#for now I'll also say: the way she got lux so right? i want them to be friends
noxianwilled · 1 year
i have to be on pc to properly comment later but: i think captain's what's his name repeated attempts to just make sure Kat doesn't get back to noxus pretty much comfirm further there's something else at play. if it's really lb, whatever she's planning doesn't seem to include katarina asking swain any questions (which makes sense tbh). kat thinking she might kill swain is funny though. baby girl doesn't know how far out of her league she is yet lmao
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
Palette execution
Who said sick people can't write? Haha-. I'm dying 💀
Timeline 100
Today is the day of Palette execution. He made his mistakes by trying to kill Lux.. He should've known better that a hero can't kill the villain before the ending.
Palette gave up, how many time has he died? He didn't count but the scars on his body are his counts...
"Palette, hey are you awake...?" It was Drop voice. "Palette come on, I got Goth to help us. She'll bring you out from this tower!"
Palette look lifeless... He gave up on trying to escaping, it's better to die to start over.
"It's okay Drop... I'll die again and the world will start over." He said.
"SHUT UP!" Drop started to cry, she managed to open up the cell. "Come on! Please!"
Palette sighed and followed up Drop. She lead him outside the tower, it has been months since he saw the sun. It took Dream a while what punishment he should give to Palette, at the end. He chose to execute his own son.
As they exit the tower, they saw Goth and a portal behind her.
"Palette you're alright!" Goth sighed out of relief. "I am sorry for not believing in you before but I've done my investigation and you're right. Lux is fucking insane because of the evil spirit."
Palette was surprised to know Goth actually believe him... He swear he want to cry right now but they should not waste more time.
Just as Palette was about to enter the portal, they were ambushed by the guards
"oh God— Palette go—!!!" Goth pushed Palette into the portal, it lead him into a big library.
"Goth, WAIT—!" Before Palette could reach, the portal closed before Goth and Drop could enter it.
His thoughts are filled with negative. There's some timelines where Drop died but Goth? She never die because she's the daughter of grim reaper. She can't die right? She's the last grim reaper, so she can't—
... Unless Lux already awaken her power and decided to brainwash Goth... That's her ability after all....
"Shit...-" Palette cursed under his breath.
He turn around to at least find someone or a weapon. He has to go back, he expected to die already but what if there's a chance he can win in this timeline...?
"Maybe not.. Everything is out of control. I have to die...-" He frown.
"You really should die." an unknown voice appeared out of nowhere. It's Angst.
Palette sighed and frown even more.
"Look I am sorry for act without thinking...-" Said Palette. "I'll just kill myself here, okay? Help me find something sharp!"
"No...-" Angst black tears started to drop. "Sadly you have to die in the hand of your father. It's an execution ending..-" He said. "Drop is being locked away while Goth got accused for treason." explain Angst.
"NO— I- how come she was accused as treason? She did nothing but—"
"Help a prisoner like you...? Yeah..." the little spirit sighed. "I'll bring you to the castle now. It's the only way to die in this timeline." He said.
Palette has nothing left to say. He sighed and took the little spirit hand. Angst teleport him to the castle, where every guards around him.
Palette stood there still. As the guards pin him to the ground then they brought him outside the castle. It's a public execution.
Lux must having fun right now.
Palette finally saw his father after months being locked up. Dream look lifeless too... Lux really awakened her power earlier than it should.
Hope isn't here, Lux probably keep them somewhere because she know who would Hope choose to side with. Ink was not there, she's probably drinking to forget about Palette anyway. Crescent also not here... He probably already been killed...-
But every citizens are here. They seems to cheering on his execution day... How shameless...
"honestly fuck all of you, you guys will burn in hell!" He yelled which anger the crowds.
Palette is satisfied for the results, ain't no way he'll apologize to them-
He look back as he heard the sounds of footsteps coming towards him. It's Lux and Dream.
"Hah... You're going to make Papa kill me?" He frowns as he asked Lux
"Of course, isn't that wonderful?" Lux grin and chuckles. "I never expected you to be this dumb, little brother."
"And I never expected for you to be a fucking lost cause. You're a hopeless child, Lux. This thing isn't what you wanted but the fucking spirit made you wanted it."
It was a moment of silent.. Or shocked for Lux.
"So you knew all this time...?" she muttered.
"I ain't explaining it because I'm dying anyway. So go ahead, command your puppet to execute me right now." He glares.
"Fine..." she sighed and step away.
Dream summoned a bow and an arrow. What a painless way to die huh...?
"Any last word, little brother?"
"Oh..." Palette smiles. "Of course I have."
Dream then in monotone move, aiming the arrow on Palette head...
In.. 3..2..
"I slept with your man."
He died and wake up at the black void, where Angst and Nim are.
"Gosh, I didn't get to see her expression!" Palette groaned.
"Don't worry, I got the glob! Look, she is speechless and mad!" Angst laughed as he showed the glob to him.
Angst snatch it from Nim before she reset again-
"Ah jeez—" Palette laughed. "Oh my God, I've been wanting to say that for a very long time! It was worth it at the end...-"
"Wow, I'll see how Drop react to this in next timeline" Said Angst.
"Oh Drop... Haha, well it's not like actually sleep with him. I just drugged him in previous timeline." Said Palette. "She'll understand."
Palette touch his forehead. The scar has appeared, this is his 100 scars, 100 deaths.
"oh jeez... I already have the hard time to cover my neck and now I have to cover my head? I don't even know what kind of excuses I should give anymore..." he frown. "Do you still have a special bandage?" He asked
"Well no but while you were busy, I remade your hat." Said Angst as he snapped his fingers.
It's Palette's old hat but it look new and fit. It has been a while since Palette wear this hat, he lost it when Lux pushed him off the lake. Since then he learn how to swim-
"Thanks Angst." Palette thanked the little spirit and then he wore the hat. His scars magically disappeared!
"I put my magic in it. So as long you wear the hat, your scars will not be seen by anyone... I think? My magic isn't strong as it used too now, you died too much." He sighed. "Now get up, grandma want to reset this world already."
"Alright alright...- " Palette slightly smile as he gets up. "Well another trauma it is, haha! Shit I am going crazy anytime soon."
Angst patted Palette back and say
"you already went crazy in this timeline. Let just have grandma sing you a lullaby again before something bad happens-"
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So, here's the five dossiers I have. Sadly, they're as good as you imagined- absolute rock-bottom journalism. I barely got any new information and I doubt Miss Croft (if she got the "dossiers") would be impressed by this. Maybe that's the saddest "research" I have ever come across. If you need to hire a journalist you better skip on Luddick.
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Transcript of the first, second and third page:
Our biggest surprize today was guess whom? Fucking Bouchard! He had business with either Eckhardt or Vasiley, what were the chances? He came all the from from Paris to Prague, I don't know why, but apparently I could contact him in some way. The number I have and the password I got might reveal themselves useful. I'd prefer to only talk to Bouchard about Vasiley and not his business, I like to like to solve this mystery. Also, have you noticed Luddick hasn't even found out his first name?
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Transcript of the fourth page:
The next dossier is on Eckhardt, which is a joke since it's one paper. His first name is supposedly Pietri, which sound Slavic but it's unconfirmed anyway. He's based in Prague, is head of the Mafia in Prague (which would tie the killings to non-supernatural reasons) and shoudl be about 60, which is like 500 years less than of he was the Eckhardt from the Middle Ages. Which, given all the information I have connected so far makes less sense than my theories. I never thought I'd say it, but it is more likely this Eckhardt is the medieval one.
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Transcript of the fifth page:
This is her! This is the woman on the Icon of Passionforresearchion, if it's her actual name, she is Kristina Boaz. Perhaps someone used her name and photo or perhaps it is her...anyway, it is a familiar name. Now she has a name and also an occupation, apparently she's the director if the Strahov Psychiatric Institute, where I need to go. She also specialized in regeneration of tissue and cryogenic states which makes me think she surely knows our Christian friend, Grant Mueller?
