#forest of pages
jude-thedude98 · 1 year
I fold you I'm a lyricist
Ima start wit using the eeriest (lakes)
Thid my Pride Friendly Q&A so no jeed to get deliri9us about my Queeriest
Since ima poet
Ima use this keyboard clickin
As my Instruments
Laffy taffy strugglin
I stay in busy ness
But I don't ever forget
Yall rappers sound the same - all I hear is crinkle crinkle kid
Unfold yo mouths n stop talkin nonsense
Sex drugs and violence
How bout choose different options
Mushmouth talkin
Passin me off havin no bear necessities
In the Mirror Naked BaLOOnin
Feel like I gotta spell this out like Gwen Stefani did
But this ain't no spellin contest
Even if it was yall ain't hearin it
(Well) Ya better believe it bit
By bit I'm wood choppin this
Tree down but it ain't go in quiet
Title of this one is Forest of Pages
And somebody please tell me why the tree remembers the pain but the axe always forgets
Mm, I'm deep divin
These c's better 3's PO - Post Office Kid
Here's your food delivery with tip
No ding dong ditchin straight door dashin
I been called like a Mormon
So let this be my voice-mail answerin
I'll leave messages
Lyrical inclinations
Brain gamin
Gotta sweet Toth for some Eminems
But ima Skittlez kid
This rainbow I give you for free tastin
I got you wrappers usin my lines like I fundipped them
N that's right I spelled rappers wit incorrection
I would have spelled in proper tense
But three u's spells unsatisfaction (and that's an ass whippin)
Unless you flip them
Then it's a cursive m
You see how I swerve on them
I use homonyms
Like would flip the three u's then what you got old wit an m
That's mold. That means yalls rhymes is rotten
My Forest of Pages
These are my Woodlands
Lines so sharp I'm paper cuttin
But I ain't parkin linkin
But I do ride Lincoln
I'm Abe Honestin
These folk got amnesia senses
They became a lil independent
N forgot about the kid
That's child abandonment
But I'm kiddin n playin
Nah I'm lyin
I been Hypin 1988 since
Everyone seems to forget the establishment
April consumation
January baby out the womb in
To the world I'm settin
The foundation
I'm gon be Bob the Builder n Fix This Glitch
I'm talkin architectural draftin
New alignments
Since a lines meant
To grow straight in
Stop the curbin
These entusiastics
Has caused drastics
Wit strangers
Will Robinson's in danger
I can feed a man fish but he won't exchange it
Fishin for powerlines like an att temp kid
I think I lost you no significance
Yall folk focusin
On bars but not rememberin
That's what they capture us jn
Oooh n I know that was whitey tighty cleanin
Under wherein
Do these lines come from? I got you limboin
N it's later than it is early so I'm limo stretchin
Provin points like Nemo, hope you can find it
But I'm missin?
Nah yall jus Coralin
That means you Miss in
This movie mission
Dead to me so go ahead n get the gettin
You invisible always callin
Impossible visions
Don't happen without envisions
That means the dreams have to be workin
My girl Cocoa got me though like the temptations
N i'm tempted
To end it (all)
But not for me cause I only lyrically do the killin
But for you cents you already silent
But got pennies to say for my thoughts n I ain't price shift
Gears cause haters lookin
For lingerin
Well here's Victoria's secret
Too many people finger pointin
Uncle Sammin'
Oops I think you missed it
See these lines be wavin
Right over your craniums
I use letters like planes so I can get fly with
A trivia crack word high with
Oscillatin fan whisk
That's a princess bride hi grip
This that baseball uniform needs laundry detergent
Crowd tidal wavin
As I slide in
Home basement
To be used for hide and seekin
N since I'm a wordsmith
N I don't boast my confidence (enough)
I'm going to let these statements get foolish
Get stupid
Get ignit
Use my noodle pit
From my Eastside and my Westside connections
Drink grabbin
Ice cube in
My ice t since it's 6 in the mornin
I'll bring out my toolkit
Use the tools I'm cool wit
Tried to screwdriver me but I got my monkeywrench
If you don't know me by now I'm Mc hammer quick
Yall know yall can't touch this
I'm simply red lovin
I'm too sexy for this album I'm right said Fredin
Family Guyin
Couldn't catch these lines if you were Frank or Wes Welker in the Dolphins
Kermit the frog herein
Large egos like stewie's head and little balls like Peter griffin
But you dogs wanna a bonin?
