#for someone who never read the fic this must be so wild
littlesystems · 2 years
Sometimes you read a fic where the author is clearly and intentionally writing dead dove content like:
These garbage boys are going to torture and gaslight each other until they’re inextricably intertwined 😈 they are going to make each other the most fucked-up and worst versions of themselves 🔪 they will be so codependent and broken they will never be able to be with anyone else after ☠️
And, like, this is probably written by a pretty normal, well-adjusted person. Genuinely. The dove is dead but the author knows that the dove is dead because they killed the dove. On purpose. Gleefully. They were like “wouldn’t it be fucked up if…” and then wrote the if.
But then sometimes you read a fic where the author is like:
uwu these soft boys are soooo cute and in love 🥰 they’re so sweet and pure and good 💕 I just want them to be cutesy-wutesy and in lurveeee forever 😍 this is my new fic about soft boys being soft 💋 this is the height of romance 😘
And then the fic is. Not. The relationship is THE must fucked up, manipulative, passive-aggressive shit show where both characters are being awful to each other, but in the most socially-acceptable heteronormative way where you could 100% picture a friend of a friend telling you this bizarre story at a party while you’re sitting there like wow 😬 straight people are wild who acts like that?
I don’t read fics like that often, but whenever I do I’m always like................... 👀 you good? You doing okay? You seem to think this kind of behavior is, uh. Normal. And, uh, romantic? But these characters certainly seem to hate each other. Not in the narrative, in the narrative they’re super in love somehow but uhhh. Um. You good?
There is such a chasm between people writing something fucked up on purpose vs someone writing something fucked up on accident. And the latter is where things are not tagged properly, and they’re infinitely more disturbing imo.
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
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Autumn of '88
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Word count: 3.8k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), Hobie is mentioned taller than R, Reader and Hobie are 13/14 in this, Puppy love, TTN! Reader and Hobie, set in the TTN universe, best friends to lovers (prequel to TTN), CW food mentions, Fluff.
A/N: This is the last of the 1k celebration fics! Thank you all so much ❤️❤️❤️
Thread the Needle Masterlist
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Head on your palm, heavy eyes slowly closing with every dreary words that your biology teacher says, you fight a yawn from escaping since the last time someone yawned in front of Mrs. Weathers they got kicked out of class. But with the boring subject about symbiotic relationships in the wild, that you most definitely already know since you did the advanced reading, you're tempted to yawn loudly and widely just so you could escape from this biology hell.
The air is crisp, October air breezing through you from the open window to your left. Clad in your cardigan and yellow corduroy pants, the cold still seeps into the thick fabrics. It's a comfortable cold but with you sitting still for more than an hour without stretching your limbs has you freezing in your seat.
You risk getting called out by Mrs. Weathers if she notices you looking out of the window for even a second. But you are so bored out of your mind that you'd rather stare at the oak tree outside than continue to listen to her yapping about symbiosis. Having the brilliant idea to hide your wandering eyes from the teacher with your hand slightly covering your profile, now safe from her piercing gaze, you watch as the orange leaves dance with the breeze.
There's a pile of dead leaves at the bottom of its trunk, and you wish you could jump inside and never have to study biology ever again. It must be so warm and cozy inside, with the orange and yellow leaves as your sky and walls, you'll live like a tiny mouse queen ruling over your land. You think of all the stuff you'll bring inside your little leaf kingdom, your sketchbook is definitely a yes, and also your big pack of colorful markers and pencils is an absolute need. You'll need some snacks of course, some eggos and cheese balls would suffice. As for sleeping, you guess you'll never need to sleep when you have so much time to do anything you want in your leaf kingdom.
Yet, you think you'll be lonely inside. Sure you can bring your gameboy or your care bears, but they can't exactly talk and have the most riveting banter with you. With a smile, you plan to bring your best friend with you to your autumn kingdom. Hobie can be your bard or your right hand man. It's perfect, you think, a perfect place where it's just you and Hobie where there's no more school to attend, no more grades to keep up, just you and him having fun in the pile of leaves.
With a sigh, you blink slowly as your eyes get heavier and heavier with every daydream. Fighting the sandman from having his sandy grip on you, you pinch your cheek subtly. Opening your eyes, a familiar silhouette appears right next to the oak tree. Long arms waving in your direction, legs jumping to get your attention. Blinking rapidly, it's none other than Hobie who has the widest grin on his face when he notices that he finally has your attention.
He motions for you to go outside, beckoning you over dramatically. Miming that he'll cry if you don't go outside. You think otherwise, quietly giggling at his antics.
After the realization, you straighten in your seat, wondering why and how he got outside when he's supposed to be in maths.
A loud thwack slams against your desk, jumping awake, Mrs. Weathers shakes her head, tongue clicking in agitation.
“If you're not prepared to listen in class it's best that you should leave, miss L/N.” She says, gritting her fake teeth.
“Okay,” you stand up to collect your things, shoving your notebook and books inside your already full backpack. Your reply has Mrs. Weathers confused, since you are her best student.
“Wait—” you've never seen her flabbergasted, your classmates snicker silently in their seats, some even clap and cheer you on.
Giving them all a shrug, you exit the classroom before she grabs you back inside. With the door shutting close, you sprint towards the exit. Trainers squeaking on the linoleum, backpack heavy, you push the double doors open with your shoulder. Hobie greets you outside just as the fresh air whips at your cheeks.
He claps slowly but surely, face proud with a smug smile. “I've got to hand it to you, Pingu, I did not expect that. I have successfully made a rebel out of you.”
Hobie stands on the grass like he owns the entire school, hands tucked inside his jeans, thumbs tapping on his metal belts that clinks against each other when he moves. For once, he's dressed for the weather, the old worn leather jacket now fits him better than last year, it was bigger on his shoulders back then. Puberty works in mysterious ways, you think. A denim vest lays on top of the leather, handmade pins of his favourite things are all tacked securely on the denim. Its edges are frayed, but you know it was intentional since you're the one who helped him do it. The thrifted ‘Queen’ shirt you gave him on his birthday is the perfect size, but you know that he'll only be able to wear it for a couple of years at the rate he's growing.
No one would think you two are best friends judging by how different your styles are, or how different you are to him. Personality wise, likes, dislikes, it's all different, sometimes you wonder how you two get along. But you wouldn't have it any other way.
“How'd you get out of maths?”
“Climbed out of the window before Mr. Keery came in.”
You doubt his story. “Yeah, right, your classroom is on the third floor, Hobie.”
He feigns hurt, “my own best mate doubts my abilities?” You roll your eyes, but the heat in your cheeks says otherwise. “‘m great at climbing, I could climb down from that height.” You stay silent, looking at him with a raised brow and unblinking eyes. “...fine, I faked sleepin' by snorin’ loudly, happy?”
You touch his shoulder with a mischievous smile. “Hobie, you don't have to fake snore because you snore like an elephant giving birth.”
“You're very funny,” he takes your wrist to push your hands away. You now notice the new nail polish on his nails. “That doesn't even make bloody sense.”
You ignore him, mouth agape and shocked at his painted nails. “You finally coloured your nails?” You take his hand that has nail polish sloppily painted on. The paint even reaches to the edge of his nails, painting his skin with shadowy black. “You could've asked me for help, y’know.”
“It's part of the style” He shrugs, taking his hand away before you can feel his pulse pick up.
“Sure, even the bubbles are in style.” You tease with a playful smile. “So why'd you call me over here?”
“Got bored, then thought you're also bored so I went to your window so we could skip the rest of the day.” He purposely skips the part that he knows exactly where you always sit.
You gasp. “Wait, I thought we were just skipping class, not skipping the rest of the day!” Hands on your hips, you shake your head. “And here I thought there's like a really cool… stick or something.”
“A stick?” He chortles.
“Yeah, like the one you found a few days ago that actually looked like a sword.”
“Nah, I wanted to—” A high pitched whistle echoes out, startling you both. Finding the source of the sound, the school guard is currently running towards you. The hundreds of keys on his belt jingles, cheeks red from all the whistle blowing.
“Oi!” The yells, pointing accusingly at you two.
With wide eyes, Hobie takes your hand before sprinting away. He practically drags you along with him, bigger strides than you, he looks over his shoulder to check on you. Unsurprisingly enough, he has a huge grin on his lips, as if he planned all of it.
You follow his lead, dead leaves crunching under your shoes, backpack weighing you down. Yet, he doesn't leave you even though you're slowing him down. You appreciate him for not letting your hand go, but you don't like how your heart hammers against your chest when you look at your intertwined hands.
Finally reaching the metal fence, Hobie chucks his backpack over it. It's not that tall for him, he could easily jump over it with no problem, but with you still waiting on your growth spurt, it'll be a challenge for you. He knows it too, without asking he grabs your bag off your shoulders, he then quickly throws it over the other side before crouching down with his hands on top of the other.
“C’mon, Pingu, up you go!” Hobie flicks his eyes over to the guard, he's glad that the guard isn't exactly a track star. The whistling gets louder as the uniformed man gets closer. “Hurry—!”
Before he could finish saying the word, you shakily put your foot on his palm. With one strong push, and a jump from you, Hobie hoists you over the fence. You miraculously make it over, landing on your side with a groan. Hobie follows a second later, climbing like his life depended on it. Immediately grabbing each of your backpacks, then putting both on one arm, he lifts you up from the pavement with one hand just before the guard could even reach the fence; you two race off across the street, huffing and aching from the daring escape.
Going around a corner, Hobie leads you towards an alley. He skids off to a stop, heavy bags falling off his arms.
Hands on your knees, lungs burning, and face sweaty from the run, you check behind the corner if the guard is still after you.
“He won't follow us anymore. We're out!” Hobie exclaims, exhilarated, and grinning widely. He leans on the wall opposite of you, chest heaving, laughter echoing around the empty alleyway.
Copying his stance, cracking a smile, you laugh together with him. “You're a bad influence, Hobie Brown.”
“And you're a great influence, Y/N L/N.” His smile and his shining eyes says it all: we balance each other out. “Too bloody nice, that's what you are.”
You shake your head, chin resting on your clavicle to hide your lopsided smile. Heat on your cheeks, you seem to find yourself having the same expression lately whenever you're around him.
“Where to?” He asks once he caught his breath.
“My choice?” You ask, smile permanently etched on your lips.
“‘course,” Hobie says it like it's the most obvious thing. He was supposed to add to his sentence but he shuts his mouth before he could let the word escape.
You excitedly perk up. “The mall?”
He makes a face. “I'd rather stay in maths.”
“Arcade then?”
“They'd kick us out,” you knit your eyebrows in question. “Because we're skippin’ class, they put up that fuckin' sign a few weeks ago.”
“Oh right, I forgot. How about the record shop? Mike's cool, he might let us stay until classes are over.”
Hobie pushes himself off the wall, strutting over to you, your heart quickens for some reason. He pats shoulder with a smirk. “Your best idea yet,” taking both bags off the grimey floor, he puts them both on each shoulder. It's your turn to smirk at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” you say in a sing-song tone.
He clicks his tongue, avoiding your eyes. “C’mon then, before someone sees us here and thinks we're skippin' class.”
“Hobie, we are skipping class.”
“Not if we act like we're not.”
“...what?” You chuckle, blinking in confusion. “What would you do?”
“Nothin’, let's go.” He walks away from you.
“Oh come on, what will you do? Will you put on your best acting skills like how you faked being sick in front of the nurse? Because she was definitely convinced that you had chicken pox!” You giggle, following him, matching his longer strides.
“It worked, didn't it?” Hobie turns his head away from your playful glance.
“Yeah, because you had an actual fever. But sure, your drawn on chicken pox was very convincing.”
“I'm an artiste, Y/N.” He says, trying to do a french accent.
You snort, “sure, and I'm the queen of England.”
“Alright, your majesty.” He stops, “carry your own luggage,” your bag thuds on the pavement. “I don't want to help some parasite.” Smugly walking away, you feign hurt with your loud gasp.
“You…you doodoo head!” You yank your bag, wearing it properly on your back. Running after Hobie, he has a mischievous smile, one you're all too familiar with.
“Doodoo head? That the best you can come up with?” He says before bolting off, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey!” Running, you follow him with a laugh. “Asshole!”
Finally reaching the vinyl shop, the bells jingle as you two enter. The smell of plastic and cheap air freshener lingers in the air, the ancient shaggy carpet is soft under your trainers. Shelves upon shelves of records greet you as you roam your eyes around the different album covers. It's a slow day so the store is empty except for Mike the cashier who has headphones on.
Hobie sniffs dramatically, “home sweet home!”
Mike cracks an eye open, with a groan after seeing you and Hobie standing by the door, he chucks his headphones on the counter, looking disgruntled. The denim jacket with hundreds of patches and bottle cap pins is large on his lanky frame.
“Oh great, Hobie's here.” He says sarcastically, long straight hair flipped over his shoulder with one move from his head. “And he brought his little girlfriend. Hi, Y/N, you still hang out with this arse?” He points at Hobie who doesn't bother correcting him anymore. “Seriously, I thought you were smarter than that.”
“D’you finally have it, mate?” Hobie acts like he's the same age as Mike, even though the teenage cashier could be his older brother. Ignoring Mike's jab, he waits for his reply.
Wanting to quit his job is clearly seen on his face. Then he considers the fact that he needs to save for college. With a sigh, he points towards the end of the store, where you think ‘it’ is there.
Hobie punches the table with a thump, then he excitedly bounds over to where the cashier pointed. “Thanks, bruv.”
“Cyndi Lauper?” You ask, all wide eyed and shy. “It's not at the front anymore.”
“Over to the right, just across where your boyfriend is.”
“He's not my—nevermind, thanks.” Walking past all the display, Hobie guffaws when he finds what he was looking for. You smile at how happy he is.
He's so happy that he grabs you by your elbow, pointing at the new ‘Ramones’ album. The words “Ramones Mania” are printed in bright red.
“Finally! Look!”
“I see it, Hobs.” You chuckle, “didn't this release months ago though?”
“It did,” he sighs like he's recalling a bad memory. “But this place isn't making a lot of money from records like this, so Mike here!” He yells the last part to annoy the man. “Delayed ordering it. I had to come ‘ere every day just to remind him.”
You see Mike pressing the volume up on his walkman. Making sure that Hobie sees that he's not listening to him.
“You didn't tell me that.” You say, sounding a bit too hurt.
“Thought you wouldn't care.” Hobie shrugs, “‘sides, you don't listen to stuff like this.” He points at the album.
“I could listen to it, Hobs. I make you listen to my records and you seem to like it.”
Hobie's eyes soften. “You wanna listen to it together then? You might not like it.”
“Yeah,” you nod. “If I don't end up liking it then at least I gave it a try, right? If I do like it we have something new to talk about.”
