#force dyad au
moem3 · 1 year
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thekidsarentalright · 9 months
pete and patrick are very drift compatible and force dyad to me (if that concept existed in george lucas star wars i just know in my heart that obi-wan and anakin would be a force dyad (platonically ofc))
anon u are SOOO real and true for this god. they come as close to mind melding and telepathic communication as you can i swear. if they were in the star wars universe i think their connection would be too powerful theyd be so in tune w each other if they were jedis theyd be unstoppable
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raelle-writing · 1 year
Fic sneak peek: In the In Between
I've been teasing this on Twitter for a bit, but I've started working on a VegasPete Star Wars AU that literally no one asked for, but that I think will be really fun. So here's a sneak peek of the prologue... as well as a moodboard made for me at the bottom!
Some quick context: Vegas is training to be a Sith and Pete is training to be a Jedi. In this clip, they're both 8 years old and facing a trial to claim their Kyber crystals, though they're on different planets
Vegas leaned against the limestone wall of the cave, panting. He’d been fighting off Force visions for quite a while now. They took the shape of humanoid-like shadows that attacked him with blunt weapons. He was able to fend them off with his training saber, but the worst part of it was the way they whispered in his head, pointing out his insecurities. 
You’ll never be good enough.
You’ll fail, just like your father expects.
You’ll never pass this trial. You’ll never be a true Sith. Your father will abandon you here to die, and you’ll deserve it.
 How long had he been in here? He wasn’t sure. He hoped not five hours. He didn’t like the prospect of being stuck on this swamp rock for the rest of his life. Because his father would never come back for him. He knew that for a fact.
And he didn’t want to stay here any longer. The things these Force visions whispered to him were so terrible, so awful, such echoes of Vegas’ secret fears… it made him want to scream. 
He grit his teeth and a flash of something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He glanced over, raising his training saber, then paused. Because it wasn’t a shadowy force figure. No, it was… the boy from his dreams.
He wandered by, expression tight and determined, wearing tan robes and brown pants, his hair fluffy, though strands of it stuck to his face with sweat, one hand extended in front of him as if feeling his way. Vegas barely had time to blink before he disappeared.
For a moment, Vegas had an insane urge to run after him and figure out what he was doing here. Why would he be seeing glimpses of that boy now? 
He didn’t know. But the determined look on his face helped him to find that same strength inside of himself. He pushed himself up from the wall and continued further into the cave, extending his hand out in front of himself as he went, trying to see if he could sense his way.
The feeling got stronger. Pete edged along, now having to rely entirely on the Force because the cave was pitch black. That was okay, he could feel the way. He could sense it, the pull – something incredibly right was in front of him. Getting closer by the step. So close now.
A moment later, he took another step and was blinded by sudden light, having to blink and squint around. He found himself in a small cavern, glistening with white gems, casting a pale light over everything. It just felt blinding after the complete and utter darkness before. Pete blinked and steadied himself. There was one large crystal, almost as tall as him, directly ahead of him, imbedded into the rock of the wall. The feeling inside of Pete tugged him forward, toward that rock, so he did, walking slowly toward it, feeling apprehensive. At the last moment, the feeling changed and he directed his attention shifted to one side. There was a clear stone right next to large crystal, and it glimmered brighter than the others where it was embedded in the wall.
Pete swallowed, heart racing as he stepped closer, standing right in front of the large rock, now, and reached out, fingers closing around the gem in the wall. The feeling sent a shiver down his spine, and he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this was his crystal. But it was also imbedded in the wall, and no matter how much he tried to wiggle it, he couldn’t budge it. 
He tried to tug a few more times, but his fingers slipped off each time. It made him step back and consider for a moment. He didn’t have any weapons with him to try and pry it loose… so he really only had one option. He closed his eyes, raised his hand, palm out, and focused. The gem was his, after all. So he simply called out to it in the Force, and felt it echo back to him. Come to me.
Vegas was panting and exhausted when he finally stumbled into a lighter part of the cave. The limestone, vine-covered walls were dotted with shimmering crystals, and this was the one part of the cave that didn’t feel as oppressive with menacing energy. 
Directly across the cave from him was a large, white stone, leaning against the wall as though propped there by the last person who came. Vegas ignored it, eyes shifting around the walls of the cave, his hand held up as he tried to feel, tried to find…
There. A shimmering crystal near the larger one caught his attention, and he quickly strode over, relief flooding him. Hopefully this meant he could make it out okay… he had to at least try. 
The crystal came loose with one firm tug and he had it in his palm. It burned through him with pure, unbridled energy, and the feeling was both exhilarating and terrifying. It almost burned in his palm, but not with heat. He shivered, and glanced up, gaze almost automatically finding the large crystal across next to him. The surface of it seemed to shiver for a moment, then it shifted, and Vegas blinked, stepping closer. It almost looked like a window, now, and he could see through it…
And it was that boy again, on the other side. He stood right in front of the weird portal, eyes closed, hand extended, a furrow between his brows. Vegas couldn’t help just stopping to look at him, surprised. He’d never gotten to look so closely before, since the boy was often just on the periphery of his attention… but now, it was clear the boy had pleasant features, and he was young – still the same age as Vegas, if he had to guess – with fluffy hair that fell into his eyes and pink, pleasant lips. 
Who are you? wondered Vegas as he stared. 
A moment later, the boy made a small sound of surprise and then a shimmering gem floated into view. The boy’s eyes flew open and he caught the gem in his hand, looking a mix between shocked and elated, and Vegas had barely a moment to process that the crystal looked like a Kyber crystal before the boy’s gaze shifted, and he made eye contact with Vegas.