Thinkin cause you speaking like Brian
You get the cool whip
But yall jus cool whipped
N when it comes to the appeal of whippin
You babyfaces be screamin no i dont do bdsmin
But thats cool tho I don't fool wit
I only wip it out when it calls for progression
And that's a work in
Gutter bowlin
No strikin
Lines as magnetic as lighnin
Uneven slices
Mathematical dices
3.14159 is
Rhymes unendin
I got people pinin (for more)
Sayin please baby please give me one mo hittin
But I ain't no Ike n
Tina down the river rollin
Tho i know yall teenin for the classics
Like I'm DeVante, K-Ci, Joel, & Dalvin
I get so sick
Pf the same songs playin
I swear it's like the universe be all 4 one against this movement
I'm quite feverish
But even at 19 I knew I was covid
Rhymes so ill they the deadliest
Catchin bullets
Rush hour bloopin
Guess I gotta dumb it down n get the stoopin
Folks out here gettin
Caught by the same old Charlie Brown football (Lucy) smokin
I love - they thought I said loosely
But I'm usually
Not a cannon but this BlackOutProduction
Got me up in amazement
In the first revision
It was 4:30 somethin
N I can burn these fumes till the word count is empty
I'm gettin itchy
You buggers buggin me
But I guess it's true what they say isn't it
It's a bug's life so you should expect some stingin
But I'm floatin
Like a butter flyin
Smoother than a criminal an I ain't lyin
I may got the eye of the tiger but I got the roarin mane of a lion
Damn does it stink in here oh no wait that's jus my dragons breath - I'm spittin hot fire
Wired like a secret agent
Create Success Investigation
These criminal minds
Are lyrical ties
To dress you up n get ready for I's
I pledge allegiances
I do marry you death do us part tills
Stills in I's
Like I's solemnly swear that I am up to semicolons
No good riddance
From first to last
Again I am a lyricist
I will use my two arms to strum my pain with this stringed instrument
This kyre its jus
My Greek Day of recognitions
Oops my Green day
I'll be captain planet
Savin the earth will be one of my serenist moments
Altoid break in
Playin linemen tic tac toe in poundin offense
Hashtaggin defense
Somebody please wake me up when September ends
Cause you family guys are still wishin I loop a line for cool whip again
Please cool it now then
Make sure you call me the new Indiana Jones wit the cool whippin sense
Tomb raidin jt
Why is it people will sign their name next to an X for treasure huntin
But won't walk the plank to sign next to the X line of friendship
Diggin up artifacts that's ancient
Has your cookie dipped in yet?
I'm thick in the thinnin of LeBron James' hair ulignment
n if you already know that you can't have pie without cool whip
Why'd you make me flip it
I guess it's cause the u n on top of each other is in perfect alignment
On this track I'm racin
I'm only speakin one thing about equation
And that's The United Nations.
(Emphasis on the H'in)
Forest of Pages (Sounds of The Great Lakes)
By Mr. PoetAll
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girlboyburger · 11 months
i was extremely sleep deprived yesterday when i discovered the dragon survival mod which was LIFE CHANGING when you're on three hours of sleep so of course i made a whole custom forest dragon texture in one day about it. and. just for fun, some concept art i made for it:
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naswoop · 7 months
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The regicidal monochromatic time loop games are holding hands
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sheikfangirl · 6 months
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A page from my post-Botw Zelink comic. Each chapter covers key moments of my headcanon. I don't think my comic is super revolutionary in terms of story because there is so much fan content out there and im super classic and vanilla... but i dont care. I'm having fun creating my own take on what happened. This project is a time consuming blackhole and I draw it all out of order because I have no discipline whatsoever 😭 😂 It was originally just random black and white pages here and there with no cohesions, like my stand alone illustrations... but the illustrations became pages. The project is basically me fan-servicing my own self. 😂😂
Then it exploded, i've been adding color, cleaning up my panels, pimping the backgrounds.
