#forgive my english lol its late im tired
jedisassmaster · 2 years
obi-wan saying he had a brother, that he barely remembers him, that he remembers only that there was a baby. he was a child himself and that was a long time ago, so of course he doesn’t remember much now.
he says it to leia.. who also has a brother, brother she only ‘had contact’ (if we can call it that, they were together in the same room after being born for a while i guess) when they were babies. but she doesn’t know that, because she also doesn’t remember.
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inhalareexhalare · 6 years
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The menstrual cycle begins. I usually feel pain until the third day at most, but I can move just fine.
Slow, but with fight in it Like embers of honey
It scorches the eyes But is sweet to the palm
Did you know by the way? The faster and the hotter you heat honey, the more you reduce its nutritional value. So yes, while it has a very warm color, its temperature is usually not the same :)
2018-10-23 10:00 Philippines Tuesday
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My daytime journal has been discontinued due to its tendency to take over my whole identity. I somewhat live [a double life], you could say, and I am now exploring my nighttime psyche.
This is my heartfelt "letter" to @neweresth​ (CHECK OUT neweresth IN YOUR DASHBOARD BTW IT WILL ROCK YOUR DORMANT WORLD), who inspires me to keep learning and discover my photographic sense.
True enough, this nighttime journal has been a very big compilation of crunchy insights to my deep-deep-down subconscious, which in my opinion takes a big bite off the whole pie of what makes the self.
I've been anxious about how to teach for a time now. It's like a secret calling, a secret dream that I have that I quietly—and secretly—shut off every time it resurfaces.
The reason is my ineptitude with socializing. Communication, especially verbal, has always been hard for me.
My English teachers throughout my school life (and even outside its premises) have doubted my authorship of countless papers I've written, all due to the fact that I navigate speech poorly, yet apparently write eloquently enough above my age.
That has discouraged me from honing my lesser swords. The possibility of never growing out of anything.
But that's bullshit.
I write because I love. I write because I want to communicate. Communicate!
I write for no one else other than for the truths that live inside me, and they are written for no one else but others who could do with a genuine story that cares about their beautiful and suffering minds.
I am socially inept. I am antisocial, by the world's standards. But that doesn't change what I write for.
I write to learn.
Likewise I will teach to learn.
Maybe I am bad at it. Maybe it takes talent.
But nothing good has ever touched and transformed hearts and minds other than that which has originated from those very things.
Talent is a gift indeed.
But heart even more so; it is both curse and privilege.
The pain that makes us human. The agony that teaches us what is real. The happiness that guides us to what is worth living for.
If I had all power, and all talent, all knowledge, and all beauty. If I had all riches, and all the admiration, and fame, and number of friends--
If I have not love, I am nothing.
PS I really do love movies. If you’re an aspiring writer, or a writer with fluctuating inspiration, do watch The Rewrite. Check out  1 Corinthians 13:2
“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.” 
2018-10-23 18:07 Philippines Tuesday
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"Keenness, spontaneity, and trusting the moment..."
I entered the room to discover a Thor exploring the wonders of my film-filled laptop.
I took my favorite Nuyorican Poets Cafe book to read and learn. Stepped out to the living room filled with people and stretched my legs to feel at home on the couch. I made a re-friend! :) Yana approached me and asked about the book.
I didn't know she was interested in prose and poetry! She also writes snippets here and there sometimes. I told her to collect them.
I asked for recommendations, since strangely enough, even though I like to write I don't have a wide background when it comes to poetry from the celebrated and the local poets alike.
I don't know why I didn't read them sooner.
Keep learning!
2018-10-23 19:31 Philippines Tuesday
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To Karu:
Sorry for imposing on you last night. I just really do value good sleep. I don't know about you but I can't workout without it, and it also affects the general mood and brain function.
I still don't know what to do about it. Everyone seems to enjoy not sleeping at night, but I don't feel like conforming to it especially since I see its daily effects on me. You can actually join stuff like that if you like. I was thinking that we both need sleep desperately, but I realized that I might have been forcing/pressuring you to go to bed.
