#for dandelionlovesyou
jhsgf82 · 2 years
Without Success: The Failed Attempts of Peeta Mellark to Speak to Katniss Everdeen
For @dandelionlovesyou​
Failed Attempt #1 
Age 11 
The first time I try, without success, to talk to Katniss Everdeen, the girl I have this crazy crush on, is the day after I tossed her that bread… 
We’re at school, on the playground at recess. She’s off on her own as usual, and I’m near some of the other boys but ignoring them right now. My friends have been trying to get me to play ball with them, but I’m not in the mood. I can’t help watching Katniss...  
I’ve been feeling ashamed about it, the thing with the bread; I’ve had this sick feeling in my stomach ever since. I just keep thinking I should go over and apologize to her, for tossing her those loaves of bread like she was one of the pigs, instead of handing them to her directly. 
She probably thinks I’m a jerk for doing that, even if she did take them. They must’ve been muddy and gross, I think, frowning. And I feel bad they were burnt, but I knew that was the only way I could give them to her. 
Well, I must’ve been staring the entire time I was having these thoughts because suddenly, she looks up, and our eyes meet. I really like her eyes; they’re so pretty, and different from any other girl’s that I know. I freeze for a moment, because of her eyes; I guess that’s why I don’t look away like I normally do. 
She looks back at me from across the yard, then looks down, and for some reason, she picks a dandelion. She stares at it for a long time, and though it’s hard to tell from the distance, I think she smiles a little. 
I’ve heard that the dandelion is a weed. The yellow color is nice, though, and I like how you can rub it under your chin to tell if you like butter (if it turns yellow). Mine did. Of course, I like butter; I’m a baker’s son. Anyway, I have a thought. To bring her flowers. I’d like to bring her nicer flowers than dandelions, but there are so many around the schoolyard, and she seems to like them, at least, from the look on her face. 
I think to pick a whole bunch of them for her before recess is over, and I set to work. After I’ve gathered quite a few, I begin to head over to her… 
But then I stop. Reaching up, I touch my eye and wince, remembering my punishment for burning that bread. My brother, Rye, tried to cover up the deep bluish-purple color for me this morning with some of Mom’s makeup. He told me it didn’t make me a pansy. I was more concerned Mom would notice some of it missing. The stuff isn’t cheap. He said it was necessary, though, and he only used a little bit, promising she wouldn’t notice. Anyway, it sort of hid my black eye, and I’ve been doing my best all morning not to touch it and rub it off.
I wonder if Katniss will notice if I go up to her. Maybe not the makeup (the shade is pretty close to my skin), but surely, she’ll notice the swelling. Even though I had a bag of frozen peas on it for like an hour last night, it must look all puffy and horrible today. I can’t go up to Katniss looking like this. 
I turn away but look back at her over my shoulder. She still has the dandelion. She’s sitting on the swings alone, staring at it and pumping her legs a little. She looks cute, and lonely. I start to change my mind‒I could go over and sit by her, maybe a few swings down where she can’t see my face too good‒but then the bell rings. 
I shoot her one last look; she doesn’t look at me, and then I sigh. I drop the bunch of dandelions; they fall into a pile at my feet, and I head in with the rest of the class.  
All the way inside I’m beating myself up over my failed attempt at talking to Katniss. Actually, it’s not the first time, come to think of it. The first one was after she sang in the music assembly...  
From the moment she sang, I knew I was a goner. 
I was so impressed. I mean, it was beautiful, and she wasn’t even scared. I would have been scared, to get up in front of everyone like that…  
I wanted to say something to her then, something like… “You sing pretty.” Or, “You sing like the birds, but prettier.” 
I shake my head at my stupid five-year-old self. 
I’m braver now. Better with words, though apparently, not much. I have friends, and I’m even able to talk to girls. 
Just not the one I really want to… 
Maybe tomorrow. 
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
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A big, big thank you to @alwayseverlark​ for the generous prize for the This Would Have Happened Anyway Challenge way back in December. I merely had to enjoy the fabulous fics and comment on them and boom! I won a commission for one of my stories. I am super grateful and elated for winning.
