takashishihoin · 5 months
Star Wars ocs
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I’m a day late but I might work on the twilek male more.
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
The House of Fett: Part 4 Sneak Peek
Not so tired after three cups of caff, it had done nothing to curb his dark circles, or the worry in his dark gaze. Where were you? Had you gotten a job? Had you made your way across the Dunesea yet? Were you stranded out there, somewhere in the sands? Would you try to reach out to him if you were? What if you couldn't? What if you were knocked out cold? What if Ren had you? His mind spiraled with a million questions, and eventually he decided to brave the fickle Dyad connection just to ensure you were alright.
Poe closed his eyes and concentrated. Momentarily, he felt a shift in the Force.
He loved how your thoughts were primarily in Mando’a. It was as if Galactic Basic were your second language. At the sound of your voice, albeit confused, he felt a sense of profound relief wash over him, allowing his eyes to open. Thank the Maker, miracle, I—
He stopped short, stunned.
Poe gaped at his surroundings, trying to make sense of them. He was no longer in the dim mess hall of the Resistance Base on D’Qar. He was… He was in a cantina. On Tatooine.
You sat across from him, position lax. To an inexperienced eye, you might have even seemed relaxed. One arm bracing your weight on the table, legs bent outward and your other hand resting on your knee. Hell, even Poe would have been fooled a few days ago. But now he knew you. He knew you sat as if you couldn’t care less about what might happen because your whistling birds were locked on various targets. Your flamethrower (the arm on the table) was prepped and ready. You could take anything that came at you, and that was without even moving.
At the moment, however, he was more concerned about what the hell he was suddenly doing on Tatooine. “Uhhh…”
“Luke wrote about this,” You answered his question before he could voice it. “Qui-Gon spoke of it, too. Dyads transcend time and space, Poe.”
“Huh…” He cleared his throat awkwardly. Why was he being awkward? “You doing okay?”
“For now,” You replied, “I think I might have a job. Just waiting on the client, now. I should be heading across the Dunesea tomorrow morning at the latest.”
Poe was reaching across the table before he knew it, taking your hand in his and gripping it tightly. He could feel you. As if you were really in front of him. “...Be careful, Miracle,” Poe said softly, “Please.”
You took his hand in both of yours. “I will, Poe. I promise. You forget… I have a unique connection to the Tuskens. Once I have a speeder, I’m home-free.”
Poe jerked at the sudden sensation of falling forward. His hands slammed on the table to steady himself, once again in the mess on base. L’ulo stood beside him, watching with concern. “You alright, son? You spaced out for a minute there.”
“I-I’m fine…” It was a weak lie. Especially when his breath was uneven as it was, his heart pounding in his ears. He felt something in his hands and slowly opened them, practically melting at what he saw.
A bracelet made of sand-glass beads and clay on iron-red twine, old and worn. Poe almost teared up right there. This was possibly the most important thing you could have left with him, and he wondered if you’d done it on purpose or not.
You’d had the bracelet since you were a baby. When Boba had adopted you in the gai bal manda ceremony of your people, he had given you a red string bracelet with a singular bead on it carved into the shape of a mythosaur skull. For every year, a glass bead was added. For every important event in your life, it was carved clay. Nineteen gold-red beads to mark your age, and several clay ones. The mythosaur skull, to mark your “birth.” A bead with the effigy of a knife carved into it, memorializing your Mandalorian training. Another with the symbol of the Jedi Order, just after the eighth bead. There was one that bore twin sabers next to it. There was one with simply the word Ben, marking the year you met him. One with a helmet after the sixteenth one, to commemorate the day you finally received your armor. One with the Slave and another with a tracking fob to show the beginning of your bounty-hunting career and the day you were gifted your father’s ship. Hell, you even marked the day of the assault on the Jedi Academy, with the silhouette of the temple on fire. What shocked him was one just after the tenth glass bead.
A clay bead with the symbol of the Republic Navy on it.
That’s where he was then.
And after the seventeenth bead, one that simply said wish. You wished you’d kissed him that night.
The bracelet was a Tusken tradition that Boba had learned in his years after surviving falling into the Sarlacc Pit, before he became the Daimyo of Mos Espa. He’d learned it in his “rebirth.” It was given a Mandalorian name for you, though. Jate’kara. Good luck. A remembrance of fate’s path in the past and something that may serve as a warning for the future. Respect for what had been and what may come.
You’d never taken it off your wrist in your life.