Though I do request to have no guests in the late night of this approaching Saturday. I'm going to need tons of energy and also an early alarm since I will be called for work (thank God they allowed me to go to church first)
(Even if I did only request it, that doesn't change what it might have felt to you. So again, I apologize if a part of you was in unease or anything.)
I love you
[25 minutes later]
I would like to kiss you all over, but that will rouse you from sleep.
I love you, and I love you to death.
2018-10-24 06:21 Philippines Wednesday
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From Isla:
"My tita and tito from [the] US are here in the PH right now
"and they said im too young to be in a relationship.
"and gave this vibe like......don't be in one right now.
"i really appreciate the love and support from them ofc
"it's just....medj na-down ako lol" [I was a bit downhearted lol]
To Isla:
I'm assuming they aren't free thinkers, your aunt and uncle hahaha
They probably are right, but if you think about it that observation is only relative to an imaginary concept which is the future
In my opinion, no one is too old, and no one is too young. It's never too late, and it's never too early
There's only now, and a moment's opportunity to come to a decision
There's only now, and a moment's commitment to be true to who you are at this point in time
Only what is existent after all counts as truth :) the future is yet to happen, and both possible and unlikely
Entrusting the sense of reality to tomorrow, in other words, a question mark seems illogical to me
The BEAUTIFUL book you gave me about the deaf-mutes gave me this idea
The future is not a universal or "natural" concept
[Check out Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks]
And the past is not more real than a memory is. And we all know how nearly inexistent memories are. That's all they are--memories.
From Isla:
"Those are beautiful thoughts. :)
"Reading it really helped me.
"I'm thankful that i have you in my life."
[An hour later]
"Did other people tell you the same thing before? if you don't mind me asking
"Have you ever been so hard on yourself one time in your life, and eventually you stopped it?
What did you do to overcome it?"
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To Isla:
Personally, it takes me a continuous amount of effort to stand up against the self-hatred. Some say it's a lifelong sickness we have as humans, and it seems true to me
(also, writing heals both the writer, and hopefully the reader, so it's mutually a good thing, hopefully hahaha)
It's like the motivation to commit to a vocation
It's not natural to be motivated at every moment of your life, but we seek to make it a habit
Habits form the shape that our thoughts and feelings take. Like my nighttime anxiety. It was developed because I gained the habit of thinking that I am alone and abandoned every time these factors come together: it is nighttime, and I am physically alone
I unconsciously associate the scenery with something from the past that reminds me of a similar situation, but is actually entirely different
In fact it dates back to the time I was still very close to my mother. We still loved each other as I grew up, but not too close as to always be hugging every chance we get
It dates back to when I was a little girl of age 5 at most (since the scenes were from my Atimonan home, and we left that when I entered elementary)
Habits don't die on their own. They cannot be thrown away just like that. But, they can be replaced
If I can create a little nighttime routine, even just cue words or a little ritual, that could change a lot. I just need consistency because some nights I'm too tired and I forget to pray or to practice deep breaths and stuff. And when I find myself alone again, it starts all over; I get anxious as hell
So maybe the first step before changing your habits would be to forgive yourself
We are imperfect, at that is incurable. But we have the potential for growth, and that is at least forgivable. We can learn from our mistakes, so we shouldn't let ourselves down from them.
They are there to give us two options: give up, or try again.
Changing a habit is probably going to take more tries than my fingers can count, but hey we're still alive and breathing, so I presume Life is willing to give us as many chances as we need in a lifetime
Failure is unfortunate, but failure is an important mark of what truly matters to you.
If it's worth more than the self-obsessive need to be successful, and if it means your life and your calling and a better world, it's at least worth trying again, no? :)
When people bring you down, they could be there for a good reason, and that's not to bring you down. Maybe that's hardly what they wanted to do in the first place.
We need to learn to assert our own beliefs and stand up to them. Maybe they think it's all just a whim because they don't understand yet how it matters to you, and what it means to grow up.
Growing up means making mistakes (your relationship is not necessarily a mistake haha), getting up, and learning something new.
Learning something new always requires a new experience.
Learning something new always means stepping out of your comfort zone and into unknown territory.
If you end up hurt, that's fine, we're here for you. What's important is that the lessons are not lost. What you learn is what you grow out into.
So don't ever stop learning. :)
Learn to stand up for what you believe in.
