#for me it really depends on the production
jollmaster · 1 day
Regarding clothes..this is perhaps a silly question but because of the not-so-covered breasts some female characters had in your rewrite it made me wonder how common is it to wear clothes in Hell? I can imagine Overlords have access to clothing, but what about the average Sinner? How do they cover themselves? Do they even have anything to cover themselves with?
oh, I really like this question 💕 it's interesting!
different trivia: clothing in the Underworld
• in general, clothing in Hell can be a reflection of status: it depends not so much on shape as on type of fabric/the complexity/embroidery and jewelry
• nudity isn't sexualized or considered as something shameful or ridiculous, so no one will say anything if the prince/princess comes out naked and barefoot (clothes emphasize the status, but not give it to anyone)
• for many highborn women bare breasts reflect their honorable position as a matron or mother of many children (it based on the sacredness of fertility cult and the connection of breasts with feeding) + this is beautiful ( ° )( ° )
• younger demons, inferior creatures and imps are often absolutely naked, local climate on many areas allows it
• children aren't clothed at all
• from time to time demons favor certain fashions, imitating the favored style of different historical periods, and it's extremely rare for it to be anything later than the early 18th century
• Rosie admires european style: a lot of first sinners in Cannibal town were europeans from 19th century (british and irish mostly)
• older demons consider her to be excessively innovative
• because of the claws and hooves, a lot of hellborns don't care about shoes and boots
• Charlie isn't shy about nudity, but since she's a noble demoness + interacts closely with people who have some taboos, she has to dress up
• sinners dress as they want and in whatever they want, because over the centuries they have somehow developed local production, and learned to weave, skin animals and barter
• most of all they prefer their mortal life style, which helps to save sanity partly
• the state of clothes indicates how stable the sinner is (degree of wear and tear, dirt, blood, torn, etc.)
• some items become unnecessary or are rearranged to fit the new physiology when changes due to decay occur: for example, Niffty doesn't need to wear underwear, Alastor can't wear hats, Angel Dust restitches sleeves on shirt
• no one here cares if any sinner is naked, — clothes are purely their concern
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I'm using human ages in () as a reference point/general age brackets
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 3 months
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Bean by tism on artfight 🍓
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
must be fall
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butchdykekondraki · 4 days
okay anyway. sorry for the repeated eminem posts i got reminded of his existence and he fascinates me to literally no end
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supercantaloupe · 12 days
okay don giovanni review from last night. under the cut bc it's me. tldr the vocal performances were great, leporello carried the show, one of the most insane productions i've seen thus far but somehow in a new bizarre direction from normal. good snacks.
first of all i don't care how much wine you offer i think it's kind of ridiculous to charge $165 for a base ticket price for a performance that 1. isn't even in a concert hall or theater 2. is a concert performance rather than a staged performance (which was not advertised ahead of time) and 3. was not even a full production because they made the absolutely mind boggling decision to cut 100% of the recitative and replace it with Some Guy sitting on the stage narrating the plot between every 1-3 numbers
i did not pay that much gd bless. the student ticket was way cheaper.
the narration wasn't even good it was weirdly ungenerous to the women (like how do you even make elvira out be a "women, amirite" thing and also vaguely imply anna was into it in a production with zero acting? well they figured something out) and i don't think it even explained well enough what happens between each number to truly give a first time watcher a good idea of what's actually going on. not to mention that it absolutely kills any sense of momentum in the plot and makes the entire show drag like hell, because you have to wait between every single aria for either Some Guy to talk at you for three minutes straight, or wait awkwardly while people onstage walk off and people offstage walk on. it was so painfully clunky
they had a piano up there but since there was no recit it's not like she was accompanying much of anything. in practice what it ended up being used for was 1. the mandolin part for deh vieni (acceptable in the absence of a mandolin player; they were working with a limited chamber ensemble of musicians so i get it) 2. the party music at the end of act i (egregious fault imo because it absolutely kills the vibe of the scene and completely obfuscates the way the music is supposed to be adding to the tension and chaos with its different instrumental groups playing in different meters)
and 3. used to give singers their notes when the vocal line of their arias start on beat 1 measure 1, which they otherwise would have been able to get from the preceding recits (which is imo painfully amateurish for an ostensibly professional production)
all the numbers in act i were there although the narration was so bad i got jumpscared by fin ch'han dal vino because i forgot it was supposed to be there and thought we had skipped over that point in the plot. act ii had some really bizarre additional cuts made, notably they just entirely skipped over meta di voi and vedrai carino. it was like masetto and zerlina fuck off for the entirety of act ii save for, like, mille torbidi (they VERY briefly mentioned masetto getting beat up in the narration and i don't think they mentioned vedrai carino at all, they just skipped straight from deh vieni to sola sola. and also there was a painful awkward pause before deh vieni because i think the pianist forgot she was supposed to play there and the narrator jumped ahead to the next chunk of plot explanation too early). kept both dalla and tesoro (i'm fine with this ottavio was quite good though could've used a bit of ornamentation imo), kept mi tradi, kept non mi dir (more on that in a bit). no per queste which is probably a good thing not only for the show itself but also my head would have absolutely and irreversibly exploded if they had, probably
the whole thing kind of felt underrehearsed. like a quarter of the time it seemed like people didn't know what they were doing or had to be reminded where to be at that point in the show. and there were a few moments throughout where the orchestra struggled to keep up with the singers, but i really don't think they had much time to rehearse together, honestly.
