He was smiling now, his eyes twinkling. He had truly pissed you off with his boundless ego and you were done with him. You gave him a little push and then stormed out the exit. Marcel would have to understand, you just had to leave this stupid city, right now.
Elijah followed you, grabbing your wrist, and pulling you into a side room, away from the noise and bustle of the party.
"Have I upset you?" He grinned, pressing you against the wall.
"Yes," you seethed, your jaw clenched, and your blood boiling. You pushed hard on his chest, but he didn't budge, just looked down at your hands with an amused expression.
"What can I do to make it better?" He asked, pressing his palms into the wall on both sides of your head.
"Fuck off."
His grin widened, and he leaned in, his nose nuzzling against yours.
"No," he said, his lips brushing over yours. "I don't think I will,"
Your eyes closed as his mouth captured yours. The kiss was soft and sweet, his lips moving slowly, exploring yours. It was intoxicating, his taste and scent overwhelming. You felt yourself giving in once again, kissing him back, your hands clutching his shirt, pulling him closer.
He hummed, pleased, and his hand slipped behind your head, angling your mouth for deeper access. He was such a control freak, and it only turned you on more.
"You like me," he stated between kisses, his hips rocking forward, his cock hard and straining against his pants.
"No I don't ," you lied, trying to ignore how good his body felt against yours, his lips trailing down your neck.
"And yet, here you are," he smirked, his fangs scraping along the skin, "ready and willing."
You moaned, tilting your head to the side, and allowing him better access. He ran his fangs along your pulse point, nipping at the skin.
"Tell me you don't want me, and I'll stop," he whispered, his hands pulling the straps of your dress down, his mouth trailing kisses along your collarbone and down to the swell of your breasts.
"I don't," you moaned, even though you knew it wasn't true. You wanted him, desperately.
"Naughty little liar," he said in a teasing tone, his hands squeezing your breasts, and his thumbs rubbing over the hard peaks of your nipples. He was getting you so worked up, it was so infuriating and so arousing.
He suddenly stopped touching you, moving back and leaning against the wall across from you, acting like nothing happened, his hands clasped in front of him.
You looked at him, confused and turned on.
"What the fuck?"
"Tell me you want me," he said, his expression smug.
"I hate you," you replied, frustrated, scowling at him and trying to fix your dress.
"That's not an answer."
"I'm not going to beg for it," you snapped, annoyed and desperate. You hated that he had this effect on you. You wanted him so bad, but he was making you work for it, and the game was getting old. But there was a part of you that liked it, the way he was challenging you, the power play, it was hot. But he was pushing his luck. 
"I’m just going to go find someone else," you said, trying to sound cool and disinterested, but failing miserably. You were too flustered, your skin flushed, and your breath short. 
He laughed, shaking his head and holding out his hand, gesturing for you to take it. "I don't think so," he said, a smirk playing on his lips, "come here."
You looked at him, hesitating, but your desire won out, and you placed your hand in his.
He smirked, his fingers interlacing with yours, and he guided you upstairs. His pace was slow, leisurely, and it was maddening.
"I thought you lived at the compound?" You asked, following him down a hallway.
"I have multiple residences," he said, unlocking a door and pushing it open.
You rolled your eyes, of course he did, he was so fucking extra.
"After you," he said, his eyes shining with amusement.
"How chivalrous," you muttered, stepping inside.
His loft was elegantly decorated, with a large four poster bed, and expensive art on the walls. It was so very him, but you kinda liked it.  His taste was refined, and the space was masculine and sexy. You could already picture how the night was going to go, him fucking you on the large bed, the curtains drawn, and his fangs in your neck. Your pussy clenched at the thought, and you bit your lip. This man had you all twisted up, and he had barely even touched you.
His hands found your waist, his fingers digging into your flesh, and his lips brushed the back of your neck. "Do you like what you see?" He murmured, his hands sliding down to squeeze your ass.
"It's alright," you smirked, turning and wrapping your arms around his neck. "The view's pretty good," you teased, looking into his eyes.
"Get on the bed," he murmured, his breath hot on your skin.
"Or what?" You teased.
He didn't say a word, just stared at you, his gaze intense. You felt a rush of adrenaline, and excitement, and you decided to push your luck. He was so cocky, and it was time to put him in his place. You stood your ground, trying to maintain eye contact, but it was impossible, he was so dominating. He gripped your hips, and lifted you up, throwing you onto the bed. You landed with a bounce, and he was on top of you, his hands pinning your wrists above your head.
You giggled and tried to break free, using your forearms to try and push him away. He was such a powerful man, and it made you feel vulnerable, but in a good way. In a way that had your pussy soaking, and your skin burning. He smiled and nipped at your neck, his teeth grazing your skin.
"Behave," he warned, his lips moving down to your chest, and his fingers tugging at the top of your dress.
"Make me," you taunted, knowing it would set him off.
He ripped the dress off of you, making you gasp in surprise, and he sat back, his gaze roaming over your body, clad in nothing but the lingerie and stockings.
"I don't have any other clothes here, asshole!" you whined, annoyed that he had destroyed your beautiful dress.
"I'll buy you more," he said, his voice husky and deep, "so many more,"
He slid down, his tongue running over the swell of your breast, his hand pulling the lace fabric aside. He sucked the nipple into his mouth, and bit down, his fangs sinking into your flesh. You cried out, the pain mixing with the pleasure, and the sound of his low growls vibrating through you.
You squirmed and pulled this hair, trying to get him to stop, but he just bit down harder. Your back arched and you whimpered, tears forming in your eyes.
He released you, and licked the wound, sealing the bite, and making the pain subside.
"Are you done being a brat?" He asked, his hands stroking your sides.
"Yes," you panted, still trying to recover from the bite.
"Good," he murmured, his lips trailing down to your stomach.
He pulled at the band of one of your stockings, letting it snap against your thigh. He did the same to the other, humming softly as he did, before finally moving down, and burying his face between your legs.
He was frustratingly good with his tongue, his mouth sucking and licking, his hands spreading your thighs wide. You could feel the pleasure building, and your orgasm fast approaching. Your hands fisted in his hair, and you rolled your hips, trying to ride his face. But he held you still, controlling how much pleasure you received.
He eased two fingers inside you, slowly pumping them as his lips closed around your clit, his tongue swirling over it. You kicked your legs, the sensation was intense, and you were so close, the pressure building in your core.
He curled his fingers and the dam broke, a loud cry tearing from your throat as you came. He continued to work you, prolonging the bliss, and making you tremble.
He stopped and looked up at you. His face was glistening and his pupils were dilated, his eyes dark.
"Just admit that you like me," he teased, kissing your inner thigh.
"Not a chance," you smirked, still catching your breath.
He growled, and flipped you over, yanking your ass up, and spreading your cheeks.
"Then I'll have to make you," he said, his thumb tracing the seam of your asshole. His other hand coming down and spanking you, making you squeal in surprise.
He rubbed the sting, soothing the pain, and then smacked you again, this time a little harder. You gasped, burying your face in the pillows, and your fingers digging into the sheets. He alternated, slapping one cheek, and then the other, the pain becoming more intense each time.
He ignored you, his hand coming down on your ass, hard, and you cried out, your body shaking. He kept going, the blows landing faster and faster, and you were sure there were tears running down your face, the pain overwhelming.
He paused, his fingers ghosting over the heated skin.
"I'm sorry, am I being too rough?" He asked, his voice thick with sarcasm.
You glared over your shoulder at him, and he smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"I thought you were a gentleman," you shot back, annoyed with him.
"I can be," he purred, his finger dipping lower, and tracing the entrance of your pussy, "when I want to,"
You moaned, pushing back against his hand, and his fingers pumped slowly. His other hand went to the back of your neck, pressing your face into the mattress, holding you still.
He added a third finger, stretching you, and making you whimper. He leaned over you, his lips brushing against your ear.
"Just give in," he whispered, his voice husky and low. "It'll be so much easier."
You bit your lip, trying to fight it, but he was too skilled, and your will was fading. You moaned, rolling your hips, and grinding against his hand.
He pushed his thumb into your asshole, making you gasp, and he chuckled, his other fingers curling and hitting your g-spot. The stimulation was overwhelming, and the pleasure was building fast. You could feel yourself getting closer, the tension in your core reaching its peak. He was relentless, his fingers and thumb pumping in and out, the sounds of your wetness filling the room. You were moaning, begging, pleading, the need for release consuming you.
"Tell me," he commanded, suddenly stopping. "Tell me how much you like me." His hand moved from the back of your neck and grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back, and making you gasp.
"Fine! Fine! I fucking like you, ok? I like you! I like your stupid face, and your stupid hair, and your stupid sexy accent, and your stupid dick!" You snapped, frustrated and desperate. You couldn't take the teasing anymore. "Are you happy now?!"
He chuckled, letting go of your hair, and pushing your head back into the pillow. He leaned down and kissed your ass cheek, his lips brushing against the hot, sore skin, before he moved, flipping you onto your back. He spread your legs, and settled between them, his fingers running along your thighs.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him towards you, and kissing him hard, biting his bottom lip. You were tired of waiting, and you needed him. He growled, his hands cupping your face, and his tongue plunging into your mouth. The kiss was passionate and desperate, his body pressed flush against yours.
You unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders, and running your fingers over his muscles, feeling the strength of his body. You then tugged at his belt, taking out his cock, and stroking him, your thumb swirling over the head.
He smiled and groaned as you touched him, his hips thrusting into your hand. You spread your legs wider, but he made no move to enter you, his hand moving between your thighs, and rubbing your clit. You moaned, the sensation too much, and you pulled at his wrist. He was being so fucking frustrating, and you wanted him inside you, now.
"Stop teasing me," you complained, glaring up at him.
"Why? its so much fun," he said, smiling wickedly. "I could watch you squirm for hours." He pushed the tip of his cock against your entrance, circling your clit, but still not penetrating you. 
"Tell me again," he said, "tell me how you like me, how much you want me," his hips rocking, his cock pushing and withdrawing, but never going deep enough to satisfy you.
"You are an arrogant prick, who knows exactly what he does to me." You said, your breathing labored.
He smiled and slowly eased into you, his eyes never leaving yours. You felt him inch his way inside, and you moaned, your head rolling back. He filled you completely, stretching you, and making your body burn with pleasure. It felt incredible, your pussy throbbing around him. He groaned, and nipped at your neck, his fangs gliding against the skin. You clutched at him, your nails scratching his back, as his hips started moving, slowly fucking you. 
You were already on the verge of orgasm, the tension coiling inside you, ready to snap. He felt too good, his cock hitting all the right spots, and his fingers playing with your clit. You were falling apart beneath him, your back arching, and your thighs quivering. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he affected you, as the waves of ecstasy washed over you, you bit down on your lip, trying to hide just how good he felt.
But it was no use, your body betraying you, your cheeks hot and your walls tightening around him. He smiled and kissed your neck, his tongue swirling over your pulse point.
"See, it's not so hard to give in," he purred, his hips slowly rolling.
"Shut up," you managed to get out, still panting, and your limbs weak.
"Already cumming on my cock, and we haven't even really started," he teased. He began to fuck you in earnest, thrusting hard and deep, his cock hitting your sweet spot with each stroke. 
You gripped his biceps, your nails digging into his skin, and you could feel his muscles flexing under your touch. His cock was so thick, stretching you, you spread your legs wider, wanting him even deeper.
"Look at you, so desperate for me," he smirked, his hands moving to your hips, lifting them and changing the angle.
You moaned, and he chuckled, his lips ghosting over your neck.
"So responsive, and so beautiful. My sweet girl," he whispered, his words washing over you.
"I'm... fuck- not… your girl." you breathed, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your heart pounding in your ears.
"Maybe not yet, but you will be," he said, his voice confident, his eyes locking with yours.
He was so sure of himself, and it only turned you on more.
"You wish, Mikaelson."
He laughed, his breath warm on your skin. He thrust hard, hitting the spot deep inside, and making you cry out.
"I do," he said, his eyes searching yours, "and I always get what I want."
You knew it was true, he was so fucking cocky, and the worst part was, you wanted him to have you.
He leaned back, pulling you up with him, and holding you in his lap, his cock impossibly deep inside. His hands went to your hips, guiding your movements, and his eyes never left yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, rocking your hips, and taking him deeper. The way he was looking at you, intense, and possessive, it was doing things to you. You couldn't tear your gaze away, your chest heaving, and your nipples brushing against his chest. You squeezed his cock, trying to make him go harder, faster, but his pace remained steady, firm, his grip on your hips tightening. It was all too much and you buried your face in the crook of his neck, overwhelmed by him, and everything you were feeling for him.
He groaned, and smacked your ass, hard. You whimpered and dug your nails into his shoulders. His hands ran up and down your back, soothing the sting.
"No hiding," he said, his voice firm. "I want to see all of you."
You lifted your head, meeting his eyes, your eyelids heavy, cheeks flushed and your mouth open in a silent moan. 
"That's it," he murmured, his lips capturing yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth. "Show me how much you like me," he teased, nipping at your lower lip.
You placed your hands on his chest, moving your legs to straddle him, and his cock slid deeper. You rocked back and forth, slowly at first, and then increasing the pace.
His expression was serious, his eyes fixed on you, and his hands holding your waist. It was like he was memorizing every inch of your body, and the way you felt, the way you moved. You could see the desire in his eyes, the lust, and something else, something softer.
"I like the way you're looking at me," you murmured, your nails dragging along his chest.
He hummed and grabbed your wrists, pinning them behind your back, his other arm wrapping around your waist, and pulling you flush against him.
"I like the way you feel," he replied, his hips rocking into you.
"I bet you say that to all the girls," you teased, knowing it would get a rise out of him.
"Only the ones I can't stop thinking about."
"Mmm, are there many of those?"
He laughed, shaking his head, and kissing your shoulder.
"None that compare to you."
His words, so unexpectedly sweet, made your heart flutter, and a blush creep onto your cheeks.
"Elijah..." you breathed, and he seemed pleased by your reaction.
His hands went to the small of your back and he pulled you closer, your breasts pressed against his chest. You could feel his heartbeat against yours, your skin warm and slick. The anticipation of what was to come sent a shiver down your spine. You threaded your fingers in his hair, gripping it as his hands went to your ass, guiding you on his cock.
"You don't have to leave, you can stay here with me," he said, his voice low and his eyes locked on yours.
You shook your head, not wanting to give in, not wanting him to know how much he affected you. How much you actually wanted that, wanted him.
"I don't like you that much," you replied, your lips brushing his as you spoke.
He smiled and kissed you again, his hand running down your back. You rolled your hips, grinding against him, your clit rubbing against his pelvis. Your movement picked up, and he moaned into your ear, his grip on your ass tighter. You could feel the pressure rising, the intensity becoming overwhelming. Your body tensed, your orgasm close, and Elijah gripped your hips and slowed you down, wanting to make the moment last.
"Stay?" He whispered, his nose nuzzling yours.
"You are so annoying," you muttered, and his chest rumbled with laughter.
"Is that a yes?"
You nodded, and his lips pressed against yours, his hands lifting you up and down. You moaned into his mouth, and he swallowed the sound. The kiss became messy, both of you chasing the pleasure, the friction and the heat almost unbearable. You broke the kiss, panting, and the coil in your core snapped.
You moaned his name in long, drawn out syllables, your forehead pressed against his. He held you tight, his body tense as your pussy clenched around his cock. He watched you, his breathing heavy, his eyes glazed with desire. His hands traced your spine, lightly grazing the skin, and leaving goosebumps in their wake. You could tell he was fighting the urge to cum, wanting to drag out the moment. You looked at him and gave him a small smile, no more teasing, no more games. You touched his cheek, and kissed him, the kiss soft and sweet. Your breath caught in your throat, the intimacy of the gesture overwhelming. His arms tightened around you, his lips moving against yours, and you knew he was falling too, his control failing him.
He let go of your hips, his fingers clutching your ass. You wrapped your legs around his waist and rode him hard and fast, your clit rubbing against his pubic bone. He groaned into your mouth, his cock throbbing inside of you, and you felt him cum, his warmth flooding your body. You rested your head on his shoulder, catching your breath, and trying to make sense of what just happened. You never imagined that sleeping with Elijah would feel so right, so complete. Your mind kept telling you that this was a bad idea, but the connection between you was too strong to ignore.