The Kyber crystal almost burned in Pete’s grasp, but he couldn’t focus on that, because he glanced at the large crystal next to him, and found himself staring at a familiar figure. That same boy as before, the one who had wandered through Pete’s dreams and meditations for years. The one in all black. He was pale and looked tired, with somewhat long hair that was pushed back out of his face and fell down to curl just a little at the base of his neck where it hit his shoulders. His face had the markings of what might someday be striking, sharp features. But they still looked soft, now, a little dulled down by baby fat. 
Pete had never gotten to look so close before and couldn’t help staring for a moment. Again, he had to wonder, what was this boy doing here? Was he a vision? He had to be… but it looked like he was in another crystal cave. Was he real? Some weird Force vision to trick him?
He didn’t know, but he couldn’t stop looking for a moment. The boy stared back, for a long moment. And neither of them said anything. 
But then, Pete remembered the trial. He remembered that he had to get out of the cave by nightfall, or he’d have to break through an ice barrier to get out. And if he couldn’t, he’d fail the trial, even though he’d found the crystal.The boy had to be a distraction. So Pete tore his gaze away, shook his head, and turned and walked away. He had to focus. Jedi didn’t let themselves be distracted, after all.
This fic will be posted in the next couple of weeks though idk exactly when just yet!
ETA: I forgot to add the moodboards whoops! These were made for me by @.RLcosplay on Twitter
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mayhemspreadingguy · 4 months
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An AU in which forming a Force dyad is a revered phenomenon, as it gifts the dyadic Force users with unique powers and deepens their attunement to the Force. This occurrence is still sporadic, but common enough for a ceremony to be created. It is a tradition to officially unite two such Jedi in a temple-recognized relationship.
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marisol-000 · 24 days
Clipped Birds Don't Fly
I've decided to not take ao3 going down as a sign and post this anyways ❤
Magpie Au by @dyad-tmesis! Jekyll and Hyde are separate in this one. Everyone knows about Hyde’s wings, but very few know about Jekyll’s.
<ao3 link>
It was a day like any other when Jasper walked into Doctor Jekyll -Henry's office. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and Sinnet blew something up for the second time that day.
The were-boy had been hanging out in Rachel’s kitchen, dangling his legs and trying to look interested in what the day-manager was saying.
“-and that's the last time I let those two ‘help out’! I mean honestly you’d think they were children but I’d think even children would know not to use the same gloves for dishes you use to carry hazardous materials around!” she huffed, chopping some veggies with a bit too much force.
Jasper wasn't quite as sure but knew better than to disagree with someone holding a large knife.
“And on top of all the new dishes we need to buy I still need Doctor Jay to approve this week's meal plan, in case that wretch Frankenstein has any dietary restrictions, Ooh if I could get my hands on her-”
At this Jasper straightened up, his ears perking. “I could ask him if you need!”
It wasn't that he didn't like Rachel, or her stories, but it always felt awkward to be in a room with someone and not be working. Especially when they were. If she wouldn't let him help cook then he could certainly run a small errand or two! And admittedly he wouldn't mind an escape from her tirades…he still liked her though! (Not like-like, well, yes like-like but not not like-like)
She looked back, blinking. “Oh? If you're sure. You don't have to if you're tired, I know I couldn't sleep in the same room as all those creatures of yours.”
“Ha, I grew up on a farm miss Rachel, at this point I doubt I could sleep without them. And just one list won’t take long!” he begged.
She considered it for a moment, looking a bit put-out. “Hrmm. Fine, I can't say no to those puppy-dog-eyes. But you need to repeat exactly what I say, got it?”
Jasper grinned and nodded rapidly.
He walked in without knocking. A stupid mistake in hindsight. He knew better than most how important privacy could be to a person, but while juggling the list of ingredients Rachel told him and their expected costs it just slipped his mind.
To say he was startled would be an understatement.
Jasper pushed open the heavy wood door to see Edward Hyde. He'd heard all about the man from Rachel and the other lodgers. A wild and intense party guy who didn't fit well with the society's image, leading many to speculate on why Jekyll hired him in the first place.
Some speculations were a bit more… scandalous than others, while some claimed they absolutely hated each other. He didn't really believe them all, nor did he want to think about his boss that way thank-you-very-much, but it did make him curious to meet the so-called ‘spirit of London at night’.
True to the stories he had bushy straw hair and bright green eyes, and of course a small pair of golden wings sprouting from his back. Bird-like and alive.
And Henry Jekyll stood over them with the largest pair of scissors Jasper had ever seen.
For a moment time seemed to slow down, Jekyll lowered the scissors, big things made of heavy metal, to the base of one of Hyde's wings.
Jasper had never seen the wings before, (a warbler maybe? Or some kind of parrot? he felt numb), as he'd never met the man they were attached to, but he'd seen feathers lying around the society. Even been shown some Rachel had secretly held on to. And the fluffy gold feathers matched the wings before him.
But all he could see was red.
Without a thought he lunged forward snarling with a force he hadn't known he was capable of. Eyes locked on the man who saved him from being arrested, he could practically feel his fur emerging, begging his nails to grow into claws.
Nothing happened as Jekyll snapped his eyes up at the growl, just now realizing he was there. The were-boy pushed forward regardless, he was stronger than the doctor. With or without a transformation.
A shout, his vision was cut off by a blur of yellow. Real claws in the form of dark talons swiped at his face.
He clashed with the man-bird-guy. Feeling a bit bad about it, he shoved him to the side to get to Jekyll. Or tried to. Edward Hyde held onto his arm like a lifeline, kicking what he could and even swiping at the boy's hair.
Jasper held off the black talons, and a gold wing that smacked him repeatedly on the head. The assistant was surprisingly strong for being so small. His hat went flying and his shaggy hair danced in his eyes in the small gusts.
