#for reaper and red mage respectively.
matrinki · 10 months
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final fantasy fourteen is first and foremost about dress up. for me
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overwatchfics · 2 years
here's your widow requests you animal; widow being in a relationship with someone who writes poems and she sees those poems one day cuz silly you, left your notebook out for all to see. she is surprised at how decent they are and that your metaphors of her work in both yours and her favor <3
thank you for your feral brain, eat, sleep, simp for widow, repeat.
Widow Finds Your Poetry Notebook
A/N: I'm going to inject anthrax into my metamorphosized penis if I see one more MANSCAPED ad.
Honestly, you probably left it in the Talon breakroom.
You do NOT share your poems with anyone particularly the sniper on your taskforce, The Windowmaker.
As most of them talked about her focus while scoped in.
Widowmaker comes across it, seeing your name printed on the binding along with a hastily scrawled PLEASE RETURN IF POSSIBLE
The sniper smirks, scans the area and opens the notebook.
Her eyes land over a particularly interesting poem My Spider
(I would write poetry here, but my brain is kinda fried)
Halfway through the poem she realizes it was about her, the beauty she brings on the battlefield.
The strings of kills she initiates is a whirlwind of death.
The feeling of being alive watching her cold focus in the scope, the slowed breath, her grappling hook lowering her like a spider on it's web.
Widow hears footsteps and tucks the notebook in her bag.
on her next surveillance mission, widow pulls your notebook out.
She's tucked into her hidden camp in Volskaya and your notebook is her only comfort.
She traces your words with her finger on the paper, the indent of the pen is her only trace of you that she has.
Every kill she takes under snowfall that evening is done with the thoughts of My Spider in her head.
The spider pens a poem of her own in the next page, a feather out of a Volkaya's guard pocket and dipped into the ink well of blood donated by his freshly killed body.
She writes a poem, the rush she felt with each kill and the longing she felt every night away from you trapped by the haunting light of the moon.
That night, penning that poem in blood, she felt like Amélie rather than Widowmaker
She pulls off her visor and look into the red eyes of her own mask
Her hatred for Moira bubbles to the surface and zoning out into her rage of being a cold experiment. But then she thinks of you. Kind, patient, and at her side rather than in her shadow. The sniper grew close with you in those silent mornings in your room with Talon's shitty expressos. Those times at the shooting range, where she taught you to shoot, bringing her hands to your stomach and pushing the air out of your mouth to control your breathing before kissing you, the training rifle clattering to the floor. The night she takes you to Chateau Guillard and tells you there's still a version of Amélie in her. The Widow too, longs for you to be hers in her arms again. To kiss you under the light of a full moon. To feel your wanton gasps of pleasure against her lips. In this deep longing she realizes she's cracked one of the eyes on her visor.
Widowmaker decides her mission is over with and returns home.
By the time she gets on base, it storms, heavy rain drenching the pavement, but Widow is careful to protect your notebook as she enters the barracks.
She drones out the monotone congratulations from Moira and Akande.
Reaper wafts past her, he has his own issues he's dealing with but he still gives a respectful nod.
Sombra isn't an option as she's on her own mission with Sigma.
Widow stops at your door, notebook held behind her back.
She knocks. She hears a muffled Come in! before turning the knob and entering.
You're there at your desk doing some file work for talon on one of their computers, a shitty expresso flanking your hand, your eyes burnt with exhaustion, posture slightly hunched.
Something twitches in the sniper, but she ignores it. She walks to the front of your desk smacking the notebook on your desk and taking pleasure in the shocked flustered expression painting your visage.
She leans over you, one hand on the chair the other on your desk gripping the notebook.
I missed you dearly chérie
Widow kisses you, well more like Amélie. Amélie wants to love and the Widow wants to claim you, but the Widow has had her blood, Amélie yet has love to give.
Amélie kisses you softly, her lips chasing the warmth they find in yours.
She moves to sit on your bed and pats her lap, expression blank with the exception of a small smile pulling at her lips.
Come here, I long to have you in my arms once more. You stare at that machine any longer you will go blind.
So you sit, on her lap your arms and legs winding around her.
Her hands are at your back rubbing gently, coaxing your body into relaxing. You press your face into her neck and breathe her in.
Amélie's has an arm settle on your waist and the other carries your notebook and she opens it up. She tells you of her sleepless nights scouting in Volskaya, she tells you how she thought of you, and she reads her poem penned in blood, of her longing.
Thunder rings on in the distance and the poem has been long finished. Amélie takes notice of your snoozing and brings you around the bed into a more comfortable position laying on her chest. You head tucked under her chin.
Amélie watches the rain, and hopes for another peaceful day with you. All she wants is a soft epilogue.
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A/N: God this got self indulgent in a soft way. It's been storming over here a lot and all I want is Kiriko and widow to hold me and murder my insomnia.
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k1k101-sims · 1 year
Kiki's Chaotic Legacy Challenge rules!
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Now that I've proofread and updated all the Generations for my legacy, here's the official post.
I do plan on writing down a Sims 3 version eventually too, so stay tuned for that.
If anyone is interested in trying this legacy, please use the #KikisChaoticLegacy or #ChaoticLegacy. I'd love to see people play this and see their experiences.
As the title picture says, this has multiple endings. Each generation you have two main choices, each choices can affect in some ways the next generation. Eventually this all snowballs, and comes to a finally in a BIG 6 different Generation option for the last Gen.
Without further ado, here's the link to the official page of the rules, but you can also see the Generational rules below! Each picture that marks the Generations will have a link to their respective Generations as well
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Color Prompt: 
Forest Green
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Honeydew and Avocado
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Self-Assured, Dance Machine
What is your main focus?
Focus on Self: [Lookbook inspo]
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Career: Writer (Author Branch), Freelance Writer  or independent Author…
Must Master Writing and Dancing
Quirk: Try not to let any of your needs reach the orange or red. Your sim will be much more inclined towards Self-care in this route.
Focus on Others: [Lookbook inspo]
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Career: Become a Gardener (Botanist)
Must Master Juice Fizzing and Gourmet Cooking
Quirk: Your sim will be much more inclined to tending to everything/one else before themselves, make it a habit to only tend to needs that are in the orange or red.
Life Events:
Your Sim starts out in Sulani, living there their whole Young Adult life. You can move out, if you so wish, only after Collecting 10 (as a minimum) to all 13 seashells of the Seashell collection OR if you’re an Adult. — Since you must beachcomb to find shells, if you find buried treasure you may store them somewhere out of sight (like in a storage box or on a private display in the attic)
Fall In Love. Then tragically, have your lover die. Find a way to resurrect them and then marry them — If you chose Self resurrect them in one of the following manners: *Plead to the Reaper *Write a Book of Life before they die *Use the Wishing Well
— If you chose Others resurrect them in one of the following manners:  *Giving them a Death Flower before they die *Ambrosia *Dedeathify (if you're a Mage)
Have a small pet (rodents, fish, sharks, piranhas, frogs, dust bunnies, chickens, cows, llamas, worms, Familiar, etc.) throughout your entire life.
Optional for the Others route, Mandatory for the Self route: Go out on your days off to dance, relax and mingle with the community.
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Color Prompt: 
Yellow (With Sorbet Remix palette) Banana and Starfruit
Traits: Genius, Childish, Jealous
What’s your focus?
Focus on Knowledge: [Lookbook inspo]
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief *Child Aspiration to complete: Whiz Kid
Career: Engineer (Computer Eng.) *You’re smart, but your childish side tends to get the best of you sometimes.
Master Research and Debate, and Mischief
Focus on Passion: [Lookbook inspo]
Aspiration: Party Animal *Child Aspiration to complete: Slumber Party Animal
Career: Interior Decorator (Your party guests tend to be your past clients)
Master Painting (to hang up in your home and your client’s homes)
Master Mixology (you tend to bartend in your parties)
Life Events:
If 1st gen chose NOT to move away from Sulani * Be raised in Sulani, collecting Buried Treasures in your past time.
If 1st gen chose to move away * Have vacationed at some point (or many points, as a form of celebrating birthdays or good grades) in Sulani. * Find and take Buried Treasures as vacation trinkets.
Or, have 1st gen give away Buried Treasure trinkets to gen 2 as a housewarming gift when they eventually move out. * Either way, Buried Treasure must form part of the decor in your house * If you chose Passion, you can give away said Treasures to your Good/Best friends as gifts or if remodeling their house.
