#force sensitive children
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Fuck, that hurt
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sleepdeprivedartboi · 1 month
I love how everyone always says "Oh noo the Jedi kidnap children yada yada" yet in reality there's multiple instances in both canon and legends that they ask for permission, and if the parents refuse, then they just dip and keep watch. They literally allow any Jedi to leave the order at any time and even let parents visit sometimes, and if they want their child back, they have returned them too. Mace windu himself returned a child once if I remember (I don't remember which piece of media I read it in)
"But what about this and that and " , first of all, can't blame the entirety of the order cuz of the idiocy of some people, second of all. There was no kidnapping anywhere, whatsoever.
I know people like to bring up the point of "but they are children" , acting like the Jedi are raising and taking normal fucken children. These children have the fucking force, we know exactly how powerful this is and how bad it can get in the wrong hands. An untrained force child, is a danger to everyone. The Jedi are being generous and nice asking for permission imo. I've seen how emotional teenagers and children are. If you wanna know how bad this can be, take America and it's guns. How many school shootings have happened cuz someone was emotional and Unstable and got access to guns? This is one country on one planet. Now imagine this on a galactic scale. Unstable and emotional teenagers/children with things that can kill are not a good thing. Literally take grogu, fella was ready to kill Cara over arm wrestling. Now imagine Din didn't know it was the child, and suddenly before he realises, Cara is dead. The Jedi aren't teaching these children bad things, they teach them discipline and make sure that those children do not end up killing someone cuz he didn't want veggies and got super emotional about it. They can easily fall to the dark side, or exploit this power.
People love to take things out of context. Yes these are children, but they are children with the capability to level entire buildings by themselves if left unchecked . On top of it, I've never once seen Jedi take children if their parents said no, sure they do push them slightly, but it's cuz of the aforementioned reasons. In one episode of clone wars they literally go away after the mom says no before cad Bane comes in and steals the fooken child.
In every culture it was seen as a blessing and great honour to be chosen by the Jedi so very rarely did anyone ever refuse. It's basically like the church saying your child is a saint, if the church was super highly respected by the entire galaxy.
And the fact that they have kept a list of force sensitive children and don't just go and forcibly take them, should tell you enough that they do not kidnap children.
Now, I know thisll come up, so ima say it, speaking of the acolyte, that thing was a huge misunderstanding and Master sol was definitely at fault, but even that came from wanting to protect the children and it was HIS decision, not the Jedi. Sol saw creepy witchcraft shit, then saw no guys, then mae came in and told him "everyone must be sacrificed" misquoting her mother, then he straight up saw her mother try and turn her to dust and then you will start seeing how one can misunderstand.
Qui gon also didn't just forcibly take anakin, he asked his mom, he asked him, then when he accepted , Qui took him. And there's many examples of consensual child taking, yet like 1-2 examples of Jedi actually being morally grey. Never bad.
Idk where these misconceptions come from but I feel very strongly about this. The Jedi we're wrong about many things, but this i believe isn't one of them. Discussions welcome and appreciated! Just be civil!.
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maulfucker · 5 months
racism in star wars will have wikis saying shit like "this species that is inspired on a real life non-white people is just too stupid to use the Force"
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pachu09 · 6 months
Warning: I had never seen any of the Star Wars movie. I only read fics of it....uhh so sorry about that.
Star Wars AU
Tobirama ducked beneath the rock that practically dwarfed a patch of greenery he found as a shelter in the vast desert. He knew that landing in this little planet far away from his destination is a huge mistake on his part. Just because he felt a wick of a child who's developing Force sensitivity...it doesn't mean he had to quickly retrieve said child without a backup even.
Now, he found himself cursing as several platoons of Uchi'ha's started to chase him. He hasn't even assume that several dozens of the warrior Clan would even visit this tiny planet. It boggles his mind as to what they were doing here....
Tobirama flatten himself as he felt five Uchi'ha had passed by his hiding place. He gritted his teeth, if he can run without being spotted for at least a few meters more he could latch on his Hiraishin markers so he could safely ride his ship again and get the hell out of this Uchi'ha infested planet.
When he was sure that the five Uchiha are several meters away from his position. Tobirama leapt to his feet as fast as possible and run like his body was on fire.
A minute later, he stiffen in surprise and he made a frantic leap to his left as he felt the air behind him being displaced as a sign of a weapon nearly cleaving him in half passes him by.