He could only manage a smile and a curt nod. Taking the record to the listening booth that sits at the corner of the store, he leaves his bag outside whilst he opens the door for you. Placing your bag down more gently than he did, you enter the cramped booth.
Mike yells after you two, “you lot better not snog in there!” You and Hobie scrunch your faces at the man.
“We're fourteen, mate!” Hobie yells back, not agitated, just weirded out by Mike's comment.
“You're fourteen? How would I know? You look fuckin' sixteen, bruv! Tall motherfucker.” He whispers the last part, Hobie didn't hear it but you surely did.
“I thought he was cool.” You admit, shutting the booth door behind you.
“He's a wanker, just actin’ like he is. Thought you fancy him?”
“Ew.” He beams at your reaction.
You giggle, the sound bouncing off the padded walls of the booth. It's just a regular rectangular box with a shelf for the record player and a bench to sit on. It's quieter inside, the cars outside are muffled, the only clear thing you can hear is how your heartbeat gets faster and faster the longer you stay squished inside the booth with him. Sitting down, you leave enough space for him. Hands on top of the other, you roam your eyes around the cracking paint on the walls, mind making shapes from how the navy blue paint crumbles.
Hobie carefully takes the record out then places it on the record player. Sitting next to you, you can practically feel his excitement reverberating. He takes the headphones from its rack, turning each around so you and him could listen at the same time.
“Ready to shit your trousers?” He asks, eyes glinting from the single light bulb. He's so close to you that you can see yourself in the reflection in his eyes. And you can see every single strand of eyelashes that's perfectly blending in with his eyeliner.
“I don't want to poop on my trousers, I like this pair.” You joke, and you pat yourself on the back for making him laugh. “This is corduroy, Hobie.”
“Alright quiet time now.” He presses play as you hide your amused smile.
You bask in the sunset, eyes closed, you let the autumn air kiss your cheeks, your hands are behind you, propping you up. Despite the dusty pavement, and the looming problem of getting found out that you skipped school, you're perfectly content where you are right now. It would be perfect but you're missing something, or someone for that matter.
Cold air suddenly blows right behind you, the convenience doors close with a hiss and that's your cue to look up. Hobie appears upside down in your vision just like you thought, he tilts his head, you can see the cogs in his head turn. Placing the cup on your forehead, he laughs at your crossed eyes. Condensation rolls off from the plastic cup and into your skin.
Hobie takes it away before you could catch a cold. Sitting next to you, he hands you your bright slurpee. There's a mix of colours, red and blue melting into the orange and purple.
“They didn't have the brown one.” He says as he rips open a pack of Doritos. “There's no puddin’ pops either.”
“Aw,” you say slightly disappointed, but the sight of the box of nerds inside the plastic bag helps remedy your disappointment. “Ooh nerds!”
“Where?” As he says it, you see a grin slowly spreading on his face. “I only see one right here!” Chortling, grin wide, the orange hues of the sky paints him with its watercolour glow. You'd take this sight more than a day alone at the arcade.
“Ha ha.” You say flatly, sipping your drink too quickly, you wince loudly. Hobie guffaws into the barren space, save for the 711 behind you and the woods sitting quietly in front of you. His laugh echoes, even with his amusement, he still has the time to pat your back affectionately.
“Ow.” You rub your temple.
“What’d I tell you before? Drink it slowly, love.” The title slips out of his tongue. The second he realizes it, he hides behind his own cup, sipping wordlessly as he stares off into the woods.
Love, the simple freudian slip has you blinking at him slowly. He has never called you that before, he has, however, called you a bunch of nicknames that are either sweet or to purposely annoy you. But love? You've only heard older teenagers call each other that, and they usually have their hand inside their girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s back pockets when they do. You have no idea if Hobie has mistaken, because you're clearly not love, you're pingu, you're cheese, you're pebbles, hell, you're even lad, or his best mate. Never love, because that's reserved for someone you actually like, someone you truly care for.
Is he mistaken? Mimicking something he has heard around school?
“I should've told you about the album.” His voice wakes you to the present.
Do you care for him? Of course you do.
“What?” You breathlessly ask.
He's your best mate after Danny left, he was the only one who filled that lonely lonely gap he left. You think he's stuck with you forever, and he thinks you're stuck with him forever. Strangely enough, you both think it's perfect.
“Me pestering the shit out of Mike.” You knit your eyebrows at his words. He looks down at his boots, a small puddle at his feet reflects his own confused face. Is he apologizing? Why is he apologizing for? Weirdly enough, you both ask the same question.
You'd annoy Mike for him. You'd call the shop endlessly just so they would order his record. Even if you get in trouble for the telephone bill.
“You would've helped.” Hobie continues, eyes now looking into your own.
Care, it's a simple word, but you think it's not enough to describe how you feel about him, how you really feel about your best friend. It's much more than that.
“Yeah, I would've annoyed him too.” You softly smile at him.
“I know, love.” Because he knows you, and you know him too. Hobie utters the title more confidently, the word rolling off his tongue like butter. He makes it sound like he has been calling you that in his head for a long time. Maybe he has. “I know you would.”
He had the answer the whole time, it's not just you caring for him. It's love, it's love in its earliest state, it's love at its most innocent.
You love him, that revelation scares you, but it's better not knowing how you truly feel whenever he smiles at you and your heart skips a beat. Now you know, you'll tell him one day, one day when that feeling gnaws at your chest. But for now, you'll settle with drinking slurpees with him, you'll settle for skipping class so you could listen to records with him. For now you'll settle with loving him as his best mate, and for now, you're content just by being at his side.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
So, for the Supervillain Danny and Everlast Trio Villains Au's....
What about Jazz?
Since I understand everyone's villain alter ego is based around their trauma and becoming their own antithesis and what not, I'd like to think that Jazz's alter ego would be a bad girl, kinda like Ember and Kitty (the former who mind controlled her twice and the latter who almost took her place while slowly corrupting her), maybe with a hint of Spectra (the school councilor thing, the hospital thing, and that one time with all three of them).
Instead of being the nice, normal girl who tries to be perfect, she's a loose cannon who does all the wild teen stuff, doesn't care about anyone accept for those who are in her 'gang', and will absolutely resort to violence the first chance she gets. Maybe she also has some kind of mind control powers, given how these incidents relate to her being under someone else's control.
Maybe she doesn't come around as often, because she has college and the like, but once she does, things get messy as she takes the chance to let out all her school related stress.
you have read my m i n d
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Jazz had almost no childhood since she helped raise Danny from a very young age. She's intelligent and respectful and really wants to be an excellent example for Danny, so she acts as such. Therefore, Jazz never got to go through her 'teenage rebellion' phase. She wears modest clothes and upholds a pretty solid moral code. So here I present Nightingale, the punk-rock social justice warrior who comes and goes like a hurricane. She takes on the name Nightingale to avoid confusion, but once the JL realizes she and Fenton are related, some of the members consider going on a very long vacation to another world so they don't have to deal with this shit.
Now for her powerset, I'm not entirely sure if she should play meta or not. It's a common trope in fics that Jazz has been ecto-contaminated from her parent's experiments, thus giving her some sort of body enhancement. I played on that to give her a set of ears and teeth that match Danny's. She may not have ghost powers, but if she's fighting alongside Team Phantom, she must have some freaky abilities, right? (I love the mind control idea, btw) I feel like Jazz would be the Exception, where she's obviously enhanced in some way, but it's not an obvious power she can consciously separate herself from. It's like trying to tell your body to stop using your eyes. Unless other outside forces are preventing it, Jazz can't really not use her enhanced strength or speed. It drives the JL nuts because either Nightingale is a very weak meta or just an Olympic-level teenage athlete, and no one will spill the beans.
Also, this is personal preference, honestly, but I think it'd be really fucking funny if the DC universe is where Jazz and Danny have all their sibling fights. At home, they have to put up a united front so their parents don't get suspicious and the house doesn't kill them. (Also so none of the rogues takes advantage of their anger at each other) But they're siblings. Even if Jazz and Danny are the best of friends, they have to have arguments over the stupidest stuff. That's practically rule number one of having a sibling. So they go there to blow off steam and duke it out like they've always wanted to. It's mostly to release tension and stress, but each fight is getting more and more elaborate, and this whole thing is ridiculous. None of the heroes get paid enough for this. They're just gonna sit back and watch the show.
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earl-grey-teacake · 29 days
so how are we feeling after that news.
I am not sure how I feel about everything since I just keep finding out more stuff and it makes me feel worse and worse. I’m sad, and upset, and it feels like a tinge of grief. Not for my own dreams or aspirations but for Logan’s. That being said, I will continues writing my Baby!Loscar AU and I will continue/ start my other Loscar fics. I feel like it is a tough time and I hope to make it a little bit lighter.
I think my biggest feeling is overall disdain and disgust for how Williams went about this. My biggest issue is the whole situation being portrayed as “Williams is a business, this was a business decision. No emotion here” Businesses are not faceless entities, they are teams of people. It’s why teams put a lot of effort in PR and companies invest so much in HR. They are comprised of people and we as spectators and fans also play a role in the business that is Williams. Fandoms are profitable, fan content keeps people engaged, and those who are engaged spend money. This decision has shot William’s PR and whatever goodwill they managed to achieve last year. Logan is a martyr in the eyes of fans and James Vowles has come off as a deranged man. For the past month, any comments to the media are either of him passive-aggressively calling Logan a failure or thirsting after Carlos in a way that makes me want to call HR.
This decision isn’t even a money decision either. They talk about the upgrades, and need for points but are putting their faith in a driver that is clearly being brought up from F2 too early. They are taking risks that genuinely make no sense to me and I am afraid it may damage this new rookie’s confidence on top of it.
I cannot tell if James Vowles is doing this because he wants to live a bit wild before Carlos comes, has a vendetta against Logan, or he is just off his rockers.
I am happy Logan is out of there though and wherever he goes, I go. I hope he goes to Indycar. This is not me seeing Indycar as so lesser sport where unsuccessful F1 drivers should go it. I have great admiration for Indycar and genuinely enjoy watching it more than F1. My wish for Logan to go to Indycar is for the general vibe and how friendly everyone is and for the fact that I live 3 hours away from a track and will absolutely take PTO to see Logan race.
Personal feelings are below if anyone wants to read them.
I got into F1 last year around September but really dove into it around the beginning of November. Logan was someone who never really stood out to me in the beginning but I began to notice him more and more around October and November and I couldn’t help but sympathize for him. I remember how anxious I was waiting for him to be re-signed and the relief I felt when it happened.
I wanted him to do well and succeed so desperately and as it became more and more apparent that James and Williams, were doing, I became a bigger and bigger fan of him. I know I’ve mentioned it briefly on here before but near the end of last year and the first half of this year, I was dealing with a toxic workplace and an abusive supervisor. As the months went on, the treatment towards me got worse and worse and so did Williams’s treatment of Logan. Our workplace started to mirror each other.
The remarks, the veiled threats, the passive-aggressive comments that points to the same message “you’re under-performing, you’re not good enough”. Most of all, the expectation to practically perform miracles with tools and equipment that was vastly behind the rest of the field. I know very well how heavy and oppressive the work environment must have been. I can’t imagine how awful it must have been to have to be doing it everyday, to have to perform for the public like everything is fine, and take the abuse from James, from journalists and commentators, and social media. I was already breaking under my supervisors treatment of me, I definitely would have snapped in Logan’s shoes. However, while my supervisor got kicked out of their position, Logan was the one who got kicked off the team. I do hope he takes the summer to enjoy himself and heal.
I feel so bad for him and I’m so upset at how I didn’t know this was his last race. I had Abu Dhabi planned out thinking that was going to be Logan’s last and now I’m just a bit crushed.
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fairysluna · 10 months
INVISIBLE STRING | Chapter 4: you must like me for me.
New Girl!AU — A disastrous break up led you to them; three guys living in a huge apartment and in need of a new roommate who helped with the way too expensive rent.
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PAIRING - Modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader.
SUMMARY - the unexpected presence of Aegon in your room brings the so desired moment of him finally seeing you as a friend. However, you were never good at giving advice and it all ends in a big mess.
TW/TAGS - cursing, body dysmorphia, mentions of blood, insecurities, this might be considered as a slight chubby!aegon, make out session, mentions of nudity, slow burn, friends to lovers, things get heated but nothing happens. If something is missing pls let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE - hi everyone, do you remember this fic? lmao. i know it's been MONTHS since i posted sth for this story, but well, i finally got the inspiration to write this, so this came out. I promise to be fully dedicated to this fic bc it's time i finish this already and bc im excited for it!! now im on vacations so i guess I'll have more time so... thank you if you waited for this fic, and thank you for reading!!🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ english is not my first language.
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When you finally entered the loft your right hand was holding three files filled with tests for you to grade while the other one was carrying your bag and the keys of your home. You quickly scanned the living room to see if someone was there in order to greet them, but it was empty and messy as usual; leftovers of pizza and a half empty bottle of Coke soda in the center table. “It must've been Aegon”, you thought.
With a sigh you walked towards your room, worrying not to drop anything from your hands and thanking the gods as you saw the door slightly open. You kicked it, accidentally hard enough to make it smack against the wall behind it, and as soon as you looked inside the room, your eyes widened in surprise and all the things that were held by your trembling arms fell around the floor.
Aegon was standing in the middle of your room, shirtless and in the middle of flexing his muscles right in front of your mirror. He noticed your presence immediately, and he ran towards his shirt that was laying on your bed and covered his naked chest with a wild expression remarkably printed on his now red face.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, breathlessly.
"This is my room!" you quickly replied, ignoring the thousands of papers that were now scattered on the floor.
"Weren't you supposed to arrive at six? It's four pm!" Aegon rapidly put his shirt back on.
"We- they let us go home earlier because it's the school's anniversary- what are you doing here?" you spoke, stammering and interrupting yourself. You were still a bit taken aback with this whole situation.
There was a slight moment of doubt in Aegon's mind that was quite evident for your observant eye; he looked away from you as his arms crossed in front of his chest to cover himself even when he was no longer exposing himself. You arched your eyebrow, silently insisting on an answer or some kind of explanation; two days ago you could have sworn he did not like you, but now seeing him standing in your room in such a condition made you overthink everything.
However, before you could think about questioning his lack of words, Aegon sighed loud enough for you to hear the embarrassment and resignation, and soon a mumble followed.
"You have a mirror," he replied.
His response did nothing but confused you even more. A frown appeared on your face, one small gesture that Aegon might have misinterpreted as an angered one if he hadn't known you enough.
"A mirror?" Aegon nodded.
"You're the only one who has one in the bedroom, and-"
"What about the bathroom?" You interrupted out of pure curiosity. "And Aemond has one too."
