#for the dance we were all in a dark lunch room anyway???
Poll Vote Hurt & Comfort
Hello lovely readers <3
Here is our Poll Vote post, there are so many great Hurt & Comfort fanfic with them, we picked out some of them for you.
Have a great weekend and enjoy reading <3
across the distance (M) by Tciddaemina
Law and Bepo have just finished charting a new course when Law feel's Luffy's heart begin to race. He lets out a breath, ignoring it, and finishes looking over the last of the calculations, giving Bepo a final nod and stepping away, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket as he steps out the door onto the deck. He leans against the rail, lighting up, and brings the cigarette to his lips, inhaling. He feels Luffy's heart skip a beat. The racing slows, tempo lowing again back to normal rates, and Law almost huffs and ignores it entirely, except then Luffy's heart rate continues to drop, and it doesn't stop. It hits his resting heart rate and then keeps falling, plummeting rapidly. Law sucks in a sharp breath, stomach dropping, one hand clutching at his chest as he stops so fast he almost staggers, because fuck, something is happening- - Luffy is dying, and Law is half an ocean away, too far to help.
Will You Share Your Emotions Under The Moon? (G) byDoodle4Noodle
A Satellite Far from the Sun cosmicatta T """How stupid. You are the Sun and I’m no more than a distant satellite trapped in your orbit."" Law sees sunshine at midnight, learns how to dance (kind of), and finds out where he truly belongs within the solar system. All before daybreak." 3,02 2023 complete
Not about the free lunch (T) by chenziee
There were a lot of things Luffy wanted to tell Law but right now, looking at the blood dripping from the hastily patched up wound on Law's arm, there was only one thing on his mind.
A Satellite Far from the Sun (T) by cosmicatta
"How stupid. You are the Sun and I’m no more than a distant satellite trapped in your orbit."  Law sees sunshine at midnight, learns how to dance (kind of), and finds out where he truly belongs within the solar system. All before daybreak.
Dead Defend No Honour (G) by KhepiAri
What if Luffy found out, Law lost it all at the hands of Blackbeard? Will he let Law suffer alone, or will he drag him back to Sunny?
what fate wants (T) by frogsterz
“What do they mean?” Luffy blinks round eyes up at him, his hair dripping water down his face.  Law wavers between answering him honestly, because lying to Luffy feels like a crime against humanity, and keeping his dark, sordid past to himself. “It’s a heart,” he deflects.  “You have many hearts,” Luffy observes. He pokes his right arm. “Are they for someone you loved?” (What Luffy wants is what fate wants. Law will realise this firsthand, whether he wants to or not.)
Your Heart, Broken in My Chest (T) by purplehairedwonder
Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal. Written for 10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 8: Hurt/Comfort
Breathe (T) by CheshireSense
Luffy never told Ace, and he probably won't tell Sabo either, but he's never really liked fire. Or, the one where even Luffy has his bad days. Law understands.
If You Need Me, I Will (G) by BasicallyACat
Luffy can't find the words to describe all the things he feels, couldn't say them even if he found them. He knows people don't understand him usually and doesn't really mind. His nakama understand and that is all that matters. When he meets Law, suddenly there are far too many things to say even when he can't and Luffy prays Law can understand anyways.
scarred but not beyond repair (T) by marimoes
Across the room, Law grumbles in his sleep. A sharp inhaling of air sucks in through his lips and it nearly sounds pained. Like he’s been hit, and Luffy jumps up at once on alert—but finds nothing. As he creeps closer, Luffy watches Law's left hand start to dig at his bandages.
-Mod Raiya
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didee-anne · 9 months
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Photo dump and update from the last week. Leavenworth last Wednesday was fun! The concert we were going to attend got cancelled and we ended up leaving before it got dark and the lights really popped, but we all had a good time anyway. Thursday was Rory’s work’s Christmas dinner and after that he surprised me with a hotel stay! Friday was a low key day at home and we made a bunch of fudge. Saturday we had a couple different friends over and worked on a puzzle. The kids all helped for a bit before they lost interest and us adults ended up finishing it. Christmas Eve was busy. We had church that morning and then I ran out to my BIL and SIL’s place to drop off a gift for the family gift exchange that we do with them every year. Got home in time to grab the kids and head back to church for choir practice in preparation for the candlelight service. The service went well. The tech had some issues with the music but it got sorted out. We came home and while Ror was finishing dinner prep his youngest brother and his wife stopped by to drop off a gift for the exchange and my sibling and their wife came over to join us for dinner! For dinner Ror made prime rib. I didn’t get any before pics but I did snag an after picture lol. After dinner the kids opened their gifts from the aunties and then we watched my all time absolute favorite Christmas movie; It’s a Wonderful Life. Since we started the movie late the kids got to stay up late and then after they were in bed Ror and I got the presents set out under the tree and stockings taken care of. My oldest Jennifer does a scavenger hunt for us to find our presents from her so in order to give her time to hide all the clues she’s the only one allowed out of her room before 8:30am. It’s so nice knowing we won’t be up at a stupid early hour. We did the scavenger hunt, the kids opened their stockings, and then everyone opened their gifts. After presents I gathered everyone for our annual family picture in our matching jammies and then we spent the rest of the morning dancing along to just dance videos. It’s ridiculous how good my big girls are at that! I’ve never done it before but lots of laughs were had and that’s all that matters to me. Late morning we had a zoom call with Rory’s side of the family and we did our gift exchange. Sometime after lunch we played Fluxx with the kids. I bought the Jumanji version and the Marvel one is on its way. The kids enjoyed it and Nikki won. I got Nikki some heartless hair curlers in her stocking and the results are THE CUTEST!!! I didn’t think Nikki could get any cuter and I was wrong! Anyway, Tuesday I had my weekly coffee date with Lori and gym date with Ror. Jennifer and her boyfriend went to the fabric store and bought some material to make blankets and while they waited for the fabric to be washed and dried they used my old dance lesson videos and spent a couple hours swing dancing. They’re so stinking cute together it’s ridiculous. While they were dancing I finally got around to cutting out my rainbow window cling and getting the designs put up! The monstera leaves took forever to cut out but they’re my favorite and I’m glad it’s finally done. Today I had a breakfast date with my SIL and then met up with Ror at the gym for a workout. We worked shoulders and now it’s a challenge lifting my arms 😂. It’s been a lovely busy week. This next week won’t be _as_ busy but it will be busy. I’ve got Nikki’s 15th birthday this Friday and then our 17th annual NYE LOTR marathon. 🥳🥳 it’s one of my favorite days of the year!
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the-vagabond-angel · 1 year
Certified Vagabond Angel book headcanons and these are mostly just Armand hcs cause I miss my reach
Armand would be one of those guys who scream random stuff out in the middle of class, you know who I’m talking about
If Claudia was able to live until modern times, I feel like she’d be really into platforms, she likes the extra height
Louis would be the type to wear those turtleneck-cardigan-long skirt combos
Marius would own the ugliest pair of Birkenstocks EVER
I feel like when Armand and Lestat forget they hate each other, they have a really fun time together like I’m talking they go out shopping, have lunch you know, listen to music while dancing then they remember they hate each other and they start fighting about something
Claudia’s first coffin had little doodles all over it trust, it absolutely did
Armand’s current coffin also has little doodles over it lol and stickers, there’s stickers everywhere on it
Lestat would be the type to have a “just girly things” blog in like 2013 or one of those blogs dedicated to emo guys cause let’s be fr
Armand would spend $100 that he got that day in 30 minutes in a visual novel game
When I was 13-14, I started my own cult that was dedicated to that guy who ran CNN 10, I called myself “The High Priest” and everybody had to call me that (I had this black like long cardigan with hella long sleeves that I wore). I had an assistant who was called the Communicator or something weird like that, we had rules and a whole symbol and had about 25 or so people in it, like I would go up to people like “hey, wanna join my cult, it’s really fun” anyways my point is Armand would do that cause he literally did that
Armand probably holds everyone hostage to drink his horrible little smoothies (same boo boo bear holding my whole family hostage to eat my devil’s food cake that I made in my easy bake oven but it’s the old one that used a light bulb)
Armand sleeps with a little night light cuz I get the feeling he wouldn’t like to sleep in the dark (alternatively, he does what I did as a kid and sleeps with a bright ass lamp that lights up his entire room)
Lestat and Armand probably paint their nails together (sometimes they paint Louis’ nails too)
They all watched Twilight together like a big weird family, Armand is team Jacob until breaking dawn then he’s team Bella should’ve dated Alice, Lestat wants to sparkle too now, Marius probably hated it cause he’s an old loser, Louis read the books beforehand and did not in any way understand the movies better, and Daniel probably fell asleep.
Lestat and Armand will describe the blood they drink like it’s wine (“mmhmm yes a vintage 1967 with a very oaky and smokey taste to it” meanwhile they just ate 2 guys who were camping in the woods)
I’m from the era of the internet of like Slenderman’s mansion so I imagine all the vampires who matter live in one huge ass mansion in the woods together
Lestat can’t swim I don’t care if it’s canon that he can, no he can’t, he just looks like someone who can’t swim
Lestat watches beauty guru videos to sleep
After Armand’s basically dadification, he spoils Benji and Sybelle like this man physically cannot say no to these kids, he tried to but it just ended with him convulsing on the floor.
Armand are those pictures on the internet of that lady laying in her room and her walls are entirely covered with crosses and then the other one of that nun just sitting between those 2 women
I’ll add more if I feel like it lol
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pandalandalopalis · 2 years
Randomly remembered the time where my high school held a dance that was "masquerade ball" themed and then they didn't allow you to wear masks 💀💀💀
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inkskinned · 4 years
i thought it would be like - shooting stars and calligraphy and shouting confessions. i thought it would be movies in slow motion, and sunrises, and never getting old.
but it was my dog falling asleep at my feet. it was a new jar of peanut butter. it was saw-this-and-thought-of-you. it was “keeping my ringer on, just in case”. it was “stay where you are, i’m coming for you.” all of us in the abandoned parking lot, six feet away, eating in our own cars so we could say we shared lunch. not just arriving but saying here we are. it was getting lightbulbs and groceries together. it was sitting in the same room while each person quietly does work. it was snow that didn’t stick and my cat yawning. it was eighteen degrees fahrenheit on the thermometer, let’s go walk anyway because you need to go somewhere. it was coffee and dollar-store candlelight. 
i thought i would wake up in the movie, you know. i thought it would be suddenly: things are okay now. i’d get better and the better would just be there. a lot of things in my life were already so wonderful, and i couldn’t feel them, because my soul had gone numb. i thought i could just be happy if i could only wake up.
it came like ochre. it came slow like the tide.  it came like - oh, the moment i’m in is lovely, and i can finally feel how lovely it is, can’t i? and then it wasn’t just sitting in the car, it was sitting in the car with you. it was knowing he probably meant it. it was comparing scar tissue and talking about hornets and collecting chess pieces off the floor. it was watching just one more episode. it was falling asleep on the lawn. it was saying - i can’t wait and see you soon and don’t be long. 
there is this cheesy thought - the stars are always present, but they are only visible in the dark. the white heat of my sun; the collapsing echo of my horror; the sleeplessness of a neverending dawn.
and then, slowly, the day was over, and here i was. and here was the moon, and her stars, and a future like an expanse of sky untouched and unhurting. to want to go rather than to want to be gone. to not just watch but to jump in and dance along. to not just hum - to innately, sweetly, finally know the song.
// selections from a commission for anonymous. ty & ily. (dm for commission info here or on insta @rid.inkskinned) // 
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honeytae · 3 years
You’re distracting the chef, sweetheart.
hey guys! so…this is literally just domestic bliss with yoongi…need i say more? no but this is such a self indulgent piece i really just…love me some husband material which is exactly what yoongi is. i hope you all enjoy this as much as i do </3
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy, @the1921-monsters
genre: fluff
warnings: tooth rotting ‼️
word count: 1.4k
Your eyes followed the stitches of the pillow beside your head, knitting your eyebrows at the peculiar sewing pattern.
Flicking the fabric with your thumb, you broke your eyes’ fixation off the object with a shake of your head, a disgruntled noise echoing through your chest.
So this was boredom.
With a frown, your eyes flickered across the couch to Yoongi as his leg bumped yours in his slight shift of position, settling back into the pillows behind him with his right arm holding his phone above his face.
Sighing, you watched your boyfriend from where you were perched on the opposite side of the sofa, the man seeming perfectly content with the otherwise silence and mundane air in your apartment as he scrolled through his twitter feed.
Not that you could blame him. Days like this in his schedule were far and few between, where you could lay around together like this. But you were beginning to get restless, feeling the need to get up and do something before you died of boredom.
Frowning, you sighed slightly louder, pout increasing when he either didn’t hear you, or acted like he hadn’t. Unbothered, your boyfriend continued his useless scrolling of his thumb on his phone screen, while you itched out of sheer nothingness across from him.
Showing his surprise, Yoongi raised his eyebrows at you, lowering his phone to lay flat on his chest as you pushed your foot against his knee.
“What’s that for?” He chuckled, catching your foot in his palm and soothing his fingers along your knobby ankles.
His features twisted in amusement from his perch on the pillows, dancing his fingertips across the top of your foot mindlessly.
“‘M bored.” You shrugged, the man snorting back another laugh as you needily pushed your foot further into his hold.
“I don’t know what you want me to do about that, love.” He replied smugly, a shrug of his shoulder making you scoff as you pulled your foot out of his hands.
“Now you’re just being mean.” You crossed your arms stubbornly, letting the man take your limb back in his hand as he soothingly trailed his palm up and down your calf.
His eyes sparkled in amusement at your stature, the attitude radiating off of you in waves that made him hum in the back of his throat.
“Okay, okay, let’s see, what do kids do when they’re bored?” He wondered aloud, casting his eyes up to the ceiling as he lazily smirked at your offended gasp in the background.
“Did you just compare me to a kid?” Placing your palm on his thigh to boost yourself up into a sitting position, your jaw dropped as he absentmindedly hummed in the back of his throat.
“Well why don’t we look into the Grandpa agenda then? Wanna try some geriatric activities?” You quipped, Yoongi laughing through his nose at your sass.
“I’d love that, actually.” He said, grinning when you groaned in frustration. Settling his hands on your kneecaps, he gripped them in a gentle squeeze, nodding at you once with a fond smile.
“Alright, Grumpy. C’mon.” He gestured for you to stand up with him, grunting as the motion stretched at his muscles, rolling his eyes when you muttered another grandpa remark under your breath.
With a hand gripping your wrist, Yoongi guided you until you were daintily draped over the stool at the island in your kitchen, facing the oven as he stuck his head in the fridge.
“What are you doing? I don’t want any more tea and scones.” You smirked, the man exhaling a scoff as he straightened his back out into a standing position, arms cradling an array of ingredients as he walked over to set them all out across the counter.
The way he did his signature waddle across the room had you smiling immediately, your grin barely hidden by the clamp of your teeth down on your bottom lip.
“You better watch it over there. I’ll mess the sauce up on purpose.” He teasingly wagged his finger at you, making you giggle as you fondly watched him retrieve the necessary pans and measuring tools he needed for his sudden plan.
“Are you cooking for me, Min?” You asked, eyebrows raising as he immediately nodded in response.
You were truly of no use in the kitchen, something both you and Yoongi were well aware of three years into your relationship.
Too many near-oven fires had occurred, blackened pans and smokey kitchens leading to an all out ban of you using any of the kitchen appliances without his supervision.
So Yoongi was perfectly content with him doing all the cooking and you doing all the observing, occasionally prompting you to open up the oven for him or set a timer for precisely thirteen minutes, otherwise it’ll get soggy.
“I am. Someone seems a little grumpy, and what better cure for grumpiness than jjajangmyeon?” He posed with a small smile, grinning wider when he spotted your pout out of the corner of his eye.
“I am not grumpy.” You said, whiny in your tone as he chuckled at you.
“That seems like something a grumpy person would say.” He shrugged smugly, lining the knife up with the zucchini before concentrating on slicing the vegetable up to the desired amount.
Staring at him for a moment, you admired the man in front of you, bottom lip tucked into his mouth as he scrunched his eyes in concentration. The veins in his hands bulged slightly as he gripped the last stub of the zucchini, slowing down his kniving to not risk a finger.
Looking at him, you couldn’t imagine a more lovable human.
His soft stomach pressed up against the counter, equally soft hair hanging over his forehead, socked feet bumping against the cabinet every so often as he shifted along the floor.
“You’re staring.” He suddenly spoke up, making your eyes drift up expectantly to his face, pulling your eyebrows together when you noticed his back was still to you.
You could hear the smile in his voice as he transferred the vegetables to a side plate, reaching for the leftover pork from the other day to slice that up as well for your impromptu lunch.