Panicked arms cast out for something to grab onto. As bad as it felt to do Jasper grabbed Hyde’s other wing and pulled. The cryptozoologist knew birds’ wings were often stronger than they looked, and was experiencing it firsthand. He muttered something adjacent to an apology as he swung both himself and the avian around. Wincing at his cry of pain and cussing.
Once more throwing the man off he darts forward and lunges at the frozen doctor. Talons pull him back by his sweater to start the fight anew.
After some more tousling Jasper is pulled from the opposite direction, the were-boy yanked by his shirt collar. Away from Hyde who simply hisses and raises a wing in warning instead of following.
Jasper realized he couldn't see Jekyll behind Hyde anymore, and chanced a glance away to look behind himself. Of course, there was only one person it could be.
“How could you?!?” he howled, struggling in his grasp. He could barely believe this was happening, even if Henry didn't like Hyde, like the lodgers said, he wouldn't do something like this would he? What could the man possibly have done to deserve his wings being taken away?
“How could- what?! Mr. Kaylock I demand to know why you felt the need to attack my assistant!”
Hyde hopped back and landed in a crouch on the large desk behind him. “Yeah, I haven't even threatened you with the shovel talk yet!”
“You were trying to cut his wings off, I saw you!”
Jekyll's eyes went wide and brows creased with concern. The hand holding him fumbled and loosened. “What? I would never!”
As the boy whipped around, he paused, “Wait… you weren't?”
“Of course not! Goodness is that what you were so worked up about?” Jekyll sighed, running a hand through his brown (auburn?) locks. “Edward’s wing was snared. I was trying to untangle it.”
Jasper blinked, “You were?” For the first time he looked closely at Hyde's wing, the one that hadn't extended properly the whole fight, the one that wasn't currently being held up in a defensive position with the other.
There, wrapped tightly around the feathered appendage, was a thin wire. Jumbled up and twisted around like a cat stuck in yarn. He watched in shock for a moment as the wing twitched against the cord, pushing uncomfortably against the metal web.
The man himself looked equally as uncomfortable, and maybe a bit embarrassed.
“You see, Mr. Hyde got himself tangled in a clothing wire during his excursion, god knows how, and I was simply removing it from his wing.”
“Did not! It was a fight I tell you! With some very bad guys!” Hyde cried, waving his arms around. His free wing puffing up in protest.
Jekyll rolled his eyes, “Ah yes, a fight, my apologies.”
Jasper felt himself calming down, heart still racing but slower now. “Oh…I, yeah that makes more sense, ha… But-but wait, the scissors?”
It seemed to be Jekyll’s turn to look sheepish, “Well, I figured there was no pressing need to return it. I tried to undo it myself but it’s quite stuck on there. Not to mention Edward’s notorious for not sitting still.”
Jasper thinks about this, slowly relaxing his stance. Hyde watches him skeptically, lowering his wing in turn.
Suddenly Jasper’s shoulders slumped as low as they can, a sigh of air exiting with a whoosh. “Thank goodness. I don't know what I’d do if that were me. If I had wings and had to lose them like that. It’d be like cutting off my tail.”
Hyde snickered, “Didn’t know you cared so much about little ol’ me.”
He looked up immediately, “Of course! I mean, not you specifically, but, no one should have to lose parts of themself like that. Even if you don't like it, it's still part of you. It still IS you. And cutting it out or hiding it is like hiding part of yourself. If you got rid of your wings you wouldn't be the same you anymore.”
Something in Henry’s eyes softened.
“I must say Jasper I’m quite impressed with your resolve, it’s nice to know you wouldn't hesitate to stop someone you thought was causing harm. Even if it happened to be me!” Henry smiled, something almost like pride in his eyes.
“Ha, um, well,” Jasper blushed at the praise, rubbing the back of his head. “It’s nothing really, I…I…” Jasper froze dead, eyes wide as he realized what just happened. “I JUST TRIED TO ATTACK YOU OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!”
Later on Jasper has to embarrassedly explain what happened to Rachel, then, even more embarrassingly go back and give Henry the list XD
You're out of your mind if you think Rachel wouldn't throw hands with Frankenstein. Unlike the others she didn't grow up reading about and looking up to her; and if you think she's gonna stand for some ungrateful house guest punching her friend unprovoked you've got another thing coming. That being said, she wouldn't want to trigger any allergies on accident or go against any religion-related food preferences. Though mostly it’s in case it interferes w her medicine.
Fun fact the scissors Jekyll’s holding here are the ones in the sketch where he's cutting Edward's hair. They're just so big why did he use those ToT
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The sketch that inspired all this!
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osha-mirweek · 2 months
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Further details on Oshamir Week Prompts
Here are some further explanations on what each of the daily prompts entails (full text below the cut). If you have any other questions feel free to ask and we'll do our best to answer.
Day 1 - Canonverse AU: Works for this prompt should take place in the Star Wars universe but change something (or many things) from The Acolyte canon. Some exmaples include: Sith!Osha and Jedi!Qimir; neither were Jedi; Qimir meets Osha first; Osha never leaves the coven; etc. This includes all things considered canon divergence.
Day 2 - Legends & Lore: Works for this prompt can draw inspiration from myths, folklore, and fairytales from any culture or media! This includes re-imaginings of Greek mythology, Filipino folklore, and classic fairytales like Beauty and the Beast. This is probably a theme where artists and editors can really go wild. We can't wait to see what you'll create!
Day 3 - Bonds: Works for this prompt should include concepts such as arranged marriage, soulmates, reincarnation, prophecies, the red string of fate, etc. Force dyads can also fall into this category. Another name for this theme could be 'Fate/Destiny'.
Day 4 - Free Day: Free Day is for all fanworks that do not fall into any of the other six themes of Oshamir Week. Please do not post any works for 'The Dark Side', 'Fantasy', or 'Earth AU', on this day.