To win artwork for a story I wrote is very special. It was like my effort, time, and imagination were affirmed. I can't explain it. Seeing my Katniss, Peeta, Elrick, Annie, and Nathan from Companion come to life through art was validating on many levels. I am not a writer, far from it, so this is pure joy for me. My heart grows warm every time I look at their blended family rendered by @little-lynx​. I'm so honored to have you draw my Everdeen-Mellark family 🙏🧡
Adoption is very close to my heart, so my very first long fic had to be about that. Katniss and Peeta may have gone through a lot in their young lives, but their hearts are infinite, and together they chose to share that with Elrick, Annie, and Nathan.
I hope you enjoy this artwork as much as I do. Thank you again @alwayseverlark​ and @little-lynx​ 🥰
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
WIP Titles Game
thanks for tagging me @absnow
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Holy heck I actually had to count my WIPs and wow! I've got so many!
The Designation Games
Paper Hearts
Best Laid Plans
Build Me Up From Bones
Small Talk
Hitting The Target
Christmas For 3
This Rebel Heart
Promise Me, Little Brother
Golden Cages
Do you think I might have too many irons in the fire??? LOL Anyways, I'm tagging 12 people hopefully I won't be the only one with a double digit WIP count!
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promptseverlark · 2 years
The Photograph - 4th Letter
Peeta seeks help from his best friend, Dr. Finnick.
By @dandelionlovesyou
10 December
Dear Finnick,
I did it. I wrote Katniss again, probably for the last time if she still doesn't respond to this one. I want to fight for her, brother, but it's clear that she doesn't want to have anything to do with me right now.
Just between the two of us, I went to her house every day after her first letter. I wanted to talk to her right away, but several times my feet stop just at the apple tree in the corner of her yard. I tried to rationalize it, to understand why I never got to the point of knocking at her front door and waiting for her to answer. Why didn't I continue just to get a moment with her?
At first, I thought I was giving her space and respecting her wishes. But now that I had more time to think about it, I realized it was because I was ashamed. I was ashamed of myself, of what I did twelve years ago. It may have been a long time in the past, but the repercussions follow me and her family now.
I was also mad at myself for the pain and hurt I caused Katniss with the affair. She doesn't deserve any of this. She doesn't deserve more pain or heartbreak after everything she's been through. She's the most wonderful woman I've ever met -- strong, independent, loving, and compassionate -- and I brought her tremendous heartache. If anything, the news about the affair saved her from having a life with me. I'm a home wrecker, Finnick. You said before that that was an exaggeration but look where I am now. I ruined her family.
I'm no good, brother.
I don't deserve love at all.
But I still want her … I’m such a selfish man.
As much as I want to resolve the sins of my past, I can’t ignore the beat of my heart. I want Katniss in my life, Finn. Undeniably, she is the best thing that happened to me. She's the best part of me. Was the best part of me.
Finnick, I love her, and I want her to be happy.
Can she have that with me? I definitely don't deserve her.
I’m a mess. A stupid mess that I created years ago.
How do you live with this pain? This conflict, this shame. How do I make it right? Can it be made right?
Should I just let her go? Because she's better without me. I’m a mutt, Finn.
Brother, it hurts so much. The physical ache in my heart feels like a heart attack. Yesterday, I had to stop mid-shift at the hospital and hide at the research laboratory just to stop myself from shaking. Anxiety fills me and spills out of me whenever I think about Katniss. I feel like blowing up, wanting to scream myself raw from this pain and disgust. I can't forgive myself for hurting her.
Finn, it's heaven to be loved by Katniss. She made me feel whole, wanted, and cherished -- that I had self-worth outside my work as a nurse. That me, Peeta Mellark, was an individual. A person that another could love and live with for a very long time. I don't know what she saw in me because when I look at myself now, all I see is a fucked up man who would never escape the sins of his past.  