He was obviously proud of catching you in the act, not that you cared.
“You’re hot.” You shamelessly responded from behind him, the man shaking his head with a shy chuckle as you tapped your fingers against the counter beneath you.
“This is hot? This does it for you?” He grinned as he lifted the anime patterned cutting board he’d been using, a gift from one of his aunts on a birthday nearly a decade ago now.
Laughing, you hopped off the counter with a shove of your hands against the marble, practically floating over to your man. A clatter of the knife he’d been using against the counter was soon followed by him wrapping his now free arm around you with a fond smile.
Neglecting his dish for even a moment was something Yoongi swore against in the kitchen, but when it came to you, he couldn’t care less.
Besides, if he messed it up, you’d be paying for it anyway.
“Hm. I love when you get all domestic on me.” You murmured, laying your head on his shoulder as he dipped down to press a lingering kiss to your hair.
Tilting your chin up to look at him, you found nothing but pure adoration in his dark brown orbs, your heart leaping in your chest at the familiar warmth spreading throughout your body.
Familiar, as it was the same feeling that ignited your heart each and every time he looked at you like that.
Both leaning into each other, eyes flitting closed, your lips met in a tender kiss, enjoying the exciting spark that still happened via the action.
It was moments like this when you were convinced of the fact that you were the love of this life and the next for him, and him yours.
His tongue felt smooth against your own, gentle yet passionate in the way it swept around your mouth and tangled with your own muscle.
Blindly setting the cutting board back onto the counter, he neglected the tray in favor of your hips, gripping and massaging at the flesh with a low hum as he pulled you flush to him.
Your hands were doing much of the same, mapping out the landscape of his toned back with your palms as your fingers appreciatively dug into his soft flesh.
Humming, he broke apart from you for only a moment, chuckling when you surged forward to chase after his mouth.
“Ah ah ah. You’re distracting the chef, sweetheart.”
Staring at him with your mouth gaped, Yoongi only laughed in response, pressing a feather light kiss to your forehead before stepping back to continue his chopping work.
“You’re,” you paused at a loss for words, “you’re so mean.” You said, baffled at his teasing as he chuckled in response.
“Just trying to make sure you get your jjajangmyeon, angel.”
Once the dish of noodles was steaming and ready to eat, he blushed slightly at your praise when he finished plating, turning you back toward the island with a nudge of his elbow to your spine along with a bashful smile gracing his face.
“Just eat it, you brat.”
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bellysoupset · 2 years
Can we get one with Jonah suddenly pass out sick at a mall hangout with Vince and Lucas with Lucas as the caretaker?
Thank you for the request! I hope this one lives up to the expectation.
Why were they blasting Christmas songs in October?
Jonah buried his face in his hands, rubbing his temples. What had started as a good day had quickly downgraded to him feeling like death.
He had been in a good mood, so when Vince had texted that morning and asked him to help him pick a suit, he had agreed with just the amount of complaints necessary to solidify his bitchy reputation.
The problem was... Vince was huge. Not only he was tall, but he was large and all the big suits only made him look fat, which was not the look he was after. So a quick shopping trip had turned into nearly three hours of incessant music blasting, Lucas rambling non stop and Vince bitching about being poked and measured.
They had taken a lunch break around two PM, one that Jonah was now regretting as the McDonald fries and big mac were settling heavy on his gut, sending up little greasy burps that offered no relief.
He rubbed at the side of his stomach, belched in his mouth and felt a pressure start to build in his head, like there was an elastic band around his temples.
"I look... So ridiculous," Vince whined and Lucas chuckled.
"So no different from every other day?"
"Eat my ass, Luke."
"Can't, I got a girlfriend," Lucas retorted sharply and Jonah rolled his eyes at their interaction, just wanting for Vince to be done already.
"If you stopped moving around, you'd make Soraya's work much easier," he said, looking at the poor seamstress who was struggling to pin the fabric in the perfect way without fully fucking with the suit or poking Vince.
"I'm not moving around," Vince grumbled, then crossed his arms and promptly a pin flew out, causing Soraya, who was hemming his pants, to let out a heavy sigh of her own.
Jonah only raised an eyebrow, as if saying point in case. He closed his eyes as vertigo got thrown into the mix of general malaise. His food sloshed into his stomach and he felt cold sweat run down his spine.
"Why do you even need a suit anyway? Isn't it your grandma's birhday? Just go wearing a button up," Lucas said to his left. Jonah fanned himself. Even with the AC blasting, he felt like the room was stuffy.
"It's my bisnonna's birthday," Vince corrected and his accent, that normally wasn't there, came back with full force, "she's turning 102, it's going to be a huge thing."
Jonah grabbed at the couch's cushion and shut his eyes, trying to ride out the wave of nausea and dizziness that hit him. He vaguely heard as the other two continued to talk... His mouth filled with sweet saliva, tasting a lot like pickles and he swallowed in the urge to gag. God, he had to get out of the store before he vomited in their fluffy rug.
Dizzily, Jonah opened his eyes and pushed himself up, only for the change of positions to send all of his blood down. He heard a sharp ringing on his ears and winced, blinking like crazy to try and situate himself.
Vince was saying something to him, because he could see his mouth closing around "Jon?", but he couldn't hear him over the thumping in his ears. Jonah groaned, took one step towards the exit - and then the small black spots that had already been dancing in his vision clung to one another and everything went dark.
He came back to with his head resting on Lucas' lap, of all fucking places. The man was hoovering over him anxiously, green eyes filled with concern and once Jonah blinked, he raised his head and shouted, "he's awake!"
Vince came into view soon after, his face a perfect mask of worry, but that he hid away once he saw Jonah blinking dizzily to ground himself.
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Johnny boy," he said in a teasing manner, but Jonah heard all of the worry in his voice, "how are you feeling?"
"Uhm-" Jon grabbed at Lucas' shoulder and pushed himself sitting up, only for Lucas to plant a hand on his back and say sweetly, "easy... Take it easy."
Jonah groaned, moving away from the touch and cradling his head, "... I'm sorry, I'm fine now."
Vince let out a scoff and he could practically hear Lucas eye rolling. Vin sat down in front of him, "what's wrong? You're not feverish, we checked."
"Are you dizzy?" Lucas asked, then, without any consent or invitation, planted a hand on his neck, feeling his throat around, "Jon?"
"Stop touching me," Jonah slapped his hand away, "I think my blood pressure just dropped, I'm fine."
"Totally fine, I too pass out at the mall weekly," Vince mocked, then looked past his shoulder, "you can take him home?"
"I don't need anyone to take me home, I'm not a toddler."
"Then stop behaving like one," Lucas flicked at his ear, "you're clearly dizzy and I'm not letting you drive anywhere. So it's me or you can ride on Vince's bike, your pick."
He'd pick Vince over Lucas any day, but Jonah wasn't stupid. There was no way he could hold on, "fine..."
"Here," Vince pushed a glass of water into his hand, "bottoms up."
"You're just gonna make me vomit if I drink it all," Jonah scoffed, but took a little sip to rid his mouth of the Mcds aftertaste, "fine, let's go."
Without waiting, he stood up again, only for his knees to nearly crumble and for Vince to catch him easily, "Whoa!" he said with a cheeky smile, hand open on Jonah's chest, "falling all over me? I'm flattered."
"Vince," Jonah scoffed, but opened a tired smile and leaned into his touch slightly. He so wished it was Vin driving him home and not Luke. Sadly, luck was not on his side, so Lucas planted a hand on his elbow.
"C'mon, Jon."
"Stop touching me," Jonah complained, but followed him outside the store. Not before looking over his shoulder and telling Vince, "take the blue suit."
Lucas didn't say a thing as they took the elevator down to the garage. He was playing nice, because Jonah didn't feel well and the simple thought made him want to argue more. He despised being pitied.
"You really don't have to drive me anywhere, I can get a cab home," Jonah pointed out and Lucas rolled his eyes.
"Remember in high school when you decided to do all our group projects on your own and then got so overworked and nervous that you puked in the middle of the seminar presentation?"
He really hated having shared history with Lucas, Jonah thought sourly.
"I didn't puke because I was overworked, lunch made me sick," Jonah lied through his teeth and Lucas shot him a look that was just full of disbelief as he had done seven years before.
"Sure," he held the elevator door open and then followed Jonah into the parking lot, planting a hand on his shoulder and guiding him to his big truck, instead of Jon's sleek sport car, "my point being. Let people help you."
"I let people help me all the time."
"Why do you have to constantly argue with me?" Lucas scoffed and clicked on his keys, making the car unlock, "really, whatever I say, you just have to say something disagreeing. What the fuck, Jon?"
"It's because you think you're right all the time!" Jonah scoffed, then entered the car regardless, "you act like you're the smartest person in the room at all times, and honestly, to no one's surprise, you're really not, Atwood."
"Oh? I'm the arrogant one?" Lucas turned on the car and started driving off, sounding annoyed, "you're the one constantly making snide little comments and acting like everyone's stupid."
"Not everyone, just you," Jonah couldn't help but retort, knowing full well he had just proved Lucas' point. He groaned, leaned forward and rested his forehead on his hands, elbows planted on his knees, "just- Just shut up, we don't have to talk-"
"Gladly," Lucas snapped, then went quiet. So quiet that in the silence of the car, they could hear clearly as his stomach whined and bubbled.
Jonah let out a tiny burp, rubbed his temples as the pressure from before came back. He wanted to be lying down, far away from Lucas so he could be gross without humiliating himself.
"That doesn't sound great."
"No shit," Jonah dug his hand into his belly and let out a small burp, wincing as his head throbbed harder, "I think I got the flu or something."
"Are you gonna hurl?"
He turned his head to see Lucas eyeing him wearily and Jonah sighed, resting against the window, "no, I'll be fine," he sighed, "please, just - Just drive."
Lucas let out a little noise, like a licked puppy and Jonah scoffed, pressing his eyes closed. He couldn't deal with Luke's feelings when he felt this awful.
Finally the car came to a stop in front of Jonah's building and he took a second to situate himself, opening the door slowly, "thanks for the ride."
"Do you want me to come up?" Lucas ignored him, chewing at his lip nervously, "I'm going up."
"No," Jonah glared at him, "no, I'm fine. Stop."
"You're clearly sick and-"
"Lucas," Jonah pinched his nose bridge, "I'm fine. I just want to sleep."
There was a minute of silence, then Lucas nodded, "I'm calling you later and you better pick up or I'm sending an ambulance."
"You're insane," Jonah rolled his eyes, tried not to smile, "Bye," he grumbled, then finally got out of the car.
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 16: Heartstrings
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Pairing: hitman!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, angst, fluff
WC: 7.3k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, teenage heartbreak :(, two bumbling fools that are emotionally constipated, I think that’s it
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger.
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6 years ago:
"Mina, I'm so nervous!"
Mina laughs lightly at the way you bounce up and down on your bed, "It'll be fine, ____! He'll totally like you back, girl don't even worry about it!"
You let out a nervous giggle as you jump off your bed and run to your closet, "What should I wear?" 
"____, you literally have a school uniform," Mina laughs again. 
You turn and pout at her, "Heyy, I know that! I was asking which one I should wear, the burgundy socks or the white ones? Tie or no tie? Blazer or no blazer? Long-sleeved or short?"
Mina shakes her head in amusement, "You're cute and he'll think so no matter what you wear," She rubs her chin in thought, "But definitely the white socks, the burgundy tie with the grey sweater vest instead of the blazer, and long sleeves."
You do a little dancy dance of excitement before grabbing the decided clothes out of your closet and hurrying to pull them on. Mina is already dressed in her uniform, waiting patiently as she sits on your bed. 
When you're all ready to go, you grab the little box on your bedside table and run out of your room, causing Mina to stumble after you. 
By the time lunch rolls around, you're buzzing with excitement at the prospect of getting to see him. 
Not to mention being able to finally tell him how you feel. 
Mina is by your side the whole way to your locker as you grab the little box out. 
She nudges your shoulder as you two walk to the cafeteria, "You can do this, ____."
You nod, your tummy all in knots to the point that you're not sure if you'll even be able to eat. 
Despite that, you finish everything on your tray while your legs bounce in anticipation. 
Once you two make your way outside to the field, you are trying your hardest not to hightail it back inside. Mina holds your arm though, preventing you from doing so. 
"You can't back out now, babe."
Mina's words terrify you but you know she's telling the truth, you can't just go on without at least trying. 
A bunch of kids are milling around outside, some of the boys showing off to the girls as they size how tall they are compared to each other.
Then you see him, in all his glory. 
He's standing in the field with a few other boys from his class, chatting. 
His dark blonde hair glistens in the sunlight as he laughs at something one of his friends said. 
You feel your heart leap to your throat and you freeze, "I- I can't..."
"____," Mina turns to you, placing her hands on your shoulders, "I am not about to let you give up now, not right before you do it! Just go over there. If you can't speak, then just hand it to him, simple as that. He'll understand when he opens it anyway."
You nod stiffly, "What about his friends?" Your voice shakes, "I'm scared to do it in front of them."
Mina nods, "I got this." 
You're about to protest but she's gone, already marching her way over to them. 
You watch in embarrassment as Mina taps one of the boys on the shoulder. He turns and smiles when he sees her. Mina is gorgeous, of course he'd smile when she spoke to him. 
You're really her only friend, as she is yours, but the boys are constantly swarming around her nonetheless. 
You start to feel self-conscious when you see the boy making your heart thump heavily look at Mina and smile brightly. 
Shoot, what if he likes her?
You can't compare to her. 
Besides, she's your best friend, you'd give him up for her if she wanted him.
You'd do anything for her. 
You snap out of it when you see Mina leading the two boys that were with him away, then she gestures at you behind her back. 
You force your feet to move as you hurry over to him before he moves on to talk with someone else. 
Just as he's turning, you're coming up. 
He almost bumps into you, a surprised gasp slipping from his lips as he notices you. 
"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there."
You smile crookedly, "It's- It's fine!" You squeak out. 
His smile widens as he looks at you, "You're ____, right? Tenth grade?" 
You nod like a darn bobblehead, your words suddenly stuck in your throat. 
He's so handsome. 
And cute. 
And sweet. 
And thoughtful.
"I'm Jimin," He reaches a hand out to you, "It's nice to officially meet you."
You take his hand, letting him shake it as his bright smile continues to beam. 
"I know, um," You need to get it together, "You're in eleventh."
He nods, "Yes, only one and a half years left of these ridiculous uniforms," He chuckles. 
You nod stupidly, "Uh, yeah," A nervous laugh slips from your mouth.
Just do it, rip it off like a band-aid.
"I uh- I have something for you."
He looks at you with curiosity, his pretty eyes glancing down to the box in your hands. 
Then his smile fades. 
Your heart stops in your chest when you see the look of recognition on his face. 
He's been confessed to before, of course he has. 
Your shoulders slump. 
You just want the ground to open up and swallow you. 
He looks back up at you and gives you a gentle smile. 
The smile of rejection. 
"____, you're really sweet-"
Oh, no. 
"I would say yes in a heartbeat, really. You're different from the other girls here, you care about people, I can tell. I've seen it-"
"But?" Your voice comes out as a whisper.
His smile turns sad, "But there's a girl I like already. I'm sorry, ____."
It feels like someone just tore out your heart and stomped it into the ground. 
You don't say anything. 
You can't. 
It hurts too much. 
You just open the box and pull out the note, tucking it into your palm before closing the box again and handing it to him. 
Jimin takes it reluctantly, still watching you carefully, his eyes sad and regretful.
"I hope you like the cookies," You smile at him, finally meeting his eyes, "Just think of it as a friendship gift, nothing more."
Jimin nods, still looking guilty as hell. 
"I hope it works out for you Jimin, I really do."
"Thank you, ____."
Then you turn and walk away, pieces of your heart falling behind you with each step you take. 
A minute later you hear Mina calling to you, but you don't stop. 
You hurry inside and to the locker rooms. 
You're hiding in a stall when you hear the door to the girls' locker room open and Mina's voice call out, "____, are you in here?"
You don't answer and a moment later the door shuts, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You curl up, pulling your knees to your chest as the tears finally come.
You wish you could just disappear. 
The thought that you need to see him the rest of this school year and the next before he leaves is sickening. 
Your heart has never hurt more than it does now, it feels like a bunch of swords are impaling it over and over again. 
Fourth grade. 
You had liked him since you were in fourth grade, he was in sixth. 
It was the day that you had tripped and spilled your lunch tray all over yourself. 
This angel had appeared, pulling you to your feet with the brightest smile you'd ever seen. He had taken you to get another uniform in the office and even got you another tray of food. 
He only ever said hello in passing after that, but you were infatuated. 
You thought you had loved him. 
Another sob cuts through the silence in the locker room as you realize you don't want it anymore.
You hope you never fall for anyone again. 