Always be the matchmaker with your other friends (always jealous of them) * If you choose Knowledge, you can choose to set them up, only to break them apart (letting your jealousy and habit for mischief overtake you). * How they go about this is up to you, will they sabotage the relationship by creating false rumors? ** Or will they try to seduce one of the two friends?
Finally, start dating someone in your line of work * if you chose Knowledge, it’s a co-worker; * if you chose Passion, its an ex-client now party guest
Have an affair with someone you met outside of work * If on the Knowledge route, this criteria can be fulfilled with seducing your set up friends, as mentioned in the previous objective Talk about drama!
Leave one of the two of your significant others at the altar, remaining with the other * If you want your Sim to be single at the end, you can even try to leave both people at the altar! *Just make sure you have the next heir with one of them before you dash their hopes and dreams. alright?
**If you have the Wedding Pack, plan a full fledged wedding, which makes it even more devastating when you call it off.
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Color Prompt: 
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Orange Cream and Persimmon
Traits: Good, Freegan, Lazy
What is your focus?
Focus on Community:
Aspiration: Joke Star *Child Aspiration to complete: Playtime Captain
Career: Fast-Food Restaurant, Entertainment (Comedian)
Master Comedy and Writing
Quirk: You’ll have to rely on dumpster diving, performing comedy on public lots and odd jobs to survive and furnish your home.
Focus on Others:
Aspiration: Beach Life *Complete the Scouts club as an Afterschool Activity
Career: Diver and Conservationist (Manager)
Master Logic and Photography…
Quirk: You love scenery pictures, taking at most 10-15 pictures a day. You like to sell these as a way to spread awareness on social media (and to make a quick buck). You can also rely on odd jobs to survive.
Life Events:
Live in San Myshuno as a Young Adult and start a Snow globe collection as a hobby *If you chose Others, you could decide to move out to Sulani or Evergreen Harbor on an Off-The-Grid lot, only AFTER getting 11 or all 15 of the collection
This generation isn’t meant to have much money starting out, have them move into their apartment with no more than 250 simoleons. AFTER their first degree (see next objective below) *The reason to move out will be a falling out with Gen 2. Have them get into an argument that lowers the relationship to the red. * If Gen 2 was on the Knowledge route, or never got married, they can reconcile and become friends (though not anything higher) * If gen 2 was on the Passion route, you never reconcile.
You’re quite undecided on what to do with your life. You obtain 3 degrees throughout your life!  — The first one you never actually use since you get stuck in a part time job after moving out on your own.  — Afterwards you get a degree in the other career (from the focus you didn’t choose), * If on the Others route, it’d be a degree for the Entertainment career. *If on the Community route, it’d be a degree for the Conservation career. — Become unsatisfied after starting said career (after just one promotion) and go back to college to settle on the one you know in your heart is for you (assigned to your focus).
Never get married!  — If on the Community focus, the next gen can be an alien baby or an accidental One-Night stand baby. — If on the Others focus, the next gen can be adopted or have a science baby with a Good Friend/Best friend. — Optional: Just because you’re not married, doesn’t mean you can’t have a relationship; you can, just be sure to never tie the knot. However, if you feel romance isn’t the calling card for your sim, you could have your closest of friends live with you helping you raise your child. YOU DECIDE! 😊 *If you have mods that allow Poly or Open Relationships, you can also go this route.
Obligatory for the next gen: Vacation at least once, with the heir, in Mt. Komorebi
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Color Prompt: 
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Fig and Lavender
Traits: Overachiever, Snob, Bro
What is your focus?
Focus on Passion:
Aspiration: Musical Genius *MUST have gotten the Responsible and Uncontrolled emotion Character Values as a YA
Entertainer (Musician) *Max a part-time job when a teen *Have fun with the musician career! Create a club to emulate a band, with the Get Together pack or mods, play at venues on your days off!
Specialize in playing the Piano *When you retire, you can Flower Arrange as a hobby
Focus on Self:
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy *MUST have gotten the Empathy and Argumentative Character Values as a YA
Doctor *Earn the college degree to help boost you in this career
As an adult, you like to travel and fall in love with the thrill of adventuring Selvadorada *Gain a High Archaeology skill and get the majority of the Ancient Omiscan Artifacts
Life Events:
Because you’re so invested in your career you never have any close friends… The friends you do have, you keep at arm’s length. —This also includes your parent/s, child/ren and even your significant other if you have one —You only ever start reaching out when you’re an elder and retired. Only then can you have close friends. *If focusing on the Self: You can become close/best/friends only with close relatives, like siblings, children* and grandchildren*. (No aunts or distant cousins) ***Look to Gen 5 n 6 for specifics on that relationship *If focusing on Passion: You can become close/best/friends only with found family, like your spouse, friends, co-workers, bandmates, etc.
You fell in love with Mt. Komorebi since the first time you visited. So, when the time comes to move out, you decide to live there.  *You visit the Komorebi festivals whenever you can (mostly, when it doesn’t conflict with your work schedule) and collect Simmies as souvenirs.
Your parents had an impact on you in terms of the impact you can have in your community. You vote every week and must enact at least 3 NAPs — If you chose Others in Gen 3, enact 3 of the following:
*Back to the Old Days *Clean Energy Production *Eco-Friendly Appliances *Green Gardening *Power Conservation *Self-Sufficiency *Upcycling Initiative *Water Conservation *We Wear Bags
— If you chose Community in Gen 3, enact 3 of the Following:
*Foodies Unite *Free Love *Fun-Loving Community *Juiced Community *Promote Creative Arts *Rock Your Body *Roughhousing Encouraged *Sharing is Caring *Support the Performing Arts *Tech Support
If you have the Growing together pack, they should have Distant dynamics with their child/ren.
Author’s Suggestion for Self focus: Considering this generation doesn’t have a strong connection to the next gen till later in life once you’ve completed the goals in Adulthood, you can move on to the next one. Simply keep an eye out for when they turn into an elder. Once so, you can have them reconcile and move in with Gen 5 to continue their last objectives.
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Color Prompt: 
(With Sorbet Remix palette) SpearMint and Minty Orchid
Traits: Materialistic, Neat, Family-Oriented
What is your focus?
Focus on Self:
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Civil Designer (Civic Planner)
Play the Guitar for tips on your down time  *(You want to be a lean-mean-money making machine!)
Focus on Others:
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Freelance (Crafter)
Master Cooking and Parenting  *(You’re more of a house spouse that takes care of the farm and the kids. Crafting bits and bobs on the side when your partner’s part-time job fails to make enough money for the bills)
Life Events:
In your Young Adulthood you live in the Spice district of San Myshuno, with 2 other roommates. You go with the intent of learning every recipe and experiencing the distinct cultures the city has in store — If you choose Others, *Your roommates must be total strangers *Once an adult, you move out to Henford-on-Bagley or Windenburg once you get married. You still reminisce about your time in the city every time you cook up one of the food stall recipes for your children *As previously hinted at, yes, your spouse is meant to be the main breadwinner, working mainly at a part-time job. —If you choose Self, *Your roommates must be people you know, like any siblings or high school friends. *Throughout your life, you slowly make your way up to Penthouse status and live in the city for the rest of your life.
You’re Materialistic, so you like splurging your money every weekend on new furnisher *If you chose Others, this is a means to make sure you’re constantly scraping to get by *NOTE: If you’re a tad bit forgetful like me, and you have Seasons, maybe making a holiday every saturday or sunday can help remind you
As much as you hate it, you come to inherit certain aspects of one of your parents.. *Choose one of the Character Values you share with Gen 4.
If the previous gen was on the Self route; *And you’re on the Others route, you hold a piece of disdain for their indifference towards their children, especially because of the care you have for your own. You can only become friends *And you’re on the Self route, you can become close or best friends with Gen 4, bonding over how you can somewhat understand them better now that you’re older!
When you retire, you spend your time cross-stitching! You litter your house with varying stitches and those around you tend to expect cross-stitches for Winterfest gifts (if you have seasons), as that’s what you usually give! *You also start Fishing! But it’s to keep as pets or to add as ingredients to your food stall recipe meals.
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Color Prompt: 
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Squid Ink and Licorice
Traits: Erratic, Loves Outdoors and Loner
What is your focus?