It was bliss holding her. Getting to hold another human being that melts in your arms because she trusted you and loved you in return was a rare gift. She gave me life, brother. Katniss made me feel alive and want to do more with my life. Heck, I wanted to open a bakery because of her. To continue the legacy of the Mellark name that vanished when my mother divorced my father. I wanted to start a family with her, Finn. I never thought I would have that feeling again. I thought that part of me had died, but Katniss made me want it again. And with her, I felt like I could actually do it. How privileged I was to find a person like that in this world?
But I screwed up my life a long time ago, I realized. And now, here I am. I'm a selfish bastard. After what I did to her and her family, she has every right to rid herself of me. I don't blame her. I would want to get rid of myself too.
My mistake haunts me and follows me, Finn. How will I ever make things right? Katniss deserves a happy, peaceful, and fulfilled life.
I need your help, brother. I don’t know who else to ask right now.
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
Hello there 😊
Can I tell you a story? I promise it's not weird.
I read your drabble yesterday about Buttercup and Peeta where Peet was making pancakes for Katniss. Coincidentally enough I also made pancakes last night 🥞 Sourdough and yeast ones like always, and it reminded me of your sweet ❤️ drabble. Peeta was so adorable with his nervous energy and Buttercup was the right kind of comic relief. I just love them together.
This morning (I did an overnight rise), disaster strikes because the batter grew into a monster in the fridge and seeped its way out of the air tight container! It was ALIVE and there was pancake batter everywhere! 😂😭🤣 Thank goodness I didn't add eggs because that's extra clean up! I had a feeling it would happen when I said good night to it. Lo and behold, I had to clean the fridge before I even made breakfast 😭 What a Monday morning!
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On the up side, the pancakes turned out pretty good. Because I had to clean the fridge, I saw some apples and added them to the batter. I also had some walnuts, so I crumbled them into the bowl. It was an experiment that didn't look so good but I think Peeta would be proud of me for its taste and texture. It was fluffy and moist. Just the right sweetness and freshness from the apples. I love walnuts so that's just 👌.
I was tempted to write this into an Everlark baking drabble with toastbabies but thought better to tell you instead. I hope my pancake adventure made you smile! 🥰 🥞🌞
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You're a girl after my own heart @dandelionlovesyou .
Very cute story :).
Those pancakes sound delicious, although different from how I make them. I don't use yeast in them (I do bake bread, pizza crust, and cinnamon rolls with yeast). Mine are more like I described Peeta's: flour, a little sugar, baking powder, eggs, salt, and baking soda, with buttermilk that reacts with the baking powder to make them fluffy.
Cooking and baking are some of my favorite things to do, and many happy accidents happen in my kitchen, which results in dishes like your apple and walnut pancakes. Yum (I'm going to have to try that sometime)!!!
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am2c · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity. 💫🌈
hi! thank you for this ask
playing Tears of the Kingdom (I'm so obsessed with this game rn, like I need to play it all the time!)
doing 3D renders
going to the movies!
building lego sets
talking with my friends for hours
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broken-everlark · 2 years
Hello there buddy 😉
For writer appreciation, I just want to say that you’re my go-to writer for gore and action in fics! I still await Captive to the Darkness and its complicated plot. I love your werewolves -- the complexity of their relationship and their gestures. I am really amazed at how you write them in werewolf form. Such an imagination =)
I also love Willow Grace though I am flabbergasted when I checked that I haven’t left a kudos or comment at all! Gee whiz! I’m so sorry about that, my dear.
Can I also say, how excited I am for your Evelark x dragon fic! I’m certain I will devour it!
Thank you, buddy 🥰
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Aw thank you so much buddy! This means so much to me and has inspired me to continuing writing the next chapter ❤️💙
This means so much to me🥺🥺🥰
Yeah the dragon fic is coming soon as well but I've just been busy adjusting extremely tired lately. @dandelionlovesyou thank you I've been keeping up with the photograph fic and I can't wait to see how you make it a happy ending with katniss and peeta. Don't let the hate stop you! Because I can't wait to see where that fic goes!💕
Thank you again, love it means so much💚🧡
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everlarkficquestions · 7 months
Hi! Do you by any chance have a master list of fics about Everlark as parents??