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Transcript of the sixth page:
So this guy, Joachim Karel, is a new face. All that's on him is that he's also part of the Mafia, he is based in Paris (which makes me think he has ties to Bouchard/Vasiley/Eckhardt) and it's unsure where his origin is. He seems almost as mysterious as Eckhardt, I'll try to look into him.
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Transcript of the seventh page:
Again, who the fuck is that now? Again, Mafia, again, perhaps working with Eckhardt and being in his fanclub, he's based in Amsterdam aaaaand owns The Agency. Which is, as far as the internet goes, a private mercenary group. Wanna bet they are also involved in some way in the murders?
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Transcript of the eighth page:
Quick theory: The Agency is a security service and a mercenary group as well, they have bouncers, apparently hitmen and work for military and police work. Kurtis Heissturm Trent has Lux Veritatis blood, he also has or had a dispute with Eckhardt who wants to get rid of the LV and vice versa. Marten Gunderson runs The Agency, which have their main bureau in Munich, Germany.
What if: Trent's father was murdered by Eckhardt/Agency/Gunderson which is not one person but just antagonists to him; thus, Kurtis seeks revenge and tracks these guys down, which- makes him be here, actively working on gunning them down. So if I'm correct, Kurtis and Lara are working on the same thing, and I'm following them. Yeah, the trail of death should be correct and i'm on the right way.
I'll look up the names in hopes to find more on them, and walk around Vasiley's gallery in case I can slip in. It's closed off but I hope Prague police has better things to do and I can check his place out. If Lara Croft was here, she probably already entered his place, which makes it easier for me if she hasn't left a...surprise for me.
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postingwick · 1 year
Hey, I'm Lux, I'm from south Galar, and I'm a fulltime folklore nerd. And also pokebiology nerd, but unfortunately just when I was starting to figure out whether I wanted to go into medicine or stay in academia and research, my disabilities hit like a freight train and now I'm not able to do either, so I mostly just hang out with my own little gang of pokemon and research stories.
~The gang~
Luna - ninetales - Luna is... not quite a service pokemon? Medical support, I suppose? Long story short, a uni friend went on to work as a breeder with a particular interest in regional variants, and Luna is the result of attempting to crossbreed a ninetales with their alolan cousins, and while none of the resulting vulpix were the perfect fire/ice cross they were hoping for, Luna ended up with me acting as a heating pad that can also refresh the occasional ice pack. She's also a snuggly baby and I love her, so I guess that all worked out in the end
Casper (or Cas) - sylveon - the little man in my icon, and my first baby. Sort of. The first that was entirely mine, at least. My family had a delcatty when I was young, but she was very much my mum's. For deeply personal reasons I won't get into, my parents surprised me with a shiny eevee when I turned 11, and he took his sweet time before evolving about 10 years later. I know it's sappy and stereotypical to say about your starter, but he's still my best friend
Vax - corviknight - the first pokemon I actually caught myself when I was starting uni. Which, I'll admit is a bit of a late start, but that's a whole thing about me and my complex relationship with the way being a trainer is viewed in Galar. He's much sneakier than you'd expect of a 6 foot metal bird, and also sometimes forgets he is no longer small enough to try and nest in my hair
Mimi - mimikyu - I used to live in an old building with a terrible landlord, and Mimi had apparently made herself comfortable in the walls and was the main reason I kept losing sewing supplies. Vax managed to catch her and make enough noise one time to wake me up, and from there it was just a matter of coaxing her out with new needles and fabric scraps. She's still a little shy and skittish, but she's really sweet when she warms up to you
Ward - gallade - once upon a time, I was out and about with a person I was dating, and a little ralts came dashing over, grasped onto my leg, and wouldn't let my partner touch him to try and get him off me. I ended up keeping the little guy, and it turns out he was right to try and keep my ex away from me, since they turned out to be truly awful. To be clear, I'm multiply disabled and have a few pokemon that I'm not sure I'd describe as service pokemon, but they provide some level of disability support. Ward is not one of them. He does, however, think he is a service pokemon. Or, at least, he thinks it's his job to keep me safe, and that includes from my own body
Abby - absol - another pokemon I got entirely by accident. I ran into Abby while in the Crown Tundra with family. She proceeded to spend the entire day following me, even all the way back to the cabin we were renting, and just before I got inside, I slipped and dislocated my knee (thanks hEDS). Abby caught me before I hit the ground and howled her little heart out every time someone tried to separate us, so. Here we are. Like I said, I'm not sure I'd class her as a service pokemon, since she isn't trained for it, but she's very much medical support - she's good at knowing when my joints are about to give out, and she's also quite sensitive to my major environmental migraine triggers. She's surprisingly social, and she can be a bit of a cuddlebug, but only when something is wrong, so at least I get snuggles when my body decides to act up
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mythicspiration · 9 months
❝  oh.  ❞
it's a sad oh. a disappointed oh. a pained oh.
the lie of ezreal's isn't a big or significant one -- it was a needed one, also, to hide his identity from demacia's law enforcements and organisations alike. still, it hurts to know about being deceived yet again. it's like there isn't anyone she could trust anymore.
she tries to reason with herself. it's just a name. but what if there's more? what if he's just using her in other ways; manipulates her with such precision and expertise she's blind to it?
❝  i suppose i'll call you ezreal from now on, then.  ❞
// for ezreal.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 that Ezreal was afraid of. With an enviable explorer's career under his belt, dangerous environments and creatures from skittering voidlings to haunted tombs were frankly routine stuff. His fears laid somewhere far and unrelated to his occupation. The worst of them showed its head right now, in the safety of Terbisia and Lux's office there; it was in the darkening of sky-blue eyes, in the disappointment and hurt that he noted the moment he had finished talking. He trembled where he sat on the sofa, facing the aftershocks of his revelation.
He should've told her earlier, of course he should have. Now, it was all jumbled and difficult to set right. For all the book smarts and exploration know-how he possessed, he was so, so deeply moronic when it came to relationships, and this was the whiplash. Tarnishing the precious friendship he had with Lux was among his greatest anxieties, so one would think he'd have threaded more carefully, considerately. But no.
Why had he turned such a blind eye to this matter? It was simply a name, one even he had begun to mix with the one given at his birth. Sometimes, he genuinely felt more like Jarro than Ezreal. In his convenience, had he really overlooked how Lux may feel about this choice ─ or inattention, he wants to say ─ of just not mentioning it? Well, that was the very core of this issue.
As always, when there was no text to absorb, Ezreal learnt by doing, from mistakes, from high stakes. He inched closer to Lux and locked his eyes onto hers.
❛ Lux, Lux ─ I. I know this is terrible. It was so ─ wrong of me to do, to not... not tell you, earlier. ❜
By the end of his speech, he could no longer face her, ochre strands hurrying to curtain his downturned, ashamed expression. Maybe because it was the only way he knew how to solve problems ( beside probing or blasting with a projectile of energy, which wasn't an option here, ) he began to chain together an explanation, a compelling argument. His mind ran rampantly, like a machine going into overdrive.
❛ You know the purpose that alternative name served, right? It was a practicality. Over time, I got so used to it here that it became like a nickname ─ and I tell you, it's really nothing more complex than that, to me. ❜
He observed her reaction keenly, sought her gaze despite the way it made his insides twist with guilt.
❛ But it, it's the principle. I should've told you. I shouldn't have kept that from you, even if I had gotten used to having two names. I mean I'm still me, though and through, no matter what I'm called. ❜
There was a lot left unsaid, maybe because he didn't know how to word it, or because it went beyond an even bigger barrier than just a name. It went to the tangled, shameful mess of everything he wanted to keep outside of the person he tried to be, regardless of name. Countless faces that he only ever saw once, whom he could simply tell anything because it didn't matter. News of his parents' disappearance and the guilt that barked: if only you were something different. A compass that seemed to only ever point inward, despite all the corners of the world he had undusted.
