tenshichan1013 · 8 months
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frozen germany winter in arendelle
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kaynon · 1 year
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staying up late to work on something or another for the hotel
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mcmadcanvas · 2 years
Playing unmodded skyrim is like walking through a barren land where no one speaks...
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ketoportal · 2 years
En hurtig og enkel snack, der nemt kan ændres og forvandles til let aftensmad. Er du lidt tidspresset er denne hurtige, nemme og lækre caprese salat præcis, hvad du har brug for – spækket med smag, proteiner og fedt, og det bedste af det hele er at det kan gøres på 3 minutter! Beklager, jeg har ikke de trinvise billeder, men instruktionerne burde være ret selvforklarende.  Caprese salat – en…
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On 28th February, 1539, Thomas Forret, the Vicar of Dollar, John Keillor and John Beveridge, two black-friars, Duncan Simpson a priest, and a gentleman named Robert Forrester, were all burned together on the Castle Hill on a charge of heresy.
The persecution of Protestants in Scotland, at least if measured in martyrdoms, peaked in 1539, shortly after Cardinal David Beaton, a zealous opponent of reform, was appointed primate of the country, although from the info I have picked up one John Lauder, would have been the man condemning these men, he was Scotland’s Public Accuser of Heretics at the times. Heretics being anyone who didn’t follow the Catholic faith.
Of the five “heresiarchs” executed in Edinburgh, none had quite so fascinating a tale as Thomas Forret, an Augustinian monk turned Vicar whose passion for Scripture and preaching, coupled with frank observation of the institutional Church’s doctrinal and practical failings, earned him a place at the stake at the crest of the Royal Mile, just east of Edinburgh Castle.
Forret had been warned by the high heid yins about his behaviour on the pulpit a few times, one occasion said his sermons might lead to “make the people thinke” but, a very smart man, he rebuked the accusations of going against the lords work by quoting scriptures and his quick wit. At the time in Scotland the sermons were traditionally performed by “Black Friars” and “Grey Friars” That’s Dominican and Franciscan Monks to you and I!
It would all come undone in 1539 when Forret attended the wedding of the Priest of Tullibody, which attendance, no less than the marriage itself, flouted the Church’s stance position on clerical celibacy. Forret had added insult to injury by eating meat at his fellow curate’s wedding celebration, despite the fact that it was Lent.
So grievous were Forret’s collective crimes that, at his trial, he was condemned to death “without anie place for recantatioun.”
Subsequently brought to the place of his execution, a certain Friar Hardbuckell encouraged him to save his soul by confessing his faith in God. “I beleeve in God,” Forret replied. Hardbuckell then encouraged him to confess his faith in the Virgin Mary by adding the words “and in our Ladie.” Forret answered, “I beleeve as our Ladie beleeveth,” thereby maintaining to the end the perfect and full sufficiency of Christ’s saving work for sinners.
Forret’s wit and knowledge of Scripture stayed with him to his very last breath. Having been preceded to the gallows by one of his fellow martyrs, Forret called the same a “wily fellow” who wished to arrive at the feast awaiting them in heaven before the others in order to secure a good seat. As the noose was placed around his neck, he began to recite Psalm 51 in Latin: Misere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love.” Thus he continued “till they pulled the stoole frome under his feete, and so wirried [hanged], and after burnt him.”
Pics are of a memorail stone and bridge over the River Devon between the village of Blairingone and Dollar on the border of Clackmannanshire and Kinross-shire
Much more on the unfortunate man here https://www.reformation21.org/.../scotlands-protestant...
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phantomknights · 8 months
fuck seeing that ruri edit (super cute btw i love it u look swag :3) made me wanna do a kin edit but i. lowkey dont have many options of sources that are easy to edit. how am i meant to draw over a minecraft skin or a live action character 😭
...maybe i could do jrwi thumbnails actually. some of them are Very stylized tho
u could use a skin editor maybe if their skins r like up an available :0 wouldnt get much detail thougw.. BUT THE THUMNBAIL THING SOUNDS COOL
@cutest-member-of-the-server lookie lookie forret liked it :3
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candyredappledragon · 8 months
(Pelipper Mail!
A Furret plushie and a Dipplin plushie……take care….)
..th..thank uou—
mo.. mochi?.. did i rea d th at right???