We don't have a masterlist, but here are several fics about Everlark as parents:
me and my husband (we are doing better) - asclexe
Food Comas - albinokittens300
Love Is - dandelionlovesyou
Sugar and Spice and Everything’s Not So Nice - JHsgf82              
Felicity - MegaAuLover  
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again - vampphobic      
Singing in The Meadow - LovelyToTheBone
Mellark Mistletoe - dandeliononfire        
Of Elves and Eggnog - Miffy          
Paints and Petals - starsmahogany      
Peeta’s Holidays Escapades - Elricsister
Birds in Heaven Know I Love You - CassandraO
Just Hope They Grow Up Normal - CassandraO
Not a Walk in the Park - HGfanonezillion
The Pearl Ring-Demona424
Cold Night In - BlackCat46  
A Day With Dad - Everlark_Pearl
All I Know - JLala
And the Book - thegirlonpeetamellark
A Remedy Against Nightmares - Medea Smyke
Christmas Behind Closed Doors - Miss_Scarlett
Comfort Starts at Home - Everlark_Pearl
Everything You Are - sucrevenin 
His First Hero - Everlark_Pearl
Simple Gifts - Court81981
Simple Things - IzzySamson
Snow Angels - alwaysameiko
Sunrise and the Flame - MalTease
The 10 Steps - jw77
The Life Lessons series - hmweasley
Yellow Blossoms - shesasurvivor
Before and After the In-Between - notanislander
Sweet Talk -flythroughflames
Out of the Mouths of Babes - springsdandelion
The Many and Varied Adventures of Young Fletcher Mellark - orphan_account
They Say It’s Your Birthday - oh_so_loverly         
Easter Tradition - Sagittaria_sagittifolia   
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?- titania522
Sunrise - youarebeingridiculous         
The Family Plan - JLaLa                          
If anyone knows of any more, please let us know!
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verimu · 2 years
Can anyone point me to fics where Peeta is a peacekeeper? Fireman? Police officer?
@alwayseverlark @dandelionlovesyou @promptseverlark @mega-aulover @jhsgf82
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itskeisy · 1 year
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Tagged by @thesweetnessofspring 💗
rules : type your favorite color into pinterest (google also works) and make a moodboard
Tagging: @arbyeatscheesebuns @alwaysmypearl @periwinckles @kaysbees @dandelionlovesyou @mega-aulover
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callmetippytumbles · 2 years
So between my last tag war post and this one I was tagged by: @therulerofallpotatos @cosmic-lullaby @gardenoblues @chaoticstupiddm @badmoonbatflowers
DA RULES: In a new post show the last line you wrote tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
So here is the deal this time. I could just post my last sentence but I am just going to take the time to post a snippet of the fic here instead.
You’re welcome. (Or I am sorry, depending on how you feel. )
I figured I would post the snippet so that I can get some friendly peer pressure to finish the edits on the fic so I can post by the end of the week.
Tags and snippet under the cut.
The way the normally perky teen lashed out after the events at Gates’ mansion shocked her.
“You will use anyone to get what you want even if it puts them in danger.” Enid scolded. “Did you really need me and Tyler to be there while you got felt up by a freaking monster?”
“It did not feel me up.”
“If it didn’t get distracted by Tyler—who was trying to save your reckless ass—it might have. That thing scented you! And you liked it!”
“I know what I saw, Wednesday,” Enid asserts. “I am a werewolf! I know what scenting looks like. That thing wants you and the monster and this case are all you can talk about. We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession!”
“But we didn’t. In fact we are so close to solving this case. I can taste it.”
“And it probably tastes like monster jizz. I stuck up for you, I put myself out there for you, considered your feelings—”
“You didn’t have to do that—”
[From the loosely titled Ritual fic (still no title, still do not ask) based on a prompt from the @wylerserver18official server on Discord.]