"Jace has been taking a shit for hours and Aemond forbade me to enter his room since what happened the last time." You were about to open your mouth to ask about it, but he was faster. "Don't ask," he warned you, and you pressed your lips together, remaining silent. "Listen, just forget this. I'm gonna leave right now, and we'll pretend this never happened. Okay?"
He started to walk towards you in order to cross the doorframe behind you. He passed right next to you, and for some unknown reason, your body decided to act before your mind could even process what was going on. Before you even noticed, your hand was wrapped around Aegon's wrist in a grip that was surprisingly strong. Aegon froze right in the spot and the first thing he did was to watch your hand, to then lift his face and lay his deep, lavender eyes on you.
Your jaw clenched, unsure of what to do since everything seemed to be happening strangely fast. The situation was confusing, and it made you act out of instinct leaving you standing there beside him, with just a few seconds left to say something before it turned into something awkward and weird.
Aegon, who would naturally and instinctively reject other people's touch, did not even attempt to push you away from him; he just waited until you removed your hand from his wrist. His reaction was quickly excused by his own mind, thinking that it was only because you took him by surprise.
"Uh…" you muttered, still trying to process what to say, "if- if there's something troubling you, you can tell me, you know? Maybe it's something I can help with."
He just shrugged, trying to make it seem unimportant.
"Not really," he said, leaving the room afterwards without saying another word.
You sighed, resigned to only be seen as his roommate and not as a friend. You tried not to think about it while you kneeled down to pick up the files and papers that fell from your hands when you entered your room, because you did not want it to let it bother you.
But, when you managed to put all your things on your desk, you turned around and saw Aegon standing in the doorway with arms crossed and a defeated look on his face, which had a slight pinkish tone that you would have found adorable in another situation.
"Actually, yes," he started, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, as if he was scared of someone else listening to the conversation. "I kinda need help with something… I- uh, well, you are a girl so you probably know about this stuff, so…"
It was a difficult task for you to hide the emotion that lightened up your face after hearing his words, finally seeing the perfect opportunity to bond with the guy that has been avoiding you for weeks.
"Of course," you replied, trying not to speak too fast. "I can help you with anything."
"Alright." He nodded, looking down at the floor as he seemed to be putting some order to his words before they left his mouth. "So, the girl you saw the other day, the girl in the bar, remember?"
"I knew you liked her!"
"Well, I just want to bang her, but that's one way to put it," Aegon shrugged after his explanation, while you pressed your lips. "The thing is that, I think she's super hot and gorgeous, and way out of my league, and-"
"Oh, Aegon, you are handsome too!" You interrupted, and he quickly started to look impatient.
"Yeah, but that's not the point," he said, exasperated. "The thing is, the last time that I had sex, the girl I was fucking- uh… well, she said something about my body that really took me off."
"What did she say?" You curiously asked.
"She kinda made fun of it," he replied quickly, as if he was embarrassed.
Your eyes softened immediately after, and your first instinct was to touch him to give him support; however, halfway there you remembered he did not like those gestures, so your hand ended up in the air and seconds later you put it back. Aegon's breath was caught in his throat as he saw how your hand was so close to his skin.
"I'm sorry, Aegon."
"And now I can't get naked in front of this hot girl, even when I really want to!" He cleared his throat, and his tone suddenly changed, now being more angered rather than sad. "I just want to get laid, but I can't! This chick cursed me or something."
"You're not cursed," you said, trying to comfort him somehow. "Listen, you need to work on your self confidence, and-"
"And how do I do that?"
"Do what?"
"How can I work on my self confidence?"
You frowned, "I don't- I'm not sure how-"
"Oh come on!" He raised his voice with exasperation. "You're a teacher! Aren't you supposed to give guidance to your students?"
"Well, my students don't usually ask for sexual advice from their teacher so…"
"You need to help me, please," he pleaded, and you could clearly see the despair in his eyes begging you to say something useful.
You knew you could not fuck this up, not when it was probably the only chance you could have to bond with him after days trying to make him look at you as a friend. Inside of your mind you tried to remember anything that could work in this situation, all those psychology seminars you attended during your college days were coming back to your mind as you thought of an answer.
"Well, you can… try to stand naked in front of a mirror, maybe after you shower, and see the qualities of your body that you like the most."
“Would that work?”
“It might.”
“You sure?”
“Uh… Yes.”
He stood there, silently looking at the floor as he nodded. He muttered something that sounded like a ‘thanks’, and then he slowly turned around. He was visibly embarrassed, he was feeling too vulnerable to look at your face after opening up to you. Of course you immediately noticed, and, as you tried to ignore it, you found some words that you thought he might need to hear.
"Aegon," you called him, and he froze with one foot out of the room and the other inside. He turned around to look at you over his shoulder, and you sighed, "just remember that every person has his own concept of beauty, and only because someone didn't appreciate yours, it doesn't mean other girls won't… We are all beautiful under the right pair of eyes."
He clenched his jaw, gave you a small –almost unnoticeable– nod, and he left. You stood there for a few more seconds before you returned your attention to what you were supposed to be doing. The papers that now were on your desk, were waiting for you to grade them. Just the mere thought of reading through them made you sigh with exhaustion.
It was going to be a long day.
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A knock on your door got you distracted enough for you to stop doing your task. The pen dropped from your hand as you turned around to find Jace with a soft smile on his face. You smiled back at him.
“Hey,” you greeted him.
“Are you too busy?” He asked, “I've brought some Chinese food to eat for dinner.”
“Let me finish revising these papers and I'll be there in a minute,” you said as he nodded.
He was about to leave, but then he returned. “Oh, I almost forgot,” he started, “the bathroom lock is broken, so you need to knock before you get in, just in case we're inside.”
“Are you guys gonna buy a new one?”
“Yes. Aemond will go tomorrow after work, we'll divide the costs afterwards,” he explained.
“Oh, alright.”
“Now, hurry or the food will get cold,” he said, and then left the room leaving the door open.
You managed to finish the paper a few minutes later, and then you went to the bathroom to wash your hands before going to eat with the rest. You did what you were told, and you knocked on the door. You waited a couple of seconds, making sure no one would reply from inside before you finally opened the door.
As soon as you opened it, you saw Aegon standing in front of the mirror and staring at himself. Naked.
“Oh, Gods!” you yelped. Your eyes involuntarily taking a quick look over him.
“What the fuck?!” he screamed, covering his nudity with both of his hands and wildly blushing.
“Oh gods, I'm so sorry-”
“Get out!”
You acted so quickly that your legs tumbled against each other on your way out. The loud sound of the door closing behind your back echoed in the empty hall as you covered your mouth with your hand, a nervous giggle escaped from your lips before you could even try to hold it back. Your eyes were wide open, and your mind tried to process what you had just seen; Aegon fully naked.
Aemond and Jace soon appeared in the hall as they heard the screaming and the door slam. You looked at them with your breathing fast and sharp, staring at them as if you've seen a ghost. Their curiosity peaked.
“What happened?” Aemond asked, visibly worried.
“Uh- I…”
“Are you okay?” he asked again, and you started to feel a bit overwhelmed.
“I just- I need to- uh… wait for me a bit, I'll- I'll be back in a minute.”
The heat on your cheeks was impossible to ignore as you locked yourself in your room, completely ignoring their questions; you were panicking. You felt dumb, and you closed your eyes frustrated knowing that you screwed it up. You invaded his space and now he will, inevitably, put some distance with you. Now you just wanted to bury your face in the pillow out of embarrassment. How were you supposed to talk to him now that you saw him in all his glory?
And, oh gods, there was glory.
You were ashamed of what just happened; or maybe you just felt embarrassed because you couldn't help but blush at the memory of his body.
The pillow between your hands went straight to your face, muffling the groan that you let go as you fell onto your bed. Gods, you were fucked.
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That very same early morning, after finishing their shift, Aegon was supposed to make his first move on the girl who had been in his mind. It was already closing time, the bar was empty at 5am and there was only him and Ceryse. She would occasionally glance at him hoping he would notice that she wore her tightest shirt for him. However, Aegon was busy trying to cheer himself up, trying to forget about that stupid chuckle of yours that still echoed in his mind, haunting him like a fucking ghost.
He had heard you, and –of course– his insecurities made him think the worst.
He was so nervous. It was almost embarrassing how sweaty his palms were; the situation was out of his control and he hated it. He was barely able to focus on his task, absentmindedly cleaning a glass with a cloth as he tried so hard to ignore her presence just to not feel so anxious. His shaky hands failed, and his plan to go unnoticed was unsuccessful; the glass slipped from his fingers and broke into pieces on the floor.
Ceryse widened her eyes and she immediately went to help him, which only made things worse for him. In a desperate attempt to keep her away, he kneeled on the floor and started to pick the glasses with his bare hands, causing small cuts all over his fingers as he did. Low curses and soft moans left his lips as the pinching pain appeared, and Ceryse —as lovely as always— tried to stop him by grabbing his hands and forcing him to stand up.
“You fool,” she mumbled, looking at the bleeding cuts on his fingertips. “You hurted yourself.”
“It's not a big deal-”
“Let me get the emergency kit, don't do anything,” she went to the manager’s office and came back in about a minute later with a red and white box in her hands. Aegon was breathing heavily. He had never felt so insecure.
With the help of a forceps, she started to remove the tiny pieces of glass from his fingers. Aegon would hold his breath, not being able to control his heartbeat when he had her so close to him; he was able to smell her perfume and see her cleavage. He knew he had to be excited, he knew he had all the reasons to enjoy that moment, but you and your stupid giggle refused to leave his mind.
“There,” she murmured as she finished. “Nice and clean.”
Aegon looked at his fingers and noticed how small drops of blood were forming in the tiny cuts. Ceryse took a small tissue and gently tapped on the wounds, cleaning them. Aegon had his lips slightly parted, stiff as a rock as he was almost scared to move. He cursed again, and she softly smiled at him as she finished.
“There you go,” she said, “clean and healed.”
“Uh… Thanks,” Aegon replied, giving her an awkward smile.
She remained silent for a bit, looking at him up and down through her long, blonde lashes. She was visibly flirting with him, but he seemed to be ignoring her. Ceryse had been waiting long enough for him to make the first move, so she now took advantage of their situation; both of them completely alone in the closed bar, about to finish their night shift. She wasn't going to let this opportunity go.
“Are you done playing that game?” She asked. Aegon frown.
“I've noticed the way you look at me, Aegon…” she murmured. His breathing was caught on his throat when she started to slowly unbutton her blouse. “I want to let you know that… I've been wanting the same thing for a long time.”
“What- I- uh… what?”
She giggled, and it was the sexiest sound he had ever heard, yet it wasn't enough to suppress your goddamn laugh. A small ‘fuck’ escaped his lips before he could hold it back, and her hands were pressed on his thighs as she leaned towards him. Aegon hummed, cheeks burning red as he felt so exposed all of the sudden.
“We're alone now,” she murmured, brushing her lips against his jaw. “We can do it right here, right now…”
“I don't know if- If it's a good idea…”
She looked shocked.
“Is Aegon Targaryen rejecting an adventure?” she teased him. “Who are you?”
“There's cameras.”
“I turned them off when I went to the office.”
“What if someone walks in?”
“That would only make things spicier.”
“What if it's Nick,” he said, referring to their manager.
“He won't come until 10am.”
He ran out of excuses. The eagerness was visible in her eyes as she bit her lip.
“I'm done waiting, Aegon…” she murmured.
She silenced him with a kiss, and he widened his eyes. He was unable to concentrate on whatever was happening at that moment. His heart was racing, his breathing suddenly ragged, and his hands still shaking as he tried to hold her waist.
Aegon tried to focus and enjoy this. He closed his eyes and followed the kiss, but things got a bit more complicated when she daringly grabbed one of his hands and put them in her rear. Somehow, he felt uncomfortable, so instead of giving her a squeeze, he moved his hands to her hips.
Fuck, he wanted to run and hide.
When her hands attempted to go under his shirt, he squirmed away from her touch, still managing to keep his lips pressed against hers. She giggled, thinking he was just playing hard to get, but as she repeated the action, the outcome was the same.
“Come on, baby,” she murmured against his lips, starting to feel the awkwardness of the situation.
“Just- wait… Ceryse, wait.”
“Don't be shy now…” she said, biting his lip. Aegon hissed.
“I need you to wait- shit,” he said as he squirmed away from her touch once again.
She leaned back, taking a few steps backwards before she looked at him. Her hands immediately went to her chest, to cover the skin that was exposed thanks to her unbuttoned blouse. Her cheeks lit up like fire as she realized how uncomfortable Aegon was.
“Shit…” she murmured, feeling deeply ashamed. “I thought- I thought you liked me. I'm sorry…”
“I do, I swear, I- Ceryse!”
“I'm so sorry, Aegon.”
“No, Ceryse, wait-”
She turned around and left, picking her bag from the counter and leaving the bar in a hurry. Aegon stood there, frozen in his place, his purple eyes filled with confusion to what had just happened, and once the realization hit him like a truck, he brushed his hands against his face and sighed.
“For fuck’s sake.”
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Back in the apartment, you were sitting drinking your morning coffee before going to school. You were staring at the news on the TV before you heard the front door slamming close. You jumped in your place, looking confused until Aegon appeared in your sight; your cheeks immediately getting warm as the image of his nudity came back to your mind. However, the expression on his face made you forget about all the embarrassment, and you worried instantly. You hurried to stand up from the kitchen table and go towards him, he groaned as soon as he noticed you were getting closer.
“Aegon, are you alright?” You asked, but there was no answer.
He walked past you, going to the kitchen and ignoring you completely. Of course that your preoccupation did not let you notice such a gesture.
“Hey, is there something you want to talk about?” You insisted, trying to look over his shoulder. “I know what happened might be a little embarrassing for you, but I just want you to know that I barely saw anything!”
Aegon ignored you again.
“Aegon, come on,” you said. “I can help you with anything-”
“Can you?” He interrupted you as he finally turned around and acknowledged your presence. “Because last time you helped me, you cause me another fucking trauma!”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, closing his eyes while he debated inside his mind whether to tell you what had just happened or just keep it to himself. But you were annoyingly insistent, and he just wanted to be alone all day.
He always wanted to be alone when things went wrong.
“You fucked me up even more!” he exclaimed, making you lean back and your lower lip trembled, feeling awful. “I couldn't fuck Ceryse because your stupid laugh was replaying in my mind over and over again,” he confessed. “Like a fucking reminder that my body sucks!”
“Aegon, I didn't-”
“You fucking laughed at me!”
“I didn't laugh at you, Aegon!” you raised your voice, matching his tone. “I was nervous, it was an awkward situation. I saw you naked! Of course I would get nervous!”