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mmmleckerlecker · 3 years
Heart Pangs - ‘One Way Out’ (Part 65/70)
Read this story on Wattpad - Read this story on Ao3
Table of Contents - First part - Previous part - Next part
Summary: Lux faces Bakula in a final stand for freedom.
Contents (WARNING for spoilers): pick a place to die where it’s high and dry; vore - m/m, same size, willing pred, unwilling prey, implied fatal
Wordcount: 3,397
* * * * * * * * * *
Word spreads quickly at the Facility. It always does. Lux is never told directly where and when the duel is to take place. He only picks it up from the whispers that follow him wherever he goes. Three o'clock. In the mess hall.
Lux spends most of his time in silence, hoping that, if he thinks about it enough, maybe something will come to him. A way to outsmart Bakula. A place to hide the Marottas. Some solution that will get him and everyone else out of this situation alive. But nothing comes.
Lenora stays with him for most of it. Not too near, not too far. She gives him the space he needs while making sure all he has to do is reach out if he needs her support.
"In case things don't go well for me today," Lux tells her as the hour draws near, "I want you to know how grateful I am for everything you've done for me. And not just recently, I mean everything."
Lenora reaches out and takes his hand in hers, careful and comforting.
"I'm grateful I got to know you, Lux Feuerbach. The real you," she says. "And if things don't go well today, I'll make sure everything else is taken care of for you."
Lux squeezes her hand, and he can feel himself shaking. "Thank you."
And then it's nearly three o'clock and Lux is walking towards his fate.
His stomach cramps painfully. He hasn't eaten anything since breakfast, and he hadn't wanted to chance taking anymore neutralizers. He hopes this clawing hunger will give him strength rather than weaken him.
As soon as Lux steps into the mess hall, the entire room falls silent. All eyes are on him. He lifts his chin and pretends not to notice, pretends his heart doesn't feel like it's about to beat right out of his chest.
The mess hall is usually filled with tables and chairs. Workers would take meals or snacks or coffee breaks here. The room never got particularly crowded, but now it's packed with what seems every worker in the Facility. The tables and chairs have also been pushed aside, leaving Lux a clear path across the room.
Bakula arrives only minutes later. His face is impassive, his gait cool and confident. He doesn't so much as glance Lux's direction.
"Um, excuse me," a nervous voice says from behind Lux.
Lux turns to find himself face-to-face with a young man he recognizes as a fairly new worker named James.
"Sorry, but I was told to prep you," James says in a rush.
"Prep me?" Lux echoes.
James nods. "To make sure you're complying with the proper protocol. No weapons. Nothing but trousers."
"Right," Lux answers slowly. Of course he knows the rules. Every pred does. Skin and teeth only. "Just give me a moment."
He feels more self conscious, more exposed than he expects as he begins to unbutton his shirt and slide it off his shoulders. As he does so, he toes off his shoes, then reaches down to pull off his socks as well and toss them aside.
"Belt too," James informs him.
Lux grits his teeth. Obediently he unbuckles his belt and hands it over.
"And then just empty your pockets for me."
Lux does what he's asked, making sure to turn them inside out for good measure. As he places his wallet and car keys in James' hands, he finds himself feeling oddly vulnerable, like he's already given up a piece of his identity.
After a quick pat down, James tells him, "You're good to go."
Lux nods and turns around.
His insides sink. Bakula is already waiting for him on the opposite side of the room, looking far more intimidating than Lux had anticipated.
Lux had always taken pride in the way that the demands of his job kept him in rather good physical form. His strength had always given him an edge as an extractor. But Bakula? He's an older pred, older than Lux's father even, but now it's clearer than ever why he's the most powerful pred in the Facility.
The man is solid, dense, imposing. Years of dominating prey and other preds shows in the broadness of his chest, the sinews of his arms. Everything about him is made to overpower and overcome.
An older pred man that Lux knows as Abe steps forward, shooing any stray workers off to the side to create a large clearing in the center of the room.
Abe clears his throat. The buzz in the room quiets to a low murmur.
"I think everyone knows why we're here at this point," Abe says, raising his voice to project across the room. "Lux Feuerbach has challenged Supervisor Simeon Bakula to a Praeduella. A certainly... unprecedented turn of events. Although both participants have refused to disclose the reason for their quarrel (though I'm sure we could all make a few educated guesses ourselves) the rules of the duel still stand.
"Skin and teeth only. No other rules apply. The duel is only finished when one opponent consumes and can keep down the other. The winner receives the respect of winning a duel and is granted anything of the loser's possessions that they wish to keep."
Abe pauses and glances between Lux and Bakula. "Are we clear on the rules?"
The two of them nod.
"Very well," Abe continues. "Then are we prepared to begin?"
Another nod.
Abe takes a step back and raises an arm. "Then on my mark. Three... two... one!" He swipes his hand down then quickly retreats into the crowd of spectating workers. The crowd is dead silent, holding their breath.
Bakula prowls forward, circling the ring. Lux does the same, but now that he's here, he's unsure what his next move should be. Run over with his fists flying and hope to stun Bakula enough to get an advantage? Go for a more bodily approach and attempt to tackle him to the ground?
From across the ring, Bakula makes no moves to attack. His expression betrays no hint as to what he's planning.
Lux grimaces. He wouldn't be surprised if Bakula were waiting for him to make the first move. So that's exactly what he does.
He lunges, swinging his fist forward as he's done hundreds of times with his extraction jobs. But Bakula isn't one of Lux's jobs. He's much more than that. With a speed that Lux could never have predicted, Bakula ducks away from his blow. Thrown off balance, Lux stumbles past him.
There's no chance for recovery before Bakula's foot connects with the back of Lux's knee. His knees give out and he lands on all fours, hard. The previously quiet onlookers gasp and begin murmuring excitedly. A flash of panic runs through Lux as he realizes the vulnerability of his position. Acting on instinct, he rolls away from Bakula and springs to his feet. His legs wobble precariously beneath him.
A few unexpected cheers arise from the crowd, but when Lux looks back at Bakula. His expression is stony and unperturbed. Lux grits his teeth as he returns to circling the ring. This is going to be a far more difficult fight than he had imagined.
He takes another breath and goes in for another strike. Bakula steps aside in a flash.
And so the fight goes on. Lux initiates an attack, then Bakula dodges and retaliates. Each time, Lux narrowly avoids being ensnared, something that becomes more and more his main focus as the fight goes on. If he allows himself to be caught in Bakula's grasp, he doesn't think he'll be getting back out.
Lux ducks and manages to land a satisfying kick right in Bakula's gut. The blow is worth the following punch he gets to the face, re-opening his nose wound and spilling blood down his lips. At least, Lux thinks, if he ends up in Bakula's stomach, with a kick as damaging as that, he's just made Bakula's experience that much more uncomfortable.
Lux had hoped that his youthful stamina might give him an advantage, that he might be able to tire Bakula then make a move, but as the duel continues, it becomes clear that isn't going to be the case. Bakula's refusal to go on the offensive forces Lux to keep on his feet, coming up with more and more creative approaches that Bakula simply refutes with half as much effort. As a result, Lux finds himself making riskier and riskier decisions to gain some sort of advantage.
He goes in for a punch, but it's slow and Bakula manages to grab his arm and twist it behind his back. Lux cries out in pain as he feels his shoulder threaten to pop from its socket. The crowd goes mad for the action. In an attempt at freedom, Lux throws his head back and feels it connect with Bakula's skull. It's enough, and he once more slips free.
Lux quickly retreats to the opposite side of the ring, panting, shoulder burning. Bakula clutches at the newly formed welt on his forehead and looks back at Lux with fire in his eyes.