Focus on Community:
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Criminal (Oracle) *You travel to Granite Falls after every promotion to escape something (the Secret Agent officers?)
Master Herbalism *Maintain a garden filled with unusual plants (Toxic plants, “Special Herbs” too if you have Basemental mod, and maybe even the Flytrap from Forgotten Hollow if you have Vampires)
Focus on Knowledge:
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Education (Professor) and then SimsTuber
After meeting and becoming friends with a Vampire you decide to study up on Vampire Lore.  *Eventually you quit your career and become a professional conspiracy Sims Tuber that talks about Vampires and other occults (Media Production) *IF you decide to marry said Vampire, the heir can be a Vampire**
**Special rule sets have been made for such an occasion in future gens!
Life Events:
You’ve always been a bit of a rebel.. A Black Sheep!  *Regardless of the Gen 4’s route, If gen 5 is on the Others route, you must have a higher relationship than them with Gen 4 (whether it be them alive, or their spirit). You also get to keep their urn/gravestone! *If gen 5 is on the Self route, you enjoy late night get-aways as a teen in the city. Going out to karaoke, bars, and festivals. If you’re on the Knowledge route, try to do this while also keeping your grades up.
You got the love for food from your parents. Make it a weekly occurrence to visit Restaurants. Eventually you start tasting experimental recipes and learn them all! You also must collect pictures of them *If you chose Knowledge, you also must post every picture on your Simstagram and make how-to videos on each (Using the drone) *If you choose Community, you have to eat Pufferfish Nigiri ONCE (Here’s hoping you live to tell the tale)
If you live to retire, you start Knitting as a hobby. Eventually all you know is knitting! All you WEAR is knitted clothes! Much like your predecessor, all you Gift is knitting! You finally understand them now. :’)  *You must give your grandchild (Gen 8) a knitted baby onesie before passing. This could become a family heirloom. **You can try and obtain this by cheating or, if you want the challenge, you can try to keep a steady stream of potions of youth around *Alternatively, on the Knowlegde route, you can also become a vampire as an elder and drink a cure after they’ve completed this objective
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Color Prompt: 
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Orange Cream and Butterscotch
Traits: Gloomy, Ambitious, and Un-flirty
What is your focus?
Focus on Knowledge:
Aspiration:  *(If a Vampire) Master Vampire *(If Human) Jungle Explorer (Inspired by the legacy of your great-grandparents of Gen 4)
Manage a Restaurant *If Vampire, it specializes on Vampire centric foods *If Human, it specializes on the foods of Selvadorada
Vampire or not, you developed a love for all things morbid.  *Become friends with a skeleton (or another Occult) and master the Pipe Organ skill (it calms your Gloomy soul)
If you are a Human, as a Jungle Explorer, you can either keep the treasures as an heirloom or donate them to the Selvadoradian Museum (Omiscan Treasures collection)
Focus on Community:
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack *As a teen, if their parent is of the Community Route, they have the Live Fast aspiration *As a teen, if their parent is of the Knowledge route, they have the Goal Oriented aspiration
Politician (Charity Organizer) and Retail owner
Master Logic (Using a telescope in your free time) and Singing (You go to Karaoke bars to get your fill of an ego boost and destress with friends) *When you’re an adult, quit your job and open your own retail store. This is where you sell your Space Prints
If you’re a Vampire and chose this route, you can do one of the following *Try to get the cure from your previous gen *Or Instead pursue the other branch of politics as a President (Vampires take over the world, lol) (You can also discard being a Retail Owner, in turn for running your own Vampire Coven)
Life Events:
Because of your un-flirty nature, you find it hard to settle with someone who is flirtier than you — Don’t fall for someone with the romantic trait.  — You can fall for someone with the unflirty trait.  — Maybe have a slow burn love with a childhood friend? Or don’t fall in love at all! You choose! — IF this generation is a Vampire, you can have these additional 2 options: *Adopt a child that is actually a werewolf, therefore either becoming insanely overprotective of them (especially with the vampire community) or becoming a bit of a reluctant parent *Have your spouse/partner/sperm donor be a werewolf (Not necessarily guaranteeing that the next gen is a Werewolf… But that they do have the recessive gene at least). Bonus points if the donor is Greg!
If the previous gen is on the Community route, you can nourish your gloomy soul by getting some plants from their garden (like the flytrap, for example)
If the previous gen was on the Knowledge route *But you’re human, you have a tough time with your parent’s persona. A lot of nonbelievers tended to bully you growing up, and part of you hated your parents for that. Have a strained relationship with your parents in Child and Teen stages *But you’re a Vampire, you always felt accepted and supported by your parents, like they knew all the right answers to your questions and doubts. Have your vampire parent mentor you, maintain a close/best friends relationship with your parents.
You must attempt to befriend the Grim Reaper *This can be when the past gens die off *If you’re a vampire (with the deadly vampires mod), you can also befriend him through killing your meals
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Color Prompt: 
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Lychee and Rose
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Slob, Foodie
What is your focus?
Focus on Self:
Aspiration: Public Enemy *If Werewolf, the Wildfang Renegade or Lone Wolf aspirations
Criminal (Boss) *You took after your grandparent (in terms of being a criminal) and hold their knitting heirlooms dear to your heart
Master Fitness
Focus on Passion:
Aspiration: Fabulously Filthy *Clean only once a week if necessary… Yes, that includes the Dishes *If Werewolf, Emissary of the Collective or Cure Seeker aspirations
Culinary (Chef)
Master Bowling and Video Gaming (Your way of escaping the responsibility of cleaning your home)
Life Events:
Unlock 12 traits total. (This can include toddler traits and character value traits, self discovery traits as well as Reward traits) *You need to at least have the Bad Manners character value (if you have Parenthood)… You ARE a slob afterall. **If you have mods that automatically assign personality traits, these modded traits do not add to the total count. **Quirks gained through the fame or vampire system do not count. Neither do Lifestyles
You must live in 3 different worlds!  *If you chose Self, you must move after every 3 promotions *If you chose Passion, you could move up to 3 times as an alternative to cleaning (What can I say? Sometimes moving for the -nth time is easier than cleaning those weird stains from your clothes…)
As a Klepto, make it a constant thing of giving away the things you steal.
If the previous gen is Human *And the previous gen is Knowledge, you can go on summer vacations with your parents to Selvadorada. Dance and drink the night away, learning about the culture *And the previous gen is Community, you tend to visit every weekend. Sometimes even stealing something from your old room, from time to time.
If the previous gen is a Vampire *And of the Knowledge route, learn the Violin skill to be able to play with them when they play the Pipe Organ. *And on the Community route, Have them stay over at your place on the weekends! You can both go on the prowl at night (if you’re a werewolf too, that is)
Collect Crystals in your spare time.
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Color Prompt: 
Light Blue
(With Sorbet Remix palette) Cotton Candy and Star Flower
Traits: Dog or Cat Lover, Bookworm, Active
What is your focus?
Focus on Others:
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Social Media (Personality) *You can make a little pet blog alongside your own!
The most Charismatic one around! You enjoy making friends and using your fame to do what you can to help others (Master Charisma)
Focus on Passion:
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Athlete (Bodybuilder)
Baking! Even a tough person like you, with a penchant for adrenaline needs some down time!
Focus on Self:
Aspiration: Self Care Specialist
Be a self employed Yoga instructor and/or masseuse
Live in Tartosa and collect Messages in a Bottle while doing your usual Yoga routines on the beach.
Focus on Community
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Be a Judge (Law career)
You become quite collector in your spare time, garnering a collection of metals
Focus on Knowledge
Aspiration: The Curator
Collect Feathers that your pet brings you! Aww, thanks buddyyy!
You must master Veterinarian skill. You don’t trust just anyone with your pet!