Love is just a terrible joke, made to hurt the weakest, the ones that fall for it.
The handsome man standing before you makes your heart lurch.
What kind of joke is this?
You take a step back and clear your throat, "P-P-Park J-Jimin?"
His smile returns as he lets out a small laugh of disbelief, "You remember me?"
You nod reluctantly. 
Jimin looks into your eyes just like he did that one day in elementary school, an angel appearing out of nowhere to save you. 
"But, how?" He asks, clearly bewildered, "After the accident, you never..."
You suddenly realize you're standing there like an idiot, so you open the door wider and gesture for him to come in. 
He walks in and sets the pizza you ordered on your kitchen table. 
"D-Do you have t-t-time to talk?" You ask bravely. 
Jimin nods, "Of course."
You two end up on the couch, an awkward silence falling around you. 
You can't look him in the eyes because every time you do, he's just staring at you like you're the lost puppy he'd been looking for for years. 
"It's been so long," Jimin says quietly, "It's been like six years since we actually spoke."
You nod, "The d-d-day you rejected me." 
When you look up at him he looks heartbroken, so you give him a small smile, "I'm j-just giving you a hard t-t-time."
Jimin nods sadly, "I'm so confused. I just- I thought you had forgotten me after you were in the hospital..."
You say nothing so he continues, "No, you did. You did forget about me, I tried talking to you and-"
"I know," You whisper, "I'm s-s-sorry Jimin, but I lied."
That makes him freeze.
"You and M-Mina were the only two I r-r-really remembered."
It's silent for a minute, then he whispers, hurt, "But why?"
You look back at him, "It h-h-hurt too much to talk to y-you. I'm sorry."
Jimin nods sadly, "Don't apologize, I understand. But, how did you remember me?"
You laugh, embarrassed, "I had k-kind of been in l-l-love with you since elementary s-school."
Jimin's eyes bulge out of his head, "What?"
"Yeah, since w-we met. After you had h-h-helped me clean the mess I made." Jimin looks lost for a minute, then his eyes light up with recognition, "Oh! Oh, really?"
You nod, another laugh slipping out. 
"So, you didn't lose your memory of me...because you still had your memories from elementary school?"
Another nod.
"But then, how did you remember me rejecting you?" The words taste bitter in his mouth.
You shrug, "I don't know, I j-j-just did. A few th-things came b-back to me after leaving the h-hospital."
"I'm sorry that had to be one of them," Jimin whispers. 
"It's o-okay, you had n-no obligation to like me b-back," You take a deep breath, already feeling better after getting that off your chest, "Whatever h-happened to the girl y-y-you had liked? Did you a-ask her out?" 
Jimin nods with a sad smile, "Yeah."
"We dated until college...then I found out she cheated on me and we broke up."
Your heart breaks at that, "J-Jimin, I'm so-sorry."
"Don't be, it was for the best."
You sit in more silence for a bit, but this time it feels more comfortable. 
Then Jimin speaks up again, "So what are you up to these days, ____? Any special man in your life?" He wiggles his eyebrows at you jokingly. 
You laugh, "I am a k-k-kindergarten t-teacher."
Jimin's eyes light up, "Really? Congratulations, ____. You seriously deserve it."
"Th-Thank you. And w-what about you?"
Jimin sighs and gestures at his outfit, "Clearly I'm not as successful as you," You laugh and shake your head as he continues, "I'm just working this delivery job until I get my foot in the door for some journalist positions."
Your eyes grow wide, "R-Really?"
He nods, "I've always wanted to be a reporter, a journalist, something like that. It's a lot harder than it looks though."
You nod, "W-Well I'm rooting for y-you."
"Thank you," He smiles warmly at you, "You were always the sweetest."
You blush at that and Jimin continues, "You never answered my previous question," He squints at you playfully as he points at you, "Any special guys?"
You're about to shake your head, then Jungkook pops into your brain. 
His dark eyes penetrating your thoughts, his rosebud lips sneaking into your mind. 
Jimin sees you hesitate and a knowing smile grows on his face, "Ah-ha! There is someone!"
You look at him, blushing profusely, "Th-There isn't-"
"Liar!" Jimin cackles, clapping his hands, "You are so in love!"
His words startle you, "I'm n-not! It isn't l-like that."
Jimin wipes at the gleeful tears in his eyes as he leans closer to you, inspecting your face carefully. 
"I know that look, ____. You're smitten."
You splutter, "I-I-I am n-not smitten!"
Jimin smirks at you and you fight the urge to smack him.
Then he glances around your living room, "It's beautiful in here, did you decorate it yourself?"
You nod proudly, glad he's changed the subject. 
You two make small talk for a few more minutes, just catching up on life. 
Then Jimin looks at his watch, "Shit, I gotta go. Bossman will be livid with me for taking so long," He stands up and you follow him to the door. 
"Thanks for having me, ____. It was wonderful to catch up with you."
You smile brightly, "I'm s-s-so glad that we were able to m-meet again."
Jimin gives you one last smile as he walks out the door, but before you can close it, he turns around, "Do you..."
You raise an eyebrow in question. 
"Do you think we could meet up again sometime? Grab a coffee or something?"
You nod happily, "I w-w-would love that."
You end up exchanging numbers before he hurries on his way. 
Closing the door, a huge smile spreads on your face. 
Park Jimin. 
Your first love. 
Delivering a pizza to your door. 
Who would've thought?
After a moment to process, you start to giggle uncontrollably. 
What the heck just happened?
Jungkook is jogging up the stairs leading to your apartment when a pizza delivery guy comes down at the same time. 
He smiles at Jungkook and moves past him. 
Thinking nothing of it, Jungkook hurries to your door and knocks three times, waiting anxiously. 
The door opens rather quickly like you'd been standing there. 
"Ji- oh..."
Your eyes are wide as you stare at Jungkook.
He gives you a small smile, "Um, hi."
He sees you swallow thickly as you observe him, it takes you a minute to respond.
Jungkook bites his lip, not sure how to go about saying what he wants to say next. 
"W-What are y-you doing here?" You beat him to it. 
The way you say it makes his stomach turn a little. 
When he doesn't respond, you sigh and reach up to rub your tired eyes, "J-Jungkook..."
He wishes he could say something, anything. 
But it's like every single word he's ever known is suddenly gone out of his brain and he knows nothing. 
You look so sleepy, the events from the past week are probably weighing on you right now.
Jungkook thinks as his gaze drifts over your exhausted face, his heart pulling apart in his chest as Mina's story comes barreling back into his mind. 
After another beat of silence, Jungkook finally finds his voice and you decide to be honest with him at the same time. 
"____, will you go somewhere with me-"
"J-Jungkook I'm t-tired of th-this-"
You both shut up and look at the other. 
Jungkook's heart sinks in his chest at your words. 
Your own heart feels like someone is poking at it with a sharp stick. 
"What?" Jungkook whispers.
You cover your face with your hands, "I- I j-just..."
"Can I come in? Please?" Jungkook asks hopefully, wanting to correct things before shit hits the fan.
You nod and open the door wider for him to slip inside. 
He immediately notices the pizza box on the table and his mind wanders back to the guy passing him earlier. He lets it go as he stands there, waiting for you to shut the door. 
You do, then you walk over to the couch and plop down, curling your legs up and tucking them near you as you grab a pillow and hold it tightly to your chest. 
Jungkook takes a few very deep and very calming breaths before walking over to the couch to sit down. 
He needs to just keep breathing, or else he'll mess shit up again with his stupidity. 
You fidget quietly as Jungkook stares at the Barbie movies in the glass cabinet under the TV. He doesn't know why he can't seem to look away from them. 
"She just finds comfort in things like coloring, watching movies, eating sweets. Her brain was damaged, badly. But it's gotten so much better since then, she's made so much progress. She might act like a kid sometimes, but she isn't one and doesn’t think she is. ____ was innocent before and she's innocent now-"
Jungkook's breath hitches as he remembers Mina's words. 
"Did y-you speak t-to M-Mina?" 
Jungkook turns to you when you speak up quietly, noticing the way you won't even look at him. Your eyes are locked on the pillow in front of you as you pick at the loose threads. 
"Yeah," He mumbles back. 
You finally raise your eyes to his, "I- I think you sh-should leave."
Jungkook's heart stutters painfully. 
"____, I need to talk to you."
"A-About what?"
"I-..." What does he say? He needs to get you out of here, he's run out of time, "I know this sounds dumb, but would you go somewhere with me? Just for a little bit."
You just stare at him, your eyes reflecting a pain he's never seen in you before, even after he was horrible to you in the rain, even after his dumb ass forced you to go home and ruined your day. 
This pain is a first. 
He shifts his body towards you more, "____, what's going on? Are you oka-"
He freezes, his mind short-circuiting at your bitter response. 
"No, I'm n-not. I'm n-n-not okay."
You can see the way his eyes flicker back and forth between yours and it makes your heart race. 
You can't handle this. 
You don't like pain, you don't like it. 
You always run from it. 
Maybe you are just a child. 
More reason to put an end to this anyway. 
The insecurities swarming your head finally come out, in an angry huff of air, startling Jungkook when you stand up abruptly, still gripping the pillow. 
"I n-n-need you to leave."
Jungkook stands up too, his tall frame looming over you and making you look down at the ground.
"I can't," He mutters.
Your eyes trail up to his, anger burning in them. 
Why is life so unfair?
Why can't someone just like you, for you? 
Why does reality always have to come and bite you in the butt?
"Go to M-Mina," You seethe. 
Jungkook looks at you like you're crazy, his mind going in circles trying to figure out what the hell you're talking about.
"____, what?"
"You h-h-heard me," You swallow the lump in your throat. 
Curse this stupid stutter. 
You can't even tell someone something and be taken seriously. 
Jungkook shakes his head slowly, his confused gaze locked on your angered one. 
"Why would I want to go to her?"
You scoff, making Jungkook take a step back to observe you in disbelief. 
What happened to you?
Were you really that mad about him asking you for her number? He didn't need it because he liked that brat, he needed it because he needs to save you. 
But you don't know that. 
How could he expect you to?
"Just...get o-out," Your voice is thick with tears. 
Jungkook shakes his head again and takes a step towards you, his hand stretched out. 
But you step back, away from him. 
"Stop h-h-hurting me!" You suddenly raise your voice. It isn't anywhere near a yell but it shocks him enough. You never raise your voice...
"I'm sorry-"
You close your eyes and take a long breath as if to calm yourself down. 
"I kn-know you like M-Mina. Don't m-make me hurt anymore by h-having to let go while y-y-you're standing right in f-front of me!"
Jungkook steps forward and grabs your hand, but you don't open your eyes. 
You dare not look at him. 
Not ever again. 
Or you'll break. 
You love Mina more than anything, you'd do anything for her. 
That's why she was always pushing you away from Jungkook. 
She likes him. 
And of course, he likes her back.
The pain in your heart is causing your breath to shorten. 
If you look at him now, you won't have the strength to give him up for her. 
"____, I swear I don't like her-"
It isn't true.
"I just needed to ask her something!"
Stop trying to spare me the pain, just leave me alone. 
"____, please look at me," Jungkook pleads. 
You shake your head, keeping your eyes closed tight. 
Jungkook sighs in exasperation, "I had to ask her about your accident!!"
At that, your watery eyes slowly open. 
Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief when he sees your beautiful eyes land on him. 
Then you take your hand out of his and he feels his next breath stutter.
"What?" You whisper. 
The words get caught in his throat for a second before he's able to shove them out, "I had to ask her about Kihyun, and the accident...I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I swear ____, I don't like her like that. Hell, I don't like her at all! Not to mention she hates my guts!"
Your jaw clenches and Jungkook wants to just beg you to listen to him, to please not be mad and just listen to him. 
"I w-was in a c-c-car accident..."
Jungkook does a double-take at your words. 
"What d-d-d-does that have t-to do with you or Kihyun? How is th-that any of your business?!"
Jungkook just stares at you as your face turns red, "I w-want you to leave me alone p-please. Stop playing w-with my h-heart and running out on m-me."
Jungkook feels like he's about to explode. 
With anger, sadness, regret, and this weird protective stuffy feeling he gets when he's around you.
"I'm sorry-"
"And I f-forgave you."
He flinches at that. 
"But an empty a-apology means n-nothing, J-Jungkook."
"It-...It isn't empty. ____, I know I'm stupid, I'm a grade A idiot! A fucking moron! But I never meant to hurt you by running out, I just- I panicked..." He's fumbling over his words, not even understanding what he's trying to say at this moment. 
"W-Why would you g-go behind my back to t-talk about me?! Why not j-just come to me??"
"I didn't think you-"
"Didn't think I r-remembered it?"
Your voice is bitter, laced with hurt. 
Jungkook nods slowly. 
You scoff, "Y-You're right, I d-d-don't. I had to rely on M-Mina to tell me that m-my family died in a c-c-car crash and I w-was the only one that survived."
His chest hurts. 
"Did y-you want to m-make fun of m-me? Figure out exactly w-why I sp-sp-speak like a fr-freak? Why everyone t-t-treats me like a ch-child?"
Jungkook's brows furrow, "Why on earth would you ever think something like that?"
"B-Because I'm n-not like you, J-Jungkook. You c-could get any g-g-girl that you want, but I w-was stupid enough to th-think it would be-...never m-mind."
Jungkook's brain is racing, he has no idea what you're getting at. 
He doesn't understand what the hell girls are thinking or trying to say. 
He knows he's an idiot, he doesn't know how to fix that. 
But he needs to fix this. 
And quickly. 
He steps forward to grab your hands again, but this time you don't pull away, "____, I never meant to make you think I was using you to get to Mina if that's how you feel. I wasn't. I needed Mina to tell me because I was worried about you, I swear," His voice is firm. 
You look at him, unsure. 
Jungkook sighs, "I didn't go to you because I thought that you wouldn't remember, but more so because I didn't want to hurt you further if you did. I didn't want to stir up anything that you'd want to put away. I realize now that that was shitty of me to go behind your back, I should've come to you first, it was your story to tell. I'm sorry."
You blink, taken aback by how honest and sincere he seems right now. 
You'd been hurting from all the running away and ignoring you and all that he's been doing recently. 
This is the first time it feels like he's actually taking you seriously. 
You bring your eyes up to his, "I'm s-s-sorry for lashing o-out. I have f-f-feelings like every-yone else and I w-was hurt."
Jungkook nods, "It's okay, I'm sorry too." His deep brown eyes search yours carefully as you continue, "You c-c-can like Mina, I-I-I underst-stand. She's b-beautiful..."
Jungkook takes you by surprise when he starts to chuckle. You look at him curiously, "W-Why are you l-l-laughing?"
Jungkook gently lets go of your hands, making you miss the warmth of them instantly. 
He brings his hands up to run through his hair, "I can't believe you think I'd fall for Mina."
You scowl, "Why w-wouldn't you?"
Jungkook lets out an amused scoff, "She's not my type."
"Oh, y-yeah? What i-is your type then?" 
He looks at you and you make eye contact for a second before your gaze darts away. Jungkook keeps his eyes on you for a moment longer. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jungkook says teasingly, noting that your cheeks turn pink as you shake your head in denial, "I d-d-don't care."
He laughs lightly and you feel your heart lift in your chest. 
A minute passes in silence as the two of you try to think of what to say next.
You're a bit embarrassed about your outburst, but you know he understands. 
You were valid in your feelings and he seems genuinely sorry for everything.
Jungkook's head is in a completely different place, trying to go about how to ask you to leave Seoul with him. 
This is ridiculous, you'll never agree.
You watch as Jungkook's eyes dart around the room as if he's trying to figure something out. 
"Y-You okay?" You ask, a bit worried. 
Jungkook looks up, his eyes finding yours. 
Just do it, Jeon. 
Don't be a wuss.
"Will you leave Seoul with me?"
He blurts it out, figuring he'll chicken out if he doesn't. 
Your eyes widen and you're shocked into silence for a good minute. 
When the initial shock leaves you, you blink a few times. 
Jungkook just stands there stupidly. 
He winces at your hesitation although it was inevitable. 
Damn it, he knew you'd ask, you'd be stupid not to. 
He needs to make something up, fast. 
"This- this seems like the worst timing possible... But I was...invited to uhm, to a thing, a thing in uhm, in Busan. It's like uh, a uh, a school reunion? Thing? Kind of? It's uh...."
Fuck he's a bumbling idiot. 
Before he can make a bigger fool out of himself, you burst into laughter. 
His chest feels lighter at the sound.
Well, at least he made you laugh...
You wipe at your eyes as you double over in laughter, a good contrast to what you were doing a little while ago, so he'll take it. 
Jungkook just stands there, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he watches you make fun of him. 
When you finally catch your breath, you look at him to see him scowling darkly. 