Day 5 - The Dark Side: Works for this day include the darker (and sadder) side of our emotions and favourite tropes. Jealousy, betrayal, possessiveness, as well as forbidden love, mind control, tragic endings: all fall under this category. Dubious consent, brainwashing, somnophilia, captor/captured, etc. should be posted on this day. Dead doves and dark subject matter are all permitted, just be sure to tag accordingly!
Day 6 - Fantasy: This theme includes any fantasy or supernatural elements such as magic, vampires, angels and demons, zombies, dragons, monsters, etc. Some elements may overlap with Legends & Lore, in which case you can post on either day. A Royalty AU with magical elements would post on this day. Works based on other fantasy media would also post on this day.
Day 7 - Earth AU: Any modern or historical AU will fall under this day's theme. This includes any works that place during the Victorian era, Regency era, Tang dynasty, Joseon era, etc., as well as university AU, coffee shop AU, athletes AU, and others. Works invoking dark academia or Gothic atmosphere would also fall under this day.
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Force sensitive Hux au
Kylo discovered that Snoke was suppressing Hux's abilities just to keep them apart. It is General Hux who was his dyad in force. Not Rey. But now without Snoke there is no one between them. And there is no one between Hux and force. And it is painful but Hux doesn't want to learn from Kylo. He doesn't trust him nor the force. He can't sleep, he hears voices, everything vibrates. And he feels emotions that aren't his. Its getting worse and worse. And he hates that the only thing that helps is being close to Kylo. But he can't deny It any more, or he will go mad. So one day Kylo found him curled up on his bed. Hux got up.
"Mh... Sorry. I was waiting for you"
"In my bed?"
"Yeah. Everything else vibrates and It made me want to vomit"
Kylo sat down close to him.
"You can go back to sleep. We will talk later. I can stay. " He answered Hux thoughts. Hux rubbed his face and laid down again. He was too tired to protest and having Kylo so close felt wonderful, so he just went back to sleep. After "okey Ren you can teach me but I will not call you master" talk they started immediately next day.
And Hux was indeed a fast learner. And after few weeks its kinda started to bother Kylo. A lot. Force was listening to Hux as it has never listened to Kylo before. Hux built his own saber. And it was flawless. Elegant. Pure white blade. How the fuck did he turned kyber white? Kylo didn't know. He knew that Hux was an kyber expert because of Strakiller, but he was never really interested in his research. Hux could meditate for hours. Kylo couldn't last even two. And it was tearing him apart because Hux was everything that he wasn't. Everything that he wanted to be.
Navigation consoles began to suffer again from his rage.
"Ren! Ren stop it immediately! Ren! Supreme Leader it is you own ship for the fuck sake!"
Kylo breathed out and deactivated the blade.
"What's going on? Ren?"
" am sorry"
" I Hope so. But i don't care about you being sorry i care for an explanation" and Kylo explained. And Hux was looking at him with disbelief.
" Oh come on. Enough of this whining Ren" he stopped him " Can you even hear yourself?"
" You alone told me that force is a path aren't you ? "
"Yes but..."
" So there is infinite number of paths. You can't blame me that i chose a different one. Actually if we are what you called It a dyad? Its perfectly logical that we are opposites. Let's say it clear there is nothing in control, in order about you. Just chaos. I could never live like this. "
" Yes but..."
"But but ... I told you stop whining like a child. Look at yourself. You are pure, raw force. You could go against Rancor with this red thing and ego of yours. And you're siting here and whine because i have a prettier lightsaber?"
"I... "
" And what? That my abilities are better? Are you joking? I didn't beat you in a duel even once. And how the fuck did you cracked kyber Ren? Because if i could do that Starkiller would be ready at least few years faster!"
"How the fuck did i cracked kyber? How the fuck did YOU make it WHITE!?"
"Wouldn't you like to know huh?" Hux smiled "Why don't you just ask?"
" I'am not Snoke. i'am not going to hide things from you. Do stop breaking consoles and start verbally communicating what's going on because i am tired of this hide-and-seek" Kylo was blinking at him. Hux sighed. "Come. I will show you kyber."
They did not arrive to laboratories because Kylo pressed him to the wall and kissed. Hux just moaned tilting his head back.
"Is it verbal enough Hux?"
" Its suggestive enough. First my quarters. Then kyber. " He said when he regained breath. " But enough of destroying my ship"
" Oh. Now it's yours ? "
" You just said i am better than you at basically everything? Shouldn't i be Supreme Leader then? " He mocked. He had never learnt that you have to be careful what you wish for. Kylo smiled amused and kissed back of his hand.
"You know what Hux? You are right" Hux blinked.
"I can see It now. Crystal clear. My destiny is to conquer, bring down empires. And lay them at your feet. Yours is to rule. "
And Hux for the first time in his life was absolutely speechless.
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matches-only-burn · 10 months
AU where kyber crystals get their power from channeling mighty force users that have passed on. Anakin connects to his on Ilum and starts seeing the ghost of the man that partially inhabits his blade.
All of the masters are like, 'oh yes the highly disturbed child we just saved from slavery has an imaginary friend that tracks this is fine' and then they look a little closer and see that a goddamn dyad has formed just from their force signature meeting and it very quickly becomes 'OH SHIT THE HIGHLY DISTURBED CHILD WE JUST SAVED FROM SLAVERY IS ACTUALLY SEEING GHOSTS'
shenanigans ensue
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intermundia · 2 years
hello! my name is will :) i have two sideblogs, @mgu-h for formula 1 and @merthurianity for merlin
what to expect here on main: it’s like half aesthetic posts and half star wars, specifically obi-wan and anakin, aka the team, with romantic obikin. i also post about ancient greece a bit, and applied my classics degree pointing out some cultural history of obikin dynamics.