Life Events:
You have many friends that you make along the way, all of which have attended your BANGER parties. You sure know how to make your ancestors (Specifically gen 2) proud! *Earn gold on 5 different party types *If you choose Others, you have to take a BUNCH of pictures and post to Simstagram… OR, stream the party. *If you chose Passion, you never hire chefs. You take the initiative and bake all the party goods hours in advance. *If you chose Self, you tend to invite your regular customers *If you choose Community, Avoid bringing over any love interests or exes
If Gen 8 is focused on Self, *And you’re in the Others, Self or Passion route. you cut all ties with them, ashamed of their criminal behavior. *If you’re Community or Knowledge you’re a corrupt official. You head into the respective careers with the hope of keeping them out of jail. For Knowledge, you may even be close friends with criminals you meet in lock up
If Gen 8 is focused on Passion, *If you’re Others, you stream playing video games with them any time they’re over *If you’re Passion, you make it a weekly occurrence to cook together and have picnics (with Cottage living) *If you’re Knowledge, you make a team to Bowl with them on the weekends. *If you’re Community or Self you tend to hire them as your chef for your parties
You need to have two children. One needs to be an adopted child, the other is an alien baby. 
You can start wood carving as a hobby after you retire *Optionally, make your entire home out of the items you make. A fully wooden home!
Final Notes and Links to 6 endings for the 10th Generation
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Remember to tag me or use the hashtags! Feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions if necessary!
Much love and chaos to all! <3
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carcharsaur · 1 year
32 is mad fucking funny, and also 22 and 9
32. Did they trust Asahi right away? Why or why not? 
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT LMFAOOOO like. aside from him being the shadiest mfer to exist caranar and kozu both fucking hate garlemald extremely and passionately, so even someone approaching under a guise of peace and respect would be given extreme skepticism and suspicion. the only difference is kozu would attempt to have a diplomatic guise about it but even he would be hard pressed. caranar would just be openly critical of him at all times
more under cut once again
22. Do you  have a unique tale for their job class or is it pretty much like what it is in the game?
for caranar the biggest change is the drk quests start before he gets into ishgard proper, so they dump frey outside the gates of judgement and it starts from there. and that caranar has a history (if one-sided. long story) with estinien before doing the drg quests. basically everything else that's a canon class for him though (... just reaper) happens mostly as-is. except warrior I think he just uses an axe I'm not decided on how the class quests pan out for him rn. also he just has a general master-of-arms vibes so he can pick up anything and use it decently effectively, he just specializes in 2-hander weps. and he can't cast spells for shit. for kozu, I think stuff like cnj/whm/mch/sge are all canon questlines for him mostly unchanged as well. big thing with cnj/whm is that he's considered a hearer in gridania so that changes/expedites things a bit. astrology he learned from urianger though, he's an archer more than a bard due to his warder life but doesn't use it as a class anymore really (bad memories), and I think the red mage questline for him was a bit different and less dramatic (or perhaps he was just 2nd fiddle to eryna on her caster main wol journey). I leveled every class on kozu but a lot are non-canon LOL
9. How do they feel about Zenos?
HOO BOY. okay. caranar wanted to rip his throat out with his teeth until zenos was into it. caranar fucking hates him and by sheer fucking coincidence the way zenos acts is like perfectly constructed to push on all of caranar's weak points and self-doubts and it really wheels him into a frothing frenzy. which caranar also hates happening because it feels like he's proving zenos right. but his friends and allies help him reign himself in and be better than that. by endwalker he is sick and tired of him and wants him to just be put down. I think the game as-is is written PERFECTLY for caranar and zenos dynamic I love it.
kozu is just like... mods, crush his skull thank you. he is not playing his games- he wants to give him the quickest quietest death possible to spite his sick hunger. in EW I imagine he'd act/say things similar to alisaie for example. being like you are a SAD PATHETIC man. EAT SHIT. but worded more fancily because kozu is more eloquent than I (the zenos fan)
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snarkyelf · 1 year
Laure Sombremont has yet another makeover. Shut up, it's been 2 years, he's a different man!
He's a big nerd. Dark academia all the way. He remains a Professor of Thanatology and Forensic Science at the University of Ishgard. He is Frederique's nephew, a refugee, the biological father to his legal nephew, former military officer, and big brain nerd with an unnerving obsession with death and decay. Like the rest of the family, he is musically gifted but he has stage fright.
Laure still lives at the Sombremont estate but chooses to live in the guest house with his cousin for space for his research.
He takes students with him into dungeons, escorted by adventurers, so they can study and excavate the ruins. He's like Indiana Jones!
Eventually I would like his class to be reaper, red mage, or bard. I'm still working on relearning the game mechanics and I'm behind two whole expansion packs.
What's different? Not smooth with lovers at all. Gay, not bi. Secret romantic but painfully shy when it comes to those things.
He's quietly strong; he CAN fight through dungeons but would rather research.
Laura is a beanpole, tall and skinny, bit gangly. Brown hair and a mustache. He got the 'stache when starting his dissertation but wasn't given much respect because he was so young and he thought it made him appear older. He just never shaved it off.
He's not a mainstream definition of handsome but he's an academic sort of handsome.
He has British wit. Or we shall see if I can write dry British humor in RP. Less giddy than before; more practical, bit depressed but with a warm heart to those he gets close to.
Laure absolutely loves children. He loves how the Sombremont household has so many children to adore.
Sometimes he is hired on as a consultant by investigators and local authorities for his forensics knowledge.
Character inspirations are from the following:
Harvey from Stardew Valley. Particularly a farmer/Harvey fic I read too many times. Sweet, shy, depressed, with his happiness found in love and community.
Professor Remus Lupin from Harry Potter. Sassy man with a warm heart and a love for chocolate (and short "bad" boys if you believe in wolfstar, which I do).
Professor Palladium from Winx. Don't judge me, he's a handsome elf man that can sometimes be a clutz and doesn't always gain his student's respect because of it. Still a smart, strong, and protective individual.
Aziraphale AND Crowley from Good Omens. Aziraphale's love of the mundane and never in style but thinking he is. Crowley for his unintentional awkward-coolness he provides. And that he never seems to know what to do with his long limbs.
This went on longer than I meant it to. I blame ADHD. Here's some screenshots!
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expansion // a realm reborn / heavensward / stormblood / shadowbringers / endwalker / dawntrail
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Aether Weaver Lore
Below the cut is the full details of the custom lore I created for Syrus' custom class, job and role within FFXIV.
Description and Definition:
An aether weaver is a type of enchanter and magic user that is unique to the village that Syrus comes from. It is a type of specific skill that seiðrmaðr and vǫlur have the potential to learn if their aether reserves are large enough, stable enough and are able to obtain a mentor willing to part with their knowledge. It is a practice that involves not only voidsent and their magic, but a variation of red mage, black mage and reaper abilities so they can handle raw aether and manipulate it at will to their various desires. In addition to this, they can use the aether around them, even aspected aether for half the cost to their energy reserves. Lastly, due to their contracts revolving around a specific voidsent type, their rituals are unique in the fact they can tap into another's mind and aether should the participant be willing and the correct preparations conducted.
Overall, they are a versatile type of mage with the ability to adapt their skills on the fly to suit the challenges of the situation they face. However, they are also a mage that must remain aware of their abilities and limitations else they may have to deal with the consequences of their own power overwhelming and consuming them. 
History and Background:
While the exact beginnings of how aether weavers came to be are unknown, it is theorized they came about as a consequence of changing environments. A situation of adapting to ensure the longevity of the village. Based on how their slice of the Golmore Jungle changed where the land became aetherially rich and often has large deposits of crystals well beneath the earth, the change was suspected to have occurred somewhere between the second and third calamity. The people overall became a lot more spiritual of the green word, that during these crises believed they have angered their world in some way so as magic evolved and their spiritual sense, they got more deeply involved until they and their very area started to change. As one might suspect, as the land becomes saturated with aether and Viera born with deep aetherial wells, it tends to attract the opposite. Voidsent. For a long time the Grimrost village and close neighboring villages struggled with voidsent until they adapted. 
First came skilled specialized shamans, those of healers and those of death. Then came the aether weavers, who were not only protectors and curators, but capable of fighting the seen and unseen. While the shamans looked after the soul, spirit and body, the weavers looked after life, land and mind. It was through this shift in power that the very village itself changed and they became wholly unique. From revering the green word, they would also pay respects to the protective and idle spirits that would gather to their village ruins and banish the spirits and voidsent of hostile intention. 
Even the layout of the village changed, becoming circular in design. While they mainly resided in the treetops and select ritualistic sites, at the heart of the village was a great lake with a large tree bursting out of it, the home of the elder. During the night the lake would glow from the deep underground deposits of crystal. The ring of trees that followed afterward were the ring of the village, the ring of the village guardians, ring of the vǫlur, ring of the seiðrmaðr and then the expansive territory of the wardens littered throughout. Circles were an important feature to them as their existence was an endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. 