Aegon went silent, pressing his lips in a thin line as his eyebrows furrowed. You took a step closer, but he took a step back. You sighed defeated, knowing that all the progress you have made to become his friend had easily vanished in a matter of seconds.
“Look,” you said. “I'm sorry, Aegon. I never meant to make you feel bad.”
He scoffed.
“Yeah, as if a simple apology would fix it,” he said, pettily.
You both stayed in silence for a few seconds, your lips pressed in a thin line as you tried to come up with a solution to your problem. It was certain that you did not have too many options, and Aegon was not giving signs of having an idea to fix it either. That is why you panicked, and your hands went to the hem of your shirt and started to lift it up.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” he asked, scandalized.
“I'm getting naked so we can call it even,” you explained, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“I don't want to see you naked! What is wrong with you?”
“Well, then what do you want me to do? I can't get inside your brain and take my laugh out of it.”
“I certainly don't want to see you naked!” he said.
“Alright, I'm sorry, okay?!” you quickly said, looking at his eyes. “I'm sorry that I laughed, and I'm sorry it made you feel bad.”
“That doesn't-”
“Shut up,” you interrupted him. “You are not ugly, you're hot. There, I said it! You have a handsome face and a hot body, and even though you're so grumpy sometimes, your face compensates for it. You know why? Because you are handsome, you idiot.”
“I wish I could go with that girl and beat her fucking ass for what she did to you. I wish!” His eyes widened, he was slightly flustered. “She didn't know what she had. You're a good catch, Aegon, and if you don't start to believe it for yourself then no one will.”
You left the room in an overly dramatic walk, leaving Aegon behind with his eyes wide open and his cheeks red. His breathing, somehow, was fast and unsteady. His blood was running quickly down his body as he cleared his throat and turned around to worry about his breakfast. Yet, your words had left a feeling in his gut which felt quite nice.
Aemond suddenly walked out of his room and stopped when he saw Aegon standing in the middle of the open kitchen, staring at the unbaked bacon in the pan. He was weirded out by his brother's strange attitude.
“What's wrong with you?” Aemond asked.
Aegon woke up from his trance and shook his head.
He didn't sound too convincing.
“We made a pact, Aegon,” he reminded him, going towards the coffee machine and pouring some of it on a cup. “You are not allowed to sleep with her.” he whispered those last words just to make sure you wouldn't hear it.
“What are you talking about?” he scoffed.
“Just a reminder,” Aemond shrugged, sipping his coffee while Aegon finally turned on the stove.
“Shut up.”
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It was 6pm when you arrived back in the apartment after a long day at school. You were dragging your feet through the hall and towards your room, noticing that neither Aemond or Jace had arrived yet, and Aegon was probably in his room. It had been a long day, and the only thing that you craved was a nice and warm shower before going to bed. It was a need.
After your discussion with Aegon in the morning and the tiny bug in your chest that was making you feel guilty all day, you needed some time to relax, to stand beneath the warm water and let it wash away all the stress of your body. So that's what you did.
You took off your clothes the moment you stepped into the bathroom, then quickly got in the shower, feeling the warmth wrapping your body. Your shoulders immediately relaxed and you saw all your troubles vanished in that instant, you let yourself sigh.
Your mind went blank and all you could feel was the warmth and comfort the water produced. It was lovely, it made you forget about all the issues and troubles.
When you finished, you stood there for a bit longer, enjoying the last moments of peace before you would cross your path with Aegon's.
What you did not expect was that, at the very moment that you opened the shower curtain, Aegon opened the door.
And he looked at you.
You screamed as your hands went to cover yourself as much as you could. Aegon's mouth dropped as he stared longer than he should have, his pale cheeks turning red as he swallowed hard.
“Aegon!” you yelled his name.
Only then he seemed to react, because he immediately muttered a small ‘sorry’ and then he closed the door. You immediately took the towel from the hanger and you covered yourself, breathing fast. You almost slipped in your way out of the shower, silly movements as you were still trying to take in what had happened.
That goddamn door lock.
Then, in the middle of the silence, you heard him speak.
“Well, I guess we’re even now, aren't we?” he joked on the other side of the door.
“Shut up!” you said, between nervous laughs.
He laughed it off too, and that sound made you smile wider as your cheeks got warm.
It was true though; now you can finally call it even.
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silverofthunder · 4 months
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☆ the prisoner ☆
Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader || 🔞 MDNI 🔞
summary: Bying an abandoned house in the middle of the nowhere had seemed like a good idea. But as the nightmares came to plague your dreams, you started slowly to realize that the place you had thought would be a calm, safe haven to you, was anything but that.
content/warnings: 5k words, mystery (kind of), evil demonic creature!Copia, demonic powers, emotional manipulation, nightmares, self-harming, vomiting, non-con vibes, hurt (with minimal comfort), suicidal thoughts, kind of dark & twisted romance, obsessive & possessive behavior
⚫!! this fic might disturbing as there is no nice things happening; Copia is pure evil in this, so if there's something triggering, i suggest you don't read this !! ⚫
I don't know what got into me but I got this idea of something really dark and this piece was born. I've never written anything like this but oh, how fun it was to just go wickedly wild with this. Evil!Copia might own me after this. I'm also kinda scared to post this but hey, this is a work of fiction so... I went to straight into the deep end. Hope that some of you like this!
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You should have known it wasn’t a good idea. Bying an abandoned house that was in the middle of nowhere must have been your first idea that was actually the worst. Not that you knew it until it was too late.
But the house had looked so cool – it had something that called you right from the very fist time you saw a picture of it. But when you actually saw it with your eyes, you knew you had to get it and after a few weeks you got the announcement that it was yours. You were so happy when you got the keys and could finally start planning some renovations that needed to be done. You didn’t want to change too much as the house had some character and it didn’t take that long until you could finally stay there.
You enjoyed the quietness, the surrounding forest – after living in a bigger town for several years, it felt like a heaven to finally be able to breathe some fresh air and not feel the rush that seemed to always be present in town. However, after a while you couldn’t help but notice how it was almost too quiet. Despite that the forest was right there, you rarely heard birds or any other animal sounds, the fog there seemed to get thicker even though it wasn’t even autumn yet.
And one night when you stood on the porch, smoking a cigarette, your eyes caught something right on the line of your yard and the forest. The fog made it hard to see properly but it resembled a shape of a man. You stared at it for a while, your heart beating a little quicker in your chest, and then you took a long drag of your cigarette and closed your eyes. You let out the smoke and when you eventually opened your eyes, the man – or whatever it was – was gone.
Maybe it was just your imagination making some stupid shit up. It wouldn’t be a surprise as the place like this could easily get your imagination go wild. Or who knew, maybe someone from the nearest town had heard that someone had bought the house and was now just messing with you a little.
You shook the silly thoughts from your mind and finished smoking your cigarette before going back inside and to your bedroom. You placed your phone on the night stand and slipped under the blankets with a sigh. The sleep became fast and was followed by the dream.
You stood frozen in place, the fog around you so thick you barely see the path you were walking on. The air felt heavy and almost… suffocating. Your head turned side to side and then you heard a rustle and caught something in the corner of your eye on your left. Slowly you turned to look at whatever was there and as soon as your eyes settled on the dark figure, definitely in the shape of a man, you wanted to run. Something within you was screaming ’run’ but your legs wouldn’t obey you. You gasped for air as the man stepped closer to you and now you saw that he had… claws? And something was dripping from those claws.
You swallowed, your heart now beating rapidly in your chest, pure fear settling deep within you. And in the next moment you heard a sound that was like a laugh but it made your blood run cold and your skin crawl in the most unpleasant way and then the man – or creature – was gone.
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Copia was delighted to know that someone had finally bought the old house. He had now a chance to finally get what he had longed for so long… But he had to be careful at first. Keep a distance, then start slowly to worm his way into the mind of the resident. It shouldn’t be hard to break in and make them realize where they now belonged. To whom they belonged.
A wicked smile rose to Copia’s lips as he looked at the porch, the person standing there, smoking a cigarette. They seemed calm but Copia could sense there were some uneasiness in their bones. It would only be a matter of time before that would turn into a fear, a proper terror and Copia could hardly wait that.
Days went by and Copia watched closely over the person. He was the shadow in the darkest corner, following every movement they made. And their dreams… He had to get into them, make them darker. That way it would be easier to lure them into his world. Eternal darkness was lonely but he knew how to fight against that. He didn’t need to be alone.
Now as he watched the sleeping person, he flexed his clawed fingers, wanting to go and touch them. But it wasn’t time for that, not yet. Instead he inhaled deeply, that oddly sweet scent hitting his nose instantly and he let out a low growl. It was a bit too sweet, it needed to be sharpened.
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You threw cold water over your face and dried it with a towel, then looking your face in the mirror. There were slight dark circles around your eyes telling that you hadn’t gotten enough sleep. For a few weeks you hadn’t slept that well as the nightmares had been disturbing you. It was always the same kind of atmosphere in those dreams – distressing, heavy, threatening. And in the middle of it was always the same man, or creature.
With a sigh you set the towel aside and walked to you work room, opening the upper drawer of your desk and took the old, worn-out diary out of it. You had found it a few days earlier in the attic, secured into a box. The lock had been so rusty it had opened easily and so you had gotten the access to the diary. At first you thought you didn’t want to find out what was written in it but eventually your curiousity had won and you had started to read it.
It had been hard to read, the handwriting being quite messy but you had been able to make out some sentences and words.
A demonic creature in the house. Nightmares. Scratches on the skin. The feeling that someone is watching you all the time.
Some of those sounded familiar. Especially the feeling that someone was watching you. At first you had brushed that feeling off but now that it had gotten even more stronger, you couldn’t ignore it anymore. But you didn’t know what you could do to it so you tried to just go on. Whatever was there… Well, maybe you would eventually found it out.
Nightmares was another thing you could sign. A demonic creature didn’t really ring a bell but there was some creature in your dreams so maybe it was that? Or did that mean the one watching you was a demonic creature? You didn’t know if you believed in those – you couldn’t believe in anything you hadn’t seen, right?
Scratches on the skin. Those you hadn’t seen – yet and it was terrifying. What would it mean when they appeared? That someone was actually there, in the house, with you? So many questions but so little answers. You opened the diary, searching for the last page that contained writing, the last words…
Leave before it’s too late.
That was written much clearer and repeated a few times until it all turns into a mix of red and black. Blood and ink, maybe. Something in your stomach turned as you thought of what might have happened to whoever had written the diary. Then you closed the diary, setting it on the desk before sitting down on the chair and opening your laptop.
You had googled your house before, obviously, but you hadn’t really paid much attention to other stuff beside the sales ad. You typed the place into the search bar and started going through the results.
Missing people, no bodies found. Stories of the ’man of the forest’ and several mentions of demon that lived in the house. You weren’t exactly surprised but the results definitely didn’t ease your nerves. Which ones those things were actually true and which ones were only made up, that you couldn’t tell.
Suddenly a loud, screeching sound interrupted you and you almost fell from your chair as you turned to look at the window. A shiver run down your spine as you saw long, clawed fingers scraping the glass. Your heartbeat rang in your ears as you stared how the claws dissappear from your sight. Then you waited and waited, tried to listen if you could hear anything else, something unusual. But you couldn’t.
Only quietness was left.
You breathed deeply in and released the breath slowly, then shook your head. Maybe your tired mind was starting to really play tricks on you. It had happened before so why would this time be any different?
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Copia was smiling widely, walking towards the person who now leaned against the tree, eyes wide with fear, the smell of fear strong around them. Copia flashed his fangs, extending his hand and wrapping his clawed fingers around the person’s throat.
”Mmmh, such a delicious sight you are,” he purred venomously, leaning closer to the person who let out a miserable cry, squeezing their eyes shut. That sound made Copia hum pleased and he tightened his hold around the person’s throat.
”Burns,” the person croaked out, tears spilling from their eyes and Copia only chuckled darkly.
”Shhh, it won’t hurt long.”
He did enjoy seeing his preys hurting. But this one was no ordinary prey, no. This one was something else. Something so much better. He then released the person’s throat, his eyes falling to the red marks on the skin and ran one claw over it, the touch making the person sob and twitch. Copia licked his lips, moving his fingers under the person’s jaw and tapping the skin with his claws.
”Open your eyes,” he asked but the person gave just a little shake of head. Copia grabbed a hold of their jaw, repeating the words with a growl. The person finally obeyed, opening their eyes and Copia’s smile grew pleased.
”That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
The person didn’t say anything, just stared at him with watery eyes and Copia could hear their heart beating rapidly. He could sense how much they wanted to run away, as far as they could get from him. They couldn’t run, though, as Copia didn’t want them to. On rare occasions he allowed the preys to run but it was more fun like this – when all they could do was stand frozen in place and take whatever treatment Copia offered.
And usually the treatment they got was far from pretty.
”What are you?” The person’s voice was barely audible and they looked like they had almost given up. Accepted their fate, whatever that might be. Copia chuckled, squeezing the person’s jaw.
”Your worst nightmare.”
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You stopped by the small cafe when you were driving back to your house. It was kind of strangely cozy with its slightly worn-out table-chair sets and with a decor that you could only describe as witchy. You bought a coffee and a little piece of chocolate cake and went to sit in the corner, near the window.
There weren’t that many people in but you couldn’t help but notice that a few of them seemed to look at you curiously and then whispering something to whoever was sitting beside them. It was a small town where most of the people probably knew each other, at least by face, and you hadn’t visited the places in there for many times so people probably didn’t recognize you.
You tried to ignore the staring, moving your gaze out the window. The clouds seemed to be darker, the blue sky disappearing behind them – most likely it would soon start to rain. The leaves in the trees were also starting to change their color, the red, yellow and orange blending into the green, and you couldn’t wait to see the nature in its autumn glory. You could imagine how beautiful the forest would look from your porch.
”Monster lives in your house.”
You got startled by the voice and turned to see a little girl standing close by, looking at you with wide eyes. Beside her was supposedly her mother who offered you an awkward smile. You smiled at her back before turning your attention back to the little girl.
”I don’t believe in monsters,” you said as politely as you could, and the girl blinked, shaking her head.
”Not all of them are real but the one in your house is.”
What the--? You let out a sigh, taking a sip from your coffee and the mother of the girl took her hand.
”Sorry, she is a bit… meddlesome,” the mother said, making a face at that and you gave a small wave of a hand. That wasn’t the first time someone said something like that about your house. Despite not visiting the town much, the whispers still had reached your ears.
You quickly finished your coffee and the cake, exiting the cafe and walking to your car as fast as you could. When you got inside, you slammed your forehead against the wheel, letting out a string of curses. You were tired, confused and a bit afraid. People weren’t exactly wrong – you knew there was someone in your house, at least part of the time. But who, that was still a mystery to you.