He kissed your neck, his lips grazing the skin, and you let your eyes drift closed, succumbing to the warmth and comfort of his arms. He really was too good at this. 
"I meant what I said, about you staying." He murmured, his breath tickling your ear. "I like you, a lot."
He pulled away, brushing a few errant strands from your face, his fingers lingering. His dark eyes held nothing but sincerity and you knew then, in that moment, that despite your resolve not to like him, this wasn't just going to be a one time thing.
"I know," you sighed, your hands stroking his jaw, "you are very persuasive."
He chuckled and kissed you again.
"You'll stay?" He asked, his smile growing.
"I'll stay."
"Good," he hummed, kissing your neck, and nipping at your earlobe. 
His lips captured yours, and he kissed you, the passion and desire still burning. He kissed you until your lips were bruised and swollen, until your heart was pounding, and your skin was flushed.
"I still think you are an asshole," you said, once he'd pulled away.
"And I still think you are a brat," he smirked, his fingers tracing patterns on your back.
You laughed, and rested your head on his shoulder, enjoying the moment, the closeness, the warmth of his arms, and the steady beat of his heart.
You couldn't help but surrender.
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r0-boat · 1 month
🪶 anon here! Can I request dating headcanons for ZZZ Wise, Anton, and Lycaon with gn s/o please?
Zenless Zone Zero Dating headcanons with Lycaon Wise Anton (bonus: Ben Bigger)
You're going on a date! For some of them it is their first time let's see what happens!
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His first thought is to spoil you. But only because He spends so much time around his naturally wealthy clients however he personally prefers a cafe date. Over the years he's gone a little blind to the price tag. So please if he invites you on a coffee date Don't be surprised that a lot of the dates you two go on are a little pricey.
If you do not have a spot preference, a walk or a park is always nice. Somewhere quiet and serene, Lycaon it's familiar with picnics However in true Lycaon fashion his idea of a picnic probably will not be your idea of a picnic. He will be quite surprised to learn that people and picnics don't normally have charcuterie boards and fine wines with five-star steak.
If you want him to go full Victoria housekeeping mode. (Which he probably saves for special occasions) He will pick out a nice five-star restaurant(or anywhere) while keeping everything you love in mind. He will try to enjoy the date alongside you. Now and then, he will occasionally start serving you. Don't mind him as he starts serving as your waiter. He likes doing it just as much as sitting with you and ordering.
I could also see him fully planning out a day where he just pampers you where nothing else matters except you and him. Whatever you choose rest assured you will be spoiled rotten.
Wise prefers casual despite being reserved. I don't see him being confident in knowing romance, but that doesn't mean he won't try. When it comes to romance, Wise is very subtle. He doesn't want to seem pushy with his feelings or seem cheesy. But if you like that sort of thing then he'll light some candles, maybe spread some rose petals.
Whether it be outside or indoors anywhere where it's super quiet with just you and him he will always try to go for he doesn't like being in loud spaces or crowds with a lot of things going on at once. But he doesn't mind if you enjoy it too.
Movie dates are usually what he automatically gravitates toward. He's a movie buff, He will make sure to pick the perfect movie for the two of you to watch, something that he and you both like and it is in his comfort zone. He usually prefers watching movies at home, but he understands that some people enjoy the theater atmosphere, So he will gladly find something that's playing in theaters. And plus it's always a bonus too watch new movies coming out to see what the customers want to see on the shelves later.
Wise is extremely respectful and picks up on the slightest hints of you wanting either more or less. If there is something you want and you glance through a window, he'll get it for you. No one will know you as deeply as Wise does.
Has no idea what a date is thought that you two are just hanging out as bros. After a 3-hour lecture and explanation from Grace now he's nervous but confident. This whole date thing is new to him. But he knows better than anyone that you just want him to be himself. But he's not stupid He does understand that as your lover he should treat you differently.
He's learning, He's brought you flowers! Baby's first date pretty much all his friends are with him. You two seem to be having a good time so Grace Ben and Kolada shouldn't have to worry too much But they say anyway because they are rooting for him.
Anton treats any date as a normal day he's hanging out with you He's up for anything and everything it's more spontaneous than meticulous planning like the other two but he still wants to make sure you have a good time. Occasionally the two of you will plan something together before going out and having fun like tickets to an amusement park or a sports game he really wants to see.
Anton has masculinity without the toxic. He gives you a smile before opening his wallet "I got this bro. It's a date right? so I'll pay for you?" He pays for you all the time when you're with him. He will insists but if you want to split he never argues. If you pay for him instead or give him a gift he will just accept it and give you the brightest smile you ever seen and say "Thank you so much You don't have to give me a gift because you are my gift bro."
He's trying He is never been on a date before in his life but he asks everyone that he knows on what they like and what makes a person happy on a date. He even go so far is to reading books and going on online websites to find the perfect place to go.
The man (bear) is so terrified. He wants to make sure you're so happy because he loves you so much and he wants to make such a good impression. You can tell he's nervous as soon as you saw his meticulous clean outfit (ironed even) down to just slicked back fur.
"I-I brought you flowers..." *Big Bear hands you tiny flowers*🥺
You just smile cup his big fuzzy face nuzzle his nose and say "You don't have to do all this for me You look so nervous my teddy bear. I love you so much Thank you!" He's so happy He is a Bear Thiren with a tiny tail otherwise you would have probably saw his tail wagging so fast. His nervousness is all gone now but he is still a gentleman holding out his big arm for you to take it so you two can have dinner together have fun!
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
cold nights // part two
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summary: all the stars aligned, and it was you.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.1k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: ahhh welcome sejanus i love him dearly
series masterlist // playlist
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It was only a few hours of making small talk with Capitol strangers before you caught a glimpse of the red uniform your new friend was wearing just this morning. For a moment, you did think it was him, that he was back, but the dark curly hair and eyes of another boy was what greeted you instead. He must be another mentor.
You watch as he walks up to the edge of the cage with a few bags, placing them down and opening one as he scans the group of you trapped in the cage. "Marcus!" He calls out, and your gaze falls on the District Two tribute. "I brought you something to eat, it's me, Sejanus. Do you remember?"
You furrow your brow at his desperate attempts to speak to Marcus. How could they have known each other? As far as you know, they had never met. You approach the boy slowly. He seems to have a good heart, to bring food for someone who you know he is meant to believe is less than.
"I can bring it to him, if you'd like." You offer quietly, holding out a hand from a little ways away. "We're all very tired. I'm sure he's still just recovering from the ride."
"That would be great." The boy, Sejanus, agrees, handing you the sandwich. "Thank you, Y/N."
"My pleasure." You smile, taking it and heading over to where Marcus is sitting on a rock, facing the opposite direction.
"Marcus?" You hum, crouching down in front of him.
"I'm not taking anything from him." He grumbles, hardly meeting your eye.
"Oh." You look back at Sejanus, who's watching you hopefully. "Do you know each other?"
"Not anymore."
"I see." You nod, thinking over how you could get him to eat. "Well, take it from me, then. I'll just take his kind gesture for myself, but I'll share it with you. Now," You rip the already cut sandwich in half. "It's from me. And I know you're hungry, so please. Have some of mine."
He looks down at the sandwich in your hand and sighs, taking it begrudgingly. "Thanks, Y/N."
"Anytime." You smile, gently patting him on the knee as you stand back up, giving Sejanus a grin and a small thumbs up.
He gestures for you to come back over to him, so you do, half the sandwich still in hand. "Thank you for doing that." He says once you're close enough to hear at a normal volume.
"Yes, of course. I'll give him the rest in a bit, I feel like he won't take it while you're still here." You smile sadly at him.
"No, I insist. You have it. I brought plenty of food for all of you."
"Oh, really?" You smile, looking down at the bags at his feet now. "That's so kind of you."
"I couldn't let you starve in here." He replies. "It's barbaric, and sick, and I am so, so sorry."
His emotional response catches you off guard. "Oh... Well, thank you. But know it was not your doing."
"I know it's not... but I wish there was more I could do."
"You're doing all you can, more than anyone expected of you." You reassure him. "Don't feel guilty."
Sejanus just nods, reaching for a bag and holding it open between the bars. "Would you mind..? I don't think they will trust me." He asks and you nod, turning to see who you could call to come eat. If one person comes, more will follow.
"Jessup." You smile hopefully at the boy from your District, waving him over. "Sejanus here has brought food to share, come eat."
"I'm not hungry." He mumbles as he gets closer to you, looking down into the bag anyway as you reach your hand in to grab him a sandwich.
"Please eat." You sigh. "If we eat the others will too. I don't want anyone hungry."
"We'll all be hungry." Jessup replies, taking the sandwich from your hand anyway. "It won't matter next week."
"Okay, well, for now, we're just living in the moment and enjoying this lovely food our new friend brought for us."
"My Ma made it all." He explains, and you tilt your head at him. There was something so distinctly District about how he referred to his mother, but was he not Capitol? After all, he was a mentor. He was wearing a matching red uniform.
"Will you tell her thank you for us?" You ask, taking the first bite out of the sandwich in your hand. "This is really good. We haven't eaten in days."
"She'll be happy to hear that. Yes, of course, I'll pass that on."
By the time any other tributes who wanted to eat had been fed, you were sitting down across the bars from Sejanus, chewing on your second helping shamelessly leaning over criss-crossed legs. "Do you know Coriolanus Snow?" You asked, covering your mouth as you spoke.
"Coryo?" Sejanus smiles. " I do. He's my best friend."
"Is he?" You smile, leaning forward. "He's my mentor. He seems kind."
Sejanus shrugs. "I would say he is, most of the time."
"And you call him Coryo?" You ask, head tilted at him. "Is that what his friends call him?"
"I guess so. Not everyone... Just his friends, yeah." Sejanus explains, neglecting to mention that by this definition, he and Coriolanus's cousin Tigris are his only real friends.
"I see. That's nice." You hum, looking down at the food in your hands. "How long have you been friends?"
"Since I moved here from Two." Oh, that makes sense. He and Marcus did know each other. "He was the only one who was nice to me, still is, honestly, but yeah, about ten years now."
"I have a similar story about him." You joke. "Of course, I've only known him for a few hours. And I guess now I have two friends here, if I can count you."
"Sure." Sejanus smiles, trying to hide the sadness behind it.
"I mean, don't feel like you have to agree. I know your loyalties lie elsewhere." You catch on to his hesitation, following his gaze over to Marcus. "Besides, I don't hold grudges. Even if I did, I won't be holding it for long now, would I?"
"It's not that." Sejanus quickly shakes his head. "I just... I am one of you. District, I mean. That will never change." He sighs, and you watch as he twists his fingers together nervously. "I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I can't imagine how scared you must be and-"
"That it will never come again. That is what makes life so sweet." You cite, giving him a small smile. "There is nothing that you or I can change now, or then. I am just blessed it was me and not yet my brother. Change will come at the right time. If it's after me, it's after me; I will live forever."
Sejanus opens his mouth to speak, looking slightly dumbfounded before closing his jaw again tightly, giving you a curt nod.
"Don't pity him." You whisper, tucking your knees up to your chest on the cold ground and watching as his eyes fall back onto Marcus. "It will make it only worse."
You rest your chin on the skin of your knees. "I don't- it's not my fault and I know that." He replies.
"I know, Sejanus." You say, smiling in the face of his defensiveness. "Just... Don't let him think that. Which is easier said than done, I know."
"We're supposed to be mentoring you." He says after a moment, back to his normal self, from what you could tell. "Not the other way around."
"You're right. My apologies." You giggle. "Tell me then, how do I win?" You don't truly expect an answer; you don't expect you have any chance of winning. Not without the need enough to kill. It wouldn't be worth it, despite.
"My honest, best advice?" He asks rhetorically, looking around as he leans in to whisper to you. "Figure out a way to escape."
"Sejanus." You don't have the time to process the shock of his suggestion before your conversation is being interrupted by Coriolanus standing behind him, casting a shadow over the two of you. "What are you doing with my tribute?"
"Oh, uh..." Immediately Sejanus becomes shifty at Coriolanus's question. "I brought some food for everyone, and Y/N helped me distribute it. We were just talking."
"Welcome back, Coriolanus. You missed the sandwiches Sejanus brought." You grin, standing up and brushing off the bare backs of your legs.
"That's a shame. Would you come with me?" He asks, motioning for you to follow him along the bars and you nod.
"Thank you, Sejanus." You take a moment to honestly thank him, and he just nods before you follow Coriolanus who has already walked away.
"How was your day? I assume you went to school?" You ask, stopping just in front of him.
"It was... fine, thank you." He clears his throat. "Hard to focus."
"Oh?" You tilt your head as he digs through his bag. "What's bothering you?"
"Well, uh," He pauses, looking up from his bag to meet your eyes. "This mentorship thing is new, and very important, so there's just a lot on my mind."
"There's a prize." You state at the realization, smile fading slightly. You had been so excited that he was so kind to you that you failed to consider the likelihood of an incentive.
"There is." He confirms. "But, whether or not you win doesn't matter. I am here to help you do the best you can, and I do want you to win."
"Oh, I see." You reply hesitantly. Sejanus told you he is kind, so he must be. You have to force yourself to believe he's not just using you. But even if he is, what does it matter? If he's kind to you in your final days, out of honesty or personal gain, will the intentions even matter? You suppose not. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me." He quickly shakes his head. You had thanked the peacekeepers who had walked you to the stage, you had thanked the village of people who stood there while you said your final goodbyes and did nothing but listen in silence. No one responded. Coriolanus wouldn't be added to a list of people you thank for nothing.
"Sorry." You mumble, looking around behind you now.
"No, I-" He sighs, taking a breath as he rubs his forehead, pushing away his curls and making it easier for you to see his eyes. "I didn't mean that. I just mean... I haven't done anything for you. I want to help, but don't thank me until I have."
"You have." You answer honestly. "I didn't expect to meet anyone so kind... It helps a lot to just know I have one person who's not rooting against me."
"I would never." Coriolanus insists quickly, shaking his head. "I talked to the head gamemaker, she likes my ideas. That's why Sejanus and the others are here. People want to get to know you. It will help."
You're unsure of how that could help you in the arena, you had never seen it before; you tried to avoid watching or viewing anything to do with the games. It scared you. Petrified you, even, you weren't sure what you expected; but it wasn't that you would be able to get any help. You smile anyway, giving him a slight nod as you wrap your arms tightly around yourself. It's not too cold, but you feel exposed. Even the warm July air, when brushing over your uncovered skin could give you chills in these circumstances.
"You just have to talk to people who come to see you, be nice, like you're trying to make friends. We want to humanize you. I may be able to get people to send you gifts in the arena, food and water to keep you going if they like you."
"Okay." You answer quietly. "I've been talking to folks who come, not much else to do in here." You shrug, smiling at him hopefully. You don't want to sound like you're complaining, you're sure complaining about circumstances you can't change will get you nowhere. "The people seem lovely."
"Lovely." He scoffs, shaking his head with a grin of disbelief. "You don't have to lie to me, you know."
"I'm not!" You insist with a slight laugh, looking around. "They just... seem a little scared, for some reason. It seems like they came to stare, not to talk."
"Well, people here don't like people who are different. To them, you're all different."
"And to you?" You ask, tilting your head at him.
The look you give him could make his heart melt. Wide-eyed and kind down to your bones. If he had the power to call off the games, right now as he looked down into your soul, he would do it in a heartbeat. I'm not here to be friends with her. I'm here to win, Coriolanus has to remind himself. "You're different." He replies. "But I think that's a very good thing."
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taglist: @soulessjourney, @keziahcore, @that-veela-girl, @motorsport, @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @Lanadelrey3, @rawrmameh, @3zae-zae3, @babyspice6, @pastel0rchid, @maysileeewrites, @articxari, @Urfavpouge, @Multivitaminfy, @baybieruth, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @fals3-g0d, @drewsandsebastianswife, @niicole-87, @queenofshinigamis, @innercreationflower, @nallasstuff, @spring-goddess1, @baybieruth, @lovelyxtom, @throughgoeshxmilton, @enwonie, @scorpiolystoned
if your user has a strikethrough i wasn't able to tag you! i'm so sorry!