i made edits of obi-wan saying “anakin” and anakin saying “master” at each other and a combo. i love to read about star wars and talk about it, esp. the revenge of the sith novel. sometimes i write meta about it all. i also collect star wars books too (more than 300 so far!)
i've also officially published more than 50 obikin stories! if you are interested in checking out what i have written, here are links and short descriptions of all my works, from novels to PWPs. i'm really proud to have reached this milestone (750k words! whew). thank you guys for all your support along the way <3
Novel-length stories:
Lex Talionis: COMPLETE Plotty, smutty, Sith AU. It’s my take on how Obi-Wan and Anakin could fall to the dark side, weaving in as much lore as I can. Force dyad, Sith’ari, Zygerria, etc. Obi-Wan and Anakin go through.. character development.. and it is dramatized in the changing way they have sex. I poured in all of my theories about metaphysics and the Force, all my knowledge about Augustus and how a Republic dies, all of my opinions about consent and agency. It has rough sex in it and some uncomfortable power dynamics that get resolved, so it is not for everyone, just a heads up. It is complete, and yes, there is a happy ending lol. War Drums: IN PROGRESS Darth Vader dies at the end of Return of the Jedi full of regret and wakes up in his 10-yr-old body after the events of the Phantom Menace. Young Obi-Wan struggles to acclimate to the death of Qui-Gon and the discovery that the boy he swore to train grew up into a Sith. Vader tries to use his knowledge to fix the galaxy and Obi-Wan uses his training to make sure they do it the right way. Anakin underwent his rite and is now an adult, galaxy beware. Murder Puppy: IN PROGRESS Obi-Wan’s decision to do more than flirt with the enemy ends up accidentally acquiring a clingy Sith acolyte, and he is tasked with holding his leash while they work together to end the war. This will probably end up around 40k so a bit shorter than the other two, which are chunkier
Core Oneshots: (my argument for the ship, basically)
Symposium: The story that started it all for me haha. I put Plato's Symposium in a word document and transformed it into a scene where Obi-Wan is forced to reconsider his relationship with Anakin, while dosed with an aphrodisiac, which leads to lines being crossed back in their hotel room. It suggests the erastēs/erōmenos dynamic that appears in much of my work. Unwrap, Wrap: Obi-Wan needs emotional hurt/comfort. This story has him fall apart, and Anakin help put him back together, after a traumatic battle late in the clone wars. Dramatizes the way that the war has muddied their roles and how much their lives are entangled. Obi-Wan gets a handjob in the shower, also, if that is relevant.
Longer Canon AUs: (8k+ words, AUs that take place in the GFFA)
Nostos: Technically a sequel to Symposium. It explores would happen if you took the dynamic established in Symposium and then put the characters in the canon end of Attack of the Clones. How would their behavior be impacted? How would the Jedi react to their decisions? Suckerpunch: Set during the Clovis arc, after Anakin had his jealous fight. Obi-Wan checks on him, and learns about both his marriage and the Tuskens. He doesn't want to lose his apprentice to the dark side, or a Senator. Ready Stance: Anakin is bored during a hyperspace journey during the clone wars, so he asks Obi-Wan to spar. Obi-Wan watches him warm up, they spar, and things escalate. This fic explores more core facets of their relationship, like the legacy teaching dynamic. Found, Fixed: Post-Zygerria Obi-Wan hurt/comfort. It’s similar to Unwrap, Wrap, except it’s told from Anakin’s POV and is much more explicit. It’s one of my rare bottom!Obi-Wan fic, he gets taken care of and comforted from being whumped so hard by the show. Anakin Sucks: Anakin has an oral fixation and it drives Obi-Wan to distraction over the course of the Clone Wars, 5+1 crack taken very seriously lol Make War: show!era Obi-Wan after fighting Vader on Mapuzo shares a dream with him while suspended in bacta. Warning for noncon!! Now with a second chapter set after their near miss on Jabiim. Third chapter based on the kenobi show finale hopefully will be out soon!
A/B/O Stories: (AUs that have this squicky trope, all set in GFFA)
Warm Blood: A/B/O fic that people seem to enjoy. Features omega Anakin having a suppressant failure on the battlefield and going into heat. Alpha Obi-Wan has to fight his way to him, and then tries to resist his instincts—until Anakin confesses his true feelings. Run Away With Me: A/B/O sequel to Warm Blood, tells the story of what happened after the mating, how they left the Jedi and what they’ve been doing. Anakin is preparing to go into heat, and Obi-Wan is helping him nest. Set during Revenge of the Sith, though they don’t know what’s happening in their isolation. Temporary Like Achilles: A/B/O fic. Alpha Obi-Wan is drugged by Dathomirian Nightsisters into a feral state, omega Anakin finds and rescues him. It's a fuck or die with feelings and ultimately a happy ending. Heat Haze: A/B/O fic. Alpha Obi-Wan is living alone on Tatooine, 10yrs post Mustafar. Omega Anakin is about to go into his first heat, and is searching for his mother during the Attack of the Clones. The Force shifts Anakin into the future, bringing the two together in time for Anakin’s heat to begin. Heat Shimmer: A/B/O fic. Alpha Obi-Wan is on Geonosis during Attack of the Clones, investigating. Preheat omega Darth Vader is on Geonosis 13 years later, and the Force decides to move him back in time for his heat. They fight, but it's impossible to fight some insticts. Give Up, Give In: A/B/O fic. Qui-Gon lived AU. Omega Obi-Wan is dosed with a heat inducer during a mission. Alpha Anakin who has loved the older Knight forever doesn’t handle that very well. Ends with Service Top Anakin, a favorite of mine
Longer Modern AUs: (8k+ words, developed AUs that attempt to model the canon dynamic in everyday life)
My Anankē: Classics AU is built on the premise that Obi-Wan would never break the rules re: teacher/student fraternization. He would rather endure years of mutual pining than act inappropriately. Once Anakin’s graduated though, that’s a different story. These are oneshots telling the story of their relationship. It is not told in chronological order, so each one basically opens up another window into their lives. Soulbound: Obi-Wan is a bossy lawyer who plays World of Warcraft. Anakin is an insecure veteran who is in Obi-Wan’s guild and drives him insane. They meet randomly in a bar, and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin acts the way he does because he likes to be bossed around—so he bosses him around. Zone of Truth: Obi-Wan basically helped raise Anakin through being his Big Brother mentor through a local gaming shop, eventually teaching him to drive and getting him an internship etc. Anakin graduates college and Obi-Wan turns into a ghost, for very good reasons, it turns out. Anakin’s betrayed him, and he’s betrayed himself.