That had been far too close. Whatever method Lux had been using up until now, he needs to find a new one. And fast.
He paces. Desperately trying to think of something, some clever trick to turn this all in his advantage. But he's tired, he's weakened, and most of all, he's hungry.
Frustrated, he goes in for another strike.
But something changes this time. Instead of sliding into a careful retaliation, Bakula turns the tide entirely and charges. Lux stops short and tries to regroup, but it's too late. Bakula collides bodily into him, knocking Lux to the ground in a tangle.
The breath is knocked from Lux as Bakula lands directly on top of him. Terror seizes him. This is exactly what he had been trying to avoid. He squirms, trying to free himself. He kicks and punches. To Lux's surprise, it seems to work.
For one shining moment, Bakula's weight is thrown enough that Lux can pull himself out from under him. Lux crawls away, scrambling to get his feet back under him.
But he's not fast enough.
From behind, one of Bakula's arms hooks around Lux's neck and drags him back. Lux digs his fingers into the arm, choking for air, but it's as solid as steel. It pulls him until Lux is pressed into Bakula's body. It's a deadly cradle as Bakula's other arm wraps over Lux's shoulders and across his chest, further constricting him.
Lux struggles, feet kicking uselessly at the ground under him, fingers tearing fruitlessly at the arms over him. As the oxygen is squeezed from him, his feels his head begin to spin.
He casts his gaze into the onlooking crowd. He doesn't know what he's hoping to find there. A friendly face? But all he sees are his co-workers watching his failure with wrapt attention. One face in particular stands out to him, eyes glowing with awe. It's Cecil.
Lux quickly averts his eyes.
"It is rather disappointing," Bakula murmurs in his ear as Lux loses the strength to fight back. "I had such high hopes for you. You were going to be the greatest pred this Facility had ever seen, even greater than me perhaps. But you were weak, weren't you? I thought I had snuffed it out of you, nipped it in the bud, but I was wrong. You were a failure from the start. I just didn't see it. And now you're here, at your own disposal."
Darkness prickles at the edges of Lux's vision, and he thinks this is it. This is how he dies. Right here on the cold floor of the Facility.
But then, miraculously, the pressure is relieved. Lux falls limp, gasping for air. He slides down into Bakula's lap, too weak to stop it. Gentle arms hold him up, and through the fog, Lux can see Bakula looking down at him.
"It's over, Lux," he says. "You're relieved from duty."
Lux's lips part, but he never gets a word out.
In a move so quick, he can barely comprehend what's happening, Bakula jerks him upward and shoves Lux's head right into his mouth. Lux doesn't even have a chance to process the way his face is pressed into the back of Bakula's throat before the muscles flex and he's pulled in.
Lux is swallowed up to his neck, and suddenly he can no longer breathe again. He tries to pull himself free, but it's useless. It's suffocating and immobilizing. It's dark and unending. It's his fate.
A shiver wracks through his body as he realizes this really is it. This is what everything had always been leading up to. He'd always known he'd deserved this, but there had always been a small grain of hope that there might somehow be an escape from who he is, what he does. That there might be some way out.
But he knows just as well as anyone.
There's only one way out of the Facility.
The pressure around Lux's head contracts as Bakula takes another swallow. Lux is taken in up to his shoulders now.
It sends another wave of panic through him to be forced deeper into Bakula's throat. He jerks backward, trying to free himself, but he's held in place by a strength far greater than his own. It is inescapable.
There's a cold seed of dread in Lux's heart because now he knows. Now he knows how it felt for all his prey, how it felt for Benji.
The name is a small, secret comfort to Lux as he writhes pointlessly in Bakula's grasp. He's more grateful now than ever for that last night and morning of happiness which Benji and Camille had given him. He only wishes he had been kinder to them in turn. He wishes one of Benji's last memories of him didn't have to be that second and more terrible night of betrayal. He wishes Benji had never let that happen to himself.
A painful pang twists at Lux's heart.
What right did he have to think that? What is he doing better than Benji to escape? A sudden burst of determination flows through Lux.
Lux's hands are still free. He grasps at Bakula, looking for a weak spot, but he can't breath and it's so hard to think, so hard to feel. But then, one tiny idea springs to mind.
Lux reaches upward, straining his already damaged shoulder. His fingers find Bakula's face and grope blindly over stretched cheeks and an angular nose, right until he finds his target.
Lux's shoves his thumbs into Bakula's eyes.
The reaction is immediate.
Throat muscles expand as Bakula lets out a strangled cry of pain. He jerks backward, away from Lux's assault. As a result, Lux is ripped partly out of Bakula's throat.
He doesn't hesitate. Before Bakula can regain himself, Lux throws himself backwards, freeing himself entirely.
Lux catches himself just before he can tumble flat on his back. He heaves in a great breath, relief washing over him, his head and shoulders sopping wet. He's given himself a second chance.
Before him, Bakula clutches at his eyes and coughs from Lux's release, chest heaving with the effort.
Now's his chance, possibly the only chance Lux will get. He has no plan. His brain is still spinning from lack of oxygen, but he knows he must act now if he wants to win.
So Lux launches himself at the Supervisor. His limbs feel as though they're made of putty, heavy and beyond control, yet he pushes through. When their bodies collide, Bakula topples easily. Lux plants himself on the Supervisor's chest, pinning him.
Bakula squints up at him, eyes bloodshot. He still lets out an occasional wheezing cough, but despite his weaknesses, a snarl curls at his lip. He isn't happy. And if Supervisor Bakula isn't happy, then no one's happy. He's planning another attack.
There's only one thought clear to Lux, a laser point of focus amidst the fog of his oxygen deprived brain, and it's that he must incapacitate Bakula before he can make a move.
Driven by pure instinct, Lux grabs his own fist and raises both hands far above his head. Then he brings them down like a hammer right in the middle of Bakula's forehead. The force sends the back of his skull into the concrete floor with a sickening crack.
The crowd gasps in surprise. Bakula's eyes roll and flutter back.
Lux has to move quickly. The Supervisor doesn't seem unconscious, merely stunned. There's only so much time before he'll recover.
Lux slides off of Bakula's chest. He grabs the man by his shoulders, lifting him into a sitting position.
Lux brings his hands up to Bakula's head, cradling the injured skull, then tilts it up to look into the face of Bakula, of his boss, his mentor, of the man he sometimes even regarded as a father figure. The Supervisor had taught him a great deal over the years, but he had never been a good man. And his love for Lux had only been conditional. It's time to let him go.
Bakula's eyes drift to Lux's face, distant and unfocused.
Lux frowns, for once not feeling fear, only pity.
He leans in close.
"Only one way out," he reminds Bakula quietly.
And with that, he digs his fingers into Bakula's head and shoves it into his mouth.
From the moment Bakula's head passes Lux's lips, it all feels wrong.
It's wrong to be swallowing a pred. It's wrong to be swallowing this pred. But Lux pushes through. He has to. His life depends on it.
He squeezes his eyes shut when he takes the first swallow and his neck is stretched to compacity. It's a struggle to even take a second swallow. Soon after, Bakula's head makes its way past Lux's chest, and then the Supervisor's shoulders push their way through Lux's rib cage with an awful kind of agony.
It takes at least five swallows before Lux can feel Bakula's head enter his stomach. It's at this point that the Supervisor seems to recover. His legs flail and kick at Lux. He does his best to throw his weight around within Lux. Not only does it hurt a great deal, but it also slows the process tenfold.
But Lux keeps it together. He can't fail now.
He takes swallow after arduous swallow, feeling the Supervisor forced into him only inches at a time. He's just past the man's hips when Lux feels past full, but still there's more to go.