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rosemariiaa · 25 days
~Lines We Drew~
part: 1
pairing- Paige x Azzi
oookay hi guys! idk how many requests i’ve gotten in my inbox for this kind of fic for pazzi but I finally tried to work up something last night! (don’t tell me you don’t like it , i will be upset)
warning: language
Paige Bueckers had heard the news weeks before the official announcement: Azzi Fudd was coming to UConn. The so-called “golden girl” of high school basketball, the first pick in her class and NPOY, the one everyone couldn’t stop talking about. And Paige couldn’t have been less thrilled.
“Come on, Paige. She’s not even here yet, and you’re already acting all grumpy,” Nika ribbed as they lounged in their dorm room, prepping for the new season. “Besides, she is real pretty. You should be excited. Maybe you’ll finally find someone who can keep up with you.”
Paige scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I don’t need someone to keep up with me, Nika. And I’m not grumpy. I just don’t get what the big deal is.”
KK, lying on her bed with her feet propped up on the wall, chimed in, “The big deal is she’s gonna be a star. You know that, right? The two of you together on the court—UConn’s gonna be unstoppable and on the road to the national chip, yes ma’am.” Kk exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.
“Yeah, if we can stand to be on the same court without killing each other,” Paige muttered, more to herself than anyone else. But of course, Nika heard her and threw a pillow at her head.
“Stop being such a brat. You barely even know her. Maybe you’ll actually like her once you get to know her.” “Doubt it,” Paige grumbled, tossing the pillow back at Nika.
“Why don’t you like her anyway?” Ayanna asked from her corner of the room, where she was scrolling through her phone. “You guys don’t even know each other like that.”
Paige shrugged, knowing she didn’t have a good answer to tell her friends, she knows if she tells them something else, all hell will break loose. “We just… don’t click, okay? I dunno. She’s just not my type of person.”
KK rolled her eyes. “Girl boo save the excuses .” Paige didn’t respond, sinking deeper into her thoughts. She wasn’t going to be a bitch—she just wasn’t going to go out of her way to be friendly either.
The day Azzi arrived at UConn, it felt like the entire campus was buzzing. Paige’s friends were all smiles, eager to meet the new star recruit. Paige tagged along reluctantly as they headed over to the dorms where Azzi would be living.
When they got there, Azzi was already surrounded by some of the team, all of them helping her move in. Paige hung back, crossing her arms and watching as Caroline and Aubrey joked with Azzi as they were old friends.
“Ice, you gotta help me lift this,” Caroline called, motioning to a heavy-looking box. Ice, who was taller and definitely stronger, easily lifted the box and carried it into the dorm.
“Thanks, Carol,” Azzi said, smiling. “I think that’s the last of it.” “No problem,” Caroline replied, wiping her hands on her shorts. “We’re all in this together now.”
Paige tried to keep her expression neutral as Azzi glanced over at her. Their eyes met for a split second, and Paige felt a jolt of something she couldn’t quite name. It wasn’t exactly anger, but it wasn’t friendly either. She quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in something on her phone.
“Oh, hey Paige,” Azzi said, her voice polite but not overly friendly. “Didn’t see you there.” Paige nodded stiffly. “Yeah, I’m just here with the girls.”
Azzi nodded back, the silence between them awkward. Caroline, ever the peacemaker, jumped in. “Paige, why don’t you help Azzi get her room set up? She’s rooming with me, Aubrey, and Ice.”
Paige wanted to say no, but everyone was looking at her expectantly, so she forced a smile. “Sure. I can help.”
She followed Azzi and the others into the dorm, feeling like she was walking into enemy territory. Aubrey was already inside, arranging some of her things, and when she saw Paige, she grinned.
“Hey, Paige! Look at you, helping out. Maybe there’s hope for you yet,” Aubrey teased.
Paige rolled her eyes but smiled a little. Aubrey had a way of making her feel at ease, even when she didn’t want to be. “Yeah, yeah. Just trying to be a team player.” As they unpacked, the conversation flowed easily among the group, but Paige stayed mostly quiet, only speaking when directly addressed. Azzi seemed content to ignore her as well, which suited Paige just fine.
After they finished, Ice stretched her arms over her head and sighed. “Man, moving is exhausting. I’m starving.”
“Let’s grab something to eat,” Caroline suggested. “We can all go together. You in, Paige?”
Paige hesitated, glancing at Azzi, who was wiping sweat from her brow. She really didn’t want to spend any more time around her than necessary, but she knew saying no would make her look petty. So she nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
They all headed to a nearby café, where they pushed a bunch of tables together to accommodate the group. Paige ended up sitting across from Azzi, who was chatting with Aubrey and Caroline. Paige focused on her menu, trying to ignore the way Azzi’s laugh seemed to fill the whole space.
“Azzi, you’ve gotta try the chicken wrap here. It’s the best,” Caroline said, pointing to the menu.
Azzi smiled. “Ouuu that sounds good actually, thanks for the recommendation. I’ll take your word for it.”
Paige couldn’t help herself. “You don’t have to take her word for it, you know. You’re capable of making your own decisions.”
Azzi looked up at her, a spark of defiance in her eyes. “I’m aware, Paige. But sometimes it’s nice to get suggestions from friends.”
“Friends,” Paige echoed, her tone flat. “Right.”
Azzi’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you always this charming, or is it just me?” Paige blinked, momentarily taken aback. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Azzi shrugged. “Just making an observation.”
Paige opened her mouth to retort, but the words caught in her throat. She wasn’t used to being challenged, and Azzi’s calm yet sharp response threw her off balance. Instead, she just looked away, focusing on her food.
The table fell silent for a moment, the tension palpable. Aubrey cleared her throat, clearly trying to change the subject. “So, Azzi, what do you think of the campus so far?”
Azzi’s expression softened, and she started talking about how much she liked the facilities and how excited she was to start training. Paige tuned out most of the conversation, focusing on her food instead.
But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t ignore the way Azzi’s voice seemed to weave into her thoughts, making it impossible to completely block her out. And the more she tried, the more frustrated she became.
By the time they finished eating, Paige was more than ready to leave. As they walked back to the dorms, KK and Nika fell into step beside her, nudging her playfully.
“Why do you gotta be so mean to her?” KK asked, not really expecting an answer. “She’s actually super cool.”
Paige sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I’m not being mean. I told you we just… don’t click. It’s not that serious guys.”
Nika raised an eyebrow. “Not that deep? You barely said two words to her, and when you did, it was kinda snarky.”
Paige shrugged, not wanting to get into it. “It is what it is.” KK rolled her eyes and nudged Paige’s shoulder . “You’re so annoying. Just give the poor girl a chance, stop being mean to the pretty lady.”
Paige didn’t respond, but the words echoed in her mind long after she was back in her own dorm, lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. She knew her friends were right, or were they? Azzi hadn’t done anything to deserve her hostility. So she thought , but deep down there was just something she couldn’t get herself to really spit out. There was something about the way Azzi seemed to effortlessly fit in, the way she smiled and laughed with everyone, that just irked Paige. It made her feel… what? Jealous? Insecure? She wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, it was strong enough to keep her on edge whenever Azzi was around.
As the days went on, Azzi became more integrated into the team, quickly earning the admiration and friendship of everyone except Paige. And though Paige continued to keep her distance, she couldn’t deny that the tension between them was growing more complex with each passing day.
For now, the animosity remained unresolved, but something told Paige that this was only the beginning. The next few months promised to be full of surprises, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for what was coming.
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daisynik7 · 10 months
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Pairing: Aoi Todo x f!reader
Word Count: ~4.7k
cw: switching POVs (reader is in 2nd person, Todo is in 3rd), established relationship, explicit language, smut – phone sex, PIV sex (cowgirl, doggy), nipple play, clitoral stimulation, lots of dirty talk, degrading language (use of the word slut), pet names (babe, baby, baby girl, good girl, princess, sweetheart)
Summary: All of what happens in four months of dating your new boyfriend slash past rival Aoi Todo, leading up to Takada-Chan’s “Winter Wonderland”.
Author’s Notes: Things get explicit here! This is just a fun little bonus chapter to see our two idol fans going at it (literally). Hope you enjoy! Thank you everyone for all the love and support on this, I really appreciate it! Divider credit to @/saradika. 
Previous Chapter | Masterlist
Tag List: @iwillbiteabitch
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Dating Aoi Todo is never boring. If you’ve learned anything from this relationship so far, it’s that. 
Also, taking things slow has proved to be much more difficult than you and Todo ever anticipated, especially when the two of you are alone together. That commitment is broken about a week into your budding relationship.  
The night of the confession, you and your new boyfriend talked for hours while Sara slept on your couch as a watchdog. You didn’t dare try anything with your best friend right outside just a few feet away. To prevent temptation, you set up an air mattress for him as the night progressed, agreeing to sleep separately. The only physical contact you made was when you both feel asleep in your respective beds, holding hands. Cute, innocent, and wholesome.  
After that night, you and Todo started texting every day. He is a man who loves sending good morning texts, along with an array of different emojis. His favorites are the smirking face (of course), the muscle flex (another of course), and surprisingly, the koala bear, which always leaves you with a goofy smile on your face whenever you see it.
Four days after the confession, there is a late-night phone call that lasts over three hours, covering different topics from favorite foods (his is skirt steak, yours is salmon nigiri), ideal date ideas (both of you said a Takada-Chan concert), and pet peeves (he said boredom, you said passive aggressiveness). 
This call also may or may not have ended with phone sex. 
You and Todo just finished discussing your favorite movies when he asks, “Aren’t you sleepy? It’s past one already.”
“I drank a lot of matcha today, so I’m still wide awake,” you explain, shifting around beneath your blanket.
There is silence on the other line and after a while, he finally says, “I can help you fall asleep. So, what are you wearing?”
You snort into the phone, laughing at his less-than-subtle attempt. “You can’t be serious right now.”
“Come on! Just play along!” He clears his throat and in a significantly lower octave, he repeats, “So…what are you wearing?”
You do your best to hide your giggles. “A t-shirt and pajama shorts.”
Even his smirk is audible through the phone. “Sexy.”
Cheeks getting sore from smiling , you comment, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re not very good at this?”
“I’m good at it! Come on babe, you’re ruining the mood. Just…let me get in the groove.”
Growing impatient from his feeble attempts, you take matters into your own hands. “Why don’t you think about me in that mini skirt you like so much. The one from Takada-Chan’s birthday. I know how much you like that.”
“Okay,” he replies quietly, some movement evident on his end.
“You’re supposed to show me how rough you like it, remember?”
“Yeah,” he blurts out, starting to breathe heavily. “Can we do that one time? Please?” 
Hearing him beg arouses you, hand reaching between your legs, spreading them wider beneath the covers. Feeling too brazen at this point, you purr, “Only if you can make me come right now.”
He whispers your name under his breath, followed by a husky, “Fuck. Tell me what you want to hear.” There’s movement against cloth and you can only imagine now that he’s touching himself, palming the bulge straining inside his briefs. 
You shove your panties down your legs, rubbing circles around your clit. “Tell me how you want to fuck me in that skirt.” You’re already wet with arousal, though you don’t tell him that yet, keeping it a naughty secret to reveal when the time is right.
“I want you to ride me in that fucking skirt. Want to bounce you on my fat cock.” His growl is guttural, too fitting for a grade-A beefcake like him. Of course he sounds this sexy when he’s turned on, and of course you’re falling fast for it. 
Desperate to hear more, you goad him. “Yeah? What else?”
He swears harshly again, loving the way you coax him into being bad. “Want to suck on your tits while you’re bouncing on me. Want to play with your clit until you squirt all over my cock.”
“Fuck, I’m touching myself right now,” you whine, squirming against your fingers. 
His voice is erratic, trembling with frenzy, gradually losing himself to the pleasure. “Yeah? Imagine my big fucking thumb on your pretty clit, rubbing it so fucking fast until you come on my big dick.”
“I’m so wet for you, so creamy for you.” You’re salivating, drool leaking from the sides of your mouth, fingers squelching lewdly between your thighs.
“Spread it all over,” he demands. If you listen closely enough, you can hear the rapid strokes of his cock within his fist. “Do it, slut.”
You obey his orders, sliding your middle finger up and down your slit, collecting your slick to smear it over your throbbing bud, so close to your orgasm. In a daze, you moan his name, letting is roll off your tongue.
He jerks himself off to completion, coming from the sweet sounds of his name from your mouth. In between heavy breaths, he grunts harshly. “Fuck. I just came. Sorry.”
You giggle, slowing the pace of your fingers, teasing him. “I thought you were the one that offered to help mefall asleep?”
Embarrassed, he says, “I know, I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect you to say my name like that. That really got me.” There’s more shuffling in the background as you picture him inspecting his own mess. “Holy shit, I came a lot.”
“You should go to bed. You’re probably sleepy now.”
“No, not yet. I have to make you come still,” he offers, determined. 
“It’s fine.”
“No. I need to make you come tonight so I can fuck you in that skirt. It’s going to happen.”
You learn that when Todo is determined to do something, he does it. He is a man that, when given any challenge, will do his damn best to complete it no matter what. 
Not counting the phone sex, Todo could confidently say that they have been successful in taking things slow. That is, until a few days after the infamous phone sex, when all hell breaks loose.
It begins when his girlfriend decides to host a Takada-Chan concert marathon. The pop idol kicks off her international tour a week after Todo’s confession. To honor the start of it, she invites him, Sara, and Yuji to eat a bunch of delicious food and binge watch all Takada-Chan’s concerts available on streaming platforms. Sara and Yuji stay a while, but after the fourth consecutive Takada-Chan concert, they have enough, leaving the couple alone to their own devices, which anyone could guess is not a good idea if they are still sticking to the “taking things slow” route.
As soon as their friends leave, the two give each other one glance before the kissing starts. He spent all day resisting the temptation to touch her in any way since they were with Sara and Yuji. It’s been an excruciating four hours considering how cute and irresistible his girlfriend is. 
She slides her hands under his shirt, pawing at his eight-pack. He slips his tongue inside her mouth as he completely pulls his shirt off. She pulls back, gawking at his body with wide eyes and an open mouth, practically drooling for him. “Like what you see?” he teases, raising a brow at her. She nods her head, leaning in for more kisses. 
Eventually, she whispers, “Wait.”
He stops, leaning back on the couch. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I just have a little surprise for you. Wait here.” She gets up and disappears into her bedroom, leaving Todo confused and concerned. After several agonizingly long minutes, she comes out. When he sees her, his jaw drops, blood rushing straight to his cock. 
The mini skirt. She’s wearing the fucking mini skirt. Not only that, she’s also wearing the same blouse she wore at the café, the one that exposes her shoulders and plunging neckline. Essentially the same outfit he has fantasized about since. In one swift motion, he hoists her up onto his lap, spreading her legs so that she’s straddling him. “You’re such a good girl for me, huh?” he growls, scattering wet smooches all over her face. “Such a good girl.” He fondles her body beneath the skirt and to his shock and delight, she isn’t wearing any underwear. “Not even wearing any panties for me, you fucking slut.”
“Only for you,” she whispers, directing his giant hand to her pussy. “Do you feel how wet I am for you already?”
“Fuck,” he breathes out, pressing his thumb to her and drawing circles around her clit. A guttural moan vibrates from her throat, making him move his thumb faster. 
“I want you,” he grunts, feeling fucking feral beneath her. 
“You want to fuck me here on the couch?” She’s panting now as his fingers brush against her bud faster. 
“Yeah, right here, right now. Show me that pretty pussy.” With his free hand, he lifts the hem of her skirt to put her on display,  watching her melt away in the palm of his hand, thumb unyielding against her clit. It glistens with her slick and his dick get tighter and tighter in his pants from the mere sight of it.