and then, to my utter shock, the finale was actually really good?? like. insane compared to the rest of the show thus far. though it helps that 1. i absolutely love the harmonieband arrangements of cosa rara/i litiganti/non piu andrai, after possibly the draggiest non mi dir i've yet experienced it was like a breath of fresh air to hear that (and non mi dir was actually well performed i liked this anna but considering how much the Entire Show was dragging, the fact that they cut meta di voi and vedrai carino, AND the fact that they promised this act would be short, it felt crazy to me to keep it at that point.)
2. leporello and the don were by far the best performers of the night. so much so that i sought them out during the post show reception to tell them how great they were and enjoyed their performance. which i usually do not do, but in this like, high school recital ass production value. unbelievable relief that the final scene is dominated by the two actors in the show who most remembered that they can, and in fact Should, be acting. so much more movement and physicality and expression from those two compared to most everyone else. leporello especially, his actor apparently specializes in comedic bass roles and it shows, he was the standout all night
and 3. for the first time in the entire production they made an interesting decision regarding the physical space and staging! they had the commendatore sing from up on a balcony overlooking the audience in the foyer. the bar admittedly was set very low in the previous act and a half but the finale reminded me that i actually like this show again which is appreciated
though they then threw another curveball at me by Cutting the sextet at the end. which like didn't even piss me off at that point i was just baffled. like the don sinks down in agony and leporello sinks down whimpering in fear and the orchestra cuts off. and i'm expecting an awkward pause while they quietly get up and shuffle off so the rest of the cast can come back but nope. big orange title slate appears on the big screen behind them and the audience breaks into a roaring applause and the announcement of the wine and dessert reception. felt like i was in a fever dream
i will say the desserts were very nearly almost worth the bullshit that was the preceding show. they were so good. thank you austria for your dedication to pastry. and because i don't drink and couldn't appreciate the free wine offered i had to indulge in my own manner. spread contained chocolate oat bites (tasted as much like espresso powder as chocolate and coated in coconut, 4/10), almond sponge cake (classic, 7/10), cardamom apple bread pudding with caramel cream (not enough cardamom but otherwise very tasty and autumnal, 8.5/10) and honey cake (11/10. i don't know how they made this so good. i want more right now so much). i take both my mozart opera and my desserts very seriously.
anyway overall the production was. i would say frustrating. the singing quality was Really Good (leporello was the clear standout, probably followed by the don though i prefer my dons with a lighter voice but technically he was very good, then probably ottavio, then maybe masetto or anna. the commendatore was great but he's in it so little it's hard to compare)
i just wish they could have, like, actually done a full production. it would have been so great if they had gotten to tell the actual story and had been fully allowed to act. when there Was acting were the best moments of the show, and it's really unsurprising that most of that came from leporello, the absolute legend.