He reaches the Supervisor's knees and can feel his stomach cramping in protest. He gets to Bakula's ankles and worries his body might reject its meal entirely. With the last of his strength and willpower, Lux shoves the Supervisor's feet the rest of the way into his mouth and swallows. And then again. And again. It takes three dry swallows to get the last of Bakula down. But he does it.
Lux consumes Bakula entirely, sealing him away.
But that's not even the hard part.
Lux kneels on the floor, panting and sweating, the weight in his middle nearly too much to bear. He just wants a moment to recover, but as soon as the Supervisor is crammed into Lux's stomach, he begins fighting back relentlessly, kicking and pushing outward. Lux has to bite back a sharp cry of pain. The skin of his belly is stretched terribly tight, and he fears it might simply split right open. Lux grits his teeth as nausea overtakes him. He will not regurgitate.
And then Bakula begins pushing upward, trying to force himself back out. Lux quickly tightens his throat muscles, hoping desperately that it will be enough.
The crowd is going wild. There's equal amounts booing and cheering, but somehow Lux can still make out one voice amidst the rest.
"You need to finish it, Lux," Lenora shouts. "You just need to keep him down until you finish it."
She's right. He does need to finish it, and there's only one way to do that.
So Lux inhales, preparing for the long fight ahead, and then he releases.
His stomach contracts. Bakula struggles turn panicked.
Next part
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solowkeytony · 4 years
Trial and error as they say... Let me know what y'all think
Don't stop the Devil
(Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
Summary: you are the immortal that Lucifer falls in love with.
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Word count: 2499 words
Full of angst. You've been warned
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"Wow, that's a very interesting story brother." Amenadiel teased as he drinks the whiskey his brother gave to him.
Lucifer glared at him, "you don't believe me? Well, It's true! The girl walked away after I rejected her offer to make love in the backseat of her parents' car." he snapped as he finds his way towards the sit in front of his piano with a whiskey on his hand.
"It's not that I didn't want to. She just has to ask nicer rather than pushing me inside the backseat" he continued while playing a tune in the piano.
"Look, brother, I believe you... But did you ever love someone who is the same as us? Let's say...Immortal?" Amenadiel wondered as he stands in front of his brother.
Lucifer looked at him with a confused look before sipping his whiskey and putting it on top of his piano, "of course I do brother. What did you think of me? A boring angel just like you?" he joked.
"Yeah right." He sniggered and looked at his brother realizing that he wasn't joking.
"Wait... Are you serious?" he continued.
Lucifer angrily looked at him, "Do you think I'll make a joke about my reputation?" he glowered.
Amenadiel sat at his brother's sofa and looked at him like he's waiting for him to say something.
Lucifer looked at him, "What?!" he hissed.
"you're not gonna tell me who she is?" Amenadiel asked.
"Well you could've said something rather than waiting for me to talk about it." he answered as he brushed his hand against his suit. He looked at Amenadiel as he sipped the last of his whiskey.
Amenadiel sits properly and also drank his whiskey down and looked at his brother, ready to listen to whatever he's going to say.
"It was before the rebellion. Well, when I was still an angel, one of yours." he recalled as he points at his brother, Amenadiel nodded.
"She's different from the others, she's everything I ever wish for. She's perfect." Lucifer continues.
Amenadiel laughed as he hears the word perfect. "Aren't we all perfect?" he chuckled.
"You know what I mean brother. Don't act like a fool." Lucifer interrupts.
Amenadiel smiled at him and asked, "what's her name? I bet its beautiful as herself... Based on your description, of course." he exclaimed.
Lucifer smiled as he recalls, "y/n. Her name is y/n" he said. Amenadiel looked at him shockingly, "are you serious?" he asked.
Lucifer laughed as he stood up to go to his room's bar to pour himself another glass of whiskey.  His brother walks towards him, "did you just told me that you liked one of the fiercest warriors in heaven?" he asked, startled.
"well, I suppose... Yeah, I liked her... No, not like- I loved her." he concluded.
Amenadiel looked at him sadly, "I'm sorry. I should've not pushed this conversation" he sighed seating on chair at the bar.
"No brother, It's fine." Lucifer insisted before sipping on his glass of whiskey as he pats his brother's shoulder.
"She was elegant, perfect and everything that I hope for... She was my everything." he continues as he walks towards his balcony looking at the big view of the city while sipping his whiskey.
Amenadiel looks at Lucifer. He knows that he still mourns for her after all these years. If he only knew about Lucifer's feelings towards her, he could have saved her. 
He could have stopped time and saved her.
"It all started when we're still adolescents, still training and prepping for the Armageddon... She wanted to fight me because apparently, she hates me more than any of you." he chuckled. 
Amenadiel smiled as he remembers those days... How they always train with the warriors and the way he beats every single one of them except y/n... And Lucifer, which he never fought...
"And still she never wins." Lucifer murmured with a smile on his face.
"Neither you." Amenadiel continued.
Lucifer glanced at him for a second, then looked back at the view.
"That's when I knew that there was something... That I am willing to get tose over and over again if it means that I get to see her in her best." he continued as he sips his whiskey.
Amenadiel walks towards Lucifer and patted his back. "I never knew you care for her brother... Please forgive me." he sighed.
Lucifer glanced at him then smiled, "Very well then. Now that I told you I loved an immortal before... I just proved you wrong" he exclaimed as he drinks the very last of his whiskey.
"So what did I win?" he asked while walking towards his piano to play 
•chorus of Not about Angels•
Amenadiel looked at him as he plays, "I guess you're right.. Your ego not getting hurt will be fine as a prize right? Hey! I think I should go now before I get late for my dinner with Linda." he babbled.
"What did you just tell me-.. Yeah yeah, go on!" Lucifer yelled as his brother run towards the elevator.
He continues playing the piano.
After he's done pouring out his emotions and Amenadiel already left his penthouse, he walks towards the bar to pour another glass of whiskey.
He sits at his sofa and waited for hours to drove by...
"It was really my fault... I'm sorry my y/n" he whispered
"Lucifer?"  y/n asked as she opened her eyes.. she heard someone entering their room.
"Did I wake you up darling?" Lucifer asked anxiously for he might have woken up y/n as he peeks at her from their bedroom door.
"No, It's fine." she smiled as she pats the space beside her in their bed inviting him in.
He smirks at the gesture and sat at their bed beside her. 
"So how did it go love?" she murmured as she sat up and caresses his face, he looks at her worriedly before looking down holding her other hand.
 She nodded having an idea of what happened, "Did not go quite well I see." she resumed.
"They were not what they used to be y/n ... Dad was too busy making humanity and then Mom... She-... She was too busy hating them! They forgot about us, love... Their children... Me Amenadiel, Azrael, Uriel- Everyone! The one that they made together!" he shouted as he looks at her frustratingly.
She touches his chin and made him look at her, "I know Luci... I know that all of these are overwhelming and hard to understand, but...You are the light bringer, My Samael... You can give them the light and show them what they are doing is wrong... That they should not forget about all of you, their sons and daughters." she concluded.
Lucifer took both of her hands and holds them together as he looks at her
"I never even got to tell them about you." he sighed as he looks at her hands again.
"What's important is that we have each other. That's all." she smiled as she caresses his hands.
They looked at each other longingly and smiled.
Lucifer opened his eyes and saw his big view of LA, it was almost night time and it looks like he's fallen asleep at the sofa because of too much whiskey and reliving memories. He stands up and felt his head hurt, he slowly walks towards his bathroom to shower and also to forget.
He closed his eyes as the warm water starts dripping down his body. His mind starts recalling the memories.. Memories that he chose to forget because he has a new life to live.
"Why are you becoming distant Lucifer?" y/n asked as she looked at him entering their room. He looked at her with a blank expression and continued walking. She followed him and saw him packing his stuff.
"Are you leaving me?" she mumbled as tears from her eyes began falling. 
Lucifer looked at her after packing and tried his best to hide the fact that he's breaking. He doesn't want to see her like this, broken and crying but it was the only way to protect her for what he was about to do.