You feel like it would scare anyone else, but it doesn't scare you. 
You poke at his chest, the last of the giggles leaving your lips. 
Jungkook stiffens when you touch him, but he will not let you know that your touch affects him. 
"Are you finished?" He asks, trying to appear unamused. 
You nod, still wiping away the tears of mirth from your eyes. 
"So, w-what you're tr-trying to say is, you want me to go to B-Busan with you for a school r-r-reunion?"
He nods in embarrassment at the silly lie. 
You laugh again, "Well, w-why didn't y-you just say that? I'd l-love to g-g-go with you!"
Well...that was easy. 
Jungkook bites back a smile at the way you shake your head and giggle at him. 
"W-When is it?"
"We'd have to leave tonight...like, you should pack now."
"Oh," You look at him in surprise, "Oh, um. O-Okay...how long w-will we be gone?"
The ridiculous contrast to what was happening a few minutes ago and now is going to give you whiplash. A moment ago you were yelling at him to stop hurting you and now you're agreeing to go to Busan with him... 
What kind of a day was this?
"Uh, I'm not sure, I was hoping to just spend some time there and go sightseeing, maybe?" Jungkook answers your question awkwardly. 
Your warm smile makes him swallow painfully, "I w-would love that. School d-doesn't start for an-another three weeks."
"Perfect," Jungkook nods, "Then it's settled, go pack."
You shriek in excitement and hurry to the back with a little skip to your step, "V-Vacation!"
Jungkook lets out a long breath, his heart skipping a beat at the happy humming floating from your room. 
Thank goodness he was successful in that. 
But what makes him feel even better, is the fact that your beautiful smile is back. 
"Sh-Should I tell Mina?"
Jungkook's grip tenses on the wheel at your words. 
He isn't sure why, but he doesn't want Mina to know where the two of you are going. 
"Nah, I already told her I was going to ask you to come with me. She knows," Jungkook prays that you'll fall for it, biting his lip harshly. 
"Oh," You squeak from the passenger seat. 
He swallows his heart that leapt to his throat at the adorable sound.
You look out the side window, watching as the sun starts to set, your head leaning against the glass. 
"How l-long will it t-t-take us to get there?" You ask quietly, your eyes still glued to the beautiful colors running across the sky. 
Jungkook glances at his phone where the directions are. 
"Mm, since there's hardly any traffic, hopefully four hours?" 
Your eyes widen a little and you make a small sound of acknowledgment. 
"Hm, ok."
Jungkook drags his eyes back to the road, telling himself that he's not allowed to look at you the whole way lest he get distracted and crash the car like a fool.
Jungkook has some soft music playing in the background, making you smile softly to yourself. You didn't think him the type of person to listen to classical instrumental music, but it's nice and relaxing, especially for how tired you are. 
An hour into the drive, you feel your eyes getting extremely heavy. You keep blinking them rapidly to keep yourself awake, but every time you blink it gets harder and harder to open them again. 
Jungkook, as well as he had done the first hour, fails his own rule as he glances at you. 
He had noticed the way you were shifting and jerking around for the past few minutes. 
"Hey, you okay?" Jungkook asks gently before returning his gaze to the road. 
You nod sleepily, a tiny yawn slipping out of you. 
"J-Just a little s-sleepy is all."
A soft smile appears on Jungkook's face and you feel your chest warm at the sight. You can't stop staring at his side profile, the line of his jaw, and his adorably big nose, even his lashes are long and beautiful. 
"You can take a nap you know-"
"Nooo, no no," You wave a hand in the air dismissively, "I'm n-not tired at all!"
Jungkook stifles a laugh at you contradicting yourself within thirty seconds. 
He nods, "Okay, then you don't have to take a nap."
You smile drowsily, appearing almost drunk in a way. 
Jungkook glances at you again. 
Drunk from exhaustion, you most certainly are. 
What a rollercoaster of a day.
He sighs, a gentle sound as he turns back to keep his eyes forward, "You look really sleepy."
"Y-You look really p-pretty..." 
Jungkook, startled at your words, looks at you with wide eyes, "Huh?"
No one has ever called him pretty before...
You have an elbow against the console, your chin in your hand as you gaze up at him dreamily. 
"I'm s-s-sorry I said all th-that mean st-stuff back at my apartment," You whisper, lips turning down into a pout. 
Jungkook fidgets, "It's fine, ____. I deserved to get snapped at."
You shake your head, "Noooo," You say cutely, smacking your lips, "Nooo, you d-deserve th-the whooooooole world!" You gesture out, almost smacking him in the face. 
Jungkook chuckles. 
You're just tired yet you act like you've been drinking nonstop.
"You, J-Jungkook, you d-deserve to a...a? A h-hug."
He feels a pinching in his chest at your words.
"Thanks, ____." 
You nod, your head lolling to the side as you start to drift off to sleep again, then you jerk suddenly as you remember something. 
"M-My first love!"
Jungkook looks at you, bewildered.
"He-...b-brought it to me..."
Jungkook arches an eyebrow at you, "Who brought what to you, ____?"
"An angel brought m-me food t-today!"
Jungkook nods along with your nonsensical rambling, "That's cool," He muses as he passes a car on the highway.
After that, you fall silent. 
He glances over at you after you haven't spoken for a few minutes, to see your head resting against the seat, your mouth open slightly as you sleep soundly. 
He fights the smile that's creeping its way onto his face, trying as hard as he can to pay attention to the road. 
Jungkook reaches up a hand and slaps it across his face, harder than he had meant to. 
He winces in pain, but at least it got him to think straight. 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on the road (mostly) the rest of the way. 
It's kind of lonely with you sleeping beside him, but he doesn't really mind.
  It's around one in the morning when Jungkook gently shakes your shoulder. 
You stir, your eyes opening into little slits as you look around in confusion. 
"W-Where am I?" You ask, mumbling almost incoherently. 
"We're here, ____. We're in Busan," Jungkook says softly, his hand still on your shoulder. 
Once you're able to open your eyes all the way, you see the inside of Jungkook's car, then you turn your head to the right to see him standing outside your door, holding it open as he smiles at you. 
"Oh," You say in surprise, "I f-forgot we were on v-vacation."
Jungkook chuckles at that, "Come on, ____. Let's get you to bed."
He reaches around you to unbuckle your seat belt, then you watch quietly as he grabs your purse and slings it over his shoulder. 
Next, he grabs your hand and helps you out of the car. 
You take in the sight of a small motel, very simple, very dark, and very very cute. 
Jungkook watches your eyes light up at the place you'll be staying tonight. 
"It's s-so cute," You whisper sleepily. 
Jungkook shrugs, "I've never considered a motel to be cute before, but it's decent."
You keep a hold of his hand as you climb out of the car, then you shyly let go and follow him to the trunk where he pulls out both of your suitcases. 
"I can c-carry something," You offer as you see him start moving with both of the cases to the front of the motel. 
Jungkook shakes his head, his floofy brown hair flopping about, "I'm all good."
You bite back a laugh at the sight of him wheeling two suitcases with a purse slung over his arm, then you hurry to catch up to him. 
Inside, there's a very small old man at the front desk, reading a newspaper. 
He looks up when you and Jungkook walk in. 
A friendly smile graces his features as he sets the paper down, "Hello there, how can I help you?"
"Hi," Jungkook clears his throat, "I called about two rooms earlier today...well, I guess it was technically yesterday..."
The man nods and grabs this little notebook, "Perfect! Name?"
"Uhm...Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook,” He says lowly. 
Ohhhh, Jeon?
Even his last name suits him. 
You see him fidgeting a little as the older man flips through the notebook, "Ah yes! Right here."
Then he turns to grab a key out of a little cabinet, "Your rooms will be one twenty-three and one twenty-two-"
He pauses, his hand freezing over an empty cubby in the cabinet. 
"Uhm...one moment."
He shuffles behind a little curtain leading to a different room. 
Jungkook looks back at you with a puzzled expression and you shrug, you don't have any idea what's going on either. 
A minute later the man comes out with a regretful look on his face. 
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Jeon. It would appear as though someone accidentally gave your rooms away without looking at the reservations," The man looks terribly guilty. 
Jungkook bites his lip, "Uhm, alright, well can I get two other rooms then?"
The man nods quickly and ruffles through his notebook, then he looks at Jungkook again. 
"We only have one room available. I sincerely apologize, this was my mistake-"
"Don't worry about it," Jungkook gives him a tight-lipped smile, "We'll take it. Thank you."
After getting your key, you and Jungkook walk out to find your room, not speaking until you get there. 
Once Jungkook unlocks the door and opens it for you, he gives you an embarrassed smile, "Sorry, ____. I would take us somewhere else but it's late and-...I'll sleep on the floor."
You turn to him, "D-Don't be silly. We'll both sl-sleep on a bed."
He looks at you, bewildered, then his gaze follows your outstretched arm as you point at the bed. 
The beds. 
Jungkook sighs in relief, letting the door close behind him as he sets your suitcases to the side. 
"Well this isn't so bad," He says as he looks around the room, taking in the twin beds with satisfaction. 
Then he looks at you to see you gazing around in wonder, gently touching the bed and making your way over to the bathroom to peek your head inside. 
When you turn back to him, your eyes are lit up like stars in the night sky. 
"It's b-beautiful!" 
Jungkook does one more look over.
There are twin beds with white covers and pillows, a nightstand between them and  TV on a desk in front along with a coffee machine and glass mugs. 
Meh, it's not a crappy place, he's been in far worse, but he's also been in far better. 
Then something clicks and he looks at you again, "Wait, have you never been to a hotel- or- a motel before?"
You shake your head, your innocent eyes never leaving his. 
Jungkook lets out a short laugh of disbelief, "Huh."
You walk over to your suitcase and grab it, pulling it with you to the bathroom, "I'm g-going to change."
"Uh-huh," Jungkook says, still trying to process the fact that you've never stayed in a place like this before. 
When he hears the bathroom door close, he walks over to his suitcase and opens it up, grabbing out a t-shirt and some pajama shorts. 
He makes quick work of changing, then he settles on the left bed, a groan leaving his lips as he lays back. 
A moment later, the door to the bathroom opens and Jungkook sees you walk out shyly, a simple lilac nightgown draping around your frame. 
He looks away quickly, fixing his gaze on the black screen of the television positioned in front of the twin beds. 
You hurry over and climb into the bed on the right, slipping underneath the covers and sighing happily. 
"Th-These beds are s-so comfy!"
Jungkook hums in response, his eyes still glued to the TV even though it's off.
You pull the covers up to your chin and close your eyes, letting out a tiny yawn. 
At the sound, Jungkook's resolution crumbles and he glances over at you. 
The way your eyelids flutter and your lips part slightly as you breathe makes his heart beat rapidly. 
Suddenly, your eyes pop open and you're staring right back at him.
He was so startled when it happened that he didn't even look away, instead, his gaze stays locked on yours, eyes wide. 
It feels like an eternity passes as the two of you just stare at each other, but it's really only a few seconds. 
Long enough for Jungkook's heart to be in his throat and your tummy to start tickling. 
Then you whisper, "I w-was just going to a-ask you to turn out the l-light."
A choked breath escapes Jungkook as he snaps his gaze away from yours. 
"Oh, yeah sure." 
Without looking at you, he reaches over to the table between your beds and flips the light off. 
It's silent for a little bit, then Jungkook hears you whisper in the darkness, "I'm sorry a-about earlier."
"You already apologized, and I told you there was no need to."
You sigh and shift onto your back, "When is th-the school reunion?"
Jungkook internally groans, "It's in a few days."
"W-Why did we have t-to leave so quickly?"
Jungkook moves to his right side, so he's facing you in the darkness, but he can't make you out. 
"I wanted to be sure we got a place to stay before it all filled up."
"Ah, okay."
Fuck, he hates lying to you so easily. 
The fact that you have full trust in him is making him sick to his stomach. 
But at least he got you here. 
He's gotten you out of Seoul. 
That buys him a bit more time to figure out who the hell placed the hit on you. 
Then he'll take matters into his own hands. 
After a few minutes, Jungkook is sure you've fallen asleep again, so it takes him by surprise when you speak up. 
"What is y-your favorite flower?"
"Uhm, I'm not sure...I don't know that many flowers," Jungkook replies, his eyes still closed. 
You giggle, "My f-favorite is the a-almond flower."
Jungkook nods thoughtfully, then he realizes that you can't see him so he clears his throat, "Ah, what does that one look like?"
"It's little and w-white with a h-hint of pink in the middle. V-Very cute."
Jungkook smiles, "Sounds very fitting for you."
Your cheeks heat up as you cuddle more into the covers, "Do y-you want to know th-the meaning of it?" You whisper. 
He finally opens his eyes, but all he can see is darkness, "Sure."
He suddenly remembers your letter to him after you visited the field of dandelions. 
What did you say the dandelion represented again? Oh yeah, hope and happiness...or something like that...
"It m-means h-hope and renewal."
Jungkook hears you shifting a little to get comfortable. 
"That's nice," He says gently, "I guess the little simple ones tend to represent hope, huh?"
You positively beam, realizing that he must have remembered your letter to him about the dandelion. 
"I g-guess so."
Jungkook turns onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. 
Before he can back out, he asks, "What does the lotus flower represent?"
"Is th-that your f-favorite?"
Jungkook blinks a few times before answering you, "It was my mother's."
You sit up and look over at him curiously, wondering if something had happened to her with the way his voice sounded and the fact that he used past tense. 
"Oh...w-well I happen t-to know that one," You lay back down, "It m-means enlightenment and r-rebirth."
How ironic.
"Ah," Is all he says. 
You lay there in silence for a little bit, then you remember something that you had wanted to tell him. 
"Oh y-yeah, I had the w-weirdest dream the other day."
"Mm? What was it?" 
"I w-was laying in a f-field of flowers. Purple f-flowers-"
Jungkook's brain suddenly snaps to attention at your words, "What did they look like?" He asks abruptly, interrupting you. 
"Uh, they w-were some of m-my favorite flowers, they're c-called Agapanthus."
"Agapi- what?" Jungkook asks, face scrunched in confusion. 
You laugh and blindly reach for your phone on the nightstand. 
Jungkook looks over to see a blue light illuminating your face as you look at your phone and his breath gets caught in his throat. 
Don't be stupid, Jungkook. 
He looks away quickly.
"H-Here," You stand up and waddle over to his bed, plopping yourself down on the side of it and jostling him a bit. Jungkook swallows thickly at the close proximity all of the sudden. 
You hold your phone close to his face, watching as he squints at the picture of the flower you were talking about. 
"A-Agapanthus," You state again, smiling. 
But Jungkook barely hears you, he's frozen, staring at the picture in your hand.
That's the flower that was in his dream the other day. 
The field was full of them. 
"Anyw-way, I w-was lying there. It w-was so vivid. Th-Then I realized I was h-holding someone's hand-"
Jungkook can't tear his eyes away from your phone, his heartbeat increasing the more of your story you tell. 
"I c-could tell it w-was a guy's hand, b-but I couldn't turn my head to see who it was."
His eyes finally drift from your phone up to your face where you're sporting a faint pout.��
He doesn't know what possesses him to ask, all he registers are the shaky words suddenly coming from his mouth, "What's the meaning of this flower?"
Your gaze shifts to his and you smile softly, "L-Love."
a/n: jk is a damned fool, who’s with me.
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies @moon-asia @bangtannie7 @yoonchrisgull @njkbangtan @higashikatasgf @jksbbyfacebunny @sweetonkookieandtae @voidswan-recs @sadxaries @bts-junseagull @jinfused @taehyungiev13 @gaeguuliii @kimnamjoonluvbot @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn @surilirani @patpus @yukiehyukie @crypticsabbat @ohyeahjk @steffiiirose @the-falling-star @telepathytae @erenkook ​ 
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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page150 · 3 years
Not A Friend - (Sister to Oscar "Spooky" and César Díaz)
Request: "i was wondering if u could do a fic where oscar and cesar have a teen sister and she’s sexually assaulted and tells oscar??"
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3181
Warnings: Sexual Assault, Guns, Cursing
A/N: I usually don't do a author's note before the imagine, but this is a sensitive topic so if this might be triggering please click away.
Y/N - Your Name f/c - favorite color
Y/N sat quietly in her room, reading a book, illuminated by a white lamp sitting on her dresser.
Outside her brother, Oscar laughed with some men and her other brother, César had left a while ago on another adventure with his friends, leaving Y/N by herself in her room. Placing the book down, she moved the curtains away from her window. She looked at the gathering of Santos socializing in the backyard. Red solo cups in hand, dancing and eating. She remembered how Oscar had let her help decorate the backyard for the party only to be later excluded from it. Looking at him laughing with a with his arm around someone she betted that he had forgotten that she was inside.