And while it is unknown whether the Grimrost village still stands due to a series of unexplainable and unfortunate events that led to a village crisis, those that have survived are scattered throughout. While some of the Viera went to other villages, many stayed behind and those that were on the fringes of their territory had no choice but to flee or fight in the vain hope of survival. However, no researcher has been able to get close to the village since, the jungle thick with scars of the event and protective wards that warp the mind. Though it is said that they are still haunted by an unknown voidsent beast that led them to their destruction.
Practices and Uses:
While everyday uses are limited in application there are some that aether weavers have to make life a little easier for them. It can be as simple as producing a ball of light from their raw aether or channeling the earth to give them a boost to reach high places. These effects are more subtle and are designed to simply make things easier but are not heavily relied upon as their skills are better put elsewhere. 
In saying that however, for those that are not in the Golmore Jungle, they had to learn to adapt their skills in order to survive an urban world. In the case of Syrus who was lucky enough to end up in Thavnair and under the guidance of a few kind souls, he learned to manipulate his skills into creating unique items. In other words, enchanting. While he likes to craft the items himself first and foremost, he then goes an extra step to enchant them based on what he believes fits or based on what his clients see fit. Alongside this, the adaptation to the urban world has opened doors for him to more openly study and learn magic, to restore antique magical items, decipher and understand the unusual and in unique cases help those with specific issues. While there is more freedom in a business and survival sense, the everyday actions remain simple.
Aether Weavers only have one type of ritual they conduct which requires the use of their voidsent aiding their mind and possessing their body without taking control. While in a village setting a shaman would watch over their body to ensure the Voidsent doesn’t whisk their life away or their aether wells sapped dry but when they are by themselves, it is solely up to the Aether Weaver to know when to stop which can often be easier said than done. 
This ritual by an aether weaver is called a “dreaming”. A ritual designed to dive into the mind of a willing participant so they can assess dreams, thoughts and the mind. This is possible due to the type of voidsent that aether weavers utilize which is covered in the section ‘Voidsent Type and Contract Details.’ However, the purpose of the ritual is to decipher dreams, understand the state of the mind and in turn find a way to read it, repair it or replace what is haunting the individual. The way the ritual is done is that the participant needs to be willing and their mind open. Usually to open the mind, an aether weaver will brew a herbal tea where the ingredients have a lucid effect on the drinker after 15 minutes. The tea through the various leaves used is designed to make the drinker tired, yet lucid, their body heavy but their mind fully awake and highly observant to their world and their thoughts. This makes it easier for an aether weaver to dive into ones thoughts without having to fight past mental barriers which can create mental trauma. 
Yet to even dive into the mental landscape of the dreaming, not only does the aether weaver have to channel their voidsent but they need to keep at least one hand on their participant. If the touch is severed, it can have serious consequences for the aether weaver and sometimes the participant. This can include mental trauma, trapped consciousness and/or death. While precautions are put in place like laying down and shadow tendrils to lock the hand in place, it is still something that both parties must heavily consider. This ritual is not conducted lightly or frequently.
The healing practices of Aether Weavers are not typical and like rituals are not done often due to how taxing they are on the Aether Weaver. What Aether Weavers do from a healing standpoint is repair aether channels by stitching channels back together via their own aether or the aether around them if a person is inclined to a specific aspect. While this can be taxing if the damage is extensive, it isn’t as difficult as unblocking aetheral channels. Usually this is done gradually with magic training put inbetween, a long process with steady and pain free results. However, if a situation dictates this is not possible or if the client is wanting the fix done immediately that is when things become dangerous for the aether weaver and painful for the client. 
The Aether Weaver will not only have to pull on the maximum capability of their skills but also rely extremely heavily on their voidsent for an extra boost of power to grab hold of their clients aether. While matters are put in place to reduce pain for both participants, pain will still exist as what the aether weaver needs to do is grab an individual's aether around the area that is blocked and force it through, shattering the block. Usually this comes with a painful and large surge of power but until the process is done, the Aether Weavers hands once more cannot be removed from the client's body. Yet how does this work? Once at full capability, the Aether Weaver using their voidsent, taps into the body of their client, connecting by void magicks and shadow. It's intensive, fast, and painful for both parties but brings results as long as the person has the physical and mental steel for it. If they don’t, they can usually end up worse off and will need to rest for a significantly long time or get additional aid. For the aether weaver, if things become too much, they have a high risk of being taken over by their voidsent which can have disastrous effects or lead to a feeding frenzy. 
This aside, their traditional healing methods of using magic to heal wounds is weak when compared to other individuals trained in the healing arts. The Aether Weavers skill is useful for patching wounds on the fly, especially during fights or tense situations, but it is no more than a bandage in order to enable survival and the ability to see someone who is skilled in the proper healing arts. Their healing is best described as putting a bandaid on a cut.
Aether weavers are versatile fighters and while their skills can be related to a combination of classes they are calculating on the battlefield. To find the weaknesses of their enemy is their primary focus on the battlefield while ensuring their own survival. At times this makes them difficult to play within a team environment as they are often used to handling situations on their own or from a distance but once they are used to a dynamic and understand each person's behaviors and roles, they will work with them. Using a combination of their own aether, the aether around them and void magicks they primarily distract, wear down their enemy, attack and take opportunities when they see or create them. While they are vulnerable to damage as aether weavers' strengths don’t lie in constitution, they have the ability to lessen some blows with their void magicks. However, they are not known to wield heavy weapons or heavy armor like plate and can struggle against enemies of this make in close quarters. Depending on the enemy they are facing and understanding their own strengths they will either fight up close and personal with their voidsent aiding them, or from a distance, relying more on their magic, often a pattern of both being blended together.
In terms of weapons there is no specific style of weapon that an aether weaver prefers, however the most commonly used are light blades like rapiers to remain quick, specialist blades like scythes where precision is paramount without having to get to close and/or a magical focus that they either keep on their person at all times, making them hard to disarm, or in a weapon such as a staff or enchanted book. In the case of Syrus, he keeps his focus on his body at all times (around his neck or on his fingers), so should he be disarmed he can still call on aetherial blades, though he tends to limit the use as it requires a lot of effort and concentration to keep them solidified when compared to slinging spells. Outside of this, he has a preference for rapiers or scythes, picking the weapon based on the type of fight he is predicting or had on hand at that moment.
Overall, they are quick moving, calculating fighters and what they lack in traditional magic healing abilities and tanking abilities they make up for in the way they can adapt to their environment and enemies. 
Progression of Voidsent Corruption:
Aether Weavers have to maintain a careful balance when it comes to their magic and voidsent aligned skills and over time, especially with heavy use, corruption can and will show on their body. It is important for the aether weaver to recognise the different stages they are at in terms of their skill use and corruption. They learn quickly not to go beyond a certain point as it can mean possession, death or consumption. Below is a general visual guide of an aether weaver first engaging their skills through their focus of choice and going up to the point of max corruption. The very last picture demonstrates the physical appearance of the cool down period that can last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks where skill usage has to be limited and very careful. During the cool down period the markings not only change colour but slowly fade.
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Voidsent Type and Contract Details:
Like people there are many different kinds of voidsent with different personality types. As such the voidsents that aether weavers prefer are not those of aggression or strength but those who are much like themselves in their skill and will serve their purpose. These voidsents are ‘sandman’ voidsents, a nickname provided to the creatures that will infest the mind and dreams of people. They are neither bad nor good and are a creature that can give terrible nightmares, night terrors or such blissful dreams you don’t want to wake up, or struggle to wake up until with enough of these dreams you simply surrender your aether to the voidsent to continue living in the dream or to stop the suffering. It is through this that the very contract is done and performed. A would be aether weaver before they can be called a master of their art gets induced into a deep sleep, others summoning the voidsent and then offering the sleeping body to the voidsent. It is then up to the individual to survive the dream or make their way out.
With any pact with a voidsent there is no guarantee of survival during this rite, but if one does survive it, the bond is sealed via a magical contract forming on the hand of the aether weaver. This contract is only visible on the skin when the aether weaver is going through their corruption phases from too much use of their skill. However, one thing to know, the voidsent will become protective over their master and will do whatever is necessary to protect them and their aether, after all, it is now guaranteed to be theirs when the end eventually comes.