Tobirama snarled under the hood he was wearing as he face his attacker. The Uchi'ha had a long mane of black hair that spike in every which direction. But his face was covered with a mask that differ with the Uchi'ha he had seen. This one wore an Oni looking mask with two faces on it. The stranger wore an elaborate armor and is wielding a Gunbai. He is shorter than Tobirama. But the large gorge he had made on the ground tells Tobirama that if he hadn't successfully dodge that underhanded attack he could have been dead in just a second. ( His brother would have surely despaired if he died in the middle of bum fuck no where. )
The Albino shuddered in fear as the red glow of the mask eyeholes brightly lit up.
" What business does a Jedi needs in my territory?. "
Tobirama furrowed his brows. He hadn't known that this little planet was an Uchi'ha territory. If he had known he had never step foot on it, regardless if there's a child that needs him.
" Nothing. I only landed in here to chart it. I had never seen this little planet upclose. I am sorry if I disturb you all. I would leave quietly. There is no need to harass me. " he lied boldy. The Uchi'ha was only hostile because Tobirama had landed in their little territory. He really hope that the man would accept his bold face lie.
The Uchi'ha tilted his head and studied Tobirama's face. " Figures, Such bold faced lies easily fell from a Human's lips. Your kind lies as easily as you breath. You will never leave this planet alive, Jedi!. "
Tobirama scowled. He didn't want to fight. But he had to because he could sense the Uchi'ha's blood lust in the air. He leapt backwards in haste as the man quickly leapt towards him with the intent on cleaving him with his oversized Gunbai.
The Albino called the Force to aid him in stopping the Uchi'ha. He threw several big icicles ( much larger than his own height ) at the man, but the Uchi'ha easily slices it in half as if they were made of sheet of papers. Tobirama frowns; he called his Water Dragons and directed them to attack the charging Uchi'ha. But before his Water Dragons could swallow the man....
The Uchi'ha's mask quickly click open and the man's mouth spewed a great black fire the likes Tobirama had never seen. His eyes widen as the resulting explosion surprisingly blew him off of his feet.
Tobirama flew backwards a few meters away and he hack his lungs out as the gritty sand entered his mouth and nose. With teary eyes, he slowly stood on his shaking feet and he eyed in trepidation the Uchi'ha that was running to determinedly chase him again.
The Albino quickly pivoted on his heels and run the opposite direction. He's outclassed with the man's surprising ability. He cannot hope to beat the man with his own techniques. He would die in this desert if he tried to fight this unknown Uchi'ha.
Just only a seconds he could feel his Hiraishin Markers again. This monster of Uchi'ha would be left behind in this hellhole as soon as Tobirama can latch on his ship's Marker.
As soon as he saw the outcropping of rocks in front of him. He leapt up and climb it in haste. He also planted some little surprised bombs to slow down his pursuer. He could feel the man's presence was a few steps away from him and Tobirama shuddered in fright if the man ever caught him.
As he prepared to jump down, Tobirama's short breath was suddenly knocked out of his lungs as tons of pounds heavily drop on top of him. He wheezed painfully as the Uchi'ha clamp his one broad hand tightly on his neck.
" Strange, I hadn't even known there is A Blessed for a Jedi. Tis a scenario I wouldn't dare dream for myself. " Tobirama eyes widen as the man's gloved fingers carefully traces his eyelids, the skin beneath his eyes and his temples.
Tobirama tried to buck the man off of him. But his futile struggles only brought amuse chuckles out of the stange Uchi'ha.
" Struggle all you want my dear Blessed. You will never escape me for I won't allow it. You are mine in this day forward till the day we die. "
Tobirama glared weakly and he had only had a second to realize that he can finally latch on his Hiraishin marker before the man could put a suppression collar on him.
Aa soon as he landed inside his ship he tiredly leaned on the console and hack repeatedly to expel the remaining sand in his nose and lungs. He trembled in fear as he recalled the enrage bellow the man had let out as he successfully escape him. He really hope he does not encounter him again.
He knew he wouldn't successfully escape the second time around if the Uchi'ha decided to chase after him again.
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fellthemarvelous · 5 months
Ahsoka parallels with Echo and Fives
Apologies for the low-quality gifs. I have low-quality talents.
The Jedi used as a weapon by forces stronger than her.
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The clone used as a weapon by forces stronger than him. (Echo)
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The Jedi who knew too much.
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The clone who knew too much. (Fives)
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The Jedi who was given a second chance at life.