She had gotten used to being forgotten and treated differently by people. Ever since she was born her brothers didn’t know what to do with her. Oscar had never expected to have to raise a brother by himself and especially not a sister. Even though she was only a year younger than César, Oscar's idea of keeping her safe was keeping her hidden.
She was only allowed to go straight to school then straight home, never alone either. If César or Monse weren’t going to a place neither was Y/N and that’s how it always was. She was especially not allowed to hang out with any of Oscar's friends, making life extremely lonely.
Glancing at a photo that was taped next to the window, she smiled at herself situated between Jasmine and Monse with Jamal, Ruby and César in the back. César’s friends were nice, but they were his friends not hers. He was the one invited to all their parties. He was the one they had tried to save, not her.
This left school to be the only place Y/N could socialize, but no one wanted to be friends with a girl from a gang. She was labeled dangerous before anything else, leaving her by herself. Always forgotten, and always alone.
That night she went to sleep feeling sorry for herself and woke up the same way. It continued the next few days until one day when while sitting in her algebra class, a new student was introduced. He was placed next to her and, ignoring the strange looks the class gave to him, he introduced himself.
“I’m Luke. Can I sit here?”
Y/N looked up at the blond haired boy. Her table partner had moved schools a few months ago and no one bothered to sit with her since. He looked nice, he had a nice smile and it made her want to lower her guard slightly, “Yeah, you can sit here.”
Luke sat next to her and immediately tried to start a conversation. He talked about how he moved from Florida. She noticed, as they talked more, how similar they were. They both had interesting families. He had two brothers, she had two brothers and they both lived near each other.
Y/N found herself laughing more than usual at his jokes. This led to the teacher having to stop class multiple times to scold them. Y/N never had a connection to someone like this, especially not on the first day. At lunch Luke went to sit with with her and -
“Who’s this?” César asked, suddenly sitting down at the lunch table next to his sister and wrapping an arm around her. Jamal, Ruby, and Monse also sat down. The table that previously consisted of two people quickly turned to six. Other kids nearby, eyed the two “dangerous” siblings sitting together.
Y/N rolled her eyes at the unexpected attention that was now forming. “This is Luke, he’s new.”
“Lukeee,” César trailed, “I’m Y/N’s older brother-”
“By a few months,” Y/N butted in.
“Whatever, I’m César, these are my friends Jamal, Ruby and my girl Monse.”
Monse laughed, “I’m not your girl.”
“Not yet,” César winked.
Y/N sighed and threw César’s arm off her. She turned to Elliot and apologized.
“Sorry for them.”
“No they’re cool,” Luke grinned. “Any friend of mine is my friend as well.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, “We’re friends now? It’s only been a day.”
“Of course, you’re cool.”
With the compliment Y/N cheeks turned red. As childish as it was, having an established friendship with someone made her feel nice.
“This must be how César and Oscar feel all the time.” She thought.
“I don’t know if Oscar will like you having a friend that is a boy.” Ruby remarked. “No offense, Luke.”
“None taken.”
“Oscar doesn’t like anyone anyways.” Monse muttered, taking a bite into her sandwich.
“Don’t worry” Luke smiled, “I’m one of the good guys.”
“That’s what they all say,” Jamal said suspiciously. He leaned in close to Luke’s face and gave him some crazy faces.
“Okay, great talk guys,” Y/N said sarcastically, “I would love to chat with you more but lunch is about to end and I have to show Luke where his next class is. I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah I have to go, but it was nice meeting you guys.” Luke stated, before he was dragged away by Y/N.
The next few weeks Y/N spent all her time with Luke. He sat next to her in the classes they shared, they talked at lunch and while walking home after school. They even stayed up at night so they could talk on the phone. She found herself smiling every time he talked to her. Every time he offered to carry her books. He was just so nice.
One Friday afternoon, Luke came running up to Y/N, putting her items in her backpack after her last class. He put his hands around her eyes, trying to hold back his laughter.
“Guess who?”
“Mrs. Kurt, I told you we can't see each other here.” Y/N whispered.
Luke removed his hands and his face went white. Y/N turned around and started crying with laughter. She had to sit down, her face turning bright red as she continued to laugh, gasping for air.
“I don’t even want to think about you dating my mom.” He trembled, before returning to his cheerful self. “Stop laughing, I have important news. There’s a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”
Y/N stopped laughing and thought about it before responding. “I don’t know. I don’t think Oscar would want me to. You know how he is about stuff like that.”
Luke smiled and picked her backpack off the floor. He then put out his hand and helped Y/N to her feet.
“Which is why César and his friends already said they are coming too. Oscar doesn’t have to know you're going as my date.”
“Your date?”
“If you want to be. I want you to be my date.”
Y/N smiled, a pink blush covering her cheeks. “I can be your date.”
“Great,” He took her hand and began to lead her out of the classroom. “It’s going to be amazing, don't worry.”
That night Y/N drank water out of a red solo cup, while sitting on the couch of a kid she had never met before. This time she was the one laughing and partying. Colors flashed around the room as more and more kids came into the house. The air was foggy with smoke and smelt like a mash of perfumes and colognes. Y/N nodded her head to the music enjoying the energy in the room.
To her surprise Luke pulled her up to dance with him. She giggled feeling his hands go around her waist. She put her arms around his neck just like she saw in the movies. Rap was blasting out of speakers placed on the ground. Somewhere someone joked about getting a noise compliment to which the crowd began shouting the rap lyrics louder. Taunting the idea, almost hoping for it so the party could gain extra excitement. Y/N shouted along with them in bliss. Ignoring the past fear she had felt once she noticed César had left. Ignoring the looks she had gotten when she first walked in the party. Ignoring how Luke had moved his hands past the dip in her back...
When she felt his hands squeeze her butt she whispered for him to stop which he did, but she still felt weird. A sinking feeling sat in her gut that this was a mistake. Suddenly the small action made the party feel like too much now. She could smell the stink of alcohol on Luke’s breath and weirdly on herself as well. How did she get drunk?
Y/N moved from Luke to where she had placed her cup. Now she could see scribbled on with a black sharpie, someone else’s name. She must have grabbed the wrong cup sometime during the party. Swaying slightly, she moved back toward Luke.
“I need to go home,” She hiccuped. “I drank someone's drink.”
In the darkness she didn’t see Luke’s small smile. “Wow, I’m sorry. Let’s get you home.”
The two exited the party and began to walk home. Y/N felt more tipsy as she walked, eventually having to lean on the blond boy. She didn’t feel really drunk, she could still tell what was happening, it was just her body felt a little out of balance. Luke seemed the same way, but before they reached Y/N house he grabbed her hips. The sudden movement left her in shock.
“You looked really nice tonight, babe.” He said, pulling her into a kiss as he ran his hands on her back, slowly moving lower onto her butt, then up to her breasts.
Immediately Y/N pushed Luke off of her, moving to wrap her arms around herself. “What the hell? I’m a Santo, pull that shit again and it's over” She yelled, backing away from Luke.
“Like you would, I’m the only one who cares enough to pay attention to you. Do you really think anyone else wants to be around you? I’ll do whatever I want. You would be an idiot to lose me.” He fumed.
Y/N froze. Luke had never acted like that before. He couldn’t truly mean what he was saying. She ran into her house and locked the door behind her. She waited a few minutes to check that he had left, which he did.
After her shower she convinced herself that Luke must have been really drunk. That’s why he acted that way, but on Monday he proved that that was not the case.
At the beginning of algebra it started off okay. Luke kept his eyes on the board and focused on his work. It was okay up to the point where he started rubbing on Y/N's leg. She told him to stop but he ignored her. First rubbing small circles on her knee. Then moving up to her thigh moving closer and closer upwards. No matter how many times she moved his hand he kept putting it back. Eventually she had to stay quiet out of fear of distracting the class, but he kept going. She begged silently for it to stop. Suddenly feeling powerless as he continued to do as he pleased for more days.
At lunch even though Luke continued to joke with César she started to go silent. It was a constant internal battle. If she pushed Luke away more, it would cause her to lose her only friend. If she didn’t she would continue to feel uncomfortable. She told herself it would stop eventually, that things would go back to normal, but they didn’t.
As more days went by Luke tried to do more things. The more he tried to do the quieter Y/N got. But luckily César began to notice. He noticed that Y/N wanted him to sit between her and Luke more. How she stopped laughing at his jokes and how Luke changed his tone when talking to her. It wasn’t always playful like it used to be.
Even though César wasn’t really close to his sister he acknowledged that they had to look out for each other. Y/N had been the one to get Oscar to let him back in the house many times. She looked out for him, and he had to look out for her.
Which is why when César and Monse accidentally walked in on Luke kissing her in an empty classroom while she tried to push him off, he freaked out.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He shouted, pulling Luke off of her and close to his face by the collar of his shirt. “I'm Lil’ Spooky I’ll have your face in the dirt if you do that shit again.”
“César, stop what are you doing here. You’re going to hurt him.” Y/N yelled. Monse gently pulled her away from Luke, but she pushed Monse back.
César punched Luke in the eye and he fell down, crumbling into a fetal position. César continued to kick him in the stomach until Y/N pulled him away.
“You’re hurting him! You can’t do this here! César stop please!”
César turned and grabbed Y/N's arm. He led her out of the classroom and out of the school with Monse trailing after them. Y/N’s items in hand.
“I can’t believe he was on you like that. Shit, Y/N. Wait, don't cry, don’t cry, it's okay.”
Y/N hadn’t realized she was crying until he said that. Tears were falling rapidly down her cheeks. She choked back sobs, trying to keep herself somewhat together.
She was thankful for César stopping it, but afraid for what would happen next. Once they reached their house César guided her up the stairs and inside where Oscar was smoking a cigarette at the dinner table. Hearing the door burst open and crying he instantly got up. He reached for his gun, but seeing that it was his siblings he stopped.
“Shit, what the hell happened César. Why is she crying?”
“Tell him,” César said softly. Monse ran in and went to Y/N’s side pulling her into a hug.
“Tell me what. Why are you crying?”
“He 's not mad at you hermana. Él va a ayudar.”
Y/N sniffled and buried herself into Monse’s shoulder. Trying to hide her embarrassment she whispered, “My friend at school was touching me in a weird way, Oscar. He wouldn’t stop. I told him to stop, though. I did. Please, don’t be mad at me.”
“We’re not mad at you and he’s not a friend anymore, Y/N. That should’ve never happened to you.” Monse murmured.
The room went silent. Monse still slowly rubbed Y/N’s back and César stood tense. Oscar looked from César to Y/N.
“César, do you think he left school yet?”
“Uh yeah, school ended right after I pulled her out.”
“Come on,” Oscar grabbed his gun and began to walk out the door, César following after. Y/N ran after Oscar begging for him to stop.
“Don’t Oscar, don’t hurt hm. He’s my only friend. He’s a kid, it was just a mistake.”
“No no!” He shouted. Oscar turned and placed his hands on Y/N’s shoulder’s. Looking into her teary eyes.
“It’s not your fault. It’s never your fault hermana. My job is to keep you safe. I've failed at a lot of things, but I refuse to fail at that again. Get in the house and rest. He just needs to be taught a lesson. Stay with Monse. Te amo como una hija bebé espeluznante.”
He left with César, leaving Y/N on the lawn. Monse guided her back into the house. She remembered what her dad did whenever she was going through a lot. She treated Y/N the same way. Reassuring her that it will be okay. That it wasn’t her fault.
César and Oscar didn’t come back until later that night.
“We got you this,” Oscar muttered, walking into the house and tossing a stuffed bear to Y/N. “We saw the idea online.” It was a f/c bear with a heart on it that said ‘Te Quiero’ with little messages César and Oscar wrote on the back. There weren't a lot, but the few ones there were were heartfelt.
“Thank you, I love it” Y/N smiled, holding the bear close. Her eyes were still slightly red from crying.
“And pizza,” César quietly cheered. On his face was a bandage, but he moved his face so Y/N couldn’t see it. “Monse do you want to spend the night?”
Monse looked at Y/N, “Yeah I already have clothes here so I’ll stay,”
She picked up a slice of pizza. “Soo, what did you guys do?”
“We took care of it,” Oscar said, sitting on the couch next to Y/N. “He won’t mess with you again. If I didn’t have a reputation I would’ve reported it.” He lowered his voice. “You can always go to us Y/N, we’re going to protect you. If that cabrón messes with you again I’m coming for him. ”
“I know,” Y/N mumbled. “I just wanted a friend, how dumb is that.”
“You can always hang out with us,” Monse added, “We’re your friends. We love having you around.”
Y/N sighed, “I mean my own friend. I love you guys too, but it gets so lonely. No one at school wants to be near me. Soy un marginado.”
The room went silent again. Before Monse spoke up, “You know you’re really smart Y/N. There’s a school in BrentWood that might offer you a scholarship to go there. I know you could pass the entrance exam. ”
“I could get a job for the tuition,” César added, rising from his seat at the dinner table. “Oscar what do you think? You’ve been making more money lately. It would keep her safe. She is really smart.”
Oscar looked at the ceiling, a good sign that he was thinking about the idea. Y/N kept her mouth shut, trying not to get too excited.
“How would she get there?”
“It’s a long bus ride,” Monse remarked, “But it’s safe. Only a bunch of rich kids. Most of them will be nice to you, Y/N. You’re smart, you’re funny, and you’re strong. Not a lot of them are like that there. No one will know who you're related to. I can get my mom to help get you in.”
César, Monse, and Y/N looked at Oscar. He took a deep breath and released it. Pulling a cigarette out his pocket, he lit it. Breathing deep he puffed out the smoke.
“I failed you today as a hermano, if I can keep you safe I will. I’ll work on getting you there.”
Y/N smiled and hugged Oscar, feeling César join as well.
“Thank you Oscar. Thank you Cesar. Thank you Monse. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah” Oscar grinned. “Get off me I’m going to bed. I think I’ll go to the beach tomorrow. Want to come?”
Author's Note: My DMs are always open to anyone who needs it. I am also on twitter to anyone who wants to talk @/thepage150. Requests are open. You are important. You are valued. You are loved. Have a wonderful day ~c'k
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aphrodict · 2 years
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chapter 1 : festival planning || not proofread, please correct me if i have made any mistakes about anything! 0.8k words
the usual afternoon filled with your brother and sister going around the city to do errands. this makes you wonder, what do you have to do? ayato handles government affairs, ayaka takes care of the internal and external affairs, how about you?
ayato told you to help out with ayaka if she asked for it, but so far, she hasn't said anything.
this becomes another day where you just walk around the estate, occasionally inazuma—to buy or greet people. you want to do something at least, to help with whatever's going on.
you pass by the grand narukami shrine and chinju forest on your way to the city, two of your favorite places to visit. not because of the people, more of the scenery.
the glowing flowers and clear water contrasts the warm lighting the lanterns provide in the forest and the dark colored torii gates. you remember the time you accidentally passed by your sister dancing for the traveler. you walk by a little further, and that's when you see the pink cherry blossoms of the city, just by seeing that scenery you can already hear the busy streets and chattering of the people.
you see foxes resting at the side, some of them even playing. you hear the sounds of metal clanking and the smell of miso ramen being prepared. you walked further and deeper into the city, to the second bridge filled with the cherry blossoms that fell from the trees. taking a turn and going to a more peaceful area, the teahouse.
you greet taroumaru with a head pat.
then again, it's no shock thoma was here. there's food on the table, enough for four? five? people.
“f/n, you’re here earlier than usual.”
“oh.. right—i just wanted to go around inazuma for a bit.”
you welcomed yourself in the room and sat on one of the seats, directly facing thoma. he was using his left arm to support his head, his eyes wandering around the room.
“would you like some tea to pass by the time first then?”
“gladly, thank you. ayaka and ayato might take a while to get here, i haven't seen them at all around the city.”
he nods, then smiles. the sun from the windows reflecting on him, making his eyes shines. you feel your heart skip a beat, not from the door opening but from him, the man in front of you—putting tea in all of the cups.
“thoma, were here”
ayato goes in first, ayaka behind him. in just a few seconds your siblings started chatting away already, talking about whatever happened and everything you couldn't bother to pay attention to.
“oh, apologies we couldn't make it earlier, the upcoming festival kept me a little busy and ayato had to.. handle with some troublesome fatui.”
ayaka bows her head a little, a form of saying sorry.
“it's alright, i understand. the food isn't cold yet so dig in! ill prepare extras if you’d like.”
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it was already sunset when they finished eating, sure he could have prepared it at the estate but it was much closer to them if he cooked and prepared lunch at the teahouse. he also had chores to do here anyway and he knew you liked going to the city, it's convenient for everyone.
“speaking of, where is this being held anyway? what's it about?”
you ask, turning your head to ayaka, beside you.
“its being held on amakane island, are you going to join?”