Don't be afraid to share what you have learned!
But never impose beyond your personal right to live. Nothing teaches an individual more than a personal experience.
We each take our own paths, and each take our own lessons in life, in forms that we are ready to understand.
And if advice or conversation cannot help your case with them, then you've done your part.
All you need to do is live your life and live it honestly enough for it to speak for itself
2018-10-24 07:00 Philippines Wednesday
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plu7e · 6 years
you dont have to answer this!! but i was wondering if you could kind of talk about your journey so far on testosterone?? im seriously thinking about it right now and wanted to know about your experience!
apparently u sent this like 2 weeks ago omg bby im sorry !!! my inbox is bugged and doesnt show any asks, i hope u can forgive me ;u;
BUT ok i can totally talk abt it
first of all my parents had to sign a contract that they were aware of the possible dangers of the treatment and such, as im underage, next, the doctors at my current clinic said i had to take a blood test to make sure everything was fine, and it was, so i got my prescriptions, currently my treatment is an ampoule per month even though i could go for one every 3 weeks, i decided to play safe bc to me its pretty invasive to just pump an ampoule filled w hormones in your body, but it all depends on what your doctors recommend
until i reached the 6 months in testosterone mark, i had to take a blood test every 2 months to make sure that it was having the desired effect and such, this was kind of a bumpy road bc there was a strike in the whole country which made gasoline impossible to get, making it impossible to go to the clinic to get more prescriptions to get more ampoules, but after a month or so the strike finally ended and so i went right back into the treatment, no side-effects showed up during this month off tho (thank god bc u cant just abruptly stop the treatment lmao but i was good!!)
in the beginning there was nothing really big, my testosterone levels got up a little bit, which kind of worried the doctors, but on the 6th month there was an obvious spike so we decided on taking one blood test every year, exercising, eating well and all of that, the first effect was that my menstruation completely stopped, i dont even remember how uncomfortable it is to wear a pad anymore lol, and that hair started to grow a lot... everywhere... for the first months it stopped there but with the spike (6th month) my voice got significantly deeper (after cracking all the time), im pretty sure i got a little bit taller (would get a lil bit more if i were exercising constantly but...), my libido got really intense and your clit grows a little bit with each ampoule, thats all completely normal and good! but there were also effects that unfortunately happened and that i wasnt (and still am not lmao) happy with, like my hair getting thinner (not anything serious but bc of my shitty eating habits that almost got me into an ed again, and bc testosterone does thin you hair, i had to start using medicine to get my hair to the thickness it was, special shampoo, etc) and the MOOD SWINGS... i am DEFINITELY more prone to anger and stress (but also bc of the current situation of my country and a lot of other personal problems) and its recommended that you see a therapist while doing the treatment, i didnt, but im thinking abt it now with so much stress accumulated into my life
in general, i dont regret anything, i just wished i had taken better care of myself in the beginning of the treatment so that i could minimize all the possible unwanted side effects (cough cough hair thinning cough cough), so take that as an advice!! i am more confident with myself and the way i present as a man, and i know for a fact that if i had waited till i turned 18 to start treatment i would just agonize for more time, bc one of the biggest causes of dysphoria for me was menstruation, so when it completely stopped i felt like i was finally free lmao
so if youre really planning on doing it, please exercise and eat well, it helps in the long run, also get in contact with your doctors if you need to change your testosterone (i had to bc the brand i was using stopped fabricating, so i changed to another) and never inject yourself w/o proper knowledge! i get my ampoules at a pharmacy and apply there but im planning on applying into a nursing crash course in the future so i can learn how to to it myself and not depend on anyone
i hoped this helped you somehow, also im sorry abt the english mistakes and stuff, its late and im tired, feel free to ask me anything!