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The clone who was given a second chance at life. (Echo)
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kenobi · 7 months
thinking about how pediatricians in star wars probably screen for force sensitivity, from asking family history to checking midicholorian counts to developmental milestone checks like “does your child every seem capable of moving and/or pushing things without touch?” and then they get referred to like, the jedi ig??? ‘yeah you can expect a home visit in two weeks they’re pretty good at seeing children early, now that other referral? yeah we’re booked out for 38 months but if you can travel two planets over you may be able to be seen quicker’
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acemdzsfan · 2 months
I do find it hard to believe that Jedi "stole" all their initiates.
A lot of them were probably abandoned when they showed powers, abused for their powers, orphaned, or slaves like Anakin was.
Connection to the force would be both valuable and a deadly threat to their safety, especially alone.
That's why large groups of Jedi existed, right? Safety in numbers.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
After several polls of coming in second or third or fourth or whateverth place, Bo-Katan's Obitine Flashbacks finally won!
Bo-Katan doesn’t know specifics, but she does know it hasn’t been more than a month.
She lowers her voice. “I’m sorry for your loss, Wren. I know you and the Jedi were… close…”
And Sabine Wren drops her face into her arms, bursting into tears and then apologizing through her hysterical sobs, which tells Bo-Katan exactly how close they were.
Bo-Katan is hit with a feeling of deja vu, like she’s done this before.
She has.
Ha ha. Fun.
This is just exactly what she needed right now, another woman brokenhearted over a Jedi.
And she thought the time with her sister had been awkward.
Wren is still rambling, half-incoherently as she rubs her eyes and tries to pull herself together, a mix of excuses and explanations and aching, soul-deep pain.
She says enough to give Bo-Katan another realization.
Unless Bo has entirely misheard—not only did Wren have feelings for the Jedi boy—not only did the Jedi boy have feelings for Wren in return—not only did they confess to each other—they also said the vows, which is, Bo is pretty sure, farther than Satine ever got with her Jedi, and then the thought of Satine and Kenobi gives Bo-Katan the most horrifying notion yet.
“Oh, my gods, are you pregnant?”
Sabine sits up, eyes huge, mouth hanging open in speechless bewilderment.
“Am I… no!”
Her answer is entirely sincere, and Bo-Katan slumps in relief.
Manda be praised. We don’t need more Korkies.
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calling the Jedi “found family” is an insult to true found family.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
the idea that Kanan looked at Sabine, knew she was mildly force-sensitive, and decided it wasn't even worth mentioning, and then Ahsoka, trained by the most powerful force user ever who went apeshit, knowing that it's even harder to pick up as adult, who would reject Grogu, was like, ................ yes this is the student that I will give a go (for now)
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connecting-the-stars · 5 months
Crosshair and CX-2
Crosshair’s motivation and display of fear this season isn’t not lining up for me.
Yes, his looming guilt from season one and two have him throwing himself in the line of fire a lot. He feels he doesn’t deserve redemption.
Yes. He was tortured, and put through the CX program which failed but still left him at the mercy of Tantiss and Hemlock.
But basically every episode that has CX-2 coming after Omega and the batch, Crosshair is throwing himself into the path of convergence every time. Extraction and Calvary has Arrived (two times in each), cross is doing everything in his power to keep them separated. Like he knows something that no one else does.
Crosshair’s PTSD can absolutely be correlated to his torture, but in addition what if it’s also connected to losing his brother to the empire’s brainwashing. Hemlock and his terrible methods taking advantage of the smartest and one of the most capable soldiers, his brother who can think his way out of anything who he knows never supported the corruption of the authorities above them, be turned into someone he doesn’t recognize. That fear growing to expand the others. If tech can be reprogrammed, just because Crosshair himself was in the clear doesn’t mean his other brothers are not. We focus on the shot of the four evil batch, and crosshair doesn’t waste any time demanding the others retreat before him. He’s constantly placing himself as a barrier between CX-2 specifically, like we aren’t even looking at Hemlock here.
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The big bad scientist that created these guys, that executed Crosshair’s torture for information. But the frame focuses in on CX-2 once again, his hand starts shaking worse and then cuts to Cross immediately demanding that the others retreat. Yes. He’s trying to save his brothers like he knows he failed in the past, but this is just too pointed. Especially with their waterfall fight, crosshair really took that beating, nearly drowning. When they crash down the first waterfall it SO feels like crosshair is just operating on the defensive. Like the knowledge that CX-2 is away from the batch, he’s not fighting as aggressively, the offense is over with.
Dude, I know I joined late in the game. The first episode I was able to watch live for season 3 was Juggernaut. I had finally caught up from s1-2 in like lil over a week. But I saw people spotlighting the moment in extraction where CX-2 is drowning crosshair and cross stops hitting his arm. Instead he grabs it, it like one does when they tap out in sports and wrestling. Literally had my lil brain running in circles fully sold on the idea that cross KNOWS who CX-2 is.