I still unsure on which platform i will make it available to read. The friends who got my out of my shipping closet are screaming to me to print a fanzine, but i'm lazy hahaha. Might do a patreon eventually, idk.
Oh yeah, this is a panel from the chapter where Zelda and Link go back to Korok forest to put the Master Sword back in it's pedestal... I'm old, i played the old games. One of my BotW nitpics was that it didnt include the classic moment where the sword rests once again, like in ALttP and OoT. I like traditions okay!!!! Cheers!!!
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centrally-unplanned · 1 month
Japanese website Forest Page is shutting down ~today, a tragic loss of "Heisei otaku memories", as so many are calling it. Launched in 2003, Forest Page was a "Geocities for mobile", a site that hosted user-created websites and gave them tools to allow non-coders to make them. In practice, it became one of the premiere places for fanfiction in Japan, with the stories hosted on author-created sites.
It wasn't quite the Fanfic.net of Japan, as for one the Japanese fandom just never centralized quite the way the 2000's western one did, instead being spread out over a half dozen or so sites. But additionally, it wasn't initially popular for fanfic so much as cell phone fanfiction, because in 2000's Japan the "cell phone novel" was a specific thing. These websites were being made for flip phones, not smartphones, and not only would people read them on those phones, they would often write them. None of that was very conducive to the creation and consumption of a "traditional" novel; so starting in the 2000's Japanese writers started making stories fit for the medium, namely:
Very short
A huge focus on dialogue and inner thoughts, with no/minimal description or scene detail
Using a limited POV of a specific character
Often employing the medium-as-message, like using emojis, structuring the story as IM's or emails, etc.
Also they all had huge gaps between lines, I'm not really sure what that is about:
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Probably for readability on the phone given the small screen size? But it was absolutely part of the genre. A few of these novels actually made it big, got movie adaptations, people wrote articles about the "cultural phenomenon", it was the 2000's so Hiroki Azuma had a take on it of course, and so on. It slotted neatly into the vibe of the time of technology changing culture, paralleling discourse around otaku in the same era.
In fanfic those trends met up, and anyone familiar with fanfiction probably read that list of traits of the cellphone novel and thought "oh, this is perfect for fanfiction". Skipping out on description? I don't need it, I know what they look like already. Focus on conversation and POV? Perfect for shipping fics. Short lengths? Yeah, we are shortcutting to the good stuff, that is the point. Mirroring trends in the west, Forest Page's userbase was ~95% female, and the most common content on the site was romantic or edgy-dramatic stories in the franchises you'd expect. The closure page linked above actually summarizes the site's history by year, and lists the biggest fandoms:
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Which is exactly what I would expect from a female otaku fanfiction website. Congrats to Pirates of the Caribbean for making it though, freeaboo's represent.
I do think the fact that the site was a website hoster as opposed to a fic hoster did align with the way the Japanese fandom was more "creator focused" and embraced the media mix more. There were "fic circles" a la doujin circles who made their own pages, people would make fanart, fan video games, and so own to host alongside it, and all of it was centralized to the creator; it made following them-as-a-person just a little bit easier. Most websites were simple text, but others did have the full Geocities experience:
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Something that was somewhat common were basic visual novel concepts where the reader could make choices, or even insert their own name so they would be the "MC" of the story:
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(Dream novels are in fact their own thing in Japan) My understanding is the site was quite popular through the 2000's and into the 2010's, though over time the "cellphone novel" as a concept fizzled out. People got smartphones, more people got PCs, and the constraints didn't make sense anymore - you can read ebooks and normal websites on your phone now after all. You can probably draw a line between these kind of stories and the webfiction/light novel boom of the late 2000's/2010's, something that was equally born on the internet, that streamlines the novel to "shortcut to the good stuff" but without the need to fit on a flip phone's screen. Though I will admit my own understanding of their histories shows them more as two sides of the same "youth demand for new literature" coin.
In 2017 Forest Page launched Forest Page Plus, a new service fully optimized for the smartphone era; but it did not transfer over all the old content, starting the clock ticking on the original Forest Page. My understanding is that in June they announced Forest Page was officially closing down; and from what I have gathered from reminiscing writers on twitter, they did not provide any easy, one-touch way to save any of the content, so people are archiving Wayback Machine links or sharing tips on how screenshot-save stories (I think the rub is they gave people a way to transfer content to FP+, but most don't want to do that, as places like Twitter & Pixiv are the content kings of this era).