So I am tagging the people below:
@therulerofallpotatos @suchaladyy @wincestation @cosmic-lullaby @nouklea @broken-everlark @wednesdaysviolet @penelopwgarcia @badmoodbatflowers @pororoh @realmermaid333 @gardenoblues @natliecole @dandelionlovesyou @fandom-geek17 @the-strangest-person @chaoticstupiddm
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Boop 😘
Just giving you some love 🥰
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Thank you friend!!!
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promptseverlark · 2 years
The Photograph - 8th Letter
Katniss is coming back home.
20 April
Dear Uncle Haymitch,
I finally did it. I finally got to see and take a hundred photos of the magnificent Amur snow leopard hybrid. She was beautiful, Haymitch. Easily three times my size, she glides smoothly across the forest floor as if she weighs nothing at all. Her tail is as long as her body, perfect for balance while crossing steep and rocky terrains. The color of her fur was a smoky grey with a yellowish hue; there were also rosette markings all over her coat. I had to stop looking through my camera to watch her -- she stretched her strong-muscled legs, licked her fur, and moved her ears at the slightest sound. We stalked her for a grueling five hours with all our equipment, patiently keeping our distance until she stopped to rest. Watching her hunt was exhilarating. She drew me in as she lowered her head and prepared for the kill. When she pounced on her prey, I could not help but release my breath and enjoy the ensemble playing before me. Pollux, my guide, had to tell me to pick up my camera and take photos. I was captivated. You'll have to see the pictures when I print them -- she was majestic. A true huntress in the dense forest. For a moment, she brought me pure joy.
Snow wants me to bring him the pictures myself in New York, so I'm flying back in a week. I don't know if I should be excited because my prospects aren't exactly palatable. Meeting my venomous director Coriolanus Snow again isn’t my cup of tea. The scent of his rose perfume still revolts me. The air of Virginia, though, it is spring there, isn’t any relief either. It will be hard to breathe the smell of the meadows again. More memories will certainly be triggered once more.
A lot of things still shake me, Uncle. Being away only lessens the hurt some, but the weight is still immense. 
How did my father do it? I could not find it in me to forgive now. Forgiveness seems such a dangerous thing. What does it mean to forgive? Is it to release this burden and pain that is upon me? Is it to free my mother and Peeta from their actions? Does it mean I have to trust and be open to them? It seems easier to hate and hold this bitterness than to move on.
Confusion consumes me every time I am alone. I’m so tired from this rabbit hole of emotions.
Only work and the thought of seeing Prim again give me temporary relief from the pain. When will this hurt go away? 
See you, Prim, and Aunt Amelia in a week.
I have decided to soldier on with this fic after resting and giving things some thought. I know the topic, and the prompt is not easy. I can't control how readers will react to the letters and how I have chosen this story to progress. For now, I will be okay with that and will let things run their course. I am still committed to this story and only hope for the best. If you're still here -- thank you for giving this story a chance. 🙏🧡
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
Thank you for taking prompts ☺️🥳
How about a story with Buttercup and Peeta baking together? Or any bonding time really. Fun times!
For my friend @buttercupeatscheesebuns 🤗
Thank you so much 🙏❤️
@dandelionlovesyou thank you! I hope you and @buttercupeatscheesebuns both like it. I wrote this quickly (best way to do a drabble!) so excuse any errors
Standing at the kitchen sink as I wash my hands, gazing out the window at Haymitch's place, I realize I'm no longer alone in the kitchen. There’s a ticklish brush against my ankle, all fine bones and silky fur, a long tail curling around my foot. Buttercup has proven to be as silent as Katniss. Unless that cat wants you to know he's there, you don't.
"Morning, buddy," I greet, my voice a low hush to keep from waking Katniss. She's still dozing in the living room. She and I were up late last night and ended up falling asleep together on the couch. I woke before her, and instead of going home like I thought about doing, I decided I'd get up and make breakfast for us instead.