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namjooneh · 8 years
70 horrible questions
tagged by: @softjimns thanks niciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
01: do you have a good relationship with your parents? ya
02: who did you last say “i love you” to? @hetmans
03: do you regret anything? boiling w rage and creating angry dialogues after an unpleasant encounter w some ppl instead of standing my ground when i actually had a chance
04: are you insecure? not as much as i was at least a year ago
05: what is your relationship status? an asexual in ukraine
06: how do you want to die? in a bathtub full of money
07: what did you last eat? pizza
08: played any sports? do P.E. classes count
09: do you bite your nails? lol yes my worst habit
10: when was your last physical fight? never i escape arguments like a plague
11: do you like someone? the monstur
12: have you ever stayed up 48 hours? yes bc my body hates me and doesnt allow me to rest
13: do you hate anyone at the moment? idk im not a ppl-hating type i suppose
14: do you miss someone? @ahjiminie matt i want to see u in person again so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch
15: have any pets? 1 stoned-looking cat
16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment? a stomachache, a weird rumbling feeling my chest, sleepy
17: ever made out in the bathroom? neh
18: are you scared of spiders? i love ‘em
19: would you go back in time if you were given the chance? only for an exciting vacay
20: where was the last place you snogged someone? um
21: what are your plans for this weekend? hanging out w @hetmans
22: do you want to have kids? how many? yes but not in ukraine, probably 2
23: do you have piercings? how many? only standard earrings piercings
24: what is/are/were your best subject(s)? english n chemistry
25: do you miss anyone from your past? ehhh nah
26: what are you craving right now? being able to write properly
27: have you ever broken someone’s heart? allegedly
28: have you ever been cheated on? kind of
29: have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? neh
30: what’s irritating you right now?  my health forever
31: does somebody love you? ofc
32: what is your favourite color? mint & pink
33: do you have trust issues? who doesnt in this society
34: who/what was your last dream about? i was on some kind of a quest??/ i think?
35: who was the last person you cried in front of? umm my aunt n dad probably
36: do you give out second chances too easily? no im worth more
37: is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive
38: is this year the best year of your life? most likely no
39: how old were you when you had your first kiss? um
40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? i dont even do it @ home pls
51: favourite food? anything i can actually eat and not gag more liek it
52: do you believe everything happens for a reason? nope
53: what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? finished writing a fic
54: is cheating ever okay? no
55: are you mean? sometimes i wish i was but. no. completely not mean
56: how many people have you fist fought? i am not a barbarian
57: do you believe in true love? ~*~*~i want to believe~*~*~
58: favourite weather? late spring when its warm and a bit windy and u feel Just Right in a cardigan
59: do you like the snow? N.O let it die im tire d
60: do you wanna get married? yes
61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? im bad w diminutives overall 
62: what makes you happy? friends, cats, bts, smart well-written fanfiction
63: would you change your name? id rather the russian ver of my name ceased to exist
64: would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? um
65: your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? if i dont like him that way then the answer’s obvious
66: do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yee
67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad
68: who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? either hetmans or ahjiminie lmao
69: do you believe in soulmates? YES
70: is there anyone you would die for? im a virgo
tagging:  @hetmans, @ahjiminie, @jongkookie, @gaynness, @adevilkissedme (if u want to ofc)
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gotincest-blog · 7 years
im gonna answer those questions because im bored (:
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
fairly good I would say. 
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my mom
03: Do you regret anything?
yes, i regret some things I did in my childhood that hurt others
04: Are you insecure?
Yes I am but pretending to be confident really helps 
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
im honestly so scared of dying so I don’t like to think about it
07: What did you last eat?
taco bell
08: Played any sports?
yes. soccer, basketball, softball in elementary school (:
09: Do you bite your nails?
no I pick at them and also pick at my skin and hair more than anything
10: When was your last physical fight?
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten into a physical altercation
11: Do you like someone?
i dont think so right now 
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
yes and longer
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
no I don’t. I don’t think I’m capable of harboring that feeling
14: Do you miss someone?
yes I miss my bff
15: Have any pets?
Yes! 2 dogs. one is 10 years old the other is 8 months old
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
tired. conflicted, out of control
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
yes and in the shower
18: Are you scared of spiders?
horrified of spiders (:
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
No. things happened because they were meant to and I wouldn’t change my experiences because they give me insight and have helped me grow..but if i could choose moments to re live that would be cool 
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
uhh friends house
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
i dont have plans as of right now but i’ll probably hang out with my friends and my family maybe
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
ive wanted to have kids before but with the state of the world where it currently is, not so much anymore. im obsessed with being pregnant though
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
yes, 7. nostril, septum, two holes in each ear lobe and a cartilage piercing 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
english was my best subject in school but i dropped out so yknow...i feel like id also be good with psychology or animal science but the world may never know
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
probably but i dont obsess over it like i used to
26: What are you craving right now?