Side note: I am running on like 4? 3 hours of sleep from this morning. But I think i would enjoyed the concept of introducing this dark mirror of the bad batch at the start of the season and the bad discover that they are clones which were reprogrammed on Tantiss. Having the season revolving around saving these guys despite how far gone they appear. Of recruiting some of them to help free Tantiss prisoners. And working with Rex would just naturally be apart of it. Of emphasizing the theme of not giving up on your family, of listening to Omega’s faith in her brothers and in others
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zaddymaul · 2 years
no one ever:
me: fuck this im going to rewrite star wars
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
In the Legends timeline, Asajj Ventress faked her death after the Battle of Boz Pity and hijacked a shuttle to get away from the Clone Wars. What do you think happened to her afterwards? How would she survive the Imperial Era? Would she have joined the Rebellion later on? Would she gain the will or courage to become a Jedi again?
Ooooh I think about this a lot so: I think as a plot point, in the story itself, it's better left unanswered. The way Haden Blackman left it is just the open ending I feel Asajj should be left with, and since Legends isn't going to be continued anyway, it's also going to be left like that forever irl. However if I do let my mind wander and think of some other possibilities, and I do, like all the time, there are so many options
I think first and foremost, something in her mindset would have changed. She no longer has a purpose, and she was discarded by a person she thought gave her a new one. I don't think she would try to be a Jedi again, because associating herself with the order, even if it's gone, is something that goes against some of her most deeply rooted principles and feelings. I do think she would start by going back to Rattatak and try to find meaning there. (Sorry if my internal search for meaning is seeping through to my favorite characters but it's hard for it not to) I think there'd have to be someone or something to drive her to become a rebel, even if it's the Empire itself destroying something she still holds dear. I think with that kind of thing there's obviously no definitive answer, and you can go whatever way you want with it. Her being a rebel is interesting because the Rebellion as an alliance has the goal of restoring the republic, and she used to be a Separatist and probably has a lot of Dooku's thoughts on it. I think she can also try to track down surviving/new Force users to create a new order and I don't have a particular reason for this but she has the vibes of someone with aspirations to create a new kind of force users order. long answer already but also. I don't think the Empire nor the Inquisitors have anything on her so it won't be too difficult for her to survive that era imo
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oreolesbian · 1 year
does… does dave filoni know that the whole “anyone can be force sensitive if they put their mind to it” bullshit fundamentally shatters the entire core of star wars world-building around force users? like - does he understand that?
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melhekhelmurkun · 8 months
The Jedi Order: attachment is bad and forbidden and it only leads down the path of darkness!!!
Also the Jedi Order: *literally encourages strong parental bonds between Padawan and Master that have a literal emotional bond aspect in which they can feel each other’s emotions/thoughts*
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o-wise-corvid · 2 years
There is a Child
Chapter 1
The place where Jedi go to die, that was what Mustafar was called. It was hellish world, Plo Koon thought. The Force was thin here, like the air. Living things did dwell here but they were extremely hard to pinpoint. It was as if the ash storms held their own sway over what even the Force could convey. The sheer lack of moisture in the air, the inescapable baking oven of heat that rose from the ground itself… but he had to be here.
Well. The Force was why.
It had drawn him to the Outer Rim like a light in the darkest of nights. A beacon. But… for what? What was here that Plo Koon needed to see? Was the Force testing him? Trying to teach him something that he couldn’t learn in the comfortable, populated halls of the Temple on Coruscant.
“How to survive extreme conditions, perhaps?” the Kel Dor asked, opening his mind to the Force to try to perceive what he was so obviously missing. “Teach me, Master. I shall learn.”
Plo Koon was answered with the always-roar of the volcanoes in the distance, and the hiss of lava tubes just on the other side of the cliff side that he’d perched himself to meditate. He was very glad his rebreather blocked the scent of brimstone and sulfur from his scent organs.
But then something different reaching the Kel Dor’s ears. Clattering. Stone on stone. He looked up just as a… a bare foot? What was a humanoid without protective gear doing out among the lava flows?
Plo got to his feet, braced himself, and lept up to the plateau. He landed flat footed and whirled, looking for… anyone.
A panicked whimper drew his attention to an ash-blasted huddle of rocks near the plateau’s center that Plo quickly realized weren’t just rocks. There was a little figure hunched down behind one of them. A figure with bright, lamp-like eyes that peered up over the rock’s edge.
“Hello?” Plo called gently. “Hello, who are you? What are you called?”