Yet what does the voidsent look like? It is a creature that can take on many forms, often preferring to use the faces of those it has seen in memories and dreams or using a ‘featureless’ form. This featureless form is inky shadow, tall, spindly and towering, yet holds no eyes or distinguishing body features. It does however hold rows upon rows of teeth so it is a starling sight when it opens its formless mouth. Their true form however is rarely seen and can only be seen within the hollow scape of an empty dream. When a mind is not dreaming, but is lucid only then can it be perceived, a creature that is both parasitic, demonic and aetherial looking.
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References and Influences:
Enchanter evidence can be found in game via the goldsmith quests, specifically in the quest Serendipity Now which speaks about how malachite is believed to ward off evil and holds some magical/aetherical properties.
Aether weaver lore is custom lore that is based on the root applications of red mage, black mage, reaper abilities and lore. This custom lore has been created to not only make the character the character, but provide lore into the characters origins and village. With endwalker discussing different applications of magic, aether, akasa and possible applications for how magic and aether can be unique to places outside of eorzea, variation and unique abilities are possible.
Last updated: 29.01.23
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truebluewhocanoe · 1 year
doctor who ffxiv glam update
Yup it’s me, here’s an update on the Doctor-themed FFXIV glams. Some of these end up having to be looser inspirations rather than Literally The Doctor’s Outfit but that’s just how it goes.
When I’m done with all of these I’ll take some actual proper shots in fitting locations and list all the glam pieces, but for now, here’s some shots in shitty lighting:
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11 - White Mage
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10 - Gunbreaker
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13 - Summoner
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4 - Dancer (No scarf, not possible, sorry)
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12 - Sage
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6 - Red Mage
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9 - Astrologian
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War - Dark Knight
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8 - Reaper
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5 - Paladin (with a back shot for better view of the sword)
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2 - Bard (With monochrome filter, because I can)
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3 - Monk
Still need to do 1′s glam for Scholar. I have to actually level Black Mage before being able to do 7′s glam. I also want to get the Manderville Stage 2 relic and Resistance relic for 8 and 4 respectively. (Yes, I’m sticking with mostly relic weapons for these, because I like glowy.)
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kc5rings · 2 years
Devil May Cry FF14 AU.
Not where they are in that setting, but post DMC5 where they play together as a group.
Preliminary thoughts are
Dante: Dark Knight (duh)An incredibly competent tank who nevertheless occasionally jumpscares people with cleaves and semi regularly shirks onto his brother for fun. Can play any role fairly well and is a particularly good Sage since in his words it’s the only healer with style.
Vergil: Samurai (also duh) “parse is the only true measure of a warrior Dante, “greed” is a concept for those who cannot grasp true power” this is usually the point said cleave or shirk kills Vergil, more than one physical fight has broken out over this. Also is an omnicrafter but only makes his own gear and refuses to use the marketboard at all. Will absolutely steal every LB3.
Nero: Gunbreaker and Red Mage. Gunbreaker is a pretty obvious fit and he almost always off tanks for Dante, also a very competent tank but occasionally gets frustrated if Whig’s something or lets someone else get killed. Won’t shirk onto Vergil but will occasionally graze him with a cleave just to keep him on his toes. Enjoys the in and out gameplay of Red Mage, especially the melee burst. Is on a continuous search a good RDM weapon glam that looks passably like Red Queen.
Kyrie: White Mage and Reaper but has all 90’s. Along with Nico, she’s the one who got everyone else into playing the game. Both her and Nico have been playing for ages and started playing together after they met through Nero. Is a scary hood healer who will balance a tanks health on a knife edge while racing the DPS on damage. Nero is the tank she made him and they work extremely well together. When Reaper came out she took to it immediately and is an absolute terror, the amount of damage a near miss teleporting she does actually earns her Vergil’s respect. He thinks she can do better than Nero.
Nico: Machinist but truly an omincrafter main. Like Kyrie has been playing forever, since launch in her case. Is the kind of crafter main to have fully melded gear day one and has the static kitted out the day after that. Has done just about every bit of content there is to do and enjoys chasing down every side quest. Big in the modding community for making some of the best aesthetic stuff available.
Lady: Machinist/Black Mage. Wanted to start the game as machinist for the guns, picked black mage to use until she could unlock machinist but got caught up in the thirst for Big Explosions. Still likes machinist but always plays black mage for serious content, her rotation is down to a sweet science and she never gets tired of seeing Fire IV go off. Has threatened to shoot both of the Sparda brothers for standing in her leylines, has actually shot Dante for it.
Trish: Monk and Dancer, prefers classes where she can move freely and also help out a little here and there. Monk is her preference because she likes to get in close and mix things up, enjoys keeping the LB3 from Vergil. Glam game is always on point and has all 90’s to have access every piece of armor just in case there’s a look she likes.
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zahra-hydris · 2 years
v curious to know which job questlines you consider canon for maty & why (doh/l included) 👀
nonny I love this question and I love you for asking about my girl 💖
first, a confession: despite having all my crafting jobs at 80+ and two of my three gathering jobs at 89/90, i’ve probably completed like half of the questlines?
otherwise! pretty much all of them are canon for maty except for two. the first is the dragoon questline which is unique imo because it feels so very dated after a certain point in the msq (basically, post-heavensward).
considering maty only learns the job after endwalker (and after being enough of a shit to estinien that he challenges her to actually learn the job), the estinien-centred storyline is a) a HUGE time warp and character regression for estinien and b) doesn’t fit the friendship estinien and maty have by that point. i’m also not a huge fan of the ‘two azure dragoons’ thing tbh. I prefer to let estinien have that as his own thing (I love that, canonly, estinien is still a better dragoon than the wol).
the second job questline I consider non-canon for maty is the dancer one. part of this is because I connect her skills to her background (her parents taught her and her sister to ‘entertain’, including dancing, to attract a wealthy husband) and because I don’t see maty as willing to indulge gegeruju and randomly joining a dance troupe. instead, she asks lyna to show her how to turn her ‘useless’ dancing training into something more lethal.
another job questline that I kind of smudge a bit for maty is the paladin one... because it sucks. it’s so so bad and it makes zero sense and I kind of just block it out and pretend that maty’s paladin abilities come from her merging her magic with her new defensive skills (gained through the gladiator training).
some of the others that seem a bit... weird (warrior, white mage) I just see her as grudgingly persevering through (post-endwalker maty in the background of curious gorge’s romcom: remember two months ago when I was doing shit like saving the fucking universe).
but all of the others fit maty and her journey quite well (with some occasional tweaks), especially in the order I did them. the black mage and summoner storylines are fairly integral to her ARR development, with red mage a natural progression in her post-ARR journey and machinist following once she reaches ishgard (because she’s developed an interest in engineering from cid). she learns paladin and white mage after heavensward (so she can defend/heal/never feel so helpless as she did watching haurchefant die). I see her learning samurai during stormblood, though I do alter the story somewhat so it starts through her getting some training from hien and then seeking out a mentor to improve herself. she picks up dark knight after stormblood, when she’s at her lowest, and it absolutely SLAPPED at that point (an actual physical manifestation of all her rage, grief, and self-loathing she feels at that point and HOLY SHIT did I time that well).
she picks up dancer and gunbreaker during quiet moments in shadowbringers in an effort to add to her combat capacity, the weight of her task (and the exarch/g’raha’s expectations) bearing on her, learning initially from lyna and thancred respectively (before completing her gunbreaker training through the questline). all the others kind of fit in after shadowbringers or after endwalker (maty deciding to use her time productively). notably, she picks up reaper after endwalker as a way of working through her weird feelings regarding zenos’ death. it also feels like a way of returning to her black mage roots, messing about with the void again. it’s also these periods in which she really dives into her crafting and gathering, working through the little guild (and guildmaster) crises in these periods where the world’s not ending (fave one of these is still alchemist btw). sometimes, it’s a way to refocus herself and do something simple and productive after such high stress and traumatising events. for instance, she starts mining as a way to finally address her survivors guilt and feel connected with minfilia after shadowbringers.