"Yes, y/n. I'm leaving you." he answered blankly as he pushes her away from his path and continues ravaging his stuff from their room.
"So this is where it leads then?! You leaving me after all that we've been through!?" she shouted as she weeps sitting at the end of their bed.
With his back against hers, he was doubting his plan. He didn't want to hurt her but look at what was happening, it looks like he is hurting her.. But it was the only way, to protect her.
"Yes." he answered again with a blank expression.
He was about to walk out of their room when y/n stood and block his way. 
"That's it? Without explanation?" she cried. He didn't look at her in the eyes, he just looked at the ground and think about the consequences of what he's doing.
"Look me in the eyes Samael!" she shouted with tears streaming down her face.
Lucifer looked at her in the eyes, he has to be strong to do it or she'll be in danger.
"Tell me you don't love me anymore and I will stop." she whispered with her hands touching the sides of his face.
"Tell me you don't love me and i will- and I will let you leave." she repeated as she caresses the sides of his face.
He doesn't want to but.. It was the only way...
"I don't love you anymore y/n. I'm sorry." he murmured as he removed her hands and left the room leaving  y/n collapsing to the ground, crying and begging for this to be a dream..
Lucifer opened his eyes as he sees that he's been in the shower so long that people in the Lux would think that he'll never show up. He turned the shower off then wipes himself out with towel and puts himself in some ravishing tux.
He gets down his penthouse and into the Lux. He stays there all night to find some ladies that are willing to have fun with him tonight. And well, of course, many ladies would like to have fun with Devil. 
As the Lux was bombarded with party people. Ladies, one by one, enjoyed their fantasies with him and sleeps in his bed after. He was always left awake to remember.
Tonight, as the last girl that he made happy, sleep in his bed. He finds himself alone, thinking, Or maybe remembering. He walks towards his penthouse bar, in his lavishing robe and pours himself a glass of whiskey.
After drinking some of it and pouring more, he finds himself looking again from the view of his penthouse down to the city of LA. Maybe the talk with Amenadiel today was terrible, he made him remember her.
"Brother you don't have to do this!" Amenadiel shouted as he looked at Lucifer from the other side.
Lucifer started a rebellion against his own Father.. His own family.
He convinced almost half of the angels to join his agenda for free will, the power to act, choose and think voluntarily.
Y/n was on the side of Amenadiel and seeing Lucifer start a war was everything she never think of.
"Don't be a liar brother! You know that I'm right! We deserve to have this!" Lucifer yelled at his brother as the angels on his side cheered him trying to influence the angels on Amenadiel's side.
"No brother. This is not what Father wants!" Amenadiel answered as he ready himself to fight.
"I don't care what he thinks anymore." he sneered as he looks at Amenadiel then to y/n who looks at him angrily as she draws her sword.
Lucifer wants y/n to resent him. He was trying to push her away so she will never have to fight alongside him, he was trying to put y/n in his father's side so if he's rebellion fails, she'll be safe.
So the war began...
The bad angels were stronger than what Amenadiel thought. They really wanted what they were after for. Many good angels were dead and Y/n was pissed about it, so she ignites her sword and started fighting without ease.
Amenadiel used his powers and beat up some bad angels but it wasn't enough.
Lucifer and his gang, on the other hand, are winning. They were really motivated to get what they want but then Lucifer looked at his side and saw her. he saw y/n using every power she got to win.
Then Johnson, one of the good angels, saw Lucifer looked at her with passion.
One of the Bad angels rushes over y/n and fought her. They clash their swords at each other but the bad angel got y/n drop her sword, so she fought the bad angel without a weapon.
The bad angel got y/n beaten up but been stopped by Lucifer with a blade in her chest.
Y/n shockingly looked at Lucifer knowing that he still cares about her but out of nowhere, the very own sword of y/n was stabbed into herself, from her back out of her stomach.
"No no no no no" Lucifer begged as he caught y/n before she falls to the ground.
He removed the blade that was stabbed to her and watches as y/n bleed to death.
"No y/n stay with me!" he plead as he thought of ways to stop the bleeding.
Y/n puts her hand in Lucifer's face as she bleeds to death, "Lu...ci..fer-" she mumbled.
"No... Im sorry. I am so sorry" Lucifer whispered as y/n caresses his face.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Y/n? No no no y/n, please! No!!"
Lucifer looks down at the floor and up in the view. It was his fault. Maybe he should've not done the rebellion so that y/n might be here, alive and well.. But he was too selfish, too selfish to not even think of a better plan to save her.
He pushed down his throat all the whiskey he pours at the glass then sat at the sofa. He looked at the ceiling of his penthouse..
Maybe he deserves the punishment.. Well, he put up to that for eons to find redemption for what he did. But he doesn't want to be part of his father's plan, he doesn't want to be one of his father's pawns...
He looks at his watch and saw that it was already 4:25 am, maybe he can still get some sleep.
He walks towards his bedroom and lies beside the girl whom he granted desires from. He waited until the sun shines so he can start his day with the detective and forget about y/n...
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sunflwrsjustdied · 5 years
Chapter 2 - The Phone Call.
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I did not write this story as a way to fetishize children having children. It is not about that. I wrote this story because I wondered what it would be like if Harry had a son, who also became a celebrity during Harry’s career. In order for the age of Harry’s sons to fit the career timeline I had to lower the age of Harry. I do not believe that children having children is a good thing nor do I try to fetishize it. I understand that this topic may be disturbing or disgusting to some people. If you do not like the idea of this story, then you don’t need to read it.
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[Harry Styles sitting next to Ben Andrews (Lux’s cousin]
October.28.2012 London, England
•Harry• "Hello, Benjamin." Noah greeted Lux's cousin, Ben looked up shyly before mumbling a hi and then looking down.
"You're quite intimidating." I chuckled, seeing he made Ben, who was talking to everyone go quiet. He had the same effect on the hostess.
"Good." He mumbled, sitting down in the seat, he loved that feeling. No one wanting to talk to him out fear. Just a 9-year-old boy who made everyone terrified and thrived off of it.
I never understood why, but there were many people who got highly intimidated of him. For years people told me that 'the way he stands screams danger'.
He's been like this ever since primary school, daycare even. A real tough guy that got every girl attracted to him, even if they were just 4-years-old.
His first fight was at 2-years-old, it started off as a yelling match, until Noah threw punches at the boy who was a year older then him, all over a simple wooden block. The fight result in Noah getting a "red card" from his disturbed daycare teacher and a 3-year-old with a bloody lip.
If someone were to come between him and his persona, something so powerful will arise in him. He'll curse at them, throw things, anything to show them who they've messed with.
That made Noah who he was.
It showed how much he needed to like and trust you in order for vulnerability to show. Some people called him mysterious after this trait.
What a great combination, mysterious and dangerous. Described the 142 centimeter boy perfectly.
I never encouraged, nor discouraged his hunger for being persuaded that way. But it was never an act either, it was truly how Noah was, he's always been like that and he always will be.
I may not understand other peoples perspectives of him, but I could see where they were coming from in a way.
He was the most stereotypical boy you could ever meet. He looks at every girl, he runs around without a shirt on, he swears, he fights, he played every sport he could think of when he was younger. His most favourite sport of all time being baseball, followed by ice hockey. And he played both from when he was a toddler until he was 7. Anything boys "typically did" he did it all because it was the way of his personality.
Noah took a seat in-between Tom and I, he rested his elbow on the table and ran his hand throw his hair, I noticed his eyes would glance over at Ben with almost a look of jealousy in his eyes.
Ben was sitting to the left of me. Ever since Noah was a baby, he always sat to the left of me at restaurants. Everyone in our family knew it and consciously never sat there, but a 4-year-old boy wouldn't know that.