She tugs at the waistband of his joggers to release his erection. There’s a thick bead of precum on the tip. She rubs her thumb on it, spreading it over the head, causing him to groan in pleasure. Somehow, she conjures up a bottle of lube and pours a generous amount straight onto him, then she slides her fist up and down his shaft. In this moment of pure ecstasy, he can’t help but thank the pop idol gods for bringing this goddess of a woman into his life. He slides his fingers inside her, relishing how wet she is. Everything is happening so fast; his carnal desires take control. “Fucking ride me,” he commands. 
She gets up on her knees, guiding the tip of his dick to her fluttering hole. Slowly, she sinks down on him, moaning. This is the hottest thing he’s ever fucking seen in his life. “So tight for me. My good girl,” he coos, gripping at her hips and gently moving her further down his shaft. 
“So big, baby. Oh my god,” she whines. Once he bottoms out, she grabs hold of his shoulders and rocks back and forth on his lap, adjusting to his size. 
“Take the skirt off. Want to watch you fuck yourself on my fat cock.” 
He tries to lift her up from his lap, but she shakes her head. “Don’t pull out. Feels so good. So good.” 
Absolutely unhinged, Todo growls, “I’m going to rip this skirt off, then. Need to see your pussy creaming all over me.” He hooks to the waistband, easily ripping it along the seams, tossing it behind him. Smirking, he whispers, “That’s it. Just like that.”
“My skirt!” she cries out, shocked and aroused. 
“I’ll buy you a new one, princess. I’ll buy you hundreds more so I can fuck you just like this.” He holds her waist again, setting the pace, thrusting his own hips into her. His eyes are glued to the shiny ring of her cum collecting on the base of his cock. “You’re so fucking hot, you know that? You wanted to get fucked in that skirt, huh? Such a slut for me.” He releases his tight grip on her as soon as she starts bouncing up and down on her own, digging her nails into the skin of his shoulders, fucking herself deeper. The sounds she makes are music to his ears.
He focuses on her clit again, massaging it with his thumb. She gasps, startling him. “You okay, sweetie?” He cups her cheek, caressing her skin softly.
“Yes, so fucking good!” Her eyes are half-lidded, mouth parted open, looking absolutely divine. She grabs at his wrist and puts her lips over his thumb, completely engulfing it into her sloppy mouth. She moves him in and out, swirling her tongue around him with each stroke. 
He bites his lip to stifle a moan. It takes everything in his willpower to hold back his orgasm. The way she moans, the fucked out look on her face, the thumb sucking. It’s too much and not enough all at the same time. He pulls out of her mouth and switch hands to place his wet thumb on her clit, while the other hand, still glistening from her slick, glides underneath her blouse and up to one of her nipples. She isn’t wearing a bra. 
“Such a fucking good girl,” he murmurs as he strips the blouse off her body. He squeezes one of her breasts and puts his lips around the nipple, sucking hard. With both her hands, she squeezes her tits together, leaning forward, feeding them to him.
“Yeah, want to feed me these big tits, huh baby? So fucking needy.” He buries his face in between her breasts, kissing her nipples one at a time. 
“Suck them hard,” she whimpers. He alternates between each breast, sucking hard until each nipple is taut and plump between his pursed lips.
Mouth hot on his ear, she purrs, “Baby, I’m so close.”
“Come for me, beautiful. Come all over my cock.”
With his lips latched onto her breasts, thumb relentless on her clit, and cock deep in her pussy, it’s no surprise when, after just a few more minutes, she throws her head back and cries out, “I’m coming!” She clenches around him, creating a sensation of pure ecstasy, he can’t help but orgasm right along with her. She moans as it continues, his thick cum filling her up, the excess dripping down the inner plush of her thighs. She collapses against him, panting and trembling slightly from the euphoric rush. Todo cradles her in a warm embrace, burying his face into her neck. 
“You did so good, sweetie. So good for me. Thank you,” he muffles, breathing heavily against her skin. 
“That was amazing,” she says, still slumped over Todo. 
“You should go pee, baby. Don’t want you to get a UTI.”
“Just give me a few minutes. I’m tired.”
Todo, who is also exhausted from having the biggest orgasm of his life, gets up and carries his girlfriend bridal style into the bathroom. He plops her down on the toilet and turns the shower on. When he hears the distinct sound of a tinkle, he breathes a sigh of relief. No girlfriend of Aoi Todo will ever get a UTI from sex, not on his watch. 
Once the floodgates open, nothing stops you and Todo from pouncing on each other every chance you get. The sex is always nothing short of amazing. Despite not being able to keep your hands off each other, you still try to keep PDA down to a minimum. But Todo, being the big bravado self he is, let’s his guard down a few times. He still grabs your ass in public, especially when you’re wearing dresses, shorts, or skirts. And honestly, after the first time, you intentionally started wearing skirts more often just to tease him. 
Whenever you do indulge in the occasional kiss in front of your friends, Todo always gets carried away, shamelessly driving his tongue into your mouth. Normally, you love this, but only in private. Understandably, Sara always gives your boyfriend a whack on top of the head to get him to stop, which he does before muttering an embarrassed apology.
Besides the disgust over the occasional PDA, Sara and Todo get along great. They bond over working out, horror movies, and teasing you. Todo’s brother Yuji is your brother now too. He’ll ask you for advice when it comes to girls or his friendships. You ask him for advice on how to deal with annoying people at work, since Todo’s advice is always, “Just tell me their name and I will beat the shit out of them.” 
As with any relationship, there are issues you two have to work through. When Todo first explains his job, you are convinced he is playing some bizarre prank on you. To be fair, someone describing themselves as a “Jujutsu Sorcerer” who “exorcises” evil curses sounds like something straight out of a shounen anime. When he demonstrate Boogie Woogie, where he manages to switch positions with Yuji in the blink of an eye, you are certain you are going crazy. After a few weeks of processing everything, with a lot of patience from Todo and moral support from Yuji, you can safely say you’ve made peace with understanding the gist of Todo’s profession. Of course, there is still plenty that you can’t grasp, but Todo’s confidence in himself relieves the stress caused by that uncertainty. 
There are times of jealousy and insecurity on both sides that lead to fighting and arguments. When you start your full-time job after the summer, he gets jealous over one of your male coworkers training you for a week. Even after doing your best to convince him that it is strictly professional, he still can’t help himself from making snide remarks about your coworker at the end of the week. An issue that you’re still working on, and slowly getting better at, is trying not to be petty when you get annoyed with him. During this time, you just can’t help yourself.
Eventually, you manage to find the best way to shut him up. 
It’s been two weeks since you started your new full-time job. This week, you worked with a coworker, Kenji Saito, for training. Saito is a man several years older than you who is married with kids. But none of this matters to Todo because he is still jealous. As you prepare dinner at his place, you mention, “Training went well. Saito said I should be ready for my first project next week.”
Todo grunts. “Saito. I’m surprised you’re not calling him by his first name yet. You two have been spending soooo much time together.”
You smile to yourself, unable to resist provoking him. “I barely call you by your first name. But if you want, I can start calling him Kenji.”
He moves behind you like a lion stalking his prey, growling in your ear. “Don’t do that.”
You turn to face him, his body towering above you, casting a daunting shadow. “What are you going to do about it, Aoi?”
As quickly as he moved behind you, he slings you over his shoulder, carrying you into the bedroom. He tosses you onto his bed, stripping off his clothes while you do the same, already wet against your panties. You’re laid on your back when he straddles you, the way he looms over you intensifies the growing sensation in your loins. He leans down to kiss you sloppily. “Only I get to do this to you, right? No one else?” he asks, between kisses.
“Yes, baby. Of course.”
“Then say it for me. Please.”
“Only you get to do this to me. Only you.”
He flips you over on your stomach and presses up against you, lips tickling your ear as he demands, “Say it. Say it again.” His cock throbs between your ass cheeks. 
“Only you, Aoi. This pussy is only for you. Fuck,” you whimper, desperate to feel him inside you.
“It’s mine, huh? You’re my good girl. You’re my fucking slut. Say it.”
“I’m your good girl, Aoi. I’m your – “, you pause to catch your breath. “I’m your fucking slut.” 
He gets off to reach towards the dresser next to the bed. As he does this, you get on your hands and knees, ready for what’s to come (literally). You crane your neck to watch him smear a generous amount of lube along his hard cock, causing you to lick your lips in anticipation. He tosses the bottle onto the floor and positions himself behind you. 
You stick your ass out, back arched and ready for him. He slides the tip along the folds of your pussy, guiding himself in slowly. It’s times like these that you are reminded at how fucking huge your boyfriend is, and you love it. Once he’s to the hilt, he stops. “Shake your ass on my cock. You know how I like it.”
With your hands clenched to the sheets, you thrust yourself onto his dick, back and forth, back and forth. After you’re fully adjusted to his size, you pick up the pace, his cock easily sliding in and out with each thrust. “Just like that baby. Fuck. Wish I could take a video of this. You look so good on my cock. Doing such a good job,” he praises, watching you do all the work.
You continue to move yourself relentlessly on him, moaning loudly into the pillow. When you reach your climax, your back arches even more as you orgasm without saying anything. You don’t want him to know you came already as you keep on fucking him. Todo chuckles in his deep voice. You can almost feel the vibrations of his laugh against your throbbing pussy. “I know you came all over my cock, baby. You can’t fool me. You’re so wet. It’s dripping all over the sheets, nasty girl.” He reaches around to rub your clit, his fingers lubed up and wet with your cum. 
“Fuck. Aoi. Oh my god, don’t stop. Oh fuck,” you whine.
“You’re so good to me, baby. So good. Taking it like a good girl,” he whispers, massaging your sensitive bud deeper. Your pace slows down, knees weak from your first orgasm. Todo places his free hand on your waist, spreading his fingers wide to grip at your skin. “Let me take over, baby girl.” 
You let him, of course. He uses his hold on you to time the thrusts of his hips perfectly. Todo makes you orgasm twice more in this position before he releases himself inside you, filling you up to the brim with his creampie. He pulls out, his load making a mess on his sheets. 
After you do your business in the bathroom, the two of you cuddle in bed, blissed out and exhausted. He turns towards you, kissing you on the forehead, apologizing. “I’m sorry.”
You hum, closing your eyes. “For what?”
“Being annoying,” he admits.
“Being jealous.”
He nuzzles his nose against yours. “For being an asshole.” 
You smile, peaking at him with one eye open. “I’m sorry for being petty. I’ll work on not using that against you when you’re feeling upset about something.”
“To be fair, I wasn’t that upset. Like anyone can compete with me, right? Especially not Saito.” He makes a face when he says that name.
Still feeling a little naughty, you joke, “You mean Kenji?”
You immediately regret it as soon as he wrestles between the sheets, giggling hysterically as he tickles you to the point of tears. 
It’s been four months since you’ve been dating Aoi Todo. Four months of amazing sex, occasional bickering reminiscent of the origins of your relationship, and new discoveries about each other that bring you closer than ever. 
Now, you stand beside your boyfriend, waiting in line at the mall you first met at. Today, Takada-Chan is hosting a special Winter Wonderland event. Essentially, instead of taking a picture on Santa’s lap, Takada-Chan fans get to take a picture next to the pop idol in front of a snowy backdrop. After touring internationally the last few months, the singer planned an impromptu appearance at the mall of her hometown to celebrate the holiday season.  
When it’s finally your turn, Takada-Chan greets you with that beautiful, bright smile. “My favorite couple! I’m so happy you made it! I was hoping to see you today.”
“Takada-Chan! We’re happy to see you, too. It’s been a while. How has the tour been?”
“Tiring. It’s nice to be back home for a little bit. Happy holidays! Oh! Todo, please go follow Haru, he’s going to give you a little something. Think of it as a special gift from me.” She winks. Todo bows deeply and follows Haru behind the set. You can’t help but smile to yourself noticing that your boyfriend is still speechless around the pop idol. Some things never change.
You decide to finally be honest with her. “Takada-Chan. You’ve been so good to us. I have to come clean about something. The first time you met Todo and I, we weren’t actually a couple. We were just faking it because you seemed to like us so much better together. I’m sorry.” You look at her nervously, praying to the pop idol gods that she isn’t too upset for the deception.
To your surprise, she smiles even wider, a twinkle in her eyes. “I know.”
“You know?!”
“I knew you two weren’t a couple. To be honest, I knew it was a bit risky on my end to play matchmaker, but I just couldn’t help myself! Who better to be together than two of my #1 fans?” She gives you another wink as you stare at her, mouth agape. 
She continues. “Also, sweet Todo was convinced that I was his future wife. Poor guy doesn’t know I don’t swing that way. So, I wanted to steer him in the right direction to you. And now look. The fruits of my labor! The results are a beautiful harvest of love. You two are just as cute as I thought you’d be.”
Shocked, you stammer, “Takada-Chan…I really don’t know what to say. How can I…how can we repay you?”
She reaches her arms out to squeeze your shoulders. “I don’t need you to repay me! Anything for my fans.” Leaning closer, she whispers, “But tell me this: Who made the first move? You see, Haru and I had a little bet going since the two of your first visited my dressing room. Haru claims he won, since he saw Todo holding your hand at the big group date. I placed my bets on you, of course.”
“Well, actually, I kissed Todo that morning. So, you did win.”
The pop idol jumps up giddily. “You made the first move?! I knew it! That’s my girl! I love a woman who takes initiative! I’m going to pester Haru to give me my money back.”
“Thank you for everything, Takada-Chan. I mean it.”
“I’m happy for the both of you. Can’t wait to see you at my next event. DM me if you ever need anything!” With a hug, the two of you say your goodbyes. 
You find an empty bench nearby to sit on while you wait for your boyfriend. Todo reappears from the back with two black t-shirts in hand. As he sits next to you, he unfolds the shirts so you can see the front. It’s a screen-printed photo of you, Todo, and Takada-Chan doing the Taka-tan beam in her dressing room. 
“This is awesome! Our own special gift from Takada-Chan! I’ll cherish this forever. My two future wives in one picture,” he grins.
Laughing, you wrap your arms around him, giving him a passionate smooch on the lips. Blushing, he asks, “What was that for?”
“I just really wanted to kiss you.” You gaze into his eyes, smiling before saying, “Because I love you.”
His eyes widen. “What did you say?”
“I love you, Aoi.”
Suddenly, he picks you up and sits you on his lap, beaming. “You love me?”
“Yes. I love you!” You throw your arms around him in a warm embrace. 
He buries his face into your neck, muffling, “I love you, too. I love you so much.” He holds your face in between his palms, kissing you square on the lips. “I love you,” he repeats, kissing you all over your cheeks, forehead, and neck. His hands roam down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
Relationships are never perfect. People are never perfect. But this moment right now is perfect. Confessing your love feels natural. It makes sense. To think that this whole thing started off as a ridiculous rivalry and blossomed into a “beautiful harvest of love”, as a certain pop idol would say. It just proves that sometimes, finding love can start off silly and ridiculous. And with Takada-Chan playing matchmaking for you and Todo, you couldn’t write a better love story than this.
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short-honey-badger · 4 months
Kelp? No, Hello!
This has come from a little brainstorming session with my darling @goth-mami-writer. Enjoy a little JJK soul mate fic. We've decided to do our own takes on this, so I hope you enjoy! I'll have her works tagged below!
Pairings: Inumaki Toge x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut! Fast burn. Cunnilingus. The movie spoiled me. Fluff and sweet things.
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Toge doesn't expect to meet his soul mate while out for a snack run for the other second years in his class. You'd bumped into him coming out of the convenience store, and both of you had felt that instant connection when he'd grabbed your hand to prevent you from falling. Your face, red and adorable, stared up at him.
Toge wished more than anything that he could say anything to you that wasn't a rich ball ingredient, brows furrowing, as he slowly offers you a soft.
Embarrassment welled up in his chest when you gave him an odd look, but then you shrugged like it was no big deal, giving Toge a winning smile and suggested that the two of you go somewhere less crowded.
Inumaki had easily agreed and shot a quick text off to Maki to let her know that he'd be back later that evening. He'd then followed you to a nearby park, your hand tangled with his own the entire time. The longer he held your hand, the more his mouth and tongue felt tingly, like he'd eaten something sour. It wasn't until he made it to the park that Inumaki recalled something Gojo had mentioned in passing about soul mates before.