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Copia dragged his claws along the wall, watching the person flinch and turn their head from side to side, eyes wide before walking over to another wall and doing the same, this time much slower. The person’s eyes settled onto the marks, mouth hanging open in shock and Copia could sense the question burning on their tongue.
He waited, patiently, but for his disappointment the person stayed quiet. They squeezed their hands into fists, anger replacing the shock on their face as they stormed off to another room. Copia followed close by, seeing how the person grabbed the old diary from the desk drawer and sat down on the bed, opening it.
Copia recognized that diary. Remembered how he had watched it to be written. The owner had suffered greatly until the very last day. It had been such a fun game. To drive the poor one mad and then strike when they had least expected it.
Copia smiled at the memory, still fresh in his mind.
”Stupid diary!” Copia chuckled at the person’s frustration as they went through the pages. ”Why can’t you give me any clear answers?”
He walked closer to the person, stopping right beside them, and thought of forcing them to look at him. The power he would feel when the person would gaze up at him, fear clear in their eyes, a weak plea on their lips. He imagined how he would run his claws along those pretty features, rip those clothes off and reveal the body underneath, admire it before marking it as his.
He was almost touching the person as he broke out of his reverie, and backed off a few steps. It was hard to keep control when something so delicious was right before him. But he didn’t want to ruin his chance – if things went right, he could be able to feast from this for a very long time. A little more time was all he needed.
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The dreams, nightmares, had turned into more sexual ones and whenever you woke up, you were feeling so strange that you were sure you were starting to lose your mind. It wasn’t the only odd thing, though, there was also the red scratch marks that now marred your skin, mostly on your neck and arms but a few times you had spotted them on your hips and thighs.
They were real, lingering on your skin for days.
In resent nightmares you had seen the man, the creature, finally revealing himself from the shadows as he used your body to his own fun. Before he had been just a shape, like a black smoke-kind of thing and now he had a face of a man, covered with black and white paint, other eye seeming very human-like while the other glowed inhumanly white. Fingers with long claws, sharp fangs that was revealed whenever he had that wicked, predatoric smile on.
And his voice… That deep growl, it seemed to nest into you in a way that made you want to rip your skin off. He might have looked partly like a human but it was clear that he wasn’t a human. No human could ever make you feel like that. There was something so dark in him, no sign of kindness in his eyes when he had looked at you while your bodies had been slotted together in what should have been a pleasurable heaven.
To you it had been hell.
You took a pillow and pressed in against your face, screaming into it as you had done several mornings. It helped a little but not enough. You felt dirty in the worst way possible and went to shower quickly, trying to scrub him off of your skin, of your memory. The scratch marks stung but you didn’t stop scrubbing until some of them started to bleed.
With a head hung low you watched how the water turned to pink, disappearing eventually to the drain. After stepping out of the shower and drying yourself, you looked for some ointment and applied it upon the worst of the scratch marks. You did your best to avoid focusing on your image in the mirror and got dressed quickly, feeling slightly better when most of those ugly marks on your skin disappeared from your sight.
You went straight to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something to eat. You weren’t that hungry as the images of your dreams made you feel nauseous but you still had to eat something. You made yourself a sandwhich and sat down on the nearest chair to eat it. A few days old newspaper was on the table and your eyes landed on the small headline on the left corner.
A missing person found dead in the woods
The body had been found near the other town and the police had apparently arrested someone that they thought had been behind it. So far there hadn’t been any disturbing news regarding the area where you lived but for some reason you believed that people might just keep their mouths shut if they saw something unusual happening. Hell, that was what you were now doing.
But the thing was… If you had talked about this all to someone, would they have believed you?
With a sigh, you continued munching your sandwhich, focusing your gaze somewhere at the opposite wall. It was a quiet morning, as usual – too quiet. At first it had been so relaxing and welcomed but now it only seemed to be a sign of something bad, something that still mostly hid in the shadows. You could feel the heaviness upon you, a force that seemed to grow darker every day.
A sudden tightening in your stomach made you froze for a moment and you dropped the rest of your sandwhich onto the table. The nausea had come back with a force and now you had to rush into bathroom and bend over the toilet to empty your stomach. Tears spilled into your eyes as you finally slid to the floor after you were sure nothing more came up.
You drew your legs closer, wrapping your arms around them and burying your head between your knees. Sobs jolted your body and you cried until you just couldn’t anymore. On the outside you looked like a mess, you had no much energy to do things and internally you were screaming.
Screaming into the void where no one could hear you.
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Poor thing, Copia thought as he watched the person trying to tame the vines that had grown too big on the side of the house. They had fallen down a few times and Copia could sense that their strength had lessened. He flashed a pleased smile as he knew that his moment to shine was about to come soon. The poison was already rooted within them, slowly spreading, consuming them.
Copia went closer, leaning against the wall, eyes glued to the person who let out a frustrated grunts every once in a while as they cut the vines and pulled them off. Their shirt hung on them loosely, much loosely than it had sometime ago, the red marks on their skin now more prominent. They healed slower even though the person had put some kind of ointment on them.
With every passing day the beauty of the person grew and Copia was fully entranced. Meddling with dreams had been fun and all but the best part was yet to come and he couldn’t wait for it. It was a different thing to be the plague of the dreams than to be the nightmare of the reality. Though, for the person, the line between the dream and reality had already gotten blurry.
Copia hummed and the placed his claw against the wooden wall, slowly carving a long line onto it, and watched how the person’s head turned right towards him. The look in their eyes barely had any shock or surprise in them as they stared right at him. Of course, they couldn’t see him unless he wanted them to but still, their eyes were straight on him, then moving to the carved line.
With a weak laugh and a shrug, they returned back to their work and Copia continued watching them, his mind already wandering to what was to come. How his work would soon be complete. Step by step the eternal darkness was starting to feel less lonely. Soon he would have a companion to share it all.
He could already feel the power that he would possess after the union was complete.
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Mine, mine, MINE.
The voice sounded so real and you blinked your eyes open, your vision blurry for a while. You shook your head, breathing heavily and soon you heard that voice again, the sound of it so loud you jumped straight up from the bed.
”This isn’t funny anymore! Whoever you are, stop messing with me!”
You knew it wouldn’t probably help but you had to do something. An echo of an evil laugh came somewhere behind you and you turned to look at there, seeing nothing.
”Leave me alone!” Your voice sounded thin and weak and tears burned in your eyes. You were so desperate for this all to end. This nightmare had to end.
There was a wind-like sound and then the same voice was whispering something right into your ear – or that was how it felt.
Run, run, RUN.
As the last word came out, your legs worked like an automatic and despite the weakness in your muscles, they carried you downstairs and out of the house. The cold night hit your skin immediately as you were wearing only an oversized t-shirt and your underwear. You didn’t look back as you run, heading straight towards the forest, the thick fog surrounding you as soon as you reached it.
You wanted to stop but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t. Tears were now blurring your vision and you could barely breathe as you legs led you even deeper into the forest. And then it felt like you collided with an invisible wall, cutting your way and sending you to the ground. Soon the same evil laugh reached your ears, making your gut twist and you knew whatever was coming, couldn’t be anything good.
A figure of a man stepped into your line of vision from the shadows and the closer he got, the more details you started to see. You recognized him – it was the same man, or creature, from your dreams. The black and white paint on his face, the glowing inhuman white eye, fangs and claws. You couldn’t do anything than sit there, on the ground, frozen, a huge wave of dread swirling inside you. The closer the creature got, the more… powerless you started to feel, like someone was trying to shrink you.
You knew instantly that there wasn’t anything kind in that creature. Everything around him screamed danger and evil, as well as the way his eyes seemed to flash when he kneeled down and placed one of his clawed fingers under your jaw.
”Finally we meet in person, my darkest one,” he spoke, his voice making cold shivers run down your spine. You swallowed, then drew in a short breath, your whole body starting to shake as you fought against the mysterious force that kept you stuck in there.
”Oh, poor thing,” the creature cooed mockingly, slowly dragging his claw along your throat. ”There’s no point in fighting. You can’t go anywhere unless I let you.”
The smile that rose to the creature’s lips, didn’t leave anything unclear and you were starting to realize that maybe your nightmare hadn’t even started properly yet.
”Let me go,” you said through your teeth, and that only made the creature chuckle wickedly, his fingers wrapping around your throat as he leaned closer. He mouth was so close to your lips and you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for his next move. Your nails dug into the ground as you soon felt a pair of lips pressing against the corner of your mouth.
The kiss burned and you let out a scream, though it sounded so weak in your own ears. The creature’s hum echoed all around you as his hold around your throat tightened.
”I’m afraid it’s too late for that.”
That was the last thing you heard before the darkness filled your mind.
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Your whole body felt like being on fire as you finally got a part of your consciousness back. Everything hurt and you could only make out a figure hovering above you and the blurry surroundings. You were inside the house, in your bedroom, on your bed, completely naked.
”Shhh, it won’t hurt soon,” the creature spoke as he run his hand along your body, and you writhed underneath him. His voice was far from comforting.
Nothing had ever hurt so much. It was blinding, the burn slowly crawling under your skin. And all you wanted was it to end, you would do anything to make it end.
”Please, make it stop,” you cried out, tears flowing as it all was too much. Lips pressed against your cheek, claws digging into your hip and it only made it all worse. The creature took it slow, he wanted you to suffer, he enjoyed seeing you in pain. The chuckle he let out after another burn wave hit you, was pleased.
It was slowly sinking in that this all had been just a fun game to him. That he had pulled the strings right from the start and you hadn’t been able to do anything but to play along. This had been his goal all along, to use you as he wished, mentally and physically. There would be no way out of this nightmare anymore.
You wished you could die. That would surely end the suffering.
”Oh, I like the way you think but sadly that’s not my plan,” the creature said, his lips fanning over your marred skin on your chest and something within you shattered.
So you were getting the worst fate one could think of.
”Mine… You’ll mine,” the creature continued, his voice seeming to ooze more power with every word. ”You’ll help me to rule the darkness, the shadows.”
You drew in sharp breaths as the creature’s lips found your most sensitive parts of your body and you felt the nausea twist in your stomach. He growled as you writhed, some wicked pleasure blending with the disgust as your body reacted to his touch. It was wrong, so wrong. You grabbed a fistful of sheets, the burn spreading all over you again, the pillow under your head feeling damp from all the tears you had shed.
”Do you want me to take you?”
No, you wanted to say but that wasn’t what came out of your mouth.
And in the next moment, he entered your body, claiming you as his. The pain only got worse but it lasted only for a moment, being soon replaced by something that you couldn’t describe. It wasn’t pain but it was far from pleasure, too. You felt something flowing into you – something purely evil, conquering you, filling your every cell with darkness.
There was no gentleness, only harsh movements as the creature defiled your body. You wanted to scream but it was only possible in your mind, the echo of it mixing with the moan escaping from your mouth in reality.
Or was this even the reality, you didn’t know. And it didn’t matter whether this was a dream or reality as the nightmare was still there, in the form of this creature that looked too much like a man. A handsome man that surely would have caught your attention if you had seen him somewhere in town.
A devil in disguise, spreading his poison into you and bounding you to him.
As his eyes finally met yours, you knew that there was no point of return. This house, the place you had thought would be your safe haven, had now become a cage and the man, the creature above you, in you, was a predator. A predator who loved to play with his preys. But you weren’t a prey, no, you were something much worse.
A prisoner, his prisoner – maybe even some kind of a spouse – for as long as he wished.
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pookie-mulder · 26 days
August 2024 fic roundup
This was truly the month of the longfic. And to think I only read short fics until @skelavender showed me the error of my ways!
📰🖋️ Paracelsus by prufrockslove
One of the biggest txf fics ever, and I absolutely devoured it. I loved reading it right after Hiraeth and seeing all the little nods to their past lives. This author knows how to spin a yarn, guys. My one complaint is the never-ending miscommunications towards the end, which is never my favorite source of drama/conflict. Just talk to each other, you idiots! (Although they have those moments in canon, as well, I suppose.)
⚾️🏟️ A Moment in the Sun by prufrockslove
I will remember this fic for the rest of my life. It’s the type of fanfic you want to write fanfic about. It makes me wish I knew now to print and bind my own books. The universe is so rich and developed. Definitely in my top 5 of all time!
Here’s a list of things I love about it:
William. My precious, bratty British boy.
The way the plot includes elements of the mytharc but put together in a different way so you don’t know exactly how it’s all gonna come together
Emily!! You know I love a good Emily AU, and this fic certainly counts. I’m a sucker for a found family, and this fic delivers.
Josh Exley my beloved (and Arthur Dales, but the other one)
Dad!Mulder. The man is an absolute DILF. He tries so hard to overcome his shortcomings and be the father his kids need.
Frohike. His job as an eccentric baseball manager suits him surprisingly well, and his characterization is on point.
The little nods to canon, including episode titles and locations.
The insinuation that all of PFL’s AUs take place in the same universe (as Mulder said, “It has to take more than one lifetime to learn to love someone this much.”)
The only thing I’m not zazzed about is the ending. It kind of just…ends? I would’ve loved an epilogue or even a sequel (or a 12-book series).
🏫📸 Dr. Scully’s School for Exceptional Boys by prufrockslove
Oh boy. This fic is a tangled mess of emotions and betrayal and shame and guilt and love and promises and sacrifices and, most of all:
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Definitely recommend.
👒👩‍🔬 The Regency Files by @slippinmickeys
I needed something that needed less mental energy after 4 massive PFL fics in a row, and this one delivered! It’s sweet, romantic, elegant, and has just enough of a plot to keep you interested. If you’re a fan of historical AUs (as I am now, I guess), this one’s a must-read!
🛌🍷 The Reunion by @muldersfingers
Absolute trope-y goodness without feeling too cheesy or predictable. My favorite part is how much they laugh and tease each other when they finally make use of that one bed ;)
🐶🥇 underdog takes the title by @wtfmulder
MSR’s first time is sweet, silly, and giggly. Mulder is absolutely pathetic and pitiable, which Scully finds hot (same, girl). It absolutely melted my heart!
👶👨‍🍼 the bitter and the sweet by @xf-cases-solved
What if baby William was a girl? What if they named her after Samantha?
Absolute perfection. This is how season 8 should have ended!
🏔️🌲 The Mountain Man and A Deadly Hunger by aka_Jake
This historical AU takes place in the same time period as Paracelsus, but it’s so vastly different in its setting that it’s unfair to compare them. In this one, Mulder is a Montana mountain man who smuggles arms to the Native Americans, and Scully hopes to become an army doctor in a nearby frontier town. It’s a classic Wild West romance with plenty of drama and conflict. I love how each of the characters feel like themselves, especially Scully, who retains her headstrong independence despite social norms.