"Noah!" Lux giggled, pointing to him trying to get out of Lou's lap, Lou gave Noah a look asking if she could go to him. Noah nodded and Lux ran over to him.
"Hello Luxie," Noah smiled lifting her into his lap.
Everyone talked waiting for the waitress.
She came eventually, but when she got to Noah, she stuttered, almost taken aback. "Wow, you're eyes are so blue. Oh God, I'm sorry. I've just never seen that before, " she said mesmerized.
"Thanks," Noah stared directly into her eyes, on purpose. "Sorry, um what can I get you?" "Fish and chips please."
• • •
"Dad, hide me please," Noah whispered, panic in his voice. "What, Why?" Harry frowned confused by his sons actions, "That waitress, I know her, now hide me! Don't draw attention."
"Who, her?" Tom nodded to the woman who was walking over to the table, specifically right behind Noah's chair.
Noah nodded, sinking in his chair and cover the side of his face.
"Hello, Noah." She smiled, her British accent was thick, "How's it going?"
"It's going great," Noah swallowed hard, his knee starting to bounce up and down.
"My daughter's still waiting on that call from you," She said, "And I'm still waiting for my phone to get fixed Lucy," Noah said with gritted teeth.
"It's been almost 2 months, how long can it take?" Lucy raised her eyebrow.
"As long as it needs to be fixed again." Noah replied, jaw clentched.
"Here's her number again, just in case you forget it," She immediately took out her pen and pad, writing on it fast, and handing it to him.
"Never- never in my life have I seen someone try to get their daughter to date someone so bad," Noah grunted, taking the paper and shook his head,
"Some parents want what's best for their children Noah, and I see that your are. Or to you, I'm a bad mother for that right?" Lucy frowned at Noah, trying to make him feel bad.
"We're nine- That's not even- I don't even remember her name Lucy." Noah sighed trying to argue but giving up, "It's Sabrina, Sabrina McCullen." Lucy smiled knowing she was breaking Noah to say yes.
"Just give my daughter a chance, she's a model too, maybe that'll somewhat change your mind." Noah's eyes did perk up hearing the information, "I told you, when the phones fixed," he smiled fake and widely, "Now have a nice day."
"We'll be waiting," Lucy walked off, and that's when Noah groaned, slouching down in his seat, about to crumple the paper.
"Keep it son, you'll need it." Noah looked up to his father with discomfort in his eyes, before putting it in his pocket.
"Who was that?" Tom asked, "I met her here a few months ago and a few times after that, she wouldn't shut up about how her daughter was my age and that we should date."
"She gave me her daughters number, so I told her my phone was broken and when it got fixed then I'd give her call."
"But Noah, your phone works perfectly, why haven't you?" Harry questioned, earning a glare from Noah, "Not what she thinks is it? If she knew that, she would probably try to get mine and I don't want that."
"Just call her, you never know," Harry suggested, "Yeah, if she's anything like her mother, I'll know for sure," Noah shook his head sighing.
"I'm surprised, I've never known my son to give up a chance with a girl," Harry chuckled, "Well almost every girl I don't meet through her annoying mother."
"Wait, are you saying, Noah is scared of someone? The Noah Styles, scared of someone?" Lou said in a some what genuinely shocked voice, earning an eye roll from Noah.
"No, I'm not scared of her, it's called avoiding someone you don't have an interest in someone."
A phone then started to ring at the table, "Oh Noah, it can't be yours. Yours is broken." Lucy said walking with the drinks our table ordered prior to our last order, along with another waitress.
Noah took in a deep breathe through his nose and let it out the same way, a look of annoyance on his features as he looked at a smirking Tom.
"I'm sorry, I need to take this." John apologized, looking at his phone and excusing himself and walking away from the table.
"You see what I mean," Noah said through gritted teeth, after she left, "Imagine having to see and hear that every time you visit your girlfriend."
"God I can hear it now. 'I'm the one who put you two together'. Probably trying to use my modelling career to make her daughter famous." Noah
"Then if you're not scared why don't you tell her that? Say you're not interested." Tom asked, intrigued, "Because I'm not that much of an asshole." Noah responded bluntly, "Hey, watch it," Harry scolded, knowing there was a much younger child sitting next to me and he nodded to him.
You'd think Harry would scold his son for swearing in general but boy did he give up on that a long time ago.
"It's fine, Harry," Dean, Lux's uncle and Ben's father laughed, "He's heard worse."
"But Noah, give her a chance, so what? Like you said you're just nine. It's not it will be long term and you're going to get married next week." Dean said, "Well to Lucy is it!" Noah grunted, "Aw, come on Noah. You never know," I smirked, "I'll think about it." Noah mumbled.
"Now can we please take about something else? God knows she listening or spiked my drink." Noah groaned, "Yes," Tom said and began talking to him about football.
•Harry• I saw John walk towards my chair, "Harry, I need to talk to you," John said quietly into my ear, I nodded "Sure," and followed him to the foyer.
"That was a call from a director, it was for Noah." He said to me, his demeanour serious.
I nodded, listening. "The director wants to meet him, and maybe cast him for a lead role. This is very important for Noah and his career," He explained. "But we both don't want to schedule a meeting unless you, Rose, or both of you give permission for it to happen."
"So Harry, would he be allowed to go to the audition?" He asked, "Well of course," I told him, without hesitation, "If it's something he'll want to do." Who I was kidding, Noah loved acting, and his first lead role in a movie would be amazing.
"Schedule it right now." I told him
"They said we could pick the date, but within now or next month. No later." "Where?" "New York." "Ok, ask if they're available for November 12."
"We'll be there around that time, and then we're leaving the next day. That's a good time to do it." John nodded and began to call the director back, telling him the details as well as listening to the directors.
After saying goodbye, he hung up the phone, "It's settled then. New York City, November 12. I'll talk to Noah later."
We both walked back to the table.
• • •
Dinner was finished, everyone was either talking or on their phones. Noah chose to be on his phone, what a mistake that was.
Lucy walked by the table, "So Noah," Noah jumped in his seat, startled by her sudden presence behind him, "Guess you got that phone fixed?" Noah swore he could just scream and yell at her, he was about to, so close to, until-
"It's actually my phone," Tom looked at her, grabbing the white iPhone 4S from Noah's hand, Lucy huffed and walked away.
"Oh my God, thank you. I was close to strangling her,"
• • •
It was late. Harry and Noah had just got home.
Noah was in room, emptying his pants pockets, and pulled out the stupid piece of paper. throwing it on the bed.
After brushing his teeth, Noah sat on his bed, picking up his phone and the paper. He sighed, looking in-between both objects. Fighting himself if he should just call her or not. Noah sighed going into his contacts and putting her name and number into his phone.
"Maybe one day," he mumbled tossing the note into his nightstand drawer.
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seekandsekkle · 3 years
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Blessed New Moon Family. Happy Gemini Season Whoo Hoo!!!! We've got a Sun, Moon and Eclipse in Gemini. What a Birthday Gift (6-14, 51 Summers Baby) I'm grateful to be here. Excited for what life is bringing me these days and excited for all of you who took a chance on ya girl and let me fill your inboxes up with Pots, Cups and Sips of Tea. The energy of this moon is bringing the new as all new moons do but its coming in slow due to the retrograde of Mercury and Neptune. Technology has not been allowing us to shine with glitches and freezes, shut downs, zap outs and malfunctions of every kind. The universe really wants us all to have several seats and read a damn book or take a long walk or something. She really aint feeling us having all this screen time and is asking us to reflect, plot and plan our next moves so we're ready when the Summer Equinox comes sauntering in. (June 21st) This Moon/Eclipse energy will have you having epiphanies and revelations and such. You will be communicating with the seen and unseen forces. Dreams will be prophetic and deep af. Pay close attention to what they are showing you, get a dream interpreter if you need one ( I'll do it for you) so you are clean and clear with what Muvah Moon is trying to tell you. This Eclipse of the sun will cast a fire ring around the moon asking you to do a once over on your shadow side. This ain't a time to be marinating where the low vibrations reside. Check your privilege, check your attitude and get back in alignment with your higher self. This double double energy is a set up for some fuck shit, resist at all cost. You will be so sorry you fell for it when it's all over. Take the high road in all things, stay low, pray high is what I always say. Some of us will feel like lead is in our shoes. You really don't wanna do nothing and I'd listen to that somewhat. Take care of the major things in your life as much as you can but don't be surprised when you do try shit aint working right. I'm learning to just wait it out cause it beats trying to break through a brick wall with my tender head meat. The blessing of this moon cycle is that we get to call things into existence. Be clear about what you are asking for, make sure secure housing, coins and good health are on your list. Due to things opening up people are everywhere doing everything, acting as if the pandemic is over. Tread lightly in these streets and keep that hand washing and face covering going on around people. Spirit has spoken and we need to keep our protection game strong especially for those of us who are anti-vaxin and relaxin. 