Shorter Smutty AUs: (shorter stories, canon + AUs)
Snap, Crackle, Pop: Padawan Anakin gets braid tugging and spanking after behaving very badly during the Battle of Muunilinst early in the Clone Wars. Tilted: Anakin wakes up after Mortis in a female body and hides, struggling to come to terms with the change. Obi-Wan comes to check on him and reassure him, smut ensues. Make Your Siren’s Call: show!era Obi-Wan struggles to fall asleep in the cave from the photoshoot, and dreams about his old apprentice, full of guilt, angst, and smut Stress Relief: Sith-like/Dom!Obi-Wan is rough on eager!Anakin in their Temple apartment, plays on Master/Padawan dynamic. Unperishing Glory: Homeric AU, Anakin is Achilles-type Chosen One and Obi-Wan is his Patroclus-type mentor-friend, angsty sex Murder Puppy: Playful!Obi-Wan seduces raisedSith!Anakin during a duel, bringing him back to the light during sex. People seem to really like this one, it is one of the things I get the most asks about. I have plans for a short story to expand, it’s on the WIP list I promise. Unwelcome Guest: An AU where Obi-Wan couldn't strike Anakin down on Mustafar. Suitless!Vader comes to find him on Tatooine, and wants to be punished for mistakes, there is spanking involved. Rosetta Stone: Based on the Mummy, an AU where Obi-Wan is a librarian and Anakin is a former soldier, and they defeated a mummy together. Obi-Wan is oblivious and repressed, so Anakin has to be very forward. Safe as Houses: Based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Anakin is the slayer and Obi-Wan is his Giles-like librarian watcher. Anakin seeks Obi-Wan out in crisis and Obi-Wan takes care of him. The Outlander: Obi-Wan fell to the dark on Naboo AU, so Qui-Gon is Anakin’s Master instead. Anakin sneaks out of the Temple to a club to meet possessive Obi-Wan, there is smut against a wall outside, and Anakin falls to the dark side. Please, Daddy?: Daddy kink fic. Features a bratty Anakin, sex pheromones, spanking and just general daddy!filth. A New Hope: Anakin never left Tatooine AU. He becomes a Han Solo-type pilot who helps a rebel!Obi-Wan escape the Empire. He’s a touch starved, praise starved, virgin who’s insecure about his missing hand. Obi-Wan takes good care of him. Communication, What Communication: Organized Crime AU with collegeStudent!Anakin and accidentalSugarDaddy!Obi-Wan, gratitude kink haha. This fic has been picked up and turned into the phenomenal multichapter story Recoil and Ricochet by @wernnaa.
Potidaea, 432BC: Alcibiades!Anakin and his tutor Socrates!Obi-Wan fight together in the phalanx. Armor kink and period-accurate intercrural sex ensue lol. Minikin and Tiny-Wan: Fluff and crack based on the premise that there are tiny figurines of the Jedi that are alive (kind of like the little dragons in the goblet of fire). Obi-Wan and Anakin each get one, and their Tinys enjoy each other’s company, leading to an awkward but useful conversation. #BinGate: Great British Bake Off AU, Anakin is a contestant who lost his temper and destroyed his bake, Obi-Wan is a judge who enjoys scolding Anakin. Let Me, Master: Padawan Obi-Wan, shy demisexual Master Anakin, Obi-Wan throws caution to the wind and finally seduces his clueless Master, smut ensues with bottom Obi-Wan. Anakin, Duke of Vader, Prince of Coruscant: Anakin is a bratty, troubled prince and Obi-Wan is his unimpressed knight bodyguard. Anakin cries, showing true vulnerability, and Obi-Wan realizes he has a kink for that lmao Sic Transit Gloria Mundi: Sexually frustrated after sparring with his Master, Anakin decides to visit the glory hole in the locker room. Little does he know, he’s not the only one. Boy Toy: Obi-Wan is a fashion designer and Anakin is a first time model. They’ve just finished a boytoy themed photoshoot and get trapped together in an elevator Brotherhood: Anakin is a college student in a spiral after the death of his mother, and his father Qui-Gon left for a trip, leaving his much older step-brother Obi-Wan, who he doesn't know very well, in charge. Obi-Wan picks Anakin up from jail, and the argument goes places. Hard Racing: Anakin is a Formula 1 driver and Obi-Wan is his team principal. After an accident at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix where he ran into his teammate, he is sore, tired, and afraid of getting demoted from his spot. Obi-Wan comes to his hotel to reassure him of his value to him and the team. Beer and Paint: Obi-Wan and Anakin are both apprentices to famous artist Qui-Gon. Anakin has tattoos/piercings/blue streak in his hair, and Obi-Wan is obsessed. Sloppy art and drunk sex ensue.
