#for context: it’s a fanfic that someone in DSMP wrote
Hitting On 16 is so darn good.
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💭 + well since you so politely asked me about Eret, I'll return the favor and ask about Foolish. What was he like before coming to the DSMP? How much does he remember? Does he regret what he's done? What was he like before he meet Eret? Before the Wither Cult? (also hello i'm quietly sneaking into your box :>)
// Oml you've been so friendly since the day I first posted. I'm gonna cry - literally, the main reason I'm shaking off my newbie jitters!!! Hello, hello, glad to be here <3 Also sorry for late reply, I've been at work!
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Additional info for context: I headcanoned Foolish as going by any pronouns but referring to himself with zie/hir if ever talking in the third person - but that's a whole 'nother set of headcanons for another post, haha. If you see those neos in here, that's why!
Foolish is one of my muses that I seem to love bullying, in all honesty. How I picture his story going is incredibly tragic, and it would take me ages to get to the blood and bones of what he was like before DSMP. A long while ago, I wrote a cute little soulmates fanfic that touched on how Foolish acted, so I'll keep things similarly brief (unless, of course, you wanted to hear every detail I can muster up :P).
Foolish is immortal in every sense of the word. I've always seen Totems as ageless — able to grow and never stop until their lives were traded for others. It's touched upon in c!Foolish's lore where totem children are expected to die for their parents — he just happened to be one of the few who made it well past adulthood and is now perfectly capable of maintaining and protecting himself. Seeing as he can live for centuries, he's gone through several shifts in his behaviors. From quiet and curious about the ever-changing Overworld to restless and bold, he's had time to figure out how he feels and what he deems right and wrong. 
There was a long period during this self-discovery stage when he was known as the "Totem of Death." Quick to anger, baring rows of sharp shark-like teeth, demolishing cities as if they meant nothing, and carrying a torrential downpour wherever he walked like an ominous cloud. He had no regard for life nor the sanctity of nature. His sole purpose was to control what he deemed beneath him — little bugs that could be squashed if he so pleased (a sentiment that zie still holds into the SMP but far more concealed). Everything he loved was bound to dissolve in time, and he saw no purpose in trying if they would turn to dust in the end.
He did pause to consider other immortals, or those who had centuries to live — gods, deities, children born to rule, such as Eret herself. I like to think it was more of a curiosity that rose when Foolish befriended Eret all those centuries ago. He was swimming in red while she watched on with milky white eyes. Call it admiration and mutual companionship, but Foolish did become somewhat of a guard-dog to Eret all that time ago. If anyone spoke out of turn to her, lightning struck, and he was first to snarl that they treat her with respect. If anyone got too friendly, he was a looming threat behind her, bristling and poised to protect whom he deemed his only friend. 
Somewhere along the line, the Wither Cult grew, creating too much carnage for Foolish to feel safe with Eret leaving his sight. Sure, she could protect herself, but Foolish is nothing if not worrying over those he dares to hold dear. It's unclear what their last straw was, but zie and her eventually raised the cult to ashes; thus marking the beginning of Foolish's mellowing out. Traveling with someone with a taste for beauty led to Foolish beginning to find more time to stop and smell the roses. He began to take up hobbies of artwork, relishing in how art was timeless and he didn't need to worry about it crumbling when he could immortalize it through such a delicate process.
Somewhere along the line, the two separated, though Foolish would hardly sit around and mope. He met others, creating... well, his own version of a cult if you tilted your head and squinted to read. Villages he used to destroy began to offer up wealth in turn for protection or monuments built by a demigod. Building was so much easier than massacring the innocent. It held more beauty — it was soothing. With an eternity to hone his skills, Foolish was soon creating structures inconceivable to the average person with a smile and a much happier stance.
Of course, he kept this attitude when he came to the DSMP. It's a conscious choice, as I've always seen Foolish as the type to record his own history. It's all along the walls of his Summer Home, written in tattered tomes deep within his temple, expressed through the sculptures and paintings littering his halls. He remembers everyone who's meant something to him, their lives — if they've been revived, then where they are now, who they are now — zie even takes the time to tend to their portraits hidden in his horde of wealth as if careful hands didn't already protect them.
Sometimes he has brushes with his anger and resentment towards mortals, calling them ants under his shoes or warning them not to piss him off. Sometimes, he laughs off his knowing looks — playing it off as if he doesn't know something is wrong or as if you had duped him. He's smarter than he gets credit for; it's hard to tell when he's genuinely ignorant of something or if he's putting up a front not to pressure information from those who might never be ready to share.
That's why when he meets up again with people like Eret, Foolish insists they know each other. He brings up details that he vividly remembers despite the confusion... and then drops it—laughing and agreeing that he must be confused, too. Maybe they should get some rest. And then he never mentions it again. His memories are very much intact (rereading your own experiences repeatedly makes recall so much easier), and his feelings are still very much real... but he knows he doesn't have the luxury of connection. He will never last in another's mind for as long as they do his... and he's okay with that.
Does he regret what he's done? To an extent. He doesn't remember the faces of those he's hurt, nor does he try to recall those events with anything more than gritted teeth and a hard chuckle. He has grown and changed. He sees no beauty in morality, but rather in the immortality he can craft. It gives him everything he was missing back when he was wild and reckless. Besides... he can atone for what he's done by being a good person now. He can sacrifice for mortals, and he can offer a gentle thumb to rub against their cheeks in times of need. It's sort of like during Sam's Warden Arc, where everyone felt like they were turning their backs on Sam, blaming him for every wrong they could possibly get their hands on— Foolish was the only one to remind him that he wasn't alone. 
"Don't bear this burden alone, Sam."
"I'm here for you, friend."
Foolish has worn many faces: Totem of Death, Demigod of the Sky and the Sea, and Totem of Undying, yet none of them will ever be entirely accurate. He's grown too accustomed to being what is needed in the fleeting time he enjoys with companions and their lives. Foolish will always cherish the past, but he's come to adore the present just as much.
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Did I ramble a lot more than I thought I would? Yes. But THEN AGAIN, it's been literal months since I've gotten to ramble senselessly about my goofy goober. It turns out that I have no sense of what the word "brief" means....
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