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
yes and ive also cheated ):
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
my body and how messy my room is..also the fact im not taking my meds
31: Does somebody love you?
yes! i am very loved
32: What is your favourite color?
greeeeen, but i like wearing black a lot
33: Do you have trust issues?
uhh. no i usually trust people pretty easily even though ive been fucked over so much, but i dont see the point in not giving people chances and forming relationships with trust
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
my last dream involved me having really nice long black hair and also getting a job and going back to high school :O
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
neither! honestly for me though i think that forgetting doesn’t help. it’s important to remember your experiences so that you can learn and grow and then have the potential to forgive. i think being able to forgive can be really healthy 
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
i dont think i ....have ever had a best year of my life. this year isn’t awful though, im spending time with friends, my family is healthy, ive had employment and sex so thats +++
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
i started having sex with people when i was 5 so like, theres no real reference point for that, but my first important relationship that involved kissing and sex happened when i was 12...w someone a lot older ):
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
mac n cheese hands down, i do like mexican food though
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
yes. i really do.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
i watched surgery videos...huh
54: Is cheating ever okay?
this could be taken a few different ways. cheating on a test? sure thats fine. stealing is cheating imo and i dont like stealing/shoplifting even though i’ve stolen before. i dont think its okay, but honestly if youre in poverty and you need food or diapers or clothes for your children/you/your dog or something then i understand. cheating on someone in a relationship? i understand why it happens but no i dont think its okay. if you are interested in other people or you even think you cant trust yourself in that area, address it with your partner first or take a break or break up if youre unhappy enough to do that. but i definitely do understand why it happens, especially considering ive done it before and have had it done to me.
55: Are you mean?
i would say i can be..in the sense that im too honest sometimes and things i say are sometimes difficult to hear but i try to be considerate and fair and i would say over all im pleasant to be around..more so when im medicated though
56: How many people have you fist fought?
i dont think any tbh
57: Do you believe in true love?
i dont know what this means but i do believe that love exists..its just not as selfless as people claim. every body is selfish in pretty much every aspect of life, but selfishness and love for someone arent mutually exclusive.
58: Favourite weather?
probably like 65 degrees, sunny, light breeze, clear sky, late morning/mid afternoon OR 70 degrees nights where its super dark but the air is still and you can be outside in shorts and a t shirt and not be cold and maybe rain..i like rain
59: Do you like the snow?
when it isn’t snowing in may lol. i used to live in constant snow and play in it a lot as a kid so those are some good memories...it can be annoying now but i think its very pretty.
60: Do you wanna get married?
the idea kind of scares me but if i trust and love someone enough to commit like that, yes 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
that word is honestly ruined for me lmao
62: What makes you happy?
animals, people being kind to one another, having money, SPENDING MONEY, food, inside jokes, hugs, kissing, clean socks, showering, relationships working out for other people (IT GIVES ME HOPE AND PEACE OF MIND), gifts, music, swimming, having a clean room, petting my dogs, when i look cute in an outfit, when my hair dries nice, cuddling, getting key tags for na, roadtrips, camping, things that are green, joking around with my family
63: Would you change your name?
no. i like my name. but i have friends who still call me kyle and i really prefer that at least with them..its just more comfortable
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
no...itd be fine
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
uh...i dont like ruining friendships with relationships...this has never happened to me so i honestly dont know
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
yes! (:
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
my brother 
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
sam & angel
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
my mom
0 notes
onepiecematchmaker · 8 years
hello, i saw the askbo open or so you said by the post, so i was assuming if it was okay to send in a match up request through here? since its a bit long! if not please ignore this.
can i request a male matchup pls?
Im an INFJ slim sagittarius girl with waist long wavy dark Brown hair and eyes, 177cm and light olive skin.