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Nun waren wir zwei Tage am Cap Forret mit seinem ewigen Sandstrand und den tollen Pinienwäldern. So stehen wir auch, auf einem großen Campingplatz im Pinienwald. Es sind höchstens 5 Prozent der Plätze belegt und so hat jeder seinen Privatpark:-)
Die Dune du Pilat haben wir nur von unten auf dem Weg betrachten können, da Hunde nicht hoch dürfen. Tatsächlich war ich hier und auch auf der Düne schon Mal mit 15 oder 16 in meinem ersten Urlaub ohne Eltern:-)
Auf jeden Fall hat es an der Düne auch ordentlich vor nicht allzu vielen Jahren großflächig gebrannt. Zwei Campingplätze liegen noch als Brandruinen brach, einer wird gerade wieder aufgebaut.
Zurück zum jetzt: Superschön und entschleunigend, allerdings war auch ein halber Regentag dabei. Ich habe den Regentag dann Mal dazu genutzt, Wetterprognosen zu checken und Entscheidungen zu treffen. Jetzt wäre noch eine gute Möglichkeit wieder in die Hitze zu fahren. Aber ich habe mich entschieden meine Route gen Nordwesten fortzusetzen, ggf. auch mit immer Mal wieder ein bisschen Regen. Schließlich kommt der Sommer ja auch noch.
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Also ging es heute ein ganzes Stück weiter bis in die Ecke bei La Tranche sur Mer. Wir stehen direkt am Strand, getrennt von 5 Metern Düne. Aber das Meer ist rauer, eher braun und es windet gut. Aber wunderschön und wieder ganz anders. Zwischendrin sind wir lange durch den Regional Natural Park of the Marais Poitevin gefahren. Die Landschaft erinnerte ein bisschen an die Nordsee in etwas wilder, freier und weniger genutzt.
Ahh, und im Sand versinkende Bunker gibt es hier auch..
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sunsetdew0101 · 1 year
Second Chance
Chapter 5
Aisha's heart was hammering in her chest. A chill crept up her back, even though it was half past eight in the morning and the sun was hot enough to walk with her khaki jacket around her waist, even though it was appropriate for hot weather.
Pikachu was silent for the first time while his trainer was freaking out, looking at the Pewter Gym. If it weren't for Misty, they would have stood there for a good time staring at the doors.
"I thought you wanted to challenge the gym today," was the redhead's cheeky comment. That made the raven head wake up from her thoughts, and after taking a deep breath, she continued to walk towards the doors.
"Sorry about that. It just dawned on me now," commented Ash as she scratched the back of her head.
"You don't need to challenge the Gym today if you don't feel ready."
"Oh no, I'm ready to do it. Just like Pikachu and Espeon."
"But it's only now that it's become real that I'm a Pokemon trainer."
"Receiving your starter and having a Pokedex didn't do the trick?" Misty teased.
"Actually... I grew up around Pokemons and got Espeon when she was an Eevee when I was almost eight, so..."
"It'll be fine, Ash. Think of it like a normal battle. The difference is you'll get a bigger challenge. Keep calm and be yourself, and everything will be fine."
The Gym's exterior made it look like a giant boulder, which made the reception area look like a huge contrast. For some reason, Ash thought it would look like a big gloomy cave, but it was cozy, with several beams to hold up the walls and ceilings. Some couches and plants were scattered around, along with some sculptures of Pokemons in different types of stones.
On one side was a brown slate desk with a computer, while on the back wall was the Pewter Gym logo. There was a kid who looked a bit older than Ash, who was writing on some sheets.
Both girls approached him, and once the boy realized he wasn't alone, he put away his worksheets and brought the computer out of sleep mode.
"Good morning. Welcome to the Pewter City Gym. Are you here to challenge the Gym Leader now or to make an appointment for later?" he asked in a light tone.
"I've come to challenge the Gym Leader now if he's available." declared Ash.
"Uhum, great, put your Pokedex here to register for the Gym match. Uh, are you coming from Pallet too? You're already the fourth to challenge the Gym." He commented while he filled in something on the computer, "Well, here it's all done. The field is this way."
It was a short walk to the two large double doors, which, once opened, showed the battlefield and the stands where visitors could watch the Gym matches. Ash handed Budew's Pokeball to Misty as she made her way to sit.
The light from the doors behind Ash shed just enough to get around the rocks strewn across the shady battlefield. Aisha approached her box when a male voice echoed through the room.
"Introduce yourself and how many Gym badges you have."
"My name is Aisha Ketchum from Pallet Town. This is my first Gym," replied the girl in a firmer voice than she expected. Pikachu squealed in agreement.
The lights gradually turned on until they focused on a boy older than Ash sitting on a flat rock. After getting up, he climbed down from her towards his trainer box.