And here you were, giving it to him. Across the vast distances of the galaxy, you were giving it to him. Poe turned it over, hearing the sound of clicking beads and becoming instantly relaxed by it. Just after the nineteenth bead, he saw a new one. The edges rough, the clay freshly-carved. Poe faintly smiled when he saw what it said, tracing his thumb over it.
You’d just given him one of the most important things in the entire galaxy to you. This bracelet held your life in memory. And you trusted him with it.
“Son?” L’ulo questioned softly. Poe had forgotten he was there. His brow furrowed, red eyes narrowing. “Are you okay, Poe?”
Poe forced a nod, unable to take his eyes off the bracelet as he traced his fingertips over the beads. “Yeah… I’m okay.”
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
💖✨️Manifesting that tonight either i or one of the boys get a chap of force user zeb completed or one of their WIPs✨️💖
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merrysithmas · 1 year
still cant believe mando3 took every ounce of narrative JUICE out of grogu's existence by making din's covert absolutely care less that grogu had the force. forget the mando v. jedi wars. forget the years of animosity. forget that they resented duchess satine's allegiance to the jedi way & (what they saw as) the consequent fall of mandalore. forget the culture wars there. forget bo karen teaming up with forceuser maul. forget the cognitive dissonance of tarre viszla. never bring him up again. forget din djarin's importance as being one of the only mandalorians to come to learn to respect a jedi child and unlearn biases bc he was a good man and truly followed the Way - making him a defacto leader. lol.
this kid has the force??? the what????
give him darts
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tricycle-jaune · 1 year
les mecs qui ont l'habitude d'utiliser les sites de rencontre, faut m'expliquer un truc svp.
pourquoi quand une conversation se passe genre ULTRA bien, que y'a un super bon feeling et même des promesses de "ouais j'te recontacte quand je reviens de vacances", bah soudainement y'a RIEN, le silence, et MÊME la disparition soudaine de la personne dans sa liste de contact qui fait qu'il est dorénavant impossible de recontacter ladite personne mdrrr
non vraiment, je comprends pas ce ghostage, et c'est chiant quoi. je fais quoi de si mal pour qu'on veuille m'effacer de son existence ?? je conçois que j'sois pas un modèle de beauté et qu'il est très facile de trouver mieux que moi d'un point de vue personnalité et tout cque tu veux, mais damn, quand même quoi, vous êtes ultra relou. pourtant j'prends masse des initiatives, j'suis pas une forceuse non plus, je laisse BIEN SUR le choix à la personne, mais quand JUSTEMENT y'a des échanges et des ENVIES des deux côtés de se voir, POURQUOI quelques temps plus tard (qui se résume généralement à de looong silence) bah y'a disparition ?? est-ce que j'aurai dû INSISTER encore ? malgré le fait que y'ait déjà un "acquis" d'établi, est-ce j'aurai dû relancer ? jsp wsh, j'veux pas non plus faire la meuf alors que bon, en soi si de l'autre côté la motivation n'y est plus bah je lui en voudrait pas mais juste faut me le DIRE.
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forceuser1989 · 2 years
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Den of Iniquity - Chapter 1 - Forceuser - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
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sophiaamour · 16 days
vous aussi sur tumblr lorsque vous reblogué trop une personne après vous reblogué via une autre personne, genre même sur tumblr je veux pas qu’on me voit comme une forceuse ? je me donne à côté mystérieux jusqu’ici? erk
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behindfairytales · 1 year
Bonjour ! Je suis tombée sur tes blogs récemment et c'est une pépite, j'aime beaucoup tes créas' <3 j'aimerais de ce fait, passer une p'tite commande pour des avatars (si possible) sur le charmant Bradley James et sous les traits d'Arthur, dans Merlin. C'est dommage que les ressources ne se bousculent pas sur cet acteur que J'ADORE (une honte même) et donc je ne suis ni pressée, ni forceuse et comprendrais tous refus ou attente prolongée. Merci et bonne journée !!
Hello 👋🏻
Déjà merci pour tes gentils mots, ça me touche 🤗 désolée pour l'attente, mais entre ce que j'avais déjà fait à poster, et les commandes d'EDP arrivées juste avant, je ne peux poster que maintenant 😅 du coup tu trouveras les premiers avatars de Bradley James en Arthur juste là !
Les autres arriveront progressivement, petit bout par petit bout 😁 j'espère avoir fini la saison 1 pour la rentrée/fin de l'été, et puis j'y reviendrais un peu plus tard pour la suite 🤭
Bonne journée à toi et à très vite 🌻
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yama-uba · 1 year
Home of the most dangerous woman in the far galaxy by Midjourney
This is the final. Only Aurra Sing remained. And, I will answer your curiosity simply - "Do you hear this noise? Slaanesh is with us!"