I'm full of nervous energy as I retrieve ingredients from the cabinet over my head, thoughts and feelings running wild as I complete the simple task of gathering flour and baking powder, sugar, and salt and setting them next to the mixing bowl. I'll make us pancakes since Katniss doesn't keep yeast in her kitchen. I'll have to bring her some of mine and put it in the refrigerator if I decide to do any baking over here.
Out in the living room, I hear Katniss stirring on the couch. I keep my face averted, my stomach fluttering with nerves at the thought of facing her this morning. She asked me to stay, and I can't quite settle on how sleeping with her last night leaves me feeling today.
All the while, Buttercup loops between my legs, rubbing his face against my intact leg. I know he's trying to get my attention. When he nibbles on my ankle, I flinch. It doesn't hurt; I'm jumpy, thus the cooking. Preparing food is a surefire way to settle my nerves. "That's not very nice," I scold that cat when he meows plaintively at me.
"Who isn't?" Katniss asks, yawning as she walks into the kitchen, shooting me a sleepy smile. It does something to me; that smile, it settles my nerves a little. She's not upset I'm here, and I'm not upset I'm here either. So it must be okay.
"The cat," I say, catching myself from calling Buttercup her cat. We both know he was Prim's cat, not hers.
"He's an asshole," Katniss agrees, and I laugh.
"I wasn't going to go that far."
She pulls out a stool at the counter and sits, gratefully accepting the mug of tea I fix her. "Suit yourself," she says, lifting the rim of the cup to her lips, pausing before taking her first sip, "he likes you better than me."
"Maybe," I murmur, rubbing his side with my foot. Buttercup purrs contentedly, a low vibration against the sole of my foot. Katniss never pets him. She does feed him raw meat, though, so it's hard to say for sure.
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mega-aulover · 1 year
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So We've been doing this for 4 months and I wanted to take a second to congratulate you all for working on your stories even if you did this with us for 1 week that is a victory.
I want you to give yourself a treat (ice cream, chips, chocolate, a new handbag, new pair of shoes -ect.) It's not easy sitting down and facing that blank page or not being able to come up with a single word. I really want to congratulate you, well done.
Also, life is tough and some have been busy, some have had babies, some are in college, teaching, you got sick, leading a wily bunch of old people (that would be me), dealing with inlaws, children, vacations, and dealt with all sorts of things. And yet you took time out to write.
So from all of us readers thank you.
I'll be here if you need a word of encouragement or a flirty how you doing...let me know I'm here to cheer you on...anything you need to carry on.
@hayffiebird @mollywog @lemonluvgirl @endlessnightlock @norbertsmom @wistfulweaver2woman @professionalfangrrl @mtk4fun @dandelionlovesyou @wendywobbles @alwayseverlark @jhsgf82 @lollercakesff @safeinpeetasarms @alexa-santi-author @broken-everlark @pitualba2015 @hutchhitched& anyone else I might have missed forgive me it's been a lot of weeks.
ps I wrote...3,445...how you do?
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broken-everlark · 1 year
WIP File game ~~
RULES: Post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I was tagged by the lovelies - @wednesdayandherhyde and @nouklea ❤️💙
Okay so I have a few. Some wyler some everlark.
Wyler/petroclair ⤵️
- Black Cat Ch 5.
- black cat editing draft
- wyler family fic ch 1.
- another way out
- Never Be alone
- abo wyler fic
- cat ears/tail Wednesday wolf/dog ears & tail Tyler / wyler fluff oneshot
- cat ears/tail Wednesday / wyler smut oneshot
- smut petroclair oneshot
- summer smut bingo (still need to pick a card🤣)
Everlark⤵️ (yes I'm back from my small break..)
- To the ends of the Earth ch 3.
- To the Ends of the Earth ch 4.
- Crave (name may change)
- I may re-write CttD. I don't know yet.. I want to continue it.. but I feel like it's awful..😅
I tag ~~~ @cosmic-lullaby @mega-aulover @wincestation @alexabrier @anotherbluesunday @chaoticstupiddm @insomniac1994 @beri-allen @iamfandomcrazy @lemonluvgirl @dandelionlovesyou @badnovels
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