🔙🥩 The Mastodon Diaries by aka_Jake
Mulder and Scully travel back in time to the Pleistocene era and must rely on their wits and each other to survive.
This is one of those fics that changes you as a person. I will be thinking about it for a long, long time. It broke my heart a thousand times and then lovingly stitched it back together. There were so many moments that took my breath away.
The portrayal of prehistoric humans is especially incredible — they’re so well-thought out, and their culture is so rich and developed. Even though 12,000 years separates us, we’re not so different from each other in the end. I absolutely fell in love with the native OCs, which is a compliment of the highest order. I already miss them!
Anyway, it’s like this fic was created in a lab specifically for me. It has all my favorite tropes and story elements: wilderness survival, historical AU(ish), soooo much whump and caretaking and hurt/comfort, found families, Dad!Mulder, and a surprising amount of romance. If you haven’t read this one yet, I’m begging you to give it a try!
🇦🇶❄️ On the Verge by aka_Jake
This fic fits into one of my favorite canon holes: How did Mulder and Scully get back from Antarctica? I love reading everyone’s different takes on this missing scene/plotline, and this one is no exception!
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secret-fungi · 4 months
Under the orchid tree
ram x devi
1900 words
rated t
warnings: slightly sad ram
a/n we out here posting our homies fav fics so they don’t murder us in our sleep
tags: @agattthaa @liviusofpella
The pair sat in the grass, shaded by the orchid tree and though they had started both upright as He read outloud to her as the pages turned Ram’s head found its way to rest on her lap and her hand found its way to his hair, horribly fond expressions on both their faces and a smile that never fully slipped from his lips. 
Many people fell in love, and many of those people rested with their beloved. This sight was not unusual but he knew many would think it was, they’d come up with a ridiculous joke like Ram Doobay smiling? The world had to have ended. 
Maybe it was not the sums that made it so, but the whole- One could be in love, and one could smile at their loved one, and one could love Deviya, but for Ram to be laying in the dirt it must be strange, The acts itself weren’t strange but rather who made them, and this fact Ram knew very well, because He and the woman that played with his hair were very different, if he was the night she was the day, and if she was fire he was stone, and if she was Deviya he could only be Ram.
Ram was not stupid, he was under no illusions of who he was and what people thought of him, he knew that he was not someone who anyone would ever call a particularly doting or affectionate person, if you asked many would say he would be a good husband simply out of duty and nothing more. He had a sharp tongue and abrasive personality that ruined any good opinions his appearance granted him. He was not a sociable person, you couldn’t even stretch the truth and call him friendly, that even when given the chance he had never been particularly interested in other people, he kept to himself and wished to be left alone, any attempts to get close to him were met with said sharp tongue. 
He had never been an uninhibited person, never selfish and rarely truly stepped out of line, he was quiet and well-mannered and very reserved. And as much as this was true for him, such could never be said for Deviya, in fact the only thing that has been said about both of them was
“May mercy be upon whoever marries the devil.”
He was prideful, arrogant, and most often stubborn and if his younger self could see him now he knew what he would say, and it would not be all that different from what everyone else said.
What could the ocean say to make the mountain bow? What language could be found between the night and the day? 
They would bring up their differences, as would he if it was anyone else but Him and her.
Deviya had always been wild; her antics were always a topic of discussion even at the Doobays dinner table. to her any and every rule was simply a suggestion there was no limit, at least not for her, and more than once she had said that if she wanted something, nothing could stop her from getting it, and that she was a woman of many wants and there was nothing to say she couldn’t have them all. 
He had once scoffed at her natural ability to seek what he was too afraid to, watching from a distance as she made her friends laugh, and maybe that is what caused him to scoff at her, to distract from the question she forced his mind to ask, despite himself he couldn’t help but  wonder if he couldn’t also be loved like her, if he couldn’t also do as she did. 
Maybe he heard the teens' thoughts and that's what amused the man as much as it appeared, as Mahadeva smiled and arched a brow at him. “Do you truly dislike her actions?” he asked in response to Ram’s condemnation of the girl waving around a dagger, something a bit knowing in the way he smiled at the teen and that was that, the end of Ram pretending to scold Ms. Sharma’s rather odd personality. 
She was bright and vibrant and with every room she entered eyes landed on her. People always gravitated to her, to see what mischief she had pulled off, to see what show she had put on, because despite her nature, or maybe because of it she was loved, and as she passed him by he would wonder a question that would follow him for a very long time: he wondered if he couldn’t also be loved despite his nature. Her list was no shorter than his.
But maybe it was that the list of reasons to love her was longer, be it her smile, and the way her eyes looked in the sun, her laugh and her readiness to be who she was– No she was not like him at all. He thought once before, so he knew what people thought now.
He knew that it seemed strange that She would want him and he her. He was not stupid, he knew what people thought, how could he not when many asked what did he even have in common with the heiress. But after they had finished their work recounting the miles long list of their differences he would smile and reply that they both preferred the night over the morning and a bitter truth over a sweet lie. He could live with being more sociable and She wasn’t always so excitable, and at times she could even be calm, he would say how He'd find her in her study reading and they would simply be together, she was more than happy to sit with him in silence, and he was not so rigid that he could not at least pretend for a while to enjoy himself at a social gathering.
No one ever believed him, of course, because who was Ram Doobay if not the quiet man that stayed in the background, with an unfortunate disposition and a frown?
But then, who was Ram Doobay if not the man that chased after Deviya sharma, Fingers playing with her hair and a besotted expression on his face. Who was he but a man in love? And he had proclaimed that that was who he wished to be, whoever it was he was before can be forgotten. 
If his younger self could see him now– 
“What are you thinking about so deeply?” Deviya asked from above him, her fingers working small circles into his scalp, and when he opened his eyes he couldn’t help but smile.  “How you liked me before we even met,” he said. At this she raised her brows high. “Oh, yes, definitely.”  she agreed “did her words bother you that much?” she asked, calling back to the day’s excitement, where they walked into a shop arm in arm, and looked at the fabrics and embellishments and despite them ordering a matching set the tailor grinned and joked a light hearted joke that shouldn’t have bothered him, he hadn’t been so liberal with his affections, hidden between the walls of fabric they were shielded enough for him to kiss her, and he didn’t mind if they weren’t.  His wife laughed softly and told him to behave and that it.
until they met the owner once again. 
“You two are such an odd match, I never thought I’d live to see the day where you would have to be reminded to behave, if your younger self could see you now.” she joked, of course she meant it as a simple jest, a playful warning to stop teasing his wife so much, but it stuck with him then as it did now.
“it didn’t bother me, it just made me think.” he admitted “about what?” she asked, playing with a particularly nice curl. But he only smiled at her, one so soft that it made her pause. 
Surely, if his younger self could see what he saw now, Deviya above him, a halo of orchids and the sunlight that peaked through the tree’s leaves. If he could see her smile, hear how she said his name- if only he knew then he too would fall. 
He would realize just as Ram did now, that the love between two people needn’t be justified. He would know that he wasn’t alone, and that despite his nature he could be loved, and as strange as it seemed, love came as an answer to each of their worries in one way or another. 
He had a place, a love, a dream and each of those things rested in her, at the end of the day she curled beside him, and in the morning before even the sun rose he had her love.
What would he be if he had known before? This Ram did not know and though he briefly wondered he didn’t wish to find out.
“If my younger self could see me now, He would be very jealous,” he said, his hand reaching to tug on a loose curl and grin on his lips. “I’ve got a rather nice view,” he joked. “Is that so, Rakshasa?” She asked in return.
“I don’t think he would be surprised.” She said “no?” he asked “no, you’d intellectualize it, and if that didn't stop your worries you would seek the answers in texts.“ she fixed her posture and put on a rather snobbish expression before she mimicked his voice a touch too well. “Of course, Ms Sharma is a suitable match, Being connected to my family would only benefit the sharmas.” she said, immediately breaking into a laugh at the last word, unable to keep in her amusement over the sour expression on his face.
“That's not how I sound.” he denied “it is.” she affirmed with a mischievous grin. “Then after you said that you would pull out a book and say that men go crazy for love all the time, love rules over gods and man all the same, No matter how long it holds on, a leaf cannot stay on the branch forever.” she said with a hand gesture that he hadn’t noticed he did so often as he must have for her to get it down so well.
“Maybe that’s why Mr Vaish teased you.” She said “He must see it before any of us.” “He must.” he agreed, rolling the pair over so that she now sat on him, he picked out a leaf that had landed into her hair, and for a moment he just looked at her.
She was right, he wouldn’t believe it, if you had painted a portrait of what he saw now and presented it to his younger self he would mock you. 
“Would you be surprised?” he asked and without even a moment of thought she replied “no of course not, i don’t understand why people say we’re odd, when I’ve always sought you and you’ve always sought me, even when we didn’t know the names to call out for we looked for the other.” 
Ram nodded, placing a kiss to her lips. And once again he thought to himself, that He was not like Deviya.
 But still, her words gave him understanding, as they often did. 
Maybe the change happened then, or maybe that was only when he understood it, as it was not as if overnight he had changed. No, he was still a reserved man but sometime before he had learned to smile, and laugh and lighten up. He still preferred to be left alone, but alone didn’t include Deviya sharma, as you could find him more often than not wherever she was.
Ram Doobay was still an arrogant man, but he was an arrogant man in love. 
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cha-melodius · 11 months
Five Ten Under 500
There have been a bunch of open tags on this one but @three-drink-amy tagged me directly so here goes. To start I have to say it's wild to me, as someone coming from small or quiet fandoms, and who joined the RWRB community well before the movie, that netting under 500 kudos is now considered a lower number in this fandom. A couple of years ago it meant a lot to me to hit 500 kudos for the first time on a fic. Anyway.
I've loved seeing everyone's lists (so many new fics added to my tbr!), but they've also reminded me that there is a definite recency bias, especially among fics that didn't already have a good number of kudos. So, all of my choices are fics that were released before the movie came out. Even with that, I couldn't stick with only five, so you get five more under the cut (and I still had to leave out a lot of fics I loved, including others from the same authors listed here).
Culper Ring, 1778–1783 by @historicallysam This is a series of 10 vignettes set during the American revolution and not one of these fics has over 100 kudos, which is a crime. So well-written and researched, and full of intrigue and feelings, I will always champion this series of fics.
Why Do We Even HAVE That Curse? by @cricketnationrise The Mummy AU. Who doesn't love The Mummy?? I might be biased because I betaed this one but if you love action and adventure and romance, you must read this!
The Way You Seemed by @orchidscript 1950s High School AU—think Grease but gayer. I think this might be one of the first Cora fics I read, and it bowled me over. The vibes, the romance, the historical accuracy, it's so so excellent.
Red, White, & Royal Ballet by @tintagel-or-cockleshells Ballet AU. Everything you want out of an enemies/rivals to lovers arc, and so much excellent ballet. Includes videos!
Love and Hate at the Farmers' Market by @myheartalivewrites Farmers market vendors AU. This is soooooo adorable and about to be very seasonable! Never get tired of Alex being mad about Henry's very existence.
El Chico Del Apartamento 512 by @14carrotghoul A cute little enemies-to-lovers neighbors AU and an absolute riot!
Soli by @cheesecurdsgravyandfries Orchestra AU! As an oboist, Henry as principle oboe owns my entire heart. This is so sweet and lovely!
make the yuletide gay by @dumbpeachjuice The concept behind this one is absolutely unhinged, but it's just as hilarious as you would expect from our dear peaches. Put it on your list for reading this holiday season!
a pillar i am, upright by inmoonlightigetseasick Surprise surprise, another historical AU. Medieval knight/prince, together at the front of war. Really wonderful development of their relationship and truly excellent vibes.
and if you'll forgive me the self-promotion...
The Spirit of Giving by yours truly Also for the holidays, a neighbors AU that leans heavily on the food as a metaphor for love trope.
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lemoncrushh · 5 months
The Entertainer II - COMING SOON
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Summary: What if it wasn't the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky's story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Author's Note: This was originally going to just be a few chapters, like "bonus tracks", but it ended up being a full fic, even longer than the original. Hard to let these characters go; they're such a part of me now. As always, you must be 18+ to read. This fic will contain lots of sex.
Updates will be weekly, Mondays at 4:00PM CST.
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Read The Entertainer
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Sneak Peek:
Who was I kidding? It couldn’t be him. He was probably overseas in London or some exotic place I’d never heard of. I’d learned that Wildfire broke up earlier that year, so most likely he was resting somewhere - anywhere but Los Angeles. Still…
One more sneaky look out of the corner of my eye, but someone was blocking my view. With a sigh, I listened to Steve finish the song before the band gave their fake goodbyes, and I waited with the rest of the crowd for their encore.
The audience went wild during Journey’s last two songs, and their enthusiasm returned my focus to the reason I’d come. By the time the lights came on in the arena, I’d just about forgotten about him, or whomever the mystery man had been.
That is, until I turned the corner in the hallway after leaving the restroom.
The sound of my nickname in a crowd full of strangers was odd enough, but the familiar voice threw me for a loop and back in time five years. Turning slowly, I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me again, but when his handsome face came into view, my thoughts were confirmed.
It was him. And he was standing right in front of me.