"Very well. My name is Brock. I am the Pewter Gym Leader. The battle will be two on two, with substitutions allowed. The first one to run out of Pokemon capable of battling wins the match. Is that ok with you? "
"All good."
"Forest," said Brock to the boy who had accompanied them. "You already know what to do."
Ash took a deep breath as Forret repeated the Gym battle rules. As soon as Forest ordered, they launched the Pokemons onto the battlefield. Brock didn't seem too impressed with her choice, but that didn't faze Ash.
Ash knew what she was capable of, she knew what Pikachu's abilities were, and they had both fought some people in town who also used rock types. They just had to give it all they had during the battle.
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Aisha was all sweaty. Her shoulders and calves were tight and hurt. Her breath came in heavy, quick puffs. She felt like the time she tried to swim across the Lab lake from one side to the other and nearly drowned halfway through, and the Pokemons that lived there had to help her get to the shore safely. The scolding she received from the Professor almost didn't make it worth it.
Ash hadn't done a water marathon this time, but the feeling was the same. Fighting Brock was different than fighting trainers on the road. It almost felt like battling Misty. Almost.
Brock's movements were more refined and sure. He had been a Gym leader for at least four years. She expected a tough battle, even for the first Gym challenge. Now they were in the second part of the battle. Pikachu was a bit battered but was very smug about his victory over Geodude while sitting in Aisha's trainer box. And it was not for less.
He was swift for a Geodude and gave Pikachu a run for his money. It helped that Geodude knew the terrain of Pikachu's battlefield better and knew how to traverse it than he did.
But it hadn't mattered in the end. The weights that Professor Oak had bought to Ash train her team's speed and endurance aided in improving Pikachu's speed even further.
And even when there were a few hiccups along the way, the well-coordinated -read 'improvised'- use of Double Team prevented Pikachu from taking too much damage. And by using Swift after multiplying, he could stop Geodude from approaching with his Rollout and the occasional ThunderShock block many of the Rock Throws used against the electric mouse. Pikachu also hit him with an Iron Tail twice on the Rock-type, the last time being too much for him, which led to Pikachu's victory in the first round.
Now Espeon and the newly released Onix face each other from both sides of the field. Brock seemed more focused on the challenge that Ash could give him. Not that he wasn't before, but Aisha's choice of Pokemon made him slightly disregard her capabilities. But after the last round, he wouldn't miscalculate what she and her Pokemon could do again.
The impasse between Pokemon lasted a few seconds before both darted across the field following their trainers' orders.
Onix launched himself across the field towards Espeon, intending to grab it with a Crunch, but when he finally reached where she had been, only a cloud of sand remained in the air. On the other side of the field, Espeon halted sideways once she left the range of Onix's mouth with a Quick Attack. Ash looked wild from her side of the battlefield as she worked in unison with Espeon to tell her what attacks to use and where to dodge.
While keeping a close eye on the recurring battle, Brock watched the challenger. She was small for her age, and despite the nervousness common to new trainers on their first gym match, she wasn't overwhelmed by it. Her strategies were simple but solid for a novice. If she improved with time, she would be a formidable opponent to most people.
"Stone Edge, Onix," ordered Brock as an experiment.
"Wait for it... Now!"
The Sun Pokemon quickly ran towards the columns and, instead of trying to break them as many trainers would, she jumped on top of them and ran towards Onix. Brock nodded slightly. Bold on her part and showed the Pokemon's great confidence in its trainer.
The battle was far from over, but Brock was thrilled for the outcome.
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Ash's heart was still pounding, even though the battle had been over for some time. Budew was warm against her side as she waited in the Pokemon Center room for Pikachu and Espeon. Nurse Joy was examining them after the heated Gym battle.
Both trainer and Pokemon looked at the case in awe. The Boulder Badge reflected the lights from the window; the first of eight she had to win to participate in the Kanto Pokemon League.
A TM lying innocently in the middle of the bed was the only proof of her victory besides the extra Pokedollars on her account. Misty was smiling proudly from the other bed in the room. Despite wanting to congratulate Ash on the incredible battle Ash had had, the redhead let the other girl enjoy the glow that victory and the bath brought now that the adrenaline had subsided.
"Sounds like a dream," commented Ash quietly, as if speaking up would break the satisfying stillness that spread through the room. Misty rolled her eyes playfully as if the other was being silly.
"Budew or I can pinch you to assure you you're awake."