Smutty +F fic AUs: (short fics that includes Padmé or Ventress)
Très Lecherous: Padmé and Obi-Wan agree to share subby!Anakin, this fic is all three together, and includes DP if that is your jam. Blue Shadow Virus: continuation of above AU, Padmé almost died on Naboo and Anakin doesn’t take it well. Obi-Wan and Padmé dom him into relaxing Post-Revenge: Set after the episode of TCW where Ventress rescues Obi-Wan from Maul and Savage. This is only Ventress/Obi-Wan, but Anakin is extremely present in the fact that Ventress uses Obi-Wan's secret feelings for Anakin to incite him into hate sex. Plus Anakin Makes 3: Sort of a sequel to the Post-Revenge fic, Anakin discovers Obi-Wan and Ventress having a tryst, decides to participate rather than freak out, so more DP haha.
Collaborations: (stories i co-authored with friends)
Apartment Story: Post-Deception arc reconciliation fic, where Obi-Wan is drunk and Anakin is angry. Feelings are revealed, and comfort, understanding and smut ensues. Written with my friend @whohatessandas a RP and adapted into a story. Satellite Mind: What would happen if Obi-Wan could hear Anakin’s thoughts? Spoiler: it does not go well. Set during the last few days of the clone wars, and tracks how their relationship combusted over Anakin’s secrets. Written with @theseptemberist.
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moem3 · 1 year
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Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face, and I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face, and I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
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aidanchaser · 5 months
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Happy May the 4th! I finished my old Hero/Villain Swap AU that is also Dark Pilot and also platonic Force Dyad. It only took 3 years for 5 chapters and an epilogue, but it's done!
It will update weekly. For now you can read chapter one on Ao3.
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passionat3 · 6 months
I've never actually written star wars fic to completion, but I've been tempted to try again with an idea I've had for years, I know i have basically no followers because this blog hasn't been active in a decade but if anyone sees this and likes it some support would make my day ♥️♥️♥️
note: this AU of basically, the war is over, obi-wan and anakin saved each other, ahsoka and rex and cody are still their family basically lives in my head rent-free. Sometimes the variation of anidala have nothing in common and their relationship dies painfully because actually, there's no way out. Occasionally a bit of obianidala. these are just some ideas for a story from that!
ideas: satine, bail organa and obi-wan and anakin find themselves kidnapped by the same people. Yeah Satine is alive, deal with it. Disgraced former senator Padma Naberrie learns the power of a weapon in her hand when she teams up with Captain Rex and Commander Cody of the former Open Circle Fleet and surprise, their former padawan ahsoka and Bo-Katan, Mand'alor to mount a rescue mission.
Ahsoka being knighted -- some kind of delve into how to be a jedi is to choose the light and the code and one's fellow jedi and not simply accepting any corruption the jedi council gives. She is a Jedi in every single way that counts. She echoes her masters. Drifts through the galaxy, has a fling with a pilot, ends back on Coruscant. Goes to the Jedi Council because she has noöne else, noöne other than Anakin and Obi-Wan,
She helps care for younglings for a time, hardly sees her masters busy with clean-up. Begs the council for the chance to do something when she can feel their hurt and danger
Palpatine was defeated, in hiding. He turns into some kind of ... something??? Like in the sequel trilogy, doesn't take away the emotional satisfaction nearly as much, just because this is only a few months after the initial confrontation.
What is balance? Star Wars has always pushed this idea of equal parts light and dark. But what about choosing the
Satine: stands before a Mandalore in ruins. She retreats into the shadows, hopeless and indifferent to the galaxy healing and celebrating the end of the war. She gives rule to Bo-Katan, the Mand'alor in possession of the darksaber, her dear sister. She visits her dear friend Padmé Amidala to make sense of the new world order. She is taken by Palpatine because he is angry that Mandalore defied him to the battle's last breath.
Bo-Katan is Mand'alor and Mandalore is more like it was than it has been in a generation, but it is also destroyed. To beg help from the Republic is cowardice, but to let her people suffer is an even bigger cowardice. And then her sister disappears, and for all she hated the New Mandalore, Mandalore cannot lose Duchess Satine.
Obi-Wan and Anakin get sent out on a mission by the council. Everyone can sense some kind of residual darkness in the force, on the planet Mustafar there have been reports of strange happenings. High-profile galactic figures disappearing. They are lured to Mustafar due to Palpatine's interest in studying a force dyad.
Padmé's Queen Jamillia finds out that she is pregnant and carrying on an affair, though she refuses to name the person. She doesn't break it off with Anakin, begs him to wait for her. Both are in shock that it was ultimately her duty that got in the way. Before this, he is having doubts over there being very little to save. She goes to her family palazzo in the Naboo Lake Country to rest and recover and heal from her forced abortion and learns who Padma Naberrie is when she isn't Padmé Amidala anymore. Sabé and her handmaidens shocked by the change, see only glimpses of their lady when Satine comes.
Rex and Cody are ... Confused. They were the Open Circle Fleet as much as Obi-Wan and Anakin, who became their dear friends. But they still have the Jedi to give them missions and purpose. They feel caught between the threat of a newly peaceful republic and obsolescence after such a short life and paperwork. They do not want to lie down and die after a taste of life and the possibility that they can choose (Order 66 chips removed alongside some Kaminoan brainwashing), but they sense that duty is something that they would choose in every life. Duty to their generals.
Bail Organa finally understands the power of his wife's throne. He did not become senator from her power, he had worked his way up before they even met, they were not in a relationship when he was sent to Coruscant as their representative in the Galactic Senate. But Breha is adored the galaxy over and Alderaan still has resources of people and money to rebuild the galaxy, one of the only centres of art, culture, literature left after people turn on Naboo, bombing of Mandalore and lower levels of Coruscant sensing power vaccuum on the surface. Bail finds himself at the forefront of the rebuilding effort, his fellow senators are pushing to name him Chancellor. He feels that he cannot possibly accept when he cannot go a minute without comming Padmé or Obi-Wan for help, but Palpatine wants his competition gone.