“not sure. i'd like to go to a festival with someone this time, but i don't know who.”
ayato flashed a smirk to ayaka, are they scheming something?
“well, i still have work to wrap up. thank you for the food thoma, and ayaka—you know already”
your sister nodded and they both giggled.
“thoma, are you free next week?” ayaka asked, drinking some tea from her cup.
“im free—im guessing this is about the festival..”
she nodded. alright, im convinced shes planning something.
“alright. then, ill get going as well—thank you thoma, f/n, be careful on your way home.”
“mhm, goodluck on your work ayaka”
thoma waved her goodbye and started cleaning up our dishes. he picked them up and put it to a stack, walking towards the room behind taroumaru. i follow behind and stop by with the owner, leaning over to the door frame
“will you be going too? its getting quite late.”
he asked.
“no, i plan on staying a little longer outside.”
“then,” he wiped his hands on the towel beside the sink. he placed the clean plates on the rack and stretched his hand out to me.
“care to join me for a walk then?”
“of course.”
you both made your way outside, the sun painting inazuma in warm colors. many people greeted thoma hi’s and thank you’s, one even gave him some wine, but you know he isnt good with alcohol.
he gave the near dogs and cats some food he had left over and exited the city right after, following the path to chinju forest again, you’ve memorized the route already so its quite impossible for both of you to get lost.
the walk home was silent, not the awkward silent—more of the comfortable one. and that silence soon breaks with the question;
“should i get some clothes for next week?”
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@aphrodicts-imagination : main post
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24hlevi · 3 years
Happy New Year
Seong Gi-Hun [456] (Squid Game) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: #2 “A and B slow dancing in the dark in their shared apartment.” + #8 “A proposes to B after 4 years of dating while fireworks go off behind them on new year’s.” + #1 “It’s new year’s and I wanted to give you this!” from fluff prompt list and fluff dialogue prompt list
Warnings: None :)
Word Count: 1.1k
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Gihun and you had been dating for 4 years now and truthfully, it had been the best years of your life. When you first met Gihun, he was in an immense amount of debt and tried to keep you away from that up until he randomly disappeared for a week and came back with cuts and was more depressed than ever before. But you helped him come out of that depression from his best friends dying right before his eyes and how guilty he was to have so much money all because he survived all the games when he should have died in the first one.
Today was New Year’s Day, and it was also you and Gihun’s 4 year anniversary which was a funny thought to think about the day he finally gathered enough courage to ask you out at a party when he was drunk out of his mind, not even expecting you to answer with yes but you did, and you ended up dating the man. Usually, you two would be at a friend’s party for this day but since it was a special occasion of how long you two had been dating, Gihun insisted that you two spend the night together instead of with other people that could ruin the whole day with just a few words.
Gihun had bought a couple of bottles of wine and champagne for when the timer hit zero and almost half of the wine was gone already, both of you sharing it and have been drinking it since dinner which Gihun had actually made for once.
You noticed that Gihun was acting different today, and not just because it was your 4 year anniversary, but because of something else, something that you couldn’t figure out just yet. First, Gihun had woken you up with breakfast and coffee in bed, something he would never do unless he made you mad the night before or he was going to tell you something important when neither of those happened, so you were confused. Then, he had taken you out to go shopping and grab lunch, another thing that he has never done before. By the time it was dinner you were starting to get worried as to what it could be that Gihun had been hiding this whole day, doing things he would never do on any normal day, not knowing what he could possibly say that could either make your night light up or burn down.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You were knocked out of your thoughts by hearing Gihun speak, and you looked over at him before nodding. “Oh, yeah. I was just thinking as to why you are doing all this tonight.”
“Ah, you know why. Because it’s our 4 year anniversary!” Gihun answered with a bright smile, taking a sip from the wine in the glass he had in his hand.
“I know that, but it’s more than usual. Are you planning something?” You asked the man sitting beside you on the balcony.
Letting out a chuckle, Gihun shook his head as he stood up, reaching his hand out towards you. “Come inside with me.”
You looked at him confused but when he didn’t move his hand away, you grabbed it with your own and let him lead you back inside the apartment to the living room.
He started to move the coffee table out of the way which made you even more confused before he connected his phone to the speaker and started to play slow music. He finished his wine and set the glass down on the coffee table and grabbed yours from your hand, setting it beside his as he then grabbed your hands.
“Gihun, what are you doing?” You questioned him.
“Let’s dance.” He replied, smiling at you still.
“You know we both can’t dance, right?” You laughed lightly.
“Yes, but let’s do it anyway.” Gihun said, moving your arms around his neck as his own moved to your waist and he began to sway back and forth.
It was a bit awkward at first, but after a few minutes you both were dancing with another without any other thoughts, just enjoying the close presence of the other and the moment that was currently happening.
“See? We’re doing well now.” Gihun said to you with a small chuckle at the end.
“Mhm.” You hummed, resting your head on his shoulder with a blush present on your face that you hoped he wouldn’t notice.
You two continued to slow dance, well, at least make an attempt at it, up until the tv announced that it was 2 minutes until a new year. Gihun pulled away from you and took a step back, his breathing suddenly changed to more shallow breaths as his look on his face changed into worry and anxiousness.
“Gi? What’s wrong?” You asked him, thinking something was wrong.
“Nothing’s wrong!” Gihun answered quickly, reaching into his jacket pocket and taking out a small box. “Uhm. It’s New Year’s and I wanted to give you this!” He smiled at you, but not handing you the box yet.
“1 minute til a happy new year.”
Gihun then went down on one knee, taking a deep breath before opening the small box, revealing a beautiful silver, diamond embroidered engagement ring.
“30 seconds til a happy new year.”
“Y/n, we’ve been together for 4 years now, and we’ve known each other for much longer. These days that I’ve spent with you have been the best ones of my entire life and…I don’t want to lose that or you. So, Y/n. Will you marry me?”
“10 seconds til a happy new year.”
Tears had already welled up in your eyes as you nodded, not being able to even form words as Gihun’s entire face lit up and he stood again.
“5 seconds til a happy new year.”
“I love you so much.” He said to you.
“I love you too.” You repeated back to him, making him smile even more.
The male then held the sides of your face, gently caressing the skin of your cheek before pressing his lips against your own just as the timer hit zero, fireworks beginning to go off behind you as you both kissed.
Pulling away once the fireworks stopped, Gihun looked at you with the happiest expression you had ever seen on his face as he slid the ring on your finger.
“I promise that I’ll be a good husband to you. I promise.” He said to you quietly.
“I know you will, Gihun. You’ve been good to me all these years so far, so I know.” You responded at the same volume.
Gihun looked back at you and smiled before kissing you again, too happy to stop kissing you over and over again.
What a great way to start the new year with your new fiancé, and plenty of memories that will be created within these next years that you two will be together.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Playing truth or dare with college!Peter and MJ dares you to give him a (private) lap dance
This turned out to be much longer than expected
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (Lap dance?ish?kind of? i went a bit of script im sorry, thigh riding, grinding, dirty talk, dom!peter, innocence kink, corruption kink?, masterbation, oral[male rec], mild degrading), alcohol consumption, everyone is 18+, kinda fluffy in the beginning but we do be getting smutty real quick tho, MJ being your personal wing woman
Also please dont take drinks from strangers this is fiction and not real life, always drink responsibly :)))
Word Count : 4.8k
Behind Doors
Fratboy!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
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You tried to keep your staring to a minimum, you really did. But how could you when he stood in the middle of the crowd, glowing like an angel amongst everyone. He was laughing with his friends, his head tilted back with his eyes squeezed shut and a smile that could make anyone's day so much brighter. You wanted nothing more but to run your hands through his floppy brown hair bouncing on his head as he told his mates a story, his facial and hand movements lively when he moved them around, accentuating the words falling from his mouth.
His fit didn’t help either. A tight white t-shirt paired with blue jeans and a gold chain that hung from his neck, begging to be played with in any way. It was simplistic but made you swoon all the same. His muscles printed through the fabric didn’t help much either, his biceps almost tearing through the sleeves a mouth watering contrast to his cheerful face.
It was like staring at a greek god that radiated puppy dog energy.
“You’re not being subtle you know,” MJ whispered into you ear nudging your side with her elbow, “Just go talk to him,”
You shook your head, heat rising to your face as you averted your eyes from the brown eyed boy, turning to face your best friend, “You know i can’t do that,”
“Not with that you aren’t,” she pointed at the red solo cup you held in your hand filled halfway with orange juice. She quickly snatched the cup away from you, dumping the contents in the grass of the backyard.
“Hey!” You gasped, but made no effort to stop her.
“You need to loosen up,” she stabbed her finger into the middle of your chest, shoving her drink into your hands, “All of it, now,”
You took the cup hesitantly swirling the contents inside around for a bit, watching as the liquid moved smoothly around the sides of the plastic. You looked back up at MJ, feeling small when she stared you down with a stern look. You knew you weren’t finding a way out of this one.
“Fine,” you grumbled before tilting your head back, chugging the alcohol down. You let out a few coughs afterwards, giggling as MJ started to cheer.
“That’s my girl!” She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her side, “Now for about five more,”
Two hours and four drinks later, or maybe it was six you weren't keeping count, the party finally started to die down. The liquor running through your system did its job well in letting you loosen up so you could enjoy the party without being distracted by a certain brown haired boy.
You had lost MJ halfway through the night, your mind finally processing that she wasn’t by your side when you reached for her to dance with you. As you busied yourself by looking around the room, you felt someone place their hand on your lower back, sending shivers up your spine with the touch. You whipped your head around, expecting your equity intoxicated friend but only to be met with the same brown eyes you’ve been fawning over at the beginning of the night.
“Hey,” he said into your ear so that you heard it over all the noise. He moved his hand off your back after he got your attention. You tried your best to keep the tiny whine from escaping your throat at the loss of his touch. The free feeling you felt with the alcohol completely vanished with the sound of his voice turning you into that shy nerd all over again.
“Looking for someone?” He said, pushing the tips of his fingers into the front pockets of his pants.
You stood speechless, you mouth agape that Peter Parker, the Peter Parker was talking to you. MJ was wrong, no amount of alcohol could’ve prepared you for the moment. At least you didn't scurry away like a mouse like you would’ve if you were fully sober.
“I- uh,” you coughed, trying to get some words out but failing miserably.
“Sorry, It’s just I saw you looking around,” he scratched the back of his neck, chuckling at your flustered state. His cheeks starting to turn a light pink which made you swoon even harder, “I assume you’re looking for MJ, since you were with her for most of the night,”
“Oh, right,” you mumbled, laughing awkwardly, looking down to the ground, “How did you know I was with her?”
“You guys are always together!” He smiled showing off his pearly whites, “Around campus you know? I’ve seen you guys together in my classes as well,”
“You noticed me?” You whispered, mainly to yourself but he managed to pick up your words, making you even more embarrassed than before.
“Of course!” He passed his hand through his hair, looking straight into your eyes, “How could I not Y/n?”
You stood speechless, your mouth opening and closing as if you wanted to say something but changed your mind last minute. Millions of thoughts ran through your brain per second, the most frequent being your name rolling off his tongue.
“Anyways, uh, the main reason i came was to bring you to MJ,” he chuckled nervously, seeming just as flustered as you, “She’s in one of the spare bedrooms with some of the boys, we’re playing a good ole’ game of truth and dare,” he voice raised adorably, making you giggle lightly, “You don’t need to join or anything, but i don’t think you would want to be alone out here,”
“Yeah!” you replied a bit to quickly, shaking your head at your enthusiasm, “I mean, yeah, I would like to join you,”
“Sick!” He smiled brightly, grabbing your hand. Your eyes widened at the action as he pulled you through the crowd, you looked down at the ground, allowing him to maneuver you around the mass of bodies.
“Just so you don’t get lost,” he said, looking back at you, pointing out your intertwined hands.
“Of course!” You said back, holding back your squeals of excitement.
You were honestly surprised with how sweet he was acting towards you. Despite his status as part of the biggest frat on campus, his reputation upholded him as the good boy of the group, the one who helped old lady’s across the street or bought lunch for you when you didn't have the money. Sure, you saw this on multiple occasions but to experience it for yourself was a nice change, and just solidified your crush on him even more.
When he reached the stairway vacant of anybody, he still didn't let go of your hand, only tightening his fingers around yours. He walked down the dark hallway and approached a door ,giving you a reassuring smile before turning the knob and pushing it open, revealing around eight or nine people. Some laid on the bed, beers in hand as they laughed while others sat on the couch. You spotted MJ on the floor, laughing with Harry Osborn.
“Who’s the chick Parker?” One of the boys said, silencing the room and putting everyone's attention on you.
“This is Y/n,” he gestured towards you, “Y/n, everyone,” Peter finally let go of your hand, popped himself on the edge of the bed, picking up a beer from the side table and nodding his head at the empty space besides him.
You looked towards MJ panicked, but all she did was mouth ‘go’ with a shit eating grin. You sneered back at her, rolling your eyes as you walked up to the bed, bending your right leg back to sit on your calf while the other dangled over the edge.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Peter leaned into your ear, whispering gently, “Again, you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to,”
You pouted at his actions, melting at the fact that he was so observant with you. You looked down at his beer, before looking back up at him. If you were going to get through the rest of the night, you needed to be absolutely wasted.
“Do you have another beer?” You asked him, pointed to his bottle.
“You could just have mine,” he offered his drink, passing it off to you.
You bit your lip, taking a long swig of the liquid, “Thank you,”
Before the both of you could converse any longer, a girl with short blond hair you knew from English, called out from the corner, “Okay, okay, who wants to go next?”
“I think Y/n should go,” flash said, holding up his bottle towards you, “She’s the new one isn’t she?”
Peter looked at you, silently asking if you needed him to say anything. But you decided to take things into your own hands for the first time that night.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you said, taking another swig of beer.
“Alright Y/n,” Harry said smugly, leaning back on his forearm, “Truth or dare?”
You thought about it for a bit, missing the smug look on MJ’s face as you muttered, “Dare”
“I dare you to give Peter a lap dance,” she said immediately, leaning back as she held in her laugh at your washed out face, “I mean we could send you to the other room if you want more privacy,”
You sat speechless and once again wanted to melt into the sheets beneath you. You felt Peter’s hand wrap around yours, giving him your attention.
“Only if you want to,” he muttered, giving you a soft smile.
“I-,” you took a deep breath, trying to gather the little confidence you had left, “Which room?”
Hollers and shouts bounced off the walls, as everyone hyped both of you up. Peter stood, pulling you up with him, leading you out the room.
“Take as much time as you need!” You heard MJ shout after you before the door closed, leaving you and Peter alone once again.
Your heart pounded inside your chest as Peter guided you once again to another room. You gulped, wondering if you had made the right decision so give a lap dance to your crush. He didn’t say anything as he knocked on a door, opening it when he didn't hear any noise come from the room.
“After you,” he said politely.
“Thank you,” you said shyly, walking to the middle of the room.
Peter closed the door behind him, leaning against the wood, “Sooooo,” he dragged looking you up and down, “I- uh, didn't expect you to say yes,”
“Me neither,” you chuckled, looking down to the floor.
“I mean if you don’t want to, it’s just a silly bet,” Peter said, fiddling with his fingers.
“Do-,” you coughed, “Do you want me too?”
“It’s up to you really,”
“But would you mind if i-“
“I mean I wouldn’t be against it-,”
You both laughed nervously falling into silence after that. You looked around the room, finding interest with everything besides him. You were fidgety, playing with your fingers while tapping your foot on the floor rapidly to calm your nerves. It was stupid, you’ve been dreaming about him for so long, and now that you were finally in a room together you clamed up, not knowing what to do in his presence.
Peter on the other hand kept his gaze on you, his eyes racking your body up and down. He wasn't going to lie to himself and say that he’d never thought of this moment, the moment where you and him were finally together, in a room, all alone.
You were different from the girls he was used to in the frat. You were untouched, well to his knowledge, you were a clean slate and from the small confrontations he’s had with you, he could tell you were obedient too.
He wanted so bad to just have his way with you, to absolutely ravish you like he did in his dreams. But he wanted to savour it. After so long of watching you pin over him, purely to feed his ego, he was ready to take things to the next level and what better way than with a good lap dance. Sure he was the good guy, both as himself and as his alternate persona as a hero, but when it comes to you, all his morals were thrown out the window.
Besides, you were both intoxicated and he didn't want your first time together to be at a stupid party in a room he was barely familiar with.
After a few more seconds of silence, Peter decided to take things into his own hands, to make his fantasy a reality, or to just get it started at least. He was the first to make a move, walking right up to you, taking your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up to look at him while his other hand made its way to the side of your waist, pulling you closer.