These are the cries of sinners trapped forever in the abode of Slaanesh.
One day, a very modest, shy and meek Padawan girl heard a call from the other side of the barrier of the Force ... and could not disobey the voice of the Ever thirsty Mistress.
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The dark side of the force feeds on suffering, but nowhere is it written that suffering must be physical and belong to the forceuser himself (Rakata understood this a long time ago). Aurra prolongs her youth and feeds her strength from the most powerful and stable source of mental suffering - the rest of the bounty hunters with their tragic fate, crippled psyche and doomed future.
Seriously, she even looks like a demoness of Slaanesh and her antenna is her horn.
It's all drawn by Midjourney, it's all yours and Midjourney's.  
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jadecommelecailloux · 2 years
Y’a un mois yavais un gars que je trouvais assez mignon qui est venu manger avec des amis à la pizz . Grosse forceuse que je suis j’ai essayer de le retrouver sur mes réseaux mais ce fut un échec mais merci à mon patron qui m’a choper son Insta . Bref grosse erreur mdrrr. 3semaines qu’on se parler désormais je lui lâche des vus because gros boloss.
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gdamnbluepool · 5 years
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A late gift from one who gazed upon my wishlist! This is the start to something...not really sure what, but I think it’ll be an #OC #Jedi or #Sith or #ForceUser Haven’t really considered it yet. But the material feels good on me skin! I canna wait to build more on this character. . . Surprise, I’m a #blerd lol! XD Have a good rest o’ ya day. . #originalcharacter #cosplay #costume #random https://www.instagram.com/p/B6inzECjwYc/?igshid=sj7i88vbbnyi
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 6 years
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Dye-cember-2018 Challenge 6 - Victoria Mikaru
Victoria Mikaru, a character belonging to @alastor-the-executioner and drawn by Blueessence.  I love adding colors to her work. It just gives it a nice, soft quality under her lines and shades.  
Original image: https://www.deviantart.com/bluessence/art/Pencil-Commissions-June-Collection-537653864
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Welcome! (Pinned Post)
This is a most-era Star Wars rp OC blog. Penned by Helle, SW OC blog hub @helleboros-starwars & Main Account/Follows are by @umbra-est-magus (18+ nsfw rp oc acct) River, is from an insectoid society created by myself, that is currently being written up for all Star Wars Rpers/ Fan Authors/Artists to use. Their society is non-heteronormative and is predominately insectoid, with one species out of five being partially human due to genetic engineering. The society River is from is knowns as The Commune in their own language, and has four sentient species members (space-faring humanoid level), with one non-advanced though slightly sentient species member that is regarded with deep respect due to the cultural role it plays. Some, though not all, of their species are Force-Users, but their use of the Force is based around communication, pathfinding (including navigation), defense, and camouflaged. They consider it a taboo to use the Force for violence including combat with weapons, i.e. lightsabers, lightning, and those kinds of abilities. Telekinesis is rare, but can occur. I will be providing a link to the entire bio for The Commune and River under navigation. River's general premise, is to be exploring the galaxy either Empire / Sith, or Republic, to understand the other races. Especially other force users like himself. He's mostly pacifistic and diplomatic but his Force abilities are on par with a Jedi Master/ Sith Lord. However, they are all defensive in nature (simple description: shield, cloak, foresight, navigation). Until I have the time to draw them myself, I'm using a HeroForge mock-up of River.
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barbargall · 6 years
He had this gift. It made him special. But also isolated him from everyone.
Did you ever consider the Force is not only a gift, but also a curse? Which makes the person special, feared by others and on the borderline - for scared not knowing persons - of mentally ill?
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mc-cards · 4 years
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✨⚔️ #starwars #sundaycomics 🪢 1980 Topps/Lucasfilm The Empire Strikes Back (s.3) N°267 Princess Leia @starwars . . . . . . #starwarscards #oddcards #scificards #baseballcards #sportscards #vintagecards #tradingcards #cards #collectables #1980 #1980s #princessleia #jedi #rebalalliance #leia #forceuser #toppsstarwars #carriefisher #skywalker #alderran #empirestrikesback #80topps #thehobby #collection #mccards #topps #starwars @topps @lucasfilm @disney @disneyplus @disneystudios @starwarsmovies (at Star Wars Celebration) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMs8l0FMBBu/?igshid=1fbhsbffoibrs
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forceuser1989 · 2 years
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Den of Iniquity - Chapter 1 - Forceuser - Star Wars - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
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