Naboo unofficially blockaded because of the influence of Palpatine, people are fleeing. They were rich enough that noöne is starving, but they will be poor in a generation, they had mostly trade, very little industry by the time the Clone Wars came around. Kind of like Shattered Empire comic, on a much faster timeframe
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sith-obikin · 1 year
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• A song to keep us warm by nakintups (sputnikan)
Dyad AU.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was renounced by Qui-Gon Jinn after the battle on Naboo and had chosen to leave the Order.
Anakin gets to be Qui-Gon's new padawan instead.
Years later, Obi-Wan resurfaces again, on the battle of Geonosis, as a Sith Lord.
Shortly after that Anakin begins to have visions of him, the Force somehow connecting them and Anakin is forced to confront the man who might have been his older brother his friend but now turned his enemy.
DW: Sort of Reylo Force connection vibes, with Anakin being angry and guarded, while Obi-Wan is curious and calm. Maybe they slowly learning about each other.
DNW: Major Character Death, Unhappy Ending, Anidala (could be in passing but ultimately obikin is the soulmate endgame)
• 'eat your young' by DeanSWade
Sith Lord Kenobi and his acolyte Skywalker have a grueling training session.
DW: sexual tension, sweaty bodies, bloody sparring relationship might be established or not.
DNW: go crazy! no limits
• i'll help you fall down with me by zombiekatherine
Rako Hardeen Arc (or a similar style mission), but rather than faking his death, Obi-Wan fakes a fall to the Dark Side for the mission. In his distress, Anakin falls (for real) and follows after his Master to find and rejoin with him.
DWs: Angst, Established relationship for obikin, Dubcon or noncon when Vaderkin finds out Obi-Wan was faking his fall
DNWs: piss, scat, vomit, mpreg, heavy pet play, major character death
• I would burn the stars to protect you by Himilce
Whump with sith Obi-Wan + jedi anakin.
They haven't known each other for long but actually long enough for them both to develop feelings to each other despite their differences. The context on how they meet is up to you. It can be because of a mission the council assigned to Anakin, but yeah you decide.
One day Anakin gets seriously injured by one of Lord Kenobi's inquisitors. Obi-Wan goes feral and fully in protective boyfriend mode (The guilty inquisitor is immediately killed of course).
DW: The more angsty and whumpie the better!, Blood loss injury
DNW: major character's death (it can be temporary tho), smut
• Disintegration by CourtesyTrefflin
ROTS AU where Obi-Wan Falls instead of Anakin
• flesh amnesiac by innominatta (acrylicsalt)
Reverse AU + AU where (suitless) Vader and Anakin are twins
Master Anakin and Padawan Obi-Wan are on a mission when they get separated (either by accident or evil plans, your choice) and Vader finds Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan thinks that Vader is Anakin and Vader has no issues with playing along with it when Obi-Wan starts to come on to him.
Bonus points if Anakin finds out that Vader fucked Obi-Wan somehow and gets really jealous/possessive.
Your choice if Obi-Wan ever finds out.
DW: Established relationship between Anakin & Obi-Wan, dub/non con due to identity issues, "thank god you're alive" sex, Vader being rougher in sex than Obi-Wan is used to, jealous/possessive!Anakin
• i've done dark things (in these shadows) by apagetorn
Obi-Wan as a Sith apprentice of Dooku and is Dooku's chosen heir but seeing as Dooku is just from a part from an external branch from the Bane line of Sith, his line of Sith Lordship isn't well liked or favored by either the wide known Sith Empire or Sidious himself (the current Sith emperor).
Because of this, Dooku cautions his apprentice to hide his talent so others will not know their plan to overthrow Palpatine, so they can usurp the throne and establish Obi-Wan as the new Emperor.
Palpatine's chosen is Anakin and the moment Anakin and Obi-Wan meet, Anakin knew he wanted Obi-Wan for himself, cue dangerous flirting game and Obi-Wan trying to navigate having both Anakin and Palpatine's attention on his back.
DW: Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Top Anakin Skywalker, Kinks of all kinds, Gore, dead Dove, it doesn't matter, anything goes.
DNW: Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Major Character Death (Only Anakin and Obi-Wan, if others, it's fine idc)
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mayfriend · 23 days
wip title tag game
thank you to @starlightandsunshine who tagged me <3
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
i'm gonna be so real with you. if i gave u all my wips then we would be here all night. so i'll go with the recent, unpublished ones with the more interesting names
buenos aires
every fledgling louis never made
paul de pointe du lac vs. the devil
(he loved him) as himself
daniel meets claudia's ghost (kinkmeme fill)
driftmark presentation au
throwing girls
vaderwan force dyad
for the love of it
and i'm (no pressure!!) tagging @searchingforserendipity25 @downstairsbar @officialclaricestarling @a-witch-in-endor @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters @freshairforrabbits @corrosivesaints and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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bottomwankenobi · 1 year
Bunny-Wan Week is here! 🐰🥕
From April 30 to May 4th, a whole week of celebrating bunny-wan. Join us!
Below are the prompts you can use for inspiration 👇
1. Soulmates/Force Bond/Force Dyad AU
2. Padawans AU
3. Omegaverse AU
4. Never a Jedi AU
5. Fantasy AU
1. Breeding/MPreg
2. Creampie/Cum Dump/Cum Inflation
3. Cock Warming
4. Stewjoni Biology
5. Size Difference/Size Kink
And don't forget to add them to our collection!
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
the prophecies spoke of you and I
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50780605 by Kris678 The first time they met, Anakin was nine. Obi-Wan was fourteen, and standing on the head of a krayt dragon. Words: 1737, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: same age au, (kind of), Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Anakin Skywalker, theological nightmare obi-wan & anakin, Mace is tired, Qui-Gon Is Trying, Obi-Wan Kenobi Has Self-Esteem Issues, Force Dyad (Star Wars), Force Dyad Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50780605
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