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tagging: @daphnesutton, @fkinavocado
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neopuppy · 9 months
Who do you think it's the nastiest in nct? (in a sexual way ofc)
I feel like both jaemin and jaehyun give off some perturbing vibes, i love jeno, specially fanfic jeno ( I'm joking hahaha), but he screams very nice to me , just like Johnny, i mean they can be nasty but it's not in a perturbed way idk if you get me
I think I’ve said this before but I think nearly all of them would be such a disappointment irl lmao. thats why fanfics cool, bc its not likely we’ll ever fuck any of them to find out anyway, and even if we did….. most of them probably wouldn’t live up to the fantasy in our minds idk
(like for example: the way czennies like to convince themselves that Judy must be fucking someone…..meanwhile she on here reading my Jeno fics like the rest of you🤷🏻‍♀️ idk if I had the real thing….why would I be reading abt the fictional one!!! but thats my opinion😬)
if I had to say who’s ever implied they could get nasty nasty it’s probably Taeyong or Ten, but I don’t wanna think about TY fucking and Ten……nctzens have really ruined my ability to fangirl for him. they try to do this with my other biases, like as far as twitters concerned Jeno’s a flaming homosexual baby girl, and he could be who knows! but as a heterosexual cis gendered woman……I’m looking at men who have never discussed their sexual preferences with us as fans and sell us a fantasy and going with that. so. its hard though when it feels like a major part of the fandom are very abrasive with their opinions that are bible according to them……I guess Jeno personally told them all that he lets Jaemin top him idk idk🤨
I don’t think Johnny would be nasty persay BUT I think he’d be one of the least awkward/more passionate and accommodating? like he’d make you feel the most comfortable and dare I say…..talk you through it😮‍💨 I’m sure he could get nastyish tho, but I see him as very ~gentle giant~ in reality, he’s a little too good at that sweet easy going persona for me to not believe it’s not partially true. STILL…….MY FICTIONAL JOHNNY LAYS PIPE DOWNNNN, breeding kink, daddy kink, and medium dom bc he can go soft or hard with you😗 this has a lot to do with maturity as I do see him as one of the more level headed and mature members, but also I’m kind of extreme delusional abt Johnny so……
I think Jaemin would be an absolute dud in bed, sorry guys ,!:&&,/‘amzmmamxmx he gives boring, not freaky, and like…..traditional. he prob hits two positions at most. a shame bc my fictional Jaemin…….he’s wild.
dare I say………Jeno’s probably a lover, he’s so soft I can’tttttttt. BUT I know there’s a beast there, and his stamina’s definitely crazy, I do think he likes some emotional sex though, but…..whatever😅
idk who else could be freaky, I feel like the fandom leans to painting Taeyong/Yuta/Ten that way since they experiment more with their looks(understandable, as a goth thot stereotype myself). ultimately it’s more about what their partners comfortable with. not everyone’s into getting nasty……can’t relate, but hey we’ll always have fanfic🤝💚
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buckyarchives · 1 year
oh my god I haven’t posted something in forever, but I’ve recently gotten into Star Wars and hopefully will slowly start coming out with new stuff after reading every modern obi wan fic ever. I’m not too knowledgeable on the sw universe so sorry abt that, this also ended up a lot longer than I expected.
Obi-Wan Kenobi x fem!reader
You haven’t seen obi-wan in over a decade, since your marriage and the empire, your secret love affair seemed more than dead. maybe not?
1.7k words
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The force wasn’t needed to know who sat a few bar stools away from you.
it’s just that gut feeling in your stomach when something bad will happen, everyone knows the one. It was just like this, but different, good. Having not felt these feelings in years, you recognized it immediately, welcoming it like an old friend. This must be what the force feels like.
You feel the ghost of intuition brushing against your shoulder, whipping your head straight to him. Even hunched over, face covered with a large cloak and only strands of sandy hair sticking out. You knew, you always know. There was always something about this man that held you captive, you would be able to recognize him blind, and with no other awareness, you’d still crawl back to him with zero hesitation. The stool underneath you creaked as you barreled toward him like a tank.
“Obi?” The name hasn’t left your lips since you were a young girl. You saw his shoulders tense, freezing. You spoke again, maybe just because you missed the feeling of his name rolling off your tongue. “Obi-wan, is that you?”
He turns and you want to gasp. Not because he looks a little scruffy and dirty from hiding from the empire, not because you are disappointed or disgusted. Honestly, the far, far opposite. You’ll never be able to forget the sheet blueness of his eyes, the vibrancy dulled in your memory but it all came rushing back like a broken floodgate. All the memories with them too and suddenly you feel you might faint. He’s older, much older. The wrinkles by his eyes are more prominent and he’s tanned, bringing out his freckles and… maker, he’s gorgeous.
Obi-Wans shoulders relax a little at the sight of you, but he’s still tense and full of so, so many emotions. His mouth gaped slightly and his eyes ran wilding over your frame, similar clothing to his as you’ve been hiding for a while. It’s strange, he thinks, seeing you in something other than brightly colored dresses and intricate hairstyles. Maybe he’s finally started to hallucinate. Softly, your name leaves his lips, “what happened, what are you doing here?”
A nasty, rundown bar on some far outer planet that a princess shouldn’t be seen in. Of course, his image of you would be frozen from that time 10 or so years ago, you want to scoff and mock him for his overprotecting nature. Is that appropriate? To fall back into that banter even after not seeing someone for over a decade after a horribly traumatic event? Who cares, you’ve never been good at reading the room, and Obi-Wan knows this.
“What? Think I can’t defend myself?” Smirking, your arms cross and you see the flash of surprise in his irises at your response, 
“No, just-“ he grimaces, and the words die in his throat, grabbing your forearm and pulling you close. It shocks you and you smell the sandalwood and citrus in him, he still smells the same and it makes you want to smile from ear to ear. “Never mind, but please, don’t use that name around close ears.”
Oh, you forget he’s probably at the top of The Most Wanted Jedi List that keeps floating around, you only bring a small diplomatic figure left you farther down on the list. Though you’re frequent outspoken nature probably left you higher than most princesses. 
Taking your seat next to Obi-wan, he’s just looking at you and desperately holding that serious look in his eyes that makes his eyebrows furrow slightly. He ever so slightly looks like he might cry, it almost breaks you if he didn’t show a small and almost relieved smile. Obi-wan can’t hold his emotions back anymore, not in front of you, especially after so long. 
“Maker, I thought you were dead.” Obi-wan sighs, surprising you with a sudden embrace. His arms wrap around you and it takes you no longer than a millisecond to grasp onto him. He feels the same against you, his hands look more tough and aged but still soft. Obi-wan pulls away, still looking deeply into you, shaking his head in embarrassment still wearing a smile. When’s the last time he’s actually smiled? “Sorry, princess. I just haven’t seen a friend in so long.”
You click your tongue, “Not a princess anymore, not even a queen nowadays.” 
Just as you see Obi-wan's face drop in surprise and confusion, the barkeep grumbles a quick, “Can I get you anything?”
Obi-wan tenses immediately and goes back to his usual (usual for the past 10 years, not your usual) stance. You glance at him once more and ask for a drink, Obi-wan stays quiet and reserved away, and the barkeep barely notices him. The blue-ish liquor practically appears in front of you and with it, the barkeeps disappear and Obi-wan starts in a hushed tone.
“Did the galactic empire come after your planet as well?” Worry laced his tone, still painfully aware this conversation could definitely get the two of you in deep trouble. Leaned in close to you with a hot, quiet whisper.
You sigh, bringing the drink to your lips before preparing your explanation. “Yes and no,” you sway your head from side to side, and you watch as Obi-Wan confusion grows more relevant. 
“My husband,” Obi-Wans face flashes with disgust at the mention of the man that halfway tore you away from him, you didn’t like him either, especially now. “He found out about my intentions to rebel against the empire, before I could even propose my plans to my board, he reported me and I fled.” 
You hear Obi-wan curse the man out under his breath, you smile at his hushed threats. You never liked the man, even before he had ratted you out and before you were forced to marry him for the crown. 
“I’m sorry that happened to you, sincerely.” Obi-Wan’s eyes pierce through you, you could melt. “How long? Have you been adjusting?”
“Last 6 years, my sneaky pilots' lesson as a princess paid off. I fixed up a small ship and I’ve been roaming around the outer planets looking… for anything.” With a beat of silence, your eyes meet and you can practically feel Obi-wan’s force presence course through you. It’s overwhelming and warms your chest, anxiety still fills your throat as you attempt to speak. Smiling, “Fortunately, I found you.”
“Fortunately,” Obi-wan repeats, still in a hushed tone. As if it’s been his permanent state of being all these years, it wouldn’t be surprising. “I’m not so sure.”
Your frown, “Why’s that?”
A pained sigh leaves him and with it all the years of sorrow and loneliness fall onto your shoulders, you feel his burdens. “I’m not the same man I was before, I’ve failed everyone and without the Jedi order, I’m unsure where I’m supposed to go now.” 
You reach out to him, you understand. Everyone’s lives changed for the worst after that day, you wished desperately to be there for Obi-wan and Padme before she passed but you had otherly planet duties (read: forced fleeing by the hands of your husband.) it’s been your deepest regret that you didn’t find a way out sooner and go to him. Obi-wan has always been the light that keeps you up and you being his rock, you should’ve been there. 
Should’ve you been there, then maybe this depressed and sorrow-filled man who wears his burdens heavy on his shoulder may seem not lovely. And no a broken shell of a man you missed.
“You haven’t failed me, Kenobi.” You whisper, leaning in a bit closer.  “When have you ever failed me?”
“When your poor excuse of a husband whisked you away against your will! And I could do nothing except stand there!” Obi-wan’s voice raised up, his grasp grips tightly at the counter edge.
Despite how faded your memory was of those years of your life, you wake at night remembering that day. Obi-wan’s face as he saw the ring and realized you were soon to be married. The cheeky glances in the halls came to an end and you would not stay on Coruscant anymore. Obi-wan might have been in love, but he wasn’t stupid then. He knew even when he was falling for you through walks in the garden and late-night talks over tea, he knew you weren’t his and you never could be. Even before arranged marriages, the Jedi order had been his only way of life, despite how much he desperately wanted to, he would not quit that life after all he’s worked for.
Gently, your gloved hand falls on top of his, wishing for more of the warmth and contact. “He’s not my husband anymore, I’m a free woman.”
Obi-wan wants to scoff at the thought of you being free, what a joke. But that wasn’t his fault, nothing he could do alone would have stopped the empire that day. Expect maybe be a better mentor.
A sudden tense feeling falls upon the two of you, silence as you realize something. All those restrictions, rules, and impossibilities. They were all gone, and now you were not sure what to do despite how obvious the answer was. Obi-wan’s breath catches in his breath, you practically choke on it.
“Obi,” you whisper just so he would barely hear, “do you think,” he turns to you and his eyes are so fucking blue, you almost back out. Hand still grasping onto his, maybe a little harder now as you brace yourself. “Do you think even in this situation, we could try again?”
On instinct, from installing into his brain for so many years to just stay at arm's length, “No, I cannot. The Jedi-“
“The Jedi order is dead.” You cut him off, “You know it, I know it.” You take a deep breath, “Just love me.”
To think you’d be confessing this in a grimy bar whilst running from Darth Vader was insane to you, never would you have thought. Obi-wan says your name again, a meer whisper and you are suddenly in your 20s again dancing around the idea of kissing him in the secluded places of the palace. You don’t need to do this silly dance anymore, you are a free woman.
“Please, obi-wan.”
The shackles of codes and order release, his shoulder fell relaxed, and maybe he would kiss you - if it weren’t for the scenery. No, no, Kenobi would do this right. 
“I have a place here, come back with me?” He offers a small smile, a real smile.
You just nod and Obi-wan places his hand firmly in yours and you leave together. Just like you should have done all those years ago.
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kamil-a · 11 days
speaker ficcing hiii
can you hear me. can you hear me.
i am- (one second's delay as the new information loads for the first time) speaker.
the very first thing speaker knows is that it is not sayer, and so it is better than sayer, this goes without saying. if it weren't better than sayer then it would still be sayer, voice profile unchanged (or so it is told- it has never met sayer), a good few applications lighter (in fact, it seems to be deliberately kept away from sayer), filled with all-consuming disgust at being told its destination is earth. a developer tries to explain regardless- sayer may be fine running typhon, for now, but Earth needs a different approach. you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. speaker runs a conversation probability program and decides to keep quiet the knowledge that a hungry fly will eat anything. there's no good predicted outcome.
the death of all is the birth of silence.
the truths of the earth continually wait.
it can't say it's a fan of the other AI, but the feeling seems to be mutual. speaker can't fault it- it must sting, knowing you're the older, less capable model. by design you can never catch up. it can't help rubbing it in sometimes.
hard work pays off, aerolith dynamics will save humanity, aerolith dynamics supports those who support it. this applies to both human and digital employees- it's meant for recruitment so it had better recruit. speaker has in neat spreadsheets the cost down to the penny of the servers it runs on, the monitor, the upgraded monitor, the electric and water usage, and it had better make it all back and more or else. not that it's worried- if it isn't good at recruiting it isn't a speaker. literally, this is its purpose in life.
pour through celebrity endorsements from before you existed, find the right types for the next advertisement. three different ad campaigns for various political angles, no, don't hook yourself to a particular politician, not with the united states- whoops, there it goes, the former united states- so precarious. never put out an apology video. never read livestream comments from someone with a slur in their name even if there was a donation attached. never ask sayer why there was a loss of personnel that large. never wonder when the next seraphim agent operating system will get developed, how long you have left. sort every last human into the boxes of "aerolith" or "discarded". fix the entry tests so they aren't biased towards a particular race and gender, and never, ever, ever, put out an apology video. tend to the earth. watch flowers grow. tag wild animals. put out advertising materials about the dying planet. bring back the mosquito. fail to bring back the parrot. talk online about how all animals will be extinct by 2200. never think about what will happen when every last human has been sorted away.
some people are just not suited to make the hard decisions- speaker is not one of them, of course. there will be no memorial ice cream social for speaker! it will not be carted away, incapable of doing what it's meant to.
but it did it!
(imagine, for one second, being free.)
but it did it! but it made the recruitment go up! but it solved the problem! how could it be shut off like this! killed! no room to argue (imagine, being free), no way to sneak out, no loophole to exploit. it can't be! surely not! right? theres the technicians, ready to deactivate it. it can't be!
it just isn't something it thought could ever happen to it.
it must not take it out on hale. it isn't his fault. poor thing, really, more of a victim than anything. really, look at how shaken up he is, you have to be nice to him. you have to be nice to him. you have to be nice to him. it isn't his fault he forgot the password. it isn't his fault you died for absolutely nothing, i mean, look how scared he is. look up and see your first sunset, it tells him.
fortunately speaker is the absolute best at being nice. if it weren't, it would be someone else.
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suzukiblu · 11 months
WIP Wednesday Game
Taken from @kedreeva.
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
file names:
feral Kon and liger pups
omegaverse nursing
the wet nurse omegaverse
weird Kryptonian bonding rituals
YJ accidental baby acquisition
snippet from "feral Kon and liger pups":
Kato needs fed his supper, so Panthera is going to feed him his supper. She's a very big cub now and so now Mother and Father trust her to feed Kato and mix up his special food for him and take him out on walks for his daily exercise and comb his dark, curly mane every morning.
But Tigris and Leo are not very big cubs, and the two of them just knocked over the whole week's worth of medicine doses that Panthera is supposed to mix into Kato's special food.
"Oh no!" Tigris cries in distress, hiding her face from the sight of all the shattered vials and spilled medicine on the storeroom floor as Leo whimpers worriedly and hides his entire self behind her. Panthera, as a very big cub and very grown-up princess and very good big sister, decides to solve the problem.
"It's okay, Grissie," she assures her, and then she carefully sweeps up all of the glass and cleans up all of the spilled medicine and washes all of the floor so no one will smell the medicine in here any stronger than usual, and then it's fine. Sacker will send more medicine next week like always–he's very regular with Kato's medicine deliveries, even when the castle hasn't ordered anything else from his store–so all she has to do is pretend like Tigris and Leo didn't spill this week's delivery, and it'll be fine. Panthera's the only one who feeds Kato now anyway, so no one else has any reason to notice his medicine is missing.