"It's just the tingling sensation in my limbs that makes me feel like I'm sleeping," she commented absentmindedly.
"That's called an adrenaline rush, honey. You'll get used to it." The urge to laugh in Ash's face was strong, and it made Misty let out a few giggles.
That made Aisha burst into hysterical laughter, and before they knew it, the three of them were laughing their asses off at the situation. Only when they lacked air, and the knocking on the wall in the next room made them control their laughter, and even then, some snoring escaped.
"We'd better stop before we get a noise complaint," said Ash as she wiped away the fugitive tears from the fit of laughter. "Do we leave tomorrow morning?"
Misty gave a thumbs-up as she grabbed some tissues from the bedside table. "By dawn or closer to mid-morning?"
"Dawn. The plan is to head towards Monte Lua, and cross the tunnels, which will take some time. If we leave here early, we'll reach the outskirts of there by late afternoon, where we can camp and start the crossing the next morning ."
"Trainer Aisha Ketchum, your Pokemon are ready for pickup."
"Well, go get them. We'll have lunch in the canteen and then restock on supplies and medicine for the trip this afternoon."
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If during the day Pewter City was charming, during dawn seemed straight out of the fairy tales Ash read before bed as a child. The lilac and pink hues of the sunrise were breathtaking, and the rising mist made it adorably mysterious. Both girls couldn't resist snapping some photos for posterity. Even the cool breeze coming off the mountains seemed to lighten the mood.
But regardless of the stunning beauty they saw, Ash couldn't help but feel that something, or someone, was missing: Which didn't make any sense. Misty was to Ash's right, drinking green tea from a thermos to see if she would wake up. Espeon and Budew were sleeping inside their Pokeballs, and Pikachu was inside Ash's backpack, enjoying a few more hours of sleep.
Of course, no one was missing, and both had verified they had packed everything they needed and restocked supplies. And Ash had already signed up for the Pokemon League two days before. It made no sense what Ash was feeling.
"I hope you don't make a habit of waking up at this ungodly hour," Misty grumbled as she sipped her tea. "Doubt there's a drink in the world that will make me fully awake if I don't sleep at least by seven."
"Only when we have to make time to get somewhere. Mt Moon is not a place we want to cross at night."
It would still be some time before the city woke up. Only a few stores already had their lights on, and even then, it was just the employees getting them ready to open in an hour. Some stops already had students and young adults barely awake waiting for the bus.
Suddenly they heard the sound of someone running and calling for them. Pikachu took his head out of his backpack to see who was approaching and lightly zapped his cheeks until he saw who was closing them.
"Brock? What are you doing here?"
"Is there a problem?" Ash hoped there wasn't. In two weeks of travel, she had already been in enough trouble. She didn't need more.
Brock must have been running for some time as his breathing was heavy. "No, there's no problem. I just wanted to ask if I could join you."
"Oh?" Misty cocked her head.
"And the Gym?" questioned Ash, ignoring the joy that welled up in her chest and how the feeling of something missing disappeared.
Brock made an awkward face and gave them an explanation. "My old man decided to show up at the end of these years and be a family man. He will supervise the Gym while Forest takes the Gym Leader aptitude tests. The kids insisted that I take a break to travel and that if there's a problem, they swear they would call me."
Misty and Aisha looked at each other and welcomed the third member of their group. Ash ignored the feeling of fullness his presence brought and asked if he needed to stock his pack.
After all, three people and their Pokemon use more resources than two.
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artvenew · 7 months
Was Forrets Fenn Too Helpful with Hints? Hintorama.
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Technical Test [Advanced Beginner]
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I could tell that this test was more challenging than the beginner basic one we completed last semester. I felt a bit rusty as I have been overseas for most of the summer break and did not have my camera with me, so my photography practice was limited. I answered all of the questions that I had a guess for and for those I was unsure, I left a question mark.
After marking the test (with researching online), I found that I understand the differences in changing of the shutter speed, ISO, and aperture and what they accomplish such as letting more light in or creating a larger depth of field. I also know what the temperature/colour scales such as the 0-255 histogram and the Kelvin scales represent.
I was unfamiliar with the terms centre-weighted, spot, matrix auto focusing and matrix metering, so I wrote down the definitions while marking to remember better. Lenses, full frame cameras, crop sensors and full sensors terms/knowledge is new territory to me as I own one camera and one lens, so I can learn more about these. I also struggled with knowing the correct exposure settings based on the light levels in a scene off the top of my head as usually, I will play around with the manual setting until it is correct. This I can practice more by making my assumption before adjusting and seeing if I am accurate.