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eclysia · 2 years
oh . wait. im not familiar with f/fxi/v at all but i like the job system so i did give them to my ocs :) i wonder if these vibes are alright based on how little i know?
mido- reaper justification: hes an odd 'interceptor' who weaponizes the souls of the fallen. he does so out of respect, but he gets vengeful
aevis- blue mage justification: similar to the class itself, my guy gets a lot of his power and even his personality by learning from other people
avan- dragoon justification: theyre agile in canon and the armor reminds me a bit of the draconic prism beast. looks cool. theyre draconic. what more do you want
???- sage/red mage justification: has two jobs bc hes a fucker but mainly sticks with sage. honestly picked these two for their looks. haha
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desertleviathan · 2 years
FFXIV players. What combos of jobs on a team fulfill your cravings for conceptual synergy? I'm not talking about mechanical compatibility necessarily. I mean like, what combos when you zone into a duty make you go "Oh nice, this team fits [pattern]?"
Some examples:
Team Heavensward - Tank: Dark Knight - DPS 1: Dragoon - DPS 2: Machinist - Healer: Astrologian (The idea being that three classes were introduced in that expansion and have class stories heavily tied to it, and the fourth was the sort of mascot class for that expansion, which the Meteor Survivor used in the HW trailer.)
Team DARKNESS - Tank: Dark Knight - DPS 1: Black Mage - DPS 2: Reaper - Healer: Astrologian (Everyone here is in some way empowered by Darkness and/or Night. A ninja would be an acceptable substitute for either DPS, owing to the use of shadow clones and stealth, but Black Mage and Reaper are the more obvious choices.) Team GUN - Tank: Gunbreaker - DPS 1: Machinist - DPS 2: (any - or another Machinist I guess) - Healer: Sage (Pew pew pew! Blam! Zzzap! Kapow! BOOM!!!) Team Gyr Abania - Tank: Warrior - DPS 1: Monk - DPS 2: Red Mage - Healer: (any) (A regional team based on jobs either native to Ala Mhigo or to the Hellsguard clans in the neighboring mountains.)
Team Rainbow Mage - Tank: (any - or a Blue Mage in Tank configuration, if you're willing to accept the associated duty limitations) - DPS 1: Black Mage - DPS 2: Red Mage - Healer: White Mage (If your name is (color) Mage, welcome to the company.)
Team Original Scions Tank: Paladin DPS 1: Monk DPS 2: Black Mage Healer: White Mage (To reflect Thancred, Yda, Papalymo, and Y'shtola, of course! I know, I know, Thancred swapped from weird dagger-Gladiator to Rogue as soon as he had a chance. Also, a DPS or Healer can be substituted for a Summoner or Scholar respectively, representing how like half the Scions lineup was Arcanists at one point.) Team Draconic Power Sources - Tank: (any) - DPS 1: Summoner - DPS 2: Dragoon - Healer: (any) (For optimal value, this combo must occur during the dungeon Paglth'an, so Tiamat can give you both wicked side-eye.)
Team Bonus Teammates - Tank: Dark Knight - DPS 1: Summoner - DPS 2: Machinist - Healer: Scholar (Your objective here is to have Fray, Bahamut/Phoenix, the Automaton Queen, and the Big Fairy all deployed at once. No /petsize all small, go big or go home!)
Team New Kids - Tank: Gunbreaker - DPS 1: Dancer - DPS 2: Reaper - Healer: Sage (Only classes from the last two expansions, please and thank you.)
Team Graduated From Limsa Lominsa - Tank: Warrior - DPS 1: Ninja - DPS 2: Summoner - Healer: Scholar (Everyone here started their careers at the Arcanists, Marauders, or Rogues guilds obviously. The only starting city whose base classes can cover a full Light Party, since Gridania lacks Tanks and Ul'dah lacks Healers.) Team Full Armor Coverage - Tank: (any) - DPS 1: Dragoon or Reaper - DPS 2: Monk or Samurai - DPS 3: Ninja - DPS 4: Bard, Dancer, or Machinist - DPS 5: Black Mage, Red Mage, or Summoner - Healer 1: (any - optional, Astrologian or White Mage) - Healer 2: (any - optional, Sage or Scholar) (For Alliance Raids only. Your goal here is to cover all seven types of Armor - Fending, Maiming, Striking, Scouting, Aiming, Casting, and Healing. And for bonus points, having a "Pure" Healer and a "Shield" Healer if you want maximum diversity.)
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 3 years
LFRP: Persephone Lena
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NAME: Persephone Lena (The Phoenix)
Age: 28 years old
Race: Viera, Rava clan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Marital Status: Single, not really looking unless you happen to be Hades.
Server: Balmung
Tumblr tag #the phoenix rises
Hair: Auburn red hair
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 72 ilms
Build: Curvy, but with toned definition.
Distinguishing Marks: A splash of freckles across the nose and cheeks.
Common Accessories: Various, mostly bracelets, and jewelry to complement whatever she is wearing.
Born and raised in the outer forests of the Black Shroud to a mother who left her people behind. While her mother chose to leave her village, Persephone was brought up to respect the forest and to use the magic hidden in the elements. Her mother had tended the gardens of her village and taught Persephone how to grow and nurture plants.
Her natural talent with the healing arts led her to seek further training from the conjuror's guild. Surpassing their expectations and continually thirsting for knowledge, she is sent to seek out the padjal white mages. Under their tutelage she became a powerful healer, being able to bring people back from near death. It isn't until she raises someone from the dead that she begins to question her powers and their extent. She now journies in search of an answer to her mysterious abilities and how to wield them.
Profession: Healer, Apothecary, eventually Reaper/Necromancer
Hobbies: Reading, research, gardening
Languages: Common, some Forest speak
Residence: Gridania
Birthplace: Forests of the Black Shroud
Religion: Agnostic
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: Ignorance.
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Her mother Demeter, who lives in their cottage in The Shroud.
Siblings: none
Other Relatives: None that she knows of. Her mother left the village she was born in, forsaking her family.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: No.
Drugs: None
Alcohol: Rarely, if so its typically wine.
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Thirst for Knowledge
Persephone is constantly seeking to learn new things and is always reading. She is often found in bookshops, libraries or various schools as she hunts for the answers to all of her questions. She will even go to the extent of hiring armed muscle to help her delve into dangerous tombs or ruins.
A Matter of Life and Death
An expert in healing as a white mage, Persephone can attend the most grievous of injuries and leave barely a scar. Her strong abilities with healing will even repair nature, making her an expert with growing various plants. With the power to bring life, her curiosity grows constantly about death and she wonders if it is possible to bring someone back to the living. She seeks the knowledge of the necromancers to help answer her questions.
Oceans of Potions
Persephone's love of plants, healing, and the scientific arts eventually led her to alchemy. There she is able to apply multiple layers of her knowledge, crafting potent medications and even poisons. She plans to open a shop one day and sell her remedies to anyone seeking them.
Feel free to reach out if you're interested in RP with Persephone! You can reach me here on Tumblr, and I have a Discord I can share if someone is interested. Let's plan something out!
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inviouswriting · 4 years
Love in Death.
Touching on a spot in Tam-Tara Deepcroft hard.
Spoilers for Corpse Groom and storyline with Edda. Nothing grand monumental, but Kivera’s take on the situation.
Mentions - @maiden-born-in-snow​ ‘s  Shuri.
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Kivera had watched from a distance as a group wandered into the tomb. Her attention had been provoked under the notice of someone dabbling in necromancy. She has always hated the craft, there was never any good that came of it. To raise the dead is a taboo in her world.
She wandered behind after the group, keeping herself to the spectral plane instead of physical. Her eyes wandering to torn notes from a journal, completely missed by some of the other members of the group save for a young auran girl. Kivera notes her snowy hair a stark contrast to her black. The somber expression that graced her features, she wondered why till she read the folios herself.
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At first Kivera had a look of understanding reading over the heartbreak Edda lamented in her pages. That was until she saw the altars, familiar scripts and sacrifices lain across or discarded. She knew the magic, she knew what it looked like.
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Further notes and Kivera was no longer sympathetic, even her eyes matched her annoyance in a dark orange. The crypt matched the descent into madness the girl went into. All who attempt necromancy descend into the same madness. She saw it with Vanth when he used the bodies of the slain women of Salem. She saw it in herself at one point when the loss and loneliness of losing Damien almost tipped her into the same thing.
Yet she remembered the look of pain upon the trapped souls, she felt it, the flames that stoke and burn them to keep them ensnared in a body they didn’t want.