"Soul mates, as rare as they are, can be dangerous. With enough skin on skin contact, your "other half" can mute your cursed technique. It's that reason why you hardly see anyone paired up around here."
Toge felt his heart rate pick up twofold, and his hand shook as he grabbed the zipper to his mask and tugged it down. You were looking at him curiously, taking in the old tattoos that he had on either side of his mouth. He licks his lips, voice rough when he speaks up.
You had beamed at him, excited but unsure as to why, other than knowing your soul mate seemed incredibly relieved about something. Toge had quickly introduced himself, speech picking up speed the more he relaxed in the knowledge that he couldn't hurt you with his cursed speech as long as you were touching him.
Things moved quickly after that. Dates and outings when Toge had the time outside of school, taking every bit of his spare time to get to know you. It's a month into his new relationship when things turn heated while he's at your apartment visiting.
You lay played across the bed, eyes only for Inumaki as the white-haired man hovers over you. Your shirt and pants have been cast aside, and he only wears a pair of boxers. You smooth your hands across his pale body, fingers dragging along his lean muscles and then up to pull him down for a kiss. His free hand grips your side, keeping your squirming body still.
You open your legs, and his throbbing erection flush with the heat of your core as your slide your legs up and around his hips. He sighs into the kiss, grinding down and enjoying the way your legs squeeze around him. You have been so kind, so understanding with him, and Inumaki loves you for it.
Toge breaks the kiss, smoothing down to nip at your jaw, and admiring the soft sounds that you make in response to his touch. Down he goes, taking your bra off and wrapping his lips around a peaked nipple. He leaves it swollen and red before he moves to the other one, giving it the same soft attention.
You whine and huff under him, dropping your legs when he scoots down to press loving kisses to your stomach and hip bones. He peeks up at you, purple eyes dark with arousal and want.
"You're so pretty," He murmurs and licks his lips, dipping his head to press a kiss to your covered mound. You shiver, eyes half-lidded as you thread your fingers through his hair.
His hands grasp your panties, sliding them down and past your legs to toss behind him. Inumaki strokes the sensitive skin of your hip bones, trailing them down to gently slide his middle finger through your sticky folds. He hums at how wet you are and explores further, slicking his fingers with your juices and basking in the noises you make for him.
"Toge, please."
Inumaki shifts back down at your quiet pleading, kissing your inner thighs and then up to your quivering lips. You whine at the heat of his tongue against your pussy, legs shifts open to accommodate his shoulders. He lulls his tongue out and groans when when he slides the muscle through your folds, finally tasting you. His mouth is devilish, tongue swirling against your clit and then pressing down with the perfect amount of pressure that it makes you see stars.
Toge slides a hand forward, fingers finding your dripping hole and circling it. Your hips buck, and he can't help the huff of amusement that escapes him at your Impatientness. The sorcerer nudges forward, and you sigh in relief at the feeling of being filled, even if it's only his fingers.
Your slick coats his hand, and Toge pulls all sorta of delicious sounds from you as he laps at your cunt like a man lost in the desert. Your stomach tenses, and you can feel that familiar tug deep in your belly as you get closer and closer. Inumaki grunts when you pull his hair, and he rises from your dripping cunt to stare at you, face covered in your juices.
"Is everything okay?"
When you nod, he drops back between your legs, tongue curling around your clit and sucking the throbbing bud into his mouth. You keen and arch off the bed, forcing Toge to push you back down even as he adds another finger. Electric shocks jump up and down your spine as you come with a cry of his name, muscles clenching down around his fingers and slick gushing from your cunt.
Inumaki slows to a stop when you pat the top of his head, feeling smug when he pulls away to smile down at your flushed body. He massages your hips and whispers sweet nothings as you come back to yourself before he leans down and kisses you. He wasn't done just yet.
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toulousewayne · 10 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 21-23
The headache Y/n felt forming after finding out about Bruce and Talia having a son was painful.
“After all those talks he gave me about protection.” Dick scoffed.
Y/n looked at her new brother who looked like a feral kitten who was ready to claw and hiss at anyone who approached him.
“Tt, I don’t see how you are Father’s Daughter, your mother wasn’t even married to him. Meaning you hold no claim to Father’s company or his assets.” He spat. He was quite smug with himself.
“Listen pipsqueak—“ Tim started but Y/n motioned for him to stop. She turned her attention back to Damian.
“Look I don’t know what you were told but I promise you I don’t want to run his company, hell I’d rather not be heiress to the money either. Bruce is my Father not my atm or trust fund. And if that’s all the things you’ve been led to believe then you’re sadly mistaken.”
Damian lunged at her and quickly moved out of his grasp, she turned towards him and flipped him onto his stomach and pinned his arm back.
Dick and Tim stood there in awe.”I know you’re an assassin kid, but make no mistake I will break this little hands of yours if you try that again.” She left the room without another word and Damian grumbled as Tim chuckled smugly in the corner.
Damian avoided Y/n while she visited the Manor. They spoke a total of two times in the first few days. By day three Y/n figured he’d be more settled into his new home that she could formally introduce herself. She was wrong.
Damian took one look at tried to go in the other direction and she called him but he was too fast for her. She was in her room on a call with Stephanie and Cass who were gutted she wasn’t staying longer, Barbara could be heard in the background on a call with Dinah and Helena.
“You guys know you can visit anytime, besides my roommate when back home to Chicago. So, for the rest of the term I have a whole dorm to myself.” She giggled stuffing some sweaters Alfred had bought for her as he knew winter was approaching and she’d be up late in the library across the campus.
“Well you’ll be back in three weeks for Christmas Break, plus maybe this weekend we can have a day trip I heard Metropolis Mall is having a huge sale for Black Friday!” Stephanie squealed with excitement.
Cass nodded in agreement,she turned her head and looked closely at the screen before speaking.”Damian.”
Y/n world around to find the youngest Wayne in her doorway easedropping.
“I’ll talk to you guys tonight when you stop by before patrol.” They two waved and she hung up turning to the doorway.
“Come in Damian.” Reluctantly he entered her room with a blank expression.
“Wayne.” She replied in his same tone.
He looked down at the ground before speaking,”Grayson talked to me about my actions. I wanted to apologize for comments earlier to you.” He never met her gaze and she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re not the first kid to come in here and feel outraged or confused about your new life Damian, and knowing Dad’s track record I can’t say you’ll be the last. But I accept your apology. Mind telling me what’s behind your back though?”
He handed her a small wooden bird, it was cured and whittled to his shape and it was beautiful sculptured. “Grayson always mentioned your fascination with birds.”
Y/n smiled an took the little bird figure,”thank you Damian it’s very thoughtful of you.”
“I would appreciate if this conversation never made it to Drake.”
“Whatever you say kiddo.” She chuckled. As time went on Damian was less abrasive towards the older woman. Usually when the girls would visit her Damian would tag along, of course he said he was forced to come but that was lie. Or when Dick or Bruce would FaceTime her and Damian would demand to talk to his sister but would instantly just ask her about her studies and when would she be returning home. It was kinda cute.
When she returned for Christmas she wasn’t surprised to see Damian tending to his animals but rather who was helping him. A new kid.
Duke had heard a lot about his new sister from the other boys, from Cass even Alfred talk about her too.
She was able to get to know Duke when everyone was out running errands for Christmas and he was the only person at the Manor.
“Oh Hi Y/n, Alfred asked me to hang up the garland. Did you need something?”
“No Duke, just passing through, I’m surprised you picked the red and gold one, no one picks that one.”
“Really, I think it’s the most festive.” He chuckled and she entered the lounge and helped him. The two crackled jokes and finish decorating the lounge by the time Alfred and Bruce returned.
“I must say you two make excellent choices with decorations.” Alfred commented.
On Christmas Eve Duke wasn’t around lot of the family. When Y/n asked around no one had seen Duke since Breakfast. Y/n found him in the backyard sitting in the snow. She approached him with a cup of hot chocolate made by Jason.
She sat next to him in silence on noise was them sipping on the hot beverages and sounds of clatter and music from the manor.
For a while they just enjoyed each other company until Duke broke the silence. “Do you think their proud of me, with my decision of be Signal and applying to Gotham University?”
Y/n took a sip of her drink once more before replying,”I think your parents are very proud of you Duke, I believe they would not only want you to be surrounded by people who love you. But to also following your own heart, do what you feel is right for your life.”
He grinned to hisself before speaking again.”I guess so my Dad always wanted me to beat to my own drum. I just..I don’t wanna let anyone down, my parents, Alfred, Bruce..you.”
She turned to him,”Me?”
He nodded softly. “Everyone talks so highly of you, even Damian. I was scared that I’d let everyone down.”
“Duke Thomas Wayne! You could never let me down, I’m sister I’m not going to make you feel bad about your decision. Besides have you seen the rest of the family, just finishing High School is enough to make Alfred happy.” The two busted out laughing before the wind and the snow began to fall down.
“Come along little Brother it’s getting cold and so is the rest of my cocoa.”
On Christmas Morning everyone torn into their gifts and after that everyone opened their gifts Duke found Y/n in the library.
“Hey, thank you for yesterday, I just talked to Dick and he helped me finish my application for Gotham University and I may even have submitted one last night Metropolis University too.”
She chuckled,”Aww Duke that’s amazing I can’t want for them to come in the mail.”
Y/n helped Duke a lot with his last remaining High School affairs like signing up for the SATs, applying for other colleges one that were so close to home in case Duke wanted to try something new. She even helped him with his AP homework though she did secretly get Jason’s help with his English papers and Tim definitely didn’t glance over and make notes on his math homework to help him understand the concepts better.
When his letters did come in the mail he was accepted into Gotham, Central City, Bludhaven and even Star City top universities. But Duke was unsure of himself again and called Y/n who had returned to Metropolis to finish her last few weeks of her degree before graduating that spring.
“What did I say before Thomas, don’t sell yourself short. You earned those spots and if they aren’t where you wanna go you don’t have to. Follow your own drum remember.”
He grinned,”Thank Sis, I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime, now before i go will you please tell Dick and Dad that I will call them later, they keep calling and texting me.”
Duke doubled over laughing before telling her he’ll tell them.
Duke was the first one in the car the day before the family went to Y/n’s Graduation, him and his brothers fought over shot gun which was vetoed by Alfred who made them all sit in the back of the car.
By the time the got their the ceremony had begun and a small crowd burst through the auditorium and made their ways to their seats where Clark, Lois, Jon and Diana were already sitting.
“Late again?” Diana chuckled.
“Bathroom breaks.” Bruce replied.
Luckily Y/n was next and the group from her family was so loud that the crowd chuckled and some joined in too.
She was top of her class and even gave the speech for them.
After walking outside she was swept up to strong arms.”I’ve very proud of you.” Bruce said.
“Thanks Dad, but you’re crushing me.” Bruce reluctantly released her but she she immediately hugged by her brothers and sisters.
“You’ve made us so proud little Bat.” Dick practically sob.
“Grayson can you please stop with the dramatic.”
“Well what will you do know, are staying here or will you move back to Gotham?” Tim questioned.
She shrugged,”I dunno I will come home for a bit before I decide though.”
A choir of Yes from Damian, Duke, and Alfred didn’t go unnoticed.
“Well whatever you decide, we’ll be here for you.” Jason side hugged her.
Alder sobbed and received everyone attention,”it feels me with joy to know at least one of you finished college.”
“But Alfre—
“Silence Master don’t ruin my moment.” Bruce rolled his eyes as Clark and Lois chuckled and Diana shook her head before turning to the graduate.
“Well young one you’ve accomplished much today and I think you should be very proud of yourself.”
“I am thank you guys for coming.”
Tim scoffed,”B practically ran half off the inmates into their cells to not miss today.”
Everyone chuckled as Bruce looked aloof and starting walk towards the door,”I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I hope you enjoyed this miniseries. I will do more with different people in the DC Universe.
Specifically with the other teams next to either the JLU or the titans or all of them in some capacity.
My asks are open so please, leave me any Requests! ☺️
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d6volution · 10 months
okay so like, what about a reader that also goes into heat? And as soon as Jax finds out (while he himself is also in heat) he just breaks into readers room while reader happens to be humping a pillow and just fucks them raw then and there. (Breeding kink maybe?-)
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decided to put these two asks together since they were similar, 🤭
tags: heat cycles, breeding kink, overstim, manhandling, tail pulling, cursing, crying, rough sex. kinda mean jax. (fem reader)
Usually Jax was more or less good at hiding his heat. After all there was no way in hell he planned on letting anyone get the jump on him about this. It'd probably become the main topic of conversation among the circus, seeing as everyone has nothing else to do here.
The only downside was he'd be bored completely out of his mind being stuck in his room. It was a better alternative to pouncing any living creature that walked and trying to fuck it raw though. So he'd have to deal with the boredom for the time being.
Days went by, and Jax spent his time rutting into his fist and hand to take the edge off. But it never satisfied him. It was honestly humiliating how many times he jacked off in one day just to feel a piece of normalcy. So not only did he have to deal with being trapped here, but every once in a while, he had to go through this torment. With no one to relieve him, but.. well him.
It did occur to him that maybe others may have had this problem, like you, for example. The new girl, you had two ears that sprouted from your head and a tail as well. But as far as he's concerned, you've been perfectly fine. It wasn't fair. What kind of sick joke was this anyway?
A day trudged by, and luckily enough Jax wasn't bothered by any of the other members. Which was great considering he was preparing to fuck his fist once again .. until. A very particular smell hit his senses. All of the sudden his pupils were blown wide. "What.. is that.." He muttered to himself , absolutely confused yet intrigued by this scent drawing him in. Made his dick throb in his pants.
He had tunnel vision now and had to find the source, maybe it was the cure he needed to get rid of this damn feeling.
"Not now Kinger, don't got the time." He said once he opened the door to leave his room. Kinger was standing there waiting to knock but Jax walked right past him. Kinger hunched over in disappointment.
Jax walked past a few doors in the large corridor, he knew he was getting closer as the scent grew stronger.
"Huh." Jax scoffed, arriving in front of your door after following the scent here, it was so overwhelming that his instincts took over again and he opened the door slipped inside , and closed it behind him immediately... and there you were , the room full of your scent. Jax shuddered, watching you hump a pillow on your bed, whining and gripping at it in need. Ears flat against your head. He watched for a moment in silence. His dick throbbing and straining against his overalls.
"H.. Hey, doll—" He said and cleared his throat his throat, trying to interrupt your little session. He was still quite surprised you didn't hear him come in.
"Hhn.. J.. Jax? Please.. I need help.. I.." You were too dazed, too drunk on lust to care that he barged in. "I don't know whats wrong with me.."
"The pillow not cuttin it doll? You know I can help ya.." You both were like animals in heat... literally.
You weren't even aware you could go into heat until now, and it was driving you insane. You came so many times that your cunt was sore and puffy but it wasnt enough. You needed something inside, you needed to be bred. Full of someomes young. Jax's young.
"Jax.. please..." You whined, and positioned yourself in such a way that Jax almost came in his pants immediately. Your ass was in the air, two fingers pushing your puffy lips apart to show off the wet needy hole in between your legs.
"Don't gotta ask me twice," Jax climbed onto the bed , in the process pushing his overalls off his shoulders and pulling his heavy cock from its confines. You both were far from needing foreplay, he needed a hole to fuck and you needed to be filled. "You always this wet.. its like you pissed your pants or somethin'.." He jokes, teasing his angry throbbing tip against your slick.
"Ah.. J.. Jax, I've only used m'fingers before so— nnhg..!!" He slammed all the way inside, burying himself to the hilt in your cunt. You squirmed beneath him, as the wind was knocked out of you.. there was a tinge of pain but overwhelming euphoria. "S.. So d...deep hha.." Your fingers clawed at the blankets beneath you.
Jax's self-control was thrown out the window as soon as he was buried inside of you. He used his hand to push your face into the mattress. His mind is now filled with, "Breed, breed breed."