Hobbies: although lately i haven’t had the time (bcs these thing cost time and money which i can’t freely use atm bcs im saving it for a house hahaha.) i like to every often exercise/hit the gym when i have time (although regulated since i have breathing problems) and also judo. when im at home or alone surfing through the internet, watching movies or series. Or take a stroll with friends or walking/playing with my dog.
also going out to eat nice food is always a must - i love food. though that runs in the blood bcs me and my younger cousin are like two luffys, we eat a lot but surprisingly we never get fat… its a mystery (if i knew the formula i would give it srsly but eve idk how this happens). i also like to cook because its fun trying to perfect the recipes and adding flavours and decorating it, but washing the dishes sucks Character: Im a perfectionist and will always try to do my best and its easy for me to get frustrated; i dislike slacking, dishonesty, lying, disloyalty and selfishness.
Im quite honest and will always speak the truth unless i have the need to hide it from problematic people; i can keep a secret if you ask me to and will expect the same; if you break my trust i will not forgive - which is difficult to gain since i many hurt me a lot before, due to bullying and narc abuse at home hence traumas+anxiety worsen it.
I often joke and playfight with those im close to a lot, so i like people who are positive and with good sense of humour: aka memes, puns and maybe light pranks.(for dirty jokes you need friend level 20. XD)
Im a bit emotional and can get pissed off easily or hurt , but since im prideful i keep it all in and do not show it until im by myself (that being said i don’t cry easily, only when i’m at the brink of my limits)
Im also quite theorical (in which everything has a reason behind it/ logic) methodical (everything must have a method) analytical and calculating since i want to be a step ahead and get the truth ou of everything and plan strategies. im observant and study people’s behaviour and expressions a lot, so i can quickly guess why they act in a way, often coming with the theories for everything they do, since i need to fulfill the thirst for knowledge about everything around me .
I am quite independent and dislike clinginess - I always try to do things without help even if im not an expert on it and i need to have my space and get tired of crowds. I also am an individualist and prefer my own style and way of things, i dislike being equal to others (be it in clothes, ideas, although i go for the ‘elegant secretary’ style on work days and hipster outside the office, i honestly dont have queers of my body - tbh all of us should love our bodies bcs they’re precious!! and no one can copy them).
Im in another hand, quite shy and awkward with people i dont know (specially guys, although it has been gtting easier over the years), so i’ll be usually quiet and when people compliment me i usually either try to joke about it with confidence(if i already know them well) or just stay quiet because im not used to being liked.
i’m not one to judge before knowing the person and seeing their behavior, be it whoever they are. although if you have an ugly heart you will not even be considered in my opinion as a human or a decent person.
I also love animals and kids (if you dont like them then you’re not fit for me.) I literally have to stop on my tracks to pet random dogs, cats or whatever i find (it doesn’t matter if its tame or not, i will try to pet it srsly - i petted eagles too before. animals for me are amazing). also i can’t stand a crying child in need of aid even if they’re not my cousins or related - surprisingly maybe bcs i relate to having been abused by my narcissitic birthgivers i can easily know how children feel so i try to give them my best attention at their needs and they often go to me for anything.
abilities: I love languages and i can speak fluently english, spanish and my main: portuguese (im trying to handle italian and japanese atm) though i want to speak more. i also like to draw chibis (pls dont judge) when im bored.
Perfect date idea: i dislike superficiality and people tried to buy me with gifts before, so i quickly realized that i’d rather have people share even just 5 minutes of their time with me rather than the former so for me, as casual as possible and as crowdless as possible, but still fun would do: maybe a night at the cinema or stargazing in the park, a day in the beach waiting for the sunset to pour, or a dinner in a casual restaurant. cuddling under blankets while watching action/adventure or commedy movies also seems like a good idea if both of us are broke lol X’D (as long as you dont make me watch cliche romcons i’m good - and horror movies). Prepare for awkwardness though bcs i look cool but im a salty, awkward nerd.
*bows* thank you so much for your availability for this match-up request.
Sorry about this taking so long, to others that have sent in asks, I’m working on them and should post them soon. On to the match! 
 I’d match you with Kaku! He’s hardworking and his personality would compliment yours well. While he may have lied to everyone in water 7 for years and ended up being part of CP9 he was the only one that genuinely felt bad about it and wished that he could go back to the life that he had in Water 7. With some patience and understanding the two of you could be a great match.
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