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The abominations she stumbled upon after the group destroyed amalgamations, and rejects to the magic, test subjects. Seeing the trapped souls, signalled to her, Kivera would not be taking a soul out of this place, it is too far damned even for her to touch.
The look of disgust on her face reading a note of how Edda sought intimacy with Avere. She didn’t have to imagine it, nor did she want to.
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She approached the remains of a former archer, the woman suffering a second death than the one she endured during the massacre in Waking Sands. She was there and saw Kiya as she had to deal with the bodies.
Kivera thankful that her successor didn’t fall into the same chaos upon seeing those around her that died. Even a black mage knows not to traverse that taboo. The reaper follows the path of destruction left, from the defiled coffins, to a demon she herself knew in Dantalion. She’d have a word with that one later.
Boots stepped over the torn body of a suit of armor. No longer a care to those wandering the halls, she dispatches the remainder with swift bolts of fire. The folios she read echoed madness, they echoed desperation of one so grief stricken that she resorted to something no one should ever attempt not even once. Yet here was many failures of the magic crawling and gripping at Kivera’s feet. 
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She had gone ahead of the group dealing to save the single living soul in Paiyo Raiyo. She caught the lingering woman stalling to read the notes much like she was, till she was no longer interested. They said the same things she once read in Vanth’s journals.
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Kivera stands at the edge of a platform overlooking the girl in the center. The fallen doesn’t feel pity, nor remorse for her. Not with the atrocities she had done, crimes of the underworld. She had already sold her soul to Dantalion, and she can’t do anything to absolve her. So she waits for those who can end her life for her. Not even the grace of death was enough.
She felt eyes on her from behind, she turned brief to see the calm gaze of the xaela. Red eyes met the mismatched ones, before she disappeared out of her sight to allow her to do her role as warrior of light. To carry out a hard task on a former acquaintance.
Kivera did not leave far and watched the fight, she herself would have ended it faster than it began. Yet this was not her place to take life here. Her role was not needed.
From her spot near one of the altars, she catches the feeling of being stared at again from the bottom platform amongst the array and candles. At the end of the fight Edda had fallen from the platform, in her shock she had walked backwards and fell catching fire on the way.
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Kivera could only lower her head and silence Antares from trying to be the beacon it is for the wandering soul freshly torn.
“We can’t take this one Antares. Be silent.” Her own heart dimmed its light. She looks stern down at the face who seems to be searching for her, and in a message on a whisper to the aura.
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“Leave this place. May you learn here what it means to stare madness in the face. I hope whomever you choose to love, that if you were faced with losing them you let them go. Grieve them and love them. To never disgrace them like this.” There is an understanding, and she leaves with the group she entered with.
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Kivera stands where they once did, and offers her own respects.
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“Edda, may you find peace one day. For now, I am unable to bring you it. You have to pay for the crimes you committed here. Unrest to the dead is aborrent. Rest now those who were defiled. Fiamme infernali per bruciare i non morti.” She sets the place ablaze to purge the remaining undead. A dark green and black fire spreads from her feet and into the air following to each corpse and spirit to snuff them out.
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“The dead should never be disgraced like this.”
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voidsentprinces · 4 years
Just as the Sauna wraps up in my brain. A distant voice echoes from beyond the veil, “Bar AU”
Which tender would you prefer this evening?
Would you like the gruff enforcer bartender Raubahn?  One of the three Knight of the Bartop; Estinien the Tsun, Haurchefaunt the Lively, or Aymeric the Fair? Or maybe you’d enjoy that handsome rogue of a bartender, Thancred? The Garlean Reaper’s Motorcycle gang roll in here occasionally. Their newly ascended leader Zenos “The Hunt” Galvus or the quieter but mentor figure of The Black Wolf? Let us not even get us started on the Poolhall Sharks Cid and Nero with Bouncers Biggs and Wedge rivaling 10 Time Tankard Master Hien with his enforce Yugiri and his exhausted mentor Gosetsu. Who used to make rounds in this hall in his younger days with Hien’s Father. The armwrestling champ Lyse and the ever graceful Urianger who is always willing to lend an ear as you drown your woes.
Can never go wrong with our servers, the legendary Warrior of Light, the Vii Sisters, Kai-Shurr, and Raubahn’s Son, Pipin.
The regulars are also an assorted crowd. The pompous but entertaining Emet-Selch, the worldly Y’shtola, the exasperated Papalymo, the tarot reader Minfilia, the Saint Ysayle, the hotel chain owner Varis and of course, the self-proclaimed detective Hildibrand and the boastful Tiduslayer. Who once challenged the Warrior of Light to an ice crushing contest and lost.
On occasion, the establishment is visited by the near by High School Twins Ryne and Gaia. Known around these parts as the Oracles. They drag Alphinaud and Alisaie to act as referees and hype up events like when anyone challenges Hien to a tankard chug.
Metal Head Fray and Punk Sidurgu wander in too from time to time with their adopted daughter Rielle.
Branch Manager G’raha and his bodyguard Lyna sometimes come in to inspect the place and drop off crystal shotglasses.
Oh, performers? Whats your poison? If you like a good shanty, the Admiral and Mistbeard is a fine set up. More up for something lively? Never miss the Seedseer and the Bards. Occasionally Fray and Sidurgu do a gig. But the swing master X’rhun and the Reds gets the bar shaking. Up and comers for rock are Curious Gorge and Broken Mountain. Though Broken Mountain seems to be branching out into more experimental stuff ever since Gorge found himself a girlfriend. 
If you want divinity with sass look no further than the Seedseer’s brother and his apprentice, E-Sumi-Yan and Sylphie. Though if you want something that’ll set off a brawl, the Black Mages always try to start a moshpit in our tiny bar. If you’d like sensational dancing, every Saturday Night. The Dancer’s Guild makes the bar lively.
Public service nights, the Gunbreakers Guild leads safety meetings in here. But they have been making some new alternative rock. A rare treat occurs sometimes when Estinien isn’t working, the Azure Dragoons perform but the Warrior of Light and Estinien’s days off never line up much.
If Music isn’t your forte. The Arcanist Guild sometimes performs drink theatre on stage. Recreating beverages based off the Primals and handing out Egi shots with the aid of the Scholars. In the basement, the Puglists set up fighting matches, and the Thief’s Guild perform along Doman Shinobi for Acrobatic performances. The up and coming Blue Mages sometimes also perform...but a lot of their performances end up being very short because their pyrotechnics keep blowing them up. More public astrological readings are held by the Astrologians, if you want to double check Minfilia’s results.
Sometimes Nanamo and her Gladiators enter to show off proper fight etiquette. Protected by her Paladins. She is quite fond of Raubahn, who used to run with her. But after fighting back an infamous rioter the Griffin and the Monetarists. Raubahn is taking it easy. Allowing Pipin to head up proper etiquette.
Doman Art and Culture Nights are held by the Samurai and Ninja Guilds respectively. Though if you’re looking for long range. The Bards and Machanists Guilds get into shooting contests occasionally.
When you’re done with your drink and food, please see Tataru or Hancock at the cash register to tally up your receipt.
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freckledbastard · 2 years
there's quite a few characters im struggling to give a definitive classes to but none are as painful as wei wuxian oh my god i can't decide if i think he'd be a reaper, a black mage or a bard. theyd all kinda make sense with him! hell, even machinist!!
anyway he's in the naughty corner with dante byleth link and noctis for troublesome characters whod easily be multiclass. in the end i made dante and link tanks (dark knight and paladin respectively), byleth a white mage healer and noctis a red mage. part of the struggle with wwx is that ive got him as a dps it's just that he works with so many! at least with the other troublesome characters it was mostly a matter of which role theyd play! (joseph is a white mage as well mostly to help fill in the healer positions (and i love me some hamon), but monk machinist or astrologian are also nice!! wait i changed my mind he's now an astrologian main because healer, "seeing the future" and also ast is just so complicated. i need to relearn how to play it it's changed so much in endwalker!!! same for summoner but i don't like the rotation of the primals i think it's very dumb so i guess it's time to learn how to play scholar!!!)
+not jinx tho. jinx is a machinist through and through (same as tony stark). and yor is a ninja. tanjiro is a samurai, legolas a bard and luffy and sonic are both monks. punch and kick buds.)
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