“Y/n?” He asked, swiping his thumb across your lips. He may have an unhealthy obsession with them but it didnt matter because in the next few moments he would make them his, “I’m not stupid you know,”
You blinked rapidly, tilting your head to the side at his statement, confused and slightly hurt.
Peter only chuckled, slipping his thumb between your lips for a split second before pulling it back out and resting it back on your plump lip, testing the waters, “I said i noticed you, and when I mean I noticed you,” he leaned forward, placing his lips near your ear, “I meant everything, down to the constant heart eyes,”
You held your breath, not knowing how to feel, what to think. Peter Parker, the Peter Parker, was standing in front of you, playing with your lips with such close proximity, telling you that he was aware of your existence. That there was a chance that he might feel the same way about you.
You had to remind yourself that this was just a bet, that he didn’t mean anything he was saying. He was only doing it because he had to. Even if he was a sweet boy by heart, he still had a reputation for sleeping around, that to him you were just another girl to add to his collection. 
But when he pushed his thumb into your mouth, you knew you'd fall victim as well.
“Mhh,” he hummed, “such a good girl, just like i knew you’d be,” suddenly, he pulled his thumb out of your mouth and sat back down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap, “Now, i believe you have a dare to fulfill,”
“I- uh,” you stuttered, hesitantly placing your hands on his shoulder as you settled into his hold.
“You’ve never done this before, have you princess?” Peter mumbled, hovering his lips over yours.
“i-,” you shook your head, lost for words when he called you princess.
He hummed, one of his hands gripping your waist while the other laided on your cheek, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb, “Let’s start off slow then,” his thumb moved to your mouth once more, playing with the bottom lip. You sat frozen, letting him take control. You didn't trust your body to move, you could barely even talk.
“I’ve always wondered what it was like to kiss these perfect lips,” he whispered, moving to kiss your neck, trailing his way up to the corner of your mouth, “I’d imagine you’ve though the same,”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his shoulders. Peter laughed, his breath hot on your face.
“You’re going to need to say something if you want me to continue princess,”
“Yes,” you squeaked, clearing your throat, embarrassed by your quick response, “Yes, I-uh, I’ve thought about this, yeah,”
“Hmm, good,” he mumbled before finally latching his lips on yours, keeping your face close with his hand.
His lips were rougher that you imagined, probably from constantly licking them for most of the night. But the more you kissed, your mouths opening and closing with each other like its own dance, the more wet and lustful it became. You could feel your body begin to relax into his, melting into the warmth. His confidence only grew with the soft moans escaping your mouth, quickly slipping his tongue inside when your lips parted, exploring your mouth with vigour and purpose.
Your breath hitched in response, using your own tongue to match his movements and tangling it with his, fighting for dominance you were sure he was going to win. Your fingers ran through his hair, tugging at the short curls at the base of his neck, smiling when he groaned into your mouth. You beamed at him when you finally pulled away, a string of spit connected your lips.
“This seems more than just a lap dance,” you let out a shaky sigh, resting your forehead against his.
He chuckled, using his hands to bring your hips closer to his crotch, your dress rolling further up around your waist.
“Then what are you waiting for,” he said cockily, leaning back on his forearms, looking back at you expectantly.
You let out a breath, readjusting yourself on his lap before moving your hips slowly. Your pussy barely made contact with his now hard cock poking through his jeans, teasing it ever once in a while when your panties brushed the tent. You smirked, despite not knowing what the hell you were doing, it seemed like you were doing a decent job.
“Don’t get to cocky princess,” he groaned, squeezing your waist tightly, “You forget that I’m the one in charge here,”
You bit your lip, muttering a soft sorry.
He hummed, nudging his nose with yours, “Let me help you then,” 
He grasped your hips, pulling your it closer to his crotch, grinding it against your core. You let him guide you with his hands, following his lead supporting yourself with your own hands clutching on to his shoulder.   
He let out a long sigh, his head falling back. You took that as the queue to grind faster, enjoying the effect you had on him with such a simple movement. Your confidence grew with the noises escaping his throat along with the occasional praise only fueling your need.
In a rush of the moment, you moved your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him into a needy kiss. It was much more sloppier and messier than the previous one, your focus more on moving your hips than keeping your lips in sync with his.
But you wanted more. As much as you enjoyed Peter’s eyes trailing your body, his hands exploring your waist and the angelic look on his face, you couldn't help but wonder if it stopped there. If you could make his moans louder, his hips jut against your with need, just as much as you needed him.
After a few more moments, an idea popped into your head with the faint sound of music coming from downstairs.
“Peter,” you decided to purr in your ear, biting your lip when his eyes fluttered open, dark and filled with lust.
“Yes princess,” He cooed, moving his hands back to your waist while keeping eye contact, brushing his lips over yours. But before he could fully kiss you, you pulled away, giggling at the little whine he let out.
“What is it?” he pouted, rolling his eyes when you didn’t respond, only biting your lip in thought. He grabbed your jaw, focussing your gaze back on him, “You were being such a good girl, what happened hmm?”
“I- I have an idea,” you gulped, the confidence you felt seconds ago melting away under his stare, “Do you have a speaker?”
He nodded his head, pointed to a desk in the corner with a small black speaker sitting on top. You smirked, hopping off his lap and running to the box. Peter leaned back on hands, watching with curious eyes as you pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket, tapping it open and typing in your password.
“What’s going through that head of your princess,” he mumbled, but loud enough for you to hear.
You only giggled in response, playing around with the speaker to turn in on. After a few more seconds of fiddling, you spun around with your phone in hand and a teasing smile on your face. Your finger pressed down on the screen, the room filling with the song Love Is A Bitch by Two Feet.
He scoffed, “And here I am thinking you were just an innocent little thing,” 
You bit your lip, looking down shyly and placing your phone on the table, your back facing him, “I just wanted to set the mood,”
“Was grinding down on me not enough?” he teased, “Are you always this greedy?”
You let out a breath before turning around, your heart practically beating out of your chest, “Only with you,”
You glanced up at the brunette face, nervous that maybe you took it too far. It was just a simple lap dance, nothing more and nothing less and you should've kept it that way. But the kiss was addicting, keeping you in a daze where all you wanted was more. More of his touch, his mouth, his taste.
You’ve wanted him for so long and now that you dipped your toes in the waters, you wanted to dive in and never come out. What really kept you going was his reactions to your touch, the small grunts and moans escaping his mouth because of you. He wanted this as much as you did or else he would’ve shut you down by now, right?
You were just getting ahead of yourself.
“Come here Y/n,” he almost growled, his eyes never leaving you while you shuffled your way between his legs, yelping when he gripped your waist and pulled you back down. Instead of straddling his waist, he moved you so your legs were on either side of his left thigh.
You went to speak but the gripped your jaw with his forefinger and thumb, forcing your eyes on him.
“You never fail to surprise me princess,” he whispered, his free hand trailing up your waist, brushing past your breasts, “I thought I had to treat you like a good girl, take my time with you” he chuckled darkly, “Turns out you need this just as much as I do, my greedy, desperate little thing,”
You bit your lip, tucking your head in the crook of his neck to avoid his stare. The pet names he gave you was already enough to leave you a mess but adding ‘my’ in front of it made you melt. You wanted to be his, you wanted him to take control of your body and use you as he pleased. He adjusted his thigh, having it bump against your clothed pussy. Heat rose to your face when you let out a small whimper, settling back on his leg, craving the friction but you didn’t move, waiting for specific instructions.
“You weren’t so shy before, what happened?” he kissed the shell of your ear, “Go on princess, ride my thigh like the desperate whore I know you are,” 
Without thinking you began to grind your pussy along his thigh, your face growing hotter when you felt the wetness seep on to his jeans. Peter kept his hands on your waist, keeping your movements at his own past, occasionally bouncing his leg, enjoying the little whines you let out. When you started moving faster, he knew you were nearing your high.
“Princess, look at me,” he grunted,“I want to see that pretty face when you cum,”
You let out a shaky sigh, pulling your head up to face him but you could barely keep your head up, too concentrated on moving your hips against the rough fabric of his jeans. He quickly recognised this and wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing lightly to get some of your attention. 
“Peter,” you whimpered, near to tears with how close you were to climaxing, “Peter please,”
“What is it princess? You want to cum? Is that it?”
You nodded quickly, “Please,”
“Go ahead princess,” he grinned, smashing his lips against your to swallow your moans as you came on his thigh, your hips moving in slow strokes to prolong the feeling. You pulled away after a few moments of feverish kissing, your arms falling limp around his shoulders.
“Fuck,” you sighed, your forehead falling against his with the breathless laugh, “That was-”
“Great? Amazing? The best experience of your life?” he laughed, falling back against the mattress, pulling you down with him. You giggled, shoving your face in his neck and inhaling his comforting scent.
“Yeah,” you turned your head to face him, pouting when a piece of his hair fell in front of his stunning eyes. You moved it out of his face, kissing his nose in the process, “I liked it a lot,”
“That’s good, that’s good,” he whispered, tightening his arms around you.
All of a sudden you felt something poke at the inside of your thigh. It took you a few moments to realise that he was hard and was probably aching to get off at this point in the night. 
“Do- do you want me to help?” you said shyly, sitting up on your hands to fully face him.
“You don't have to princess,” his hands passed up and down your waist, “Seeing you fall apart from my thigh is all I needed tonight,”
The twitch of his eye and dryness of his lips told you otherwise. 
“Are you sure?” you bit your lip, moving your hand slowly down to his hard on, “because I don’t mind helping Petey,”
You didn’t know where the nickname came from but it was too late to take it back. Judging by the dark look in his eyes and the almost cynical look on his face he didn’t mind.
“You want to help me princess? Are you sure you know what you’re in for?”
You shook your head eagerly, “Just tell me what you want,”
“And what if i want you to suck my cock?”
“I would do it,”
“Do what?”
“Su- suck your cock,” you replied bashfully looking down at your hands now intertwined on his stomach.
“Aww, is my princess getting shy?” he fake pouted, “After getting off on my thigh like a slut, you’re getting shy about taking me in your mouth?”
“It’s alright princess i’ll guide you through it,” he reached down to unzip his jeans, shuffling awkwardly to push them down so he could get his member out. You watched as his hard dick slapped against his chest, big and throbbing.
He moved your hips back so that you straddled his legs this time, taking your hand and raising it to your mouth.
“Spit,” he instructed, looking up at you with hunger, “Now,”
You hesitantly spit into your hand, watching in awe as the wad fell into your hand.
“Good girl,” he sighed, moving your hand to wrap your small finger around the base of his cock, “Have you ever jerked someone off princess?”
“Just two,” you respond hesitantly.
Peter gritted his teeth, trying to get the idea of you touching anyone else out of his mind, “Well let's make this your third and final guy hmm?” his breath hitched when you started to move your hand up and down his cock, “You’re mine now princess,”
In the spur of the moment you leaned down, licking the red tip of his member, “Only yours,” you whispered before taking him halfway in your mouth, gagging and pulling yourself back up.
“Take your time princess,” he gulped, “fuck but you could do that again if you’d like though,”
You giggled, licking and kissing the sides of his cock and taking it once more, reaching further than this time than you did the last. You bobbed your head continuously only raising your head to take a breath and going in again.
“Fuck princess, I knew your mouth would be good,” he groaned, “You’re doing so well, taking my cock so good down your throat, fuck!”
You smiled around his length, the back of your throat contracting around the tip making him moan your name. Before he could praise you even more, someone's voice cut his words off.
“Everything alright in there?” MJ said through the door but you were too lost in your daze to answer or recognise her voice.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Peter smirked, pushing you to take the rest of his cock, “We’re just going to take longer than expected,”
Part two maybe??
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7@wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r
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Rainy Afternoon- Klaus Hargreeves x reader
Summary: It’s supposed to be movie night, though Klaus always seems to change that in one way or another.
Warning: fluff, smut mentions
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Klaus gently grabbed your shoulders, his face inches from yours as he looks deeply into your eyes, “We’re watching Twilight.” He says softly in the most gentle and sweetest of voices, like he telling you he loves you for the first time or something of the sort.
You let out an amused snort, “No, we are not.” The words leaving your lips bluntly and with as much enthusiasm as a stick.
Laying sprawled out on yours and Klaus’ shared apartment bed, your eyes trailing over the chipped white ceiling as your cuddly man hugs your torso. You couldn’t feel happier or more loved right now in this very moment while a storm rages against the window.
It’s about three in the afternoon and the clouds don’t seem to want to move, nor does the sky appear to remain keen on halting its assault of never ending water droplets onto the city below. But that’s all well and fine with you and Klaus on this lazy Thursday.
So far the two of you have half successfully baked a chocolate cake and eaten mostly all of it for your breakfast/lunch like the health conscious adults you are. Then for almost two hours you both danced around the apartment like wild hoodlums, making sure to push all the furniture aside for safety and to better show off your fantastical dancing skills. After that rush of excitement and heavy physical activity, you both stuck your heads out the window to let the soft pattering of the rain cool you two off.
Once that was done, Klaus dragged your bum to the bedroom for some kisses and a needed cuddle session now resulting in the two of you laying in your casual positioning for the time being. The only sounds to be heard is the pouring of the rain outside and Klaus’ dramatic sighing he does when he wants your attention.
Though you’re trying to ignore it just to fuck with him, even so, it appears your man will not let the room stay in a peaceful quietness. With Klaus. Never.
“What if we had tails?” Randomly questions Klaus, the feel of his hard chin digging into your rips as he tries to look up at you for an answer.
Tilting your head down ever so slightly to meet his emerald gaze you smirk, “What if you shut the fuck up?”
Abruptly lifting himself off of you, you’re left slightly colder as his face feigns offense, “Rude.” He tisks in disapproval, “Y/N you kiss me with that mouth.” He giggles, moving to hover over you, both of his muscular arms to either side of your face.
Looking up into his green irises you can’t help the love struck smile that tugs at the corners of your lips, “You’re one to talk considering yesterday I was making you say a whole lot worse while we were...”
Suddenly his lips are on yours and the slight chill you might have once had is gone in an instant. He’s warm and welcoming as always, letting this moment take its sweet time as he slowly lowers himself flush against you.
Feeling the full weight of Klaus is a solid blessing, he’s warm and enough to cover your smaller frame which is always nice. Soon he’s caressing your hair as his legs fall on the mattress in between your thighs while he continues to move gently against your lips.
All to soon Klaus pulls away, resting his elbows against the bed as he stares deeply into your beaming gaze and almost swollen lips from the swiftly pleasant previous events. His hair is a usual mess, dark brown locks throwing themselves every which way. His unkempt mane is slightly longer then normal but you’re not complaining, gives you something to tug when you’re getting rawed into the mattress.
Without a second to spare he leans down to press a sweet kiss upon your lips before pulling away just as quickly, a mischievous glimmer to his eye that sends an electric bolt of excitement into your body.
Letting your finger tips lightly drag down the side of his handsome features, he closes his eyes as you smile, “I know that look. What do you have in mind we do next?”
Opening his eyes once more, he kisses your cheek, “Oh I have something very intriguing swirling through this wonderland.” He quips, ever so slightly pressing into you as he pecks the corner of your lips.
“Klaus.” You halfheartedly warn, “You’re treading on some very dangerous territory my love, are you even prepared?” You purr, sending shivers down his naked spine as you drag your nails gently down his back, causing the man to close his eyes in pleasure. “You are weak to my power.”
Leaning his head against yours, Klaus tugs at a small lock of your hair, “Y/N. You have no fucking idea.” He mutters lowly, oh you got him now.
“You are nothing but a simple weary traveler who’ve lost their way in the storm.” You whisper, “Wandering, lonely, desperate...”
“Y/N.” He warns, though there is no real threat that could make you fall back in fear, Klaus loves when you act like this. God you’ve got him by a string.
“A man alone is no way to live in this world. It’s a fortunate thing I have found you then, and taken you into my castle.” Your words are soft and sensual as your body begins to press up into his growing member, “Now look at us, how far things have gone from when I found you alone in the woods. Now you’re tiny and desperately in need of being touched.”
“Oh lord.” Mumbles Klaus as you tug at his tiny neon boxers, your lips dancing across his cheeks the whole time.
Panting from Klaus’ persistent love making capabilities that’s left you sweaty and slightly sore in more areas then your thighs. You take a deep satisfied breath, body nude and hot as you lay against the beds soft blankets, listening to the pitter patter of rain against the window.
Klaus is a sight to behold, with his hair a wild jungle and his body absolutely glistening in the neon lights of your room. He lays on his back next to you, eyes closed as his face reveals a big dumb smile blessing his handsome features for you and only you to enjoy.
His naked chest rises and falls in repetitive slow waves as he keeps a single hand protectively against your wrist that’s closest to him. You can tell he’s spent, giving all of himself to you in many positions and various places throughout the room is no easy feat. But you’re worth everything to him.