The panting bunny was forcing your back to bow in a steep arch, giving him acess to dig deeper into your cunt. You gasped and continued to squirm, whining that it was 'too much, too big'.. until your words turned into incoherent babbles. As Jax refused to stop humping into you.
"Too much? Nah, doll sit here and take it. I've been dealing with this for way too long for you to back out now... ghn..." You were squeezing him so tight, sucking him in. You were made for this. Made for him.
"J.. Jax pleas.. nnh.. senstive..!" You wailed, tears welling up in your eyes. Ypur poor body was jerked forward each time he thrusted into you.
Your body was at war with itself, Jax was battering against your most senstive spots.. it was so good but too much at the same time. You felt like your brain was melting. Maybe you should just give in, get bred and maybe you wouldn't have to worry about a thing after that.. right? He'd take care of you.. and your babies.
Jax's voice pulled you out of your head, and back to reality. Suddenly your body was buzzing and the feeling of Jax's thick dick pummeling inside of you was real again.
"J—Just stay still sweetheart, it isnt that hard. Heh, maybe this is what ya get for letting someone.. l-like me into your room at a time like this..heh.." He grunted, eyes hovering over your form before his gaze rested on your tail. He grinned wide before yanking it and forcing your ass to perk up a little towards the air. You yelped and convulsed around his dick, orgasming immediately from him manhandling your tail.
"J..Jeez, doll..!" He spoke through gritted teeth, your slick insides clamping down on him as he humped you through your climax. Jax had to hold on though, he wasn't quite ready to cum yet. "Wonder how many times you can do/that.." He yanked your tail again, and just like that you were squeezing him.
It was pure bliss for him, "There ya go, just like that.. ngh.. k-keep squeezing on my dick babe... gotta get you pregnant after all.." The words left his mouth carelessly.
Jax didn't care that you were overstimulated, no it was too late for that. You were the answer to this problem, his perfect little slut, and he'd do this as many times as he needed to.
Who else could you go to that would take care of you like this?
"Tell me you want it baby, c'mon.." He urged into your ear. Jax gave your tail a rest, instead opting to pull your hair. Yanking your head from the pillows so he could hear you.
"W.. Want your cum Jax..! Wa.. Wanna get pregnant please..!" You whined and he throbbed in your cunt, grunting in pleasure. "Yeah, I'll get you pregnant babe, you'll be nice and r-round f'me.."
The sound of that made him snap finally, he couldn't hold it in anymore. "S.. Shit, doll—" His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you towards him. Your back was flush to his stomach as he pumped his cum inside of you. Stil thrusting even when he stopped cumming.
"There ya go.. can't waste a drop.. or who knows, maybe we can doll. You can go another few rounds, can't ya..?"
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heavenlyhischier · 10 months
𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 | 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐫
here’s a f1 x hockey crossover no one asked for but i am bored!!
warning: poorly translated french
yn_leclerc | new york city, ny
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, and others
yn_leclerc conquered the big apple and got to see a friendly face😋
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pierregasly oh this should be fun
carlossainz55 charles_leclerc
yn_leclerc tattle tale!
yourbff we had so much fun!! can’t wait to go back soon ;)
yn_leclerc next month?
liked by nicohischier
⤷ yourbff let’s go!
arthur_leclerc je savais que tu cachais quelque chose! (i knew you were hiding something!)
yn_leclerc qui? me? (who? me?)
⤷ arthur_leclerc je sais que tu es stupide, mais pas à ce point (I know you're stupid, but not that stupid)
⤷ yn_leclerc 😒
danielricciardo Does anyone else see the hockey players in the likes?
yn_leclerc tais-toi, stupide blaireau!!! (shut up, stupid badger)
charles_leclerc QUI EST CET HOMME?? (who is that man??)
charles_leclerc VOUS N’AVEZ RIEN DIT D’UN HOMME (you said nothing about a man)
charles_leclerc POURQUOI LES JOUEURS DE HOCKEY AIMENT-ILS VOS PHOTOS (why do hockey players like your photos)
pierregasly 🍿
charles_leclerc DO NOT IGNORE ME
yn_leclerc you’re so dramatic
⤷ charles_leclerc I would not be if you answered me
⤷ yn_leclerc he’s a nice guy charlie, do not worry
⤷ charles_leclerc Not if he is a hockey player
⤷ yn_leclerc says the formula 1 driver
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liked by maxverstappen, georgerussell and others
yn_leclerc well, since twitter misses absolutely nothing, and my brothers were beginning to attempt to hack my things. thank you for giving me the best 8 months of my life, chéri. here’s to many more🤍
tagged nicohischier
View all 94 comments
yourbff love this and you!
yn_leclerc love love you
arthur_leclerc Heureux pour vous, soeur. Vous méritez d’être aimé plus que quiconque. Je suis fâché que tu l’aies caché pendant 8 mois. (Happy for you, sister. You deserved to be loved more than anyone. I’m mad that you hid it for 8 months)
yn_leclerc je t’aime tellement, arty, et je suis désolé (love you so much, arty, and i’m sorry)
charles_leclerc « plus que quiconque »🤨 (“more than anyone”)
⤷ arthur_leclerc Oui (yes)
pierregasly You are going to come with him to the races, no?
yn_leclerc not any you’re at
⤷ pierregasly tu me brises encore le cœur (you break my heart again)
⤷ charles_leclerc ENCORE???
⤷ carlossainz55 🍿
⤷ danielricciardo 🍿
nicohischier Many many more, schätz. Thank you for supporting me from all corners of the world, but I can not wait for you to live in mine. I love you more than I loved you yesterday and less than I will tomorrow. 
yn_leclerc god im so in love with you
charles_leclerc He is nice. I approve.
arthur_leclerc You met him?
⤷ yn_leclerc He made me facetime him so they could talk
charles_leclerc ATTENDEZ, TU ES DÉMÉNAGEZ??? (wait, you’re moving??)
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Being in a relationship with Maki Zenin
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● Maki first met you during your first year of jujutsu high. At first, she didn't really care that you were new here, You tried to be friends with her, but she'll just brush you off, but later on, maki gave you a chance, you start to get closer and became an official couple.
● Always angry, when you first came here, she had major anger issues, she would yell or cuss people out, but with you, she was calmer with you, and she learned to control her emotions.
● Very overprotective over you, she doesn't like seeing getting hurt, she's like a bodyguard she'll watch over you or harm anyone that is a threat.
"Seriously, Maki, you didn't have to do that, I could've handled that curse myself." You told her as Maki rolled her eyes. "C'mon y/n you were so close to death, you know what could've happened to you." Maki told you sternly with an angry expression on her face, but deep down, she was concerned and afraid to lose you.
"It's OK, I can take care of myself, I promise you I can handle it." Y/n held her hand, rubbing on it to calm her down, as Maki looked at you less tensly. "Fine, but next time you're not careful, I'll kill that curse myself before it even thinks about touching you." Maki told you as you faced were close to each other.
● No one can get close to you, thanks to her. Maki is around you 24/7. No one was able to harm you since she was around, and no one would be able to mess with you.
● PDA, I feel like maki is definitely into pda, like light touching and waist holding would get flustered. When you do it in public, she's more into pda behind closed doors.
● You would sometimes steal her glasses to wear it yourself, maki doesn't allow no one to touch her glasses, but you were an exception, she'll act like she doesn't care that you wear her glasses, but in all honesty she finds you cute when you wear them.
● Maki is the type to prefer staying home, maki is more of a homebody she doesn't usually go out, she prefers her company at home with you, you make her feel more at home.
● tries to be less aggressive around you, maki isn't really the nice type towards everyone. When she first met you, she was aggressive asf, but when you started dating her, she toned it down a bit and became more chill now. Yeah, she gets mad here and there, but when you are around her, she'll calm down.
● You love picking outfits for maki, you don't see Maki wear anything besides her uniform, you love to take her shopping and finding outfits that look good on her, maki isn't really a big fan of the outfit choices but she loves seeing you happy, so she wears the outfits for your sake, but ends up liking some of the outfits.
● Maki can be very scary when someone insults you or threatens you. Maki goes 0 to 100 real quick when someone insults you. She is quick to pull a weapon or kill anyone that hurts your feelings.
● Maki is a big foodie, she's willing to try any food together, like she's mostly in love with street food she will take you anywhere that had the best street food.
● Maki acts like she doesn't really care for dates, but secretly gets excited when you take her on a date, your first date was a picnic at a park, she was so happy with you, she loved every single moment of it.
● Spending time traing together, at first you were horrible at training with Maki since you would always lose, but maki helps you as you improved each other's skills, and becoming better and tagging along with each other on missions.
● When you and maki became closer, you got to know her more. The reason for her harsh and cold exterior was only to hide her frustration from her family. Being mistreated all the time for being a woman and a non-sorcerer from the Zenin Clan, which drives her to get out of that clan.
● You listen to her vent about all her problems and listen attentively as she represses her anger and frustration, but she can't help but feel appreciated and see you make her feel.
● Your consideration is the reason why she fell for you. She loves you harder than before. She just felt appreciated and seen by how you're the only one who understands her and accepts her for who she is.
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sseastar · 7 months
✶ meet me at the net ; riize.
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info. riize ot7 + reader. fluff. platonic mostly but can be interpreted as more. description. riize as the volleyball team you’re the team manager for. word count. 2.7k warnings. volleyball-sustained bruises (sohee be careful pls). listen to. orange by spyair.
as always, please leave feedback and reblog with feedback and tags as it’s the most important thing when it comes to motivating writers on here! without feedback, i have less motivation to keep writing so pls pls pls do not just like and empty reblog! it gets very draining and unmotivating to see when that happens!
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position: setter, team captain.
the surprisingly powerful setter that many people usually look over. because of his pure personality, not many fear shotaro, an insanely quick witted player who seems to know the opponent’s weakness even at the last second. hits when people expect him to set someone up, dinks when people expect him to spike, because of this is such a powerful asset to their team. always does the unexpected even when players are already aware of his playing style and yet always has something up his sleeve. his bubbly personality disappears as soon as he steps onto the court. but he doesn’t turn into a huge, tall, intimidating opponent. instead, he’s quiet and swift and quick and somehow that’s even more terrifying to play against. despite being calm and stable on the court, when he’s on the sidelines with the others, he’s hyping everyone up with loud cheers - that’s when his bright personality shows and the opposing team is always so confused - especially since they’ve only ever seen him in the zone.
shotaro dotes on his teammates, always making sure they’re eating enough between matches and drinking enough water. “no wonbin, you cannot survive off of gatorade chews the whole day.” dotes on you as well, making sure you have enough space to sit on the bench if he ever gets subbed out and pushes the ball cart so you don’t have to when you move courts for a new match. will always find you between matches to help set up everyone’s lunches and folding chairs and helps you calm down the others if they’re being too rowdy and chaotic and just overall tries to make your job as the team manager easier. loves to braid your hair to calm himself down between matches, and asks if you can hold the earrings he always forgets he can’t wear during games.
position: opposite hitter
the most underrated hitter on the team just because of his position. because many focus on outside hitters, his skills are sometimes overlooked. yet when eunseok gets the chance to showcase them, he leaves everyone absolutely speechless with how well he is able to execute the quick back-sets shotaro sends him. sometimes, people don’t understand where he came from, seemingly popping out of nowhere on the court. people are further shocked at how good he is at line shots and cross shots, underestimating his quick thinking, especially with his high vertical that allows him the easily see the open gaps in their opponents’ set up. eunseok is quick on his feet, and never hesitates to dive to save the ball that nears the floor. has no problem with jousting up at the net and is always amazing at getting the ball out of it. he’s known for his powerful topspin jump serve as well, one that he’s definitely received aces for. he’s a quiet player, often only shouting when needed and quietly celebrating in the center while his teammates are the ones shouting. is not easily affected by intimidating players on the other team.
eunseok takes care of the team quietly. you’ve noticed that he’s the one picking up items that the others might forget, or quietly placing water bottles he had refilled back near the bench. he drapes towels on the others’ necks without a word, and yet he masks his caring ways under his quick retorts and unbothered personality. not that anyone never noticed - you along with everyone on the team knows of his considerate, caring nature. sure, he loves to tease you between or even during matches as he sees how much more stressed you are than the actual players and their coach, but that doesn’t nullify all his small acts of service for everyone. eunseok is often found standing at your side between matches, usually because he finds your presence calming before a big game. sometimes, you wake up with his warm up jacket covering you on the drive to the tournament venue in the early morning. seemingly the one to always let you borrow something of his and will have a knowing smug look on his face when he overhears someone compliment you for it, only to say “yeah, i agree,” without disclosing the fact that it’s his.
position: middle blocker
with his height, sungchan was easily positioned as the middle blocker that would switch out for sohee, their libero. however, it is not only his height that catches people’s attention, nor his extremely handsome face that has onlookers' heads turning. sungchan is smart, and can easily read the opposing team’s next moves. hits rarely get past him, and when they do, he makes sure that instead of allowing the ball to drop straight through his hands to the floor, he makes sure to angle himself in a position that gives the defensive specialists a perfect angle to bump the ball back up. he knows how to turn a hard hit into an opportunity for their team. sungchan is a wall when it comes to blocking, and his height only adds to his wit and thinking as he plays in the front row. not only is sungchan and extremely powerfully blocker, but his long history of playing with shotaro allows him to hit the most unstoppable spikes. no one ever seems to know what these two have planned up their sleeve, not even their own team. but it always works.
sungchan is a ball of energy. he reminds you of a big puppy with the way he’s always hyping the team up, making sure to reassure them when the team happens to be stuck in a rut. he’s probably one of the loudest on the court. he refuses to let the others think badly about their plays, shutting down any possible thoughts of blaming themselves for losing a set or game. his bright energy catches everyone’s attention, and many people seem to fall for him. but sungchan sticks to your side between matches, making sure you always have everything you need and are eating enough while you make sure the team eats enough because “you need to take care of yourself too.” he always tries to gives up his seat for others, especially you, but you insist that he has to rest for their next match. insists on helping you make sure the air pressure in each ball at practice is full just because he likes to spend time with you. before each hit during warm-ups at matches, he turns and points to you, only to laugh when you shake your head after he shouts, “this is for you!” then proceeds to completely miss the quick set shotaro had sent him.
position: defensive specialist, setter
he’s quiet. that’s for sure, though he always seems to get the job done and more. wonbin is a reliable silent threat, and not many people pay attention to him especially since he’s in the back row acting as one of the defensive specialists. he doesn’t mind that his role is underrated because it doesn’t matter to him. he knows how important his role is in the back row, backing up sohee (his fellow defensive player) to dig whatever spike comes at him. he’s especially good with overhead passes and can even act as a setter if shotaro happens to get the first touch. he may be silent, but when wonbin is playing, the ball never touches the ground. he’s quick on his feet and always seems to play scrappy - pulling out tricks that no one seems to even think about. he can hit back row spikes, for sure, but he prefers not to. one thing that makes people fear him are his floater serves. although his aren’t flashy jump serves, his floaters always seem to change direction in the most unrealistic way, swerving past the players on the other side of the net.
wonbin is very similar to haikyuu’s kenma, often not taking care of himself. he seems to take care of the team before himself, even if he’s about to collapse from exhaustion from back to back matches. that’s where you (and shotaro) come in, doting on him to make sure he eats. he’ll only refuse the first few times, so you shove a plate of food into his hands and sit down in front of him to make sure he eats. he’s shy as well, preferring to stick to you to hover his face over your shoulder as his teammates socialize with other teams. however wonbin has another side to him that only the team knows, one where he gets really crazy during practice and ends up busting out the most out of pocket sentences that have the whole team cracking up. it’s one of your favorite moments when wonbin seems to cut tension after losing a match, or mentioning something everyone noticed about something they saw during the day but never brought up because they were too embarrassed to. it has everyone laughing comfortably hysterically, because of course wonbin, the reserved one, is the one to bring it up unexpectedly.