Ritual: Sit in your sacred space with the scented candle or incense, vase of fresh flowers, and a list of your intentions. Use the power of the word and speak your peace out loud. Not in a shout but with conviction. We want it known that what we want, we deserve. Muvah is listening with a keen ear. She will flush out the superficial and give you exactly what you need, not always what we want. Be grateful because we don't always know what we need until it lands in our laps. That don't mean you can't ask...ijs I'd burn that lil' piece of paper and let the ashes blow in the wind. This double double air energy is sure to send your message right up to Muvah herself and that's a blessing.
Big O'pot of Tea (read your sun, moon and rising for a full cup of tea)
Aries - Getcha coins right. Investments, budgets, piggy bank, rainy day fund. Do any or all of this and thank me later. All the cards talk about the bag, getting it and keeping it. Think long term money, retirement money and generational wealth. The universe is on your side while taking these steps so get into it. Call in the Money Gawds and ask them for help with your stock portfolio...invest in something good...think of what we always need and putcha money on that. Your song for this moon cycle is "Money don't matter 2 nite" - Prince. It matters for you right now fa sho
Taurus - This new moon is giving you all the goodies baby. Things are stacking up on the luxe level, the coins and the bae. Enjoy all this goodness and be grateful for it. Call in support to stay in a good mood and trust the process. You don't want to spoil your pot of gold before you even have a chance to spend some of it. Stay tuned into the light and spread that love on the people who support you since they may not be as abundant as you are these days. Your song for this moon cycle is "D.M.S.R."  - Prince. Because you want it and need it .
Gemini - It's your time baby!!! Your sun, your moon, your eclipse. One would think its a good time to throw a big ass party and invite all 10,000 of your fans but no. You get to have a seat...a Royal seat, a luxurious birthday seat but a seat nonetheless. This is a quiet time, a relaxing time an alone time. Yeah I know this don't sound like a fun birthday but your body and soul is begging and pleading for it. Listen for once cause the fuck shit is lueming in the background waiting for you to step out. We want you safe, hydrated and refreshed this trip around the sun. Call in peace this moon cycle and allow it to be just that. Your song this moon cycle is "Shhhhhh" - Prince. For encouragement to lay around in luxury and quiet.
Cancer - You've been on the receiving end for the last few moon cycles in some way now it's time to give back. Make sure the people who show up and show out for you know that you love them. Do something special to brighten their day. They will be shocked that you even care and that makes this even more special. You are very good at receiving now lets see you give where it counts. Call in abundance in all its forms so you never feel like you are lacking in anything. This will keep your spirits up when this moon fuck your emotions up. Your song this moon cycle is "I Wish You Heaven" - Prince.  So you feel prayed on when you get sad
Leo - The sun might be setting on your old job/career and the Black moon might be rising on a new opportunity. If you like what you're doing great but if you don't this is a good time to start looking. Call in work that is in alignment with your heart. You should be working smarter, not harder. Make sure your intentions reflect something better than what you currently got going on. Your moon song this cycle is "Let's Work" - Prince
Virgo - Be excited about life dear one. Life is worth living. You can tend to stay on the brooding side of things and aint no fun over there. I dare you to take a walk on the wildside...just pack up and go. I feel the grin on your face now. There is a whole world out there waiting on you, go see it while you can still fully enjoy it. Call in Adventure Time, alone, with bae or with some friends. Your song this moon cycle is " Party Up" - Prince
Libra - You deserve to have your needs met. This comes up in a real way this cycle. Make sure your boundaries are known with the people close to you so they can avoid your explosive outburst when you reach your limit. Call in the support you need to make your dreams come true, ask for the help to stop procrastinating and actually get some shit done. Your song this moon cycle is " Good Love" - Prince. It's clear you need some.
Scorpio - Have a clear-the-air day with bae, or housemates or the kids. This ain't a time to bite your tongue. Ion mean pop off, just don't let small irritants pile up. Speak to your beloveds and get back to having fun cause that what hot human summer is all about.  Call in cooperation with the fam so all this talking you gotta do is worth it. Your song this moon cycle is "Gett Off" cause why not since you're so good at it *wink*
Sagittarius - You're coming in Hot to new and old flames and that's dope. You workin workin working day and night and that's securing the bag. But where is selfcare on the list? You can't forget you in all this. Call in a break and body work so you don't blow a flat tire on the side of the road within ya self. ya dig? May your care be just as important and the people you take care of. If you are ok they will be ok...okay. Your song for this moon cycle is "Forever In My Life"- Prince. So you make sure you are forever on the got damn schedule umkay!
Capricorn - Love is calling your name Capricorn. Stay open to the possibilities of love or at the very least tenderness and sweetness. You act like a hard ass but your creamy center is showing. This will let the ones who like but are a lil scared of you come out of the closet and make a move. Try not to be too awkward and allow some goodness to pour over on you. Call in the courage to say what you need in these new interactions. If a muthalova baulks when you speak your truth it ain't the end of the damn world this just ain't your person. Just move on and dont make it mean nothing. Your song for this moon is "Somebody's Somebody" - Prince
Aquarius - Your emo flag is flying high. It's ok to wanna be with family, it's ok to reminisce on the good times. It's ok to wanna feel loved and appreciated, It's also ok to stop doing too much so you don't get sick or hurt. Sit down somewhere and relax. The streets will wait for you. Call in spa treatments or long dead sea salt soaks at home. Your song this moon cycle is "I Feel For You" because we love you!
Pisces - Life got you wide open. You workin, you socializing, you doing all the things. Life is lifin' and you're making the best of it. At the end of the day it feels good to be in the flow of it all. Call in the inner knowing and innerstanding so you don't get distracted and fall off. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. Your song this cycle is "Trust" - Prince. Trust you know what you're doing even if you never did it before. The creator brought you this far trust that she is taking you to the next level too.
Personal Message: Do you want this pot of tea in your inbox twice a month. If so you also get a personal reading at the end of the pot. To subscribe for the next 3 months send your $150 to either of these payment sites with "Subscription" in the notes so you never miss a pot of tea. Cashapp $bushmamaafrica of Venmo: ReshawnGoods@omimagic
Extra Sips of Tea -
Blue Kyanite is perfect for this New Moon and Eclipse energy because it helps you make sense of the unstable transmission of communication due to the retrogrades, You can tap into hidden potential in yourself and spiritually you can use this to really connect with the positive unseen forces around you to help you manifest greatness in your life. Use this stone with your ritual to call in your needs and wants with clean clarity. 
Make a pot of fresh Mint Tea before bed to relax your muscles, to aid in your digestion and get rid of headaches. This tea will be extra soothing to your mind and body. We all need this balm soul calming tea to deal with the double air energy brewing right now. Have extra cups this week.
Yes Gemini Tea. PRINCE songs. I had too
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