#no one respects a galant recit anymore. smh#sasha speaks#sasha reviews#don giovanni#opera tag#Really weird production. seemed designed to piss me off specifically in many aspects#frustrating in others because it DID have a lot of (mostly and regrettably squandered) promise that shone through in moments#but the singing was good. when there Was acting that was good. the desserts were good. the narration was dogshit i hate that so much#could not have fathomed producing a performance with a narrator replacing a recit#ZERO clue how they plan on applying that model to fanciulla later in the season.#if they do at all but it seems like a Thing for this company maybe? idk#don't know if i'll go see their carmen next spring. maybe it depends on my schedule#i think carmen might suffer a little less from the narration treatment comparatively since it can already be done with dialogue#as opposed to recit#idek how you'd do a puccini like that though. unless you just completely disregard narrative flow and comprehension#which honestly maybe they do. at least the flow part. including narration feels like they WANT comprehension (even if they do it poorly)#but don't seem to care about the flow considering how it butchered one of the best operas in the repertoire so far.#seriously if you just do what's written on the page for dg you have a slam dunk. and they deliberately chose not to. baffling#anyway carmen is at the french embassy next spring so maybe i just go to practice my french.#and see if they compete with austria for their refreshment spread.#and yes i realize now that part of the high ticket price is meant to cover the wine and desserts but i still think it's kind of ridiculous#okay done now bye.
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rolandkaros · 3 months
"i had no doubt she'd make it to the final. it only depended on me if i was going to make it. i really wanted to have this battle and decide everything on court. i was sad that she lost." so anyways. i'm going to launch myself into the ocean.
#ITS SO. LIKE. COME ON. WHAT.#overanalyzing time but god#i just think it's two people who are so opposed in every way#on and off the court#but on the court i feel like both of them reach this equilibrium#they have such different personalities#i think it's hard for them to be friends (obviously also because of how competitive tennis is)#but also they're So Different in sort of. regular life#BUT ON THE COURT#on the court their differences are why they're able to produce such incredible matches#that's what creates the tension#maybe the one thing they do have in common (tennis) is ironically enough the thing that also divides them the most#the thing that forces them to be on opposing sides#when it seems like they couldn't possible relate at all off the court#on the court is sort of where they find this connection despite that division#where their differences balance out. two halves of a whole. two sides of the same coin.#never the same but always connected. always related to each other. both necessary for the end product.#and that she says 'it only depended on me if i was going to make it'#so sure that she was the only one who could fuck up the balance#never even considering that she would be the one to make it to the final#and after all of that would end up playing someone else.#'i was sad that she lost' well. what now.#i'm going through old interviews and photos bc i'm trying web weaving#which i've not done before and don't really know how#and just stumbled across this#which i actually remember reading this quote at the time and not really thinking much of it#because at the time my eyes had yet to be opened#but now i am Aware and Conscious and reading this excerpt nearly killed me.#anyways!
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transxfiles · 3 months
obviously people who go in and record bootleg masters on broadway are ballsy as fuck but i'm even more in awe of the people who hack into the house cameras and conductor cams and such and then share those videos. there's an artistry of sneaking a camera into a professional show and managing to film the whole thing don't get me wrong. gods amongst men. i love bootleg masters they're the best. i think the difference is that i can conceptualize how it's done y'know, there's less mystery. meanwhile. with all the official cameras that BELONG to the theater and stuff im like. Wait. How did you do that.
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im-smart-i-swear · 11 months
insane deranged person voice so i think shiro is a wolf and kuron is a dog. you agree
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
i was watching a music video for a japanese song and it had built in youtube english captions so i went to turn those on but then i saw that there was like an option for "English" and then a second option for "English (Canada)" and i realized in a few seconds it was just a workaround to having two sets of english captions, one with colour changes in the lettering and one without for accessibility (the canada one was the non-fancy lettering) but for a moment i was living in a world where they were making dedicated canadian english translations for things..... measuring temperature in celsius and height in feet...... paying with loonies and toonies... going to the WASHROOM