As of tomorrow I would bet the large majority of the content will be gone; quite sad given both the quantity of stories there and how many got sometimes millions of readers. I am sure most of the biggest stories are archived at least, but particularly the early stuff was a very ephemeral genre, one that doesn't make sense to revisit once you aren't a 16 year old teen writing and reading fics on a flip phone in between classes. Which means another legion of the ghosts of the Wired is being born today. May we pour one out for a fellow online community that lived and died!
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maziecrazycloud · 6 months
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“Led Zeppelin are gods among men, and Aisling Cowan in their queen.”
In May of 1971, CREEM magazine’s journalist: Oliver Thorne set out to try and discern just who Aisling Cowan was, the elusive female guitarist of the intrepid LZ. Here is his interview and cover of LZ’s performance in Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
(OBVIOUSLY ALL OF THIS ISNT REAL FOR LEGAL REASONS) I hope you guys like it though. Both Aisling and Oliver are my OCs that I have created for the story I have been writing known as “Forest of Time”. In which a girl from the twenty first century gets pulled back into 1969 by the Seelie Court of Fae. She get sucked into the world of rock n roll when she meets Jimmy Page by chance. Or not👀. Strange magick is afoot. She changes history on accident and becomes a part of LZ, for good or worse. I haven’t written this specific part of the story yet. But I couldn’t resist creating just how much Aisling changes history. Enjoy!
Here is the link to my story if you’re interested!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42940200/chapters/107881455
I really flexed my understanding of newspapers and i love CREEM, so ofc I had to make an alternate universe version of the magazine to fit my AU of Zeppelin! Cheers and Dark Tidings.🎸👹 (this may be the best thing ive ever made)
Article below!
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Non vintage textured illustration of Aisling✌️
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ryllen · 5 months
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said wolf,
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daniellasalamao · 8 months
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Study with watercolor and gouache
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ursachaotic · 1 month
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Was brainstorming ideas for the AU with Bill and my sona and got this idea! Mason would absolutely call Bill out on his bullshit lmao 😭
(Also my idea is that they get stuck in a spooky forest at one point after breaking out of the Theraprism and, while trying to figure a way out, Mason starts calling Bill out on the stuff he's done lmao. Bill most likely wouldn't have his powers or his powers would be going haywire from being a traumatized triangle, too!)
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ivrket · 3 months
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Jane - as a paranormal investigator.
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ezlo-x · 4 months
Biggest L Ive done for my au Ganondorf is that I rarely draw him smoking a pipe when in my little brain he smokes on the regular but in my comic and drawings its rarely there NDJSKNFKDND
Like ik its probably dried up flowers and certain herbs that are mostly used for potion making to be used for smoking do similar effects
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Actually do yall envision him to be the guy who smokes through pipes??
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yajetaa · 6 months
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Cat Ori!💙
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krabbu · 1 year
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my new roommate made me watch drag race philippines with him and it was very fun!! these are inspired by some of the looks on the show. i think tigerstar has always been made to serve evil queen realness and its a crime he hasnt got to. eternity is a long time for cats to be around i want to see them LIPSYNC. FOR. THE. STARS
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lynaferns · 1 year
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A study of their eye color and changes. Originally an eye expression study that became a journal page because I thought it looked cool.
It was actually hard for me to describe which emotion represented each. In my head they changed color and shape into the combination that made sense depending on what they feel but when I was going to write it down I was like :D?????? Then I tought on make it look like Fern (selfinser) wrote it.
Sun was going to have 6 expressions but nothing came to mind so there is a space in blank there.
Also skin tones
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colorless eyes under cut
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heartnosekid · 1 year
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📚 the name sidney 🦊
with foxes, forests, trinkets, & books for @forevermorphingchameleon!
🦊-📚-🦊 / 📚-🦊-📚 / 🦊-📚-🦊
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subpixie420 · 1 year
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🌤️🌹Frolic with me through the forest🌹🌤️
♥️my links♥️ (OF & MV both on sale all month!)
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