position: defensive specialist, opposite hitter, setter
the bright, positive player who seems to bring energy to a match on both sides of the court. he’s always talking despite his introverted personality, and he views it one of his strengths despite being an analytical defensive player on the court. he loves hitting back row, and kind of hates that he rarely gets to do it, but loves to fulfill any role that the team needs. seunghan has exceptional ball control, seemingly able to pass any serve that comes at him regardless of the skill level. he angles it so perfectly to shotaro, allowing the rest of the team to execute a perfectly-set up attack, and that alone has him satisfied. at first, he didn’t think he had an important role, but you had made him realize that defense is just as important if not more, than offense. seunghan can read dinks versus spikes very well, and his agility allows him to get to the ball quick, making him a valuable asset to the back row. seunghan also always encourages his teammates whether they earned a point or made a mistake, never allowing them to even think about blaming themselves.
the most excited, seunghan is the mood maker of the team. he’s the one to bring the most energy to matches, always extremely hyped up and bringing a portable speaker everywhere. seunghan loves to joke around and keeps up with a lot of the trends, being the one to convince you to create a team social media account. he practically runs it with the way he always seems to steal your phone to film the others and themselves between matches, goofing off and having fun. he’s the one to suggest filming one of those videos where the team crowds around the front camera from above, throwing balls, shoes, knee pads, whatever above their head and seeing who gets hit. he can get bummed out if he doesn’t do well, and at these times he finds you, clinging to you during lunch. you’ll be sitting on a bench with your plate out, and he’ll just be at your legs with his head in your lap or leaning against your knees. this is when his introverted personality shines through, and the team does everything to get their mood maker back to his best. after all, it’s what seunghan always does for them.
position: libero
even the slight angle of a setter’s wrist allows him to know who the setter is setting to, and sohee quickly adjusts himself to where that hitter had hit last. his brain is almost a computer with how much information he remembers: where the hitters tend to send their ball, how each player serves, which player on the other team seems to have a weakness they can use to their advantage. if sohee has a suggestion in a play, the others immediately follow because it always works. because of his cute aura and the reduced spotlight on back row players, no one expects him to be the mastermind behind the intense plays of the team. and that’s what makes it work. sohee is a secret weapon, because not only is he extremely meticulous, but he is not afraid to get on the floor to dig a hit. he refuses to let a ball drop without even trying for it, and if it does, punishes himself by diving post-play because he should’ve done it to get the ball in the first place. nevertheless, it’s rare for that to happen because sohee reads hitters and setters perfectly. sohee will not hesitate to run across the court to send the ball back over the net on the last touch if he needs to, and you can’t even count the amount of times you’d had to help him ice his shins after crashing into the bleachers to save a ball.
sohee is the team’s charger. everyone clings to him because just being around him is healing. and although he might not be used to the affection and all the skinship, he wills himself to get used to it because he knows how much it helps the team. he happily helps you with your managing duties, especially when you try to find recordings of the teams they’ll be playing against, helping you and their coach analyze it and relaying the information to shotaro. sometimes follows you like a duckling, both at tournaments or at practice, and is one to initiate dodgeball games with the volleyball at the end of practice, usually by throwing a ball in the air which “accidentally” hits anton while he sips on some water. always helps you set up the net for training too, making sure you don’t drop the heavy poles or fall from the post where the referees usually stand.
position: outside hitter
if anything, he and sungchan are the most feared on the team, primarily due to their large stature. despite his soft spoken nature, anton is one of the physically strongest players on the team, having the hardest hits to pass. that makes him so qualified for being an outside hitter because his spikes often push past the blocks of the other team. he’s still a little new to jousting up at the top of the net, but sungchan’s been teaching him well - how to not feel bad for pushing against the opponents’ hands and how to make sure to be ready for the ball to drop back onto their side. anton was a newcomer to the team but advanced quickly, earning such an important offensive position early into his athletic career. he’s also a quiet player and had trouble calling for the ball at first, but as soon as he experienced the satisfaction of hitting such a perfectly executed spike that even sohee couldn’t pass during practice, he stopped hesitating to call shotaro to set him up. he’s still learning but he learns fast, much to the dismay of opposing teams, especially with his strong jump serve.
as the youngest, the team looks to dote on anton a lot. despite being used to being an older brother, he allows the team to cling to him as long as he can to you. he tries his best not to get in the way and just wants to make sure everything runs smoothly, refusing to let any disputes linger between the team by gently speaking up to try to clear the air. it’s rare that he has to do that, but the team usually calms down once they realize that anton’s the one who’s confronting the issue. anton is another to cling to you when socializing with other teams, though if he gets comfortable enough with the other players he’ll leave you with wonbin at your side. he also follows you around like a duckling, always asking if there’s anything he can do to help with your managing duties and always offering to help you set up for practice.
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⌕. author’s note ; currently inspired by my long-lasting haikyuu hyperfixation and my disappointment when i found out they’re squeezing the rest of the manga into a movie instead of more seasons. this is coming from my experience playing volleyball for a good number of years (although keep in mind it’s been while!)
ꗃ. taglist ; @enhacolor @soobin-chois @koishua @chrysbibi
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anna-hawk · 6 months
Frank Castle x F!Reader
Summary: You're having some quality time on your own when Frank pays you an unexpected visit.
Explicit 🔞 • WC: 4,1k
Tags and warnings: masturbation, finger fucking, teasing, praise kink, hand & finger kink, dirty talk
Always time for Coffee series
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⚠️ If you follow me on AO3, this is NOT a new fic! ⚠️
A/N: This month will mark five years since I posted my very first Frank x Reader fic. I made a small post for the series a few years back, but never a dedicated one for the first ever fic. After the news and pics of getting Frank back today, even if it's only for a small role, I was thinking back to the time I got first inspired to write and actually post something for once. It's been quite the journey since then and this series has now 16 parts, but most importantly, this fic played a big part in me joining the beautiful fandom that I've been a part of these past 4 years and getting me to meet incredible people. So I figured, let's be nostalgic and officially post it on here too.
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Ever since meeting Frank Castle, you’ve been obsessed with his hands.
You know they have killed numerous people and could do cruel things to the ones deserving it, but you also know how kind and gentle they can be. When he would come to your shop as Pete, you’d seen how he would talk to one of your employees' kid, the boy having always had a short fuse, and manage to calm the boy down by simply putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The couple of times when he’d handled the fragile elements of your ice cream maker while repairing it with those deft hands had also shown how gentle they could be. 
Yeah, you really have a thing for his hands and the guy himself.
The first time you'd met him, you'd met Pete Castiglione the construction worker, who’d been visiting your Café for the first time. You had followed the whole Punisher debacle on TV and had been very intrigued by the man’s story. Yet even though you'd thought that Pete looked familiar, it had taken you a few weeks of him coming in every other day and helping you out with an electrical problem, to realize who had actually been hiding under all this wild hair and beard. That had been the first time you had come into contact with his hands, too. He had taken off his baseball cap, looked at you to ask where the problem was while standing really close to you, and something in his expression had finally made it click inside you. You'd breathed out, “Frank Castle,” in stunned realization a moment later. In the next second, he'd had you by your throat and against the opposite wall, asking who’d sent you. You had been so startled that you’d just started laughing at the absurdity of you being able to hurt him. Okay, so maybe not really laughed as much as choked, since he’d had his fingers squeezing rather hard around your windpipe. But you'd managed to wheeze out your thoughts, and he'd released you enough for you to tell him why and how you had recognized him. He’d deemed you trustworthy enough, apparently, because he'd let go of you and apologized for overreacting.
You had promised him that you would never tell anyone about him that same evening.
As weeks passed, and he’d still come by your Café, you'd managed to build a rather close friendship. After a while, though, you'd noticed that he was coming by less and less until he stopped coming altogether, making you worried. Finally, after the day everyone had found out that Frank Castle was still alive through live TV, he'd come to your shop when you were closing. You had been even more scared for him since the news and beyond relieved to see him unscathed. You had been touched to learn that he’d wanted to make sure that no one had found out that you knew about him and come to hurt you to get to him. He'd also told you that he would have to lie low for a while. You'd suggested that he should come to your place and hide there. He had declined, too worried about what could happen to you. Still, as you'd accepted his concern, you'd told him that he could come to yours whenever he needed to, no matter the time of the day or the night. You had never been more glad about giving him your address because weeks later, he had come to hide for the night and had done so several nights until the whole thing with Billy Russo had been over.
Nowadays, he still shows up every now and again. Mostly nights because he has some business to take care of, or just to say hi. You both grab a drink (mostly coffee) and chat. You enjoy his company a lot. Okay, more than a lot. You’ve had a thing for the Punisher even before meeting Frank, but since knowing the man himself, you couldn’t help being attracted to Frank and his beautiful large hands and agile fingers. Among other things. You don't know where he stands with romantic or even only physical relationships considering his past, but you do kind of flirt with one another. You know that Frank likes you a lot; otherwise he wouldn’t come to see you regularly. But even if you want him, badly, you feel that it’s more like bantering to him and nothing more.
That doesn’t stop you from dreaming or fantasizing about him and the filthy things that you’d love him to do to you or you to him, though. And that's actually exactly what you’re doing right now. You’re lying on your bed, the sheets tangled around your legs, one hand inside your sleeping shorts while your breaths come harder and faster. You’ve been teasing yourself for what feels like an hour, fingers alternating between circling your clit languidly and pushing three deep into you to mimic the size of two of his, getting yourself closer and closer to one spectacular orgasm. You’ve got your eyes closed, face flushed, bottom lip between your teeth, while your middle finger is rubbing faster and faster over your slippery clit. Harsh breaths leave you as you picture Frank spreading you wide with his fingers and whispering dirty nothings into your ear. You’re right there, on the brink, ready to fall, when there’s a resounding knock at your door.
You yelp in surprise and flinch so hard that you nearly hit yourself in the face with how fast you remove your hand from between your legs. You’re trying to get your bearings back, your body still trembling from being strung high for so long and not getting what it wants, when there is another knock. You groan in frustration and get up on wobbly legs to go check on who wants to see you so badly at that time of night. You look through the peephole and gasp when you see Frank’s face. He'd been here only last week, and he usually shows up only once a month at best, so you’re completely thrown when you open your door to the smirking man.
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he greets in his signature gruff and deep voice, upper body pressed lazily against the door jamb.
He’s looking calm and carrying no signs of a recent fight. Meaning that this isn’t an emergency call. Good. He’s wearing dark jeans and a charcoal Henley with his usual combat boots, three days worth of stubble on his face. He looks mouthwatering, and you valiantly try not to let anything show on your face.
“Was in the neighborhood visitin' Curtis and thought I could come check on you too. Sorry it’s so late,” he continues, confirming your earlier thoughts on there being no immediate danger.
“You’ve come by way later, Frank,” you remind him with a snort and motion for him to follow you inside.
You notice that your voice came out a bit strained, and hope that he doesn’t see how your knees are still shaking after the near orgasm and the effect his unexpected presence has on you. Well, turns out that you’re out of luck. 
“You okay there?” He asks, as he follows you into the kitchen.
You groan inside, of course he noticed. You still try to play it off.
“What? Of course, I’m okay.” You hate how your laugh sounds off. You’re usually better at faking stuff like that.
“Yeah?” he says, coming to stand right before you to give you a once over. “'cause you’re all flushed and breathin' kinda hard.” He even lifts one hand to feel your temperature, but you dodge it and turn to the sink, reaching over it to get two coffee mugs out of a cupboard. Anything to avoid him see you blush even more.
“I’m fine, Frank, don’t worry… Coffee?” You desperately hope that he’s going to let it go. You need to put yourself back together and slow your breathing.
“Can never refuse your coffee.”
You breathe a small sigh of relief when he seems to accept your answer and smile at how fond he sounds of your coffee making skills. You’re about to reach for the coffee beans when he says, “Seriously, though, am I makin' you this nervous or what's goin' on?”
You put your hands back down and groan in defeat, hanging your head.
“Could you just let it go, Frank? Please?”
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and you don’t turn around to look at him while you wait.
“Did I interrupt somethin'?” He finally says, amusement clear in his voice. Damn him and his perceptiveness.
You hide your face in your hands and whimper in embarrassment.
“Oh God, just shut up, Frank!” Your voice is muffled by your hands. He barks out a laugh, making you lower your hands again. “You’re such a jerk.”
“Hey, hey, `s okay Sweetheart, there’s nothin' to be embarrassed about,” he tells you gently, though you can tell that he’s still grinning, the bastard.
“Yes well…” You still refuse to turn around, even though you can hear him move closer behind you.
“'could always show me, y'know,” he says, and even though the words hit you to the core because the thought alone sends a new wave of deep arousal through you, you can’t place his tone. 
That's why you do the only thing that comes to mind and gasp, turning around to backhand him in the chest and play into the joke.
“Oh, fuck you, asshole.”
You meet his eyes and see that there’s something there, lying just under the teasing glint. You suck in a breath, holding it in, while your heart beats a nervous tattoo against your rib cage.
“Or… I could help 'course,” he finally says, voice low, after what feels like minutes and not seconds, his piercing eyes never leaving yours.
You stare at him, still barely daring to breathe. The idea of him helping you out nearly sends you to your knees. Eventually, you exhale in a snort because come on, he doesn’t mean it, and go back to facing the counter, taking the coffee beans out of the cupboard.
“Yeah, right… Let’s get back to that coffee, yeah?” Bonus points for sounding offhand.
You hear him taking another step and then see his hands coming to rest on the counter, one on each side of you, effectively caging you in. His voice is a rough whisper against your left ear, making you gasp.
“Is that a no?”
Your hands, now inches apart from Frank’s, are gripping the marble beneath them, hard. You close your eyes and swallow.
“Don’t play games with me, Frank.” Your voice goes deeper and colder in warning. You might not expect anything romantic-wise from him, but you won’t be made a fool of.
“‘m not playin', Baby.”
To confirm his words, he glides his nose along your nape and bites you lightly on the juncture between neck and shoulder.
You moan, all need. That nickname. He's never used it before, but it does something to you. Babe you’ve never liked. But Baby? The way Frank says it, just gets to you. You incline your head to the side, a silent surrender, and feel him grin against your skin. Your eyes are closed so that you don’t see his right hand leave the counter, but feel it settle on your hip and slowly glide down your thigh to the hem of your shorts. To your dismay, his mouth leaves your neck.
“Spread your legs for me, Sweetheart,” he rumbles into your ear.
You oblige instantly, parting your legs and leaning slightly forward to accommodate him. Frank hums in approval. You can feel his fingers on your skin now, just beneath the hem of your shorts, slowly making their way under your right butt cheek and to your center, the touch light and measured. How is it that he's barely touching you and making your breathing speed up again? You try to relax your hands because you’re still gripping the hard kitchen surface like crazy; anything to anchor you. But Frank chooses that moment to push the short’s to the side, hooking it between your ass cheeks and the left side of your outer lips, to grant him easier access. One large finger slides through your still wet folds. One lazy pass through your slit and up to your clit, and your hands lock into place again, a harsh gasp leaving your mouth.
“Shit, already so fuckin’ wet, huh? Guess I did interrupt somethin' good.”
You say nothing, you can’t right now.
Frank keeps up his slow and torturous pace, sometimes staying over your clit and circling it with a featherlight touch that has you nearly screaming in frustration. You try to get a bit more pressure by pushing down on his finger every time he does this, but he just goes back to teasing your slit. Your arms are trembling from the strain, and you murmur a nearly silent plea for more. He seems to hear you though because he chuckles kindly and applies enough pressure for you to moan in satisfaction for a few seconds, before he stops again, too soon. When you fantasize about him, you usually picture him as the teasing kind of lover, but your imagination could never have reached this level.
“Tell me… What you been thinkin' about earlier?”
You’re kind of put out to hear that his voice is still steady, so you decide on the truth. In for a penny and all that.
“You,” you breathe softly.
His movements stop, and you’re satisfied with his reaction, when you realize that you might have overshared. His hand is moving again a moment later, and he growls deep in his throat. He presses his chest to your back, left hand coming up from the counter to grab your jaw and pull it to the side to press biting kisses into your neck and shoulder, making you keen.
“Me, huh? Fuck, now I really want ya to show me sometime…,” he pants roughly into your neck, index finger rubbing tighter and harder over you. “And what was I doin’?”