The eyes blinked.
Plo was glad he didn’t have to remove his hood. They could be intimidating sometimes. He stepped closer and the creature behind the rock hissed.
“Easy. Easy there. My name is Plo Koon. I am a Jedi. Do you know the Jedi?”
The creature’s head shook. Once. They spoke Basic. Very good.
“I… am very surprised to find you here, little friend. Might I… get a better look at you?”
Nothing happened for a long moment. But then the creature straightened, somewhat, and hobbled toward Plo uncertainly.
It was a child. A boy, by Plo’s assumption. A little red-skinned Zabrak with tiny, pearly horns crowning his smooth scalp. The naturally amber eyes didn’t meet Plo’s face. Always downcast. Hidden in the black intricate black markings adorning him head to toe. Tattoos, Plo knew, were a Zabrak tradition, but these… Dathomiri, maybe?
But then Plo took in the boy’s clothes. Or lack thereof. He was naked; Plo guessed possibly his clothes had caught fire because the boy was holding a scrap of cloth in one small, desperate fist.
The boy was absolutely filthy. Not just from dirt and ask. There was… waste dried to the boy’s skin. And perhaps blood. Old, healing and fresh wounds marred the tattoos’ artistry.
And the boy was thin. So horribly thin.
“Little one… what are you called?”
The boy’s breaths were ragged, each one exposing ribs and collarbones and even his sternum. But he managed to gather enough air to speak after several long moments of panting. “D… Deenine call- calls m-me… Maul.”
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It took an hour to get the boy to let Plo touch him. But the expression on the child’s face was so painfully desperate for… anything that the Jedi refused to just give up. The boy, Maul, kept mentioning Deenine. And The Man. That they would be angry. But Plo calmly and gently explained that whoever those people were, Plo would take the boy somewhere that they could never find him. Somewhere with food and a warm bath and cool drink.
Maul didn’t seem to know what a “bath” was. Plo wasn’t surprised. The boy looked like some degree of filth was how he’d existed all his life. There was no telling how old the boy was without tests; his emaciated state spoke of chronic starvation and dehydration. He might be as old as ten but be stunted due to this treatment.
Who would do this?
Why? What purpose could possibly be served by such cruelty? Anger rose in him and Plo hurriedly released it into the Force, which was difficult as there was more of it boiling up from his spirit.
Plo had no answers.
But when he was at last able to lift the boy, wrapped in his soft, brown robe… There was one. Maul was why he’d come to Mustafar.
Walking quickly back to his ship, Plo spoke softly and kindly to the boy. Maul just watched him. He looked frightened half to death. But… he wasn’t trying to get away. No. His fists were clenched around a fold of PLO’s robe so tightly that the diamonds on his knuckles looked grayish pink instead of black.
Once, Plo heard what he thought was a voice, shouting in the howling heat winds. But he kept going. And instead of trying to cast out with his feelings, Plo focused on shielding both himself and the boy. Whatever was happening on this planet, Plo didn’t want to stick around. When they were through the atmosphere and among the stars, only then did Plo relax his shoulders.
“Maul, there is a rat-“ But the sounds of tearing wrappers and greedy eating reached Plo’s auditory organs. The Kel Dor smiled. “Slowly now. Else you will be sick.”
There was a pause. Obedient. Quick. And then an adjustment in the sounds. Slower. More methodical. Plo winced. He hated the thought of the boy being so visibly hungry, but having to control himself even now. It was a cruelty, almost. But an unfortunately necessary one.
“M… Master,” came the earnest, hoarse little voice. Plo marveled at how polished the boy’s accent was. He almost sounded Coruscant with such clipped and proper tone; it was highly out of place.
“You may call me Plo, young one.”
There was a long silence.
Thinking. Much thinking.
“Plo…? I… can stay with you? I…” The boy’s voice trembled with sudden tears and Plo couldn’t restrain himself from reaching back to place a comforting hand on the boy’s head. Maul jumped under the touch. A flinch. Born of pain and terror. “I-I do not have to go back?”
“No,” Plo assured, turning to see the boy. “No, Maul. Never. You are safe now. Safe.”
The little boy cried. He cried until his sobs turned to hiccups and his eyes fell shut with tears still on his face. An exhausted, surrendering sleep overtook Maul and he slumped, finally against the passenger seat, wrapped snugly in Plo Koon’s robe. Plo passed feelings of comfort, safety and peace to the boy, pressing them down over any nightmare that may assail the little Zabrak’s so badly needed rest.
And then he activated his hyper drive. It was time to go home.
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