#pencil crayons for colored pencils is a favourite but its mostly just an ontario thing tho from what ive heard LOL#calling electricity hydro is another good one. although that also depends on province <3 ontario and i think BC? and maybe more#sorry im ontarian. you can make fun of me for it its okay.#you know sometimes i think about attempts at 'canada english' settings in word processors and stuff#they always suck ass. because every person in this god damn country uses whatever word and spelling they want LOL#like theres some general likelihoods like colour and favourite are common. but centre or center? its like 50-50#i personally use both. depending on i dont know. context? the phase of the moon and stars?#theatre and theatre i see both as well and also personally use both but i have like specific rules for myself for some reason#i use theatre for playhouses and theater for movie theaters. i dont know why#and dont get me started on measurements. thats another combo of context and personal preference#people who work more in like trades switch a lot because of product labels but tend to lean more imperial#people who work in like i dunno. chemistry or something probably use a lot of metric#the average person working in neither? honestly they'll probably say both in the same sentence at least where i live#when installing art basically everyone uses both inches and cms depending on which ones more convenient on the ruler LOL#our drivers licenses in ontario say our heights in cm but literally no one can picture it with the cm measurement because#colloquially everyone says heights in feet and inches. its fine. its fine#edit: WAIT i got so distracted by measurement bullshit i forgot to mention the song. it was insomnia by eve#good tune as usual of eve and also a really beautifully animated and emotionally intense music video
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seafoam-taide · 9 days
I feel insane. Listening to some people talk about struggling with balanced consistent eating and out of every point they make to why it's a struggle they keep circling back to its so expensive. I feel like. Can people hear themselves. Does anyone hear how insane that sounds. Food is hard because it's so expensive. Food. That thing you need to. You know. Survive. To live . The most basic. Food is so expensive nowadays it's so hard to eat enough. HELLO? THAT'S INSANE
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prospitfox · 3 months
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broke-on-books · 11 months
Someday I will be brave and coherent and make a post about this that is perfect and clear and makes sense. But for now I'll just be upset. Thinking about normal it is for people to talk about how they think people that look like me are ugly or joke that they would never be friends with someone that looks like me (to my face!) and expect me to laugh at it. And how I do. I laugh at it because what else am I going to do? Cause a scene? Get upset at my friends? Over something that is so insignificant in the face of actual fucking prejudice? I've only asked someone to stop treating me this way once. Recently, as I've been getting more and more fed up with the shit people say. They didn't believe people even said things like that. "Are you sure it wasn't a joke?" They ask. Of course I know it was a joke. I bet they thought they were really funny. In fact, it was just SO hilarious when a whole group of people on a trip with me went the whole two weeks calling me a mean nickname behind my back, not even bothering to learn my real one because of it. I remember you Jacob, Alan, Peter, Catalina. I still remember your fucking names. My friends believed people didn't really say stuff like that. A week later one friend interrupted the other as she was making a joking comment about it. Two weeks later, a male friend said something even meaner, and the helpful friend's eyes widened, before saying nothing. Another friend was in stitches laughing as the boy she liked compared me to one disliked celebrity after another. She had him come over and tell the joke to me, but I've heard them all before.
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godnattakatta · 2 years
this thought has been stewing for a while and i still can’t explain it properly but. the different productions, the different traditions... they’re like the cats being reborn. like, london based productions (and there’s some variation in there too) are like, one jellicle life, the broadway based productions are another jellicle life. and i can’t explain it, but the sheer importance of some of them just having to be close, no matter which life... sometimes as lovers, sometimes as friends, sometimes as family, but no matter how they’re close... their souls just keep finding each other no matter which life they’re living
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
So, Steve favourite song to listen to while high is “Summer Night City” by ABBA, so he makes sure to add it to his mixtape for sleepover and/or stoner nights.
The first time Eddie hears it: himself, Steve, Jonathan and Argyle are all getting stoned by Steve’s pool; and Eddie makes him rewind and playback the song four times. He can’t understand why the other three keep laughing at him, until it’s being played for the fifth time and Jonathan cheekily says “never pegged you for an ABBA super fan”.
Eddie is mortified because holy shit he actually willingly asked for ABBA to be played on repeat and Steve never lets him live it down.
Eddie becomes a big abba fan after that and accepts that music is music and lets himself enjoy other genres because he realises that, around these people he doesn’t have to use his music as armour like he has before.
He starts to expand his music horizons, delving into all genres because why close himself off to so many opportunities for good music? For opportunities to bond with people over shared tastes in songs? Eddie dives in head first, ripping his ‘metal head music walls’ down and doesn’t regret it for a second
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orcelito · 1 year
Well I've had an eventful day
There was the vacuuming the hood vent, prepping the crepe cakes, doing an interview (which turned out incredibly lackluster)
Someone called in sick so I covered an extra hour and a half... BUT THEN someone came in saying they were there for a 35 drink catering order. That i hadn't heard about. Cue scramble to get that done within 20 minutes. We did it 👍
So someone left a review saying our store was weird to international students but very friendly with white people. And we were like "? Who tf is being racist here?" And It Turns Out. It's the problem employee :) who's apparently been bitchy to international students & complaining to ppl about their accents. To Their Faces.
So we are firing her. Immediately :)
Which means we have to kinda scramble to cover her shifts this week & I'm gonna be doing some Unfortunate shifts to make up for it.
But that is Not okay. At All.
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