You blink up at the ceiling, immensely enjoying the feeling of being naked and completely vulnerable to the world in this very moment. Though the prying eyes of the universe isn’t a huge problem right now, you’re just grateful to have someone like Klaus who absolutely worships you.
He’s never made you feel like shit, never judged you, let you down when you needed him most, or mocked you for anything. He’s always made sure to keep you close and to never let his addictions get in the way of your love and deep friendship. Sure he’s struggled, but you’ve always been there to reach out a hand when he stumbles.
And for that he owes you everything, possibly even his life. Though he’d never want to fully admit that, he’s still a bit stubborn in those areas. But without a doubt he has always shown you how much you mean to him, and that means more to you then anything in the whole wide world.
Gently tapping your wrist, Klaus stirs from beside you, “Y/N.” He whispers, causing you to turn your attention over to him.
“Yes?” You whisper back, eyes trailing from his lips over to his emerald eyes.
He breaks out into a cute little smile when your gaze meet, “I’m hungry.”
“Me too.” You confirm, shifting yourself on the bed so that you’re now laying on your stomach facing Klaus, “I have a fantastic idea and it involves you going to get us something to eat.”
“Blah.” Complains Klaus with a pout, “Can’t we just order gummy worms? Oh, some of that Thai from Fifth Avenue?”
Shaking your head you chuckle, “I’m afraid not, they don’t serve gelatin sour candy or have delivery.”
“Well....we could go on a heist to the 7 eleven, you wanna join me?” You ask while gently twirling his hair with your fingers as he thinks of an excuse or hopefully a more positive answer.
“Ugh but the rain.” Whines your man as he throws his arm up to point dramatically at the window before it falls back onto the bed with a thwump sound. “Why do humans need to eat?”
Leaning your head down, you gently kiss his lips for a few moments to silence his dull excuses before pulling away once more, “Why do humans need to fuck?” You whisper to him in the darkly lit room as rain continues to softly patters against the glass.
Raising a brow, you watch as his lips shift into a grin, “Fair point my dear. Fair point.” He mumbles while reaching a hand up to press your lips against his once more. He tastes so sweet and delicious, but alas your stomach growls in defiance as it complains of your hunger.
Tugging on his hair, you lift your head up to give him a half annoyed look, “Stop kissing me. We need to eat something and the fridge is empty.”
Smiling cheekily he softly caresses your skin, “Why can’t I just eat you instead? I know how absolutely scrumptious you are.” Sweet talks Klaus in that compellingly sly voice of his that absolutely drives you wild.
Biting your bottom lip, you contemplate taking him up on that implied offer just as another pang of hunger curls in your body. “I’m thinking cheap frozen pizza. How about you hot-stuff? And anyways, what else you got going on?”
“Showing my girlfriend how much I love her on this fine day?”
“I like it, but wrong answer.” You reply with a smirk, “Now come on, let’s get some food so we can come back here and be lazy again.”
Klaus rolls his eyes, “Grrr fine. But only because I love you.”
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chloe-online · 3 years
hi, i know i have requests i should be doing but i wanted to write some little short fics for some of my boys. each one is based off a randomly generated word. these are all very short, I'm just finally getting back into writing after a while so i do apologize. this is heavily inspired by @ravenrune, they did this and it made me want to try it. you can find their fic here. enjoy!
warnings: a little bit of dirty talk? mentions of death, slight dark themes, swearing
total words: 1209
all four stories under the cut
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Carlos Oliveira x reader | words: 255
the door slammed behind him as Carlos entered his apartment. he trudged to his desk and plopped in the chair with a groan. if you were still here he'd be holding you while you whisper sweet nothings into his ear, assuring him that its okay, hes home with them now. instead, he sits alone with his head in his hands.
He lifted his eyes and set his focus on a little cardboard box labeled "y/n notes". he dragged it towards him, lifting his head. opening the little box it was clear that it contains old notes that y/n left for him in his lunch. he started reading some of them.
"hi handsome, i cut your sandwich into little hearts! i hope you like them, its pb and j. i love you so much and cant wait to welcome you home later ;)"
"Carlos if you don't pick up your pjs you just threw on the floor when you get home you can do your own laundry for a week. i love you but clean up after yourself >:("
"happy two year anniversary! clearly, you have a very special lunch. i cant wait to see you later. i have a very special night planned ;) i love you and your butt <3"
carlos wiped the tears from his eyes. he missed the lunches you gave to him before work, and he loved when you would surprise him by taking him out for lunch with permission from his boss. he missed you. whoever was responsible for your death, was gonna pay.
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leon kennedy x reader | words: 264
"leon! no!" you squealed out squirming from leons touch. he pulled you close to his face.
"now will you kiss me?" he asked in a playfully intimidating tone.
"tickling wont make me kiss you, idiot!" leon pulled away and started attacking your sides again. laughter and squeals filled the room and you tried wiggling from his grip.
you sat on his lap and went in for a kiss but then swerved him, causing him to tickle you endlessly.
"o-okay leon, you win!" you managed to say between giggles. you put your arms around leons neck and he held your back. you leaned into the kiss, tilting your head. you pulled away, looking leon in the eyes. then he started tickling your sides.
"l-leon! no, stop! leon! leon! le-"
"-on! snap out of it," helena pushed leon against the wall.
"kennedy quit pretending your home with y/n, we have a mission to do and its more important. we're almost done dammit."
pretend. is that all that was? it felt so real, he just wanted to go home to y/n.
"sorry helena, i just miss them. 6 months on a mission, I'm allowed to miss my fiance."
"just focus, if we get this done tonight then you can see them. this mission is more important."
"well maybe I'm tired of going on missions, i just want to live a normal live, marry my fiance. everytime i go on these stupid missions i pretend and you cant change that." helena was silent, maybe that was a good thing. leon was done talking about this anyway.
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chris redfield x reader | words: 369
you jumped at the sound of thunder, it wasn't supposed to thunderstorm tonight and you were excited but the thunder scared you. lightning is what you were excited for, large, electric bolts dancing in the night sky was something you and Chris loved to look at.
"y/n get your coat on."
"why? we're going to miss the lightning show if we go out now."
"babe, trust me, just please get your shoes and coat on"
you were slightly sad to miss the lightning but you loved chris so you went to get your shoes on.
"so where are we going anyway?" you asked as you slipped your coat on.
"get in the car and you'll see" he replied with a smile.
you stepped outside and frowned, it looked so beautiful but you and Chris can see it some other time. quality time with him was well needed, you thought as you got in the car.
chris pulled up into the parking lot of a gas station. he's probably just getting gas. suddenly your door opened and you looked over to see Chris holding it open.
"c'mon lets go get some snacks," you stepped out and took his hand. you each limited yourselves to a drink and a small snack. you choose an iced tea, and a small bag of bbq chips while Chris chose a blue gatorade and a pack of Swedish berries for the two of you to share.
you both got back into the car and Chris drove away. you cursed at yourself for getting your nice shoes wet from the rain. chris passed you the aux cord so you could play some music. you were searching your spotify playlist when the car came to a stop, you picked a song and looked up to see you were parked in the middle of nowhere with a clear sight of the lightning.
chris looked over at you and smiled. you guys' favorite song was playing, you had snacks, there was a beautiful lightning show in front of you, and best of all, you had each other.
afterward, you guys just went driving until you were tired. you were glad to have someone like Chris in your life.
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karl heisenberg x reader | words: 318
no one knows how you did it. he was a very broken, anger-driven man that no one could get close with. he had patience for no one, he didn't feel sympathy for anyone, and didn't give a shit about anyone. he was rough, careless, and very closed off. while you were this very kind, patient, soft, caring, amazing person who was secretly closed off. it was an unlikely duo, but in some way, you changed that man, you tamed him and created someone almost completely different. while he still hated miranda and was determined to get you both free, he was still a changed man.
you ran you're fingers through karls messy hair, occasionally giving him kisses on his hairline. telling him you loved him and that you cared for him. karl never felt like this for anyone, you were his anchor and if he lost you he'd surely lose himself.
he felt something with you that he just couldn't explain, you were patient with him even when he threw tantrums. he felt safe with you everytime he was in your embrace or he was holding you. he knew he could tell you anything without judgment. you changed his morals, and his ways of life for the good and he couldn't be happier now that your his.
he's never been loved before, neither has he loved someone. he's never had a reason to. everyone in his life was shitty until you showed up. you were the light in his life.
"i love you karl," you peppered kissed on his forehead. he looked up and you with a look you've never seen before, hope. he had hope in you, hope that he'd have you in his life till yours or his last breath. unfortunately, your final breath came sooner than hed hoped. he promised he'd love you for eternity, even though you were gone he wouldn't break that promise.
me posting? wow incredible. i hope you enjoyed this little post. go check out ravenrunes, its even better. just wanted to say chris' is bad but i couldn't be bothered to fix it, I'm incredibly tired and I'm sorry.
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interlunium-opus · 3 years
"I hate him spending time with you more than I hate running so you know, priorities." [ Jay. ]
[ Jay | fluff ]
Author’s Note: Here's a fluff in response to the following request "Can you maybe do a fluff/crack for Jay where maybe he felt a little jealous when you praised someone for their skill and he immediately goes competitive mode and openly tries to show how he's far better indirectly to the guy?" Hope it's close to what you have in mind and hope you like it :3
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“Do you have anything to explain to me?”
You jumped, startled, as Jay appeared beside you while you were busy shoving your textbooks into your locker, “Jay! What did I say about sneaking up on people?”
“And what did I say about not keeping secrets between us?” Jay snapped back, arms crossed, brows raised, “Is this how much our friendship is worth?”
“My goodness, what is it this time?” You sighed as he fished his phone out of his pocket, turning it to show you a candid picture of you and Sunghoon from last night.
“I mean seriously, of all people to date, you have to go for this pretentious prick?” Jay scoffed before gesticulating wildly, “Look, I know I said that you need to stop being aromantic and start planting some sort romantic interest somewhere — but Sunghoon is just ain't it. In fact ! I’d rather you date the spawn of the devil, Jungwon, instead.”
You snorted a laugh before shaking your head dismissively, “Dude, we were just running last night okay? Does that even look like a date to you?”
“Okay,” he repeated sarcastically, “but you love running alone! So why are you suddenly running with someone — and not just anyone but this prick???”
“I really don’t get why you two hate each other so much,” you raised an eyebrow at Jay, “Look we just happened to bump into each other last night and since we were heading the same way, he asked if I don’t mind him tagging along for the remainder of the way — no big deal.”
“Ughh, that’s the oldest trick in book,” Jay scrunched his face, “And you said yes?”
“I mean — we’re not exactly strangers, we have been in the same tutorial class together for more than a year now," you mumbled as you zip your bag up, "He's a good running partner too. His pace was so stable and steady that it made me stuck to mine as well — I mean, duh, he's an athlete after all."
"Hey, I can run well too," Jay grumbled defensively, "You know if you needed a running partner, you could've called me right?"
“Maybe if you were as fit as I am, she would have,” Sunghoon suddenly appeared beside Jay, peering over his shoulder to look at the picture on his phone, “That’s a good picture of me and y/n — no wonder you got jealous.”
“Speak of the devil,” Jay rolled his eyes, “Aren't you a bit too greedy over what I have? first, you took up my spot for the dance competition and now you're trying to make a move on my girl."
"Jay, that was 2 years ago — get over it. You've taken my spot afterwards for the Summer competition anyway so we're actually even," Sunghoon retorted, "Also, she's not your girlfriend anyway so your territorial behaviour is pretty misplaced."
"Guys, cut it out," you shut your locker close with extra force in an effort to shut the squabbles, "Also, why am I suddenly dragged into your petty fights."
"Right sorry about that, he's just always trying to pick a fight with me," Sunghoon shook his head dismissively before turning to you and beamed, "Just stopping by to ask if you're running again tonight 'cause I would love to join again. It’s off season for ice-skating so I thought it's the perfect time to get back to running again."
“Oh? Yeah I am going tonight as well, just a tad bit late in the evening though. I want to finish up some work at the library first,” you smiled back at Sunghoon, ignoring Jay’s burning stare, “You know you can start ahead if you want — don’t want you waiting too long in case I'll take too much time at the library.”
“I’ll go when you go, don’t worry,” he reassured as he backed away, joining Heeseung who was waiting for him, “I’ll text you alright? Looking forward to tonight!”
You nodded and waved at him before turning to Jay, “What?”
“That’s it,” Jay clasped his hands together, “I’ll run with you tonight — and the next.”
“Jay, don’t be ridiculous, you hate running,” you emphasized, “which is why I never asked you to run with me.”
“Hey — I can love running if it’s for you,” he winked, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, dragging you past the crowded hallway towards your next class, “Or let me paraphrase: I hate him spending time with you more than I hate running so you know, priorities.”
“your priorities are all skewed then," you clicked your tongue, "Well, as long as you don't hurt yourself."
The next morning however Jay did not show up in Modern Political Thought seminar that you guys have every Thursday morning. Though the guy is such a sleepyhead, he never misses a class even when he pulled up an all-nighter the night before. So this sudden absence, paired with the fact that he managed to run a whole 5km without stopping last night, was sowing seeds of suspicions and guilt within you. To make things worse, he did not even respond to any of your messages for the last 5 hours.
That was why you ended up being in front of Jay's apartment instead of having your lunch that noon. "Hi!" you immediately say as the door of Jay's apartment opened. It was Jake, his flatmate, with his lids only half-opened and hair all disheveled, "y/n?"
"Sorry for waking you up Jake," you smiled apologetically, "Is Jay home? He missed a Politics seminar this morning and he didn’t respond to my text at all — just wanna make sure he’s alright.”
“mmhmm, pretty sure he’s in," he answered drowsily before yawning, "but probably, still hibernating.”
“Oh okay, do you mind if I come in?”
Jake nodded, backing up as he held the door open, “Of course, come in — it’s messy though.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassured, making your way towards the room at the end of the hallway. As you knocked on his door, Jake suddenly shouted from the kitchen, “don’t bother knocking y/n — that guy sleeps like a log. Just go in.”
“Uhh…” you bit your lip, slightly hesitating but relented when your subsequent knocks yielded no answer.
“Jay? I’m entering okay?” you say as you let yourself in, carefully navigating around the dark room, stumbling a few times against some random furnitures.
"Jake, get out okay-" you hear him grumble from underneath the covers, tossing the other way, "just let me... sleep mo..re."
As you neared his bed, you reached over to his bedside table and turned on the lamp. Suddenly, Jay rose from the covers, his hand gripping your wrist, grunting "Jake what did I just say-"
Trailing off, he looked at you with brows furrowed in a mix of annoyance and confusion, before his expressions gradually soften "y/n?"
"dude, you almost gave me a heart attack," you muttered, sighing exasperatedly.
"Sorry, I thought it was Jake trying to disturb me again," he softened his grip and rubbed your wrist as if he had just hurt it, "Did I hurt you?"
"My heart, almost but my hand is fine," you pulled your hand away, "How about you?"
"What about me?"
"You missed class this morning," you crossed your arms.
"It's just one class, no big deal. I just overslept-"
"Is that all?" you raised an eyebrow before pointing at the crumpled muscle relief patch packs and pain relief creams strewn messily across his bedside table, "Did someone overexert himself last night?"
"Fine, I didn't come to class partly because my legs are sore," he shrugged, "but hey, I ran as much as Sunghoon did! Aren't you proud of me?"
"Not if it's at the cost of your legs!" you replied exasperatedly, "Come on, where is the rational Jay that I know? he wouldn't have let his competitiveness and ego cloud his judgements like this."
"It's just normal post-workout sore, I've had it a couple of times before," he reassured, "Also, I may hate running. But I'm actually good at HIIT and strength training so I'm not all that unfit as you think I am. Or he thinks."
"All that just so you can prove him wrong?"
"No of course not, I couldn't care less about him," he huffed, "I just wanted you to know that I can pace well with you too."
"Jay, that does not make it any better-"
"Probably also to convince you that I make a better running partner than Sunghoon," he sniggered.
"Well, guess what, you can't run if your legs are hurt," you quipped.
"Oh shit, that's true," he muttered under his breath, "Well post-workout sore usually last between 3-7 days so I'll be good as new after that. Running partners?" he stretched his hand out as if asking for a handshake.
You sighed, grabbing his outstretched hand, shaking it as if you guys are signing on a pact, "Only if you promise not to overexert yourself next time."
"Promise," his smile widened, "Have you had lunch? I'll cook something up for you."
"Your legs are hurt though."
"They're sore not hurt," Jay emphasized, scooting to the edge of his bed, "Also even if they are hurt, I cook with my hands not legs so..."
You chuckled, "Well sir, if you insists."
"Of course, wouldn't let my girl go out of this house famished," he wrapped an arm over your shoulder, grinning gleefully.
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