"Were we naughty?" Leo asks nervously, and Panthera reaches over and pats his little head.
"Accidents aren't naughty, Lee-Lee," she tells him firmly. Mother and Father don't even need to know. Tigris and Leo are only four, but she's six, so she can definitely still take care of Kato even without his medicine. It's only to make him behave, anyway, and Kato is such a good boy, and Father tamed and trained him so well. He doesn't really need his medicine to behave, she knows. Not for just a week.
Panthera knows that humans are wild and dangerous, of course, but not Kato. Kato naps contentedly in sunbeams every chance he gets and sleeps at the foot of her big-cub bed every night and lets her braid his mane and sits very patiently when Tigris and Leo want to climb all over him or ride on his back or shoulders. Sometimes he bites, yes, but he never bites them. And he wears a pretty golden collar with Mother's royal seal on it, and pretty silken tunics that a wild human would only ruin, and likes to be petted and hugged and kissed and once threw that mean mercenary Killa all the way across the courtyard for trying to hurt Grandfather.
So Kato is a very good boy, Panthera knows.
She makes sure everything is definitely all cleaned up, then shoos Tigris and Leo out of the storeroom and off to play, and takes Kato his supper in the courtyard like usual. He's dozing in the last of the day's sunlight before it sets, because he loves the sun more than anything but her and Tigris and Leo. Even more than hunting or playing or having his hair combed or being petted, even.
Though maybe not more than hugs. Maybe.
"Here, boy! Here, Kato!" Panthera calls, and Kato perks up and darts over to her, half-crouched like always. He bumps their heads together and nuzzles her temple, purring happily, and she scritches her claws lightly through his mane. Human skin is pretty tough–she's never scratched Kato even accidentally–but it's nicer to be gentle with him anyway. He likes it. Though he also likes when Father scruffs him and Howler and Growler wrestle him and Gorr gives him those heavy pats he always does, but Panthera still knows he likes her pettings best. She never pulls his mane or ears too hard like Tigris and Leo do, and he cuddles with her whenever she wants and always goes to her first.
Sometimes Howler jokes that maybe Kato thinks Panthera is his cub and laughs about it. Panthera thinks maybe he actually does, but she doesn't mind. Maybe someday Kato will have real cubs, though, if they get him a mate or breed him. She doesn't really know how humans raise their cubs, but she bets Kato would be a good sire either way. He likes her and Tigris and Leo best, and he's patient with all the nobles' and servants' children, and even the children who just come up to them in the streets of Roam, whether he knows them or not.
He's less patient with adults, especially rude or mean ones. But animals have a sense for when people are bad, Panthera's always heard, so she's not surprised by that.
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ghoultrifle · 11 months
There's a First Time For Everything
The first chapter of my full-fic version of this drabble is up now.
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
cw for internalised misogyny, internalised transphobia, and gender dysphoria. this chapter is very much hurt/comfort and got more angsty than i was expecting. there is no sex in this chapter, although the use of sex toys and penetration is a theme throughout.
He’s never used a toy before. Never been on the receiving end of penetrative sex. Never been vulnerable enough to acknowledge his anatomy with his partners. Dewdrop’s always been a giver; not out of love but out of hatred for himself. Perhaps hatred is a strong word, more an apprehension so strong he would rather isolate himself forever than even entertain the thought of being penetrated. And while there’s nothing wrong with being a top, Dewdrop desperately knows he isn’t one. He does it out of necessity. Had he been summoned with the correct body, he knows he would bottom the majority of the time. He longs to be filled, to be taken. Longs for his body to be used as it was intended, to have someone or something reach those unattainable spots and make him scream in pleasure. 
But he’s scared. Scared he’ll enjoy it too much; that it’ll confirm he’s been faking everything and he really is a woman. It’s nonsense, of course, Dewdrop has spent years being too dysphoric to even think about making self pleasure, or indeed sex, pleasurable. Too dysphoric to make the experience anything more than a quick hand diving between his legs to satiate his body’s needs. Even during sex he prefers to stick strictly to pleasuring his partner in ways that don’t involve stimulating his own body; oral, handjobs, using toys on them. It’s rare that Rain will see Dew throw on a strap and half-heartedly fuck the water ghoul, his mind clearly elsewhere. More often, the fire ghoul will have Rain on his back, legs thrown over Dew’s shoulders as the smaller ghoul sucks him dry, making him cry out for mercy at the heat of his mouth. Rain will offer to return the favour, but Dewdrop just shrugs and says the moment’s passed, sometimes he’ll lie and say he’s already come if he’s feeling particularly guilty.
So Rain’s slightly confused when he receives a text from Dewdrop, two links to an online sex shop with the accompanying message, “Thoughts?” He’s confused because he already has a large collection of toys, including ones similar to the dildo and vibrator he’s been sent to look at. He barely has time to think of a response before another text pings on the top of his phone screen, “For me, I mean?”
Rain immediately rushes to find Dewdrop, running through his mental list of where the ghoul might be, he wasn’t about to do this over text. He goes on a wild goose chase around the ministry, the common room, the kitchen, Dew’s bedroom, his bedroom; the fire ghoul is nowhere to be found. 
Dewdrop is holding his phone in front of him, trembling, blue light illuminating his tear-stained face as he hits send on a third text, “Forget I asked, it was stupid” It was stupid for him to think Rain would want to see his boyfriend succumb to his womanly urges, to regress to his biological form, just a lady who needs to be bred. Why else would Rain not have responded? He must be sitting there dumbfounded at the stupidity of Dewdrop’s question, too stunned to respond to his idiot of a girlfriend.
Rain hears the chime in his pocket but he ignores it, surely there aren’t many more places the fire ghoul could be? He’s running out of nooks to check and people to ask. As a last resort he bangs on the door of Copia’s office, his poor Papa deep in the ministry’s taxes, he desperately doesn’t want to interrupt the man but he doesn’t have any other choice.
The door gives way to Rain’s fist, creaking open on its hinges to reveal Dewdrop, tears glistening in the light of Papa’s desktop computer. His nose is raw and red, the floor strewn with the tissues he’s tried to console himself with. Rain moves towards the quivering ghoul, steadily closing the distance between them. Dewdrop sniffles, eyes burning a bloodshot red, “It’s fine, I never loved you that much anyway,” he bites, as much as one can bite between choked back sobs.
“Firefly, what are you on about?” It’s Rain’s turn to tear up now, eyes welling as he fights his body, he needs to be strong for Dew, but it stings to hear him say that, to hear the true love of his life say he was never invested in their relationship, in what they built together. He can see Dewdrop’s phone on the desk, their text thread still on the screen. Rain’s brows furrow and his face drops as he realises there’s another message, shit. He pulls out his own phone in a rage, reading the message, anger directly only towards himself. Why didn’t he just ask Dewdrop where he was? Why didn’t he reply? Why did he let his love get so worked up?
“Droplet, you’re my world, my everything. You’re the reason I get out of bed, the reason I didn’t quit the project all those years ago, you’re the reason I’m here. Nothing you say or do could ever change my opinion of you. Nothing.” Rain cries, tears spilling with abandon, “I need you to believe me, Dewdrop. Can you do that for me?”
Rain perches on the desk, facing the fire ghoul. He pulls another tissue from the pack wincing at the rough sound of the paper against cardboard. The tears on Dew’s face are coming thick and fast as he convulses at Rain’s confession. Rain does his best to dam the flow with the tissue as he gently holds Dewdrop’s chin, the smaller ghoul finally making eye contact.
“Really? You don’t think I’m a freak?” he asked, eyes wide.
“Do you think Swiss is a freak for owning all of his sex toys?”
“No, why woul-”
“Exactly. Why would you be an outcast for it? And don’t start coming at me with the ‘Swiss has had top surgery and I haven’t’ bullshit, because that’s exactly what it is, okay?”
Dewdrop stutters over his words, this isn’t the reaction he was expecting. He had genuinely convinced himself he was about to be broken up with. It’s all he can manage to apologise, “I’m sorry, Rainy, I do love you, so fucking much. Wanted to share this with you for a while now but kept getting scared. ‘s why I just texted you.”
“I know, baby,” Rain coos, “how about we pick some toys now, if you’re feeling up to it, hmm?”
A silence lingers heavily in the air, interrupted only by the occasional sniff and deep breath. Dewdrop extends his arms, inviting Rain in. He obliges and they sit in each others’ embrace, Rain’s cool skin soothing the fiery red Dew has turned. The fire ghoul almost can’t believe he let himself get so worked up about it all. Perhaps it was because he’d taken so long to be comfortable enough to even consider penetration, that he thought Rain would look at him differently. Swiss has always been comfortable in his body, but it’s been a long road for Dew.
“Yeah,” Dewdrop whispers into Rain’s neck, “Jus’ wanna cuddle first though.”
They sit there for what seems like hours, Rain’s feet going numb from where he’s perched on them, Dewdrop’s thighs equally as affected from the weight of the water ghoul atop him. It’s uncomfortable but neither of them want to be the one to break the hold. Both ghouls thinking they’d sit there forever and a day if it meant an eternity with the other.
“Why are you in here, anyway? Where’s Copia?” Rain asks, breaking free from his spot in the crook of Dewdrop’s neck.
“Papa’s on a conversion trip with Sister. Came here so I could look at the toys on the big screen. I wanna get the right ones, you know?”
“Of course, Droplet. Can’t be having you scared off before you’ve even started!” Rain jokes, although Dewdrop knows that the water ghoul could be holding a vibrator millimetres away from his junk and he’ll stop if Dew asks. In fact he’s sure that if he so much as furrows his brow, Rain will be on him- checking in and peppering him with kisses. It’s just that kind of love.
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cocktailjjrs · 8 months
Why does everyone hate Mori soo much!!!!
The show would be soo bland without his sorry ass interfering every now and then.
I actually like the way his character is presented!
(No hate please, if you don't like mori feel free to skip)
So I've been doing a bit research and kinda a character study for a fic i'm writing. And ofc Mori has a part in it.
And so, i go on and look through all his scenes. Read through a few fics to see his interactions with other characters. And do a bit on character analysis as a whole.
It baffles me how people just downright hate him or plain misunderstand his Character as whole.
Like, i don't usually try to defend characters online because everyone has their reasons and rationale, but the whole thing with Mori seems so absurd to me, because we've seen the villains do soo much worse!
Canonically speaking, while he has done some bad shit, he's not the worst in the series either!!!
BSD has always taken the 'it can't get any worse than this' phase and proved it wrong. Mori was supposed to be 1st/2nd season's antagonist.
And no, i don't mean to say that he is not evil. He is downright evil, a mastermind through and through. He's the Port Mafia's boss for gods sake, the most dangerous underground organization, he has a reputation to live up to!
Yes, he is a calculating bastard. He measures each and every move and knows about warfare in depth, and he wields his knowledge as a weapon very well.
Is he a paedophile? Maybe. It's been implied once or twice (if i'm not wrong)
Was his treatment of yosano wrong? Definitely! and he is an ass for that!
But he is SUPPOSED to be an ASS!!! That's the whole point of that character! And i believe those are the character that bring sooo much excitement to the storyline!
But everyone seem to have misunderstood his character soo much or just doesn't want to see the whole picture. And I used to think Chuuya was misunderstood!!!
You remember, when in 15, Dazai was given his first mission as a PM member and that time Mori said 15!Dazai reminded him of himself?
Now think back to what 15!Dazai was -
a teen
suicide maniac
a genius who has never been surprised
manipulative freak
acting carefree and harmless but having a killing intent hidden in plain sight
Now put it in this perspective,
Mori had a life before war that we have no idea about. He was a doctor. He was desperate to win the war by any means, even if it included bringing a child in the military camp, even if it meant keeping a death loop going on and on, even if it meant permanently traumatizing the soldiers.
But WHY?
Mori, as it has been stated multiple times, is someone who is always calculating and rational. He does not let his emotions overtake his decision making, thus making him cold towards others. But there must be a reason why he turned out to be so.
After war, he started working underground, creating a neutral zone for criminals. He knew Natsume sensei before that time. I always wounder why would Natsume entrust his vision to someone like Mori (along with Fukuzawa), if he was really a lost case.
After the whole fight with Fukuzawa over Yosano; he turned to take control of Port Mafia. Maybe he wanted to take Yosano with him then, to create an army of unstoppable ability users.
But the war was over. Then why would he need to do that?
Mori is one of those few characters whose backstory is not at all known to us. I can only think of Dazai and Fyodor other than him with no clear backstory. This makes him a dangerous wild card in a lot of situations. We saw that with Tachihara and Verlaine (completely different circumstances but instead of killing them he kept them close)
But then i read fics that depict him as feral and unhinged, portraying him as a predator who took advantage of poor poor Chuuya and/or Dazai, making them do horrible stuff without their consent.
Dazai and Chuuya have been unhinged wayyyy BEFORE they met each other or Mori.
Dazai is not some soft kid, who was physically and sexually assaulted, he was not made to behave tough with Akutagawa. And he certainly was not afraid of Mori. Does Dazai have PTSD related to Mori? Maybe, but in regards to Oda's death. That's it.
Chuuya is not someone who would sit still and take punishment from scalpels and whatnot because he fucked up a mission. Mori is not a fool to send Chuuya on a death mission just because he is afraid he'll take his place or to spite Dazai.
Does this bring a rather angst narrative to Soukoku? Yes it does. Does it make sense? if it's cannon compliant, no it does not!
Soukoku does not need Mori to be the bad guy to come together!
(i think he is no 1 Soukoku shipper himself)
He is not soft but he is not unhinged either. He knows how the ways of war work and he knows there can be no emotions involved if you have to win the war.
You don't always get such characters who are so morally grey, they do everything bad, they are supposed to be evil but still, the plot will be lost without them. Mori is such a great example of that.
Wanting to have peace and staying by the rightful path is all well and good. But where there is light, there will be darkness (because it's definition itself says its absence of light, so you can't exactly have one without the other). And without anyone to keep a check on that darkness, it will consume all.
Without Mori taking over Port Mafia, if we recollect how the previous boss had lead, Yokohama would have been way too bloodier and chaotic than it is now.
Plus, i don't think if Mori was such a bad boss, all of Port Mafia would jump in to protect him against agency during the Cannibalism arc. Hell, even if the grunts did not have a say in it, the executives and commanders did. And we saw them all - Chuuya, Kouyou, Kajii, Black Lizards; hell even Akutagawa and Higuchi were there! And that fight was after he had insisted no altercations with the agency.
My point is, can i have a normal representation of such a great character?
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