You have to concentrate to answer him, the pressure on your clit so delicious now. Your voice ends up breaking on each word.
“Something… like… that…”
“Finger-fucking… me.”
He inhales sharply, and you feel him adjust his position behind you, his clothed erection brushing against your ass for a second.
“Something like that?”
Two of his large fingers plunge deep into you, filling you to the brim. You cry out in bliss and go up on your tiptoes for a second as your body rises. Your back bows backward, resulting in your head coming to rest on his shoulder, while your eyes close, and you catch your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Fuck, you feel so good for me, Baby,” he groans into your temple. He withdraws slightly before pushing back all the way in, setting a steady rhythm as the way his name keeps falling from your lips keeps him going.
The hand on your jaw slackens after a while and travels down your neck, over your collarbone and a covered nipple. He’s stroking down your belly and to the junction of your thighs before he finally stops directly over your clit. He rolls it between index and thumb with just the right amount of too much and not enough pressure, or flicks quickly over it repeatedly to keep you on your toes and not know what to expect next. The rhythm of his two hands are completely different. Where his left hand is teasing you slowly but mercilessly, his right hand still has two fingers fucking you fast and deep, making you whimper brokenly. His fingers feel absolutely incredible, yet you know that it’s to keep you on the edge of release. You love and hate it at the same time. The dual sensation has you removing your head from his shoulder to take your weight with your hands on the counter again, leaning forward a bit more to push your ass out and give him even better access.
Frank grunts his approval and keeps up the pace. You feel him resting his forehead on the nape of your neck.
“Holy shit, girl, look at ya takin' my fingers so perfectly,” he says gruffly. You squeeze down on said fingers at the praise, resulting in a groan of appreciation from him.
Eventually, no matter how long he’d intended to keep you on the brink, you’ve been strung so high for so long, that your orgasm is building inexorably, your body ready to crash back down again. His continuous praise is speeding it up as well. Your legs start to shake and a light sheen of sweat is covering your skin. Your harsh breaths are intermingled with moans and gasps of please mores and yesyesyes.
“Frank, please,” you beg one last time. “Please!”
“I gotcha, Sweetheart,” Frank answers finally and starts upping his pace on your clit.
“Yes!” you hiss, elated.
But Frank is apparently not completely done with you because he removes his two fingers from inside you, only to push back but with a third one, this time. You can only cry out in surprise and deep pleasure as he gives you half a second to adjust, before he starts an intense rhythm again. You’ve never felt this full with only fingers, and you can now feel as your release starts curling hotter and tighter in your belly.
“F-f-f-frank, I’m so, so close,” you manage to breathe out.
Frank keeps a litany of words spilling out of his mouth against your neck, “So fuckin' perfect for me” and, “Takin' me so beautifully”.
Suddenly, you're right there again, just like before, ready to take the leap. You feel the shivers running through your whole body and centering where Frank is rubbing tighter and tighter circles. Frank lifts his head from yours and growls deeply into your ear. “Now come for me, Baby. Come on my fingers.”
“Oh fuck, Frank!” You mewl, high-pitched, and that’s it. Everything in you snaps at his words. The intensity of this so long to come orgasm hits you like a freight train driven by Frank Castle. Your body curves back against his, your head back on his shoulder, facing his neck. Your hold on the kitchen worktop becomes deadly again after having slackened somewhat, and you cry out in pure, unadulterated bliss. You dimly feel Frank stopping the fingers inside you and taking them out to circle your waist and push you even more back against him. His focus is on his left hand, index finger still stroking your bud with intense precision, prolonging your release.
As you’re slowly coming down, your body begins to tremble and Frank tightens his hold on you to prevent your knees from giving out on you. You finally release the worktop, fingers a bit stiff, and put them over Frank’s arm to hold on to. His finger hasn’t stop working you, though, and while it’s sending you nice aftershocks, which have you jerking and gasping against him, you finally reach down with one hand to grab his wrist to stop his movements and rest it against your waist with the other.
“Too much,” you mumble into his throat.
You stand like that for a while, both not saying anything while you try to get your breathing back under control. As the seconds trickle by, and you process the last fifteen minutes, you can’t help the laugh that bubbles up and escapes your lips.
“What?” Frank asks, and you can hear the amusement in his voice.
“That was so not what I was expecting from your visit… Not that I mind, of course,” you grin, all relaxed limbs and all.
Frank chuckles, “‘m a man full of surprises.”
You reach down to tug at your shorts and make yourself presentable again, and snicker.
“That you are,” you say and turn around in his arms to look at him, your hands coming to rest on his strong chest.
Your heart misses a beat when you see his face. He’s a bit flushed, and he’s still breathing rather deeply, but it’s his eyes that capture your full attention. They are still dark with arousal, the gaze intense and fixed on yours. Frank’s lips break out in a smirk as he catches you staring. You swallow and clear your throat as you finally take in the hard outline of his dick against your body. You’re about to open your mouth to inquire about it, but he beats you to it.
“Don’ worry ‘bout it, Sweetheart.”
“‘m good,” he cuts in again, kissing your temple to take the sting out of his rebuttal before letting go of you.
You stay quiet and lean back against the counter as you nod vaguely. Frank takes a few steps backwards away from you, one hand coming up to rake through his hair and down his neck in a nervous gesture. He doesn’t look at you, so you decide to break the silence. You’re still floating on your high a bit and don’t want things to get uncomfortable between you two.
“So… coffee?”
You see him take a small breath and look back at you with a smile. His eyes are kind but unreadable, like they so often are when he’s thinking about something.
“Yeah, I’d like that, thanks.”
You smile and get back to grab the things you need, Frank going to sit on the couch. The silence is only broken by the coffee grinder for a small while. Your apartment is one large space with an open kitchen that gives on a big living area. A comfortable couch and a coffee table, that are framed by two armchairs, face a flat screen TV and huge floor to ceiling windows. Your bedroom with en suite bathroom is on the opposite side from the kitchen. You adore this place. From where you’re preparing the two mugs, you only have to turn your head to the left to see Frank sitting on the couch, arms thrown over the back of it, legs spread wide. He stares unblinkingly at the darkness and buildings outside your windows. You bite your lip and sigh softly. Once you’re done, one mug with strong dark coffee for Frank in one hand and in the other one with decaf because you definitely don’t need any more excitement tonight, you make your way over to him.
You walk around the back of the couch to sit at the opposite end, your back resting against the armrest. You extend your hand with Frank’s mug toward him. He blinks down at it for a second before taking the mug. He turns his upper body to face you, and you relax a little more at the half smile, half smirk that he usually wears and that he gives you now.
“Thanks,” he says gratefully and hums in pleasure when he takes his first sip.
“Anytime,” you chuckle warmly. You had been proud to find out that Frank had initially come to your Café because he had heard people talking about the quality of your coffee.
You sit there without saying anything, but this time it’s a comfortable silence, both savoring your drinks.
“So how’s Curtis?” You inquire after several long minutes.
It’s an honest question, but you also want to show Frank that you can still talk like you used to. You’ve never met Curtis, but you’ve heard a lot about him and how he has always been there for Frank. That alone means a lot in your book. You end up talking for a small amount of time, conversation becoming easier, before Frank decides to bid you goodnight. You walk him back to the door, and he envelops you in a hug that you hadn’t been expecting at this point. He kisses you on a temple like he often does, making you smile into his neck fondly before returning the kiss but on one cheek instead.
“Take care,” he rasps into your ear, before letting go of you and opening the door.
“Be careful,” you counter with raised eyebrows and a meaningful look.
Frank chuckles and nods. “I'll see what I can do.”
He walks off to the elevator, which opens for him immediately when he pushes the call button, and steps inside. He lifts a hand in a wave as the doors slide closed in front of him, and then he’s gone.
You close your door and lean against it, heaving a heavy sigh. You don’t really know what to feel right now. You’ve just had one of the most memorable orgasms of your life, but still don’t know where you stand with Frank. If you go back to how things were before tonight, that’s fine with you. You’re kind of afraid that you might have scared him off, but the way he behaved before leaving makes you feel confident enough that you haven’t. The ball is definitely in Frank’s court now. You would have to wait and see.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 8 months
JJK crew with Fem sweet S/O who’s been heavily abused verbally and sometimes physically by her relatives, the only family she has left. They make her do chores and they make her sleep outside in a tent. She feels like she owes them for taking her in so despite being hurt and malnourished, she does whatever they say. JJK crew including Gojo, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, and anyone else in mind?
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A/N: Honestly, the majority of the students are throwing either hands or words. I combined two requests because I felt like I would’ve been repeating myself otherwise, and the requests share more similarities than not so smoosh! The main difference was the second request asked for a reader immuned to cursed techniques because their family would curse them out of jealousy and for being mixed/hafu. I also tried to focus more on the reaction than the actual abuse.
Tags: non-graphic abuse mentions, hurt/comfort, fem!reader
Maki has seen this story before – the hateful stares and the mocking laughter, stepping down on even the smallest hope to dream. Being told again and again how useless you were, how worthless, that clinging to dreams, wanting more was all pointless.
When you reveal that the reason you’re so strong is because others made you feel weak, she encourages you. “Then, prove them wrong. You don’t have to live your life the way others believe you should.”
She tries to get you to speak up more, not necessarily to your family but about everything. You’re a kind person and quiet but she feels like you never truly speak your mind, wanting to please everyone.
Whenever she sees someone trying to berate or annoy you, she’s quick to ask why they’re fine talking down to you in private and not in front of her. She may never say it out loud but she’s a bit overprotective of the people she likes.
She eventually offers you a choice: when she takes over her clan, you should join her in building a place where you both can be accepted.
He’s intuitive to tell you don’t like your clan. The few times he’s met them, they weren’t the politest to him either since he comes from a non-sorcerer family but it’s still strange that they treat a total stranger way better than their own clan member. It clicks more when you explain he’s “pureblood” and you’re not, so they like you even less.
He becomes a bit more protective of you after that, inviting you to hang out with him since you two non-sorcerer blooded people should stick together. It seems to take some of your apprehension away.
It still makes him angry to think about though, even more frustrated whenever your other clan members ignore his speeches on how you’re all sorcerers and that they should treat each other with more care.
They obviously don’t appreciate it, but you do. So, his main goal is to at least make you feel better about the situation through little jokes here and there and trying to convince you that you shouldn’t worry about them because the school can be your family now.
He knows it doesn’t completely fix everything, but he hopes you can see that at least the rest of them care about you.  
Like Geto, he can tell beforehand that you’re uncomfortable talking about your family. You get the same look he does when someone new accidentally asks him about his family, both his father and his connection with the Zen’in clan.
Megumi always figures it’s not in his place to ask, when you’re ready to talk about it, you will. It’s as simple as that. It doesn’t really become an issue until he sees you actually interact with your family, and how nasty they could be with you, overtly and the disgustingly passive, micro-aggressive way that only old family lines could pull off.
As much as you hate how your family treats you and as much as you hate explaining it to him, you’re more worried that telling others will make them realize that you’re no good and that the other students wouldn’t want to be your friends anymore if they found out about your status and the fact half your family weren’t from here, let alone sorcerers, which is a big reason why you never shared the information.
Megumi doesn’t really care about what most people think especially people who he considers trash. You’re sweet and kind, and that’s really all that matters to him, so you shouldn’t think that he nor the others wouldn’t be your friend because of your birth.
He has no problem telling your nosier cousins that he’s friends with you because he thinks you’re the most outstanding member of your clan—only when asked though.
He will never give you the time to question him or to doubt your relationship together. Any “buts” or “Megumi—” about you not wanting to bring him into your family life or to try to distance yourself is met with “Don’t care” or “No,” to shut down that line of thoughts.
It becomes a little more common for you to spend the night over in his dorm instead of going home at night but he’s still working on convincing you to give up your family entirely like he did.
Gojo keeps trying to wiggle himself in your life any chance he gets. He really likes meeting new people especially during high school, you’re included in that when you join his second year.
Unfortunately, you don’t like him for some reason, you don’t like him. You keep avoiding him and barely talk to him, and it’s killing him to know why. Because who could hate him?
It takes a long time of poking at you (your sides specifically) and teasing you to finally get you to admit that your family told you not to talk to him, not to draw his attention, don’t so much as breathe near him. Because you should be lucky to go to the same school as a member of the Gojo Clan, let alone THE heir, and that you shouldn’t be a burden to him.
“Oh, is that right?” Once you tell him your clan’s name (the name you couldn’t use because they didn’t want you representing them) then he fully understands. He knows them well enough.
He immediately wants to go to your house. He wants to visit, in fact Suguru should go! And why not Shoko, too? He’s going to live up the royal treatment from your folks, even as you protest for him not to go. Maybe he’ll ask for all the good drinks and put his feet up on their fancy table?
But why not? He just wants to talk to them and tell them about his new best friend in the world: you. He wants to tell them how he’s so happy how well they treat his adorable little underclassman. And, oh, your room is so tiny, smaller than his walk-in closet, and there’s nothing in there, almost like they only now remember the room exists since he asked about your room. Haven’t they ever thought about getting you a bigger space? Oh, they were planning to let you move into the guest room? Great idea! Wow, then you’re definitely going to need some new clothes to fill that nice new closet, he’ll have to send some. And it’d be rude if he sees someone else in the clothes his clan gifted specifically for you, huh?
When asked why he decided to do that, he says he already told you why: you’re his cute little underclassman.
And he always treats you as such too. Always buying you things to take home and pampering you. Always inviting you out to eat with him and telling you to eat up because he can’t finish it all by himself, and that pretty girls should eat a lot and that you should try every dessert at a new bakery with him.
He constantly asks about your family life now too, to make sure you’re still doing okay, and that when you graduate you should leave them because you don’t owe them anything for being a child who needed help.
She’s seeing red when she sees you hurt or when she sees you cry. Society already treats women so awful, and it hurts seeing you be treated evilly by people who are supposed to care about you.
There’s no stopping her when she puts her mind to something. Normally, you could convince her not to retaliate against your family but when she sees any mark on you it’s the last straw.
She’s going to gather your things and kick over that stupid excuse for a “room” they’ve given you and bring you with her. She doesn’t care if she has to share her small space with you as long as you’re safe. She’s sure Gojo can get a new dorm ready for you in no time flat, so it isn’t even a big deal to be sharing a bed for a little while with you.
It feels warm and safe in her hold, and she doesn’t forget to ever tell you how much she loves you and how wonderful a person you are, that she admires you for always being so kind despite your upbringing.
She isn’t afraid to tell you that you don’t owe those people shit while also promising to take you out for new clothes and something to eat. The guilt eats at her for not protecting you sooner, and it makes her want to punch the wall every time she’d think of how dizzy you would get somedays. She had her suspicions but didn’t trust her gut. She promises herself not to make that mistake again.
Anytime you need to do anything with your family, she makes you promise to tell her and let her come with you or one of the others.
You manage to pull the wool over his eyes for longer than you expected. You tell him that your family means well and that it’s tough love. Itadori understands that to a small degree. His grandpa was a little ornery, but Itadori always could tell that his grandpa loved him. Megumi can be a bit abrasive, but Itadori can tell Megumi cares about them. With your family, he doesn’t get that vibe.
It’s even worse than he thinks when he finally hears from your own mouth what’s going on, so much that he wants to cry for you because you won’t do it for yourself because you’ve gotten so used to the treatment that even your own body adapted, all because you feel like you can’t be ungrateful and leave your family.
He’ll do the best that he can to help, assisting you in running your errands so that you can have a break, but he still feels so lost because even if he wanted to fight them, he can’t attack an entire clan, and he doesn’t have the weight to do something about it himself especially when you beg him to keep between the two of you.
He’s trying so desperately to convince you that none of your home life is normal while you bury down that fact that you know he’s right.
Itadori quickly makes it one of his ultimate goals to save you like he wants to do with everyone else he meets. Sure, he can’t save everyone, and sure, he can’t exactly get rid of Sukuna just yet, but you’re right here in front of him, and he should be able to save you because he loves you.
P.S.A. Please remember to reach out to someone if you’re undergoing any type of abusive situations from family members or other domestic partners, or if you suspect someone is going through those things.
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