This test has reminded me that there is still a lot for me to learn about photography and the technical terms that assist in photo taking. I will take this test again at the end of the semester to see how much I have learned over the weeks.
Light calculator:
Forret, P. (2024). Photography light calculator · toolstud.io. Toolstud.io. https://toolstud.io/photo/light.php?aperturef=8&shutterspeed=0.008&isosensitivity=1600&neutraldensity=0
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Onvermoeibare inzet: Het levenswerk van Marie-Jeanne Forret https://www.westnieuws.be/onvermoeibare-inzet-het-levenswerk-van-marie-jeanne-forret/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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kaynon · 3 months
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This is my second artfight! Pretty excited to be participating again (although I’ll be traveling quite a bit during July)
I don’t know how everyone gets the featured character images to be high quality on these
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e23skriv · 10 months
Julie Østgaard Dahl
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Titel: Et te-selskab (2023)
Af: Julie Østgaard Dahl
Materiale: Sprittusch på porcelæn
Fragmenter af et indre drama skrevet ned på porcelæn. Et personligt, egoistisk og forfængeligt værk, der har sit ophav i ideen om at ville formidle kompleksiteten i den kontrast og det clash, jeg ofte føler er min konstruktion. Jeg drages mod pæne, uskyldige og skrøbelige tingester, og indeni mig er der ofte frustrerede protesttanker, usikkerhed, ængstelighed og vrede. Værket er (en skitse af) et eksperiment med mødet mellem en pæn skal og et råt indhold, der både skal antyde det provokerende og grimme, men også det ærlige og sårbare. Den kreative proces blev hertil ledt på vej af spørgsmålene ”kan det være brugbart, hvis det ikke er skønt på samme tid? Eller ubrugeliggøres det, når det ikke er fint og ordentligt?” og ”kan den yndige skal overhovedet klare den hårde ærlighed indefra?”. Måske fungerer det slet ikke, hvis ikke mit sprog afspejler det perfekte ydre. Måske går skallen til sidst i stykker, måske slår sårbarheden og protesten med tiden sprækker og revner i den fine sensible overflade, som ikke kan holde tæt - ligesom en lækkende menstruationskop eller den tallerken, der styrtede i asfalten en sen søndag aften i frostvejr. Den splintredes, og skarpe porcelænsstykker fløj ud i sneen.
Af Julie Østgaard Dahl
Social- og selvbevidsthedskompleks Jeg bider i hudfolderne inde i munden og ser ud i rummet foran mig. et rum i opløsning. rækker en usynlig hånd ud i det opløselige mens tankeskygger danser bag mit slør mit blik fæstnes ved luftens molekyler og ord sitrer ud til fingerspidserne efterlader tungen tom. hånden fanger noget der kan siges det flyder ikke videre. luftmolekylerne optager stilheden direkte fra læberne der nænsomt kysser hvert atom sender stilheden videre gennem rummet elektron for elektron. forstenet er jeg stadig.
”Hvad nu hvis?”
Hvad nu hvis jeg inviterede min mormor til et te-selskab, men jeg serverede te, som vi drak af menstruationskopper lavet i hvidglat porcelæn med sirlige blomstermotiver malet i pasteller?
Hvad nu hvis min rødhårede veninde nød sin forret og læste, at hendes og mine hvidheder alle er slutninger for mig?
Hvad nu hvis din kammerat spiste sin saftige steak og blev spurgt, hvornår det er ham, hvornår det er mig, der er krænkeren?
Hvad nu hvis min far tog af kagefadet og fik at vide, at jeg får lyst til at hænge i et træ som en ond mor?
Begær mig, tak. vær venlig at gramse på mig. vær sød at grave dine fingre ind i huden på mine lår så kødet buler og deller ophober sig. lag i min hud opstår af din berøring, afgiver mønstre og tegn og i linjerne kan du læse at jeg vil have dig i mig. du må ikke såre mig men du åbner en dyb sprække som var den din og efterlader varm klistret silke tråde der trækker langt ind smyger sig ud ad mig i en langsommelig march der tager flere dage ad gangen. vi lusker rundt i det udefinerbare take på min krop og dine papirer. du ved jo hvad du vil ha’ men det gør jeg ikke helt.
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
La luchadora sacó la casta en Santiago y subió al segundo lugar del podio en los 68 kg YELIMAR REQUENA El trago amargo de San Salvador 2023 es cosa del pasado. La luchadora Soleymi Caraballo se colgó este jueves la medalla de plata en los juegos Panamericanos, Santiago 2023. La criolla finalmente pudo redimirse de la eliminación temprana que sufrió en los Centroamericanos, competencia en la que fue la abanderada de Venezuela junto a Luis Rovaina (bowling). Tras sus preseas de oro en los Juegos Bolivarianos, Valledupar 2022, y los Suramericanos, Asunción 2022, Soleymi Caraballo llegó a San Salvador como una de las grandes favoritas, pero cayó sorpresivamente en su primer combate. No pudo frente a la mexicana Ambar Garnica, que finalmente terminó consiguiendo el bronce, y se marchó claramente conmovida. “Me dolió, pero toca seguir adelante”, escribió entonces en sus redes sociales. Y así lo hizo. La luchadora, madre de dos niños, llegó a los Panamericanos llena de convicción y protagonizó una revancha en todo sentido en el estilo libre 68kg. Venció en los cuartos de final a la candiense Olivia Bacco y se apuntó a la pelea por el oro al derrotar (6-4) a la mexicana Garnica, la misma que acabó con sus aspiraciones centroamericanas. Ya en la final cedió ante la estadounidense Forrets Molinari 3-2 y se quedó con la presea de plata, volviéndose así a la senda del triunfo y avivando sus ilusiones olímpicas. Fue una gran victoria por donde se le mire, ella se había perdido los Panamericanos, Lima 2019, porque esperaba a su segundo bebé. Entonces le tocó celebrar como madre y esposa, pues el padre de sus hijos, Luis Avendaño, se coronó en aquella cita en la prueba de lucha grecorromana 87 kg. Su conquista en Santiago 2023 es la segunda presea de plata que aporta la lucha. Un día antes lo hizo José Díaz en el estilo libre 125 kg. En general la lucha ha aportado, hasta ahora, seis preseas: dos platas y cuatro bronces. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Líder
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 28th February, 1539, Thomas Forret, the Vicar of Dollar, John Keillor and John Beveridge, two black-friars, Duncan Simpson a priest, and a gentleman named Robert Forrester, were all burned together on the Castle Hill on a charge of heresy.
The persecution of Protestants in Scotland, at least if measured in martyrdoms, peaked in 1539, shortly after Cardinal David Beaton, a zealous opponent of reform, was appointed primate of the country, although from the info I have picked up one John Lauder, would have been the man condemning these men, he was Scotland’s Public Accuser of Heretics at the times. Heretics being anyone who didn’t follow the Catholic faith.
Of the five “heresiarchs” executed in Edinburgh, none had quite so fascinating a tale as Thomas Forret, an Augustinian monk turned Vicar whose passion for Scripture and preaching, coupled with frank observation of the institutional Church’s doctrinal and practical failings, earned him a place at the stake at the crest of the Royal Mile, just east of Edinburgh Castle.
Forret had been warned by the high heid yins about his behaviour on the pulpit a few times, one occasion said his sermons might lead to “make the people thinke” but, a very smart man, he rebuked the accusations of going against the lords work by quoting scriptures and his quick wit. At the time in Scotland the sermons were traditionally performed by “Black Friars” and “Grey Friars” That’s Dominican and Franciscan Monks to you and I!
It would all come undone in 1539 when Forret attended the wedding of the Priest of Tullibody, which attendance, no less than the marriage itself, flouted the Church’s stance position on clerical celibacy. Forret had added insult to injury by eating meat at his fellow curate’s wedding celebration, despite the fact that it was Lent.
So grievous were Forret’s collective crimes that, at his trial, he was condemned to death “without anie place for recantatioun.”
Subsequently brought to the place of his execution, a certain Friar Hardbuckell encouraged him to save his soul  by confessing his faith in God. “I beleeve in God,” Forret replied. Hardbuckell then encouraged him to confess his faith in the Virgin Mary by adding the words “and in our Ladie.” Forret answered, “I beleeve as our Ladie beleeveth,” thereby maintaining to the end the perfect and full sufficiency of Christ’s saving work for sinners.
Forret’s wit and knowledge of Scripture stayed with him to his very last breath. Having been preceded to the gallows by one of his fellow martyrs, Forret called the same a “wily fellow” who wished to arrive at the feast awaiting them in heaven before the others in order to secure a good seat. As the noose was placed around his neck, he began to recite Psalm 51 in Latin: Misere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love.” Thus he continued “till they pulled the stoole frome under his feete, and so wirried [hanged], and after burnt him.”
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